Design of a room with a brick wall. Brick wall in the interior: spectacular, original, stylish

Brick walls have long been firmly established in modern interiors as a key element of the loft style and an indicator of the good taste of the owner of the house.

Why has ordinary brickwork become so popular and is most often used in the central room - the living room?

According to some designers, a beautiful brick wall adds texture and gives the living room unique character and charm. Others believe it is an expression of the building's rich historical past, a blend of past and present. For others, the presence of a brick wall in the living room is a manifestation of individuality and elegance as opposed to already boring interiors with a predominance of glass and stone finishing.

Whatever the motive, love for the loft style, a brick wall in the living room - this is serious and for a long time! An exposed brick wall in a living room can have wide range shapes and shades depending on the style of the interior: industrial, shabby chic, modern or vintage.

Today you can see 60 stunning living rooms with brick walls that will captivate, inspire and get you creative.

Watch and enjoy!

1. Living rooms with brick walls in a modern style

Modern living rooms with a brick wall accent are trending right now. In this case, the brickwork can be exposed or carefully covered with a layer of paint on top. In the second case, the color and style of the bricks corresponds to the design of the living room. For example, brickwork white always looks advantageous and neutral.

A more dynamic option would be a brick wall in a deep gray shade or even black - which would be a frankly bold decision.

A wall made of classic red brick certainly looks aesthetically pleasing and takes its leading place in a modern living room, where the rest of the interior is neutral and, if possible, does not attract the main attention.

2. Decorating a brick wall with paintings/posters

An exposed brick wall can provide a wonderful, vibrant backdrop for displaying art collections or favorite family photos. Such a home gallery on a brick wall looks more expressive and attractive.

With the right lighting for decor and accessories, a living room with brick walls can become much more visually appealing and the furniture in neutral tones will become more noticeable.

However, decorating a room with brick walls requires thoughtfulness and following a clear design project in order to interesting idea didn't end up being an oddly eclectic mix or a clumsy mess due to poor planning.

3. Industrial style

Brick walls look good in interiors of various styles. But there is a style with which they make a great pair - industrial.

In an industrial interior, brickwork goes well with open ventilation pipes, large windows with dark metal frames, exposed ceiling beams and bulky metal fixtures. These components are the perfect set to create the perfect industrial-style living room.

Meanwhile, heavy wooden ceiling beams Together with brick walls, they can act as an excellent backdrop for an interior in a Mediterranean or rustic style.

4. Brick walls in small living rooms

Do you have a small living room? This is not a problem at all if you want to design a brick wall in it. The textural beauty of brick walls brings warmth to a small living space and makes it feel invitingly homey.

There are two different approaches to decorating your living room with brickwork, based on your personal taste and favorite style. The first approach is eclectic: a brick wall combined with a mixture of different shades, textures, contrasting styles and unique decor. This direction requires balance and a sense of proportion.

The second approach to decorating a small living room brick wall takes inspiration from modern Scandinavian style. Moderation, clean straight lines and neutral shades will allow you to make the main visual emphasis on a brick wall.

In addition to Scandinavian, you can decorate a small living room in a modern, industrial, or shabby chic style, the main thing is to follow one style so as not to overload the room.

5. Unusual brick wall

There are many ways to go outside the box when decorating your living room with brickwork. Moreover, this will not require huge financial costs.
Brick wall can be decorated with graffiti, which will add a bit of street-colorful atmosphere to the room.

Brick has long ceased to be exclusively building material. Increasingly, designers are using brickwork as stylish element interior decoration.

Decorative bricks, special tiles or decorative rock imitating brickwork, plastic panels with a characteristic pattern and even wallpaper. From a practicality point of view, the last two options (panels and wallpaper) lose. Moreover, the wall decorative brick or the stone can then be painted in desired color, while tiles, wallpaper or panels already set the tone for the palette of the room.

Traditionally, a brick wall in the interior is considered an element loft style. This is one of modern styles, which is characterized by open plan, a combination of old and new, unusual accessories (graffiti, abstractions, billboards) and obligatory features of the industry (deliberately rough plaster, brickwork, protruding pipes).

But with some variations and well-chosen decor, a brick wall can become an accent detail in interiors decorated in other styles:

  • Minimalism— sufficiently simple furniture and minimal decor.
  • Ethno— a brick wall goes well with handmade items, carpets and vases from this theme.
  • Retro- alliance brickwork, crystal chandeliers and antiques looks quite stylish.

You can come across successful design projects in which a brick wall becomes an organic element of an interior decorated in country, eclectic and even some classic styles.

In this gallery you can see ready-made design projects, clearly demonstrating how brick walls can be integrated into the interior of apartments.

Interior of a 2-room apartment in Moscow

The industrial style is maintained even in the smallest details: furniture facades made of industrial mesh, lamp shades made of the same material, uncovered pipes painted to match the radiators.

The only exception is where the brickwork was harmoniously combined with tiles and countertops made of artificial stone. But there is also a plank ceiling here. And the protrusion of the brick wall near the washbasin supports the overall design concept.

Modern interior with brick wall in New York

The New York apartment design below is a project by a Polish designer Pitra Gaida.

The total area of ​​the apartment is about 100 sq.m. The designer demolished several partitions, combining the kitchen, living room and dining room into a single whole, and two small rooms turned into a spacious bedroom.

The main element of the living room’s decoration was a brick wall made of plates cut from old, broken bricks. This wall continues in the office, connecting the entire space of the apartment into a single whole.

The color used as a basis is brown, which successfully echoes the white partition walls and used in accessories and furniture upholstery. The furniture itself is designed in a loft style - simple, laconic forms do not burden the interior. And the original chairs with metal mesh in the dining area they add even more lightness.

Since the apartment is intended for a bachelor, the kitchen turned out to be miniature, decorated in a minimalist style. There is no decor, the furniture blends in with the white walls. As a result, the kitchen becomes invisible and does not in any way disturb the harmony of the loft.

In the bathroom, the loft is no longer so pronounced, but the asceticism characteristic of this style, the combination of white and brown colors, alliance of modern glass partition and cozy wooden furniture.

The uniqueness of the apartment is given by the collection of paintings by young Polish artists. Modern Polish painting is the hobby of the apartment owner. Works of art pleasantly diversify the decor of a strict loft and make the space more individual and inspired.

  • A brick wall in a room is an expressive part with which designers create truly impressive interiors. Thanks to the warm color and handmade brick is often used in decoration modern apartments and houses. It emphasizes the luxury and elegance of the interior. Looks impressive in any room and creates a pleasant impression.

    Brick walls in the interior - photos, advantages and disadvantages of finishing material

    A brick wall can be the main decoration of a room, which will add some zest. Like anyone finishing material, brick has its pros and cons, which you will now learn about.

    Material advantages

    • Saving money on interior decoration. The brick does not need to be leveled, sanded or finished with additional materials. It is interesting in its natural form.
    • A brick wall in the interior clearly emphasizes the objects hung on it- hanging shelves, paintings, portraits, lamps, etc.
    • A brick wall can serve as a boundary separating zones: kitchen and dining room, living room and dining room, living room and study.
    • Simple laying of material— for finishing you do not need special skills and special tools.
    • Brick has important properties- water resistance, heat and sound insulation.
    • Affordable price.

    Disadvantages of the material

    • Decorating rooms with bricks— an interesting idea, but not entirely practical. After renovation, you will be faced with the fact that a lot of dust will get stuck in the cracks and seams, which is especially noticeable in the kitchen.
    • Darkening the room space. Brick walls require a lot of lamps, since by their nature the material absorbs a large number of light, making the surroundings dimmer. But if you are afraid of the dark, a wall under white brick in the interior.
    • The main thing is not to overdo it with the cladding. Excessive amounts of brick in the decoration can create the impression of a basement rather than a cozy and warm room.

    If the listed disadvantages did not scare you away, and the advantages of the material only inspired you, then you will want to know in which rooms a brick wall will look best.

    In which rooms can you implement ideas with a brick wall?

    In fact, the idea with a brick wall can be implemented in absolutely any room. It all depends on the preferences of the owner and the imagination of the designer.

    Brick walls in the kitchen interior

    Since brick is a safe and durable material, it can be used not only as a decorative element, but also as a practical covering for the kitchen.

    In the kitchen, using brickwork you can focus attention in different places:

    • One of the walls. Interesting solution- decorate the wall on which the kitchen window is located with brick. This surface looks very beautiful in an interior dominated by caramel, pale pink, light gray or just white tones.
    • Apron(space between the countertop and wall cabinets). This part of the kitchen primarily serves as protection against hot steam, drops of fat and soot. Caring for a kitchen apron is a regular and labor-intensive process. In order not to create unnecessary difficulties, attach a glass sheet to the apron, which will protect it from dirt and will not obscure the beauty of the brickwork.
    • Decorative niche. You can use brick to line a decorative niche—to create a structure around the slab that resembles an old hearth. This solution will bring retro notes and add charm.
    • Part of the wall above the dining table. This is very unusual option decorating the dining area. By the way, in this way you can separate the cooking area from the dining area.
    • Other options- lay out the arch above the door, partitions, columns and even furniture with brickwork.

    We have given you ideas to think about, but what kind of brick wall will look like in the kitchen interior is up to you to decide!

    Brick wall in the living room

    A brick wall in the interior of a living room looks fashionable, relevant and modern. This technique gives the room a special style and character, making it original and memorable for a long time.

    A living room with a brick wall as the main decorative accent can be very cozy and stylish. But the main thing is to choose the right color and complement the interior with appropriate decorative elements. Brick, as a finishing material for home rooms, is highly valued by designers in Europe and America.

    Brick in common room goes well with the fireplace, reviving the spirit of ancient castles.

    But if you compose it correctly design project, then a brick wall can be integrated into a modern living room with a plasma panel and other technological solutions. IN in this case The stone will add warmth and coziness to an ultra-modern room.

    If you wish, you can lay out brickwork in the living room not only on the wall, but also on other elements:

    • Partitions
    • Decorative niches
    • Fireplace and more

    The idea of ​​laying a brick wall has found its application in the bedroom.
    Brick used in its natural form in the interior symbolizes brutality, power, and courage. This is more of a masculine material or for women with an iron character.

    If you are not afraid to express your temperament, create a brick wall in your bedroom. However, it is not at all necessary that it actually be brick. Exist different ways finishing of this material.

    Brick wall in the interior - how to make masonry and from what materials

    1. Real brick wall

    This option is most suitable for owners of tall houses and cottages. In progress finishing works the main part of the brick walls is plastered or hidden under plasterboard. But if you want to do stylish interior, then leave one or more surfaces of the brickwork in their original condition.

    Of course, the surface cannot be left untreated, but all finishing is limited to a couple of simple procedures:

    • First, clean the masonry from salt stains, cement residues and dust. This is easy to do using acid-containing solutions sold in hardware stores.
    • After cleaning, the wall must be washed with water and sanded.
    • Next, you need to grout the seams with tile grout or ordinary putty.
    • Cover the finished surface with some water-based varnish.

    Perhaps this is the simplest and economical way make a fashionable decoration in your interior. To create the desired effect, there is no need to wallpaper the entire wall. You can choose just a section of the wall or create the illusion of a stone niche. The whole difficulty of this method is to find wallpaper on the market with a suitable shade and texture.

    3. Facing brick
    This material is often used for finishing specific interiors, since it is presented in stores in a large assortment. When implementing a wall made of decorative bricks in the interior, you can use matte, glazed or artificially aged material. When finishing the wall, use the same glue as when working with artificial stone. Facing brick is much thinner and lighter than its counterpart, which is used in the construction of buildings, and also “eats up” a minimum of usable space. This makes it ideal for small spaces and thin-walled surfaces.

    4. Brick look tiles

    Ceramic or clinker tiles are quite suitable for simulating real brick. It consists of narrow thin dies. When implementing a project, designers can use the width of the tile joints to create original wall under the brick. The tiles can be made narrow or wide, straight or curved, laid out in a diagonal order - there are many options. It all depends on your imagination!

    Brick walls in the interior - photos of kitchens, living rooms and bedrooms in different styles

    A brick wall in the interior of your home will change the usual stereotypes about style and design. Use bold decisions when decorating your home!

    Brick wall in Minimalist style

    It fits perfectly in an ultra-modern minimalist style!

    Brick wall in Scandinavian style

    Looks great in this style, which is appreciated for its naturalness. A white brick wall in the interior always looked cute and romantic, like in the bottom photo.

    Brick wall in classic style

    A great addition to a tranquil traditional bedroom.

    Brick wall in Provence style

    It evokes admiration and amazes with its simplicity and at the same time sophistication!

    Brick wall in Loft style

    Gives the impression of expensive, spatially free and modern housing.

    We have selected for you useful material and corresponding photos to it. Now you won’t have a question about how to make brick walls in the interior. Don't be afraid to experiment! iDezz always helps you with this.

    Did you like the material? Give thanks with a like.

    If you are planning to radically transform your interior, make it stylish, modern and at the same time cozy, use decorative brick for interior decoration. the best way turn your plans into reality. There is probably nothing more beautiful and refined than the presence in the house natural material, pleasing to the eye.

    Wall decoration with decorative bricks

    Today, brickwork is used almost everywhere. It can be used when interior decoration private houses, apartments, hotels, office and other premises.

    The relatively inexpensive price of this material, with its incredible natural beauty, allows it to compete with natural stone.

    In production facing brick only made from natural materials, so it is absolutely safe for humans. The appearance of brick has many different textures and color shades, which allows it to be used in interior design of various style themes.

    Brick wall in various styles

    Very often, a brick wall is used as decor in the pop art style, which is characterized by the use of various bright colors.

    Orange color is a great combination with a brick wall

    Modern design styles: high-tech and art deco, country and others also often use brickwork in their design. Brickwork adds a unique twist to the interior, which harmonizes perfectly with other materials such as steel and glass.

    By decorating a wall with brick, you can make it a wonderful backdrop for your favorite paintings or family photos dear to your heart. Proper lighting, well-chosen furniture and decorative elements will make the interior even more attractive and elegant.

    Brick in the interior can be combined with other finishing materials, for example, which can imitate a natural stone. Such a neighborhood will balance general form rooms, giving the design sophistication and a peaceful atmosphere.

    Magnificent design solution(from Meritage Homes) - a recreation area located near a brick wall

    A brick wall should not have a cold and austere appearance. Dilute it with different decorations or change the colors for stunning results.

    Recently, the fashionable trend is to decorate walls with white brick, which is diluted with bright colors. This color is suitable for interior decoration Scandinavian style, which implies calmness and expressiveness.

    Brick in the interior - where is it best to use it?

    Designers do not have a definite answer to this question, since their opinions on this matter are divided. Some argue that the best place for the use of brick in the kitchen and living room, others believe the opposite and insist on the appropriateness of its use in living rooms.

    However, I would like to note the following. If we take into account the characteristics of decorative bricks, then its scope is much wider than the kitchen, living room and bedroom. It can just as successfully be used for cladding walls in the corridor, hallway, or bathroom.

    The artistic and aesthetic possibilities of brick in the interior are almost limitless. They can give the surface any shade and texture.

    One of the striking examples, which is probably the flagship of this type of material, is artificially aged brick. Its main feature can be considered the absence of the need finishing walls after applying it.

    The facing brick itself is a rather fragile material, so working with it requires special care, following the technology. The versatility of the product allows you to cover walls with almost any surface, from plasterboard to silicate blocks.

    Properties of bricks for interior decoration

    This material has excellent properties such as:

    • Durability - the service life of the material is at least 50 years, while the external attractiveness remains unchanged;
    • Good thermal insulation - significantly reduces heat loss in the house;
    • Abrasion resistance - minor mechanical impacts will not affect the appearance bricks;
    • Waterproof - additional material, will protect the brick from moisture. In this state, the wall can be periodically cleaned with a soap solution;
    • Environmentally friendly - this brick contains natural ingredients that are absolutely harmless to humans.

    Finishing brick is a finishing material that has to compete with other products such as or. Therefore, every year his physical and external characteristics become better and better.

    Decorative brick in the kitchen

    Brick wall cladding is very common in the kitchen. It is used to decorate either the entire wall or partially above work area, having previously covered the material with moisture-proof impregnation. Such a design decision almost always justifies itself, since there are a huge number of positive reviews from people who have tried this experiment.

    The color tones of the dining room furniture can be duplicated with various decorative elements on the wall, so you will achieve the effect of a smoothed picture, in which there will be no clear boundaries.

    Decorative brick in the living room

    Another favorite place where designers like to practice their talents is the living room. This room is business card any house or apartment, so you can’t make a mistake here, everything should look flawless and aesthetically pleasing.

    Don’t be afraid to experiment; add bright colors to your interior so that the holiday atmosphere never leaves you. Use everything for this possible ways: fabrics, chandeliers, paintings, furniture and other decorative elements.

    A selection of the best design projects

    Especially for you, we have selected ready-made works that already decorate the home of their owners. After looking through them, you can take something for yourself, or even repeat exactly what you saw, only this time at home.

    Using decorative bricks is the right step towards creating a beautiful, flawless and expressive design for your home. Play with contrast and decor until you realize it's just yours. The work you have done will not go unnoticed by your loved ones and guests.

    I wish you success in your endeavors and remember that only hard work will bring the desired result.

    Decorating living rooms natural materials– a good tradition in interior design. The long-loved stone, forged metal, and wood were joined (since the mid-20th century) by brick. Having become a successful mainstream in the living space furnishing segment, this material gives rooms an individual aesthetic. The apparent deliberate roughness of the brickwork in the interior emphasizes the originality of the room, its figurative contrast and immediately attracts attention - the desire to touch it with your hand involuntarily arises.

    White brick in the interior gives the room a special aesthetics

    A white brick wall favorably sets off the decorative elements of the room: furniture, textiles, decor. Against its background they sound new color accents and the textured nuances in the interior of each room are revealed. Moreover, this is not only affordable way original finish, but also the possibility of creative use of various functional designs:

    • protrusions;

      arched recesses.

    Decorative elements against a white brick wall will look new

    Style secrets

    Brickwork - distinguishing feature various style directions.

      characteristic pastel colors;

      Provençal textiles;

      other decorative elements.

      eco-design elements;

      natural materials;

      pastel colors;

      minimum amount of decor;

      white as a base (in northern countries there is so little sun, so a light background is out of competition).

    Using decorative bricks you can create accent wall

    Rules for using masonry in the interior

    Rule #1

    Don't be afraid to experiment!

    Rule #2

    Be guided by a sense of proportion and knowledge of style.

    Rule #3

    If you decide to experiment, use brick finishing in reasonable proportions, highlighting:

      fireplace area (or hearth area);

      separate architectural elements: niches, columns, arches, partitions;

      accent wall.

    By over-decorating the walls with white brick, you can get an uncomfortably cold atmosphere instead of the expected stylish sophistication.

    Using this solution, you can highlight specific zones in the interior

    What will we make bricks from?

    Exists big choice materials for decorative masonry (or its imitation). Differing in appearance, texture, and price segment, they will be able to satisfy any consumer demand.

      drawing a masonry joint on fresh plaster that preserves the shape and size of the brick;

      applying plaster/putty mortar through a stencil imitating a brick texture;

      Having previously glued the plane with masking tape (insulating tape) along the lines of the masonry joints, putty is applied to the marked area (in a continuous layer of the required thickness); electrical tape (scotch tape) is removed along with part of the mortar, exposing the natural masonry seam and creating natural look brick imitation.

    When choosing a material for finishing, the main criterion (after aesthetic and financial) is its functional purpose for a certain type of room. So, textured wallpaper with imitation is best suited for a small hallway, and kitchen apron– easy to clean white clinker tiles.

    For different rooms you need to select the material individually

    White design secrets

    Living room

    In the case of a non-standard room layout and remembering the use of only one plane with a brick surface, try to make it the most bizarrely shaped wall (with protrusions, niches, recesses). In this case, masonry under white brick will adequately emphasize its individuality. If the shape of the living room is standard rectangular, then the main decorative element will help determine the “necessary” surface: it will be placed on it.

    The recreation area will also be located along such a wall. If there is a fireplace in the living room, then the question of choosing a surface for decoration disappears, since the area of ​​the hearth and fireplace is always highlighted by masonry elements.

    A brick wall for the living room will become great solution


    A white brick wall in the bedroom is an excellent design solution. The seemingly rough white brick accentuates the comfort and softness of textiles: blankets and pillows. Decorative elements will successfully appear against its background: panels, paintings, mirrors, wall lamps.

    The advantage of the decorated area is that, despite all the “flatness” of the pure, white, “sterile medical” color, such a surface is not uniform, but is embossed and textured.

    White brick wall in the bedroom is an excellent design solution


    Decorating its interior with masonry is used for the following purposes.

      Installation of a kitchen apron.
      The main requirement (in addition to design aesthetics) is increased functionality, moisture and heat resistance. Therefore, white clinker tiles are an excellent choice for the kitchen.

      Kitchen zoning.
      Highlighting dining area, the white background of the wall will favorably emphasize the bright color solutions individual decorative elements.

      Installation of a bar counter or kitchen island (if space allows).

    When choosing decorative bricks for your kitchen, you should take into account all the nuances of the room.

    Summing up

    While giving the design a special originality and sophisticated charm, using a white brick wall in the interior of a room still has some disadvantages. Of the minuses it is worth noting:

      relative high cost of the material;

      labor-intensive installation;

      reduction of room space with some types of such finishing.

    This material is durable and matches all interior styles.

    And yet there are much more undeniable advantages. Colored and white brick:


      compatible with many interior styles;

      especially durable;

      resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations;

      goes well with wood, metal, glass.

    When using this type of decoration in the interior, you should remember the dimensions of the room and achieve harmonious interaction with other design elements.

    Video: Do-it-yourself brick wall in the interior