Hypoallergenic fabrics: choosing the right ones. Allergies to fabric, synthetics and bedding - symptoms and treatment

Let's look at the pros and cons of the most popular natural and artificial fillers and figure out what cases they are suitable for.

Bird fluff

Goose down is the most popular and traditional natural filler of animal origin.


  • High warming ability. Down is very warm and has excellent thermoregulation.
  • Breathability. The down filling allows air to pass through well, creating a comfortable microclimate under the blanket.
  • Elasticity and non-flexibility. The duvet quickly recovers and does not lose its lush shape for a long time.
  • Light weight. No filler can compete with the lightness of down.
  • Antistatic. Down is not electrified.
  • Durability. A duvet lasts up to 20 years.


  • Allergenicity. Down is an ideal breeding ground for dust mites.
  • Poor moisture exchange. Absorbing up to 45% of moisture relative to its own weight, down does not evaporate and quickly becomes damp.
  • High price. 100% down blankets are the most expensive.
  • Difficult care. Duvets require anti-mite treatment and special storage.

The quality is time-tested, and modern technologies have taken it to a new level. Such a blanket will not be cheap, but its cost will be repaid by its long service life.

Sheep's wool

The second most popular (after bird down) natural filler.


  • Medicinal properties. Sheep's wool has been used for centuries to treat osteochondrosis and muscle pain.
  • The ability to warm with dry heat. The warming properties of sheepskin are second only to down and camel hair.
  • Breathability. Air passes freely through the wool filling, maintaining the optimal temperature for sleeping under the blanket.
  • High moisture exchange. Sheepskin perfectly absorbs and evaporates moisture while remaining dry.
  • Antistatic. Sheep wool does not accumulate static electricity and neutralizes its negative effects.
  • Affordable price. This natural filler is cheaper than many types of synthetics.


  • Allergenicity. Allergies to wool can be caused not only by dust mites, but also by animal wax.
  • Caking. Sheep blankets cake after 3-4 years of use.
  • Heavy weight. The only ones heavier than sheepskin blankets are cotton ones.
  • Difficult to care for. For wool, only dry cleaning is allowed.

They are popular all over the world because they are ideal for people who prefer the naturalness of animal raw materials combined with affordable prices.

Camel's wool

Camel's wool in the East it is as popular as sheep stuffing in the West, but the quality of camel stuffing is considered higher.


  • Medicinal properties. Like sheep, camel wool provides dry warmth, reduces muscle pain and reduces cold symptoms.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Camel hair is as warm as down.
  • Excellent moisture exchange. Camel filler perfectly evaporates and absorbs moisture.
  • Breathability. It is impossible to sweat under a camel blanket.
  • Durability. Camel blankets last up to 30 years.
  • Unbreakable. Camel hair is very elastic and holds its shape perfectly.
  • Ease. camel blanket not much heavier than down.
  • Antistatic. Camel wool does not electrify and neutralizes the effects of static electricity.


  • Allergenicity. The scourge of all allergy sufferers - dust mites also live in camel hair.
  • Prickly. This property is inherent only in products made from raw materials collected from adult animals.
  • High price. A camel blanket costs no less than a down blanket.

When deciding which filling for a blanket is better: down, camel or sheep, keep in mind that their properties are largely similar. At the same time, unlike down, it has excellent moisture exchange, is lighter and more durable than sheep's.

Swan's down (thinsulate)

Thinsulate is an artificial filler, originally created as an analogue of natural swan down.


  • Hypoallergenic. Thinsulate does not create conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms and is absolutely harmless.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Artificial down is as warm as natural down.
  • Ease. A standard “swan” blanket weighs no more than 500 grams.
  • Elasticity. Thinsulate does not cake, easily restores and keeps its shape.
  • Easy care. Swan down can withstand numerous washes and dries quickly.


  • Zero hygroscopicity. Artificial down does not absorb moisture.
  • Electrification. Thinsulate accumulates static electricity.
  • Does not allow air to pass through. When sleeping under such a blanket, there is a risk of overheating.

Most the right time year for use - off-season. It will be hot under it in summer and cool in winter.

Polyester fiber

Most of the latest generation artificial fillers, such as holofiber, comforter, ecofiber, silicone fiber, microfiber, are made from polyester fiber. They differ in appearance, but their basic qualities are identical.


  • Hypoallergenic. Polyester fillers are absolutely harmless to human health.
  • Elasticity. Artificial fibers hold their shape well and do not pill or cake.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Thanks to its hollow structure, polyester fillers retain heat well.
  • Light weight. Synthetics are not much heavier than down.
  • Easy to care for. All these materials are easy to wash and dry quickly.
  • Durability. The service life of polyester fillers is at least 10 years.


  • Zero hygroscopicity. Artificial materials do not absorb moisture well.
  • Electrification. Such blankets quickly accumulate static electricity.

The latest generation of synthetic fillers can be a good replacement for products made from natural fillers. The question of which blanket is best to buy when choosing from a variety of polyester fibers is not fundamental. Their consumer properties are approximately the same.

Bamboo fiber

Vegetable fillers are confidently conquering modern market. One of them is regenerated cellulose obtained from bamboo stems.


  • Hypoallergenic. Bamboo itself does not cause allergies and does not harbor pathogens.
  • Breathability. This filler “breathes” and has good thermoregulation.
  • Environmental friendliness. Bamboo blankets do not electrify and do not absorb odors.
  • Ease. Average weight bamboo blankets comparable to the weight of synthetic products.
  • Easy care. Bamboo blankets can be machine washed.


  • Low warming ability. These blankets are not very warm.
  • Fragility. Bamboo filling lasts no more than 2 seasons. To increase wear resistance, artificial fibers are added to it.
  • Poor moisture exchange. A mixture of bamboo and synthetic fibers does not absorb moisture well.

One of the most environmentally friendly. They will provide comfortable sleep in the warm season and off-season.

Eucalyptus fiber (tencel, lyocell)

Tencel or lyocell is another new plant filler. It is made from regenerated cellulose obtained from eucalyptus stems.


  • Hypoallergenic. Eucalyptus itself does not cause allergies and pathogenic microbes do not multiply in it.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Eucalyptus litter is the warmest of the plant materials.
  • Elasticity. Tencel (lyocell) holds and restores its shape well.
  • Breathability. The eucalyptus blanket “breathes” and has good thermoregulation.
  • Good moisture exchange. Eucalyptus filler perfectly absorbs and evaporates moisture.
  • Antistatic. Eucalyptus does not accumulate static electricity.
  • Easy care. Eucalyptus blankets do not lose their properties after machine washing.
  • Durability. The service life of such blankets is up to 10 years.


  • High price. Eucalyptus blankets are among the most expensive in their segment.

Eucalyptus fiber has excellent thermoregulation and is suitable for all people. When purchasing it, you should carefully study the label, since to reduce the cost, natural fiber is often mixed with artificial materials.


Until recently, when talking about a cotton blanket, it was meant that it was made of cotton wool - a cheap and short-lived material. New technologies make it possible to produce cotton fiber filler, which is of higher quality than cotton wool.


  • Hypoallergenic. Cotton does not cause allergies and is absolutely safe for health and environment.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Cotton blankets are very warm.
  • Inexpensive price. Blankets made from cotton fibers are the cheapest and most affordable.


  • Poor moisture exchange. Absorbing up to 40% of moisture relative to its weight, cotton does not evaporate it into the environment.
  • Heavy weight. The weight of a blanket made of 100% cotton fiber can reach several kilograms.
  • Fragility. A blanket made of pure cotton does not last very long, since it quickly clumps and loses its consumer properties.

Blankets made of cotton fiber with the addition of synthetics are preferable to cotton products. They are just as cheap, but more durable and have better thermoregulation.

Hemp fiber, flax

Hemp and flax are natural plant fillers that are becoming increasingly popular and successfully compete with expensive silk.


    • Hypoallergenic. These fillers do not cause allergies, skin irritations and dust mites do not live in them.
    • High breathability. Air circulates freely inside them, creating a comfortable microclimate under the blanket.
    • High moisture exchange. Flax and hemp are quickly absorbed excess moisture and they immediately evaporate it, remaining dry.
    • Antibacterial. Thanks to the presence in chemical composition hemp and flax contain selenium and silicon; pathogenic microbes do not multiply in blankets made from them.
    • Low thermal conductivity. Flax and hemp fibers have high warming properties and excellent thermoregulation.
    • Durability. These fillers last longer than any other natural plant materials.
    • Easy care. These blankets are easy to wash and dry quickly.


  • High price. The cost of these fillers is much higher than bamboo and eucalyptus and is second only to silk products.

Linen and hemp blankets are suitable for all people without exception. They can be used at any room temperature, and their high price pays off over many years of use.


Silk blankets are filled with fluffy fibers produced by silkworm larvae.


  • Hypoallergenic. This is the only filler of animal origin that does not harbor dust mites and fungi.
  • Antibacterial. Silk is a good antiseptic, so pathogenic microorganisms do not multiply in it.
  • High moisture exchange. Silk perfectly absorbs and evaporates moisture, creating a comfortable microclimate under the blanket.
  • Durability. The service life of silk blankets is at least 12 years.
  • Breathability. Air circulates freely through the silk hairs. The greenhouse effect under such a blanket is excluded.
  • Antistatic. Natural silk does not electrify and does not accumulate static electricity.
  • Easy care. Silk blankets do not need to be washed frequently. It is enough to ventilate them from time to time.


  • High thermal conductivity. Silk blankets are only suitable for summer and off-season.
  • High price. The cost of such blankets is comparable to the cost of down products.

A blanket filled with silk is quite expensive and is not suitable during the cold season. It is best to use it in the summer or off-season, when the temperature has not yet dropped much.

Woolen and down products are the warmest, their quality has been tested for centuries, but they cause allergies in many people. To exclude it, it is necessary to periodically carry out anti-tick treatment, dry and ventilate as often as possible.

Blankets made from silk and plant materials will be a good alternative to products made from down and wool for people who prefer natural materials but are prone to allergies. Considering that the warming ability of silk and bamboo blankets is low, use them in winter frosts Not recommended. For cold weather, products made from flax, hemp, eucalyptus and cotton are more suitable.

Consumer properties synthetic blankets of the last generation are very high today. The only indicator in which they are seriously inferior to natural products is insufficient moisture exchange. To prevent overheating when covering yourself with such blankets, you should select their density according to the season.

Before purchasing, carefully study the properties of the filler, find out the opinions of friends who already use a similar blanket. This will help you make the right choice and sleep healthy and sound.

Bedding is one of the most important components of a hypoallergenic life. A person spends almost a third of his life in bed, and as for children, for them this ratio is even higher. Bedding - pillows, blankets, mattresses - are those components of our environment that have the closest and most prolonged contact with the human respiratory system. From the right choice Bedding from the first days of a child’s life largely determines the likelihood of his developing allergies and asthma in the future.

The main source of allergens in bed is dust mites, which are present in every home, living in carpets, places where dust accumulates and, of course, in bedding (blankets, pillows, mattresses). The dust mite itself is harmless; it feeds on exfoliating microparticles of human skin (and a person, on average, loses 1.5-2 grams of skin per day), and absorbs moisture from the air. Allergens are tick waste products - microscopic fecal pellets and microparticles of dead tick bodies. From the living conditions of the tick, it becomes clear that the best place for it is a bed, where it is warm, humid and there is plenty of food. In addition, pillows and blankets, as sources of allergens, are in close proximity to the human respiratory system for many hours every night. Therefore, we all need a comfortable and cozy bed, the arrangement of which should be approached with the utmost care, but this is especially important for people suffering from allergies.

So, what qualities should hypoallergenic bedding have? How to choose hypoallergenic pillows and blankets? All recommendations for those suffering from allergic diseases indicate the need to replace down and feather pillows and mattresses, wool and wadded blankets with synthetic ones (polyester, lyocell, Thinsulate), which have high breathability and support. optimal mode humidity and can withstand frequent washing. The basic requirements for hypoallergenic pillows and blankets are:

Hygiene and easy care (bactericidal properties of the material);
Good moisture and air permeability (to prevent mold and fungi from growing);
Washable at high temperatures.

Several types of hypoallergenic pillows and blankets meet these criteria. You can buy cotton, linen, eucalyptus or, for example, silk bedding, because... silk is the only filler in the world that stops the growth of pathogenic fungi and does not harbor dust mites and mold. In addition, luxurious silk blankets have healing and anti-aging properties.

As for a cotton blanket, until recently, speaking of a cotton blanket, it was meant that it was made of cotton wool - a cheap and short-lived material. New technologies make it possible to produce a qualitatively new filling from cotton fiber. For example, cotton blankets German Grass (Austria) and Anna Flaum (Germany) is an environmentally friendly, durable, high-quality home textile. The blankets are made from soft and breathable natural cotton filling, which is processed in such a way that the blankets are resistant to repeated washing in washing machines.

Linen blankets presented in collections German Grass (Austria) and Johann Hefel (Austria) have a cooling effect and natural bactericidal properties. These blankets do not cause allergies, skin irritations and dust mites do not live in them. Linen blankets are durable, have high warming properties, are easy to wash and dry quickly. Sleeping textiles from well-known and well-established brands guarantee the use of only high-quality natural fabrics and natural fillers.

Natural nettle blanket“Ramie Wash Grass” from German Grass (Austria) has a cooling effect and perfectly absorbs moisture. Ramia is a natural nettle fiber, and this natural filler is not subject to rotting processes, mold and fungi do not grow in it. To facilitate the washing process, each nettle fiber blanket is equipped with a special mesh bag, which makes it easier to insert and remove items from the washing machine.

Before purchasing, carefully study the properties of the filler, find out the opinions of friends who already use a similar blanket. This will help you make the right choice and sleep healthy and sound.

What qualities should a hypoallergenic filler fiber have?
The filling of the pillow (blanket) must be environmentally friendly and odorless
Neither glue nor latex should be used to bind the filler fibers, because they themselves are potential allergens
The fibers must have good antistatic properties so as not to attract dust
There must be properties of thermoregulation, air and moisture permeability (the product must retain heat in cold weather and not interfere with the free circulation of air to remove moisture in warm weather): this will create unfavourable conditions for the reproduction of mites and mold fungi
The filler should not fall off or wrinkle and should be easily washable. washing machine and dry quickly, restore shape after repeated washing and drying
It is better if the filler can be washed at a temperature of 60°C, which allows it to be washed without the use of acaricidal additives

Characteristics of some fillers

Various products from the company DuPont: Comforel, Hollofil, Comforel Allerban and Hollofil Allerban consist of high-tech polyester fibers that are highly breathable, the latter two also undergo special treatment with hypoallergenic substances that retain their effect even after washing.

  • Comforel is a synthetic fiber used to fill pillows and mattresses. The fiber is twisted into balls measuring 5-10 mm without the use of any adhesive components. Thanks to the spherical shape of the fibers, products with Comforel filler are very comfortable, easily return to their original shape when crumpled, “breathe” well, and can easily withstand repeated washing.
  • Comforel Allerban is an analogue of Comforel fiber that has undergone a special antibacterial treatment, due to which bacteria and micromold do not develop in products with this filler. The antibacterial properties of this fiber remain even after washing.
  • Hollofil is a hollow, slippery fiber with partitions, used as a filler for blankets, since, thanks to the properties of the fiber, blankets, with a minimal amount of filler (and therefore weight), retain heat very well, are easy to wash and dry quickly.

Thinsulate®(bio-down) is very light and very warm (it is one and a half times warmer than natural down). Manufacturers make a wide variety of products from Thinsulate. And that's not all. Sportswear, blankets, and sleeping bags are very practical, since any product made from bio-down can be compactly packed into a travel bag or backpack. It also finds application in the production of winter accessories (gloves, hats, etc.).

Thinsulate makes the blanket weightless and relatively bulky, and holds perfectly warm air within its structure. maintains an optimal moisture balance, and repeated washing does not affect the volume and wear resistance of the product. In addition, Thinsulate is hypoallergenic, does not wrinkle and does not shrink when washed. At proper care(washable up to 40 degrees), the anti-allergenic blanket lasts more than 10 years. Will help increase the degree of protection against various allergens special means for washing and for blankets and pillows.

Blankets with Thinsulate filling are offered by many manufacturers. There are good hypoallergenic blankets, for example, in the Familon collections (Thinsulate, Familon). This purchase is ideal for people prone to allergies and asthma. Prices for blankets with Thinsulate have an optimal ratio with quality, which makes such a purchase profitable.

Polyester (polyester fiber).
Most of the latest generation artificial fillers, such as holofiber, comforter, ecofiber, silicone fiber, microfiber, are made from polyester fiber. They differ in appearance, but their basic qualities are identical. Polyester fillers are hypoallergenic, hold their shape well, and do not pill or cake. And thanks to the hollow structure, polyester fillers retain heat well and are lightweight. All these materials are easy to wash and dry quickly, and the service life of polyester fillers is at least 10 years

The latest generation of synthetic fillers can be a good replacement for products made from natural fillers. The question of which blanket is best to buy when choosing from a variety of polyester fibers is not fundamental. Their consumer properties are approximately the same.

Eucalyptus fiber (tencel, lyocell)
Lyocell is a hypoallergenic material created on the basis of eucalyptus cellulose. This is a fiber that absorbs moisture well and allows air to pass through. The American company Lenzing produces it under the trade name "Tencel", the Russian VNIIPV - under the name "Orcel".

Lyocell is used in the manufacture of bedding High Quality. Blankets with Lyocell filling absorb moisture well and allow air to pass through, have high strength in dry and wet conditions, hold their shape well and do not lose their properties after machine washing. Eucalyptus blankets are not required special care, and the service life of such blankets is up to 10 years.. The only drawback of blankets with Lyocell filling is their high cost.

“Protected” natural fillers

“Protected” natural fillers with the “NOMITE” mark are also hypoallergenic (a trademark that is a certificate of suitability of the product for people with allergies to house dust mites). The down for such products undergoes a special treatment that destroys ticks, and the fabric of a special dense weave prevents ticks from entering from the environment. Most down products can only be dry cleaned, but there are also those that can be washed at a temperature of 60. Such products made from natural goose down or down and feathers are produced, for example, by the Kariguz Corporation. Kariguz is the only one Russian manufacturers, which is part of the European Down and Feather Association (EDFA).

What does the NOMITE sign mean?
NOMITE = NO MITE (translated as “no ticks”). Products made from natural fillers receive the mark if, using special technology they are protected from colonization by house dust mites. This mark is not placed on products made from synthetic hypoallergenic fillers.

The best blankets and pillows

Austrian companies Hefel And German Grass offer a wide range of exclusive bedding, including hypoallergenic eucalyptus duvets and pillows. The blanket made from evalipt fiber Lyocell / Lyocell is in harmony with the human body, it allows your skin to breathe easily and guarantees highest level comfort during the night recreation.

Hypoallergenic blankets and pillows FAMILON (Finland) With synthetic filler are divided according to their properties into several series - Feeling, Outlast, Ultra Cool, Extralife, Ultra, Classic, Soft and Futurex. The company has also developed a line of pillows and blankets for children. All Familon pillows and blankets are approved by the Finnish Asthma and Allergy Association. Thanks to unique fibers, all Familon products provide excellent moisture absorption and do not cause allergic reactions. The covers are made of 100% cotton, and the filling is breathable hollow fiber that does not contain an adhesive base. At the same time, the blanket is wash-resistant and does not absorb dust, so buy a Familon blanket - better solution for asthmatics and allergy sufferers who care about the quality of their sleep.

Blankets GREENFIRST® made by the German company KBT-Bettwaren with anti-mite impregnation and designed specifically for allergy sufferers. Blankets can be washed at 60°C, which is ideal for people prone to allergies. Complex anti-mite treatment GREENFIRST® (lemon, lavender, eucalyte) retains its properties up to 30 washes at 60°C. Blankets are easy to maintain and have a long service life.

Austrian company Kauffmann offers blankets for connoisseurs of natural, light, warm products of high quality. Hypoallergenic Kauffmann (Austria) from the Premium Tencel silver protection collection belong to the highest quality category and are labeled NOMITE - suitable for people who are allergic to house dust.

The collection includes 4 blankets of different heat categories: Q - summer light blanket, QQ - all-season (spring-autumn), QQQ - winter average, QQQQ - winter warm. All blankets can be washed at temperatures up to 60 C using delicate detergents. Natural filler blankets - 100% selected down of white geese raised on open water in Masuria. Special processing of down and feathers makes it impossible for household dust mites, which are a source of allergies to house dust, to inhabit them. Soft and cozy, fluffy, actively breathing, down is non-allergenic and resistant to microorganisms.

The company also offers a duvet with antimicrobial impregnation Sanitized DORBENA(Liechtenstein). Sanitized impregnation with an antibacterial effect is a unique product of the Swiss company SANITIZED of the same name. It is absolutely safe for humans, ensures complete destruction of mold fungi, and prevents the development of microorganisms, mites and microbes. The antibacterial, hypoallergenic Canitized Dorbena duvet, as well as pillows and mattress covers with Sanitized impregnation, are recommended not only for people suffering from allergies and asthmatic diseases, but also for all those for whom hygiene is important sleeping place and comfortable healthy sleep.

The Sleepwell collections from Kauffmann and DORBENA also include Premium Kids hypoallergenic duvets of varying degrees of warmth. One of the advantages of these baby duvets is that they can be washed without deterioration. The blankets are hypoallergenic (have the NOMITE brand), comfortable, and have a wonderful appearance and pleasant to the touch.

Duvets HEFEL (Austria)- These are blankets filled with down and hypoallergenic material Tencel®. Blankets filled with Tencel + down combine the advantages of down - light, soft, warm and best qualities Tencel is breathable and has the ability to regulate moisture well. In addition, Hefel down + tencel duvets can be washed at temperatures up to 60°C and can be machine dried. The Hefel-Tencel® duvet is soft, airy, warm and hygienic.

Bed dress SeaCell Active— blankets, mattress covers, pillows are products of a new generation. Hypoallergenic blanket Sicel Active from the Hefel Wellness beauty collection (lyocell + seaweed + silver ions), recommended not only for people suffering from allergies and asthma, but also for all people who care about their health. The natural fiber of the cover and filling fabrics of the blanket is a combination of Lyocell fiber with extract additives seaweed and pure silver ions. These components give the blanket completely new, unusual functional properties:

  • Seaweed and the mineral salts it contains have a cosmetic effect comparable to that of a night cream - they heal and rejuvenate the skin.
  • Silver ions have an antibacterial and fungicidal (disinfecting) effect.

Seacel Active blankets are of high quality, made in varying degrees of warmth: from Q (light summer) to QQQQ (warm). They are comfortable - “actively breathing”, absorb and evaporate moisture well, mineral salts help cleanse skin cells and restore them, leaving the skin smooth and elastic. All SeaCell Active blankets are washed at temperatures up to 60 C. And after numerous washes, their amazing properties are preserved.

German Grass® is an Austrian brand of LUXE class bedding. German Grass® bedding features natural materials, exclusive design and safety of use. German Grass products are certified Oeko-Tex Standard 100, which translates to “Trust in Textiles” and indicates that the products have been tested for the absence of harmful substances in accordance with the Oeko-Tex 100 standard.

Approximate service life bedding
In general, chemical fibers are less durable than natural materials. But don’t be upset: allergists recommend even more frequent changes of bedding. For luxury, high-quality bedding, it is recommended to change the mattress every 8-10 years, the duvet every 5 years, the mattress cover 3-4 years and the pillow every 3 years. Of course, these terms are approximate and depend on both the care and the level of individual requirements. The service life of economy series products is usually somewhat shorter.

Protective covers for your mattress, pillow and blanket will help increase your protection against various allergens. They perform the function of barrier protection and allow you to wash bedding (except for linen) no more than 1-2 times a year. However, covers retain their properties as long as they are intact, for this reason they should be selected according to size, and not reshaped or altered. A damaged cover should be replaced with a new one.

Linen is useful, wool warms better than any synthetics, cotton is indispensable for underwear. These are common truths that each of us knows. But is it all cotton, linen, wool that is listed as such on clothing labels? And what kind of fabric should it be so as not to cause allergies? Let's discuss - it's interesting.

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Photo gallery: What kind of fabric should it be so as not to cause allergies?

How much can you trust the inscription “100% cotton” and is this marking enough to assess the quality? Textile specialists answer unequivocally “no”. The label of a product that does not have additional environmental labeling should read as follows: “100% cotton” means that the cotton content is about 70%, 8% is dyes, 14% is formaldehyde, and the rest is improvers, softeners and etc. The fact is that any material, be it cotton or wool, does not end up in the hands of a fashion designer straight from the field or from a sheep. First, the raw materials are turned into fabric, then this fabric is treated with chemicals, dyed, and only after that clothes are sewn from it. “What exactly is the problem?” - you probably ask. After all, it would be strange in our time of scientific progress to make clothes like in ancient times. This is, of course, true, but many substances that improve the consumer properties of fabrics at the same time make them dangerous for people with sensitive skin, and especially for those suffering from allergies.


The fabric must be safe - and no one argues with this. But the reality is that tissue can become “harmful” even before it is born. Sometimes when growing cotton, cotton is abundantly watered with all kinds of chemicals, which then accumulate in the raw material. Nothing disappears without a trace: fertilizers, pest control agents - all of this ends up in the fabric. The picture is the same with natural wool: if the animals were kept in bad conditions and constantly treated their wool with chemicals, then the fabric cannot be clean by definition. Various substances are also used to make the fabric more durable, less wrinkled, etc. The treated canvas also goes through the dyeing stage, but there are no harmless dyes. Ultimately, the so-called natural cotton turns out to be not 100% at all, but loaded with all known chemical elements.

In the West, from their own bitter experience, they realized this a long time ago and about 40 years ago they began to study the safety of textiles. Recommendations began to be issued for manufacturers and consumers on how to select and produce fabric that would not cause allergies. For example, the German Association for Allergy Sufferers and People with Sensitive Skin (Die Deutsche Haut und Allergiehilfe) warns that the greatest dangers for sensitive skin are dyes and “enhancers” (which keep clothes in shape and prevent them from wrinkling). Formaldehyde and synthetic resins included in improvers can cause allergies. Every third thing treated with improvers, according to German dermatologists, is the cause of allergies.

Of course, it would be possible to ban most chemicals, but it turns out that in addition to substances that are clearly dangerous to health, there are also those that become harmful only when mixed with each other. In total, there are more than 7 thousand textile auxiliary substances approved for use. The results of their cross-reactions become known only after the textiles come into contact with our skin. Consumers, to a certain extent, turn out to be guinea pigs. Special research (even in Europe) begins to be carried out only after the fact, i.e. when someone gets itchy. In Europe they are working to make a rapid test of fabric for allergens, but so far all attempts have not been very successful. The most powerful rapid test for testing fabrics for allergic safety was developed at the University of Zurich, but the researchers themselves were dissatisfied with it, since it “did not provide a convincing and complete picture of the real danger.”

In general, an allergy to fabric is a mysterious thing. It can appear completely out of the blue for reasons that are not completely clear. But responsible manufacturers are taking important steps to protect consumers and provide them with complete information about clothing.


In Europe, social life is in full swing and the people are spoiled in the good sense of the word. The consumer wants to know as much as possible about a thing. As a result, non-governmental organizations appear that conduct independent quality assessments and assign each item its own emblem - a quality mark. These things may not have additional inscriptions, but the picture itself should be a guarantee of a certain level of safety. Here are some of them that can be found on the Russian market: Naturtextile, Eurotsvetok, Ecotex. If you are simply looking for safe and high-quality industrial textiles, then the Ecotex 100 marking (as a rule, glued directly to the product) and Euro-flower (printed on a sewn-in tag) will suit you. This level is sufficient for most people who have virtually no skin problems.

If you want to wear things of the highest environmental quality for ideological reasons, or if you suffer from skin allergies, then you need to look for products with the Naturtextile mark. It is not located on a sewn-in tag, but is glued to the packaging of the product; a license number is indicated on it, by which you can get all the information you need about the production of this item by making a request via the Internet.


Safe clothing is not prohibitively expensive, but it should not be cheap either. Perhaps domestic goods can be no worse, but at the same time cheaper? Unfortunately, it is difficult for us, as buyers, to rely on Russian safety certificates - many of them are simply purchased without any testing. Moreover, the manufacturer himself can purchase low-quality fabric in Eastern countries without hesitation, because our textile industry is going through difficult times. But there are also positive aspects. Thus, Western companies, when producing goods in Russia, maintain European quality, which can be trusted. So focus on trusted brands. It should be a company in Africa too; the quality standard of the brand is the same everywhere.

In addition, in Russia there is a lot of cheap flax, which costs a lot of money abroad. Flax is generally very good material, especially unbleached. This plant is so powerful that it is practically not treated with any chemicals during cultivation. Linen is naturally antistatic and does not accumulate electricity, so it is primarily recommended for city dwellers. Linen is bactericidal - wounds heal faster under linen bandages than under cotton bandages. It absorbs sweat better than cotton and does not create the feeling of wet fabric, so it is optimal for bedding. In hot weather, sweating in linen clothes is half as much as in a chintz dress. Linen is very durable, gets dirty a little, and is odor neutral. Perfectly supports the natural thermoregulation of the body. Linen does not shrink and washes easily and well. With linen there can be a problem mainly only because of dyes, if the fabric is treated with anti-creasing resins (real linen should wrinkle, like real milk sours, and not sit for years). So if you see something of a specific linen color made in Vologda or Kostroma, take it with confidence. But it makes sense to be wary of things with “cheerful” colors: the dye may be unsafe.


So what is the best way for consumers to proceed if they want to choose truly safe clothing?

1. Those who do not suffer from skin diseases and do not consider it particularly sensitive should only be wary of those things that are known to be harmful to health. For example, synthetic underwear, or underwear in black and close-to-black shades.

2. People with problem skin or those who have at least once felt itching or flaking due to clothing should listen to our recommendations and read the labeling more carefully. Irritated skin reacts especially painfully to chemicals, even in small quantities. Therefore, you definitely need to know what kind of fabric should be so as not to cause allergies.

4. When washing, it is recommended to run the rinse cycle twice so that as few marks as possible remain on the clothes. detergent(adding the usual table vinegar At the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of water, vinegar is guaranteed to neutralize the washing powder remaining in the fibers of the fabric). If possible, purchase hypoallergenic washing powders, for example, for children's underwear, or eco-friendly laundry detergents, which can now be found on eco-shelves in supermarkets.

As you can see, choosing clothes is not an easy task for those who care about their health. But forewarned means forearmed. And protected from allergic reactions that so often occur when wearing low-quality clothing.


If this is not a blouse from a market of unknown origin, then it has a sewn-in label or other type of marking. You should pay attention to the following points

1. Mercerisiert Mercerized (Mercerized) - after chemical treatment, cotton becomes smoother, stronger and begins to shine. Not recommended for people with exacerbation of skin diseases;

2. Buegelfrei, pflegeleicht No need iron (Easy to care for, does not require ironing) - This cotton is treated with artificial resins that contain formaldehyde. This is the most allergenic substance!

3. Gebleicht, stone-wasched or Chlorine bleached (Bleached with chlorine) - Chlorine is harmful to humans and the environment. Not recommended for allergy sufferers;

4. 100% kbA Baumwolle or 100% Baumwolle Kontr.Biol.Anbau (100% organic cotton) or 100% organic cotton (100% organic wool) or 100% kbT Schurwolle, 100% organic wool, 100% kbT Seide, 100% organic Silk (100% organic silk) - Cotton/wool/silk of the highest environmental quality. One of the few options that are harmless to any skin and alleviate the condition of people with dermatitis;

5. Alpakka (Alpaca) - Be careful: if it is written with two “k” in a foreign version, then this product has nothing to do with alpaca llama wool, it was made from wool residues;

6. Waschmaschienenfest (Machine wash resistant) - Treated with artificial resins

7. Superwash (does not mat) - Dangerous for any dermatitis, especially at the time of exacerbation.

Some have never even heard of the existence of such a thing. In this article we will try to describe in as much detail as possible this type, which is used for the manufacture of upholstered furniture.


Hypoallergenicity is a clinically or experimentally proven lack of ability of the constituent components of upholstery materials to cause allergies.

Unfortunately, allergies today are the greatest problem of our time. About 65% of the population suffers from attacks.

Everyone is susceptible to it, from young to old. In order not to cause an extra attack, many try to surround themselves with hypoallergenic items: clothing, home textiles, as well as upholstery.

Hypoallergenic upholstery is achieved through the use of natural fibers, such as cotton, linen, bamboo, palm or hemp. Minimal amounts of chemicals are used to produce fabrics. Please note that genuine leather also does not cause allergies.

Another property of hypoallergenic upholstery fabrics is that they are able to “breathe,” which means they are not a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and fungi.

There are special antibacterial impregnations for fabrics that prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria on the fabric.

What materials do not cause allergies?

  • Cotton

Well-known cotton is light, soft, easier to clean than other fabrics, even without the help of various expensive stain removers, you just need to wipe the stained area with a damp cloth.

Manufacturers love to use cotton because of the ability to create various printed patterns on its surface. However, he has a significant drawback - it wears out quickly. Therefore, to extend service life and increase strength upholstery fabric, synthetic threads began to be added to cotton.

  • Tapestry

One of the upholstery fabrics that contains cotton is called tapestry. This is a very dense fabric, with a wide range of colors, unfortunately with a short service life. Furniture covered with tapestry is best suited for placing it in a children's room, bedroom or office.

  • Chenille

Chenille has been known to mankind for more than two hundred years. This is a very dense and durable fabric, with pile and threads tightly adjacent to each other. Thanks to this technique, a feeling of softness is created and an interesting appearance is given. Externally, the material is very similar to velor; many people cannot visually distinguish them.
The advantage of chenille is the ability to create large quantity colors, as well as complete absence any smell. The fabric is absolutely safe and does not cause allergies. Please note that chenille is a surefire way to use it for .

The fabric is very wear-resistant due to the presence of synthetic fibers mixed with natural ones.

  • Genuine Leather

A sofa made of genuine leather is a sign of prestige and prosperity; such furniture will always be at the peak of fame and will never go out of fashion. In the process of tanning leather, substances are used that subsequently do not affect the state of health and are not capable of causing allergies.

Another advantage of leather furniture is that it does not collect dust. At any time, the housewife can wipe the surface with a damp cloth, thus getting rid of a large number of allergens.
A sofa made of genuine leather can be used to furnish a living room, an office, and sometimes a children's bedroom, it all depends on the shape and model of the product.

For a children's bedroom, for example, it is more convenient to use light-colored leather: beige, sand or white. This fact was confirmed by numerous visitors to the children's uniform, the topic of which concerned furniture for children.

When choosing furniture for your home, you need to carefully study the documents that describe in detail the composition from which the upholstery material is made.
Despite the fact that materials are not causing allergies, not so much, the available colors and textures make it easier to choose a model for every taste and color.

One of the most alarming trends in recent times has been the widespread spread of allergic diseases. Every year the number of people suffering from allergies is only increasing. The reason for this is not only heredity or problems in the human immune system, but also poor ecology, a huge number of artificial food additives in food products, widespread household chemicals. Unpleasant manifestations can appear on anything: plant pollen, food, pet hair. In recent years, hypersensitivity reactions to the fabric from which our clothes or bedding are made have become increasingly common. What causes allergies, what types of fabric can cause irritation on the skin and how to avoid unpleasant symptoms, we will tell you in this article.

The main function of any fabric is to protect the human body from external influences. But what to do in cases where contact with clothing results in irritation and characteristic rashes? Moreover, an allergy to fabric can be caused not only by clothing made from synthetic materials, but also by items made from natural raw materials (wool, linen or cotton).

Even the inscription on the “100% cotton” label cannot serve as a guarantee that natural fiber was not treated with chemicals during the production process, which in most cases are strong allergens. So, let's look at what causes allergies to synthetics and natural fabrics.

Synthetic fabrics

The policy of reducing the cost of production leads to the fact that natural raw materials are almost universally replaced by more affordable and practical synthetic materials.

In most cases, allergic reactions are caused by fabrics that contain synthetic components such as viscose, polyester, and acrylic. They practically do not allow air to pass through, which prevents the skin from breathing. As a result, thermoregulation is disrupted, sweating increases and irritation occurs.

Unpleasant skin symptoms often cause harmful chemical substances(dyes, fixatives, formaldehydes) used in the production of fabric. An allergy to synthetics occurs to things in the production of which cheap chemical components are used. Formaldehyde, used to make fabric wrinkle less, is especially dangerous in this regard.

Children's delicate skin reacts especially strongly to toxic chemicals. Therefore, when buying clothes or bedding for your baby, pay attention to the fabric composition and color intensity. For your child, you should purchase clothes made from natural materials and avoid too bright colors provided by artificial dyes.


Skin irritation when wearing woolen items can be caused by coarse fibers or the rough surface of the product. People with sensitive skin should avoid wearing woolen items, as the wool constantly irritates the skin where it comes into contact with clothing.

In addition, other factors have a great influence on the quality of wool products. If animals were kept in poor conditions or their wool was treated with chemicals and dyes, then it is impossible to guarantee the safety and hypoallergenicity of clothing made from natural raw materials.

Cotton, linen

Any fabrics made from natural plant materials, be it cotton, linen or silk, also cannot guarantee complete safety for the consumer. Natural fabrics can become allergenic even before their production cycle begins, because cotton in the fields is generously treated with a variety of chemicals that save plants from pests.

During production, various chemicals are also used to make the fabric less wrinkled and more durable; textile dyes are used to give the product the desired color. As a result, things made from natural linen or cotton are saturated with chemical elements. Textile auxiliary substances include a variety of synthetic resins, dyes, formaldehyde, and improvers. When mixed with each other, they release toxic substances that are dangerous to our skin.

Unbleached linen is considered the safest; it does not contain harmful substances, is easy to wash, and is durable and hygroscopic. Clothing made from natural linen allows the body to breathe freely, does not provoke increased sweating, and does not cause discomfort or irritation. Another significant advantage in favor of flax is its bactericidal properties. natural material, which is an obstacle to the development of unwanted skin reactions.

Allergy symptoms

Hypersensitivity reactions to tissue manifest themselves through skin symptoms:

In addition to skin manifestations, general symptoms may appear:

  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.
  • Nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing.
  • Lacrimation, redness and inflammation of the conjunctiva.

Serious complications such as angioedema or anaphylactic reactions develop extremely rarely and only in cases where a person suffers from hypersensitivity to many other allergens (food, household, medicinal, etc.).

How to identify a provocative allergen and understand that it is contact with the tissue that causes unpleasant symptoms, and not some other reasons? Allergy to fabric differs from other allergic reactions in some characteristic ways:

In order to identify a specific allergen that causes unwanted symptoms, it is recommended to do a special test - skin allergy tests. Such a study is carried out in a clinic, in an allergist’s office or in a specialized clinic. During the test, a few drops of various allergens are applied to the skin of the forearm and small scratches are made to allow the substances to penetrate the skin. If redness and a blister appear at the application site, it is considered that the allergy trigger has been found. After clarifying the diagnosis, the doctor will select optimal scheme therapy and prescribe treatment.


When the first unfavorable signs appear, contact with the allergen should be avoided: remove the item that causes skin irritation, change the bed linen. To reduce itching and other skin symptoms, you can take a shower and apply an anti-inflammatory ointment to the irritated skin.

If skin manifestations are accompanied by cough, symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis, it is recommended to take antihistamines (Tavegil, Suprastin, Claritin, Cetrin, Loratadine). Preference should be given to the latest generation of drugs; they do not have a sedative effect and have a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

In case of severe reactions, the doctor may prescribe corticosteroid ointments containing hormones (Sinaflan, Flucinar, Advantan). These drugs quickly and effectively relieve skin symptoms, but they should not be used long-term due to the risk of serious adverse reactions.

As part of the complex treatment, the doctor may include the use of enterosorbents, which will help cleanse the body of toxins and allergens. Prescribing multivitamin complexes will help maintain immunity and strengthen protective forces body. In addition, bronchodilators can be used to eliminate respiratory problems. Immunomodulators will help prolong remission and prevent the recurrence of unfavorable manifestations.

To prevent relapses, it is necessary to completely eliminate contact with the type of tissue to which hypersensitivity reactions occurred. In many cases, the allergy trigger is not the fabric itself, but the dyes and other chemicals used in the production process. Therefore, try not to buy things made of synthetics or any other material with flashy, bright colors, as such fabrics contain a large percentage of harmful substances.

In addition to reception medicines you can use folk recipes. Their use will help quickly relieve unpleasant skin symptoms and relieve discomfort. Before using any folk remedy do not forget to consult with your doctor.

Prevention measures

How can the average buyer protect himself from allergies to fabric? What to look for when choosing clothes and bedding?

  • If you have sensitive skin and are prone to allergic reactions, you should avoid purchasing underwear and clothing made from synthetic materials, and also avoid purchasing items that are too bright or saturated in color.
  • When purchasing any clothing, carefully study the labels, pay attention to the composition and labeling. People with problem skin should avoid items with the following labels:
  • Before you put on a new item, you must wash and iron it. When washing, run the rinse cycle twice and use hypoallergenic washing powders.
  • Give preference to things made from natural fabrics (cotton, linen, silk), try to avoid synthetic outfits, as the skin does not breathe in them and there is no natural thermoregulation, which provokes a kind of greenhouse effect and is accompanied by skin irritation and increased sweating.
  • Be careful not only when purchasing clothes, but also when choosing curtains, rugs, and upholstered furniture.
  • Replace colored bed linen with pure white and try to choose sets made from natural fabrics (cotton, chintz, linen). Preference should be given to linen fabrics. This plant is practically not treated with chemicals when growing, and during fabric production many harmful components are not used (for example, formaldehyde to eliminate creasing).
  • General restorative procedures will help reduce unwanted allergic manifestations to a minimum. healthy image life, proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits.
  • Taking multivitamin complexes, immunomodulators, and cleansing the body with sorbents will help support immunity.