Godetia: planting and care. Godetia: planting and care in open ground

garden flower godetia (lat. Godetia)- a herbaceous annual of the fireweed family, which includes about twenty species, growing mainly on the American continents. Southern California is considered the birthplace of godetia. The godetia plant received its name in honor of the famous Swiss botanist C.H. Godet, who was the first to study and classify godetia. Since the 60s of the 19th century, the plant has confidently taken its place in European gardens. The merit of this garden plant in its unpretentiousness and beautiful silky flowers, similar to azalea flowers. Godetia flowers are also similar to clarkia, which also belongs to the fireweed family.

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Planting and caring for godetia (in brief)

  • Landing: sowing seeds in open ground in mid-April or before winter: sowing seeds for seedlings in late March or early April, followed by planting seedlings in open ground at the end of May or early June.
  • Bloom: from July until the first frost.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: moist loam of neutral or slightly acidic reaction.
  • Watering: regular, moderate to heavy.
  • Garter: only for tall varieties.
  • Feeding: once a month with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer for flowering plants.
  • Reproduction: only seed.
  • Pests: caterpillars, aphids, slugs.
  • Diseases: peronosporosis (false powdery mildew), root rot, rust, fusarium.

Read more about growing godetia below.

Godetia flower - description

The stems of godetia are erect, branched, reaching a height of 20 to 60 cm and forming neat bushes - spreading or pyramidal, depending on the type and variety. The leaves are alternate, lanceolate, entire. The flowers are bell-shaped or cup-shaped, quite large in size - from 3 cm to 10 cm in diameter, simple, consisting of four petals, or double - collected in a brush. The color of the flowers is white, red, carmine, peach, pink, purple, there are varieties of combined colors. Peduncles are short. The fruit is a tetrahedral cylindrical capsule in which very small seeds ripen and remain viable for three to four years.

In the photo: Striped godetia flower

In addition to godetia itself, its numerous hybrids are also used in cultivation: azalea-shaped, dwarf, terry and bushy varieties of godetia. Godetia blooms from July until frost and easily copes with temperature changes.

Growing godetia from seeds

Sowing godetia seeds

Godetia is grown exclusively from seeds, and this method of propagation is not particularly difficult for gardeners. So, how to grow godetia from seeds? Godetia seeds can be planted directly in open ground, or you can play it safe and sow the seeds for seedlings.

If you decide to sow seeds directly on the site, it is best to do this in the middle or at the end of April; in the southern regions godetia is sown in the ground before winter, but in any case, you need to soak the seeds for half an hour before planting in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to protect future seedlings from contracting diseases.

Slightly acidic or neutral loamy soil in an area located on the sunny side of the garden is most suitable for godetia. Dig up and moisten the soil before sowing, apply mineral fertilizers and wood ash, as well as humus at the rate of 5 kg per 1 m². Then sow the seeds to a depth of 0.5 cm so that there is a distance of at least 25 cm between the plants in the flower bed. If you want seedlings to appear in a week, cover the planting with film. Seedlings that have sprouted too densely will need to be thinned out.

How without seedling method better than seedlings? Because when planting seedlings in the ground and even when picking, some of the plants are injured and die.

Godetia seedlings

You need to sow seeds for seedlings at the end of March or beginning of April in containers with drainage and loose nutritious soil. Small seeds mixed with sand are scattered over the surface and covered with a thin layer of soil, then a film is pulled over the container to create a greenhouse effect. Remove the film briefly every day to air it out. and, if necessary, to moisten the soil.

Growing snapdragons from seeds - everything you need to know

In ten days the shoots will appear, and the film can be removed completely. When the seedlings have two true leaves, they are picked: carefully dig up, shake off the soil, shorten the roots that are too long and transplant them into separate pots, three in each.

Planting godetia

Planting godetia in spring

At the end of May or at the beginning of June, seedlings that have reached 5-7 cm in height are planted in open ground along with a ball of earth so as not to damage the roots of the seedlings. This should be done in cloudy weather, early in the morning, before sunrise, or in the evening, after sunset. The distance between seedlings should be 20-25 cm: the more tall variety, the greater the distance between instances should be.

In the photo: Pink godetia

Planting godetia before winter

Before winter, godetia is planted only in places with mild, warm winters, and so far only as an experiment. Flower growers prefer to sow seeds directly into the ground, to avoid losses when transplanting and picking seedlings. It is believed that plants grown from seeds sown in late autumn are better adapted to environment and more resistant to diseases and pests.

Godetia - care

The soil around the grown godetia seedlings for more rapid growth it is necessary to loosen and weed - this will provide the roots with room to grow and eliminate unwanted neighbors. Watering carry out medium abundance, but regular. Godetia varieties that grow above 60 cm, so that the stems with flowers do not break, it is advisable to tie them to supports - wooden pegs or metal rods.

Planting and caring for ageratum: growing conditions in the garden

For abundant flowering, godetia needs feed complete mineral fertilizer with low nitrogen content on average once a month. For this purpose, for example, a solution of nitrophoska is suitable at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 12 liters of water.

Godetia after flowering

How to collect godetia seeds

Godetia seeds ripen approximately 30 days after flowering ends. As soon as the boxes begin to darken, they are cut off, dried, then opened and the seeds are shaken out, which can be sown before winter if you live in the south, or stored until next spring. We remind you that godetia seeds remain viable for about four years.

In the photo: Raindrops on a godetia flower

Types and varieties of godetia

Godetia grandiflora

It is a compact bushy annual with light pubescence. In culture since 1867. The stems reach 20-40 cm in height, erect or recumbent, fragile, becoming lignified by the end of the growing season. The leaves are lanceolate, tapering towards the base. Large - up to 10 cm in diameter - flowers are cup-shaped or bell-shaped, collected in leafy brushes at the ends of the shoots. Silky petals are colored pink, red, crimson, white, lilac, scarlet, dark red. Varieties of this species bloom from July to October. Based on the view created hybrid varieties both tall and dwarf, used for borders. The most common varieties:

  • Weisser Schwann– a low-growing spreading bush 30-35 cm in height, shoots that are green at the top and have a brown tint at the base. Broadly lanceolate leaves, satin-white cupped flowers 5-6 cm in diameter, entire petals;
  • Orange Room– a medium-sized, semi-spreading, branched variety 40-50 cm tall with reddish-green shoots. The leaves are narrowly lanceolate, the flowers are up to 5 cm in diameter, broadly bell-shaped with entire petals, red-orange in color.

In the photo: Abundant flowering of godetia

Godetia amoena

The plant is 60 cm tall, the stems are erect, smooth, fragile, and semi-lignified by the end of the growing season. Leaves are narrow-lanceolate, pointed. Bell-shaped or cupped flowers up to 5 cm in diameter with satin, spade-shaped petals, painted red-pink, raspberry-lilac or various shades of red. Blooms from July to September. In culture since 1814. Varieties:

  • Kirshkenigin– variety with pinkish-red flowers;
  • Crystal snowflake– tall variety 75 cm in height, white flowers.

This garden flower-an annual from the fireweed family. There are about 20 species of plants that can be found on the American continents. The flowers of the plant are similar to azaleas. Godetia is the first beauty among her family and is most often used in landscape design garden

Did you know? Godetia flowers stand well as cut flowers.

How to plant godetia seedlings correctly

Although godetia is unpretentious to care and planting, you should still pay attention to planting the seeds of the plant.

These instructions will help you properly grow godetia from seeds and care for it after planting it in open ground.

Optimal timing for sowing seeds

Sowing the seeds of some crops is a very expensive task, but this does not apply to godetia.

The seedling method is most often used. Sowing is carried out in late April - early May in open ground. Godetia begins flowering in July. The plant is not very tall, and the beautiful buds of various delicate shades will delight your eye every day during the flowering period.

Soil: composition and its fertilization

The best soil for godetia will be loamy soil. If you decide to grow a plant in an apartment, it is important to remember about drainage. Planting in the ground will not take much time, but remember that the plant does not like alkaline soils. It is best to use slightly acidic or neutral soils.

Important! The increased level of alkali is eliminated by adding peat.

If you decide to grow the plant in containers, then you can make the substrate yourself. To do this, take peat, river sand and garden soil, which must be doused with boiling water before mixing.

Caring for godetia seedlings

Caring for young shoots is not particularly difficult for a novice florist. Basically, when growing godetia from seeds, the seedling method is used.

After 20 days, shoots appear. The boxes with them should be moved to a sunny place without drafts, as cold air can lead to the death of the plant.

After two leaves appear, the plant should be planted in separate pots. It is best not to shake the soil from the roots. After two weeks, young plants are fertilized with complex fertilizer “Ideal for Flowers”. Water the plant sparingly.

Important! Godetia does not like waterlogging.

Planting godetia seedlings in a flower bed

Before planting godetia in a flowerbed, you need to harden off the seedlings for two weeks. It is advisable to sow godetia for seedlings after spring frosts.

It is best to do this in late May or early June. The distance between plants should be 25 cm. You can also plant godetia in protected soil, but the soil mixture should include peat and turf soil.

Transplantation to a flowerbed is carried out on a cloudy day. Young plants are carried with a small lump of earth. Three months after transplantation, the plant will bloom.

Did you know? Godetia is not afraid of an unexpected storm and calmly endures even a sharp cold snap.

How to properly plant godetia seeds in open ground

Transplanting godetia seeds into a flowerbed should not cause you much trouble. There are several ways to do this correctly, and we will tell you about them.

Timing and choice of landing site

So that godetia pleases you beautiful flowers, planting takes place in mid-April. If the weather is cold, then postpone it to the beginning of May.

It is best to plant Godetia seeds in loamy soil without sand. You can also add fertilizers that will make the soil useful for future plants. You can use mineral fertilizers with humus and wood ash.

Preparing the soil for planting

Preparing the land for planting godetia is one of the important steps to the gorgeous flowering of the flower. First of all, the place where you are going to plant the plant must be sunny. It is also necessary to remember that exposure to direct sunlight can lead to plant disease. After planting, it is necessary to shade the plants.

Immediately before transplanting, thoroughly loosen the soil and water it.

If the soil is depleted, it is mixed with wood ash, humus and minerals. After planting the seeds, they are sprinkled with peat or fluffy soil. The flowerbed is watered so that the soil is moderately moist.

Did you know? In its homeland, double godetia was called the California rose.

Correct planting pattern

Sowing of seeds is carried out in the soil 0.7 cm deep. The distance between the grooves should be at least 25 cm. The sprouts must be thinned out if they are too dense.

There is another way: After growing, plants need to be planted in pots and displayed on your balcony. Plants dive together with a lump of earth when they get stronger. The peat pots where your new godetias will grow are placed in partial shade and remain there until May.

Seedlings can be obtained using godetia seeds, which are planted in late March or early April in moist soil. In this case, the young seedlings are under glass.

After the seeds germinate, the glass is removed and the sprouts are ventilated.

Important! Do not allow young sprouts to come into contact with cold air.

Since godetia is used in landscape design, it is worth mentioning the plants with which the flower harmonizes perfectly. Godetia looks great against the background of the lawn and with its relatives. Low-growing plants are grown on balconies or near borders.

Tall godetias are planted in the flowerbed. Around it you can plant cineraria or Byzantine stachys - low and deciduous plants. If you want to decorate your flowerbed exclusively with flowers, we recommend combining godetia with plain flowers such as ageratum or lobelia.

How to care for godetia during cultivation

Godetia seeds need to be watered and fed regularly mineral fertilizers. Godetias need to be watered warm water, since cold conditions impair germination. When the first shoots appear, you should weed the ground, removing weeds. Fertilizing is applied once a week to maintain the good condition of the seedlings.

You can also plant godetia in the ground in the form of formed seedlings. In this way, carpets are created from flowers of different colors and shades. It is better to use only large-flowered godetia. It requires less maintenance.

Then the plant can be transplanted into a pot and placed at home. Fertilize the soil once every ten days liquid fertilizer. This will speed up growth. You can also use a special fertilizer for flower seedlings.

Many florists cannot answer whether it is necessary to pinch godetia, and there is an answer to this. If you do not want the plant to grow in length, then they should definitely be pinched.

After the plants are sufficiently strong and grown, they are planted in the ground at a distance of 25 cm from each other.

Important! Do not expose the roots of the flower, as the godetia may get sick.

How to prolong the flowering of godetia

Godetia blooms only once a year. And so that the plant makes you happy abundant flowering, you need to adhere to several rules.

By adhering to these rules, godetia can bloom a little longer than usual.

Her flowering is beautiful. The flowers reach 7 cm in diameter. They are collected in beautiful and abundant inflorescences. Colors can be different: pink, white, lilac, crimson.

Did you know? The plant came to Europe in the 19th century, and the name “Godetia” is associated with the name of the famous Swiss botanist S. Godet.

When to collect and how to store godetia seeds

Godetia reproduces well by seeds. To obtain high-quality planting material, you need to collect and properly store the seeds on time. They ripen within a month after flowering ends. At this time, the boxes darken and need to be cut off.

After this, the boxes are dried under a small canopy so that they are not exposed to direct sunlight. At the same time, they must be well ventilated. The temperature for drying should be 30-35°C.

After the boxes are dry, place them in a linen bag and knead it in your hands. This will help separate the seeds from the capsule. Then you should pour the mixture onto a saucer and blow off the remaining chaff. This must be done carefully so as not to lose the seeds.

They are stored in a paper bag at a temperature of 20°C. If there are several varieties of godetia, do not forget to label the bag with the name of the variety.

You can make your own paper bags as it will save you time and money. The bags are placed in seedling boxes and when it’s time to plant seeds for seedlings, they will be at your fingertips.

Godetia seeds are stored for about four years. Godetia can be sowed in the spring.

A native of sunny California, the garden flower godetia is both delicate and bright decoration flower beds and window sills.

An ornamental plant can be grown on a balcony or used in a landscape design composition. The plant has been pleasing flower lovers with its elegant beauty for more than half a century. Growing godetia from seeds is available both in a spacious pot indoors and open ground in almost all regions of the country. Godetia has spread not only across the central and southern regions, but also thrives in the Urals and in the even harsher climate of Siberia.

Preparing for landing

Godetia can only be grown from seeds. In this way it resembles the reproduction of a perennial herbaceous plant. flowering plant gypsophila. In order for planting to be successful, you need to know the characteristics and preferences of the flower.

Landing dates

Basically, the timing of planting a plant depends on the region in which it is grown. In the southern regions of the country, it is customary to plant the plant before winter before snow falls. Flowers grown in this way are more frost-resistant and resistant to diseases. In cold climates the right time for growing seeds - the second half of April. In May, the seeds of the plant are no longer worth planting. When planting godetia, many gardeners focus on moon calendar. It is recommended to sow seeds on the waxing moon. Best timing Godetia planting according to the lunar calendar:

  • from February 20 to 25;
  • from 5 to 10 and from 20 to 24 March;
  • from 8 to 14 and from 20 to 23 April.

Choosing a location on the site

Godetia feels good in areas well lit by the sun, but without direct scorching rays and winds. It can easily grow in semi-shaded places. The plant loves water, but you should not plant it in areas where moisture accumulates, this will lead to rotting of the roots. Godetia calmly tolerates proximity to other flowers.

Soil preparation

The best soil for a flower is loamy with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. Before sowing, dig up the soil and add compost in the amount of 5 kg per 1 sq. m. m. For godetia, the soil should not contain a lot of nitrogen. Before planting the plants, moisten the soil.

Selection and preparation of planting material

The seeds do not require special preparation before planting. To prevent the occurrence of diseases, experts recommend soaking the grains in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. After this, the seeds are dried, mixed with sand and sown in prepared soil.

Planting methods

Plants are planted with seeds directly on the prepared site, or in containers and greenhouses to obtain seedlings. Some flower shops offer ready-made godetia seedlings during the season.

Planting seedlings

The acquired seedlings should be planted in the ground in late May - early June. Planting is done with a lump of earth or a pot, if it allows it. Selection and preparation of planting material Before choosing seedlings in the store, you should carefully examine the young plants and make sure that their leaves are even and healthy, the sprouts are strong and not too tall. When transplanting godetia sprouts, their height should not exceed 6-7 cm. Step-by-step instruction upon landing

  1. To plant seedlings in the ground, choose a cloudy day. It is best to plant either early in the morning or after sunset.
  2. Moisten the prepared, loosened soil.
  3. The soil lump is carefully removed from the container and transferred to the hole.
  4. Dig the plant in and moisten the soil underneath it.

Sowing seeds in the ground

Growing godetia from seeds is quite simple task. For direct sowing, the beds should be prepared in advance. The seeds of the plant are very small, and it is important that by the time they are planted, the soil has already settled after loosening and watering. Depending on the climatic conditions of the region, seeds are sown from February to April or in October if grown before winter. Planting seeds in autumn is preferable southern regions countries. Furrows up to 6 cm deep are formed on the beds at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other. The prepared seeds are mixed with river sand in order to better see how much material will be planted, and they are sown in the furrows. Planting material you should sow as little as possible so that you don’t have to weed the beds later. After the sprouts reach 7 cm in height, they are thinned out, leaving 20-30 cm between flowers.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

In cold regions of the country, it is preferable to grow godetia seeds for seedlings. Preparing seedlings It must be remembered that Godetia seedlings, as they grow, should be periodically taken outside, accustoming them to light and sun. The time to pick plants is when they reach the 2-3 leaf stage, being careful not to damage the roots of the flower. Young plants are very tender and do not tolerate transplantation well. Therefore, to grow seedlings, it is recommended to use peat pots that can be placed in the ground along with the flower. Timing of sowing seedlings To grow seedlings from seeds, they are planted in individual containers as early as March.

With successful development, the first shoots will appear in 10-12 days. After the plants reach the required height, they are transplanted into open ground. Transplanting into open ground Before planting ready seedlings make sure that there will be no frost at night. The plant really does not like transplants, so this must be done as carefully as possible. The plant is brought into a hole prepared and fertilized with manure along with a lump of earth or directly with a pot, dug in and watered. During the first week, you need to ensure that the soil remains moist. It is recommended to cover the soil near the stem with grass, sawdust or other organic matter.

Outdoor care

Simple care in flower beds and at home makes the plant very popular even among novice amateur gardeners. Godetia is unpretentious, but for her successful cultivation You need to know a few basic rules:

  • loosening the soil;
  • moderate but regular watering;
  • garter of large-flowered bushes and some others large varieties godetia;
  • periodic fertilizing with low-nitrogen fertilizers for active flowering.

Watering frequency and water quality requirements

The flowering and quality of the plant depend on the correct watering regime. The soil should be moistened as the top layer dries. Overwatering threatens the flower with diseases of the root system and death. When germinating seeds, it is recommended to water the beds with slightly warm water until the sprouts appear using a sprayer so as not to erode the soil. It is useful to let the water for watering godetia stand in the sun for some time.


The plant is not too demanding when it comes to feeding, but the soil needs to be fed before flowering. The best fertilizer for godetia - nitrophoska, which contains a lot of potassium and fluorine. A solution is prepared from it in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. per 10-12 liters of water and fertilize the soil under the flowers. It is recommended to fertilize three times per season.

Installation of supports

Godetia bushes will bend down or break under the weight of flowers without support. Therefore, the plant must be promptly tied to wooden or metal stakes. This is especially important for varieties characterized by tall stems.

Flower diseases and pests

Tender godetia is easily susceptible to disease and suffers from attacks by pests. First and pretty common reason Diseases of plant roots lie in flooding of the soil. If signs of root rot have already appeared, the flowers cannot be saved. They are removed from the roots. Another common disease, downy mildew, manifests itself in the form of spots on the leaves. The causative agent of the disease can be cured using fungicides. Most often, godetia is damaged by leaf-eating insects such as aphids and flea beetles. First of all, you should carefully monitor the area with flowers, destroying weeds and periodically loosening the soil. For prevention, bushes are treated with a solution of birch tar or a mixture of solution laundry soap and ash. If the plant does become sick, insects can be destroyed using insecticides.

Self-collection of seeds

Seeds are collected from several pre-selected plants. To do this, only the first 3-4 buds are left to bloom on the plants, the rest are picked until the seed pods are completely ripe. Seeds are collected after they are fully ripe. When the boxes dry out on the bush and become brittle, they are carefully removed from the stem and laid out in a warm and dry place for 30 days. Then all the seeds should be collected in bags, labeled with the name of the variety and the date of collection. The seeds are stored in a dry and dark place, or even better, for the first half of the year, place them in the lower compartment of the refrigerator.

Types and varieties of godetia

Godetia is an extraordinary plant with more than 20 species, so every gardener will be able to choose a flower to their liking. The following is a description of the most common varieties of annual plants.

Godetia is lovely

Godetia is lovely - slender and tall plant(about 60 cm), decorated with double or regular flowers in the form of bells or cups with a diameter of about 4 cm. Flowering time July-September. Varieties of Godetia charming:

  • “Pink Grace” is a tall plant with bright crimson flowers;
  • “Satin” – more low plant, blooming with beautiful pink bells, darkening towards the middle;
  • “Scarlet red” has red flowers Pink colour, which brighten towards the center.

Godetia azalea flower

Godetia azalea flower is so named because of the similarity of its flowers to camellia and azalea. The petals of the buds are painted with a primary color, on which spots of a different shade are scattered. The height of the plant reaches 50 cm. Varieties of godetia azalea flower:

  • “Diamond” is a plant with large carmine-colored flowers with white speckles;
  • “Bride” is a bush strewn with snow-white or soft pink flowers;
  • “Cattleya” is a small bush with spectacular lilac buds.

Terry godetia

Terry godetia is not a plant variety, but a variety of flowers with beautiful double petals. For example, “bride” and “diamond” are characterized as double hybrids. Varieties of godetia terry are very loved by landscape design specialists. Varieties of godetia terry:

  • “Gofre” is one of the most popular varieties of godetia, characterized by large (up to 8 cm) flowers of a wide variety of, but always bright colors.
  • “Sybil Sherwood” are compact bushes no more than 40 cm with lanceolate leaves and flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm. The petals are semi-double of an unusual pinkish-salmon color, slightly lightened along the edges.
  • “Rembrandt” are low-growing spherical plants, decorated with double flowers up to 6 cm in diameter. Pink petals with a red spot are beautifully cut along the edge.
  • “Yesenia” is a dwarf plant with bright double flowers, often bicolor.

Godetia grandiflora

Varieties of this plant can be either short (20-30 cm) or tall. Regardless of this, they are strewn with large flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. The bush is highly branched and has thin lanceolate leaves. Godetia grandiflora blooms from the very beginning of summer. Compositions from this flower can often be found not only in open ground, but also on terraces and window sills of houses. Popular flower varieties also include the previously described terry hybrids “Rembrandt” and “Sybil Sherwood”. Varieties of large-flowered godetia:

  • “Monarch” is very popular variety more than 40 cm high with satin flowers, painted in a wide variety of shades and transitions.
  • “Orange Room” is characterized by a semi-spreading bush that grows up to 45 cm and has red-orange flowers.
  • “Blitzstral” - this very bright variety will not go unnoticed thanks to its large red flowers.

Godetia in landscape design

Landscape designers have long loved the southern flower for its fluffy clouds of silky flowers different shades. Godetia looks great in combination with many ornamental plants and in the foreground of landscaped slides. The flowers go well with small-flowered crops (gypsophila and ageratum), as well as marigolds and eschscholzia.

The flowering of each bud lasts at least 3 days, and due to their large number, it seems that the plant is blooming constantly. The flowering season of godetia begins in June and continues until frost. An elegant plant will be an excellent decoration for a green corner or flower bed in any garden, enlivening them and filling them with subtle pleasant aroma. The beautiful godetia will not leave any flower lover indifferent. It looks great both on the street and at home, and cut plants will delight loved ones with their graceful and beautiful appearance for several days. bright flowers and vanilla aroma. If you add a little to the water in the vase citric acid, the bouquet will remain fresh even longer.

The amazing godetia flower is deservedly popular among gardeners. Every year it pleases its owners with bright flowers. Anyone who has ever seen godetia definitely wants to plant this plant in their garden to enjoy its splendor every day.

In its beauty, this plant is very similar to azalea, but unlike the latter, godetia is less demanding. In addition, it makes the owners happy delicate flowers until the frosts. Actually, because of this, godetia is in demand among gardeners.

general information

This flower comes from distant California, but it received its name thanks to a Swiss botanist. Godetia was named after the scientist C. Godet, who put a lot of effort into breeding this plant.

In nature, this plant grows not only in California, but also in North America. In Russia godetia is found only on personal plots and in houses.

Godetia is an annual plant and belongs to the fireweed family. This flower has branched, upright stems. The height of the bush can reach 60 cm. Godetia flowers are large. Because of this, it is often called Godetia grandiflora. The shape of the flowers is very similar to a bell or tall cups. The color of the buds is varied and depends on the plant variety.

As the flowers of the large-flowered godetia mature, they stretch out and fall off. The tetrahedral box hiding underneath becomes visible. This is the fruit of a flower. From it, amateur gardeners obtain seeds for further propagation.

The plant blooms for a very long time. appear in early July. The last buds open in late autumn.

Gallery: godetia grandiflora (25 photos)

Plant species

There are many types of godetia, but not all of them are used in gardening.

This type of plant is considered the most common. It has stems up to 40 cm high, on which it blooms a large number of flowers of various colors. Most often you can find large-flowered godetia with white, scarlet, pink and crimson flowers.

Externally, each flower looks like a funnel with a diameter of about 10 cm. The most popular varieties of large-flowered godetia are:

  • Weisser Schwann. The height of this Godetia variety is only 30 cm. The inflorescences are also small: no more than 5 cm.
  • Orange Room. This godetia variety has a height of 50 cm, but the flowers are very small. Their diameter does not exceed 5 cm. The flowers are mostly red with an orange tint.


This large plant up to 65 cm high. The color palette of inflorescences ranges from white to pink. Godetia terry got its name not by chance: its large buds are covered with small hairs. The most famous varieties are:

  • Sybil Sherwood. This plant barely reaches 40 cm in height, but at the same time it produces a large number of inflorescences, consisting of flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. The buds are predominantly pink, fading towards the edges of the petals.
  • Rembrandt. This is another variety of terry godetia. Rembrandt is a great success among gardeners for its beauty. Its flowers are similar in shape to a bell. The buds have pronounced hairiness. The flowers are exceptionally bright red.
  • Monarch. This variety is also called dwarf. The fact is that the height of this plant does not exceed 20 cm. Its inflorescences are also small, but there are very, very many of them. Besides, color palette They are very rich. This type of godetia blooms from early summer to mid-autumn.


The stems of this type of godetia can reach a height of 60 cm. The plant is large, but produces small pink flowers with a red tint around the edges. Sometimes you can grow lovely godetia with crimson flowers. It begins to bloom in July and ends in September. Two varieties of this flower are popular:

  • Kirshkenigin. Its flowers are distinguished by a red-pink palette.
  • Crystal snowflake. This variety has very tall stems: up to 75 cm. Flowers of a predominantly white color appear on them.

Flower propagation

This annual plant This means that it can only be propagated using seeds. They can either be simply sown in open ground or pre-grow seedlings from them.

Growing from seeds

This is the easiest way to propagate this plant at home. If a florist is growing this plant for the first time, he will have to purchase seeds from a flower shop. But if it is already growing in the house or in the garden, then you just need to correctly collect the seeds for propagation.

Seed material should be collected a month after the godetia flowers fall off. By this time, the seed box will be fully ripe.

It is better to cut it after it has completely darkened. After this, the box needs to be dried a little and left for storage until spring, if the plant will be planted in the spring.

By the way, growing godetia with seeds can be done not only in spring, but also in winter. At spring planting you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • In spring, seeds should be sown only in well-warmed soil. As a rule, it warms up no earlier than the end of April. You can sow seeds in mung bean, but not later than the first week.
  • It is better to plant in well-lit areas.
  • The soil must be fertile. Godetia does not take root well on sand.
  • Before planting the seed, the soil must be thoroughly dug and loosened. It is advisable to add humus and wood ash to it.
  • Seeds should be distributed throughout the area so that there is a distance of at least 20 cm between them.
  • Experts advise sowing seeds randomly. In this case, the flower garden will look more natural.
  • Since the seeds of the plant are small, after sowing you should not sprinkle them with a large amount of soil.
  • After planting, the area should be watered generously with warm water. In order to speed up the emergence of seedlings, you can cover the planting site with film.

If everything is done correctly, the first shoots should appear 14 days after planting. Caring for them involves timely watering and weeding. You also need to remember to add fertilizers to the soil. According to experts, fertilizing should be applied to the soil 2 times a week. In this case, you can use both granular and liquid fertilizers.

Sometimes, as an experiment, some gardeners plant godetia seeds in open ground for the winter. Unfortunately, this cannot be done in all regions. In addition, caring for plants grown from such seeds will be more difficult. However, it is believed that such godetia is more resistant to diseases and more easily adapts to external conditions.

Propagation by seedlings

In winter, godetia seeds are most often used to obtain seedlings at home. To do this, each seed is placed in a separate planting container with soil.

After this, they are covered with film to create greenhouse conditions. For good seed germination, they need to be provided proper care: ventilate the “greenhouses” in a timely manner, remove condensation from the film and carry out timely watering.

With quality care, the first shoots at home will appear within 7 days. After the first shoots appear, the film should be removed.

And after the first full-fledged leaves, godetia seedlings can be transplanted into pots of several pieces. When picking, you must remember to cut off the roots that are too long.

By the end of spring, seedlings grow up to 6 cm in height. After this, they can be safely transplanted into open ground. In this case, you need to make sure that at first the seedlings are not exposed to direct sunlight. In addition, plants should be placed in the soil with an old clod of earth. The distance between seedlings should not be less than 20 cm.

To successfully grow plants with seedlings, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • To grow seedlings, it is better to use large-flowered godetia seeds. She tolerates transplants better and resists diseases better.
  • Seedlings cannot be kept in a draft.
  • During transplantation, you should ensure that the roots of the plants are securely covered with soil.
  • Planting of seedlings should be done in well-loosened soil.
  • During planting, it is advisable to put a little white clay in each hole. This is a good fertilizer for this plant. It will provide its flowers with a more saturated color.

Features of care

Regardless of the type of planting, in order for the plant to enjoy its lush color, it needs to be provided with high-quality care. To do this you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • Watering should be done as needed. In this case, you cannot irrigate the leaves of the plant. Due to moisture they sag and lose their appearance.
  • Plants should grow on the sunny side of the garden, but avoid too much sunlight as it can damage the leaves and root system. Protect root system possible using mulching.
  • The flower needs to be fed regularly. It is very important to give nitrophoska during care. It promotes enhanced growth.
  • Don't forget about weeding. Weeds cannot kill godetia, but they can take most of it from the soil. nutrients. Therefore, weeding should begin immediately after the first sprouts appear.

Diseases and pests

Problems with this plant include diseases and pests. Herbivorous insects love it very much. To protect against these pests, you need to regularly remove weeds and treat godetia with a soap-ash solution.

This flower is often affected by downy mildew. The disease can be identified by light spots on the leaves of the plant. This fungal disease can be controlled using conventional fungicides.

If a flower grows in too wet soil, then there is a high probability that its root system will be damaged by rot. Unfortunately, it is impossible to rid the plants of this problem, and they will die.

Use in landscape design

This plant has a full range of qualities that make it a desirable resident of any flower garden. Therefore, it is in great demand in landscape design. These qualities include:

  • Great looks.
  • Long flowering time.
  • Disease resistance.
  • Good cold tolerance.
  • Easy to care for.

Godetia is planted in small groups. This allows you to create color accent in the garden. Dwarf varieties plants are usually planted at the very edge of the flower bed. Sometimes they are used to make a flower garden border.

Tall varieties of plants are usually placed near a fence, wall or next to a bush. The point is that they need support.

This plant grows well in flowerpots. While long godetia branches created problems in flowerbeds, in flowerpots they are an advantage. This is where their lodging is most appropriate. The shoots bent under the weight of the buds look truly gorgeous.

If you comply simple rules By growing godetia and placing it in the garden, you can get delightful landscape ensembles. In addition, the flowers of this plant can be cut and made into bouquets, which will become wonderful gifts for loved ones.