Indian cucumber momordica or Indian pomegranate momordica. Momordica recipes and medicinal properties

Momordica has long been cultivated for its medicinal properties. There are also many recipes for making momordiki. For example, in Indian cuisine it is considered a valuable food plant and both the pulp and seeds of momordica are used in cooking.

Medicinal properties of momordica recognized not only by folk, but also by official medicine. Thus, the German company Hel produces the drug Momordica compositum(Momordica compositum), which normalizes the production of pancreatic enzymes and is used for chronic pancreatitis.

Momordica, her beneficial features, are well known in the Asian region, where it is traditionally cultivated. But growing momordica is possible even in middle lane. She is growing beautifully open ground, and on balconies, has carved foliage and bright exotic fruits, so momordica is also grown as an ornamental vine.

Momordica is a genus of plants in the Cucurbitaceae family, native to tropical regions of Asia, Africa and Australia.
As cultivated plants Two types are widely used: Momordica charantia or Indian pomegranate (Momordica charantia) and Momordica cochinensis (Momordica cochinchinensis).

The Momordica fruit has a very unusual shape, reminiscent of a tropical fruit. At an early stage of ripening it is green in color ( cucumber momordica), and when ripe it is bright yellow to orange. The surface of the fruit is uneven, ribbed, rough. When ripe, the fruit cracks, revealing its seeds, covered with bright red pulp.

Momordica growing from seeds.

Momordica seeds photo

Despite tropical origin, growing momordica possible both in a garden plot in the middle zone and at home. Momordica is found in the wild in Crimea.

For cultivation, it is necessary to select only dark momordica seeds. Planting seedlings should begin in late March - early April. Momordica seeds are disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and each one is slightly cut or scratched. This is necessary for germination.

Scarification, from lat. scarifico - scratch. Mechanical scarification of seeds involves superficial damage to their hard shell. This is done so that the seeds can absorb water and germinate. At home, it is most convenient to use sandpaper, a nail file, a fine file, etc. The seed shell needs to be scratched, but not rubbed through! Scarification is used for many plants. For example: lupine, jojoba, persimmon, castor bean, pelargonium, sweet pea, gatsaniya, etc.

After that momordica seeds wrapped in gauze moistened with water. They should be kept in a warm, humid environment for about 2 weeks until they hatch. Now you can plant them in the ground, deepening them by 1-2 cm. Momordiki seedlings are grown on the windowsill, gradually hardening them.

Momordica flowering photo

At the end of May, seedlings can be planted on the site, choosing a windless, sunny place and preparing supports in advance on which the vine will climb. The agricultural technology for cultivating momordica is the same as for other pumpkin plants. You can fertilize momordica complex fertilizers. She loves fertile soils and is responsive to feeding with manure. It is useful to add it right away - when digging.

On hot, dry days, daily abundant watering is necessary. In order for momordica to bear fruit well, it is necessary to remove all side shoots, leaving 2-3 main stems. Like zucchini and cucumbers, the fruits need to be collected as often as possible.

What kind of plant is cucumber momordica?

The range of medicinal properties of momordica is very wide; it is used both to strengthen the immune system and fight excess weight, and to treat serious diseases: peptic ulcers, pancreatitis and even oncology.

Momordica preparations have high antibacterial activity against streptococci, staphylococci, salmonella, Helicobacter pylori, etc.

All parts are used as medicinal plants - leaves, fruits, seeds. You should remember about contraindications and the harm that you can cause to yourself. It is strictly forbidden to use momordica preparations for pregnant women, as they have an abortifacient effect.

Among medicinal properties of momordica- its ability to lower blood sugar levels, which is why it is used to treat diabetes. But uncontrolled use will lead to hypoglycemia (decreased glucose levels) and the corresponding consequences: dizziness, nausea, headache, etc.

One of the beneficial properties of momordica is its ability to slow down skin aging. Here is one of the recipes for a medicinal mask made from momordica:

Momordica fruit juice – 3 tablespoons.
Potatoes – 100 g

Peel the potatoes, grate them on a fine grater, add momordica juice and mix. Apply the mask to clean facial skin and leave for 10-15 minutes. When finished, remove with a cotton swab.

There are many dishes made from momordica: it is fried, added to salads and soups as a spice, salted and pickled, like cucumbers.

Momordica is one of the favorite delicacies in Asian cuisine and is widely used in Indian cooking, despite the fact that its fruits are bitter. There, by the way, they are not particularly worried about the bitterness of momordica fruits, which is reminiscent of the famous bitterness of cucumbers that have not been watered for a long time. Europeans are put off by this taste, but there are a number of techniques that can be used to get rid of it.

Firstly, only green ones are used for food " momordiki cucumbers“The bitterness in them is not as strong as that of ripe orange fruits. But, all the same, you will have to get rid of bitterness.

Momordica recipe 1 for getting rid of bitterness.
The fruit is cut in half and all the bitter seeds are scooped out with a spoon. The skin is not removed. Momordica is cut into slices and placed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then drained in a colander.

Momordica recipe 2 how to get rid of bitterness.
The fruit is cut in half and the seeds are removed. Momordica is cut into slices and covered with salt for 15-20 minutes. Stir occasionally. The released juice is drained and the momordica is washed in a colander.

Recipe for momordika with pork:

momordika - 500g
pork (not fatty) - 250g
soy sauce - 1.5 teaspoon
rice vodka - 2 tablespoons
chicken broth - half a cup
garlic, finely chopped - 2 teaspoons
vegetable oil
salt, pepper - to taste
sesame oil - 0.5 teaspoon

Cut the pork into very long thin slices. Place in a bowl, add soy sauce, vodka, pepper and leave to stand.

Add oil and heat the pan. Add the garlic, heat it for 15 seconds, then add the pork. Cook, stirring, for 2-3 minutes until the pork turns white and is almost cooked through. Remove the meat.

Add oil and heat the frying pan, then add the momordica prepared according to recipe 1 for bitterness. Fry it for about a minute and then add chicken broth. Place the pork back into the pan, cover and let sit over medium heat for 2 minutes. Turn off. Add sesame oil, salt and stir.

Recipe: fried momordica:
Add oil and heat the pan, then add chopped garlic and chili pepper. Fry for 20-30 seconds until fragrant. Add momordica (recipe 2 for getting rid of bitterness). Fry for 2 minutes, then add balsamic vinegar and half a teaspoon of sugar. Cook for another 1-2 minutes until the slices soften and begin to brown.

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(squirting cucumber, Indian pomegranate, bitter gourd, balsam pear) – very beautiful plant from the tropics. Bright yellow flowers on long stalks with pleasant aroma against a background of carved light green leaves. The plant is also very decorative during the ripening period of the fruits, which acquire an orange-yellow color. During the growth period, all organs of the plant burn when touched, like nettles. However, when the first ripe fruits appear, the momordica stops “biting.”

This genus of annual climbers herbaceous plants The pumpkin family is cultivated in many countries, mainly in Asia. It has valuable medicinal properties and has edible fruits.

The fruits are rounded and elongated and covered with fleshy small spines. When ripe, the fruit turns yellow and then turns bright orange. Ripe fruits crack with three leaves, on which there are large flat seeds placed in a red capsule. The fruit tastes pleasant, reminiscent of ripe persimmon.

Medicinal properties

Momordica fruits contain vitamins A, B, C, E, F, microelements, proteins, carbohydrates and many folic acid.

Biologically active substances contained in fruits and seeds reduce total cholesterol levels and stimulate insulin production. Momordica is one of the few plants that contains charantin, a substance that lowers blood sugar levels.

It is used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, liver diseases, stomach ulcers, urolithiasis, to strengthen the immune system, for colds and flu, headaches and joint pain, burns, psoriasis, and some types of cancer.
Momordica improves visual acuity and treats eye diseases.

Features of cultivation

The ripening period of momordica is very long, so it is recommended to grow it through seedlings in order to shorten the growing season in open ground.

Momordica is grown like cucumbers. At the beginning of March, seeds are sown in 0.5 liter pots to obtain seedlings, and then planted in open ground.

The seed coat is rich in starch and carotenoids and serves as a nutrient for their growth and development. Sow the seeds on the edge to a depth of 1-1.5 cm in warm, moist soil (temperature 22-24°C). Under such conditions, seedlings appear within a week.
They are regularly sprayed with warm water.

When two true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in open ground, being careful not to damage them. root system(along with a lump of earth), otherwise the plants get sick for a long time or may die completely.

As with all pumpkin plants, picking is unacceptable.

The plant is quite heat-loving, so seedlings are planted when the threat of frost has passed, in well-warmed areas.

Selected largest plants and place them at intervals of 35-50 cm with row spacing of 50 cm. You can grow them without tying them up, like cucumbers, or put them along a gazebo or fence.
Good illumination of the plant when grown vertically helps to obtain maximum yield.

They grow momordica and in a seedless way. The seeds are soaked in water for 24 hours, then placed in a wet cloth (sawdust) and kept moist. After 3-4 days, small roots appear and the seeds are planted in open ground. This is done in May, when the threat of return frosts has passed. Such plants sprout vigorously and develop quickly.

Momordica grows well in any soil with the addition of humus. Does not tolerate excessive moisture. They feed her throughout growing season every 2 weeks with mineral or organic fertilizers.

Forms a large number of stepchildren who thicken the bush. Most often, 3 main shoots are left on the plant, removing all unnecessary shoots. When shaping, wear gloves to avoid damaging your hands. It is because of this that the plant is practically not formed, allowing it to develop independently.

Stepchildren can be used for reproduction. To do this, cuttings with two well-developed leaves are cut from the bottom of the stepsons and placed in warm water(at least 25°C). After 12-14 days the first roots appear, and after a month the cuttings can be planted on permanent place. After planting, the plants are well watered and shaded for 2-3 days.

Unlike other pumpkins, momordica is close in size to a cucumber. The fruits are small and the stem does not bend under their weight, supporting a large number of them.

And one more feature. Fresh fruits are bitter, so before eating they are soaked in salted water for 10-12 hours, after which they are tasted. If the bitterness is felt like that of bitter cucumbers, continue soaking in new salted water. Then the thin, thorny peel is cut off and used to make salads.

Momordica is stewed, salted or pickled like cucumbers.
To preserve the fruit, wash it, cut it into pieces, remove the seeds and peel the skin.
Place the fruits in sterilized jars and add garlic, dill, black currant leaves, allspice. Pour boiling marinade over and roll up.
Marinade: 1 tbsp for 1 liter of water. salt, sugar, vinegar.

Its tubers, leaves and young shoots are also edible, which are used fresh in salads or to prepare vegetable soups.

Knots for memory

  • When ripe, the fruit cracks and shoots out its seeds several meters along with mucus. For this plant, it was nicknamed “mad cucumber.”
  • Seeds are not always available for sale; more often they are obtained from bright orange fruits. It is enough to wash and dry them, and sow them in pots in the spring.
  • 10-day-old green fruits are eaten because the more mature ones contain a lot of bitterness.
  • With a lack of light and nutrition, small fruits are formed and the ovaries often fall off.
  • With the help of this plant you can create a picturesque fence or wall. The stem of momordica, with the help of tendrils, entwines any trellis and its length reaches 5 m. The openwork leaves of momordica have different shades.

Momordica is a plant from the pumpkin family, popularly known by names such as yellow cucumber, Chinese pumpkin and balsamic pear. Thanks to his wide range healing properties the plant is used as a medicinal product not only in folk medicine, like most herbs and plants, but also in traditional medicine.

Medicinal properties

Momordica fruits have very high nutritional value. They contain a lot of proteins, carbohydrates, phosphorus, calcium, iron, folic acid, as well as vitamins A, B, C, E and F. Momordiki dishes, recipes for which are found mainly in oriental cuisine, are very healthy, but there is a noticeable health effect can only be obtained through long-term and constant consumption of leaves, fruits and shoots.

The momordica plant can normalize sugar levels in the body and stabilize insulin production. In addition, it has moderate bactericidal and antiviral activity, antitumor properties and analgesic effect.

To prepare infusions, decoctions and other medicinal products from momordica, its fruits, leaves, shoots, flowers, seeds, and roots are used. However, in folk medicine the fruits and seeds of the plant are especially valued. Momordica contains special substances in its fruits and seeds that reduce cholesterol levels and cleanse blood vessels.

The plant’s properties are also known, such as the ability to speed up metabolism, strengthen the immune system and significantly slow down the aging process of the body.

Indications for use

Momordica for the preparation of medicines in official medicine has not been used for very long. Medicines for the treatment of acute and chronic pancreatitis are produced from the plant in the form of a solution for internal use, stabilizing the functions of the pancreas.

In folk medicine, there are recipes with momordica intended for the treatment of leukemia, hepatitis, psoriasis, furunculosis, hemorrhoids, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, headaches and joint pain, and depression.

When treating diseases of the pancreas, the course of taking the drug lasts from three to five weeks. The frequency of administration and dosage of the solution are determined by the doctor. Typically, adults take momordica solution one to three times a week, one ampoule. Children under two years of age are given a quarter of an ampoule at a time, children under six years of age are given half an ampoule. For children over six years old, it is permissible to take an “adult” dose of the drug - a whole ampoule.

Instructions for use (method and dosage)

The following are used in folk medicine: healing recipes with momordica:

  • A decoction of the seeds of the plant is used to treat hemorrhoids and as a diuretic for fever. 20 g of seeds are poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes, then the broth is infused for an hour and filtered. Take 3-4 times a day, 50 ml of decoction.
  • Tincture of momordica fruits for the treatment of colds, psoriasis, rheumatism. It is also used for the purpose of general strengthening of the immune system. The fruits are finely chopped and placed in glassware, and then fill them with 0.5 liters of vodka and infuse for two weeks. The tincture is taken for three days on an empty stomach, one teaspoon 30 minutes before meals three times a day.


Treatment with Momordica is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the presence of diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and stomach. The drug or products from the plant can provoke an exacerbation of gastric ulcers, cause heartburn and increased salivation.

Side effects

Among side effects that may occur during treatment with momordica are allergic reactions, and children may develop anemia. When consuming the seeds of the plant, poisoning may occur.

"Bitter gourd" Indian cucumber"or "pomegranate", "crazy melon" - all these are names of the same plant, officially called momordica. The benefits and harms of this vine began to worry our fellow citizens with the appearance of the seeds of a strange plant on the shelves. Many began to grow it on garden plots for decorative purposes. What kind of plant is this, let’s figure it out together with you.

What kind of tribe

It is not for nothing that it is called “bitter gourd” - the plant belongs to the It is an evergreen vine that grows in Africa, Australia, India and other warm countries. Today it is grown in America and in Crimea, even in northern regions gardeners manage to grow a heat-loving vine on a windowsill or balcony, and on summer period planted in open ground. So, what is momordica, the benefits and harms of its bright fruits, what is their practical purpose - more on all this below.


The first benefit of this unusual vine is its decorative properties. It resembles the tops of a cucumber, pumpkin, young grapes, willingly clings to support with its antennae and quickly gains strength under the sun's rays. A small gazebo it will easily braid in a short time, and you can proudly demonstrate to your friends that you are growing not just anything, but a momordica. The benefits and harms of its fruits usually become of interest a little later, when they begin to ripen and stand out brightly among the green shoots. In fact, the fruits of this vine contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements and are successfully used in cooking.


If you grew cucumbers at your dacha, then it will not be difficult to master the art of growing exotic vine. She will willingly live in open ground, especially if you choose a shaded place for her, without direct sunlight. She is also mastering greenhouses and greenhouses, and even window sills in apartments. Just imagine how you will show your fruit-bearing vine to your friends and proudly say that it is a momordica. The benefits and harm that its fruits can bring will be discussed below.

The plant reproduces by seeds. Despite the presence of a hard shell, they do not require stratification and have almost 100% germination. Before planting in the soil, you need to soak them for a day in a pale pink solution of manganese. Don't wait until they hatch, otherwise the seeds will rot. The easiest way to grow seedlings is in peat pots filled with light, fertile soil. Momordica is demanding and responsive to the application of organic fertilizers.

One seed is placed edgewise into each pot to a depth of 1.5 cm. The top needs to be covered with soil and watered. The next moisturizing should be done after 2-3 days. If the temperature is maintained at 20-22 degrees, then seedlings will appear in 2 weeks. If kept cooler, you will have to wait longer.

When transplanting seedlings to the main “place of residence”, install vertical supports, plan the location of the plants so that they have enough light; in the shade, the ovary will crumble or the fruits will be small.

Beneficial features

Momordica is a special fruit. More precisely, it is a vegetable. It significantly changes its taste properties as it ripens, but its benefits remain unchanged. Not only the fruits are useful, but also the shoots and leaves. The plant is rich in calcium, which is necessary not only for the growth and development of teeth and bones, but also contributes to the normal contraction of the heart muscle. If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, then momordica is just what the doctor ordered.

In addition to calcium, it is rich in selenium, which normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland; contains silicon, which is involved in the synthesis of bone and muscle tissue; it is especially necessary during the recovery period after injuries and fractures. Being a source of phosphorus, fruits help stimulate brain activity. The rich composition of vitamins regulates the metabolic processes of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, normalizing body weight. The antioxidant properties that momordica has are known. A fruit with the same composition still needs to be looked for.


Recent studies have shown another wonderful property - momordica in diabetes can significantly improve the patient's condition. Its active components reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels; in addition, Indian pumpkin activates the production of insulin and the patient is less likely to have to resort to injections. Modern pharmacology also uses bitter gourd extracts. Based on them, drugs are made for the treatment of psoriasis, influenza and colds.

Momordica is also widely used in folk medicine. The benefits of treatment are amazing. The plant has analgesic properties, helps with heart and vascular diseases and even with leukemia. A persistent improvement in vision and eye condition was noted. Various infusions and decoctions work well in the treatment of prostatitis, urolithiasis, and sclerosis. Among other things, they improve brain function and strengthen the immune system.

Use in cooking

The pulp of the fruit is similar to pumpkin, only with a noticeable bitterness. While the fruits are young and green, the bitterness is almost unnoticeable; they taste like cucumber. They can be fried in oil and added to salads. Fully ripe fruits hide red seeds inside, which taste like persimmon and pomegranate at the same time. They are quite hard, so you need to boil them before using them.

To remove bitterness from ripened fruits, they are first soaked in a salty solution. After this, they can also be fried and served as a side dish with meat. Craftsmen went even further and got the hang of pickling fruits in jars. The result is a very original product, unlike anything else, its taste is very pleasant and refreshing. In addition, very tasty and delicious food is brewed from the soaked fruits of this vine. healthy jam, by which you can never tell that its parent is a bitter motherfucker. Reviews confirm its high taste qualities, albeit with a certain amount of exoticism.

For daily use, you can use fresh leaves; just a couple of pieces can be put in a teapot in the morning, pour boiling water over it and enjoy an invigorating and healthy drink.

We have not yet mentioned the roots of the plant. They are used for infusions and decoctions, since when dried they are stored for a long time. In addition, it is the root that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is enough to cut off a fresh plate and apply it, for example, to a sore gum to relieve inflammation and achieve an analgesic effect.

Application in dietetics

If there is no individual intolerance, then you can include a small amount of the miracle vegetable in your daily diet. Due to their rich composition, these fruits normalize metabolic processes in the body, stimulate smooth weight loss and give a person a huge amount of energy. Eating the same amount of food, but feeling cheerful and full of energy, a person will do much more things in a day. This means that the energy will be spent for good, and not “deposited” on the stomach and other places.


So, today we told you about an amazingly healthy vegetable called momordica. The instructions for use (so to speak) recommend introducing it into food for almost all people. This is a real storehouse of useful substances. But we must remember that many of the elements in its composition are in an active state, and therefore an overdose can only cause harm. Treat momordica as an extremely useful additive, a seasoning, the excess of which will only worsen the taste of the dish.

These exotic vegetables are contraindicated for pregnant women, as they can cause premature birth. If you are suffering food allergies, then introduce momordica into your diet with extreme caution.

"Momordica compositum"

Not in every city today you can buy fruits or at least seeds of this wonderful plant. That is why pharmacological companies have released a special drug that contains an extract from vegetables and called it “Momordica compositum”. This is an injection solution that has astringent, analgesic, antispasmodic, antiemetic and sedative properties. It normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland and is used in the treatment of pancreatitis. This medicine is homeopathic as it contains nothing but extracts medicinal plant. However, before use, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Let's sum it up

A truly wonderful gift of tropical forests - momordica - is useful in its entirety. Its leaves, shoots, roots, fruits and berries are used. Today, research is being conducted on the ability of this plant to suppress and neutralize cancer cells. If they are successful, we will have a cure for the most terrible disease. But even today there is something to thank this unusual vegetable for. His healing power truly immeasurable.

Very often we hear the names unusual plants, and every time we turn to the Internet in search of answers. Surely somewhere in the market or in a conversation, many have heard such a word as momordica. So, in this article we will try to talk very clearly about all the advantages, disadvantages, benefits, as well as how to grow momordica at home, because its application can be quite wide.

Momordica description

Momordica is extraordinary and very useful plant, from the Pumpkin family. Also, in order not to remember this word, people began to call her more simply, chinese bitter melon. But when we say “melon,” we imagine our melon, yellow and smooth, but momordica is a completely different melon. Firstly, it differs significantly in size, appearance and taste, and secondly, it is more of a cucumber than a melon. And the taste is somewhat reminiscent of a very ripe pumpkin, but gives off a little bitterness (i.e. the plant is not for everyone).

So, let's take everything in order. In size, momordica can be compared to a thick cucumber. If the momordica is ripe, then its color should be pumpkin or bright orange, and the green one should be the color of a cucumber. Also on the momordica there are quite large and noticeable pimples (like on the skin of a crocodile).

And speaking of the names of momordica, there are quite a few of them that can be listed: yellow cucumber (Indian), crocodile cucumber, crazy melon, Indian pomegranate, balsamic pomegranate and many other original and funny names.

Momordica is a herbaceous climbing vine, which loves moisture. The structure of its leaves is somewhat similar to grape leaves, but carved. It has very beautiful yellow five-petal flowers. I would like to pay attention to the taste of momordica, because it really is very interesting - a mix of cucumber and pumpkin.

Momordica medicinal properties

They say that in Ancient China Momordica was allowed to be eaten only by the emperor and his family; in Japan, the plant was considered the food of long-livers, and in Ancient India - the food of the gods. It can also be assumed that such popularity and high cost of this plant is due to a bunch of nutrients and healing properties in it:

  • In such small plant there is a huge pile of proteins, carbons, sugars.
  • A wide variety of vitamins (group B, vitamin E, vitamin C, carotene and many others).
  • Promotes accelerated exchange substances.
  • This healthy and medicinal fruit is recommended to eat when losing weight.
  • Treats hemorrhoids.
  • Strengthens the immune system, especially in children.
  • Helps with cancer.
  • Treats any viral diseases.
  • Effectively burns fat in the body.
  • Fights leukemia.
  • Reduces cholesterol.

You can list many more different beneficial properties, such as: help with stomach diseases, heart diseases, diabetes, eye diseases, hepatitis, furunculosis, skin diseases, depression, helps cleanse blood vessels, etc. In general, it’s not in vain The Japanese call momordica a plant for long-livers.

But if this fruit is really so useful and practically cures all diseases at any age, then why isn’t it added to medications and prescribed to patients by doctors? It’s all very simple: very few people know about this plant. And we all know that not a single pharmacist will add such a cheap drug to medications, because it is better to add an expensive drug, but which will not cure, but will anesthetize, and then patients will come for the supplement, which will bring profit to pharmaceutical companies. But it is still worth noting that momordike is still used in medicine. And such medications contribute to your longevity and, accordingly, slow down aging.

Those who know about this miraculous fruit and vegetable begin to grow it in their garden. But the climate is not always suitable, so momordica requires your attention and time.

Growing momordica in the garden yourself

As mentioned above, momorodica is a useful plant from the Pumpkin genus, so its cultivation is not much different from sowing pumpkins. But without seedlings, growing will take much longer. Therefore, let's start with it.


Again, in order for the fruit to appear as quickly as possible, the seeds should be prepared. To do this, you need to scarify, rub the tip of the seed with sandpaper or a nail file. But, you need to damage the skin of the seeds just a little, and not make a hole in them. This is called scarification. Thanks to this, the seed will receive more moisture during watering and will be able to open better.

  1. Soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for 2 hours.
  2. Rinse the seeds thoroughly after potassium permanganate.
  3. Place the seeds in a small amount of damp sawdust; you can also replace the sawdust, for example, with a wet cloth. Place this structure in a warm but not dry place.

After this procedure, the seeds germinate almost immediately.

After the seeds have opened, we sow each one separately into pots or cups for seedlings. The soil should be a mixture of peat, sand, humus, and leaf soil. The pots should be in a warm place not lower than +22 degrees Celsius. And at the same time, it should not be allowed to dry out.

As soon as the shoots appear, move the pots to the window and reduce the temperature to 16 degrees Celsius. Then return them to a constant temperature zone of 22 degrees Celsius. But don't stop watering them constantly.

Planting in soil

Planting begins in late May or early June, when there is still a threat of night frosts, since for good brood the momordica needs to be “hardened”. The main thing here is not to damage the earthen ball in order to avoid disturbing weak roots. It is very important that the soil temperature is not lower than +10 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, the vine may die, and all our efforts were in vain.

Yours the soil should be light and fairly fertile. And, as mentioned above, the plant loves moisture very much, so you will have to water it often, Necessarily warm water, room temperature . It would also be a good idea to feed with special organic fertilizers. It is worth noting that the fruit is very well accepted in soil where vegetables (tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes) previously grew. leguminous plants, root crops and various types cabbage

As you understand, this unusual fruit is a rather capricious creature, but it’s worth it. After all, before you take something, you must give it away. So here, for all the vitamins and benefits that momordica brings to your body, it needs something in return. In this case, it's special care and special attention to this fruit.


  1. Momordica shows love to a large number Sveta. But does not like windy places. Also during hot and steaming sun it prefers to be in the shade. That's why The most successful planting place is greenhouses. All its conditions will be met there.
  2. Don't forget, the fetus is really very capricious, so it loves personal space. Try not to plant plants too close to each other, maintain a distance between them. Otherwise, due to lack of space, the fruits will be small and may begin to crumble ahead of time.
  3. Remember that momordica is primarily a climbing vine. And the vine should be tied up. Therefore, already grown plants will need a garter or provide it with some kind of vertical support. This is where your imagination comes into play. The main thing is that the vine does not lie on the ground, but grows upward.
  4. Since the plant grows in hot weather, there is a danger that it may dry out. That's why try to not only water the plant as often as possible, but also spray it completely(warm water).
  5. The plant grows at a very accelerated pace, and like any growing organism, momordica needs feeding. Preferably at least once every 2 weeks. How best option I can offer some fertilizing mullein infusion.

If you have taken everything into account and have not forgotten anything, the plant will bear fruit very quickly. The harvest is ready for harvest when the fruit has fully opened and the red seeds are visible from the inside. The fruit has a special property of opening, it becomes like a flower, as it opens into five petals, somewhat similar to lilies.

It is also important to note that the leaves of young plants can "bite" like nettles. Therefore, you should work with gloves.

Fruits can remain in the refrigerator for no more than 20 days.. Otherwise, the fruit loses all its beneficial properties and becomes unfit for consumption.