Making wicker furniture as a business at home. Do-it-yourself wicker furniture from wicker as a business

Wicker furniture For summer cottage DIY items will never go out of fashion - these are exclusive products for an elite interior. The first time it may not turn out as in the illustration, and you need to learn this, like any other technology. It's better to start small and train at the most simple materials, the type of rolled newspapers that are draped around old chairs. Weaving a whole set of furniture with your own hands is not only exciting process, but a reason for pride in front of friends, as well as good idea for business.

Types of wicker furniture

Beautiful wicker furniture in the interior country house looks like a high-end accent for furnishing an outdoor terrace or veranda. And a ready-made set of rattan and wicker is not available to all families, so more and more enthusiasts are mastering this technique. There is a noticeable trend in the growing number of craftsmen who are ready to do everything in an apartment and in a country house with their own hands - from the foundation of a building to a homemade pool and furniture.

If the hands are skilled and the taste is artistic, then simple things turn into masterpieces. The main thing is to master any technology step by step and choose successful illustrations for inspiration, like this wicker furniture made of artificial rattan.

Original products, made very carefully, will become a worthy decoration for any summer cottage. The material used for weaving is what grows literally a stone's throw from the house. All that remains is to prepare the material and choose which sample to start mastering the weaving technique with:

  • rocking chair;
  • set of chairs;
  • coffee table or cabinet;
  • small sofa;
  • chair;
  • stands for flowers and other interior items.

The easiest way to master weaving is on small samples - baskets or bread bins. Gradually, interesting patterns will begin to emerge, which have been used by folk craftsmen since ancient times. Historians claim that the first examples, reminiscent of low wicker stools, were offered by artisans during the Roman Empire and Antiquity. But they were used by poor people and traders, since cheap “seats” without a back were light, comfortable and mobile.

After “plebeian” models began to be made more skillfully, representatives of noble families began to buy the most elegant examples of wicker furniture. The growth of popularity was also facilitated by the fact that they were made much faster than wooden furniture, fewer tools were required. Over time, in the houses of medieval Europe, both classical samples and independently wicker furniture made of wicker coexisted.

With the development of woodworking machines, homemade “wicker” began to be abandoned, but the fashion for it periodically returns. And today, at the peak of popularity, garden furniture for cottages made of wicker, rattan and other natural materials that are available in the natural environment. They even use twine, old newspapers and corn leaves, especially for the openwork weaving of homemade furniture inserts on a rigid wood frame.

Today, the availability of materials and design features of the preferred type of seat determine the technology for manufacturing wicker samples. garden furniture. There are frameless products and braiding of finished furniture, where they use:

  • openwork and solid;
  • single and double;
  • continuous and combined weaving.

The more different techniques are combined in one product, the more original and beautiful the sample looks. But a real masterpiece comes out provided that the patterns are carefully executed, the ends are properly designed and proportions are observed. Today craftsmen make the following types of wicker furniture for the garden:

1. Frame models on a durable base, where wood, metal rod, plastic or other durable material is braided.

2. Frameless models using reliable stiffeners.

3. C wooden frame for reliability and stability.

4. Braiding finished products with natural materials.

5. Stacked carpentry-frame furniture with steel rods braided with vines and filling the space with openwork patterns.

6. Stick or structure, where vertical hard stems form load-bearing walls braided with softer materials.

Please note: Original wicker furniture is found in the interiors of expensive hotels and bungalows; it often decorates landscape design the estate of some wealthy European family. Such samples are not considered “homemade”; they are rightfully classified as elite garden furniture. They remain the best role models for folk craftsmen and beginners in weaving.

Advantages and disadvantages of wicker country furniture

Homemade furniture is a source of pride for a home craftsman. And although it takes a lot of time to procure material and manufacture products, the demand for “braid” is increasing.

Wicker furniture has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • low cost;
  • environmentally friendly models;
  • large design variability;
  • the possibility of making a seat “to suit yourself” and the preferences of the family;
  • light weight (easy to carry around the garden);
  • not afraid high humidity air and steam;
  • ease of care and operation (wipe with a damp sponge);
  • self-sufficient decoration of a dacha, open veranda or open area.

Obvious disadvantages are susceptibility to changes in mass, the “braid” cracks and gets wet from the rain.

Materials for making wicker furniture

Plants with flexible stems and branches are found in most regions of the world, and natural twigs from their area are preferable. In some places, homemade furniture is woven from plant leaves and seaweed, which are used to braid a synthetic rope base. In Asia and Africa they use:

  • young bamboo;
  • sorghum (millet);
  • cane;
  • water hyacinth;
  • banana leaves (abaca);
  • palm branches;
  • rattan and other varieties of vines.

To make wicker furniture for a summer house, long flexible sprouts are suitable, which can be easily split into long fibers and the bark removed. Softer openwork inserts can be easily made from jute rope entwined with corn leaves. In Eastern Europe, craftsmen prefer:

  • cattail;
  • reed;
  • alder;
  • bird cherry;
  • krasnotal (verbolosis);
  • raspberry and blackberry stems;
  • hazel and other flexible stems of trees and shrubs that are easy to find in your region.

Alternatively, it is easier to weave from prepared materials, which are ordered through specialized handicraft catalogs, but this is expensive. Ready-made sets of garden furniture are often made from a synthetic analogue of natural vines - artificial rattan. As an ornamental material for beginners, tubes from old newspapers are used, which are used to braid stools and old chairs that have lost their appearance.

Flexible branches and stems are cleared of bark or split into fibers. When boiled in a salt solution or treated with steam, the properties change natural material- it becomes more durable and elastic.

The rattan vine is considered the most amenable to processing, the stems of which remain thick for many meters. It is considered the most wear-resistant, is not afraid of moisture and is excellent for furniture frames - it is the most commonly used material for making furniture. This is the most suitable material for luxury garden furniture.

The name “rattan” comes from the British surname Rattan - planters who brought from Indonesia samples of wicker furniture and multi-meter vines for its manufacture. Today, for rattan wicker furniture, vines can be ordered or purchased in bulk.

Thinner stems from their region are often tied into bundles for strength, intertwined with natural and synthetic materials. But the good taste of the craftsman is important here, so that the legs or back of the product do not look like the handle of a broom or broom.

Attention: Homemade furniture must be durable and safe, supporting the weight of a seated person behind the bench. Metal rods and strong ties will increase its reliability.

The main load on the product is borne by units and joints (detachable and solid). When making wicker furniture, detachable units simplify assembly, but it is from them that the destruction of the entire structure gradually begins. The monolithic frame is bent according to a rattan template after heat treatment and it's complicated technological process. The so-called “Viennese” chairs, which last more than 100 years and do not break when dropped, are made using exactly this technology.

Features of the procurement of raw materials for “braiding”

Most the right time The season for harvesting twigs is autumn, when trees and shrubs shed their leaves and the buds have not yet formed. The rod is cut at an angle of 45°, and the bark is removed later. The raw material is stored dry for a long time, and to increase elasticity it is boiled before use.

For openwork patterns on the backs, seats and sides of wicker furniture, use a thinner rod prepared in the spring.

It is preferable to cut thin rods for openwork weaving in the spring - during sap flow, but before the leaves bloom.

Tip: When cutting stems and branches, preference is given to the most plastic fragments of the plant that do not break when bent.

The more the bark-cleaned twig is boiled, the lighter or darker it becomes, depending on the raw material. This is done in large containers under a lid, lowering the temperature after the water or solution boils.

Some plants are boiled with bark to obtain more dark color. dark bark, split off from a rod with fibers after boiling, is often used for transverse strapping of part of the structural parts of wicker furniture.

After preparing the raw materials, choosing the furniture design and weaving patterns, you can proceed directly to manufacturing. To do this you will need templates, weaving patterns and simple tools. These are pruning shears and sharp knives, a saw and a tape measure, as well as a pencil, chalk or marker for marking.

DIY wicker chair

Wicker chair designs:

  • legs;
  • backrests;
  • sitting;
  • sidewalls with handrails;
  • drawers and legs (crossbars between legs);
  • decorative elements.

The supporting frame of a homemade wicker chair largely replicates the elements of a stool or chair, but you can also make a rocking chair with a footrest.

The back of the chair and the rear legs are formed on a single base, and it is better if it is a solid element, but there may be options with an upper crossbar. If it is not rattan, but separate rods, you need to insert a metal base inside and braid it.

Important: Make sure that all legs are symmetrical, and maintain the angle of inclination in pairs if it differs between the front and rear legs!

The frame must be made of the thickest and strongest parts, and a flexible braid is needed when joining the fragments.

The seat will be made of strong rods - solid or openwork, circular weaving or rectangular. The ends are attached directly to the drawers.

Armrests - required elements armchairs and decorative addition. However, wide armrests not only provide a comfortable posture while relaxing, but also give the wicker chair additional strength. The best option, when the handrails go into the back of the chair in a single continuous line, as in samples of do-it-yourself wicker furniture.

Tip: The rods must be longer than the structural parts according to the template in order to make a hidden bend at the ends.

After completing the main work of assembling and braiding the base, small rods are fixed into the gaps and decorative elements are completed.

"Braiding" - hobby or business?

Homemade furniture made from wicker or willow twigs is an elegant decoration for a summer house. Attractive appearance and reliability are what can impress your loved ones, and they can place your first orders. If everything turns out very carefully, and the process of creating wicker furniture itself seems very exciting, then it can grow from a hobby into a real profitable business. To improve their skills, everyone new sample should include new schemes and patterns.

When making wicker furniture using ready-made samples, it is easy to create an aesthetic model from environmentally friendly materials. However, a beginner should not immediately take on complex masterpieces made experienced craftsmen or those proposed by designers of luxury rattan furniture. The unusual look of homemade garden furniture will be provided by the technique of weaving from wicker. If you have any questions or doubts, we recommend this video:

Wicker weaving originated in ancient times. Over the long centuries of its existence, from the production of objects necessary for human life, it has turned into real art. Weaving is practiced all over the world. Rattan and palm fiber, even pine roots and paper are used for this activity, but the most common material is willow twigs. The variety of materials has led to the emergence of various weaving techniques; objects created in different parts of the world are unique and different; they are united only by beauty and environmental friendliness.

Willow twig is an indispensable material for creating extremely useful household accessories. Containers woven from willow are good for storing cereals; they absorb and remove excess moisture and do not interfere with air circulation. In addition, willow contains bactericidal substances that prevent rotting. Since ancient times, wine bottles have been woven with willow to preserve it. Thanks to this “case” it is supported optimal temperature, the drink does not overheat or cool too much. Jugs braided with willow are also used for preparing fermented milk products. Fruit baskets, candy dishes, and bread bins are made from willow; they are very beautiful and functional. Items made from wicker are easy to clean without losing their shape.

Wicker Storage Boxes kitchen utensils- interior decoration Wicker vases and candy bowls - interior decoration Candy bowls, bread bins and vases made of wicker - table decoration

Accessories woven from willow are also very good for storing things. Their variety is impressive - these include small boxes and huge chests. Things in them do not cake and do not acquire unpleasant odor. Wicker boxes and storage boxes greatly decorate the interior.

Wicker baskets for storing things - beautiful and functional Wicker chests - interior decoration

Handicraft baskets allow you to neatly store numerous balls, spools, scraps, and ribbons.

Wicker furniture

Wicker furniture is an interior decoration. It is appropriate in the country or in winter garden, and in a luxurious living room. It is suitable for home and restaurant. Furniture woven from wicker was also used in palace interiors, surprising exquisite finishing of silver and gold, and simple houses. Classic English and french interiors unthinkable without her. But the willow vine allows you to create a wide variety of forms that will fit into the most radical interior without violating the concept. Wicker furniture includes cozy armchairs, majestic sofas, laconic stools, tea tables, bookcases, and even beds and playpens. Wickerwork is used as finishing for cabinets, cabinets, and chests of drawers.

Wicker armchairs, a table and a floor lamp - interior decoration. A rocking chair made of wicker and an openwork table - coziness in the interior. Wicker whatnot - lightness in classic interior A wicker table will decorate any interior

Wicker furniture goes perfectly with wood and stone, with animal skins. It makes any room warmer and closer to people. It is not without reason that it is traditionally used in rooms intended for recreation. Such furniture is very functional, it is very light, and you can rearrange it at any time. She is never cold. It is convenient for people of all ages - it’s a grandmother’s rocking chair, a cradle for a baby, and some strange object in a teenager’s room.

Wicker furniture - a cozy corner for drinking tea Wicker furniture - decorating a garden, veranda, room Wicker chair - a feeling of warmth in the interior Wicker bed for classic bedroom Original wicker chairs - the highlight of the design Original wicker chair for modern interior Wicker stool in the interior - beautiful and practical

Wicker houses for animals in the interior look very stylish, make the room cozy, and are usually very popular with pets.

Wicker cat house - interior decoration

Wicker decorative items

Lampshades woven from wicker for floor lamps, chandeliers, and sconces are very decorative for the interior.

Any painting or photograph in a wicker frame looks like a masterpiece.

Mirror frames made of wicker add solidity to the room without depriving it of coziness.

Floor and table vases made of wicker greatly decorate your home. They are ideal for dry arrangements, but can also be used for live bouquets on a special moisturizing base. Flower pots and tubs look beautiful in the interior and are comfortable for indoor plants.

Wicker floor vases- For different styles Wicker design flower pot and hanging vases for decorating rooms Wicker amulet for the kitchen - drive away evil spirits from the room

Wall panels made of wicker look very exotic, and floor mats are pleasant on the feet.

Wicker sculptures for home and garden

If the backyard of your country house is decorated with wicker sculptures, it will become more pleasant and lively. Wicker sculptures are distinguished by size and design features models. These include: statues, columns, crafts of animal figures, people or characters from fairy tales.

Animal figurines made from wicker are a wonderful decoration for the garden or large room. Made by hand, they seem to live: under the influence of conditions, they slightly change their poses and move.

Peacock made of wicker - the work of a Donetsk master

Wicker toys

A special place is occupied by wicker toys for children - sleighs, horses, carts. Unlike sculptures, they are woven from stronger rods; the ends of the rods are connected especially carefully so that the product does not fall apart and does not scratch the child.

Animals made from wicker - baskets for toys

All wicker items are made by hand, each of them is unique and each contains a piece of the master’s soul. Therefore, rooms filled with such things become very cozy.

A car made of wicker - to decorate the garden Did you like the article? Share on social networks!

Wicker furniture made from wicker favorably decorates and complements any interior, both classic and modern. If desired, thanks to the creatively thought-out design of such furniture, you can create a unique and unique style in your apartment or on a country plot with your own hands.

Some lovers natural furniture dare to completely fill your home with interior items made from wicker. These can be not only rocking chairs, but also wicker cabinets, tables and shelving. In any office or living room, on the veranda or summer terrace Such decorative elements become the main leitmotif of the entire interior. At all times in Rus', people were engaged in making household items from wicker. These were bast shoes, vases, baskets, boxes and furniture. The structure of the vine is very flexible and pliable, and it also holds its shape remarkably well. Craftsmen from Europe also took over this craft, largely due to the environmental friendliness of the raw materials, thanks to their plant origin.

Stylish chairs and tables look great in combination with glass, metal and wood.

Durable wicker furniture weighs quite a bit, but can withstand quite heavy loads - up to 200 kg. It is resistant to moisture and, with appropriate treatment, to sunlight even in the hottest heat. This allows you to use such furniture by the pool, in the sauna, in the country house by the river, and so on.

At proper care and using wicker furniture for its intended purpose, it can serve its owners for more than a quarter of a century. You can see the traditional and most common models of wicker furniture in the photo.

Weaving technique

Modern craftsmen have learned to weave vines with the most in unusual ways. In many ways, the style of weaving depends on the elasticity of the materials, as well as the personal preferences of customers or craftsmen. Products made from wicker are mainly woven in several ways:

  • simple weaving, in which the rod goes around all the risers, as with outside, and from the inside;
  • checkerboard weaving;
  • weaving with two rods;
  • three-strand weaving;
  • sealing the sides with a pigtail;
  • layer-by-layer weaving, when the number of rods corresponds to the number of risers.

Advantages and disadvantages of wicker furniture

Advantages of wicker furniture:

  • environmental friendliness of raw materials;
  • unique style of wicker furniture;
  • combination of wicker furniture with absolutely any interior;
  • usage natural materials in the manufacture of furniture;
  • practicality and durability;
  • durability (about 20 years);
  • pleasant woody smell;
  • absence of pests due to pre-treatment of the vine;
  • the furniture “breathes” and is ventilated well.

Disadvantages of wicker furniture:

  • No matter how you try to protect wicker furniture, under prolonged exposure to sunlight it can fade and sometimes even crack;
  • Artificial rattan furniture is destroyed in the rain;
  • over the years, furniture (especially homemade) can become unraveled;
  • the main disadvantage is the high price of wicker furniture.

Choosing the right rod

A high-quality rod for weaving relatively small openwork furniture should have a thin core. Rods with a thick core are useful for making gazebos or fences. Another selection criterion is the size of the willow leaf. The wider the leaf, the worse the vine will bend, and vice versa.

Popular raw materials for making wicker furniture are rattan or tropical liana. The material is very pliable for weaving, as it has increased flexibility, strong bark with soft wood and a hard core. Rattan branches are smooth and have no extra branches. Their length can sometimes reach 300 m.

Preparing the vine for weaving

Taking into account parameters such as the quality of raw materials, its price, durability and practicality, specialists mainly use rattan or wicker to weave furniture. Since rattan is a southern plant that can rarely be found in our area, and purchasing it in a store is not very profitable, craftsmen mainly use willow branches to make furniture from wicker with their own hands. Willow of any variety is suitable for this craft. It is necessary to procure raw materials from the end of autumn to the end of winter due to the fact that during this period there is no sap flow in the trees, thus it becomes possible to procure as much as possible. quality material. Using a special tree pruner, you need to cut straight, unbranched and long twigs.

If in the future your wicker furniture will be located outside, then it is better not to peel the cut branches. If your decorative element is intended solely for decorating the interior of the room, then it is better to clean the vine. To do this, boil freshly cut branches in water for 2 hours. Try to use large and deep dishes so as not to bend the branches several times. After 2 hours, the peel from the branches will be easy to separate.

DIY rattan sofa

To work on creating a rattan sofa you will need:

  • vine;
  • pruner;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • screws, screwdriver;
  • jigsaw for wood;
  • stain;
  • wooden sticks for the frame (2 cm thick);
  • drill, drill bits.

Technology for making a rattan sofa:

  1. Before you start weaving, carefully sand the sticks for the sofa frame.
  2. Prepare the vine as well. After boiling and removing the skin, wait until the materials are completely dry.
  3. To make the frame of the sofa seat, take 4 prepared sticks: 2 - 60 cm each, and another 2 - 40 cm each. Fasten them together with a screwdriver and self-tapping screws so that you get a rectangle.
  4. Next, prepare the front legs. There will be 3 of them, with a height that you determine yourself. But standard height– 40 cm.
  5. Attach sticks to the prepared frame in the corners: two at the edges, one in the center.
  6. If the height of the back of your sofa is 25 cm, then together with the height from the floor to the seat, the back poles should be 65 cm. Measure and cut to exactly this length with a jigsaw.
  7. Using self-tapping screws, attach the 3 rear legs to the rectangular frame according to the same principle as the front legs.
  8. If desired, you can connect the rear frame poles with a common arc. So, the back of your sofa will have a rounded shape. The length of the stick is approximately 100 cm; it must be screwed with self-tapping screws to the tops of the two rear sticks so that an arc is formed.
  9. For greater strength, fasten the legs of the sofa together with additional sticks.
  10. The main frame is ready, now the rattan branches should be planed to obtain flexible ribbons.
  11. The shavings can be done with a knife. Carefully trim the long branches of the vine from top to bottom.
  12. When everything is ready, all that remains is to make the frame. IN in this case you can use the most different equipment, but the easiest way is to use the technique of simple weaving through one stand with two or three rods on the outside and inside.
  13. Use the rod to bend around one post from the front, and the next post from the back, until the circle is closed. At the same time, for the circle to close, there must be an odd number of racks.
  14. When you start weaving the next row, do not forget to go around the first post from the opposite side, fixing each post in the correct position.
  15. If the rod runs out at its base, place a new one behind the same rack and tuck its ends inward.
  16. After completing the weaving of the frame, the sofa needs to be covered with stain and then varnish. And when the structure dries, it can be decorated with a foam seat covered with a beautiful fabric.

DIY coffee table made of wicker

In order to make a small wicker coffee table, stock up on a set of necessary tools:

  • plywood sheet;
  • 4 boards for the frame and the same number of bars for the legs;
  • plywood upholstery plates;
  • 4 rods for fastening table legs;
  • rods and tapes for braiding.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Using a jigsaw, cut a rectangle of the desired size from a thick plywood sheet.
  2. Using ribbons and willow rods, weave a fabric that fits the size of the plywood table top.
  3. Carefully and inconspicuously nail the canvas to the tabletop with small nails and set it aside.
  4. Now start making the base. Make a table frame from 4 boards, nail 4 bars to it - the legs of the structure.
  5. Using additional branches, fasten the legs together approximately in the middle, crosswise. After this, wrap the structural parts with willow tapes.
  6. Nail the tabletop to the frame.
  7. Dry the wicker table and then coat it with a layer of varnish.

DIY grocery basket made of wicker

At a picnic or on a hike, a compact basket made of wicker will always come in handy; besides, even novice craftsmen can make such a simple product. Let's talk about the basket weaving technology in order:

  1. To begin, make a hoop from a thin willow rod. Bend it to the desired diameter, tie the ends together with willow tape, and cut off the excess with a knife.
  2. To create the base, start weaving vertical rods into the hoop one at a time at equal distances from each other. Maintain a right angle when doing this.
  3. Loop the tail of the rod around the hoop and the riser rod and press with your fingers.
  4. Following the sequence, weave in another riser rod. As an example, the weaving technology at the initial stage resembles weaving a wreath of flowers.
  5. The result is an approximate frame for the future basket. Start braiding it using the rods. Press the rows of rods closer together.
  6. When you reach the bottom, bend the riser rods and trim off the excess ends that are too long.
  7. After this, braid the bottom of the basket with a thin vine.
  8. Make the handle of the product from several rods woven together. The base of the handle is a thick knitting rod; it must be wrapped with thinner rods.
  9. Tie the ends of the bow and fold them over both sides of the basket.
  10. You can use willow ribbons as an additional decoration. different colors to weave them into the process of making the walls of the product.

Do-it-yourself openwork bread box made of wicker

To make a bread box, you will need to prepare one round wicker bottom (diameter 15 cm), a crosspiece (4x4), risers 55 cm long (19 pcs), thin rods-ropes, a blank template (diameter 20 cm), a plywood stand (diameter 14 cm). From the list of tools, take with you an awl, a screwdriver, 20 mm long screws, twine, and varnish.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Moisten the finished bottom to avoid damage to the weaving and attach it to the blank with screws. The height from the bottom to the blank can be determined independently. It is expected to be 6 cm.
  2. Sharpen the thick ends of the riser rods with a knife and insert them into the bottom next to the sticks.
  3. Using pliers, squeeze the risers at the base, lift the tops of the heads up and tie.
  4. Then, directly at the bottom of the basket, braid the risers with a rope of three rods, and make the walls with one rod 60 mm high.
  5. Bend the risers in the form of an arc and weave the excess ends together.
  6. When working with vines, do not forget to wipe the twigs with a damp cloth to prevent them from breaking.
  7. Align the height of the sides of the bread box and the bending of the risers along the upper side of the template attached to the bottom at the very beginning.
  8. When you finish weaving the sides, the blank can be removed.
  9. Coat the finished product with varnish for durability.

You can take into account all the nuances when making wicker furniture, and also remember the sequence of the procedure for weaving various furniture from wicker by watching the video.

Caring for wicker furniture

The durability of wicker furniture made from natural materials is directly affected by proper care. There are three basic rules that must be followed when caring for wicker furniture:

  1. To prevent cracks on such furniture, it needs to be slightly moistened about once or twice a month. Simply cover your chair or table with a damp blanket or sheet.
  2. If your wicker set gets wet in the rain, leave it overnight in a dry and preferably ventilated area until completely dry.
  3. Clean the vine from dust regularly. This can be done with a regular soft, dry or damp cloth.
  4. Greasy and dirty places can simply be removed with any soap solution. Fat can also be removed using talcum powder.
  5. Under no circumstances should wet wicker furniture be loaded with anything. Otherwise, it may change its shape.

The first to use wicker furniture for home furnishings were the artisans of Ancient Rome. For a long time, products made from wicker were considered plebeian, but soon rich dignitaries also appreciated soft and durable sofas, armchairs, and benches made of wicker. Nowadays, everyone wants to make their home beautiful and original. It is unlikely that you will be able to surprise someone with massive furniture made of expensive wood; here you need a different approach to home improvement.

Wicker furniture is original solution when creating an apartment interior, since there is a widespread stereotype about wicker as an attribute country houses. In fact, wicker furniture can enliven a boring interior design, create an atmosphere of comfort, and make it possible to feel the warmth of human hands (wicker products are made mainly using manual labor).

What is wicker furniture made from?

In every part of the world there is a plant whose branches or stems are used for weaving. Algae and synthetic fibers are also used to make wicker products. For Eastern Europe, the traditional material for weaving is willow branches. The vine is collected, cleared of bark, and the branches are treated with steam or a special solution to increase strength and elasticity. Bamboo and rattan are used as materials for weaving furniture.

Handicraft masters are looking for new techniques and more economical materials for weaving. Furniture made from newspapers is especially popular. In this article we will look at how to make wicker furniture with your own hands.

Step-by-step instructions: "How to make wicker furniture with your own hands?"

The easiest way to make a beautiful wicker chair is to decoupage an ordinary plastic chair.

  1. To decorate the chair, we will need cardboard and newspapers, from which we need to form tubes of the same diameter (you can use a pencil).
  2. Place the cardboard under the chair and cut it to form the “bottom” of the chair.

  3. Glue newspaper tubes to the cardboard form, as in the photo.

  4. Raise the racks up.

  5. We weave a row of four tubes.

  6. This is how it should turn out.

  7. Hide two extra tubes inside, and weave two more rows with two more.

  8. After the fourth row, you can weave with two tubes at the same time.

  9. After several rows with two tubes we weave again with a “rope”

  10. We got to the seat. Now we’ll leave the side posts and move on to the seat itself - weaving it with one tube.

  11. In every fifth row we leave a working tube on the right, and add a new one on the left with a reserve. This way we will have side racks.

  12. Now we weave the sides from left to right with a “rope”.

  13. We hide the tails from the seat inside, and weave the back from new tubes.

  14. After several rows, we begin to weave the backrest around the entire chair separately.
  15. To narrow the armrest, we take two posts together. Then you can cut off one of them so as not to spoil the look.
  16. To make the weaving look neater and things go faster, you can weave several rows at once.

  17. We've reached the armrests, now let's work on the back of the chair. Start from the left and cut off the excess. Glue the ends to the back.

  18. On the inside you will have to reduce the width according to the shape of the back.

  19. Add two bent tubes to the armrest. We weave in a circle, bending the right working tube under the first post on the right.

  20. It should look like this. We cut off the ends and glue them.

  21. Next you need to cover the arches of the armrests and backrests. We weave the upper part until the lower and upper posts meet. We bend the edges and cut off the extra posts.

  22. This is the chair we made from an ordinary plastic chair.
  23. Now we paint it with stain, and then varnish it. It is not difficult to restore wicker furniture made from newspapers, thanks to the low cost of the material and the simplicity of the weaving technique.

Since ancient times, people have made their own household items with their own hands. Furniture was made from wood, and also woven from willow, wicker, rattan and other suitable materials. Such interior items are functional, elegant, unique, and you can make them yourself. Do-it-yourself wicker furniture made from wicker will look much more original than purchased furniture. Manufacturing will not take much time.

Life history of wicker furniture

Weaving furniture is a fascinating and rewarding process. Making an effort and weaving extraordinary and functional interior items is accessible to every person who loves creativity and does not know how to be lazy.

Buy ready-made wicker furniture for your cottage and garden at low prices It is possible in the company Kupistol.

The spread and popularization of this type of needlework in Russia was facilitated by the location of villages near reservoirs, where the main types of natural material for weaving grew. True masters of their craft lived and worked in different provinces. The Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vladimir, and Yaroslavl regions were famous for such products.

Archaeologists find wickerwork in various parts of the world - Egypt, the Middle East, Europe. Items made of wicker, willow, rattan, reed, papyrus and other suitable materials have always been in demand in everyday life: baskets, laundry boxes, strollers, fishing tools, vases.

Gradually, wickerwork from ordinary homes migrated to the interiors of wealthy people, becoming beautiful, elegant furniture. Many wicker products were in demand by the Russian nobility in the 20th century. They began to be produced not only by single artisans, but also by entire artels, whose participants studied in specially opened weaving schools.

In the houses of aristocrats, entire sets were made of wicker

Enthusiasm wicker furniture came from Prince Golitsyn, who, having seen similar products abroad, introduced this type of applied art to his estate, creating a specialized workshop.

Masters of this type of needlework wove:

  • furniture (couches, sofas, chairs, tables, chaise lounges, armchairs, rocking chairs, cradles, screens, shelves);
  • travel accessories (suitcases, suitcases, bags, chests);
  • household items (baskets different sizes, vases, bread bins, plates, candy bowls);
  • toys (rattles, cars, dishes and furniture for dolls).
Hanging furniture was also made from wicker.

Most often, furniture is woven from rattan, wicker and willow.

Nowadays, this craft is also not forgotten. Wicker furniture can be purchased in specialized stores or from craftsmen. But you can test yourself, try your hand at this type of applied art. By making furniture from wicker for a summer house, country house or loggia, you can become the owner of a unique interior element.

Wickerwork can be seen on the canvases of world-famous artists: a cradle in Rembrandt’s painting “The Holy Family”, baskets in Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s “Haymaking”, a basket in the hands of a maid depicted by Pieter de Hooch (“Mistress and Maid”), household items in Jan’s painting Vermeer's "Thrush" and others.

Pros and cons of wicker furniture

Making wicker furniture with your own hands is a rather lengthy and labor-intensive process, but the result will delight everyone.

Wicker furniture has a number of advantages:

  1. Low cost. It costs much less than other types of furniture.
  2. Ecological cleanliness. Only natural materials are used for weaving. They will not cause harm to humans during operation.
  3. Lightness of structures. The furniture is light in weight and easy to carry or move.
  4. Easy to care for. In order for the furniture to serve for a long time and properly, you do not need to use any special products, just wipe it with a damp cloth and do not leave it for a long time in the rain or direct sunlight.
  5. The absence of a specific smell, which almost always accompanies furniture made from artificial materials.
  6. Uniqueness. The unique appearance of such an interior element always attracts the eye.
  7. Durability. With proper care, wicker furniture can last for decades.

But there is one significant drawback - instability to certain climatic conditions (it can get wet under heavy rain or dry out under prolonged exposure to heat). In addition, even with the highest quality weaving, over the years, some parts of the product may become unraveled. However, it is very difficult to repair them.

You can weave furniture yourself if you carefully study the technology of this process and strictly follow the step-by-step instructions.

Photo gallery: various pieces of wicker furniture

This sofa looks elegant in an outdoor interior.
This daybed perfectly combines wicker elements with decorative upholstery.
Entire furniture sets can be made with your own hands from natural materials.
How nice it is to sit and rock in such a chair made of wicker
A bed made of wicker looks stylish and original

Preparation for production

The process of weaving furniture cannot be called fast; preparation for it also takes a lot of time.

What can wicker furniture be made from?

Can be used for weaving furniture various materials, the choice of which is limited by the climatic conditions of a particular country. The main thing is that the raw material is strong, flexible and elastic.

All material used can be divided into main and auxiliary.

For weaving you can use:

  • birch bark;
  • bast;
  • pine shavings;
  • cattail;
  • processed reed core (peddig);
  • palm leaves (coconut and Moorish);
  • rattan (liana);
  • loofa (plant sponge from Greece);
  • cane;
  • bamboo;
  • banana leaves;
  • willow;
  • bird cherry;
  • hazel;
  • outer shell coconut tree etc.

Not all of the listed materials are suitable for weaving large amounts of furniture, since they do not have sufficient strength to withstand the weight of a person.

willow vine

Traditionally used for weaving willow twigs, which are called miracle materials. Willow “gives” raw materials that combine flexibility and elasticity. It is these qualities that are especially valued in weaving.

There are many varieties of this tree, each with its own characteristics of use. Since ancient times, willow vines have been used for handicrafts, creating household items, as well as interior decoration elements. Red flower (willow), goat willow (willow), bay willow (broom), almond and other shrub species are the most suitable material for weaving.

Swamps, grass swamps, mixed forests are places where willow trees grow. Masters of their craft use them selectively - some varieties are purchased for rough weaving, others - for creating elegant little things.

Furniture made from willow wicker is very elegant

Harvesting willow vines is carried out in autumn, winter and in early spring. During these periods, you can stock up on suitable twigs, since the growing season has ended in the plant.

It is difficult to remove bark from twigs harvested in autumn and winter, but material stored at the very beginning of spring (when sap flow just begins) is the best for weaving.

Additional soaking or boiling will help remove the top layer from the rods.

Branches of bird cherry, hazel, rowan can also be used for wicker furniture, but their use is not as common. Bird cherry rods are more suitable for beginners, those who are just learning the basics of weaving. They are more pliable, easier to cut, bend and perform other manipulations when weaving.


One type of this plant material is used in weaving - lake material. Reeds that grow in the southern regions are more suitable.

Reeds are collected in late June - early July and dried in shady places. Long thin rods 1 mm thick are made from it - peddig, which is in demand when creating “openwork” furniture elements (seat backs, decorative elements).


This type of wood is very durable. For weaving, you can take whole stems or split ribbons. It bends well after treatment with an alcohol lamp. This raw material is used in the Caucasus region.


The vine, which can be found in Asian countries and the Pacific Islands, is very suitable for weaving a strong frame.

Rattan products (very popular among consumers) are most often made using a monolithic method. This technology allows rattan stems to be bent into desired configurations. Do-it-yourself rattan wicker furniture is characterized by durability and strength. An example of this is the rare Viennese chairs.

Auxiliary materials for the frame

To ensure that wicker furniture does not fall apart the first time it is used, but lasts for many years, many craftsmen use alternative materials that add strength to such products.

Usage metal structures(frame of chairs, tables, sofas):

  • helps save the consumption of basic materials;
  • speeds up and facilitates the weaving process;
  • adds strength to the product;
  • increases the service life of furniture.

Modern life dictates its own conditions, so it is quite justified for some craftsmen to use furniture elements made of polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene, and polyvinyl chloride. Backs, seats and other parts in combination with wicker elements look quite organic; such furniture is also in demand on the market.

Soft upholstery will make the furniture very comfortable

When starting to prepare material, it is useful to listen to the advice of experienced specialists:

  1. The willow rod is bent quite strongly before cutting, but it should not break. To check the quality of the stems, some craftsmen wrap them around their index finger (if they don’t break, they are suitable for cutting).
  2. Choose long branches without branches. It is better if these are shoots growing directly from the ground or from a low-lying branch.
  3. The core should be barely noticeable when cut (if there is a red or brown thick core, the material is not used for weaving).
  4. The cut is made at an angle (not straight) in one sharp movement using a very sharp knife.
  5. For the furniture frame it is better to use thick rods prepared in autumn and winter, for decorating elements - branches cut off during the beginning of spring sap flow.
  6. A mandatory stage in preparing the material is cleaning it from leaves, bark and sorting it according to its intended purpose.

You can prepare the material yourself. If you don’t have the time or desire, you can always buy it in specialized stores.

The list of requirements that wicker weaving experts place on the material:

  1. Annual shoots are best suited for weaving, since they do not have branches or knots that could cause the rod to break and prevent the rods from being split into ribbons.
  2. Smoothness, cleanliness, absence of defects and traces of insect activity are the criteria for choosing a material.
  3. Flexibility is the main indicator of rod quality.
  4. The diameter of the core should not be more than 1/3 of the diameter of the rod itself.
  5. Good taper (the ratio of the difference in diameter at the beginning and end of the branch to its length). A decrease in diameter by 1 mm every 20 cm is considered normal.

For weaving furniture, rods with and without bark are used: the so-called green and white rods. The top layer is removed using a special device - a pinch.

Green twigs can be recommended for beginning dows weavers, as they are more flexible and do not require time-consuming cleaning of bark. Products made from such material do not look as beautiful as objects woven from white rod.

The color of the bark-cleaned twigs can be adjusted using various means to obtain the following material:

  • snow-white (hydrogen peroxide);
  • brown (potassium permanganate solution);
  • grayish (iron sulfate):
  • different shades (aniline dyes).

Types of weaving

You can weave different ways, while each of them carries not only a decorative, but also a functional load.

To weave in one way or another is to fill the voids between the posts in a certain way.

Before you start weaving any voluminous items, practice on samples.

In these ways you can weave any product from wicker, rattan and other materials. Weave name
Method of executionSimpleSolid thick
Single rods are woven between the posts, alternating the position of the rod in front or behind the post.Weaving is done with at least two rods, which go around each post on both sides, forming strong cells.
CheckersThe working rod (or several rods) braids in a checkerboard pattern two posts at a time to the desired height (first strip). The same movements are repeated with the next rod, weaving it between the resulting rows of the first strip (second strip). The third and fourth stripes are woven like the first and second.
Diamond-shapedOpenworkMore complex weaving with the implementation of certain geometric shapes and open cell patterns.
In the form of pillars
This type is used as weaving decorative elements, as well as for edging - from the ends of posts.
Bending In this way the edges of the product are decorated (from the protruding parts of the racks)

Photo gallery: types of weaving

Openwork weaving is suitable for making decorative elements
Rope weaving refers to openwork
The pigtail is called so because appearance
Simple weaving suitable for beginners
Checker weaving allows you to create a pattern on furniture


Like any creativity, weaving requires special tools:

  • special knives and garden shears (for cutting and trimming twigs);
  • ladder (for sorting raw materials);
  • large container, tank (for soaking the rod);
  • boiler (for cooking and bleaching preparations);
  • squeezers (for cleaning twigs from bark);
  • splitters (for dividing the rods into parts);
  • shof (for obtaining planed strips);
  • shmyg (for curly processing, notching);
  • iser (to align rows);
  • clamps (for straightening frame blanks).

All these tools are highly specialized; not a single weaving master can do his work without them. Household aids familiar to many are also used: pliers, round-nose pliers, awls, pliers, saws, planes, etc.

The driver requires special skills from the master

How to weave furniture from twigs: step-by-step instructions

A step-by-step description of the process of weaving furniture is a good help for people just starting to master this type of needlework.

How to weave a chair from willow or rattan

First of all, we need a chair frame. It is made from sticks, the thickness of which varies between 15–20 mm. The frame can be reinforced with plates, rods or weaving.

Ready-made wooden frames are also available for sale.

The weaving process itself takes place in several stages:

  1. Fastening to the frame of the racks. For this, rods with a thickness of 15–20 mm are used.
  2. Continuous weaving of the chair seat with rods about 10 mm thick.
  3. Back weave. Here you can use a continuous method, or you can experiment with openwork weaving.
  4. Finishing of the product - painting and cleaning. Excess rods and ends remaining during weaving are cut off, and the density of the weaving is leveled. If necessary, the product is painted in desired color or bleached.
An armchair is woven like a chair, only armrests are added to it.

Video: DIY chair weaving

Product finishing

A piece of furniture woven by hand must be “brought to mind.” Here's what's included in the finishing work:

  1. Cleaning the product. This stage involves checking and correcting possible “defects” - uneven density of weaving, removing the ends of the rods, aligning the legs, recessing the heads of the nails, cleaning up irregularities.
  2. Bleaching and painting. Finished wicker furniture can be dramatically transformed by bleaching or painting it. White color can be obtained using sulfur dioxide or lime. Various materials are used to paint furniture chemical paints. You can also take natural remedies- a decoction of onion peels, a solution obtained by boiling heather, moss, " wolf berries", alder bark, etc.
  3. Varnish coating. One layer will not be enough to preserve the texture of the product and give it additional strength. The varnish must be applied sequentially, after the previous layer has completely dried.

Several layers of varnish will help make the product more durable.

How to care for and repair wicker furniture

Wicker furniture requires special care:

  • Wipe the dust with a damp cloth at least once a week;
  • upon contact with furniture large quantities dry the liquid immediately (preferably naturally - in the air);
  • vacuum products using soft attachments;
  • When the material from which the furniture is made dries, cover it with a thin layer of linseed oil (preferably from a spray bottle).

Repairing such products is almost never done, since this process is so complex that not every master is ready to take on it.

The well-known expression “eyes are afraid - hands are doing” fully applies to furniture weaving. Having studied the information on this issue, having prepared required material and a diagram, you can weave any piece of furniture yourself.