Layout of a house with a terrace under one roof. Summer house for a summer residence. Small and inexpensive

Single-family homes are great for many reasons. One of them is the opportunity to provide additional comfort for the family in advance, at the project stage. They do it different ways: they add a garage and an attic, erect a gazebo in the garden, build a bathhouse. And it’s rare that an owner will refuse this architectural element like a veranda or terrace.

The suburban area is increasingly perceived as a place of relaxation and enjoyment of nature, and not of labor feat. Both extensions create comfortable conditions For good rest; they determine the appearance of the facade, giving it an individual style. A house with a veranda or terrace is much more convenient for those who like to host family dinners or friendly parties.

Civilized holiday with comfort

Veranda and terrace: differences

Projects of one-story and two-story houses can contain both a veranda and a terrace, together or separately. The buildings have a fundamental difference:

    Terrace. Open area; it is often done on a foundation (monolithic or raised on stilts). It can be adjacent to the wall of the house; sometimes it is located on the second floor or on flat roof. The appearance of a terrace is often determined by local climatic conditions. In the south it is open area, often with railings or vegetable fencing. IN middle lane terraces are equipped with a roof or awning.

    Veranda. Essentially this is an enclosed terrace. It is adjacent to the house with one or two walls, has a roof and is an enclosed space (most often without heating). They try to glaze it to increase it visually and let in more light.

Selecting a project: veranda or terrace

Professional builders advise making a choice at the design stage architectural project, before materials are determined and estimates are calculated. Subsequent changes will mean additional costs of time and money. It is better to choose a project with a terrace if:

    The house is being built in a region with hot summers, in early spring and long, warm autumn.

    Size land plot allows you to comfortably arrange a terrace without crowding other areas.

You can be outside the walls and feel the comfort of home

    The house does not need additional usable space.

    The family loves spending time outdoors.

A veranda is best for you if:

    The place where the housing will be built is a region with snowy, frosty winters, prolonged autumn rains and cool, windy summers.

    The plot is of modest size; the land can be used more rationally.

    An additional indoor space is a necessary increase in the area of ​​the house.

    You need a multifunctional space where you can not only relax, but also store things, supplies and equipment.

Houses with a terrace: design features

The main thing for which it is valued Vacation home- the opportunity to spend a lot of time outdoors. Projects of houses with a terrace allow you to realize this desire with maximum comfort. The advantages of such buildings are:

    Low construction cost.

    Expanding the space of the house. In warm weather they arrange summer kitchen, receive guests, sunbathe and sleep.

    Order. It is easier to maintain cleanliness in your home by leaving your work clothes and changing shoes on the terrace.

Summer lunch outdoors in a house with a terrace

Project specifics

Designing a house with a terrace has its own characteristics:

    The foundation of the house and terrace can be common or built separately. The height of the structure is calculated so that it remains dry.

    They try to place the terrace on the south side of the house. This is especially convenient in the middle zone, where the canopy is often removable. If the terrace will be used more often in the afternoon, it would be more logical to make it facing west.

    The extension is positioned so that it offers a picturesque view of the surrounding landscapes or the designer beauty of the site.

    If the roofing material of a building is too heavy for a terrace roof, it is replaced with a lighter one, while maintaining the overall style.

Arrangement options

The open terrace is perceived as a link between the enclosed space of the house and nature; most often it is located at the entrance. Such buildings fit harmoniously into the surrounding landscape and look attractive from the point of view of design possibilities:

    Fencing. It can be decorative or protective. In the first case, the fence is low and graceful; flowers are often planted around the perimeter or ornamental shrub. Pergolas (canopies formed by several arches) decorated with climbing plants, or bright flowers in pots. If the decking of the terrace is located high (from 0.5 to 1 m), reliable fencing with railings is necessary.

A winning option is decorating a house project with a terrace with ornamental plants

    Roof. The stationary roof can be replaced with a removable awning, retractable awnings or a portable umbrella.

    The terrace is separated from the house. In this case, they are connected by a path; the path can be decorated with lighting (looks beautiful in the evening), one or several openwork arches, creating the effect of a tunnel.

    Attic with terrace. The attic, which has access to the terrace, is an ideal place for morning (or evening) tea, watching birds, children and neighbors.

    House with a high base. An interesting option would be a terrace on a columnar foundation surrounding the building. Supplemented with a roof, it can become a comfortable and spacious place to relax.

Materials for building a terrace

For the construction of country terraces, all kinds of materials are used; the most common buildings are:

    Wooden terrace. The leaders in terrace construction are wooden terraces. They contain a lot of advantages: quick construction, low financial costs, versatility of execution and the aesthetics of natural wood. Subsequent care can become difficult - in order to protect the tree from the destructive effects of penetrating moisture, it must be regularly treated with impregnation based on oil and antiseptic.

Two-level wooden terrace

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

    In protection of brick and slab concrete terraces we can say that they are more practical, but require a foundation. Terraces located on the ground are covered with one of the most reliable materials - clinker (high-strength ceramic tiles). On a raised structure, both clinker and ordinary paving slabs are used.

    Stone terrace. It looks stylish and also needs a solid foundation. A stone with low water absorption (up to 3-5%) is suitable for an open terrace. Optimal rocks are shales, granite and basalt. Sandstone or limestone can be used on roofed buildings.

Video description

About the terrace with balcony in the video:

    Floor material must be in harmony with general style and be wear-resistant. Common materials are: terrace board, mosaic tiles of different textures (mirror or metallized), artificial Decoration Materials. Fans of eco-design can lay out the terrace with cut roll-up lawn.

The finished terrace is furnished with furniture and lighting, taking care of its waterproofness. Classic terrace furniture - wicker; Eco-style corresponds to furniture made of wood; practical option is plastic furniture.

Modest terrace with plastic furniture

Houses with a veranda: design features

In countries with warm climates, the veranda traditionally serves as a place to relax. In our penates, the possibilities of their use have expanded; Several types of verandas have become widespread, which can be classified:

    By type of construction. Verandas are designed attached and free-standing.

    By type of foundation. It can be separate or be part of a permanent structure.

    By type of use. The veranda can be fully used in winter, for which it will have to be glazed and heated.

The advantages of a project with a veranda include:

    Possibility of increasing the living space (after insulating the walls) without a significant increase in cost.

    An additional room protects the house from heat loss during the cold season.

Photo country house with attic and veranda - a practical and cozy place to relax

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Features of veranda design

Customers often decide to build a house with a veranda under one roof, the design of which is subsequently adjusted. When designing, pay attention to:

    Location. A veranda is built into a building or attached to it. As with the terrace, the view from the inside is important for this design. A veranda facing the street is not the best option.

    Usage. If the house has a small area, the veranda can simultaneously serve as a hallway, dining room and relaxation area. In some projects there is a staircase to the second floor.

    Convenience. The veranda must be adjacent to the wall in which it is located Entrance door, or connect to the kitchen.

    Glazing. May be permanent or seasonal. Window elements are most often placed around the entire perimeter. For panoramic glazing use regular window blocks and double-glazed windows (both with plastic and wooden profiles). Veranda with large area glazing provides excellent internal insolation (sunlight entry). To protect from sunlight, curtains, blinds, shutters and screens are used.

Panoramic glazing allows you to enjoy a sunny day

Arrangement options

    Various designs of houses with a veranda are in demand on the market. Both verandas adjacent to the facade and those encircling the building are popular. The shape can be rectangular, square, with rounded corners.

    If the design of a house with a veranda includes a balcony on the second floor, a veranda that follows its shape looks best.

Video description

About the veranda with a rotunda in the video:

    A common option is house project with veranda and garage. Customers are offered standard projects, the possibility of modifying them or developing an individual version. For residents country houses a car is a necessity. Being able to get into your car without leaving your home is a significant advantage (especially valuable in the winter).

    Window. Installing sliding windows allows you to effortlessly transform closed terrace openly. This can be done manually or using a remote control.

    Fireplace. An open veranda is popular in the summer. When the evenings become indecently cold, the fireplace turns from a decoration into a source of warmth and comfort.

The fireplace creates a feeling of tradition and reliability

Materials for constructing a veranda

When choosing a material for a veranda, they base it on its role: if the extension is intended to be used year-round, it will have to not only be glazed, but also insulated, and heating must be considered. The material of the veranda should be in harmony with the house; if it is wooden, then wood is used for the veranda. Meet:

    Veranda made of brick (stone, foam block). The most durable option. A heavy extension requires a solid foundation, the same as under the house. This will protect the veranda from destruction.

    Veranda made of wood (timber or logs). It has the special charm inherent in natural wood and provides an excellent microclimate. It is decorated with carved panels and elements.

Video description

About the remodeling of the veranda in the video:

    Veranda made of polycarbonate. It is becoming more common due to its advantages: low cost, durability, excellent sound and heat insulation. Although polymer material can withstand temperatures from -45 to 100°C, it also has disadvantages: high thermal expansion and low abrasive resistance (can be scratched when shoveling snow from the roof). Polycarbonate unprotected by a special UV layer is destroyed by sunlight.

    Combined veranda. The basis is brick or foam blocks, the walls are sheathed with plastic.

More projects of country houses with an attic, veranda and terrace

Attached polycarbonate veranda

Non-standard solution - hydromassage bath

Classic “male” veranda

Terrace in evening light

An elegant holiday surrounded by nature

Functional combination of buildings

The winter garden creates a feeling of summer at any time

A terrace with flowers cannot look boring

Mysterious and alluring LED lighting

Inspiring place - cozy furniture and panoramic views

A stylish country terrace plays the role of an open living room


Projects of houses with a veranda and terrace are not a luxury, but a functional way to organize a harmonious holiday in the lap of nature, without sacrificing the comfort of modern life. Both extensions are worth the troubles associated with their construction and design. Built in accordance with building codes, the terrace (or veranda) will bring a lot of positive emotions to both the residents of the countryside and their guests.

Have you always dreamed of having your own cozy home on summer cottage, but for some reason they couldn’t bring their plans to life? A step towards making your dream of country housing come true can be the construction of a summer house, which is ideal for seasonal living.

First of all, you need to purchase and. Its size and location can be any, the most important thing when choosing is your wishes and means. In most cases, people purchase plots that have already been cultivated, but for those who want to develop it from scratch, the option of virgin soil is perfect.

If the site is located in central Russia, then it is recommended to build housing in its northern or northwestern part. This will provide maximum protection from cold winds and good lighting. In this case, a blank wall, which has a steeper roof slope, should face west or northwest.

Option for location of a summer house on the site

The porch and windows should ideally be directed east or southeast, that is, towards the main part of the garden plot. If you place them on the side of the roadway, then dust will become a permanent guest in your home.

House layout

Many summer house designs are distinguished by their simple layout and lower construction costs, as they include heating and heat retention options in winter period time is not in the first place, unlike private residential buildings for permanent residence.

If you are planning to arrange a place to relax, then the house must have appropriate premises - a room, a veranda and a small kitchen. For those who like to prepare food for the winter, a spacious attic and basement will be simply irreplaceable. In addition, it is worth considering having a storage room for storing various garden equipment and tools.

Simple layout of a summer house with a veranda (2) and an attic (4)

When drawing up the layout of a future house, it is necessary to take into account the number of people who will live in it. It is also recommended to link the project to the site according to all its components, including relief, area and wind rose. And, of course, remember about communications - energy supply and water sources.

What is better to build from?

The next stage is the construction of the house structure itself. In most cases, during construction they use. Wood is used as the main material for building walls. Traditional Russian technology involves the use log house– logs laid horizontally and connected at the corners by notches.

Summer country house from logs

It should be taken into account that the logs should extend beyond the corner by approximately 25-40 cm, due to which the structure becomes reliably protected from bad weather. Cobblestone walls, unlike log beams, require less labor and less material used, but require higher quality insulation. Subject to the right technology construction can last more than a hundred years.

More economical frame walls will allow you to get a structure that will be the most accessible and optimal. The most simple solution is a prefabricated country summer house small sizes, which is built from separate wooden and metal structures.

Where to start drafting a project

In order to get a strong and beautiful summer house on garden plot, you don’t have to pay a lot of money. You can build it yourself on our own, if you carefully study some of them and the process of compiling them in advance.

Construction of a simple summer house
  1. Consider the maximum number of people who will live in the summer house, as well as their requirements for living conditions.
  2. Remember that the features of the house design directly depend on the topography and location of your garden plot, the direction of the winds, and the location of the house itself.
  3. Think about whether it will be convenient and necessary to connect certain communications to the house: sewerage, water, electricity.
  4. Choose the interior style of your future building. If you want to make some pieces of furniture yourself, then you should acquire the appropriate tools in advance.
  5. Determine the functional purpose of the building. A summer recreation room can easily do without a cellar and a kitchen, and a house for storing equipment and crops should include utility rooms and a storage room.

small house without kitchen measuring 4x4 m

Types of summer houses

Garden summer houses differ not only in general characteristics(type of material used during construction, size, type exterior finishing), but also individual characteristics (doors, windows, the design of the house itself).

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What is cheaper to build a house from?

Small summer house project

Prefabricated summer houses

Any summer resident will undoubtedly be delighted with reliable and complete housing, which, if necessary, can be easily disassembled, transported and quickly installed in a new location. This opportunity is provided by mobile modular structures.

Prefabricated houses are designed for family holidays and have functional layout and a large area, can be one or two storeys. Similar structures assume the presence of a kitchen, rest room, bathroom, technical room. The houses are equipped with everything necessary: ​​heating, ventilation, electricity and air conditioning systems. While creating internal layout do not ignore such elements as a shower cabin, countertop, sink, water heater, suspended ceilings etc.

Modular prefabricated two-story house

Here's a team cozy house you can do it very quickly and inexpensively at your summer cottage

Stationary small summer houses

Stationary houses have a longer service life and an increased level of comfort. Wooden country houses are undoubtedly more reliable and comfortable housing for people. In addition, these structures are erected very quickly, since they are assembled from almost ready-made parts.

Summer country house made of wood - enough economical look housing that does not require the construction of a complex foundation. There is no need for special finishing works, since the material and, consequently, the structure made from it will be very beautiful and attractive.

Small summer wooden house

Summer house with terrace and porch

If you need a summer house, intended mainly for overnight stays for two married couples, you can use an option in which the building has two rooms, each of which has its own entrance. The first room can be accessed through a small covered terrace, which is located on the side of the facade, and the other through the rear porch, which is also located under a common roof.

You can easily use this house for your own needs, and not just for receiving guests (for example, in this case it will be very convenient to arrange a workshop and a summer dining room). When erecting the walls of this structure, it is recommended to use thin timber, and to cover the roof - soft bitumen tiles.

An example of the layout of a small 2-room summer house with a terrace

Project of a house with a summer veranda

When building a summer house with a veranda, you first need to think about the most optimal location for this part of the housing. In most cases, verandas are located along the facade of the building, due to which the front door of the house is inside. The width and length of the structure are selected individually, but the most common are 3-6 m by 2.5 m. The veranda is supported by foundation pillars located under the corner posts of the frame. It is necessary to dig trenches under the posts into which a concrete foundation is laid.

Summer house with a beautiful veranda

After completing the construction of the veranda structure, it’s time to start finishing it appearance. Projects of houses with a summer veranda require your own, individual design, which will become the highlight of the entire home. Basically, when decorating a room, they use various plants and flowers, for example, vines or in pots.

Project of a house with a summer kitchen

Arranging a summer kitchen, even with the simplest option, is accompanied by certain monetary costs for construction. In addition, it takes up a lot of free space, which can cause significant inconvenience when it comes to small areas. In this case, universal kitchen areas will be a real salvation, which, if necessary, can be easily converted from a summer option to a winter one. You can achieve the desired result if you equip the kitchen on the ground floor of the building and fence it off with a sliding wall.

This type of room is simple kitchen, which is combined with the outside space of the house (this will require the installation of ceiling-high glass doors). Due to hermetic sliding door systems, the interior space of the home can be easily and simply protected from the effects of rain, wind and other bad weather conditions.

Project of a garden house with a terrace

As a rule, garden houses with a terrace represent almost full-fledged housing on summer time of the year. Their designs include everything necessary premises except the kitchen. From the covered terrace there is an entrance to the hallway, from where you can enter the living room and then the bedroom. The living room can also be used as a dining room.

Layout of a garden house with a terrace

During construction, one of the rooms can be equipped with a bathroom, which will make the house even more comfortable and functional.

Are single-storey terraced houses becoming increasingly popular? The fashion recently imposed by architects on multi-storey private houses with one or even several staircases is not suitable for everyone, and there may be many reasons for this.

Not everyone wants to move up and down stairs all day, others want to have a house with rooms on the same level. Let's see what other reasons there are that should be taken into account when choosing and planning with a terrace.

Why do we offer one-story houses with a terrace

A private home becomes a quiet haven or a place for creativity and business development, a corner for relaxation and a place to have fun. And at the same time, none of the neighbors will knock on the radiators, or interrupt the call with noise complaints. But why exactly one-story with a terrace?

Such houses are suitable for countryside holiday, youth, older people. The main motto is unity with nature. The houses fit perfectly into any landscape. They are easier to build on problematic soils: with high groundwater levels, sandstones. There is no need to build complex foundations. An abundance of light in the rooms is guaranteed. What else does such an entrance area give? Possibility to organize:

  1. Summer kitchen.
  2. Outdoor dining.
  3. Place for barbecue.
  4. Children's playground.
  5. Drying clothes.

In small areas you can do without a gazebo and save money on its construction. An open area raises the status of housing. It looks stylish than traditional verandas.


It is necessary to take into account the wind rose. Why is it important? Terraces are used for relaxation. If you place it on the side of the prevailing winds, then it will be difficult to ensure a comfortable stay. It is rational to place from the side patio. It’s easier to organize a comfortable spatial association with an outdoor recreation area, with a barbecue area, a swimming pool, a children’s playground, a path to a gazebo, overlooking the alpine slide or a beautiful flower garden.

It is better to organize an exit from the dining room or living room. You should not combine the terrace with the bedrooms. The open area is located on the opposite side of the main entrance. Owners of small plots need to organize hedge or other decoration. This will help hide your life from the prying eyes of your neighbors.

Location by cardinal directions

The layout depends on your own preferences, the rhythm of life, the surrounding landscape and the site:

  • For those who like to admire the sunset, the western part will be ideal. The sun illuminates the site after lunch.
  • The eastern location has its advantage - the morning rays of the sun contribute to a vigorous rise and preparation for the coming day.
  • The northern part guarantees soft diffused light and the terrace can be combined well with workshops and dining rooms. In this case, you should not plant nearby tall plants: trees, climbing bushes and climbing flowers.
  • South - provides maximum sun. During the summer, awnings or awnings are necessary to reduce exposure to scorching rays.

Thanks to careful planning, the house and terrace become a comfortable place to relax and serve the owners for a long time. Do not require frequent major and maintenance repairs.

What should be considered: construction features

A terrace cannot be built on the ground without a foundation. To ensure that no problems arise during operation: the roof does not deform, does not burst, the floor remains horizontal, a reliable foundation is necessary. It is poured or constructed simultaneously with the main building, this guarantees safety.

The construction does not require large investments. The work is completed quickly. It is possible without complex construction equipment (excavator, truck crane). Complex construction methods are not used: installation at height, insulation.

If this condition is not met, even open veranda will begin to recede: precipitation falls under the foundation of the main structure, in winter the frost does its job: it breaks the mortar, the fittings begin to rust. Over time, the entire structure may become deformed.

Types of terraces

Owners, when choosing the type of terrace, think about the future. What priorities may arise in life, and will only an open area be enough?


This is an acceptable option for all regions. Terraces located on the leeward side provide good lighting and the opportunity to relax outdoors. In order not to adapt to weather conditions, a temporary canopy is installed. For open areas, umbrellas and portable awnings are used. During hot weather, openings are covered with roller blinds and light curtains.


All-season option. If the open area has a canopy and fencing, then you can use it in any weather. Even just to sit winter evening surrounded by snowy beauties with candles, wrapped in a blanket, will bring pleasure. Are there any disadvantages to this option? One and insignificant: the illumination of the room that borders the terrace is reduced.

Depending on the region, the site for operation during the cold period is equipped with panoramic double-glazed windows. They protect from low temperatures and precipitation.

You can set up a barbecue area on the terrace. For this purpose, fireproof insulation is made. The part of the floor covering that is intended for the hearth is laid out with stone and brick. Attach a cone on top to organize smoke exhaust and prevent it from entering living spaces.

Building and terrace materials

When choosing materials, you need to think about the fact that the terrace, unlike rooms, is constantly exposed to constant influences: ultraviolet rays, moisture from rain, snow and fog. In cities, dust, automobile and industrial emissions are added to this, which become “sandpaper” for the finishing material. So choose quality materials. Regularly treat them against the above mentioned influences and clean them from contaminants.

Floors are covered with materials that can resist high moisture:

  1. Tile (choose heat-resistant models with a rough surface).
  2. A wooden board treated with preparations (varnishes, stains, impregnations) that prevent rotting. Choose resinous tree varieties.

If the open area is not built in, the roof is covered with material. The posts are made from reliable materials: metal, wooden beams large size, masonry made of brick, stone, concrete.

The decoration is the same as the general facade of the house. An interesting combination gives a connection various materials construction or finishing: wood and a natural stone, brickwork and decorative plaster, siding different color+ foundation panels.

The basic principle

The terrace should be an addition, so radical differences will introduce dissonance with the design of the entire site. The building will lose its attractiveness.

Take care of decorative elements

If the pillars of the structure are made of metal, add forged elements. For wooden structures Carved elements and homespun rough paths are suitable. Brickwork goes well with pottery.

Lighting and furniture

Proper lighting helps not to limit operation only to daylight hours. Bright lamps are installed only in work area(if provided). The rest area is illuminated soft light, this promotes rest and relaxation. Choose energy-saving lamps (savings are guaranteed). Lighting must have high protection from moisture, do not interfere with movement around the site, illuminate the recreation area, dining group.

Provide additional sockets. They are useful for gardening electrical appliances(lawn mowers, electric saws). During the cold season, you can install a UFO on the terrace and enjoy communication in comfort.

Furniture does not have to be budget plastic. Wooden and metal kits are also applicable. Specialized stores offer sets made of wicker and wenge. When it rains, removable covers and cushions are removed and brought in; the furniture can withstand slight humidity.

Wicker furniture is most often used

I have a dream. Such a simple dream. I want to leave the room and get on the veranda. Not on the 15th floor balcony, under which an endless stream of cars roars past, and the voices of the interlocutor cannot be heard, but on the veranda. To keep it cool, you can see the forest through the huge windows (you can also see the garden) and the trees will certainly make noise. In spring, blossoming branches of apple trees peer into the windows. In the summer you can hear the hubbub of birds, the sound of rain, and in the fall - the sound of falling ripe apples and the light rustle of golden leaves covering the ground with a fluffy layer. And the smell of ripe apples and fallen leaves is the unique smell of autumn. On a cold windy day, when the windows are painted with frosty patterns of rare beauty, children are fooling around on the veranda, hiding from the wind. In the morning, frozen tits knock on the window and know that they will not be left hungry here. For me, the veranda is something from a past life, when more people lived in private houses.

You can’t turn back time and sometimes our dreams seem impossible to us. But why? There is already a plot of land, but a house and veranda can be built. First, let's look at a suitable house design with a veranda. The house is quite comfortable, a veranda can be arranged both at the entrance and from the courtyard with exit from the living room and kitchen, windows to the garden. This is perhaps the most interesting thing. After all, a large veranda can be used as a summer kitchen. And make jam in the fresh air. Or just sip tea in a pleasant company of friends or neighbors. You don't need much for this. Yes, house designs with a veranda give room for imagination and open up new possibilities. With a slight increase in the price of the building we get whole line benefits. In Russia, with its fairly cool climate, having an additional indoor space is convenient both in winter and summer. If you provide easily transformable or opening windows, in the summer the veranda can be used as a shady canopy. Given the short but hot Russian summer, this use of the veranda is also relevant. It's nice to spend time with a book in a hammock on a shady veranda on a sultry afternoon! A light cool breeze is pleasantly refreshing, and you can simply forget about all the worries of the past week for a while. It is pleasant to be on the veranda even during a warm summer shower. Large drops of rain fall from the leaves of the trees and knock on the roof, the air is filled with moisture, cleared of dust, the heat has subsided, freshness and renewal are felt in everything. After the rain, the birds chirped again in different voices and rejoice in the gentle rays of the sun, which turns raindrops into small precious multi-colored pebbles. Where else can you find such wealth?

What a joy it is for children to play on the veranda! It's bad weather outside, and little dreamers are coming up with a lot of all kinds of entertainment. There are secret plans, insidious plans, reading in silence, and just playing games on tablets. It’s not all about running around the garden.

From the many designs of houses with a veranda offered to us by architects, we can always choose the one that suits us best. Fantasy and flight of thought are enormous. The houses are designed in various styles using the latest progressive materials and construction technologies. And choosing one single project for a house with a veranda is quite difficult. Considering the professionalism of the developers, we are confident that your choice will be correct and in a year you will be able to enjoy tea in own home in the shade on a cozy veranda!

Nothing is impossible in the world. By studying the past, you can use the traditions of past generations and create something new, taking into account their experience. Our parents knew how to create comfort and perfectly felt the beauty and uniqueness of every moment of life. So let's keep up with them.

In the understanding of many, a house with a terrace is necessarily a large country cottage with a giant terrace, on the site of which another house can be built. But the company KRAUS you may be offered an absolutely antipodean option, namely garden house with an economy class terrace. This will in no way mean that it will be defective or of poor quality; everything will be great with the design of this house too. We will simply optimize all costs of its production and will be able to save on some functions that are not necessary for its construction. Also, the price largely depends on the dimensions; garden houses are economy class, they are small in area, but inside they are very roomy and cozy.

For complete happiness in a small garden plot, the same amount is not enough small garden house with terrace. It will still be very expensive to build such a house for capital construction, despite its small dimensions. Houses produced by the company are a different matter. KRAUS, they are comfortable, of any size and at the most affordable prices. With us you can always buy any home, the most different designs. We are ready to take on a project of any complexity and are not afraid of difficulties. If you don’t know what exactly you want to see on your site, then we can offer you our numerous projects of country houses. Help you make a choice, advise best option, our company’s consultants are always ready. After all, we work individually with each of our clients, thanks to which we can devote quality attention, which undoubtedly affects the results of our work.

A garden house where you can relax both indoors and outdoors is simply a fairy tale for any summer resident. So, it’s nice to get up in the morning and watch the sunrise on the terrace of your house with a cup of strong tea or see off the sunrise while rocking on a rocking chair . Buy a garden house with a terrace you can in company KRAUS, at the most affordable prices. This garden splendor can be purchased in numerous designs, with or without a porch, with different widths terraces. In order to better make your choice, you can consult with our company’s specialists and purchase your dream home in the shortest possible time.