How to choose the right wallpaper for the hallway. What wallpaper to choose for a narrow and small hallway

The trends of 2017 include excellent taste, creativity, a creative look, while the brand fades into the background. Each apartment characterizes its owner.

And even if its interior is not completely ideal, nowhere does a person feel as comfortable as at home.

And in order for it to become such, it is necessary to start arranging it from the threshold, that is, from the hallway. An important element of corridor design is wallpaper.

Fashion trends in wallpaper for hallways 2017

It should be noted that the hallway and the corridor are two quite different concepts, and accordingly, completely different ideas can be implemented here.

What we see when standing on the threshold of an apartment is usually called the hallway, and the area between the rooms is called the corridor.

Let us assume that these two concepts are inseparable. It is necessary to take into account that naturalness and simplicity are in trend at this time.

Wallpaper with a monosyllabic, lapidary texture. Most innovators in terms of apartment design focus on simplicity and conciseness. Their purpose is to emphasize the presence of subtle taste.

Lightness and weightlessness in finishing. Pretentiousness and richness have given way to space, and airy wallpaper seems to increase the area.

Colour contrast. Highlighting one of the walls has become quite popular. A bright wall in a relatively small space shifts the emphasis and adds originality.

Natural materials. Despite its high cost, natural wallpaper has gained high popularity. Options can be very different - from flax to bamboo.

A mixture of different styles. It must be borne in mind that eclecticism is only possible in a relatively large room, otherwise experiments with styles may not give the expected result.

Scandinavian style decoration

The Scandinavian style, characterized by restraint and elegance, has become widespread.

Wallpaper options for the corridor and hallway Scandinavian style:

Important! How to arrange a dressing room in classic style?

  • The combination of white and gray is a common option that can make the hallway truly sophisticated.

  • Ornament is another wallpaper idea for the hallway. The combination with any other item in the interior will be very harmonious.

  • Combining patterned and plain wallpaper. This technique is applicable when zoning space.

  • Pasting the hallway with wallpaper for walls that imitates natural materials, for example, wood or stone.

A Scandinavian-style room is filled with light and air; the photo of the wallpaper for the hallway is a prime example of this. This style will add lightness and elegance to your apartment.

Modern wallpaper for the hallway

The hallways themselves vary greatly in size and shape. This is what you need to start from when choosing an interior design.

Choosing wallpaper for a small hallway

In such a room, a light wall covering with an unobtrusive gray-blue or gray-green pattern would look good. Embossed wallpaper in neutral tones will make the interior more expressive, and wallpaper with a dim check can take on the role of the main decoration of the corridor.

Holders narrow hallways We can recommend the following. To visually expand the room, it is better to use a glossy finish in light colors, as well as spot lighting.

When choosing wallpaper for a wide room, you can give preference to both light and dark tones, focusing on unobtrusive texture.

Design options for such a hallway:

  • The walls are in light colors with darker baseboards;
  • Natural flooring in light colors;
  • A stylish carpet or several bright and positive rugs;
  • A panel on the wall or a flowerpot on a chest of drawers in the same style as the carpet;
  • Bright accents in the form of a pillow on a chair or a decorative mirror in a frame.

What wallpaper to choose for the hallway so that its interior changes significantly.

Wallpaper with images of movement can visually enlarge a room and enliven the interior. For example, it could be a waterfall with ledges, or a floating ship.

Unusual and very attractive appearance The room is given wallpaper that imitates natural coverings. Brickwork, wood covering, leather finishing - all these coverings in in kind would be quite expensive, while wallpaper with imitation is much more affordable and simpler.

Its perception depends on what design and color scheme you choose for your hallway. Whether to choose a light color scheme or a bright print - the final decision in decorating the hallway is yours.

Photo wallpaper for the hallway

The hallway is the face of our home and guests, entering the house, create a first impression about the owners of the house based on how this room looks. Most often this is a small room without windows and with many doors leading to other rooms.

Nowadays, there is a huge variety finishing materials, allows you to design and select wallpaper for a small hallway, no worse than for a living room or kitchen. A large assortment of wallpaper will allow you to choose what you like and their price will not affect the financial capabilities of anyone.

Wallpapers are divided not only by quality, but also by texture, texture and, of course, color. A variety of colors and shades will allow you to create any interior, even in small room. A variety of patterns can help open up a room or brighten up a hallway.

To find out what wallpaper to choose for a small hallway, you need to understand what they consist of, what textures they have, and what colors are suitable.

Main types of wallpaper

How to choose the right wallpaper for the hallway so that it lasts long enough and is easy to care for, since the hallway is the fastest room to get dirty. To do this, you need to understand their quality.

Let's look at the most popular types of wallpaper:

  • Paper wallpaper

They are considered the cheapest finishing material for walls, which is why they are the most popular.


  1. Affordable price.
  2. Eco-friendly.
  3. Huge assortment.
  4. Just stick it on.
  5. Breathable.


  1. They don't like moisture.
  2. Easy to damage.
  3. They fade.

Due to its shortcomings, this type of wallpaper is not suitable for a small hallway, since this room often contains voluminous objects with sharp corners or several people in the hallway rub against the walls. For example, if there are children in the family, then a stroller or bicycle is stored in the hallway.

  • Vinyl wallpapers(cm. )

This type of wallpaper is divided into several subtypes due to the method of their creation:

  1. Flat vinyl - have a smooth surface.
  2. Thick vinyl is thick and therefore very strong.
  3. Foamed vinyl – have a variety of voluminous textures.

Vinyl wallpaper is strong and can imitate materials such as:

  1. Stone.
  2. Tree.
  3. Plaster.
  4. Brick.


  1. Wear-resistant.
  2. Moisture resistant.
  3. Heat resistant.
  4. Affordable price.
  5. A large assortment.
  6. Varied texture.


  1. They do not allow air to pass through.
  2. They are not environmentally friendly.

They are very suitable for a small hallway, as they can be washed and are not afraid of mechanical damage.

  • Non-woven wallpaper

This type of wallpaper has many advantages and a variety of textures and patterns, but they are quite expensive.


  1. Moisture resistant.
  2. Heat resistant.
  3. Wear-resistant.
  4. Eco-friendly.
  5. Suitable for painting.


  1. High price.
  2. Small assortment.
  3. Transparency.

This type of wallpaper is suitable for the hallway, and due to the fact that they can be used for painting, you can change the interior over time if you get tired of it.

  • Natural wallpaper

This type of wallpaper is made only from natural materials, for example:

  1. Cork tree.
  2. Bamboo.
  3. Cane.

This type of wallpaper does not cause allergic reactions, but has narrow choice textures and colors that do not suit any interior.


  1. Moisture resistance.
  2. Wear resistance.
  3. Environmental friendliness.
  4. Soundproofer.
  5. Antistatic.


  1. High price.
  2. Small selection.
  3. Installation skills required.

This type of wallpaper is suitable for the hallway if it is decorated in an oriental style.

  • Textile wallpaper

This type of wallpaper looks very rich and elegant.


  1. Eco-friendly.
  2. Seamless.
  3. Big choice.
  4. Soundproofing.


  1. Requires careful care.
  2. They attract dust.
  3. Installation requires skill.
  4. High price.

This type of wallpaper is not suitable for the hallway, as it gets very dirty and often dirty.

The newest finishing material is more reminiscent of plaster, as it is available in powder form and diluted with water before application.


  1. Eco-friendly.
  2. Easy to use.
  3. Seamless.
  4. Do not lose color.
  5. Soundproof.
  6. Easy to fix damage.


  1. Wash off with water.
  2. Small selection of colors.

Advice! Applying a special varnish over liquid wallpaper will protect this finish from abrasion.

  • Metallized wallpaper

A new finishing material consisting of multi-colored foil, which makes it resemble metal.


  1. Spectacular look.
  2. Moisture resistant.
  3. Heat resistant.
  4. Wear-resistant.


  1. Dark colors.
  2. Little choice.
  3. High price.
  4. They do not allow air to pass through.

This type of wallpaper is not suitable for a small hallway, since their colors are quite dark.

  • Glass wallpaper

They are created from fibers drawn from highly heated glass.


  1. Heat resistant.
  2. Eco-friendly.
  3. Moisture resistant.
  4. Suitable for painting.
  5. Wear-resistant.


  1. High price.
  2. Difficult to install.
  3. Little choice.

This wallpaper is perfect for a hallway. These are the most common and popular types of wall finishing materials.

Wallpaper colors for the hallway

Let's look at how to choose the right wallpaper for the hallway according to color scheme. This is just as important as their quality. In a small room, color can either visually increase or decrease it.

To find out, consider a few design tips:

  • For small rooms choose pastel colors.
  • Bright colors can create the illusion of shrinkage.
  • Dark colors will make the room smaller, but will hide dirt.
  • A large drawing will make the room visually smaller.
  • Horizontal patterns will expand the room, but make the ceiling lower.
  • Vertical patterns or stripes raise the ceiling, but narrow the room.
  • In the hallway, the ideal option is to cover the walls using a combination.

Important! When choosing a wallpaper color, keep in mind that it should match the furniture in the hallway.

Combined wallpaper in the hallway

Combining wallpaper in a small hallway has not only a practical function, to protect the lower part of the room from strong and visible dirt and from mechanical stress, but also the function of visual increase premises.


  • Horizontal combining– will help protect the bottom of the room from damage and heavy dirt if you stick strong and washable wallpaper on the bottom, preferably dark colors, and stick light shades on top to add volume to the room.
  • Vertical combination– will help to enlarge the room if you choose wallpaper for a narrow hallway that is darker for narrow walls and lighter for wide walls. They will also look good bright colors on narrow walls.
  • Accent combination– for example, bright inserts in calm colors will add light, mood and an aesthetically pleasing interior to the hallway. They can also be used to zone a room, highlighting, for example, a hanger area for outerwear.

It's also worth remembering:

  • When combining wallpaper, make sure that they are the same thickness, otherwise it will be very noticeable.
  • The combined wallpapers should be approximately the same in price, texture and features.
  • It’s good if the patterns on the wallpaper are repeated in the interior, for example, on furniture.
  • While creating bright panel, please note that the remaining walls should be in a calmer color scheme.


The hallway is the first thing that people see when entering a house or apartment, and in many ways their opinion about the owners begins to form from here. Therefore, renovations in the hallway and the choice of finishing materials should be treated as responsibly as in any other room.

In the video in this article, step-by-step instruction how to glue combined wallpaper with your own hands.

When entering any home, the first thing guests see is the hallway. It is very important that the first impression is positive. It’s not uncommon for apartment owners to make the unforgivable mistake of spending little time renovating the hallway. However, an attentive and prudent owner will think through every detail: the type of finishing material, color palette; style direction.

When creating a hallway in an apartment, everyone wants their corridor to be unique, modern and stylish. A combination of finishing materials, as well as the right combination of furniture and lighting will help make the interior exclusive and unusual.

The corridor gets dirty faster than any other room in the house, so you should be very careful when choosing wallpaper. Naturally, the wallpaper in the hallway should be easy to clean, durable and moisture-resistant. It is not at all necessary to glue moisture-resistant, expensive wallpaper around the entire perimeter, they can be installed in places particularly susceptible to pollution.

Types of wallpaper for the hallway

Stable, strong, durable wallpapers are divided into the following types:

  1. Vinyl. This option is considered the most convenient to use. The wallpaper will not fade, will not wear off, and is easy to clean. If the walls are not level, then the material will help hide this defect. This type of wallpaper goes well with others. Vinyl sheeting can be foamed, dense and flat.
  2. Acrylic. This type of wallpaper is less wear-resistant, but moisture-resistant. It is soft and velvety to the touch, and its combination with other types of finishing materials is an excellent option for renovating a hallway. However, when caring for such wallpaper, you should not get carried away with detergents and brushes.
  3. Non-woven. Very resistant material. This wallpaper is not considered environmentally friendly, but it can be repainted several times, changing the mood of the corridor and overall design premises. Wallpaper is also moisture resistant, easy to clean, and durable.
  4. Glass wallpaper. This is the most current and popular type of washable wallpaper. This material is environmentally friendly as it is made from natural ingredients. In addition, the material creates protection against mold and microorganisms. Fiberglass wallpaper can be repainted, which is also a plus when changing the design of the hallway.
  5. Liquid wallpaper. Apply to the wall like plaster. Very a good option for the corridor. Pairs perfectly with other wallpapers. Liquid wallpaper is environmentally friendly; with its help you can create interesting patterns that gradually change from one tone to another. They can be easily combined with metal or non-woven wallpaper.
  6. Metal wallpaper. New in the world of finishing materials. The paper from which they are made is porous, covered with a thin layer of foil, paint and design. This wallpaper is one of the most expensive, as it is often spray-coated and hand-painted. This wallpaper is moisture resistant, but comes in dark colors.
  7. Cork. They have a wax coating, are environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic. They tolerate moisture well, have heat and sound insulation. The only negative is the meager color palette.

Ideas for combining wallpaper can be very diverse. The main thing is not to overdo it. Designers recommend combining no more than 2 types of finishing materials; this will create harmony and comfort in the hallway.

A few secrets on how to combine wallpaper in the hallway

When we combine a room with wall finishing materials, we can visually expand the space, make the hallway larger, brighter, and even visually change its shape. When combining, it is important to maintain a harmonious combination of colors and use no more than two materials.

Selection rules

When choosing colors, you must be guided by the following rules:

  1. How smaller corridor, the lighter the shades you need to select. If there are children and animals in the house, then you can let them go downstairs. dark color, and light on top.
  2. Bright colors are not suitable for the hallway; they put pressure on the eyes and suit the individual. If the family is large, it is better not to choose bright colors.
  3. Soft colors will not visually significantly reduce the space, however bright accent in the form of a panel will give the hallway individuality.
  4. If the corridor is very small, you need to choose cold colors, gray or blue. Black and purple colors will visually reduce the space. These colors should be combined with warm tones.
  5. Bright accents will make the corridor original and interesting.
  6. Vertical lines in the drawing and pattern will visually raise the ceiling. Horizontal lines will make the room wider, but the ceiling will appear lower.
  7. The combination of wallpaper with furniture and decor is important.
  8. It is equally important that the corridor design is in harmony with style direction the entire apartment or house.

By following the designers' advice, you can get a pleasant, individual interior that will delight the whole family.

How to combine wallpaper in the hallway: important touches

When combining several types of wallpaper with a pattern or patterns, it is important that the storyline is combined. You can paste convex texture and smooth wallpaper.

As a supplement you can use:

  • Moldings;
  • Stickers;
  • Wallpaper tapes.

We must not forget about the thickness of the wallpaper, it should be approximately the same. The joints should not stand out too much, although they can be decorated with narrow panels or moldings.

Correctly combining wallpaper in the hallway: several ways

The most commonly used options are:

  • Horizontal;
  • Vertical;
  • In the form of a panel made of rags.

The first option is great for high ceilings. It is good to glue dark moisture-resistant wallpaper along the bottom. A light stripe wouldn’t hurt the classic style either. You shouldn’t take more than three colors, it will be too colorful. Vertical combination is well suited for narrow hallways. This method is also well suited for corridors with uneven walls. The panel finishing method is suitable for free-style rooms.

Designer combination of wallpaper in the hallway

The combination of wallpapers will help you create your own unique style premises. The combination will expand a small room, a corridor with low ceiling will make it taller, and will make the hallway with curved walls smooth and neat.

There can be many combination options, the main thing is to follow simple rules and combine wallpaper with:

  • Furniture;
  • Accessories;
  • Apartment design.

Wallpaper in the interior of the corridor (video)

No special skills are required to work on the combination. Even an amateur who has never done repairs can handle it. You can experiment endlessly, bringing the most incredible ideas to life.

Combining wallpaper in the hallway (photo)

Generally speaking, 2018 puts style, originality, and good taste at the forefront, but not brands. Of course, if there is an opportunity, why not replenish your interior with new products with a big name, but this is not what all fashion designers write about in their blogs and magazines.

Every house, every apartment is a small world. Its design doesn't have to be perfect, but it is your fortress, your comfort zone. And everything that is possible to make an apartment like this needs to be put into circulation. From the very first meter of this apartment, which means from the hallway. The interior of the hallway is largely determined by the wallpaper.

It’s worth mentioning right away that the corridor and the hallway are not exactly the same thing. And different ideas can be implemented here. The corridor is the space between the rooms, and the hallway is what opens to the eye when entering the apartment.

Let us assume that these concepts are united.

What kind of wallpaper is appropriate in this space:

  1. Wallpaper with a precise and laconic design. This is very impressive with the trends of 2018, because many trend setters in the world of interior fashion put modest, very restrained design at the forefront, without a hint of pretentiousness. This design is intended to show your taste, and not your financial status.
  2. Airiness in wallpaper. The times have passed when you need to show how rich the interior is, the time has come for space. And fashionable wall coverings seem to add air to the room.
  3. Contrast. Accents are still in fashion. If you want to distract from the modest area of ​​the corridor, make a bright wall (but without overloading it with decor), and the rest of the walls are neutral. Combined solutions are, of course, not new, but they are at the very peak of popularity.
  4. Use of natural materials. U natural wallpaper in 2018 there are only more fans - flax, bamboo, jute, wood. The design of such wallpapers is simple, clear and natural, although they cost a lot.
  5. Eclectic. Modern interior the corridor can also exploit the eclectic theme, but this is only appropriate in a fairly spacious corridor, otherwise it will be full of colors and it will be difficult to highlight any reasonable ideas in this mixture of styles.

Non-standard shades are also welcome, so it would not be surprising if the most popular corridors in 2018 are made in golden, mint, and bright olive colors.

How to choose the right wallpaper (video)

Wallpaper for the corridor in the apartment: new items

One of the most popular new products (although this solution is, of course, not new) in 2018 is the combination of two types of wallpaper. The two thirds at the top are beautiful, expensive, stylish, textured. The remaining third at the bottom is dark washable wallpaper. This idea has a lot of supporters, as it is practical. It is the bottom part of the wallpaper that “gets”, and it quickly becomes unusable.

Liquid wallpaper is another solution, relatively new. But the point here is this: making liquid wallpaper with your own hands comes to the fore.

What ideas are not used:

  • Adding wool threads;
  • Adding glitter;
  • Adding paper;
  • Adding small grain-type elements;
  • Adding decorative sand.

But for such a coating to be practical, you will have to cover the wall with something that protects it from moisture, for example, varnish.

Fashionable wallpaper for the hallway 2018: Scandinavian style

This Nordic style, seasoned, modest, but very cozy and elegant, is increasingly used in Slavic apartments. And in the corridor and hallway you can find Scandinavian style motifs.

Selection of wallpapers 2018 in Scandinavian style:

  1. White and gray– old ideas are on top, play with shades;
  2. Wallpaper with ornaments– play with the ornament in some other object or objects in the room;
  3. Patterned wallpaper on a plain background– this way you can visually transform a room, for example, extend the hallway;
  4. Wallpaper coverings with imitation natural materials– and this idea is only gaining more fans.

Scandinavian interior always strives to highlight the space. Modern apartments have become more spacious, which only benefits this idea. Your task is to make the design as light as possible, not burdened with unnecessary elements. And if the decor is, then only “tasty”, with a twist.

What wallpaper to cover the hallway with: design options

One hallway is not like the other. There are narrow, tight ones, there are square ones, there are non-standard ones. This is why you need to “dance.” What is suitable for spacious, bright rooms, for example, cannot always blend harmoniously into the interior of a dark small room and vice versa.

Wallpaper for a small hallway: design and nuances

Light-colored wallpaper will definitely suit such a space. Not necessarily white, there is little practicality in this. Give preference to embossed, structural wallpaper - modern coatings They are also practical and easy to clean.

Also, a small hallway welcomes the following ideas:

  • Light wallpaper coverings with a simple but elegant gray, gray-green, gray-blue print;
  • Types of wallpaper with a pronounced relief, due to which simple neutral colors are played up;
  • Faded checkered coverings greatly organize the space.

But for some, the problem is not a small hallway, but a narrow one. What ideas apply here?

Wallpaper design for a narrow hallway

It is logical that the walls in such a space need to be visually expanded. And only after that think through the entire design. Expands the walls in in this case color and light.

Light glossy wallpaper and spot lighting - here best design for such a hallway.

Choosing wallpaper for a wide corridor

There are more options here. Concerning fashion trends 2018, focus on bright hues, relief and interesting unobtrusive decor.

An example of the design of such a corridor:

  1. Light walls with baseboards a couple of shades darker;
  2. Light floor with natural finish;
  3. Simple but colorful rugs or rugs;
  4. A painting on the wall or a vase on the chest of drawers, matching the color of the rug;
  5. A bright interior will be decorated with a couple of bright accessories - a pillow on a pouf, bright flower pots etc.

And, of course, modern corridors cannot be imagined without high-quality lighting.

Hallway: what kind of wallpaper will really transform the interior

The energy of movement transferred to the wallpaper can visually make the room larger. The hallway can also increase in size this way. And the whole interior will immediately come to life. For example, cover one wall with wallpaper with a sailboat floating on the river, or simply with the flow of the river. Everything that moves, even in the image, conveys this energy of movement.

Imitation wallpaper will truly transform the interior. Brick, wood, bamboo, stone - today these are quality materials they are made, embossed, durable, bright, that there is no point in saving huge sums on natural materials.

How to make stone wallpaper in the hallway yourself (video)

What kind of wallpaper the hallway will be papered with will set the mood for this room. It's up to you to decide whether you let light in there, whether you want to visually change the design of the room, whether it will be made in a certain interior style.

Good luck with the renovation!

Wallpaper for the hallway in the apartment 2018 (photo)

It's no secret that your home begins with the hallway. Your guests will be struck by the interior of the corridor, its design, decoration and other little details. Many people have questions about what to use for their hallway.

Wallpaper is most often used to decorate a room. They give the room cozy atmosphere, and are also offered in different color ranges and patterns. The wallpaper leaves a pleasant feeling when you touch it. If you decide to cover your corridor with such material, then be sure that you will definitely increase the area of ​​the hallway visually. It will no longer be perceived as a “rough draft”.

Stylish wallpaper in the hallway interior

Let's try to figure out what wallpaper to choose for the hallway so that it is light and spacious and lifts your spirits.

Of the types listed below, it is worth paying attention Special attention to liquid, vinyl and washable. Fiberglass wallpaper is often additionally painted, because... They are originally white, and this color is not very practical. Paper wallpapers are not recommended for use in the hallway, but they are the most affordable and therefore are still sometimes used when finances are extremely tight.

Liquid wallpaper

A capricious, maintenance-requiring way to decorative finishing, that is, their pasting should be done by a real professional in his field. In fact, in terms of application features, they have more similar elements to plaster. After complete drying, a monochromatic and beautiful background is formed.

Two colors of liquid wallpaper separated by a gold edge

If you are a fan of a pleasant background covering, then this material was created just for you. These days, manufacturers have not yet come up with many options color scheme liquid wallpaper. Naturally, before deciding to use wallpaper, it is recommended to look at it in person. It is quite possible that you will refuse their choice.

Liquid wallpaper with filler

Liquid wallpaper is one of the most modern solutions for your hallway. In fact, this is a dry mixture that needs to be diluted with water and applied using a spatula. Today, some liquid wallpapers have a unique antistatic effect.

Liquid wallpaper is almost like decorative plaster

The material boasts excellent heat and sound insulation. If the area is dirty, you can remove it with a spatula. After removal, it is important to apply a new layer. After drying, it will merge with the first one.

Washable wallpaper

There is nothing unusual about washable wallpaper. In practice, these are completely ordinary paper wallpaper, which are covered with a special layer that can be easily wiped with a damp sponge or soft brush. It's worth remembering that they are wallpaper after all, so don't overdo it when removing dirt from them.

Washable brick wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpapers do not lose their popularity either. Firstly, they are cheap, but have different textures. The color range is wide, you can choose many patterns. Their original texture is achieved through the vinyl foaming process. Thanks to this technology, it is possible to hide certain irregularities in the walls.

High-quality vinyl wallpaper guarantees you a high degree of resistance to various damages. If you cover the walls vinyl wallpaper, then even cracks will not appear on the walls. As we have already said, thanks to them you can successfully hide minor irregularities on the surface of the wall. This feature will be especially useful for people who decide to renovate a new building.

Vinyl - easy to clean

This type of wallpaper is not afraid of the sun's rays if you have a hallway with windows. The basis of this wallpaper is usually non-woven fabric. The main advantage of the material is that it is tear-resistant. To create an original decoration, you can choose special stickers. Let's imagine this situation. You have wallpaper of the same color in your hallway, but to create variety you can paste a large one flower bud on the wall. It will look amazing.

Pay attention to silk-screen printing - a separate subtype of vinyl. Such wallpaper will be extremely easy to care for, and it will serve you faithfully for a long time. They are usually made on paper based, but with an original top layer made from special strong silk threads.

Glass wallpaper

Let's describe another new finishing material that is actively used these days - glass wallpaper, which can be given any shade you want. At any time, a certain area can be tinted; this step will help preserve appearance Your hallway.

Fiberglass wallpaper can be repainted in a different color at any time

If you are tired of a certain color of the walls, you can change them and remove the old coating using a solvent. You can safely use a brush.

Photo wallpaper

In the hall small size Photo wallpaper will look great. For example, among the images in them you can choose a city perspective, stairs going into the distance.

Colored photo wallpaper with a view of an ancient street

In addition, you must take into account that the color palette you choose can emphasize positive sides hallway, but also highlight its main disadvantages. Remember that light plain wallpaper immediately draw attention to all detected irregularities. This can be avoided if you choose a material with a large print.

Black and white panoramic wallpaper

To visually expand the space, you can give it to the hallway different color wallpaper on opposite sides. What about using contrasts in the hallway? Designers are confident that this can be done. But the general texture solution should remain the same.

Textile wallpaper

If your room is dominated by high humidity, then beautiful textile wallpaper in an instant they can lose their visual appeal, that is, they quickly darken. Remember that under normal conditions they will serve you for decades.

Chic textile wallpaper for the interior of a large hallway

The price of textile wallpaper is determined depending on the naturalness and environmental friendliness of the coating used.

Paper wallpaper

If you are short on cash, then choose paper wallpaper for your hallway. They come in single and double layers. Certainly, long term There is no need to wait for exploitation. Maximum ten years. In addition, they are very unstable to a number of mechanical influences.

Wallpaper of this type comes in several types: based on a solid canvas or based on special threads. If you choose canvas, it is quite possible to cover the entire room with one joint at once.

Wallpaper marking

Depending on the degree of water resistance, wallpaper can be divided into three types. To determine which type you, look at the label for the wallpaper you are purchasing:

Marking marks on wallpaper

  • One wave. Such wallpaper must be carefully protected. Use suede or microfiber to remove dirt. This way you can carefully remove dirt on the wallpaper.
  • Two waves. Wallpaper has an average degree of moisture resistance. You can wipe off the dust on them using an ordinary damp cloth.
  • Three waves. The coating in this case has a high level of resistance. For cleaning wallpaper will do detergent. If there is a sign with a brush, then the wallpaper is heavy-duty.

— we will tell you in a separate review.

Wallpaper design for the hallway and corridor

Selecting wallpaper is not a matter of one day. As a rule, the hallway is the smallest room in the whole house; it is necessary to approach the choice of design with all responsibility, knowledge and design experience.

Plain wallpaper

These wallpapers are simple. They act as an ideal backdrop for decor. If you opt for “plain colors” for the hallway, then choose washable wallpaper. Or at least resistant to cleaning.

Washable plain wallpaper

Stripes in the hallway

You have to be careful here. By careless actions you can create a “well” in a room by stretching the room in height. The stripe should not be too contrasting.

Horizontal stripes are ideal for parallel and “short” walls for visual lengthening.

Photo: wallpaper with bright horizontal stripes


Traditional option. Functionality and aesthetic appearance will be at their best high level. You can use different shades of materials from the same collection. Thanks to polyurethane molding, you can separate the types of wallpaper.

Combining wallpaper with wall panels

Application of abstraction

Abstract patterns look great in a hallway. This is practical, scratches and damage will be barely visible. In addition, their strength is originality.

Wallpaper with geometric patterns

Wood imitation

If you are planning to decorate all the rooms in your home in the same classic style, then in the hallway it is not recommended to deviate from the rigor and charm of the classics. Choose from finishing materials natural wood. In modern style, it is advisable to place mirrors in the corridor; metal fittings are also suitable for entrance doors, as well as for your furniture. Metallic shine on lighting fixtures will look amazing.

Wallpaper with imitation of folded tree trunks

Nowadays, wallpapering with rich, bright textured wallpaper that imitates natural materials has become popular.