When and how to plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds or seedlings. Sowing cucumbers in open ground in May

Summer residents usually determine the best days for planting cucumbers in the garden by the favorable position of the moon. This has been going on for a long time. Those who know how important it is lunar calendar plant, feed, weed, water, do this strictly every year. Some novice gardeners do not follow the rules for sowing cucumbers. And they often sow incorrectly.

It is important for us to find out what will be favorable days for planting cucumbers in 2018. To do this, it is worth studying how the moon affects the growth of seedlings, why you can’t do anything in the garden during the full moon, eclipse and new moon. Those who stick simple rules planting, usually has a bountiful harvest and delicious fruits.

About the lunar calendar

Since ancient times, gardeners have become accustomed to working on the land according to the lunar calendar. It is believed that it is its location and activity that affects the harvest. Every year a new calendar is compiled for planting and caring for crops.

One phase of the moon replaces another, this greatly affects the ovary, nutrition distribution, flowering and growth of vegetables. The moon often affects the well-being of people, as well as many plants. If the landing is performed incorrectly, then most likely you will not be able to achieve good harvest, something will go wrong.

In the northern regions, seedlings are usually planted in the garden in May. To find out what date cucumbers need to be planted so that they produce good tasty fruits, you need to study the lunar cycles.

When the moon waxes, it is recommended to take care of the lower part of the stem and roots. If the moon is waning, then on the contrary, feeding is carried out at the top. You can spray, water, and fertilize. But transplantation cannot be done on a waning moon. You can figure out the days for specific care if you purchase a moon calendar. It describes in detail when it is best to plant cucumbers, at what time to feed and water them.

The influence of the moon on cucumber planting

Planting cucumbers according to the lunar calendar is quite simple. The calendar is purchased at the beginning of each year. The moon significantly influences many processes in the development of these capricious vegetables. Even in ancient times, the influence of the moon on plant growth was noted. The most important thing is to follow this calendar exactly. And under no circumstances should you sow on days of the full moon, or days close to it.

The phases of the moon have a strong influence on planting cucumbers in the ground. The first and second phases are called full moon and new moon. Here is the peak of active growth of cucumbers, development of the root system and stem. Then comes the third phase, here comes active growth root And in the fourth - the development of the external part. It is best to plant seedlings when one phase of the moon smoothly transitions into the second.

If you are late with planting cucumbers, then bountiful harvest there is no need to wait. If planting is too early, the seedlings will become sick and the leaves will quickly fade. You need to plant on time, and according to the lunar calendar.

When to sow cucumbers next year

Favorable days for sowing cucumbers should be studied according to the calendar lunar phases. This is very effective technique. After all, even if you sow the highest quality and most expensive seeds of elite varieties in the wrong phase of the moon, you should not expect a high-quality harvest. If you sow too early, the seedlings will already be ready to be planted in the ground, but the soil is not yet prepared for plant growth, since the earth has not yet warmed up, and the lunar influence is very strong.

It is necessary to sow cucumbers exactly on the day that according to the calendar is the best for this action. Then the seedlings will grow strong, tall, and the fruits will be tasty and healthy. This will be the date when the seeds were soaked and planted in the ground.

This number must be calculated carefully, otherwise it will be impossible to adjust. Prosperous months for cucumbers, or rather their sowing, are March and April. They are planted at home in special containers. In March, according to the calendar, these will be the days for sowing cucumber seeds from 19 to 24, as well as 27 and 28. And in April you can sow from 5 to 9, as well as from 20 to 24.

Pay more attention to the dates of sowing seeds. Because the quality of the harvest depends on it.

When to plant cucumbers in open ground and greenhouses

Planting days also depend not only on the lunar phases, but also on the weather conditions of a given region, as well as on the variety of seeds and their characteristics. If the ground has not warmed up well, there are still frosts at night or it is snowing, then you can move the planting to a later date. favorable time. The earth should warm up to 13 degrees at a depth of 10 cm, and the air - up to 16 degrees. Otherwise, the seedlings will freeze and die.

It is also important to take into account the time of planting, that is, days when it is best to plant in the evening, and vice versa, some days only have morning hours favorable for planting. Therefore, the date 05.2018 must be selected accurately and take into account the time of day. Planting cucumbers in open ground should be done somewhat later than planting in greenhouses. It is necessary to wait until the earth warms up to the desired temperature.

The most successful dates for planting cucumbers, according to the data studied in May 2018, are the 18th, 24-28th. And in June - from 14 to 15, and from 21 to 22. On these days, you can plant seedlings in greenhouses or open ground with seeds. You can plant in June early ripening varieties who love warmth. Then they will take root well and produce a bountiful harvest at the end of summer.

To improve the quality of the crop, it is very important to plant only in fertile, previously prepared soil, water well, loosen, and spray against harmful insects. Care also affects seedlings.

Unfavorable days for planting and care

When growing cucumbers, you should also remember the unfavorable lunar days, that is, about those days when you should not sow and plant plants. Otherwise, they will not produce healthy fruits, they will get sick and die. If you cannot plant cucumbers on the desired date, then you should plant them on any other date, just avoid dates that will adversely affect the yield.

Unfavorable days:

March – from 8 to 13, from 14 to 17.

April – from 4 to 6, from 14 to 16.

May – 2-3, 7-8, 15.

These days should be strictly guarded against, as the moon greatly influences the growth and development of crops.

Having studied the favorable days in May 2018 for planting cucumbers, you can create a sowing calendar. If you follow this technique, you can get a bountiful harvest. It is very convenient to use the lunar calendar for caring for crops. This good opportunity increase productivity on the site.

Vegetable growers want to get their first cucumbers as early as possible in early summer. It’s easy to make these dreams come true by planting seeds for seedlings in early spring in pots on window sills in the house, getting a run in time of about two to three weeks. But success largely depends on the conditions for the development of seedlings, on various factors that must be taken into account when planting a cucumber seed and creating a favorable atmosphere for the disclosure of the properties stated in the description of the variety and obtaining an early high-quality harvest.

Growing cucumber seedlings

IN southern regions In our country, cucumbers are sown by seeds directly into the beds. Where the climate is cooler, only some of the seeds are sown early. And they nurse her indoors while it’s cold. They are planted in greenhouses so that the first cucumbers can be tasted at the very beginning of summer. And with the onset of stable heat, the remaining seeds are sown in open ground. In cool regions with short summers, use only seedling method sowing cucumbers, for growing them in greenhouses or under shelters in beds. And the harvest directly depends on the quality of the seedlings.

It is important to find a convenient place for containers with seedlings. As a rule, this is the window sill of a window facing south or southeast. If the windows of a house or apartment face other parts of the world, the seedlings will have to be illuminated with special lamps, otherwise they will be thin, elongated and pale. It is better to avoid direct sunlight by slightly shading the plants during the hours of maximum sun exposure.

Selecting cucumber seeds for sowing

The timing of the beginning of fruiting and the size of the harvest depend on the quality of the seeds. You cannot purchase seeds from random sellers. There is a huge risk of buying low-quality, expired, unknown varieties. It is best to buy hybrids from trusted companies to avoid mis-grading. It is better to collect your own for sowing. It must be remembered that seeds germinate and grow fully after 3–4 years of storage, and remain viable for up to 5–6 years. For sowing, healthy seeds without damage are selected. Empty, broken, or irregularly shaped items should be sorted and discarded.

Time frame for planting cucumber seedlings

The timing of planting seeds for seedlings depends on several factors:

  • Region of residence.
  • The quality of the greenhouse, the presence of covering material and arches in open beds.
  • Constant presence on the site or only visits on weekends, that is, the ability to protect planted plants during unexpected frosts.

When to sow seeds for a greenhouse

As a rule, in the middle zone, cucumber seeds are sown for seedlings in early or mid-April. From sowing to planting the seedlings in the greenhouse, 25–30 days should pass. The planting date depends on the quality of the greenhouse (heated or not) and the weather. Based on this, the day for sowing the seeds is calculated. It is not recommended to keep seedlings indoors for more than a month. The overgrown one does not take root well and will not be able to develop into a full-fledged plant.

If there is no greenhouse, the seedlings are planted in a bed with installed arches. They cover it with agrospan, and when it gets cold, they also put a film on top of it. The shelter is rolled up when the temperature at night is not lower than 15 o C.

Deadlines for open ground

In order to obtain seedlings in time for planting in open ground without shelter, the date of the end of late frosts and the establishment of warm (not lower than 15 ° C) nights in this region is determined, and the seeds are sown 30 days before this date.

To extend the fruiting of cucumbers throughout the summer until the cold weather, select varieties of different early ripening, taking into account the following:

  • In early-ripening cucumbers, the first fruits set 32–45 days after sowing.
  • In mid-ripening ones, at 50–55 days.
  • Late-ripening cucumbers set at 55–70 days.

Determining time using the lunar calendar

The days for sowing seeds for seedlings can be determined according to the lunar calendar. It has been noticed that cucumbers grow best when sown during the waxing moon. Or when she's in such zodiac constellations like Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus and Cancer. You need to check your actions with the lunar calendar and not sow cucumber seeds in unfavorable days. The time of day for sowing does not matter.

Preparing seeds for sowing, germination

Preparation for sowing in hybrid and varietal seeds different. Hybrid seeds go on sale already treated with various disinfectants. They should also not be heated, as heat stimulates the development of female flowers on future plants, and in parthenocarpic hybrids they are already female.

Varietal seeds, especially those collected by hand, must be warmed and disinfected before sowing. Warm the seeds wrapped from drying out in plastic bag, possible on battery central heating within 20–30 days.

There are many methods of disinfection treatment. The simplest of them is to soak the seeds for 15–20 minutes in a strong, dark purple solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse with cool water and dry.

The shorter the shelf life of varietal seeds (up to two years), the more they need heating to awaken and form female flowers. By heating them for 15–20 minutes in a thermos with water heated to 53 o C, you will not only stimulate germination, but also destroy pathogens of diseases such as bacteriosis and anthracnose.

To awaken growth processes, seeds need oxygen, moisture and heat. The best way to provide future plants with this is to soak the seeds in cotton pads or napkins soaked in melt water. The seeds selected for sowing are placed between two such disks placed on a saucer. To prevent them from drying out, place the container in a plastic bag and tie it. The temperature in the house should be 23–26 o C. Sprouted seeds should be immediately planted in moist soil.

How to plant everything correctly

What soil is best to grow in?

The quality of seedlings directly depends on the composition of the soil in which they are planted. You can buy ready-made soil, but it’s better to prepare it yourself. Cucumbers grow well in light, loose, moisture-absorbing soil. It should not be too nutritious so that the plants do not stretch. It is assembled from several components:

  • Neutral peat - 1 part.
  • Sod land - 1 part.
  • Compost or humus - 1 part.
  • Rotted sawdust (scalded with boiling water before adding) - 1 part.
  • River sand -0.5 parts.
  • Furnace ash deciduous trees- 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of mixture.

If you add hydrogel to the soil for seedlings, 1 tablespoon of soaked granules per 0.5 liters of soil, the number of waterings will be halved and the plants will be provided with constant moderate humidity.

Features of containers and planting of seedlings

For cucumber seedlings, it is especially important to maintain the integrity of the root system. If, when transplanting grown seedlings, the delicate suction roots are damaged and are not restored, the development of the above-ground part will stop until new roots grow. Therefore, plants planted later directly into the ground with seeds often outstrip the seedlings in development and fruiting. Containers for cucumber seedlings must ensure the integrity of the roots during transplantation. Peat-humus or paper pots are suitable for this, which, dissolving in the soil, allow the roots, after being transferred to a greenhouse or garden bed, to continue their development without delay for recovery.

The simplest and most affordable containers for seedlings can be made from old newspapers, folded in 3-4 layers, wrapped around a jar. The resulting container is filled 2/3 with soil mixture and watered. A seed with a root that has hatched is very easy to damage. Therefore, they take it carefully with tweezers, place it on a damp surface and sprinkle it with soil on top, deepening it by 1.5–2 cm. After that, water it again. Before germination, the room temperature should not be lower than 23 o C.

Sowing cucumber seeds for seedlings - video

When transplanting ready seedlings in the ground, a paper or peat-humus pot is placed in a hole made according to its size and watered abundantly. The walls of the pot become wet, and the roots continue to grow freely.

Peat-humus pots are not always of high quality; they may be too strong, and the roots of the plant will not be able to develop. Therefore, before sowing seeds, you need to check the ability of the walls of the pot to soak by immersing it in water for several hours.

Necessary conditions for seedling growth

Grow good seedlings possible, subject to certain conditions. The most important are light, a certain air temperature, moisture and nutrition.

Light mode

In April, when cucumber seeds are sown for seedlings, the day is not yet long enough. And indoor conditions do not provide plants with the level of illumination that is required for normal plant growth. If the house is too warm, the seedlings will turn out elongated, pale, and weak. She needs additional lighting with special lamps. Conventional ones are not suitable for home lighting; they have the wrong spectrum. For proper development, cucumber seedlings need LED bulbs with the blue and red parts of the light spectrum. Plants need to be illuminated at least 12 hours a day.

It should be remembered that plants need at least 6 hours of complete darkness for normal growth.


After emergence, to prevent the seedlings from stretching, the room temperature should not be higher than 20–23 o C during the day and not lower than 18 o C at night. Cucumbers stop growing already at 15 o C, and at temperatures above 28 o C the seedlings become very elongated, especially with a lack of light. The room in which the plants are located must be ventilated, given that drafts are destructive for cucumbers. When planting seedlings in the ground, it is desirable that the bed warms up to 18 o C, and that night temperatures do not fall below 15 o C.

Feeding and watering cucumber seedlings

They begin to feed the plants after the first true leaf appears. Nitrogen fertilizers may cause undesirable increased growth and elongation of seedlings. It is better to give cucumbers at this time mineral supplements. An infusion of wood ash is best suited. To make it, pour 0.5 cups of ash into a glass of boiling water, leave for 24 hours, mix with 5 liters of water, filter and water the plants with this solution once a week. Fertilizing is carried out on moist soil. The plants are watered in the evening and fed in the morning. 0.5 cups of infusion is poured into one pot. As a foliar application, it is useful to spray the seedlings with Gumat EM. One such feeding is enough. Water the seedlings regularly, only with settled warm water, avoiding excessive waterlogging, but also not allowing the soil to dry out. The leaves and central shoot are not wetted to avoid diseases.

Caring for young animals before planting

From germination to planting, seedlings grow in 25–30 days. All this time they monitor the air temperature and illumination of the plants. It is important to maintain constant moderate soil moisture and feed the seedlings with fertilizers. During these 30 days, it is enough to carry out two or three root and one foliar feeding cucumbers To prevent diseases, it is useful to spray the plants every week with a pink solution of potassium permanganate with the addition of boric acid(powder on the tip of a knife per 3 liters of solution).

How to save stretched seedlings - video

Depends on the quality of the seedlings future harvest cucumbers By following simple rules of care, maintaining the correct temperature, lighting, watering and fertilizing their plants, vegetable growers lay the foundation for further abundant fruiting.

The high sensitivity of cucumbers to frost makes it difficult to cultivate them freely in most of the country. Moscow region, Siberia, Far East— gardeners in these regions are forced to adapt and choose favorable days for planting cucumbers in May if they plan to get an early harvest good quality. Self-grown seedlings, even in cups, on a sunny windowsill, also do not guarantee a fruitful year, if you do not know when to sow cucumbers, so that after planting the seedlings in the ground, they will take root and grow well.

In addition to providing seedlings comfortable conditions growth, pay attention when planting cucumbers on favorable days in May 2018 according to the lunar calendar.

  1. Heat is required for seeds to germinate and grow in the soil.
  2. A sunny day is optimal when the air temperature at sunrise = 16 ° C, and the temperature required for sustainable growth of seedlings is 20-25 ° C.
  3. When the T value drops to 13°C, plant growth will be inhibited.
  4. Plant cucumber seedlings in a permeable substrate (for example, peat).
  5. After the third leaf—the real one—grows, the seedlings require greenhouse (or hothouse) conditions with warm air and moist soil, with a pH in the range of 6.0-7.2 pH.

What will the lunar calendar please gardeners? this year? Are there favorable days for planting cucumbers in May 2018?

gherkins in the month of May, photo

How and when to plant cucumbers

Preparing the soil for sowing cucumbers means thoroughly cultivating the soil, adding additional compost or manure to the soil, or plowing the soil along with green manure (buckwheat, mustard, lupine) cut last year. All preparatory work It is very advisable to do this in the fall when preparing beds for future cucumber seedlings. If the soil contains a deficiency of macroelements, it should be additionally enriched with phosphorus, adding 35-45 g / 10 m2 and potassium (at the rate of 165-200 g / m2 10). In the spring you will need to add nitrogen in the amount of 10-15 g / 10 m2, if you plant it on the ground, directly into the soil.

  1. The period for sowing cucumbers in greenhouses coincides with May frosts, when the average air temperature is maintained at 15-16 ° C. If you decide to plant cucumbers in early May, we recommend using a greenhouse.
  2. The recommended spacing is 80 x 100 cm for cucumbers.
    Seeds are sown in moist soil to a depth of approx. 2 cm, each seed separately, or 2-3 pieces in one hole at once.
  3. Plant at the end of May cucumber seedlings you can go into open ground, focusing on favorable days for planting cucumbers in May 2018: these are the 10th and 17th, May 22nd.
  4. The most favorable day in May to plant cucumbers is May 11th. On this day, the phase of the moon is waxing and is dominated by the constellation Cancer.
  5. Having learned about favorable days for planting cucumbers in May 2018, you can move on to the planting technique itself.

Seeds are sown in pots with peat with a diameter of 6-10 cm, to a depth of 1 cm. I do not recommend sowing more than 2 seeds in one container, because cucumbers require light. While creating optimal mode germination and conditions for further growth, take care of the air temperature - during the day 20-25 ° C, at night it does not fall below 16 ° C. The easiest way to obtain such conditions is in a greenhouse.

Cucumbers are transplanted when 2-3 true leaves have grown and the seedlings have reached a height of 15-30 cm, but not earlier than the third ten days of May (plan your garden work in accordance with the weather forecast). Transfer the seedlings to the ground with a lump of earth, or immediately with a peat pot. Before planting the seedlings, water them well.

As soon as the first shoots appear, resume watering the plant. As soon as the first leaf is formed, thin out the seedlings, leaving the largest and strongest cucumber in each hole.

How to care for cucumbers during the growing period

In order for the cucumber harvest to be rich and healthy, you need to properly care for them, and also remember about favorable days for planting cucumbers in May 2017. We remind you once again better days- time for planting cucumbers in May: 10.11.17 and 22 May. To play it safe, it is better to sow cucumbers in a greenhouse in May. If you take into account all these factors, then the cucumbers will certainly grow beautiful, tasty, and most importantly, there will be a lot of them! Good luck in the garden!

The lunar calendar for sowing and planting cucumbers for 2019 is made in the form of two tables indicating favorable timing of work for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, greenhouse and open ground. The calendar has been compiled for growing cucumbers in central Russia.

The first table contains sowing and planting dates for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse or hotbed seedling method. The second table contains the timing of sowing and planting cucumbers through seedlings for open ground and favorable days for sowing directly into open ground.

The lunar calendar for 2019 indicates work days in fertile zodiac signs. Sometimes the agricultural timing of sowing seeds and subsequent planting forces sowing or planting to be done during the waning Moon. It is advisable to sow cucumbers on the waxing Moon, and it is permissible to transplant seedlings during the waning Moon. In the Lunar calendar, we indicate among the dates for sowing seeds the most favorable days that fall on the waxing Moon and the fertile zodiac sign.

Subsequent activities for the care and planting of cucumbers should be carried out based on plant growth. If cucumbers are sown early in a given lunar calendar, then the time for transplanting to a permanent place should also be early among those indicated in the calendar.

Lunar calendar for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse or greenhouse

To grow cucumbers, we recommend choosing the most favorable days for sowing from those indicated in the lunar calendar table, because These days fall on the waxing moon. When sowing seeds on a windowsill, they will germinate in six to eight days.

The most best temperature air for seed germination and growing seedlings for planting in greenhouses and hotbeds: in sunny days 20-25°C, on cloudy days 18-22°C and at night 16-18°C.

Lunar calendar for growing cucumbers in open ground

Favorable days
sowing and planting cucumbers FOR OPEN GROUND according to the Lunar calendar in 2019
Sowing seeds for seedlings May 6-7
Planting seedlings in open ground June 5-6, 11-14
Sowing seeds in open ground June 5-6
Pinching 19-20, 28-31 August, 1 September
Picking cucumbers July 22-24, 27-28, August 7-10, 19-20, 23-25, August 28

Cucumbers grown in open ground can be sown as seedlings or directly into open ground. If you sow seeds in open ground, then choose from the days indicated in the second table a day such that, according to the weather forecast, the last severe frost will occur in the first week from the day of sowing the cucumbers. Experience shows that the most frost-resistant seeds are those sown dry, although they will germinate later. Soaked cucumber seeds, too, but a little less frost-resistant and will sprout a little later. Germinated seeds will sprout the earliest, but more often die during freezing. Cucumber seeds sprout approximately two weeks after the soil temperature reaches 15°C. When sowing in warm ground Cucumber shoots may appear in six to eight days.

Any cucumber seeds germinate at temperatures above 12°C. Seed hardening promotes earlier seed germination.

Many summer residents sow cucumbers on their first spring visit to the dacha, sow the seeds in boxes or 8x8 pots and then water the seedlings every 7-10 days. There is no need to pick cucumber seedlings. For an early abundant harvest, we recommend providing cucumber seedlings with bright lighting for 6-8 hours and complete darkness for 12-14 hours.

Cucumber seedlings one month old, which has 3-4 leaves, planted in a greenhouse, greenhouse or open ground at appropriate times, on favorable days according to the lunar calendar.

Cucumber seedlings are planted in the greenhouse when the temperature in the greenhouse reaches 15°C, but to meet the deadlines indicated in the first table, cucumbers can be planted at a temperature of 10°C, but not lower. Covering material allows you to increase the temperature by 5°C. Cucumber seedlings can be planted in a greenhouse at a temperature of 10-12°C.

Seedlings are planted in open ground, When average daily temperature will set above 10°C, covering at night and on cold days with covering material (in central Russia, spring frosts may occur until June 12). If in your area the groundwater is located high, then it is better to move the sowing and planting of cucumbers to the most late date so that the groundwater warms up and does not interfere with the formation of ovaries in cucumbers.

In addition to favorable days according to the lunar calendar, we recommend planting cucumber seedlings on a cloudy day or in the late afternoon.

The best air temperature for cucumber growth before fruiting: on sunny days 20-25°C, on cloudy days 18-22°C and at night 16-18°C.

Three to four weeks after planting the seedlings, the cucumbers will begin to bloom. Cucumbers form an ovary and the fruits grow at temperatures above 15°C, so early sowing There is no need to rush into open ground. During the fruiting period of cucumbers optimal temperature on sunny days 25-27°C (not higher than 30°C), on cloudy days 22-24°C and at night 20-21°C. The cucumber harvest can be harvested a month after transplanting the seedlings to permanent place. Cucumbers are harvested daily or every other day.

When figuring out when to plant cucumber seedlings in May - June 2018 in open ground, depending on the region, you should understand that the seedlings should be no more than 30 days from germination.

Cucumber seedlings in May - June 2018: when and how

It is better to plant seedlings and cucumber seeds

in open ground

To make it easier to identify favorable landing days and a Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners, gardeners and flower growers was compiled for May and June 2018.

Even ancient people noticed the influence of the phases of the moon on the growth and development of plants. Since then, people have been planting according to the lunar calendar.

Transplanting cucumbers in open ground should be done only during the waxing moon, preferably closer to the new moon. On days when lunar eclipses occur, sowing cucumber seedlings is highly not recommended.

Cucumbers are also greatly influenced by which zodiac signs the moon passes through. Some of them have a very beneficial effect on plant growth, while others not so much.

Favorable days for cucumber transplants according to the lunar calendar 2018:

  • May – 4-6, 9-11, 18-24, 26-28.
  • June – 1-3, 5-8, 10-12, 22-25.

How to determine the timing of planting cucumbers?

Open ground in the southern regions

Planting cucumber seedlings in open ground in the southern regions is possible already in mid-May. At this time, the earth is already warm enough and the young seedlings are not in danger of freezing.

  • Disembarkation can be done at May: 18th, 19th.

Open ground (without greenhouse shelters)
in central Russia and more northern regions

  • Cucumbers are planted without greenhouse shelters, when the soil had warmed up to at least +15-18 degrees by the time the seedlings were planted in a permanent place. For middle zone Russia, Moscow region usually is the end of May. Then the seeds should be sowed on April 27, 28, and planted on May 24-28.
  • The Leningrad region has cooler weather conditions than the Moscow region. Here the winter is longer and the spring is protracted. Frosts often last until the second ten days of May. It is advisable to plant cucumber seedlings in unprotected soil at the end of May, or even better, at the beginning of June. Then here sowing can be done at the end of April and these will be the following dates: April 27, 28, 29, as well as May 1, 4, 5, 6, 9(on days not prohibited by the lunar calendar). Drop off such seedlings will be possible at the end of May: 24-28, and also at the beginning of June: 1-2 and 6-7.
  • If the regions are northern and open ground warms up late, and there is no possibility of greenhouse shelters, then sowing should be done in May 18, 19, A disembark into the ground no sooner June 23, 24.

Timing it right planting cucumber seedlings in the ground, you will provide yourself with a guarantee great harvest in future.

If on any of these days you cannot find time to plant cucumbers in open ground, then we recommend that you do this on any day, avoiding strictly prohibited dates:

  • These are the days of the full moon and new moon. In 2018, they fall on May 15 and 29, as well as on June 13 and 28. These days, try not to plant anything in open or closed ground (unless, of course, you believe in the power of the Moon).

We report dates that are not prohibited by the lunar calendar for planting cucumbers in May and June 2018:

  • May 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 2018
  • June 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 2018

When to plant cucumbers in open ground in 2018?

  • You must find the answer to this question for yourself, following the recommendations from this article. Remember, the main thing to focus on is the weather.
  • If the soil has not warmed up well, cold temperatures or morning frosts are expected, then it is better to postpone planting.
  • However, while waiting for stable warmth, try not to deviate too much from the target date, since overgrown seedlings are quite poorly accepted.
  • Whether to take the lunar calendar into account when planting is up to you.
  • If you want to test it, plant some of the seedlings on favorable days and some on unfavorable days as an experiment.

To grow cucumbers in open ground, it is recommended to simultaneously grow from 3 to 7 varieties in one bed, and it is better if some of them are parthenocarpic, and some are bee-pollinated varieties. For some varieties, a particular season may be unfavorable, but other varieties will delight you with a rich harvest.

Planting cucumbers with seeds in the ground

  • If you grow cucumbers by sowing seeds in the ground, it should be done when the soil at a depth of 8-10 cm warms up to 12-13°C and the air temperature is at least 15°C.
  • In the Moscow region, this happens at the end of May - beginning of June (oak leaves bloom, dandelions bloom, bird cherry blossoms, apple tree petals begin to fall off).

Favorable days for planting cucumbers at the end of May: 24-28th.

In June, planting cucumbers in open ground will be favorable:

  • June 1-2, 2018
  • June 6-7, 2018
  • June 10-11, 2018
  • June 14, 15, 21, 22, 2018

If we calculate crops for central Russia, then it should be understood that this region is very vast, and each specific region can be oriented according to the lunar calendar, but the main guideline, of course, is climatic conditions.

The same is true for the Siberian region. It is impossible to give clear instructions on dates, since in one area it is already summer, and in another the land is just beginning to be freed from permafrost. However, in any case, seedlings will help gain time. If earlier growing cucumbers in some regions was out of the question, now, using very early hybrids, obtaining a harvest is not something unusual.

Preparing the beds for planting cucumbers

Cucumbers produce high yields only on soil rich in organic matter and mineral fertilizers. It is ideal to grow cucumbers in manure beds. To do this, a trench 35-40 cm deep and 40 cm wide is dug in the fall along the entire length of the bed; if it was not possible to do this work in the fall, then it can be done in the spring. In spring, a thick layer (30 cm) is laid in the trench. cow dung, compacted, poured with a hot 1% solution of potassium permanganate and covered with film. After the manure has warmed up, it is covered on top with a soil mixture of peat, sawdust and humus. Again, shed with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and cover with film before sowing or planting seedlings.

If there is no large amount of manure, you can create compost beds. Shredded plant waste, leaves, garden waste, green grass, sawdust, shavings are placed in a trench or on a ridge, and manure can be added. A large number of green grass and leaves provide better heating warm bed. The poured waste is compacted and spilled hot water or manganese solution, covered with a 20-25 cm layer of soil. Cover the finished bed with film for heating. The heating temperature of a compost bed is lower than that of a manure bed, so you should sow cucumbers or plant seedlings in such beds later than in manure beds.

The soil for ordinary beds can be of the following composition: 3 parts peat, 3 parts humus, 2 parts turf soil, 1 part sawdust. The soil is brought into the greenhouse, beds are formed, leveled and scattered on top mineral fertilizers: 20-30 grams of superphosphate, 15-20 grams ammonium nitrate and 20-25 grams of potassium chloride per 1 sq. meter, mix with soil and level with a rake.