When do potatoes need watering? When to water potatoes and how to do it using the drip method

Potatoes are extremely sensitive to lack of moisture in the soil. The root system of this crop, which is not too extensive, reaching a depth of 30 cm, bears a significant load. In a short growing season, the plant not only grows a large volume of greenery, but must also produce what it is cultivated for - tubers.

How to choose the optimal time for watering, how often to water potatoes in open ground so that the harvest does not disappoint either in quantity or quality? If there is a lack of moisture, you should not expect a good potato harvest. But excessive water content in the soil will also not be beneficial.

When to water potatoes after planting in the ground?

Until the first leaves appear above the ground, the potatoes do not need too much additional watering. If planting took place on damp soil, then at first the plant will have enough moisture. But with the development of the plant, and especially with the beginning of the formation of buds, the need increases sharply.

The time when watering potatoes after planting is simply necessary comes:

  • when potato sprouts rise 5–10 cm above the ground level, that is, 2 weeks after sprouting;
  • when plants set buds, indicating the beginning of tuber formation;
  • when tubers gain weight, which in middle lane falls in the first half of August.

When using quality planting material and following the rules of agricultural technology, potatoes can produce up to one and a half tons of tubers per hundred square meters.

Timing and volume of watering in hot weather

At the same time, experienced potato growers answer the question: “Do I need to water the potatoes?” They answer that it is necessary. After all, it rains in summer months are extremely irregular, and the gardener cannot be sure that the roots of the plant are not lacking moisture. And in some regions, the heat is accompanied by strong winds, which contribute to the evaporation of moisture from the soil. How do the timing change in this case, how often do you water potatoes in open ground in windy, sunny weather?

  • In this weather, potatoes need deep watering every 4-5 days.
  • If the air temperature is moderate, you can water the plantings no more than once every 8–10 days.

Although solar energy and heat are necessary for plants, lack of moisture or irregular unplanned watering can negatively affect both the number of tubers and their quality:

  • When potatoes are watered after planting for the first time, this ensures the growth of the above-ground part of the plant.
  • Water entering the soil in June and July, when plants are preparing to bloom, increases the number of tubers.
  • Later watering lays the foundation for obtaining large, full-bodied potatoes.

Features and timing of watering early potatoes

Bushes experiencing water deficiency, already at the beginning of the growing season, form insufficient stolons on which tubers could appear. As a result, instead of several dozen potatoes, there are from 5 to 12 potatoes on the bush. Therefore, especially for varieties early date ripening, spring and summer watering is so important.

How to properly water potatoes to get an early harvest? The first watering is carried out in the middle of the bush, when the sprouts rise by 5–10 cm. In this case, each bush should receive at least three liters of moisture. Receiving at this time a sufficient amount of moisture, the bushes develop not only aboveground part, but also give stolons diverging to the sides.

Compared to autumn harvest potatoes, early varieties consume less water, but they do it more intensively. Therefore, it is unacceptable for the soil under the plants to dry out.

If your hand is immersed to the depth of your fingers in the soil and remains dry, should you water the potatoes? Yes, this is a sure sign that the plants are “thirst”.

  • As the bush develops, the volume of moisture consumed increases to 6 liters per day.
  • If we take into account that part of the water evaporates from the soil, then at least 12 liters of moisture should fall under each plant in hot, dry weather.

This rule also applies when planting mid-season varieties.

Watering during the period of tuber emergence and growth

It is extremely important to moisten the soil during the period of tuber formation, which corresponds to the period of time between the appearance of the first buds and the mass flowering of potatoes. You can’t wait for buds to appear en masse; even single flower stalks are a sign to start watering, which will immediately result in a 15–30% increase in yield.

Another critical period when watering potatoes after planting is extremely important is associated with tuber growth:

  • The beginning of this period of time coincides with the end of flowering.
  • The ripening of the future harvest ends with the death of the tops.
  • During one watering, plants should receive about 20 liters of water; this is the amount that can completely wet the arable layer.

To avoid the development of late blight, potatoes should be watered so that by night, when the air temperature drops, the foliage is dry.

How to water potatoes correctly to avoid scabs, cracks and deformities on the tubers?

When, when digging up tubers, large but ugly potatoes are discovered, many gardeners are perplexed. In fact, uneven, irregularly shaped tubers are the result of irregular watering, between which the plants spent a long time in conditions of moisture deficiency.

During drought, potato growth is inhibited, and soil moisture restarts this process. As a result, the growth points develop unevenly, and the tuber takes on a bizarre shape. If the timing of watering potatoes is observed and the soil remains moist during the formation and growth of tubers, the potatoes turn out smooth, are not affected by scab, and cracks do not appear on their surface.

Creating comfortable conditions for potatoes

How to water potatoes correctly and calculate the time when watering is really necessary?

  • The best time for watering during the hot season is the evening hours. Frequently used morning watering can be dangerous due to the fact that the quickly rising sun burns the wet tops.
  • The minimum volume of water per bush is 3 liters. The specific amount of moisture is determined based on weather conditions, soil type and potato variety. Light, loose soils require more watering than loams and black soils.

There are different opinions on how to properly water potatoes:

  • Some gardeners consider watering at the roots a priority.
  • Others prefer to moisten the plantings along the furrows.
  • During a long absence of rain, early potatoes benefit from irrigation, after which the soil is loosened to retain moisture.

Dry watering and mulch are an effective addition to watering

It’s not for nothing that this method is called “dry watering.” This technique not only successfully retains water in the soil. Loosening replaces watering even with sufficient humidity. Potatoes do not respond well to overly dense soils. Loose soil is easily permeable to nutrients and air. However, such work is possible only with the emergence of seedlings.

You can save irrigation water and slightly extend the time of watering potatoes by actively using mulch from mown, aged sawdust and other organic matter in the beds. When the summer heat sets in, mulch provides plants with comfortable coolness, condenses moisture from the air and, as it overheats, becomes a top dressing.

Watering potatoes - video

Planting potatoes in the ground is half the battle; then you need to properly care for them. What are the timings for watering potatoes, how to do it correctly, what methods to use - these are the questions every novice vegetable grower asks. There is a dilemma between summer residents; some argue that the crop does not need to be watered, while others prefer to moisten the plantings. Everyone decides what to do individually, and experts advise watering the potato beds.

It is necessary to water potatoes. Plants take moisture from the soil as they develop. In the absence of natural precipitation, you need to water the crop yourself.

In addition to green mass, potatoes form tubers. The peculiarities of their cultivation require timely watering. It must be carried out not only on time, but also in a certain volume. Root vegetables should not be overwatered, but they should not dry out either.

If you create the necessary conditions, then the crop will produce the declared yield.

Signs of excess and lack of moisture

To properly grow tubers, you need to carefully monitor their condition. By appearance It is not difficult to determine excess or lack of moisture. Watering potatoes is carried out after carefully examining the appearance of the plants.

If the plant does not have enough water:

  • the leaves on the bushes droop and begin to turn yellow;
  • the stems do not grow, the buds do not open;
  • the smallest stems dry out.

Lack or excess of moisture during the budding period leads to a loss of 20% of the harvest.

When plants have excess water:

  • the leaves droop, but their color is rich, dark and the structure is watery;
  • wet spots form on the lower part of the stem, covered with a white or gray coating;
  • The tubers begin to rot.

At low humidity, potatoes do not respond well to fertilizing, as they do not reach their target.

You should strictly monitor the appearance of plants in order to identify deviations in time. Receiving 4 liters of moisture, the plant grows and develops normally.

What is the best way to water, all the ways

The variety of potato irrigation methods provides a choice suitable method summer residents. Everyone chooses the one that is most convenient for themselves and applies it on their site. For the root system, which develops during the entire growing season, a constant but measured application of moisture is necessary. In this case, the roots of the plant should receive no more than 4 liters of water. Methods are divided into 2 types: manual and mechanized.

Watering by hand

For watering potatoes in open ground, this method is used if the plantings are small. Manual watering is carried out using hoses, watering cans, buckets and other available means. The summer resident will accurately calculate the norm, provided that all means except a hose are used for watering.

The advantages of this method are that water is poured directly under the roots. Thus, you will pour more accurately than with mechanically. And there is no need to fill the entire area. Water approximately 1 liter per approach. Then repeat and adjust to the required amount.

If you use an irrigation hose, it is better to have a nozzle or a sprayer. It does not erode the soil at the roots. It is better to water one area, then move to the second, then return to the first again.

The disadvantage of the hose watering method is that it is impossible to determine the exact amount of water consumption per plant.

Not all summer residents have the opportunity to use this method, since it is difficult to carry buckets and watering cans. For convenience, a second type of irrigation methods has been created.

Carried icy cold water or heated in the sun from special containers using sprinklers.

They are divided into 2 types:

  • drip;
  • sprinklers.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages of both mechanical irrigation structures are the high cost of installation and acquisition of equipment. What irrigation methods the summer resident will use is up to him to decide. Drip irrigation supplies water directly to the roots of plants, while the moisture does not evaporate and does not compact the soil. This is its advantage over sprinkler irrigation systems.

If irrigation using sprinklers is used, then it is necessary to select the correct droplet size.

Large drops strongly compact the soil, which is categorically unacceptable for planting with potatoes, and very small drops settle on the leaves and simply evaporate on them. Summer residents praise the benefits drip irrigation. Another advantage is that you can water it at any time. Drops do not fall on plants and do not cause burns.

"Dry watering"

If the weather is rainy then potato plantings What is required is not irrigation with water, but loosening. In other words - dry watering. This method will help not only retain moisture for plants, but also provide oxygen access to the root system. Potatoes do not tolerate dense soil.

Watering rules

Watering potatoes must be done correctly. To do this, it is necessary to comply with the requirements and rules, thanks to which the declared yield indicators are achieved.

  • Recommended to use warm water, heated in the sun. Cold water reduces productivity.
  • Watering using mechanical irrigation using rain sprinklers is carried out in the evening after sunset. This is necessary in order to avoid sunburn on the leaves.
  • The volume of water is from 3 liters per plant and above. For proper irrigation, the watering rate depends on the composition of the soil, climate and precipitation.
  • The crop requires more moisture during the budding period. For 1 plant, the water consumption rate is 5-6 liters.
  • The first watering is carried out when the sprouts reach a size of 10 cm from the ground. Irrigation is not recommended for the reason that the mother tuber will begin to rot and will not sprout.
  • Early potato varieties are watered less than late ones.

When to water

The timing of watering potatoes depends on related factors. Therefore, it is difficult to answer this question in general. There is no need to rush with the first watering. Until sprouts appear and reach a size of 10-15 cm, there is no need to irrigate the soil at all. The norm is 3 liters of water per plant, provided the weather is not dry. Approximate time: 2 weeks after pipping.

As the plants grow, water generously. If the summer is rainy, then 3-4 liters per bush. Otherwise, 6-12 liters. In case of severe drought, water 2 times a week.

If the summer is cool, then water once every 10 days. Potatoes require special attention when they bloom. Then the number of irrigations and the volume of water are increased several times. The signal to start watering is the appearance of the first flower. At this time, the crop begins to form tubers. Plantings continue to be irrigated abundantly throughout the entire period until the buds begin to fall off.

Proper watering of potatoes is the key to half the success. A summer resident seeking to get the maximum possible from planting a crop must comply with the rules, norms and timing of irrigation, while not forgetting about standard agrotechnical cultivation techniques.

Watering potatoes in open ground

The potato root system is poorly developed, but the load on it is significant - to provide nutrition for the tops and tubers. This feature of the plant requires strict adherence to the rules of agricultural technology when growing, in particular, high-quality and timely watering.

Watering potatoes after planting

Potato tubers with seedlings are planted in May. During this period, the soil warms up to plus 10-12 degrees Celsius and contains enough moisture. Immediately after planting, the tubers form roots, after which the first shoots appear.

Caring for potatoes after planting does not imply watering until stem shoots 5-10 cm long appear on the surface. Earlier watering will lead to the formation of a shallow root system. In the future, such bushes will always lack moisture.

Watering is carried out fractionally. First, part of the required volume is poured under the bush, wait until it is completely absorbed, then pour in the next portion. This ensures uniform soil moisture.

Before the buds appear, potatoes are watered once every 7-10 days. In hot weather, the interval between waterings can be shortened. The need for additional moisture is checked by lowering your palm into the soil. If the soil is dry below finger level, the potatoes need to be watered. It must be remembered that light soils dry out faster than heavy clay soils and black soil.

How to water during and after flowering

The appearance of buds on potatoes signals the beginning of tuber formation. During this period, the plant's need for moisture increases sharply. Insufficient watering of potatoes during flowering will reduce the yield by up to 30%.

Increase watering with the appearance of the first flower stalks, without waiting for mass flowering. Each plant uses 12-15 liters of heated water twice a week. For better absorption, water is poured in portions.

Watering should be done before sunrise or in the evening. Water can be run along the furrows from a hose or sprinkled with sprinkling. The system has proven itself well in growing potatoes drip irrigation.

After flowering, the formed tubers begin to grow. At this stage, the water rate per watering is increased to 20 liters per bush. Untimely and insufficient watering leads to the growth of ugly tubers. This is explained by the fact that without moisture, the tubers stop their growth, and after watering they resume development unevenly.

Reduce watering of potatoes in open ground with the appearance of the first signs of wilting of the tops. Each bush consumes about three liters of water, watering the bed once every 10 days. Complete drying of the stems indicates the maturity of the crop and the need to stop watering.

Watering potatoes - video

Loosening and hilling potatoes

Work on loosening and hilling potatoes is often called “dry watering”. They help retain moisture in the soil longer and promote the penetration of oxygen into it.

Caring for potatoes begins immediately after emergence. The soil between the rows is harrowed after each watering. When the stems grow to 10 cm, carry out the first hilling, completely covering the seedlings with soil.

For a good harvest, potatoes need to be earthed three times before the first flowers appear. During flowering, you need to loosen the soil between the rows very carefully and superficially so as not to damage the formed tubers.

A layer of mulch on the potato bed will help increase the efficiency of irrigation. For it, they use mown grass and green manure, aged sawdust, and straw. This technique will help protect the roots from the heat, retain moisture, and improve air exchange in the soil. Over time, the mulch rots and serves excellent fertilizer potatoes.

Features of watering early ripening varieties

Early ripening varieties Potatoes develop rapidly, so spring watering is important for them. Lack of moisture will provoke the formation of a small number of stolons, and, as a result, a decrease in yield.

Early potatoes, grown and cared for correctly, consume less moisture than late-ripening varieties, but makes it more intense. Water it at the rate of three liters of water for each root every 3-5 days. During flowering, watering rates are increased to 6-10 liters per bush.

Signs of improper watering of potatoes

Not only a lack of moisture is dangerous for potatoes, but also its excess. Watering potatoes should be carried out based on weather conditions and the condition of the bushes. Thus, the plant reacts to drought with drooping, lightened leaves, unopened buds, and stems that dry out prematurely.

Excessive moisture content in the soil is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Watery drooping leaves;
  • Weeping spots at the bottom of the stems and the development of fungus;
  • Rotting tubers.

It is especially important to monitor the appearance of these symptoms and properly care for the potatoes during flowering, otherwise the tubers will be small.

Bottom line

The most important periods for watering potatoes are the periods of sprouting, budding, flowering and tuber growth. A sufficient amount of moisture is one of the main conditions for obtaining good harvests. It must be remembered that an excess of moisture has no less detrimental effect on potatoes than its lack.

In previous articles we talked about sprouting potatoes, growing seedlings and planting potatoes in the ground. Today we’ll talk about caring for potatoes after planting, namely: watering, loosening, hilling and fertilizing.

Watering potatoes

It is not recommended to water the potatoes for the first time after planting, since at this time the root system is being formed. With moderate humidity, the roots branch and penetrate deep into the soil, but if the soil is over-moistened, the roots will not be located deep enough, which will subsequently negatively affect the development of the potato bush, since it will be more difficult for it to obtain moisture.

The first watering of potatoes after planting is best done with the emergence of seedlings. Water the potatoes sparingly. When bushes begin to form, the potato's need for water increases.

You should not rely on rain: as soon as you notice that the lower leaves begin to wilt slightly, be sure to water the potatoes. Potatoes experience the greatest need for moisture during the period of budding and flowering. If the amount of moisture at this time is insufficient for the potatoes, this will have a bad effect on their harvest - the potatoes will be very small. It is best to water the potatoes not cold, but lightly. warm water, preheated to " room temperature» in barrels or tubs. Best time for watering potatoes - early morning or evening.

Loosening the soil

Surface loosening of the soil, carried out to a depth of 2–3 cm, is a very useful procedure for potatoes, increasing the flow of oxygen to the tubers. In addition, in the process of loosening you destroy small weeds.

The first loosening is carried out a week after planting the potatoes. Subsequently, the soil is loosened as needed after watering and rain, thereby preventing the formation of crust and helping to saturate the soil with oxygen. Loosening must be done very carefully, trying not to damage the sprouts and not pull the tubers to the surface.

Hilling up potatoes

Hilling has a very positive effect on the potato yield and can significantly increase it. Hilling accelerates the processes of bush development, flowering and tuberization.

In addition, hilling protects potato tubers from late blight, preventing the infection from penetrating from the affected tops to the tubers. Potatoes need to be hilled 2-3 times during the season. The first hilling of potatoes is carried out when the tops reach a height of 13 - 15 cm.

The soil used for hilling must be moist. How is hilling carried out? It’s very simple: the soil is raked in small portions to the tops using a hoe so that a mound is formed around the bush.

The second hilling of potatoes is carried out 10 - 12 days after the first. Third - as needed.

Fertilizing potatoes in the garden

To obtain good harvest potatoes, during the growing process they need to be periodically fed. During growing season Root feeding of potatoes is carried out three times; the composition of fertilizers depends on the development phase of the potato bush.

In addition, when seedlings appear, potatoes can be sprayed with a solution of macro- and microfertilizers. Root feeding It is better to carry out on wet soil after watering or rain.

  • First root feeding carried out during the growth of tops if the potato bushes are poorly developed, have thin stems and pale leaves. Feeding composition: 1 tablespoon of urea per 10 liters of water or half a liter of mushy mullein or bird droppings per bucket of water. Dosage: half a liter of solution for each bush.
  • Second root feeding potatoes are carried out during the budding period to accelerate flowering. Feeding composition: 1 tablespoon potassium sulfate + 3 tablespoons wood ash per 10 liters of water or just 1 glass of wood ash per bucket of water. Dosage: half a liter of solution for each bush. Third root feeding carried out during flowering of potatoes to accelerate the tuberization process. Feeding composition: 2 tablespoons of superphosphate + 1 glass of mushy mullein or chicken droppings per 10 liters of water. Dosage: half a liter of solution for each bush.

Root feeding of potatoes with fertilizer solutions is carried out in cases where we are talking about a relatively small number of bushes. If the area of ​​the potato plot exceeds 100 m2, that is, 1 hundred square meters, fertilizing is carried out with dry fertilizers, scattering them under each bush:

  • first feeding (to accelerate the growth of tops) - 1/2 teaspoon of urea + 200 g of manure or plant humus per 1 bush; second feeding (during budding) - 1 tablespoon of wood ash + 1/2 teaspoon of potassium sulfate or 1 teaspoon a spoonful of nitrophoska per 1 bush; third feeding (during flowering) - 1 teaspoon of powdered superphosphate per 1 bush.

An integral part of potato care is the fight against the Colorado potato beetle and other pests, as well as various diseases potatoes, but we will talk about this in future articles.


Potatoes are, it would seem, the most unpretentious garden culture. But in fact, even potatoes require careful treatment and proper watering - after all, soil moisture is a very important indicator for potato yield. Like perhaps no other plant, potatoes need moisture - and therefore proper watering potatoes significantly increases its yield, according to statistics, by about six to eight times.

Watering norms for potatoes

Such a concept as irrigation norm, determines both the number of waterings (how many times and over what period of time you need to water the potatoes in the garden), and the water consumption for each watering. These factors depend, first of all, on the climate and weather conditions - it is quite natural that in an arid climate the number of waterings will be four to five, in a very dry climate - five to seven, and in a moderate climate, with an even amount of rain during the summer - three -four.

The amount of water consumed per watering of potatoes is calculated depending on the planting area and averages two hundred to four hundred liters per ten square meters of planting. Of course, if the condition of the soil is unsatisfactory (for example, very dry soil that has become petrified due to dry and hot weather), then the amount of water for irrigation must be increased by several hundred liters.

But at the same time, it is important not to exceed the watering norm - excess moisture will lead to the soil becoming waterlogged and flooded. And this, in turn, will provoke rotting of young potato tubers or even prevent the formation of tubers.

When is the right time to water potatoes?

The moisture requirement of potatoes depends not only on the climate, but also on the stage of ripening. The least amount of moisture is required during the period from planting potatoes into the soil until the emergence of full shoots.

At this stage, a certain lack of moisture in the soil from irrigation is even beneficial - it contributes to a more complete use of the moisture that is already contained in the potato tubers used for seedlings. The more moisture there is in the soil, the closer to the soil surface the roots will be located - and this is extremely risky, because in the future the roots can be damaged when loosening and weed control.

As soon as the first shoots appear, the situation changes - potatoes need moisture most of all. It is at this time that it is very important to regularly water young potatoes, and be sure to adhere to the watering norm. If a moisture deficit occurs during this period, it has a detrimental effect on the harvest: firstly, the number of ovaries decreases, and, secondly, the formation of young tubers slows down.

Video: how to water potatoes correctly

potato, care, watering June 10, 2014, 11:35 pm I have read more than once that potatoes, like all garden crops, require watering, but I have never watered them myself.

For me, this vegetable (as far as one could judge from its appearance and harvest) did not suffer from thirst, and at our old dacha it was not too easy to find water - you can’t run into a potato plant with a watering can. And I lived in the belief that watering potatoes was an agrotechnical “delicacy” that I could completely do without.

But last year's experience forced us to return to this issue...

What science tells us...

And she tells us: potatoes are extremely demanding of soil moisture, and their needs vary depending on the phase of development.

The most important period is from the moment the buds appear until the tops stop growing. It is at this time that the crop is planted, and if there is not enough moisture, then there will be few tubers.

It turns out that to form a potato, for one part of dry matter (by weight), the plant needs to spend 400-600 parts of water! And this is in the central regions - in the southern, hot and dry regions, the consumption is even higher. And one plant evaporates about 60-70 liters of water per season, can you imagine?!

So should I water it or not?

The answer to this question depends on a combination of many factors - climatic (air and soil temperature, amount of precipitation, humidity), soil (composition and structure of the soil, its ability to retain moisture) and biological (primarily the characteristics of the variety).

A favorable combination of conditions allowed me to do without watering at all for many years. Loamy soil retains moisture well; Our climate is moderate, rain is not uncommon, and heat does not occur often and usually does not linger for long.

In such conditions, zoned varieties can easily do without watering - loosening and hilling can successfully replace it. By the way, loosening is often called “dry watering”.

If the climate in your area is humid, it is better to replace watering potatoes with loosening - the benefits will be much greater: moisture is retained in the soil, and the air supply to the roots is improved, and the plant receives in abundance everything it needs for development. But on sandy soils, and even in hot, dry weather, crops cannot be seen without watering.

I was convinced of this myself last year. sad experience. As usual, I planted potatoes in several stages - from the beginning of May until the beginning of June.

This method has never failed me - all the potatoes ripened in due time, and the yield from early and late plantings did not differ. But not this time... June potatoes fell into soil from which spring moisture had already left.

There was little rain, and the weather was warm, and despite the fact that, as always, sprouted tubers were planted, shoots did not appear for more than a month! Then the tops began to grow, the bushes bloomed, but... When it came time to dig potatoes, all that was left was to shed a tear: from the ridges late landing there was practically no harvest, and I learned a good lesson: you shouldn’t blindly rely on your own experience if conditions have changed...

So it turns out that there is simply no common, universal answer to the question of whether potatoes need to be watered. Some people need it, others don’t need it, and others shouldn’t do it at all - a solution to the problem must be sought based on local conditions.

And here’s what else is important: soil moisture should be uniform. Like many other crops (tomatoes or cabbage, for example), potatoes are sensitive to sudden changes in humidity: if heavy rains replace drought, we are likely to get a crop of deformed, misshapen tubers.

Therefore, if you notice that the shoots are drooping, the leaves are curling or withering, and the soil has dried out to a depth of 5-6 cm or more, you need to water it accurately.

How to water potatoes

Generally speaking, there are so many opinions on this issue)) And this is probably correct: practice allows you to find those methods and standards that suit you and your plants.

But since for the first time you still need to start from something, I will give general recommendations on watering. The best time to water- evening hours.

It is clear that no one waters in the heat of the day, but the morning is not the best good option: moisture on the leaves may not dry out before the sun gets hot, and burns will appear. Minimum water consumption- 3 liters per bush.

Actual consumption will depend on the soil (sandy and sandy loam soils absorb more water than loam or peat soil), the degree of drying out, the type of plant and its age. There are different opinions regarding exactly how to water: watering at the root, And furrow irrigation.

During dry seasons, irrigation of plantings is also effective (this is especially true early varieties potatoes). The next day after watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil to retain moisture.

That, in general, is all... But it would be very interesting to know the opinions of our gardeners: do you water your potatoes? If yes, how often and what techniques do you use? If not, why not?

We will try to answer these questions, so that you can properly water the potatoes, and therefore harvest more harvest this second bread. First, let's answer the question of how often you should water your potatoes and how much water is needed. You need to understand that different stages of potato growth require different amounts of moisture in the soil.

The first increase in water consumption occurs 2 weeks after emergence, since at this time active growth tops The next increase in water consumption occurs during the flowering and tuberization phase.

But if you overdo it with water during this period of time, the tubers may suffocate and you will lose the harvest. In dry, sunny weather, water every 4-5 days. If the days were not very hot, then watering is carried out every 8-10 days.

Also, we should not forget that in addition to watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil. Unsystematic watering when you leave the garden without watering for a long time has a very bad effect on potatoes. As a result, the tubers become crooked, ugly, and scabby.

Therefore, if you cannot water your potatoes regularly, then take care of mulching the beds. In general, you need to take care of mulching, even if you water regularly.

Because this will not only reduce the need for loosening, a crust will not form on the surface of the soil, but will also allow it to remain moist longer. But not like this: if they watered it, the soil stood in water for 1 day, and then for 5 days the soil was dry again. For organization good watering For potatoes, the drip method is best suited.

This will reduce water consumption, and the earth will always be moist. On average, it is calculated that per day in hot weather one bush loses 10-15 liters of moisture. Therefore, it is recommended to water with 15-20 liters of water at a time for 1 square meter at least every week. The plant can obtain the rest of the moisture by condensing moisture on the soil surface and by retaining it in the ground through mulching.

Spring is in full swing, have you planted tubers and now don’t know when to water your potatoes after planting? If the soil was wet, the tuber should have enough water before germination. Then watch the weather: if showers remind you of a global flood, you should think not about watering, but about how to dry out the soil a little. Do not believe the stories that this crop grows almost without care and you only need to hill the rows a couple of times. The potato will survive, growing like any weed, with small ugly nodules. If you want delicious crumbly potatoes on the table, take care of your plantings.

Do I need to water potatoes?

Potatoes are not always grown in equipped fields or summer cottages. In some regions, city residents are often allocated 2-3 acres of agricultural land; sometimes people adapt to develop a clearing in the middle of the forest and bury tubers in the ground. Don’t carry water there in flasks - when it rains, then it will water the plantings. Peasant families used to plant 10-15 acres, but there was no running water or pumps then. The potatoes grew without watering and gave good harvests. There was enough for both people and livestock, and there was still some left for sale. Only my backs hurt a lot after working such huge fields.

The opinion that potatoes do not need to be watered is wrong. Its root system does not penetrate deeper into the soil than 30 cm. The tops grow lush and juicy, the tubers also contain a lot of juice. If the soil is dry and there is little rain, where will the plant get moisture to form good above-ground and underground parts? The greenery will soon wither, and at the same time the development of tubers will stop. If you don’t want all your work to be in vain, you need to give the plants enough water.

Why work hard on an unequipped plot, dig up hundreds of bushes in the fall and, as a result, bring home several bags of potatoes? It is better to allocate a small plantation for this crop in the country with a water supply to help water the area. Experts assure that when making the right choice planting material and good care you can collect more than a ton of tubers from one hundred square meters. This amount should be enough for a family for a whole year.

When the roots are in dry soil, they cannot supply the plantings not only with moisture, but also with nutrients. The tops turn yellow, wither, and die. The tubers begin to prepare for winter and stop developing. If at this moment the gardener remembers to water or it starts to rain, one section of the potato will wake up and continue growing, while the other section will remain dormant. After uneven moistening, instead of smooth oval tubers, you will end up with ugly vegetables with lumps and growths, which are a real pain to clean.

Features of cultural development

Potato roots tend to grow into moist layers of soil. If the soil is wetted to a shallow depth, the shoots will grow in width and after the first slight drought they will not be able to obtain water for the plants. This often happens when tubers are thrown into dry soil, and soon there will be a little rain or the gardener will water the plantation with insufficient water. In order for the roots to go deeper, you need to moisten the soil well so that the moisture saturates the layer to a depth of at least 30 cm.

The correct moisture regime is especially important for early varieties. In a short time they should form large mass tubers. If water does not arrive on time, development will stop, and you will find several small ugly formations in the ground, not much larger than beans. When the crop is cared for correctly, there will be several dozen large potatoes on the bush; one plant will provide you with food for the whole day.

If a gardener has to plant potatoes in dry soil, he often makes a big mistake: after planting, he begins to water the plantation. The root system grows over the surface, and there will not be a good harvest. If there is even a little moisture in the lower layers, let the roots independently find it at depth.

In rare cases, a situation may arise when you need to plant potatoes on completely dry soil: no matter how much you dig, there are only dry clods. In this case, try the next method.

  1. Dig deep holes.
  2. Fill the holes well with water, at least a bucket under each bush.
  3. Wait until the moisture is completely absorbed.
  4. Fill the holes with soil to the desired depth.
  5. Plant potatoes.

Watering timing

The time to water potatoes depends on both the weather and soil moisture. There is no need to pour water often - it is better to pour it rarely, but generously. Let’s say that in your region all summer there is comfortable, not too hot weather with light rain a couple of times a week. The soil is not dry, but not swampy either. Even so, there are periods in the development of plants when they need to be watered:

  1. when the seedlings rise above the ground to a height of about 7 cm;
  2. when buds appear: at this time tubers begin to set;
  3. after flowering period intensive growth tubers, approximately in the second ten days of August.

Simply wetting the soil will only bring negative results. When watering for the first time, pour at least 3 liters of water into the center of each plant. At this time, stolons are formed, on which potatoes appear. After watering in moist soil, they will grow thicker and will be able to spread out to give the tubers more room to develop. The next stage will require more water. Each adult bush needs at least 6 liters of liquid.

It is better to water the plants in the evening. If you do this work in the morning hours before sunrise, problems will arise. Drops will fall on the tops, lush greenery It won't dry out soon. The droplets, like small lenses, will collect the rays of the rising sun into one hot point, after which the leaves will get burned. If such injury occurs frequently, the caste will begin to hurt and will not be able to develop properly.

In such conditions, plants need to be watered at least every 4-5 days. If there is no rain, but there is no intense heat, moisten the plantings once every week and a half.

Immerse your hand in the soil to the depth of all phalanges. If your fingertips are dry when removed from the ground, the potatoes need moisture.

The amount of moisture in hot and windy weather should also be increased. Water instantly evaporates from the hot soil, but it needs to penetrate to a sufficient depth. When watering for the first time, pour at least 5 liters of water under the bush. When the plantings become mature, the norm should be about 20 liters.

Loosening will help increase the interval between waterings. When the shoots appear, hill them up. Potatoes do not like dense soil, which does not allow air to pass through well and nutrients. When processing the top layer of soil, the smallest capillary cracks are destroyed, through which moisture from the lower layers of the soil goes up and evaporates. Place a layer of mulch around the bushes; it will also help save soil moisture and you won’t need to water as often.

The vagaries of the weather are unpredictable: sometimes drought, sometimes heavy rains. If the soil allows moisture to pass through well or the area is equipped with drainage, the potatoes will not be at risk of waterlogging. Apply hydrogel when planting; it will regulate the amount of water in the ground. After a rainfall, the granules will absorb liquid, and during the dry period they will gradually release it into the ground.


Potatoes, like any garden crop, need care, which includes watering. Immediately after planting, moistening the top layer of soil is undesirable: the roots must strive deeper to obtain water. If they begin to grow over the surface, a slight drought will become disastrous for the bushes, and you will have to constantly walk around the plantation with a hose. Only when the seedlings grow a few centimeters should the area be watered.

Watering should not be considered a tedious task; it will help save space, effort and money. Harvest at proper care will be 2-3 times higher than on an abandoned plantation. You will plant half as many bushes and spend less seed material, fertilizers and other drugs. It is easier to process 1 hundred square meters than 2 or 3, and after good processing the potato tubers will turn out large and even, peeling them is a pleasure. Don’t be lazy, do everything right, and when delicious crumbly potatoes appear on your table, you will understand that your work was not in vain.