Do-it-yourself membrane roof installation. Roof penetrations and junctions. Securing membrane waterproofing

An exceptionally fast and simplest method of creating a roof is to make it based on synthetic rubber, also called polyvinyl chloride. PVC roofing is called membrane roofing; it has a long service life, low weight, a high degree of environmental friendliness, and has a number of other advantages.

Types of membranes

There are three types of membranes that are used as roofing materials:

  1. EPDM– made of special rubber, having good physical properties. Among them: temperature range -50 - +150 degrees Celsius, resistant to ozone, weather conditions, aging.
  2. TPO– has a stable chemical composition, increased resistance to impact chemical substances and microorganisms.
  3. PVC- This is a well-known polyvinyl chloride. Until recently, PVC membranes were the most common of all the above.

Features, technology, installation process

To start installing a membrane roof with your own hands, you need to decide on the type of connection of the panels. This can be done by hot air welding or gluing using special double-sided adhesive tapes.

Methods for joining seams:

  • Gluing- the method is not the most reliable due to the low strength of adhesive joints. It is mainly used for EPDM membranes, although it must be said that this method is simpler. Hot air welding produces a connection that is as strong as the base material, but requires special tools.
  • Welding can be automatic (using welding machines) and manual (using a hot air gun). If you are installing a membrane roof with your own hands, then it makes no sense to buy expensive welding machines. A hot air gun or an industrial hair dryer, which has low performance, but its price is an order of magnitude lower, will be sufficient.

To cook properly roofing material need to pick up optimal parameters. Their changes are influenced by ambient temperature, humidity, and wind speed. The optimal temperature is 15 - 20 degrees Celsius and normal humidity air. The hot air temperature should be around 500°C, the pressure is applied by a rolling roller, which must be purchased separately. If you are doing this for the first time, it is better to first practice on small panels specially designated for this purpose. The result should be a complete seam without peeling or burns.

The easiest way to attach the coating to the base is ballast. It is used when the slope of the slopes is less than 10°. To prevent the canvas from being blown away by the wind, it is covered with a layer of ballast, the minimum weight of which should be 50 kg / m² of membrane. River pebbles, rounded gravel and crushed stone are usually used as ballast. The disadvantage of this method of fastening is the large weight of the structure.

If the roof is not designed for heavy weight, then use mechanical method fastenings Fastening along the perimeter of the roof is done using special edge strips. The remaining area is secured with plastic mushrooms on metal anchors. Mechanical fastening is more reliable and lighter.

The membrane covering can also be glued to the base. This method is not widely used due to its high cost. Mostly used on complex roofs.

The advantages of membrane roofing are: long term operation (50 years), excellent waterproofing properties, immunity to frequent changes in weather conditions. Disadvantages include the high cost of materials.

It can be concluded that it is advisable to use a membrane roof. Despite the relatively expensive materials, ease of construction and durability make this coating quite attractive for use.

There are many ways to install vertical waterproofing of a foundation. Among them, the most popular are paint and roll, but their membrane counterpart, in which the protection of the base is provided by a special polymer film, is used more and more every year. It has an important advantage - unlike its competitors, membrane waterproofing completely seals the foundation from groundwater. It is also insensitive to corrosion and chemicals. By the way, if you are interested in the construction of foundations, we advise you to visit the section.

Today, experts define three types of membrane waterproofing for foundations: light, medium and heavy. The last two types are expensive, complex and are used in situations where it is necessary to provide protection from strong hydrostatic pressure on the base of the building. In private housing construction, it is quite enough to install the film using the simplest method. Do-it-yourself waterproofing of the foundation with a film (membrane) of exactly this type will be discussed in detail in the article.

Preparing the foundation and walls for waterproofing equipment.

Very important advantage membrane waterproofing means there is no need to carefully level vertical surfaces. The reason for this is that polymer films are not fixed directly to the concrete base. Instead, they hang freely along a vertical surface, forming a kind of “skirt”. This provides additional strength to the waterproofing - in the event of even slight deformation of the foundation, the membrane will remain intact. There are exceptions only if there is a need to use two-layer film insulation.

Fastening membrane waterproofing.

The technology is quite simple and generally similar to the installation of classic roll insulation. The film is supplied fully finished in rolls. All that remains is to unfold it along the vertical surfaces, fix it at the top, and cut off the excess from the bottom. It is necessary that the film protrudes above ground level by at least 30 centimeters. You need to lay it from top to bottom, that is, unfold the roll not longitudinally to the wall, but perpendicularly. The membrane is attached depending on its model. The most common and simplest option is to install special small-sized PVC rondels on the wall with a pitch of no more than one and a half meters. The membrane is attached to them using spot welding under the influence of hot air. The film is also reliably welded to metal parts.

Just as in the case of roll waterproofing, the film pieces should be overlapped - one piece should overlap the other. Most film models have self-adhesive strips along the edges just for this purpose. If they are not there, you can use tape, special construction adhesive, or use a stream of hot air to weld the sheets to each other.

As for the length of one piece of film, as mentioned above, it should not be clearly standardized. It is enough to make sure that the waterproofing extends below the edge of the foundation cushion by 20-30 centimeters. Subsequently, when filling the sinuses, the soil will securely fix them, and the membrane will tightly cover the concrete base. However, when adding soil, it is very important to carefully ensure that sharp stones do not damage the waterproofing, stretch or bend it. The section of membrane protruding above the ground must also be covered. There are many ways to do this. The most practical and popular is to use thin cement screed(about 1 centimeter thick) or decorative panels. In both cases, this will not have a negative impact on the waterproofing qualities.

If you want to give your film waterproofing greater strength (this is necessary, for example, in places where hydrostatic pressure groundwater exceeds 200 kN/m2), then you can make it two-layer. In this case, the inner layer will be a flat membrane, and the outer layer will be a perforated film. It is much thicker, stronger, and is attached using the same technology as described above. However, in this case it is necessary to carefully level the vertical walls of the foundation

Among modern types of roofing, membrane roofing can be considered one of the most durable. When the installation of a membrane roof is carried out in accordance with technological requirements, then high-quality roof covering can serve its owners from 40 to 50 years. She has excellent performance characteristics, successfully resists changes in air temperature and therefore can be used in any region of the country.

It’s impossible to build such a roof special labor, since the peculiarity of the material allows the coating to be installed in only one layer. Use of modern polymer materials provides maximum roof waterproofing and makes it possible to save on materials for additional waterproofing. Due to the elasticity and flexibility inherent in polymers, they can be successfully used for constructing roofs of any shape and slope.

Today, building the roof of a house with a membrane roof allows you to obtain a roofing covering that is almost completely monolithic and has excellent waterproofing properties. This type of roofing is deservedly considered the most modern and meets the requirements of recent times.

Materials used for membrane roofing

This type of roof is constructed using special materials, which are commonly called membrane materials, and which are presented in a wide range on the country’s market. They are distinguished by reliability, durability and a variety of color shades.

Do-it-yourself roofing can be done using different types roofing membranes. They all have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. If until recently, when it came to membrane roofing, it was understood that it was made from PVC membranes, today they are used for this purpose. EPDM membranes and TPO. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

  • PVC membranes are plasticized polyvinyl chloride reinforced with polyester mesh. To increase the elasticity of membranes, a large percentage of volatile plasticizers is added to polyvinyl chloride. PVC membrane sheets in process installation work welded together with hot air using special equipment. The advantage of this reliable design is that the joints of the canvases can compete with intact sections in terms of strength. PVC membranes are highly resistant to ultraviolet rays and fire. They come in a variety of colors, but, unfortunately, have a tendency to fade. One of the disadvantages that you need to be aware of when you decide how to properly make a roof is the membrane’s poor resistance to solvents, bitumen and various oils. The membrane fabric releases volatile compounds into the external environment, which is also a negative factor.
  • TPO membranes are a derivative of thermoplastic olefins. They are available both unreinforced and reinforced with fiberglass or polyester. Like PVC membranes, they are welded to each other using special equipment with hot air. The resulting seam is highly durable and reliable. Installation of membrane roofing using TPO membranes is more labor-intensive, since they have less elasticity compared to PVC and EPDM membranes.

When installing a membrane roof using the above materials, various technologies are used. Let's focus on those that are used most often.

Ballast method of securing membranes

Fastening roofing membranes using ballast method, which is considered the simplest, is used when the roof slope is less than 15 degrees. It is done as follows:

  • The membranes are laid on the roof surface. Then the installation of the membrane roof is carried out in such a way that they are leveled and secured around the perimeter using glue or welding. Membranes are fixed in places where they are adjacent to the vertical elements of the roof.
  • A layer of ballast is placed on top of the membrane prepared in this way. The best types of it are considered to be medium-fraction river pebbles (from 20 to 40 mm), rounded crushed stone and gravel.
  • The ballast weight must be at least 50 kg per square meter.
  • In the case where unrounded gravel or broken stone will be used as ballast, the membrane sheet will need to be protected from possible damage. You can lay non-woven tightly with a density of over 500 g/m2 or mats on top of it.

If you are starting to build a roof, instructions of this kind will provide you with effective practical assistance.

Mechanical method of securing membranes

In cases where the roof structure is not able to withstand the loads associated with the ballast fastening of roofing membranes, another method of fastening them is used. We are talking about mechanical installation of a membrane roof.

Mechanical fastening of membranes is used when design features roofs do not allow high-quality gluing of waterproofing membrane material.

Corrugated sheeting, reinforced concrete, wood, etc. can be used as a basis for mechanical fastening. Membranes can be secured around the perimeter of protruding roof elements using special edge strips, on the underside of which a sealing layer is applied.

Do-it-yourself roofing provides that the membrane materials will be attached to the roof using telescopic fasteners. It consists of a plastic umbrella with a wide hat and metal anchors, which can be replaced with large disk holders. The latter are used when the roof slope has an angle of more than 10 degrees.

Installation of mechanical fasteners is carried out in areas where the membrane sheet is applied. Fastening elements are located in increments not exceeding 200 mm. When the slope of the roof slope is more than 2-4 degrees, an additional fastening line is made where the valley is located.

If the construction of the roof of a house is carried out with mechanical fastening of the roofing membrane at the base of the roof, then measures must be taken to protect the membrane from damage. To do this, geotextile material or non-woven material is placed under it.

Fastening roofing membranes using the gluing method

Roofing membranes are secured by gluing in very rare cases. The reason is the rather expensive cost of such work. However, there is no guarantee that the strength of the membrane roofing covering to the roof base will be sufficiently high.

However, there are situations when the use of other methods, for some reason, is inappropriate or, better said, impracticable. Then you can resort to an adhesive connection. Installation of the membrane roof is then carried out using adhesive mixtures. In terms of tensile strength, their connection must exceed the strength of the connection between the contacting layers of the roof.

Roofing membranes can be glued not over their entire area, but in the most critical places. This is done, as a rule, along the perimeter of the roof and in places where the panels overlap. Problem areas include ribs, valleys and places where membranes adjoin protruding roof elements - chimneys, ventilation ducts and other protruding roof structures. This way you will reduce the cost of adhesives.

Thermally welded method of connecting roof membranes

When deciding how to properly build a roof, many developers prefer the heat-welded method of connecting membrane roofing sheets. It allows you to make the roof reliable and, at the same time, give it modern look. The work is carried out using a special welding machine. It “produces” a stream of air, which has a temperature of 400 to 600 degrees. To ensure the strength and reliability of the connection of roofing membranes, it is recommended to make the width of the welded layer 20-100 mm.

Membrane coating sheets, which are joined by welding, create a high-quality sealed surface. It should not be forgotten that welded joint the action of ultraviolet rays does not have a destructive effect, which cannot be said about adhesive seams.

Significant disadvantage such connections is that due to the complexity of the welding process, it will be difficult to do it yourself.

If you are seriously concerned about such an issue as roof construction, instructions for using a particular method of installing a membrane roof will be your reliable guide.

The technologies for its construction described above can be successfully used in the construction of large structures, private cottages and outbuildings. By studying them carefully, you will be able to gain theoretical knowledge about the properties that membrane roofing materials have. Taking into account their characteristics, scope and features of application, you will have the opportunity to have a beautiful, reliable and durable membrane roof in the future!

There are many traditional roofing materials, many of which are quite popular and widely used even today. Usage latest technologies helps make the roof more reliable and durable, one of them is membrane. The use of this method makes it possible to create an almost monolithic protective layer with excellent waterproofing characteristics. There are several ways to attach the covering, therefore, by mentioning each of them, we will tell you how it is done PVC installation membranes for roofing. Having completed the job once, you will no longer have to think about roof repairs every year.

Materials used

There are several types of membranes used for waterproofing roof surfaces. Each of them is fundamentally different from traditional materials and has its own pros and cons. The following types of films can be distinguished:

  • EPDM (based on ethylene-propylene rubbers (synthetic rubber));
  • TPO (thermoplastic olefin based).

Let's look at each material in more detail.

In the manufacture of PVC membranes, in order to make the coating more elastic, special volatile plasticizers are added to polyvinyl chloride, which ensures the formation of a durable and reliable protective layer. Installation is carried out using welding so that the joining zones of individual surface segments (cloths) are in no way inferior in strength to “solid” sections. The disadvantages of polyvinyl chloride include the presence of volatile substances in its composition, as well as susceptibility to the effects of solvents, various oils and bitumen.

EPDM membranes are strengthened (reinforced) by adding polyester plasticizers in the form of thin threads. Characterized by high ductility and long service life, this material is relatively inexpensive. Their only drawback is the need to use a special adhesive that reliably connects the individual webs. The problem areas are considered to be joints, which forces the potential contractor to pay special attention to them.

Thermoplastic olefin waterproofing film can also be reinforced with fiberglass or polyester. A design option is possible that does not involve strengthening the covering layer with special plasticizers. When installing TPO membrane sheets, hot air welding is used to connect them to each other, which ensures very strong seams. A significant disadvantage of materials of this class is their low elasticity.

Known technologies for arranging the listed coatings may differ markedly from one another. Practice has shown that the most commonly used techniques are:

  • ballast fixation;
  • mechanical fastening;
  • simple gluing;
  • use of heat welding technique.

In the following sections, we will consider each of these techniques in more detail.

Ballast mount

The most in a simple way laying (including the installation of PVC roofing) is their ballast fastening. The procedure for implementing this method is as follows:

  • strips of canvas laid on the roof are carefully leveled and fixed around the perimeter with glue;
  • ballast is poured over the spread film, which is usually fractionated river pebbles, crushed stone or rounded gravel;
  • when using crushed stone or gravel with sharp edges, to avoid damage to the film, first lay it on top protective covering from non-woven fabric.

Mechanical fastening

If the load-bearing structure of the roof is not designed to withstand heavy loads that allow the implementation of the ballast fixation option, it is necessary to use the so-called mechanical fastening. This installation method is also used in cases where, due to the peculiarities of the roof configuration, it is not possible to use other methods of fixing waterproofing.

The mechanical method can be used when installing roofs made of reinforced concrete and corrugated sheets, as well as when waterproofing wooden bases. According to this method, the membrane covering is laid using special “edge” slats with a special sealing layer. In this case, special telescopic nails with a wide plastic head are used as direct fasteners. The fastening points are selected in the areas of overlap of individual sheets of roofing membranes with an installation pitch of about 200 mm. At blood inclination angles exceeding 2‒4 ⁰C, additional fasteners are provided in the valley area.

The situation with laying a protective layer on concrete bases roofs. First, a so-called geotextile layer is laid on them, on top of which a roofing film is mounted.


The technique of gluing PVC membranes is considered a rather expensive undertaking that does not provide the required reliability of the seam. For this reason, it is used very rarely and is usually used only in cases where other methods are not applicable. When implementing it, it is necessary to choose adhesives whose tensile strength of the adhesive seam is noticeably higher than that of the material being glued.

When using this fixation technique, individual strips of fabric are glued not over the entire area, but only along its edges. In addition, gluing points can be selected in areas of overlap of adjacent panels, as well as in places where the film adheres to vertical planes (on ribs, in valleys, etc.).

Heat welding

Note! To join PVC films by welding, you will need special equipment that generates a hot stream of air with an axial temperature of about 500‒600⁰C. The width of the resulting weld should be in the range from 20 to 100 mm.

This method of connecting individual panels of roofing material provides high level layer tightness. The resulting seam (unlike the adhesive method) is insensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

Today, heat welding is the most reliable and promising fastening of waterproofing.

Installation technologies given in this article membrane coatings can be used both in the construction of large industrial facilities, and in private construction.


Windproof membrane- that's pretty new material in the construction market. Its demand began to grow with the peak of construction popularity frame houses. But besides this, such a membrane material is very important not only when insulating the walls of a house, but also when arranging the roof, where it has become an integral layer of the “pie”. This stage during construction work should be provided for at the design stage or at the very beginning of repairs. This article will discuss how to choose a windproof membrane for your home and install it correctly.

The importance of a hydro and windproof membrane for the home

  • Regardless of what material the house is built from, when insulating it, it is imperative to provide a windproof layer. Its task is to protect the thermal insulation material from the effects of strong air currents, partially absorbing air pressure. But, at the same time, without in any way reducing the vapor-permeable characteristics of the material with which the facades of the house are lined. Therefore, we can conclude that it is the windproof membrane that guarantees the preservation of all the important characteristics of the insulation, allowing you to extend its service life.

  • But we must not forget that from the inside of the house you need to make a vapor barrier membrane film that will protect the insulation from water vapor. When wet, it immediately deteriorates its properties and high heat loss begins.

Tip: a windproof single-layer or double-layer membrane is used only on the outside on top of the insulation, and a vapor barrier membrane is used on the inside of the house, as a finishing layer before installing drywall.

  • The importance of using windproof membranes is due to several factors. First of all, this is infiltration, that is, when warm air from the house passes out through very small cracks in the structure of the wall material. This occurs especially often in wooden houses, when the wood dries out. The second reason is the ventilation of the walls. Even dense materials such as brick or foam block have sufficient porosity to allow air to pass through. The presence of a windproof film helps to cope with these shortcomings, and, without affecting the vapor barrier qualities, stabilize the microclimate in the room.

  • In addition, the use of wind protection will protect the insulation from excessive humidity due to the condensation that forms, which often causes mold to form.

Today there is a very wide variety of windproof membranes on sale, both foreign and domestic. They all vary greatly in price and features. According to their technical characteristics, windproof membranes for the home can be divided into:

  • vapor permeable film, promotes the penetration of excess steam from the room, while simultaneously protecting the insulation from rain and cold winds;
  • vapor barrier film, fastened from the side of the living room. Its function is only to remove steam; it cannot be mounted outside;
  • multifunctional membrane, its name speaks for itself. Despite its apparent convenience, it is used much less frequently.

Benefits of using a windproof membrane

  • Environmental friendliness of the material. It is absolutely harmless to both humans and the environment.
  • Fire resistance. It is achieved thanks to the special additives that it contains. They allow you to suppress combustion.
  • Ease of use, is easy to install at any time of the year and does not require personal protective equipment.

  • High specifications . Thus, it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, moisture resistant, elastic, resistant to mechanical damage and strong temperature changes.
  • Duration of operation. Does not lose its properties for many decades.

Depending on what goals they want to achieve, windproof film is attached to the walls of houses, roofs or ceilings of attic floors.

A variety of windproof materials for the home

  • Not so long ago, it was not possible to find special windproof membranes on sale, but there was a need for additional material. Therefore, there are several alternative materials that are acceptable for use, although not recommended today. Although their cost is lower, their characteristics are significantly inferior to new high-tech materials.
  • Perhaps the cheapest of all possible materials glassine is used to protect the walls from wind. But despite him low price, appearance it is so unattractive that most often it is made as a temporary solution with further dismantling.
  • Until now, in private construction small houses Ordinary polyethylene film is used as wind protection. But, due to very low vapor permeability properties, excess moisture can accumulate in the thermal insulation material, leading to dire consequences. Vapor permeability is important not only for the insulation itself, but also for the structure of the walls, especially when it comes to a wooden house.

Manufacturers of vapor-permeable windproof membranes


This brand occupies one of the leading positions in the windproof membrane market. He has been known for more than 25 years, during which he has proven high quality your products. The hydro-windproof film is sold under the name “Ondutis” and, depending on the purpose and properties, is available in several names:

  • S.A. 115 - the insulating material is a vapor-permeable membrane that is capable of retaining moisture and gusts of wind, while not rotting and has high resistance to tearing and the effects of ultraviolet radiation. It is used to protect insulated structures, walls or roofs from the formation of condensation, atmospheric moisture and strong winds;
  • A 120- also suitable for use on wall and roof structures. Distinctive feature serves as a higher resistance to solar radiation. Typically sold in rolls 1.5 m wide and 50 m long.
  • A 100- essentially an analogue of the previous one, but cheaper. This is due to less strength and limitations temperature regime operation.


This is an excellent combination of price and quality, so you can buy it at any hardware store. The isospan windproof membrane is quite versatile and suitable for use in insulated roofs covered with any roofing material: metal, natural tiles or bitumen tiles.

In addition to the most famous and popular models, there are products with increased fire-resistant qualities on sale. Special fire retardants in the fabric itself help achieve this; this can protect the structure from fire, both during construction work and during operation. Although its price is higher, in some cases fire requirements allow the use of only such a membrane.

Wind protection isospan was constantly improved, which made it possible to achieve a number of advantages over other analogues:

  • compactness and light weight. This is the presence of rolls small size, which are easy to transport even on public transport;
  • convenient sizes. They allow even one person to install the material, but will not create an unnecessarily large number of joints;
  • high strength characteristics. They make it possible to work even in unfavorable weather conditions, while the risk of tearing the material is minimized;
  • low price. Considering the high consumption of film, this is an important component when choosing;
  • elasticity, resistance to UV rays, temperature changes, etc.

Depending on the specific construction goals, you can also choose the most appropriate option from the line presented by the manufacturer:

  • Izospan A- This windproof is designed for outdoor use. Attached to the wall of the house under a ventilated facade or under the roofing. Its purpose is to protect structural elements and insulation from wind and water. Improved Izospan A with fire retardant properties is also sold;

  • Izospan AM is a two-layer membrane material with high vapor-permeable properties. It will perfectly protect the insulation from condensation, atmospheric humidity and weathering. This is achieved thanks to the special structure of the fabric, the creation of which became possible only by using modern technologies. This guarantees high water-resistant characteristics during long-term use in the most extreme weather conditions;
  • IzospanAS- although it is the most expensive in its line, since it is a three-layer material, but thanks to the installation method it can reduce costs. So, it can be mounted directly on top of the insulation, without lathing for the ventilation gap.

Windproof membranes "rockwool"

These are vapor-permeable, wind- and moisture-proof materials that are available in different brands. The choice depends on the specific conditions and goals to be achieved. They are all sold in standard rolls of 70 m2.

  • Rockwoolroof. This is a two-layer membrane that meets all basic requirements. Successfully removes condensation from the roof and protects the insulation from the wind. When using it, be sure to make a ventilation gap of up to 5 cm. The width of the roll is 1.6 m, so it must be placed on the roof horizontal stripes with a gap of at least 15 cm. The top strip of material is laid with a distance of 5-10 cm from the ridge.

  • Rockwoolpartitions. It is chosen if the facades of the house were insulated from the outside. It serves as a protective layer between the thermal insulation material and external cladding siding or any other material. It is attached directly on top of the insulation, pressing it with slats, to which it is subsequently attached. decorative cladding walls
  • Rockwoolpartitions with fire retardant additives. It completely retains all the functions and purpose of the previous type, but it contains special flame retardant additives that help protect the structure from fire for some time.

Types of construction membrane films

All membrane materials for house construction can be divided into several main categories. So, depending on the structure of the material and its purpose, there are vapor-permeable and vapor barrier films.

Vapor barrier membrane

  • It is always installed only from the inside of the house, protecting the cotton insulation from the accumulation of moisture in it from condensation. For example, when arranging mansard roof, the insulation from below is covered with just such a film. It can look different: in the form of a smooth paper film of high elasticity and strength with a glossy side, or in the form of an aluminum film with a foil side.

Tip: the presence of a vapor barrier on the wall and roof structures of the house creates a “thermos” effect. This is good for saving energy when heating, but it also greatly increases the humidity in the room. Therefore, supply and exhaust ventilation systems must be installed in them.

  • To protect metal roofing materials, such as metal tiles or corrugated sheets, special membrane materials are produced. These films have an anti-condensation coating that protects the metal from corrosion. The principle of its operation lies in the structure of the coating on one of the sides - it is rough to the touch, since it is an adsorbent layer that absorbs condensate rising from the room. A ventilation gap of 2-5 cm is left between such a membrane and the insulation.

Vapor-permeable windproof membranes for walls and roofs

  • They are used outside buildings on top of insulation under cladding or roofing material. In addition to the fact that it successfully protects soft insulation from damage by the wind, it also provides an additional waterproofing layer. Since windproof membranes are a kind of buffer between thermal insulation and the external environment, it is important that they allow all possible moisture from the room to pass into the ventilation gap. This is possible due to the presence of very small perforations, which are invisible to the naked eye. It follows from this that the higher throughput windproof vapor membrane, the more efficiently it will work. According to this principle, it is divided into: diffusion, superdiffusion and pseudodiffusion.
  • Pseudo-diffusion materials in most cases are used in roof construction. This is due to their good waterproofing properties and successful operation with a properly organized ventilation gap. But it is not recommended to lay such a windproof membrane on facades due to its low vapor permeability characteristics. Its pores are so small that they can easily become clogged with dust during strong air currents and stop working.
  • The best windproof membranes for the walls of the house are diffusion and superdiffusion. Their vapor-permeable properties are so good that you don’t have to worry about clogging. Thanks to a large number the pores are quite large, manufacturers guarantee correct work such materials even without installing lathing on top of them for ventilation.

  • It is worth mentioning separately about this type of windproof films, such as volumetric diffusion membranes. This great option for roofing work. They are quite dense mats up to 3 m in length and about 8 mm in thickness. Such volumetric polypropylene slabs are an independent layer that separates the insulation and roof covering without additional ventilation. This guarantees high-quality removal of condensate formed under the roof, extending its service life. To fasten it, ordinary nails are used, but the base for it can only be a solid covering, for example, made of plywood.

Installation of a windproof membrane. FAQ

  • Which side to attach the windproof membrane to?? If the house is insulated mineral wool, then it is attached from the outside directly on top of the insulation. The same applies when working on an insulated roof. If the roof is not insulated, then instead of a wind barrier, a vapor barrier is attached to the bottom of the rafters. When the walls of the house are insulated only from the inside, then a vapor barrier film is installed only on the side of the room.
  • Which side is the right way to lay the membrane?? As a rule, all membrane fabrics have a front side, which is quite difficult to distinguish and requires a long look. But you can’t make a mistake, since how it works will depend on the location. Thus, the roofing anti-condensation windbreak is attached with the absorbent side to the inside of the room. Today, well-known manufacturers of diffusion materials have begun to mark one of the sides and indicate in the instructions on the rolls exactly how it should be positioned.

  • Is a ventilation gap necessary? In most cases it is needed. For example, when installing a vapor barrier on the side of the living room, a gap of 2-3 cm must be left between it and the drywall. But windproof diffusion materials can be attached without additional ventilation between the insulation, but it is necessary to do so between the finishing cladding of the building. The slatted frame is mounted vertically so as not to obstruct air flow. The roofing anti-condensation film must have a 5 cm section of ventilation on both sides.
  • How much overlap should the windproof membrane be made? The most well-known manufacturers make a marking tape on their products that indicates optimal size overlap. For walls, in most cases, it varies from 10 to 20 cm. But when installing a roof, this indicator depends on the degree of roof slope; the lower the slope, the greater the overlap should be left. In the area of ​​the junction with the ridge, the wind protection should have an overlap of at least 20 cm, and at the valleys up to 30 cm. Often, in these places it is recommended to mount an additional layer in the form of a strip with an overlap of 40-50 cm on both slopes.
  • Is it necessary to glue the joints of the windproof membrane? This required condition, which is prescribed by all manufacturers. This is the only way to achieve absolute tightness of the joint. Any self-adhesive tapes are suitable for these purposes, but it is best to use reinforced construction tape. Although its price is much higher than regular paper, it guarantees excellent performance for many decades. It can also be used to repair a break. But first, put a gasket inside in the form of a piece of wind protection, and then glue everything.

  • How to attach a windproof membrane for your home? For tension and temporary fixation, a construction stapler is used. But this is only a temporary measure; slats must be firmly screwed on top, which will serve as a lathing for further cladding work. But with further arrangement of curtain facades, the work will be more labor-intensive. First, brackets for hanging panels are attached to the wall, after which slabs of heat-insulating material are mounted on dowel-nails with mushroom caps. After this, a windproof membrane is stretched over the top and, applied to the wall, slots are made for each bracket. And right away, right through thermal insulation material, attached to the wall using similar mushroom nails. Their number must be at least 5 pcs/m2. If it is not difficult to nail a counter-lattice around the perimeter of the windows, then at the joints with pipes, antennas, and ventilation ducts, the edges are glued with double-sided tape or special rubber adhesive.

  • How long can the windproof membrane be left open? Although manufacturers claim that their materials are resistant to ultraviolet rays, this period is limited. So, after 5-6 months the material begins to “age” and lose its properties. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the windbreak with cladding as soon as possible after its installation. And also, if the windbreak is exposed to prolonged rain, it gets wet and begins to leak water to the insulation and to the very structural elements of the house. Therefore, it is more convenient to do each wall separately, installing all layers of cladding at once, rather than the entire house in stages.