Novotex profile for plastic windows made in Russia. Novotex profile systems

Any home owner wants to live in peace and comfort. And in the embodiment of this desire, in general, there is nothing super difficult. The Novotex company is fully capable of helping a person realize his dream. The windows that it offers its customers meet all sanitary requirements. They are perhaps the best budget option window glazing and doorways in the house.

A few words about the manufacturer

The trade and production company Narodny Plastic produces window and door profiles under the Novotex brand. The date of establishment of the company is considered to be 2001. The main goal of the manufacturer is to produce products that are in no way inferior in quality to goods from well-known foreign brands. At the same time, the company strives to form an opinion among its business partners of itself as a reliable supplier.

Located in the Moscow region, in the city of Klimovsk. Novotex purchased equipment for the enterprise producing plastic windows from well-known companies involved in the design and assembly of machine tools. Among them are world-famous companies: German - Krauss-Maffei, Austrian - Technoplast and Grainer, Spanish - Barberan.

The Novotex profile, reviews of which characterize the product as high-quality, offered on the market at a fairly comfortable price, is a universal window system designed using innovative technical solutions.

Main characteristics of Novotex products

Products of the Novotex trademark, the technical characteristics of which classify the profile for windows as very high quality, are adapted to the climatic conditions in which Russia is located. The company offers customers 3, 4 and 5 chamber systems equipped with a double sealing circuit. The depth at which installation can be carried out is 58 mm (for extended models - up to 70 mm). The thickness of the outer walls of the window is about 3 mm. The ability to produce double-glazed windows up to 36 mm thick ensures successful and safe use in different climatic zones of Russia.

The frame and sashes of the double-glazed windows are reinforced with a special metal frame, which significantly increases the strength and reliability of the window structure. The Novotex window profile (expert reviews about it are positive) provides a long service life. Each window manufactured using this system has a certificate guaranteeing at least 40 years of continuous service.

In addition, the Novotex profile is airtight, therefore it provides excellent sound and heat insulation. PVC contains fire retardants (substances that do not support combustion), so these products are fireproof. The materials used to make the profiles undergo sanitary and epidemiological tests and therefore the installation of such windows or doors will not harm the health of people and pets.

Novotex brand products do not allow freezing and noticeable heat loss. The presence of a reinforcing liner in the design serves as a reliable barrier to the penetration of cold through the metal. A special inclined falsetto is another feature of products such as the Novotex profile. Customer reviews that condensation leaves the windows very quickly are a consequence of the presence of this element in the design. Fasteners stitch 3 walls. Thanks to this, increased strength of the hinges on the sash is achieved.

Price range

And what is the cost of window products from Novotex? The price is more than acceptable for a wide range of consumers and can range from 5,500 to 9,000 rubles, depending on the chosen design. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer is domestic, not foreign, it has automated the main production processes, has its own laboratory that ensures proper quality control, and has selected and brought together professionals. In addition, all work is carried out using high-tech equipment. All this has led to a steady increase in consumer demand for Novotex plastic windows.

Main types of manufactured products

Based on systems using the Novotex profile (characteristics and varieties will be discussed below), it is produced whole line products. These are doors, of course, windows, balconies and arched structures. Profiles are also widely used in object construction.

The client, at his request, can order the production of balcony or entrance doors, windows of any design (fanlight type, rotary, tilt-and-turn, hinged, fixed).

Fixed windows, the most cheap option Novotex products are ideal for utility rooms, corridors, some public buildings, in general, those places where there is no need for ventilation.

The rotating version of window structures involves opening by rotating around a vertical axis. The tilt-and-turn version (opening by rotating around both axes - vertical and horizontal), for the manufacture of which the Novotex profile is also used, is assessed by consumer and specialist reviews as being in the widest demand. The mechanism allows you not only to open the window, but also to open it in ventilation mode. As well as micro-ventilation (in winter).

The window profile "Novotex" is used for the manufacture of structures with an impost vestibule (impost is a partition fixed between two opening sashes). Today it is one of the most common species in great demand among consumers.

An alternative to the option described above can be windows without an impost. If you open both doors, a single large opening will open. This can be convenient if you need to bring in something bulky. However, on the other hand, the impost narthex makes the window structure much stronger and more reliable.

The Novotex company produces windows with a 3-, 4- and 5-chamber system.

"Novotex Light"

The 3-chamber Novotex system, the technical characteristics of which position it as lightweight, nevertheless provides good heat and sound insulation. The installation width is 58 mm. The fitting groove at a depth of 9 mm makes it possible to use all the most common fitting systems. The same reinforcing frame can be installed in both the frame and the sash. Sound insulation characteristics, depending on the thickness of the filling, can reach 46 decibels. The thickness of the glass unit during installation is from 4 to 32 mm.

The system can be used in standard PVC windows, in designs with increased thermal insulation characteristics, with improved noise protection parameters. It is also possible to use high security window systems in the manufacture.

"Novotex Classic"

The 4-chamber system, for the manufacture of which the Novotex window profile is used, is characterized by customer reviews as hermetically sealed, environmentally friendly and fireproof. Installation width - 58 mm. The thickness of the double-glazed windows that can be installed ranges from 24 to 32 mm. The system provides increased resistance to heat transfer and makes it impossible for the window frame to freeze. The design is equipped with Eurogrooves. This makes it possible to use standard fittings from a number of other manufacturers. A set of glazing beads with different sealing profiles allows you to install infills ranging in size from 4 to 36 mm into the structure.

The reinforcing liner prevents frost from forming and does not allow the metal parts of the window to freeze. A 20 mm high overlay reliably protects the edge of the glass unit from the destructive effects of sunlight. A continuous seal along the contour and identical for the frame and sashes ensures air and water tightness. Moreover, it long time retains elasticity and is resistant to temperature changes. Removing the fitting groove - 9 mm.

The Novotex PVC profile is equipped with a special inclined rebate, which ensures effective removal of condensate formed on the glass, and water does not get on the metal parts of the fittings. It is possible to produce window profiles as white, and various shades of brown (for lamination).

"Novotex Termo"

For the manufacture of a 5-chamber system, the Novotex profile is also used. Its characteristics are somewhat different from the first two. The installation width has been increased to 70 mm. The design is unified and suitable for any Novotex series (reinforcing frame, seals, glazing beads). From physical parameters it is worth paying attention to the increased thermal insulation characteristics, improved sound insulation (with a glass unit thickness of 36 mm - from 45 decibels) and enhanced protection against burglary attempts (removal of the fitting groove - at least 13 mm).

The likelihood of condensation forming in the system is reduced because the double-glazed window can be installed to a depth of up to 2 cm. The width of the rebate is significantly increased. This allows the use of a wide range of double-glazed windows up to 42 mm wide (and frost-resistant ones too). The reinforced liner between the chambers does not allow cold to flow through the metal.

The window profile, assembled into the 5-chamber Novotex system, has wide functionality. It has been successfully used for making standard windows PVC, structures with improved noise protection and thermal insulation parameters, balcony doors.

Activities after installation of window structures

The most important thing that consumers should pay attention to is that in order for relatively inexpensive windows with Novotex profiles to serve for a long time and with high quality, installation should be carried out by specialists with experience in this field.

Any profile, and Novotex is no exception, is supplied to production in protective film. During the manufacturing process of the window, the film remains on it. And the consumer receives a design with the same protection. It can be removed only after installing the window. There is even a regulatory document on this matter - GOST, which recommends removing the film no later than 10 days after installation. The fact is that film protection is negatively affected by sunlight. Under the influence of rays, processes will begin underneath it that can damage the outer surface of the frame.

Consumer Opinions

Window profiles from the Novotex company are in wide demand among consumers due to the fact that the relatively low cost is combined with excellent product quality.

Many of the potential buyers, after a lengthy search, focus their attention on Novotex windows for the reason that, in addition to an acceptable price, the company is ready to offer installments when paying for the work. As a rule, specialists arrive quickly to take measurements, within a few days. Windows are also produced quite quickly. And installed within 1-2 business days. Of course, there are complaints from buyers, but, as a rule, they are resolved quickly. In general, service departments work efficiently and quickly. The majority of customers have had Novotex windows for several years and retain their properties.

Many customers say that after installing the Novotex window profile, they felt as if their apartments had become much lighter. The structures do not allow large heat losses and soundproof the rooms well. Those whose windows face the sunny side are pleased to note that after several years of use the profiles do not change color or turn yellow. Consumers from different regions In Russia, with different climatic conditions, they say that the windows are not blown through from the sashes and do not sweat.

The majority of buyers agree that after installing structures with Novotex PVC profiles, the apartments became warm and there was practically no noise from the street. The structures are airtight; you can even sit a child on the windowsill without fear of catching a cold. For those who installed windows in the summer, it was a pleasant surprise that the glass does not freeze and does not allow even small heat losses.

And all the consumers were very satisfied with both the cost of the structures themselves and the price of their installation. Many opted for Novotex products precisely after the amount that had to be paid for the manufacture of the windows or doors themselves and for the installation work was announced.


The number of consumers who have given preference to windows for the manufacture of which the Novotex profile was used is constantly growing. Customer reviews eloquently testify to the high quality of products offered at fairly affordable prices. Window designs of the Novotex brand are available to a wide range of consumers and can satisfy the desires of even the most demanding customers.

For the manufacturer People's Plastic, 2002 was a breakthrough, because they created a new and original Novotex window system. Novotex window profiles have proven themselves to be at the highest level of reliability and durability. Using the experience of European companies, the manufacturer has developed a high-quality domestic analogue. In addition, the profile stands out among its competitors in that it is quite environmentally friendly (produced without the use of lead) and is resistant to external influences.

Adaptation to the Russian climate and operating conditions allowed Novotex PVC profiles to maintain comfort and stable temperature in the house/apartment. The tightness reduces the noise level to zero and protects from wind and moisture.

Novotex profile design

The classic look of the profile fits any interior. Also included with the profiles a large number of lamination options to be able to create the necessary color scheme. Caring for such profiles is simple and easy.

Environmental friendliness of Novotex windows

Plastic Novotex windows They do not contain any impurities hazardous to human health. The use of lead in production is strictly prohibited.

Quality assurance

Novotex profiles were tested at the exhibition and received the title of “people's brand”. This confirms that the characteristics of the profiles meet all standards and requirements for heat conservation and sound insulation. Novotex warranty period is 10 years.

If you have difficulty choosing which profile for Novotex PVC windows to purchase, we suggest you figure it out:

  • If the house is located in a residential area and is not greatly affected by the problem of sound insulation, the Novotex Classic profile is best suited. This is a regular 4-chamber profile that prevents freezing of the system. The system is fire resistant, beautiful and interesting design The frame has sufficient strength due to reinforcement.
  • If the house is located outside the city, where insulation is required, best choice will become Novotex Termo. This five-chamber profile will retain heat and create good sound insulation. More sunlight will enter the room, since the frame width has been reduced to 112 mm.

By the way, the Novotex profile has the narrowest frame, which allows 10% more sunlight to enter the room than competing models. The prices valid for the Novotex profile will not cause damage family budget, and their durability and quality will allow you to forget about the problem of retaining heat in the winter.

It is lightweight compared to the basic profile system. One jumper inside the profile has been removed and, accordingly, the profile takes on a three-chamber structure. This design solution has little effect on the heat and sound insulation characteristics of the profile, since the width of the profile remains unchanged. But it reduces the cost of the profile.


— a cost-effective option for glazing new buildings and reconstructing existing ones;

— availability at high level consumer qualities;

— sound insulation up to 46 dB (depending on the thickness of the filling);

— the ability to use additional profiles and accessories of the Novotex Classic system;

— the rebate under the glass unit has a slight slope to ensure condensate drainage;

— possibility of use in various climatic conditions.

Windows Novotex official website

The Novotex brand is unique, because each product item of the manufacturer is fully adapted to Russian climatic conditions. If you need Novotex windows, the official website will help you choose from new products and current, popular models. The advantages of windows from this manufacturer include excellent protection from wind/noise, as well as high tightness, due to which the noise level is reduced by 2.5 times compared to any wooden window structure. The windows will not freeze or allow moisture to pass through, and are easy to use and maintain.

If you want to buy Novotex windows inexpensively, our website presents the most low prices among similar companies. Thanks to its classic appearance, the window is ideal for the concept of your apartment or office. Pay attention to environmental friendliness, because Novotex brand products do not contain even a small percentage of harmful impurities. When creating the products, exclusively environmentally friendly materials were used (the manufacturer completely eliminated lead in the profiles). It should be noted that the certified service life of PVC profiles is 40 years and above, and the plastic window will retain its color throughout its entire period of active use. The quality of PVC systems is confirmed by quality certificates, state protocols, and at each stage of system creation they are subject to all necessary tests.

Window profiles from the manufacturer are divided into several types - Novotex Light and Novotex Thermo, Novotex Classic. The first option is equipped with three chambers and the ability to install the same type of reinforcement in frames and sashes. This system it is lightweight in comparison with the basic one (there is no jumper in the profile), and in terms of heat and sound insulation characteristics, this option does not differ from the basic models, because the width remains the same. Please note that when choosing this “Light” design you can save money. The main technical characteristics that determine the main functionality include the same type of door seals in frames and sashes, the use of additional profiles and fittings from the “Classic” series.

When choosing “Classic” windows, you will receive a design that will completely eliminate the accumulation of condensation during active operation throughout its entire service life. The “Classic” version uses 4-chamber profile structures, seals for frames and sashes, continuous along the contour, which will provide the highest air and water tightness characteristics.

In the form of “Thermo” there are 5 chambers of the profile design, increased sound insulation properties and protection against burglary. Due to the installation depth of 70 mm, double-glazed windows with various options filling, for example, energy-saving or noise-insulating. Main technical characteristics are reliability, installation of the same type of reinforcement in frames and sashes, unification, reinforced thickness, burglary protection.

Novotex windows have some special features - they are endowed with resistance to temperature changes, maintaining elasticity even after the end of the warranty period (40 years and above). This type The windows have rounded edges, so rain and melted snow will flow down easily.

In order to choose the ideal windows for your space, you first need to pay attention to the manufacturer - foreign or domestic. That is why our company’s specialists advise choosing among the Novotex brand windows, which will cost much less than products from any European manufacturer. The second advantage of choosing Novotex windows is complete adaptation to Russian climatic conditions. Next, move on to the second selection criterion - the thickness of the frame, because the maximum thickness of the frame will mean the maximum number of air chambers. Thus, you will receive additional protection against heat leakage from the room. Novotex window is endowed optimal thickness within 58mm-70mm.

In our online store you can inexpensively buy Novotex windows, which have a number of additional features- first, these are black elastic bands, glazing beads with a slope of 35 degrees, different designs of appearance - maximum similarity with lamination, profile in white and brown versions. The exclusivity of the system will be given by the area of ​​the translucent parts, because the narrowest frame means maximum daylight entering the room.

The specialists of our site offer not only the purchase of proven reliable windows, but also quality installation the window you have chosen, because correct and professional installation means full operation of the window throughout its entire service life. A client who orders installation from us will completely protect himself from problems associated with heat leakage, opening and closing windows.

Windows Novotex official website Moscow

The manufacturer Novotex develops, manufactures, and also sells window and door profiles with offers of accompanying products (for example, fittings). The package of a plastic window from the manufacturer includes profile systems, fittings and double-glazed windows - these components have differences in characteristics and appearance. If you need Novotex windows, the official Moscow website will help you choose best option according to your requirements and expectations.

A huge advantage of the company is the availability of offers in Moscow and the Moscow region. You should focus on easy care of the plastic window you have chosen - you need to wipe it several times a year plastic profile on top with a damp cloth. Thus, you will achieve preservation of the original whiteness for many years, and you can also choose a colored profile, a shape - classic, arched and non-rectangular.

The company offers several profile systems, which will become ideal option for glazing of residential and industrial buildings. The “Light” series is equipped with three chambers, standard heat and noise insulation and is presented in a lightweight version. The “Classic” series is equipped with four chambers, standard noise and heat insulation. The Termo series is equipped with five chambers, increased heat and noise insulation with the installation of an anti-burglary system.

The advantages of the Novotex window profile include enhanced strength characteristics, which will provide high quality reinforcement, excellent noise and sound insulation properties, a wealth of choice color scheme, which will allow you to implement all kinds of design projects, environmental materials that are used to create profiles and are not hazardous to the health of users.

Systems from the Novotex brand are products with an excellent cost/quality ratio. If you want to make a calculation for the window you have chosen, taking into account fittings and the like, call us, because our team is made up of highly qualified employees who have extensive experience in their narrow specialization. It should be concluded that when purchasing plastic windows from the Novotex company for a low cost, presented on our website, you can enjoy excellent work while saving on the budget spent on electricity, especially in winter.

T technical characteristics of Novotex Light:

— installation width — 58 mm;

— number of cameras — frame 3 / sash 3 / impost 3;

— the thickness of the double-glazed window when installed in the frame and sash is 6-36 mm;

— removal of the fitting groove — 9 mm;

— heat transfer resistance coefficient, R0 = 0.56 m2°C/W;

maximum size window sashes - 150 cm x 150 cm;

— maximum leaf size for balcony doors is 90 cm x 235 cm;

— durability (conditional years) — at least 40 years;

— standard seal color is black.

Novotex profile- innovative products created specifically for the conditions of the Russian climate. The conditional service life guaranteed by the manufacturer is at least 40 years. Modern technologies create things that are so harmonious that they become classics. Thus, with the advent of plastic windows in Russia, the universal system of window and door PVC profiles won the recognition and trust of Russian consumers. With window systems available in 58 mm and 70 mm widths, Novotex is quickly becoming the market leader.

Each metal-plastic window unique in its own way. Unfortunately, this is not a beautiful epithet, but the prose of life. Dimensions window frames can vary dramatically not only from house to house, but even within the same apartment. That is why PVC windows are produced taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular object.

Novotex profile has good technical characteristics, convenient and reliable in operation. Among the advantages are excellent sound insulation, enhanced thermal insulation, which is achieved using a double sealing contour of a multi-chamber design.

Novotex windows are the cheapest profile, a cost-effective option for glazing new buildings and renovating existing ones. Convenient for use in various climatic conditions. Structurally, the Novotex profile is an original system with increased thermal insulation, which in its main characteristics is not inferior to its European counterparts. The windows we supply have passed all inspections and tests, and have the appropriate certificates to confirm this. Based on this, we boldly declare that our products will serve you for a long time.

In addition, Novotex windows have a wide range of products. These are turning, tilting, blind, swing, transom and combined window systems. The advantage of the product is the ability to adapt Novotex to any conditions, guaranteeing the reliability of the window.

The Plast-Service Plus company is a modern enterprise that has been dynamically developing in the market of southern Russia for more than 10 years. We give people comfort and where windows are made, we will be the best!

3-chamber Novotex Light system, 58mm

  • installation width - 58 mm
  • number of cameras - frame 3 / sash 3 / impost 3
  • heat transfer resistance coefficient, R 0 = 0.56 m² C/W


  • a cost-effective option for glazing new buildings and reconstructing existing ones
  • accessibility with a high level of consumer qualities
  • sound insulation up to 46 dB (depending on the thickness of the filling)
  • identical sealing of the narthex in the frame and sash
  • possibility of installing the same reinforcement in the frame and sash
  • possibility of using additional profiles and accessories of the Novotex Classic system
  • the rebate under the glass unit has a slight slope to ensure condensate drainage
  • Possibility of use in different climatic conditions

4-chamber system Novotex Classic, 58mm

Brief technical specifications:

  • installation width - 58 mm
  • number of cameras - frame 4 / sash 4 / impost 4
  • thickness of the glass unit when installed in the frame and sash 6-36 mm
  • removal of the fitting groove - 9 mm
  • heat transfer resistance coefficient, R 0 = 0.64 m² C/W
  • maximum window sash size - 150 cm x 150 cm
  • maximum leaf size for balcony doors is 90 cm x 235 cm
  • durability (conditional years) - at least 40 years
  • standard seal color - black


  • glazing beads with one leg snap together along their entire length. A set of beads with different sealing profiles makes it possible to install infills with thicknesses from 6 mm to 36 mm
  • amplifier chamber PVC profile located between small chambers, which prevents cold from flowing through the metal
  • when attaching hinges to a sash, the fastening screw passes through three walls to ensure better strength and reliability of fastening
  • grooves on hidden profile planes facilitate fastening of fittings and reinforcing liners, preventing the screw from being torn off and accurately marking the place of fastening
  • thanks to a 20 mm high overlay, the edge zone of the glass unit is reliably protected from the destructive effects of UV rays
  • Continuous along the contour, identical seals for the frame and sash, ensure high water and air tightness. The peculiarity of the seals is resistance to temperature fluctuations and maintaining elasticity over time.
  • docking legs on the frame profile provide ample opportunities for various connections to openings, transitions to finishing panels, connecting additional profiles
  • The smooth surface of the base of the frame rebate makes removing dirt simple and easy
  • the inclined fold of the profiles removes condensation and prevents moisture from getting on the metal parts of the fittings
  • the edges of the profiles are rounded, rainwater flows down easily

Novotex windows are qualitatively different from their plastic counterparts: first of all, they are a design that is resistant to temperature changes and external influences, characterized by high strength and reliability. The windows of the presented company have a modern, attractive appearance and are well suited for installation in private homes.

What models are produced by the plant?

The basic profile is four-chamber.

One of the most popular varieties is Novotex windows.
Classic. The peculiarity of this product is that it has only a few manufacturers who are ready to offer similar products.

The company produces a wide range of products with different technical characteristics, appearance and cost. Most windows are equipped with durable glass and high-quality seals, making the room noticeably quieter and warmer. The design is not afraid of temperature changes, serves for a long time without needing repair. By using an inclined profile flange, the manufacturer ensured that the window does not accumulate. Due to this, the profile and fittings last much longer and do not lose their attractive appearance.

Novotex plastic windows have the following advantages:

  • Highly environmentally friendly: they do not emit unpleasant odors and harmful substances.
  • The windows are closed hermetically.
  • The products are not afraid of exposure to high temperatures.

These properties apply to the entire product line of the company, regardless of how many chambers the double-glazed window has. The classic system is perfect for places where subzero temperature can reach serious levels.

Find out more about Russian manufacturers plastic windows. For example, . Their profiles must be warm...

Not a bad domestic one, read on our website what models they produce and their technical characteristics.

Read also about, you will find information about the company, the models it produces and prices.

Other window models

A profile system with excellent thermal insulation properties.

Plastic windows Novotex Termo. This is an insulated model that is very popular among buyers. They have high thermal insulation rates and are used both in the northern and warmer regions of the country. The manufacturer offers a high-quality insulated, reinforced PVC frame. The design is able to cope with severe temperature and physical stress, which has gained great popularity. The windows are reliable and can be used for a long time. Competitive prices and high quality make them one of the most sought after products on the plastic products market.

Novotex windows are manufactured using modern technologies, for production the company uses high-quality equipment brought from abroad. The resulting products meet international quality standards, internal requirements of Russian GOST, and modern European standards. Novotex windows can be manufactured in various configurations, the sizes of which can be ordered individually. The window shape can be any. The manufacturer produces not only standard designs, but also makes to order different sizes and shapes, from the simplest to the most bizarre. Thanks to this, customers can bring to life the most complex design solutions.

Novotex Termo plastic windows are well suited for use in a warm home. The profile is capable of ensuring high tightness of the room. The five-chamber double-glazed window copes well with external irritants. Thanks to him warm air cannot leave the room, and noise and cold can penetrate it from the outside. It will be comfortable to stay in the room for a long time even after turning off the heating, since Novotex windows will retain up to 90% of the heat inside the room for a long time.

It is lightweight compared to the basic profile system.

In addition, all Novotex windows are highly burglar-resistant. Even a well-trained criminal will not be able to get inside the house through the window. This effect can be achieved through the use of a special one, all elements of which are reinforced, which increases reliability during operation.

Novotex PVC windows also include a lightweight line called Light. This is a lightweight window design, equipped with a reliable three-chamber double-glazed window. It is used in warm regions, as well as in middle lane Russia. The design is designed in such a way that even with sudden temperature changes, condensation does not accumulate on it. The design is equipped with European production and has classic design execution. The window profile is reinforced and has high rigidity, due to which sash sagging is practically eliminated. The window has high performance in terms of heat and noise insulation and is suitable for technical and residential premises.

Conclusion: Novotex PVC windows are an affordable, smart solution that will help not only insulate your home, make it comfortable and quiet, but also protect it from criminal attacks.