How to properly plant black currants in the fall using cuttings. How to propagate currants in the shortest possible time from cuttings

Greetings to all readers!

Black currants grow in every garden. It is easy to propagate. I wrote about propagation, today – planting black currants in the fall using cuttings. At autumn planting cuttings take root in the ground before frost and overwinter well. And with the arrival of warm days they begin to grow rapidly. if you have good varieties currants, you can propagate them by cuttings in the fall and even sell the surplus. So:

Planting black currants in autumn using cuttings

  • Boarding time
  • Preparing the landing site
  • Harvesting cuttings
  • Planting, care
  • Useful tips

Boarding time

In autumn, cuttings are planted from mid-September to mid-October. They need time to take root. Usually, well-lignified cuttings have excellent time to take root in the fall. The lunges are quite small.

Preparing the landing site

Choose a place for planting in partial shade, perhaps under a cherry tree or near a fence, where there is a lot of snow in winter. Let him cover our cuttings with his blanket. The soil must be loosened, fertilized, humus and sand, and ash added if necessary. Rooting takes place well in loose, fertile, breathing soil.

Harvesting cuttings

Cuttings are cut before planting, in September. Select well-wooded annual, mature branches and cut them into 20 cm pieces.

Planting and care

We plant the cuttings in rows, the distance can be 15 cm or more. Try to bury them almost horizontally, burying them 5-6 cm into the ground. Leave one or two buds on the surface.

  1. Compact the soil a little and water well. It is better to immediately mulch ridges with cuttings with hay or grass. Before frost, add more leaves and dried flowers, let more snow accumulate. In the spring, when the snow melts, we immediately remove this shelter. Let the earth warm up and the buds on the cuttings will begin to grow quickly. The best seedlings are obtained from cuttings from the beginning of branch growth . The tips are thinner and have a small margin nutrients
  2. . They will develop weaker. Cover the cuttings with a covering material after planting.
  3. . This way they will begin to take root faster. In spring, water with mullein solution to stimulate growth.
  4. , and in the fall there is no need for nitrogen fertilizers - plants do not tolerate winter well with them. Before planting, place the cuttings in plain water for a few hours
  5. In dry autumn, be sure to monitor the humidity in the beds with cuttings. Young roots may dry out without watering. This will come in very handy here.
  6. In summer caring for cuttings, like behind a regular garden bed: we fill the field, water it, loosen it.

In the fall, our seedlings will be ready to be transplanted to permanent place. Read how to plant black currants in the fall.

Video about planting blackcurrant cuttings

Ask questions, write about your experience. Have you been successful in planting blackcurrant cuttings in the fall?

All currants, without exception, be they white, black, red, even pink, have the same botanical properties. Consequently, their care, planting, fertilizers, pests and diseases are identical. Currants are propagated regardless of the variety, type, respectively, the same. Among the best methods of propagation is planting by cuttings. Today’s post is about autumn cuttings of currants. So.

Autumn currant cuttings

Currant cuttings in the fall begin in the first ten days of September. It is by planting currant cuttings during this period that survival rate is ensured, the planting material has time to adapt, and the seedlings are guaranteed to survive the harsh winter without damage. By carrying out autumn cuttings of currants at a later period, the plant simply will not have time to take root; next year, such seedlings will be of no use.

When choosing shoots, give preference only to lignified specimens. Optimal thickness the cutting should have a diameter of approximately six millimeters. There are at least five buds on the shoot. Trim the top of the cutting at the first bud, leaving one and a half centimeters above the eye. Cut the root part at an acute (thirty degrees) angle. There should be two centimeters left from the bottom to the first bud. Average length cuttings - thirty centimeters.

Preparing currant cuttings for planting

Before planting seedlings, first prepare the area. Currants prefer non-acidic soil; test for soil acidity. Taking a handful of soil, dilute it in half a liter of water, pour a tablespoon of baking soda into it, and look at the reaction. When bubbles appeared on the walls of the jar, as in champagne, and foam formed on the surface of the water, a reaction to the acid began.

If signs of soil acidification appear, add currants to the future plantation. dolomite flour or lime powder (half a kilo per 1 m 2 depth of about forty centimeters). Ash also alkalizes the soil, a bonus is the high content of potassium and phosphorus, which in turn has a positive effect on the survival rate and wintering of cuttings. Add half a ten-liter bucket of ash to square meter landings. The soil is light with good circulation of oxygen and moisture.

When cutting currants in autumn, use special pruners; I liked the GARDENA tool. It is advisable to choose a place for the plant that is sunny, warm, and without drafts. Despite the fact that currants can grow well, develop, and bear fruit in partial shade, under the sun's rays the berry ripens much faster, grows larger and sweeter.

After autumn cuttings of currants, planting material should be placed in water with the addition of manganese. The solution should be approximately one percent, pale pink. Keep it in it for three hours. Also spill the places where cuttings will be planted with a similar solution. The procedure will prevent the appearance of fungi, kill unwanted organisms, in a word - disinfection.

Technology for planting currant cuttings in autumn

The planting process is simple; the main condition is to plant the cuttings at an angle of forty-five degrees relative to the ground. The depth is eight centimeters, the distance between currant petioles is fifteen cm. It is advisable to compact the soil. After planting, water thoroughly and mulch with humus, rotted compost or peat. A layer of mulch of about five cm.

Before the onset of cold weather, cover the plantings agricultural canvas , cut a hole in the shape of a cross above each plant. This technique promotes the best adaptation of the plant, protects it from winds, and in the spring the germination rate of seedlings will increase. Watering currants is moderate; overmoistening and drying out are unacceptable. The soil should always be slightly damp. When cutting currants in the fall and then planting them, avoid lowlands and groundwater. In such places, the cuttings will freeze, and near groundwater will promote the formation of root fungi.

It will be useful to feed the seedlings after planting mineral fertilizers All in all, a good drug " fertika autumn "is designed specifically for such purposes, add sodium humate to the fertilizer, it promotes accelerated rooting.


Thus, autumn cuttings of currants occur. The variety and type don't matter. Having completed the procedure according to the rules, friendly shoots will not keep you waiting. If you, dear readers, fellow summer residents, have any questions, write about it in the comments. It will be very interesting to know your opinion, hear comments and suggestions. I'll end here, all the best, goodbye!

  • Propagation of currants by cuttings video

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Preparation of material

Over the next 2-3 years, they continue to form a full-fledged bush using pruning. To do this, only 3-4 strong and conveniently located annual basal shoots are left annually, the rest are cut out to the ground. First of all, weak, thickened and diseased ones are removed.

​You don’t often need to water currants; it’s enough to do it several times a season: during the growth of shoots and the formation of ovaries (late May - early June), when filling the berries (June), after harvesting (August-September). If the autumn is dry, winter watering is needed (late October).

Planting black currants

​With cuttings.​

​Growing black currants is not so difficult. Every person can cope with this task. But how to plant black currants correctly?

​The best seedlings are obtained from cuttings from the beginning of branch growth​

But if for some reason their planting is postponed to spring, then it is better to harvest them from autumn until spring in a cool basement in wet sand or under snow. You can cut shoots for cuttings at the end of March. Cuttings should be planted early in the spring, as soon as the soil thaws. Red and white currants, as mentioned above, are best planted in early autumn.​

  • ​When growing planting material from non-lignified cuttings in a greenhouse or hotbed, it should be protected from direct sunlight by any suitable method. This procedure allows you to maintain the necessary humidity.​
  • ​By following all the above rules and features of planting currants from cuttings, you will achieve excellent results.​
  • ​You can plant previously harvested material in spring, summer, and autumn. For example, woody harvests can be planted in autumn or spring. But it is advisable to plant green shoots in the summer. Depending on the type of planting material, the planting method will differ.​
  • Currants are considered not only tasty, but also very healthy berries. In this case, it is not necessary to purchase seedlings of this type useful plant, because it is quite possible to prepare and plant cuttings yourself. This article will be devoted to the methods of planting currants from cuttings.
  • Sometimes few root shoots are formed. In this case, they should be treated with care and the growth of new ones should be encouraged. To do this, cut out 1-2 perennial branches, even if they bear fruit, and cover the base of the bush with earth to a height of 10-15 cm.
  • When watering black currants, the soil is moistened to a depth of 30-40 cm, using 3-5 buckets per 1 m2 of soil surface.

better in autumn(late September - early October)​

By dividing the bush.

Rules for planting cuttings

​You need to follow the advice of professionals. The best option 2-year-old seedlings are considered. The length of their roots should be 15 - 20 cm, while the ground shoots should be about 30 - 40 cm.

​. The tips are thinner and have a small supply of nutrients. They will develop weaker.​

  • Gooseberries with woody cuttings usually do not propagate, as they do not root well. Gooseberries reproduce well by horizontal and vertical layering.​
  • Rooting of cuttings occurs after 2-3 weeks. After this, the number of waterings is reduced. Young plants need to be fed with fertilizers containing nitrogen.​
  • ​In this video you can watch the entire process of this option of planting currants.​

​Planting currants with woody cuttings:​

​If you already have a currant bush, which gives very delicious berries and you want to collect much bigger harvest, then you can prepare cuttings from this bush for future planting. Remember that only correctly prepared cuttings will give exactly the harvest you expected. So, let's take a closer look at the process of preparing the material. There are several types of cuttings - lignified and green.​

Formative pruning is completed in the 4th year after planting. A properly formed bush usually has 10-15 branches different ages(about 2-4 of each). At the same time, there are a couple more annual branches, and fewer 5-6-year-old branches. Simultaneously with the forming one, they carry out sanitary pruning, removing dry, broken and diseased branches. They cut them down to the very base, leaving no stumps.​

​Water is poured into grooves 10-15 cm deep, which are dug around the bush at a distance of 20-30 cm from the end of the branches. This the best option, but you can water it by letting it flow along the furrows along the row. In case of severe drought, it is advisable to arrange a control measurement after watering. If the soil is moist at a depth of a little more than a spade bayonet, it means that the currants have received enough water.​

  • ​. Before frost, the currant seedling will have time to heal wounds on the roots and will overwinter normally with a restored root system. Spring planting is also possible (no later than the beginning of May), but black currants tolerate it worse than autumn planting.
  • ​The second method is considered simpler. Since to do this you only need to separate the shoots with roots from the bush. They need to be planted in previously prepared soil. It is dug up and fertilized. The ideal option would be organic fertilizers. But many summer residents replace them with ordinary ammonium nitrate. After planting shrubs, they need to be watered very well.
  • ​Contents​
  • Cover the cuttings with covering material after planting
  • Reproduction by horizontal layering. This method reproduces well red and white currant, as well as gooseberries. At the same time, from one shoot in 1-2 years you can get 3-5 or better quality seedlings.​
  • ​Young currants are opened gradually a month after rooting. Every day the time spent outdoors increases.​

Despite the fact that currant planting material is sold in nurseries, many people prefer to propagate it themselves. This is especially true for the most valuable specimens. When cuttings, in one year the required number of new bushes are obtained, which have all the advantages of the mother plant. There are several effective ways propagation of this culture:​

​at the very beginning you need to prepare trenches - this will improve the survival rate of cut shoots. The soil in such trenches must be dug up to the depth of a bayonet shovel. You need to prepare trenches in the fall if you want to have time to plant the shoot in wet ground. Excess moisture will only speed up the rooting process;

Video “Planting currant cuttings”

​Lignified blanks are taken from annual shoots. To ensure higher survival rate after planting, it is recommended to cut material only from healthy and strong bushes that produce good harvest, both in volume and taste.​

How to propagate currants in the shortest possible time

​Pruning of an adult fruiting bush is mainly of a rejuvenating nature. First of all, aging 5-6-year-old low-yielding branches are identified and removed. You can easily recognize them by external signs. Old branches are thick at the base, their bark is dark brown, almost black. The annual growth at the ends of most branches is very weak, approximately 10-15 cm. The fruit branches, although numerous, are mostly dying and dry.​

  1. ​Black currants lack nutrients found in the soil. Therefore, she needs to be fed throughout her life.
  2. ​In spring, it is recommended to plant currants only in areas where little snow accumulates in winter, so there is a high risk of roots freezing. It happens that the purchase of planting material occurs at the end of autumn. Then it’s better to dig the seedlings in for the winter and plant in early spring(before the buds open), having previously trimmed the shoots short.
  3. ​Autumn is considered the most the right time year for planting black currants. This work should be done several weeks before the onset of severe cold. It is best to plant shrubs with currants at the end of October or beginning of November.​

Propagation of currants by woody cuttings

​1. Planting black currants in spring

​. This way they will begin to take root faster.​

To obtain seedlings using this method, annual shoots and well-developed one- to two-year-old branches are bent down from the bush in early spring (before buds open). Place them in grooves 5-6 cm deep and pin them tightly to the ground with wooden or metal hooks. Before laying shoots (branches), the soil is fertilized and loosened. To enhance the growth of shoots from the lateral buds, the top of the shoot is shortened by 7-10 cm before laying.

Cuttings for growing are planted in trenches next spring, and to a permanent place - in the fall.​

How to propagate currants from green cuttings

Rooting of lignified cuttings;

  • ​at the bottom of the trench it is necessary to pour a pre-prepared mixture of rotted manure and compost;​
  • ​Procurement of material for future planting is carried out either in early spring or autumn. Some gardeners advise that you can combine two processes at once: harvesting material and spring pruning. If you do this in the spring, then you need to wait for the shoots to fully ripen.​
  • Of course, when removing branches, they take into account not only their age, but also their condition. If old branch well developed, well located, has strong growth with large flower buds, then it can be left for another year. And vice versa, if a young branch is poorly developed, shaded and has few fruit-bearing buds, then it is cut out.
  • ​For the first 2 years after planting, currants have enough phosphorus and potassium from the dressing mixture placed in the planting hole. Therefore, in early spring it is fed only nitrogen fertilizers(40-50 g of urea per bush). They bring it under the bush according to the projection of the crown, immediately close it up, and then be sure to water it.​
  • Currants are planted in holes 30-40 deep and 40-50 cm wide or in the same trenches. When planting in autumn, they are dug up and filled with a nutrient mixture in advance (2-3 weeks) so that the soil has time to settle. Places for spring planting are also prepared in the fall.​
  • ​The shrubs will grow well in moist soil. It is very important to choose a windless area. Currants will not grow if planted on waterlogged soil.​
  • ​2. Planting black currants in autumn
  • In the spring, water with mullein solution to stimulate growth
  • The grooves should not be covered with soil; they are left open until vertically growing shoots appear. From time to time the grooves are moistened. When the young shoots reach a length of about 10 cm, they are covered halfway with loose soil and humus. After 2-3 weeks, when the shoots grow again, hilling is repeated to a height of 8-10 cm. Hilling is carried out with moist soil, so it is done after rain or the soil is pre-watered.

​This propagation method is used for all types of currants.​

Reproduction of currants by layering

​propagation by green cuttings;​

Prepared shoots should be planted at an angle of 45 degrees.

Video: propagation of black currant by cuttings

Propagation of currants and gooseberries

The most suitable shoots are considered to be branches with a diameter of more than six millimeters, while the length of the cutting should be about 15 centimeters. They also take care of the further regeneration of the bush. To do this, select and leave strong, evenly spaced annual basal shoots, about 4-6 pieces. Everyone else is cut out.​

​In the 3rd year of life in the garden, in addition to spring nitrogen fertilizing, 4-6 kg of organic fertilizers, 40-50 g of superphosphate and 10-20 g of potassium sulfate are applied to the bush in the fall.

​When digging a hole or trench, the upper (fertile) layer is placed on one side, and the lower (subsoil) layer on the other. Then prepare the dressing mixture. The fertile layer is mixed with 8-10 kg of organic fertilizer and 200-250 g of any complex mineral.​

Propagation by lignified cuttings.

Shrubs with black currants should be planted at a distance of about 70 cm from each other. In this case, the distance between the rows should be about two meters. Shrubs planted according to this scheme will bear fruit for many years.​

​3. Planting scheme

​, and in the fall there is no need for nitrogen fertilizers - plants do not tolerate winter well with them.​

During the summer, the soil around the mother bushes and layerings is kept loose and moist, free of weeds. To retain moisture after watering, mulch the soil. In mid-September, when shoot growth ends, bent shoots for layering are cut off from the bush at the base of the branch with pruning shears. The dug out branch is cut into pieces according to the number of rooted cuttings, then they are sorted. Well-developed plants are selected for planting in a permanent place. In poorly developed ones, the roots and shoots are shortened, then they are planted in a shrub in the second year for growing with a distance between plants of 20-25 cm, inclined to the surface and somewhat deeper than they grew.​

This method is suitable for any type of this crop. During the propagation process, suitable cuttings of a healthy bush are buried in soil in the spring. To obtain excellent planting material, 2-3-year-old layering is placed in small grooves dug near the bush to a depth of 10-15 cm. A mixture of compost, peat, and rotted humus is poured into them. Layers are fixed in the ground using metal or wooden pins, after which they are sprinkled nutritious soil. The resulting mound is compacted. Rooting of layering.

​Remember that the amount of nutrients in it depends on the length of the harvested shoot, but then at the end you will get slightly fewer currant bushes. The choice is yours: in the spring, get a small amount of material with a high degree of survival rate, or prepare a lot, but at the same time reduce the possible survival rate. When preparing material, the cut on the shoot should be above the bud. For these purposes, it is better to use well-sharpened and clean pruning shears. The cut is made 1 cm upward from the bud. Thus, a “spike” remains above the cut. From the bottom of the taken shoot you need to make an oblique cut under the lower bud. In the future, the development of young roots will occur in the space between the nodes, as well as under the buds.​

The best time for pruning currant bushes is considered to be the early spring period before the buds open. However, in currants they begin to grow very early and can bloom in late March - early April. And since pruning takes a long time, gardeners often do not have time to complete it completely in the spring. Therefore, it is better to do most of the pruning in the fall, especially since it can be done until the onset of persistent cold weather.​

Starting from the 4th year, the dose of urea is reduced, leaving 20-40 g. Moreover, it is now applied in two doses, that is, two thirds are given early in the spring, and a third is given soon after flowering. If nitrogen fertilizers are continued to be fed annually without changing the dose, then the frequency of application and the amount of organic, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers depend on the composition of the soil. On loamy, fairly fertile soil, these fertilizers are applied once every 2-3 years (preferably in the fall, but also in the spring). 15-20 kg of organic matter, 120-150 g of superphosphate and 30-40 g of potassium sulfate are used per bush.

​When they begin to fill the hole, they first pour in the filling mixture (about a third of the volume), and then fertile soil. Then the root system of the seedling will be protected from burns that occur when fertilizers fall on the roots.​

Boarding time

By autumn, the cuttings form young roots. They are separated from the mother bush, after which they are planted in a permanent place. Within a year they get beautiful young blackcurrant bushes. White and red species may take 2-3 years to take root. The productivity of the mother bush depends on the type and variety of the plant. In 1 year, you can get up to 12 high-quality cuttings from one plant.​

Preparing the landing site

​This method is one of the most effective and productive. When using it, you can get several excellent cuttings from a one-year-old branch. Their length is approximately 20-30 cm. The diameter of the cutting is 6-8 mm. The buds on it should be intact. The apical cut is made with a sharp instrument (secateurs, knife) 1 cm above the bud. In this case, the non-lignified top is completely removed. An oblique cut is made under the lower bud. Roots form under the buds and between the nodes of the cutting. Lignified cuttings can be planted both in spring and autumn. In spring, harvesting planting material is often combined with pruning bushes.​

Harvesting cuttings

​If you are planting harvested material before winter, then the main thing is not to miss the moment when the buds on the shoot enter the dormant stage (late September or early October for black currants and late August for red currants). If you are late, then the risk that the shoots will not take root will increase sharply.​

Planting and care

​When preparing the material, it should be taken into account that the upper part of the shoot is not suitable. It is best to take its middle part. Annual shoots are also suitable for preparing green cuttings. They are harvested at the moment when the transition from green to woody shoots occurs. In this situation, a shoot that has retained its flexibility but breaks when bent sharply is considered suitable. This type of material, in case of hot weather, is prepared only early in the morning. In case of cloudy weather, this procedure can be done throughout the day. Immediately after harvesting, old unharvested branches and root shoots that thicken the bush should be removed. Then carry out sanitary pruning of dry, diseased, broken shoots and branches. Then only detailed pruning will remain for the spring. On peat-swamp soil, currants are also fed once every 2-3 years. In autumn, 100-150 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium sulfate are added to each bush. In addition, once every 4 years the soil is limed using 300-500 g of lime per 1 m2.​

  1. ​The seedling is placed in the planting hole in an inclined position, approximately at an angle of 45 degrees, and slightly recessed so that the soil level is 5-6 cm above the root collar. With such planting, additional roots are better formed, more new basal shoots appear, which means a more powerful, durable bush with a wide base develops. Whereas with direct planting, a standard bush is formed with one or two skeletal branches and a shorter lifespan.​We invite you to watch the videos below to familiarize yourself with the process of planting black currants.​
  2. ​If you still decide to use annual seedlings, then pay attention to their root system. It must be very well developed. If desired, seedlings can be grown independently, but for this you need to have good knowledge about the propagation of berry bushes.​​. This will improve the ability to form roots. You can add root to the water, but it is not necessary.
  3. ​All about berries: Interesting Facts and photo Currants and gooseberries are propagated by cuttings
  4. Cuttings are cut exclusively from healthy currant specimens. They are planted in the so-called “cutting box” (most often it resembles a V-shaped trench) with nutritious earth mixture, consisting of fertile soil, compost, rotted manure. Planting depth is approximately 15 cm. 2-3 buds are left above the surface of the ground. Such trenches have been prepared since the fall.​​For simplicity in further care behind the bushes, it is recommended to plant along the cord, maintaining a distance of about 10-15 cm. A distance of about 40 cm should be left between the rows. After planting, it is necessary to mulch the soil using humus or peat. The thickness of the layer should be on average 3-5 cm. If in the fall the young bushes have already taken shape, they can be moved to another place.​
  5. When harvesting green cuttings, the rules change slightly: To replace old blackcurrant bushes that have fruited, gardeners can grow seedlings themselves. Especially if they grow in the garden high yielding plants With large berries. From these, bushes should be selected for propagation without signs of disease or damage by pests (terry leaf mite, bud mite, glass beetle, and stem gall midge are especially dangerous).
  6. On light sandy and sandy loam soils, fertilizers are applied annually, and in the spring. 4-6 kg of organic matter, 40-50 g of superphosphate and 10-20 g of potassium sulfate are added under the bush. ​B landing pit The roots of the seedling are straightened and covered with soil, gradually compacting it.​​What are the best ways to determine the quality of planting material?​

​Planting black currants​

In dry autumn, be sure to monitor the humidity in the beds with cuttings

Actinidia plant: description and photo

- lignified and green, layering (horizontal and vertical) and dividing bushes. Seeds are propagated only for the purpose of breeding new varieties.

​In early spring, when the soil is saturated with moisture, lignified cuttings are planted in it. The soil in the cuttings must be dug up using a spade. Moist soil promotes rapid formation of the root system. When planting in the ground, the interval between cuttings should be 10-15 cm. When planting planting material in spring, it is necessary to remember that the earlier it is done, the faster the result. The surface of the earth is mulched with peat or rotted humus. This procedure prevents loss of moisture from the soil. The mulch layer should be 3-5 cm. You can also cover the soil with a dark film, which will not only retain moisture, but also prevent weeds from germinating.

​Planting currants with green cuttings:​

​the tip of the shoot is considered optimal, since it is the one that takes root best after planting;​​Propagation of black currants by woody cuttings is the most affordable and easiest way. It is best to harvest and plant cuttings in early autumn, in the second or third ten days of September, or, in extreme cases, no later than mid-October.​​In addition to applying basic fertilizers, black currants are given liquid fertilizers, which are combined with irrigation. They are usually used during flowering (May), during the period of shoot growth (May, June), when filling berries (June) and immediately after harvest (August), when flower buds are formed.​At the same time, the bush is shaken periodically. Then the soil will evenly fill the entire space between the roots and there will be no voids.​

​The most important criterion is the condition of the root system. That is, seedlings should have 3-5 skeletal roots in a lignified state (with yellowed bark) 15-20 cm long and, most importantly, well-developed overgrowing fibrous roots. A aboveground part may consist of two or even one shoot 30-40 cm long.

Tip: Black currants should be planted in spring or autumn. The most suitable time of year for this is considered to be autumn. In spring, black currants are planted in those regions where there is little snow in winter.​

​. Young roots may dry out without watering. Mulching will come in very handy here.​

​Grapes are a useful plant​

​To grow planting material (seedlings), it is necessary to select mother bushes of currants and gooseberries that are high-yielding, winter-hardy, healthy, that is, not affected by pests and diseases and resistant to them.​

Some gardeners plant cuttings in small pots. Everyone can choose the method of planting cuttings individually. Sometimes experienced gardeners They propagate currants before winter. In this case, you must not miss the moment when the kidneys enter the resting phase. Autumn propagation of black currants occurs in late September - early October. Planting cuttings of other species of this crop begins much earlier - at the end of August. If red currants are propagated later, the amount of well-rooted planting material will be significantly reduced. At spring planting Before autumn, cuttings are obtained from well-formed young bushes, which are planted in a permanent place. Poorly developed plants are left in the cuttings until the next season.​

Planting black currants in spring

​the ground needs to be dug up an average of 20 cm and leveled;​

​the length of the workpiece can vary from 8 to 12 cm;​

You can take cuttings in the spring, before the buds open. But the spring option is much worse than the autumn one, since both the planting time is limited (cuttings need to be planted in slightly thawed soil, actually directly into the mud), and the time for best rooting (before buds open).

  • For fertilizing, use an infusion of mullein or slurry, diluting 3-4 times (a bucket of solution per bush); infusion of bird droppings, diluted 8-10 times (half a bucket to a bucket of solution per bush). Sometimes it is difficult to get natural organic fertilizers; in these cases, you can use ready-made preparations from the store, for example “Barrel and 4 Buckets”, “Root Tops”, etc. Or use an infusion of weeds.​
  • ​When the roots are covered, but the hole is not yet completely filled, the seedling is watered, using about half the bucket. Such watering is necessary not only for moisture, but also for a tighter fit of the soil to the roots. Then the hole is completely filled up, a hole is made around the bush and another half bucket of water is poured into it. To retain moisture for a longer period, the hole is filled (mulched) with compost, peat, or simply dry soil.​

​After purchasing, it is important to bring the seedlings to the site safe and sound. Squeeze the leaves away, and to prevent the roots from drying out during transportation, wrap them in a damp cloth and place them in plastic bag. In the garden, remove the cover and carefully examine the bushes.

Planting black currants in autumn

Currant bushes grow very well on fertile or light loamy soils. On marshy soils, currants will grow very poorly. This applies not only to currants, but also to raspberries.​


Blackcurrant planting scheme

In autumn, cuttings are planted from mid-September to mid-October. They need time to take root. Usually, well-lignified cuttings have excellent time to take root in the fall. The lunges are very small.​

​Let's consider the most common, as well as the most accessible methods of propagation in the conditions of a personal garden plot.​


If the gardener did not have time to propagate in the spring using lignified cuttings, then he can resort to producing young plants using green, non-lignified shoots. Good planting material should not break when bent. Reproduction of currants in this way occurs in stages:

Black currant. Planting, care.

Buying blackcurrant seedlings

​Pour a layer of peat and sand mixture (1:1 or 2:1) or river sand on top (layer thickness about 4 cm);​

​The cut shoot should have about four leaves;​

Well-developed annual shoots about the thickness of a pencil are cut from 2-4 year old branches for cuttings. The leaves are removed, and the shoot is divided into parts 12-15 cm long, so that each has 5-6 buds. The uppermost (unripe) part is discarded. The upper cut is made above the kidney, and the lower one - below it.​

​With liquid mineral supplements 10 g of nitrogen and potash fertilizers and 20 g of phosphorus (consumption per bush).​

Placing black currant bushes in the garden

In dry weather, especially in late spring, new crops are also watered, followed by mulching of the soil. In autumn, the roots protect from winter freezing. To do this, in the second half of October, they first hill up soil to a height of 10-12 cm, and then cover the trunk circle with peat or compost with a layer of 5-6 cm.

If the tips of the roots and shoots were damaged upon delivery, carefully trim them back to a healthy part. To prevent the seedlings from drying out, it is better to dig them in before planting. Or you can dip the roots in a clay or earthen mixture. But in any case, the root system must be protected from direct sunlight.​

Preparing a residence for black currants

Shrubs with currants are planted in rows. The distance between them should be about two meters. Shrubs must be planted in previously prepared holes, the depth of which should be at least 50 cm. The diameter of the hole should be about 40 cm. The hole can be larger. In this case, the bushes will grow better. It is best to plant seedlings at a slight angle, leaving several branches underground. The very next year you will receive a lush bush.​

​caring for cuttings​

When to plant black currants

​The place for planting is chosen in partial shade, perhaps under a cherry tree or near a fence, where there is a lot of snow in winter. Let him cover our cuttings with his blanket. The soil must be loosened, fertilized, humus and sand, and ash added if necessary. Rooting takes place well in loose, fertile, breathing soil. For this purpose, take well-ripened and sufficiently long (more than 30 cm) annual shoots from fruit-bearing bushes. Cuttings are harvested in the morning on the coolest days. In rainy weather, planting material can be cut at any time of the day. The length of the cuttings is about 15 cm. They must have 3-4 leaves. The apical cut is made above the upper bud (1 cm from it), and the lower cut is made under the bud (0.5-1 cm below it). When planting in the ground, the leaf blades of the lower leaves are cut in half.

​water the soil generously;​

Preparing sites for planting black currants

​several lower leaves(one or two) need to be shortened sheet plate(its complete removal is allowed). The leaf cutting is saved. If the leaves are large, then cut it in half;

For better rooting, the cuttings are placed in water for a day, immersed to a third of their length. Planted on a bed, placing it at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other, leaving 40-50 cm between rows. Planted obliquely, at approximately an angle of 45 degrees. They are buried so that 2 buds remain on top, and one of them should be at soil level (Fig. 4). To avoid voids, the soil around the cuttings is compressed and compacted. After planting, water and mulch abundantly. In the spring they are cut and left in the garden for another year. Replant to a permanent location in the fall. Care consists of watering followed by mulching the soil. Sometimes in the spring the cuttings bulge, then after the ground has completely thawed they are planted. They do this carefully, trying not to damage the kidneys.

​In June-July, black currants are useful foliar feeding microelements. Take 5-10 g of potassium permanganate per bucket of water, 2-3 - boric acid, 30-40 g copper sulfate. Each drug is dissolved separately, and then the solutions are mixed and sprayed on the bushes.

Planting blackcurrant seedlings

Due to the fact that black currant is a moisture-loving crop, the soil around the bushes and between them must be kept loose, moist and, of course, free from weeds. Why is the soil loosened once every 2-3 weeks to a depth of 8-10 cm?

​Black currant bushes are best planted in low-lying, moderately moist, sunny areas protected from the wind. They are often planted along the fence. This is a good option. It is advisable to place the bushes only at a distance of 1 m from the fence. You can plant black currants between the young fruit trees. In this case, the distance from the tree to the bush should be at least 2 m.

​Many people prefer to buy blackcurrant seedlings in nurseries. But they need to be transported very carefully. It is necessary to monitor the condition of their root system; it should be in a humid environment. To prevent the roots from being damaged during transportation, they need to be wrapped in thick cloth, first moistened in a clay mash.​

​, just like behind a regular garden bed: fill the field, water it, loosen it.​

Cuttings are cut before planting, in September. Select well-wooded annual, mature twigs and cut them into 20 cm pieces.

Proper soil care

It is better to cut shoots for cuttings in the fall: red and white currants - in the first half of September, and black currants - in early October. By this time, annual shoots have time to ripen, and buds have formed in the axils of the leaves.​

​Before planting the cuttings in the ground, they are soaked in a solution of a growth stimulator for 12-24 hours. Best result give drugs such as Heteroauxin and indoline-butyric acid.​

It is best to plant plants at a distance of 8 cm from each other. The gap between the rows is 5 cm;

Watering black currants

The cut from below is made at a distance of 0.5 cm from the lower bud, while the upper one is slightly higher than the upper bud;

You can immediately plant the cuttings in a permanent place. Then proceed as follows. In a place prepared for a new bush, 5-6 cuttings are planted in a circle at an equal distance from each other, observing the above rules. After rooting, leave 2-3 plants, which will become the basis of a powerful bush. The rest are dug up and used for planting elsewhere.​

​Very often the ovaries of black currants fall off after flowering. The main reason for this is the return of cold weather in spring, which occurs at the beginning of May, when flowering occurs, and sometimes at the beginning of June, when the ovaries form.

​You can do this much less frequently if you mulch the soil under the bushes with organic matter (peat, compost, grass), spreading a layer 6-8 cm thick.​

Additional nutrition for blackcurrant bushes, basic fertilizers

​The distance between currant bushes depends on the variety: spreading ones are planted every 1.5 m, straight-growing ones - every 1. When planting in rows, row spacing is made 2-2.5 m wide. This distance is quite enough for passage between plants when cultivating the soil, staking bushes, spraying, harvesting and other work. When choosing a place for currants, keep in mind that good predecessors are vegetable, fruit and berry crops(except for the currants and gooseberries themselves).​

​Currant is the favorite berry of many people. It is very useful, as it is rich in vitamins. Many people prefer to buy it at the market or in a store. At the same time, few people know that you can grow shrubs with this wonderful berry yourself.​

​In the fall, our seedlings will be ready to be transplanted to a permanent location. Read here how to plant black currants in the fall.​

​We plant the cuttings in rows, the distance can be 15 cm or more.​

​First, entire shoots are cut from the bushes, then they are cut into pieces approximately 20 cm long with a sharp knife, and the leaves are torn off. The best cuttings with well-developed buds are obtained from the middle part of the shoot. At the tops of the shoots and in their lower parts, the buds are usually underdeveloped. Such cuttings, as well as those less than 5-6 mm thick (thinner than a pencil), are of little use. It is better to immediately plant the cut cuttings in previously prepared soil. The soil must be fertilized and deeply cultivated. The cuttings are planted obliquely, at approximately 45° to the soil surface, at a distance in the row of no closer than 10 cm, and between rows of 20-25 cm, so that it is convenient to loosen the rows. 2 buds are left above the soil surface, and one of them should be at soil level. The soil around the cuttings is pressed tightly so that it fits against them and has no voids, watered well and mulched with humus. In dry, sunny weather, the planted cuttings are shaded.

Cut cuttings are planted in greenhouses or under film in a greenhouse. They are buried 2.5-3 cm in soil consisting of a mixture of old compost, peat and sand in a ratio of 1:1:1.​

What liquid fertilizers are needed for blackcurrant bushes, and proper watering

Plant the harvested shoots directly, to a depth of 2-2.5 cm;

​The cuts are made straight (using a sharp knife or pruning shears).​

​Propagation of black currants by horizontal layering is also simple and affordable way obtaining blackcurrant seedlings. But it is only suitable for young 3-5 year old plants.​

​As gardening experience has shown, The best way Protecting currants from frost - spraying with water. At the same time, not only the bushes themselves are abundantly irrigated, but also the soil under them. Spraying is carried out in the evening and at night, several times. As a result, the leaves and brushes become covered with a crust of ice, which, when thawed, releases heat that saves the flowers from damage.​

Preservation of black currant ovaries after flowering

​Autumn is heavy loamy soil dig to a depth of 10-15 cm in tree trunk circle, 15-20 - between bushes and rows. To better absorb moisture and retain snow in winter, earth clods are not broken. If the soil is light and not very compacted, on the contrary, it is not dug up, but loosened to a depth of 10-15 cm.​

In the area allocated for currants, first fill up all the holes and depressions so that the area becomes level. Then the soil is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet. Fertilizers are applied for digging, using per 1 m2: 3-4 kg of organic, 180-200 g of any complex mineral. The latter can be replaced with 100-150 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium sulfate (or 100-200 g of wood ash).

​You need to plant black currants in early spring, as they begin to bear fruit earlier than all other berry bushes.​

Blackcurrant pruning and bush formation

​Ask questions, write about your experience. Were you successful in planting blackcurrant cuttings in the fall?​

​Try to bury them almost horizontally, burying them 5-6 cm into the ground. Leave one or two buds on the surface.​

For good and rapid rooting and development of cuttings, the soil around them is always kept moist and loose. This is especially important in the first time after planting and in the spring. At good care in the first year, 2-3 shoots grow from the cuttings. The next year, early in the spring, these shoots are cut off, leaving them 10-15 cm long, and by the fall (in the second year of growth after planting) the seedlings are ready for planting in a permanent place as two-year-olds. If the planted cuttings have developed well and have a sufficiently developed root system, then annual seedlings can be planted in a permanent place.​

​For quick rooting, currants need high humidity. When planting several cuttings, they can be covered glass jars or circumcised plastic bottles. In greenhouses and greenhouses it is necessary to spray the cuttings 4-5 times daily. This procedure should be performed for 2-3 weeks.​

Water generously after planting.

Such cuttings should be stored only in a humid environment - for this, the cut shoot is placed in wet burlap, and then only wrapped in a plastic bag.

​Early in spring, the soil under the bush is loosened and fertilized. Then shallow grooves (10-15 cm) are made along the radius and 1-2 year old shoots are placed in them. Pin tightly with hooks in several places. When the buds awaken, sprinkle with soil, leaving only the tops on the surface. After some time, vertical shoots will appear from the ground. When they reach 10-15 cm, they are hilled up with loose and moist soil, and after 2-3 weeks the hilling is repeated. During the summer, the soil with layerings is watered abundantly and mulched with compost, peat or other organic matter.​

Some gardeners cover bushes with burlap, non-woven materials, and plastic film during frosts. This is also a good way of protection. But it is best to combine spraying and shelter.

​Due to a lack of moisture, blackcurrant shoots slow down, and during the period of formation and filling of berries, they are crushed and shed. Autumn drought can lead to freezing of bushes, especially in severe, snowless winters. Due to the fact that the roots of currants are shallow, they are not able to drink themselves from groundwater and need watering.​

Methods of propagation of black currant

​Blackcurrant is worse than others berry bushes, tolerates high soil acidity. To reduce it, liming is carried out. To do this, lime (300-500 g/m2) is added under digging.

Propagation of black currants by woody cuttings

There are several ways to plant currants:

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​Compact the soil a little and water well. It is better to immediately mulch ridges with cuttings with hay or grass. Before frost, add more leaves and dried flowers, let more snow accumulate. In the spring, when the snow melts, we immediately remove this shelter. Let the earth warm up, the buds on the cuttings will quickly begin to grow.​

Cuttings are best planted in the fall.

The cuttings are watered regularly to keep the soil moist at all times.

Propagation of black currants by horizontal layering

​Then, when the planting process is completed, the planted shoots are tightly closed and shaded with gauze, whitewash, branches, etc.​

​After the shoot has been cut to improve its rooting ability, the branches are tied into bundles and the lower ends are dipped approximately 1.5 or 2 cm into a solution of a special growth substance. This solution is prepared as follows: 10 mg of heteroauxin and 50 mg of indolylbutyric acid are diluted in 1 liter of water (temperature about 20-24 degrees). Cover the top of the prepared solution with a damp cloth. It should remain in this position for 12 to 24 hours. Immediately after this treatment, you can proceed directly to planting.

In the fall, the cuttings are separated from the bush. Well-developed and fully rooted ones are planted in a permanent place, and weak ones are grown in the garden for another season.​

When to plant currants in the spring When to plant black currants in the spring How to properly plant honeysuckle in the spring video Currant is one of the most, healthy berries C and ascorbic acid. And its jam is perfect for pancakes and pancakes, bringing back the taste of sunny summer even in the most severe winter cold.

To get rich and big harvest At minimal cost, many gardeners and gardeners grow currants using cuttings. This is much cheaper than buying small bushes in special nurseries or from someone else. In addition, you can fully control the entire breeding process from start to finish, and know for sure that the selected cuttings are healthy and intact, without defects.

The process of taking cuttings

There are many different ways propagation of currants, but the most popular is cuttings.

In summer, green shoots are used, and in spring and autumn, due to frequently changing weather and temperature changes, lignified shoots are used.

To begin with, you should choose the healthiest and most fruitful currant bush, which has already given a good, rich harvest before, and has not been affected by any diseases or pests.

Lignified annual shoots that are already fully formed and mature should be cut. Their diameter must be at least 6 millimeters. The most optimal length for trimming - about 15 centimeters. If it is important to get as many cuttings as possible, then you should cut them a little shorter, but then they will contain less nutrients. There is no need to be zealous and cut the entire bush literally bald, as this can harm the main plant. Careful attitude is the key to a rich harvest.

Also, when cutting, pay attention to the fact that there are always several buds on the cutting. The cut should be made obliquely and under the lower bud, and the upper one - a centimeter above the last bud. It is better to cut with sharp pruning shears; the smoother and more complete the cut, the better cutting will take root.

The most best time for slicing - morning.

Green cuttings are cut in summer and planted in greenhouses, as they are more tender and less protected from pests.

Preparing for planting woody currant cuttings

The soil for planting should be dug up, cleared of weeds and their roots, and large lumps broken up so that the soil is loose. Currants are an unpretentious plant, so it’s better to choose cultivated soil.

The trenches that are most suitable for planting cuttings, as recommended by gardeners, should be about twenty centimeters deep. They need to be dug up in the fall, in dry weather, and planted in the spring, when the soil is moist and filled with nutrients.

A special fertilizer is placed at the bottom of the trenches, preferably of natural origin, such as rotted manure and compost. And then they leave it until spring.

It is also possible to plant currant cuttings before winter, but you should pay attention to whether the buds have fallen asleep or not. Black currants “fall asleep” in September-October, depending on the climate, and red currants - around the end of August. This is the best time to plant cuttings. They will have time to take root before the first frost, which is dangerous because underdeveloped roots can die at low temperatures.

In spring, it is better to plant cuttings earlier, but only when the temperature does not drop below zero at night.

The process of planting woody cuttings

Experienced gardeners recommend planting cuttings along an extended cord, at a distance between each of them about 15 - 20 centimeters. The rows should be half a meter apart. Why is it needed: convenient to care for and dig up to transplant to another place.

Now you should pay attention to the ground. Cuttings, especially during the period of root formation, need constant moisture, so it is important to take care to protect the soil from drought. To do this, it is properly mulched with a layer of 3-5 cm of peat or humus. Another method of protection is to cover the ground with black film with holes for cuttings. The last option is more expensive and inconvenient, because you can accidentally damage the plants.

Next you need to monitor the planting, care for it and additionally water it on hot days. In the fall, it is worth choosing well-developed healthy bushes and replanting them in a permanent place. The rest, weaker ones, should not be touched, let them develop further.

Propagation of currants by green cuttings

It may happen that in the fall and spring it will not be possible to root woody cuttings. Then this can be done in the summer with green currant shoots. This option is also quite popular among gardeners.

  • The cuttings are cut from a one-year-old shoot that has not yet completely turned into a lignified state. This can be checked by carefully bending the shoot in different directions; if it bends well, but does not crack or break, then you can cut it off.
  • If the weather is cloudy outside, you can harvest green cuttings at any time daylight hours. If it’s hot, then only in the early morning, before the sun has time to get hot.
  • The cut is made according to the same principle as for lignified ones, but not at an angle, but straight. Another secret: cuttings taken from the top of currant shoots take root better.
  • Next, the cut cuttings are carefully tied and the lower part is placed in a special solution for root growth, covered with a thick cloth and left alone for a day.
  • The cuttings need to be planted in a pre-prepared greenhouse. A layer of soil of 30 centimeters should already be dug up, saturated with fertilizers, and 3 centimeters of peat mixed with river sand should be poured on top. And all this is well watered.
  • The distance between the cuttings planted after daily treatment with the growth solution should be 7 cm. And between the rows - 10. It is better to mark it in advance.
  • The cuttings are carefully inserted into the ground so that their lower part is three centimeters deep.
  • Next comes repeated abundant watering.
  • They complete everything by covering it with film or shading the greenhouse so that there is no direct sunlight while the cuttings take root.

Everything else depends on how carefully the gardener cares for the plants. Unlike lignified cuttings, green cuttings are often watered throughout the month and sprayed several times every day.

After this period, the number of waterings gradually decreases. Next, carefully introduce fertilizing with mineral fertilizers; nitrogen fertilizers are best suited for this.

Also, on cloudy days and at dawn, the film can be removed for a while, gradually increasing it. The need for shelter will completely dry up when the leaves on the cuttings do not wither from the sun's rays.

Rooted plants can be transplanted into open areas only next spring, and in the fall - to a permanent place.

Vegetative propagation of currants

This is another excellent way to propagate currants, the essence of which is that the gardener digs in cuttings from the main bush. IN in this case the likelihood that the plant will take root is much higher than in the cutting method.

How to do it: From the main bush, grooves are dug into which shoots are placed for drainage. To prevent young branches from “returning” to their place, they are secured with a bent wire inserted into the ground in the form of an inverted Latin V and sprinkled with soil on top. After rooting, the wire is removed, but the bushes are replanted only next spring.

How to plant currants from cuttings

- one of the most popular shrubs that gardeners grow on personal plot. This berry is a “champion” in terms of the content of vitamin “C” in it, and the yield, with proper care, is more than 4 kg of berries from one bush.

If there is a free plot of land that is well illuminated by sunlight, and after rain the water does not stagnate in this place, then it can be used for growing currants. Purchasing seedlings, even at a wholesale price, is very uneconomical, especially when a large plot of land is used.

The price for one bush is more than 50 rubles. You can do without purchasing planting material if there are already mature currant plants on the site. The shrub is easily propagated by cuttings, and it is best to do this in the autumn.

Methods for propagating currants in autumn by cuttings

First way

Reproduction green cuttings - This is a type of vegetative division of a bush, in which a shoot is separated from the mother plant and subsequently transplanted to a new place.

Preparing green cuttings

This reproduction process occurs in the following sequence:

After the cuttings are planted, the entire area should be thoroughly watered. And during the first 2 weeks, this must be done regularly to prevent the soil from drying out.

Second way

Lignified currant cuttings

Reproduction woody cuttings- this method is more effective green cuttings. When propagated in this way, the survival rate is much higher; the non-lignified shoot tip, in this case, is removed and not used for planting.

The depth of planting cuttings with this method of currant propagation is about 15 cm. 2-3 buds must remain on the surface, otherwise the cutting will not be accepted, and all the effort expended will be in vain.

Propagation by lignified cuttings

With such propagation, the mother plant must be healthy and produce a good harvest, because planting material taken in this way completely inherits all the characteristics and qualities of the donor plant.

When propagating a valuable variety of currant, or in the case when it is necessary to propagate a bush with a limited amount of planting material, single-bud cuttings of lignified shoots are used. In this case, each shoot is cut into many small pieces, containing only one bud.

The cut is also made at an angle and extends slightly above the kidney. The cuttings are planted according to the same scheme as during standard propagation, but this procedure is carried out in a special nursery, which is covered with plastic film. Sealing is carried out to a depth of no more than 2 cm. In this way, you can significantly save on planting material, while the survival rate of such plantings with this type of plant transplantation is quite high.

Caring for cuttings

The cuttings should be carefully looked after, preventing the area from becoming waterlogged or, conversely, lacking moisture in it.

Rooted currant cuttings

Next spring they will be needed Hill up to a height of no more than 5 cm. This must be done to cover the root system, which has just begun to form, but due to temperature expansion of the soil in winter time, the cuttings were slightly squeezed out of the soil.

The nursery should regularly loosen the soil in order to prevent the proliferation of weeds, which are not only competitors of seedlings, but will shade the plantings, which will negatively affect the growth of shoots.

In spring, you should definitely feed the plantings with nitrogen and phosphorus-containing fertilizers.

You can use both natural organic fertilizers and artificial mineral substances.

If the second option is used, then fertilizing is carried out simultaneously with watering the plant. Organic fertilizers applied to the site at a rate of about 10 kg per 1 sq. m. Mineral only in dosages recommended by the manufacturer.

In the roast summer time necessary monitor soil moisture, and do not allow it to dry out. Root system by this time it is not yet sufficiently developed and is not able to provide the plant with moisture from the deeper layers of the soil.

Planting seedlings

By the fall of next year, the cuttings will grow into seedlings that can be transplanted to a permanent location.

The area for growing currants must be well lit, protected from the wind, and the groundwater must be deep enough to prevent rotting of the root system of the bush. Currants are a moisture-loving plant, but waterlogging the soil will not benefit this shrub. If it is possible to choose a site on a slight slope, then this will be ideal option for planting seedlings.

Currant seedlings ready for planting

Before transplanting currants, the area is fertilized; for this purpose, up to 5 kg of organic matter per 1 square meter is used. m of area where this shrub will be grown. Then you need to dig up the ground to a depth of at least 20 cm.

Holes for planting seedlings must have cubic shape with a side of 40 cm. The seedling is placed vertically in such a hole, sprinkled with earth and watered warm water, then the plant is mulched with sawdust from non-coniferous trees.

The height of the seedling above ground level should be about 20 cm, so the stem must be cut at this distance from the ground, taking into account the fact that the cut should be slightly above the bud.

The period during which it is necessary to plant seedlings lasts about 2 weeks and occurs at the end of September, beginning of October. With more late boarding the plant will not have time to take root before the onset of severe frosts, and earlier planting is limited high temperature air.

Pros and cons of autumn breeding

Dignity autumn propagation is that already in the spring of next year the plant will produce new buds and begin to intensively develop root and vegetative mass. In addition, small plants undergo severe tests at a very early stage of their life. winter conditions, which contributes to their resistance to various diseases, and adverse environmental influences.

Among cons such a method - high risk of cuttings freezing, in the event that severe frosts “hit” earlier than planned. In this case, you can lose a large percentage of the planted cuttings.

Propagation of currants in autumn can be used for different varieties of this berry:

  1. For red currants The timing of cuttings should be postponed to the end of August, since this shrub must be well rooted in the soil before the onset of frost.
  2. For black-fruited varieties breeding can be done in early October.