Features of growing indoor vines with photos and names. Caring for an exotic plant. Pruning and crown formation

Many people dream of “covering the whole house with ivy.” And they plant it near the house... hops.)
Others are afraid of dampness on the walls. Still others think that any vine “chokes” the tree...
Where is the truth? Let's figure it out a little.
The fact is that vines grow very differently.

Lianas with perennial stems are the same trees and shrubs (buds of renewal of skeletal branches at the tops - like trees, or near the soil - like shrubs), but unable to support themselves. To support the vines, they use other plants, soil (many of them take root easily in places of contact) or rocks.
They “save” on the construction of mechanical tissues, directing resources to the rapid elongation of stems. All vines - forest plants and in youth they are very shade-tolerant. Flowering and fruiting of most vines occurs only with sufficiently good lighting (in horticultural terminology, this is “partumbra”).

According to the nature of their growth, woody vines (with perennial trunks) are:

All vines and lianaoids can be used for shading buildings or sites, taking into account the growth pattern.
IN northern regions Many shrub and tree vines freeze annually to the snow level or even to the soil level, i.e. behave like subshrubs or herbaceous perennials.
Some vines give edible fruits— Actinidia, Schisandra, Grapes, Blackberries, Akebia. Others are valued for their spectacular flowering - Rose, Jasmine, Clematis, Prince, Wisteria, Akebia, Polygonum, Honeysuckle, Campsis. Or for a dense leaf mosaic - Ivy, Maiden grapes, Kirkazon, Fortune's euonymus, Hydrangea.
And a few more words about the widespread prejudice - supposedly “under the vines the wall becomes damp”... Actually this is not true. The leaves of the vines produce a very dense “leaf shingle.” Even after a rainstorm with a strong side wind, the wall under the vines is dry! If you don't believe me, check...
Dampness on a wall overgrown with vines can be observed... in autumn and spring, if deciduous vines grow directly on the wall. The fact is that fallen leaves sometimes accumulate on the stems and shoots, which absorb precipitation... The solution to this problem is very simple - it is enough to maintain a gap between the supports (to which the stems of the vines are attached) and the wall. Or (if the climate allows) - plant evergreen vines, under them all year round dry. Do you think why the British love to curl their hair so much? brick houses ivy? In their damp climate?

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For the first time in my life (as I thought, then it turned out that they are everywhere) I saw a real liana in wild conditions at "33 waterfalls". This is one of the favorite tourist places on the Black Sea coast near the village of Golovinka. Everything is like in the movies: a stem with leaves somewhat similar to small maple leaves is climbing up the trunk of a tree. I confess, I couldn’t resist curiosity and tugged at it. It turns out that they adhere very firmly, practically merging with the tree. Unfortunately, I never found out exactly what kind of vine it was, most likely step over.

Lianas - climbing plants

Methods of fastening vines

Lianas have several ways of attaching to a support:

  1. Mustache- this is how it is attached grapes and step.
  2. "Suction cups" (this is what special small roots are conventionally called). This is typical for ivy. It happens like this: a small root penetrates a crack in the wall or an unevenness in the bark and becomes a spacer.
  3. All stem. For example, hops and bindweed. Such vines do not have special devices for fastening, and they wrap their stems around a support.
  4. Lateral shoots and spines. A good example is blackberry.

Decorative vines

There are many types of these plants that can safely be called decoration of a garden or home. One of them is Kampsis, blooming profusely with red elongated bells. Some types clematis can also be grown on garden plot, and at home. He will delight his owners with beautiful eight-petaled stars.

At home I also have a decorative vine. Wax ivy. Very unpretentious, with beautiful umbels of flowers and glossy leaves. I can recommend it.

Territory personal plot can be decorated with different types ornamental plants.

Recently, the so-called "Lianas".

These plants are great for decorating not only yards, but also rooms, because they look very beautiful as indoor flowers.

All Lianas have quite a lot in common with each other, but differ from each other medium length stems, the absence or presence of flowers, their size and color, care rules.

You will learn about what Liana is in this article.

    General description of the plant

    Lianas are one of the pretty interesting shapes plants. They are called different plants, the stems of which tend to curl.

    The Liana family represents plants that can be herbaceous, with thin and rather weak annual or perennial stems, as well as woody, with deciduous or evergreen leaves.

    All varieties of this plant cannot stay in the air on their own, so they require a vertical support, along which they can easily climb up, using their trailers, antennae or adventitious roots.

    It is on the support that the vines develop leaves and flowers.

    Most often, vines are found in tropical forest areas, where plants twine around tree trunks, clinging to the bark with the help of suckers and tendrils. Thus, they can throw their curly branches from one tree to another, resulting in an almost impassable thicket.

    However, in conditions temperate climate they are found much less frequently and exclusively in the form of ornamental plants, so here you cannot observe how these plants add to the landscape characteristic feature, as in tropical areas.

    As for the anatomical and morphological features of Lianas, there are enough of them a large number of. This is due to various natural conditions and their way of life. For example, in many species, after the stem germinates from the seed, suckers and tendrils first begin to appear, and only then leaves.

    If we consider Lianas according to the method of their attachment to a vertical support, we can distinguish several groups of these plants:

  1. Lianas that are attached with tendrils– Bryonia, or grapes.
  2. Vines that use special organs such as suckers– Ivy can stick to the surface of a vertical support using special short roots that grow from the lower parts of its branches.
  3. Lianas that completely lack any special attachment organs however, their flexible stems can twine around tree trunks or other various supports - Bindweed or hops.
  4. Lianas that do not have any special attachment organs they hold their stems between tree branches by resting on them with their spines or needles, side branches and other parts - different types of palm trees.

Almost all varieties of Lianas are inhabitants of warm tropical areas with high humidity.

REFERENCE! Lianas have stems that grow quite quickly, they are easily propagated by cuttings and take root well in soils.

These characteristics determine the wide popularity of plants among flower growers in many countries.

However, despite the significant similarity of the series general characteristics Lianas are considered quite different: perennial and annual, deciduous and evergreen, with herbaceous or woody stems.

Types, varieties, names of flowers

Let's take a closer look at all types of Lianas with photos and names. Today, the following types of climbing vines are most often grown at home:

  1. It is distinguished by snow-white or bright purple flowering. It is great for growing at home.

  2. characterized by increased endurance and is very unpretentious to growing conditions. Her appearance somewhat reminiscent of ordinary strawberries.

  3. – perennial herbaceous plant, which are bryophytes or have whole small leaves of a rounded shape.
  4. is a shrub with beautiful white and red flowers and large leaves of an emerald hue.

  5. - one of the most beautiful views vines that have small foliage and densely entwine walls and vertical supports.

  6. also often called maiden grapes. This is a deciduous plant that withstands winter cold and is unpretentious.

  7. - a herbaceous plant that is great for decorating stone areas.

  8. It has small flowers and entire leaves with jagged edges. Intended for cultivation in room conditions.

  9. - This is a type of decorative Liana. It is evergreen and can climb vertical supports to heights of approximately thirty meters.

  10. characterized by an attractive shape with carved leaves of a rich green color. It is grown exclusively indoors.

  11. It is unpretentious in care, but has a beautiful and very original appearance.

  12. - one of unpretentious species Creepers, which have been very popular among flower growers for many years.

  13. characterized by dark emerald leaves and single pinkish flowers.

  14. often grows to about eighty centimeters in height and attracts attention with longitudinally shaped leaves with purple tint.

  15. – perennial evergreen with thin stems and arrow-shaped, whole leaves.

  16. has small bright green leaves and is often used to decorate the walls of facades and fences.

  17. - a decorative type of Liana, which has heart-shaped leaves and is not particularly demanding to care for.

  18. turns the room into a real jungle thanks to intensive growth shoots.

  19. Usually grown in a hanging pot, it has small leaves of a soft green color.

  20. often also called “Woman’s gossip.” It has pink or white flowers and is easy to care for.

  21. distinguished by small flowers different shades.

  22. has large arrow-shaped leaves and is excellent for growing indoors.

  23. characterized by large heart-shaped leaves and ease of care.

  24. has leaves with a pale purple tint.

  25. belongs to the grape family.

  26. - one of the most unpretentious species of Liana, which is excellent for growing indoors.

  27. attracts attention with beautiful snow-white flowers.

  28. - very beautiful indoor plant with flowers of original shape and rich color. It is very demanding to care for, but is quite resistant to various diseases and pests.

Home care

Most varieties of Lianas that are intended for growing indoors are perennials and evergreens. This feature is explained mainly by the fact that no one likes to look at a fairly long but completely bare stem throughout the cold season.

According to the method of fastening, Lianas are divided into climbing, root-climbing, supporting and tendril-bearing. Most often, climbers are found as indoor plants because their shoots have the ability to twist around a vertical support, forming an attractive plant with an original spiral shape.

To create a beautiful “design” it is necessary to ensure constant and, most importantly, proper care behind the liana.


All types of Lianas have one thing in common - They need air with a high level of humidity and diffused light every day.

Direct sunlight has a detrimental effect on the plant, because on its leaves traces of burns may appear.

And growing a flower in low air humidity causes the luxurious, leafy stem to become completely bare, retaining only a couple of decrepit leaves.


The majority of indoor Liana species prefer to be in partial shade, and some in slight shade. Despite this, some need brighter lighting: Cissus with Ceropegia, Scindapsus with Syngonium.

IMPORTANT! This light should not fall directly on the plant.

In addition, the flower pot must be regularly rotated around its axis, so that Liana receives approximately the same share of light from all sides. Otherwise, it will constantly be pulled in only one direction, which will make it lopsided.


You also need to take care of creating conditions such as constant ventilation, moderate air temperature and humidification.

ATTENTION! During the cold season, it is not recommended to keep a pot with a vine in a room where the air temperature is below 16°C.

Therefore, if necessary, you should use an additional heater, which should be located at some distance from the flower.

IN summer season optimal temperature considered for a plant 20-22°C. If the readings on the thermometer rise higher, then the plant must be constantly sprayed with cool water. And in winter time to moisten the leaves you need to take only warm water.


Watering is recommended to be done either in the morning or in the evening. It is required as the top layer of soil dries out.

You should not over-moisten the soil, because near the stem it can remain quite wet for a long time.

Do not water indoor species of Lianas cold water- this can lead to disease and rot of the root system.

In the event that the room is installed heating system, which heats the air quite strongly, it is better to refuse to grow indoor Liana because in such an apartment the plant will constantly get sick due to lack of humidity.

Fresh air has a beneficial effect on absolutely all types of Lianas, however drafts should not be allowed, so that cool air currents do not chill the climbing flower.

In addition, it is necessary to take care of the shower for the plant, which should be provided at least once a month. Thanks to this procedure, a layer of dust can be washed off from its leaves, because it is difficult to remove by wet wiping.

Otherwise, Liana may suffer greatly from the so-called spider mite.

REFERENCE! You need to run some warm water in the shower weak pressure so as not to break thin shoots or leaves.


An equally important point is replanting the plant. If a larger pot is needed, it is recommended not to replant the Liana, but to carefully roll it along with a lump of earth - this will avoid possible injury to the root system of the plant.

In addition, it must be held very carefully, not pulling too hard and not squeezing, so that the shoots of the Liana do not break. Many flower growers advise carrying out this procedure with an assistant.

Ground, soil

Lianas need not only fertile, but also fairly light soil, which is characterized by either a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

Various ready-made mixtures are often used to fertilize it.

You can also prepare a special mixture for this yourself, combining leaf, turf and humus soil.

Soil in a pot you need to loosen regularly using a long thin stick, so that it is easier for the plant to absorb water and nutrients from it, and the roots can “breathe”.

From time to time Liana should be fed with mullein, diluted in ordinary water in a ratio of 1:10, or with complex mineral fertilizers.

Supports for Liana

In order for a green climbing plant to decorate the interior of the house and please the eyes all year round, it is necessary to devote time to giving it direction and shaping the exterior.

Especially for this you need to take care of the presence of a wall or pot support. The liana itself can form its own crown, weaving around a vertical support, but to obtain best result It is better to pinch it on the apical shoots.

This procedure promotes the appearance and intensive growth of lateral processes. In order for the main branch-lash to be long, it must be constantly wrapped around the support, securing it with small clothespins. If you remove unnecessary antennae in a timely manner, then Liana will not independently change the direction of its growth.


In order to rejuvenate the Liana, it is necessary to carefully cut it apical stalk with leaves and then root.

It should be remembered that aged shoots need to be cut to almost half: it will branch better.

To prevent infection by various infections, each cut is p It is recommended to treat with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.


To propagate indoor Liana, you can use a terminal cutting that was cut from an old plant. Sometimes it is placed in water so that it begins to take root. However, most of its species have aerial roots, and due to this, the cutting can be dug into a pot with prepared soil directly after cutting.

Also, some species of this plant reproduce by seeds, for example, Passiflora. In some cases, planting Lianas is practiced by dividing the bush.

The following photo shows Liana seeds:

Benefits and harms

Liana is an excellent decoration for the interior of a room, a gazebo, the facade of a house, or a fence. But it is better to refuse it if one of the family members is allergic to it.

Diseases and pests

It should be noted that almost all diseases different types Lianas are associated not only with serious, but even with the most minor disturbance of water balance.

For example, rotting roots may indicate loss of foliage and weakening of the stem.

IN in this case the plant suffers from waterlogging and too acidic soil.

Why does the Liana plant dry out?

When the humidity level in the room is sufficiently low, the leaves begin to dry out and then fall off.

Due to too little moisture and very dry air, pests such as scale insects, aphids and spider mites. You can get rid of them after spraying them twice with Actellik or Fitoverm insecticides.

Liana is a plant that can be grown both indoors and outdoors. With the right and constant care any type of this plant will become a real green decoration of your home and yard.

Scindapsus, or “ivy-like,” is a familiar houseplant. True, they know him by different names– pictus, muzhegon, golden pothos, widow’s ivy and others. In their homeland (southeast Asia), these plants of the Araceae family (there are more than two dozen species) are vines that climb trees to a height of 15 meters.

Description of species and varieties of scindapsus

House scindapsus is a climbing plant that attracts with its oval, shiny leaves with a variegated pattern that enlivens walls, balconies, and partitions. This unpretentious indoor (never blooms) flower at the expense varietal diversity color range and the exquisite picturesqueness of the leaves is one of the most beloved in home floriculture. Several of its types and varieties are known, which will be discussed.

Scindapsus aureus

For indoor floriculture the most suitable is scindapsus aureus, called golden pothos or golden epipremnum in different sources. This is a fast-growing vine with bright, golden leaves that are especially spectacular when good lighting. But it grows faster when shaded. In this it is helped by adventitious roots that appear on the stems. Clinging to them, the flower can stretch up to three meters.

Various varieties This variety of scindapsus is famous for its special variegation. These may be white spots, arranged in a random order, occupying almost the entire sheet plate or bordering it. Their color depends on the lighting and compliance with all plant care conditions.

Scindapsus pictus - variegated, spotted, pictus. The leaves of this flower have silvery spots, dots, or the same arched border. Thanks to the growth-like (first green, then brown) aerial roots, grows up to one and a half meters in length.

There are two known varieties of this variety. Exotic - with large, with clear silvery inclusions, bizarrely shaped leaves. One of its halves is larger, and the other is smaller. A vein running down the center, bending, divides the sheets into relief segments.

The Argyraeus variety is distinguished by its heart-shaped, medium-sized leaves. They have silvery chaotic spots and a narrow border along the edge.

Scindapsus pinnata is a very long home vine, stretching up to 8 meters in length. In addition, it is branched, and the leaves are located mainly in the lower part and on the tops of the shoots, distributed randomly along them (often leaving significant bare areas).

Indoor flowers of this species have very large leaves - almost half a meter in length. In nature they are even larger. The outlines of the leaves different varieties various - oval, heart-shaped, pointed. In adult plants they are finger-shaped and especially decorative.

Scindapsus Marble queen (Marble Queen) - silver-green in color. It has graceful strokes or spots that make it look like marble. The predominant color is silver-cream with minor splashes of greenery. But this shade varies, increasing to almost a third of the leaf volume, depending on the light intensity.

N-Joy – new variety of Dutch origin. This is a compact vine that is best used hanging in a basket. Numerous succulent, hard leaves are collected along the central veins. The color of the leaves is bright, green. Randomly arranged silver spots look impressive on them. They also edge the edges of the leaves.

This variety of golden pothos is also recently bred.. Its large leaves differ in both shape and color. They are shaped like spears. And the combination of bright green and lemon colors will enliven any room composition.

How to distinguish scindapsus from epipremnum

The ornamental vine plants scindapsus and epipremnum belong to the same family of araceae. Outwardly, they are difficult to distinguish. And even experts are confused in these concepts, referring different kinds of these plants to varieties of one or the other of them. The main differences between these liana flowers are the various requirements for living conditions:

  1. Epipremnum is more demanding in terms of lighting. Scindapsus does not like bright light. However, in the shade its color loses its attractive decorative effect.
  2. In good light, the former can withstand lower winter temperatures (below 15 degrees).
  3. Epipremnum tolerates waterlogging and drying out of the soil more easily. But these care errors should be short-term. Scindapsus is very demanding on constant soil and air moisture.

Is it possible to keep scindapsus at home: signs and superstitions

Widow's ivy does a good job of purifying the air in the room where it grows. It removes many harmful substances, such as xylene and formaldehyde.

But flower growers should know that the juice of all representatives of the araceae family is dangerous if it comes into contact with the skin, causing allergic reactions. You cannot chew decorative leaves, because... they cause poisoning. Therefore, decorating an apartment with scindapsus can be done without fear only in places where there are no children or pets.

This plant has another name - muzhegon. For some reason, it is believed that the flower “drives away” men from the house, breaking up families. It is not recommended to hang it in rooms where there is a girl of marriageable age, predicting that otherwise she will be left without a partner. These superstitions and rumors are based only on the unpaired number of leaves of the plant and the negative effect of its flowers on male power. But, as you know, muzhegon does not bloom at home. And eastern sages consider it a bearer of positive energy.

Reproduction methods

Most often, golden pothos is propagated by apical or stem cuttings. They should have at least a couple of leaves. There are two ways to root cuttings:

  • in a glass of water;
  • in the soil mixture.

In the first case The cuttings cut at an angle must be replanted in the soil after the roots appear on them. At the same time, the process of obtaining a full-fledged plant is delayed.

In the second case the prepared shoot is planted in a nutrient mixture of moss, sand and peat. Before this, it is kept in a Stimulin solution, and then the cut is dried and treated with crushed charcoal.

The best conditions for keeping a seedling are warmth (temperature of at least two tens of degrees), diffused light and moisture. He also needs a mini-greenhouse made from a transparent container. In this case, it is necessary to spray and ventilate the plant. The process of adaptation and the appearance of roots lasts several weeks. Then you can transplant the strengthened seedling with a lump of earth into separate pot, where it is no longer possible to create greenhouse conditions for it.

A less common method of propagating pictus is the so-called “pinning” of branches. In this case, the young shoot is bent to the ground and secured in this position with wire. After the roots appear on it, the shoot can be separated from the main flower and transplanted with a lump of earth into a separate pot.

Caring for scindapsus at home

Scindapsus is not a very capricious plant. Since it comes from tropical forests, for comfortable growth and decorative look he needs certain conditions. Golden pothos is afraid of drafts, prefers a humid atmosphere and warmth, and does not like bright sun. More about this.

Planting pot and soil

Root system tropical plant It spreads not in depth, but in breadth, so it needs a wide and shallow pot. Given that drainage for pictus is of paramount importance, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the drain hole in this container. Yes, myself the drainage layer at the bottom of the pot should be impressive. It would be a good idea to pre-rinse the pebbles that make it up.

The decorative liana prefers loose, fertile soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. It should contain equal parts of turf and sand and twice or even three times as much leaf soil as each of these components.

Lighting, humidity and temperature

Scindapsus does not like bright light, because in natural conditions it grows in a dense tropical forest. The optimal lighting for it is partial shade, because direct sunlight can cause leaf burns. This can be achieved by placing the plant further from the windowsill. Most often it is hung in a flower pot on the wall. Variegated species The vines should not be too shaded, as this will result in their color and pattern being lost.

Constant, high humidity air is the most important requirement for a tropical inhabitant. It should not be placed next to heating devices. To increase humidity, you need to regularly spray the air and leaves with a spray bottle. In a good way moisturizing standing plants is to place them on a pallet with wet expanded clay. And pots with vines hanging on flowerpots can be wrapped in damp moss.

Pictus thrives at room temperature; it does not need tropical heat. In summer, a temperature of about 25 degrees suits it. To prevent the plant from freezing, the winter temperature should not fall below 12 degrees.

Watering and spraying

In the active phase of development, scindapsus needs watering almost every day. This is done when the top layer of soil dries. The water should be warm, settled. If overwatered, root rot can quickly occur. After all, they are located close to the surface. In winter, it is better to keep widow's ivy away from window sills with radiators and vents. Watering at this time is carried out no more than once a week. The plant signals excessive watering by the appearance of droplets of liquid on the leaves - “tears”.

The moisture-loving liana is not indifferent to year-round spraying with filtered water. room temperature. Young plants love “bathing” in a shower with warm water. Only then should you cover the pot with film. It is also important to constantly ensure that dust does not accumulate on the leaves. To do this, they should be wiped with a damp cloth.

Feeding golden pothos

For unpretentious plant Ready-made fertilizers intended for indoor flowers are suitable. It is best to make liquid fertilizer simultaneously with watering. In this case, the standard dose of fertilizer recommended by the instructions is halved.

It is enough to fertilize the plants once a month. In winter, only large specimens are fed. Do this no more than once a month.

Pruning and crown formation

Since scindapsus grows quickly (up to half a meter per year), it needs pruning and crown formation. They also practice cutting cuttings to half their length and pinching their tops to form lush lateral shoots. These procedures are best done in the spring.

Arches and stairs are used for young vines, and for mature ones, plastic tubes are used, into which frequently moistened moss is placed. These devices are equipped with holes for aerial roots vines and wrapped in coconut copra. With the help of all kinds of supports and their bends, you can give the vines any shape and direction of growth.

Main problems when growing

Ornamental plants need proper care, When growing them, you may encounter the following difficulties:

  1. The leaves are turning yellow. This indicates a lack of nutrition. The plant needs feeding.
  2. Appearance on leaves dark spots and twisting their ends indicates dry air, when the vines need to be sprayed and moistened the air and soil.
  3. Rotting of stems indicates excess moisture and rotting of the plant. Usually in this case the temperature is below normal.
  4. When the leaves turn pale, then there is either too much light or not enough.
  5. Pictus growth slowdown indicates that it needs to be transplanted into a larger pot and fed.
  6. If the leaves fall, then the flower “freezes” in a draft and does not have enough light.

Scindapsus (pictus, widow's ivy, golden pothos) - beautiful and bright tropical liana, capable of decorating and enlivening any room with unusual, picturesque designs. Inexperienced flower growers unreasonably consider it unsuitable for housing. In reality, this is an undemanding indoor plant that can bring comfort to the house, purify the air and harmonize the atmosphere.