Rehau profiles types. Types of Rehau profile systems. How to buy original Rehau windows from the manufacturer

REHAU has always been a pioneer and strives for high standards. The company's priority is the improvement of system solutions, processing technology and quality of materials. This company was among the first in the world to use quality standards invented here, because there is a desire to always be on top without the right to defect.

Rehau windows It is no coincidence that they are very popular all over the world.

The choice in favor of REHAU products should be made for the following reasons:

  • Plastic windows are offered in a wide range (from classic REHAU Blitz to high-tech BRILLIANT-Desine) and can satisfy the needs of the most demanding customer;
  • energy-saving properties of Rehau plastic windows, which reduce heat loss by 76%, and it will remain where it is needed;
  • These PVC windows are distinguished by their sound insulation, so they are often chosen for glazing houses and apartments near highways, construction sites and other objects that are a source of noise;
  • By choosing REHAU plastic windows, you choose an innovative formula for the composition of the base material, its first-class quality and strict adherence to production technology.
  • Attention!Currently we offer a unique share" Heating package as a gift" when ordering any products based on the rehau profile.

REHAU Blitz NEW/ Rehau Blitz New

Quality available to everyone!

The Rehau company produces profiles only from high-quality plastic, so even the most economical windows meet the highest quality standards.
All windows from the Rehau profile are adapted to the climatic conditions of Russia. Updated profile design: a new combination of radii and stepped inclination of the front surfaces of the profiles ensures their characteristic appearance. The displaced front surfaces of the frame and sash determine classic type window system.


  • Profile depth - 60 mm / 3 chambers
  • Heat transfer resistance value = 0.6 m 2 °C/W.
  • Sound insulation: up to class 4 (VDI 2719)
  • Air and water tightness: up to load group "C"
  • Beveled rebate at the frame and sash to ensure drainage
  • The width of the reinforcement chamber of 35 mm makes it possible to use reinforcement with high static characteristics
  • The profile system is environmentally friendly

REHAU Grazio / Rehau Grazio

Technical characteristics of Rehau Grazio:

  • System depth: 70 mm / 5 chambers
  • Four-chamber system with additional thermoblock
  • Thermoblock: additional insulating air chamber between the reinforcement and the inner wall of the profile provides effective thermal insulation at a depth of 70 mm
  • Heat transfer resistance value = 0.85 m 2 °C/W.
  • Sound insulation: up to class 4
  • Easy to clean smooth surface
  • An oblique rebate at the frame and sash to ensure reliable drainage.
  • Bevels on visible external surfaces give window structures elegant appearance.
  • A large selection of color and decorative designs from classic white to varnishing and laminated wood texture options.
  • Eco-friendly profile system

REHAU Delight-Design / Rehau Delight-Design

The Rehau Delight-Design window profile allows you to shorten the frame and sash and let 10% more light into the house compared to traditional systems.

The DELIGHT-Design system has a designer door with correct proportions, roundness of shapes and graceful relief of decorative glazing bead.

Increasing the area of ​​translucent filling of a window structure made from Delight-Design profiles does not come at the expense of its other functional characteristics. The depth of 70 mm, the five-chamber profile structure and the ability to install double-glazed windows up to 41 mm thick reliably retain heat inside the house.

The service life of the Rehau Delight-Design profile is 50 years.

Technical characteristics of REHAU Delight-Design

  • Profile depth: 70 mm / 5 chambers
  • Heat transfer resistance value = 0.8 m 2 °C/W.
  • Sound insulation: up to class 4
  • A large selection of color and decorative designs from classic white to lamination options in various colors, including wood-look textures.
  • Burglary safety: installation of reinforced locking devices due to a 13 mm offset of the axis of the device groove.
  • Eco-friendly profile system
REHAU Brillant-Design / Rehau Brillant-Design

Premium windows for those with high demands!

Do you choose only the best? The right decision! After all, it works for your future!

By choosing the exclusive REHAU BRILLANT-Design profile you will receive maximum comfort and a highly efficient energy saving system.

Windows from the REHAU BRILLANT-Design profile are premium systems; they are able to meet the highest technical and aesthetic requirements of luxury construction. They will add special nobility to the appearance of the house and decorate any interior.

The REHAU BRILLANT-Design profile provides scope for design - it has an elegant outline, sealing colors of black, white or gray to choose from, the possibility of one-sided and two-sided lamination, the use of artistic stained glass windows, decorative layouts.


  • Profile depth: 70mm / 5 chambers.
  • Heat transfer resistance value = 0.82 m 2 °C/W.
  • Burglary safety: installation of reinforced locking devices due to the displacement of the axis of the device groove by 13 mm.
  • Air and water tightness: reliable protection from drafts, dust and water thanks to two sealing contours (seal overlap 7/8 mm outside/inside).
  • Surface: high quality, perfectly smooth, easy to clean.
  • Exclusive design
REHAU Intelio / Rehau Intelio

New in the world of windows! Innovation at the service of comfort.

The Rehau concern is constantly working to improve the quality of its products and is engaged in innovative developments. You always want to make your windows even warmer, even quieter, even more reliable.

And Rehau succeeded! We present to you a new product - a 6-chamber Rehau INTELIO profile with a thickness of 86 mm. It can be called the “quiest” profile. During its development, several innovative solutions were used, thanks to which the Intelio system has excellent characteristics: it is better than others in terms of tightness, which provides maximum sound insulation, thermal insulation, breathability, waterproofness and burglary protection.

Intelio windows use an innovative technical solution from Rehau - a convection limiter (this is an additional sealing system). In addition, this system provides two sealing circuits, the material and shape of which have proven themselves to be excellent in the innovative REHAU GENEO system.

The surface of the Intelio profile is perfectly smooth. It remains snow-white for a long time - dirt is not absorbed and does not accumulate on it.

Who cares about choosing Intelio windows?

    For those who want to improve the sound insulation of their home. Silence is very important for rest, sleep, relaxation, and also for concentration, for example for children doing homework, for people working from home. Even if your windows overlook a busy highway (noise level is about 75 dB), then Intelio windows can reduce noise to a comfort level of 30-35 dB (like in a library). The wider profile allows you to insert a 44 mm double-glazed window and use special, thicker glass to reduce the level of noise penetration through the double-glazed window.

    For those who want to keep warm. This is the warmest profile system metal-plastic windows. Its heat transfer resistance coefficient is 0.95 m 2 °C/W. , which allows you to spend less energy while maintaining the same room temperature. This is important for houses with autonomous heating, country houses. Moreover, in the Rehau Intelio system high thermal insulation properties optimally combined with maximum light transmission.


  • Profile depth: 86 mm / 6 chambers.
  • Heat transfer resistance value = 0.95 m 2 °C/W.
  • Sound insulation up to class 4 in accordance with the requirements of European standards.
  • Burglary safety: up to class 3.
  • The height of the opaque part is small - which allows more light to pass through
  • Using system profiles, it is possible to create window and balcony door units with tilt-and-turn sashes with a width of 450 mm to 1300 mm and a height of up to 2400 mm.
REHAU GENEO / Rehau Geneo

Unique windows using new technology!

Rehau Geneo is an innovation in the world of windows. These Rehau windows use a completely new technology - reinforcement with RAU-FIPRO fiberglass. Fiber fiber was previously used only in aircraft construction and the production of racing cars, that is, where materials can withstand increased loads. For the first time, only the Rehau concern could use this material for the production of windows only in the Geneo profile system.

All other windows inside have steel reinforcement, which is necessary for strength, protection against deformation, and, therefore, for the durability of the windows.

The Geneo profile does not have conventional reinforcement, instead using the sensational fiber material RAU-FIPRO.

What advantages does this give?

  • The most important thing is to reduce heat loss, because there is no metal amplifier inside the plastic profile (which is a conductor of cold). The Geneo system has a record heat transfer resistance value = 1.5 m 2 °C/W.
    . No other system has similar characteristics. The Rehau company conducted tests that showed that heating a room with GENEO system windows requires only 25% of the energy required for a similar room with old wooden windows. Which is very valuable for houses with autonomous heating, for example for cottages.
  • Record strength and load resistance higher than normal profile systems. The service life of this profile is more than 50 years.
  • Ease. Due to the absence of metal, the weight of window structures is reduced by 40%. This makes it possible to use this material for glazing large windows and balcony doors without an impost, as well as for warm glazing of balconies and loggias in old houses, even in cases where experts do not recommend glazing with conventional PVC windows.
  • Warmer double glazing. The thickness of the Geneo profile is 86 mm, which allows you to insert a double-glazed window with a thickness of 44 mm, which has better thermal insulation characteristics compared to double-glazed windows of 32 and 40 mm. In addition, in a 44 mm double-glazed window you can easily use thicker or special glass to improve the heat and sound insulation qualities.
  • Highest degree of sound insulation- up to class 5 in accordance with the requirements of European standards. The Rehau company reports that when installing GENEO windows, it is possible to reduce the level of street noise by 2 times, even in the immediate vicinity of a busy highway. Thus, the noise level of a 6-lane highway is 75 dB, and when using windows from the Geneo profile with an appropriate double-glazed window, the noise level is reduced by 40 dB, which creates optimal conditions For good rest and restful sleep.

The Rehau Geneo profile system has been tested and certified, the results of which show that the characteristics of this profile system exceed the GOST requirements for class A windows with a margin.


  • Profile depth: 86mm / 6 chambers.
  • Heat transfer resistance value = 1.5 m 2 °C/W. , which allows you to reduce the amount of energy required to heat the room by 4 times compared to regular old wooden windows.
  • Unique fiber material RAU-FIPRO®.
  • Sound insulation up to class 5 in accordance with the requirements of European standards.
  • Burglary safety: from class 2. Easy installation of locking devices.
  • Surface: high quality, perfectly smooth, easy to clean. This profile is resistant to atmospheric influences, negative environmental influences and easy to care for.
  • Maximum glazing area. Due to the characteristics of the profile and the integration of a patented system for fastening load-bearing elements and fittings with screw channels and additional transverse fastening, it is possible to glaze large areas with simultaneously high thermal insulation values: balcony doors up to 230 cm high, up to 110 cm wide, windows up to 145 cm high cm, width up to 145 cm.
  • Light transmission: the small height of the opaque part allows the maximum amount of light to pass through.
  • Unlimited possibilities of shapes and color solutions, the ability to produce windows with rounded elements. Possibility of lamination, wood decoration.

Rehau Lyubertsy windows will keep your home warm and cozy!

The Megapolis Windows company is pleased to offer you high-quality window designs, REHAU profile system, of any size and shape, in an extremely short time and for a very reasonable price tag.

From the article you will learn:

Today's world leader in the production of plastic windows, the German company Rehau, was founded in 1948. However, production window profiles She did not start studying immediately, but only a decade later. Initially, its activities were based on the development polymer materials for various industries.

The year 1958 marked the beginning of a new type of activity for Rehau - the production of window profiles, which, by the way, forms the basis of a modern plastic window. The first profile was produced using the then innovative extrusion technology (polymer manufacturing). At that time, the number of companies producing such products was very limited. Only a few of them used extrusion technology in their production - in monetary terms it was too expensive.

Like most enterprises, Rehau began to master the production of profiles with only a small number of employees. Only a few people began to “forge” the name of a brand that would be recognizable in the future. Six months later, Rehau already had at its disposal significant production capacity, allowing it to significantly increase the output of finished products.

Promising specialists were hired in the necessary areas, sparing no effort and time to modernize existing samples of manufactured products, as well as to produce new ones. Such significant efforts were not in vain: today the Rehau company is one of the leading brands in the window industry, whose innovative developments are picked up with a bang by other, lesser-known companies.

In addition to plastic Rehau windows is also engaged in the production of accessories. A feature of the window designs of this company is their adaptability to operation at low temperatures, characteristic of many regions of our country. Each model of the Rehau profile produced has characteristics that are optimally balanced for operation under certain conditions.

This article will introduce the reader to the most popular solutions from Rehau today. So.

Rehau Geneo.

Recent technical advances have allowed the company's engineers to widely use the Geneo profile to produce windows of non-standard shapes: round, oval, triangular and even trapezoidal - now plastic windows from Rehau can be anything. This profile specificity is fully used by architects when designing buildings under construction (mainly private sector houses), as well as by designers who bring to life the owners’ ideas for creating an unusual style of room.

However, the advantages of the Rehau Geneo profile are not only large quantities possible forms. The Geneo double-glazed window, equipped with two chambers, has excellent thermal insulation and is also able to reliably protect the adjacent room from the penetration of extraneous sounds from the street.

Branded fittings installed in the Rehau Geneo window model are responsible for the operation of the sashes in three positions: turning, tilting and turning and tilting. The weight of the Rehau Geneo profile is 2/3 less than the weight of a standard PVC profile. This feature has a beneficial effect both on the installation work and on the load produced by the profile on the fitting mechanisms - their trouble-free service life becomes longer.

Rehau Brillant-Design.

A series of Rehau Brilliant-Design plastic windows have a smooth surface, and therefore light-transmitting products are not able to accumulate dirt and moisture. This fact has a positive effect on the appearance: throughout the entire period of operation, their original condition remains unchanged. Rehau Brillant-Design windows, equipped with double-glazed windows, successfully cope with the task of retaining heat in the house, and their elegant design helps them fit harmoniously into any style of room.

Uniquely arranged rubber seals reliably protect the structure from moisture penetration. In addition to this, the possibility of ordering energy-saving glasses instead of conventional ones is made by the Rehau Brillant-Design window model optimal choice for installation in an apartment.

Rehau Delight-Design.

Rehau Dilight Design windows are equipped with a profile with five chambers. Distinctive feature This series is that the windows have additional light transmittance (10-15%).

This fact means that Rehau Delight Design plastic windows, compared to conventional ones, transmit more light, and therefore heat. Therefore, the choice of this model for installation in regions with cold climates will be most justified.

Rehau Blitz.

The Rehau Blitz three-chamber profile differs from previous models by its affordable price. The PVC window profile combines an acceptable level of performance in both heat and sound insulation. The low price of the Rehau Blitz window is dictated by the low resistance of its profile to burglary.

Because of this feature, this window model is not entirely suitable for installation in private houses, as well as in apartments located on the first floors of the building. For the rest, purchasing a Rehau Blitz window would be quite appropriate.

Rehau Sib-Design.

The crown of all Rehau models. The creation of the Rehau Sib-Design profile was dictated by the steady demand for window products that meet the requirements of our country with its harsh weather climate. The profile is designed to ensure maximum heat retention in the room in which it is installed. The presence of two-level protection in the form of two sealing contours that do not allow moisture or drafts to pass through makes the Rehau Sib-Design window design an ideal choice for the home.

Modern market building materials and components is represented by a wide variety of plastic windows: KBE, Rehau, Veka and many others. More than 90% of products belong to famous German companies that have been producing plastic windows for more than 50 years. Each company uses innovative equipment in the process of work, applies Newest technologies, and also carefully monitors compliance with norms and regulations at all stages of production.

One of the leading places among all manufacturers of plastic window systems is the Rehau company. The products of this company are distinguished by high quality, variety technical solutions and acceptable pricing policy.

History of the development of Rehau

The first products under the Rehau brand appeared in 1948 in the city of the same name in Bavaria - Rehau. This company was the first in the world to use polyvinyl chloride in the production of windows. In addition to window and entrance structures, the brand’s products are widely used in the automotive industry, medicine and furniture production.

Initially the company produced watering hoses and parts for cars. In 1958, the first plastic profile for window structures was created using the extrusion method. In 1995, Rehau entered into contracts for the supply of carbon fiber reinforced plastic materials with representatives of the aerospace industry. Subsequently, these products began to be used in the design of Airbus aircraft.

Today the company has more than 50 representative offices in various European countries.

In 2002, an extrusion workshop was opened in Ramenskoye, and in 2005, an official representative office and a functioning Rehau plant in Russia were founded in the city of Gzhel. A few years later, representative offices were opened in Samara, Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg.

Today, Rehau technologies are successfully used at domestic enterprises, which has allowed many residents of Russian cities to install reliable, high-quality plastic windows at an affordable price. Since there is no need to wait for the profile to be delivered from Germany to create a product, the construction time has also been significantly reduced.

Rehau produces the best energy efficient systems for private residential construction, as well as for commercial buildings. Improvements in the production process have led to the company achieving 100% green energy use. And today Rehau continues to pursue a policy of progressive reduction of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Types of Rehau profile systems

The Rehau company produces plastic windows from profile systems of various classes and price ranges. The product range is represented by standard and elite class designs. Depending on climatic conditions, functional application and budget capabilities, everyone can choose best option plastic windows, doors or partitions.

Most Rehau profile systems are equipped with single- or double-glazed windows, including those with energy-saving glass.

You can install high-quality and reliable anti-burglary fittings on your windows, reducing the risk of illegal entry into your home.


Classic profile system consisting of a three-chamber window profile 60 mm thick, double-circuit seal and original design. The plastic beads beveled at 15ºC on the front side of the structure give the structure a special aesthetic appeal. Windows made from this profile are ideal for summer country houses and dachas, where enhanced thermal protection is not required, as well as for regions with hot climates. It is possible to create cold blind glazing at construction sites for warehouse or office purposes. Both windows and interior doors, including partitions. Stable quality and low price- the main advantages of the Blitz system.


The most affordable and practical system, consisting of a three-chamber profile 60 mm wide. An analogue of the Rehau BLITZ system, steel reinforcement of the central chamber is possible. The shape of windows from this profile can be any, depending on architectural features building and customer wishes. Thanks to the double-circuit seal with an 8 mm overlap on the outside and inside, dust, water and cold air will never penetrate into the room. By choosing the original shape and colors of the window from the Rehau EURO-Design profile, you can arrange bright accents or harmoniously fit the window into general style Houses.

This system is used to create plastic windows, balcony doors, and panoramic glazing.


Advanced premium system. Profile width - 70 mm, three chambers with the possibility of steel reinforcement of the central chamber, double-circuit seal. An additional chamber in the profile is a “thermal block” to increase the heat-saving properties of the structure.

This system is ideal for northern latitudes. Such plastic windows are able to retain heat in the apartment, even if it is 60ºC frost outside. The performance characteristics of the system are confirmed by research from the Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. On visible front surfaces, 15 mm radius rounded corners give the design a more elegant appearance.


Luxury profile window system, leader in sales throughout Russia. Five-chamber profile 70 mm wide with an increased thermal protection coefficient, double-circuit seal, beveled decorative bead. The main difference of this system is the reduced profile width, which makes the light opening wider. The edges of the profile here are rounded, which gives the design a special elegance and uniqueness. Such systems are often used in high-rise construction, both in the construction of new buildings and in the reconstruction of old ones.


A premium class system that meets all the aesthetic requirements of luxury construction. It allows you to use a five-chamber profile with a width of 70 mm or a six-chamber profile with a width of 80 mm. Thanks to the presence of special end chambers, heavy-duty anti-burglary fittings can be installed on such plastic windows.

To create large panoramic windows additional steel reinforcement of the frame and sash will be required. Such windows are ideal for maintaining a natural indoor microclimate, which is why they are recommended for installation in children's and health care institutions.


One of the latest innovative developments from Rehau. The system is a five-chamber profile with an installation width of 86 mm. Thanks to the expanded rebate depth in the sash, it becomes possible to install double-glazed window up to 66 mm wide. Products made from this profile are not only the warmest, but also guarantee maximum protection from sound stimuli. Today, these are one of the quietest windows in existence; they have a sound insulation coefficient of 36 dB. It is possible to create windows from a profile with a beautiful glossy surface effect.


A completely new, unique development of the company, called by experts a real breakthrough in the field of production of window structures. The profile is based on a patented nanomaterial - RAU-FIPRO fiber fiber. It is characterized by increased properties of elasticity and strength. Thanks to this, the need for additional steel reinforcement is completely eliminated, even when creating large-area structures. The system depth of the six-chamber profile is 86 mm, which allows the installation of heavy energy-saving or two-chamber double-glazed windows. Compared to wooden windows, plastic window units from the Rehau GENEO profile reduce thermal energy losses by up to 76%. Sound insulation with such windows will double. You can order special soundproof glass that has a sound insulation level of up to 40 dB. Even if the windows overlook a busy highway, the room will always be quiet, comfortable and nothing can interfere with a relaxing rest.

Advantages of Rehau profile systems

Compared to other European analogues, Rehau plastic profile systems have the following advantages:

  • The level of thermal insulation of the profile ranges from 0.64m2°s/W to 1.05m2°s/W. The more chambers in the profile, the higher the thermal protection coefficient;
  • sound insulation of the best Rehau profile systems corresponds to class 5 according to European standards;
  • The warranty period for plastic windows is 40 years. At the testing stage, it was proven that the latest Rehau profile systems have a lifespan of up to 60 years;
  • double-circuit seal reliably protects the room from drafts, dust and wet precipitation. It guarantees the tightest possible fit of the sash to the frame along the entire perimeter;
  • burglary safety, that is, the installation of additional reinforced locking mechanisms due to the displacement of the axis of the instrument groove by 13 mm;
  • unlimited possibilities of color and texture solutions for the profile allow you to create unusual and original interiors;
  • all types of Rehau profile systems have a perfectly smooth, even surface that is easy to clean;
  • the systems are suitable for any facility or residential construction with standard requirements for the installation of both white plastic windows and colored models that replicate the texture of wood.
  • At the customer's request, all plastic systems are completed mosquito nets, sash limiters, window sills, ebbs and plastic slopes.

One of the world's leading manufacturers of plastic Rehau profiles offers a wide range of products that can satisfy the needs of the most demanding customers. Thanks to plastic windows assembled from Rehau profiles, you can create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in residential and commercial spaces.

The company began producing polymer products back in 1948, and the first window profile was manufactured in 1958. Over the years of continuous improvement, the manufacturer has managed to develop many innovative design solutions, which have only been modernized year after year. Thanks to the continuous pursuit of development, the brand has managed to occupy a leading position not only in its home country of Germany, but throughout the world.

Types of Rehau profile systems

Which of the plastic window profiles of this brand is better? Each of them is capable of solving a specific problem. Check out the technical specifications various types Rehau PVC profiles.

Rehau Basic– three-chamber plastic profile with a mounting width of 60 mm. Simple and quality system, capable of providing optimal microclimate in rooms where there are no serious problems with thermal insulation.

The surface of the profile is smooth, which ensures easy cleaning. Rehau Basic frames and sashes have a beveled rebate, which promotes high-quality drainage.

Rehau Blitz– three-chamber window profiles with an installation width of 60 mm. They combine quality and affordable price. They will provide excellent heat and sound insulation properties in the room, as well as a high degree of protection against burglary (equipped with reinforced locking devices with an offset axis). Ideal for installation in apartments and for glazing cottages.

They have two sealing contours inside and outside (8 mm overlap), which allows you to protect the room from the penetration of precipitation and drafts. The profile has 15-degree bevels on the front surface.

All types of Rehau profile systems have a perfectly smooth surface and whiteness, which remains unchanged over decades of intensive use. Provide easy care regardless of the degree of contamination.

Rehau Geneo– this type of profile has the highest consumer qualities. The structure is made of a unique fiber-fiber material RAU-FIPRO, which has excellent strength characteristics and load resistance coefficient. Due to this, the profile does not use steel reinforcement (it is reinforced in the mass). The profile uses all the most important technical innovations, which made it possible to create a product that is perfect and universal in every sense.

The installation width is 86 mm, it has a sealing contour along the rebates. Capable of providing a high degree of heat saving (heat transfer resistance coefficient of 1.05 m 2 s/W), as well as unprecedented sound insulation characteristics.

The design of the sash has a classic offset surface; 20 degree bevels are made on the outer visible areas - this gives the profile a special twist.

Rehau Brillant– premium window profiles with the highest technical and aesthetic characteristics. They will reliably protect the room from cold and noise and will become a real decoration of any interior.

These are five- and six-chamber window profiles with an installation width of 70 and 80 mm, respectively. They have increased thermal insulation characteristics, have two sealing contours (with overlaps of 7 and 8 mm inside and outside), which will reliably protect against dust, drafts and moisture.

Brillant profiles are equipped with reinforced locking devices with the axis of the device groove shifted by 13 mm, which ensures high level burglary protection.

This type of profile is ideal for the manufacture of window structures non-standard forms(bay windows, trapezoidal windows and others).

Rehau Sib– multi-chamber profile with an installation width of 70 mm, designed for maximum protection from the cold. The profile is ideal for use in Russian climatic conditions. It has exceptional heat-shielding properties, which is confirmed by tests carried out by employees of the Research Institute of Construction Physics of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

The profile can be used in conditions of extremely low temperatures and high humidity(withstands temperature differences of more than 60°C). At the same time, it does not freeze and condensation does not form on it. The profile has a coefficient of reduced heat transfer resistance of 0.8 m2°C/W. This indicator significantly exceeds the requirements for window structures intended for use in the Russian Federation.

Also, the “warmest” profile is capable of providing a high degree of protection against burglary due to its design features.

Rehau Delight– five-chamber profile with an installation width of 70 mm. Its distinctive characteristic is the large light throughput(10% more light) compared to other types of window profiles. This is achieved by reducing the frame and sash of the window.

This designer profile has rounded shapes, noble proportions, and graceful glazing bead relief.

In addition to the exceptional appearance has excellent performance characteristics. Provides a high level of thermal insulation.

The general advantages of Rehau window profiles include the following parameters:

  • high thermal insulation characteristics– allow you to save up to 76% energy;
  • environmental friendliness - profiles do not harm environment, can be recycled;
  • extended period of operation - the manufacturer claims that such PVC windows will last more than 60 years;
  • effective noise protection;
  • high level of anti-burglary protection;
  • freedom in choosing window shapes;
  • rich color palette.

When choosing plastic windows, it is useful to know how they differ. Let's take a look at the table comparing the characteristics of the Rehau profile and briefly explain what each point means.

Comparison table of technical characteristics of Rehau windows

Profile model / Characteristics Rehau Blitz
Rehau Thermo Rehau Grazio Rehau Delight Rehau Brillant Rehau Intelio Rehau Geneo
Availability of cameras in profile 3 4 5 5 5 6 6
Sealing system 2-circuit 2-circuit 2-circuit 2-circuit 2-circuit 2-circuit 3-circuit
Frame width 60 60 70 70 70 80 86
Height frame + sash 116 112 105 105 120 115 115
Heat loss resistance 0,63 0,78 0,85 0,8 0,79 0,98 0,99
Fill thickness 24 / 32 24/32 32 / 40 24 / 32 / 40 24 / 32 / 40 32 / 44 / 52 32 / 44 / 52
Burglary resistance WK-3 WK-3 WK-3 WK-3 WK-3 WK-3 WK-3
Price RUR/m2 2624 rub. 2750 rub. 2867 rub. 3109 rub. 4573 rub. 4326 rub. on request
Additional benefits starting model hit new product of the year designer glazing bead designer glazing bead possibility of installing 4 glasses

Number of cameras in the profile. Resistance to heat loss directly depends on this parameter. The more cameras, the window is more efficient protects from the cold outside and retains heat in the room, and the higher the quality of noise and waterproofing. This is also influenced by the sealing system. Seals are used to seal the window.

When choosing the width and height of the frame, you should proceed from the characteristics of the room, and not just from the characteristics of the profile.

The thickness of the filling (glass unit) depends on the number of chambers and similarly affects the degree of heat retention, protection from moisture and noise. The bigger, the better.

Burglary resistance. As can be seen from the table, all windows in the Rehau line have protection class WK3. This is a reliable level of burglary resistance.

Price and additional benefits. It is better to choose windows based not only on your budget, but also on your own goals. Do you need an emphasis on elegant exterior design, sound insulation or frost protection? Before making a decision, it is worth studying in more detail the features and characteristics of a particular Rehau model.