Home exterior design. Requirements for facade finishing. Advantages of facade wallpaper

There is an impressive list of options for decorating the facade of a private house, and anyone can choose the type of design that suits them best. When the necessary options for finishing the facade of a private house are selected, the photos clearly show the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. The facade of a building is its face, and, of course, any person wants this face to be attractive and original. There are many options for finishing the facade of a private house, and the task comes down to taking into account the features of the structure, the traditions of the area and climatic conditions.

In general, a facade is usually called the front wall of a house with all architectural elements: door, windows, columns, pediment. Such a wall is most often a load-bearing one, but can also be made in the form of an enclosing element.

There are many designs. Among the main types, the following can be distinguished: brick or stone masonry, wooden facade, decorative plaster, polymer cladding, incl. transparent option. By technical specifications stands out warm finish and a ventilated system.

An important characteristic is the presence of ventilated gaps. When making non-ventilated facades, the outer cladding adheres firmly to the wall surface without an air gap. A ventilated system implies a gap between the wall and the cladding, which allows air to circulate, ventilating condensation and reducing the accumulation of moisture.

Features of manufacturing a wooden facade

Private façade finishing options wooden house always aroused great interest. Wood in cladding stands out for its beauty and naturalness. Wooden facades can be either ventilated or non-ventilated type.

The following options for finishing the facade of a private house using wood are distinguished:

  • Wooden block house - rounded wooden panels imitating log house. The edges of the boards have a profile that provides a tongue-and-groove connection with dense laying of the panels. The width of such boards is 18-25 cm.
  • Profiled board imitating a log house. A board with a profiled edge 15-25 cm wide and 2-3 cm thick is used.
  • The lining consists of wooden planks different sizes. In accordance with the European standard, lining is produced with a width of 95 mm and a thickness of 12 mm.

  • Plunket is a wooden plank similar to lining, but has a smooth surface. glossy surface on both sides, and most often made of larch.
  • Partially edged board - designed to imitate natural untreated wood. This product has 2 different edges: on one side - smoothly polished, and on the other side - with a bevel and bark residues.

Wood cladding can be applied directly to the facade surface (non-ventilated option) or using lathing. All wooden elements must be impregnated with an antiseptic composition. To reveal the wood structure, a tinting impregnation is used, focusing the texture and giving the desired shade.

The most common colors and structures are oak, beech, ash, walnut - in in kind or through imitation.

Features of plaster finishing

Plastering a façade wall is one of the most common options.

To make the plastered surface decorative, several technologies are used:

  • mineral type: the “bark beetle” variety is made from a sand-cement composition with the addition of mineral ingredients and coloring pigments;
  • acrylic-based plaster: elastic composition with a decorative appearance;
  • silicone solution: has important advantage– retains bright colors for a long time;
  • plaster with marble chips: crumbs of different fractions are used - small (up to 1.2 mm), large (up to 5.5 mm) and especially thin (less than 0.6 mm), and the use of acrylic composition as a binding component is common.

How brick and stone are used in finishing

Decorative brick is used for façade cladding different types and size. The photo illustrates options for finishing the façade with brick. The finishing can be done in the form of a separate facing masonry with a gap for ventilation, or attached with mortar directly to the wall surface. Decorative brick for facade decoration it comes in different colors, which allows you to create the desired appearance.

An attractive variety of brick is the use of clinker tiles, which are decorative ceramic bricks made of compressed clay that has undergone special firing. The tiles can be glued using standard adhesive composition, mounted on a layer of hollow brick or lathing. Clinker tiles have a wide range of colors, which allows them to harmonize with the roofing.

The stone finishing makes the façade especially attractive. For this purpose it can be used as a natural stone, and artificial. The most popular are granite, marble, gabbro, limestone, diorite, travertine, sandstone. Excellent decorative properties has sandstone, which is produced in the form of ready-made slabs 2 cm thick and 30x60 and 17x35 cm in size.

Sandstones from Dagestan quarries (Frigsky, Akushinsky, etc.) are popular. One of the options for stone cladding is rusticated masonry. In this case, the front side is not processed and imitates a natural torn surface.

How to cover a façade with slabs

Currently, facade finishing technologies associated with the installation of facing slabs and panels from various materials are actively used.

The most common methods can be identified:

  • Siding panels. Options for finishing the facade of a private house with siding are shown in the photo. Typically, vinyl siding is used. Their installation on façade wall carried out using lathing aluminum profile or wooden beam. The panels can be positioned both longitudinally and transversely. A wide range of panels are available in different colors.

  • Panels on a metal base with a polymer coating. Such elements are made on the basis of aluminum and galvanized steel with a polyester outer layer. One of the attractive varieties is a profiled sheet (wave or rectangular profile) made of galvanized steel with a polymer coating.
  • Fiberboard is similar to chipboard, but has a decorated outer protective coating.

  • Sandwich panels. Such 3-4-layer panels include metal and plastic layers that provide high mechanical strength and resistance to impact. external factors and rich appearance.
  • Fiber cement boards. This facing material is made from cement and includes cellulose and plastic additives, as well as other components.

  • Glass panels. They are considered an elite façade design due to their high price. The panels are made from foamed glass granules.
  • Vented covering. Vent is a slab based on mineral wool, which provides high thermal insulation properties. The Euro-Vent variety and some types of laminated vent with glass canvas and foil are especially attractive.

Design work

A number of technologies for finishing the facades of private houses involve painting or varnishing the cladding. For facade works are offered durable paints vinyl, acrylic, acrylic-silicone and silicone type. Especially persistent ones have become popular polyurethane paints. Water-soluble emulsion paints for facade finishing are also sold: styrene butadiene, silicone emulsion, dispersion acrylic compositions.

Elements of the so-called small architecture have a noticeable decorating effect. Elements such as bas-reliefs, sculptures, columns, and porticos will add originality and rich decoration. Decoration in the form of carving, painting, stucco can provide gloss to even the most modest façade. To create them, paints, mosaic and stained glass tiles, and ready-made decorative elements are used.

There are many options for finishing the facade of a private house. You need to choose the most suitable way and implement your plans on your own or with the involvement of specialists.

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The beauty of a home is evidenced not only by its decoration. interior design, but also a carefully made, and well-maintained façade. The facade cladding should be matched to the style of the house. The facade of a private house can be designed in different ways. Decoration of house facades modern materials.

House facade: what and how to cover it

  • Finishing facades with plaster photo
  • Finishing the facade with facing bricks
  • Stone façade finishing photo
  • façade finishing with timber
  • Finishing the facade of a private house: wood imitation

In addition to plaster, you can choose brick, stone and wood. There are many methods for decorating facades, so it’s worth thinking carefully about how to actually decorate the walls of a house, remembering first of all that you will have to stand in front of it “face to face” every day.

1. Finishing facades with plaster photo

Plaster is the cheapest material for facade cladding. Thin-layer plaster is used mainly as a top layer in seamless insulation systems (based on polystyrene foam). In order for plaster to decorate the house for many long years, it must be carefully done.

More and more colored plaster is appearing on the construction market. A wide range of colors allows you to create an original and unusual facade.

Several types of thin-layer plaster are performed.

1). One of them is cement-lime plaster. It is very effective and resistant to biological corrosion. Thin-walled plaster absorbs water quite well and is resistant to shrinkage, which can lead to cracking of the plaster during the bonding process. Its main advantage is high breathability and durability.

2). The second type is silicate plasters; they are resistant to rain and polluted air. As a disadvantage, they have low air permeability, unlike cement-lime plaster. They are less ductile, so they cover small shrinkage cracks that occur in traditional plaster.


2. Finishing the facade with facing bricks

Brick facades are beautiful and always relevant. Bricks, facing and silicate are used for this. They can cover the entire wall or only their fragments. It is better to take into account the finishing of facades with this type of material immediately when designing the structure of a house, because it is easiest to build such a facade when the walls of the house are three-layered, the outer layer is also a facade.

A brick facade is more durable than a plaster one. But several conditions must be met.

1) Bricks must withstand weathering and corrosion.

2) In addition, the facade must be carefully made - the seam must be complete, and the brick must be impregnated (especially in areas exposed to moisture).

3) Regular care and maintenance procedures are also necessary.

4) Damaged seams need to be filled.

There are quite a lot of facing and clinker bricks on the construction market. They differ in size, color and different facial patterns. Thanks to the use of lime for their production, the bricks have an alkaline reaction, so they do not develop fungus and mold.

  1. Stone façade finishing photo

Stone facades, which until recently were on public buildings, have been decorating for some time residential buildings. Such facades are very impressive, durable, resistant to mechanical damage and weathering, but, unfortunately, heavy and expensive.

The stone is suitable for cladding wall elements that are especially susceptible to destruction, as well as window sills and corners of the house. It also looks beautiful on prominent elements of the home, such as on walls, around windows and doors.

  1. Finishing the facade with timber

The wood on the facade looks very impressive and noble, but requires careful installation and maintenance. Wood can be used to cover any type of wall. Although this material is softer than stone or brick, it is durable.

The main condition for success is right choice types of wood, proper protection from rot and pests and careful installation. The most commonly used type of façade board is:

  • spruce,
  • pine
  • larch.

Before laying, the wood must be impregnated with a special compound, preferably under pressure. Wooden cladding is attached to the lattice, and they are nailed with galvanized nails to avoid rust stains on the boards.

Wood for the facade is sold in the form of ready-made profile elements or in the form of a panel from which they will be cut. They can be used alone or combined with stone or brick.

  1. Finishing the facade of a private house: wood imitation

Decorating house facades with modern materials is always not only beautiful, but also healthy. The latest architectural trends are looking to nature for inspiration. Therefore, wood, stone or even metal are increasingly used on facades. Unfortunately, these materials are expensive. They also have other disadvantages. They are difficult to transport, and their processing and installation requires professional knowledge. Some materials require appropriate maintenance.

If, despite this, the choice is made in favor of wood, stone or metal facade, then you can choose to imitate these materials. Finishing of house facades with modern materials. Thanks to which you can create elegant facade homes at an affordable price.

New technologies make it possible, through the use of mineral plaster, facade slabs, which look like natural materials, for example:

  • granite,
  • pine wood,
  • oak wood and others.

The decoration of a private house is just as important as the interior, since it is its “face”, reflecting the tastes of the owners and making the first impression of them. In addition to performing a decorative function, the finishing of the facade has a practical significance - it insulates, protects the supporting structure from atmospheric influences and temperature changes. Modern types of finishing of facades of private houses, photos of which can be found in this article, are varied and have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Types of materials for finishing the facades of private houses

The choice of a certain type of finishing materials for the facade depends on several factors:

  • stylistic orientation of the design of the building facade;
  • climatic features of the area;
  • financial capabilities of the homeowner.

For cladding external walls buildings most often used: artificial and natural stone, plaster, brick, metal or vinyl siding, porcelain stoneware, plastic panels.

Facade panels

Panels for facade finishing are a fairly popular type of material. This is a ventilated facade in the form of panels measuring 0.5-1 sq. m. Facade panels There are several types:

  • PVC panels - produced with imitation brick or stone. The advantages are affordable price, variety of colors, light weight, durability, installation is easy. PVC panels are mounted on a sheathing made of profiles or bars;
  • fiber cement - have a fairly high price, but it is justified by the advantages of the panels, including resistance to low temperatures, which allows this material to be used in areas with harsh conditions, as well as light weight, durability, and a variety of textures. The panels are attached to a metal frame;
  • made of polystyrene foam - they have a reinforced layer of plaster and do not require installation of a frame. The disadvantage of foam panels is that they cannot be mounted on walls wooden houses, since this can cause condensation and wood rotting;
  • metal - made of metal with a polymer coating of various colors, durable, fireproof. But they are suitable mainly for finishing the facades of non-residential buildings, since they do not retain heat well in winter and heat up in summer;
  • wooden - made of pressed wood treated with special impregnation. They retain heat well and are easy to install, but such panels belong to the class of highly flammable materials;
  • glass - panels made of impact-resistant glass with good sound and heat insulation, but expensive as a material and to install.
Fiber cement
From foam plastic

Sandwich panels

This is a finish made from two joined together metal sheets, between which insulation up to 70 mm thick and a vapor barrier layer are placed, which gives the material good thermal insulation properties. Due to their light weight, installation is not particularly difficult. In addition, the facade made of sandwich panels is durable, resistant to moisture, and fire resistant. If the outer part of the panel is deformed, it can be easily restored without replacement large area facade.

With all the visible advantages, finishing from sandwich panels cannot be called cheap. Installation of this finish can be done both on the frame and directly on the walls of the house. If installation is poor in cold weather, the space between the joints may freeze, which leads to a violation of the thermal insulation properties. When finishing the facade without violating the installation technology, such problems do not arise. Due to their properties combined with an aesthetic appearance, sandwich panels have become widespread as a finishing material.

Decorative plaster

Plaster finishing is not only decorative, but also protective coating walls of the house from the destructive effects of external factors, as well as materials that help preserve heat. Plaster is the most “breathable” of all finishing materials, it is resistant to moisture, does not crack from frost when the right technology application and high quality material. Modern decorative plaster can be used for painting. Among the disadvantages is that applying plaster is a rather costly and energy-intensive process.

Finishing with plaster is carried out on a prepared base or using a reinforcing mesh, which will protect the plastered facade from cracking.

There are several types of decorative plaster:

  • mineral;
  • acrylic;
  • silicate;
  • silicone.

Mineral plaster is varied in its shades and is affordable. It resists the growth of microbes, is moisture resistant and is not afraid of direct sunlight. The composition of mineral plaster is suitable for application to surfaces made of any materials. The disadvantage of this type is low elasticity, due to which the plaster may crack when the house shrinks.

The second type is more elastic than the first. Using acrylic plaster cracks do not appear when the building shrinks, the original appearance of the finish is preserved for several years. But this material is flammable, susceptible to rapid contamination and its price is higher than that of mineral ones.

Silicate and silicone plasters are the most durable, stain-resistant and external influences, finishing materials. Their common disadvantage is their high cost, with the difference that silicone plaster requires less effort during application than silicate plaster.

Facing brick

Finishing the facade with facing bricks will become optimal solution for those who want to give the appearance of their home solidity and severity, but do not have the opportunity to use real brick for this. This option is inexpensive, practical and fast; moreover, facing bricks are available on the market in a wide range, so the appearance of the building can be transformed in accordance with the preferences of the owner.

It is an environmentally friendly material with good thermal insulation properties, which looks much more aesthetically pleasing than ordinary brick. The peculiarities of finishing with facing bricks suggest limiting the masonry height to five meters, otherwise you can forget about the strength of the facade finishing.

Brick finishing is carried out on prepared, processed waterproofing material surface using flexible fasteners of a certain number per square meter. Brick finishing is not recommended wooden structures in order to improve the thermal insulation of walls, since it is difficult to achieve a tight fit of the material to the wood.

A natural stone

The use of natural stone for finishing will create a presentable and solid façade of any residential building. This expensive material requires professionalism in working with it; it will be difficult for a beginner to independently finish natural stone. The difficulty of installation lies in the heavy weight of the material, due to which it is poorly fixed to the surface. Therefore, during installation, the stone is sunk into the solution, securing it in place.

This is an environmentally friendly material, very durable and reliable, with excellent sound and heat insulation properties. If your financial situation does not allow you to decorate the facade of the entire house with natural stone, you can decorate its individual parts - the base, corners, openings, and combine them with finishing decorative plaster. The stone facade will become reliable protection home from unfavorable external conditions for many years. The facade made of natural stone fits organically into any landscape of the area.

Fake diamond

With the help of artificial facade stone, you can complete the finishing as solidly and elegantly as with natural stone, but at a lesser financial cost. An artificial stone that imitates the texture of natural stone, made from gypsum or cement. Gypsum stone weighs less, so it is suitable for finishing walls with insulation, and cement-based stone is ideal for facing hard surfaces. Unlike natural stone, installation of artificial stone is simpler and can be easily done by a non-professional.

When purchasing decorative facade stone, you should pay attention to its purpose - for interior decoration or for external, since they differ in their strength. In addition to its weight, this finishing material differs from natural stone in its plasticity. In other respects - durability, resistance to external influences, variety of textures and shades - artificial stone is not inferior to natural stone.

Ventilated facades made of porcelain stoneware

Porcelain tile is an artificial granite, which is characterized by such quality characteristics, such as durability, resistance to chemical and physical influences, a variety of textures and stable shades, increased moisture and frost resistance, and non-flammability of the material. A special feature of the installation of this finishing material is that it cannot be laid directly on the mortar. A ventilated façade is made from porcelain stoneware, that is, a curtain façade system that provides air circulation along the wall, providing heat and sound insulation, as well as resistance to mold or mildew on the walls.

Using porcelain stoneware, you can create an original facade of your home, since there are many types of it with different types surfaces: matte, satin, glazed, polished, mosaic, and structured with imitation of various textures. Ideally, you need to purchase porcelain tiles with a tile thickness of at least 12-16 mm.


The most popular and affordable material is siding. Installation takes place both on insulated walls and without insulation. Siding is often used to hide defects in the exterior walls of a building. It has good waterproofing properties and a wide range of textures and shades.

There are the following types of siding:

  • vinyl;
  • metal;
  • wood;
  • basement;
  • cement.

Fiber cement

The first type is made of PVC; its surface can imitate various textures. The material is lightweight, resistant to mechanical stress, and inexpensive. But the fasteners with which installation is carried out vinyl siding, the cost is quite expensive. During installation, it is recommended to use the help of specialists, since the panels may become deformed if the panels are fixed in place incorrectly.

Metal siding is made from aluminum or steel. The disadvantage of this type is susceptibility to corrosion if the surface is damaged. Wood siding is aesthetically pleasing, safe, but impractical and requires special care.

Insulation "wet facade"

The “wet facade” insulation technology consists of using solutions and construction compounds, diluted with water at all stages of work. After completion of insulation, the facade of the building looks like it was finished with decorative plaster. As a result, when using this technology, two goals are achieved - insulation and decorative finishing.

The following materials are used for this system:

  • insulation - polystyrene foam, mineral wool, polystyrene foam can be used. The first is not used so often due to the fact that polystyrene foam has poor adhesion and vapor barrier. Mineral wool non-flammable, has high vapor permeability, but has more weight and cost than polystyrene foam. The thickness of the insulation is calculated depending on the climate zone and the material of the building walls;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • glue for insulation and mesh;
  • plastic fasteners for insulation.

The “wet facade” insulation technology has a number of advantages: it is simple, it allows not only to create an insulating layer, but also a soundproofing one. The system is quite lightweight and can be mounted on any façade. In addition, almost monolithic insulation does not allow cold to penetrate into the gaps. The likelihood of mold or mildew on the walls is excluded, and the outer layer protects against mechanical and atmospheric influences. The service life of such a facade is at least 20 years. Disadvantages include special requirements for the quality of materials and work technology, as well as the fact that installation can only be carried out at a certain time - during the warm season.

The types of materials for finishing facades can be very different. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you should carefully study the assortment, as well as familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each material.

Wet façade technology


We invite you to get acquainted with advanced technologies for finishing private houses.

Photos of finishing options for the facades of private houses

The selection of photos contains options for finishing the facades of private houses of various sizes.

Everyone knows that the facade of a house is its face. A beautiful and well-groomed appearance always makes a positive impression. Also, the decor of the facade of the house allows you to draw conclusions about the tastes of the owners of the house. The design must not only be original, but also functional, that is, it must have heat-saving, moisture-proof, and fireproof qualities.

This insulation technology allows you to give the building’s exterior a unique appearance.

Natural stone facades - elegant, reliable and durable

Yellow decorative plaster - the color of optimism and joy of life

Modern technologies make it possible to produce durable and beautiful facade decor from a wide variety of materials.


Foam plastic is one of the most common materials. The production of foam plastic decoration has become widely used due to a number of advantages:

  • ease;
  • strength;
  • high resistance to temperature changes;
  • simple installation;
  • low cost;
  • invisible seams between products.

It is quite possible to install polystyrene foam facade decor yourself. Most often, the following home decoration elements are made from this material.

Polymer-based panels are superior to many building materials in terms of strength and frost resistance

Thanks to its decorative appearance and rich range of colors, facing brick remains in demand in the construction of houses and cottages



For a unique finish in the shape of a semi-circular design of windows and doors of a building.


They are mainly used for interior decoration, but in certain cases they can also be used to decorate the facade. For example, to highlight the beginning of an arch from a wall.


They look like a series of small columns that can have various bends, changes in width and other architectural additions.

Original horizontal wall dividers. In most cases, they are used on protruding parts of a building.

They act as the leading element of façade decor; all the secondary components are located around them. Represent tall columns various widths. Can be used for finishing both country and city houses.


Architectural additions to columns, located on their upper part. They give the decor a special originality.


Small vertical projections, somewhat reminiscent of columns.


Used to decorate windows, they resemble cornices in shape.

The list presented in the table is not all of the decorative elements that can be created from foam plastic.

Metal panels will last a long time even in harsh climatic conditions

A wall made of marble stone gives the building a solid appearance

Stone wall decoration will last a long time even in harsh climatic conditions

As already mentioned, installation of foam products is affordable and does not have any special difficulties. It is quite possible to decorate the facade yourself. To do this, you will need to perform the following steps sequentially:

  1. Clean the surface from dirt and dust.
  2. Prime the wall and leave it to dry for a day.
  3. Prepare everything necessary materials for fastening (glue, studs, dowels) and processing walls after fixing parts (foam for installation, primer, paint).
  4. Mark the location of decorative elements on the facade, the sequence of their fastening, strengthen the dowels in the wall.
  5. Check all foam plastic products for cleanliness, drill holes for dowels (make sure that there is no access to the outer surface).
  6. Apply glue to the parts and secure them to the facade.
  7. Carefully seal all seams using polyurethane foam.
  8. Prime the surface and paint.

Wet facade on the walls

A large mansion with trees and a fountain - elegant, reliable and durable

Glass fiber reinforced concrete

Fiber-reinforced concrete is a type of durable stone made from artificial fibers (outwardly reminiscent of natural stone). Fiberglass concrete is much stronger and more reliable in operation than the previously considered foam plastic. Architectural products look like a shell up to 25mm thick, which is attached to the surface. Glass fiber reinforced concrete is distinguished by the following qualities:

  • high strength;
  • resistance to cracks;
  • reduced fragility of elements (achieved due to the possibility of minor deformations);
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • ease;
  • ease of installation.

Decorative plaster will give the wall a unique look

The walls of a house made of facing bricks do not heat up in the heat and retain heat in the winter when frosts crackle

A metal roof will last a very long time in all weather conditions

Despite the large number of advantages of glass fiber reinforced concrete, there are also several disadvantages:

  1. Compared to analogue materials, the mass is greater.
  2. High price.
  3. Complex fastening system.
  4. Need for accurate installation drawings.

Important! To develop drawings, it is better to turn to specialists who will be able to accurately calculate the location of each component of the glass fiber reinforced concrete decor on the facade of the house.

Attention! All work is carried out after the completion of the walls.

Finishing the facade of a house with stone is the most popular and successfully increases the status of the owner

A wooden balcony will be a great place to relax

Polyurethane foam

Architectural elements of facade decor made from polyurethane have the following advantages:

  • high strength;
  • lightness (especially in comparison with glass fiber concrete);
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • very strong and reliable fastening to the surface;
  • no deformation
  • the ability to create any patterns without restrictions.

Thanks to the finishing of facades with decorative plaster, any building acquires an elegant and respectable appearance

Acrylic siding retains its strength throughout the entire period of operation, does not fade and is resistant to temperature changes

This type of wall decoration will withstand exposure to precipitation and low temperatures for many years without losing its shape.

The installation can easily be done without the help of specialists. The main thing is to perform all actions accurately and carefully. The installation sequence is as follows:

  1. Thorough cleaning of the façade.
  2. Marking the location of decorative elements and fasteners.
  3. Installation of dowels in designated places.
  4. Process the back surface of all parts with fine sandpaper and drill holes in them for dowels.
  5. Prime all elements (then need to dry for 24 hours).
  6. Attaching to the wall with glue.
  7. Fastening using nails.
  8. Finishing joints, grouting nail heads.
  9. Painting.

Polymer concrete

Products for facade decoration made of polymer concrete are no less popular. They may include the following components:

  • quartz sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • resin.

Its main difference from the materials discussed above is its striking external resemblance to natural stone. The products themselves are lightweight and easy to install. Based on a sketch, you can order the production of decor of absolutely any shape or size. It all depends on the desire and imagination of the customer.

In addition to facade decoration, polymer concrete is often used to create columns and stair railings.

This insulation technology allows you to give the building’s exterior a unique appearance thanks to the abundance of decorative paints

Choice of façade decor

When choosing a material for making facades, you must take into account the overall style of the building. The main thing is that all the decoration looks harmonious and there is no overload.

Experts recommend horizontal division of a building using decor when it is necessary to emphasize its solidity. This type is suitable for buildings with a small number of floors. And here tall house with a short façade, it is better to transform it with elements of a vertical orientation.

The combination of decorative elements of different directions in a common plane requires careful preparation and thoughtfulness of the entire composition.

Will give the building a solid look color of mustard walls

Wood siding is environmentally friendly safe material, which does not corrode

This type of finishing will give the building’s exterior a unique appearance.

Which architectural decorative elements belong to which type are presented in the table:

Thanks to the wet façade, condensation will not form on the interior walls

Fiber cement panels can withstand exposure to precipitation and low temperatures for many years without losing their shape

To individual decorative elements include:

  1. Stucco molding. In most cases it can be made from artificial stone(really choose a material that is as similar as possible to natural stone), polymer concrete, polystyrene. To create it, lightweight materials are selected.
  2. Moldings. This group includes window casings, various types of crowns and cornices, and window sills that are unique in their architecture. They contribute to the original zoning of the building.

The choice of material largely depends on the volume of decorative elements and their location on the facade.

Video: House facade. Finishing materials for home decoration

50 photos of ideas for decorating the facade of a house:

Facade is the front or front side of any building. The shape, as well as the proportions and decorativeness of the facade depend on the architectural purpose, the main design features and stylistic decision.

Facade - the front or front side of any building

Original and durable design appearance structure directly depends on how correctly the finishing material is chosen. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following rules:

  • the coating must be resistant to aggressive external factors such as rain and gusts of wind, snow and frost;
  • the finish must be resistant to ultraviolet radiation and significant temperature changes, as well as chemical influences and dynamic loads;
  • the cost of the finishing material should be affordable, but absolutely not at the expense of high performance characteristics.

Finishing materials for facade work (video)

It is important to remember that it is not difficult to decorate the facade yourself, however The purchased material must have:

  • moisture resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • non-flammability;
  • tear resistance;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • ease of maintenance during operation;
  • accessibility for self-installation;
  • the need to use auxiliary elements;
  • Fade resistant.

Color scheme, texture and similarity of finish to natural material, if its imitation is selected.

Gallery: house facades (50 photos)

Materials for decorative finishing of the facade of a private house

There are numerous examples that allow you to choose best option
interior for exterior finishing. Regardless of the choice, facade cladding must be hygienic and resistant to external destructive influences.

Features of finishing with plaster

Plastering the facade is the most common finishing method, the main advantages of which are presented:

  • aesthetics due to color and texture diversity;
  • water resistance, which allows you to reliably protect walls from high humidity;
  • thermal insulation properties;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • ease of application.

Several types of plastering compounds are used in facade finishing. Mineral plasters are represented in a wide range color palette and affordable cost, and elastic acrylic compositions allow you to maintain the original appearance of the facade for several years. However, high-quality silicate and silicone plasters help to obtain the most durable and highly aesthetic coating.

Plastering the facade is the most common finishing method

Facade cladding with decorative stone

Decorative stone used as cladding for the facade of a building has many positive characteristics, including:

  • practicality;
  • low cost;
  • strength;
  • long period of operation;
  • attractive appearance;
  • color and texture variety;
  • relatively light weight;
  • possibility of covering areas of any size and geometry,
  • ease of installation;
  • no need to properly prepare the surface.

Decorative stone allows you to create original and unusual stylistic decisions, and also goes well with almost any other types of finishing materials. Porcelain stoneware, as well as concrete stone and agglomerates are used for cladding. Such material can imitate brickwork, natural stone and slate structure.

Decorative stone used as cladding for the façade of a building has many positive characteristics.

The use of brick in facade design

Currently, when designing the façade of buildings several options are used facing bricks:

  • trapezoidal, twisted, wedge-shaped and textured shaped bricks, made in accordance with the technology of glazing, torquetting and engobing;
  • clinker facing brick with high water absorption rates and excellent frost resistance;
  • ceramic brick, varied in shape and color with high levels of environmental cleanliness;
  • silicate facing brick, characterized by correct shape and high strength indicators.

When choosing hollow facing bricks, it is necessary, first of all, to pay Special attention on wall thickness, which has a direct impact on durability, as well as on moisture absorption rates, which are equal for clinker bricks - less than 6%, for ceramic bricks– 10-14%, for manual molding – above 25-30%, for hyper-pressed brick – 6-9%, for sand-lime brick – 12-14%.

The use of brick in façade design is interesting solution

Exterior decoration of the facade of the house with siding

As external cladding of the facade of residential buildings and structures currently applied different kinds siding panels:

  • vinyl panels based on components represented by polyvinyl chloride, dyes, modifiers and stabilizers can imitate timber, lining, stone and other materials. The advantages are resistance to fire, some chemicals, weather factors and temperature changes, as well as an affordable price;
  • wooden panels based on specially treated wood, they often imitate timber, and also have the advantages of a wide range of wood species, environmental friendliness, attractive appearance, and the possibility of self-installation;
  • aluminum painted and unpainted panels are characterized perfect combination durability and strength. This material is highly resistant to corrosion, increased strength and the ability to well imitate the appearance of almost any natural coating;
  • cement finishing panels capable of naturally transmitting texture features natural materials, due to the composition represented by cement and cellulose.

For the external cladding of private households, vinyl siding panels that imitate natural stone or facing brick are most often used, due to ease of installation, visual appeal and the absence of the need for complex maintenance during operation.

Various types of siding panels are currently used as external cladding of the façade of residential buildings and structures.

Facade wallpaper

Relatively new option and a very interesting facade cladding, which has a large number of advantages, but is also not completely without some disadvantages. This exterior finishing system has a two-component base in the form of a façade fabric and dispersion adhesive.

The dense and elastic polypropylene non-woven fabric has a pronounced relief, which allows it to withstand the shrinkage of the structure and reliably cover cracks. The fabric is resistant to low temperature conditions, characterized by fire resistance and wide color scheme

. During self-installation, the façade surface is cleaned, cracks are sealed with sealant and a special adhesive is applied. After the walls are coated with primer, they are thoroughly coated with glue and glued elastic wallpaper. At the final stage, corners and decorative elements are installed, and the canvas is painted.

Facade wallpaper is a relatively new option and very interesting, which has a large number of advantages

Facade tiles When choosing facade tiles as a finishing material for exterior work,

To create not only an attractive, but also a functional finish, so-called “warm” facade tiles, which consist of two layers: an external decorative part based on reinforced concrete with polymer additives and an internal special heat-insulating part.

To create not only an attractive, but also a functional finish, so-called warm facade tiles are used.

Facade decor using porcelain stoneware

Modern porcelain stoneware is a special type of ceramic, which is endowed with increased strength, which allows the use of such material in facing surfaces bearing significant loads. Advantages include resistance to wear, ease of maintenance and moisture resistance. For external cladding, large tiles with dimensions of 60×60 cm and a thickness of 0.7-1.4 cm are most often used.

Decorating the exterior walls of a house with wood

Wood is a respectable and elegant appearance of the facade with a variety of decor and design solutions. For this purpose, you can use a block house, siding, shingles and wood panels:

  • Block house is one of the most common facing materials, which has a flat interior and outside, having the form of a rounded log, which allows you to install thermal insulation of the facade under the finishing;
  • wood siding panels are molded products of various profiles and sections, and are also manufactured using different breeds woods, including pine and spruce, alder and aspen, oak and beech, and ash;
  • wooden shingles in addition to its visual appeal, it has high strength and no deformation during vibrations temperature regime and humidity, excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation, as well as excellent antiseptic properties.

The latest version of the finishing material is characterized by a very pleasant coloring in reddish-brown or amber-yellow tones. The very popular Canadian shingle has a delicate aroma that can last for a very long time.

Modern facades of private houses (video)

Unusual solutions for finishing the facade of a house

In recent years, the natural beauty of natural finishing materials has been especially highly valued. To protect the wooden finishing of the facade surface, several methods are used:

  • application of azure coating, reliably protecting wooden facade cladding from negative external atmospheric phenomena and other unfavorable external factors. Such a coating is not capable of disturbing the natural texture of the wood;
  • external treatment with special compounds allows you to give facade decoration a very diverse color shades, and also protects the used natural facing material for six years of operation.

No less popular is coating the wood on the facade with a special colorless varnish composition. The use of high-quality varnish not only reliably protects the wood, but also effectively emphasizes the texture natural material, and also improves the appearance of the building. Varnishes are very easy to apply to wood and remain on the surface for a long time.

Wood is a respectable and elegant appearance of the facade with a variety of decor and design solutions

How to beautifully decorate the corners of a private house with your own hands

For processing external corners of buildings when exterior decoration Often the same facing materials are used as for covering the wall surface. This established rule can be changed only if necessary to obtain a highly decorative effect.

As a rule, finishing of corners is done using facing bricks, decorative stone and plaster, foam plastic, tiles and other materials. It's very important to remember, that working with the processing and design of corners is quite complex and often involves the involvement of specialists or qualified craftsmen.

How to insulate the facade of a house (video)

In recent years, special foam panels have been increasingly used for independent decorative finishing of the external corners of a building, providing a very original and aesthetic effect. Foam panels can have a variety of colors and different types textures, including smooth or ribbed surface.

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