Houseplant with triangular leaves. Oxalis indoors

Butterfly flower: a fluttering treasure for your home

As soon as they don't call beautiful plant: oxalis, butterfly flower, day and night, flower of happiness, purple sorrel, clock flower, etc. Where did these names come from and how to care for a house plant? Now we will tell you about this.

Amazing sorrel

Oxalis will not only perfectly decorate your home, but will also bring a lot of benefits! As you know, the leaves of the plant are rich in oxalic acid salts (which is why the flower is nicknamed oxalis). Many people add them while cooking.

With sunrise, the leaves of the plant begin to open, and in the afternoon they return to their original position. That is why oxalis is popularly nicknamed “the flower of day and night.”

Interesting fact. Due to the unusual shape of the leaf, the people of Ireland believe that the flower represents the Holy Trinity. Today, wood sorrel is officially considered the national symbol of the country.

Caring for a butterfly flower

Despite the fact that oxalis is sufficient unpretentious plant, it is still necessary to take into account some nuances in caring for the flower. Provide it with proper lighting, temperature and watering. Then “Madame Butterfly” will delight you with fluffy blooms and bright colors. And now about this in more detail.

  • Temperature and lighting

A well-lit and cool place is an excellent location and habitat for wood sorrel. You can place the plant in a shaded area, but then it will not develop enough. In this case, the leaves may shrink and become less attractive, and the stems, on the contrary, may become longer. It is also better to avoid direct sunlight, otherwise burns cannot be avoided. Therefore, choose a place so that the room is sufficiently lit and the plant is in partial shade.

Important! In the warm season (spring-summer), it is better for the flower to keep the temperature at 20-25 degrees C, and in cold season(autumn-winter) - 10-18 degrees °C.

During the flowering period, oxalis must be provided sufficient watering and occasionally moistening the foliage. By following these simple procedures, you will ensure a healthy and attractive appearance house plant.

One month a year (April-September) it is recommended to feed the butterfly flower 2-3 times a week. You can take a weak complex mineral solution, the concentration of which should be 2 times less than indicated in the instructions.

If you have young plant, then replanting is carried out once a year, and for a more mature flower - every 2-3 years. It is best to place pebbles or expanded clay under the soil. This will help prevent water stagnation. Typically, leaf, humus, peat soil and sand are used for planting (ratio 1:1:3:1).

Important! After planting, the soil must be loosened from time to time.

  • Pests

An unpretentious houseplant with unusual large leaves reminiscent of butterfly wings, it gained popularity among gardeners back in the 18th century. The name “oxalis” or “hare cabbage” indicates the possibility of using the above-ground part of the plant for food. The tender leaves have a pleasant sour taste; they can be put in salads or stewed.

The Latin name for wood sorrel is Oxalis. The genus includes about eight hundred species of plants; they belong to the sorrel family. There are perennial and annual plants. Many varieties of sorrel are grown in culture; they are suitable not only for placement on window sills, but also grow well in the garden.

Important! Oxalis is a rather aggressive plant, growing rapidly using underground creeping roots!


The plant is native to the countries of South Africa, Central and South America. Oxalis is found in Europe.


In natural conditions, herbaceous and shrubby forms of the butterfly flower are found. Common in culture herbaceous plants, which are planted as ground covers or hanging plants, when grown in pots.

Oxalis foliage is similar to clover leaves, with different colors. Some varieties have blades sheet plates are not in the same plane, which is why the leaves resemble fluttering butterflies. At night or in anticipation of rain, some varieties of the plant fold their leaves. The color of the foliage can be green, silver, burgundy, brown. Oxalis leaves are edible and are collected in early spring along with sorrel. The rich composition of beneficial substances in oxalis leaves helps replenish the supply of vitamins in the body after winter.

Roots different types hare cabbage can be in the form of bulbs, tubers or creeping rhizomes.

Oxalis flowers are small, grow in an inflorescence - an umbrella, and can be colored white, yellow, pink, purple.

Varieties of indoor butterfly flower:

From the presented photos, you can appreciate the discreet beauty of the butterfly flower.


The indoor butterfly flower loves bright and diffused light. Under natural conditions, the plant lives in forests, under the canopy of trees. Direct rays of the sun hitting delicate leaves can cause burns. It will be successful to place the sorrel on the eastern and western windows; on the south side you will need to shade the bushes during the midday hours.

The butterfly flower grows well under normal conditions. room temperature. Some types of hare cabbage, whose foliage dies off during the winter, are suited to a cool environment with a temperature of +13 degrees. In the summer, sorrel can be taken outside, placed in lace shade.

The soil

The substrate for the plant is slightly acidic or neutral, loose. Cooking earth mixture from equal shares of turf soil, high-moor peat, river sand, and leaf humus. You can buy a universal soil for indoor flowers in the store; the “butterfly” is not capricious in choosing a substrate.

The root system of sorrel lies superficially, therefore flower pot you should take a shallow and wide one. Be sure to have drainage holes in the bottom. Additionally, to drain excess water, a small layer of expanded clay or small pebbles is poured onto the bottom of the container.


Water the sorrel often, thoroughly spilling the earthen lump without cold water. It is especially demanding of watering in spring and summer, when the plant is actively growing. But the butterfly flower does not tolerate stagnation of water at the roots, so the gardener’s task will be to monitor the lack of water in the pan.

In autumn and winter, watering the flower is significantly reduced, keeping the soil slightly moist.
From the beginning of April to September, once every 2 weeks, indoor flower give complex feedings mineral fertilizers. More convenient to purchase ready-made mixtures for home flowers (Fertika, Raduga, Pokon). The dosage of the drug indicated in the instructions for hare cabbage is halved.

Important! Do not water the sorrel with organic matter (infusion of mullein, bird droppings).

In winter, the wood sorrel goes dormant. Its leaves droop and dry up. The tops of the plant are cut off, leaving stems of 1.5 - 2 cm. The pots are put into a cool pantry until spring. The flower is rarely watered and no fertilizing is applied. They bring the butterfly into the light in March, gradually increasing watering and starting to fertilize the flower.

Pests, diseases

Oxalis is a very unpretentious plant; it rarely gets sick. If you violate agricultural practices, water the flower with cold water, or allow moisture to stagnate in the substrate, the butterfly may suffer from gray rot. The plant can be saved by removing the affected leaves, replanting it in a new dried substrate, and treating it with Fitosporin.

Attention! It is prohibited to work with insecticides at home. The plants are taken outside and sprayed there. If this cannot be done, put a large one on the bush and pot. plastic bag, spraying of the drug is carried out inside the bag. This way the poison won't get into environment. The bag is removed from the bush 20 - 30 minutes after spraying.


The easiest way to plant sorrel is vegetative propagation. The plant can be planted with nodules or bulbs - baby plants that grow near the root of an adult plant. They are planted in a pot to a depth of no more than 10 mm, several pieces at a time. Planting material is obtained in the spring, when transplanting overgrown adult wood sorrel bushes.

Some types of flower - butterflies reproduce well by shoots and root suckers. They are separated from the plant during transplantation.

Oxalis Ortgis can be propagated by leaves by sticking leaves cut off with a petiole into wet sand. Rooting takes a couple of weeks.

Oxalis seeds are tiny; they are sown in the spring and scattered over the surface of the soil.


Oxalis is notable for its leaves, which are unusual in shape and color. Pots with a butterfly flower are placed next to large flowering plants(, rose). The play of shades and shapes of the foliage of wood sorrel, geranium, ficus, etc. will look original.

Watch also the video

They say that indoor plants can bring either happiness or misfortune. An acquaintance who is fascinated by various signs, superstitions and omens recommended that I plant indoor sorrel. She called it "the flower of happiness." After this beautiful plant became part of my home, I really felt happier and calmer.

The plant has many names. Botanists call it oxalis. People gave her names for her appearance or her qualities:

  • Madame Butterfly;
  • Day and night;
  • Lucky Clover;
  • Butterfly flower;
  • Iron Cross;
  • Hare cabbage.

The most popular name “oxalis” was given to the plant for its oxalic acid content.

This sweetest flower does not require special conditions for growing, and will look very impressive and unusual on the windowsill. Even the most inexperienced gardener can handle the care.

IN natural conditions Oxalis is found in deciduous forests of Russia and Europe. Also grows in South Africa and America. At home and in greenhouses, gardeners willingly grow sorrel. So it grows up to 30 cm in height.

The unusualness of the flower lies in its leaves. They have 3 or 4 lobes that fold into a circle at night. The leaves have an unusual color. Due to carotenoids, they can have different colors. Usually these are green or purple leaves. Purple is the most popular leaf color.

Oxalis begins to bloom in May, and this lasts until the dormant period, until the end of the year. Oxalis flowers are small and light, pink and white. After flowering ends, seed pods are formed, from which seeds begin to shoot. Once this process is complete, the plant may shed its leaves. This is the norm for him. After resting, new foliage will appear.

The most popular varieties wood sorrel believe:

  • Triangular or purple sorrel- The most common species with purple foliage and pink flowers.

  • Oxalis Deppe– This variety is also known as “lucky clover” because it has leaves with 4 lobes. They are two-colored - green with a burgundy center.

  • Common sorrel– the leaves look like clover, and this variety blooms with large white flowers.

  • Oxalis Bovey– this variety has green foliage and lilac inflorescences. This flower is afraid of frost and low temperatures.

  • Oxalis variegated– this variety is distinguished by white tubular flowers with red stripes.


Young shoots are grown from cuttings, bulbs, tubers and leaves.


  • Separate cuttings with leaves from the main plant;
  • Place in water;
  • After the roots appear, place the cuttings in sand, preferably damp;
  • Keeping conditions should be optimal: average temperature +25 o C, moderate watering and no direct sunlight;
  • After a month, the sprout will finally take root and can be transplanted to a permanent location.


Baby bulbs appear at the roots of the plant. In the spring, after the rest period has ended, some of the bulbs can be selected and planted in a small but wide container. The planting depth should not be more than 1 cm. Leave 10 cm between the bulbs. The container should be kept cool for a whole month, where it should not exceed 10 o C. Over time, gradually increase the temperature. Provide moderate watering.


This process is natural for wood sorrel. As the seed pods ripen, they burst and the seeds scatter and fall into the ground. At home, it is better to do the boxes yourself and place the seeds in the required place with a temperature no higher than 20 o C. Germination and germination take a little more than a month.

Root division

This simple method is best done during the transplant process. Oxalis roots are divided into parts and placed in different pots.

How to care at home

For long and bright flowering, sorrel, like many plants, needs proper care. It is not entirely complicated, and if followed, oxalis will please the owner for a very long time.


Loose soil is preferable for the plant. It must include 3 parts of leaf soil and 1 part each:

  1. Sand;
  2. Humus;
  3. Peat.

At the bottom, you must prepare a drainage layer of expanded clay or crushed brick.

Location, lighting and temperature

For placement you should choose southeast or southwest. However, it is not the window sill that is more suitable, but the inside of a bright room, where there is a lot of light and no direct sun. Under direct rays, the plant can get burned.

Insufficient lighting can negatively affect the flower of happiness. The stems will stretch out, the leaves will grow small. All this will affect the appearance.

For the period of active growing season and flowering, a comfortable temperature will be 20-27 o C, and for the rest period 12-18 o C. During this period, which takes place in winter, the flower must be additionally illuminated.

Oxalis will look good on special flower stands and will decorate the room.

Watering and humidity

Oxalis needs moderately moist soil. Drying out and waterlogging will have a detrimental effect on it. From spring to summer, you can water abundantly, but be sure to pour out excess water from the pan to avoid rotting of the roots. IN autumn- winter period the amount of watering is reduced.

Humidification should also be good. During the growing season, the leaves are sprayed with plain, settled water. In winter, this procedure is carried out if the air in the room is too dry.

Top dressing

Additional fertilizer for sorrel is necessary, but it is worth remembering some points:

  1. You cannot fertilize immediately after transplantation, as this will be an additional burden for the plant;
  2. A sick plant cannot be fed. It must be healthy;
  3. To avoid burning the roots, water the sorrel before fertilizing;
  4. During the rest period, fertilize only 2 times.

Fertilizers require complex mineral fertilizers, which should contain sulfur, nitrogen, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. You can also use products from the kitchen for watering. The plant will benefit from tea leaves, coffee grounds diluted with water, or water from which eggs were boiled.

Diseases and pests

If kept incorrectly, sorrel may cause problems. For example, sun rays can cause burns, excessive moisture can cause roots to rot and leaves will fall off, and due to overdrying, the flower will begin to wither.

According to human beliefs, wood sorrel magical properties. She has the energy of love and happiness. Blooming oxalis helps relieve tension, relieves depression and brings people together. The atmosphere in a house where sorrel grows becomes calm and peaceful, all conflicts go away, and lonely people get rid of loneliness. Required condition– accepting a flower as a gift.

(oxalis) is called differently: hare cabbage, lucky clover, iron cross, butterfly flower, day and night or Madame Butterfly. This is a flower from the oxalis family, because its leaves have a sour taste because they contain oxalic acid. Oxalis is a fairly unpretentious plant, however, some care features must be taken into account.

The oxalis flower naturally lives in Central European, South African, South American and Russian deciduous forests. Oxalis is successfully grown in greenhouses and houses. The flower itself is quite miniature, reaching 30 cm in height. The bushes are pubescent with three-leaf or four-leaf leaves, which can fold and droop in the evening, in bright sunlight, in cloudy weather or under mechanical irritation.

The color of the leaves depends on the species and can be purple, green or spotted.

Oxalis flowers bloom in late spring or early summer and delight the eye until late autumn and even until the New Year. They can have different colors: lilac, pinkish, yellow, but most often they are snow-white. Like the leaves, oxalis flowers close under certain factors. After flowering, the plant produces capsule fruits, which, when ripe, are capable of producing red seeds.

IN winter time Oxalis may retire. At the same time, it partially or completely sheds its foliage, which quickly grows back with the arrival of spring.

For oxalis, which has a superficial root system, a wide flowerpot is best suited, with drainage placed at the bottom to prevent stagnation of water, which oxalis does not tolerate. The substrate for the flower is prepared by mixing turf, leaf soil, humus peat and sand in equal proportions. A purchased ready-made soil mixture for indoor flowers is also suitable.

The best time for planting and replanting is spring.

Oxalis tends to grow quickly, so the young plant must be replanted annually, and sometimes twice a year. Mature plant replanted less frequently - once every 2-3 years, depending on the growth rate.

The purchased sorrel must be given time to acclimatize in a new place, this will take about a week. Only after this can the plant be planted. This event should be held in early spring. Transplantation of young plants is carried out using the transshipment method. When transplanting, the roots of an adult flower are shaken off the ground and dead roots are carefully removed. Several bulbs should be planted in a row. A week after the procedure, the sorrel will thank you with flowering.

Oxalis is propagated in several ways:

  • Tubers (daughter bulbs). In this case, at the end of winter or early spring, several tubers are selected and planted in a common container. Strong deepening is not required, just sprinkle planting material layer of soil one centimeter. Until the bulbs take root, the flower is kept at a temperature of 8-11 degrees, periodically moderately moistening the soil. After about 30-35 days, the temperature is increased.
  • Dividing the roots. This procedure occurs at the time of plant transplantation. In this case, the root is divided into several parts using a knife or manually. Separated plants are planted in different containers.
  • By seed method, which should also be carried out in the spring. Small oxalis are scattered over the surface of the soil and carefully moisten the substrate with. The size of the seeds allows you not to cover them with soil; during irrigation they will cover themselves.
  • . To do this, carefully separate the stalk with leaves and place it in moistened sand. And kept at a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees, avoiding direct sunlight. Watering is carried out moderately. The roots should appear within a month.

Oxalis is an unpretentious plant, however, for successful cultivation ornamental plant You will have to follow some rules:

  1. Location and lighting. The plant should be located in a place where it is easy to create abundant but diffused lighting. If sorrel is exposed to direct sunlight, burns may form on its leaves. The flower can live in the shade, however, in this case it may lose its decorative effect: the leaves become smaller and the stems become longer. In winter and autumn, it is necessary to provide additional lighting by moving the plant closer to the window or creating an artificial daylight. The best place there will be south-west and south-east window sills, while in summer time partial shade should be created. Oxalis will also actively develop in depth bright room, especially if it is placed on a special stand.
  2. Humidity and temperature. For proper development, sorrel needs good moisture (40-60%). To do this, in spring and summer the plant should be sprayed regularly or a bowl of water should be placed nearby. In the fall, this procedure is gradually stopped to prevent the flower from becoming diseased, but if the air in the room is dry, then spraying is continued until winter. The optimal temperature for oxalis is considered to be 21-26 degrees in spring and summer and 11-17 degrees in autumn and winter. Do not place the plant near heating appliances and radiators.
  3. Irrigation. It is necessary to water the flower moderately, not allowing the soil to dry out. This can destroy the wood sorrel. During the period from March to August, the plant must be watered frequently and abundantly, and excess water must be drained from the pan. In autumn, the amount and frequency of watering is reduced, and in winter it is practically stopped. In winter, the soil should be slightly moistened. For irrigation, settled water at room temperature is suitable.
  4. Soil and fertilizers. The plant needs loose soil with an optimal composition. After planting, the soil is periodically loosened to ensure oxygen access to the roots. Oxalis will also gratefully respond to annual fertilizing, which is usually carried out 1-2 times a month from April to September. Complex ones are suitable for fertilizing, which are diluted to a concentration half as weak as indicated in the instructions.

It should be remembered that wood sorrel can bloom in December, which is why it is called the Christmas flower of happiness and is the best Christmas gift among Americans. However, as soon as the last flowers fade, the plant's growth will stop and the leaves will droop. This is how the wood sorrel notifies its owners that it needs rest.

When a flower goes on vacation, you should not stop caring for it.

During this period, it is recommended to trim the shoots, leaving small stumps (1.5-2 cm) and place the plant in a cool place, but the temperature should not fall below 10 degrees. It is recommended to reduce watering to a minimum and eliminate spraying altogether.

In early spring, when oxalis produces young shoots, the plant should be returned to its original place. If necessary, a transplant must be performed. Oxalis will grow quickly and will begin to produce color within 30-35 days.

Plant diseases and pests: treatment and prevention

Although wood sorrel is rarely affected by diseases and pests, just like any plant it can get sick. There may be several reasons for such ailments:

  • Fungal diseases of roots. The reasons for this may be excessive irrigation and stagnation of water in the pot due to lack of or poor drainage. Prevention: pre-plant sterilization of soil and containers, reduction of watering. Treatment: replanting the plant while simultaneously removing damaged roots.
  • Rust. Brown bumps appear on the leaves. To prevent the development and removal of the scourge, treatment is carried out.
  • Spider mite. It manifests itself as spotting of leaves and a coating in the form of a sticky cobweb.
  • Oxalis is also susceptible to attack by whiteflies and scale insects. To prevent insect attacks, you need to regularly inspect the plant and if you detect the slightest signs of pest activity, you need to take action. To treat insects, you need to wash the flower with soapy water. Then remove all affected areas and apply special fungicides.

Since ancient times, sorrel is considered healing plant, which can normalize arterial pressure, improve metabolic processes in the body, have an anthelmintic effect, remove poisons and toxins, treat scurvy, ulcerative wounds and boils. Oxalis is quite actively used in folk medicine to strengthen the immune system.

Oxalis is also used in cooking for making salads. And some types of root vegetables are eaten in their pure form. By the time of ripening, the acid in the fruit is replaced by sugar.

However, we should not forget that the plant contains a small concentration of toxic substances, which, if consumed in excess, can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Oxalis can effectively decorate any interior without requiring special attention. By following simple rules, you can achieve active plant development.

Many peoples revere sorrel for its unique property bring joy to the home, and the Irish made the image of the oxalis trefoil a national symbol, which is emblazoned on the country’s coat of arms.

More information can be found in the video:

Oxalis (Oxalis) is naturally distributed on almost all continents in their southern subtropical and tropical parts. In our regions, it is an ornamental houseplant, which is also successfully used in cooking, since the plant contains oxalic acid.

Oxalis leaves have a sour taste, hence the name. True, sorrel has many other names. For example, it is also called hare cabbage, sour clover, lucky clover, lucky clover due to the similarity of the shape of the leaves with clover. Also, due to the similarity of the leaves, wood sorrel is sometimes called the iron cross or butterfly flower. Oxalis also resembles a butterfly because the leaves of the plant open towards the sun in the morning, and in the evening, when the sun sets, it folds them. When open, the leaves on the bush look like a swarm of butterflies. The leaves also close in cloudy weather.

In addition to oxalic acid, sorrel contains carotenes and B vitamins.

In the old days, sorrel was used as medicine for treating wounds, healing ulcers, relieving inflammation. Oxalis was considered an antidote in case of poisoning, for example, from arsenic and mercury. It was used against worms, and also as a diuretic and choleretic agent.

Oxalis is a popular plant for the home because it is very elegant and beautiful, easy to grow, and blooms for a long time. In addition, in some countries it is believed that it brings happiness and good luck to the inhabitants of the house. According to signs, for this the owners must exchange a plant. You can also receive it as a gift.

Some people associate the three-component leaves of sorrel with the Holy Trinity, and in Ireland, where clover is considered the national flower and emblem of the country, there is also a particularly reverent attitude towards sorrel.


Oxalis can be perennial or annual. Each stem grows from rhizomes, bulbs or tubers. On the cuttings there are trifoliate leaves of dark purple, violet, and sometimes green. The shape of the leaves, as we have already mentioned, resembles either a butterfly or an iron cross. Flowers rising above the cuttings bloom for a long time. In color they are either white, pink, purple or yellow.

Triangular wood sorrel (Oxalis triangularis) is most suitable for the home. It is she who has purple leaves and white or pink flowers.


If care at home is correct, the plant will be a pleasure to look at for a long time. For proper care, we follow the rules:

  1. Lighting. The plant loves light, but not bright, but shaded. Keep an eye on this, as direct sunlight can burn the leaves, and a lack of light will cause the leaves to lose their brightness of color and the leaves to become smaller in size.
  2. Temperature. Best temperature for the plant the temperature will be around 20-25 °C in summer and 17-20 °C in winter. Cool temperatures prolong the flowering of the plant.
  3. Humidity and watering. Watering indoor oxalis depends on the time of year and period active flowering plants and dormant period. The dormant period begins when it is clear that flowering has ended, the leaves of the plant fall off, which means it is preparing to rest. The rest period can last a month or two. At the moment when the flower’s revival becomes noticeable and young shoots appear, you can start replanting and feeding it. Place it in a warmer place. More abundant watering is recommended warm seasons, less active - in winter. Water for irrigation needs soft, settled water. In summer, the plant is regularly sprayed. During the dormant period, oxalis cannot be sprayed.
  4. Feeding. Fertilizing is necessary once every twenty days with complex mineral fertilizers. However, they are used in a concentration less than what is written in the instructions, approximately twice. It is necessary to feed sorrel from May throughout the summer months.

Transplantation and propagation

The plant needs to be replanted every year, but it can be done at any time.

Daughter bulbs or tubers are taken in groups and transplanted into another pot. After the transplanted plant has been sprinkled with soil, it needs to be watered and kept cool.

It is also possible after winter holiday, as soon as the first sprout appears, carefully remove the tuber from the soil, wash it with a solution of potassium permanganate with a weak concentration, cut it in half, sprinkle both halves with charcoal, plant each half of the tuber in separate pot. After a week, the soil with the planted halves needs to be fed. If you plant the seeds of a new sorrel, you don’t have to bury them in the ground. In this case, the soil is not watered, but sprayed. Soil composition: leaf soil (1 tsp), humus soil (1 tsp), turf (1 tsp), peat (2 tsp), sand (1 tsp). It is necessary to put drainage at the bottom of the pot.

It will take approximately 40 days for the plant to develop and bloom.

Possible problems

Weak cuttings and small leaves mean too dark a place or too much humidity. Loss of color brightness in leaves - insufficient lighting. Rotting of rhizomes, nodules and bulbs - oversaturation with moisture.

Bugs, aphids, red spider mites, and scale insects can settle on sorrel. In this case, it is necessary to apply insecticides to the plant. Treatment with these means is carried out outdoors. In this case, the soil must be covered, avoiding contact with the drug. Spider mites You can try washing it off with a soap solution at the rate of 2 teaspoons of liquid soap per 2 glasses of water. Wait several hours, after which the soap solution is washed off. Soap should also not get on the ground.