Convenient built-in kitchens for the kitchen: optimizing space. Design of small kitchens with built-in furniture and appliances

Built-in or, as they are also called, architectural kitchensmodern solution, allowing for the most ergonomic use of room space and even giving the kitchen the appearance of a living room. All this is achieved due to the fact that technology in work area is not free-standing - it is integrated into furniture set. More and more owners are giving preference to these types of kitchen models, because the main thing in the cooking process is convenience. Only a kitchen with built-in appliances will provide absolute comfort and allow you to cook quickly and with pleasure.

Advantages of a built-in kitchen:

  1. Incredible visual harmony. The kitchen looks like a single whole, and not a collection of separate items. Nothing stands out from the overall picture, there are no gaps between the elements of the furniture, so this kitchen always looks perfect.
  2. Home comfort. Your kitchen no longer looks like an operating room or workshop. Typically, a built-in kitchen is designed in a special way, which allows you to create an atmosphere of living space and pleasant comfort.
  3. Maximum ergonomics. Even in a small room all the necessary equipment will fit. In addition, it is very convenient to use, and there is no feeling of cramped or cluttered space.

Disadvantages of a built-in kitchen:

  1. High price compared to the cost of separately purchased furniture and equipment.
  2. You need to think through the arrangement of items in advance, because once the kitchen is installed, it will no longer be possible to change their order.
  3. It is problematic to replace failed equipment without damaging the finish of the furniture set, nearby facades, table top.
  4. If it is possible to replace any fragment of the built-in kitchen, then only with one similar in size and arrangement of functional elements.

Built-in kitchen options

Built-in kitchens differ in the set of components, their location and external design kitchen set.
Appliances that no built-in kitchen can do without:

This is a standard set, but modern manufacturers and sellers strongly recommend building in other, smaller household appliances, which could successfully be placed on the surface of countertops or on special hanging brackets.
Additional built-in equipment:

  • microwave;
  • double boiler;
  • freezer;
  • deep fryer;
  • bread machine;
  • multicooker;
  • coffee maker;
  • yogurt maker;
  • juicer;
  • toaster;
  • TV and much more.

Contrary to the popular stereotype, appliances in a built-in kitchen are located not only in the bottom row cabinets. Elements such as a microwave or coffee maker may well take place in one of the wall-mounted modules. Carefully thought out vertical designs with several built-in elements look great. For example, at the bottom of the so-called pencil case there may be an oven, above it a coffee maker, and even higher - a microwave oven.

Not only appliances are built into the kitchen set, but also other functional elements– retractable tabletops, baskets for dishes, various drawers, knife stands, carousel shelves, etc.

Design of the work area

The design of a built-in kitchen can be the most sophisticated or, conversely, as laconic and austere as possible. Architectural kitchens are good for kitchen-dining rooms and kitchen-living rooms, when fully functional elements of the set are at the same time stationary interior partitions. The front panels of equipment elements can be selected in accordance with the design of the furniture, or can be hidden behind the doors.

Many kitchen options really look like a regular living room, because most of the plumbing elements are securely hidden from prying eyes. Even sinks can be designed so that they appear only during their immediate use.

How to buy a built-in kitchen - useful tips

  1. You are unlikely to be able to purchase a set of furniture and appliances separately and then combine them all – the result will not be the best. Therefore, first, equipment is purchased, its quantity and location are thought out, and then a set is ordered specifically for it, which becomes the ideal frame for the equipment.

    The built-in kitchen, thanks to its functionality, will give maximum opportunities for culinary creativity

Built-in furniture and appliances are not only an external gloss, but also a solution to many problems of small kitchens. Real space saving is considered the most obvious advantage furnishings of this type. Of course, in addition to the rational use of space, embedded systems have a number of other outstanding advantages. Which ones exactly? Let's figure it out right now.

The value of built-in systems in small kitchen design

Why do housewives value built-in household appliances and furniture so much? There is certainly a reason for this:

Compactness. Equipment intended for integration into a headset usually has rather modest dimensions. This allows you to place all the necessary accessories in a dedicated area;

Functionality. Despite their modest dimensions, such household appliances offer no less useful functions than free-standing models (and sometimes more!);

Convenience. Thanks to the association in unified system, it is much easier for housewives to cope with routine kitchen tasks, because all the necessary appliances are at hand;

Aesthetics. Often, built-in appliances are completely or partially hidden behind kitchen facades. Thus, in order to achieve a harmonious image in a very small kitchen, it is not necessary to select appliances from the same manufacturer with an identical design. All equipment can be completely different in appearance and functionality; the main thing is to correctly “hide” it behind the cabinet doors;

Increased work space. All necessary equipment is usually installed under a single countertop, expanding the space for processing products;

Safety. Unlike free-standing units, built-in units are safer to use: they heat up less and are better ventilated;

Hygiene. Due to the fact that almost the entire design of the equipment is built into the furniture, usually only the front panel (or hob in the case of a stove) remains visible, the care of which does not require much time and effort;

Ensuring order. A clutter of free-standing appliances often leads to visual chaos, which is an unacceptable oversight for small kitchens. On the contrary, an orderly system for arranging equipment allows you to maintain order and frees the room from bulky items.

Not every model of household appliance is suitable for integration into a kitchen set. Let's look at some criteria that devices suitable for the system must have.

Fridge. Being a rather bulky unit, the refrigerator is often moved out of the kitchen into the hallway. But special compact models with a functional design will fit perfectly into the design of a small kitchen.

The best option is a single-chamber model built into the bottom row of the headset. But this solution is suitable for small families, but for families of 4 or more people you will need a full-size two-chamber refrigerator. It can be hidden in a tall pencil case; the main thing is that the width of the refrigerator door matches the width of the other doors in the set.

Plate. Instead of a standard stove in small room It's better to use embedded hob for 2-4 burners. Appliances with 2 burners usually take up no more than 30 cm in width, and those with 4 burners - no more than 60 cm. Built-in stoves are in no way inferior in functionality to their full-size counterparts, but allow you to gain space inside the cabinet for storing various utensils.

Oven. If you like to surprise your loved ones with baked and stewed masterpieces, then without oven there's simply no way around it. Of course, a very small kitchen requires very compact appliances. Fortunately, today the range of ovens is so wide that it will not be difficult for housewives to choose a compact model with many functions.

Dishwasher. Previously, a dishwasher was considered a whim of wealthy owners. Today this device can be found in almost every kitchen! Not surprising, because it makes the housewife’s life easier and leaves more time for family dinners.

There are two types of dishwashers: fully built-in and with an open front panel. Both the first and second options are suitable for integration into a headset. As a rule, the size of the unit depends on the number of sets of dishes it can accommodate: compact ones for 2-4 sets and larger ones for 4-12 sets.

Hood. Quite a lot has been said about the need to use a hood in the kitchen. Still, some people are confused by the not always aesthetic appearance of this device. It is for such cases that special built-in hoods are designed. Usually they are mounted in decorative wall cabinets, which completely mask their design, bringing only the control panel to the foreground. A small kitchen only benefits from such a design solution, since it manages to maintain aesthetics and create complete picture interior

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What is the difficulty of creating the interior of a small kitchen? The main points that need to be taken into account in order to arrange the room correctly and increase the area. Techniques that allow you to expand the space visually, without moving the walls in the apartment. Examples successful kitchens from 5 to 9 sq. m.

Do you have a kitchen up to 10 sq m? Browse:

  • Real photos of the kitchen: , and

Live examples of layouts

6 sq. m. The single-row arrangement of modules frees up space for the dining table. There was no room for an oven, but a washing machine did.

With angular furniture placement of 6.5 sq. m got a lot of storage space and a separate table. There is no oven or dishwasher. IN in this case The narrow part of the tabletop can be extended to 600 mm to accommodate a dishwasher. For the oven, you can use the module under the hob.

At 5 sq. m fits all the necessary furniture, the disadvantages are the close location of the free-standing stove and sink. It is better to move the module with the sink to the left edge, this will free up space for the dishwasher, and between the stove and the sink there will be working surface.

The advantage of a single row layout is that there is still space in the room to place a dining table.

But if the size of the wall does not allow you to fit a sink, refrigerator, stove and work surface in one line the right size, use a corner layout.

Good location of all the main elements.

Set in a room of 7 square meters. m is correctly designed and laid out. Possible disadvantage: the refrigerator will block the light from the window during the daytime. Use lightweight fabrics to decorate the opening so that more light enters the room.

The corner layout should use the room to its maximum functionality. For example, a carousel mechanism for storing various accessories is mounted in a corner cabinet.

The best option for small headset- This is a built-in technology. This choice allows you to fully use the work surface.

For safety reasons, it is necessary that the sink and stove be separated by one or more modules.

The window sill has been replaced with a tabletop.

In the video, the hostess tells in detail how she chose the kitchen, what happened in the end, what she was happy with and what she was not. Announces prices for kitchen furniture and appliances. Design, review of equipment with reviews and prices, life hacks.

How to fit everything in?

1. We arrange furniture and appliances

  • In a small kitchen, corner and linear device modules;
  • Eliminate double-row, U-shaped, peninsular and island furniture arrangements. This design is suitable for spacious rooms;
  • It is necessary to fill out as practically as possible small room furniture. For example, all free walls can be used to store items (additional shelves, rails or small cabinets);
  • The refrigerator should be placed in the corner of the room, thus creating a more harmonious layout.
  • The distance between the hob and the refrigerator should be 60 cm or more.
  • If used gas stove, it must be installed near a gas pipe;
  • Drawers with inserts for cutlery and a dish drainer should be located close to the sink. This approach optimizes the cleaning process;
  • The minimum distance from the stove to the wall with a window is 20 cm, especially if the opening is decorated with an elongated curtain model;
  • Instead of a window sill, you can install a tabletop, thereby increasing the work space;
  • Thanks to the possibilities modern plumbing, the sink can be installed anywhere. A popular option is to install a washing machine in place of the window sill.

When opening the refrigerator door, orient it towards the wall - this way you will save space for movement.

2. Replacing an interior door

In order to free up some useful space, instead of a swing door structure, you can install a sliding mechanism or an “accordion”.

If you remove the door completely, then when decorating neighboring rooms it is better to stick to the same style.

3. Additional lighting

Installation of additional sources, as well as an increase in the natural flow of light, allows you to visually expand the compact area. To do this, use mirrors, tiles with a reflective effect, glass, glossy surfaces, chrome elements, spotlights.

Mirror mosaic perfectly reflects the incident light. The effect of lightness is created.

Thanks to local illumination of the working surface, you can use the room for its intended purpose at any time of the day.

Lighting is another way of zoning. The part of the room with bright light is the cooking area; the dining area has soft lighting.

Glossy materials contribute to a visual increase in area due to reflections.

An apron made of glossy tiles and facades with glass inserts are perfect for a small area.

The working surface must be well lit, so more powerful lamps are installed above the headset, or the number of devices is increased.

Various lighting combinations reduce energy consumption and also zone the space, creating a cozy atmosphere.

What colors should you use to decorate a small kitchen?

From color scheme a lot depends on design. Experts advise choosing a neutral color scheme (beige, sand, or light gray).
Bright hues in headset design.

Neutral range of furniture facades - perfect option for a small room.

Pastel shade of façades.

Give preference to pastel and monochrome shades, as well as stylized patterns that look unobtrusive.

Contrasting details will make the interior varied. Be careful when using this technique - active colors can be tiring.

Suitable wallpaper colors

  • Combinations of a neutral base (shades of milk, pearl, peach) with rich tones;
  • A bright accent on the wall looks good in the dining area and creates a special mood;
  • Background wallpaper should not steal all the attention;
  • For low ceilings choose warm or pastel colors.

The beige color of the walls is combined with a richly colored apron.

Wallpaper highlights dining area using rich color and texture. Lighting also contribute to the division of space.

Plain light wallpaper go well with this set in wenge color.

Curtains as a bright accent

It is better to decorate a small room with roller or Roman blinds, as well as curtains made of light fabric. Curtains are inappropriate in this case.

  • When choosing curtains, be careful in using textiles with a pattern to make the interior comfortable for your stay;
  • When decorating a window, you should not close it completely, even if you use light fabric;
  • Textiles must transmit sunlight well;
  • An alternative to fabric curtains is blinds.

General design style

Most good option for a small kitchen - (modern, minimalism, hi-tech). Laconic forms and clear lines perfectly complement a small room. The use of glossy surfaces adds a lightness effect due to the reflection of light and glare.
Modern style.


High-tech style.

Often modern style furniture involves the use of built-in models of equipment, and this significantly saves the consumption of square meters.

A characteristic feature of these styles is a minimum of decor during arrangement.

Storage ideas. Everything will fit!

1. Increase the height of the top drawers to 90 cm (standard 72 cm). You will have an extra shelf in each drawer.

2. Install carousel shelves in the corner drawers, and special baskets in the lower and upper modules. Disadvantage of use is the high cost of the mechanisms;

A module with a basket can be of different dimensions in width and height, its capacity depends on this.

3. . They help optimize the cooking process, since everyday items and spices for dishes are placed here.

The rails are fixed to the apron and filled with various fasteners at your personal discretion. The length of the railing can be any.

4. (almost at floor level) will allow you to place some products and items.

Expansion of space

1. If the refrigerator completes the composition of the set, the height of the room will increase slightly (visual effect), thanks to the vertical perspective;
2. To enhance the effect of lightness, use furniture made of glossy or transparent materials(plastic, glass);
3. Small objects create a feeling of clutter. The presence of such furniture will visually reduce the space.
Better equip small room objects of real size, despite the fact that they take up a lot of space;
4. Folding fronts for upper cabinets will also save space during operation;
5. The table should be streamlined (oval or round);
6. Buy an extendable dining table and pull-out cutting boards.
The round table can be extendable. When assembled, it takes up minimal space. Odnoklassniki and

For every housewife, the kitchen is a special place in an apartment or house. Culinary delights are brought to life in the kitchen, so it is very important that it is practical and convenient. When choosing a headset, we rarely think about it. More often we are interested in the aesthetic side. But in vain. be comfortable and multifunctional, and only then will you want to cook on it and spend most of your time. for the kitchen it looks monolithic with the interior.

Today they are very popular. This concept means something that can organically accommodate all household appliances. In other words, the kitchen is located in specially designated areas in the unit, which creates the impression of being built-in. It does not stand out from the general level due to integration. Thanks to this, the kitchen becomes more convenient and the space increases.


Built-in kitchens are popularly called architectural. They look attractive and unobtrusive. Working in such a kitchen, there is no feeling of “excess” of appliances, since they are organically built into the main set.

Today, headsets of various configurations are sold. They differ in design, color and set of devices. But regardless of this, each headset has:

  1. Built-in oven.
  2. Fridge.
  3. Plate.
  4. Dish washing machine.
  5. Hood.

You can hide any equipment in the headset

Without it minimum set in the kitchen is indispensable. But for many this is not enough, so they additionally build in the following equipment:

  • Food processor.
  • Built-in microwave.
  • Deep frying.
  • Coffee making machine.
  • Chest.
  • Toaster.

This is not a definitive list. The number of built-in equipment is not limited. It all depends on the wishes of the person and his needs.

For the kitchen it is placed throughout the unit. The refrigerator, washing machine and other heavy equipment are placed in the bottom row. And items such as a built-in microwave oven, TV or coffee maker can be placed on upper shelves. The placement location depends on the weight of the item and the need for its use.

Built-in kitchen appliances allow you to free up space and use space efficiently. She looks graceful and stylish.

And countertops. It is a misconception that a built-in kitchen is not functional. If desired, such a set can include pull-out tables that serve as work surfaces, built-in ovens, cabinets and shelves.

Types of built-in headsets

Corner option will save space and be very practical

An architectural kitchen is good because it has a built-in Appliances for the kitchen is not “catchy” to the eye. Such kitchens are convenient both in small spaces and in large rooms. Depending on the area, the type of headset is selected:

  1. Angular.
  2. Single row.
  3. Double row.
  4. Rounded.

The corner set looks organically in combined kitchens and living rooms. But they are also suitable for small spaces. In such designs, cabinets for dishes are placed in the corner area at the top, and the sink is located at the bottom. The main built-in kitchen appliances are placed on both sides for symmetry.

Single-row headsets are convenient for large rooms. This kitchen set with built-in appliances allows you to expand the dining area. The sink is located in the middle of the structure, the refrigerator and the cabinet for the built-in oven are on the sides. These two items cannot be placed next to each other. When working, they interfere with each other: the oven radiates heat, so the refrigerator works harder and vice versa.

In double-row sets, the freezer or refrigerator is placed parallel to the sink and hob.

A rounded set is considered the most comfortable. But in order for this to happen, it is worth remembering that the rear panel of the structure must be more than 2.5 m, and the side panels must be at least 1.5 m.

Rounded stylish design can be combined in any interior

An original design solution is a set with an “island”. An “island” refers to an object that serves as a work or dining area. Such kitchens are often installed in large rooms for the purpose of zoning the space. An “island” is a demarcating design element that helps divide space into zones. Often the bar counter acts as an “island”. Many “island” models include an additional retractable tabletop for cutting food. If necessary, the tabletop slides back and is invisible to the eye. Such “islands” can easily accommodate built-in coffee makers, toasters and other small household appliances.

Disadvantages and advantages

Advantages of built-in furniture:

  1. Single package. There are no cracks or gaps between the structural objects.
  2. Replacing standard gas or electric stove onto the cooking surface. This is a huge plus. Not everyone uses ovens, so this space is used as desired.
  3. Design decision. Built-in furniture is made to order. Therefore, it will clearly fit into the parameters and design of the room. And correctly selected built-in appliances in the kitchen complement the style of the interior.
  4. Attractive appearance. Appliances and furniture located on the same level look perfect.
  5. Convenience. This applies to both cooking and cleaning or washing furniture. No dirt gets into the cracks, you don’t have to lift furniture under the built-in appliances to wash the floor, move the microwave, and much more.
  6. The kitchen for built-in appliances is ergonomic. A space not cluttered with household appliances allows you to cook more conveniently and calmly. And rational placement of equipment saves time.

Household appliances and furniture - an organic whole

To avoid disappointment with such a set, all details of placement and layout are thought out in advance, because later they cannot be changed.


  1. It will not be possible to move a household appliance to another place if the desire arises. This will leave empty space in the furniture.
  2. Such headsets and built-in equipment are expensive. Their prices are higher than usual kitchen furniture, so not everyone can afford to buy them.
  3. Built-in kitchen furniture is difficult to install repair work. If one of the structures breaks, you will have to unscrew half of the headset to replace it. And to replace broken equipment, you will have to unscrew the built-in kitchen tables and shelves.
  4. Difficulty in replacing a similar item of construction. If a furniture “part” breaks, you will have to replace it with a similar part. The replacement will have to be made to order based on the design parameters.

Buying built-in furniture

There are two options to become the owner of a built-in headset:

  1. Order the production of the premises and wishes.
  2. Buy a standard headset.

Order or ready-made option- you decide

If everything is clear with custom-made furniture, then when purchasing a standard set we pay attention to:

  • There is no need to buy furniture and household appliances separately. The latter may not fit in size. Before choosing, we measure the parameters of the equipment and compare them with the niches in the furniture.
  • We determine the necessary household appliances.
  • Select devices according to the design of the headset. Multi-colored appliances and textured sets do not look very harmonious, so it is advisable to select devices in the same color scheme.

When making custom-made furniture, it is worth considering not only the parameters of the room, but also other aspects. We bring to your attention a few tips that will help you design built-in furniture correctly.

  1. An additional countertop is installed between the hob and the refrigerator.
  2. For convenience in upper cabinets There is a microwave and oven installed, and a washing machine in the lower one.
  3. The oven space is located at eye level.

When choosing a headset, we take into account the number of people living in the family and the expected processes. Clearly define the intended purpose of each household appliance.


There is no point in purchasing a “ready-made” built-in kitchen. It's better to order it. This way, a person will have the opportunity to decide on the size of the future set, choose the color and design, select equipment and harmoniously combine the decoration of the room with the built-in furniture.


For built-in furniture, it is better to choose an electric hob. This reduces the risk of melting nearby countertops.

How much space does a gas stove with oven, sink, other dishwashers and refrigerators, and all the newfangled things that have been invented for convenience take up in a modest kitchen? modern housewife? There is absolutely no room left for the modern housewife...

Kitchen sets with built-in appliances – perfect solution to optimize space!


They are comfortable and functional. This is an ergonomic and stylish solution that guarantees the housewife comfort and convenience when working in the kitchen, even if they are built with their own hands. Such furniture with integrated equipment is an excellent way to save room space. Today, built-in kitchen units are gaining popularity as the population’s wealth grows..

This does not mean that the price for such a kitchen is too high! It’s just that as our incomes grow, we pay more and more attention to comfort and convenience. A wide selection of built-in kitchen sets is provided by both foreign and domestic manufacturers.

Integrated technology is:

  • refrigerators;
  • ovens;
  • gas stoves;
  • electrical;
  • as well as washing machines and dishwashers;
  • microwaves;
  • hobs;
  • coffee makers and steamers;
  • and even hoods.

Literally everything can be implemented beautifully and compactly! Examples of this are photos on our website, as well as videos with instructions and installation tips.

Selection rules


There are many reasons for this very serious approach.

Here are the main ones:

  1. When purchasing a built-in kitchen set, choose it with all seriousness and responsibility. After all, this furniture is usually purchased for a very long time.
  2. Further changes to finished structures when remodeling a room or even banal rearrangement of furniture will require very large financial expenses.
  3. The choice of equipment significantly depends on the space of the kitchen itself, and also, of course, on the width, depth and height of the built-in kitchen unit itself. At your request, furniture can be made to order, adhering to the dimensions of electrical appliances and gas equipment, giving it the required dimensions.

It is of particular importance if it has already been selected and designed in detail. For example, the walls have been finished, windows and doors have been installed, curtains or blinds have been purchased and are gathering dust in the corner awaiting furniture.

Design options

There are two main solutions:

  1. A kitchen set with built-in appliances will be a fashionable part of the decor in rooms that are made in the Art Nouveau, high-tech or futuristic design styles. Many popular design solutions today suggest displaying all the equipment without hiding it behind cabinet doors.
  2. Built-in kitchen units made in retro, classic, as well as country style - all built-in appliances can be hidden behind, the hood can be decorated in accordance with design solution, in which the set is made. This furniture is beautiful, stylized, but no less practical and functional.

Advantages from within

Built-in appliances and household appliances have a number of specific advantages compared to furniture that stands separately from the appliances. For example, a simple stove should not be placed close to any furniture, as this can be dangerous.

Also, it can cause damage to the side walls that are in close proximity or in contact. In addition, grease from the stove will definitely penetrate into the gap; you will have to periodically move the furniture or stove using a flexible gas hose and scrub off the oily artistic paintings on the side walls.

There will be no such problems if you install kitchen sets with built-in appliances.
Even ordinary appliances and equipment often differ from kitchen furniture in their size and design.
And built-in equipment with its mounting dimensions, allowing it to be located in niches of headsets, looks much more beautiful.

Another advantage of built-in kitchens is the absence of cracks and gaps in mating and adjoining elements kitchen set.


You can find flaws everywhere, and built-in kitchen units are no exception. Integrated instruments and equipment will be difficult to replace with new ones or simply move to another location. They are also more expensive than regular headsets. Before installing such furniture and equipment, you need to pay attention to the advice of designers. There are clear instructions for installing any headset with built-in equipment!


Often, built-in electrical appliances are placed on the lower modules of the kitchen unit, which significantly saves space in the working area. But if the kitchen has a large space, then, for example, it is possible to install an oven at eye level. In this position, the housewife will have better control over the cooking process.

There is no need to place a refrigerator, sink or dishwasher near the oven.
It is more expedient to put between them small sizes, which provides drawers and doors.
You can place a microwave oven or coffee maker in tall columns that have sections specially designed for equipment.

In small kitchens it is possible to install corner set. In this case, a hob with an oven embedded in the countertop is placed in the corner. And on both sides of it there will be a sink and a work surface, and at the top there will be a hood. This layout will be comfortable and convenient for the hostess.

For large rooms, a built-in straight-shaped kitchen set is perfect. A dishwasher or washing machine, a refrigerator, and an oven are built into its niches. You can also install over hob exhaust unit, made in the same style as the main interior of the kitchen.

Today, most salons offer different kinds built-in equipment from any manufacturer.

When purchasing devices Special attention pay attention to such qualities as:

  • ergonomics and aesthetic appearance;
  • ease of use;
  • acceptable price;
  • popular and fashionable design;
  • ease of care and maintenance.

Often, the assembly of kitchen units and the installation of electrical appliances are performed by the same craftsmen. This allows you to save money and get a guarantee.