When to plant late cabbage seedlings. Cabbage seedlings, growing at home - secrets and recommendations. Preparing the site in advance

To grow an environmentally friendly and rich harvest, you need to know when and how to plant cabbage open ground. Crop varieties differ different terms maturation, this means that compliance with the conditions and rules of planting in open ground is a necessary measure for a good result.

Cabbage is cultivated in two ways - seeds and seedlings. The first method keeps the taproot intact, which reaches 2 m in length without transplantation, drawing moisture from deep in the soil. Depending on the purpose of the variety and climatic conditions, the sowing period and cultivation method are chosen.

Seedless method

Landing dates:

  • early varieties are sown from the last ten days of April to mid-May;
  • Mid-early cabbage is sown at the end of May, the first ten days of June;
  • late varieties are sown from mid to late May.

IN southern regions, Rostov Region and Krasnodar Territory practice sowing seeds in open ground after March 1, as soon as the ground warms up. Early varieties produce a harvest at the end of June. In the Saratov and Voronezh regions, cabbage is sown in April. In regions of temperate and northern climates, cabbage is grown from seeds only in protected soil, under a film.


The optimal conditions for growing seedlings are a greenhouse or greenhouse. In the apartment, the seedlings stretch out greatly, the sprouts need coolness.

  • early cabbage is sown at the beginning or first half of March;
  • mid-early varieties are sown from mid-March to mid-April;
  • late cabbage sown in early April.

Based on the ripening period, sowing dates are selected. Early varieties ripen in 2-3 months, middle varieties - 3-5 months, late varieties - 5-7 months. Do not allow overexposure on the beds, this leads to cracking of the heads of cabbage. The harvest is collected in a timely manner, the summer harvest is processed, and the autumn harvest is stored.

In areas that are at the same latitude as Moscow, Chelyabinsk, and Ufa, it is recommended to grow cabbage from seedlings in unprotected soil, since spring frosts can destroy the emerging sprouts. In cold climate regions with short summers, only seedlings are used for growing crops in open ground.

How to plant seeds?

Before planting, the seeds are disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, heated in hot water(45-50° C). Add a spoonful of aloe juice or honey to the water as a growth stimulant. Then the seed is dried.

The seeds are buried 0.7 cm in a container with soil, in rows at a distance of 3-4 cm. The box is covered with film on top, creating greenhouse conditions, maintain +18-20°C. After 4-5 days, sprouts appear, they are placed in the most illuminated place, and the film is removed. Seedlings need 14-16 hours of daylight, so additional lighting is turned on in the evenings.

To grow cabbage without transplants in open ground, several seeds are planted in each hole to a depth of 1 cm. The plants are thinned out later, leaving the strongest specimen in each hole.

Seedling care

With the appearance of sprouts temperature regime reduced to +10° C. Raise the temperature to +18° C a week later, when the first true leaves appear. Water as the top layer of soil dries, avoid overmoistening, and provide ventilation to prevent “blackleg”.

Two weeks after germination, the seedlings are picked and planted in separate containers measuring 8 x 8 cm. They are transferred to open ground at the age of 40-60 days, when the plant reaches 13-15 cm, 4-6 leaves are formed on it.

Seedlings are fed mineral fertilizers twice - when the first true leaf appears and two weeks before transplanting to the site. Use a solution for irrigation: for 10 liters of water 15 g of urea, 30 g of potassium chloride, 30 g of superphosphate.

Planting in open ground

The seedlings are transplanted into the beds when the soil warms up to +8, +10° C. Do not be afraid of the influence of slight frosts. Cabbage is hardened off before planting in open ground. To do this, reduce watering to once every 2 days, and place cups with plants outside for 3-4 hours every day. Properly grown seedlings are frost-resistant, and they are not afraid of a sudden drop in temperature to -5°C at night.

Selecting a location

Cabbage loves water, so a lowland area in which moisture accumulates is suitable for the garden bed. Choose a site that is illuminated, with constant access to sunlight. Every 3 years, the crop in the garden is changed; soils that are good for cabbage are after onions, carrots, garlic, and cucumbers.

The land for planting is prepared in the fall, dug up in September, weeds are removed, humus is added - 3-4 kg per 1 sq. m. m. The soil is preferably loamy, containing humus, which retains water well. Acidic soils are limed and 1-2 cups of chalk are added per 1 square meter. m. In spring, the area is dug up again, the lumps are carefully broken up, and leveled with a rake.


Two weeks before transplanting into the ground, seedlings are fed with potassium, which increases frost resistance. Dissolve 4-6 g of potassium sulfate in 1 liter of water and water the cabbage.

Early varieties are planted in open ground from April 25 to May 5, mid-season and late - at the end of May - beginning of June. The procedure is carried out on a cloudy day in the morning or evening so that the seedlings do not suffer from sunburn.


Before planting, fertilize the soil, add 1 tsp. urea and 1 glass of wood ash per 1 sq. m. Between rows for early cabbage maintain a distance of 40-50 cm, between plants – 25 cm is enough.

For later cultures maintain a row spacing of 50-55 cm, seedlings are planted 30-35 cm apart.


  1. Each hole is thoroughly moistened - pour in at least 1 liter of water. If there is a lack of fertilizer, mix a pinch of nitrophoska, a tablespoon of wood ash, and 0.5 kg of manure into the soil of the hole.
  2. The cabbage root is taken out with a lump of earth, trying not to damage it, planted directly in the mud, and sprinkled with a layer of dry earth on top.
  3. Overgrown seedlings are buried down to the first true leaf.
  4. Compact the soil around the stem.
  5. Water the bed - 3-5 liters of water per 1 square. m.
  6. Shade with covering material and old newspapers for several days from direct sunlight.
  7. On the second day, sprinkle the soil around the seedlings with tobacco dust to repel cabbage flies, at a distance of 5-6 cm from the trunk.
  8. The first days the plants are sprayed with water for better adaptation.

Outdoor care

The cruciferous family has many pests; systematic measures to combat them are necessary throughout growing season. Since a waxy coating forms on cabbage leaves, liquid laundry soap is added to the solution with protective agents for better adhesion.

Causes the death of the entire plant

Preliminary treatment of the soil with a solution of Bordeaux mixture 1% will eliminate infection of cabbage with fusarium and clubroot. Treatment will protect you from rot seed material disinfectant solutions.


Avoid abundant irrigation of the soil for the first time after planting cabbage in open ground. Excessive humidity provokes putrefactive diseases. The frequency of watering in the future depends on natural conditions and soil quality; watering is stopped 2-3 weeks before the expected harvest.

During the rainy season, heavy loamy soils are watered 3-4 times per season. For light fertile lands, the amount is increased up to 6 times; a hot and dry period is a reason for more frequent moistening of the soil, especially during planting and intensive growth heads of late-ripening and medium-ripening varieties.


The crust formed on the surface of the earth after rains and watering is loosened to a shallow depth, providing free access of oxygen to the roots. At the same time, weeds are removed.

To enhance the development of the root system, rake the soil to the stem around each seedling with a diameter of 25 cm, stimulating the growth of new roots. Seedlings are treated 7-10 days after planting in open ground to ensure trunk stability. Repeated hilling is done after 2-3 weeks, in this way they also remove excess moisture in damp lowlands.

Top dressing

Early varieties are fertilized 1-2 times per season, middle and late varieties - 3-4 times. Nitrogen fertilizers applied no later than a month before harvesting.

At the beginning of the growing season, more nitrogen substances are used. The first time they use superphosphate - 20 g, 10 g of urea, 15 g of potassium chloride per 1 sq. m. It is convenient to dissolve it in a bucket of water and pour it into grooves made in the soil at a distance of 10-12 cm from the row of seedlings.

They feed the second time when the cabbage sets heads. Apply into row spacing per 1 square meter. m. potassium chloride 15-20 g, 10 g urea, 20-30 g superphosphate. The dose of potassium is increased for subsequent fertilizing of late-ripening varieties. It is taken into account that a lack of sunlight stimulates excessive accumulation of nitrates.

Cabbage is called the lady in the garden: it sits all so beautiful, round, smooth, in a thousand clothes... But growing cabbage of excellent quality is not so easy. A rich harvest begins with growing healthy, strong seedlings. And here it is worth paying attention to the timing of planting cabbage. They depend on the variety and type of cabbage. In this article we will analyze timing of planting seeds for seedlings and planting them in open ground . We will talk about white and cauliflower cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Savoy, etc. In a word, we tried to collect as much information as possible on the timing here.

Table: Planting dates for cabbage and other crops

The table is convenient, but does not fully disclose all the information on deadlines, so let’s turn to other sources.

White cabbage

Varieties are divided into three types:

  • early,
  • mid-season,
  • late ripening.

Depending on the ripening period The time for sowing seeds for seedlings is calculated:

Seedlings white cabbage mid-season and late varieties most often grown under film cover in open ground or in greenhouses, starting in April. Seedlings early varieties You can also grow it on a windowsill by sowing the seeds in March (then you can harvest at the end of June - beginning of July).

  • early cabbage: March 20 - 25 (harvest in late June - early July),
  • mid-season: from April 20 - 25 to May 1 - 3,
  • late ripening: from April 1 to April 15.

Seedlings in open ground White cabbage is usually planted at the following times:

  • early cabbage: late April - first ten days of May,
  • mid-season: from May 25 to June 5 (no later than June 10),
  • late ripening: May 15 - 25.

Seedlings ready for transplanting to permanent place, has 4–5 true leaves and is approximately 15 cm high. Plants with more leaves are overgrown. It is recommended to tear off the extra leaves (the 2 bottom ones); they will eventually wither anyway, but until that moment they will only interfere with the plant. It is best to plant seedlings in the ground in the evening, and shade them the next day if the weather is hot and sunny.

Red cabbage takes longer to mature than white cabbage, so seeds are sown for seedlings earlier: late-ripening varieties sown in early March, early ripening - in early April.


Thanks to the excellent taste qualities, this variety of cabbage is grown by almost all summer residents. They imprison her seedling method and sowing seeds in open ground. On personal experience We can say that excellent broccoli grows from seedlings we grow on the windowsill. In March we sow seeds for seedlings, and at the end of May we plant the seedlings in open ground. We cover young, not yet strong plants with cut 5-liter bottles. The result is mini-greenhouses. The seedlings are taking root well. Our favorite variety is 'Linda'. Well, now in more detail about the timing.

Sowing broccoli seeds for seedlings is carried out 40-45 days before planting them in open ground. Optimal seed planting date - mid-March . Seedlings are ready for planting in the ground to a permanent position in May month. By this time the plant should have 5-6 leaves. It is better not to wait until the seedlings outgrow; such plants produce small heads.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts, like other varieties, are grown in seedlings. Seeds for seedlings need to have time to sow no later than April 25 (V Middle lane RF). Seedlings ready for planting in a permanent place should also have 5-6 leaves. A plant aged 40-50 days is planted in open ground at the end of May - the very beginning of June.

Interestingly, Brussels sprouts are a biennial plant. In the first year it bears fruit, in the second year it produces seeds. This is what happened when we accidentally left a stem sticking out in the ground Brussels sprouts for the winter:


Perhaps the most capricious variety of cabbage. Cauliflower sensitive to soils, winds, low temperatures and is especially vulnerable in the early stages of growing seedlings.

Time to sow cauliflower seeds:

  • Seeds are sown for seedlings on March 15-25, and seedlings are planted in the ground in late April-early May,
  • Seeds are sown in open ground from the first ten days of May to mid-June.

Seedlings in open ground planted at the age of 45 - 50 days.

Our harvest:

Kohlrabi cabbage

They are grown by seedlings and by sowing seeds directly into open ground, over several periods.

Seedlings are planted in 3 terms to extend fruiting:

  1. Seeds are sown in the middle - end of March, and at the end of April the seedlings will be ready for planting,
  2. The seeds are sown in early May, and then on June 10-12 the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place,
  3. In the last week of July - sowing seeds, at the end of August - planting seedlings.

Savoy cabbage

Time for sowing seeds for seedlings:

  • early ripening varieties: 2nd decade of March, they can be planted in several - until the end of May,
  • mid-season varieties must be planted no later than April 25 (under film or in a greenhouse),
  • other varieties are grown similarly to white cabbage.

Seedlings of this variety of cabbage are planted in a permanent place at the age of 35 - 45 days, when 4-5 leaves form on the plants.

Time frame for planting seedlings in the ground:

  • Early ripening varieties they begin to plant in the 1st decade of May, then mid-season ones, and in the 2nd decade of May - mid-late ones.

Chinese cabbage

Planted at several times, How seedling method, and by planting seeds in open ground:

  1. In the first ten days of April, seeds are sown, and after 3 days the first shoots appear. After 7 days they can be planted into pots. At the beginning of May, 30 days after planting, in the three-leaf phase, Chinese cabbage seedlings are ready for planting in a permanent place.
  2. At the end of summer Chinese cabbage can be planted as a second crop in vacated areas. The seeds are soaked and sown in July, then they are planted and young plants are planted in the garden at the beginning of August. If there is enough rain at the end of summer, you can expect a rich harvest 😉

Phew, as for the timing of planting cabbage, it seems that we have sorted it out. We hope the information was useful to you 😉 Happy sowing!

“A child is wrapped in a hundred swaddling clothes” - this is how a famous children's riddle describes this vegetable. “Broom for the intestines” - nutritionists nicknamed it, knowing about the high fiber content of green leaves. You can’t cook borscht and cabbage soup without it; it is the main ingredient in winter salads.

White cabbage is a vegetable that is difficult for a Slavic person to do without. Every gardener knows that early varieties of white cabbage need to be eaten right away, and to enjoy its taste in winter, it is necessary to plant late varieties. They are stored until the new harvest and are perfect for fermentation. Today the topic of our site is growing late cabbage in open ground.

Late white cabbage in open ground

Late white cabbage - brief description

The multi-leaved beauty belongs to the cruciferous family. In the first year the plant forms a head of cabbage, in the second it shoots out an arrow and produces seeds. The root of white cabbage branches strongly and deepens by 30-50 cm.

Features of late cabbage varieties:

  • Ripening period is from 120 to 145 days.
  • Keeping quality - from 3 to 6 months.
  • Productivity is the highest.
  • Not prone to nitrate accumulation.

Growing in open ground

To productive variety white cabbage turned out to be as productive as expected, it is important to properly prepare the place for placing the vegetable, plant and care for the plant until harvest. Experienced gardeners who proudly harvest an enviable harvest of white cabbage every year will tell us what is important to consider.

Soil for cabbage

Loamy soil is ideal for white cabbage. But it is also important that it is non-acidic and rich in organic matter. Fertilizers are applied to the soil in the fall when digging or in the spring when preparing the soil for sowing.

It is extremely important to choose the right predecessors for late white cabbage. It is strictly forbidden to plant cabbage in one place for two years in a row. Also, it should not be placed on the site of crops of the same family.

Cabbage in open ground

You can plant white cabbage the next year after:

  • cereals,
  • legumes,
  • carrots,
  • tomatoes,
  • cucumbers,
  • Luke.

Growing methods

White cabbage is grown both through seedlings and without them. When choosing a variety, it is important to take into account the purposes of the planned use: fresh consumption, pickling. Seeds should only be purchased from a trusted manufacturer.


Seeds for seedlings are sown in March or April, depending on the climate in the region. In calculations, it must be taken into account that month-old seedlings are transferred to open ground. Since white cabbage at a young age is not particularly cold-resistant, it should be quite warm at the time of planting.

If the seeds were collected through your own efforts, they must be processed:

  • 20 minutes - in hot water,
  • 1 minute - in cold water,
  • night - in a solution of microelements,
  • overnight in the refrigerator.

Seeds should be sown in soil consisting of sand, soil and peat or humus. When using garden soil, it is necessary to carry out a disinfection procedure.

For cabbage seedlings, it is better if the seeds are planted in separate pots. In this case, you will not have to perform the picking procedure, which will injure the roots. young plant. If, however, a large box is used for sowing, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 2 cm between the seeds.

Immediately after sowing, the container is usually covered with polyethylene and placed in a warm place. Before sprouts appear, the temperature should not fall below 18 °C. The hatched sprouts need to be opened, placed in a bright place and the temperature reduced by 10 °C. In the future, daylight hours for seedlings should be 12 hours.

Seedlings ready for planting in open ground

Young plants are transferred to open ground with the appearance of 4-5 leaves. Two weeks before this, the hardening process should begin. To do this, the containers are taken out onto the street or balcony for several hours, or the room where they are located is well ventilated.

Sowing in the ground

April or May are suitable for direct sowing of cabbage seeds in open ground. A specific date should be chosen taking into account weather conditions. The earth should be well warmed up. If frosts are expected, it is better to cover the beds. Planting depth is 2-3 cm. At the stage of 3-4 leaves, the plants are thinned out.

Planting scheme

It is customary to plant late cabbage not as densely as early and middle cabbage. This is explained by the fact that late varieties of cabbage heads need a lot of light to fully ripen. So, the schemes that many gardeners love look like this: 60x70 cm and 50x40 cm.

Feeding for late cabbage

Late cabbage is characterized by increased demands on nutrients. Doses of fertilizers must be correlated with the composition of the soil and the ability of previous crops to extract nutrients from the soil. Agronomists advise that 80% nutrients got into the soil with the main application and 20% with fertilizing.

The main fertilization of the soil takes place after harvesting or during the preparation of beds. Fertilizing is carried out during the growing season. According to the standard scheme, there are three of them:

  1. when 5 leaves appear (when planted immediately in open ground) or two weeks after picking (when grown through seedlings);
  2. when the plant forms a rosette;
  3. at the beginning of head formation.

There are many means for feeding late cabbage. If no organic matter was added, it is recommended to use Rexolin ABS. The preparations “Terraflex” and “Terraflex Final” performed well at different stages of feeding.

Treatment of cabbage beds

Like any other crop, white cabbage does not tolerate close proximity to weeds. The soil should be watered and loosened on time. Three weeks after planting, and then another two weeks experienced gardeners spud the cabbage.

A mulch layer will provide excellent assistance to late white cabbage. Peat showed itself best in its quality. The layer should be at least 5 cm. It will protect the cabbage from loss of moisture in the summer heat and keep the soil loose.


Heads of late cabbage are best harvested when they reach full maturity. In this case, they will be perfectly stored. Although theoretically it can withstand light frosts, it is better not to wait for their onset. Typically, late cabbage is cut at the end of September or beginning of October.

Growing late cabbage in open ground will provide your family with a tasty vegetable throughout the winter. Follow the rules of agricultural technology - and you will succeed!

Cabbage is an unpretentious crop that requires a lot of light. When sowing seeds early, the seedlings may die from lack of sunlight. For this reason, it is necessary to correctly calculate the timing of sowing seeds.

Usually, planting white cabbage seedlings begins in the second decade of March; seeds are sown gradually every few days to extend the harvest period.

Sowing is carried out taking into account the early maturity of the variety:

Early ripening varieties are planted in the garden at the age of 30-40 days;

Medium aged 40-50 days;

Late ripening at the age of 50-60 days.

To this period you need to add 4-5 days required for seed germination and approximately 3-4 days for seedlings to take root after transplantation. Thus, it is possible to calculate with great accuracy the start date of sowing seeds, different varieties white cabbage.

Growing any garden plants start by choosing a variety suitable for your conditions. First of all, you need to figure out when and why the cabbage harvest is needed. This seems strange, but the answer determines, in addition to the variety, the time of sowing seeds to obtain seedlings of the required age. For example, if you need to get heads of cabbage in mid-summer for cabbage salads, then you need to choose early varieties, such as Iyunskaya, Kazachok F1. If the harvest is leavened, it is better to sow mid-season varieties, for example - Belorusskaya, Amager. For storage in winter time late varieties are needed - Geneva, Kolobok.

Please note that early varieties give a small harvest. Most varieties produce small and loose (about 1.5 kg) heads of cabbage. They can produce a harvest in 90-120 days.

Mid-late varieties can be used as food in the summer, they can be stored and salted for some time. They can produce a harvest in 150-170 days (there are mid-early varieties of white cabbage that form a head in 130-150 days).

Late cabbage ideal for long-term storage (some varieties can last until spring). They form a head of cabbage in 160-180 days.

Preparing white cabbage seeds

It is necessary to prepare seeds before planting to speed up germination and to destroy disease germs.

To disinfect seeds, they are soaked in water heated to 50 degrees.

After this, they are placed on a saucer, covered with a damp cloth and kept in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Soil preparation

For seedlings of this crop, you should not use garden soil; it is advisable to create a nutritious soil mixture yourself. To do this, take an equal amount of coarse sand and turf soil to destroy pathogenic (harmful) microorganisms and water the mixture hot water, sift the composition. At the end, add 10 tbsp per 10 liters of mixture. l wood ash. Ash also destroys infection in the soil, reduces acidity, and reduces the risk of seedlings becoming infected with blackleg.

The seeds are sown in boxes or pots. Pre-mixed soil is poured into them.

Other soil mixtures can be made, they mainly differ in the main component. For example, peat is added, not turf soil. It is only important when selecting components to choose air-intensive components, with a good margin nutrients. After this, it is necessary to treat the soil composition with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Attention! You cannot use soil from beds where cruciferous crops previously grew, because these plants have probably infected the soil with diseases that affect cabbage. This will cause a decrease in the quality and quantity of the harvest, and may even lead to the death of seedlings.

Before sowing seeds, you need to moisten the soil well. The seeds are sown in grooves cut every 3 cm; the space between the seeds in the rows should be 1 cm. There should be 1 cm between them; 3 cm between the grooves. Seeds of early cabbage are sown in the first ten days of May, mid-season cabbage from the last ten days of May until the end of April, late-ripening varieties before the 20th of April.

Before sowing, containers intended for seedlings must be thoroughly washed and treated with disinfectants (potassium permanganate solution is suitable for this).

Sowing white cabbage seeds

At the bottom of a shallow (4-5 cm deep) box you need to pour a drainage layer 1 cm thick; small pebbles or expanded clay, eggshells are used as drainage. After this, add soil and water it well. You need to cut neat grooves in the ground, every 3-4 cm, the seeds are buried 1 cm into the soil. You cannot place the seeds close, otherwise you will need to dig through the seedlings. After this, the seeds are covered with soil, compacted and the soil in the box is sprayed with a spray bottle.

The containers are covered with plastic wrap or glass and placed in a bright place in the room, where the temperature is maintained within 18-20 degrees. The first shoots can be seen after 4-5 days.

Important! The soil must be kept moist so that the swollen seeds do not dry out. This is best done with a spray bottle. But do not forget that too much moisture can lead to rotting of the seeds and the spread of diseases such as blackleg.

Hardening off seedlings

When the seedlings appear, you need to start hardening the seedlings.

To do this, the container with them is brought into a room in which the temperature is maintained at 8-10 degrees, this will prevent the seedlings from stretching.

After a week it can be returned with warm room(greenhouse, room or insulated balcony).

During this period, it is important to maintain the temperature regime - 14-17 degrees during the day, 9 degrees at night and in cloudy weather.

Cabbage pick

Cabbage sprouts after a real leaf “hatches” on them. The seedlings are transplanted into a common box (planted according to a 5x5 cm pattern). Before picking, water the soil with warm potassium permanganate.

Caring for cabbage seedlings

Pickled cabbage seedlings should be placed in a room where the temperature is maintained within 18-20 degrees so that they do not weaken, grow new roots and, as a result, quickly take root. After 2 days, it is again necessary to harden the seedlings; to do this, place the boxes with seedlings in a room with a temperature of 13-14 degrees during the daytime and 9-10 degrees after the sun sets.

At the beginning of spring, cabbage seedlings need to be additionally illuminated with special phytolamps or fluorescent lamps, since the amount of sunlight is not enough for the proper development of plants.

If you decide not to pick the seedlings, then they are transplanted immediately into a separate container. With such a transplant, the roots of the plants are practically not injured. Please note that you should not moisten the soil too much, otherwise the risk of plant disease with blackleg increases.

Attention! In order for cabbage seedlings to develop quickly and well, it is necessary to provide them with at least 12-15 hours of daylight.

Do not forget that for good development, seedlings must be fed without fail. It is necessary to feed the plants for the first time at the age of 9 days, the next feeding – after 14-15 days. The last of them is carried out several days before transplanting to a permanent place to increase the immunity of seedlings. Ready-made liquid formulations intended for seedlings are well suited for this (use for feeding, follow the instructions exactly).

In no case should the temperature regime be violated; seedlings must be systematically watered; this is the only way to raise a healthy and strong seedlings.

Planting plants in a permanent place

When you have grown high-quality seedlings, you need to plant them in the beds. But first, two weeks before this, it is necessary to harden the plants, accustom them to the effects of temperature, sunlight, and wind, which affect plants in the open air. It is not advisable to transfer plants into open ground when the air temperature drops; with such a transplant, the seedlings may throw out the flower shoot after a month.

It is impossible to obtain high-quality heads of white cabbage without fertile soil. Best suited for this crop loamy soils in well-ventilated areas. Don’t forget, for cabbage you need to fertilize the soil well in the fall. For every 1 m2 of bed, half a bucket of manure is added. In areas with acidic soil, you need to add 1-2 tablespoons to each hole. wood ash mixed with 2-3 cups of high-quality compost. You can plant several bushes of seedlings in one hole, and after two weeks remove the weak plants, leaving one of the strongest seedlings.

Plants need to be replanted at the beginning (early varieties) or in the last ten days of May (for late-ripening varieties). The soil in the boxes with seedlings is well moistened 12 hours before planting. Early white cabbage is planted in beds according to the pattern 45x25 cm, late-ripening varieties according to the pattern 35x60 cm. It is better to plant seedlings in the garden beds in the late afternoon or in cloudy weather. During the first days, cover the plants from the sun.

Caring for seedlings in the garden

After planting white cabbage seedlings in a permanent place, for the rapid development of plants and the formation of a high-quality harvest, it is necessary to follow several important rules for caring for seedlings.

Mandatory operations must be performed:

Regular feeding seedlings, will make it possible to grow the required number of healthy and tasty heads of cabbage. Fertilizing is done with balanced fertilizer solutions;

Regular watering is extremely important for the growth of the vegetative mass of white cabbage, the formation of elastic and dense heads of cabbage, without it it is impossible to obtain a normal harvest;

It is necessary to carry out preventive treatments plants by special means, protecting plants from diseases;

It is necessary to regularly destroy weeds in the beds.

Please note that cabbage seedlings should be planted no thicker than every 40-50 cm; the holes should be made deep based on the size of the root system. The holes need to be watered only before planting the cabbage bushes; about 1 liter of water is poured into each hole, and the plants are immediately planted in it. Bury the stem so as not to cover the bottom leaf.

Cabbage seedlings grow better after legumes and grain plants. Cabbage develops well if root crops and pumpkin crops grew on the site before it.

Take care of the varieties first

You need to decide for yourself what kind of cabbage you want to grow: early - for summer salads, mid-season and late - for pickling and winter storage, or both. The timing of sowing cabbage seedlings depends on this.

Early ripening varieties quickly form a harvest of not very dense heads of cabbage, the weight of which does not exceed one and a half kilograms. This cabbage will not be stored, but it is irreplaceable on the summer table menu. It makes salads, side dishes, and first courses delicious.

Mid-season varieties are often used for pickling; late varieties are prepared for the winter in order to have vitamin-rich dishes on the table until spring.

Try to buy seeds from trusted companies. From quality planting material The viability of seedlings and, ultimately, the harvest largely depends.

Many summer residents have fallen in love with early cabbage hybrids:

  • Parel
  • Pandion

From mid-season and late:

  • Rinda
  • Megaton
  • Atria
  • Galaxy
  • Kolobok
  • Krautman.

Sow cabbage for seedlings

Soil mixture. Not all purchased peat soils are suitable for cabbage because she doesn't love acidic soils. It is better to prepare the soil mixture for seedlings yourself by mixing turf (or garden) soil with good humus (1:1), add half a glass of wood ash to a bucket and mix well.

The ash will enrich the mixture with nutrition and protect the seedlings from blackleg. To prevent the development of blackleg, 1-3 days before sowing the seeds, the soil is spilled with a solution of gamaira (1 tablet per 5 liters of water).

Timing of sowing seeds

It is very important to choose the right time for sowing cabbage seeds. They depend on the timing of planting seedlings in the ground. Many summer residents plant 45-60-day-old seedlings of early white cabbage in the garden at the end of April, which means that the seeds need to be sown in mid-February-early March.

But here we must make one very important reservation. In ordinary room conditions, you will not be able to grow early cabbage seedlings. On initial stage, this crop must be provided with t +15 - 17º during the day and + 10 - 12º at night. It is difficult to do this in a city apartment, and if this is not possible, then it is better to refuse early sowing cabbage

The early timing of planting early varieties of cabbage is dictated by the climate: the heat that sets in already in May inhibits development, and it is very important that the plants develop as long as possible in
favorable conditions for them (moderate temperatures, high humidity air).

If it is possible to plant cabbage under temporary shelter, the seeds for seedlings are sown earlier.

When growing cabbage in an apartment, the seedlings grow so frail and elongated.

Later varieties White cabbage is grown, as a rule, without picking, and therefore the seedling period for mid-season varieties is reduced to 45, and for late varieties - to 35-40 days.

Knowing the approximate timing of planting seedlings of middle and late varieties in a permanent place (mid-season varieties are planted in open ground in the second ten days of May, and late varieties - in the third ten days of May-early June), it can be calculated that mid-season varieties are sown for seedlings at the beginning, and late - at the end of April.

Pre-sowing seed treatment

Before sowing, seeds are treated if the bag does not indicate that they have been treated by the manufacturer. The seeds are immersed in water heated to 50 degrees for 20 minutes, then kept in cold water for five minutes. This procedure frees the seeds from pathogens of fungal diseases.

To prevent the development of blackleg, seeds are soaked in a solution for 1-2 hours before sowing phytosporina-M, then dried.

Sowing cabbage

A few days before sowing, water the soil in the seedling box. On the day of sowing, make seed furrows 1.5 cm deep every 3-4 cm, moisten them and sow the seeds 1-1.5 cm apart. Then the rows are covered with soil mixture, the surface of the soil is slightly compacted, covered with film or glass and put in a warm place.

Cabbage seeds begin to germinate at low temperatures, but in warm conditions germination is more friendly and faster. You should not moisten the soil before germination: the seeds have enough pre-sowing moisture reserves.

Microclimate. The emerging seedlings immediately find a cool, well-lit place. This is mo-
there will be a glazed loggia, a veranda, where the temperature during the day stays at +8 +10 degrees. Spring is quickly gaining momentum, and every day it will be warmer outside (and, therefore, on the loggia).

This gradual increase in temperature against the background of increasing daylight hours favorable for the development of seedlings. In an excessively warm room, cabbage seedlings will stretch out and may even die.

Picking seedlings

In the phase of 1-2 true leaves cabbage seedlings dive. It is better to transplant into cups so as not to injure the roots during transplantation into the garden bed. Plants are buried down to the cotyledons. The soil in the cups is spilled with a solution of phytosporin-M. After transplanting, the cabbage is shaded for 1-2 days.

How to care for seedlings

Feeding. Ten days after picking, the seedlings are fed for the first time.

  1. 2 g of potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate, 4 g of superphosphate are diluted in a liter of water. The seedlings are watered before feeding, and then 1 cr is poured under each plant. spoon of nutrient solution.
  2. Two weeks after the first feeding, a second feeding is carried out with the same composition, but 2 tbsp is poured under each plant. spoons of solution.
  3. A few days before planting, the seedlings are fed one last time: 3 g of ammonium nitrate, 5 g of superphosphate and 8 g of potassium sulfate per liter of water. Simple fertilizers can be replaced by a complex one.

Hardening off cabbage seedlings

About two weeks before planting in open ground, seedlings begin to harden. In the first days, it is enough to open the windows on the loggia or veranda for a few hours. Then the cabbage is left in front of an open window so that it gradually gets used to direct sunlight.

In the last days before planting, watering is reduced, and windows are not closed at night. You can also harden off seedlings at the dacha.

Any violation of agricultural technology for growing seedlings is fraught with disease.

If trouble happens, the plants that have fallen from the black leg are removed, the soil in the seedling box is dried and sprinkled wood ash and carefully loosen.