Spring work in the garden. Work in the garden and garden in spring

Spring is the period of nature's rebirth from winter hibernation. Everyone is looking forward to her arrival, the appearance of the first emerald greenery on the sun-warmed earth, trees and bushes, the fresh aromas of foliage and the first flowers. For summer residents, this is also the need to prepare their land plots for planting, so it is wrong to say that there is less work in the garden in the spring than in the fall. Now you can see this for yourself.

Stages of spring gardening

This article is a small approximate instruction for the step-by-step implementation of spring events that guarantee favorable conditions plant life of the garden. Adapt it to the specific situation in your region, and you will be able to most effectively exploit your land.

The timing of the start of spring work depends on the climatic zone in which the summer cottage is located, taking into account the weather conditions of the current season.


Work in the garden in early spring, this is the time when the snow begins to melt.

At this stage, the main tasks of the gardener are:

  • Try to slow down the flow of melt water from a sloped area as much as possible.. To do this, it is necessary to arrange windrows and furrows located along the slopes along the entire height.
  • In low-lying areas opposite, we clean existing drainage ditches and organize new ones.
  • It is better to free young trees from snow that has dusted their crowns, since when melting, the resulting crust can harm them.
  • Crusts of snow under are loosened using a fork or sprinkled with peat, which speeds up the melting.

For your information!
Many people mistakenly believe that slowing down the melting of snow crust under trees improves the situation.
Not at all, this can only do harm, since the tree crowns, heated by the sun, wake up and require moisture and nutrition from the root system.
But this is difficult, since the ground is still frozen.

In March, you need to make sure how well the trees overwintered. This can be checked in areas that appear visually damaged by making a shallow longitudinal incision. If no blackness is found at the cut site, its shade is close to light green, then everything is in order, wintering was successful.

At the very beginning of spring, there is a danger for trees to get sunburn on the trunks and at the base of the branches. This phenomenon is possible due to the sharp difference between day and night temperatures at this time; whitewashing the trunks and forks of branches will help to avoid such damage.

March ends with pest control by spraying with a solution of copper sulfate.


Basic gardening work in the spring this month should be completed before the buds swell:

  • Dry, inanimate branches are pruned on all sides. The bark around the kidneys is removed.

  • Cleaning of the soil surface in the garden continues. All excess is raked from the dried earth and burned.
  • Next, cleansing and treatment work is carried out:
    • If trees or bushes in the garden were previously susceptible to aphids, mites, psyllids or copperheads, they are sprayed with nitrophen just before the buds swell.
    • If there are gnawed areas, hollows and wounds on the trunks and branches of plants, they must first be cleared, then disinfected and covered with petrolatum (garden pitch).
    • Detected egg-laying ringed silkworms are removed along with the branches.

After the completion of preventive pest control measures, it is time to feed the plants:

  • To stimulate active growth and development of shoots on pome trees, 1/2 of the annual norm of nitrogen-containing fertilizers is applied in April.
  • After fertilizing the soil under the trees at the end of April with organic, phosphorus and potassium-containing fertilizers, it is dug up.
    Estimated fertilizer consumption per 1 m2 of soil:
    • 1/2 cup superphosphate.
    • 1/2 cup of potassium sulfate or 1/5 cup of potassium chloride (can be replaced with 2-3 cups of wood ash).
    • One bucket of organic fertilizers (when using peat or humus, you don’t have to dig up the soil and leave them on the surface as mulch).

    • In the last days of April, young and fruit-bearing bushes are also fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers, loosening the soil underneath them to retain moisture and incorporate fertilizing.

Remember that fertilization of mature trees is carried out locally in the area of ​​​​the vertical projection of the plant crown onto the ground with a spades of no more than 50-100 cm.

At the end of April, you can start planting gooseberry and blackcurrant seedlings. In areas prepared in the fall for shrubs, plants are planted, followed by watering and mulching the soil under them. Shrubs planted in the fall are heavily pruned, leaving 2 to 4 well-developed buds on the shoots.

During the same period, they take care of the fruit-bearing trees and plant young raspberry bushes:

  • Pure, healthy seedlings are placed in clean, even grooves with the base of the stem immersed by 2-3 cm. Areas for raspberry seedlings must be properly prepared in the fall and generously fertilized.
  • The soil around the plants is watered and mulched with peat.
  • Then the bushes are trimmed, leaving a height of 40 cm.
  • Overwintered raspberry shoots are lifted, untied and cut back to the first living bud untouched by frost.
  • Damaged, diseased, poorly developed, as well as excess shoots should be removed, viable shoots should be tied to a trellis.


Perhaps the most important period for every gardener who grows and cares for plants with his own hands is rightfully considered May.

The price of correctly holding May events is the success of the entire summer season as a whole.

  • Before flowering begins, all trees must be watered in the amount of two buckets multiplied by the age of the plant.
  • If the foliage on the trees is paler than usual, you should additional feeding nitrogen.
  • The end of May is suitable for breeding berry crops layering. To do this, the strongest one-year-old branch is bent and pinned into a groove sprinkled with soil.

We continue to care for the garden, not forgetting about gardening chores, taking into account the principles of crop rotation. The health of all plants, their proper development and a good harvest depend on the correctness and timeliness of doing work in the spring in the garden.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparation plot of land To summer season no, all the actions that need to be taken do not require any monetary or physical costs. But no matter how simple it all may seem, it is necessary to carry out the above actions, if, of course, you want to reap a good harvest and enjoy the fruits of your work in winter.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

IN agriculture Caring for crops is an almost continuous process.

Winter crops require special care:

Stones that have been squeezed to the surface by frost are being removed from the fields;

loosening of a strong crust on the surface of the earth. This will provide the necessary air exchange for the seeds;

removal of stagnant water from fields. Excess moisture is detrimental to many crops; it leads to rotting of the root system and can significantly reduce crop yields;

cleaning vacant land areas from moss, shrubs, alluvial sand.

The growing season of winter crops begins in the first ten days of April; fertilizing must be carried out in the second ten days, ensuring a sufficient supply of nitrogen. It is necessary for correct formation spikelets (this process occurs very quickly). If there is a lack of nitrogen in the soil, the ear will remain an underdeveloped tubercle and die. The second feeding is carried out two to three weeks after the first, in small doses. It is at this time that an active accumulation of vegetative mass occurs and a threat to the proper formation of the ear again arises.

In order to ensure decent harvest spring crops, it is necessary to begin preparatory work:

  • first of all, replenishing mineral and organic substances in the soil, fertilizing the soil with manure (amending what was previously imported and bringing in new);
  • carrying out measures aimed at preparing fields for sowing;
  • cleaning, sorting seeds for sowing;
  • soil sowing;
  • fields that were fallow are being taken up (they were not sown last season);
  • plowing in brought manure;
  • comprehensive measures aimed at exterminating pests: slugs, beet beetles and others.

Simultaneously with these works, others are carried out, familiar to every gardener and gardener:

  • fertile soils are developed and subsequently fertilized;
  • in greenhouses, greenhouses, open beds sowing seedlings;
  • seed plants and tubers are planted;
  • catch heaps are arranged (for the larvae of the cockchafer).

Before the start of sowing, it is necessary to repair agricultural equipment and conduct a technical inspection. This applies, first of all, to soil cultivation and sowing equipment. The speed and productivity of the planned work depends on how ready the equipment fleet is.

Along with winter and spring crops, other agricultural crops are sown: various varieties cabbage, beets, corn.

In the spring, fields are also sown with crops for further plowing: green manure. They are grown to further enrich the soil minerals, organic matter, nitrogen. Green manure plants improve the structure of the soil, have a sanitary effect on the soil, shade it, and attract beneficial insects(pollinators). Such plants include representatives of the legume, cruciferous, cereal, buckwheat, and Asteraceae families.

The volume of work in the fields in the spring is very large and varied, but the success of the entire enterprise depends on how competently and timely it is completed.


For most gardeners, spring gardening is routine. The dacha plot must be put in order - prepare the soil for planting, spray the trees and bushes. Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to pruning before a large amount of sap begins to flow. Spring is not a time for rest!

Required tools and materials

Work in the garden in early spring - where to start?

If snow does not melt on the soil for a long period of time, and work on summer cottage do not tolerate delay, then we speed up the process - pour a thin layer of peat onto the snow. If time allows, we wait. The soil on which the snow has melted is well moistened. If you leave the snow cover near the trees, the process of gradual wetting is prolonged.. This way you can retain a significant amount of moisture for quite a long time.

As the snow melts, work in the garden in the spring can begin with cleaning up last year's leaves (if this was not done in the fall). It can be burned or composted. Then remove the insulating film from the grapes, ornamental plants, open the strawberries. We pay special attention to the soil of the site: if necessary, then we remove excess moisture and loosen it.

After this, the top layer of soil should be mulched, that is, sprinkled with organic or inorganic material. The first is hay, nut shells, sawdust, humus, pine needles. The second is gravel, pebbles, and various covering materials. Mulching helps conserve water and loose soil, prevents soil erosion, reduces the number of weeds and promotes the formation of adventitious roots.

Spraying and whitewashing - don't forget about the trees

All work in the garden must be done before the buds begin to swell. First of all, this applies to pruning shrubs, fruit trees and grapes. Early pruning reduces the negative consequences possible from shortening. It is also important to get rid of dry branches damaged by frost or disease and cut out excess growth.

If you decide to carry out, remove no more than a third of the branches in one year.

If the autumn whitewashing of trees was not carried out for some reason, then this must be done. Whitewash, which contains chalk and lime, protects the tree well from flightless insect pests that overwinter in the bark or fallen leaves. It is imperative to do the first spraying of trees and grapes before the buds open - many insects lay their eggs in the buds or buds.

Spring work in the garden – March-May

At the end of April - beginning of March everything fruit trees it is necessary to open and dig up the soil in a circle, only carefully so as not to damage their roots. This is done as if to destroy possible pests and infections, and to improve soil quality. Also during this period, it is advisable to dig up the soil throughout the entire area and add mineral fertilizers or ash. Then use a rake to level the ground. When the weather is warm and sunny, early crops can be planted.

Spring is an amazing time when nature gradually awakens. Everything turns green and comes to life. With the onset of spring, gardeners and gardeners have a lot of troubles. Work begins at the very beginning of March, everything needs to be prepared and organized.

Spring work must be approached with all responsibility, since your harvest will directly depend on it.

In this article I would like to discuss everything work in the garden in the spring.

Preparatory work - work in March

There is very little work directly on the site in March, but this is the best time to carry out some preparatory work. March in particular is a great month for planting seedlings. This month they plant seedlings: peppers, tomatoes, tobacco and other cultivated plants.

Pepper can be planted as seedlings until the middle of the month. Before sowing the seeds, prepare the soil and the seeds themselves. When planting, all rules of agricultural technology are observed. You can read more about it in the corresponding article. At the same time, eggplant seedlings are planted.

Starting from March 15, you can sow tomatoes for seedlings. It also has its own characteristics, which you can read about in the corresponding article.

In mid-March, you can sow seedlings such as petunia, celery, crystal chamomile and others. You can also plant asters and marigolds as seedlings.

At the end of the month you can start sowing.

Garden work in March

There is a lot of work in the garden in March. Let's list a list of work with trees and shrubs in March.

  1. Whitewashing of trees. In March, you can observe sudden temperature changes, which can cause burns on tree trunks. This causes the bark to crack, and such wounds take a very long time to heal. In this regard, it is necessary to whitewash the trees.
  2. You need to inspect the trees very carefully. If there is any damage to them (for example, mechanical damage caused by rodents), then immediately cut them off using a special sharp knife. After this, the damage must be disinfected using copper sulfate or a solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. As soon as a stable positive temperature is established outside, you can speed up the melting of snow around tree trunks. This is very easy to do - just sprinkle around the trunks wood ash.
  4. Early spring is the best time to prune trees and berries. Young trees that have not yet bear fruit are pruned to a minimum. But old trees, on the contrary, are pruned as carefully as possible. Shrubs should also be trimmed. Remove all weak, dried and broken branches.
  5. You should take care of strawberries and wild strawberries. Weak and dry shoots are also removed from strawberry and wild strawberry bushes. Unnecessary rosettes are also removed.
  6. March is the best time to care for raspberries, you can read more in the article -.
  7. In March, you should prepare for the arrival of birds and hang birdhouses on your trees.

Work in the garden and garden in April

At the beginning of April (in the very first days) you can still plant tomatoes. Also in April it follows for further cultivation in open ground or film shelters.

Fertilizers should be applied to the garden in mid-to-late April. Read more about this in the article -. At the same time, you should begin to prepare greenhouses and greenhouses for the first plantings. The soil in greenhouses should be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate and covered with special covering material and film. In the greenhouse, all structural elements must also be disinfected.

In greenhouses and unheated greenhouse You can plant cold-resistant crops, such as radishes. He will ripen very quickly, and at the same time the land will not just stand idle.

Garden work in April

At the beginning of the month, all old dead bark must be removed from the trees and burned. It is this that is an excellent breeding ground for all kinds of pests. All dry leaves and other debris should be collected from around trees.

Mid-April is the best time to prevent fruit trees and shrubs from various pests. For these purposes, you can use, for example, a solution of white alcohol.

Shrubs can be treated without the use of chemicals. This is done very simply: water is poured into a bucket, boiled, poured into a watering can, and the bushes should be watered from it. For pests, this procedure will be disastrous, but for the plant, on the contrary.

Work in the garden and garden in May

May is the most hot month. First of all, you need to clear the garden of various debris, put all your work equipment in order. At the beginning of the month it is necessary to dig up the area for planting.

At the very beginning of the month it is necessary to plant potatoes. We recommend technology to you. This method will save you a lot of effort and time.

At the beginning of May, you can begin to plant seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, and watermelons in the greenhouse. IN open ground you can plant tobacco seedlings.

Carrots, radishes, beets and other crops should be sown. Be sure to plant onion sets. May is the month of planting.

At the end of May it is necessary to feed the garlic. At this time, it requires nitrogenous supplements.

At the end of the month, when the threat of frost has completely passed, you can plant the seedlings in open ground.

Raspberries in the garden should be tied to a support.

Spring work in the garden and in the garden they are quite difficult, but in their own way pleasant and useful. You need to take them very seriously, this is what your harvest will depend on.

Useful videos

Now I would like to bring to your attention some useful videos.

With the arrival of spring, gardeners and gardeners in their summer cottages and other plots begin to hot period, you need to have time to complete all the work and prepare the ground for receiving good harvest fruits and vegetables. The owners’ hands are itching, because they are quite fed up with winter worries and cold, and they want to quickly go out into the garden and beds, determine the scope of work for themselves and begin to carry it out. The harvest will depend on properly carried out spring work in the garden (let’s not forget about summer chores either). Therefore, spring is a responsible time for gardeners and vegetable growers.

Work in the garden and vegetable garden in spring (March - April - May)

What kind of work needs to be done in the garden in the spring? Everything needs to be done better according to what was prepared in advance, taking into account personal experience, plan. All work in the garden and vegetable garden is carried out slowly, in compliance with agrotechnical techniques and in accordance with climatic conditions. This is the only way to be sure that the work will give a positive result. As soon as the sun warms up, the first thing you need to do is deal with the fruit trees.

Freeing fruit trees from the snow cap

At the beginning of March, the gardener's first priority is to free the branches of fruit trees from the ice crust that appears when the snow melts. All work should be carried out with a garden fork so as not to harm the young branches.

Experienced gardeners, after heavy snowfall, “powder” trees with peat or wood ash. In tree trunk circles, you need to do the same, since the sun's rays will heat up the dark snow faster and it will begin to melt.

Is the "Snow Accumulation" technique so good?

Due to unstable spring weather and low night temperatures, many gardeners want to restrain the blossoming and flowering of trees so that frosts do not affect future harvest. They practice the "Snow Accumulation" technique. After heavy snowfall, gardeners pour snow under the trees and cover them with sawdust. They believe that accumulated snow will melt more slowly, delaying the awakening of plants. Growing season It shifts a little and the flowering is not affected by spring frosts. But from a scientific point of view, this cannot be done, because each plant has its own development cycle and interference with nature can destroy the trees.

Spring whitewashing of trees and shrubs

After the snow melts, it is necessary to whitewash the trunks of trees and shrubs with lime mortar. This procedure is not carried out for beauty, but to protect plants from pests and scorching sun rays. To prepare 10 liters of solution you need to take half a kilo of copper sulfate, diluted in a small amount hot water, 2.5 kg of chalk or lime and casein glue - 100 g, and adding more water. Mix all components and apply to the trunks in 2 layers.

Pruning bushes and trees

Maintenance pruning is carried out on mature plants. Its purpose is to ensure growth, increase fruit production and maintain the crown.

Formative is pruning the crown of young plants in order to give it a beautiful and compact appearance, stimulate the formation of fruits and facilitate harvesting. Held until the beginning of May.

Regulatory pruning is carried out together with supporting pruning. It can control the load on the branches during heavy fruiting.

Anti-aging pruning is carried out on old trees. In this way, fruiting can be stimulated.

Restorative pruning is carried out on heavily branched trees, on those that have frozen over the winter or have been damaged by rodents and pests.

Grafting garden trees in spring

It happens that taste qualities the owner is not satisfied with the fruits. There is a way out: you can graft trees with new varieties. It is not necessary to buy a new plant.

Scion preparation

To graft a new variety, cuttings must be taken from young trees: stone fruit crops must be no older than 5 years, and pome crops - 7 years old. The best time The best time to harvest cuttings (scion) is the beginning of winter, since annual growths need to mature and harden. For cuttings, take annual shoots. They carefully inspect and cut them into pieces of 40 - 60 cm and hide them in the snow. Also, cuttings can be prepared in early spring, but provided that the winter was not harsh and frosty.

At what time should vaccination be carried out?

April is the most the right time for grafting, since active sap flow begins in the rootstock. In order for the scion and rootstock to take root well, it is necessary to prevent the scion from entering an active state, so it must be stored in the refrigerator or under the snow until the very last moment. The scion must not be allowed to dry out. During storage, it should be in a bag or wrapped in damp material.

First of all, you need to graft cherries, cherries and plums (stone crops), and then pear and apple trees (pome crops), since the latter begin to flow sap later.

Common methods of vaccination:

  • into the cleft;
  • for the bark;
  • into the side cut.

First you need to trim the skeletal shoots, leaving a trunk length of 40 cm and graft with prepared varieties. The place where the scion and rootstock combine is wrapped with film, and the cutting is lubricated with varnish. This procedure will reduce evaporation by half and prevent the shoot from drying out. After 3 weeks, the film must be removed.


You cannot re-graft a plant in 1 year; the whole process must be extended over 3 years. During regrafting, most of the branches are cut off, so 3 years is the optimal period for establishing correspondence between the roots of the tree and its above-ground part. Re-vaccination should be done from top to bottom. In 1 year the upper part is grafted, in the second - the middle part, and in the third - the lower part. For stone fruit trees, the “split” grafting method is an ineffective method. The survival rate of cuttings in stone fruit crops is 60%, in pome crops – 90%.


Caring for trees and shrubs in spring involves applying fertilizers. You can feed it with organic matter or apply mineral fertilizers.

From organic fertilizers Chicken manure has proven itself well. It must be applied to the soil at tree trunk circle. Apple, plum, pear, quince, cherry, and peach trees are fed with chicken droppings. Organic matter is necessary for the growth and fruiting of apricots and cherries.

For your information!

Fresh chicken manure, not diluted with water, can destroy the roots, so it must be infused in water before use.

Preparing fertilizer

  • For 10 liters of water you will need 1 kg of dry litter.
  • The organic matter is placed in a bucket and 3 liters of water are added.
  • The diluted litter should ferment within 1 - 2 days.
  • Then you need to fill the bucket with water to the top, mix and feed the plants.

If there are no chickens on the farm and there is nowhere to get fresh droppings, you can buy it in dry form. It should be remembered that improper storage of droppings leads to the fact that it turns into ammonia, as evidenced by the acrid and pungent odor.

Trees can be fed with compost or manure. We apply only rotted manure, which, unlike chicken manure, is not diluted in water, but is immediately applied to the soil. You should feed manure not only coniferous trees: cypress, spruce, yew, pine, thuja, but also apple and pear trees.

Protection of plantings of fruit trees and shrubs from spring frosts

During the flowering period of trees and shrubs and during the setting of berries and fruits, low night temperatures cause great damage. It is very difficult to preserve the harvest, but protecting the garden from frost is the main task of the gardener.

Fruit and berry plants shed their buds at a temperature of -4 degrees. An air temperature of -1 degrees damages young, tender ovaries, and a temperature of -2 degrees is destructive for blossoming flowers.

If the garden is located on the shore of a large body of water, a drop in temperature will not harm it. But he, located in open areas, in low places, needs protection.

When planting a garden, you need to take into account that dry and loose soil cools faster than moist soil. Therefore, it is important to choose in advance a place for the future “residence” of trees and shrubs.

The technique of “fumigation (in other words: smoking) of trees.” Reliable way protection from low temperatures. To do this, you need to lay out heaps of garbage throughout the garden: old leaves, wet grass, tree branches, weeds. To prevent rapid combustion, piles of garbage are sprinkled with turf, garden soil, weeds or grass. Combustible material will smolder, producing a lot of smoke. When the sun rises (after 1.5 hours), you can finish smoking.

Smoke bombs. You can buy them in specialized stores. The smoke spreading from smoke bombs envelops trees and shrubs in a layer of paraffin. Plants are protected, since paraffin does not allow low temperature damage swollen buds, flowers and ovaries. Smoke bombs are effective even at temperatures of -4 degrees.

Spraying cold water trees and abundant watering of the soil is also considered effective procedure protection from low temperatures.

Summer residents, who have extensive experience in garden care, place basins and other containers under trees and near bushes and fill them with water. The procedure is labor-intensive, but significant. Once you place the bowls with water, you don’t have to worry about the fruit trees and bushes being damaged.

Protecting your garden from pests

When plants awaken from winter sleep, pests intensify their activity. In early spring When there are no swollen buds, trees and shrubs can be treated with any pesticides.

Spraying is the most effective method for carrying out preventive work and for insect control.

If there wasn't a big insect infestation last year, spraying the trees will suffice Bordeaux mixture, urea or copper sulfate according to the instructions.

To prevent the development of diseases such as scab, cocomycosis, moniliosis, curliness, it is necessary to treat dormant buds with Bordeaux mixture (1 - 2%). Processing should only be carried out at temperatures above 0 degrees.

In case of massive infestation of shrubs by harmful insects, it is recommended to treat with phytoverm or fufanol (20 and 10 ml of product per bucket of water, respectively). "Fitoverm" is a biopesticide that is destroyed within 5 days, fufanol lasts 10 days. During this time, young insects emerge from the larvae and continue to destroy the plantings, so it is necessary to treat the plants 3 times. The drugs are dangerous to human health, but they are not able to penetrate deep into the plants and destroy the pest. For example, in order for the fight against currant bud mite to give positive results, it is necessary to “catch” the moment when pest individuals move from old buds to young ones.

In the spring you can see cracks and wounds on the bark; they need to be treated with 3% copper sulfate and covered with varnish. To prevent fungal diseases, trees are sprayed with urea (5%).

If brownish-red spots with black tubercles appear on trees and shrubs, these are signs of cytosporosis disease. All damaged branches are stripped back to healthy tissue, thin and weak shoots are completely removed.

How to arrange hunting belts?

During bud break, the larvae of aphids, caterpillars of leaf rollers, moths, moths and apple honeybees begin their vigorous life activity. During this period, the apple flower beetle crawls out of its hiding place.

At first they cannot fly, but in search of food they actively climb the bark of trees to young buds and foliage. This can be prevented by placing adhesive (catching) belts on the tree trunk. To make them, take thick paper or soft thin cardboard and generously coat it with glue.

A belt made from loosened cotton wool and attached to wood works well at catching beetles. To protect the cotton wool from getting wet during bad weather, you can attach a film canopy on top of it. Catching belts made of cotton wool are installed on the upper and middle parts of the trunk. If the apple flower beetle has damaged the buds, you will see black dots on them that look like a needle prick.

Lawn care

When the air temperature rises above 5 degrees, grass begins to grow. In the spring, you need to clear the area of ​​debris: old leaves, moss, tree branches. Mechanical cleaning of the lawn is carried out (or you are just planning to lay a lawn, here are articles about preparing the site for it and the planting itself) using a metal fan rake.

If the area has heavy soil, it can be improved by spreading sand over the surface of the lawn. With its help, unevenness will be filled. You do not need to pour pure sand, but along with humus or garden soil. For 2 parts sand you will need 1 part leaf humus or country soil. The embankment should be leveled using the back of the rake.

The main spring work of a gardener - vegetable grower

April is a hot month for summer residents. At this time, spring work in the garden is in full swing. It is necessary to prepare the soil for planting, add complex fertilizer for planting perennial crops, prepare the greenhouse and plant the seedlings.

Preparing the soil for planting

To seeds of cold-resistant crops: cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, beets and lettuce were able to germinate, the soil should warm up to +8 degrees, and heat-loving crops such as pumpkins and cucumbers will need a temperature of +12 degrees.

Often winter does not want to give way to spring and the soil does not warm up for a long time. In this case, it should be warmed up artificially. It is necessary to calculate the sowing time and cover the beds with black plastic or garden material. This way, the soil will warm up faster and moisture will remain in the garden bed. After planting seedlings in warm soil, they will begin to grow faster.

Planting seedlings of flowers and vegetables

Young plants grown at room temperature, before planting in the ground in the garden, they must get used to lower temperatures, so they should be hardened in advance. When the temperature outside is above zero and there is no wind, the boxes with seedlings (read how to grow them correctly) should be taken out into the garden. Sunbathing will only benefit her. In the evening, the boxes are brought into the house, and if night frosts are not expected, they are left outside, but wrapped in film or spandbond.

When growing seedlings in a greenhouse, it is necessary to increase ventilation to harden the young plants. Seedlings should be prepared a couple of weeks before planting in open soil.

Before planting, we remove the seedlings from the abundantly spilled boxes with seedlings along with a lump of earth and plant them in prepared holes in the garden bed. You need to replant in the evening or on a cloudy day. During transplantation, part of the main root is removed and the plant is buried down to the first leaves. New plantings are watered thoroughly and the soil around the plants is compacted once again, being careful not to damage the young leaves.

Vegetable grower's calendar

Works in March

At the beginning of the month you need to start preparing nutrient soil for seedlings, steam it and disinfect it. Soak the seeds (be sure to check them for germination) of eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and sow them for seedlings. Celery also requires planting.

It's time to reconsider the bulbs flowering plants, remove all diseased and dried out ones.

The second decade is suitable for picking and feeding cabbage seedlings.

beds with perennial plants you need to sprinkle it with ash or peat, and cover it with some kind of insulation. This technique will help the plants begin to grow faster.

The third ten days of the month are suitable for picking peppers and tomatoes. After transplanting, they should be fed.

You can start preparing greenhouses for the season, repair them and treat them with disinfectants, and pin down raspberries that have been bent to the ground for the winter.

Works in April

In the first ten days, you need to put the potatoes to sprout.

It's time to sow late varieties cabbage: cauliflower, white and red.

If winter sowing of vegetable seeds was carried out, now is the time to remove the coverings and loosen the soil between the rows.

Do not forget!

Rhubarb and sorrel plantings are fed nitrogen fertilizer, diluting 3 tbsp in a bucket of water. l. urea and adding the resulting mixture between the rows. Compost should be spread around the rhubarb bush and covered with a bucket. The plant will become warmer and it will begin to grow faster, and the petioles will taste more tender.

Works in May

An unpredictable month, the likelihood of frost returning is quite high, so do not rush to plant heat-loving crops into open ground, despite the warm daytime temperature.

At the beginning of the first ten days of May, you can sow parsley, lettuce, nigella onions, dill, radishes, spring garlic, and carrots.

Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and cucumbers can be planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse. You should inspect the perennials, spray the plantings against pests if necessary, feed the plants and mulch the soil around them.

The middle of the month is suitable for planting potatoes.

When all the work has been done, you should prepare the beds for cucumbers, pumpkins, beans, squash, basil and zucchini.

Features of spring sowing of some vegetable crops

To get a high yield, you need to prepare the seeds for planting, select good ones, and throw away the “dummies”. Great care must be taken to ensure proper fit.


When sowing seeds, do not thicken the plantings. In order for the root crops to be juicy and large, the distance between plants/rows should be 5 cm and 15 cm. The crop is demanding of moisture, so it needs daily watering. With a lack of moisture, the radish becomes tough and the stem stretches.


Planting beds need to be changed annually. They can be returned to their previous place only after 4 years. If crop rotation is not adhered to, garlic is more susceptible to disease, yield decreases and shelf life is shortened.


It is preferable to grow through seedlings. The soil for sowing seeds should consist of peat, turf soil and sawdust, respectively 1:1:2.

The bed for planting cucumbers should be prepared in advance. The crop is heat-loving, so the basis of the bed should be fresh manure. Then you should pour fertile soil, make holes and transfer the plants, being careful not to damage the roots. Warmth comes from the manure, which will allow the root system to gain strength and the cucumbers will grow faster.

Vegetable crops require light, warmth and moisture, but the plants need to be watered only with warm water.

A common mistake made by vegetable growers is to thicken the plantings. The distance in the row between plants should be about half a meter, and 60 centimeters between rows.

It is better to sow fresh seeds, as last year’s seeds produce male flowers, which do not produce ovaries.


It is impossible to predict what kind of summer awaits us: hot or cold. But you can experiment with planting watermelons. You just need to grow them seedling method. Replant in a greenhouse or open ground. When the plant grows and produces lashes, they should be shortened, leaving one ovary on the plant. Thus, all the necessary substances will reach the growing fetus, and it will be possible to obtain sweet watermelon. One more nuance. Root system The plant is very vulnerable, so you need to remove weeds carefully, trying not to damage it. Many vegetable growers advise not to pull out weeds with roots, but only to tear them off. It looks untidy, but the harvest is good.


The culture loves good light, so the beds should be located in a bright place. The soil is loose, sandy loam. For root crops to grow, there must be enough space, so after the seeds germinate, you need to thin out the plantings, focusing on the distance between vegetables of 4 cm, between their rows - 15 cm. When they thicken, the root crops turn out ugly and small.


The culture is cold-resistant, so it is not afraid of night frosts. Sow the seeds in well-fertilized soil. When watering plants, you should not get it on the leaves; you need to add it to the roots. When sowing small seeds, they can be mixed with fine sand and buried 1 cm into the soil. There should be a distance of 8 cm between plants, and 15 cm between rows. Over time, the leaves become coarser and become unsuitable for food, so they need to be picked when they are tender. It is better to grow varieties of head lettuce using seedlings.

Beans and peas

Warm-loving crops should be planted in the garden in May. Tall varieties Peas will need a lot of space, so the distance between rows should be 0.5 m. It is recommended to soak the seeds before planting legumes.

Spring work in the garden and vegetable garden requires patience and hard work from the summer resident. If all the work is done in a timely manner, you can provide yourself with a supply of vitamins and the joy of contemplating beauty for the whole year.