Crafts for garden plots from waste materials. We use unnecessary furniture. Our own DIY workshops for the yard

Today, a garden is not only a place for growing various crops and plants, it is, first of all, a real outlet for a city dweller, a cozy environment where you can enjoy nature and get away from the bustle and noise of the city. That's why original ideas more relevant than ever for the garden.

You can turn your garden into real fairy-tale magic with the help of beautiful flower beds, flower beds, mini-ponds and other landscape techniques. We offer you to look at some of the most popular and stunning options.


Interesting site design options can be created using wattle fence. Of course, it is unlikely to replace modern fences, but it will definitely provide the fabulous atmosphere of Gogol and Pushkin times!

Wattle from willow twigs considered the highest quality. However, raspberry bushes also serve excellent material for such a fence. By combining different rods, you can create an unusual range of colors and a relief pattern if you twist rods of different thicknesses.

For decoration and a special mood, the wattle fence can be decorated with cute clay pots.

Flower beds and flower beds

Flower beds are the first place gardeners begin to decorate their garden. When choosing plants, it is imperative to take into account the individual characteristics of each species. The first step is to highlight the soloist flowers, that is, the main plants in the flowerbed.

It is also good to use unusually shaped leaves and ornamental grasses. With them, the flower garden will look original, even at a time when the flowers have not yet bloomed.

It is important to maintain harmony - too many different flowers and plants will look intrusive and create a feeling of chaos in the garden. The flowerbed should be holistic and concise.

Simply beautifully planted flowers are half the battle. Flowerbeds with decorations around them look much more interesting. This bright accent at the end of the composition.

Water beds

Flowerbeds are a special pride for gardeners. Selection of flowers different shades, shapes of petals, height of stems, aroma, density of leaves and flowering periods are only a small part of the design that a gardener uses when forming a flower bed.

New ideas for decoration can be realized with your own hands from scrap materials in the form of all kinds of structures. But not every gardener has original water beds made on their own. Meanwhile, creating such a masterpiece in the garden or dacha is not at all difficult.

The procedure for designing a water flower bed:

  • dig a hole no more than 50 cm deep;
  • lay brick around the perimeter of the flower bed;
  • cover the bottom of the flowerbed with plastic wrap and cover it with a 5 cm layer of sand;
  • Place plants planted in pots in the center: egg capsules, water lilies, nymphaeums;
  • the sand layer at the edges should be 10-15 centimeters thicker, and plants such as chastukha, water iris, and calligraphy are planted in the ground;
  • fill the flowerbed so that the leaves of the plants float on the water surface;
  • Can be used for additional decoration aquatic plants that do not require adhesion to the ground - pistia, duckweed, watercolor, bagel, azolla, eichornia.

If you fill at least half of the entire flowerbed area with plants, the living decor will delight you throughout the season. Additional decorations in the form of cute fairy-tale characters can be used to decorate foam areas around the flowerbed.

Garden paths

The garden paths you create will remain your pride for a long time. River pebbles and bricks can serve as available materials.

Laying out paths should begin with markings. In your dacha or garden plot, your favorite paths are probably already trodden. They are best used for future markings. Try to lay out the path so that the surface is as flat as possible and the width is the same along the entire length.

After leveling, the marked path must be covered with crushed stone, the layer thickness of which is about 10 cm. Compact with a vibrator. Next, pour a special solution onto the prepared area and level it again. The pre-washed pebbles are pressed into the solution in a dense, pre-thought-out pattern. Finally, a brick border is laid.


Rutary – quite unusual way designing a garden plot using original driftwood and tree roots. It is also often called the garden of roots.

If desired, even small area you can create unique magic. Many of us have encountered the most bizarre forms of roots. When you see special specimens, your imagination immediately draws a vivid plot of a fairy tale. Folded with your own hands beautiful compositions from driftwood they create such a rutaria, at the sight of which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off.

Old furniture for decoration

Don’t rush to throw away old furniture - it can serve as a colorful piece of decor in your dacha for many years to come. It is enough just to clear old paint and repaint.

Using car tires in garden decoration

One of the most common materials for garden decor are car tires. From durable and flexible rubber you can create veryaromatic flowerpots, figurines of various animals, a sandbox, children's swings, etc.

Decorations made from plastic bottles

Plastic is an inexpensive and easily accessible material. Experienced gardeners with creative imagination they know a lot of options for its use. Such qualities as flexibility, strength, and durability of plastic allow you to create a variety of sculptures, decorations for flower beds, borders and other interesting compositions from plastic bottles.

Figurines and feeders

A variety of figures give a special charm and atmosphere to the garden. To create them you can use the following Construction Materials like gypsum, polymer clay, etc. Design solutions depend on your imagination.

Cute bird feeders are a great way to attract birds to your yard. They can be made from twigs, a plastic bottle or a tree trunk.

Unusual fence

The best aspect of making a garden plot unique is its fencing. In addition to its protective function, a fence is an eye-catcher business card owners. Simple iron or wooden version– it’s banal. You can decorate the fence in different ways. Several striking examples are shown in the photo.

Children's Corner

When decorating and improving your dacha and garden, you shouldn’t forget about the littlest fidgets. They need to allocate their own territory for entertainment and exciting games.

Arrangement of a recreation area

Outdoor seating area – required condition comfortable pastime at the dacha or in the garden. Here everything will depend on the desires and preferences of the owners. There are a lot of options: gazebos with comfortable furniture, wide swings ( great idea– place a hanging structure in the shade under the trees), hammocks, or just a platform with comfortable chairs and a table.

DIY garden ideas: photos of striking examples

Whatever ideas you may have for decorating your dacha and garden, always remember that a dacha is, first and foremost, a place for relaxation, comfort and privacy. The environment here should be inspiring and pleasing to the eye. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it with creative design solutions - you need to know when to stop everything.

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If you are the happy owners of your own land plot, then you have a great opportunity to decorate your local area and garden the way your heart desires. You, probably, too, like many land owners, want to know what you can do with your own hands for garden decor, because decorative ornaments They are so expensive in the store. In this review we will tell and show all the new items - DIY garden crafts. You can find the materials at hand on your own summer cottage.

Original and stylish products are made from the most unexpected materials

A home area decorated independently always looks more attractive compared to purchased decor.

You can see all the options presented in the photo. The following materials will help you decorate your garden with your own hands:

  • used tires;
  • unnecessary furniture;
  • sections of pipes and fittings;
  • tree stumps different shapes and cut branches;
  • jars, bottles and other utensils;
  • torn shoes;
  • unnecessary Appliances or old transport.

In general, all old things that should not be thrown away will be used.

Choosing a DIY garden design option: photo ideas

Before you start, look at the photos for original DIY decor ideas. The easiest option for decorating your garden area is to make a beautiful stand for flower pots. You can make special pallets from old boxes, car tires, or use plywood to create a beautiful artistic palette for your garden.

A common option is sculptures for the garden. You may find the following information useful:

  • beautiful figures can be made from natural materials– branches and stumps;
  • original sculptures are made of cement or concrete. In this case, the material is poured into a specially prepared mold. Also, reinforcement structures are used for products;
  • You can use wood to build statues of animals, fairy-tale characters, or even castles. They are installed near gazebos, rockeries or rock gardens;
  • Abstract figures are made from reinforcement and wire parts. And if you wrap the reinforcement with mesh, burlap and fill it with soil. Then you will get a three-dimensional product made from plants;
  • an unusual figure - a scarecrow in the garden, which can be made from used clothes and straw. Children really like this character.

Flower locomotive

You can create original little people from logs and branches

A mushroom theme will be appropriate in almost any area

Advice! To create crafts, acrylic paints are used, as well as cold enamel and glass paint. After drying, the surface is varnished.

Crafts from painted stones: photos of original options

Stones make great options DIY garden crafts. We will now demonstrate all the new products.To make original cacti you will need paints, pots, sea stones and stone chips. First, the stones are covered with green paint, and then stripes or dots are applied on top with light paint. When the products are dry, coat them with varnish and place them in pots with pre-filled stone chips.

If there is a reservoir or pond on the site, then you can decorate it with these crafts

Ladybugs and other fun crafts will decorate any area

For fans of fairy tales

To create such crafts you need to be able to draw well.

Related article:

Concrete street flowerpots. Step-by-step manufacturing instructions, types of forms, materials, decoration techniques and many photo examples in a special publication in our online magazine.

Large stones are suitable as garden decoration. They are covered with paint and varnish.Different houses can be depicted on stones of different shapes. Elongated and rounded specimens make magnificent owls. From flat and oval - cars or buses. You can also create snails, frogs, hedgehogs, birds and fish from stones.

Advice! A simple way to apply a design to a stone: use a pencil to draw the contours of the design onto the stone, and then paint it with acrylic paints.

Luxurious DIY flowerbed - extraordinary design

DIY garden decorations can be quite large in shape, there are many original ideas how to create lush and original flower beds.

Advice! Don't forget that children really enjoy participating in the creation of such crafts.

You can use the following options:

  • Alpine slides are built from stones, pieces of brick and stumps. All elements are attached using mortar;
  • All kinds of ponds are suitable for stone structures, which you can make yourself. You will only have to buy a special motor for supplying water;
  • original multi-tiered flower beds can be simply made from branches, tires, basins and plastic bottles;
  • are obtained from old furniture, washbasins, barrels, old boots or ceramic dishes.

Related article:

Photo examples of bright and original flower beds made from car tires, plastic bottles, logs, stones and other waste material in a special material.

If space is limited, you can build hanging flowerpots. They are hung on verandas, trees and in. You can make similar crafts from hats, boots, toys and even old bags.

Helpful information! Ready alpine slide It is recommended to add kefir. In this case, the moss spores will take root well. Moss looks great among floral vegetation.

Stylish animal figurines for the garden

It is impossible to list the options for all new products. DIY garden crafts should be harmoniously combined with the overall style of the garden and. Here are recommendations to help you choose the appropriate type of garden composition:

Figurines of real and fairy-tale animals will decorate any garden plot. A variety of sculptures are made from brushwood, corrugated board, plaster or wood.

Mushroom decor for the garden

You can diversify your local area with the help of DIY country tricks. Photos show original models mushrooms from different materials. Decoration in the form of mushrooms can be easily made from pieces of foam plastic or polyurethane foam. Such figures can be moved to the window in winter. As an option, make mushrooms from concrete mortar. To do this, prepare a solution in proportions as for construction work and fill out the forms. You can use plastic bottles for the stem, and a round basin for the cap. Such figures are painted over or decorated with mosaics.

Using simple decorative elements You can turn your garden or backyard into not only a cozy corner for rest and relaxation, but also a playground for children’s games and active pastime. To do this, just make original garden crafts with your own hands from available materials or hang a rope swing in the garden. A flowerbed made by yourself also looks impressive. Exists a large number of ideas for the garden with which you can transform your garden area. Let's look at some of them.

A self-made flowerbed will be an original decoration for any garden area. A flower garden with edges lined with natural stones . For these purposes you can take cobblestones different sizes, shapes and colors. It is enough to lay them around the perimeter of the future flower bed in several layers. Of such natural materials you can also create a real masterpiece. For example, build a composition of stones of different shapes and sizes, decorated with flowers. In this way you can build a basket, a huge bowl or a flowerpot with a wide neck.

Another interesting idea for the garden is flower beds decorated wooden elements. This option decorative design Suitable when the flower garden has long been broken up and there is no way to change its location. You can update its appearance with the help of a fence constructed from wooden planks or sticks. Alternatively, you can weave a basket of any shape from elastic thin stems or make a compact hut from wooden log houses from which flowers will grow.

A simple flower bed made from an old tire

Another material from which beautiful DIY crafts for the garden are made is old car tires. They can also be used to make a large plant pot. For these purposes, one side of it must be cut so as to form cloves. For such a flowerpot, you can dig a small hole or lay it on a flat surface. Next, fill the interior space with soil and plant flowers. To make it more decorative, the outside of the tire can be painted in any color. Before painting, the tire must be thoroughly washed and degreased. Gasoline is suitable for these purposes.

DIY flowerbed palette

You can decorate the territory of your dacha and garden with your own hands not only with the help of beautiful flower beds or buildings, but also with original accents. For example, you can build an unusual flowerbed-palette. Any owner can make such a decoration.

DIY garden flower bed idea. Photo

In order to create such a flowerbed you will need 8 flowerpots. For these flowerpots, it is necessary to prepare 8 flowerpots into which flowerpots with flowers will be inserted. You can use any flowers for landscaping. In our case, multi-colored petunias. We will also need a shovel and a rake, which will act as “tassels”. As a basis for the palette, you need to prepare a sheet plywood or polystyrene foam. In our case, polystyrene foam will be used.

The procedure for making a flowerbed-palette

On a sheet of polystyrene foam, using a marker or pencil, we draw the boundaries of the palette and mark the places for the holes for the flowerpots. We got 9 pieces. The diameter of the hole depends on the diameter of the flowerpot itself.

Using a hand cutter, we cut out the part along the previously drawn contour.

We strengthen the middle of the palette on the front and back sides using round spacers made of plywood. You can fix them with glue or self-tapping screws. First, we attach the gasket on the wrong side, onto which we attach the stand leg. Then he fixes the face gasket.

We paint the surface of the workpiece with wood-like paint in 2 layers. For these purposes, we took two shades of paint - dark and light.

After the workpiece has dried, it is covered with a layer of varnish on top.

DIY garden figurines

Making unique DIY crafts for the garden from available materials is not at all difficult, especially if you have special skills. The whole family can make such figurines. In this way, you can not only decorate your garden area, but also leave pleasant memories of your childhood in your child’s memory. Handmade garden figurines will be an excellent gift for loved ones.

Step-by-step instructions for making chickens

In order to make a funny chicken, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • pear-shaped pumpkin or plaster;
  • multi-colored paints;
  • polymer clay. You can use it instead salty dough or plaster;
  • hot glue;
  • Matt lacquer.

Thoroughly washed and dried pumpkin cover with the first coat of paint. After the layer has dried, two or three more layers are applied on top. This way you can get a monochromatic coating.

You can use pumpkin instead gypsum. For these purposes, take a bag, pour plaster into it and use ropes to give it the required shape. The ropes must be securely fixed until the plaster dries.

After the last layer of paint has dried, it is necessary to a simple pencil draw the outlines of the future ornament.

To form the chicken's head, use polymer clay. You can also use gypsum or salt dough for these purposes. We sculpt the comb, beak and beard. We fix the resulting parts with hot glue to the chicken’s head.

Using black and white acrylic paint he paints the eyes. To do this, you must first put a black dot, and then add a dot of white paint to it.

To secure the painting garden figurine chickens must be varnished. For these purposes, it is better to choose poppy varnish.

Making hedgehog figurines

To decorate your garden area, you can use original figurines of hedgehogs made from scrap materials. Hedgehogs made from plastic bottles wrapped in hemp ropes look impressive. In order for the ropes to hold, they must be fixed with glue or staples. Eyes and nose can be painted black acrylic paint. You can also make a spout from a bottle cap or polymer clay. I plant grass as “thorns”.

A hedgehog figurine can be made from plaster. The manufacturing process is the same as for chicken. For production you can also use cones, rowan, plastic bottles, corks, Christmas tree branches and various flowers.

DIY peacock made from plastic bottles

No less effective on personal plot looks like a peacock made from plastic bottles.

To make a peacock you will need the following materials:

  • a large number of plastic multi-colored bottles;
  • scissors;
  • multi-colored electrical tape;
  • wide tape;
  • synthetic foam;
  • plastic;
  • glue gun;
  • abrasive mesh;
  • plastic pipes.

Step-by-step instructions for making a peacock

We cut out parts of different sizes from plastic bottles, which will later become feathers. The resulting parts must be cut along the edges to create a fringe. This will create an imitation of feathers.

We cut out the body from synthetic foam. We seal the joints with transparent wide tape.

We attach two to the body plastic pipes which will be the legs.

DIY garden ideas. Photo

Cut out a triangular piece from a red bottle and roll it into a cone shape. This will be the peacock's beak. We fix it on the head.

We cover the body of the figure with pre-cut feathers from multi-colored plastic bottles. For fastening we use glue gun with silicone rod. There should be short feathers on the breast and longer feathers on the back.

For the tuft we will need thin strips cut out of plastic, which are attached to the top of the head.

For the feathering of the head you will need oval-shaped blanks.

We draw eyes acrylic paint.

Cut out the “feathers” for the tail. The length of one “feather” should be approximately 20-30 cm on average. To do this, a long oval is cut out and folded in the middle with the fringe up.

The frame for the tail will be abrasive mesh, on which the “feathers” will be attached. It is recommended to fasten them in a scaly order from bottom to top.

To decorate the tail from multi-colored electrical tape Ovals of different sizes are cut out and glued on top of each other, imitating the color of a peacock. Glue this decoration onto the edge of the feather.

We cut out the legs from the top of the bottle and “put on” their pipes, which are the “legs” of the craft.

Garden ideas. DIY peacock: video

Beautiful paths in the garden with your own hands

Garden paths play an important role in landscape design. They perform not only a practical role, but also a decorative one. Make these beautiful paths in the garden with your own hands is not particularly difficult. Let's consider several design options:

The garden path can be bordered discount or mixborderer. For discounts, annuals are planted in a dense planting. Plants of different heights and configurations are suitable for mixborders. Perennials are considered more suitable for these purposes.

Regardless of the type of garden path chosen, it must be protected from Wastewater . For these purposes, it is recommended to build them above ground level or a nearby flower bed. Paths with a solid base are laid on a bed of gravel or sand.

Look impressive flowers, which are located not only along the edges of the path, but also along it itself. To bring this idea to life, it is necessary to make the path not continuous, but with step slabs or stones sunk into the ground. When designing a path of such a plan, it is necessary to think about the order of flowering of the plants located around it. It is advisable to plant plants that will combine with each other not only color scheme, but also in the order of flowering throughout the warm period.

Garden paths should also carry out zoning of the site on functional areas . When designing paths, it is necessary to correctly calculate their width and think through stylistic design with the help of flowers.

Garden paths also look good among plants. The main thing is that the plants have a beautiful configuration or have an unusual leaf shape. No less impressive are paths decorated with plants of the same species, but which differ in color.

Garden tire swing in the garden

DIY garden ideas. Photo

Before fixing fasteners, tire wash thoroughly outside and inside using a cleaning agent.

Once the tire is dry, you can paint it any color and leave it to dry.

To attach a rope or chain, you can take U-bolts. Three pieces of medium diameter will be enough.

Using a drill, drill 6 holes for fixing (2 each at the same distance from each other).

For fastening it is necessary to place the bolts in drilled holes and fix them from the inside with washers.

Attach a rope or chain to each bolt on the tire.

You can attach the swing to a metal crossbar or to a tree branch using one or two fasteners.

Rope swing in the garden

Garden swing can also be done using boards and strong ropes. The thickness of the board should be on average 15-20 mm. Such swings can be hung either on a tree or on a frame specially made for this purpose. To make such a swing you will need the following materials and tools:

  • board;
  • strong rope;
  • jigsaw, saw or hacksaw;
  • paint or varnish.

Landscaping kindergarten always relevant. The administration of the institution and parents are trying to create as much comfortable conditions for children, so they arrange playgrounds various structures and crafts. There are many ways to decorate the area where children play on your own. This is what we will talk about.

Do-it-yourself crafts for a kindergarten plot are made from simple materials, which can be found in the garage, in the country house or in the attic. Using available tools you can create amazing decor, which will transform the children's corner.

The work begins with choosing a place with an even and clean surface. After this, you can decorate the area with your own crafts, but first you need to make them. For decoration, the following are most often used:

  • plastic bottles;
  • stones;
  • cans;
  • old car tires and other unnecessary things.

Let's look at what crafts for the kindergarten playground you can make with your own hands from plastic containers.


Regardless of the time of year, cheerful penguins will delight children. Such animals can also be placed on a summer cottage. We'll tell you how to make them. To get started, prepare the following materials:

  • plastic containers of any volume;
  • scissors;
  • acrylic paints.

As you can see, such figures do not require large expenses. So let's get started. Below are instructions for making penguins. Look at it carefully.

Watch a master class on making penguins.

"Living" stones
You can decorate the territory of a children's playground with “living” stones.

Such decorative elements will decorate the territory of the kindergarten. They are quite simple to perform. You need to find several large smooth stones and decorate them. All you need here is your imagination and desire to create. Pay attention to the diagram.

To work you will need:

  • smooth pebbles;
  • brush;
  • eraser;
  • a simple pencil;
  • acrylic paints;
  • clear nail polish.

Step 1. Wash the stones from dust and dirt and let them dry.

Step 2. Draw a sketch of the future design on the surface of the stone with a pencil.

Step 3. Color it as shown in the diagram.

Children will not only enjoy coloring the pebbles, but will also play with them.

It is desirable that the pattern matches the color of the stone surface. Images with a black outline in an abstract style are interesting.

Step 4. After complete drying, apply a clear varnish to prevent the paint from rubbing off.

If you have artistic talent, you can apply a more complex design, for example, a snake.

Or a turtle.

It won't be easy to draw a rabbit.

Pay attention to the drawing diagram.

These are the “living” pebbles.

DIY crafts on the kindergarten site from a car tire and a log

Let's try to make this cute giraffe. For work, prepare:

  • long and short log;
  • car tire;
  • watering can;
  • nails and hammer;
  • plastic container;
  • a piece of black rubber and bottle caps.

Step 1. Dig a shallow hole in the ground, place the tire there and bury it so that it stands securely.

Step 2. The long log will be the neck, and the short log will be the muzzle. Connect these parts with the letter “L” using a nail. Determine the size of the giraffe yourself.

Step 3. Place the finished structure next to the tire and dig it in.

Step 4. From plastic container cut out the ears and attach to the muzzle.

Step 5. Then attach the lids of the containers to the muzzle, and glue a piece of black rubber on top - these will be the eyes. You can draw them with a marker.

Step 6. Cut off the spout of the watering can and fix it in the back of the tire - this will be the tail.

Step 7: Color the giraffe as shown in the picture.

You can make several of these animals and place them throughout the kindergarten. Children can sit comfortably on the tire and hold on to the animal's neck. The zebra crossing is done in the same way.

You can create an entire savannah on the playground.


We propose to create these crafts for the site with your own hands for kindergarten. These beautiful snow-white swans will become a real decoration of the territory. They look especially beautiful by the pool.

There are swan crafts that serve as flowerpots. You can pour soil there and plant flowers.

So let's get started.

Step 1. On the bald tire, mark the cut lines with chalk.

Step 2. Cut in a circle and bend the rings so that they look like wings. Pay attention to the picture.

Step 3. To hold the shape of the neck and chest, use a stainless plate, bending it similar to the shape of the body parts.

Step 4. Using screws, attach the plate to the rubber.

Step 5. Draw the shape of the eyes on a piece of rubber and cut them out, then attach them to the bird's head with screws.

Step 6: Apply water-based paint for the entire structure, paint the beak red.

Step 7. Paint whole tires blue so that they resemble water, place a swan there and fix it.

We invite you to watch a video that shows in more detail how to make a swan with your own hands.

Useful tips

Made from plastic bottles, stones, old tires and other seemingly unnecessary items can be made a huge number of things.

DIY crafts can be used for home or garden decorations, and also to give as a gift to a loved one.

Kids will love it too participate in the production of colorful and original crafts, especially if these are crafts for themselves.

Children's crafts from plastic bottles

Whether it's summer or winter, cute toy animals will always delight children.

In this master class you can learn how to make penguin crafts using plastic bottles.

You will need:

Clean plastic bottles (any size)

Acrylic paints


Below is a diagram to follow to make penguins:

Kindergarten DIY crafts. Living stones.

It can get very creative and useful decor any garden or vegetable garden. You just need to find a few simple stones and, with the help of paint and imagination, get started.

It will be easier if you use smooth stones. But in the end, it all depends on the design and pattern you are going to apply.

Here are some simple examples - little animals, bugs, fish.

Children will not only find it interesting to color, but also to play with such pebbles in the garden.

In addition, such painted stones can be used to decorate the interior and exterior.

You will need:


Acrylic paints

Clear varnish

Simple pencil

1. Prepare the stone, wash it and let it dry.

2. Using a pencil, draw the desired design on the stone.

3. Start coloring with gouache.

* It’s good if the color of the stone matches your drawing. Drawings with a black outline turn out very well.

* When the paint dries, you need to coat the stone with colorless varnish, thereby the paint will not be erased.

You can make something more complicated, for example a snake and a turtle.

An even more complex option is the image of a rabbit.

Children's paper crafts. A whole paper platform.

This kind of craft is very easy to make.

You will need:

Colored paper


Glue (glue stick)

You need to cut out strips, squares, etc. from colored paper. and make swings, slides, ladders, tables, paths and much more.

Everything is limited by your imagination - create what you want and build the site you dream about.

Crafts for the playground. Giraffe made from a tire and a log.

A very cute giraffe can be made for a playground or kindergarten.

You will need:

Old tire

2 logs (short and long)

Plastic bottle.

Eyes from an old toy

Watering can (for tail)

1. Bury the tire halfway.

2. Make a muzzle from a short log and connect it in the shape of the letter L with a long log using nails. The body of the giraffe in the image is about 1 meter long, and the head is 25-30 cm.

3. Dig in a long log next to the tire (see picture).

4. Prepare a plastic bottle and use it to make ears for the giraffe. Next, attach these ears with glue or nails to the muzzle.

5. Animal eyes can be made from plastic bottle caps. Glue eyes from an old toy onto each lid (or you can draw them with a marker).

6. You will need the spout of a watering can to make a giraffe's tail.

7. All that remains is to paint the craft so that it looks like a giraffe.

Crafts for kindergarten. Zebra made of tires and logs.

Just like a giraffe, you can make a zebra, and the African savannah will be filled with another animal.

You will need:

1 tire

2 logs

Eyes from an old toy

Plastic bottle

1. First dig the tire in halfway.

2. Make a muzzle and neck from logs. The body of the craft in the image is about 70 cm long, and the head is 25-30 cm.

3. Dig in a log next to the tire.

4. Make ears from a plastic bottle and attach them to the muzzle.

5. You can make eyes from plastic bottle caps or use parts from an old toy.

6. Make a tail from the spout of the watering can, and insert a brush made from an old tire inside.

7. The nose can be made using thick rubber.

8. All that remains is to color the craft.

Children's craft from a plastic bottle

Using plastic bottles you can make many beautiful and sometimes even useful crafts.

Take, for example, this outlet for every little thing. It’s not difficult to make, but it will be useful for a little fashionista who can store jewelry, brushes and pencils in it.

This craft can also be used as a flower vase.

1. Prepare a bottle and use a utility knife to cut off its top part.

2. Using scissors, cut thin strips of the same width on the bottle (to the middle).

3. Now the strips need to be folded. Do this so that they are perpendicular to the bottle.

5. All that remains is to design the outlet.

Children's crafts from bottles

A lot of interesting crafts for the home, garden and vegetable garden can be found in our articles.