How to divide a room into two zones. How to divide a room into zones: mobile partitions, screens, racks, curtains

In conditions modern apartments People too often have to combine several functions in one room at once. For example, a bedroom can serve as a place for relaxation, an office and a wardrobe at the same time. Therefore, many people are concerned about the question of how to correctly divide a room into two zones so that it is both convenient and beautiful.

Image 1. Scheme of a plasterboard partition.

Numerous publications dedicated to interior design and similar television programs often talk about fashionable ways of zoning a room. But often it is about large bedrooms. How to divide a room if its area does not exceed 10 m2? If you approach this issue creatively and first draw up a redevelopment plan, then this task becomes completely solvable.

Techniques to help divide a room into zones

In order to divide a room into 2 zones, you can use the following techniques:

  • zoning using stationary partitions (for example, plasterboard);
  • the use of sliding or mobile partitions (screens, curtains);
  • separation using furniture;
  • visual zoning.

Before dividing a room into two zones, be sure to draw up a rough diagram of the future appearance premises. Think about where the TV will be located or dressing table. And only after that choose a zoning option. Because each of the above methods has its pros and cons.

Image 2. To visually divide the room, you can use a short partition or a small arch.

Stationary walls, even incomplete ones (blocking part of the room) clutter the room and make it smaller. Even a thin partition “eats up” space. In addition, such solutions reduce natural light in the bedroom. Because they prevent light from the window from entering the fenced off area.

The second of the above methods is much more popular. The use of screens or curtains does not require overhaul bedrooms. In addition, the design of the room can always be refreshed if you change the design of the partition itself. But many people are annoyed by curtains that have to be pulled back several times a day in order to move from one part of the room to another. And an unfolded screen, dividing the room into zones, takes up less space than a full-fledged partition.

The easiest way to divide a room is with furniture. For example, a bookcase. But this technique fully has the disadvantages of the first two methods. In addition, a closet can take up much more space than a full wall. On the other hand, such a technique will always allow you to change the layout of your bedroom at no cost if you are not satisfied with the previous one or are simply tired of it.

Experts believe that it is best to divide the room into 2 zones using visual aids. For example, by decorating the part that is allocated directly to the bedroom in one style, and the office in another. For the same purposes, you can use multi-level ceilings or floors. But in order to bring such a decision to life, you need to have extraordinary taste, certain construction skills and a considerable amount of money.

Zoning using a stationary partition

Image 3. To divide a room, you can use a bookcase made of thin slats.

If you have a large bedroom with two windows, then you can afford to divide the room into 2 zones using a stationary partition. This results in two spaces completely isolated from each other (two new rooms). It is also possible to visually partition the bedroom, separating one part of it from another. To do this, incomplete walls are erected that do not reach the ceiling or the opposite wall. An example of such a solution is shown in Fig. 1.

It is not necessary to build a wall of brick, wood or plasterboard. You can use, for example, glass or polyurethane blocks. Such a partition will serve additional element bedroom decor. And skillfully selected lighting will solve the problem of lack natural light.

Before dividing a room into two zones, think about what exactly you want to put in one area or another.

Sometimes it is quite possible to erect a stationary partition in a bedroom with one window. For example, natural light is not needed in a wardrobe or office where you work only in the evenings. Several lamps located at different levels are enough.

You can visually expand a partitioned off room with the help of narrow but tall mirrors. This technique looks especially impressive if the mirror surface reflects point light. Try placing a fresco, a large painting or photo wallpaper on one of the walls, which depicts, for example, a balcony overlooking the garden. This technique can also “add” space.

How to divide a room into a parents' bedroom and a children's bedroom

The problem of zoning the bedroom into “children’s” and “parental” zones can be solved using different designs. An example of such a solution is shown in the image. 2.

If you decide to use this technique, then remember a few simple rules:

Image 4. Screens made of light natural fabrics perfectly transmit light and air, and do not visually make the room smaller.

  1. Just one small one will help to visually divide the room. architectural element. It can be a semi-arch, a small stand or a low and short partition. A two-level ceiling will look no less impressive. The main thing is that the boundary between the zones is clearly visible.
  2. Try to design both zones into one color scheme. Contrasting solutions, of course, look very stylish. But not every person can think through such an interior on their own.
  3. Combine the zones with an element that combines both styles used. It could be a single floor covering, a design of one of the walls that “fits” into both designs, or a large ceiling chandelier.

In any case, use neutral, calm tones for both the children's and adult areas. Remember that not only you, but also your child will live in this room. For the same reason, you should not overload the bedroom with “childish” elements. A funny night light and one picture above the baby’s crib will be enough.

Zoning the bedroom and office

You can divide a room into two independent parts using furniture. This zoning is especially relevant in a room belonging to a teenager. Because he needs two separate zones: a place to relax and work. The easiest way to do this is with a bookshelf. But you need to choose it wisely.

You should pay attention to lightweight structures consisting of slats or thin tubes. For example, such as shown in the image. 3.

The shelves of the rack should be high. This is necessary so that books do not completely clutter them, allowing access to sunlight from the window. It is wiser to place some trinkets on the shelf at approximately the level of the chest of a standing person: a collection of figurines, sports awards, souvenirs. And it is best to move heavy and bulky volumes downwards.

In order to work zone looked more comfortable, you shouldn’t fence off just the computer or desk. Otherwise, this part of the room will resemble a corral. Place a chair, floor lamp or small corner sofa. Remove the TV from the bedroom area and create a place in the “office” for relaxing and watching programs. This technique will make the room more comfortable and discipline the owner of the bedroom.

Not only bookshelves are used as partitions. A large stand for the same TV is suitable for this. And if the room belongs to a girl, then it can be zoned with a dressing table with large mirror. You can complete the decor using curtains.

Zoning premises using mobile partitions

The easiest way is to divide a room into 2 zones using mobile partitions. These include screens and various types of curtains. For example, such as those shown in the image. 4.

If you prefer to zone the room in this way, then follow these tips:

  1. Use light, translucent fabrics. They allow light and air to pass through and do not make the room visually smaller.
  2. Be sure to repeat the pattern on the curtain or screen in other details of the bedroom decor. From the same or similar fabric you can sew pillowcases for sofa cushions, bedspreads for chairs or repeat the ornament in an element of wall decor. But it’s not worth making a dividing curtain and curtains for the windows from the same material. Such a solution will only “overload” the space.
  3. Give preference to natural fabrics. They are easier to care for, they do not become electrified and do not attract dust.
  4. Provide the opportunity to move the curtain to the side and remove the screen. Stationary partitions, even the lightest ones, sometimes get in the way.
  5. You should not use hanging curtains in the bedroom. Their knocking can interfere with proper rest.

But no matter how you decide to divide the room, remember that the bedroom should be cozy. Therefore, do not get carried away with fashionable solutions, but choose a design taking into account your taste.

Most people, one way or another, face the problem of a lack of living space in their apartment. In this regard, the same rooms have to be used for different functions and most often, apartment owners combine a bedroom and a living room in one of the rooms.

Living room and bedroom in one room

If the apartment does not have a large number of rooms, then the most important thing is to correctly delimit the available space. There are many design options for a bedroom-living room, the simplest of which is the so-called dissolution of one zone into another.

Interior design of living room with bedroom

In this case, a folding sofa is installed in the room, which plays the role of sleeping place, and during the day it turns into a place to relax and even receive guests. This creates certain inconveniences for all people living in the apartment, since, firstly, it is uncomfortable to sleep on the sofa, and, secondly, the procedure for assembling and disassembling the sofa every morning and evening can be quite tedious.

Photo: living room and bedroom in one room

If dimensions allow, then the best option will be the zoning of the room space. This makes it possible to combine a bedroom and a living room in one room, while creating a cozy and harmonious space for all family members.

In this case, the room is divided into two main zones: private and public. In the living room area you can also allocate space for a mini-office for working on a computer.

There is no need to be afraid that one of the zones may turn out smaller than the other. For creating cozy bedroom Four to five meters of area will be enough. The rest of the space can be allocated to the living room.

It is advisable to equip the sleeping area near the window and away from the door. This half of the room should not be a passageway, because this is where family members will spend their night hours. The active zone in the room will be the living room, where you can meet with friends, sit in front of the TV or monitor.

The zones should be located among themselves so that family members can relax and have fun at their own discretion, without interfering with each other.

Methods of dividing into zones

There are many ways to zone space in a room.

Partition or semi-partition. This is the most common type of division into zones. It can be made of plasterboard, translucent plastic, tinted, stained or frosted glass.

The partition should not be monumental; the main task is to separate different zones from each other. If the room area is large, then you can install a plasterboard partition. For a small room, this option will not work, as the room will become even cramped.

A partition made of plastic or glass will make the room lighter aerial view. To prevent the room from looking like an aquarium, it is advisable to choose something that is not transparent, but frosted glass. Now you can choose stained glass, glass with tinting or sandblasted stains.

Sliding doors. This is a great way of radical zoning. These doors are ordered to order in specific sizes.

The upside is that the doors can be closed or left open, temporarily unifying the space when needed. If the doors are made of glass, they will not clutter up the space and will create the necessary lightness.

Shelving and cabinets. One of the most popular ways of zoning space in the bedroom-living room. This method will allow you to quickly and easily zone the space, and also provide the necessary space for storing things.

Cabinets should not be too large and bulky; it is best to use shelving structures and cabinets with mirrored doors so as not to clutter up the space.

Currently, designers use such interesting solutions, like an aquarium or a sliding plasma panel. Even an ordinary chest of drawers will help to divide a room into zones.

Curtains. If there is no possibility or desire to install a stationary partition, you can use this option for dividing the space as. They can be fabric, bamboo, or made from beads or mirror plates.

Curtains will allow you to separate the bedroom from the active area, but will not clutter up the space of the room. This is especially important if the room is small.

When using curtains for a partition, designers advise choosing fabric of the same shade as on the windows. In this case there will be no dissonance.

If it is not possible to partition the room in one way or another, the bedroom and living room areas can still be separated. For this, a combination of room decoration is used, or covering the sleeping area. The base of the podium can be used for storing things if you add drawers into its design - this will save space.

Bed in a room on a podium

Zoning of the premises is also carried out using color. Since the bedroom is intended for rest and relaxation, it is best to paste this area with wallpaper in calm, warm colors, while bright, rich colors are suitable for the living room.

For those who are afraid of too obvious a contrast between the two zones, designers advise decorating the bedroom and living room in the same color, but in different shades.

This question most often arises among owners one-room apartments, or if the owners have very spacious premises with a large area at their disposal.

Dividing a room into zones is not difficult at all. The main thing in this process is to make the correct calculation. So, for example, in a high-rise apartment it is unacceptable to install permanent partitions made of heavy building material, such as brick, without approval, since the interfloor ceilings are designed for a certain weight. If the permissible load is exceeded, damage in the form of cracks may appear in the structure of the building, which is fraught with further destruction. Therefore, if the owner decides to use a material that has a significant mass for the construction of a partition, it is necessary first of all to obtain a special permit for this, which is based on calculations for each specific building project.

As for private one-story houses, then no problems will arise, and the partition can be installed from any material. The only thing that needs to be observed is the construction of the correct structure, suitable for specific conditions. For example, if a house has a plank floor, it is unlikely to withstand the brickwork of a dividing wall installed on its surface. In this case, you will have to work hard and build your own foundation for it in the underground soil.

Partitions are the walls that divide a room. They can be of several types:

  • A solid partition that completely covers the space of the room and turns one room into two. This type is in demand most often, as it makes it possible to separate a bedroom, children's room or, for example, a bathroom.

A solid partition turns one room into two

  • A decorative stationary partition that only divides a room into two zones, but does not create a soundproof barrier between them. This type of interior element is used to separate the hallway from the room, the kitchen from the dining room, or to maintain a certain style of room decoration.

  • A mobile partition is a screen that can be moved to any area of ​​the room to separate it visually, but is unable to make it sound and lightproof. A screen is most often used to cover the changing area, the bed - from morning direct sunlight (that is, to create shade), as well as decorative element interior

  • A stationary sliding partition, in the form of a glass or wooden door that runs on a rail. If in this embodiment they are used for its manufacture quality materials and the structure is installed correctly, then they are quite capable of even partially soundproof fenced off area of ​​the room. This type of partition is used for any needs and in various interiors, as it can have a variety of designs.

Partition material

For the construction of a stationary partition can be used various materials, and you must learn about their main characteristics, “pros” and “cons” in advance.

Table: comparative characteristics partitions made of various materials

MaterialPartition thickness in mmRelease form and material size in mmStructure weight, kg/m²Sound insulation index, dB
Ceramic brick120 mm (half brick)120x250x65267 40-45
Sand-lime brick120 mm (half brick)120x250x65330 45
Foam concrete blocks100 200x250x6074 40
Gypsum boards100 500x300x10092 40-45
Drywall in one layer on a wooden frame85 1200 x250030-40 35
Single layer plasterboard on a metal profile frame100 1200 x250021,5 40
Glass blocks100 150 x150 x10065-75 45
Sliding glass, wood, aluminumDepends on designDepends on the size of the partition6-20 Depending on the material


Drywall is produced in sheets, which, when installing a partition, are mounted on a frame made of galvanized metal profile. To create maximum sound insulation, blocks of one of the heat and sound insulating materials are often placed between the plasterboard sheets in the frame - this can be expanded polystyrene or one of the most environmentally friendly types of mineral wool.

An extremely popular building material these days is plasterboard.

Drywall is available in four types, so when purchasing it, you need to pay attention to the markings and colors Special attention. For example, if the partition will be installed in a room with high humidity, then you need to choose a moisture-resistant material that, usually, has an outer coating painted green. Other types of material are less moisture resistant and are perfect for living rooms.

  • The positive qualities of this material can rightly be called:

- ability to create indoors optimal microclimate, since it “neutralizes” excessive humidity, and does not allow the air to dry out;

- properties such as good sound and thermal insulation;

- types of gypsum board and gypsum board have increased fire resistance, so they can be used to cover a partition that will be located behind the fireplace or stove;

— the relative lightness of the material allows you to install a partition in a room with any floor and on any floor;

— drywall is easy to process; it can be cut with a construction knife or a hand saw.

  • Drywall also has its disadvantages:

- ordinary, non-moisture resistant drywall cannot be installed in damp rooms, as it absorbs moisture well and may begin to deteriorate over time;

— GKL is susceptible to damage under accentuated mechanical influences — it easily breaks through from an impact or when a heavy piece of furniture falls on the wall;

— sheets of plasterboard are not able to support brackets with pictures or shelves hung on them. If the object is not too heavy and weighs no more than 10-12 kg, then the brackets for it can be screwed in those places where metal or wooden racks and crossbars are installed.


A partition made of this material is usually laid out in half a brick on concrete mortar. It is for dividing one room into two or into separate zones that hollow bricks are used, since they have a lower weight. Like any building material, brick, when used for a partition, has its pros and cons, and it is especially important to know them if the construction is carried out in an apartment in a multi-story building.

A brick partition is not always possible, and folding it is quite difficult

  • Its advantages include the following:

- a fairly high sound insulation index, which is 42 ÷ 47 decibels, if the thickness of the wall together with the plaster applied to it on both sides is about 140 ÷ 145 mm;

- brick has high moisture resistance, but in the case of using this material to construct partitions in rooms with high humidity, for example, in the bathroom, a solid version should be used so that condensation does not accumulate in the cavities;

- a brick partition is durable if covered with a protective layer of plaster or other finishing material;

— brick has excellent fire resistance.

- large weight of the material, so a square meter of masonry in half a brick ranges from 265 to 280 kg;

— duration of work on the construction of the wall;

— quite high complexity of masonry and the need for at least minimal experience in such work;

- mandatory plastering before decorative finishing.

Foam concrete blocks

Foam concrete blocks are made by foaming concrete, so the material has a porous structure, which directly affects the formation of its performance qualities. The blocks are laid on gypsum glue or per solution per concrete base.

  • The “advantages” of foam concrete blocks are:

- high noise insulation coefficient, which is 37 ÷ 40 decibels, with standard thickness blocks of 60 mm, and 44 ÷ 46 decibels - at 125 mm;

— porous structure provides good thermal insulation rooms, thanks to the air in the pores. Thus, the thermal conductivity coefficient of foam blocks is only 0.14 W/m×°C;

— speed and ease of installation, subject to certain rules for masonry;

— good fire resistance;

  • The disadvantages of the material include:

- big enough with withstandard block, which is 18 kg, which requires some effort when lifting it to a height;

— low air permeability of the porous structure;

- hygroscopicity of the material.

Gypsum blocks

Gypsum boards usually have ridges and grooves, which facilitates their installation. The laying is carried out using glue, also made on a gypsum basis. The slabs are produced in two sizes: 600×500×100 and 500×300×100 mm, which allows you to install a partition 5 ÷ 7 times faster than when laying bricks.

Advantages of gypsum boards (GGP):

— speed of installation;

- a partition made of PGP will weigh 3.5 ÷ 4 times less than a similar one made of brick;

— non-flammability of the material - full compliance with fire safety standards;

— the sound insulation coefficient is 40 ÷ 41 decibels for single masonry, and 55 ÷ 60 for double masonry;

— when applied on top of the finishing material, the slabs are quite waterproof and durable, not susceptible to the formation of colonies of fungus or mold;

— PGP are easy to process - they are easy to saw, so you can easily make grooves for electrical wiring or water pipes;

— neat masonry will not even require plastering before applying decorative finishing.

  • The disadvantages of partitions made of gypsum boards include their following qualities:

— their rather large size makes it difficult to lift them to a height;

- they are not capable of supporting suspended structures weighing 30 kilograms or more, so the brackets must be installed using dowels or anchors.

Glass blocks

Glass blocks are most often square products, and sometimes - rectangular shape made of thick glass 6 ÷ 7 mm thick, having a hermetically sealed cavity inside, obtained by connecting two half-blocks. Glass blocks are a kind of double-glazed windows, and just like them, the air inside contributes to heat and sound insulation.

A very interesting interior solution - a partition made of glass blocks

Blocks can have a smooth and embossed surface, different colour, as well as be plain or have a decorative pattern.

Glass blocks have different thicknesses, ranging from 75 to 100 mm, and the weight of each of them is 2.5 ÷ 4.5 kg.

Standard size modern material is 150 × 150 × 100; 190 × 190 × 80; 240 × 240 × 80 mm.

Except standard sizes, corner or triangular blocks are produced to decorate the side parts, columns and corners of partitions of various shapes.

  • Glass blocks have the following positive characteristics, which are important for a solid partition:

good warmth— and soundproofing of a separate room;

— high fire resistance of the material;

- excellent light transmittance, which is very important if there are no windows in the separated room;

— after installing glass blocks, the partition does not require additional finishing;

- thanks to the thickness of the glass and the correctly assembled structure, the partition will be quite reliable, it is not without reason that not only partitions inside rooms are raised from this material, but also external ones, mainly façade walls;

- durability and ease of care - they just need to be wiped periodically to remove dust with a damp cloth;

— partitions made of glass blocks can become a real decoration of the interior and make it original;

— the material is moisture resistant, so it can be used in rooms with any humidity.

  • The disadvantage of glass blocks is obvious - they do not like mechanical shock. In addition, it is very problematic to hang anything on such a partition.

Sliding partitions

Sliding partitions are made from the most different materials- it can be aluminum, plastic, wood, laminated chipboard or MDF panels. They can be glazed or solid, that is, completely made of one material or another. Most often they are not made independently, since ready-made models can be purchased or ordered according to your needs sizes in specialized companies that guarantee the reliability of the design and perfect appearance.

Sliding partitions differ in their design into rail and suspended.

The first of them go by rail, by type compartment doors, and the second ones move along established at the top of the structure beam - guide.

Accordion partition

Another partition design is so-called“accordion”, which folds, opening the entire space between two rooms. When such a partition is folded, it ends up near one of the walls and takes up almost no space. This type is well suited for apartments with a small area, when there is a need to either combine or separate two rooms.

  • The “advantages” of sliding partitions include the following qualities:

- the ability to create a separate space, for example, for daytime rest or night sleep, and combine two areas for receiving guests;

— a sliding partition can become a “highlight” of the interior if its design is chosen correctly;

- upon purchasing a set of ready-made partition system, all that remains is to install it according to the attached diagram - instructions.

The “disadvantage” of this system is the insufficient sound insulation of the premises, since the partition is stationary, but not permanent. And secondly, the design mechanism requires periodic maintenance - cleaning, lubrication, etc.

Installation of partitions

After familiarizing yourself with what materials for the construction of interior partitions are, and with the main types of structures, you can move on to considering the technology of their construction. Like any construction, installation interior partition starts with marking.

Marking the area of ​​the room

Marking the site can rightfully be called one of the main stages in installing a partition, since the evenness of the wall being built will depend on the correct implementation of this operation.

For this process you can use special device- a laser level that can immediately mark the exact marking lines on the floor, ceiling and wall, along which the partition will be built. However, it should be noted that this device is quite expensive in price, and because of one partition it is hardly advisable to buy it. Therefore, it will have to cost more available tools to mark the desired baselines.

So, you will need the following construction supplies: a tape measure, a long ruler (for example, an aluminum rule), a folding meter, a square, a plumb line, a marked marking cord (dyed twine), a marker or a colored pencil with a thick lead.

Having prepared the tools, you can proceed to marking.

  • The first thing that needs to be determined is the area of ​​the separated zone. To do this, measure the required length or width from the corner of the room at the junction of the wall and floor. The marked point will be the guideline for drawing the remaining lines on the walls, floor and ceiling.
  • If the partition is installed across the entire width of the room, then the same distance is also marked on the opposite wall at its junction with the floor. Next, these points will need to be connected, but before doing this, it is necessary to measure the angles, since they all must be straight. This can be easily done by measuring and comparing the diagonals of the resulting rectangle - they should be equal.
  • The next step is to connect the points marked on opposite sides of the room. To do this, you need to take colored twine, stretch it between the points and mark a line on the floor.

  • Next, the vertical lines on the walls are determined. To do this, it is best to use a plumb line - mark a current at the junction of the ceiling and wall so that a strictly vertical line coincides with the corresponding point on the floor. In this case, the load should be near the floor surface, but not touch it. Using a string hanging vertically, a straight line is determined and marked on the wall with strokes, which can then be double-checked with a building level.

  • The points can be connected with a line and using a colored cord, just like on the floor. It is held at the highest point found, led to the lower one, then pulled and beaten off the line;

  • The next step is to mark a line on the ceiling. To do this, the painted cord is stretched between opposite points at the joints under the ceiling, and then a line is struck on the surface of the ceiling. It can also be checked in several places with a plumb line - the weight must be exactly located above the line on the floor.
  • The last thing to do is determine the location of the doorway, it is measured and marked on the marking lines. Frame elements are not installed on this section of the floor and no masonry is carried out.
  • If blocks or bricks will be used for the partition, then it is useful to fasten a temporary auxiliary beam with a section of 30×30 or 30×50 mm on one side of the marked line. It will help to bring the wall perfectly straight - the blocks will need to be installed flush against it. After the wall is ready, the timber is simply removed.

When the marking is completed, you can proceed to the construction of the partition.

Plasterboard partition

A plasterboard partition may have a frame made of metal profile or wooden beam. The cross-section of the beam will depend on the desired thickness of the partition.

When assembling the frame, the guides are fixed along the marking lines, their vertical and horizontal are constantly controlled using a building level and a plumb line.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation
The guide is fixed to the ceiling first. This is done most appropriate look fasteners, depending on the type of ceiling - with regular dowels, butterflies, anchors, etc., in increments of 150-170 mm.
To ensure that the profile fits tightly to the surface, you can glue double-sided adhesive tape to it - a sealant.
Next, the guide sections are fixed to the floor. It is also recommended to stick double-sided tape with a polyethylene foam pad on them.
The next step is to attach the vertical guides to the wall, connecting the upper and lower profiles to each other. Vertical elements can be attached directly to the wall or on special hangers, which will help align the profile evenly if the wall is not level enough.
Next comes the installation of the doorway. The racks are also made from a metal profile, additionally inserting a wooden beam into its cavity. The profile is inserted and secured in the lower and upper guides using special self-tapping screws.
Then, a transverse profile is installed to the vertical reinforced profiles that determine the width of the doorway, which will determine its height. For rigidity, it is recommended to fasten the horizontal bar to the upper guide with one or two pieces of metal profiles.
After this, all other vertical elements of the frame are positioned and screwed. They are installed in increments of 600 mm.
If the sheets sheathing material below the ceiling height, then in the places where they will join with the inserts, transverse sections of the profile are fixed between the vertical posts. To do this, its ends are cut and bent to the sides at right angles.
The next step is covering one side of the frame with plasterboard. The canvases are tightly joined to each other in the middle of the vertical posts and screwed with black self-tapping screws, the heads of which are recessed into the sheathing by 1-2 mm.
Having completed the complete installation of drywall on one side of the frame, soundproofing material is installed between the vertical profiles. It should be tightly located between the vertical posts. After this, the second frame side of the structure is sheathed
Next, the partition is installed door frame, which is fixed on vertical racks frame in the opening left for it. The fastening screws are screwed through the wood of the box into the racks, and their heads should be recessed by 1-2 mm.
All seams of fixed drywall and screw heads must be filled with putty. For this purpose, gypsum-based putty is used. The work is carried out using a spatula.
Before applying the putty, a fiberglass mesh is glued to the joints of the canvases. It is either sold with glue already applied, or embedded in a thin layer of applied putty.
After the putty on the seams has dried, you can proceed to preliminary cleaning, priming the partition and filling it completely on both sides, creating a perfectly smooth surface for the decorative coating.

In a similar way, with some variations, partitions are installed using wooden beams for the frame. This technology is also suitable for covering partitions with plywood or clapboard.

Installation of partitions made of blocks, slabs or bricks

Partitions made of gypsum slabs, foam concrete blocks and bricks are built according to the same principle, but are used for masonry different solution:

- for bricklaying - masonry concrete mixture, made of sand and cement in proportions 4:1 or 5:1;

— gypsum boards require gypsum-based mounting adhesive;

— for foam concrete blocks, both gypsum and cement-based adhesive are suitable.

All these building materials are laid according to the principle brickwork, therefore, you can consider one option for constructing a partition, for example, from foam concrete blocks.

Before starting work, it is very important to thoroughly clean the floor surface in the partition construction area from dust.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation
Before laying the first row of blocks, on a clean floor, under the masonry, it is recommended to lay strips of roofing felt or thick polyethylene film. This material is laid along the auxiliary beam fixed to the floor.
Next, a pre-prepared adhesive solution is applied to the roofing felt, wall and block on both sides, which will be adjacent to the floor and wall.
Then the first block of the lowest row is laid. It is leveled using a level and hammered with a rubber hammer to the floor and wall.
Thus, the entire first row is laid, taking into account the doorway.
The opening can be leveled immediately, or after completion of the work it can be leveled using a grinder or a special saw.
The first row, since it is load-bearing, must be secured to the main wall using a hanger, which is used for mounting metal profiles. The suspension is bent at a right angle, and then one side of the corner is fixed to the block and the other to the wall. Fastening can be done using dowels or nails, depending on the material of the main wall.
In the same way, the partition is connected to the wall every two to three rows.
Next, a layer of masonry mortar is applied to the wall and the laid block.
It is recommended to distribute it over the surfaces with a notched trowel so that grooves are formed on the surface, which will promote better adhesion of the surfaces and prevent voids in the seams.
The second row of partitions begins to be laid out from half of the block, which is placed on the mortar and tapped with a rubber hammer, not forgetting to control the evenness vertically and horizontally using a level.
The third row begins again with a solid block and is fixed with glue according to the same principle as the first two rows.
The masonry is carried out similarly to the very top.
You should not adjust the top row of blocks close to the ceiling - there you can leave a gap of about 30 ÷ 50 mm.
After completion of the masonry, the gap between the partition and the ceiling is filled polyurethane foam.
Next, the doorway is checked for evenness using a plumb line and a building level. Smooth lines along which the cuts are made are determined and outlined.
To ensure that the doorway is well strengthened, its upper part is reinforced. To do this, cuts are made on the sides of the walls measuring approximately 30 ÷ 50 mm in width and 120 ÷ 150 mm in depth. This process can be carried out with a regular hacksaw, and then knock out the sawn parts with a hammer.
Two reinforcing bars are placed in these gaps the right size, are distributed over the width of the opening and fixed with spacers.
After completing this process, the partition must be left alone for two to three days for the solution to completely harden.
The next step is to prime all surfaces of the partition well with a deep-penetrating compound (preferably with additional antiseptic properties) and leave until completely dry.
When plaster is applied to the wall, the gaps in which the reinforcing bars are laid will be filled with mortar; after it hardens, the reinforcement will be firmly fixed there.
The plaster is applied to the walls to obtain a uniform surface in a thin layer and leveled with a spatula, and then rubbed with a special tool - a grout until the maximum possible evenness is achieved.
After drying plaster mixture, the surfaces are again primed and smoothed with a finishing putty mixture.

A door frame and a door are installed in the finished partition. The gaps formed between it and the wall are filled with polyurethane foam. When it hardens, its excess is cut off, and the gaps are closed with platbands.

Partitions can be applied to leveled and dry walls. decorative coating, which will help her fit into the overall interior of each of the two resulting rooms or zones.

How to improve an erected brick or block partition?

WITH detailed instructions on technologies and their final results can be found in publications on our portal specifically dedicated to these issues.

Video - Secrets of installing partitions from foam blocks

Installation of glass block partitions

A glass block partition can be made in various ways.

  • Modern manufacturers produce ready-made systems for the installation of such partitions, which include special profiles and glue that come complete with glass blocks.
  • Another way to raise this building is with adhesive mortar, special metal stands and reinforcing wire, which is laid between the blocks.
  • The third method is suitable for those who do not like to tinker with adhesives, since when using it, the blocks are installed in a special wooden or metal frame and sealed with rubber gaskets.

The most difficult stage of the work will be assembling the frame and securely fastening it to the ceiling, floor and wall. After this, all that remains is to install the blocks, covering them with rubber gaskets and selecting them according to the required colors.

The first two, more complex masonry methods, are worth considering step by step:

IllustrationBrief description of the operation
The first method is using a ready-made installation kit
One of the systems that allows even a person inexperienced in construction to lift a glass block partition is “BlockLock”.
The profiles included in the kit are made of foamed polyvinyl chloride, which is resistant to frost and summer high temperatures, therefore they can be used when installing not only interior partitions, but also when laying glass blocks in external walls Houses.
On a clean surface of the floor and wall, profiles of the required length are fixed along the marked lines using a special glue, such as “Sealant” or “Moment”. After this, you need to let the glue dry thoroughly.
The drying period can be found out by studying the attached instructions.
Next, glue is applied to the installed profiles.
Then glue is also applied to the short profile that will be installed between the two glass blocks.
Next, the first glass block is installed on the profiles glued to the floor and wall, and a short profile coated with glue is mounted on its side.
This is how the entire first row of the partition is assembled.
The next step is the installation of a long profile, which is laid on top of the entire first row, previously coated with glue.
Having raised six to seven rows, the structure must be left to dry and fasten together. This process usually takes about a day.
After this period, the partition rises to the ceiling or to the level as planned.
After this, it should dry again for about 24 hours.
The final step is to seal all the gaps between the glass blocks with grout.
All cracks are covered with the material, and the excess is immediately wiped off the surface of the glass blocks.
The second method of laying glass blocks is with a construction adhesive solution
In this case, the laying of glass blocks is carried out using a polymer or sand-cement mortar.
In addition to this, you will need a reinforcing rod with a diameter of 4 ÷ 6 mm and fastening brackets or pads.
It should also be noted that the partition mounted in this way should not be larger than 15 m² in area or longer than 6 m.
If you need a partition of a larger area, mounted from glass blocks, then it is necessary to strengthen the strapping reinforcement.
When laying glass blocks on a mortar, it is recommended to limit the masonry strip with timber or metal profiles.
A layer of mortar 5 ÷ 10 mm thick is applied to the strip, on the floor and wall, then the first glass block is installed on it and pressed well.
Reinforcement can be installed between each of the blocks of a row or every two blocks.
To ensure that the distance between the blocks is the same, special plastic crosses are installed, somewhat reminiscent of the crosses used when laying ceramic tiles.
After laying the first row, before applying the solution to it, it is completely covered with reinforcing wire and, if necessary, metal spacers are installed that will stabilize the top row and fix the reinforcing wire.
Then the solution is applied, and then the next row is laid.
So the work continues until the partition is raised to the desired height.
After completing the laying of glass blocks, the seams between them, just like when laying ceramic tiles, must be sealed.
This process can be carried out using a rubber spatula, grout, or a construction gun and a compound produced in sealed tubes.
When sealing seams, excess composition that gets onto the surface of glass blocks must be immediately carefully removed so that no traces remain.

Sliding partitions

Sliding partitions can be made independently, and if such a decision is made, you must remember that you should buy all the elements of the mechanism as a set. It should include guides, roller mechanisms and stoppers, and a well-thought-out fastening system. The number of parts will depend on the type of structure.

In order to make a sliding partition, you will need material that is purchased after taking the dimensions of the opening in which it will be installed. Based on the measurements, a sketch and drawing are made with all the parameters transferred to them.

The sliding structure should not be heavy, so for its manufacture it is necessary to choose a fairly light material. In addition, you need to have a set of tools that can “ennoble” the appearance of the partition. But the most important thing you can’t do without in such a fairly delicate and precise work is a certain amount of experience.

Do you want to assemble a sliding partition yourself?

Since such a design is in many ways akin to sliding doors, only has a larger area, then for detailed instructions onherproduction can be contacted portal article.

The choice of a partition for a room directly depends on the size of the room being divided, and on what you would like to receive upon completion of the work. If there is a need to divide the room completely or into separate zones, you need to take into account all the nuances, such as financial costs, weight future construction and the ability of the interfloor ceiling to withstand it, interior design, the ability of sound absorption of a particular material and other criteria. Having considered the pros and cons, you can proceed to selecting and installing the desired option.

Closer to nature

Living plants create positive energy in the apartment, suitable for any interior, look original and fresh! As a partition, you can install a special structure in the form of a bookcase, put flower pots on a rack, or use large floor pots with tall plants.

Choose plants that do not require strong sunlight.

Racks, chests of drawers, bookcases

The easiest way to divide a room into zones is to install a small shelving unit or bookcase. Beautifully filled with books, vases and decorative items, such a rack will perform both decorative and practical functions.

Great article about beautiful design rack – .

The design can be either built-in:

... and mobile:

Curtains, drapes, screens

You should be careful when using curtains as dividers. Curtains and curtains look harmonious in apartments, in country style interiors or interiors, but are not always suitable for modern elegant interiors in or style.

The same applies to screens. Pay attention to them if you love style or glamour.

Sliding partitions

Another successful way to divide space while saving square meters– installation of sliding partitions. Use transparent inserts to separate the living room area, or frosted glass or plastic to create a cozy atmosphere in the bedroom area.

Mobile partitions and screens

There are now a lot on the market interesting options mobile partitions made of plastic, metal, glass, wood, plasterboard. You can make such a screen to order or buy a design ready for installation.

I hope you've got some new ideas on how to divide your room into zones while saving valuable square footage. I'm happy to answer any questions and hear your opinion in the comments =)

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

A spacious apartment with many rooms remains a dream for many. Sometimes in our home one room is forced to combine the functions of a kitchen and a living room, or a bedroom and a nursery. The need to divide the space into several zones or even separate rooms often occurs in residents of one-room apartments or studios. Thanks to design achievements, allocating personal space for each family member and a comfortable stay in one room is possible even without remodeling and erecting blank walls.

Zoning Tools

To divide a room into two functional areas use:

  • stationary ceiling;
  • sliding partition;
  • furniture;
  • screens;
  • design with curtains;
  • arches;
  • dropped ceilings;
  • podiums;
  • various finishing materials.

You can emphasize the characters of zones using:

  • paintings;
  • household appliances;
  • additional lighting;
  • furniture;
  • decorative coatings.

Features of area division methods

In modern design projects Many solutions and ideas for space zoning have been found. Let's briefly look at the most popular types of partitions and other means used to delimit living space.

Separation by fixed partitions

Prerequisites for the construction of a fixed interior partition: the presence of a large room with several windows and the need to have two isolated sections of space. A blank wall will create the effect of separate rooms. It is good to divide a narrow and long room in the middle in this way: 2 small rooms will have a more harmonious shape. To build such floors, they use brickwork or a metal profile frame covered with plasterboard, OSB, or plywood.

If the area being divided is small and there is only a single window, the resulting rooms will be quite cramped, and one of them will be deprived of natural light. This option is only suitable for arranging a separate office or dressing room - in these rooms you can get by with artificial lighting.

Using a sliding partition

To create sliding partitions, two guides are used, installed on the ceiling and on the floor. The following materials are used to create a structure similar in structure to sliding doors:

  • glass (transparent, frosted, mirrored, with a pattern);
  • drywall;
  • tree;
  • plastic.

The advantages of such a partition: lightness, mobility, small area of ​​occupied space.

Disadvantages: low visual and sound insulation compared to a stationary structure.

Dividing a room with a screen

Screens as a means of zoning have proven themselves in cases where it is necessary to separate part of the room for a short period of time. Using such a partition, you can easily enclose a changing area, a crib or a desk for private work.

You can make a screen with your own hands. The frame is made of wooden planks or metal profiles; fabric is used for finishing. For a folding version with doors, you will additionally need hinges.

Screens usually weigh little, which makes them easy to move around the room, put away and put back into place. in the right place. Beautiful screen standing against the wall can serve as an effective decorative element.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Design of a small bath in Khrushchev with a washing machine

Zoning with curtains

The use of fabrics when creating partitions will give the room coziness, and the purchase of materials will not require serious financial costs and expensive repairs. More often, the economical option of dividing with curtains is used in living rooms and bedrooms; this option is not suitable for delimiting a kitchen area in a room: the fabric will absorb odors and quickly get dirty.

To create a partition from curtains or curtains you will need:

  1. Ceiling cornices.
  2. Guide rails.
  3. Fabrics.
  4. Pickups.
  5. Accessories.

Thick textiles (taffeta, jacquard) are often used as a material for curtains, which is combined with thinner, translucent and airy fabrics, tulle. On the sides you can attach tiebacks made of twisted cords or ribbons, which will beautifully support the curtains while they are open. The color and pattern on the fabric should be consistent with other elements of the interior of the room.

A canopy is used to separate the sleeping area from the rest of the room.

Furniture as a means of zoning space

Properly placed furniture around the apartment is also used for differentiation. For example, to separate the kitchen from the living room, many people prefer to install a bar counter, which acts as a separator and can be used as a table or an additional work surface.

The method of visual division of a room using sofas is often used.

Another practical way to delimit space is to install cabinets or shelving. For such a partition as in the photo, no additional fastenings are needed, and you can lay out things or arrange decorative items on the shelves.

Dividing a room into zones using an arch

To minimize area loss, arched structures are used. The advantage is that they do not take up floor or wall space. Sometimes arches and semi-arches are made in such a way that things can be stored inside - a kind of mezzanine is obtained.

An arch is a universal means of delimiting space that will fit well into the design of a room of any size.

Multi-level ceilings and podiums

A podium is a structure using a frame made of metal or wood, which allows you to raise the floor level. The height usually ranges from several tens of centimeters to a meter. Podium in small rooms they try to make it as functional as possible; for this purpose, drawers or even small beds are built into it, as in the next photo.


Multi-level ceilings are usually used in situations where the use of other separation techniques is inappropriate. A spectacular addition suspended ceiling Various lighting systems will be made from plasterboard.

Combining materials and colors

In a small room in a Khrushchev-era building, even compact partitions, podiums or screens will clutter up the space. In this case, there is only one way out - to zone the room visually by combining materials. Can be combined as the same type of finish different colors, and different coatings. It can be:

  • wallpaper of different tones or with different textures;
  • paint of various shades;
  • fake diamond, decorative plaster, painted walls, tiles in different combinations;
  • plain finish and photo wallpaper.

Zoning with color is often used in combination with other techniques for dividing a room.

Current problems and ways to solve them

The choice of the type of dividing partition or zoning method depends on:

  • room area;
  • purpose of allocated spaces;
  • number of windows;
  • door locations.

Let's consider the most common options for combining functions assigned to a room and requiring its division into two zones.

Which zoning option do you like best?

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    Sliding partitions 32%, 37 votes