Armeria Louisianan growing from seeds. Proper planting and care of Armeria Primorica

It is a beautiful flowering plant that is very popular among gardeners. This grass forms surprisingly dense turfs, above which balls of dense colorful inflorescences rise on graceful peduncles. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rules for planting and caring for armeria in open ground, and also study photos of the perennial beauty.

Botanical description

Important! When planting a flower in a sunny place, avoid direct sunlight. The best option is the penumbra.

The soil

Choose sandy or rocky soil for armeria. If there are none on the site, then create a layer of earth approximately 20 cm thick from a mixture of river sand, greenhouse and turf soil.
must have a neutral or . This crop does not like limestone compounds; lime can kill young plant. To neutralize the effect of lime, apply it to the soil or water it with a solution of acetic acid.

Planting a flower

Armeria is grown in two ways: seedlings ( seedling method) or by sowing directly into the ground (seedless method).

Seedling method

To grow armeria from seeds, professional gardeners recommend using seaside type seeds.

Important! Since Armeria seeds have good germination rates, do not spread them too often.

When two true leaves appear on the shoots, prick them in and grow them there until they are completely strong. Plant in open ground at the end of May. The place should be sunny and the ground should be without excess moisture.


Concerning seedless method growing a plant from seeds, it showed itself best here Armeria is beautiful.

To grow using this method, seeds are sown in autumn or in early spring. Sowing in open ground is best done in November. The seeds will undergo natural growth, and the first shoots will appear in March.

Planting armeria without seedlings is possible only in southern climatic zones. This is due to the fact that the seeds begin to sprout with the first arrival of heat, and return frosts can destroy the seedlings.

A few days before sowing, loosen the soil well and add (,). Make shallow holes and distribute the seeds. Compact and water sparingly. You can also scatter pebbles on the surface or make stonework.

Important! Do not allow water to stagnate in the soil, otherwise root system will begin to rot and the flower will die.

Armeria care

After proper planting of the armeria, it is necessary to ensure good care behind this flower. Despite the unpretentiousness, frost resistance and drought resistance of the crop, it requires compliance with certain rules of agricultural technology.


The flower needs moderate watering. In rainy weather there will be enough natural precipitation. On the contrary, in the summer heat and drought you will have to irrigate the bushes using the sprinkler method. The soil should have time to dry out between waterings.

Did you know? It has been discovered that during dry times, plants secrete oils that are absorbed by the soil, thereby protecting the seeds from germinating in unsuitable conditions. When it rains, these oils are released, which produces a specific aroma. The characteristic smell we smell after rain is called “petrichor”. Some scientists suggest that man may have inherited a love for the smell of rain from ancient ancestors, for whom rainy weather was an important condition survival.

Top dressing

Every 1.5–2 months, feed the culture intended for flowering plants. Instead of watering, irrigate the soil with a solution of. Thanks to this, budding will be abundant and the leaves will become especially bright. On loamy soils, the need for fertilizing is not so great, since the plant receives everything it needs from the nutritious soil.


It is recommended to prune without waiting for yellowing. After completing the flowering phase and withering of the inflorescence, immediately cut off the wilted parts of the bush. This event increases the attractiveness of the plant. In addition, pruning will help stimulate the growth of new buds and ensure that the armeria blooms again in August or early autumn.

How to propagate Armeria

In addition to the seedling and non-seedling method, Armeria is also propagated by dividing the bush and cuttings.

Dividing the bush. Three-year-old specimens are suitable for dividing an adult plant. Simply dig up the bush in early spring or early fall. Then divide the bush into 3-5 parts. Choose parts with intact rhizomes. Bury the separated parts. The flower takes root well, so keep the distance between buried and new plants no more than 20 cm.
Since Armeria is perennial plant, you should not expect flowering in the first year. It will begin to bloom only in the second year.

Cuttings. Another common method of propagating armeria is cuttings. Use small root rosettes of the plant as cuttings.

Armeria maritime is one of the most interesting plants that gave us North America. It can grow in any garden if you follow all the recommendations for its care. With its flowering, Armeria seaside will delight the eye for many years, each time blooming more and more beautifully. Armeria is a fairly large shrub with beautiful buds and leaves. It looks especially advantageous separately from other colors.

Armeria: application and types

Armeria - very beautiful perennial, belonging to the Svinchatkov family. The flowers are small, rising above the needle-like green leaves. The color of the flowers can be very diverse: from white to crimson. In total, there are about 60 species of Armeria in nature. The most famous are the alpine, prickly, turf, beautiful and seaside varieties.

Armeria blooms for several months and is often used to decorate landscapes. The plant fills various rock gardens, rock gardens and rocky gardens. In floristry, armeria is used to create amazing bouquets (including dry ones). At abundant planting the plant forms a real carpet, which is pleasant to admire. In the wild, Armeria inhabits the shores of water bodies, for which it was nicknamed “living by the sea.”

Armeria: planting and care

Armeria seaside unpretentious flower, so there will be no hassle with him. True, this plant does not really like excessive watering and an abundance of fertilizers. As a result, the armeria may begin to fade and bloom less. For best growth, choose sufficiently sunny and dry places for the flower. Armeria seaside should be watered regularly, but in moderation. Make sure that the soil of the flower is moist and loose.

Despite the preference sunny places, the plant tolerates cold and drought well. In hot weather, it is recommended to moisten the leaves and provide abundant watering, otherwise a long stay in such conditions will destroy the armeria. As a substrate, choose loamy and well-drained soil without lime. Be sure to apply combined fertilizers. Armeria is quite resistant to diseases and pests.

Armeria: growing from seeds

  • Most gardeners prefer to grow armeria themselves from seeds. This process is quite labor-intensive and complex, but if you follow the rules, you will cope with it. Armeria should be grown either in late winter or early spring. Before sowing, it is recommended to put the seeds in the refrigerator for a week. It is not necessary to do this, but they will germinate better this way. After such “freezing”, soak the seeds in warm water for no more than 8 hours. Seeds are planted in special containers (mostly made of wood or plastic). Place containers with seeds in a dry and warm place. You can also skip planting in them and plant the seeds directly in the greenhouse ( temperature regime must be at least 13 degrees).
  • When the seedlings grow up, create a kind of greenhouse effect using gauze or film. Prepared sprouts can be planted in suitable soil in the country. The first flowering of Armeria seaside will begin in the 2nd year after planting. Armeria will begin to bloom in May, and flowering can last up to 3 weeks. If the seeds are planted before winter, they do not need to be processed. Sprinkle them with 5 mm of soil, and then be sure to moisten the soil.
  • In addition to seeds, propagation of the seaside armeria can be carried out by dividing the bush or cuttings. If you decide to divide by bushes, examine them carefully. Be sure to remove the rotten parts; only healthy parts are replanted. Division can be carried out in spring and autumn. The bushes are placed in water, and after sprouts appear, they are planted in the ground as soon as possible. For planting, it is better to divide the bushes into several parts - this makes it easier and faster to root them.
  • Cuttings are carried out in the summer. Healthy and best plants, from which small rosettes are cut for subsequent rooting. When cuttings, Armeria seaside is planted in groups at a distance of about 35 - 40 cm from each other. The flower cannot be buried, otherwise it will not germinate. In the prepared area, a hole is simply dug, cuttings are planted, sprinkled and compacted with earth, and watered.

Armeria seaside: photo

Armeria seaside - amazing plant, which is famous for its long flowering. It is unpretentious and frost-resistant, but still requires certain agrotechnical rules. Anyone can settle on their summer cottage seaside army, thereby diversifying the familiar landscape.

Armeria enchants at first sight. There are carnation flowers on a pillow of bright greenery. The plant looks great in bright places and surrounded by stones. The variety of varieties and species makes it possible to use armeria for a variety of landscape purposes.

The homeland of the plant is Western and Eastern Europe. Despite the fact that Armeria is represented by a large number of species, they all differ only in the color of the inflorescences and the characteristics of the foliage.

Varietal diversity

The most famous plant varieties: velvicha, seaside armeria, pseudoarmeria, alpine, prickly, soddy, bulbous, Siberian, arctic, beautiful and others.


Alpine Armeria is a miniature perennial. Its height reaches 10 centimeters and its diameter is 30 centimeters. The flowers are small, peduncles 30 centimeters long. Flowering occurs only once a month. The plant has several varieties, they differ in color tone.


The presented variety is least similar to all the others. Its height reaches 40 cm. The rosettes are evergreen, the inflorescences are white or pink. Flowering occurs from early summer until autumn. The most popular types are "Joystick White" and "Bees Ruby". The presented armeria is grown both as an annual and as a perennial.

Armeria seaside

The presented species is the most capricious and famous. Height – up to 20 centimeters. The diameter of the jacket is 15 centimeters. The inflorescences are pinkish-purple, the leaves are narrow and bluish. Flowering continues for 2 months. The best varieties– “Dusseldorf Stolz”, “Rosea Compacta”, “Bloodstone”.


Enough tall view. The leaves are glaucous, 10 cm. The sod reaches 30 cm, with several rosettes.


The highest view. The inflorescences are large, capitate, peduncles reach 35 cm. Flowering occurs from June until frost. The plant is demanding of the soil, or rather, of the calcium concentration in it.


The leaves are needle-shaped, the inflorescences are two centimeters long.


Height - up to 15 cm, diameter of the turf - up to 20 cm. The leaves are somewhat reminiscent of pine branches. The color of the inflorescences ranges from bright pink to red. Decorative form one is Sundermann.


Height – from 20 cm to half a meter. Flowering occurs from May to July. Inflorescences with white or pink flowers.

Armeria arctic

There is a vertical root. The inflorescences are in the form of a ball, reminiscent of decorative onions, there can be up to 10 pieces. The leaves are narrow, five centimeters.

How to plant and properly care for

Seeds are used to plant armeria. No difficulties should arise; all you need is proper care.

The crop tolerates drought well, and stagnation of moisture is destructive for it. The soil should be loose - rocky or sandy will do. In many ways, the characteristics of cultivation depend on the species. Direct sunlight should be avoided. Armeria feels good both in moderate light and in the shade.

Maintenance involves loosening and watering. Wilted buds must be removed. You can use organic fertilizing.

For the first time, fertilizing is done during flowering and after it 2 more times. Diseases and pests appear very rarely, which means no chemical treatment is required. Armeria tolerates winter well, but shelter will not be superfluous.

Features of reproduction

You can propagate armeria different ways: seeds, bush division, cuttings. When propagated by seeds, they are planted directly into the ground. Before this, they must be placed in warm water for 8 hours.

Seeds are placed in the ground in early spring or before winter. If you are going to propagate seedlings, you need to do this from the end of winter. The germination rate of the seeds is excellent! Plants grown from seedlings will bloom only in the second year.

When dividing a bush, it is better to choose three-year-old plants. The procedure itself is carried out in autumn or spring after the plant has flowered. The plant can also reproduce by self-sowing.

Features of wintering

Despite the fact that the plant loves heat, it is not afraid of frost. Caring for it involves covering it for the winter with spruce branches, peat and building materials. But this applies only to soddy armeria; other species do not need to be covered. However, keep an eye on the amount of snow in winter. If there is not enough of it, it is still worth putting some spruce branches.

How to use in landscape design

The flower is suitable for decorating rocky gardens, borders, and ridges. Ideal neighbors for him:

  • creeping thyme;
  • saxifrage;
  • low-growing phlox;
  • Carpathian bells;
  • splint.

Armeria, which is not difficult to grow, looks great with plants belonging to the group of creeping ground covers, carpet-like perennials, and turf-like bushes. It can contrast with bulbous or decorative onions. Any plant with delicate flowers and the openwork foliage will become a wonderful companion for the Armeria!

Gardeners are mainly attracted by the greenery of the plant, but the inflorescences should not be written off. They resemble cloves, and some resemble decorative onions. Thanks to its inflorescences, the plant is used as a container and cut crop.

Armeria can also be used as a plant that hides the transition from a path or gravel area to other garden objects. Among other things, it will look good as a solo plant and in a group with other flowers of the alpine flora. It can also become a bright spot among the greenery.

With the help of armeria bushes you can build magnificent borders. By appearance they will look like aristocrats. Like a living frame for flower beds - this the best option, especially for the modern garden.

The plant also looks great in the front garden. There should be in the background conifers. Many people think that a flower is ideal for the foreground. However, if you do not plant it linearly, you can plant it in middle lane flower garden If you decide to plant armeria in a group, you must use at least one more decorative foliage plant.

The plant is also used for cutting. In order to make a regular bouquet, it is cut off only after the buds have fully opened. If this is not done, the buds will not open in water. The heads are great for making winter bouquets. Moreover, after cutting, they are placed in a dark and dry room, tied in bunches, until the bouquet is made. Armeria is often used to border larger flowers. It can also be used as a dried flower.

Armeria represents interesting plant, combining bright greenery and many carnation flowers. There are many types and varieties of flowers, so their care may vary. Armeria propagation occurs by seeds, seedlings, division, and cuttings. Among the features of care, it is worth highlighting loosening the soil, watering and fertilizing. Some species need shelter for the winter. IN landscape design the flower is used to create alpine slide, in borders and borders, for cutting, as a contrasting spot among bright greenery.

Armeria seaside (video)

At first glance, armeria can easily be confused with cloves. This external similarity is reflected in the name of the plant itself. According to one version, the name comes from the French word “armoires”, which translates as bearded carnation. Another version says that the word "armeria" is formed from a pair of Celtic words, which when translated mean "near the sea." This is possible because, under natural conditions, some types of Armeria have chosen coastal dunes.

The genus Armeria includes up to ninety plant species. They grow in the coastal and mountainous regions of Europe, the Mediterranean, Mongolia, Siberia and the southern regions of South America.

Description of Armeria

Armeria - low perennial grass family Plumbaginaceae, forming thickets. Its height is 15-60 cm depending on the type. The root is taproot, short. Smooth erect stem. Sometimes it may be pubescent. The leaves, forming a rosette, look like dark green grass. They are collected in dense curtains (pillows). Inflorescences red, white, pink or purple. The flowers are small, connected in inflorescences in the shape of a ball. The flower is light-loving and tolerates drought well. Blooms throughout the summer.

Ways to plant armeria

There are several traditional ways to do this:

  • planting seeds in open ground;
  • growing using seedlings;
  • propagation by dividing the bush.

In order for it to germinate as much as possible more seeds , a week before sowing, they should be placed on the vegetable shelf of the refrigerator. And then, immediately before sowing, soak in warm water with the addition of “Zircon” or another similar preparation for 7-9 hours. This manipulation must be carried out both for seeds that will be sown in open ground, and for seeds from which seedlings will be grown.

How to plant armeria seedlings

Armeria growing from seeds

  • Sow seeds into prepared soil, poured into shallow containers, to a depth of two centimeters.
  • Place the containers in a warm, bright place and wait for germination. After the seedlings grow up and have two true leaves, they need to be planted in separate pots or in a greenhouse and grown.
  • Sowing seeds directly into the ground is possible in the spring, but it does not give good germination even from prepared and treated seeds.
  • Grown, strengthened seedlings can be planted on personal plot, as soon as the threat of spring frosts has passed. First you need to decide on a place in the garden where your perennial will grow. It should be with soil that has a lot of sand and stones. Warm and not shaded. An alpine hill or flowerbed near a pond is ideal.

For reference: Armeria flowers do not like alkaline soil. Planted in such soil they get sick and lose their decorative properties. If your garden has limestone soil, you need to neutralize the lime by watering it with a vinegar solution. Or by adding ammonium nitrate to the soil when preparing the site for planting.

Amend the soil with organic matter a few days before planting.. If you, as a landscape designer, have decided that armeria will grow in a group and cover the ground with a carpet, you need to plant the plants in a checkerboard pattern with increments of 15-20 cm. To do this, you can divide the planting site with lines, and plant seedlings at their intersection. If the plants need to stand out, they are planted one at a time at a distance of up to forty cm.
When planting armeria, the root collar should not be buried u. The soil around the seedlings must be compacted and watered. For the next three weeks, you need to remember to water the “newbies”, not allowing the soil to dry out completely.

Planting by dividing the bush is done in the spring when young shoots begin to break through the ground. An old plant under the age of five years is dug up and divided into several parts. Then the plants are planted in the holes. It is advisable to make the size of the holes larger than the diameter of the “newbie” roots. This is necessary in order to spread out and straighten the roots well. Be sure to compact the soil and water the flower.
In all the cases described above, it is advisable to mulch. This will protect them from drying out and limit the growth of weeds, which are very inconvenient to choose from the dense leafy rosette of Armeria.
Plants obtained from seeds usually bloom in the second year., and those that are part of an adult bush can bloom this summer.

Armeria care

Armeria is undemanding in care. You need to follow a number of simple procedures, and your plant will always look attractive.

  1. Before flowering, you need to feed it with mineral fertilizers.
  2. Feed a couple more times during abundant flowering.
  3. It is necessary to remove wilted flowers so that the armeria does not waste energy on them. And she directed them to the birth of the next buds.
  4. In dry summers, regular watering is necessary, but the plant should not be overwatered.
  5. After an army has grown in one place for five years, it needs to be updated. To do this, the flower is dug up, divided into parts and planted. That is, replanting by dividing the bush is a mandatory procedure for armeria.
  6. The plant is not afraid of diseases or pests. Only alkaline soil poses a threat. In it, the plant can become weakened and then aphids appear on it.

Collecting Armeria seeds Probably only carried out by breeders. If you need the seeds for some purpose, then you need to do the following:

  • tie a cloth around the wilted flower so that the ripened seeds do not fall out;
  • wait until it dries completely and cut it;
  • Untie the fabric over a sheet of paper, remove excess;
  • dry the seeds;
  • pour them into a paper bag, sign the date and name.

Wintering of Armeria

It is worth focusing your attention on one more important issue. Namely: how does Armeria winter?
If the winter is snowy, the plant can overwinter without shelter. Only one variety needs to be covered - turf armeria. For covering material you can take: spruce branches, rotted leaves, etc.

AND ordinary gardeners, and experienced landscape designers To decorate rock gardens, rocky gardens, ridges, and flower borders, they have a dozen types of armeria flowers at their disposal. Alpine Armeria, beautiful Armeria, seaside Armeria, turf Armeria, common Armeria, beautiful Armeria, Japanese Armeria, Siberian Armeria, arctic Armeria and others. Even just reading the name of the species, you want to buy a flower and plant it in your home.

Popular types of armeria

Alpine Armeria (Armeria alpina)

This is a perennial. It grows in dense clumps about 15 cm in height and 30 cm in diameter. Some leaves remain green after wintering. The flowers are soft pink, united in inflorescences, the circumference of which is 3 cm. The stem length is about thirty centimeters. Flowering in early summer. The small height of the plant makes it suitable for use in the form. One can distinguish the variety “Laucheana” with carmine-red inflorescences.

Beautiful Armeria (Armeria pseudarmeria)

This type of perennial reaches a height of up to 40 cm. At the same time, the height of its varieties varies from 20 cm (the “Thrift” variety) to 60 cm (the “Bees Ruby” variety). The leaves overwinter well under the snow. This plant is evergreen. The inflorescences are white, pink or red (for the Red Planet variety) in color. Blooms all summer. The bright pink, tall Armeria variety “Bees Ruby” can be used in single plantings.

Armeria maritima

In nature it is found along the shores of the seas. It forms low and fairly dense thickets, up to 20 cm in height. The circumference of an individual rosette is also about 20 cm. The inflorescences are balls of purple or pink color. The flower is unpretentious and does not require special care. Drought resistant. The plant is decorative even when it does not bloom. The flowering season starts from May and lasts until mid-July. Sometimes Armeria seaside also blooms in the fall. Varieties "Dusseldorf Stolz", "Vindictive", "Bloodstone" bloom with flowers of various shades of red. Varieties of Armeria seaside are perfect for use in and near artificial reservoirs.

Soddy Armeria, or juniper-leaved Armeria (Armeria juniperifolia = Armeria cespitosa)

It is a perennial native to the Pyrenees Mountains. There it forms low, dense thickets (pillows). A single plant has a height of up to 15 cm and a diameter of up to 20 cm. It blooms profusely with pink and red flowers, connected into inflorescences - balls. Sometimes there are so many flowers - balls that the green leaves are not visible. It turns out to be a real flower carpet. Flowering begins in July and lasts 40-50 days. Soddy Armeria does not like excess moisture in the soil and needs shelter in winter. A popular hybrid among gardeners is the Armeria turf and Armeria seaside - Armeria "Zundermann". His distinguishing feature– large pink flowers, which form a ball. Among the varieties, “Bevan's Variety” should be highlighted with double, pale pink flowers. Armeria turf is used in landscape design in mini rock gardens and portable rock gardens.

Beautiful Armeria (Armeria formosa)

Perennial with evergreen leaves. Leaf rosettes are small. The leaves are narrow and grass-like. Stems are straight and rigid. The inflorescences are large balls (diameter 5 cm). They are colored in shades of white, red or pink and bloom throughout September. Armeria beautiful is used for planting in crevices of artificially constructed rocks.

Arctic Armeria (Armeria arctica)

In nature it is a herbaceous perennial. The inflorescence circumference is 2-2.5 cm. Height is up to 20 cm. During the flowering period, the plant throws out up to 10 peduncles. The first two bloom summer months. Overwinters with green leaves. When cultivated, the plant behaves like a biennial plant, i.e. dies off in the second year after flowering. Interesting for use in rocky gardens.

Popular varieties of Armeria

Armeria ballerina Red

A luxurious flowerbed decoration that gets along well with any neighbors and will become a unique decoration of an alpine hill. Beautiful contrasts are obtained with white varieties, forget-me-nots, argyrantemum, and anemones.

Armeria louisiana

Armeria Louisianan growing from seeds

It grows no higher than 20 centimeters, with dense spherical flowers. You can sow before winter or spring, just in a garden bed without covering with film. It begins to bloom only in the second year and reproduces by self-sowing.

Armeria is wonderful garden plant. The variety of its types makes it possible to show imagination. The difference in shades and long flowering period, combined with unpretentiousness, makes Armeria universal plant for rock gardens and rocky gardens. And in a “team” with Byzantine chistets, wormwood, catnip and bluebells, you can create a corner of the garden, perfect in beauty and charm.

Video about growing and caring for armeria:

Before you learn how to grow, plant and care for Armeria, get to know this plant better.

The flower bearing the name “armeria” has won the hearts of many lovers of ornamental plants. There are versions that its melodic name is related to the sea. Translated from some ancient languages, it means “located near the sea.”

Another option for deciphering the name is the designation of one of the varieties of cloves in French. Indeed, these flowers often grow near sea cliffs; there is even a separate variety of Armeria - Primorskaya. The striking similarity of the inflorescences of this plant with carnations is also striking.


It is difficult to say where this plant comes from: representatives of its species can be found in different parts of the world. This includes harsh cold Siberia, sultry Africa, tropical forests of America, and the steppes of Mongolia.

Armeria is a perennial herbaceous crop that grows to form lush bushes of greenery, seasoned with delicate bright flowers. These flowers are located at the top of a dense, elongated stem and look like neat miniature bouquets collected from tiny buds.

Armeria is painted mainly in shades of pink, but it also comes in white, purple, red, and lilac. Narrow and long leaves with sharp tips grow directly from the ground, not attached to the stem. The stem usually grows up to 30 cm in height. The tallest variety, Armeria Velvich, reaches half a meter in height. Flowering continues from mid-summer to early autumn.

All about landing armeria

If you want to plant armeria in your dacha, pay attention to the following important points:

  1. Choosing the right variety.
  2. Finding a site to place flowers.
  3. The right time to plant.
  4. Landing rules.

Let's look at each point in more detail.

Variety selection

Alpine Armeria. This variety is naturally found among the meadow vegetation of European countries. It reaches 30 cm, the diameter of the inflorescence is about 3 cm. Color: red, pink, white.

The flower has a diameter of 5 cm, the flowering period lasts almost six months. Leaves preserve green color even in winter. Varietal colors: white, bright red or light pink. The stem is dense, directed upward.

Ordinary, garden. High grade, grows up to 60 cm. The leaves are 1 cm wide, more than 10 cm long. The flowers are painted in pink shades.

Velvicha is a large individual, with leaves 10 cm long and almost 5 cm wide. The height of the plant is up to 35 cm. The size of the flower cup is small (up to 2 cm). This variety blooms for a long time and profusely with pink colors. The soil for it should be selected with calcium content.

Coastal armerias are low, grow near the sea, on rocks. purple flowers cover the plant already in May and for more than two months they delight you with their fragile appearance. Reblooming may occur in autumn. There are pink and red bud colors, as well as different shades.

Pseudoarmeria, otherwise beautiful. A tall specimen (about 40 cm), with evergreen leaves and white, red or pink flowers. It blooms in early summer and continues to bloom until autumn.

What should be the area for flowers?

This may be a place near a pond, however, without an excessive amount of moisture in the soil. Well-lit areas of the ground are recommended, but direct rays should be avoided. There should be no shadow, it will interfere with flowering. The plant will feel good on the slope of a hill, located on the eastern side or in the southern part.

When is the best time to plant

It is advisable to plant armeria in the last days of February or the first days of March. First, it is grown in a greenhouse. Then the resulting seedlings are transplanted into open ground. At the same time, you need to make sure that the sprouts and leaves on them have already grown stronger and gained strength. This happens with the retreat of the danger of frost and the arrival of stable warm temperatures.

Preparing the soil

When preparing to plant armeria, loosen the soil twice. Turf soil and river sand are perfect, plus a store-bought composition for a greenhouse. Organic matter can be used to improve the quality of the soil. After applying the fertilizer, at least two weeks should pass. The soil must be acidic. Eliminate the presence of lime. You can acidify the soil with ammonium nitrate, as well as any of the acids, for example: nitric, sulfuric, otophosphoric, acetic.

Advice! Dense, heavy soil can be made more airy by using hay, wood shavings, and rotten pine needles as drainage. This will also serve as a fertilizer for the soil.

How to land an army

Armeria can be grown as a single composition or planted in continuous rows. In the first case, individuals are planted at intervals of 30 or 40 cm from each other and other flowers in the neighborhood. Prepare a hole, place a flower there, the leaves should be above the ground. Then the seedling is buried, the soil is compacted and watered.

If you are planning to create a continuous row of Armeria flowers, you need to plant them in 15 cm increments. In this case, the seedlings are not placed in holes. They dig a shallow, long ditch and immerse young seedlings there. In the first month, the plant needs frequent and constant watering. But you should never forget about the dangers of excessive hydration.

Proper care

Armeria is not one of the capricious and demanding cultures. But still, it needs minimal care, like anything else. ornamental plant. How to care?

  • The flower is not afraid of heat and drought, but it must be watered because it loves water. The main thing is that watering is dosed. Everything must be done in moderation.
  • So that the plant feels safe, develops well and makes you happy beautiful flowering, feed him. When? The first time when growing seedlings, the second time when buds appear, the third time at the end of the flowering phase. You can add organic matter or mineral complexes. Feed poor, heavy soil additionally.
  • During flowering, remove dying buds so that new ones can grow in their place. When the armeria fades, cut off the empty flower stalks so that the plant does not waste its energy on them.
  • Armeria must be loosened periodically to improve air circulation in the roots.

The plant tolerates winter calmly, remaining in the ground. If the winter is without snow and the frosts are severe, cover the flowers with leaves, spruce wood, dry peat or film. Such measures are especially necessary for the Sod Army.

Even in winter cold the flower does not lose the green color of the leaves and continues to decorate your area.

Advice! If you need seeds, this is how you can get them. Fading inflorescences are wrapped in cloth so that the ripening seeds do not fall to the ground. When the bud dries, it must be removed along with the cloth, and the material for sowing should be shaken off onto a saucer or sheet of paper.

What is dangerous

Aphids can threaten the plant; to prevent this from happening, use preventive measures. Early in spring, treat your army with Intavir or Kinmiks, Karbofos.

Sometimes spots may appear on the leaves, the flower fades and stops blooming. In this case, you can use a fungicide for spraying.

When the plant is in a state of winter dormancy, it is susceptible to rot due to waterlogging or low acidity of the soil. By eliminating these reasons, you will preserve the health of your army until spring.

If you don’t yet have Armeria in your collection of flowers, and you decide to breed it at home, then it’s time to familiarize yourself with the rules for propagating this flower.

All about army breeding

This flower can be propagated in different ways:

  • Using seeds.
  • Rooting cuttings.
  • Bush division.

First way:

Advice! There is no need to collect seeds for breeding armeria on the site if it is already growing there. This flower is able to reproduce well by its own seeds, without outside help.

You can sow directly into the ground or into a greenhouse for seedlings. They are planted in the ground either in early spring or in autumn, closer to winter. To ensure that the seeds germinate well, they are first soaked in warm water for eight hours.

To obtain seedlings, sow seeds in pots and place them in a warm place with sufficient lighting. Then follows a dive into the greenhouse or directly into open ground under the film. This is done at the end of winter or beginning of spring. The seeds should be planted shallowly, keeping a short distance, sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and watered. Such seedlings will be able to bloom by the second year of life.

Second way:

Armeria can be propagated by cuttings all summer long. To do this, cut off a small rosette from the mother specimen and plant it directly in the ground. Having made a small depression in the ground, place the cutting there, fill it in, compact the soil and water the planting. Deep planting is not recommended. The interval between cuttings is maintained at about 30 cm.

Third way:

Divide the bushes of a plant that is three years old. The procedure is carried out immediately after winter or with the arrival of autumn after the completion of the flowering stage. The dug up bushes are divided into parts, the sections are processed using activated carbon. Planting in open ground is done in increments of 15 or 20 cm.

The harsh beauty of rock plants captivates. Armeria will certainly take its rightful place in your garden. It can be used to revive stone slides, decorate a ridge, path or alley. It is often used in combination with creeping plants.

If you love mountain landscapes or sea cliffs, then this romantic flower is for you. The variegation and severity of the inflorescences, the lush greenery of the leaves - all this can add a sophisticated charm to your decorative garden.