Dracaena: home care, types, benefits for the home. Useful plants in the house

Useful plants in the home For everyone

Plants that will help purify and humidify the air at home

01/13/2011 Author: Natalya Morozova

We have chosen for you 6 plants that can give not only beauty and harmony, but also purify the air from harmful impurities and microbes, moisturize it and have a beneficial effect on human energy.

More details and with pictures


Benefits: A wonderful plant that cleanses the air of harmful impurities. Absorbs formaldehyde. Chlorophytum also has a significant bactericidal effect. Experts have found that within 24 hours this plant completely cleanses the air of harmful microorganisms. The cleansing properties are noticeably enhanced if you put it in flower pots Activated carbon. During hard work it gives new strength and energy.

BenefitsAloe cleanses the air of formaldehyde and reduces the content of protozoan microorganisms in it. At night, it releases oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide. Aloe is very good to have in a house where there are people with chronic diseases, weakened people or people with a weak biofield. Aloe increases and cleanses the overall energy of the atmosphere, protects everyone from the very disease that threatens them. In a house where there is aloe, people get sick less and recover faster.

BenefitsDracaena purifies the air of the room in which it is located. Removes from the air more than 70% of benzene, ammonia, formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and other harmful impurities that can be released from low-quality synthetic coatings, linoleum and chipboard. Dracaenas process all these harmful compounds, and also destroy half of all existing microbes. Dracaena helps avoid complications after diseases associated with the intestines and abdominal cavity. Thanks to the presence of dracaena in the apartment, household wounds will heal faster and any skin diseases will be cured faster. Dracaena will, unnoticed by you, strengthen your musculoskeletal system. Under its influence, the spine straightens, making it easier for a person to maintain a straight posture. The presence of dracaena in the house also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth.

BenefitFicus leaves are able to actively absorb formaldehyde - up to 10 mg/hour. In addition, ficus affects energy balance - it works as an immune psychotherapist, conveying to a person its state of peace and stability. Better fit for the office.


Perfectly humidifies the air. Spreads peace and harmony, protects sleep from the influence of bad weather.


Benefits Spathiphyllum purifies the air from harmful compounds such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene, trichlorethylene. Significantly reduces the number of microorganisms in the air. It is especially active in combating mold fungi.

Dracaena. Dracaena

A plant from the lily family, its homeland is the tropics and subtropics of Africa, Asia and the Canary Islands. In its homeland it is a tree or shrub. The oldest tree in the world grows on the island of Tenerife; it is believed to be 6,000 years old. This is dracaena, dragon tree.

IN room conditions are developing well Dracaena Rota, Dracaena dereme with leaves up to 50 cm long, dracaena marginata with a serpentine, branching stem. And, of course, the well-known dragon tree, up to 1.4 m tall, with elastic, bluish-green, narrow, elongated leaves collected on the stems into spreading rosettes. With age, the leaves droop.

Dracaena is sometimes confused with the similar Cordinilla. They can be distinguished by their roots; they are yellowish in dracaena and white in cordinilla.

Under natural conditions, dracaenas bloom and form seeds; in indoor conditions, as a rule, they do not.


Plants develop well in partial shade on eastern and western windows. In winter they are kept in bright rooms at a temperature not lower than 12° C.


In summer, flowers require abundant watering; In winter, dracaena is kept at a temperature of 15 ° C and watered very rarely. In summer, the leaves are often sprayed and wiped. During the growth period, feed once a week. Replant in the spring once every two years into a mixture of turf soil (1 part), humus (1 part) and sand (1 part).


The plant propagates by apical cuttings, which are rooted in damp sand at a temperature of 20-22 ° C under glass or a jar. Roots in 3 weeks. It can also be propagated by parts of the stem 12 cm long. The cut areas are sprinkled with crushed coal and the pieces are placed in damp sand. From one part of the stem several shoots with roots grow, which are planted in pots separately. Dracaenas can also be grown from air layering.

Beneficial features

In its homeland, a resin called “dragon’s blood” is extracted from dracaena. Brushes are made from leaf fibers that have the properties of bristles and horsehair.

Dracaena can be considered one of the most powerful green “filters”. Dracaena fringe, for example, is able to absorb poisons such as xylene, benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene through its leaves and roots and neutralize them.

Jasmine. Jasminum

The plant belongs to the olive family; it grows in the tropics and subtropics of Africa, Asia, and America. Indoor jasmine is called true jasmine, in contrast to mock orange, which grows in gardens - false jasmine.

Jasmine is a climbing evergreen shrub with opposite leaves and very white, yellow or pink fragrant flowers, collected in groups of three or more in umbrella-shaped inflorescences. There are forms with simple, semi-double and double flowers. Best known in indoor culture is jasmine multiflorum(jasminum polyanthum) - a strong vine with feathery leaves and pink buds that appear in spring, turning white star-shaped flowers. Popular and Arabian jasmine(jasminum sambac) with shiny elliptical-ovate leaves and fragrant white flowers that turn red when they bloom. This jasmine was bred in China long before our era. Even one flower fills the entire room with its aroma. The double form is especially beautiful with white rosette flowers that turn red at the end of flowering. They bloom one after another, decorating the apartment almost all year round, but from spring to autumn they bloom especially profusely.


Jasmines should be placed in a bright location, receiving some sunlight. In winter they are kept in a cool room at a temperature not lower than 10° C. In summer they are taken out into the open air.

Care. Jasmine is watered with soft water, not allowing the earthen clod to dry out. The leaves are sprayed regularly. In winter, watering is moderate. Feed once every two weeks. In February, long shoots are shortened by a third, dry and thin branches inside the bush are removed. Jasmine needs support.


The plant propagates by stem cuttings in the spring. For cuttings, shoots with three internodes, semi-lignified, located at the ends of the branches are used. The cuttings are placed in a mixture of leaf soil (1 part) and sand (1 part). The dishes with cuttings are covered with a jar. They take root in 3 weeks. Young plants are transplanted into small pots with a nutrient mixture of peat (1 part), deciduous (1 part), turf (3 parts) soil and sand (1 part). At the beginning of growth, plants are regularly sprayed, nitrogen and potash fertilizers or feed with liquid mullein.

Reproduction by root suckers and layering is possible.

Beneficial features

IN medicinal purposes All parts of the plant are used. The leaves are used as an antipyretic to reduce lactation; in the form of compresses they are applied to skin ulcers.

The raw root is used for headaches, insomnia, and pain associated with fractures. It is prescribed before operations - in traditional Eastern medicine there is information that pieces of root 2-3 cm long, extracted with wine, cause loss of painful sensations for one day, 5 cm long - for 2 days, etc.

Fragrant flowers are added to tea, the raw root reduces headaches, insomnia, and soothes pain from fractures. Essential oil Jasmine is a strong antidepressant; it strengthens the nervous system, relieves anxiety and anxiety. Japanese physiologists have concluded that the aroma of jasmine is more invigorating than coffee.

Jasmine oil is used in the perfume industry, it is used for medicinal baths, prepare rubs from it for muscle pain, add it to massage oil.

Branches and shoots are used to weave baskets and make pipes.

Grandiflora jasmine is cultivated for industrial purposes in many countries around the world.

All true jasmines are excellent honey plants.

Zebrina. Zebrina

From the genus Tradescantia, variegated and other forms have been separated into a separate genus of zebrina. It is very similar to Tradescantia, but more intensely colored. This is perennial herbaceous plant native to Central America, from the Cammeline family. It has creeping stems covered with oval leaves 5-6.5 cm long. They are multicolored above, with silver-white longitudinal stripes, and purple below. In spring or summer, zebrina blooms with small pink or purple flowers.


This ampelous plant develops well in a regularly ventilated, bright room. Direct sunlight should be avoided.


From March to August, the zebrina is fed every two weeks. The soil is kept moderately moist.


Beneficial features

Zebrina can become an indicator of geopathogenic zones in your home. In these areas, the zebrina turns pale and dries out. Healing properties zebrins have not been studied enough, but the range of its uses is very wide. In Rus', plant leaves and their alcohol infusion have long been used to treat wounds and tumors. Zebrina relieves pain, tumors subside, hematomas resolve. It was also used to treat wounds and tumors in Latin American countries. In Cuba alcohol tincture taken for infectious stomach diseases, flatulence, hemoptysis, and in Jamaica for colds and tuberculosis. A water decoction of zebrina is useful for gargling with sore throats and rinsing with a runny nose. Crushed zebrina leaves were used to reduce calluses.

There are examples of its use for facial neuralgia, periodontal disease, in the treatment of diabetes and some gynecological diseases.

Zygocactus truncated. Zygocactus truncatus

The plants belong to the cactus family and are native to the tropical rainforests of Brazil. It is called for its winter flowering Christmas cactus, Decembrist. It is a leafless subshrub with flat, jointed, drooping shoots. The segments have a blunt apex, jagged edges, flattened, up to 5 cm long and 2 cm wide. In mid-December, numerous sharp, brightly colored buds appear at the tips of the shoots, then flowers bloom - bright pink, red or purple - depending on the variety.


In summer, the plant requires shading and outdoor maintenance. During the dormant period, in February-March, they are kept in a cool place.


In summer, water abundantly; after flowering in February-March, watering is very rare, but the earthen ball should not be allowed to dry out. Before flowering, in late September - early November, watering is limited until the buds begin to form. During budding, do not turn the pot - the plant may shed flower buds.

Transplantation is carried out once every 4-5 years before the start of growth, in April-May, into a mixture of turf (1 part), leaf (1 part) soil, humus (3 parts) and sand (2 parts). Drainage takes up to a third of the pot.


Zygocactus can be propagated by stem cuttings of 2-3 segments in April-May. The cuttings are withered for 2-3 days until a glassy film forms at the cut site. Root them in damp sand or soil.

What are indoor flowers for? Indoor plants for human health. Benefits and properties of indoor plants (flowers)

Historians believe that people began to grow houseplants already 5000 years ago, but in our time they have ceased to be taken seriously, and for a long time they were perceived only as decoration of premises.

What are indoor flowers for? The benefits of indoor plants

Why do we need indoor flowers? Of course, flowers really create coziness and a comfortable atmosphere in a room, making the interior of the room lively and attractive, but in recent years scientists have discovered other properties of indoor plants, and these discoveries have changed people’s attitudes towards them. Indoor flowers are needed in every apartment not only for comfort. Toxic substances accumulate in the air of enclosed spaces for various reasons: they are released Decoration Materials, detergents, tap water, and the air coming from the street is not always clean and safe - car exhaust and cigarette smoke contain substances hazardous to health such as benzene and toluene.

Electromagnetic radiation, bacteria and dried air also do not add health to us or our skin. Indoor plants help to cope with all these problems, but not all of them, but certain types.

Houseplant chlorophytum: health benefits

If we consider indoor plants from this point of view, the most useful of them will be chlorophytum. This plant is known to everyone: long green leaves, sometimes with stripes, sometimes without; blooms with small white flowers; reproduces very easily, and is unpretentious in care - just separate the “babies” from the long stem that each adult flower shoots out, and literally stick it into damp earth. The plant will immediately take root and begin to take root.

Chlorophytum not only absorbs toxins released by synthetic materials, as well as those entering the apartment from the outside, but also kills harmful bacteria. If there are several chlorophytums in the room, you will not need to install expensive air purifiers: within a day, these plants absorb almost all the harmful bacteria in the room. It’s not for nothing that chlorophytums are never affected by pests.

The plant does not require frequent watering, but watering should be plentiful, especially in summer. By adding a few tablets of activated carbon to a pot of chlorophytum, you can significantly enhance its cleansing properties.

Houseplant dracaena: health benefits

If linoleum is used as flooring in the room, then get a dracaena. This plant is very beautiful and fits easily into any interior. Large specimens are usually used in offices, while small plants are suitable for apartments. Dracaena purifies the air by almost 70% of benzene emitted by linoleum, and also copes with exhaust gases entering the apartment.

Houseplants Dieffenbachia and Ficus: health benefits

Plants such as variegated dieffenbachia and ficus are also capable of purifying polluted air in the home. They should be placed on the side of the apartment whose windows face an industrial area or a busy highway. These plants love light, but they need to be positioned to avoid direct sunlight.

When watering for Dieffenbachia is insufficient, it will stretch upward and begin to shed its leaves. Ficus, on the contrary, does not like too intense watering, and can shed healthy leaves for this very reason. IN winter time It is better not to water the ficus at all - just spray the plant with a spray bottle.

However, if you decide to grow these plants at home, then do not allow children to touch Dieffenbachia: its juice is poisonous and can cause allergic reactions if it gets on the skin or mucous membranes.

Houseplant geranium: benefits and properties of geranium


Geranium has been known to us for a very long time, and many Russian classics mentioned it in their works, describing the interior of ancient houses and apartments. This plant is widespread today due to its unpretentiousness, beautiful flowers And medicinal properties. Geranium is capable of killing streptococci and staphylococci, and the most preferable place for it would be the bedroom, since the substances secreted by the plant in environment, have calming and anti-stress properties. It is best to keep geranium on a windowsill, on the sunny side, as it is light-loving, although it requires abundant watering in the warm season.

Houseplant laurel: beneficial properties

Very interesting plant- laurel This is an evergreen shrub that can be called dwarf, and it is also capable of killing harmful bacteria and viruses. For people with diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as the heart and blood vessels, keeping this plant in their apartment is especially useful. Laurel grows well in sunny places and can be cut as ordinary shrub, giving the plant a rounded shape.

Houseplant cactus: benefits of cacti

One of the most common plants is the cactus. There are many types of cacti, but cacti with long needles are especially useful. Like other useful indoor plants, they have bactericidal properties, but they have another important feature.

Cacti can protect humans from harmful electromagnetic radiation by reducing indoor air ionization. That is why it is recommended to place cacti in close proximity to a TV or computer screen, but at the same time the plant must receive enough light: after all, cacti are plants of hot countries. Another common plant, Tradescantia, can reduce the influence of electromagnetic radiation.

Peperomia houseplant: health benefits

A small neat plant, peperomia, can protect us from colds and ARVI. The air in the room where this plant is located should be moderately dry, and the room itself should not be too brightly lit. Another healing property is attributed to peperomia - it helps to resist depression by emitting positive energy, creating a warm, benevolent atmosphere in the family or team.

Properties of indoor plants (flowers)

Many plants can maintain indoor air humidity, but the most common of them are: fern, cyclamen, different types violets.

Supporters of esoteric teachings attribute to most indoor plants the ability to positively influence a person’s life and attitude. Thus, geraniums and begonias help develop self-confidence; violet and gloxinia improve financial situation; balsam and Chinese rose promote the development of creative abilities; palm, ficus and laurel help strengthen strong-willed qualities.

There are a great variety of indoor plants in our world, and they all have certain properties, exerting some influence on our mood, well-being and life. Therefore, when choosing indoor plants for your home or apartment, you need to not only evaluate their medicinal and beneficial features, but also rely on your intuition, as well as on the intuition of other family members.

After all, each person is individual, and what is useful for one may bring inconvenience and discomfort to another. Listen to your feelings, and you will not go wrong when choosing indoor plants.


The name of the genus Dracaena comes from the Greek word dracaina - “female dragon”, after the bright red resin of one of the species of dracaenas - the Dragon tree (Dracaena Draco) from the Canary Islands.

Types and varieties of dracaena

The genus includes about 80 evergreen shrubs and trees, native to tropical and subtropical Africa and the islands of Southeast Asia. Approximately 40 species can be grown in greenhouse conditions, of which about 10 species are grown in rooms.

Dracaena deremensis

An evergreen plant up to 3 m high, with a woody, non-branching, densely leafy trunk. As they grow, older leaves die and fall off, leaving marks on the trunk. Leaves up to 50 cm long, dark green.

It blooms very rarely - once every 7-10 years. Flowers in axillary racemes are dark red on the outside, white on the inside. The fruit is berry-shaped and orange.

In culture, varieties of Dracaena derema are especially popular.

Popular varieties of Dracaena derema:

"Lemon Lime" - a variety with leaves with longitudinal green and yellow stripes;

"White Stripe" - leaves with wide white stripes;

"White Jewel" - dark green leaves with longitudinal light green marginal stripes.

Fragrant dracaena (Dracaena fragrans)

Unlike the previous species, it has wider arched-curved leaves, collected in the upper part of the trunk. The flowers are white or yellowish-green.

Dracaena godseffiana, Dracaena surculosa

Homeland - the tropics of West Africa.

A subshrub from 50 cm to 3 m high, with erect, reed-like stems, which are covered with triangular membranous scales. The oval-shaped leaves, unusual for dracaenas, are arranged in false whorls of 3-5, green on top, in varieties with numerous white or cream spots.

The flowers are greenish-yellow, fragrant in apical or axillary racemose inflorescences. It blooms in cultivation even when kept on windows facing north.

This species has 3 known varieties: “Panctulata”, “Florida Beauty”, “Milky Way”, which differ from each other in size and quantity yellow spots on leaves that turn white with age. The "Milky Way" variety has spots along the midrib.

Dracaena sanderiana

The height of the plant is 70-100 cm. The leaves are gray-green with a white border along the edges, slightly twisted, up to 22 cm long. The "Boringuensis" form has leaves with a dark green edge. This type Can be grown when there is not enough space indoors.

Dracaena reflexa

This dracaena reaches a height of 70-100 cm. Large specimens are the result of long work on the formation of the trunk (pruning, stimulating the buds). The stem is weak and requires support. The leaves are green with a yellow border, up to 15 cm long.

It is difficult to grow this species indoors because it requires high air humidity.

The most popular variety is "Song of India" with dark green leaves with a lighter stripe.

Dracaena marginata

It has a serpentine, branching stem with age up to 3 m or more in height. The leaves are narrow, up to 70 cm long, curved, red along the edge. The uniform has a yellow stripe that separates the green and red. Popular variety has wide red stripes, causing the leaf to appear red.

Most often, dracaena marginata is used as a solitary plant.

Popular varieties of dracaena bordered:

"Colorama" - leaves with wide red stripes;

"Bicolor" - narrow leaves with longitudinal pink stripes;

"Magenta" - green leaves with crimson edges.

Dracaena canarian, or dragon tree (Dracaena draco)

Green-leafed appearance. Has secondary growth in thickness. Each branching branch ends in a dense bunch of densely arranged grayish-green, leathery, linear-xiphoid leaves 45-60 cm long and 2-4 cm wide in the middle of the blade, somewhat tapering towards the base and pointed towards the apex, with prominent veins. At good lighting the edges of dracaena leaves turn red, old leaves droop in an arched manner. The stem exudes a red resin, the so-called “dragon's blood”. Easily propagated by seeds and apical cuttings. In indoor conditions, Dracaena Canarian is significantly inferior to its southern relatives and grows to a height of no more than 1.5 m (in natural conditions- grow on open rocky places in the Canary Islands, Somalia, Ethiopia - reaches 20 m in height and 4.5 m in diameter).

Dracaena grows well and reaches large sizes indoors. This original plant, attractive with its exotic appearance, looks great in a composition with lower-growing crops: ferns, dieffenbachia, chlorophytum. Dracaena canariana is perfect for growing in cool rooms. In winter it can be kept on a windowsill.

Dracaena care

A bright window, protected from direct sunlight in summer, with a winter temperature of +15 ° C, is suitable for placing dracaena. Rooms with high air humidity are preferred. Dracaenas grow better in good light, but can also tolerate partial shade, although variegated forms can turn green, losing the leaf color characteristic of the variety. Watering is regular and even throughout the year. Both drying and waterlogging of the earthen ball is not allowed - the soil in the container should have constant low moisture. Spraying is done daily in summer, 1-2 times a week in winter. Feeding of dracaenas is carried out in spring and summer once every 2 weeks, if possible, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. Dracaena is replanted in the spring every 2 years. Young plants up to 3 years of age are replanted every year. For planting, a soil mixture consisting of turf soil, compost and sand (1:1:1) is used. When transferring old plants, the proportion of compost is increased.

Possible problems when growing dracaena:

- brown tips or edges of leaves- the most likely cause may be dry air, most dracaenas require high humidity air. Other reasons could be cold drafts or insufficient watering;

- light dry spots on the leaves- too much sun;

- leaves bend, dry out and fall off- the plant may be damaged mealybugs. The plant is wiped with a soapy sponge and washed under a warm shower;

- soft curled leaves with brown edges- temperature is too low. In delicate species of dracaenas, similar signs appear if they are left near a window on a cold night;

- yellowing lower leaves - if the leaves turn yellow slowly, this is natural and inevitable for old plants. Dracaenas tend to have green leaves only at the top of the bare stem. This appearance is explained by the fact that their leaves do not live long; after two years they turn yellow and die;

- brown spots on the leaves- insufficient watering. The earthen ball should be moist all the time;

- the appearance of a cobweb- caused by the appearance spider mite, is provoked by dry air. Cobwebs appear in the internodes of the stems, the leaves become limp and fall off. The plant should be wiped with a soapy sponge and washed in a warm shower;

- plant death- one of two things: either too much watering in winter, or too low a temperature. If, despite regular watering, the dracaena drops its leaves, you must immediately remove the plant from the pot and carefully examine the roots. If there are rotten areas, they are cut off, replanted in fresh soil mixture and then watered more moderately. At first it is necessary to provide dracaena high humidity air.

When purchasing, carefully inspect the plant: the leaves should be clean and the tips not dry. If the leaves are cut off, it means that the dry ends were cut off, the plant was most likely kept in unsuitable conditions for it. If you have difficulty caring for your plant (not enough time), then choose unpretentious species- Dracaena carinatum or Dracaena canariasis. They can withstand shade, careless care and fairly low temperatures in winter.

Dracaena propagation

Dracaenas are propagated throughout the year by apical cuttings. Dracaena is cut at a temperature of +20...+22 °C. The top with a bunch of leaves is cut off from the old stem. Stem sections take root either in water or in sand at a temperature of +25 ° C for 1-2 months. It is advisable to cover the container with the cuttings with a bag or film. In an old plant, several side shoots form on the remaining trunk after some time. It can also be propagated by parts of the stem up to 12 cm long. The cut areas are sprinkled with crushed coal and the pieces are placed in damp sand. Several dracaena shoots with roots grow from one stem, which are planted in individual pots. Cuttings take root within 2-3 weeks.

Using planting material obtained at home, using simple techniques you can form a beautiful specimen of dracaena for interior decoration. To form a multi-stemmed tree, several cuttings (usually 3-4) are planted together in one container. Subsequently, the roots of the plants become intertwined, and they can be handled as one whole when transplanting. Using wire tying or inserting wooden spacers between the still young and flexible stems of the dracaena, you can give the “bush” a more luxuriant shape, deviating the side plants from the center.

To form a branched tree, the shoot of the plant is cut off, leaving the trunk of the required height. The cut top can be used for rooting. After removing the top from the dracaena trunk (near the cut site), new shoots (usually 2-3) grow from the dormant buds. Using wire tying, they are given the desired orientation in space, and when they grow to a certain height, they are pruned again for further branching.

Ecology of home

Dracaena has an increased ability to humidify the air. In the room where it is present, the content of formaldehyde in the air decreases. It is also capable of absorbing and neutralizing benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, and cyclohexanone.

Medicinal properties of dracaenas

“Dragon’s blood” (a red resin secreted from the trunk of a plant) has long been known in the Canary Islands, where healing ointments were made from it to heal wounds. According to research, the effect of dracaena juice on the body can be equated to aloe vera. It has an antioxidant effect, strengthens the immune system and heart muscle. Previously, dragon tree resin was used as a remedy for diarrhea and in the manufacture of medicines for inflammation of the oral mucosa. Mixed dracaena juice with grape alcohol is used in folk medicine for the treatment of skin diseases and stomach ulcers.

It is believed that dracaena soothes any pain in the bones and has a calming effect on a person. Just by being in the house, she can protect household members from osteochondrosis and muscle pain. When added to hair dye, it gives hair strength and a lasting golden hue.

Energy of dracaenas

It is believed that dracaena is a symbol of power, prestige, and prosperity. It can cleanse the energy of the home, especially where people live who are often in a state of excitement and stress. Dracaena is able to cleanse the atmosphere in the house from invisible “dust” that forms around a fussing, excited person. It helps you calm down and find peace of mind. The energy of dracaena is characterized by fountain-like fluctuations. Strong, concentrated energy emanates from the plant's trunk in the form of a fountain, then descends and rises again. Healthy plants form a cycle of energy.

Legends and myths about dracaenas

Residents of Socotra call the cinnabar-colored resin exuded by dracaena trees “the blood of two brothers” - there is clearly a connection with an ancient Indian legend, from which the Socotrians may have borrowed this name. According to this legend, dragons constantly fought with elephants. They had a passion for elephant blood. The dragon wrapped itself around the elephant's trunk and bit him behind the ear, and then drank all his blood in one gulp. But one day a dying elephant fell on the dragon and crushed it. The blood of a dragon, mixed with the blood of an elephant, was called “cinnabar”, then the red earth containing red sulfurous mercury and, finally, the resin of the dragon tree (dracaena) began to be called this.

This legend explains both why the resin is called "dragon's blood" and the name given to it by the Soqotrans. According to Indian religious beliefs, the elephant and the dragon are close relatives: the members of the Brahman triad were Brahma (the Creator in the form of an elephant), Vishnu (the Preserver) and Shiva (the Destroyer, usually in the form of a cobra, which can be equated to a dragon). The fight between the elephant and the dragon, between the Creator and the Destroyer, between the forces of life and death was eternal. The fact that Socotra mythology has this reflection of Indian religious ideas proves that in the past India's ties with Socotra were closer than they are now.

Some of the dracaenas in adulthood are confused with yucca, and cordylines are often classified as dracaenas and vice versa. The common Cordyline apex is usually sold as Dracaena apex; in English it is called Red Dracaena (“red dracaena”). These similar plants are nevertheless easy to distinguish. In decorative floriculture, dracaenas and cordylines are identified by their roots. Dracaenas have orange-yellow, smooth roots, while cordylines have white and thickened rhizomes.

In nature, these two plants differ in the number of ovules in the ovary and the number of seeds in the fruits: cordylines have from 4 to 20 ovules in a nest, while dracaenas have only one ovule in each nest. The genus Cordyline owes its name to the Greek word kordylle - “knot”, “nodule”, “bump”, due to the presence of fleshy, pineal-shaped roots. The genus includes approximately 15 species. Cordylines are native to tropical Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

Dracaena in history

Biologist and teacher N.M. Verzilin wrote: “Among the Canary Islands off the western coast of Africa, there is the island of Tenerife. On a high mountain grows a strangely shaped tree with a thick trunk and a large hollow inside. Judging by the descriptions of the first navigators who discovered Tenerife in 1402, this tree was just as old at that time. The locals who inhabited the island at that time considered this tree sacred and worshiped it. The tree is 23 m high, 15 m in girth and more than 4 m wide.” In the 15th century An altar was placed inside the dracaena tree. At the end of the 18th century. This tree was seen by the scientist-traveler A. Humboldt. He assumed that he was 6 thousand years old. But it is now believed that this age is greatly exaggerated and, perhaps, the oldest tree was no more than 600 years old. Nowadays, somewhat smaller dracaena grows on the same island. Its height is 21 m, its trunk girth is 8 m, its estimated age is more than 300 years.

According to Feng Shui, dracaena purifies the air, creates comfort in the house and pacifies raging energies. This plant fits perfectly into the interior of both the living room of an apartment and the office hall. Experts say that it creates harmony and gives vitality to animals and people. The homeland of dracaena is the tropical regions of Asia, Africa and the Canary Islands, and these plants appeared in Europe during the time of Queen Victoria.

The thick, woody stem ending in a crown of long leaves at the top is called false palm. They actually belong to the agave family. Depending on the variety, the leaves of the plant can be multi-colored or variegated stripes. Dracaena rarely blooms. The old tree has a branched trunk. At proper care Dracaena can grow quite tall.


Not everyone knows that plants distinguish between positive and negative emotions and react sensitively to them. In an unfavorable psychological environment they wither, but in a good one, on the contrary, they burst with health. Therefore, if your flower has withered, think about it, maybe you were the reason? In addition, a plant, like a person, has its own character, aura and creates a special energy. Everyone can feel the plant, you just need to want it.

In general, dracaena has a calm, unhurried disposition, accumulating a fairly strong energy field. However, it is not static - waves bubble in it, like in a fountain, lowering energy down and lifting it up. There is an opinion that the stronger the energy of a plant, the sharper and narrower its leaves. The flower itself, when interacting, pacifies and calms. Dracaena varieties with thick, drooping leaves produce a mild effect on humans.

At work and at home

It is best to place the plant in a place where people are often in a state of stress or excitement, then it will have a calming effect and help gain vitality for those who feel internal constraint and are prone to self-exaggeration and exaggeration of shortcomings.

Dracaena is simply irreplaceable at work, because there you often have to communicate with a large number of people and not everyone is in the mood to come to an agreement. The plant will help you maintain balance and calm. If your profession involves activity that creates a difficult atmosphere. The flower will cleanse it and help, so people can quickly find mutual understanding.

If you are in a bad mood, talk to the dracaena and you will quickly overcome the emotional discomfort associated with your subordinates. In addition, dracaena eliminates harmful substances that arise during the operation of photocopiers and laser printers.


According to astrology, dracaena is ruled by two planets Mercury and Saturn. Saturn conducts through itself a pronounced earthly element, which can cause depression and stiffness in a person, but thanks to the relaxed and easy-going Mercury, this state is balanced.

Astrologers also claim that dracaena not only relaxes and pacifies, but at the same time protects household members from joint and muscle pain and osteochondrosis. The plant has the most beneficial effect on those born under the signs of Capricorn and Aries. Feng Shui masters advise placing slides with dracaena in the western part of the room - then it will acquire the greatest protective power.


Bordered, dragon and derem are the most unpretentious types of dracaenas. They don't need a lot of light, strict temperature regime and careful care. The flower will grow best in light shade near windows, when the air temperature is at least +12 °C.

In this case, the variegated variety should be placed in a brighter place, while the single-color varieties tolerate shade well. When it gets warm outside, it is recommended to take the flower pots out into the fresh air. The plant should be watered regularly and moderately. In winter, watering is reduced, but so that the soil does not dry out. Spray dracaena regularly.

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This unusual plant born on the shores of Africa. It looks like a tree with a huge trunk and long leaves on the top. Indoor dracaena is much smaller in size, but no less attractive. It will give comfort and decorate the interior of any room.

  • Types of dracaena
    • Marginata
    • Reflex
    • Durham
    • Fragrant
  • Rules for replanting dracaena
  • Dracaena diseases. How to treat
  • Rules of care
  • Medicinal properties of dracaena
  • Interesting Facts
  • Designers advise

Types of dracaena


The most common type of plant. It grows up to 3 m in height, on top there are thin long leaves growing in different directions.


Dracaena, which has a weak stem and leaves growing almost from the very root. Reflexa has bright green leaves with long yellow stripes along them.


Large dracaena with a tree-like three-meter trunk. Grows in the wild, blooms with red flowers that have bad smell. Does not grow at home.


The most large plant, reaches up to 6 m in height with long, wide leaves. It blooms with white flowers with a strong scent.

Caring for dracaena at home

Any type of this plant does not require any special requirements for existence. Dracaena needs to be provided with sunlight, so its “residence” is the south side of the room. However, in the hottest weather, the flower is transferred to the shade, this is especially important for a plant with green leaves.

Watering should be frequent, but not abundant. Once every two days - in the summer, in the cold season - less often, because the plant “sleeps”. Water for irrigation is boiled or passed through a filter. Despite all its moisture-loving properties, dracaena should not be overwatered. To improve appearance flower, to give brightness to the leaves, it needs to be fed with special fertilizers several times a week.
Reproduction methods: apical cuttings, stem pieces, air layering.

Rules for replanting dracaena

Powerful root system in a cramped pot can have a bad effect on flower growth. Dracaena needs to be replanted once a year, in late March-early April. A plant purchased in a store must be replanted immediately. To do this, use palm soil.

To avoid rotting of the root system, drainage is poured into the bottom of the pot. After transplantation, the dracaena needs to be watered with a liquid containing a growth stimulator. But, if you do not at least minimally care for the flower, pests will destroy it.

Dracaena diseases. How to treat

  1. Scale insects are the most common disease. Slows down leaf growth and damages the stem. As a result of the disease, the plant turns yellow. If treatment is not started, the flower will die. In case of minor damage, it is necessary to wash the leaves with a soapy solution, adding a little vodka to it. For large injuries, special preparations are used.
  2. Spider mites attack dracaena in dry rooms. Affected leaves dry out and turn yellow. Treatment is carried out by spraying the plant with vodka or special chemicals.
  3. Thrips - small insects black leaves stains on the leaves and slows down the growth of dracaena. To get rid of thrips, the flower is washed with soapy water and insect traps are installed.

Most often it is improper care behind the flower is the cause of its illness. The leaves of the plant dry out due to dry air or insufficient watering. Dracaena suffers from drafts and cold. The process of lower leaves falling off is considered normal for older plants.

Rules of care

In order for dracaena to please with green leaves and a healthy appearance, the following rules must be followed:

  • Water little and often
  • Provide sufficient sunlight and shade in hot weather
  • Replant in time
  • Systematically spray the leaves with water
  • Protect from drafts
  • Do not place in rooms with dry air

When buying dracaena, you should pay attention to the leaves: they should be clean, their tips should not be dry. Cut ends indicate that the plant was kept in unsuitable conditions. Dracaena carinatum or Canariasis is chosen by those who do not have enough time for care. These species can withstand both coolness and lack of care.

Medicinal properties of dracaena

An ointment for healing wounds was previously made from the resin secreted from the trunk. Dracaena juice has medicinal properties similar to aloe vera juice. It is able to have an antioxidant effect, strengthens the heart muscle and the immune system. To treat skin diseases and stomach ulcers, use dracaena juice with grape alcohol. There is a belief that dracaena protects family members from muscle pain and osteochondrosis.
This flower is considered a symbol of power, prosperity and prestige.

  1. “Female dragon” is the second name of dracaena
  2. “Tree of Happiness” is the name given to dracaena in South and Central America.
  3. The sap of the plant serves as the basis for the varnish that is used to coat the metal. It is also used to make fabric dyes.
  4. Dracaena juice is used to color wines
  5. Dracaena juice is also used to give hair a lasting golden hue.
  6. From large leaves trees are used to make fiber for ropes
  7. Scientists identify 40-50 species of dracaenas

The life of plants is divided into 3 periods: youth, maturity and old age. Up to 35 years - youth, then maturity, when the plant bears fruit, and then a long period of old age begins.

To decorate the room, you need to plant 3-4 cuttings together in one container. The roots will intertwine and can be replanted as one. With the help of wooden spacers, the side plants deviate from the center, and the bush takes on a more luxuriant shape. To form a branched tree, the shoot of the plant is pruned. This tip can be used for rooting.
Dracaena will add a very special mood to any room - from an office to an apartment. The rich greenery of the plant's leaves will cleanse the atmosphere, protect against stress and calm the nervous system. With its help, the air will be humidified and the formaldehyde content will be reduced.

Finally. What does Feng Shui teach about dracaena?

Dracaena Sandera - bamboo of happiness. Feng Shui experts call its twenty twisting stems the “Tower of Love.” In order to become happy, the pot with the Tower must be placed in the eastern or southern part of the house. This is the best amulet and source of well-being for the family. But it has nothing to do with real bamboo.

No matter what this plant is called in different parts, everywhere it gives people beauty and benefits.

Jun 14, 2016 Sergey

13.01.2011 Natalia Morozova

We have chosen for you 6 plants that can give not only beauty and harmony, but also purify the air from harmful impurities and microbes, moisturize it and have a beneficial effect on human energy.



A wonderful plant that purifies the air from harmful impurities. Absorbs formaldehyde. Chlorophytum also has a significant bactericidal effect. Experts have found that within 24 hours this plant completely cleanses the air of harmful microorganisms. The cleaning properties are noticeably enhanced if activated carbon is placed in flower pots. During hard work it gives new strength and energy.



Aloe cleanses the air of formaldehyde and reduces the content of protozoan microorganisms in it. At night, it releases oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide. Aloe is very good to have in a house where there are people with chronic diseases, weakened people or people with a weak biofield. Aloe increases and cleanses the overall energy of the atmosphere, protects everyone from the very disease that threatens them. In a house where there is aloe, people get sick less and recover faster.



Dracaena purifies the air of the room in which it is located. Removes from the air more than 70% of benzene, ammonia, formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and other harmful impurities that can be released from low-quality synthetic coatings, linoleum and chipboard. Dracaenas process all these harmful compounds, and also destroy half of all existing microbes. Dracaena helps to avoid complications after diseases associated with the intestines and abdominal cavity. Thanks to the presence of dracaena in the apartment, household wounds will heal faster and any skin diseases will be cured faster. Dracaena will, unnoticed by you, strengthen your musculoskeletal system. Under its influence, the spine straightens, making it easier for a person to maintain a straight posture. The presence of dracaena in the house also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth.



Ficus leaves are able to actively absorb formaldehyde - up to 10 mg/hour. In addition, ficus affects energy balance - it works as an immune psychotherapist, conveying to a person its state of peace and stability. Better suited for the office.



Perfectly humidifies the air. Spreads peace and harmony, protects sleep from the influence of bad weather.



Spathiphyllum purifies the air from harmful compounds such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene, trichlorethylene. Significantly reduces the number of microorganisms in the air. It is especially active in combating mold fungi.

Dracaena is an unusual flower and I want to tell you about it. For many, perhaps this knowledge will become an incentive to decorate their home with this extraordinary flower.

about the advantages of dracaena and its properties

It has long been believed that this flower is not only capable of decorating an apartment or house, but can bring happiness to those living in this house. will be a constant companion of people who have dracaena in their home.

Judging by the signs about dracaena, it frees the family in whose house it is located from destructive and negative things, and at the same time improves the energy of the home. This unusual flower helps to banish depression and improves mood, and also gives determination to people living nearby and helps them move towards their goals.

As I already wrote, there are a huge number of types of dracaena. For example, Dracaena Deremskaya will free the aura of a house of haste, which fills the homes of people who are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere. Haste in deeds and thoughts can lead to stressful situation, which absolutely no one needs - about the advantages of dracaena and its properties. Dracaena of this species will successfully cope with stress, and will also remove dejection. It can easily get rid of bones from a person who is with her, even for a couple of hours in the same room... Dracaena Godsepha is considered the flower of people born under it - it is different from other types of dracaena. The leaves of Godzefa are completely covered, most often with white spots, but occasionally with cream spots - there is little greenery in the leaves. Maybe that’s why botanists nicknamed this type of dracaena “the black sheep” - well, that’s what it is!

Dracaena would be a good gift, but for those who prefer original and unusual gifts, I suggest clicking on the link to purchase scrapbooking cards! This unusual gift is a type of handicraft that will delight all connoisseurs of perfection without exception. Come in! On the other hand, Dracaena Godzefa is capable of pacifying any conflicts in the family and trying to bring people with opposite energies together.

This plant is credited with a water-fire character, and because of this, the plant helps teach a person tactical techniques - where to act and where to retreat... Its dracaena promotes cleansing human body and strengthening it. And being in people’s homes, it helps them easily endure cold and heat. It is believed that through the fire element of dracaena, all toxins in the human body are burned, while the water element washes away these burnt-out wastes - about the advantages of dracaena and its properties... This plant is indicated for people with vascular thrombosis, gout and salt deposition in the joints. Dracaena also promotes human peace by relaxing and soothing muscle pain. By the way, dracaena is also useful for those who work at the computer, since