Propagation of the myrtle tree. The period of flowering and fruit appearance. Basic rules for flower care

Common myrtle (Mýrtus commúnis) - evergreen, belonging to the genus Myrtle and the family Myrtaceae. The myrtle communis plant has small, leathery leaves and white, five-petaled flowers.

Growing myrtle is not difficult, and even novice amateur gardeners can care for such a flower. In our country, in addition to the common species, in home floriculture they also prefer to grow indoor flower Saharan myrtle.

Common myrtle and its varieties

This species is best suited for keeping at home. A small tree or shrubby plant, having small glossy leaves and white fragrant flowers, became the basis for breeding several highly decorative and quite unpretentious varieties and forms that differ in color, size and shape of foliage and flowers:

  • variety "Boetics" or Boetica has large, rich green leaves no more than 70 mm long. The variety is slow growing;
  • variety "Variegata" or Variegata refers to variegated forms with yellow-green leaves;
  • variety "Tarentine" or Tarentina is characterized by the small size of the aerial part. The variegated variety Tarentina Variegata and Tarentina Granada with original creamy-colored fruits are especially popular;
  • variety "Alhambra" or Alhambra is unpretentious and produces light greenish colored fruits. The foliage is small in size, bright green, elongated in shape;
  • variety "Flore Pleno" or Flore Pleno forms quite large and long time Numerous double flowers that retain their visual appeal;
  • variety "Compact" or Compasta belongs to the category of low-growing forms that form a dense and fairly dense crown, as well as lush white flowers.

Almost any variety belonging to this species is very easy to propagate and does not require the grower to special conditions in care.

Common myrtle is an evergreen plant belonging to the genus Myrtle and the Myrtaceae family.

Saharan myrtle

Myrtus nivellei grows mainly in the mountainous regions of Tassili-n-Ajjer, in the southern part of Algeria and in Chad. This type belongs to the category of endangered plants, therefore it is protected. Popular shrubby endemic with height aboveground part no more than two meters, characterized by large size and lanceolate foliage. The length of the leaves does not exceed 40-50mm. Fruits are black in color.

Gallery: common myrtle (25 photos)

Signs and superstitions associated with the myrtle tree

The myrtle tree is very popular in many countries as a plant that brings family happiness. It is customary to give such a flower to young married couples in order to strengthen their mutual understanding. In ancient times, myrtle branches were used to adorn the bride's head. It is also believed that this ornamental culture is able to give its owner unfading beauty and eternal youth.

The myrtle tree is very popular in many countries as a plant that brings family happiness.

How to properly replant myrtle after purchase

If the plant is sold in transport soil, then replanting is prerequisite growing. As a nutritious soil substrate for planting, it is advisable to use a mixture based on one part of sod-peat soil and one part of humus-peat soil with the addition of one part of sifted medium-grained sand. A sufficient layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom of the flower pot. Transplantation is carried out by transferring the root system with an earthen lump.

Myrtle propagation methods

Propagation of decorative perennials grown in conditions indoor floriculture, carried out by cuttings and using seed material.

Growing from seeds

Seeds are sown in a nutritious soil mixture based on one part sifted sand and one part peat with the addition of a small amount of vermiculite. It is recommended to pre-spray the substrate with any fungicide. The seed material is carefully distributed over the surface of the nutrient substrate, after which it is sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.

The container with the crops is covered with plexiglass or film. Germination of perennials should be carried out when temperature conditions at 18-20°C. Crops are regularly ventilated and moistened. If all requirements are fully met, seedlings appear in one or two weeks. Flowering occurs after five years.

Features of growing a myrtle tree (video)

How to propagate myrtle from cuttings

Semi-lignified cuttings should be cut for propagation in January or early February, as well as in mid-summer. Cuttings taken from the bottom or bottom root best. middle region crowns The maximum length of the cutting should not exceed 80mm. Half of the leaves are cut off completely, which will reduce moisture evaporation. Otherwise, the cutting dries out and planting it is impractical.

The cut area is treated with growth stimulants, after which rooting is carried out in a mixture of leaf soil and coarse sand. The temperature should be 16-20°C. Young plants are pinched to stimulate flowering, which occurs in the third or fourth year.

Myrtle blooming in the house

The decorative perennial enters the flowering phase in early or mid-summer. The flowering of the plant is not only attractive, but also accompanied by a very pleasant aroma.

Decorative perennial enters the flowering phase in early or mid-summer

When and how does a houseplant bloom?

Flowers are of regular or double type, and are located in the leaf axils, singly or collected in racemes. A significant part of the flowers blooms, as a rule, in the apical part of the plant that is most illuminated by the sun's rays.

Why doesn't myrtle bloom?

To get flowering it is very important not to trim in spring period, and also provide the decorative crop with an influx of fresh air and quality care at all stages of the growing season. If the growing technology is not followed, the plant dries out and there is no flowering.

How to replant myrtle (video)

Caring for myrtle at home

In order for myrtle not to dry out and die, to retain its decorative appeal for many years, and also to please the amateur gardener with abundant and stable flowering, the plant needs to be provided with a comfortable stay and competent care at all stages of the growing season.

Lighting, temperature and humidity

Bright daylight is one of the main requirements for growing myrtle in indoor floriculture. Throughout the year, illumination levels should be at least 6000-8000 lux. A sufficient amount of sunlight guarantees a dense and dense crown, as well as stable and abundant flowering.

Best place flower pot with a plant on the south, south-east and south-west windows, without shading. When grown on northern windows, strong elongation of shoots, paleness and falling of leaves, and lack of flowering are observed. If necessary, the perennial needs to be provided with additional illumination with sufficiently powerful, special phytolamps for ten hours.

The temperature should be moderately warm in spring and summer period, at 18-25°C. Wintering is carried out in a cool room, at a temperature within 5-8°C. If in winter period If the plant is grown at too high a temperature, partial shedding of leaves is often observed. Besides everything else, At low temperatures in winter, flower buds are formed.

A very important parameter when cultivating home myrtle is compliance with optimal performance indoor air humidity is within 60-65%. If the air in the room is excessively dry, the crown of the ornamental tree should be sprayed regularly. It is also recommended to sometimes give the plant a warm shower to refresh the foliage and remove all dust accumulations from it.

Bright natural light is one of the main requirements for growing myrtle in indoor floriculture.

Features and frequency of watering

Adults ornamental plants need fairly frequent and abundant irrigation. At the stage of activation of the growing season, the decorative crop is watered immediately after the top layer of soil in the flower pot has dried.

In winter, at the dormant stage, cool temperature conditions make irrigation activities less frequent . Important to remember, that both waterlogging and drying out of the soil is very dangerous for the crop. In the first case, very often the plant is affected by a fungal infection. For irrigation, settled and soft water is used room temperature.


For the full development of myrtle, maintaining intensive growth processes and abundant flowering, the perennial must be properly fed. For this purpose, you can use any universal fertilizers, suitable for feeding decorative deciduous and flowering indoor plants. This fertilizer is diluted in accordance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. There is no need to feed the crop in winter.

The best time to prune myrtle is spring or the last ten days of winter.

Pruning and crown formation

Decorative perennials of any variety tolerate pruning and pinching very well, regardless of the time of year. However, one must take into account the fact that in adult wintering plants that are in the dormant stage, only a couple of branches can be cut off painlessly.

For actively vegetating specimens that are in the stage of growth and development, radical pruning of the crown is ideal. The best time for pruning is spring or the last ten days of winter. Cuttings can be used to propagate indoor plants vegetatively.

Possible problems during cultivation

If it is completely impossible to move a flower pot with indoor myrtle to a room with a low temperature regime, it is necessary to fence off part of the window sill space with ordinary plastic film. Besides everything else, it is very important to systematically spray the leaves with a spray bottle settled water at room temperature. Stretching of shoots is the main sign of a lack of natural solar lighting, so the indoor flower will need to be illuminated with special phytolamps.

Reproduction and pruning of myrtle (video)

Today it is the most unusual and unique plant, which is usually classified as a genus of evergreen woody flowers. Its unusual name comes from the Latin "Myrtus". At the moment, there are more than 40 varieties of this flower. When flowering, small flowers appear on the plant white. The leaves contain essential oils, which are often used for medical and cosmetic purposes. A small sprig of myrtle is considered the main symbol of calm, tranquility and peace!

The native regions of the Mediterranean and the Azores, which are located in the northern part of Africa, are considered to be the birthplace of myrtle. In nature, the plant can reach from 3 to 5 meters in height. But bred for breeding at home special types, the size of which spruce is 1 meter.

Myrtle will not only be an excellent decoration for any interior, but will help bring an atmosphere of calm and comfort to your home. With proper care of the flower, it will become a faithful companion for many years, whose development is a pleasure to watch.

So, what needs to be taken into account when growing myrtle at home?


Planting myrtle quite an easy procedure. It is best to use cuttings for this (a lot of troubles can arise with seeds).

The cutting will be able to take root very quickly if it is placed in a container of water. As soon as the first shoots begin to appear, you can start planting the flower.

If you pluck the cuttings in the middle or end of the spring season, you significantly increase the likelihood that after planting the plant, the myrtle will grow lush and healthy.

Typically, plant growth can last from 3 to 5 years.

Location and lighting

After the myrtle has been planted, you need to think about where to place it in the house. The most suitable option may be window sills, which will be located from the west or east. If this is not possible, and you have to place the flower on the south side, then it is necessary to protect the plant from direct rays of the sun. Otherwise, the myrtle will not bloom, and its leaves will quickly fade.

It is believed that myrtle tolerates natural light well. But still, you need to be careful. If exposed to the sun for a long time, the plant may get sick and die. It is for this reason that in the summer it is necessary to worry about a suitable location for the flower in the house.

Pot size

When carrying out the replanting procedure, you need to worry about a new pot for myrtle in advance. If the plant has reached its maximum size or will still grow, then it is best to purchase a pot that will be 2-3 times larger than the original one. You need to pay attention to tall and wide plastic pots, because quite often root system The flower grows greatly and begins to go beyond the edges of the pot. At making the right choice With this accessory, such trouble should not happen.

A pot that is too large is also dangerous. In this case, all the liquid will flow to the bottom, and the root system will absorb it. With prolonged exposure to moisture, the process of rotting may begin. Therefore, it is very important to monitor how often the flower is watered.

The soil

If you plan to grow myrtle in the house, then it would be best to prepare the soil, which will consist of turf soil, ordinary sand and humus. Before planting, all components are mixed together in a 1:1:1 ratio.

When purchasing land from a flower shop, preference should be given to soil for palm trees.


After the winter cold has passed, the plant must be replanted. Before this procedure, it is necessary to purchase a convenient and correct size pot and prepare the soil, which will promote the active growth of the Mediterranean plant. The soil can be purchased at a specialized store, or you can prepare the soil yourself. Here everyone has the right to decide for themselves.

First of all, drainage is laid out at the bottom of the pot. For this you can use ordinary pebbles or coarse sand. The drainage layer is standard and is at least 3 centimeters. After this, a little soil is poured into the pot and the plant itself is placed. If the roots are not crowded, they do not bend and do not look out of the pot, then you can continue to cover the plant with soil. Do not sprinkle the myrtle trunk too heavily. It should always be level with the top of the pot.

After transplantation, the flower is watered or sprayed. This is done daily until the plant adapts to the new growth conditions.

An adult plant is replanted every 3-4 years.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

Fertilizers and top dressing for myrtle necessary during active growth flower from March to August. To do this, you can purchase the following fertilizers in the store: “Kemira-combi”, “Kemira-universal” or other types of fertilizers that are recommended for feeding house plants.

If the concentration of fertilizer is quite strong, then it can be diluted with plain water.

Proper watering

Myrtle is a very water-loving flower. Therefore, in no case should you allow the soil to dry out too much. If this happens, the roots will instantly react in a negative way, which can significantly affect the overall health of the plant.

It is best to water the world with boiled or settled water, which will not contain lime. Once every 7 days, the flower must be watered with water, to which a little lemon juice or citric acid. If these components are not sufficient in the soil, then the plant's root system may not strengthen properly.


This flower is quite resistant to low temperatures. At proper care it tolerates winter and late autumn well. So, during periods of severe cold, the optimal room temperature for a flower will be considered to be 7-10 degrees Celsius. The only thing you need to take care of is proper watering. Under no circumstances should the soil of the flower be allowed to become dry in winter.

If it is possible to take the plant to a balcony or loggia, then this can be done in the autumn. Only if the mark drops below 7 degrees, the plant will still have to be moved into the room.

If wintering is unsuccessful, myrtle may shed its leaves. But this is not a reason to get rid of the flower. Already in the first half of February, the plant will regain its strength and take on its previous appearance. True, flowering after this may not happen.


The flower loves water very much and water treatments. Therefore, it is believed that it can be sprayed almost every day. The only exception is the winter period. At this time of year, watering should be avoided. The air humidity in the room where the myrtle is located should be at least 60%.


Pruning this flower is the only way to change its appearance and shape. The most suitable period for this procedure is spring. If you pinch the branches in a timely manner, the plant will be very lush (pinching can be done at any time when the myrtle needs it).

Possible diseases and pests

If you do not monitor the level of air humidity in the room, then myrtle can be affected by pests such as scale insects, spider mite and aphids.

If you want to see how myrtle blooms, then you should not prune it in the spring. This procedure can be carried out only after the process of active flower blooming has ended.

When flowering, flowers grow on the top of the plant. With proper care and proper lighting, active flowering can continue from early June to late July. At this point, it is necessary to ventilate the room and ensure regular spraying of myrtle.

In order for myrtle to bloom every year, it must be fertilized. We mentioned how to do this correctly a little higher.

Plant propagation

By nature, myrtle can reproduce in several ways. These should include:

1. Reproduction using seeds. This procedure must be carried out between March and April. The prepared seeds are scattered on the top of the ground and a little special substrate is poured on top. You will be able to notice the first shoots within 1-2 weeks. The plant sits in the prepared soil only when the first couple of leaves grow.

2. Reproduction by cuttings. It is better to pre-harvest cuttings in May, August or November. Their length should reach 10 centimeters. The lower leaves must be cut off, and then the cuttings are sent for rooting. After 1-1.5 months young plant can be transplanted into a small pot.

Rest period

In myrtle, the dormant period begins at winter time. That is why it is very important not to disturb the plant with the onset of cold weather. It is important to observe the temperature regime (7-10 degrees with the “+” mark), and reduce the amount of watering and spraying.

If there is an excess of moisture, the flower begins to shed its leaves.

In winter, it is also necessary to stop feeding the plant.

Beneficial properties of the plant and toxicity

Since its inception, myrtle has been known for its unique and beneficial properties. If we consider it from a medical point of view, it can act as an analogue of antibiotics, since the plant contains bactericidal components. They, in turn, help heal and reduce the symptoms of diseases such as sore throat, flu, prostatitis, migraine and cystitis.

Myrtle can have a beneficial effect on the human immune system. It is recommended to be used as an additional treatment and for preventive purposes.

As for toxicity, there is no confirmation of this fact today. As you know, most myrtle fruits are edible and do not pose any threat to human and animal life.

So, if you are planning to start growing myrtle at home, then you need to know the following facts:

  • The plant does not tolerate bright sunlight very well, but it does well with a little shade.
  • If there is not enough light, the plant begins to die and shed its leaves.
  • The flower is very water-loving, so regular spraying and watering is necessary.
  • For an adult myrtle, you need to promptly change the top layer of soil, using mineral fertilizers.

The myrtle tree will be a great decoration for any home! For many years it will favor calm and cozy atmosphere in family!

Myrtle is one of the oldest plants. The myrtle flower is mentioned in the Bible and described in ancient Greek legends.

This permanently green shrub with a pleasant aroma grows mainly in countries with warm climates and is the owner and supplier of healthy oils from flowers and fruits.

Content requirements

Indoor myrtle requires high humidity, therefore, in addition to watering the soil, it is necessary additional spraying foliage. The water should be soft, but not distilled; it is best to use water at room temperature, which has been infused at home for a day or night.

What should be the soil for indoor myrtle:

  1. Turf for wood – 30%.
  2. Peat or peat soil – 30%.
  3. White sand – 20%.
  4. Humus – 20%.

May well fit special soils for flowers or greenhouse land. Caring for a myrtle tree at home requires vigilance and timely watering; the soil should not be dry, but the water should not stagnate in the pan. Complex fertilizer for flowers is used as fertilizing.

Care in summer and winter

The room temperature in the myrtle habitat should not be less than twenty-two degrees. But despite the temperature, the flower must be protected from direct scorching sunlight. The air should be fresh; if the temperature outside is acceptable, the tree can be moved to a balcony or street. If this is not possible, the room is ventilated. But do not forget that the plant is picky and afraid of drafts.

In the warm season, water the plant often, but not abundantly, to avoid stagnation of water. Feed the flower about once a week.

IN winter time Watering is carried out much less frequently, but the soil is not allowed to dry out. Spray the plant only if the temperature in the room remains at least 22 degrees. The soil is fertilized once a month. In winter, the flower “goes into hibernation”, and, accordingly, all vital processes slow down. Don't be alarmed by the loss of foliage on a plant. In spring, the myrtle will completely restore its crown.

Myrtle (Myrtus) belongs to the genus of evergreen shrubs and trees of the Myrtle family. Grows in North Africa, Western Asia, the Caribbean islands, Florida, the Azores, and Europe. Myrtle means “balm” in Greek.

Myrtle - evergreen woody shrub with straight, abundantly branching stems. The leaves are dark green, leathery and dense, attached to short petioles, oblong and pointed towards the edge. Myrtle leaves have numerous small glands that can be seen in the light; they secrete aromatic substances and essential oils. The flowers are white or pink, fragrant, arranged singly or in racemes on thin stalks. The fruits are edible black berries on which the calyx of the flower is attached.

When buying myrtle, you need to understand that the plant has a pronounced dormant period. This means that you need to care for myrtle differently in summer and winter. Because of this feature, myrtle can be located in different places depending on the temperature in the house and the time of year. The most favorable time for the plant it is summer. Myrtle loves fresh air very much, so the plant can even be buried together with the pot in the ground, for example, in the garden. Before digging in, you need to think and decide on the place where the myrtle will grow.

Myrtle is in great demand among flower lovers. But quite often, various problems occur when growing myrtle at home. For example, myrtle sheds its leaves. This may be due to improper maintenance of myrtle. Something similar can be observed when growing such famous plants as or. Caring for myrtle is quite simple, but still has its own nuances.

Location and lighting

Myrtle loves bright, diffused light and easily tolerates direct sunlight. But it is worth considering that the plant should be shaded from direct sunlight in the hot season. If you want to get flowers from the plant, then you need to take into account that the myrtle should be in a well-lit place. In summer, myrtle can be taken out into the open air.

If myrtle grows in a room on the windowsill, then the most best option There will be western and eastern windows. If you place myrtle in the south, it can get sunburn. The north is the most unfavorable place for flowering: the flowers will be faded and quickly fall off. It can also be noted that light acts on myrtle as a signal for awakening.

In winter, you need to give the plant as much light as possible. If the myrtle stands in the south, then the dormant period will last only a month, if in the north, then all three. If you had to change permanent place, then this needs to be done gradually. After all, in another place the level of light will be different. The myrtle may lose light or, on the contrary, receive too much of it, so you need to approach rearranging the tree carefully and gradually. The plant does not like a sudden change of place of residence. It’s worth starting with the fact that little by little the myrtle can be placed a little further from the window, so it will quickly get used to the new conditions of detention.


In summer, room temperature is quite suitable for myrtle. In general, the plant likes cool or moderate temperatures. The most favorable air temperature is 18-20 degrees. In winter, it is better to move the myrtle tree to a cool room with an air temperature of 6-8 degrees Celsius. Under such conditions, the myrtle will bloom profusely in the summer. You can, of course, overwinter myrtle at room temperature, but in this case you will need abundant watering and constant spraying.

When the air is warm and dry in winter, myrtle leaves often fall off, although you should not despair. If you continue to water the tree moderately, in the spring it will turn green again, but myrtle that has endured a warm winter most likely will not bloom.

Air humidity

Myrtle loves moist air, so it needs regular spraying. Usually, myrtle is not sprayed in winter when it is kept cool, but in summer or during the warm season the plant must be constantly sprayed. This is especially true in autumn and spring, when the plant is in the active growth phase.


In spring and summer, myrtle is watered regularly and abundantly as soon as the top layer of soil dries out. In winter, of course, myrtle needs to be watered less often, but still the soil should not be allowed to dry out, otherwise the plant will die. Myrtle should be watered with warm and, if possible, soft water. It is important to ensure that the soil in the pot never dries out. Regardless of the time of year, there should always be moist soil in the pot. At the same time, you need to make sure that the water does not stagnate in the pot.

The soil

The optimal soil composition for growing myrtle is: turf, humus, peat soil and sand in equal proportions or clay, turf, peat and humus soil with the addition of sand in a ratio of 1:1:1:0.5.

Feeding and fertilizers

From spring to autumn, myrtle needs to be fed every week. Depending on what kind of tree you want, you choose the fertilizer for myrtle. If you want the plant to delight you with its flowering, you need to use fertilizer with high level phosphorus. If you like a miniature tree, then it is better to use nitrogen fertilizers. In general, you can use regular liquid complex fertilizers for decorative foliage plants.


It is best to replant an adult myrtle once every 3-4 years, and young plants are replanted annually in the spring before flowering. When transplanting myrtle, you should not bury the root collar of the plant; this can lead to various diseases or rot. Be sure to place a good layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot. The myrtle pot should not be too large, just enough to accommodate the root system. For transplanting and transshipment, you need to choose a pot that is half as large in volume as the volume of the plant’s crown.

Trimming and pinching

For myrtle, pruning is an opportunity to radically change the shape of the plant and is best done in the spring. If you pinch young branches in time, you can increase the density of the crown; you can pinch them as needed at any time of the year.

When pruning and pinching myrtle, care must be taken Special attention and spend more time on it. After purchasing myrtle, you should decide what kind of tree you want to have in your home. For example, if nothing is done, the myrtle tree may eventually take pyramidal shape. If you cut off the top of the tree, it will take on the appearance of a bush. If you trim the sides, you will end up with a lush tree. In any case, no matter how you prune the myrtle, it will still bloom and delight its owner. But it is important to remember one thing: if you pinch myrtle back often, you will end up with much fewer flowers than before.

In general, if you look at it this way, the myrtle tree is one of the plants that is susceptible to defragmentation. It can always be cut in different ways and thereby give it a unique look. But don't overdo it. When the plant is small, you need to take into account that the trunk is still young and will not be able to hold a proudly lush bush like that. You just need to wait a little and the myrtle will get stronger and within three years it will show itself as a beautiful bush.

One note when replanting myrtle, you need to ensure that the trunk remains on the surface of the earth, and so the whole transplantation algorithm is suitable, as for other plants living in the rooms of the house. Planting directly into a large pot is a mistake. For a tree that is only three years old, the pot should have a diameter of at least 12 centimeters. The soil for myrtle is bought at the store.

Myrtle propagation

Myrtle propagates by cuttings and seeds. For beginners, it is recommended to propagate the plant from cuttings.

Propagation by cuttings

Propagation by cuttings should be carried out no more than twice a year. The first time should be done in winter (January-February), and the second time should be aimed at spring or mid-summer (July). Cuttings should be taken from the lower or middle part of the tree. The length of the cutting should be 5-8 centimeters. To prevent moisture evaporation, you can remove the leaves from the cuttings; the remaining ones can simply be shortened. To ensure quick rooting, you can use stimulants.

The most suitable mixture for rooting is a mixture of sand and moss. If this is not the case, then you can use ordinary leaf soil containing coarse sand. The temperature at which the rooting procedure will take place should be within 16-20 degrees.

The most best time for rooting - winter. The cuttings do not need light at all at this time - on the contrary, this place needs to be shaded. The container for rooting should be strictly not deep; after rooting, you need to cover the cutting with a cap. Sometimes the plant needs to be ventilated so that it does not fester at an early age. Rooting usually takes about a month. After this, you can safely plant it in a small pot with a diameter of approximately 7 centimeters.

When propagated by cuttings, flowering occurs in the 3rd or 4th year.

The seeds are evenly distributed over the soil surface and sprinkled with a thin layer of substrate on top. The container with seeds is covered with film or glass to create greenhouse conditions. The temperature must be maintained within 18-20 degrees. The container with seeds must be ventilated periodically. The soil is kept moist at all times.

Seedlings usually germinate in 1-2 weeks. When the seedlings have two full-fledged leaves, they can be transplanted into separate small pots. Transplantation is carried out using the transshipment method. IN further care for young plants is the same as for adult myrtle. Transplantation is carried out when the roots completely fill the pot.

When myrtle is propagated by seeds, flowering occurs after approximately 5 years.

Myrtle can be affected by aphids and scale insects, and in dry air and insufficient moisture, by spider mites.

The scale insect is practically invisible at an early stage, but quickly multiplies, covering the stems and leaves of the plant dark spots. The scale is removed with a damp swab, but it is still necessary to treat the entire plant with an insecticide or soap solution.

Aphids often settle on the underside of the leaf and feed on the sap of the plant, which leads to the leaves drying out and curling. Aphids are destroyed by insecticidal agents.

Spider mites appear on the undersides of leaves and envelop them in thin white webs. It is destroyed by spraying and washing the leaves, especially on the underside, with water or weak tobacco infusion. Myrtle can also be treated with ready-made universal insecticides.

Difficulties in growing

  • The stems are stretched, the leaves become smaller and turn pale - lack of lighting.
  • The leaves become dull, turn yellow, the edges curl - excess lighting.
  • Leaves fall - insufficient lighting in winter or warm wintering.

In conclusion, we can say that myrtle is amazing plant. Apart from the fact that myrtle is blooming and the flowers are beautifully fragrant, it also has medicinal properties. Even the smallest tree can protect against diseases and viruses in the house. As you know, myrtle oil is highly valued among the people and has many indications for use.

Tincture from the myrtle tree gives a person energy and vigor, the effect is almost like coffee. Myrtle leaves are boiled and used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. Even in cooking, myrtle has found its use. Very often, the leaves or even the shoots of myrtle themselves are used in the preparation of fish or poultry dishes. If you throw a sprig of myrtle on the coals, the kebab will turn out simply magnificent: the aroma will simply be incomparable to anything else. Even Bay leaf will not be so popular in this area.

Among several peoples, myrtle is considered almost a cult tree. Wreaths and bouquets are made from it. A gift from myrtle is given to brides, so the plant was given the name “Bride Tree”. The myrtle tree is also called the “Tree of Family Well-Being and Happiness,” which personifies a friendly and strong family.

Rules for growing and caring for myrtle (video)

Today, indoor myrtle is happily grown at home in flowerpots, but few people know that this plant came to us from warm Mediterranean countries. There, it counts tree of paradise, a symbol of prosperity, love and fidelity.

Mention of myrtle can be found in many ancient books, including the Bible. The ancient Romans decorated the bride with a myrtle wreath, and the plant itself was given to the newlyweds.

It is no coincidence that this particular wreath adorned the head of the god of marriage, Hymen. In the photo below you can see what the plant looks like.

What kind of plant is this

Myrtle is valued for its beauty and nobility. In the Mediterranean, this tree or small bush reaches four meters in height, and the indoor flower has a much more modest size (up to 1 m).

Myrtle delights people with its bright green leaves. They small size, and their shape is lanceolate or oval. The diameter of the flowers is up to 2 cm, they are pink or white with rounded petals and numerous stamens. A special feature of myrtle is its aroma emanating from both flowers and leaves.

It is important to know: This indoor plant, attracts people not only with its beautiful appearance, but also being an obedient representative of the flora, it is used for growing bonsai.

Myrtle contains phytoncides and perfectly cleanses the room from the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms in it. .

Also, the value of myrtle lies in the extraction from it essential oil, which has a wonderful aroma, bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory properties. Interestingly, no people have been identified who react to the smell of the plant with an allergic reaction.

Names of varieties with photos

The most common among the myrtles is the common myrtle. This is a very decorative tree, with small, glossy leaves and fragrant white flowers.

Note: Common myrtle seedlings, grown even from one mother plant, are distinguished by their variety of shapes and growth vigor.

Through selection, new varieties were obtained. They may differ from their ancestor in other sizes, different shapes and color of leaves.

The "Boethica" variety is a slow-growing plant that has large plates of bright green leaves, up to 7 cm long. During growth, the plant trunk can twist.

Variety "Boetics"

Variety "Variegata" - yellow-green color of leaves of variegated elongated shape.

Variety "Variegata"

The “Flore Pleno” variety differs from other varieties in its double flowering.

Variety "Flore Pleno"

The “Compacta” variety is a low specimen with a dense crown and fluffy white flowers.

Variety "Compact"

Variety "Tarentina" is a small plant (leaves 1-2 cm), profusely flowering.

Variety "Tarentina"

Whatever type of myrtle you prefer, it will become a wonderful interior decoration, add a touch of freshness and give an unforgettable, enchanting aroma.

How to care for a flower at home

This is not to say that the myrtle flower is not whimsical; it requires a lot of attention and care from the gardener.


  • ensure proper lighting and temperature;
  • water and apply fertilizer as needed.
  • replant the flower as it grows;
  • make formative pruning.

Plant care is divided into 2 periods: warm and cold. Each of them has its own characteristics.

This exotic, from spring warming to autumn coolness, needs an optimal temperature regime - about 23°C.
Lighting should be sufficient, but direct sunlight is contraindicated. The plant is shaded from the heat using screens.

Myrtle is not at all afraid of open space, so you can safely take it out onto the veranda or balcony. At room conditions, it is recommended to regularly ventilate the room.

Since myrtle is native to the subtropics, it requires frequent watering. The crop also responds very responsively to leaf spraying.

Feeding is carried out once every 2 weeks during the warm period of the year. To do this, water with diluted universal fertilizers.

Plants whose crown is growing strongly are pruned so that its branches do not become thinner and the tree itself takes on a compact appearance. After spring formation, the myrtle becomes overgrown with young leaves and then begins to bloom.

Winter plant care is radically different from summer care. This is a dormant period for myrtle. Watering is reduced, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out. The frequency of feeding is 1 time per month.

Advice: The main task of caring for a plant is to provide the flower with coolness in winter. For the rest period, it is necessary to find a place where the temperature will be about 10°C. This could be a glazed loggia or veranda.

It doesn’t matter if the plant loses some leaves, it will restore them again in the spring.


This tree can be propagated by two methods:

  1. Sowing seeds.
  2. By cuttings.

Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages. To preserve the maternal properties of the plant, propagation must be carried out using cuttings, and if necessary a large number of myrtle specimens, it is better to sow the seeds.

Let's consider each of the reproduction methods in more detail:

  • Sowing seeds. sow them into the soil in early spring. To do this, prepare a sand-peat mixture. After sowing, the seeds are covered and watered. Then glass is placed on the container or covered with film to maintain high humidity. The lighting should be diffused and the temperature should be about 21°C. After a few weeks you can see the first shoots. After the appearance of 4 or more leaves, the myrtle is dived. Pinching is done at the required height to form the crown of the plant.
  • Cuttings. The material is cut from side shoots about 9 cm high. The cut is treated with a root former, and lower leaves deleted. The substrate consists of sand and peat. After planting the cuttings, the soil is moistened and covered with film. The temperature is kept at 25°C. Provide systematic watering, and after about a month the cuttings should have a root system.

Material for cuttings is cut in mid-summer or winter.


When replanting, prepare a pot with a hole to drain excess moisture. Each transplant should be carried out into a larger container.

The drainage ball is created with a height of 5 cm or higher. The composition of the substrate is prepared from turf soil, sand, humus and peat in equal parts. When planting, the trunk of the plant should not be deepened.

Later, when transplanting, the plant is simply transferred to a larger pot. Thus, the root system is completely preserved and the plant does not experience stress.

Diseases and pests (treatment and prevention)

If abundant yellow, then the reason may lie in rotting of the root system. This comes from the overflow of myrtle. But don’t worry, the flower can be restored to its former healthy appearance.

To do this, examine the roots and remove the affected ones. The cut sites are treated with crushed activated carbon, then Kornevin. The crown of the plant should also be cleared of unhealthy leaves and pruned.

Leave only living parts of the plant. The soil should be at room temperature when transplanting. Watering is done with a light Kornevin solution.

Take note: after applying all the procedures, there is great hope that the flowerpot will be restored, but it is better to never bring it to this state.

When leaves fall and dry, it is necessary to carefully examine the plant through a magnifying glass. It is quite possible that you will see aphids or scale insects on it.

A sign of this is the yellowing of some leaves. In such a situation, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate products and treat the flowerpot.

Myrtle lives where it is loved. Don’t forget to give the plant your care and warmth, and it will thank you with its luxurious appearance.

How to properly prune myrtle and how it reproduces, see the following video: