Garage bath complex projects. Bathhouse and garage under one roof

When drawing up projects for outbuildings such as a bathhouse and a garage, it is necessary to consider a number of nuances and construction features that will allow the construction of the most convenient and comfortable buildings that meet all the necessary conditions.

The most profitable option in economic terms, as well as in terms of functionality, is to build a bathhouse combined with a garage. The construction of such a building will help reduce costs associated with the use of fewer materials, as well as the cost of providing heating in these premises during operation. You may also be interested in information about what types of

Advantages of planning a garage with a bathhouse under one roof

The construction of a bathhouse and a garage under one roof has a number of main advantages:

  1. Reducing financial costs. Combining the foundations of the bathhouse and garage into one, as well as the combined wall of these buildings, will significantly reduce the amount of materials used in construction, which, accordingly, will reduce the amount of funds invested in construction.
  2. Possibility of conducting a single line of a number of communications, such as: electricity, water supply, sewerage system, simultaneously in two rooms: a bathhouse and a garage.
  3. Possibility of heating two rooms simultaneously.


To ensure maximum comfortable conditions recreation, it is quite possible to build a spacious veranda combining a garage and a bathhouse.

Bathhouse under the garage (two floors)

When building a room such as a bathhouse and a two-story garage, the following construction features should be taken into account:

  1. IN in this case the bathhouse will be a semi-basement type room to provide access for a car to enter the garage. Accordingly, during construction the drainage system should be carefully thought out Wastewater to avoid stagnation and dampness. There is also a danger of flooding in a room of this kind.
  2. It is also necessary to thoroughly insulate the bathhouse by laying concrete blocks and additional layers thermal insulation material.
  3. As for the stove, in this case it is possible to install only an electric stove, due to the impossibility of building a full-fledged chimney, which is fraught with a fire hazard.
  4. When building a bathhouse under the garage need to create effective system ventilation to avoid stagnation of air and the accumulation of hazardous substances in it.

Bathhouse from the garage

When converting a garage into a bathhouse, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Thermal insulation. To avoid heat loss, the walls of the building must be insulated with two layers of some material. The best option will be mineral or glass wool. This material is the most environmentally friendly, resistant to dampness and moisture, and also does not emit harmful substances into the air when exposed to high temperatures
  2. When converting a garage into a bathhouse, you must carefully approach the structure sewer system . Most simple option there will be a pipe running to a nearby sewer branch. However, if there is none, the drainage system must be made so that cesspool was outside the walls of the garage.
  3. Heating system. When buying a stove, or when building it, you need to decide which option will be the best: an iron stove retains heat for a small amount of time, but heating it and warming up the room well takes a few minutes.

A stone stove takes several hours to heat, but can retain heat for a long time.

Under no circumstances should you install an electric stove in a bathhouse due to high level humidity and temperature changes, as this can provoke a fire hazard.

Calculation of approximate costs

The amount of money that will need to be invested in the construction of a project such as a combined bathhouse and garage depends on the type of materials used.

For example, an iron or brick stove will cost from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. In the case of constructing a bathhouse and a garage from timber, the cost of this lumber will be approximately 70-80 thousand rubles. Cost finishing works will cost about 60 thousand.

These figures are given on the condition that all work will be carried out independently without the involvement of any contractor construction organization or civilian workers.

The total cost of the bathhouse and garage will be about 160-300 thousand rubles.

Construction technology

The construction of a bathhouse has several main stages:

    1. Laying the foundation. The depth of the foundation depends on climatic features terrain, that is, from soil freezing in winter period, but it should not be less than 70 centimeters in depth. Regardless of what exactly the foundation will be, a layer of thermal insulation material must be laid between it and the floor. The finished foundation is shown in the video:

    1. Construction of building walls. When building walls from timber, the building is assembled directly on the foundation. The main point in this case is laying the first crown; it depends on it whether the walls will be perfectly smooth. Also in the case of using bricks, concrete or foam blocks.

A slightly different technology is used when using logs in the construction. It is assembled separately and placed on the foundation, already being completely ready.

If wooden building materials are used, the building must be allowed to stand for one year, as it will shrink significantly.

    1. Roof. When constructing the roof of a building, it is necessary to give it such a shape as to ensure maximum convenience when installing a system for draining melt and rainwater, as well as when removing snow and ice from its surface. Initially, rafters are laid on the walls of the building.

They determine the height and final shape of the future roof. Next, the selected roofing material is laid on the rafters. The most acceptable option when building a bathhouse is slate. It has a fairly low price and high quality. When exposed to high temperatures, it prevents the room from overheating.

Interior finishing and insulation

Most the best material When insulating the walls and ceiling of a bathhouse, glass wool or mineral wool is used. This material has the following invaluable qualities:

  1. High level of anti fire safety.
  2. Environmentally friendly.
  3. Acceptable price.
  4. Ease of use.
  5. High resistance to dampness.

This material must be used to insulate both internal and external walls buildings, as well as the ceiling to ensure a minimum level of heat loss. At interior decoration baths should be selected only natural materials made from the following types of wood: alder, aspen, oak, pine.

These breeds have such qualities as: resistance to humid environments, long service life, and environmental friendliness.

The construction of a bathhouse and a garage combined into one room is quite complex and voluminous work. However, if all the rules and nuances are observed, it is quite possible to build a comfortable and functional building that meets all the necessary conditions.

In the presence of land plot sooner or later the question of a garage and a bathhouse arises. It is possible that there is already a shelter for the car, but there is no steam room. What to do, what to do? A number of quite workable recommendations and answers can be given to this question. One of them lies right on the surface - this is a bathhouse with a garage under one roof.

Design advantages

The economic component is determined by several factors:

  • an extension to an existing building is cheaper than the construction of a new, separate structure;
  • the construction of one outbuilding that combines several functionally different premises under one roof, which is more profitable than separate ones.

This is confirmed by calculations of costs per square meter area.

Economic component:

  • the possibility of equipping a utility block for storing firewood for the stove in the steam room; in addition, heating oil can be delivered and reloaded directly in the garage;
  • combining internal communications into a single network;
  • implementation of a unified heating system.

The household component allows you to: provide access to the washing room directly from the garage, which will allow you to wash yourself after performing “dirty” work, for example, related to car repairs or gardening operations.

After the decision to build is made, the design work phase follows.


Drawing up a project for a future building consists of several stages:

  1. Determining the type of building - an addition to an existing one or the construction of a new one building structure, where the combined bathhouse or garage will be located.
  2. The choice of project executor is carried out in several ways:
  • search ready-made solutions in libraries, via the Internet or friends;
  • applying to any architectural bureau or hiring a student from higher education educational institution, preferably from the penultimate or last year - and for him there will be income and, if allowed by the dean’s office, he will get a course project, or even a thesis;
  • the project can be completed on your own, especially if education allows, hard work and perseverance are present.

What should the project contain?

Main chapters (articles, sections, etc.) should include:

  • layout of the site;
  • foundation;
  • box (wall) of the building;
  • roofing;
  • internal layout of premises;
  • communications.

Layout on the site

The location and design of a building is determined by several factors.

New building. Taken into account:

  • dimensions of the plot;
  • presence of buildings;
  • location of large green spaces - decorative or fruit bushes and trees;
  • the presence and location of a well or water intake column, electrical communications;
  • entrance to the site from an external road;
  • ease of passage from the “bathhouse-garage” into the house.

"Old building. Some of the information from the above paragraph is taken into account, as well as:

  • on which side should the extension be located to the existing building;
  • If there is a shortage of free land for construction, it is necessary to consider installing a bathhouse on the top floor.


For a newly constructed structure, the supporting part of the building is selected based on:

  • soil composition;
  • height of groundwater location;
  • masses of the entire building;
  • simplicity and convenience of foundation manufacturing.

Note! Most often, reinforced material is chosen for the lower supporting part of the building. strip foundation made from concrete mixture.

Box (walls) of the building

The determining factor when choosing the type of walls and material is the presence of a bathhouse, which implies good thermal insulation walls

For a one-story building, it is advisable to choose materials that have a gaseous structure, for example, gas block, foam block, cinder block and others. For a bathhouse in the form of an extension, it is advisable to consider the option of using a log structure or using laminated veneer lumber. Based on the selected material for the walls, additional work on waterproofing and protection from external atmospheric influences. These include:

  • siding façade systems;
  • decorative and protective plaster;
  • coloring facade paints and other.

The roof is being erected on both the extension and the new building. The roof structure of the extension is calculated based on the combination of new and existing walls. The roof design for a newly erected structure is determined by the design of the entire building.

Note! For both structures, it is necessary to provide rain gutters and connect them with the storm drainage system existing on the site.

Internal layout of premises

The interior layout of the premises should take into account:

  • location of the entrance gate to the garage;
  • inspection hole;
  • cellar for storing household goods;
  • passage from the garage to the bathhouse;
  • utility room for storing various equipment and firewood for the stove;
  • location of the dressing room, steam room, relaxation area, shower, swimming pool, toilet;
  • location of the furnace or boiler;
  • sewer system.

For a new building, this is all specified by the project. In the case of an extension, it is necessary to provide for the connection of existing and newly constructed premises.


As a rule, a “bathhouse-garage” structure is erected on a site where a house has already been built and communications have been laid. It follows that the project must provide for connection to the following systems:

  • water supply;
  • energy supply;
  • gas pipeline - when heating most of the building not from a stove, but from a gas heating boiler.

Upon completion of the design work, practical construction activities follow.

There are three main options:

  • construction is carried out by a specialized enterprise;
  • the work is carried out by a private team (“shabashniks”);
  • The construction process is carried out in-house.

How to find builders

It is quite difficult to find good contractors and organize their work. Let's give some tips:

Tip 2. Be sure to enter into contracts with the performers of the work, even with private teams.

Tip 3. Try not to pay advances - it is better to break the work into stages and pay for the amount of work completed. “Wages” comes from the phrase “done = earned,” that is, for work done.


Note! Purchase of necessary equipment for the structure under construction building material carried out according to the estimate (list of works, materials, cost).

Recommendation 2. To obtain maximum financial benefits, try to make purchases in a large hardware store, because this way you can get certain preferences from managers: discounts, free delivery, “loading and unloading”, any pleasant bonuses, for example, “every fifth nail is free.”

Construction progress

Tip 1. Get the contractor to include a schedule of work in the appendix to the contract - it will be convenient to use it to track the implementation of the volume of work planned by period.

Tip 2. If, during the construction process, the contractor begins to make attempts to issue money for unfinished stages, try to adhere to a hard line in resolving this issue - “no work - no money.”

Tip 3. If you identify a chronic delay in meeting deadlines, immediately part with this contractor - delaying the resolution of this issue will not lead to anything good.

Note! Upon completion of construction, an acceptance procedure should be carried out with the execution of a certificate of work completed.

If done carefully construction work and appropriate control, you will get a comfortable building where your four-wheeled friend can relax at the same time as you.

At the stage of planning the construction of a country house, the future homeowner often has the idea of ​​​​combining a residential building, a bathhouse and a garage in one building. When choosing a house project with a garage and a bathhouse, it is worth considering all the pros and cons of this combination.

Project and non-standard layout of a site with a bath house and a garage

The development of house projects with a garage and a bathhouse reflects the modern concept of a country house. The classic one, which includes a residential building located in the distance, located at the entrance to the territory, is becoming a thing of the past.

Finnish bath complexes, houses with attached garage classic American buildings had a great influence on private housing construction.

More and more followers are appearing in those that combine premises of different functionality under one roof: living rooms, a garage and a bathhouse.
Thanks to modern materials, the implementation of such projects is not difficult.

Layout of a plot of 6 acres with a house and a bathhouse under one roof

Projects of houses with a bathhouse and a garage have a lot of advantages:


When under the same roof as the house, several options for the location of the premises are possible:

  1. The bathhouse and garage can be located in, and the residential building can be located on the first floor.
  2. If planned, then all rooms can be placed in one plane.
  3. It is possible to build a house on several floors, with a bathhouse and a garage located in the basement or on the first floor.


One of the main advantages of combining residential premises with a bathhouse and garage is the convenience of the owners. The car is put in the garage, and the owner, one might say, is at home. It's the same with the bathhouse. There is no need to dress specially, go outside to heat the bathhouse, or return home steamed.

An example of the layout of a house with a garage and a bathhouse under one roof

The owner of the house can create a home spa in the bathhouse, and while waiting for the results of the procedures, move freely to the kitchen to drink tea without fear of prying eyes. And the homeowner himself will be able to combine a good steam in the company of friends with a small feast in the home kitchen or dining room.

Saving site area

For a small area it is relevant, with a bathhouse and a garage located on the ground floor or in the basement. This way you can free up enough space to create recreation areas, greenhouses, beds or.
But if the house plan involves placing all rooms on one floor, the space savings will be insignificant.

Rationality and benefit

When combining premises: the house itself, the bathhouse and the garage, they can be equipped simultaneously and at much lower cost.

Example of placement on a site two-story house bathhouses and garages
  1. It is much easier to install heating, water supply, and sewerage systems in a single concept than to connect communications to each building separately.
  2. you can save on a recreation room, which can be successfully replaced by a home one.
  3. In the built-in garage, it is possible to allocate space for a boiler room.
  4. With proper design, you can use a sauna stove as an additional source of heating for your home.
  5. The combined option will reduce the cost of the project due to the presence of adjacent walls.
  6. A two-level project will save on and.

Read also

Projects of aerated concrete houses with an attic

In general, the construction of such a residential complex will cost the owners much less than individual buildings.

IMPORTANT: Cost savings are only possible with a rational approach to project implementation.

Disadvantages of combined construction

At large quantities advantages, designs of houses with a bathhouse and a garage have obvious disadvantages:

  1. High level of fire danger. The first and most significant drawback that frightens owners is the risk of fire when placing a bathhouse in such a house concept. The bathhouse is an object of increased fire danger. If the bathhouse catches fire, the risk of losing the entire house is enormous. It is for this reason that the construction of a bathhouse has always been carried out as far as possible from living quarters. Modern materials allow you to safely combine different rooms. It is important not to ignore insulation instructions heating devices and fire safety regulations. Particular attention should be paid to the place where chimneys pass through the floors and roof. To organize a steam room or sauna, you can use modern electric heaters, which have a low fire hazard coefficient.

    Layout of the first floor of a house with a garage, sauna and swimming pool

  2. Additional work. A house with a bathhouse and a garage places special demands on designers. You will have to carefully work out the waterproofing, vapor barrier, ventilation and odor systems. Waterproofing, vapor barrier, ventilation and fire protection are important where the bathhouse is combined with living rooms. Otherwise high humidity air in the steam room and shower will cause significant damage to living rooms. Dampness means fungal infections, mold and lung diseases. Not to mention the aesthetic consequences, in the form of fallen wallpaper and rotting finishing materials.
    and noise and odor insulation must be carefully considered at the connection point. Otherwise, the sounds of a running engine and the smells of gasoline and oil will disturb the inhabitants of the house.
    Ventilation diagram for a two-story house

    If a two-level project is selected, Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the floors. They are strictly not recommended for such a project.
    The location of the garage and bathhouse in the basement entails additional costs for the construction of a deep foundation and. Choosing a project that includes ground floor, it is necessary to know exactly the type of soil in the area, the depth of soil freezing and the height of groundwater. Incorrect calculations can lead to the fact that making a foundation will cost several times more than building the entire house. A garage in a house is always a heat loss. Every time the gate opens, cold air flows into the house. Condensation on finishing materials shortens their service life. The entrance to the house from the garage should be well insulated.

    Project one-story house with garage and carport

  3. Limited selection of materials. By choosing a house project combined with a garage and a bathhouse, the owner of the house practically deprives himself of the opportunity. One of the main advantages wooden house construction– its efficiency will be reduced to nothing. You will have to spend a lot of money to ensure conditions that will allow you to use a house with a garage and a bathhouse, combined under one roof, legally. The services that give permission to put the building into operation are subject to extremely stringent requirements for combined construction.

It is more profitable to immediately build a residential complex from more appropriate materials. The best options for building a combined residential building are:

Wooden elements can be successfully used in interior decoration.


Recently, more and more people want to have their own bathhouse. They choose a garage project with a bathhouse, which is especially popular. Of course, there are also sketch options guest house with garage and bathhouse.

Project of a garage with a bathhouse

When choosing such a project, you must immediately decide what material the garage will be built from. A wide variety of materials can be used for this purpose. Each such material has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The tree is . However, it is not recommended to construct a garage from wood, since wooden structures are highly flammable. Besides, wooden walls in the garage needs additional treatment by special means. Surfaces in a room such as a garage easily lose their presentable appearance, becoming dirty and covered with dust. On the other hand, wooden walls do not require a strong foundation.

Brick is also practical for the garage. When constructing a building from this material, the cost of the structure increases significantly, since the base will require a strong foundation, and the walls will need additional insulation.

Blocks made of slag, foam concrete and cellular concrete are often used to build walls. The advantages of these materials include: strength, durability and the ability to accumulate heat.

When designing a combined garage with a bathhouse, you need to consider the following points:

  1. Carrying out quality work extends the life of the building. Waterproofing plays a big role in a garage. Exhaust gases, corrosive liquids and other substances will affect the foundation. Humidity and temperature changes in the bath also have a negative effect.
  2. The need to insulate the wall between the bathhouse and the garage is obvious. A wall seam rupture can occur due to temperature differences in the two rooms. Builders also recommend erecting two walls at the same time, and a storm drain between them.
  3. And finally, it is necessary to think about the building, otherwise the foundation will quickly collapse.

Bathroom layout with garage

Advantages of a garage project with a bathhouse

  1. Delivery of fuel for a bathhouse is easy and fairly quick. Fuel can be delivered to the garage.
  2. In order not to create a separate heating source, you can build a stove for two rooms.
  3. It is also possible to make a door from the garage to the bathhouse. This is a very pleasant addition for the motorist who, after caring for vehicle I want to take a warm shower.

Bathhouse with garage Tandem

Today it is possible to order with a garage. The dimensions of the bathhouse are 6x3.5, and the garage is 4x6. There is also a utility room - 2x3.5. All this is under one gable roof. Profiled timber is used as construction material, and the walls of the garage and utility room additionally covered with clapboard.

The bathhouse has three rooms: a relaxation room, a steam room and a shower room. The rest room is quite large (3.5x3.5) and bright, as there is a window. The steam room (1.9 x 2.5) is lined with clapboard; There is a two-tier shelf. The shower room is smaller in area than the steam room - 1.6 x 2.5, but it has a small window.

Only environmentally friendly wood is used for construction. It is very important what material the finishing of the washing-steam room is made of. For cladding, it is necessary to give preference to those types of wood that have low thermal conductivity. Often, for interior work, aspen lining is used, which is used to cover the entire steam room. Coniferous wood can be used for other rooms.

It does not differ significantly from its installation in other rooms; it is only necessary to take into account some features. First of all, you should not cover the walls with drying oil or other similar substances, as they can only cause harm in a bathhouse. To avoid deformation of the lining, it is recommended to keep the material in a bathhouse for several days before work. Additional insulation made of basalt wool and foil is placed under the lining.

Log bathhouse with garage

They are building a garage with a bathhouse, which is perfect for lightweight houses that do not create a large load. You can install such a foundation in just one day. For this purpose, supports or pedestals are made, which are placed at a certain distance from each other. This is what the ideal foundation for timber houses looks like. Even during installation, you must immediately “load” it.

After construction, they begin the installation of the structure, which can be completed in 1 stage. The advantage of columnar foundations is ease of installation, cost-effectiveness of work and low labor intensity. This foundation is not suitable for heavy structures and waterlogged sandy soils, and also excludes the possibility of constructing a basement.

In this project as roofing material use galvanized corrugated steel. At the customer's request, other materials can be used, for example, metal tiles or ondulin. True, the price of a bathhouse with a garage will be higher.

According to the project, they install in the bathhouse. If the customer wants to change their location without changing the number of structures, the price remains the same. The cost of the project does not include the stove, because many clients want to choose it themselves. At the request of the customer, the following bath stoves can be supplied:

  • Oven Rus 9;
  • Sauna stove Rus 12;
  • Sugar 16;
  • Rus Panorama 22;
  • Economy stove.

All . Currently, thanks to the use of advanced technologies, the construction of a bathhouse with a garage occurs very quickly - especially if the project is standard and there are no changes to it. The log house on the finished foundation is assembled in 8 to 10 days. The next stage is internal work. For any questions you may have, you can consult with the company’s specialists. Construction time also depends on the time of year, the characteristics of the site and the number of builders.

Starting from December 1, there are winter discounts (5%) on the foundation, materials and work performed. Winter construction has a number of advantages:

  • money is saved due to discounts;
  • when using winter harvested wood, the service life of the bathhouse increases;
  • bathhouse to summer period will shrink completely.

Combined garage with bathhouse

Video - garage bathhouse


The project of a garage with a bathhouse combines two buildings at once. Thanks to this project, you can save a lot on construction. Companies make bathhouses with a garage from timber, and the garage itself is finished with any material at the customer’s discretion.

A practical approach to solving issues related to the arrangement of buildings in the yard always gives positive results. Saving space and proper planning of premises allows

significantly reduce costs for building materials. But before you decide to combine a dacha and a garage into one building, you need to think through many nuances. It is necessary to select a suitable project for such a structure, decide what material this building will be made of and think through many other points.

In addition, you should carefully consider the location of this building on the site itself. There is no need to rush here; you need to understand that the resulting structure is not that small, and it may well be as big as a house. If the house is already completely finished, then you can make a new building in the same style or color scheme to unify the overall appearance of the economy. You should also take into account the fact that if you choose corner project bathhouses with a garage and make the rear walls of the structures blank, then they can replace the fence. That is, it is necessary to place the structure directly along the boundary and thus there will be no need to install several tens of meters of fence, and this is a significant cost saving.

The shower room does not require special landscaping; you only need to equip a reliable water drain and install a mixer. If there is no way to get to the shower hot water, then you can hang an electric storage device. In this case, do not forget that it absorbs a lot of electricity, so it must be turned off. Before you plan to visit the bathhouse, you need to turn on the heater and in about half an hour all the water in it will become hot, you can safely take a shower.

The relaxation room is the only place in the bathhouse where you can show your own taste and imagination. Depending on the size of the room, you can install either a sofa with a TV. Here you can place a samovar or other items typical of a bathhouse, it all depends on the wishes of the owners. If the design of the entire structure included a large room, then you can place sports equipment or other useful things here. In general, it must be said that such rooms require a sincere approach, because a person finds himself in them after a steam room and he wants to relax.

The veranda, if it was originally conceived, can also become a place for cozy gatherings after the bath. Traditionally, a barbecue or a table for tea parties is placed on the veranda. You can also decorate the veranda with all kinds of plants that will give it comfort and a homely atmosphere. Carved veranda railings and properly selected lighting will create the necessary mood.

The garage requires perhaps the simplest approach. It must certainly contain inspection hole, if the car owner prefers to repair his iron horse himself. The pit can be installed both during the pouring of the foundation and at subsequent stages of construction. In addition to the pit, the garage should be equipped with racks for tools and spare parts for the car. These racks can be made from metal corner and lay a sheet of chipboard on the resulting frame. Or you can make simple wooden shelves. This approach will allow you to qualitatively optimize the garage space and maintain order in it.

Internal organization garage

Another nice feature in a garage combined with a bathhouse can be a sink with a feed warm water. As a rule, water is not supplied to the garage, but since it will still have to be supplied to the bathhouse, why not supply it here too. After repairing the car, the owner will be pleased to wash his hands and clean himself up before heading home.

You should also consider the design of the garage door. Today, automatic roller shutters are considered the most convenient and popular gates, but their cost is not small. Undoubtedly, they are very convenient and do not require effort on the part of the garage user, so their popularity is understandable. But you can also install simple swing gates, which will cost much less.


In order for the air in the bath to circulate and avoid stagnation, it is necessary to establish high-quality ventilation. The same applies to the garage. The accumulation of vapors in the room and the immediate proximity to flammable materials can create an extremely dangerous situation for a fire. If during the design it was not possible to create natural ventilation in the premises, then special hoods should be installed, which are widely available today.


It should be noted that permission may be required, and subsequently the design of a bathhouse and a garage under one roof, communications will also be installed there and the installation of separate meters may be required. If the building has gas heating, then this will also require a project. The same goes for electricity. It’s better to arrange everything right away as it should be, so that every visit of a gas worker or electrician doesn’t cause panic.

You can obtain permission to build a garage and a bathhouse under one roof from the local administration. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that after construction the building will be received by officials from various services, so compliance with fire safety must be at a high level. It’s better to immediately set up a fire corner somewhere and place a fire extinguisher there and put a bucket of sand.

Remaking the old

Many rational owners generally use a bathhouse and adapt the garage an old house or other outbuildings and there is a reason for this. It's always easier to lead to the right type a ready-made structure than to build. But there are pitfalls here. If the building is too old and dilapidated, then it would be more expedient to demolish it and build a new building. But if there are outbuildings on the site that are quite suitable for restoration and alteration, then you should not neglect them.

Wooden structure combining a garage and a bathhouse under one roof

There is no need to rush, there is no need to break everything, you need to carefully think through all the details. But the main thing is to check the strength of the foundation and walls, as well as the integrity of the roof. If any shortcomings are identified, they must be eliminated immediately and only after that proceed to redevelopment. Introducing a bathhouse into an old room is quite simple and you can only get by internal works. But with a garage it will be more difficult, as it requires a gate and an inspection hole. But depending on the persistence of the owners and the features of the structure being remodeled, everything can work out.