Royal geranium: care and propagation (photo). Royal geranium flower

Popularly known as royal geranium, and in scientific literature as pelargonium, it has long been used to create landscape design: for landscaping window sills and balconies, decorating gardens and roofs of houses. Such widespread use is explained not only by the beautiful appearance, the delicious aromas of plants, but also some special positive energy that they bring into the house.

Pelargonium royal: a brief description

The name of the flower was not chosen by chance. It's really royal plant. It is presented in the form of an evergreen shrub. This culture is different maximum dimensions at 50 cm.

Royal geranium grows in a wide bush, and the peduncles are placed at the same level as the shoots. The plant is characterized by large flowers, up to 15 cm in diameter. The larger petals, which are located on top, usually have dark green spots. During flowering, a geranium bush has densely dotted open buds, sometimes resembling a lush bright ball.

Pelargonium royal: decorative properties

It should be noted that for many years, breeders have been making a lot of effort to develop new varieties of this plant. They differ in the color of the flowers, their size and shape. The shades of royal geranium today are a mass of different tones: from white to inky purple. For example, white-pink pelargonium (Imperial), pale red with small brown spots (Aristo Shoko) and others are especially interesting for lovers of the flowers of this plant.

Also, the leaves of royal geranium have their own characteristics. These are rather large or small (in new species), jagged and rough leaves. Dark spots often stand out against their background and sometimes even contrasting stripes run along the veins.

The shape of the plant’s flowers is in most cases complex: their petals are double, and in some varieties they are corrugated or wavy. They are collected in several pieces and look like thick umbrellas.

Main features of the plant

Royal geranium is truly an aristocrat among other types of pelargonium. She is whimsical and light-loving.

This plant does not bloom for long: about a few months a year. Yes, and this only happens if throughout the winter she was provided with everything the necessary conditions. Royal geranium loves it if it receives additional lighting at this time.

It should be noted that this culture is afraid of wind and rain. Due to this the best option its placement will be a cozy corner of the veranda, balcony or terrace with plenty of fresh air.

Growing conditions for royal geranium

So that royal pelargonium successfully takes root on the windowsill of the house and pleases the eye for a long time wonderful flowers, it is very important to provide her with the necessary conditions:

  • Correct placement. Flowers love the sun, but in hot weather they need to be removed from the windowsill, since direct hot rays of the sun can cause burns on the plant.
  • Maintaining the temperature regime of royal pelargonium. It does not tolerate high temperatures, especially heat, this explains why royal geranium does not bloom. No higher than 15 degrees Celsius is the most favorable temperature for the plant. If this condition is not observed, then whiteflies or aphids may appear on the leaves of the crop.
  • The peculiarities of preserving flowering for a long time are ensured by two basic rules: additional lighting in winter and rare watering.

Royal geranium: propagation

Royal pelargonium can be propagated in two ways:

  • stem cuttings (throughout the year);
  • seeds ( best time for planting in spring).

It should be noted that royal geranium is very popular among gardeners. Plant seeds can be purchased at almost any specialty store. They are quite large. The seeds are planted in a peat mixture in the spring, and within a week the first green shoots appear. As soon as the leaves appear, they need to be transplanted into pots. To avoid damaging the roots, they should be taken with a small lump of earth.

Stem cuttings of royal geranium are recommended to be planted in August-September. They are taken at a certain length, which ranges from 5 to 7 cm, with 2 or 3 leaves. Before planting, it is very good to wilt the plant a little and sprinkle it with crushed wood charcoal. Pots for cuttings should not be too large, as this will cause them to grow weak, including the royal geranium flower itself over time. The propagation of this crop and its excellent growth are ensured by well-prepared soil:

  • peat mixture with the addition of a small amount of compost;
  • garden soil, where it is recommended to add a little sand.

Wet soil is not at all suitable for planting cuttings. It should only be wet. It is advisable to make drainage in pots from small pebbles. When watering them, you should avoid getting water on the stems and leaves, as they quickly rot.

It is important to know:

  • It is not advisable to germinate cuttings of royal pelargonium in water. In most cases, they still do not take root or simply rot.
  • During the first 12 months of growth, the royal geranium drives out runs and grows its roots, and pleases the eye with flowers only the next year.

It is recommended to replant royal geranium when root system will develop to such an extent that it will already penetrate outward through the drainage hole. New peas are taken only about one and a half centimeters larger in diameter than the old ones. Tight dishes provide best growth and flowering of culture.

Problems with growing royal pelargonium

Royal geranium is a very capricious plant. When growing as a result of non-compliance with basic care rules, the following problems may occur:

  • stretching of internodes, which leads to weakening of the plant, it becomes weak and does not grow;
  • waterlogging of the soil or its drying out, and as a result, yellowing of the leaves;
  • damage to leaves by rust, the formation of aphids or whiteflies on them;
  • rotting of the plant under frequent watering.

Lack of flowers in royal geranium. Causes. Ways to solve the problem

Pelargonium is a rather capricious plant that requires careful attention. Therefore, very often many gardeners have the same question about why royal geraniums do not bloom. This may be due to the following reasons:

  • implementation improper care behind the plant;
  • the use of frequent transplants;
  • the presence of bacterial and fungal infections.

The second question that concerns many lovers of this plant: “What to do if the royal geranium does not bloom?” The first step is a thorough inspection of the royal geranium to detect the following problems: the presence of fluff on the stems, dark spots on leaves or rot, especially in the root part. Secondly, if the above signs of the disease are obvious, you should thoroughly clean the entire root system of royal pelargonium from the soil. Then it is placed for up to three days in a solution of potassium permanganate (it should be weak). After this, it is necessary to thoroughly clean all affected parts of the plant. It is recommended to remove them.

It is not advisable to use an old pot, and soil is strictly prohibited. New soil should be prepared, which should be steamed very well with boiling water. The old pot must be disinfected. To do this, use a solution of bleach.

Also, the plant does not bloom if the air in the room is too dry. This leads to the falling off of flower stalks and buds.

The soil used for planting cuttings of royal pelargonium must contain a sufficient amount of useful elements (phosphorus, manganese and potassium). But if there is too much nitrogen in the ground, then the plant will quickly gain greenery, but in this case there will be no flowering.

Royal geranium does not grow and bloom well in large containers, since this does not promote budding, but leads to the growth of greenery. Wide pots are not suitable at all.

Royal geranium: care

Having such a whimsical queen on your windowsill, the first thing you need to do is provide her with normal living conditions. The following rules will tell you how to care for royal geraniums correctly:

  • replant the plant every two or three years (depending on the variety);
  • provide an optimal temperature range: from 8 to 15 degrees Celsius;
  • adhere to moderate watering and air humidity;
  • arrange additional lighting when necessary;
  • It is contraindicated to place a pot of royal pelargonium in a hot place;
  • in pots (it is recommended to use ceramic containers), it is necessary to make a drainage hole;
  • protect the plant from wind and rain;
  • timely application of fertilizers with useful minerals.

Also to ensure normal growth and active flowering Royal geraniums should undergo so-called rejuvenation: cutting off the tops (up to 2 cm). Only a systematic approach to caring for royal pelargonium contributes to normal development flower.


Pelargoniums are quite common flowers. In almost every home, on any personal plot can be found this plant. Have you guessed what we're talking about yet? People call this flower geranium! Let's look at how to properly propagate pelargonium from cuttings.

Required tools and materials

Scissors Knife

Royal pelargonium - do-it-yourself propagation

There are two ways to propagate this plant: by seeds and cuttings. How to propagate pelargonium from cuttings? In fact, this propagation method is quite simple and straightforward. The best time for propagation by cuttings royal pelargonium considered early spring, but You can cut it until mid-summer.

The material is obtained from the first pruning of geraniums in early spring, as well as when shortening shoots and forming a bush throughout the year. The first stage of growing pelargonium from cuttings is to cut long shoots into shorter ones, the length of which should be 5–10 centimeters.

When cutting shoots, you do not need to remove the leaves. We make two cuts on the cutting. The lower one is done under the bud, which is where roots often appear, and the upper one is done above it. It is recommended to make cuts in different ways, for example, one straight and the other oblique, so as not to confuse the top with the bottom.

Sequence of stages - take cuttings slowly!

After two cuts are made, place the cutting in a mug or glass. It is important that the container is opaque, since the emerging roots love darkness. Pour no more than 3–5 centimeters of water into a glass. It is necessary to change it regularly, approximately once every 2-3 days.

The cuttings should be placed in a window well lit by sunlight. Next you need to wait for the roots to appear. Their eruption time ranges from 5 to 15 days. It depends on how the pelargonium bush was grown.

If the geranium was grown using the same method, then the roots will appear quite quickly. When a plant has grown from seeds, roots will not appear soon, not earlier than two weeks. There is a method through which the rooting of pelargonium cuttings is almost perfect.

Propagation of pelargonium by cuttings - a proven method

The main feature of this method is that the material is not planted in the ground, but in special tablets consisting of peat. They are so rich in microelements that there is no need to add. Currently, these tablets are very popular among gardeners. They are designed for rooting plants and sowing various seeds.

So, peat tablets must be filled with water. They should absorb the liquid properly. Next, a depression is made in the center of the tablet, swollen with moisture, into which a pelargonium stalk with roots that have already appeared is inserted. We place the tablets with plants on the windowsill.

With this planting method, the root system actively grows and strengthens. The roots do not become waterlogged and therefore do not rot. They breathe freely. After the roots of the geranium grow and entwine the peat tablet, it is necessary to transplant the plant into a spacious pot.

Cuttings of pelargonium in winter - long, but confident

Although it is customary to plant in spring and summer, some gardeners prefer to propagate pelargonium in winter period time. In order for cuttings to be successful in winter, you need to have a healthy, fluffy bush of this flower. 3 days before pruning, you need to properly fertilize the mother plant.

Geranium not blooming? There is a solution to the problem

All flower growers and those who simply like to decorate their home with flowers know about a flower with beautiful inflorescences - balls, called geranium. One cannot remain indifferent to the fact that this is quite unpretentious plant, pleases others with bright and abundant flowering more than six months.

But it happens that this riot of colors stops, and the owners of their favorite flowers are faced with the question:

Why did the geranium stop blooming? What to do?

Possible causes at home

Flowering of pelargonium begins in February - March and can continue until late autumn. Next comes a period when the flower needs rest, at which time it gains strength and prepares to form buds again. If this does not happen in due time, it means that problems have arisen for both the flower and its owner.

Geranium that has stopped blooming disheartens almost all lovers of this plant. And before you do anything, you need to understand the possible reasons.

And there may be several of them:

  • incorrectly selected pot
  • heavy soil
  • violation of watering rules
  • too much heat during rest
  • lack of fertilizers
  • lack of lighting
  • untimely pruning
  • no transfers

Having figured out what prevents pelargonium from blooming, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive audit of the “non-flowering” plant.

Why doesn’t geranium bloom but only produce foliage?

Why doesn't the royal geranium bloom?

Royal pelargonium is more demanding to care for than other types of geranium. It does not bloom for so long, but these huge beautiful flowers captivating at first sight. What can you do to make the queen of geraniums please you with flowers?

You need to know the basic rules of care. Common reasons lack of flowers:

  • wrong temperature regime, lack of light;
  • large pot and incorrect fertilizers;
  • untimely transplantation;
  • incorrect pruning.

As mentioned above, like any geranium, the royal geranium also loves abundant sunlight; in the shade it stretches out and drops buds.

She is afraid of drafts, you need to provide her with a quiet, bright place.

The pot should not be large; until the roots fill it completely, flowering will not occur.

In winter you need to give the flower a break:

  • in a bright place
  • cool +12+15°С,
  • reduce watering to 2 times a week.

Royal geraniums are pruned in autumn or early spring. For lush flowering The tips of the shoots above 4-5 leaves are pinched.

Subject to these simple rules geranium will delight you with its flowers, as in the photo.

Royal geranium is known to houseplant enthusiasts as "Royal Pelargonium" and is famous for its capriciousness. The country of origin is South America, and therefore pelargonium is accustomed to a hot climate with humid air. Rules for caring for it at home can be found on this page. The classic royal geranium is a flower or a small dense bush with branching stems. The leaf shape is round, with slightly lobed edges and a characteristic geranium scent. The flowers look like spherical umbrellas, the stems are thin and long. Their color depends on the variety: from snow-white to dark purple. At home, royal geranium grows up to 50 cm. proper care It will bloom from early spring to late summer. Look at the photo of royal geranium varieties intended for indoor cultivation:

How to plant royal geraniums correctly

All varieties of pelargonium or royal geranium are propagated by cuttings. It is recommended to prune them in summer or autumn; you need to cut the stem at an angle of 45 degrees just below the internodes. Lower leaves and the buds also need to be removed. Before properly planting royal geranium, you need to prepare high-quality cuttings and soil with suitable properties. Cuttings need special care. For example, they cannot be placed in water - due to high humidity they can quickly rot. Experts recommend simply sprinkling the cut with a mixture of the drug “Kornevina” and charcoal, and then “drying” the plant for at least an hour. For the first planting, a small diameter pot is suitable, on the bottom of which you need to place a layer of shards - this will ensure sufficient drainage. For planting royal geraniums it is suitable as store soil for ornamental plants, and the usual mixture of sand and peat in a 1:1 ratio. For rooting, you can use peat tablets: they are soaked for several minutes in warm water. A recess is made in the center of the tablet into which the stem is inserted. Once roots emerge from the drainage hole, the cuttings can be transplanted into a pot. After planting, you need to water the soil along the edge so that the substrate is not too wet. Cuttings root quickly, the first shoots usually form within 4 weeks. After this, you can increase watering slightly, but you still need to avoid over-wetting the soil. Only 8 weeks after planting, the young royal geranium can be cared for as an adult plant. After rooting, the geranium is planted in regular compost-based soil. Young royal geranium grows quite actively; over time, roots will begin to appear from the drainage hole of the flower pot. This is a sure sign that the plant needs a transplant. Typically, mature geraniums need to be replanted into new soil every two years. During transplantation, it is worth trimming thick shoots and roots by half, and old land Carefully shake off the rhizome. Earth in flower pot- completely update. If the pot for replanting is reused, it should be disinfected with a special solution (bleach will do).

Caring for royal geraniums at home

Caring for royal geraniums at home is not at all difficult and any gardener can handle it. Despite the fact that pelargonium is a moisture-loving plant, excessive watering can lead to diseases and infections, so it is important to adhere to certain watering rules. For an adult bush, 50 ml of water per watering is enough; the soil should not be too wet. In winter, it is enough to water the royal geranium once a day, summer time– twice: before 10 am and in the evening after the sun is no longer scorching. As a top dressing, you can use a weak solution of iodine: one drop per 1 liter of water. A small amount (about 50 ml) is poured over the walls of the pot. Be extremely careful: feeding in larger quantities can seriously damage the roots. The plant needs to be fertilized once every two weeks from late March to mid-November. Ideal temperature for keeping a royal pelargonium flower it ranges from +18 to +25 degrees. Rise and fall in temperature, drafts and dry air from a heater can quickly destroy a plant. In the summer, royal geraniums can be taken out to the balcony, but it is important to ensure that they are not exposed to direct sunlight - burns may occur. The plant loves light, but at the same time it needs shade. To provoke active bud formation, in winter geraniums can be placed in a cool, well-lit place. In general, from October to March there is a sleepy period for royal geraniums. The ideal temperature at this time is about +15 degrees, care can be limited only to watering. Before the sleepy period, it is better to remove flowers, buds and cut off 1/3 of the shoots. It is recommended to remove faded flowers - they have already lost their beauty, and it is only in vain that they take away the strength of the plant. In addition, it stimulates the active growth of new flowers. They can be removed after they have appeared on the petals. brown spots. But you should remove flowers if you do not need pelargonium seeds - seed setting occurs in the inflorescences.

Variety of varieties of royal pelargonium and their photos

The genus Pelargonium includes more than 280 various types plants, the most common variety is the royal geranium. Popular varieties include large-flowered pelargoniums (Angels group) or violas. The flowers of these varieties are similar to pansies, the upper petals are somewhat larger than the small ones, there are veins on the petals. Below are the most popular varieties royal pelargonium and their photos - the variety of species is simply not possible to present in one article. Candy Flowers - these varieties belong to the grandiflora pelargonium. Breeders have developed a group of varieties by crossing two types of pelargonium, which is intended for cultivation on open ground. The peculiarity of this variety is that it blooms earlier, the flowers are larger than those of the “Angels” group.
Radiant pelargonium (Pelargonium fulgidum) is a tall, bushy pelargonium that is slightly smaller in size than the royal pelargonium. The main difference is the more deeply dissected leaves with a pungent spicy odor. The flowers are without fragrance; the predominant color of the flowers of this variety of pelargonium is red.

Possible problems with royal geraniums

With proper care, royal geraniums rarely get sick, but some possible problems may even touch experienced flower growers. Rotting of the plant stem is most often caused by overwatering. If the flower has already begun to rot, it cannot be helped, and the best thing to do is to remove the affected plant as soon as possible. Not only the geranium itself is quickly affected, but also the soil in which it is located, so the soil will have to be thrown away. Pests can also attack royal geranium: aphids, mites, whiteflies. If this has affected your plant, the underside of the affected leaves should be washed with an infusion of tobacco with green soap or an infusion of ordinary pharmaceutical chamomile. In order to get rid of whiteflies, you can use special medications (“Fufafon”, “Aktellik”, “Bison”). Leaves are often the first sign of problems. If they turn yellow and the edges of the flower are dry, this is a signal of a lack of moisture. Yellowing leaves are a warning that the geranium is not getting enough light or space in the pot. If the leaves wither, then perhaps you have over-moistened the soil. If the time has come for flowering, but the geranium has not bloomed, you need to urgently determine the problem, otherwise flowering may be inhibited in the future. Why doesn't the royal geranium bloom? This may be due to lack of light, low temperature (below +10), the soil may be too fertile, or the pot may be too large. In addition, the cause may be untimely pruning of royal geraniums. Sometimes geraniums can be susceptible to “rust”, during which brown or yellow spots. Shoots and flowers may also be damaged. It is important to monitor the condition of the plant and remove diseased parts as soon as possible. Remember: if the plant is sick, it is better to wait to reproduce. Problems can quickly spread to cuttings.
In general, the plant is not whimsical, it reproduces well, grows and does not create any problems for its owners. To make royal geranium pleasing to the eye, you must follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners who will help protect pelargonium from problems.
  1. Provide the plant with good drainage and adequate lighting.
  2. You should not use fertilizing too actively: it is better to underfeed than to overfeed.
  3. Remove diseased plants promptly and never reuse soil.
  4. Water geraniums only when the soil really needs it.

Royal pelargonium is the most beautiful plant, which attracts attention with its charming flowers and crazy beautiful flowering. People also call this geranium royal, English grandiflora, domestic and noble. This type of pelargonium is unpretentious in care, but requires attention and special conditions cultivation, which is important to observe if you want to grow truly lush beauty on your windowsill.

Description of the flower

Pelargonium grandiflora is bush about 60 cm high, which is distinguished by herbaceous erect stems, rich green leaves and large inflorescences with a diameter of up to 25 cm. Royal pelargonium flowers can reach 7 cm in diameter. They consist of petals, which, depending on the variety, have a variety of colors and shapes. Simple or double buds have smooth or wavy edges. Their color can be monochromatic or bicolor, when there are contrasting inclusions inside the flower.

At good care for the royal geranium you can achieve it continuous flowering within three to four months. Blooming flowers of the plant have many shades– from white to dark purple. Depending on the variety, the leaves can be large or small, but they all have the same shape. Each rough leaf has small serrations.

Caring for royal geraniums

A flowering plant loves light, so best place there will be a stand for it near the south window. You can place a flower pot directly on the windowsill, but only on east or west windows. Direct sunlight will not harm geraniums, but on too hot days, burns may form on the leaves.

On northern window sills and in the shade, royal pelargonium will not be enough Sveta. In case of insufficient lighting, the leaves on the bush become small, and the buds may not appear at all, which, in fact, will be the answer to the question of why the royal geranium does not bloom.

The room where the flower grows must be regularly ventilated, but so that there are no drafts. In the warm season, a pot with a bush can be placed on an open balcony or in the garden.