How to understand what it is - an electric convector

Greetings, comrades! Today I want to introduce you to the whole class heating devices- with convectors. We have to find out how they are designed, how they heat the room, and what they are like. In addition, I will give a number of recommendations for choosing a particular heating device.


I'll start from afar.

Convection is the process of mixing air in a room (and in any other closed volume) when it is heated unevenly. Heating gases expand; As a result, air with decreased density is forced upward by denser and colder air masses. As it cools, it increases in density and sinks down - and so on ad infinitum.

Any heating device gives off heat environment through two processes:

  • Direct heating of the air in contact with it. The entire volume of the room is heated by convection;
  • Heat transfer due to infrared (thermal) radiation. It heats the surfaces closest to the device (floor, furniture, etc.), which themselves cause heating of the air and generate their own convection currents.

Infrared radiation, among other things, heats the surface of the body of any person located near a heat source. Due to this, the temperature in the room is subjectively perceived as higher: the comfort zone shifts down from the usual 22-24 to 16-18 C.

A convector is a heating device that heats a room primarily through convection. IR radiation makes a relatively small contribution to its performance.

Strictly speaking, a convector can be called most heat sources with a developed surface - radiators, registers, etc. However, historically, this name was assigned to products that consist of a tube or several tubes with a coolant or other heat source and transverse fins pressed onto them to increase heat transfer.


By what criteria can convectors be classified?


The most common type, widely used in new buildings in the 80-90s of the last century, is steel. In fact, the device is a coil of a heating riser with steel plates pressed onto it. Usually it is supplemented with a decorative screen and a movable horizontal damper, which allows you to regulate heat transfer.

Residents of new buildings remember steel convectors as devices with depressingly low heat output. In the 90s, I had the opportunity to massively replace steel convectors with cast iron radiators, which were common in Soviet-built apartments: replacing heating devices raised the temperature in the apartment by 5-8 degrees.

The main reason for the low power was the relatively low coolant temperature (at that time temperature graph was not always maintained) and... low thermal conductivity of steel.

The principle of operation of the convector involves heating the air in contact with it to maximum temperature. The higher the thermal conductivity of the material of the coolant tubes and fins, the higher the temperature of the ends of the fins and, accordingly, the temperature of the air at the outlet.

Around the beginning of the 2000s, convectors made of other materials began to appear en masse on the Russian market:

  • Copper;

  • Copper-aluminum (with copper tubes for coolant and aluminum fins);
  • Copper-brass (with copper tubes for coolant and brass fins).

How much more efficient are they than steel ones?

I will simply leave it to the dear reader to study the table of thermal conductivity of metals.

Why are metals other than copper, which has the highest thermal conductivity, used?

The reason is its relatively high price. Aluminum or brass fins can significantly reduce the final cost of the heating device by sacrificing 10-15 percent of its thermal power.

Why is brass competing with cheaper, thermally conductive aluminum?

It has greater mechanical strength. The thin, soft aluminum fins are easily damaged by an accidental blow. In addition, manufacturers are forced to take into account the aesthetic preferences of the potential buyer: brass and copper are similar in appearance, which allows the device to be made in a single color scheme.

Installation method

According to the installation method, they are distinguished:

  • Wall mounted appliances. They are attached to the wall using brackets, anchors or dowel screws. This arrangement is optimal for standard height window sills and windows;

  • Floor-mounted, mounted on brackets or directly on the floor surface. This type of convectors is in demand, first of all, in rooms with panoramic glazing;

  • In-floor. The convector is hidden in a recess inside the screed or under the floor; It has a strong cover on top. This solution allows you to completely get rid of visible heating devices in the interior of the room and is often again combined with panoramic glazing.

In-floor device. Only the decorative grille is visible.

A couple of hybrid solutions are worth adding to this list:

  1. A warm baseboard is a wall-mounted convector 10-20 centimeters high. Thanks to the decorative screen, it really looks like a high plinth, without standing out in the interior of the room. The small heat flow per linear meter (up to 200 watts) is compensated by the significant length of the device: it is mounted not only under the windows, but also along the entire perimeter of the room;

  1. A wall-mounted or in-floor convector equipped with a fan is called a fan coil. Blowing with a low-speed fan increases heat transfer and the speed of air flows that carry heat throughout the volume of the heated room.

Heat source

It can be not only the coolant supplied by the thermal power plant or boiler house. The convector may have its own heat source.


Electric convectors are a low-temperature heating coil placed in a heat exchanger with developed fins in a ceramic insulator.

The power circuit of the electrical device includes a step power regulator and/or thermostat that turns off the power to the heating element when the air in the room reaches a certain temperature.

The thermostat is the most vulnerable part of the device. The area of ​​the contact terminals in it is small, which, with a high current strength, causes the terminals to heat up and melt the plastic insulator. Do-it-yourself convector repair in most cases comes down to replacing the melted thermostat or the entire control board.

The main disadvantage of an electric convector is the high cost of a kilowatt-hour of heat: it is exactly equal to the current cost of a kilowatt-hour of electricity.

Do not believe sellers' statements about the greater or lesser efficiency of a particular device.

Efficiency of any electric heater always equal to 100%. This directly follows from the law of conservation of energy: all expended energy is converted either into physical work (that is, into the movement of an object of non-zero mass against the gravitational vector) or into heat.

If your electric convector does not try to take off, you can be absolutely sure that you are the owner of the most economical model on the market.


A cheaper type of convector to operate is gas. The heating convector device of this type includes gas burner, a heat exchanger and an electric fan that ensures the removal of combustion products and the flow of outside air. The design of the device uses a coaxial (pipe inside a pipe) air duct.

How does this device work?

  • The gas burner heats the heat exchanger, which, in turn, transfers heat to the air in the room;
  • The fan forces air through the outer shell of the coaxial duct for gas combustion;
  • Combustion products are discharged through the central channel of the air duct. At the same time, the supply air does not allow the pipe shell to heat up to a dangerous temperature, so convectors of this type can be mounted even on wooden walls.

There is a non-volatile version of the device - without a fan. Air exchange in this case is ensured by the same convection: heated combustion products are displaced by colder street air.


How is a water convector superior to other heating devices?

In fault tolerance. It is not afraid of water hammer and overheating: the coolant tube is resistant to hydrostatic pressure and temperature does not differ from whole steel pipe(riser or liner).

The main disadvantage of convection heating (regardless of the type of heating devices) is uneven temperature distribution in the room. The temperature under the ceiling is higher than at floor level, and the difference reaches 5-8 degrees.

Do you often spend your leisure time on the ceiling? I’m also somehow not very good. Therefore, overheating the air there only leads to an increase in heat loss through the ceiling.


What are the criteria for choosing a heating convector?

Heat source

Central heating does not leave large selection: You will have to use water convectors anyway. But in a gasified private house, the most economical solution will be a gas appliance: a kilowatt-hour of heat obtained from the combustion of the main natural gas, 4-6 times cheaper than a kilowatt-hour of electricity.

Gas remains a more economical source of heat even if you have to use cylinders. Their periodic refueling will increase the cost of a kilowatt-hour of heat to 2.8 - 3 rubles, while the average cost of a kilowatt-hour of electricity in Russia is 4 rubles.

However, in the long term, the ratio of costs for electricity and gas may change in favor of the first heat source. Natural gas reserves are limited, and their depletion will inevitably cause tariff increases in the coming years. For electricity producers, a gradual transition to renewable sources stimulates a reduction in the cost per kilowatt-hour.

Thermal power

The thermal power of the device is always indicated in its description.

The need for it can be roughly estimated based on the volume of the heated room and the climate zone:

  • 40 watts of heat are taken per cubic meter of volume;
  • For warm regions (Crimea, Krasnodar Territory) the result is multiplied by a factor of 0.7;
  • For the Moscow and Leningrad regions the coefficient is 1.2;
  • In Siberia and Far East it increases to 1.5;
  • In the coldest regions - in Yakutia in Chukotka - the need for heat will double.

I will give an example of calculating the heat requirement for the attic in my house located in Sevastopol. The average ceiling height in it is 2.5 meters, the area is 60 m2.

The volume is thus 60x2.5=150 m3, the heat requirement is 150*40*0.7=4200 watts. In fact, to heat the room, an inverter is used with an effective heating power of 4100 watts.

When selecting the power of a water convector, please note that manufacturers indicate it for ideal conditions- for a temperature delta between the air in the room and the coolant of 70 degrees (say, 90C/20C). When it is reduced by half (example - quite real 60/25C) thermal power will decrease exactly by half.


Here the instructions are obvious: our choice is copper tubes with aluminum fins. This combination of metals provides maximum heat transfer at a minimum cost of the device.


So, convectors are quite ordinary heating devices with their own advantages and disadvantages. The video in this article will help you learn more about their varieties. Feel free to add your comments to it. Good luck, comrades!

Many buyers prefer to choose convenient electric convectors heating systems intended for heating residential premises. They are rightfully considered an excellent replacement for standard ones and can successfully supplement batteries central heating. Devices of this type can be placed in houses, apartments, cottages, offices or industrial enterprises; each device is equipped with a special temperature controller, which allows you to set the desired value depending on the specific situation. Before purchasing, you should find out how to choose the right device in order to purchase the most suitable option.

Not all buyers know exactly what a convector is and what parts a standard device of this type consists of. The principle of its operation is quite simple, since this heating device operates using air circulation after connecting to the electrical network. The housings of modern convectors are made of durable metal; in appearance, the electrical device is practically no different from, but at the same time has more flat design. Inside the case there are parts, including warm a heating element (TEN), which is a conductor in a special shell made of ceramics and a housing made of steel or aluminum. The element tube contains magnesite; during operation, the heating element is able to heat up to the highest possible temperatures and generate heat.

In addition to the heating element, each device of this type has control sensor and thermostat, as well as a special timer. Regulation and control of temperature during operation is carried out using a sensor, which is responsible for the supply of electricity and prevents the convector from overheating. Also, each electric standard convector is equipped with two bars, one of which is located at the bottom of the device and is designed to pass air, the second is located at the top of the body and usually occupies an area of ​​15-20% of the total surface of the device.

Some devices are equipped with special protection that prevents moisture from entering the housing, which helps avoid accidents during operation.

Operating principle and main advantages

Every modern thermal convector (electric,) practically does not cause any inconvenience during operation and operates in a manner that is quite simple. Cold air entering the device gradually descends and passes through the lower grille of the device. Then, during its movement, the air penetrates through the heating elements, as it becomes lighter, it begins to rise, when the top layer cools down and falls down under its weight, this process is repeated again.

The temperature in the heated room remains at the optimal level thanks to the constant movement of air. Many electric convectors, despite their small sizes, are capable of heating even the most spacious premises what makes them ideal option in the event that there is not enough heat in the room from the central heating radiators. Manufacturers often add built-in thermostats to their devices for added convenience. Separately, it is worth noting the list of the main advantages of heating devices of this type:

  • the ability to quickly warm up any room without drafts;
  • the presence of a thermostat, with which you can control the temperature in the room and thus save energy, in addition, it protects all elements from overheating;
  • the ability to install electrical appliances on any surface and leave them unattended for a long time, as well as use them in rooms with high levels of humidity;
  • special protection against splashes and moisture in some devices;
  • the presence of a protective metal casing, which heats up only to 65 degrees, which allows you to avoid hazardous situations and install the device even in children's rooms;
  • the ability of a convector to heat the air, leaving it as clean and fresh as possible without impurities and foreign odors;
  • ease of installation, the ability to mount the device on any surface.

In addition to all these advantages, it is worth noting that heating convectors can be used for a long time; they do not require additional Maintenance, for this reason they are able to work without problems even for 20 years.

Operating principle of an electric convector

Most models are distinguished by a high level of ergonomics and do not make noise during operation, and are also able to start heating the room within 30 minutes after connecting to the network. In addition to all the advantages, electrical appliances of this type also have their negative sides, despite the fact that there are quite a few of them, every buyer should find out about them before going to the store.

  1. Convectors are capable of consuming a large number of energy, for this reason they are not suitable for those who prefer to save electricity.
  2. Some models do not heat very large rooms; for this purpose it is best to purchase several devices at once.
  3. During operation, heated air flows can promote the spread of dust indoors, so wet cleaning should be done much more often in rooms with electric convectors.

Some buyers who are interested in the question of how to choose an electric convector for a summer house or convectors for heating a private house prefer the simplest and compact options or purchase several devices at once.

Where can the device be installed?

When it comes to which modern convector to choose, first of all you should decide on the location of its installation. Most often, such devices are installed under windows or on walls, but it must be taken into account that all devices of this type are wall-mounted and floor-mounted. They are characterized by large dimensions, their height can reach 40 cm, for this reason they are most suitable for spacious rooms. If you need to place the device in a small room, it is best to choose the option; they are able to quickly heat the air and do it more evenly. There are also convectors; they are rightfully recognized as the most innovative and modern, but at the same time they require the use of special installation techniques.

Built-in electric convector

What to look for when purchasing

Many buyers who need additional space heating, especially in the cold season, often think about how to choose a convector and not make a mistake when purchasing. Modern manufacturers They produce a large number of similar devices, which may differ from each other in a number of parameters, for example, in type, size or weight, installation principle, power, protection features and temperature control. The degree of power is usually the main criterion on which the right choice convector. It can vary from 500 to 3000 W, but when purchasing, you must take into account that to fully warm up the room you will need 100 W per square meter.

In fact, choosing a suitable electrical appliance is not at all so difficult: models with a thermostat are unanimously recognized as the best. This item may be mechanical or, the first option is considered the simplest and most reliable, while the second is much more functional and accurate. The most innovative devices are complemented by programmable thermostats that allow you to regulate temperature regime for a specific time of day or day of the week.

The issue of safety is also very important, but there is no need to worry about this when purchasing a modern device: each convector fully complies with all requirements and is a completely safe device.

Very popular among buyers low convectors, which are designed for installation on the floor and are protected from accidental tipping. Special sensors are installed inside their housings that automatically disconnect devices from the network. You should choose a device depending on your personal needs, as well as the size and features of the room in which it will be installed. In any case, an electric convector will always be a valuable acquisition and can create a warm atmosphere in the room even in the coldest time of the year.

Ballu Camino Electronic BEC/E

Where there is no stable gas supply system, many choose electric method heating your home, the basis of which is an electric heating convector. Let’s look at what an electric convector is and why it is considered one of the effective elements of an electric heating system in more detail.

Electric convector device

An electric convector is a household heating device powered by electricity according to the principle natural circulation air. Outwardly it resembles oil heater, however, its body design is flatter. The metal casing of the convector contains:

  • heating element;
  • thermostat;
  • control sensor;
  • two grates;
  • timer.

On modern market there is a huge range of different models of these electrical appliances, used in the heating system of various premises. They can be wall-mounted or installed on the floor.

One grille in the flat convector body is located at the bottom and is directed towards the floor plane. The second grid is located at the top of the device. It occupies 15–20% of its vertical surface area.

Inside the housing, in its lower part, a heating element is placed. It can be equipped along its length with special plates or placed in an aluminum casing. This is necessary in order to increase the total heating surface of the heating element and better distribute the heat it generates.

The heating element itself is a hermetically sealed tube made of of stainless steel, inside of which magnesite is poured. All electrical wiring of the equipment is double insulated, which does not require grounding.

During operation, the heating element heats up to a very high temperature. Thanks to the control sensor built into the housing, the supply of electricity to it is constantly regulated, preventing emergency overheating. The walls of the case are in working condition, do not heat up above +65 degrees, and therefore cannot cause a burn to the body if accidentally touched.

For devices operating in wet areas, manufacturers provide special protection that prevents moisture from penetrating into it.

Operating principle of an electric convector

Let us consider step by step how room air is heated from an electric convector.

  1. According to the laws of physics, cold air is much heavier than warm air, so it is located in the lower zone of the room volume, closer to the floor.
  2. When the device is turned on, cold air enters the heating element through the lower grille inside the housing.
  3. Passing through the heating element, the cold air heats up, and then exits through the upper grille, forming a directed flow of warm air. It provides quick and uniform heating of the entire volume of the room due to natural convection.
  4. Warm air, entering the room, gives off its thermal energy surrounding objects:
  • walls;
  • ceiling;
  • furniture;
  • curtains;
  • semi.

Device diagram

Losing heat, it becomes cold again and sinks to the lower zone to the floor level. After this, the process is repeated again, which causes constant air circulation and uniform heating when the heating device is running.

Convectors with flat casings operate silently as they are not equipped with fans.

The thermostat built into the heating device helps stabilize the temperature at a given level.

Types of electric convectors, what to look for when choosing them

Manufacturers of equipment for heating systems produce electric convectors that differ in:

  • installation method;
  • sizes;
  • weight;
  • heating power;
  • temperature control method;
  • protection system.

Let's take a closer look at each category.

Installation method, dimensions and weight


According to the installation method, electric convectors are divided into:

  1. Wall-mounted, having a height of up to 65 cm.
  2. Floor or plinth with a maximum height of 20 cm.
  3. Universal, which can be installed both on the floor and mounted on the wall.

Wall structures are equipped with heating elements and are characterized by greater power than their floor counterparts. Their width is about 7 cm, and their weight, depending on size and power, ranges from 3 to 9 kg. These devices, due to the height of their body, accelerate the heat exchange of air by creating the effect of a furnace draft.

Floor-standing devices are characterized by a large width from 30 to 300 cm. It is better to install them in a pre-arranged niche in the floor. Otherwise, you may bump into them while walking or get caught while moving furniture. They often arrange areas under window openings type " French window" The low heating temperature of floor convectors is compensated by the large length of the heating elements. Due to lower intensity flows, floor-standing appliances heat the room more evenly.

Universal models of these heaters are equipped with removable legs and have eyes for permanent mounting on the wall.

Operating power


The main technical characteristic of the operating efficiency of heating convectors is their power. Manufacturers produce these devices in various variations from 500 to 3000 W.

Power heating equipment directly related to the heating area and heating costs.

To choose the right heating device, you need to know that for optimal heating of one square meter of area you need to use 100 W of electrical power. Therefore, to heat a room at 10 square meters, you need a 1000 W convector.

Temperature regulation

To regulate the temperature and maintain its optimal level, electric convectors are equipped with special thermostats. They can be made mechanical or electronic.

A mechanical thermostat is a structurally simple and reliable option. An electronic thermostat is more functional, and thanks to its technical specifications with its help you can more accurately regulate the heating temperature in the room.

Expensive models of electric convectors are equipped with innovative programmable thermostats that allow you to change the temperature characteristics depending on the time of day and day of the week.


Safe for children

All manufacturers of electric heating equipment are constantly improving their operational and technical characteristics. Modern convectors absolutely safe. The temperature of the working convector body is within +45 – 65 degrees. This guarantees complete safety, which is very important for families with children.

There is absolutely no risk of injury from operating an electric convector.

When choosing floor option It is advisable to pay attention to models with automatic protection against accidental tipover. A floor convector can tip over if the wires get tangled or if it moves suddenly around the room. In this case, the tip-over sensor automatically turns off the power supply and prevents a fire.

As for cheap models of convectors with needle heaters, their choice is extremely undesirable due to low level electrical protection.

Advantages and disadvantages

Recently, heating systems with electric convectors have been installed not only in apartments, but also in:

  • offices;
  • hospitals;
  • kindergartens;
  • museums;
  • hotels;
  • ancient buildings;
  • country cottages.

Electronic display

Convectors powered by electricity have a number of advantages, which are that they:

  • Easy to install and operate.
  • Does not require special maintenance.
  • They have a high service life of up to 20 years.
  • Ergonomic and silent in operation.
  • Have high level Efficiency up to 95%.
  • The room is heated within 30 seconds after switching on.

The negative characteristics of these devices include:

  • Significant energy consumption.
  • Inability to work effectively in large areas.

In addition, the flow of warm air from electric convectors contributes to the spread of dust throughout the room, which can cause allergic reactions in dependent people and asthmatics.


The electric convector is firmly established in our lives. This environmentally friendly heating household appliance does not create smoke, noise, has long term services.

Its reliable automation guarantees consistency performance characteristics and gives the people present in the room a favorable atmosphere of coziness and comfort. But in order to choose this device correctly, you must carefully read its technical data sheet, which indicates all the capabilities of this heater.

An electric convector is a device that is designed to maintain the temperature in a living space at the desired level. With its help it will be possible to relieve the load from standard system heating or replace it completely. This is convenient for heating country houses and dachas. Before choosing an electric convector for your dacha, you need to determine which device will warm up the air in the rooms faster and more efficiently.

Operating principle and design of the convector

To understand what a convector is, you need to understand how it works and on what principle it works. The functional performance of the device is associated with the convection process; it allows air to rise to the ceiling after it warms up and loses its density. The heater has a simple design and consists of:

  • from the body;
  • from a heating element.

A heating element is a conductor installed in a metal casing. Outwardly, it looks like a simple radiator heater and is located at the bottom of the device. When cold air gets in, it heats up. Then rises and exits through outlets, which are made at a slight slope. Rising to the ceiling warm air gradually cools down and falls down. Such heating with electric convectors allows you to heat the room evenly.

Types of convectors

There are many types of convectors, which are divided into several groups: by type of installation, by heating principle and by air circulation. Therefore, the choice of a convector is made according to its technical characteristics. Device types:

  1. The heater can be either natural or forced circulation air.
  2. They come with electric, water or gas method heating Electric convectors for heating are also divided into infrared models.
  3. By mounting method – floor, wall.

Wall mounted

The wall-mounted heating device has compact dimensions. It comes in horizontal, vertical and ceiling types. The devices are available with or without a built-in thermostat. In appearance, heaters can be panel, film or have the appearance of tubular lamps. Based on the heating method, they are divided into infrared (thermal radiation) and convection (air circulation) models. Design features:

  1. Wall-mounted models are equipped with a flat box-shaped housing. The thickness of the case is small, but corresponds to the height of the device and, according to the principle of operation, is similar to a vertical pipe, the inlet and outlet of which have a temperature difference. Because of this, increased air draft is created. Thanks to this body shape and enclosed space, air enters the heater, thereby ensuring rapid heating.
  2. On the end side of the housing in the lower part there are small slots for the entry of cooled air.
  3. At the bottom of the device there is one or more heating elements, which are produced in the form of cast modules or a separate spiral. Elements are turned on simultaneously or one by one. The startup method depends on the selected mode.
  4. In the upper part of the case there are openings in the form of curtains. Hot air escapes through them. Curtain models are either movable or fixed. Using moving elements, you can adjust the air flow in any direction.

Regardless of the type of wall convector, installation is carried out on brackets. This opportunity arises due to its light weight. Sometimes the device is equipped with additional legs.


Floor-mounted electric convectors for heating are installed on wheels, since they do not have any other rigid fastening. The device has a beautiful appearance, high efficiency, operates silently. Some models can be additionally equipped with a heated towel rail and humidifier. This model is convenient because it can be moved to any place. Disadvantage: limited wire length.

One of the varieties of floor structures is devices built into special niches made in the floor. The top of the heater is covered with decorative grilles. Through these devices, cold air enters, heats up and comes out again. Heating devices of this design are intended for use in premises:

  • with a small area;
  • V doorways between rooms (to create thermal curtains);
  • in children's rooms;
  • in rooms with panoramic glazing.

All floor-standing devices are compact in size. This allows you to avoid making large niches in the floor. Under panoramic windows Long convectors are produced in great length. They have increased power and are expensive. Installation of the heating device under the window is done so that cold air is captured from the side of the window.

Calculate the required power

Power is the main indicator that needs to be taken into account when choosing a device. The level of heat produced by the convector depends on it. Calculation of required power:

  1. To heat a room measuring 10 to 12 square meters. m with a wall height of 2.7 m, 1 kW is required, provided that there are no other heating systems in the building.
  2. If a convector is installed in the building and there is another heating system, then the device will be able to heat a room area up to 24 square meters. m.

Large devices have the highest power. The larger the device, the stronger the power.

In addition to the size, the heat transfer of the device depends on the built-in heating element. In order for the room to warm up efficiently, when choosing power, they also take into account how many windows are installed in the room and where they are located (corner or above the basement). If the convector is installed in the kitchen, then a device with low power is sufficient. But it will take a lot of time to warm up the bedroom with such a heater. Therefore, a more powerful device is used.

Methods for adjusting temperature

Most electric convectors for heating are equipped with a mechanical control unit or an electronic one. With their help, it will be possible to control the heating level of the room, which allows you to save energy. The devices are also equipped with a control sensor and a power-on timer.

The first automatically turns the system on and off when the temperature reaches the desired value. After cooling, the device turns on independently or manually. This depends on the installed model.

The device can be programmed using the on timer. This is convenient when the temperature level in the rooms needs to be reduced during the daytime and increased at night.

An electronic thermostat and control unit allow you to set automatic temperature conditions, while in mechanical models it is set manually. There are models with remote control. The operation of the convector is controlled remotely using the control panel. Mobile devices have tip-over protection. If the convector accidentally turns over, the protection will work and it will turn off. Set temperature and the set mode are shown on the display.

Rating of electric convectors for heating

According to parameters and operational features a rating of the best electric convector was compiled. This included models from popular manufacturers such as Electrolux, Scoole, etc. Most popular:

Which convector company to choose depends on the size of the heated area and your own preferences.

The Russian heating equipment market offers consumers dozens of types and hundreds of varieties of heating devices for household, technical and industrial purposes. The high demand for heating units is due to the fact that in winter time even in southern regions In Russia, the operation of housing without artificial heating is impossible.

A large niche in the heating equipment market is occupied by convection household heaters are reliable and constantly improving units, differing in design, but united general characteristic- using convection for heating rooms.

Let's take a closer look at convector heating, the most common types of convector heaters , their pros and cons, including from the point of view of the efficiency of use for heating homes.

Convection phenomenon

One of the conditions for a comfortable stay in a room is the temperature regime corresponding to the purpose of the room. If we are talking about winter period, this implies the need to warm up the air in the home to a certain temperature value, which is achieved with the help of household heaters.

From existing methods heating air in residential premises are those that do not have a negative impact on humans and do not create a fire or explosion hazard. For example, heating a living room with the heat of an open flame from a fire is, for obvious reasons, not acceptable, but the same fire in a fireplace or stove will heat the walls of the firebox, which will give off heat to the air in the room, and this method of heating homes is widespread.

To increase the temperature in a room, air must come into contact with an object hotter than it, which will transfer heat to it - heat exchange. This is achieved in two ways:

  • an object (a heat exchanger in the design of a heating device) is heated by converting coolant energy into heat - burning fuel or passing electric current through a conductor with high resistance;
  • objects and enclosing structures in the room are heated under the influence of radiation from infrared heaters and become heat exchangers - heat sources.

In both cases, so-called convective currents, causing convector heating. Air, in contact with hot objects, heats up and increases in volume. Since heated air has a lower density, it rushes upward, being replaced by cold air.

When stable high temperature heat exchanger, this process occurs continuously and is called convection.

What is convection in heating? Heated air moves upward from the radiator-heat exchanger or objects heated by infrared radiation, and cold air (cooling hot air) moves downward. Liquids behave similarly when in contact with a heat exchanger, so their circulation when heated is also called convection.

Types of heating convectors

Any convector type heater has a long list of characteristics, primary and secondary:

  • type of energy carrier used to heat the heat exchanger;
  • heat dissipation power;
  • degree of automation equipment;
  • safety class;
  • design of execution at the installation site;
  • mobility;
  • dimensions;
  • decorative class.

According to this list, heating convectors can, if desired, be divided into many subtypes, but for practical application such a breakdown is not necessary.

Since choosing a convector heater among dozens of types offered by manufacturers is not easy, let’s consider the main groups of these units, which unite the equipment according to the main parameter - the type of energy carrier.

Water convector heaters

Heating convectors using water as a coolant are popular due to the safety and ease of their operation - no substances are released during the operation of these units, and their use does not require special knowledge and skills from the consumer. The most common example of such devices are water heating radiators connected to a central or autonomous system heating.

Water convector heaters are a radiator-heat exchanger with water (antifreeze), smooth or finned - to increase the heat transfer area. There is no heating element in its design - it circulates through the radiator, which is an element of the heating circuit. hot water and heats up its body. Air masses in contact with the body heat up and rise upward, forming convection currents.

Such water heating convectors can be represented by familiar cast iron radiators or similar in size, but more advanced bimetallic devices with a double casing.

The cast-iron prefabricated sectional radiator is reliable and durable, but is inferior to bimetallic convectors in efficiency and aesthetics.

Important! Radiators made of cast iron are produced with a high class of artistic performance, but their price is tens of times higher than the cost of standard models.

Bimetallic water convectors They are a steel tank placed in an aluminum shell.

The internal steel tank withstands coolant pressure well, and the outer shell and aluminum fins provide better heat transfer.

More compact convective heating devices are baseboard water convectors, representing modern devices based on copper pipes with fins made of aluminum plates, mounted on a supporting base and decorated with a decorative outer panel.

Despite their compactness, the dimensions are still disproportionately larger than the size of the plinth, so they owe their name, rather, to the installation location - along the walls at a short distance from the floor.

Improved water convector radiators skirting type equipped with a fan that accelerates natural convection.

Water convectors also used for heating of premises of significant dimensions - industrial, utility and utility, but these are units of much greater power, in which the level of decorative performance fades into the background.

The power of water convectors to be able to heat rooms of a large area is increased by increasing the dimensions of the radiator, including the diameter and length (configuration) of heat pipes, and the area of ​​the fins.

Important! In the heating system for seasonal premises, antifreeze is used as a coolant to avoid defrosting the circuit. The use of water requires the system to be emptied before frost occurs.

Electric convection heating units

In second place in terms of widespread use are electric convectors. household heaters. Their popularity is also justified - the operation of electric convectors is not accompanied by factors harmful to humans, does not require the preparation of fuel, as well as additional equipment of the room with a chimney and hood.

By and large, such units include oil radiators, and wall monolithic panels decorative “stone” design, and picture heaters, and many other devices that run on electricity and initiate the occurrence of convective flows in the room. These devices have individual characteristics, and therefore each of them requires separate consideration.

In this article, we will consider the type of electrical appliance that is most often commonly called a heater. -electro convector

The main differences between the models of such electric convectors are power and degree of mobility (installation method). Wall-mounted and built-in devices have brackets for static fastening to the base, floor-mounted ones have support stands or wheels for ease of movement, baseboard ones have brackets or racks (depending on mobility).


Electric heating convectors consist of a metal body, called a convection chamber, and a heating element installed in it. The heating element is mounted without contact with the body, so there is no need to ground the heater.

For safety reasons, between the heating element and the walls of the housing there is a heat-protective shell made of heat-resistant plastic, which reduces the surface temperature of the device to safe values. Heating of the room is carried out due to natural convection initiated by the heater - in order to ensure quiet operation, there is no fan in the design of the device.

1 - front panel, 2 - deflector (static or adjustable) for removing heated air, 3 - switch, 4 - temperature controller control, 5 - electronic board thermostat, 6 - heating element closed type, 7 - temperature sensor.

Methods for adjusting temperature

Convectors are equipped with thermostats (mechanical or electronic) that turn the heater on/off based on signals from temperature sensors.

Mechanical thermostats work in tandem with a temperature sensor on the case, which monitors only the heating of the device, without reference to the air temperature in the room.

Improved models of convectors are equipped with electronic thermostats, which, in addition to the heating of the case, also monitors the temperature in the room - based on signals from sensors installed in the room. Such devices allow you to maintain a room temperature set manually by the consumer with fluctuations of no more than 1 degree. If there are several such convectors in a room, a common electronic control unit is installed that regulates the temperature using signals from temperature sensors by turning on/off and adjusting the power of all heaters.

A mechanical thermostat allows you to set the temperature in the room by testing the values ​​on the controller, increasing or decreasing the heating intensity. The electronic thermostat sets a numerical value for the air temperature.

Depending on the performance class, electric convectors can be equipped with other useful options that increase the convenience of operating the device and the characteristics of the air environment:

  • a timer that automatically turns the heater on and off at a time specified by the consumer;
  • a device for humidifying the air in the room to neutralize the operation of the heating element;
  • system remote control with wireless remote control;
  • light indication of operating devices.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric convectors

Convector heating with electric units is widespread due to the predominance of the advantages of these devices over the negative characteristics.


  • ease of preparation and operation - plugging the cord into an outlet;
  • minimum consumer participation in the heating process;
  • no need for special maintenance or preventive maintenance;
  • quiet operation;
  • durability – 10 years or more;
  • availability of price range;


  • the significance of the energy consumption values ​​of all models;
  • use as the main means of heating is possible only with the thoughtful installation of several heaters;
  • combustion of dust on open heating elements is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Important! A thick layer of dust accumulated on the heating element when the heater is turned on can cause a fire.

The described electric heaters of convective action are not convectors in their pure form. The heating element, in contact with the air, initiates the movement of convective currents in the room, but at the same time also heats the body of the unit. Any hot object is a source infrared radiation, the intensity of which depends only on the temperature of the emitter, therefore electric convectors are, to some extent, infrared heaters, heating objects by exposure to infrared radiation, but the participation of these rays in the heating process is very insignificant.

Convection-infrared heaters

These improved electric convectors are units whose efficiency is increased by increasing the proportion of heating that comes from infrared radiation.

Thus, convective infrared electro a heater is a unit for combined heating of a room, that is, with the excitation of convection and the simultaneous use of infrared radiation.

The main “highlight” of convective-infrared devices is the presence of two heating elements in the heater. These can be two identical heaters with a special coating that enhances the intensity of infrared radiation, or a pair of devices different principle actions - heating element and radiant panel.

The unit with two identical heaters has a perforated front panel that provides maximum permeability to infrared radiation. In convectors with heaters different types the source of infrared waves is the emitting panel under decorative cladding black color – to enhance the radiation intensity.
1 – electronic control unit; 2 – all-metal cast heating element that initiates air convection; 3 – shock-resistant front panel with plate-shaped IR wave emitters.

Advantages and disadvantages of a convection-infrared heater


  • durability and functionality - if one of the heaters fails, you can continue to use the device, albeit with less efficiency;
  • higher efficiency than conventional electric convectors
  • quick heating of rooms.


  • relatively high cost - from 5 thousand rubles.

Gas convector heaters

A convector-type gas heater is a device for heating rooms, the operating principle of which is based on heating the air flow as it passes through a recuperative heat exchanger heated by combustion products of gas, liquefied or natural.

Convector heating with a gas heater is carried out as follows - gas is supplied to the burner into a closed combustion chamber and ignited from a burning igniter, which, in turn, must first be ignited by pressing the piezo device button.

The heater is equipped with a coaxial chimney - a pipe in a pipe, through which two flows of gases move towards each other - air from the street to the burner, and gas combustion products outside.

Wall-mounted gas convectors are mounted on the internal surface outer wall in the room planned for heating - over the pre-made hole for the coaxial chimney.

Convectors for heating with gas are produced in two types of convection - natural and forced.

In units with forced convection, air is pumped into the heat exchanger for heating by a fan, while in units with natural convection, convection currents are formed without consumer intervention.

Price gas convector depends on the class of its execution. The most expensive units are class C1 devices - with closed camera combustion and forced convection, class B11 heaters (natural convection and connection to a conventional chimney) are much cheaper.


The classification of only some types of household heaters as convectors is very arbitrary - there are no heating devices whose operation would not entail the formation of convective flows. But when choosing a heating means, you should take into account the size of the component in the efficiency of the unit attributable to convection.

Heating of small rooms is quite possible with units with natural convection; in rooms of significant dimensions (industrial purposes) one cannot do without several such devices or heat guns - devices with forced convection.

The main point of the article

  1. To talk about the convector Oh, need to know, what's happened convection and how This helps with heating.
  2. Despite the fact that the operating principle everyone convectors are based on the formation of convective flows; in everyday life only a few types of heating devices are called convector heaters.
  3. Water convectors – reliable devices, improved over several decades of operation to heating units of high efficiency and safety.
  4. Electric convection heaters – modern equipment, not tied to fuel reserves and not requiring special knowledge from the consumer.
  5. Convective-infrared heaters are combined room heating units that use the phenomenon of convection in parallel with infrared radiation.
  6. Gas convectors are heaters that are economical only in terms of energy costs. In fact, heat loss through a coaxial chimney with gas combustion products is significant.
  7. When choosing heating equipment, you should consider the pros and cons various types convector heaters. It should be remembered that convector heating with units that are not equipped with forced air injection into the heat exchanger is inferior in efficiency to heating with devices with fans, and the difference in price of these devices is completely justified.