The best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment building. Benefits of killing cockroaches with boric acid. Boric acid is the best folk remedy for cockroaches

Cockroaches are household pests that have been known to man for many years. Most often they are found in old, dirty rooms. But their presence in the house is far from a sign of uncleanliness of the residents, since insects can easily crawl from neighbors or appear in any other way. They love dark corners and often live in ovens, under wallpaper and baseboards.

They can be fought different ways. When the infestation of the apartment is low, products such as repellents or cockroach traps help. When there are too many Prussians, they begin to act much worse. Chemicals such as gels, creams, sprays and others are much more effective than other methods of control. But they can harm the residents of the apartment, so everyone must leave the premises during the bullying.

There are also folk remedies from cockroaches, which people have invented for many decades. They can be quite effective, and most importantly, they are completely inexpensive in material terms. Certainly the most best result allows the premises to be treated by specialists. But this method of bullying is not cheap. In addition, residents and their neighbors are not allowed to enter the apartment for another two days after the procedure.

How to remove cockroaches at home

There are a lot of chemicals for killing Prussians, which are available for free sale in hardware, zoological and garden stores. These are gels, sprays, poisonous baits and others. Best recommendations used by such manufacturers as “Raptor”, “Kombat”, “Raid”, etc. They effectively control cockroaches at home and do not cause harm to the body of people and animals. In addition, customer reviews say that with one use of this type of preparation you can forget about insects for up to ten months. However, when you need to act quickly, and there is no time to go to the store, then you should use homemade products.

Folk recipes

The most proven and reliable way To win the battle against cockroaches is to get rid of them using folk remedies. Hundreds of years ago, when humanity had no idea about the existence chemicals, insects were expelled from the house with herbs and infusions. And until today folk recipes are not outdated and are very popular among people.

One of the most important advantages traditional methods The struggle is that they are free. You may have to buy some ingredients, but they cost pennies compared to chemicals. Herbs such as wormwood and wild rosemary are good at repelling cockroaches. In order to drive out pests, you will need to put the plants in the cracks and upholstered furniture. Plus, some recipes are quick and easy to make.

Boric acid
This is the most common and simple remedy for cockroaches. Acid has an incredibly destructive effect on them. To be more precise, the drug can cause intoxication, as well as paralysis of the nervous system and muscles of insects. In its pure form, boric acid does not attract them, but bait can be prepared from it.

  1. Mix acid, sugar and flour in equal doses.
  2. Roll the resulting dough into small balls.
  3. Place them around the perimeter of the room so that cockroaches notice them.

The main advantage of this product is that this mixture is absolutely harmless for people and pets. Therefore, even if a child accidentally stumbles upon a ball, nothing bad will happen to the baby.

Borax is the sodium salt of boric acid, which is harmless to humans. With it in its composition you can prepare a puree, which will provide negative impact on the cockroach's body, getting into its food.

  1. Boil one medium potato, mash it and add an egg to it.
  2. Add a tablespoon of borax to the resulting puree.
  3. When the mixture is ready, it needs to be spread out in small portions throughout the apartment.

It is safe for children and animals.

This is a completely natural product that is poisonous to cockroaches. It consists of dry ground and crushed chamomile inflorescences. The drug causes failure of the nervous and muscular systems of the insect, since it is insecticidal. This powder can attract pests even in its pure form, so you can simply scatter it around the house. But for convenience and aesthetics, you can also roll balls containing pyrethrum.

  1. Combine one egg with a tablespoon of flour and a tablespoon of product.
  2. Knead the dough and roll it into balls.
  3. Distribute them around the perimeter of the room, as well as in places where Prussians often gather.

You can remove cockroaches at home using a nuclear substance such as kerosene. They cannot stand its smell and leave the room in fear. Kerosene does not need to be cooked or diluted. It is enough to take a brush and coat all surfaces, baseboards, wallpaper, etc. with it. It will stay in the apartment for several days bad smell, but the insects will leave the room for a long time.

Instead of kerosene, you can use ammonia, denatured alcohol or turpentine. All these products are available for free sale in hardware, construction and manufacturing stores, and besides, they cost pennies. But they also have disadvantages. Since they do not kill cockroaches, but only scare them away, after some time you can expect them to return to the apartment.

How to get rid of cockroaches at home

At home, you can remove cockroaches in various ways, from preparing tinctures to baiting with chemicals. Obviously, each method of struggle has its own advantages and disadvantages. The safest for humans are sticky baits, but they look unsightly with the twitching specimens inside. The cheapest are folk remedies. Chemicals have the best effect, but are also dangerous for people and pets. Which method to choose is up to the owner to decide.

Exterminating cockroaches at home without a clear understanding of the reasons for their appearance indoors can be pointless and ineffective. If a room or apartment is attractive to these insects, they will return to it even after using the strongest and most effective drugs.

Therefore, the destruction of cockroaches in an apartment should be carried out comprehensively, consciously and only after analyzing the reasons why these insects entered it.

The reasons for the appearance in most cases are:

  • its poor sanitary condition, abundance of cracks, debris and dirt
  • storage food products unpackaged or in containers that pests can enter
  • severe infestation of cockroaches in neighboring apartments
  • open access of insects to water sources
  • involuntary entry of insects into the house with furniture, food, things and books.

Only when integrated approach To solve the problem, you can count on the fact that the destruction of cockroaches will give a reliable long-term result. If pests somehow migrate into a room, for example, from neighbors, finding in it abundant food, water and convenient shelters, it is unreasonable to expect that such movements will not occur a month or two after the destruction of the already settled migrants.

“When I was young, I thought about how to kill cockroaches and tried everything I could, crayons, powders, and Dichlorvos. They appear anyway if the apartment is not cleaned and there are crumbs lying around. But when we renovated the kitchen, I introduced strict discipline and order, never left anything on the table, wiped the sink dry, and scrubbed the floors twice a week. Two months of this regime, and there were no cockroaches in the house. Without Dust and Dichlorvos. Although the neighbors had plenty of them..."

Galina Grigorievna, Yeisk

When the reasons have been analyzed, eliminated and all that remains is to destroy the red-haired brethren who have already inhabited the apartment and are confidently recycling the contents of the trash can, it is necessary to choose the right one and effective method such destruction.

Choosing a method for exterminating cockroaches

Several books have already been written on how to destroy cockroaches in an apartment. Anyone who remembers the 80-90s and the simply amazing abundance of cockroaches in almost any room can talk about this same topic for hours.

But all the more or less effective ways to kill cockroaches can be listed literally on the fingers of one hand:

  1. Use of insecticides. This is the most reliable and proven method, with making the right choice means and following the instructions always gives results. Moreover, today there are products on the market that combine safety for humans with a strong effect on the insects themselves. Using them yourself is quite simple and effective.
  2. Freezing out the apartment. This method is based on the inability of cockroaches to survive at temperatures below minus 8°C.
  3. Use of poisoned baits. Can be used for prevention or in cases where the room is very clean and there are few cockroaches.
  4. Traps of various designs. They have proven themselves quite well, but they work reliably even with a low degree of infestation in the apartment.

In addition to these methods, purely theoretically there are biological methods struggles, which, however, do not work in Russian conditions. Thus, in tropical countries, geckos and mantises often live indoors, which confidently exterminate most of the cockroach population.

In our country, such a domestic enemy of cockroaches is the flycatcher - a beautiful centipede with long legs, but it is rare and is not capable of seriously affecting the number of cockroaches in a room.

Destruction of cockroaches with chemical insecticides

Destroy cockroaches using special chemicals You can literally do it in one day, or even in a few hours. However, for such fast and effective self-disinfestation, you need to be well prepared. Firstly, choose the right product.

Cockroaches are quite sensitive to most modern insecticides. Therefore, many of the products sold today will be effective against them: Get, Raptor, Raid, Forsythe, Clean House, Dohlox, Combat, Mikrofos, Chlorophos, boric acid.

Insecticides developed to combat bedbugs are also very effective - Executioner, Karbofos, Tetrix, Fufanon. Since bedbugs are more resistant to chemicals, drugs that kill them will also kill cockroaches. Thanks to this, the destruction of bedbugs and cockroaches indoors can be combined.

Before exterminating cockroaches in an apartment, you should remove all people and pets from it for at least one day of treatment. It is advisable to move the furniture in advance so that secluded and warm corners and space in bedside tables and cabinets.

If the product involves spraying, then effective destruction cockroaches will consist of processing as much as possible large quantity surfaces, cracks and cavities in the apartment. Apply the product very carefully under loose wallpaper, behind carpets and baseboards, and in ventilation openings.

During treatment, it is advisable to close all windows in the room and let the drug, so to speak, brew. It is useful to have a vacuum cleaner on hand during processing and use it to collect insects crawling out of their shelters.

An example of an apartment infested with cockroaches

Preparations for the destruction of cockroaches that require spraying from cylinders, for the most part easily disintegrate in the air, and therefore, just a few hours after use, will not cause harm to humans or pets.

A few hours after applying the drug, you should ventilate the apartment and carry out a thorough wet cleaning. All places where cockroaches may be present must be checked, and if dead insects are found, collect them with a vacuum cleaner or by hand.

“My neighbor told me how to destroy cockroaches in the house on my own and without any SES. I bought a normal Raid (also Kombat good remedy) and I didn’t just spray it under the bedside table, but spent the whole day methodically spraying all the cabinets, baseboards and nooks and crannies in the kitchen. The Prussians began to crawl out within fifteen minutes, and from where I least expected to see them - from under the bread bin, from behind the radiators, from the stove. Of course, I had to scrub everything for a long time and tediously, but I didn’t see any more Prussians in the house.”

Maria, Saransk

It is advisable to carry out this procedure with rubber gloves, a gauze bandage and the most closed clothing possible. Despite the fact that most insecticides are produced to be almost harmless to humans, there are frequent cases of allergic reactions when the substances come into contact with the skin.

Preparations available in the form of powders and crayons should be applied to areas where cockroaches are expected to live or move. The advantage of such drugs is the ability to use them for a long time without removing residents from the premises. It is only important to be sure that pets and small children will not get to the places where the drugs were spilled or applied.

Using traps to kill cockroaches

They are most effective in cases where there are few insects in the room, or single individuals from neighbors enter the apartment.

Traps are installed in places where insects are likely to move, and some of them are loaded with bait - bread, cheese or an apple.

The principle of operation of traps varies:

Most of these traps can be attached to walls or inclined surfaces and attract insects more than other secluded places in the apartment.

Traps of the first and second types, in which insects gather as if in a shelter, require regular checks. The cockroaches are shaken out of them into a bucket of water.

Other traps work automatically and require almost no human intervention to destroy pests.

Destruction of cockroaches with poisoned baits

This method is perhaps most popular in rural areas. To prepare the bait, boric acid is used, which is very toxic to cockroaches, but invisible to them. appearance and smell.

On a note

Instead of boric acid, borax can be used to kill cockroaches - a chemical compound containing boron, which is also quite effective. However, it is difficult to buy it in pharmacies.

Lilia, Odessa

With the addition of borax, baits of different compositions are prepared. They use egg yolks, sugar, starch, flour, cookies - almost any food product that has a smell and can attract insects. These components are mixed in equal proportions with boric acid, moistened with water to make balls, and placed in places accessible to pests.

It is important to consider that due to the prevalence of this method, news of its ineffectiveness is increasingly appearing: populations of cockroaches are appearing in different cities and regions of the country, for which boron-containing drugs are no longer poisonous. Therefore, today new components are being sought everywhere for the preparation of special baits.

How to properly freeze cockroaches

Freezing cockroaches is a traditional Russian method. Most of the countries where cockroaches live are in the tropics, and it can be unrealistic to wait for frost there.

In Russia, in winter, cockroaches can be removed without the use of chemicals and long-lasting traps: you just need to open the windows for a few hours and let all the rooms cool down.

This method is good because it does not give the Prussians the opportunity to escape into neighboring rooms, which often happens when using insecticides. When the temperature drops, insects simply lose mobility, and when it drops below a physiologically acceptable level for them, they die.

On a note

Freezing bedbugs is much more effective - the latter die only at temperatures below minus 22°C. Therefore, in many cases, if there are cockroaches in the house, they can be destroyed without the use of chemical insecticides.

But it is important to remember about the ability of cockroaches to move quickly - adult insect can run up to 13 meters in a minute, and therefore if in one apartment big house Active destruction of pests occurs; they are likely to move to neighboring ones.

The question of how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment has long ceased to be a serious problem: over the past half century chemical industry has developed quite a lot of products that are as effective in helping to get rid of cockroaches as they are safe for people.

But scientists and technologists are still arguing about how to get rid of cockroaches once and for all: this task requires not only the one-time use of the necessary means, but also methodical work to improve the condition of the apartment itself, the adjacent premises and their sanitary condition.

In this case, getting rid of cockroaches must be combined with a whole range of sanitary measures.

Effective ways to get rid of cockroaches

The most effective way to get rid of cockroaches is, oddly enough, to ensure complete cleanliness and order in the apartment, as well as constantly maintaining them at the proper level. Such measures will not work immediately, but in the long term they will create unbearable conditions for the life of cockroaches.

On a note

It has been verified that cockroaches themselves and forever leave apartments in which conditions unsuitable for their life have been created. In this case, no additional destruction or repelling of insects with potent agents is required. On the contrary, dirty and littered apartments are constantly infested with cockroaches, even when the owners regularly treat them with powerful insecticides.

In order to prevent cockroaches from existing in the house, it is necessary:

“No matter how much we poisoned the cockroaches with all sorts of Raids and Dusts, they still came back. We talked to our dorm neighbors, but they didn’t show much enthusiasm. But the Prussians are getting away from them! When we moved into the apartment, we immediately saw Prussians here too. But the renovation was done well, and now I constantly put things in order, put food from the table in the refrigerator, and keep it clean. As a result, the apartment is clean and free of insects.”

Tatyana, Cheboksary

And only after it has not been possible to quickly get rid of cockroaches using such methods, methods of direct destruction should be used to speed up the effect:

“On the forum I read a recipe for poison balls for cockroaches. I had to buy boric acid at the pharmacy. I mixed it with flour and vegetable oil, I made some pellets, put them on the bedside tables, and now I just collect the corpses in the morning. There are especially a lot of them under the sink - I find two or three every day...”

Ilya, Kremenchug

Video instructions for using boric acid against cockroaches

It is important to remember that these methods of getting rid of cockroaches allow you to destroy insects, as they say, here and now. But none of them guarantees that in a week or month the Prussians and their black relatives will not creep back from their neighbors again.

Therefore, in order to get rid of cockroaches forever, these methods must be used in conjunction with general improvement and cleaning of the apartment.

Application of insecticides against cockroaches

Today this method is considered the most universal and effective. Apartment owners can use it themselves, or they can call special pest control services, including the local SES.

The main advantage of insecticides is the totality of their action: they penetrate with the air or on the legs of the insects themselves to places where humans cannot reach.

The advantage of calling the SES is the high efficiency of treating the premises and the safety of disinfestation for residents and pets. All processing of the premises is carried out by a special team, using professional preparations, stronger than those sold on the markets.

Before getting rid of cockroaches and cockroaches using special teams, it is necessary to remove all residents and pets from the premises on the day of treatment. And after treatment, following the instructions of the company manager, wet clean the house and ventilate all rooms.

The services of exterminators in total cost slightly more than the cost of the insecticidal preparation itself. Yes, complete disinfestation two-room apartment against cockroaches in the Moscow region costs about 2,500 rubles.

It makes the most sense to seek the help of professionals when it is necessary to treat a large number of premises (for example, in a food processing department), when there are a lot of cockroaches in the house, or when coordinated pest control is carried out across an entire apartment building or dormitory.

It is worth using insecticidal preparations yourself when it is necessary to treat only a few small rooms. For example - one apartment. In this case, the specifics of using the drug will depend on the form in which the insecticide is produced.

Poisons in the form of sprays are sprayed in places where insects are most likely to be present - in bedside tables, under sinks, behind cabinets, around baseboards, behind carpets. Before getting rid of cockroaches at home using insecticidal agents, it is advisable to move the furniture in the kitchen and rooms away from the walls and raise the edges and corners of linoleum, carpets and rugs.

Before treatment, all residents and pets must be removed from the premises. The treatment itself should be carried out in closed clothing and preferably with gloves, glasses and a cotton-gauze bandage, when closed windows and doors.

After treatment, the apartment should be allowed to sit for several hours, after which it is ventilated, dead insects are removed, and all surfaces are thoroughly wiped with a damp cloth.

Working with powder insecticides requires scattering them in places where insects move and accumulate. It is important to ensure that these powders are kept out of the reach of children and pets and kept under carpets, behind or inside nightstands.

With a pencil (for example, Mashenka insecticidal chalk), the apartment is treated in a similar way. The only difference is that the pencil can be applied to vertical surfaces and can be used to clearly limit the movement of pests.

The advantage of powdered poisons and pencils is that they can be used without evacuating the occupants of the premises and make the treatment itself invisible. But even despite the high toxicity of these drugs for cockroaches, they rather play a supporting role, especially when there are a lot of insects in the apartment.

Sprays usually work more effectively due to the fact that they enter the pest’s respiratory tract without its desire.

The most effective and popular means for exterminating cockroaches on your own are:

  • Raptor
  • Fufanon
  • Mikrofos
  • Karbofos
  • Dichlorvos
  • Combat
  • Global
  • Regent
  • Medilis Cyper.

All these drugs can be bought at markets and hardware stores. Professional products are Tetrix, Chlorpirimac, Sinuzan, Ectermin, Minal.

Powders against cockroaches are more often called dusts, although previously this term only meant DDT. The most famous of the powder preparations against cockroaches are:

  • Pyrethrum
  • Oradelt
  • Phenax and Phenaxin
  • Insorbcide.

And the most famous pencil is Mashenka, famous since Soviet times. Today, in addition to it, there are crayons on the market made in China, but they have no obvious advantages over Mashenka.

Perhaps the most effective form of insecticide release is gels - they allow you to get rid of cockroaches even in heavily infested areas. And although in essence they differ little from other drugs, the method of their use and, most importantly, their effectiveness, have earned them great popularity. Therefore, it’s worth mentioning separately about gels against cockroaches.

Insecticidal gels against cockroaches

The composition of most cockroach gels includes insect bait and poison itself, which is tasteless to them.

Chocolate, honey, anise or vanilla flavors are most often used as bait. These odors are very weak and invisible to humans. They attract cockroaches greatly.

The principle of operation of the gels is based on the fact that a cockroach that eats poisoned bait dies after 10-30 hours. This happens in a shelter, usually surrounded by other cockroaches. After the death of an insect, relatives eat its chitinous shells, which have the smell of the gel itself, and are also poisoned. Thus, one cockroach triggers a kind of chain reaction, leading to the death of many cockroaches.

On a note

According to manufacturers, one drop of gel the size of a grain of rice is enough to kill 500 cockroaches. It’s unlikely that anyone has checked these exact numbers, but the effectiveness of the gels themselves when used in everyday life is undeniable.

All cockroach gels are available either in syringes or tubes. In any case, they should be applied to the surface in separate small drops, preferably close to places where insects accumulate or where they move.

If there are too many cockroaches in the apartment, you can make entire paths from these drops near the baseboards and cracks behind the furniture. Before such treatment, it is advisable to thoroughly clean the room, sweep away crumbs from the table and hide food products.

The frequency and amount of gel applied depends on the brand itself.

Let's look at the most popular anti-cockroach gels today in more detail...

Global Gel

Available in tubes of 100 g. It is considered one of the most effective gels. Apply drops in the corners of bedside tables, furniture in the kitchen, near baseboards, next to radiators. It is important to apply the gel where pets and children cannot reach it.

It is important!

Today, counterfeits of Global gel appear on the market, they are cheap and ineffective. It is not difficult to calculate them: the original gel is produced in Germany and all the inscriptions on the packaging are shown on German. In addition, the original name of the product is Globol, with the second “o”. Counterfeits are produced in packages that replicate the design of the original, but have Russian inscriptions and the name “Global”.

The price of Globol gel is 200 rubles per 100-gram tube. One tube is enough to kill cockroaches in an apartment of 40 square meters. m.

“A good gel, it really helps get rid of cockroaches. Only if you want to completely destroy the Prussians with them, buy them for your neighbors too. Otherwise they still climb through the ventilation and die in the apartment.”

Oksana, Chisinau

The Raptor gel is based on the substance cyhalothrin, an effective poison against insects that penetrates through the walls of the digestive tract into the blood and nervous system. The gel contains apricot and vanilla flavors as insect attractants.

It is used in the same way as Global, but for ease of use it has a special elongated cap on the tube. One tube of Raptor is enough to get rid of cockroaches in a room of 10 square meters. m. In this case, the gel itself should be applied in dotted lines - 2-centimeter strips of gel alternate with 2-3 cm intervals.

The most effective use of the gel is when the room is treated twice with a break of a month.

Today it is considered the best combination of price and quality. Available in 125-gram tubes costing 140 rubles.

When used, Absolute-gel is applied to the surface in separate drops, which are subsequently easily wiped off with a damp cloth and leave no traces. After treatment, the peak death of cockroaches occurs after 2-3 weeks. The applied gel remains effective for 4 months.

Gel Brownie

A Russian development, fundamentally no different from other poisons. The active ingredient is Chlorpyrifos, but 97% of the product consists of attractants and bitterness. Cockroaches are not sensitive to the latter, but pets and children cannot tolerate them. Thanks to this, even if they come across drops of Domovoy, the warm-blooded inhabitants of the apartment will not eat it.

The gel is applied in separate droplets along the edges of baseboards and near the trash can, under the sink and behind cabinets. If necessary, the gel can be applied to strips of paper and placed under furniture. At the highest degree of infestation of a room, cockroaches are exterminated within 3-4 weeks.

“Take Brownie. This is our product against our cockroaches. Apply once and forget about them. My husband and I took them out in the apartment that we rent out to tenants; there were millions of cockroaches there. Two tubes were enough for a kitchen and two rooms; in two weeks, while windows were being replaced and furniture was being brought in, they died out like dinosaurs. They were carried out in buckets..."

Masha, Kaluga

The additional convenience of using the gel is due to the fact that it is packaged in a special syringe, which can be squeezed out without leaving any residue.

Gel Dohlox

Available in syringes with a capacity of 20 ml. The active ingredient is diazinon, the third most widely used organophosphorus insecticide in the world. It acts both when it enters the intestines and through contact, and therefore an infected cockroach, penetrating into a shelter, infects relatives, even while still alive.

“The neighbors were shocked when they found out that I don’t have cockroaches. In my opinion, for some time this was even considered a chemical weapon, but now it is released in a form that is safe for people. 100% destroys all cockroaches. I recommend".

Mikhail, Tula

Sturm gel paste

Assault is a means of professional use. It contains alpha-cypermethrin and diazinon, which makes it similar to Fas gel. These components belong to different classes, and their combined presence guarantees very effective destruction of cockroaches: there are still no insects known that are resistant to both active substances at the same time.

Apply to surfaces in the same way as other gels. It is especially often used by pest control companies when processing enterprises in the food industry, trade, hotels and boarding houses.

All cockroach gels do not contain fat or substances that can leave marks on surfaces. Therefore, to clean the room after treatment, it is enough to wipe the areas where the gel was applied with a damp cloth.

On a note

All cockroach gels belong to hazard class 4 substances. This means that they are low-hazard, can be used in any premises and require minimal measures to protect against poisoning.

Mechanical methods of control: traps, slippers, vacuum cleaner

When deciding how to quickly get rid of cockroaches, many expect to simply find them, crush them, collect them with a vacuum cleaner, and repair the places where they accumulate.

In general, this approach can really give some results: some of the cockroaches will definitely be destroyed. However, the whole process will take a lot of effort and time, and individual insects will still remain in shelters inaccessible to humans.

Using various traps is more reasonable. Before you can effectively get rid of cockroaches with their help, you should determine the places where insects are most often found. Traps are set at key points of their movement or accumulation. They can work according to two principles:

  1. Attracting pests to the shelter - Prussians will simply hide in traps for the day, and to destroy them it will be enough to shake out the insects that have collected during the night into the toilet once a day.
  2. Cockroaches getting into traps and being unable to get out of them - this is the principle used by Velcro, to which the pests' paws are glued, or jars used in villages with the top of the inner surface smeared with oil.
  3. There are also electric ones that are powered from an outlet. The cockroaches in them die from a high voltage current.

All traps attract cockroaches with a piece of food or a sweet smell. It is useful to use pieces of cookies or bread dipped in vegetable oil to attract.

Getting rid of cockroaches by freezing the premises

There is not much to say about how you can get rid of cockroaches by freezing a room: on a frosty day, the windows in the house are simply opened, and the room cools down in a few hours. It is important that the frost is strong - a couple of degrees below zero will not kill cockroaches. It is advisable to cool all rooms to minus 10°C - minus 15°C.

Before freezing the apartment, it is important to drain the water from radiators, pipes and boilers, otherwise they may simply burst. Perhaps this is the only condition that severely limits residents of northern cities in the fight against cockroaches. It’s easier for residents of private houses to do all this.

On a note

In the fight against cockroaches, the tactic of exposing individual furniture to the cold - cabinets, sofas, tables, in which insects are hiding - will not be effective. This method is justified in exterminating bedbugs - sometimes all the bedbugs in an apartment are hiding in one sofa. Cockroaches infest many places indoors, and you can only get rid of them by completely freezing the entire house. Local freezing is an option, for example, when you need to get rid of cockroaches in the kitchen. Here it will be enough to freeze out one kitchen by closing its door and isolating it from other rooms with blankets.

There are situations when it would seem that neither boric acid nor aerosols have any effect on cockroaches, and even gels do not have much effect on them. If you are already tired of fighting “indestructible” insects, then it’s time to try something much more effective - for example, the modern microencapsulated cockroach remedy “Get”. It is odorless and safe for household use. At the same time, the drug effectively destroys cockroaches even in cases where other means do not have an effect.

The main thing when getting rid of cockroaches is to always remember that the apartment or even a private house connected to other rooms. This means that after a single cleaning, insects may well return from their neighbors. That's why the most important condition Successful control of cockroaches is based on teamwork: if you get rid of pests forever, then in all rooms at the same time. And in the future, diligently maintain cleanliness and order, so that the already cleared bridgehead would seem to the Prussians a desert, unsuitable for life.

Before you start fighting insects, buying poisonous agents and treating your apartment with them, you should delve into general rules control of cockroaches:

Extermination of insects using traditional methods

Before placing toxic agents, clean the house, pay special attention to the kitchen. Put all food in the refrigerator or package it so that cockroaches do not get to the food and water. We offer you several effective folk remedies that allow you to get rid of cockroaches with a high degree of probability.

Boric acid against cockroaches

This chemical, sold over the counter, is not harmful to people or pets. This drug has a long-term effect; in about a month, the cockroaches will disappear and will no longer reproduce or crawl around you.

Recipe for a mixture of boric acid, eggs and potatoes


  • Egg, potatoes - 1 piece each.
  • Boric acid – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking method:

  • Hard boil an egg and one potato.
  • After the cooked products have cooled, mash them and add boric acid to them.


  1. Roll the mixture into balls and place them in corners or areas where insects have been spotted.
  2. There is another way: spread the mixture near places where there is water. The cockroaches will be poisoned, but you will not be able to drink water - this achieves a double effect.

Recipe for a mixture of chicken yolk and boric acid

Another mixture is prepared and used in a similar way - from raw yolk and a teaspoon of boric acid. It is convenient because you do not have to expose heat treatment Ingredients.

Ammonia. Cockroaches cannot tolerate the smell of ammonia. To exterminate insects, it is necessary to treat the floor ammonia, and constantly wash the floor for a while, adding a certain amount of odorous substance to a bucket of water. Cockroaches will definitely leave all rooms of your home. But if they return, it means that they are waiting out the “genocide” of your neighbors. In this case, you definitely need to fight cockroaches at the same time as your neighbors.

Beer. “Mustachioed guests” simply adore beer - it contains both water and nutrients. We recommend that you make a trap; for better effect, make several of these traps. Place the jar in places where you have seen a cluster of insects.

You will need:

  • 0.5 liter jar
  • Beer – 50 grams
  • Vaseline – 10 grams

Making a trap:

  1. Pour the beer into the can.
  2. Coat the edges of the jar generously with Vaseline.

Chemical means of controlling cockroaches

Manufacturers of cockroach control products produce the following types of products:

  • Aerosols. They are easy to use: drops of the toxic substance can easily reach even hard-to-reach places. To combat insects, use aerosols: “Combat”, “Raid”, “Raptor”, “Dichlorvos”.
  • Gels. They are applied with a syringe to baseboards and surfaces in places where insects may be present. Dohlox, Clean House, and Raptor gels will help you get rid of cockroaches.
  • Houses. The inside of the trap house is covered with Velcro, and in the center there is bait. The traps are filled with a poisonous substance. After some cockroaches consume such bait, others die from being infected by individuals who have already tasted the poison. We recommend completely getting rid of insects using the Raptor, Combat Superbyte, and Clean House traps.
  • Crayons. These products contain a toxic substance. Use crayons to treat areas where insects accumulate on walls, floors and ceilings.

The Globol brand produces a wide range of insecticides in various forms. These tools are easy to use. If difficulties arise, the manufacturer’s website contains videos and photos that will clearly explain how to use the chemicals. All products are guaranteed to get rid of cockroaches and bacteria - for at least 30 days after applying the product, the insects will die.

  1. Dilute the product with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. If you need a strong concentration, dilute in a ratio of 1 to 5.
  2. Allow the active substance to dissolve in water - this will take 5-10 minutes.
  3. Wear protection (gloves, goggles and a mask), spray the product around the perimeter of the room. Special attention Pay attention to places where insects gather.
  4. Thanks to the microcapsules contained in the poison, insects transmit poison to each other.

Cockroach control service

In some cases, it is better to invite professionals - they will reliably rid your home of cockroaches and other insects. If an invasion of unexpected “guests” occurs not only among you, but also among your neighbors, be sure to invite a specialist. It will be much cheaper to kill cockroaches together; in addition, simultaneous struggle “on different fronts” is much more effective than the forced “migration” of insects.

As an alternative to the services of a paid specialist, we recommend that you contact your local sanitary and epidemiological station. Its employees are obliged to eliminate the danger of infecting people with infectious diseases - cockroaches are considered carriers of various infections.

Video master class will help you learn how to get rid of cockroaches once and for all

If you know how to remove “mustachioed guests” using other methods, leave your comments at the bottom of the page.

You can drive cockroaches out of your apartment in literally 1-2 days if you use professional products against cockroaches - sprays and aerosols. It is recommended to start home treatment from the kitchen, because usually the reasons for the appearance of insects in the apartment are untimely removal of food debris, crumbs, and garbage. Be sure to spray the preparations on the baseboards, near kitchen appliances, since cockroaches can also be in microwave oven, and near the refrigerator motor. At the time of treatment of the rooms, there should be no children or animals in the apartment. Adults must wear protective masks when applying products.

You can also quickly poison cockroaches using an insecticidal smoke bomb. Before using such an effective remedy for cockroaches, it is necessary to prevent the penetration of air and drafts into the rooms. Further work is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. When using a smoke bomb, you will need to either light a small wick or fill the bowl (included) with plain water.
  2. If it catches fire or comes into contact with a liquid, the smoker will begin to emit smoke. At this moment, the arsonist must quickly leave the room and close the door tightly.
  3. After 3 hours, you can ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

An effective method of removing cockroaches from an apartment is the use of poisoned traps. Insect poison is poured inside small boxes (included in the kit). The cockroach traps themselves are placed throughout the kitchen: 1 piece per 2 square meters. m. Lethal baits will help infect cockroaches, which themselves will die and carry the poison to the nests on their antennae and paws. The use of pencils and gels is less effective and will not give quick results. And any scientist who studies insects, and any owner who has used them to fight cockroaches, will call magnetic resonance traps a useless acquisition.

Folk remedies for cockroaches

Among all household methods The most effective way to poison cockroaches is to use boric acid. You can add it to boiled egg yolk, boiled potatoes (for 3 tablespoons of gruel from the products add 1 teaspoon of acid). From these ingredients you need to make small balls, which should be placed throughout the kitchen (near the microwave, refrigerator, on tables, near baseboards). It is important to wipe up drops of water near the sink and remove the animal drinking bowl. This simple method of using ordinary powder will quickly poison the insects.

A similar mixture can be made from alabaster and flour. The mixture ratio should be approximately 1 to 3 (flour and alabaster or gypsum). You can use a little honey to attract insects. Such natural supplements building materials will quickly attract cockroaches. After eating the bait, the cockroaches in the apartment will die.

Unusual ways to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment

Don't lose sight of this safe way, like freezing of the room. It is suitable for periods when it is quite cold outside. It is necessary to open windows/doors and reduce the temperature in all rooms as much as possible (preferably to 0 degrees or below). A draft should be created in the corridors, which will completely eliminate the presence of warm “bridges” where insects can wait out the frost.

This method will help drive cockroaches to more comfortable living areas. To prevent their return, high-quality closing of the ventilation with a fine mesh (through which insects will not be able to crawl) and filling of all cracks or holes between apartments will help. Quite often, cockroaches can enter homes through holes in concrete slabs near heating pipes, risers. Such routes for insects to enter the home must be closed.

In what cases can only pest control help get rid of domestic cockroaches?

Usage special means and traditional methods cannot always give an effective result in the destruction of cockroaches. In some situations, only pest control will help drive uninvited guests out of the apartment. Such cases include:

  • living in a house with a clogged garbage disposal;
  • living next door to people who care little about cleanliness in the house;
  • living in the old apartment building(in addition, it is worth ordering pest control of the entrance and basement).

An important condition for baiting cockroaches is maintaining cleanliness and staircase landings, and in the basement, and near the garbage chute. It is recommended to agree in advance with your neighbors about the possibility of calling specialists for the entire house. Then the processing will be truly rational and will not require re-solving the problem. After disinfestation, it is better to move to another place for a day, and upon returning home, you need to thoroughly check the apartment.


I believe that sometimes it is better to spend a little more once than to buy something cheap again every week. This is what happened with the cockroach repellent. I bought Baron spray on the Internet. Even if it is more expensive than our usual means, it is very effective, I recommend it to everyone.

Comment on the article "How to quickly get rid of cockroaches in an apartment"

cockroaches in the apartment. Fight against insects and rodents :o). Farming. Housekeeping: housekeeping tips, cleaning, purchasing and use household appliances, repairs, plumbing. cockroaches in the apartment. Girls, I've never seen them before... I've already caught about 5 of them here in a week...


We recently called a disinfectant specialist to our parents’ apartment. Cold steam treatment. But I still see a few small ones - they can appear up to 30 days after treatment. Before this, traps of all colors and stripes, powders and gels stood everywhere, uselessly.

I’ll note that I bought houses for cockroaches... it helped

Cockroaches and cat. Cats. Pets. Keeping pets - food, care, treatment of dogs But how to poison if there is a cat in the apartment? He sniffs or licks something and gets poisoned. What cockroach repellents should you choose to get rid of them forever?


traps can be set, you can't lick them

Boric acid mixed with egg. The best remedy from misfortune. Roll the balls and place them in places inaccessible to the cat.
True, my youngest fool got boron from under the table. How she did it is a mystery. Of course, she gnawed a little, but remained alive and well.

How to quickly get rid of cockroaches in an apartment. How to get rid of cockroaches! oh, there was an invasion.. mom.. you can get stupid... we bought Dohlex, gel in Oh, how difficult it is to kill cockroaches, and I know this from my own example.


So today, for the first time after an 8-year break, I saw him in the kitchen in the morning, the cool one just wandered in from somewhere.

They're just back! :))) We also didn’t have them anywhere for more than 10 years... and now we have them: (And in all the big cities they appeared again, and among clean people too:(
I heard the opinion of experts - they believe that they disappeared due to the spread of mobile communications and Wi-Fi, but now a generation of mutant cockroaches has appeared that don’t care about Wi-Fi: (They are the most adaptable and tenacious creatures on Earth!

How to get rid of cockroaches? Fight against insects and rodents :o). Farming. How to get rid of cockroaches? A friend was tormented, she poisoned her with everything, called people, it depends on the house, in our old apartment, there were also these living creatures, they couldn’t do anything.


At one time, only repairs helped us. We found nests of cockroaches, they were terrible, they lived tiles, which was put in Soviet time very saving solution. The cement was a small circle in the middle, the rest was occupied by cockroaches. After destroying the nests and changing the furniture in the kitchen, there were no more cockroaches. Then they only carefully checked possible passages from the outside - they sealed the pipe entrances, constantly bought new traps for the riser, and also for the ventilation. Well, repairs to the entrance and garbage chute greatly help the cockroaches escape. And so, all this chemistry affects several, but if the nests are not removed, new ones will come.

I suffered a lot, Bars helped dogs against ticks... I bought a spray and drops, treated the windows, doors, and risers with the spray. To my surprise, after 2 weeks it was completely gone. I had tried everything before and took this advice with humor, but decided to try it because I no longer had the strength.

07/28/2013 01:16:48, Elenavesna

Cockroaches tormented! Help!. Fight against insects and rodents :o). Farming. Housekeeping: tips for housekeeping, cleaning So the cockroaches crawled into my head, they are so ugly, either I should run to an ultrasound, or it will calm down, I won’t see the doctor until next Tuesday, but...

In my parents’ apartment, when I was a child, red ants appeared, but somehow we didn’t notice it right away, and they managed to “found” several nests in different secret corners. I haven’t completely overcome mine on the rented one. In theory, you need to find the anthill and destroy it.


The most effective remedy is to mix honey with raw yeast and set it on. Look...

Ants are not cockroaches, you need to look for a nest, be patient and follow their paths))) it took me three days with a break for work, a child and wifely duties, of course), I found the reptiles in a box with a vibrating massager for the neck (the base was parallon), I had to get rid of all of them at once(((. I heard there is also “grandmother’s” remedy - spreading ferment (not dry!!!) in places where they accumulate massively), I can’t tell you about the effectiveness of this method (it wasn’t useful to me)... maybe someone tried it ?