Effective means used to kill mole crickets. The best methods for dealing with mole crickets

Insufficient depth of soil plowing in autumn, as well as early plowing in spring, cannot cause significant harm mole cricket burrows, which are equipped with insects for the winter. Due to this, mole crickets can settle in areas of the soil. If plowing was done quite early in the fall, then even if the mole crickets’ burrows were damaged, they have a little time left to build new houses for the winter. Thus, the mole cricket has a chance to survive the winter of unfavorable conditions again.

If the soil layer is cultivated quite deeply, and if this action is carried out in late autumn, when the first frosts appear, mole crickets have no chance to make new holes in the soil and they freeze.

Thus, deep plowing helps protect future harvest from the invasion of mole crickets. This method is quite practical and is used in practice Agriculture This is not the first year.

Another excellent way to combat invasion in mole cricket areas is artificial creation traps that will certainly catch these insects. It is best to build such traps in the fall after loosening the soil in the garden. As a result of loosening, mole crickets crawl to the surface of the soil layer and begin to look for food, as well as the new kind shelters. The trap you create can act as such a shelter.

To build it you need:

  • Make small holes in the soil where you can place a large number of manure
  • The mole crickets will climb into this manure in the fall.
  • The manure is not dense enough, so they can quickly bury themselves in it and wait for winter.
  • As soon as the first fairly significant frost hits, the manure from the holes must be taken and scattered over the surface of the soil.
  • In frosty weather, mole crickets will not be able to burrow into the soil again and will freeze. This simple remedy will help rid your area of ​​unpleasant neighbors - mole crickets.
  • The remaining holes should not be buried, but new manure should be placed in them, into which mole crickets may reoccur over time. This manure can be left until spring so that all insects of this species remaining in the soil move into it.
  • In the spring, these portions of manure must be burned and all the insects remaining in it will die along with it. In this way, you will be able to exterminate the species of mole crickets remaining from the fall.

Even this event does not contribute to the complete death of all mole cricket individuals present in the soil. All insects that remained in the soil after autumn plowing and successfully overwintered will begin to fill the entire area, settling throughout it. In addition, they are quite hungry after hibernation and will begin to look for food sources. And at this time, the work of planting and planting crops will begin to boil in the gardens. That's why they can be eaten. So, by the time of active work, it is necessary to get rid of the mole crickets in the garden completely.

Today, specialized stores offer a large number that can rid the garden of a mole cricket invasion:

  • The most popular of them is a drug called "Prestige". It is quite effective and leads to mass death of most individuals.
  • In addition to it, the drug “Masterpiece” helps well in the fight against mole crickets. It is used in small quantities over fairly large areas. With such economical use, one container of the drug lasts quite a long time and almost the entire population of harmful insects dies.
  • The drug "Aktara" is also widely used to combat mole crickets as a processing compound for.

These preparations are good for spraying seeds before planting in the soil. Soaking is done in the same preparations. Now planting material protected from being eaten by mole crickets.

As soon as the roots of the seedlings are soaked in a chemical preparation against mole crickets, harmful compounds from the root through the conducting tissues of the plant will begin to flow directly into the internal contents of the leaves. For this reason, the roots of the plants will no longer be poisonous to mole crickets, and they will be able to eat them freely.

For this purpose, many gardeners place a small amount of poisonous bait in prepared holes for plants and potato tubers. Anyone can prepare such baits. For this:

  • You need to purchase the chemical “Bi-58” from a specialized store.
  • This compound is added to cooked cooked grains.
  • The grains should be boiled so that they do not germinate in the soil.
  • Then I infuse the grains in the prepared pesticide for twelve hours.
  • Poisonous baits must be placed in prepared pits.
  • Hungry insects will begin to eat the grain and die.

In addition to such baits, ultrasonic repellers help in the fight against mole crickets. The peculiarity of their impact is the rather unpleasant sound they emit, which keeps the mole cricket away from instruments. Such repellers can be placed along the entire perimeter of the site, due to which the mole cricket will definitely leave it.

A good way to deal with mole crickets is to mechanically catch them.

It is necessary to collect harmful insects from the beds and soil throughout the season, otherwise the activities carried out will be in vain. To effectively catch insects, you need to build a special device. To do this, pieces of slate, small plywood and boards are scattered around the garden. Then they begin to flood the area with water, which will force the mole crickets to come out of their burrows. If after a day you pick up scattered objects around the garden, you will find small groups of mole crickets under them. The mole crickets will mistake the scattered boards for soil and begin to make their moves under them. All you have to do is lift these boards and catch the fleeing insects. The lifted object can be put back in place; after some time, the insects remaining in the soil will certainly climb under it, and the procedure for catching them can be repeated.

In addition to poisonous baits, sweet traps can be used to catch mole crickets. To make them you will need:

  • Floor liter jars, which need to be dug into the soil at the level of its surface.
  • You need to put a small amount of honey into empty jars.
  • The fragrant delicacy will attract pests, and they will end up in jars from which they will not be able to get out.

An effective method of dealing with mole crickets is to infuse them with a soap solution, water with washing powder or kerosene. This will encourage the insect to escape in another direction, where you can catch it.

The methods presented in the article to combat mole crickets are effective and efficient in their own way. Using each of them you can achieve the desired result. One has only to take into account the fact that such events should be carried out systematically, and not occasionally. The desired result can also be achieved if all the described measures are applied in combination.

The most safe methods fights are mechanical methods her capture using various simple devices.

They are also the most labor-intensive, as they require a certain skill to catch mole crickets. Don't get carried away with using chemicals to combat the invasion of mole crickets. The compounds they contain can be quite long time be in the soil and are not subject to decomposition. This may lead to contamination.

More information can be found in the video.

A mole cricket is an insect that lives in the soil and uses crops in the garden beds as food. It can reach 8 cm in length and is not very selective in crops. As a result, farmers may suffer serious damage and find themselves without a significant part of their reserves. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to have in your arsenal a proven and effective remedy from mole crickets in the garden in order to apply it in time.

The difficulty of fighting a pest is that it has the ability to adapt. Therefore, gardeners are often faced with the problem of losing the effectiveness of a product that previously worked well.


Folk remedies

To protect your garden or vegetable garden, you can do without the use of chemicals. In this case they will help. They are safe and do not require large material costs.

Effective folk remedies for mole crickets in the garden:

  1. Sweet bait. The bear loves honey and will not refuse such a delicacy. To build a bait, you need to cut off the thin part of a plastic bottle, coat the edges a quarter with honey and also bury the container in the ground. The top of the bottle must be loosely closed to prevent soil from falling in. Place a small bunch of straw on top of the ceiling. Then all that remains is to wait for the pests to gather the smell.
  2. Beer house. It is necessary to arrange the structure based on the calculation of 1 bottle per 5 square meters. To lure a mole cricket, you need to pour out glass bottle beer 0.5 l almost the entire drink. Leave no more than a third. Bury the bottle in the garden upside down at a slight angle. Leave the throat 2-3 cm above the ground. Check after a week and replace with a new bottle.
  3. Eggshell. It must be dried, mixed with vegetable oil and spread over the beds.
  4. , the emulsion of which is poured onto the soil.
  5. Manure. In early spring Place small piles of manure in the garden. Leave for 3 weeks. After this, inspect the heaps and destroy them along with the mole crickets and their eggs gathered there.

A remedy against mole crickets can also have a faster effect if it is applied directly to the pest’s lair. To do this, special solutions are poured into the insect's passages and wait until it comes out.

The following can be used as an expelling solution:

  • Vegetable oil and water. For 5 liters warm water you need 10 ml of oil.
  • Soapy water. Can be used washing powder or laundry soap. You can prepare a concentrated mixture by dissolving 100 g of grated soap or 4 tbsp. l. powder.
  • Kerosene. Prevents wireworms and other pests from entering the area. Make a furrow around the perimeter of the garden and pour a little kerosene into it.
  • Ammonia. Use water with ammonia for irrigation. For 10 liters 3 tbsp is enough. l. facilities.
  • Onion peel. Leave 500 g of husk in 1 liter of water for a week. After this, pour the prepared liquid into a bucket of water and water the seedlings.

On a note!

Usage folk recipes requires stronger endurance and patience, but they definitely guarantee absolute safety for humans.

Mechanical methods of control

Such means of combating mole crickets have the main advantage of safety. They do not have to use chemicals in the garden, so there is no risk of human poisoning. You can make defensive structures at home; this does not require any special skills or equipment.

Mechanical methods of protection against mole crickets in the garden:

  1. Trap. To do this, you need to take a small glass jar. Optimally 700-1000 ml. Bury it along the path of the insect so that the neck rises 2 cm above the surface. The mole cricket will climb into the jar, but will not be able to get out of there.
  2. Windmill. Such designs can often be found in vegetable gardens. They are easy to make. For this you will need plastic bottles and metal fittings. Stick metal rods into the ground to a depth of 30 cm and put them on the upper end empty bottle neck down. When exposed to wind, the bottles will make noise and scare away the pest.
  3. , transmitting sound and vibration waves into the soil.
  4. Spring thaw. In areas that are prone to the appearance of mole crickets, you can start fighting in the spring. Immediately after the snow melts, small shelters are built in the garden from boards that need to be stacked on top of each other. An insect will definitely climb on them to warm itself. Therefore, on a sunny day, the boards are lifted, and the bear is collected manually and taken outside the site.


Preventive measures are always the most reliable way to save the crop. Therefore, compliance simple recommendations prevention will make life easier for farmers in many ways:

  1. Reducing the use or completely refusing to fertilize the site with manure. It will become a real bait for mole crickets, so after fertilizing in this way, many end up with much bigger problems.
  2. Anti-mole cricket plants planted between the beds can repel the pest. These are marigolds, cilantro, garlic or calendula.
  3. Treatment of plants before planting in the ground. Can be processed as special store supplies, and solutions prepared according to home recipes.
  4. . Only plants with straight and unbranched roots are suitable for this method. Such seedlings can be planted in the soil in plastic cups or cut bottles. The pest will not be able to get to the roots and harm the plant.

To choose the best remedy against mole crickets on the site, you will have to experiment a lot. Only in this case can you achieve good result and save your harvest.

Fighting a mole cricket is not an easy task. To destroy this insect, you need to arm yourself with effective means. We will tell you which chemical and organic preparations are most effective against mole crickets.

Surely every gardener knows what a mole cricket looks like. This rather large dark brown insect has an abdomen 3 times larger than its head. At the same time, at the end of the abdomen there are 2 processes about 1 cm long, and on the head there are eyes, mustaches, tentacles and the oral cavity. The mole cricket also has 2 pairs of limbs and long scaly wings.

This insect rarely comes to the surface. But even if you notice it, you are unlikely to be able to catch it with your bare hands: the mole cricket flies well over long distances, swims and quickly digs holes. The pest lives underground, gnaws roots and root crops garden crops, destroys seeds.

The presence of a mole cricket is indicated by small holes in the beds and loose mounds of soil that appear in the places where the insect moves.

The moves made by the mole cricket are clearly visible after the rain.

Chemicals against mole crickets

On the shelves of gardening stores you can find a large number of chemical remedies for mole crickets. Many of them help get rid of others garden pests: May beetle larvae, wireworms, garden ants.

Drug name Features of application
Medvetox Active ingredient: diazinon 50 g/kg. Red granules are not phytotoxic and do not harm soil microflora and earthworms. The drug is placed between the beds in furrows 3-5 cm deep. The substance begins to act after 4 hours and protects the plant for at least 2 weeks.
Antimedvedka (granules and microgranules) Active ingredient: imidacloprid 50 g/kg. The contents of the package are designed to process 10-15 acres. The bait is placed in the grooves between the beds when sowing and planting vegetables.
Medvecid The contents of the package (100 g) are enough to process 10 sq.m. 5-10 granules are laid out in grooves 2-3 cm deep every 0.5-1 m.
Rembek Insecticide bait with strong odor laid out in holes and open passages. A package of the drug (360 g) is enough to treat up to 15 acres of land.
Boverin The drug contains spores of the muscardine fungus Beauveria bassiana, which, when they get on the mole cricket’s skin, grow inside its body. This leads to the death of the insect. Crops are treated at intervals of 7-14 days, and the suspension is applied both to the plants themselves and to the soil.
Phenaxin plus Active ingredient: malathion 50 g/kg. Granules with a taste and smell attractive to mole crickets are placed in furrows before sowing seeds and after germination. The drug protects plants for up to 20 days.

In addition to ready-made chemicals, they are used in the fight against mole crickets. calcium carbide(5 g). It is poured into the holes made by the pest. After interaction with water (during watering or during rains), a chemical reaction begins, as a result of which acetylene gas is released, filling the mole cricket’s passages and destroying it.

Also effective means is flammable: can be diluted in 1 liter of water 100 ml kerosene and pour into the passages made by the bear.

Chemical preparations are often mixed with oatmeal, buckwheat, pea or pearl barley porridge, add sunflower oil and 1/2 tsp. In the evening, poisonous bait is laid out in the mole cricket's passages.

Folk remedies for mole crickets

Those who prefer to protect their garden without “chemicals” will be interested in learning how to get rid of mole crickets using folk remedies. Unfortunately, they do not give a 100% result, but they are absolutely safe for the health of humans and pets.

Bread with matches

Lightly moisten black bread with water, knead it and roll it into several balls the size of Walnut. Stick 10-12 matches into each ball with the sulfur heads inward. When the bread softens, take out the matches and make smaller balls - the size of a pea. Scatter this bait around the garden and place several pieces directly into the mole cricket's passages.

Traps with beer or honey

In glass or plastic bottle(volume 0.5 l) with a wide neck, pour 100 g of beer or honey, dig the container into the ground at an angle in the place where the mole cricket moves, cover the top of the soil with a sheet of cardboard. Pests, moving through the tunnels, will fall into a trap from which they will not be able to escape. When the jar is full, replace it with a new one.

Dung piles

Early spring and during autumn digging Place manure piles in the garden (it is advisable to use horse manure). Sensing the warmth, the mole crickets will crawl there and begin laying eggs. As soon as you find insects there, burn the traps. This way you will destroy the adults along with the larvae.

Soapy water

Add laundry or tar soap (100 g) to water (10 liters) and pour the resulting liquid in a small stream into the holes made by the bear at the rate of 2 liters per stroke. Chop up any insects that jump out of the hole with a shovel. The rest, who do not find a way out, will die underground.

Crush the pre-dried eggshells, pour in unrefined sunflower oil and place in the holes and grooves in which you are going to sow seeds or plant seedlings. After feasting on the shell, the mole cricket will die. And uneaten leftovers will serve as excellent organic fertilizer for soil.

You will need a lot of shells, so start collecting them in the fall

Repellent odors

The mole cricket does not like the smell of some plants. Plant it in the garden marigolds, calendula, chrysanthemums. Place between beds branches coniferous trees (pine, spruce, fir), stick fresh ones into the soil to a depth of about 30 cm aspen branches or alders(necessarily with bark) with a diameter of 2-4 cm.

You can also prepare an infusion onion peel and shed them the passages of the bear. Or place it in the holes garlic cloves.

The mole cricket also has natural enemies: starlings, crows, rooks, storks, and hedgehogs. Attract them to your site - and your “allies” will significantly reduce the number of this underground pest.

Before you get rid of mole crickets in your garden using traps, you should make sure that you are ready to further destroy pests with your own hands, the size of which may impress an untrained amateur vegetable grower. If the readiness to fight is only theoretical, you should think about delegating these powers to professionals. Are you confident in your abilities? Then it's time to go on the warpath with the harmful insect.

  1. Medvedka got its name for a reason. She really never misses a chance to enjoy honey, jam or sugar syrup. And this weakness of theirs can be used as a means in the struggle for the harvest. It is enough to dig in the area of ​​paths extended into the garden (possibly in the boundaries), glass jars, the neck of which will be lubricated with sticky and sweet bait. The bottom of the container should be generously moistened with beer, which also emits an aroma that is attractive to the pest. At night, the invaders attracted by the delicacy will fall into the traps set. And then they will need to be disposed of somehow.
  2. Containers dug level to the ground and filled to the brim with a mixture of water and vegetable oil are another effective trap. The film formed on the surface prevents the penetration of air and prevents objects caught in the liquid from floating up.
  3. Preparing for winter can be good time to fight underground inhabitants. For wintering, they choose warm places underground. Accordingly, the trap should be prepared according to to the following principle: dug holes up to half a meter deep should be covered with plastic wrap, covered with manure and humus, covered with a layer of soil and left until frost, provided with marks. Insects that have entered the winter area will have to be removed and destroyed in the future.
  4. The melting of snow in the area is the time for a new stage of the offensive operation. Cover the soil surface with covering material, roofing felt or other covering. After this, all that remains is to wait until the pests come to the surface to bask in the rays of the sun, and organize their collection and subsequent disposal.
  5. When scattering manure on the site, do not forget that it is the main delicacy and habitat for “earthen crayfish”. In May, this feature can be used to your advantage. It is enough to wait until clutches of eggs or already hatched larvae appear in the dung piles left in the garden. Then they are simply collected and burned.
  6. Knowing the location of the underground guest's passages, you can drive him out of the ground using ordinary water mixed with a soap solution (about 1 liter of a mixture in a 10:1 ratio) or vegetable oil. The prepared liquid is poured into the holes. After this, all that remains is to wait until the insect begins to flee from an unplanned flood.

All these products have one common advantage - they are completely safe for the biosphere of the garden and its beneficial inhabitants. Natural ingredients do not harm plants. But all of them are effective only if the pest invasion has begun recently and their population has not yet reached critical levels. In all other cases, you should rely not on folk wisdom, but on time-tested chemicals.

Chemicals as a means of radical influence

How to get rid of a mole cricket that has infested a garden quickly and without outside help? The most simple solution will be the use of chemicals to destroy the “neighbor” dangerous to plants. It is worth noting that all of these drugs are toxic and require precautions when used. In particular, it is necessary:

  1. Isolate animals and small children from contact with preparations during soil treatment.
  2. All work should be carried out exclusively with rubber gloves and a respirator or bandage covering the respiratory tract.
  3. Use special containers and clothing for chemical treatment, which should be stored separately from other things.
  4. Carefully follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

These simple precautions will help you avoid dangers when working with chemically active substances. But how to do right choice the means itself? Here it is worth focusing on the goals and objectives that you plan to achieve.

Granular chemicals - the most popular of them are called "Thunder" and "Phenoxin +", do not require dissolution in a liquid medium. They are used in bulk, added to holes or placed in traps equipped with honey bait. After eating the pesticide, the pests die quite quickly. But the drug has one serious drawback: high toxicity, which does not allow it to be placed on open areas areas without risk to the lives of domestic and useful garden animals.

Means for preparing solutions - another group chemical substances, allowing you to protect the crop from the invasion of harmful insects. Among the most popular are “Aktara”, “Masterpiece”, “Prestige”. They are applied to tubers and seeds in the form of a spray or using a spray bottle; the solution is poured onto the roots of shoots that have already emerged, or it is used to germinate plants with a newly formed root system. Among the positive aspects is the high activity of the chemicals in the fight against most common garden pests.

An alternative to chemicals with a toxic component can be biologically active substances. They are based on spores of fungal colonies, which are deadly to the pest. When the product is eaten in the body of a voracious insect, the process of active reproduction of spores is launched, which, in the future, lead to its death.

Help from professionals

We tried all the available options, but never found a remedy that could get rid of pests once and for all. The time has come to seek help from those who know exactly how to get rid of mole crickets in the garden. Specialists of the ECO-STOLITSA company are always ready to offer their help to those who are already desperate to get it out of their country house or personal plot. Experienced specialists will be able to quickly find and neutralize pests that damage plant roots. And the use of special chemicals that do not destroy the biosphere and are safe for domestic animals and humans will ensure the achievement of a sustainable effect and protect the area from reappearance uninvited guests.

Just one call is enough for specialists to start preparing for departure. Just choose a time convenient for you and contact us to order chemical treatment of the area. Qualified personnel will help you decide on the processing method and provide all necessary information about the cost of services and the duration of disinfestation measures. And you can save your harvest, time, energy and nerves by entrusting the fight against earthen cancer to real professionals in their field.

The common mole cricket, or more simply put, the garden cabbage mole cricket, as we used to call it, is a small insect whose growth ranges from 2-5 cm. Appearance The pest is quite frightening, and many are even scared of it when they see it for the first time.

The insect prefers soil, well, and therefore lives in or near manure heaps. It gets onto the site very easily, even with fertilizer newly delivered in the fall.

The mole cricket is a very adapted insect that perfectly senses temperature and danger. It prepares for winter in time and goes far underground, where it is not so cold, but it also rises to the top in a very timely manner, with the first signs that it is time to feed.

The pest easily destroys a huge number of plants, eating the underground part of our dear crops. The main food for it is, which is sometimes difficult to grow, onions, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, as well as many flowers. Every day one insect is ready to spoil or completely destroy 10-15 plants. Just imagine what a serious loss is possible if cabbage mushrooms multiply in your dacha.

As soon as you notice this pest in the garden, immediately begin extermination. Naturally, it is much more correct to think about the prevention of mole crickets in the countryside, so that the pests do not have time to cause trouble.

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How to deal with a mole cricket in the country

There are many classic and modern methods control, but since pests can adapt to certain conditions and drugs, many of them are considered not very effective. It is simply impossible to say exactly which method is the most or least effective, because for each individual climate, soil and individual mole cricket species, the conditions for destruction will also differ.

Experts recommend starting the fight against cabbage weed with the simplest methods, so as not to destroy the soil or pollute it with chemicals, and especially not to waste your personal budget. But radically minded summer residents, who have experienced from their own harvests what a mole cricket is and its activities, are ready to take the most active actions at the first sign of this insect. We are not ready to tell you which method to choose, but we are always happy to offer many methods from which you can choose the most suitable one in terms of conditions, medications, financial and time costs.

Basic protection

Each of us must understand that fighting a mole cricket is much more difficult than preventing its appearance in the garden. Therefore, it is better to always adhere to some rules for caring for the soil and planting crops, rather than spending a lot of time on spraying, creating repellers and other activities.

We will start with the advice of summer residents, who already at the end of September are digging special traps for mole crickets. These are small ditches up to half a meter deep and 40-60 cm wide, which are densely filled with manure. At approximately the same moment, the insect is looking for a place to winter, and since it prefers to stay close to the manure, it actively moves towards this ditch. Closer to winter, these ditches are dug up and the manure is simply scattered around the garden. During this period, there is already a small but stable minus on the street, due to which the pest dies.

The simplest traps are also used, but in the spring, when plants are planted. You need to take simple half-liter jars and dig them in at soil level, and then fill them with water. Sometimes several insects even fall into such traps during the night.

One of the ways to combat cabbage weed is standard loosening of the soil at planting sites. cultivated plants, as well as in the aisles between already grown seedlings. Due to this, a certain part of the mole crickets are killed by the tool, and the eggs and larvae are destroyed by trampling and destruction of the nests.

Manure traps for insects are also effective in the spring, around the beginning of May. To do this, small manure piles are laid out around the garden. It’s better to do it smaller, but more often, about a few shovels of manure, but according to the layout of 3x3 meters. Mole crickets crawl into these heaps for their normal habitat, as well as for laying eggs. By checking the piles every few weeks, you will automatically reduce the pest population on your property.

How to scare away a mole cricket

There are ways to more actively combat the pest, which are considered preventive. They are the ones who will help prevent insects from entering the area, and if they are allowed, then they will also be carried out quickly.

Country plants against cabbageweed

There is an interesting opinion that on the site it will help to quickly drive insects out of the beds. You should sow plants in rows throughout the garden and just wait for the insect to leave. But personally, it seems to us that this method is far from the best.

Onion peel infusion

One of folk ways says that an infusion of onion peels helps against mole crickets. Of course, many will think that this is a story from the realm of science fiction, but if the garden is attacked by such a serious enemy, you need to try every method.

So, onion peels are infused in clean water for 4-6 days. To prepare a high-quality solution that can really influence the desire of insects to live in your garden, you need to take about 1 kg of onion peels and waste per bucket of water. When the product is ready, it is diluted with water, 1:5, and the plants are watered after rain. They say that a few such waterings at intervals of a week are enough, and the mole cricket will leave your area completely.

Repelling with kerosene

The simplest way which involves the use of sand and kerosene. To prepare the miraculous mixture you will need 1 kg of sand for each square meter landing, as well as about 50-70 ml of kerosene. This method is too expensive for a garden, but it’s worth trying to drive the mole cricket out of the greenhouse with its help.

So, the sand is poured with kerosene and mixed well. Next, this sand is mixed with several shovels of dry soil, and again thoroughly mixed. When planting new plants, say, the same seedlings, a fresh mixture of sand, soil and kerosene is evenly scattered over the bed and shoveled into the top layer of soil.

Folk remedies against mole crickets

There are many people interesting recipes, methods and tips that many of us use against insects and plant diseases. It's time to select some of them to fight cabbage weeds.

Rotten fish versus cabbage

This method is already used against other pests in the garden and in the garden, and many refuse it for reasons not entirely pleasant aroma at work. But anyone who doesn’t consider themselves squeamish and has a normal attitude towards products in any condition can try it too. You need to take rotten fish (you can buy something like this in any fish department, or even just pick it up for free), and throw a few pieces into the hole when planting the plant. Unpleasant smell very seriously affects the pest, which now bypasses the plant. There is even an opinion that rotten fish becomes a good fertilizer for a plant planted in a given hole.

It is also interesting that not only seedlings can be saved by rotten fish, but also ordinary crops. It is necessary to spread the fresh fish around the bed, along the perimeter of the crops, and only lightly cover it with dry soil. After 7-12 days, seedlings will begin to appear on the surface, and the fish will spoil under the soil layer. Well, the result is the same as when placing fish in a hole. True, there may be several problems here at once - the fish can be carried away by cats, and the fish remaining in the soil at a shallow depth will actually spoil the air this area vegetable garden Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully about applying the recommendation.

Needles from mole cricket

We heard an opinion that was important for verification from professional summer residents. It turns out that the insect is afraid of pine needles. The reasons are not indicated, but the fact remains a fact, since, having talked about this method, we heard about its use by many. What should be done?

Just take the branches of pine needles and chop them finely, about the size of a basket, and then spread our stuff between the rows of cultivated plants in the garden. You can also dig in a little greenery and branches so that they do not dry out so quickly in the sun and wind and do not lose their aroma. They say that mole crickets avoid such areas almost immediately after laying out. But here you should be careful, because insects can simply go to neighboring beds where there are no needles!

Let's catch a bear with beer!

We won’t even explain who could have come up with such a method, but according to survey statistics, it is quite successful. So, what is needed to get results?

Everything is simple here - we make a beer trap: we bury beer bottles in the garden at an angle of 45 degrees, so that the neck sticks out of the ground only 1 cm. It’s even better to dig a hole deeper and wider, and place the bottle so that its neck is below the soil level, but it was not clogged with it, that is, the entrance to the neck of the bottle is in the hole. Next, we simply pour some beer into the bottle, about 100 ml, and forget about the traps for a while. If, then a day there may be a couple of mole crickets in each bottle. You just need to remember that fresh beer is more suitable for insects, and therefore traps should be changed every few days.

Radical ways to fight

What do we mean by such loud statements? Of course, special chemicals against mole crickets. No matter how much you want to spoil the soil with poisons, sometimes you can’t avoid it.

We will not describe the use of toxic chemicals, since even different manufacturers There may be different recommendations for the same product. We remind you that you should only rely on the instructions!!!

So, special means from the bear - this Prestige 290 FS, Medvedtoks-U and Aktar 25 WG.

What do ordinary summer residents use against mole crickets?

We talked a little with summer residents, collected advice and opinions, and decided to highlight their proposals on the website. So, a few basic tips, the effectiveness of which, unfortunately, we cannot confirm... but we think it’s worth a try.

  • If you know where the insect burrow is located, it must be destroyed as much as possible. Most likely, you won’t be able to kill the mole cricket itself, but you will significantly reduce its offspring.
  • In the same case, if you find a pest hole, cook wheat porridge and infuse it with Regent. Then throw small balls of porridge into the hole. This should attract and then kill the insect.
  • Ordinary poisoned bait is often used and scattered throughout the area. For example, boiled corn or barley, which are soaked in a poisonous agent. This is enough for a certain part of the mole cricket population to die, but it is very dangerous for domestic animals and birds.
  • Often, dung traps for mole crickets are equipped with poisons. The pest digs in under the dung trap and feeds on what is there, and the pile also contains pickled grain and porridge. Accordingly, the insect dies right there.

A drug to combat mole crickets (video)

There are quite a few ways to deal with mole crickets., but the most important thing is to choose one, the highest quality and most effective, so that all the work is not done in vain!

Reviews and comments

(25 ratings, average: 3,44 out of 5)

Elena 10/26/2014

A soap solution (poured into holes), as well as watering plants with chicken droppings (the mole cricket does not like this smell and does not touch the plantings) helps very well in the fight against mole crickets.

Peter 05/18/2015

I would like to draw your attention to the use of poisons. When she tries the poisoned bait, she naturally dies. But before that it comes to the surface. Rarely does anyone collect corpses on their own. But hedgehogs, birds, lizards, etc. are the first to arrive at night and at dawn. They also become corpses. The ancients used tar, kerosene and something else for this. I catch it with beer and pour it out with sunflower oil: A few drops into the hole and add water. Water does not wet it, and oil clogs the breathing holes. She suffocates and dies, as a rule, crawls to the surface. In this case, she is not afraid of anyone. It can be dried. She is an excellent cure for tuberculosis.

some horseradish 05/27/2015

Today we caught one of these, we were happy - we thought we had caught such an exotic insect, but now it’s a bird.

slacker 05/30/2015

Our beloved kitty loves to catch mole crickets. There are so many of them that she will have enough for her whole life. Naturally, the poison disappears. The problem is unsolvable.

Toffee 05/31/2015

Every day I collect up to five pieces in the beds and flower beds. Only Runit helped. Leela and Birch tar I put onion peels and onion skins in the holes. She is afraid of nothing. Everything is dug up.

Rail 06/02/2015

We found them in our garden when we were planting potatoes. We managed to kill two of them with a shovel. And our neighbors simply remained silent... Now we will fight the pest.

Gorynych 07/05/2015

Found a hole. Flooded the creatures with oil!!! Doesn't appear.

Ksu 09/17/2015

I didn’t think it was such an infection at all. We found disgusting white worms - my husband said they were maggots, but it turned out to be mole cricket larvae. Another pest in the garden - we will fight it.

Nina 01/14/2016

And I have my own, special method of combating these pests. For many years, when planting, I have been throwing several salted sprat or dried fish husks into each hole, and until the end of the season there is not a single mole cricket, the seedlings are all intact.

Badoeva Elena 03/20/2016

This is not true. Mole cricket eggs gray, the size of a radish seed. And the larvae hatch from eggs, they are VERY mobile and literally shoot out of the hole if it is destroyed. I quickly sprinkle the nest with earth and run for boiling water and water it from above, without tearing it apart. Otherwise they will jump out instantly.

Svetlana 03/28/2016

Mole cricket (cabbageweed) is very difficult to remove from the garden. Sometimes the best drugs don't respond to it. It gets into the garden mainly with humus (there are a lot of mole cricket eggs in the humus) and only then spreads throughout the entire garden. There are many drugs, among which Vofatox is a good one. effective method reduce the number of mole crickets in your garden!

Lyudmila 04/01/2016

People, don’t be offended, but this is terrible... Poor city residents, why are they doing this outrage called dachas? Yes, there is no economic basis for this and there cannot be. Roughly speaking. this is simply due to idleness! If you calculate the cost of a vegetable grown by a summer resident, then there can be no question of any profitability. People go to their dachas to escape from the rest of the family members and create the appearance of a mouse fuss. And fight mole crickets exclusively with chemical poisons. Personally, I am a rural resident, although I do intellectual work. I have been cultivating the garden for many years, and I can tell you for sure that if you lie on the couch on weekends and just buy fruits and vegetables, it is three times cheaper. than to stand cancerously, upside down, with pain in the lower back and swelling of the arms and legs. Why am I doing this - I will answer, there is a small vegetable garden at the house, as by rural standards, 8 acres, on which you can die, but where am I going to put it? if it’s at home? That’s all. And the cost includes everything - Starting from worn-out items. worn, torn. soiled clothes and shoes, then it all needs to be washed with powder or gel, from the dirty and sweaty person himself, from frayed towels. from

Svetlana 05/01/2016

Of course, I wildly apologize to workers in rural intellectual labor, but what harm have city residents who go to their dachas done to you? Have you ever thought that people just want to take a break from the city noise, bustle, and city mouse fuss? Did people take a piece of land from you or is it their property legally? And what’s better than lying on the couch in front of the TV than digging in the ground? Because, to the delight of the government, you can quickly glue your fins together from a recumbent lifestyle. As for the clothes, it’s actually funny. For some reason, I have never met anyone at the dachas in designer dresses from the best couturiers. So, if we sum it up economic justification- then living in general is very economically unprofitable. And every person has the right to choose how to spend his free time - on the couch or in the country.

Natalya 12/12/2017

I made mole cricket traps for the winter: I dug warm manure into the ground, marked the spot, and drove a stake. And when frost set in, she threw away the snow and dug out a trap. Enough effective method– the mole crickets have noticeably decreased.

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