Decoration of a balcony and loggia as a winter garden. Secrets of winter garden design. Review of insulation materials

It’s frosty and slushy outside, but you really want to go home and be alone with nature. Even on a small balcony you can create a tiny tropical paradise. In this article you will learn how to make a winter garden on your balcony or loggia yourself.

We create comfortable conditions for plants

A winter vegetable garden and a garden on the balcony create relaxing conditions and relieve fatigue after a busy day. The charm of green plants gives many pleasant sensations. In addition, deciduous plants fill the room with oxygen, so such a balcony can be equipped as a dining room, office or even bedroom.

Shading and insulation

When you need to decide whether shading is necessary, determine which side of the world your balcony is located on:

  1. North side. The light on such a balcony is distributed evenly, but this is the coldest zone and the room will have to be insulated.
  2. East side. Before lunch, the sun shines well and no ventilation is needed, which is ideal for green spaces. But in the afternoon the sun is much hotter, so it is necessary to shade the plants.
  3. West side. Evening - best time For plants, the heat will remain even at night, but it is better to shade them from direct bright sunlight.
  4. South side . Ideal for accommodation winter garden, because the rays of the southern sun warm the plants best. But you need to be extremely careful, because there is a risk of getting a greenhouse effect.

Before insulating the room, keep in mind that each flower loves its own environment and if for the plant perfect option - temperate climate, a glazed loggia will be very useful. But in this case, heating should occur at the expense of the next room and the door should always be kept open. But if you don’t want this or plan to grow heat-loving flowers, you will have to insulate the balcony.

There are the following insulation options:

  • double or triple glass package on the window;
  • heat insulator or additional batteries along the walls;
  • heating on the floor.

When equipping the room, carefully check for cracks, because they are your worst enemy.


A sufficient amount of sunlight for plants is the key intensive growth, so it is necessary to make maximum use natural lighting, and in case of its shortage, install artificial light sources. It is important to create the ideal ratio of light and temperature. For a winter garden there is the following rule: the higher the temperature the plant needs to good growth, the more light it should receive.

IN winter period This rule is violated, because the batteries emit a lot of heat, and the sun shines little. Due to lack of light, flowers lose their foliage, grow and stretch in height. For very heat-loving plants, the sun's rays will probably not be enough.

But there is a way out in such a situation - to save the plants with the help artificial lighting. You can purchase fluorescent lamps and install them under the ceiling, the instructions for which indicate how economical they are. The number of lamps depends on the number of plants on your balcony.

Choose the most economical option for lamps, otherwise you will have to pay a lot for a winter garden.


The plant needs to constantly receive a certain amount of moisture. Here it is important to avoid two extremes - underfilling and overfilling. Over time, you will learn to control your pets' moisture levels.

If the flowers are not topped up, then this can be corrected, but when the plants are overwatered, the roots stop breathing, and air is more important to them than water.

To waste less free time, you can install a modern humidification system, the price of which starts from 2000 rubles. You can purchase them in various specialized stores or order online.

Usually, not only special devices are used to humidify the air, such as boxes with automatic watering, it can also be a small container with water flowing through a pipe.


Balcony gardening offers the easiest way to place flowers - purchase your favorite pots from an interior design store and place them around the entire perimeter. But if you have very little space or you want to fit a lot of pots, you can buy a ceiling rack.

You can spend a little time and effort creating a special design for your balcony or loggia. Decorative elements and artificial stones. Or you can place a small table or rocking chair in the room and this place to relax will become your favorite, bringing comfort, joy and tranquility.

Additional equipment

Such a preparation stage as covering the walls from the inside plays an important role, especially if insulation was carried out using polystyrene foam. A truly right solution can be siding, which is inexpensive, and the stunning view will delight you for a long time.

Moreover, when arranging a balcony or loggia as a winter garden, it is recommended to use only environmentally friendly material.

Now let's talk about placing flowers, because you need to know in advance what kind of compositions you want to create on the balcony. Depending on the height and intensity of growth, you need to allocate space for each type of plant. Undoubtedly, only those that get along well with each other should be placed nearby.

Remember that only according to the rules, an equipped garden will console you with its stunning view and allow ornamental plants feel comfortable for many years in all seasons.

Plants for the winter garden

Now you know how to make a winter garden on a loggia, all you have to do is decide what plants you want to see in it.

Here are some stunning color options for your balcony:

  1. Ficus can become a magnificent centerpiece of a composition. This is a very popular plant due to its unpretentiousness and ease of care. A small disadvantage is that you will always have to limit the growth limits of the ficus roots.
  2. Philodendron is a popular type of large planting. This is a powerful vine that can be erect or climbing. Philodendrons are undemanding and can easily tolerate apartment conditions.
  3. Tetrastigma grows very quickly and in a short time can envelop the entire balcony room with its greenery. The flower does not require any difficult conditions and is suitable for growing in winter gardens.
  4. Near large plants The following beautiful flowering varieties are often planted: primrose, amaryllis, orchid, cyclamen, petunia, Chinese rose, poinsettia, geranium, clivia and hydrangea. As you can see, there is a wide choice of plants, but keep in mind that during flowering they need individual care.
  5. Plants that easily tolerate moisture deficiency and excess sunlight are called succulents. Such flowers are unpretentious, but most species are poisonous. If you want to plant a few exotic specimens, consider agave, cactus, yucca or milkweed.

From this article you learned about the most popular balcony colors, but it is impossible to list them all, because the choice is huge. All you have to do is go to a flower shop and buy the plants you like. And don’t be afraid to set aside a few days to decorate your balcony space, because very soon this place will become a paradise in your apartment.


Now you know how to create a winter garden on a balcony without outside help. Don’t forget to provide your balcony pets with appropriate care, and in return they will delight you with luxurious greenery and bring comfort to your apartment. Let the video in this article become a small flower encyclopedia for you.

For lovers of rare tropical plants Now there is every opportunity to expand your collections. And many people have a desire to create a winter garden - a transparent room with a special microclimate, where everyone will feel good - both flowers and people. It is possible to arrange such a structure not only if there is country house- quite suitable for these purposes. Architects have long used the amazing ability of volumetric transparent structures to fit into almost any style. Winter gardens, or, as they are called in English-speaking countries, conservatories, with the right design will add charm to even the most banal building.

This is a glazed building protruding beyond the plane of the facade of the main building. It is the connection to the house that distinguishes a winter garden from. The construction of a winter garden includes two key elements: a translucent roof and facade glazing. There are several types of structures, the choice of which depends on the nature of the main structure and the location of the winter garden.

If you plan to have large glass extensions, it is better to choose a T-shaped, P-shaped or hipped structure. Suitable for low main structures single-pitch design winter garden, and as an economical option you can consider a corner structure. The triangular bay window with a multi-pitched roof and the five-beam design rounded at the end look very compact, simple and at the same time elegant.

Many people believe that the glass volume of a winter garden can be easily assembled from standard high quality window frames. However, this is not the case. For favorable conditions inside, not only the material of the facade is important, but also its combination with the structure, which also transmits light.

A huge role in arranging a winter garden is played by its orientation to the cardinal points. The comfort of plants depends on this, and therefore the choice of glass for glazing the roof and facade.

Considered the best. On the south side of the house, problems may arise due to overheating. To avoid them, a number of necessary measures should be taken. First, install a powerful ventilation system. Secondly, choose special tinted glass or regulate the flow of light using blinds. Thirdly, do not block the floor with carpets or other coverings, since this is the only place in the winter garden where solar energy is accumulated.

On the north side, on the contrary, there will be a lack of light, which means that the winter garden will have to be equipped with additional lighting. But there are also advantages: the heat loss of a building is usually very high on the north side, and the winter garden will serve as a climate buffer between the street and the house.

The glass itself for facades can be ordinary, tempered or laminated. Also, companies involved in the design and installation of winter gardens offer double-glazed windows with special energy-saving (low-emissivity) glass. It is made with a metal coating that repels thermal radiation and holding him in the room. In addition, spraying prevents direct sunlight from entering the room. The thickness of the glass unit is from 24 to 38 mm. The glass can be interlaced: a kind of decoration in the form of bars or arches, repeating the design elements of the main building. You can decorate the winter garden with stained glass windows.

The minimum roof slope is 15°, this requirement is due to the need for snow melting in winter. Cellular polycarbonate with a thickness of 25 mm is increasingly being used for winter garden roofing. Besides the fact that this modern material much stronger than glass, it is coated with a special layer of protection against ultraviolet rays. Now you can choose cellular polycarbonate in different colors: transparent or matte, bronze, opal, blue, green.

But, in addition to visual appeal, the roof should be able to do a lot. The main requirement is to withstand changing loads, sometimes quite serious: rain, hail, snow. To prevent precipitation, and especially snow, from pressing through the roof, and to ensure that its covering remains transparent in winter, drainpipes and gutters that are part of the garden structure are equipped with heating systems. To prevent condensation from accumulating inside, the winter garden structures include a passive ventilation system. Nothing supernatural: transoms open along the perimeter of the facade and a hatch with manual or automatic control in the roof.

With external beauty, transparency, lightness, it must remain rigid and resistant to various mechanical influences, including atmospheric influences. Aluminum profile in the design of a winter garden it is very advantageous in all respects: the external openwork is combined with high fire resistance, it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes, and most importantly, it is very durable.

Nowadays, when constructing modern translucent structures, they usually combine different kinds materials. So, PVC is used as a profile for the facade, and aluminum is used for the roof. It should be noted right away that the usual window profile PVC is not suitable for a winter garden. An all-aluminum frame is much more expensive than a combined one. Wood is used extremely rarely due to its high cost.

When installing a winter garden, additional work will be required. If a winter garden is planned in a suburban area, then a foundation must be laid under it and heating systems must be provided. If this is a loggia in a city apartment, then it must first be insulated. For those who have a small loggia, it is quite possible to do without additional heating systems.

Any winter garden must be based on a safe design, be protected inside from cooling and overheating, have a rigid and durable frame, let in light and be resistant to any attacks, even extreme ones. atmospheric influences. Neither hurricane winds, nor heavy snowfall, nor torrential rains, nor scorching heat should affect the internal microclimate. Although there are now a lot of options for winter gardens on the market, do not rush to choose. First of all, make sure that the system is suitable for the difficult weather conditions of our country, because some of them, even patented ones, were developed for completely different climatic zones.

It's important to think through color scheme winter garden - correctly selected colors of the design will add individuality. "Classics of the genre": a combination of white and color natural wood or white with anodized metal.

The winter garden is also a relaxation area. Be sure to provide space to place a small table and a few chairs.

In this article I will offer you ideas that will allow you to organize a real garden right on the balcony of your own apartment in order to create a green corner in the center of the metropolis, delighting not only guests of the house, but also passers-by.

Petunias are the recognized leader of “balcony” gardening. Unpretentious, bright, pleasing to the eye in a variety of shades, they bloom almost all summer, growing and hanging in picturesque flower “waterfalls”.

Today, inexpensive, lightweight plastic flowerpots are the most popular.

The side walls of the loggia can also be used to organize home garden. A variety of hanging planters will help create beauty on a previously featureless wall.

You can complement the overall picture of a picturesque home garden with figurines, African masks, Chinese bells and other decorative details.

Experts advise choosing for “balcony” gardens such plants from the liana family as maidenhair or fragrant grapes, honeysuckle honeysuckle and clematis.

Of course, such large flowerpots should only be used on fairly spacious balconies, where shrubs will look great. The only problem is that in our climate many perennials will not be able to survive the winter, so you will have to take care of this separately.

Simple and tasteful - wooden shelves on the side wall of the balcony with colorful pots. Perhaps this garden will not be as noticeable from below as the hanging “waterfalls” of petunias, but it will definitely delight the guests of the house.

And in this case, the design with glass doors serves as a real greenhouse in which you can grow flowers from very early spring, without fear of frost or strong wind.

The hanging garden on this balcony is successfully complemented by an imitation of a lawn, because the more greenery, the better.

A green rug like this, which has become the center of an outdoor recreation area, can help imitate a lawn.

It's bright on this balcony flowering plants go well with an equally cheerful tablecloth and chair upholstery. After all, a garden on a balcony is not only flowers, it is also a relaxing atmosphere that should take you from the city to nature.

Large flowerpots with legs can accommodate a variety of flowers, which can be grouped by flowering time and shades, creating a composition that will delight owners throughout the warm season. In addition, it is quite possible to plant herbs and spices in such flowerpots, combining business with pleasure.

The owners of this garden chose colorful pots and took the trouble to label each flower in order to know exactly where everything grows and how to care for a particular plant.

Fragrant or girl's grapes Over time, it may well move from the balcony to the roof or window of a neighboring apartment.

Appreciate all the advantages of this invention - pots that are securely attached to the balcony railings. True, they are not very spacious, so you can’t plant large flowers here. But traditional geranium - please.

Even on such a narrow balcony you can create a picturesque flower arrangement, simply placing pots along the walls and railings. True, the railings themselves remained unused - apparently, the owners simply did not know about the existence of special pots from our previous idea.

In this garden on the balcony there are as many as four levels of flowers, which we managed to place in a relatively small area.

There are two principles for organizing such a “hanging” garden on the balcony - choose flowers different shades to create a bright palette, or plants in one color scheme, to achieve a more discreet, but no less beautiful result.

An example of how original a composition of flowers of the same shade can look. Looking at this balcony on the wall of an old house, you understand that there are a great many shades of red, and they were created by nature itself.

And here the owners took the second path and chose petunias of all colors of the rainbow for their “balcony” garden.

Selecting furniture for a garden on a balcony is a rather difficult task, because you don’t want to disfigure a beautiful flower arrangement with a banal plastic chair white. The owners of this balcony managed to choose a cute sofa and an armchair, not too bright, but eye-catching colors. And be sure to pay attention to the artificial tree on the wall. Cute, isn't it?

On the balcony it is recommended to grow shrubs such as common juniper, black broom, Thunberg barberry, American maple, Weymouth pine (eastern white), Fortune's euonymus, whole-leaved willow and dwarf lilac.

A real canopy, which over time will be completely covered with grape vines, will become a source of shade on this small balcony. And the owners decided to complement the overall picture with classic stucco on the wall and sansevieria (also known as “mother-in-law’s tongue” or “pike tail”).

If at your home snow-white facade, petunias should be chosen like this, juicy, bright shade, which will look especially attractive against such a background.

It is appropriate to plant delicate, lovely violets in pots suspended on railings - this way they will be at eye level and will not get lost among other, more lush and climbing plants.
Creating a garden on a balcony is not so difficult - often it is enough to simply move pots of flowers from the room to fresh air. However, if you approach the arrangement of a “balcony” garden with imagination, listen to the advice of experts, you can become the owner of a very beautiful and unusual place for relaxation and even take part in a competition for the most beautiful balcony, which is held today in many cities.


It's cold and muddy outside. And I want to return to my home, as in winter's tale. After all, even on small balcony You can create a cozy tropical corner for yourself. A winter garden on the balcony is not difficult. There would be a desire! About, how to make a winter fairy tale come true, read on.

The health benefits of a winter garden

The winter garden creates a relaxing atmosphere and relieves fatigue after a working day. beauty exotic plants and the freshness of green foliage gives a lot of pleasant sensations. The famous medieval physician Avicenna, reflecting on the frailty of earthly life and ways to prolong it, wrote that the aroma of plants cures headaches.

In addition, plants enrich the room with oxygen. Therefore, “enriched” , or .

Preparing the balcony for arranging a winter garden

Temperature conditions for the winter garden

First you need to measure what temperature regime maintained on your balcony. It is desirable that it be warm and light there. If it’s cold, we recommend doing it on a balcony or loggia with a winter garden - that is, using double-glazed windows inside plastic or wooden frames.

  • on the window: or
  • along the walls: or even (as an option - “water heating”)
  • on the floor:

And double-check everything for any cracks. Drafts are the main enemies of a winter garden.


Fluorescent lamp creates necessary for plants light flow

Light is the most important growth factor for plants. Therefore, you need to make the most of daylight. It is important to achieve the optimal ratio of temperature and light. The rule here is that the higher the temperature a plant requires for successful growth, the more light it should receive.

IN winter time this rule is broken. The batteries produce too much heat, and the daylight hours are short. Because of this, plants shed their leaves and continue to grow and become very tall. For heat-loving plants, there will probably not be enough sunlight.

But there is a way out - artificial lighting. You can buy ordinary fluorescent lamps and attach them under the ceiling of the balcony. Choose the most economical option, otherwise the winter garden will cost you a pretty penny. How many lamps are needed depends on the number of plants. There are no strict rules here. Even the most experienced gardeners At first they always watch how the flowers behave. If the flower doesn’t like the temperature, you will immediately notice it by its changed state.

Natural ventilation

As we have already indicated above, plants tolerate overheating just as poorly as hypothermia. Therefore, in summer the balcony will need to be ventilated. 10-20% of the total glazing should be open to air baths.


Fountain in the winter garden on the balcony

The plant must constantly receive water. There are two extremes here - underfilling and overfilling. Remember - if the flowers are not topped up, it is possible to restore them. And if it is overwatered, the roots stop breathing. Air is more important than water for plants.

You have to learn to “feel” your pets. And only then follow the required watering regime.

Growing plants in pots is the easiest option for a winter garden

You can also install modern systems moisturizing. They are sold in specialized stores and can also be ordered online. These are: special air humidifiers, boxes with automatic watering sensors, a decorative fountain or a pond with water coming through a pipe.


The floor of the winter garden must be moisture resistant. The most commonly used floor tiles are ceramic tiles.


Option for a winter garden with plants placed in pots hanging from the walls

The simplest option – buy the pots you like from an interior design store and arrange them at your discretion on the floor and shelves. Most often they do this.

If there is not enough space on the floor and balcony shelves , you can purchase a shelf rack for the balcony. On our website you can find.

Winter garden on shelves

But you can get confused and come up with a special design for your winter garden. With decorative elements and artificial stones.

You can put an old rocking chair or a small table on the balcony. Wicker furniture looks harmonious among plants and tolerates moisture well.


Winter garden with decorative stones

You need to think about how to place the plants relative to each other. So that they look organic together and do not block each other from the sun and lighting. Consider plant compatibility. Certain plants can be planted in one container. For example, cordyline and calathea get along well with each other.

Let us remind you once again that it is important to provide individual watering for each species. Feed the soil twice a week. And inspect the bushes for pests.

Plants for the winter garden on the balcony

Plants for the winter garden can be rank by size:

Large plants

They usually become the centers of the composition. For example, ficus. A very popular species in winter gardens, as it is unpretentious and easy to care for. You just need to limit the growth of roots all the time.

Philodendron in the winter garden on the balcony

Another popular type of large planting is philodendron. Its homeland is South America. These are vines that can be erect or climbing. Very unpretentious, easily tolerate home conditions.

Tetrastigma is different rapid growth, and can very quickly cover the entire balcony with its greenery. Not demanding in terms of maintenance conditions, it is ideal for winter gardens.

Beautiful flowering plants

Orchid is a beautiful flowering plant

They are planted near large plants. During flowering they require individual care. Here the most popular types for a winter garden: amaryllis, primrose, roseanna chinensis, clivia, eschalot, poinsettia, hydrangea, geranium, petunia, cyclamen, orchid


These are plants that easily tolerate water shortages and tolerate direct sunlight well. Unpretentious. Just keep in mind that many species are poisonous.

If you want to add desert exoticism, then this is for you:

  • cactus
  • agave
  • spurge

We cannot tell you about all the shrubs and flowers for the winter garden. The choice is huge. You just need to make a decision and don’t be afraid to sacrifice a few days to decorate your balcony. And to inspire you, we suggest you watch examples of winter gardens in ordinary apartments.

Village residents are very lucky to be constantly near wildlife. This is much more difficult for a city dweller. There is not always one near the house appropriate place to relax and unwind. And sometimes you want to sit in silence, admire nature, breathe in pleasant aromas blooming greenery. Many take advantage of every opportunity and create entire greenhouses in their rooms. However, in this case, the usable area is taken away, which is not very large apartment. What else can be offered to a city dweller living high above the ground in cramped conditions? It turns out that there is a way out of this situation. Most apartments have external extensions that you can turn into a real room with your own hands and create a garden on the balcony.

Preparing to arrange a garden

Where should you start to with my own hands create a wonderful winter garden on your balcony? You need to start with arranging the room. In order for the greenhouse pets to feel good, it is necessary to fulfill a number of requirements: normal temperature, enough light and high humidity.


The greenhouse must be maintained at a comfortable temperature. If in summer this requirement is somewhat easier to fulfill, then in the cold season prerequisite is the presence window frames. The best option is to install double-glazed windows. If the frame has already been installed, then you need to insulate it as much as possible, closing all the cracks.


Floor covering is no less important for maintaining temperature. An ordinary non-insulated one will be an excellent heat transmitter to the neighbors below. To create a winter garden on the balcony, you need to close all the cracks, fill in a leveling screed, on top of which lay insulation and the final finishing coating. It would be nice if the floor is electrically heated, this will create additional comfortable conditions.


A good option for creating a cozy room would be. It will be beautiful and stylish. In addition, the material is an additional heat insulator. If internal electrical wiring is planned, then it is done before the sheathing.

Additional insulation can be done with . This is quite enough for a winter garden.


The brightness of artificial lighting is selected depending on the intended inhabitants. You can use zoning at different ends of the balcony, where species with similar needs will be planted. To adjust, you can use dimmers or replacing lamps.

Greenhouses located on the north side will need regular lighting electric lamps. The south side needs sun protection for plants. Here the best option There will be the use of blinds. Western and eastern are the most convenient for growing plants.


It is impossible to imagine a winter garden on a balcony in the cold, so a natural task is to insulate it. To do this, carefully inspect the space for cracks and drafts. They're closing up polyurethane foam or special adhesive tapes.

This work should be carried out on initial stage repair. Then the walls, ceiling and floor are insulated. Only then the finishing touches.

Most green friends need temperatures ranging from 18 to 24 degrees for ideal growth. They need warmth to normal development and growth. Double-glazed windows will be a good help, as they keep a constant temperature well. In addition, during the cold period they allow the sun's rays to enter, which heat the walls. And back they prevent his exit. A kind of greenhouse effect is created.

If the sun hides behind the clouds for a long time, then in winter the air will have to be heated artificially. This can be done using electrical thermal devices or fluorescent lamps, which are specially designed for greenhouses and provide not only light, but also heat. The best solution is a warm floor; its use will greatly help to achieve a constant temperature necessary for the normal functioning of the greenhouse.


Maintenance required humidity Many plants desperately need no less than watering or spraying. Most people feel comfortable at 80% humidity. Doing this manually is not easy - it takes a lot of time and effort. The use of air humidifiers can be considered a qualitative way out of the situation. various types with automatic feeding.

How cheap Alternative option protruding pallets of small height filled with gravel. They are filled with water and pots of flowers are placed in them. Constantly evaporating water creates the necessary conditions for life.

A creative option that promotes relaxation is the installation of mini-waterfalls. They have an exceptional ability to have a beneficial effect on a person’s mental state, while simultaneously raising humidity and helping flowers.


High temperatures together with dampness can negatively affect some delicate flowers. For such inhabitants it is vital to provide protection from excess sun and water through ventilation.

For this purpose, supply and exhaust grilles are installed. The first is installed at the bottom, the second at the top. In order to constantly be able to change the air flow, it is better to purchase options that have adjustment.

South-facing plantings may lack shade and natural ventilation, so there will be no need to install an air conditioner.

To create a full-fledged winter garden on a loggia with your own hands, you need to take into account things that will be vital and useful to the flowers.

Artificial lighting should be stronger than in a normal room, because for green friends, light is the source of life and nutrition. You just don’t need to forget about the differences between individual types and place them according to your needs.

To arrange pots and pallets on the balcony, you should take into account the fact that it is located in the form of a console on reinforced concrete slab and you shouldn’t overload it too much. It is much easier with a loggia, because it is located on the ceiling and does not have support on only one side.

If you plan to relax in the garden, then you should take care. It is better to select and install it before arranging the plants.

Placed flowers should be within hand reach so that you can easily get to them and they are all visible. Therefore, the tall ones are placed in the back, and the short ones are lined up in the foreground.

There are a lot of special stands that are mounted on the wall. Such products for several pots will give an aesthetic appearance and save space.

Another mounting method is hanging from the ceiling. Plants with hanging branches look great on such structures.

There is no need to maintain absolute symmetry. The main thing is that there is harmony and compatibility without clutter.

Interior Design

The best interior decoration is natural materials: wood and stone.

To create a certain style, you can use decorative pots. The main thing is that they go well with the decoration and furniture. The same attention should be paid to flower shelves. Their shape, color, texture must fit into the overall concept.

Looks very stylish in the interior as an accessory wicker furniture, especially the rocking chair.

Despite its small size, the balcony can be made in one of famous styles, for example, classic, country or modern would be suitable.

Used as decoration additional elements decor: porcelain figurines, vases, stands, figures of birds or butterflies.

Plant selection

Too many houseplants will create an overloaded picture and turn the loggia into a jungle. Therefore, to create comfort, a certain limitation is necessary. You shouldn’t give up on large flowers, you just need to choose them so that the space is not cluttered. Several large representatives of the green kingdom look more expressive large quantity short brothers. Caring for a few is also easier than caring for a dozen.

When choosing, the location of housing on the cardinal points is taken into account. If it is too cold in winter, you will have to do without tropical species. On the north side the following will feel good: adiantum, nephrolepis, ferns, chlorophytum, etc.

To create a harmonious and changing composition throughout the year, flowers are selected with discrepancies in flowering time.

Palm trees, ficus, dracaena, yucca or dieffenbachia will look good in the center of the composition. Around which smaller brothers will be located: cyperus, crassula, spurge, calathea, etc.

I will come in handy near light sources: roses, hydrangeas, Saintpaulias, orchids, azaleas. The main thing when composing an ensemble is that each plant has access to light.

Let's sum it up

As can be seen from the presented material, it is not at all difficult on our own create your own home winter garden on the balcony. The main thing is to do it, understanding the end goal and some of the nuances. Such a room can become a source of pride and a place for family members to relax. The choice is always yours.