Reo variegated, tropical plant in the home garden. Flower "Reo": photo, benefits and harm, home care

Reo is a wonderful indoor plant. Belongs to the Commelinaceae family. Sometimes this representative of the flora is called Roeo or Reo. Latin name: Rhoeo.

Professional flower growers classify the plant as a separate genus Reo. But some sources indicate that the pet is included in the genus Tradescantia. This is due to the fact that this indoor flower came from Fragrant Callisia, Zebrina and Tradescantia.

Reo Flower is a small herbaceous perennial. It has amazing colorful leaves. The top layer has an emerald tint, the bottom layer is burgundy-lilac.

The leaves are very large, tight, urinary. They reach a length of more than 28-32 cm. They are formed around a shortened fleshy trunk.

Most subspecies have lightened longitudinal stripes, which are located on the upper glossy surface. For greater bushiness, professional gardeners recommend pinching the top of the main stem. Side branches should form from such a shoot.

Important! In order to get an amazing lush hat collected from multi-colored leaves, when planting you need to choose large, wide containers. The more space the root system takes up, the more branched and luxuriant the flower itself will be.



Most often, flowering occurs in summer period. But when good care the plant blooms several times a year. When the “caps” fade, new ones form in their place. For the beautiful lush flowering this representative of the flora needs a large number of Sveta. Inflorescences are formed at the base of the trunk. They are endowed with an unusual shape. They are several convex, intersecting bracts.

These leaves resemble small mollusk shells. They are also sometimes called “miniature boats.” Thanks to such leaves, the plant is popularly called the “Rook of Moses.” Miniature snow-white flowers form between the amazing leaves.

Medicinal properties

IN wild conditions the flower has medicinal properties. The juice obtained from the stems and leaves is used in medicine. Thanks to its antioxidant effect, juice helps stop bleeding gums.

Therefore in folk medicine the juice is often added to rinses. A decoction of the leaves of the plant helps with respiratory diseases. Eliminates rhinitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis and sore throat. Cleanses the lungs.

But in room conditions their healing properties the plant loses. The sap from the stems and leaves of the plant can cause burns. It irritates the skin, causes hives and is very severe redness. Therefore, when transplanting a flower, it is recommended to wear thick gloves.


The flower is native to the southern and central states of the United States. In this area, Reo grows in the tropics, on the coast, and in the mountains. Prefers moist soil. Loves wet edges and banks of ponds. Can grow in the shade. But it prefers plenty of sunlight.

In the wild Reo plant grows in South Africa, USA, Australia, Korea, Japan, China, Europe. At home, it has covered almost the whole world. Sold in almost all flower shops, as it is one of the most common plants.

Important! The plant is unpretentious in growth. Therefore, it is ideal for amateur gardeners.


Almost all types of Reo are unpretentious in growth. They are united by amazing colorful leaves, as well as healing properties.

Variegated Reo (discolor) belongs to the Commelinaceae family. It is a beautiful branched plant. Looks like a herbaceous perennial. It reaches a height of 40-60 cm. As it grows it will expand in width. It has powerful elongated leaves that form large rosettes. They have a lilac-emerald hue. The flowers of this subspecies are miniature and snow-white. Because the this type is the most widespread, it has covered almost the whole world. Grows in Asia, Europe, USA, Australia, South Africa.

Blanket Reo (spathacea) is a monotypic species. It is considered a herbaceous perennial. Has a well developed root system. It grows quickly in breadth.

Sometimes this plant called colorful flower or Tradescantia. The plant is native to the USA. Has a strong standard. It reaches a height of no more than half a meter. It has alternate leaves that form a rosette. With good care, such leaves can completely cover the stem with their bases. But the older the plant gets, the fewer leaves it has.

Many blanket Reo are bare, and have rosettes only at the tips of the stems. The leaves are linear in shape. They reach 25-30 cm in length. They have an emerald color on top. The lower leaf plate has a lilac tint. Inflorescences are formed in the leaves, which are arranged spirally. They are mainly located in the wide sinuses.

The flowers of the plant are three-petaled, miniature, snow-white. They have a pleasant floral aroma. They grow in dense bracts of a lilac hue. The bracts are formed in the shape of a boat. This representative of the flora blooms all year round.

Reo Dwarf (dwarf) has amazingly beautiful multi-colored leaves. The upper side of the leaves has a light emerald tint. Along the edges of the leaves there are even snow-white stripes. The lower surface of the leaves is lilac. In length sheet plates reach 30-32 cm. They grow from formed rosettes.

Thanks to such an unusual color, this flower sometimes called silver. This representative of the flora reaches no more than 0.5 m in height. But in good conditions it grows very quickly. It takes root well. Therefore, Reo must be planted in wide bowls. The plant blooms almost all year round.

Has a wonderful aroma. But breaking off branches and leaves is not recommended. They contain enzymes that can severely injure the skin. Reo Dwarf loves plenty of sunlight. Grows well in warm rooms. Doesn't like temperature changes. It has a strong, stable trunk. Used as office decoration.


The plant takes root well at home. Ideal for decorating offices. Looks amazing in flower arrangements. Loves plenty of sun. Requires illumination in the range of 2500-2700 lux. It is necessary that light falls on the plant for 9-11 hours a day. Permissible temperature in summer: 20-24°C. IN winter period The temperature should not be allowed to drop below 15°C. Reo is a plant that loves humidified air, systematic watering, and fertilizing.

Important! Reo runs wild very easily. Therefore, plants can be transplanted from wide containers into greenhouses and greenhouses. The plant also looks great in hanging pots.

Reo is a beautiful branching plant. It has beautiful multi-colored leaves of an emerald-lilac hue. It has a stable trunk and a branched root system. It takes root well. Grows well in neutral or slightly acidic soil. Includes several different subspecies. Distributed throughout the world.

Reo knows how to adapt to different conditions maintenance, easy to care for, quickly grows green mass, decorative, looks original, requires minimal attention to itself. Even novice amateur gardeners will be able to care for reo.

Once in my office I cut shoots from side shoots, they very quickly took root and the rheo became a permanent resident of my apartment for many years.

- Watering and humidity.

Basic principles of care for rheo at home. The most important thing is to provide him good watering and humidity. The plant is very moisture-loving, but at the same time, reo does not tolerate stagnation of water at the roots: the soil in the pot should always be slightly damp. It is better to water with warm, settled water; at home I use water from an aquarium for watering.

When planting, you need to put a good layer of expanded clay or brick chips on the bottom of the pot. For drainage, you can use foam plastic cut into pieces or river pebbles - the main thing is that the layer is at least 5 cm thick.

Since reo's homeland is tropical rainforests, of course he loves high humidity air. In winter, when the heating is turned on and the indoor air becomes dry, it is advisable to spray the plant with settled water at least once a day.

But, I want to note once again the high adaptability of rheo to living conditions - it grows well even without regular spraying! If in the office we notice that the tips of the leaves are becoming dry, it means that the plant is very bad - it’s time to do “water treatments”.

- Lighting.

In order for the color of the leaves to be bright, the plant must be placed in a well-lit place. When exposed to sunlight for 2-3 hours a day, rheo leaves will have a rich purple, which will provide decorativeness and draw attention to this plant. With a lack of light, the rheo stems become elongated and the leaves become small and pale.

In summer, east and west windows are best, in winter - south. In my apartment, the reo stands on a sunny window, the rays of the sun fall on the flower from morning to lunch. Only on the hottest summer days, when it is more than 35 degrees outside, do I place a piece of whatman paper between the flower and the window to shade the plant and avoid burning the leaves.

- Temperature regime.

The temperature of keeping rheo is moderate: in summer it is preferably 22–24 degrees, in winter the air should be warmed up by at least 16 degrees. In the office, the reo can withstand air conditioning in summer and heating in winter, even drafts - it lives to the delight of all employees and is pleasing to the eye.

- Feeding.

Reo - quite large plant, so it must be fed with complex mineral fertilizer. I usually take Kemira, but any fertilizer for decorative foliage plants will do. In the warm season, it is advisable to apply fertilizer every two weeks, since spring and summer are the period active growth. In autumn, fertilizing is reduced; in winter, fertilization is rare, approximately once every two months.

Features of Reo for growth - flower renewal.

So that the flower has decent looking and grew lush bush, it is necessary to regularly pinch the shoots, and you can plant the cut shoots in one pot. The lower leaves die over time, the stem becomes bare and the plant takes on a sloppy appearance. You can simply cut off the ugly stems; over time, side shoots will appear, and the plant will look decent again.

In this case, there is no need to remove the reo from the pot; the adult flower is completely renewed once every few years, when the pot becomes cramped. Then you can completely re-root the plant.

- Reproduction.

Reo takes root well at any time of the year. For propagation, the apical shoots are cut off; roots on them form in water after one to two weeks. When replanting, you can divide the bush into several parts, but I still recommend renewing the plant. If there are ugly long stems, you can cut them into separate parts and root these cuttings.

- Planting and transplanting

You can buy plants for planting ready mixture for decorative foliage flowers, you can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, take one part each of clay-turf and leaf soil, add the same amount of peat and humus, and one part sand.

In the first years of life, the flower can be replanted almost every spring, choosing a pot 2-4 cm in diameter larger than the previous one. Reo's roots are voluminous and grow in width, so you need to select an appropriate pot. But, again, I repeat - Reo will adapt to anyone. The main thing is not to forget about good drainage - the plant will not tolerate stagnation of water at the roots!

- Pests and diseases

Even with the most simple care pests bypass reo! This may be due to its bactericidal properties, but this flower is very rarely affected by any diseases.

Very rarely you can find scale insects on the leaves. If a sticky coating has formed on the leaves, place the reo under the shower and wash away traces of the pest’s activity. warm water. In case of severe damage, it is better to cut off damaged leaves.

As noted above, in very dry air, the tips of the leaves may become dry and acquire Brown color and wrinkle. Control measures are very simple - humidify the air in the room using a humidifier or spray bottle.

If the leaves dry quite intensively, there are several of them on the bush at once - this is a sure sign that the plant is suffering from a lack of water. It is necessary to increase the amount of incoming moisture and the frequency of watering.

At low temperature There is a danger of stem rotting, especially with excessive watering. The stem at the base acquires a brown tint, softens and the plant dies from rotting. If you cut off a healthy top, it will easily take root in water, in this way you can completely renew the plant.

The Reo houseplant is an ideal gift for a beginning gardener. It is beautiful because its leaves have amazing colors and are unpretentious. In addition, it will delight its owner with flowering almost all year round.

His unusual green s purple leaves They will decorate any interior and will be appropriate both at home and at work. Special care There's no maintenance required, so it's ideal for beginners.

Description of the plant

The flower received its name in honor of the nymph Reo. In botanical circles it has another name - Tradescantia capillata. The plant comes from the American continent, where there is a warm, humid climate, but despite this, it is well adapted for living in apartment conditions.

The flower is a perennial and can reach a height of up to 0.5 meters. If a suitable bright place is chosen for it, then the shoots of the plant are even; if there is insufficient lighting, they can twist and sag, as a result the bush as a whole turns out to be free form(see photo).

As Reo grows, he lower leaves turn yellow and fall off, over the years it becomes like a palm tree. Its sword-shaped leaves have a pointed shape, they are located very close to each other on the stem and grow up to 30 cm long. The color depends on the chosen plant variety and can be green, with white, pink, yellow and purple stripes or the lower part of the leaf.

The inflorescences of the plant are enclosed in boat-shaped bracts, which is why it received the name “Boat of Moses”. Flowers do not live long, but when created good conditions inflorescences replace each other continuously.

The plant is grown not for its flowers, but for its decorative leaves with double-sided colors.


Plant varieties differ only in the color of the leaves; in most cases, their upper side is green, but the inner side has not only a common purple shade, but can also be variegated.

Popular types for indoor floriculture are the types:

  • Yellow. Along the leaves are located vertical stripes yellow or cream color.
  • Motley. This plant species is native to the Antilles. Its leaves reach a height of up to half a meter, their shape is oblong. The color on the top is green, but the bottom is purple. Its inflorescences are small and have small white flowers.
  • Pink. Almost the same appearance as the previous one, but only on the inside the leaves are painted pink.
  • Striped. On the front side of the leaves there are longitudinal light stripes; they are sparse and located closer to the edges of the flower; towards the central part they thicken.
  • Multicolored. This type of plant is characterized by both dark and light stripes located on the front side; due to the contrast of shades, the plant acquires a special decorative effect.

Selection of location and conditions of detention

From correct location plants at home depends on the success of the development of its bush.

Lighting and location

The Reo flower loves bright lighting, but is afraid of direct sunlight. It can be placed inside the room or on window sills that face the western and eastern sides of the house. If there are blinds on the window on the south side, then the plant can be placed on it, but the flow of light can be controlled by closing or opening the window curtain.

If Reo experiences a lack of light, he will stretch out greatly, and in direct sunlight, burns will appear on him.

Duration daylight hours For normal development flower should be at least 10 hours; if there is a shortage of it, then it should be provided artificial lighting LED and fluorescent lamps.


The boat of Moses does not tolerate heat and cold; it likes moderation; in the summer the room should not warm up to more than 24 degrees, and in the winter it should not cool below 17 0 C.

The presence of drafts and sudden temperature changes have a bad effect on the condition of the flower.

Air and humidity

Even in the homeland of the flower tropical conditions, in room conditions it reacts negatively to high temperatures, but air humidity doesn’t really affect it. To help it develop normally, you can periodically spray the plant with warm water in warm weather, but it must be purified and settled.

During the warm months, the plant will gratefully accept its bathing under running water, it is better to do this in the shower, and then leave him to recover right in the bathroom. After such a procedure, Reo’s leaves will immediately straighten out and it will stretch out, but it cannot be carried out during the flowering period.

IN winter time If the air is very dry, regular spraying or installing an air humidifier near it will help maintain normal conditions for the flower.

In summer, it is permissible to plant such Tradescantia directly in the ground or take it out onto the balcony.

Soil and pot

The root system of Reo develops only in breadth and occupies the upper layers of the earth, which is why the pot chosen for the plant is wide but shallow.

Both purchased and independently prepared soil can be used as soil for it. When purchasing a store-bought composition, you need to take into account that it is saturated with the useful components required by the flower; it must contain humus. The soil mixture should be used for decorative deciduous indoor plants and be loose.

To prepare the soil yourself, you will need peat bog, humus, coarse sand, leaf and turf soil. Under it in the pot you need to have good drainage; for this purpose it is better to use expanded clay.


It is necessary to develop some rules for caring for the plant so as not to cause harm to it if it is transplanted incorrectly or if feeding is not done in a timely manner.


It is almost the same as for any indoor plants; in winter it is quite enough to carry it out twice a week. But in the summer it needs to be done more often, about once every two days. For irrigation, use settled, filtered or warm melt water.

To avoid waterlogging of the plant roots, it is necessary to fill the pot with expanded clay or pebbles. If this has not been done, an option would be to place the container with the pot in another tray and pour pebbles into it.

Top dressing

It is required during the period of increased plant growth, which occurs from March to September. Fertilizers should be applied twice a month, but not during transplantation, so as not to burn the roots.

Used as fertilizers mineral compounds or special fertilizers for decorative deciduous flowers. As an option, you can use a homemade tincture made from onion peels and eggshells.

To support and benefit the plant, fertilize in autumn-winter period carried out once a month by adding it to water for irrigation.


To provide the roots with access to oxygen, it is sometimes worth loosening the soil; it is advisable to do this after watering, when the soil is slightly moist.

Pinching and trimming

There is no need to specially trim the flower, but it is advisable to pinch the tops of the plant so that the bush becomes more voluminous. Pruning to give the plant the desired shape is best done in warm weather; cuttings cut after this procedure can be used for propagation.

When pruning a bush, white juice is released from its shoots, its contact with the skin can cause redness and itching, because of this, it is better to carry out any manipulations with the flower with gloves.


It is carried out annually in the spring; it becomes clear from the flower that it has grown very large and the pot has become too small for it. Transplantation is carried out using the transshipment method, so as not to destroy the earthen ball in which the roots will be located. Mature plants may require replanting twice a year.


There are several methods for obtaining a new plant from an old one:

  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings;
  • seed propagation.

If you properly care for the plant, it grows quickly and new shoots grow around it.

Plant division

It is better to combine the procedure with a spring flower transplant. The scope of work is as follows:

  1. carefully remove the adult bush from the pot;
  2. Using a sterile knife, divide the root of the mother plant into several parts, but so that each of them has strong roots;
  3. Plant individual bushes in previously prepared pots with earthen mixture.

This method is used for adult plants; young bushes should not be divided.


Seeds should be germinated in moist peat, covered with transparent plastic or glass, and ventilated if necessary. After the first shoots appear, the transparent cover is removed.

By cuttings

For propagation, you can use not only apical but also lateral shoots. IN spring period The cuttings should be cut and disinfected, and then immediately planted in containers with sand and peat soil. For those who want to play it safe, you can first place the cuttings in water and add a growth stimulator to it, and when the roots appear, then plant planting material in pots.


The step-by-step process for planting a plant is as follows:

  1. A drainage layer 2 to 3 cm high is formed in the pot; for this, pebbles, expanded clay or broken remains of red brick are used.
  2. Sprinkle some prepared soil.
  3. Carefully remove the bush from the old pot and move it to the center of the pot. It is better to do this with a lump of earth; to make this easier, you need to water the plant a few hours before transplanting.
  4. Fill the resulting voids inside the pot with earthen mixture.

Diseases and pests

Reo demonstrates high resistance to various diseases, but due to some omissions, flower growers may experience unpleasant moments, including:

  • the color of the leaves fades - indicates excess lighting; to compensate for this, it is necessary to move the pot further from the window;
  • new small leaves - the flower lacks nutrition and light;
  • falling of the lower leaves - the plant is heavily flooded;
  • yellow or light brown spots indicate sunburn;
  • dry tips of leaves warn of high dry air in the room;
  • wrinkling and drying of foliage - lack of moisture.

Pests rarely settle on a flower; sometimes you can see a scale insect on it, which is eliminated with a soap solution.

Signs and superstitions, benefits and harms

A flower with a double color is endowed with stronger energy than single-colored plants. He has the power to neutralize the impending aggression between people, and at the same time open up for them creativity and the desire to create.

If the owner of a flower has unfinished business, then he will be able to help him gain strength to bring everything to its logical conclusion.

Some sources claim that the Reo flower is endowed with protective forces against love spells and magical incantations, so it is purchased as a home amulet.

This plant is influenced by Mars and the Sun. The first planet absorbs negative energy at home, and the second is responsible for the manifestation of deep and beautiful feelings. If you want an invisible home protector for yourself, then be sure to choose Reo’s flower shop.

The Reo flower is ideal for beginner gardeners. First of all, Reo is easy to care for and therefore you won’t have to worry too much if, while gaining experience, you do something wrong. This is a low-demanding flower, like Cyperus or Sansevieria. But on the other hand, it is outwardly original and beautiful. Often this indoor plant is classified as one of the types of Tradescantia, although this is a controversial issue. Reo in reality close relative zebrin and tradescantia, they all belong to the commelinaceae family. But some botanists believe, and this would be more correct, that such a flower forms its own separate genus, Reo.

Flowers are produced by the Reo plant almost whole year. It has massive decorative leaves that are dark purple in color and loves bright light. Why is the flower unremarkable? This plant will decorate any interior: be it a respectable office or just a living room. And to care for it you will need very little time, only an hour from an hour Reo needs to be watered, sometimes fed, and after a while divided and replanted.

How to choose the optimal location. The plant loves light very much, the southern window is the most appropriate place for him. But in the summer heat, Reo still needs to be shaded a little, otherwise the leaves will suffer from the sun's rays.

Watering process. The flower likes constantly moist soil, so it’s not scary if someone mistakenly waters it again. Handsome Reo grows remarkably well when the ground is always wet during the warm season. But in winter you need to be more careful with watering, you need to reduce it a little, but there should not be drying out. It is advisable to water with settled water, rain water would be better suited for this. In winter, the flower should be watered with warm water. And yet, the flower really doesn’t like it when water gets into the places on the stem where the leaves are attached (the internode), you need to try to prevent this from happening.

Well, it’s understandable that if a plant tolerates moisture well, it will develop well if it is regularly sprayed. A summer shower is a great way to keep your flower toned and clean.

Plant nutrition. During the summer season, from May to August, it is good to use complex fertilizers, classic mineral fertilizer for decorative deciduous trees. In rare cases, you can use organic matter: a tincture of egg shells and onion peels.

Reo flower propagation. The only and probably the most correct way is to divide the bush. If you care for it correctly, Reo grows very quickly. This makes it possible to obtain new plants at any time of the year. As an option, root the cuttings on the sides; they are there all the time, appearing at the base. So there should be no problems with reproduction. Light, small flowers appear throughout the year, although they do not have any important decorative value, but that’s up to anyone. The flower has no seeds.

Transplanting a plant. Similar flower grows in a group; from time to time, babies sprout from the soil. So Reo needs to be replanted every year. For these purposes, it is better to use a wide pot rather than a deep one. You can prepare the soil for planting yourself. To do this, you need to take: part of the clay-turf soil, the same amount of leaf and peat mixture, equal parts of sand and humus.

There must be drainage at the bottom. Although Reo is a moisture-loving plant, there is a possibility that the roots will rot from excess water or they may be damaged by root mites. If you can’t make the mixture yourself, you can purchase ready-made soil for decorative foliage flowers.

Signs of flower disease. The leaves turn brown at the tips and then dry out. There is a high probability, 99%, that the cause is dry air. This mainly happens in winter, when apartments turn on central heating. At this time, the flower must be sprayed very often or a bowl of water should be placed nearby. This will help not only Reo, but also all the plants that are nearby.

The edge of the leaf becomes brown, the leaf itself curls and eventually dries out from lack of moisture. This can also happen from watering cold water in winter. It is necessary to water only with warm water and then the flower will be in perfect order.

If the plant stretches strongly upward, there are few leaves, and they are sparsely located on the stem, then most likely there is not enough lighting. Another reason for this state of the flower is a lack of nutrients.

With abundant light, the variegated color of the leaves fades, and the stripes along the leaves are barely visible. We urgently need to move the flower to where there is a little less light. The stems of the plant turn brown and become soft due to excess moisture. This most often occurs in winter. In order not to lose the flower completely, to prevent it from dying, you need to cut off the healthy part and place it in water or soil for rooting. Don’t be afraid to replant Reo in winter; if the flower is in danger, it needs to be saved.

Having familiarized yourself with these simple rules, you can successfully grow such a beautiful indoor flower like Reo!

Reo motley is a species of flower from the Commeline family of the genus Transscantia. The tropical forests of Mexico and the Antilles are considered its homeland.

This is the most a common type of reo for growing at home.


Reo motley I also call reo bedspread. It is a herbaceous rhizomatous plant. It has a fairly short, fleshy, straight stem. Lance-shaped leaves emerge from it.

They're close they are set close to each other and are about 30 cm long. They are dark green above and purple-violet below.

Flowers This species is white and quite small. They are collected in inflorescences on short stalks. A special feature of Reo variegated is that the flowers are hidden in a “blanket” of two petals.

These purple ones the petals close and form a boat shape. Reo variegated can bloom at any time of the year.

Home care

Reo motley- This is enough unpretentious plant for growing at home. Even a novice gardener can handle caring for it.

Watering and humidity

Very important for reo variegated, regular and abundant watering. The frequency of watering is increased from spring to autumn. In winter, the frequency is slightly reduced.

However This plant is very moisture-loving, so even in winter you should keep the soil slightly moist. But you shouldn’t overwater the flower – waterlogging the roots is detrimental to it.

That is why care should be taken to ensure good drainage in advance. For irrigation, settled water at room temperature is best.

Reo motley It can easily survive for some time without spraying. In addition, he is not afraid of drafts and air conditioning. However, if you humidify the air and the plant regularly, it will respond very positively to this.

Summer reo can be sprayed daily, in winter it is better to reduce the frequency.

Lighting and temperature conditions

To accommodate For Reo motley, it is better to select well-lit windows. Although this is tropical plant, you should not place it in a south-facing window, as it only requires a few hours of active sun per day.

South side good only in the winter season. Ideal option for reo motley there will be western and eastern windows.

On the north side there will be insufficient lighting for the plant. As a result, the stems may become stretched and the leaves may be damaged.

For reo motley Moderate temperature is required. In summer it should stay at 20-21 degrees. In winter, you should not lower it below 16 degrees.

Planting and fertilization

To plant a flower The mixture is ideal for decorative foliage plants. When preparing soil at home, you need to take one part each of leaf soil, clay-turf soil, peat, humus and sand.

Also must be ensured The plant has good drainage, as it does not like the roots to be waterlogged. Reo variegated needs to be replanted every spring. The pot should be 2-4 centimeters larger than the previous one.

Consider that the roots of reo grow not in depth, but in breadth, so it is necessary to select a shallow but wide pot.

Feeding is necessary produce from March to August once every two weeks. In the fall, the frequency should be reduced, and in the winter, stopped altogether. For fertilizer, complex mineral fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants is well suited.


Reo motley propagates by lateral shoots. To do this, they are cut and placed in pots for rooting. Make sure that there are knots on the cut shoots. You can root them both in soil and in water.

For rooting in water, it is necessary to cut off the lower leaves so that they do not rot. You can also root in water, but you just need to cut off the lower leaves first to prevent them from rotting. Another type of propagation for the variegated rheo is dividing the bush.

Growing problems and pests

Reo motley- This is a fairly pest-resistant plant. The only insect that can attack it is.

From diseases may arise powdery mildew or gray rot. Usually the cause is severe waterlogging. As a treatment, the flower is placed under a warm shower and the pests are washed away. In case of severe damage, it is better to completely remove the affected leaves.

When growing You may also encounter the following problems:

  • leaves are too small– lack of moisture or nutrients;
  • pale leaf color– happens when there is insufficient lighting;
  • the lower leaves fall off– this happens with excessive watering;
  • the plant stretches out– there is not enough light for the flower;
  • leaf tips become brown and dry - this happens due to too dry air in the room;
  • leaves wrinkle, turn brown, become soft - most likely, you water the flower with cold and chlorinated water;
  • leaves are located loose - lighting is too dim.

And for the most curious, we suggest you watch the video about reo