Garage interior decoration. Methods for insulating an iron garage

Every car owner knows that the garage should be dry and relatively warm. Dampness and temperatures below 5ºC can have a detrimental effect on the car. Creating optimal conditions, that is, insulation metal garage, will not only ensure careful storage of the car, but will also allow you to avoid unnecessary costs for its repair in the future.

As is known, each building must comply with certain standards that determine the most optimal conditions. In fact, insulation is a very serious process, since some mistakes made can subsequently lead to various troubles. So, for example, in winter time year, the temperature in your garage should not be too high, otherwise the “greenhouse” conditions will lead to the accumulation of condensation on the car, which, as you understand, will eventually lead to the formation of rust. In addition, when insulating the garage, it is recommended to equip it with good ventilation. This will prevent the appearance of dampness and the accumulation of carbon monoxide.

Insulating a metal garage with your own hands is a completely doable task, but be prepared for the fact that it is carried out in several stages. Before you begin the insulation process, it is very important to choose the right insulation, because the quality of your work will depend on it.

Insulation for metal garages and their types

Many, among other things, are interested in the financial side of the issue, and it is better to save not on the quality of the insulation material, but on quantity. A metal garage can be insulated with classic insulation materials, which help prevent conduction and convention, which are the main causes of heat loss.

Classic insulation for metal garages and their types:

  • polymeric;
  • fiberglass;
  • mineral wool.

Whatever type of insulation you prefer, the main thing is that it is waterproof and fire resistant. As already mentioned, insulating a garage is carried out in several stages, which means that the process is quite labor-intensive, so it is advisable to choose insulation that is easy to install.

Insulating a garage with mineral wool. Mineral wool has very high technical characteristics. However, this material has one significant drawback - instability to moisture. You can insulate a garage with it, but for this you will need to use steam - and waterproofing, which will ensure it reliable protection. It is very important not to forget about the “breathing” gap. Mineral wool is quite expensive.

Insulating a metal garage using glass wool. Such thermal insulation will cost slightly less than the option described above. But in addition to the fact that glass wool is absolutely not resistant to moisture, it also has the property of being easily flammable. Therefore, if you want your garage to be insulated with this particular material, you should take care of safety measures.

Insulating a garage with polystyrene foam. Polystyrene foam is one of the polymer types of insulation materials. This material is absolutely waterproof and its thermal insulation properties are quite high. Among other things, polystyrene foam is very easy to install, which is mainly due to its light weight. Polystyrene foam has a high bacteriological resistance, which means that it is not afraid of fungi and microbes, and there is also no need to fear that it may rot. At the same time, this insulation material is distinguished by its fairly low cost.

Despite a large number of advantages, do not forget that polystyrene foam is a flammable material, so for these purposes the most suitable brand is “PBS-S”, which contains a fire retardant.

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A little about modern insulation

The choice of insulation materials today is very large; in addition to classic materials, you can use modern analogues that have all the necessary qualities.

Insulation with penoizol. Penoizol is a liquid foam, therefore it is waterproof. In addition, this material is fire-resistant and durable. It also costs much less than regular foam.

Insulation of the garage with astratek (insulation in liquid form). This material is applied by painting. Astratek will reliably insulate your garage for a long time. He has everything necessary qualities and is quite easy to apply.

Insulation with PPU (polyurethane foam). In order to insulate a garage using this material, you need specially designed equipment. A dense polyurethane foam crust will ensure reliable heat retention. Such thermal insulation will last a very long time, but it will be quite expensive.

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A little about a metal garage and its insulation

Metal garage requires good insulation and protection against the accumulation of condensation, which can lead to the formation of rust. If you decide to insulate your garage using mineral wool, you must also purchase a film that will cover it. In this case, the film must be protected by a hard coating, for example, chipboard, gypsum fiber board or fiberboard.

Insulating a garage with polystyrene foam is a fairly simple option. Before you begin installing it, you need to prepare the surface. It must be thoroughly cleaned and degreased, after which you can begin application. adhesive composition. Bitumen mastic is very suitable for these purposes; you can also use liquid nails. By using mastic applied to all surfaces, you can provide additional protection from moisture. It is worth keeping in mind here that mastic has unpleasant smell, therefore it is important that all seams are sealed as efficiently as possible. In addition, hot weather can cause folded sheets of material to peel off. In order for the foam to insulate your garage for a long time and reliably, all seams should be treated using silicone sealant. Keep in mind that the foam in in this case cannot be used.

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Metal garage and the process of insulating it yourself

If in order to insulate your garage with your own hands you have chosen polystyrene foam, you will need the following basic materials and tools:

  • Styrofoam;
  • adhesive composition (mastic or liquid nails);
  • brush for applying glue;
  • notched spatula.

Having chosen a material for insulation that will provide optimal temperature in your garage, you can begin the work process. For high-quality insulation, you need to take care not only of the walls; you also need to cover the roof and floor in the garage with insulation.

A metal garage is the easiest option to hide your car from bad weather and intruders. Naturally, you need to make it warm to make your stay in the “stall” of your favorite vehicle comfortable. How to insulate an ordinary metal unheated garage? Nowadays it is customary to perform insulation with classical materials. Although the construction market is ready to offer a lot of new products that have excellent characteristics in terms of thermal insulation. Therefore, the problem of insulating a metal garage is easy to solve. But let’s look in more detail at how to do it correctly and how to perform insulation.

Advanced car enthusiasts who decide to do it with their own hands prefer to use the following insulator options as materials:

  1. Polyurethane foam. To apply polyurethane foam to the surface, special equipment is required. However, only such material allows for truly high-quality insulation, and for many decades. This The best way achieve your goal.
  2. Penoizol. This is what is called liquid foam. It is also durable, it is not afraid of moisture and high temperatures.
  3. Astratek. Another liquid heat insulator applied with a brush. A millimeter layer of astratek retains as much heat as thick mineral wool. Disadvantage: high consumption (about half a liter per square meter of metal).

Each of the listed materials for garage insulation It is quite effective, but usually the car owner is forced to abandon it due to its high cost. Therefore, much more often a metal garage is insulated using the most accessible material, namely polystyrene foam.

Insulation of metal garage walls

Let's look at how to insulate a metal garage from the inside, and do it entirely with your own hands. All work must be performed adhering to a certain scheme. First you need to make a frame, inside of which the insulator slabs will then be laid.

To begin with, you should make sure you have a certain tool. It is impossible to do such a thing as insulating your own garage without a drill, screwdriver, hacksaw, or grinder. When everything is collected that is necessary, you can begin the insulation process.

First, you need to mount a frame from guides and a profile, using the material that is taken for the manufacture of plasterboard partitions. The guides are fastened with dowels, and the profile is secured to them with special hangers.

After garage insulation, it is not necessary to use plasterboard to cover the thermal insulation; asbestos fiber is also suitable for this purpose. The material perfectly resists fire, but is fragile. Because of this, the distance between the posts is required to be slightly smaller.

After completing the installation of the frame, insulation should be placed between the racks. We recommend using a classic heat insulator - glass wool or mineral wool slabs. This material retains heat perfectly and is non-flammable. But a cheaper option, polystyrene foam, is a flammable substance that releases toxic components when ignited. If the step between the racks is made according to the width of the mineral slabs, their installation will be simple and will not require additional adjustment. The final stage of insulation is securing the vapor barrier material with tape and installing the cladding.

Foam plastic is recognized as the cheapest material for insulating the walls of a metal garage from the inside. Before using glue to attach this material, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the internal surfaces of the building from rust and the slightest dirt, then be sure to degrease the metal. This way the fastening will be of better quality. When the foam sheets have already been glued, it is advisable to blow out the cracks between them using a can of polyurethane foam. Next, you can cover the insulation layer with any finishing material.

Insulation of metal garage doors

Having decided to make a high-quality insulation of a metal garage, you should make sure that the gates do not allow cold into the room. Experienced car enthusiasts recommend doing it in the gate leaf front door, then you won’t have to open them completely when entering. In addition, a special curtain should be installed from the inside in front of the gate to prevent heat leakage from the room.

An excellent material for organizing the task at hand is transparent plastic or plastic film (certainly thick). Having cut the selected version of the protective curtain into long strips, they are stapled to a wooden strip fixed above the gate from the inside. Each fixed strip must be one and a half centimeters apart from its neighbor, then when the car leaves, they will deviate and then return back, preventing heat from escaping outside.

However, just a curtain is not enough; the door leaf itself also needs to be insulated with protective material. Typically, foam is used for this purpose, which can be fixed to metal using glue.

You can cover the outside of the foam with anything:

  • clapboard;
  • plywood;
  • plastic.

To prevent cold penetration through the gaps around the perimeter of the gate, a rubber seal is used. To prevent condensation from appearing subsequently, it is advisable to treat the metal in the place where the rubber is glued with any anti-corrosion compound.

Ceiling insulation in a metal garage

When solving the problem of how to insulate an iron garage, you should definitely take care of the thermal insulation of the ceiling. It needs to be insulated not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Only then will it be possible to achieve the desired effect. If the outside is traditionally insulated with paint, then there are several ways to work from the inside:

  • multi-layer painting of the ceiling with a heat-insulating agent;
  • spraying liquid heat insulator;
  • the use of mineral wool or polystyrene foam boards.

Having chosen the last option, as the cheapest, you should fasten the slabs with bitumen mastic. When using expanded polystyrene, you will additionally have to treat the seams with some kind of sealant. Applying mineral wool, remember that it absorbs moisture, so you need to protect its layer with waterproofing.

At rafter system The design of the roof, its insulation depends entirely on the design. When there is sufficient space between the rafters, insulation boards should be installed between them, and the waterproofing should be fixed on top. It is advisable to carry out such work at the construction stage - it will be easier and better to insulate the room.

If the pitch between the rafters is small, insulation should be laid underneath them. When there is an attic, it is most practical to fill it with expanded clay and then lay it on top waterproofing material. The final stage of such insulation is pouring cement screed. However, high-quality thermal insulation of the interior will not be achieved by this - it is necessary to carry out interior work. Here everything depends only on the material that will be used:

  1. Foil polyethylene should be secured with slats directly to the ceiling. This material perfectly repels moisture. To get the maximum effect, you need to nail plywood or fiberboard over the slats.
  2. Mineral wool. First, you need to glue the waterproofing to the ceiling, then install the sheathing. Place mineral wool slabs in its gaps, protect them with a vapor barrier film and cover them with cladding.
  3. Expanded polystyrene. Glue the slabs to the ceiling using tile adhesive. To improve thermal insulation, it is recommended to first glue a waterproofing sheet to the ceiling.

Floor insulation

Basically, we have dealt with the question of how to insulate a metal garage. It remains to consider additional features protection from the cold. Helps improve thermal insulation. Since its surface is usually made of metal or concrete, we will consider options for insulating these materials.

The most affordable option now is to insulate the floor with foam plastic:

  • First you need to carefully level the surface, then clean it, eliminating all depressions or cracks with putty.
  • When covering a concrete surface, it should first be primed twice.
  • If there is a hole or cellar in the garage, waterproofing is required.
  • Apply glue directly to the floor, as well as to the foam plastic, with a notched trowel, lay the slab and press it carefully.
  • It is allowed to use special dowels, but then you will have to drill the floor.
  • The floor insulation is completed with a screed. Additional strength will be provided by the addition of extruded granules to the solution.

Insulation of a garage cellar

If there is a cellar or inspection hole, they also need to be carefully insulated.

Cellar ceiling

Before insulating the cellar ceiling, install a layer of waterproofing on it. Then you can glue the foam to the ceiling. Perfect option insulation - liquid filler, although its use is much more expensive.

Cellar walls

The material for wall insulation must be mold-resistant and moisture-proof. The best option– expanded polystyrene. Its slabs should be attached to the sheathing or directly to the walls. When performing insulation work, do not forget about the wiring. It must be laid in a metal sleeve or a box must be secured.

Cellar floor

Since the floor in a garage cellar is usually unpaved, it is better to fill it with bitumen. First you should pour crushed stone, then sand, compact everything and pour bitumen on top. If the floor is reinforced concrete, it is better to cover it with roofing felt on top of sawdust, and then fill it with a cement screed on top.


In conclusion, a few tips:

  • If the garage is separate from other buildings, external thermal insulation is also necessary.
  • Insulating flat roof, it is necessary to organize a slope that allows water not to accumulate.

For a car owner, the garage is a real savior - rain, hot sun and low temperatures actively destroy the metal of the car. But why don’t all car owners use a garage, even if such an opportunity exists? For example, a metal garage without proper insulation practically does not save the car from the misfortunes listed above.


Before you insulate a metal garage with your own hands and create a microclimate favorable for your car, you need to choose the right materials.

All insulation materials that are used in the case of garage insulation can be divided into:

  • Classic– materials that have been tested in practice more than once and have proven themselves the best side. Reasonable price and decent quality are the characteristics of this group.
  • Modern- materials that have recently appeared on the market. Are different high level thermal insulation, smaller in size, but also at a significantly higher price.


In the photo - rolled mineral wool insulation

This group of insulation materials includes the following materials:

  • Mineral wool boards– are widely used in construction due to their high thermal insulation rates.

Note! Mineral wool boards cannot be used without installing a steam and waterproofing layer - upon contact with moisture, the material completely loses its performance properties.

  • Glass wool– produced by recycling broken glass and is also often used in construction. But it does not have high thermal insulation rates and is very afraid of moisture - which explains the rather average cost.
  • Styrofoam– depending on the degree of density, you can choose completely cheap option. In comparison with mineral wool slabs, it does not lose a single point in terms of thermal insulation. Distinctive properties - does not rot, is not suitable for harmful fungi and microorganisms, and is easy to install. The only drawback is that when burned it melts and emits caustic soot.

Any material used must be selected wisely and must meet the requirements of the garage. For example, before insulating a metal garage with polystyrene foam or other flammable material, you need to think logically. Will it be held in the garage? renovation work using a flammable tool?

On the other hand, polystyrene foam melts at high temperatures, therefore, in terms of fire hazard, only glass wool loses, and foam plastic and mineral wool boards are excellent for insulating a garage.


Modern materials include:

  • Asstratek- a profitable solution for owners who do not dare to undertake large-scale insulation. This liquid composition resembles regular paint, and can even be applied with a regular paint brush. A small layer of this composition replaces several centimeters of foam plastic in terms of thermal insulation, but only if applied correctly without holes.
  • Penoizol– liquid foam, endowed with the property of resistance at high temperatures. It has a long service life and does not come into contact with moisture.
  • Polyurethane foam– high insulation properties and 65 years of guaranteed operation. The downside is the high cost and the need for professional equipment to work with it.

Many car owners are thinking about how and how to insulate a metal garage efficiently and for a long time. We have considered one part of this issue, now we can move on to insulation technologies.

External walls

Installation of foam plastic on external walls

Initially, a garage is a room designed to store a car, ensuring its protection from adverse weather influences and attacks by intruders. However, the garage must not only be strong and reliable, but also properly equipped.

First of all, you need to perform proper thermal insulation, because... sudden changes in temperature, together with other factors, can cause harm not only to the building, but also to the machine and other objects located in it. You can insulate a metal garage with your own hands without any problems. You just need to understand the procedure for performing such work and follow the instructions received in everything.

Thermal insulation of a garage is a complex undertaking, which includes finishing not only all surfaces, but even the gates. However, before starting any work, prepare the necessary tools.

Tools and materials for insulating a metal garage

Additionally, you will need finishing material and fasteners suitable specifically for this material. Lining is usually used as cladding. Fibreboard, siding, moisture resistant drywall etc.

Gather the tools listed and purchase the required materials. Measure your garage in advance to calculate the required amount of materials and not waste time in the future on purchasing what is missing. Take all the equipment to an insulated garage.

As already noted, thermal insulation of a metal garage begins with finishing the floor. Remove the existing boarding and cover the exposed surface with plastic sheeting. It will act as a waterproofing material. If a single piece of film is not enough to cover the entire area, lay the required number of pieces with an overlap of about 15 cm and obligatory gluing of the joints with metallized tape.

Lay the selected insulation over the waterproofing and secure new boards on top of it. Use self-tapping screws for fixation. Mineral wool or polystyrene foam is usually used as floor insulation. You can backfill, for example, with sawdust or expanded clay. Here, focus on your own preferences and budget.

Instructions for insulating a garage roof

In the vast majority of cases, the garage roof is represented single-pitch construction. This is the simplest and a budget option, which is perfect for a regular garage. The basis of this design is the rafters. Traditionally, they rely on the Mauerlat. The Mauerlat bars are laid on top of the garage walls and connected to them using anchor bolts. It is better if the thermal insulation of the roof of a metal garage is carried out simultaneously with its construction. Then the work will take much less time.

The rafter system is assembled from wooden beam with a cross section of 15x15 cm. The rafters are installed with the same spacing, usually it is 60 cm. Here the main guideline is the width of the insulation boards, which, in accordance with the standard, is 61 cm. The remaining margin will allow the thermal insulation elements to be laid between the rafters as tightly as possible.

At the next stage, you need to arrange a vapor barrier layer. Special membranes are available for sale that are excellent for vapor barriers. This material is attached to the rafters using buttons or staples. The vapor barrier layer should be as tight as possible. All joints must be taped with tape.

From the inside of the building, the vapor barrier is sheathed with the preferred material. Usually lining or fiberboard is used, but the owner can choose another finish if desired. In this matter, everything is purely individual. The sheathing must be attached as carefully as possible, ensuring that the vapor barrier remains airtight. Any defects or damage must be repaired immediately using tape or sealant.

Place insulation between the rafters. Mineral wool is perfect. In most cases, a layer about 15 cm thick is sufficient. For the rest, be guided by the climatic conditions of your region. If your area is very cold, add more insulation.

Further work is carried out using standard technology for roof installation. First you need to make a crate, the arrangement of which depends on the chosen roofing, then lay waterproofing on the sheathing and complete the “pie” with finishing material.

If work on thermal insulation of the roof of a metal garage will be carried out after the construction of the structure, be guided by the same scheme with some changes. So, thermal insulation will be laid between the rafters, a vapor barrier film will cover it on top, and the structure will be completed with a cladding of your choice.

When fixing thermal insulation boards, certain inconveniences may arise. To eliminate them, it is enough to simply secure the insulation so that it does not fall until the finishing sheathing is installed. To do this, attach strips of hydro- and vapor barrier material to the rafters in such a way that they prevent the insulation from falling.

The procedure for thermal insulation of metal garage walls

Prepare material for insulating the walls of a metal garage. The most popular and very effective option is mineral wool. The material is characterized by high fire resistance and excellent thermal conductivity. The only drawback is poor tolerance to contact with moisture. Therefore, special attention will also have to be paid to the waterproofing device. The insulation is laid in the sheathing. For external thermal insulation, a 10 cm thick layer of thermal insulation is usually sufficient.

To attach sheathing elements to the garage, use metal corners. To make the work easier and faster, it is recommended to pre-mark the places for installing the sheathing bars. Place them in increments of 60 cm. Place a layer of vapor barrier material on the sheathing. Then cut the insulation boards to a suitable length, lay them in the space between the sheathing beams and cover them with waterproofing. To protect against moisture, in most cases, polyethylene film is used.

Finally, the garage walls need to be covered with siding, finished facing bricks or arrange in another preferred way.

If it is impossible to carry out external insulation of a garage, for example, if the walls of neighboring garages are adjacent to its walls, the insulation must be performed in the same sequence, but from the inside. Fibreboard, lining and other similar materials are suitable for interior cladding. They must be specially treated before use. For example, drying oil is used to treat fiberboard, and the lining is necessarily coated with an antiseptic and fire-retardant compound.

In most cases, it is recommended to avoid using polystyrene foam for wall insulation. The problem is that this material is not resistant to fire and, in addition, during the combustion process it releases substances that are extremely dangerous to humans. Therefore, mineral wool insulation is the best option.

For thermal insulation garage doors mineral wool is usually used. Extruded polystyrene foam is also well suited for this. The latter is characterized by good moisture resistance and thermal conductivity, it is extremely easy to use, is sold at an affordable price, but has a serious drawback - complete instability to fire.

Mineral wool is a fire-resistant material, but it also has its drawbacks. When wet, such insulation sharply loses its performance characteristics in general and durability in particular. Therefore, before you start decorating your garage door, carefully consider the choice of thermal insulation.

Clean the insulated surface from any contamination. Paintwork if present, it must also be deleted. A sheathing is installed along the contour of the products. Wooden blocks with a cross section of 30-50 mm are suitable for its assembly. Select the specific value in accordance with the thermal insulation layer. Cut the crossbar to the smallest width possible, and then connect the inside corners of the frame to the outside corners.

Glue the insulation to the gate. For this, ordinary mounting adhesive is used. The joints between individual thermal insulation elements should be filled with polyurethane foam. This will allow you to achieve the highest quality and effective insulation.

If polystyrene foam is used as insulation, it will be necessary to additionally lay penofol on top of it. Thanks to this material, a comfortable microclimate will be maintained in the garage at any time of the year. Place penofol with the foil part facing inward. For installation, use the same glue. Finally, attach the topcoat. Usually its functions are performed by plastic lining.

The mineral wool is attached in a slightly different order. First, the sheathing is also installed. Select the pitch between the beams so that it is 2-3 cm smaller than the width of the insulation. Lay the insulating boards between the sheathing bars and secure them. Mounting adhesive and dowels are suitable for fastening. It is best to use them together.

Thermal insulation must be covered with a vapor-permeable membrane or ordinary plastic film. Finally, as in the case of expanded polystyrene, lining or other finishing facing material is installed.

Thus, insulating a metal garage is an extremely simple undertaking that almost anyone can do. You just need to carry out all stages of work in accordance with the instructions and remember that high-quality insulation can be ensured only with integrated approach with knowledge of the matter.

Good luck!

Video - How to insulate a metal garage

The metal garage freezes very much in winter. As a result, the car is difficult to start, and repair work is completely impossible due to the low temperature in the room. Exist different ways insulation of a metal garage, but not all known materials are suitable for this. When choosing insulation, it is important to consider what load the installation will place on the garage structure, as well as how many centimeters the internal area will decrease.

Types of insulation

The process of insulating a garage depends on the chosen thermal insulation material. In some cases, installation involves additional costs for lathing and finishing; in some cases, insulation is simply applied to the walls. Since the garage is made of iron, it heats up in the sun and collects condensation well. Therefore, materials should be chosen that are most moisture resistant.

For example, mineral wool is not suitable in this case. It will begin to rot, and the insulation will have to be replaced pretty soon.

The following materials are ideal as insulation for an iron garage:

  • extruded polystyrene foam boards, polystyrene foam or penoizol;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • heat-insulating paint (for example, “Astratek”).

Styrofoam durable, resistant to moisture, it is cheap to insulate, but has high flammability. Penoplex is a variety of it. It is twice as expensive, but the slabs are thinner if the thickness of the walls is important, and also does not require additional waterproofing. You can even insulate the floor with penoplex slabs by making a concrete screed directly on it.

Penoizol Essentially the same penoplex, only in a cylinder. It is twice as expensive and requires special equipment. It is applied to walls in the form of foam, like polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam (PPU) is more expensive, but there are no seams. Environmentally safe, non-flammable.

Disadvantages include the need for equipment to spray foam and vulnerability to sunlight.

Thermal insulation paints do not require additional wall finishing, since they are also a finishing coating. They are frost-resistant, not afraid of moisture, and can be applied quickly. A 1 mm layer of paint can replace 5 cm of mineral wool. To create the necessary thermal insulation, it is enough to apply two layers. This material is very expensive, but it does not take up useful internal space.

Not only the walls and ceiling, but also the floor should be insulated. It is through it that 20% of the heat escapes.

The insulation of iron garages itself is carried out exclusively from the inside.

Penoplex and foam plastic

Before insulation, the surface must be prepared. Remove peeling paint and clean off rust. It is recommended to paint the walls and ceiling to protect them from corrosion. The color and choice of paint is not important; it will still not be visible under the trim. Therefore, you can save money and buy something inexpensive. If the garage is made of galvanized profile, then nothing needs to be done.

If the region has frosty winters, then the thickness of the foam should be at least 10 cm, penoplex - 6-7 cm. A thinner layer will not provide the required thermal insulation. The material is glued to the walls and ceiling with construction adhesive, for example, liquid nails. Can also be glued to polyurethane foam. It will expand within an hour, so the slabs should be periodically pressed against the walls. All cracks are sealed with polyurethane foam. For increase thermal insulation properties You can glue foil onto the plates.

If you get two layers of polystyrene foam, then one of them can be replaced with double-sided foil-coated isolon.

Next you need to make the sheathing. You can use an existing metal garage frame as a frame. The lathing is made of wood in increments of 25–30 cm. You can use a galvanized profile, but then it will be more expensive. Under no circumstances should the insulation protrude beyond the sheathing. As finishing you can use lining, plywood, moisture-resistant plasterboard, OSB panels or plastic siding. Gates and doors are insulated in the same way as walls.

Polyurethane foam

The surface of the garage walls must also be prepared, Special attention to oil stains - there should not be any. The air temperature in the garage should be at least 10 degrees Celsius. Both the walls and the ceiling are insulated. Polyurethane foam is sprayed using special equipment under pressure, somewhat reminiscent of the painting process. The components are mixed and at the output they give the very reaction due to which foam is formed. The material hardens very quickly. The difference between polyurethane foam and penoplex is that it gives additional rigidity to the structure, no glue is required. The thickness of the formed foam should be 3–4 cm. For comparison, this replaces 5 cm of mineral wool.

Another advantage of polyurethane foam is that it does not require lathing. The top can be covered with paint or plaster. The high cost of polyurethane foam is compensated by savings on glue, lathing and facing material, not to mention the thickness of the walls and the load of the structure.

It is impossible to leave polyurethane foam without lining, since the sun's rays have a destructive effect on it.

Paints "Astratek"

“Astarek” paint is a mastic that can be applied with a brush or spray. After drying it forms elastic coating. The paint simultaneously acts as insulation, is used for waterproofing, and has anti-corrosion properties.

A great option for shell garages. For example, it is quite difficult to insulate corrugated material with slabs; the construction of an additional frame is required. All this will take even more of the usable area of ​​the building. The process of applying heat-insulating paint is the same as conventional paint. The surface needs to be prepared. Apply a layer of 1 mm, the second layer only after the previous one has completely dried. Two layers are enough for insulation. The paint can be applied to walls, ceilings and gates. It does not place any additional load on the structure of the building.

Material consumption per 1 sq. m is 0.5 liters of paint. Due to its cost, the total cost of insulating the garage will be significant. But you can insulate it from the inside with your own hands, without resorting to outside help. All work is carried out quickly, without reducing the total volume of space. Saving others building materials, for example, the absence of glue, sheathing and cladding. The paint itself is the finishing coat.

It is not afraid of moisture, the walls can be washed and shelves can be attached. With Astratek paint you can insulate a garage not only from the inside, but also from the outside, which other types of insulation cannot boast of.

Basement insulation

Some garages have a basement, cellar or inspection hole. It would be a good idea to insulate them too. Due to the limited area, it is inconvenient to use mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to materials that require the construction of additional structures. For example, walls can be insulated with polyurethane foam and Astratek paint. These materials do not require additional waterproofing, which is very important in such rooms. But the polyurethane foam will need to be painted.

Another option is warm plaster. This is expanded vermiculite or polystyrene foam granules. This insulation is also a finishing coating, but the walls must be pre-plastered. Expanded clay can be poured onto the floor in a fraction of 5 to 20 mm. A larger option will shrink. The thickness of the coating should be about 10 cm.

You can also fill the floor with crushed stone (10 cm), sand on top (a soft layer) and fill it with bitumen on top.

Floor insulation

If the floor is earthen, then it can also be insulated. To do this, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil by 15 cm. Next, add a layer of sand or expanded clay. This is necessary for drainage, so that moisture does not accumulate under the insulation, and at the same time it will help level the surface.

Next, foam boards are laid. Sufficient thickness is 5 cm. This material does not require additional waterproofing. Next, sand 3–4 cm thick is poured onto the insulation. On top of the structure it is necessary to mount a frame made of reinforcement in two layers of 1 cm each. It is necessary for screeding. Fill cement mortar and let dry.

Instead of a screed, you can put a tongue and groove board. To do this, place on the drainage wooden joists in increments of 30–40 cm, between them is polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. All cracks must be sealed with foam. Attach boards to the top of the joists. Linoleum can be used as a finishing coating. It is better to start any insulation of the garage from the floor.

Otherwise, doing all the work without damaging the wall decoration will be problematic and inconvenient.