Build a slide out of wood. Making a slide with your own hands is the best entertainment for children. Preparing for work

Today we'll talk abouthow to do winter DIY children's slide.Let's consider detailed drawing and construction schemes, we will discuss the material and tools for the construction of this object.

The slide is the most interesting equipment for active games on the playground. You don’t have to buy expensive ones to please your child. ready-made solutions, of which there are many on the market. Today you have the opportunity to create a slide yourself. I hope the article will give you a good hint and be useful during construction.

So let's get started. Tools: miter saw, or hand saw, screwdriver, tape measure, pencil. To fasten the parts together, use wood screws.

Material - dry planed board with a thickness of at least 25 mm, or, in our case, a floor board 28 mm thick and 133 mm wide (without tenons). Our drawing is made for a board of exactly this size.

Scheme of construction of a children's slide.

Let's divide the construction of the slide into 3 stages: pedestal, ramp, stairs.

First of all, we assemble the pedestal, to which the ramp and staircase will later be attached.

We start with the side frames. If you are using a floor board, cut off the tenon.

We attach the guide for the flooring according to the dimensions indicated in the diagram.

We twist the sides together and we astil the floor.

At the second stage, we build the slide slope.

First we make the flooring for the slope. We cut boards 2000 mm long, connect them to each other - tenon into groove. We take into account the size of the pedestal opening for further fastening the ramp; in our case it is 900 mm. We lay the transverse boards for the bundle, retreating 200 mm from the edges of the slope, and twist the structure.

We prepare the sides. If you are using a floor board, it is advisable to cut off the tenon and turn the groove of the board so that it faces down. We make cuts for attaching to the pedestal.

We connect the sides with the slope

We screw the ramp to the pedestal.

The third stage - we install the stairs. First, we prepare 2 guides for the stairs.

We fix the guides on the pedestal.

We screw the thresholds. Threshold height 200 mm, quantity 4 pcs.

On the site next to country house or dacha, families with small children often equip a place for active games. Depending on your financial capabilities, desires and area of ​​the plot, you can choose one or another option. This could be a whole playground, a sandbox, a swing or a slide. Many designs can be purchased ready-made, or you can assemble them yourself. You will learn how to make a children's slide with your own hands from the article.

Construction rules

Before you figure out how to make a slide for children with your own hands, you should study the rules for its construction and installation. You need to remember the following:

The slide must certainly be stable, functional, durable and attractive. appearance. Its base can be concreted or use metal supports. All structural elements should be sanded and varnished.

Be sure to take into account the age of the child; if we are talking about preschoolers or primary schoolchildren, then the height of the slide should be a maximum of 3.5 m.

Types of children's slides

You need to choose the sizes and materials for a homemade slide depending on where exactly it will be installed. For example, if you need to make it not for the street, but for the room, then it should be small, and for production they use materials such as:

  • laminate;
  • plywood;
  • wood and more.

The principle of their manufacture is no different from construction work outdoor slides, but we are talking about much smaller dimensions.

And if we are talking about making an option for the street, then you should decide on the material, since working with each of them may differ. And the properties of this or that material also differ; they have their pros and cons. Their characteristics are:

Using the last option as an example, you will learn how to build a slide with your own hands for the street. After all, it is wooden slides that are most often installed in dachas.

DIY wooden slide

Since wood is the most affordable material, it is used for DIY construction. In addition, a wooden structure is easier to repair and easiest to install. Unlike metal structures, you won't need to use welding machine and other complex devices.

Works on construction of a wooden slide begin with preparatory activities. How successful the result will be depends on how correctly you perform them. At this stage you will need to do the following:

  • at the site where the slide is installed, remove the fertile soil and level the soil;
  • fill the area with sand and let it settle, compact the soil;
  • prepare wooden blanks (for example, boards for feet, timber for the base, railings or stringers and more), dry them, saw them according to the drawing and sand them well. Then saturate them with the protective mixture;
  • paint the steps, handrails and boards for the “tunnel” in two layers of enamel, taking into account intermediate sanding;
  • prepare the side elements for lining the tunnel and side and treat everything with impregnation.

When the preparation is completed, you can create the basis for the future structure and perform subsequent actions. The algorithm is like this:

Naturally, there are different manufacturing options. It all depends on what kind of design it will be. Perhaps it will consist of two slides different sizes And additional elements. It will be more difficult to do this on your own.

Materials for the ramp

Even the slope itself can be made based on various materials. In addition to plywood, the following may be suitable for it:

  • sheet of plastic (has the most best characteristics non-slip, but may crack);
  • galvanized sheet 0.5 mm thick;
  • linoleum.

In addition, the wood can be polished with wax. Some people line the slope with laminate, but this is not recommended, since laminate tends to deform under load or moisture.

Ensuring safety and durability

During construction, it is necessary to follow a number of rules so that the structure lasts as long as possible, and parents do not worry about the safety of the child.

In particular, secure each structural element as securely as possible. Ready slide made of wood, it is not recommended to cover plain oil paint. Better to use acrylic coating or high quality varnish. At least this applies to the slope as the most used part of the product. Decorative coating must be applied in several layers, each one must be dried before applying the next one.

The covering of the ramp will wear off over time, so it needs to be properly cared for. Each time before painting, the surface should be sanded, all deformations on the boards should be eliminated, and cracks should be filled. And only after these steps the surface is covered with paint.

To ensure your child's safety while playing, remember the following:

  • Periodically, the wooden slide needs to be inspected to see if there are any deformations or cracked joints on the surface. This is especially important after winter;
  • It is better to install the slide in the shade, preferably so that it is clearly visible from the window;
  • there should be no plants near the installation site, causing allergies, poisonous or thorny plants. And honey-bearing flowers can attract bees, which can be dangerous for children;
  • Pipes cannot be placed next to the slide, electrical cables or hoses.

If the slide will be made for common use, then there should be enough space around it for several children to be there at the same time.

When constructing a slide, you need to carefully plan everything and take into account all the risks. Regardless of what material is used, you need to carefully study its properties.

Now you know how to make a slide with your own hands in the country or near a country house. You just need to select the right materials for the job and follow certain parameters. Over time, you will be able to add swings, equipment, a carousel and other devices to the slide.

In the courtyard country house or at personal plot dachas will be the best entertainment for children playground with a slide. You can make a children's slide with your own hands. The main thing is to know what materials and tools you will need, and to draw up a competent project plan. After all, there are many combinations: with a steep and sloping descent, with carved decorations, additional play areas, etc. Such entertainment will appeal to children aged from two to eight years.

Types of children's slides

Construction and children's stores offer a wide range of ready-made outdoor and indoor slides for children. Small structures are suitable for installation inside the house, if the height of the ceilings of the home allows this. But bulky slopes are more suitable for the street. Each model has its own design features, and differs in materials of manufacture:

The last option is best for self-made and installation on a summer cottage or in the courtyard of a private house, due to the availability of material, the possibility quick repair or replacing broken parts. In order to repair or install a wooden slide with your own hands, you do not need to call specialists, use welding, etc.

A set of necessary tools

To make a wooden slide for children in the country with your own hands, you will need a fairly large set professional tool. Some tools are sure to be found in every man’s garage or attic; something will have to be purchased or borrowed, for example, from a friend or neighbor. To make a children's slide out of wood You will need the following tools:

Armed necessary tool, you can start designing a future entertainment area and purchasing materials for making a ramp.

Creating a Project

Nowadays you can find a lot of ready-made drawings, diagrams, and 3D projects on the Internet, so you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel” yourself. Volumetric models with detailed instructions installation and list necessary materials will help you create designs for children of all ages. They may differ in the material for the descent, the type of stairs, supporting structures, height, etc. When developing a project for a children's slide made of wood The following factors should be taken into account:

In addition, the dimensions of the structure are taken into account, which will help to correctly calculate the width of the ramp and the angle of inclination of the trigger element. When making a wooden slide at the dacha with your own hands, you should take into account the child’s opinion and his wishes.

Materials required for construction

Of course, the dimensions and quantity of materials that will be used to create supports, stiffeners, railings, upper railings, steps and other elements directly depend on the dimensions of the homemade wooden slide for children. These details are clarified when choosing a play area project. To understand what materials may be needed, as well as what the installation and construction process will be, we took as an example a project for a children's slide with a slope of 3 meters and an upper platform of 50*50 cm.

List of building materials:

Additional building elements for fastening - these are galvanized screws and anchors. If you need to improve the string of the stairs, then you should stock up on additional lumber.

Construction stages

The process of building a durable slide for children can be divided into several stages. This includes preparation (of materials and installation location), installation of playground supports, flooring, production of a ramp, stairs and safety structures. All these steps are important, poorly executed installation work, can reduce the operational life of the entire structure, as well as reduce the safety of use.

Preparing materials and space for the slide

First of all, you need to take care of the quality of the wood. It must be well dried, this will help to avoid deformation of the bars when using the slide.

This is followed by the stage of processing the lumber with an electric planer, which will allow you to quickly get rid of wood knots and nicks. After this, you will need to sand the wood and round the chamfers. The lower part of the beams is treated with a moisture-resistant material that prevents the wood from rotting, for example, resin or waterproofing mastic.

After this, you can begin to prepare a place for a children's wooden slide. Land plot will need to be well leveled, and then mark the areas where the supporting elements will be installed. The depth of the holes in the corners of the square should be at least half a meter. The lower part of the recesses is covered with crushed stone and sand.

Installation of supports and floor

The support beams are securely installed in the prepared location and then concreted. The structure can be strengthened using a “bundle”. To do this, small cuts-grooves of 2 cm are made in the racks, and a planed board is inserted into them, connecting the supporting elements to each other. Large screws or self-tapping screws are used as fastenings.

After the supports are installed, it is time to begin installing the floor of the top deck of the slide. Wooden bars of stiffeners are laid parallel to each other, followed by laying floor boards. It is worth taking care in advance to ensure that there is no accumulation of rainwater, for this purpose a small gap (5-7 millimeters) is left between the boards.

Making the escapement

If a factory-made plastic ramp is used in the construction of a slide for children, then its installation will not take much time; you just need to screw it to the finished structure. When using lumber, the floorboards are fastened together, and wooden railings are mounted along them.

Floor upper platform attached to the slope in several ways: by forming an acute angle ( optimal inclination equal to 45 o) or cutting out grooves. Important point , this is stripping the wood that forms the slope; it must be perfectly smooth. After sanding, the surface of the slope is coated with varnish or special paint.

To make a ramp, you can choose other materials, for example, slippery plastic sheet, galvanized steel, durable plywood, thick linoleum. Any of this material is applied to a wooden slide, which improves the sliding process as a child slides down the slide. To reduce the risk of injury to the children's slide, any irregularities and places where screws are attached are sanded and coated with special paints.

Installation of stairs and railings

The landing of a wooden slide built with your own hands must consist of at least several steps. The type of construction is selected individually; the ladder can be installed on a stringer or bowstring. How younger child, for which yard entertainment is being made, the smaller the march of steps should be. After this, you can begin attaching the fences, the size and height of which directly depends on the dimensions of the structure and the age of the children.

After installing a children's wooden slide, it is recommended to take care of the safety of the children who will ride on it. It is necessary to arrange the landing area by decorating this place with a sand mound or a soft sports mat. You need to take care in advance to clear the space from thorny bushes, stones, pipes, etc. Periodically checking the structure for dried boards, especially after winter, will help avoid unwanted childhood injuries. This slide goes well with other play elements made with my own hands, for example, benches and sandboxes.

Slides, like swings, are one of the most popular outdoor activities for children. Any children's playground is equipped with a slide.

Recently, some parents have been afraid to send their children to the playground themselves, especially during rush hour. The slide itself is almost not dangerous and is equipped with a number of safety measures. But the public slide itself carries danger in the form of other children.

Imagine what would happen if several children climbed a fairly high hill and decided to fly down the hill like a caterpillar? Often such experiments end in failure. Therefore, now some parents, whenever possible, limit their children from such dangers and build similar slides in their yard, garden, and even vegetable garden.

The only thing left to do is to design and build such a slide.

Types of children's slides and child's age

To begin with, you need to decide view of the slide. There are a huge number of them: small, medium, very large, plastic, metal, double, with a whole range of additional capabilities.

On playgrounds you can often find metal slides. This design is easy to mass produce and durable. Convenient for use by a large number of children.

But regarding safety This type of slide has a number of disadvantages:

  • The height and sharp angle of the slope make the metal slide dangerous for use by very young children.
  • In the sun, a metal slope can heat up to very high temperatures.

In a relationship perfect combination slide size, relative safety and convenience the best option counts wooden slide . It can be either standard or with various additions to its design.

There are double sided slides with space for rope and rope ladders. Such slides attract children's attention much more.

And when it's hot summer time children will not mind playing on inflatable slide. The slope of such a slide ends directly in a pool of water. This slide can be used by children aged three years and older under adult supervision. It is not recommended to fill the pool too deep, especially if your child cannot swim.

Which material to choose?

For the youngest children, slides are made from plastic. This design consists of a low ladder (usually no higher than a meter) and a plastic ramp, which has the minimum possible angle of inclination for safe use by children.

But making such a slide yourself is impractical. It's better to buy finished product, considering that on the market you can find both the most budget options, and more expensive.

The best material for making your own slide is tree. Wood is flexible in terms of creating a wide variety of designs, inexpensive and environmentally friendly.

Creating a metal slide frame is a difficult task. Additional equipment, materials, and skills are required. Therefore, those parents who want to pamper their children opt for wood.

Some craftsmen successfully combine a slide made of a wooden base and a metal or plastic stingray suitable size.

It can be purchased at a hardware store, or ordered from a factory.

Making a slide out of wood?

Let's consider wooden model slides for children 3-8 years old with a metal slope.

We will need:

  • 12 beams for the base;
  • several boards for covering the top of the slide;
  • flat board for the ramp pallet;
  • metal or plastic slope;
  • 2 boards for the ramp railing;
  • boards for stairs;
  • nails;
  • plywood.
  1. First you need to build base for the slide. The design of our base will be the simplest, but at the same time quite stable. It will be a rectangle one and a half meters high and a meter wide. To build such a rectangle, we need 4 one and a half meter beams and 8 meter ones.
  2. We will find free space in the garden or any other area where we plan to install a slide. Let's get started assembling the base. Assemble a square from four meter long beams and firmly nail it together using nails.
  3. Now take one and a half meter beams and fasten them perpendicular to the resulting square at the corners. Complete the base by using the last four timbers for the roof of the rectangle. Top base cover with boards for added stability and safety.
  4. Cut squares of plywood to the appropriate size and nail them to the sides and top of the base. If desired, the resulting walls can be painted.
  5. The next step is attaching the ramp to the base. To begin with, install the ramp railing at an appropriate angle so that the child does not fly to the ground while playing. The resulting sides must be at least 15 centimeters. Attach a base - a flat board - under the railing.
  6. Now install directly by yourself stingray. The fastening process is very simple. Using a special stapler for metal, attach the slope to a wooden pallet, pressing it tightly and spreading it evenly.
  7. Then you can start building stairs. Decide on the height of the child who will use this slide. Based on this, you can determine the most suitable distance between the steps of the stairs and the height of the railings.
  8. Choose a convenient one staircase angle. The smaller the angle of inclination, the easier it will be for the child to climb the slide.

The last part of building a children's slide is installing handrails on stairs and top. They should be high enough so that the child feels safe and does not panic at the top of the slide. The wood intended for railings must first be sanded so that there are no knots or snags.

Drawing of a simple wooden slide

When building, keep in mind that it is better to make a slide “to grow” so that it lasts a long time.

On video detailed master Class:

Don't doubt your decision to build a slide. This is quite a feasible task for most parents. Such a slide can be many times safer for your child. You will take into account all the nuances, combine safety aspects and find a compromise that will allow you not to worry about how your child spends his leisure time in the future.

Children carry a powerful charge of energy, so a playground is an indispensable attribute of any summer cottage, where there are children.

Absolutely any number of entertainment items can be installed on the site. It all depends on the financial capabilities and wishes of the owners.

You can also please your children by doing some fun with your own hands. As an example, a children's slide. Absolutely simple to construct, and will delight you for many years if you take the process seriously.

The process of creating a slide and final result will serve as an additional source of joy at minimal cost. A children's slide at the dacha will be the best entertainment for children.

Wooden slide

Such a building can even be placed inside the house, if the size of your area allows it. When building a slide, it is important to remember that you need to use environmentally friendly raw materials, since the child will be in direct contact with it. A children's slide made of wood is best suited for such entertainment.

But if you decide to build from other materials, then make sure that there are no harmful components.
This also applies to the bright colors that are usually used to decorate the slide.

It is important to monitor such inserts both for the content of harmful substances and for resistance to fire.

Install strong railings regardless of your child's age. In any case, this will protect you from unwanted injuries and falls. The railing will also act as a support for the child’s balance.

Wooden slide safety

A children's wooden slide should first of all be a safe object for play. It will fit perfectly into any exterior and interior of the house thanks to its calm style decision. It will not be the first to catch your eye, but will only emphasize the previously created style.

In the summer, in the sun, a wooden slide heats up slowly, without burning the child on contact, like, for example, slides made of metal. This is a big plus when children often play outside.

Such a slide can be installed anywhere on the site, and not just where there is always shade and coolness. The child will get burned on the metal, and the wood will only become warm in direct sunlight.

Even if a plastic outdoor slide is more convenient, its weak frame will not serve you for long. It will crack, and the child may get injured from riding such a slide.

Location of the slide on the site

The slide must be located away from extraneous buildings and trees. This precaution will not be superfluous, because it will make your baby’s games more comfortable.

You can also dot the perimeter around the slide with grass or cover it with a special artificial turf. The descent from the slide will be softer in the future and the child has a minimum chance of falling.

The base is best secured or concreted. Even if the child cannot move the structure with his own hands, then from frequent rolling it may itself tip over.

The height of the structure should depend on the age of the child. It is advisable not to exceed more than 2 times the height of the person who will use it. There should be no cracks, openings or holes in the structure.

Take this seriously, as children, while actively moving, do not notice small obstacles. The child may get caught or stuck.

DIY slide

If you are interested in the question of how to make a high-quality children's slide with your own hands, then you need to follow all these tips. Then the child, while riding down the slide, will be completely safe and will remain without unwanted injuries.


If we are talking about wooden structure, then you can develop drawings of a children's slide yourself. Choose the color, texture and even shape at your own request or use an already ready photo children's slide to complete the picture.

The materials you will need are nails, boards, slats and wooden beams. Also make sure you have a hammer, saw and plane. These are the most basic tools for the job.

You can simplify your construction using a hand or electric drill. When assembling the structure, carefully check that there are no nails sticking out anywhere.

The stingray may be from plastic material. After all, over time, a wooden slope can develop clues if it is not treated with anything.

But with metal slide everything is much harder. Here you will need a metal welding machine. If you decide to make the slope metal, then paint it with a special paint that will not allow it to heat up quickly.


Photo of a children's slide with your own hands
