DIY stainless steel slide slide. How much does a finished slide cost? Ensuring safety and durability

The slide will be the most fun entertainment for children if you install it on personal plot. While you are working in the garden, children will have fun riding on the slide. And if you have a sufficient number of tools and materials, as well as golden hands, then you can make a children’s slide from wood or metal yourself, and it will cost much less than an expensive structure from a store.

Types of children's slides

Children's slide is optimal design for children from 3 to 7 years old, which can be installed in your garden. Let's see what slides can be installed on the territory country house. Today there are the following types of children's slides: inflatable, plastic, metal, wooden.

Inflatable slides

These slides are made of durable polyvinyl chloride and are suitable for the smallest children. They are easily inflated using an electric pump or hand pump and are installed in any convenient place in the garden, but only on a flat surface. Since even the most durable film can be pierced by any sharp object, it is best to place the attraction on an asphalt, concrete or stone area so that branches, stones, and nails cannot damage PVC film. After summer is over, you can simply deflate the inflatable slide, put it in a special case and hide it in the closet until next year.

The inflatable slide can be easily installed in any convenient place in the garden

Plastic slides

Such factory designs are intended for riding by children aged 3 to 5 years. Made of durable plastic, the slide can be made in any geometric shape to make it interesting for the child to ride on it. The plastic slide does not take up much space, is easy to clean, has an excellent sliding smooth surface and is absolutely safe for children over 3 years old. Since the slope has a high degree of heat capacity, you can ride on such a slide even in the cold season. The plastic will be warm in winter and cool in summer, so children will be comfortable enough to go down the slope.

A plastic slide is best suited for children aged 3 to 5 years.

Metal slides

These are reliable and durable structures that will last for decades with proper and proper care of the metal parts of the slide. It is possible to make a slide of any height, and therefore the slide is suitable for children over 10 years old. Significant disadvantage The metal slide has a high thermal conductivity of the material, so it will be very cold to ride on it in winter, and hot in summer. A metal slide must be painted regularly in order to protect it from premature corrosion.

Metal slide at proper care will last for decades

Wooden slides

A wooden slide is the most convenient and environmentally friendly for installation in the courtyard of a country house or in the country.

Photo gallery: options for children's slides

Children's slides made of wood are considered the most environmentally friendly An inflatable children's slide for the winter can be deflated and stored in the pantry A metal slide can get very hot in summer, and in winter it can cool down to subzero temperature Children will love the highly curved finished plastic pipe A low wooden slide with a metal slide is perfect for kids. It is better to install a wooden slide next to the sandbox, trampoline and horizontal bars to create a full-fledged playground

Preparing to work on creating a wooden slide

Before making a wooden slide with your own hands, you need to draw up an accurate design, drawing and make calculations of the entire structure. Today, thanks to the Internet, you can easily calculate its dimensions, make a project in 3D format and see how the slide will look when finished.

slide project

For a small child, it is best to build a low, gentle slide so that he can climb up and down it independently. Older children will enjoy a slide with twists and turns. When creating a slide project, you should consider the following features:

  • it is necessary to calculate the number of steps and the optimal distance between them, as well as the steepness of the march, all this depends on the height of the children. The taller the child, the greater the distance between the steps should be. You also need to decide on the height of the handrails and their installation location;
  • a slide for children should have a gentle staircase, and children over 7 years old can have vertical steps;
  • the dimensions of the slide depend on the expected width and height of the slope, as well as the enclosing sides;
  • the installation site of the structure must be level, and before the descent, sufficient space should be left for safe skiing;
  • The angle of descent and steepness of the stairs should be absolutely safe for your child.

When building a slide, you must take into account the wishes of the children and rely on your own abilities.

Slide drawing

First, they draw up a plan diagram of the slide. You can draw your own drawing or find a ready-made layout on the Internet. Ready-made drawings of wooden slides are convenient because they indicate the exact proportions of the structural elements and the dimensions of the parts.

Calculation of the amount of material

To build a slide structure with a descent length of 3 meters and a platform size of 50x50 cm you will need:

  • 4 wooden beams size 10x10x150 cm for the installation of supports;
  • 2 wooden beams measuring 2x4x50 cm to enhance the strength of the platform;
  • 2 wooden beams measuring 3x3x50 cm for mounting the site fencing;
  • 2 wooden beams measuring 3x3x150 cm for installing railings;
  • 4 boards measuring 2x10x50cm for the lower connection of the supports (structural strength device);
  • 5 boards measuring 2.5x10x50 cm for flooring on the site;
  • no more than 8 boards measuring 2.5x10x30 cm for mounting steps;
  • 2 or more floorboards 3 meters long or water-repellent plywood more than 2 cm thick for installing the drain. If desired, you can use plastic ramp, which is produced in a factory. It can be purchased from specialized companies or made to order;
  • 2 boards measuring 2.5x10x300 cm for installing ramp fencing;
  • screws and anchors for fastening structural elements. The fasteners must be galvanized so that they do not rust in the future. It is better not to take nails when building a slide;
  • 2 boards or beams of appropriate length for the construction of a climbing stringer or string for steps. Under the upper platform of the frame, if desired, you can make a large, spacious box for storing various children's toys and sports equipment.

List of tools

To build a children's slide from wooden elements you will need the following set of tools:

  • construction tape;
  • good hammer;
  • plumb line or level;
  • drill;
  • electric saw or gasoline saw;
  • Sander;
  • carpenter's plane.

Stages of construction of a wooden children's slide

Before you start choosing material for building a children's slide, you should select a place on the site to install the attraction. It is recommended to level the place where it is decided to install the slide. It is better to place the slide away from trees and various buildings. The surface around the structure can be covered with a rubber coating or sown with lawn grass.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a wooden slide

  1. To construct the slide structure, it is necessary to use only completely dried wooden boards, as this will significantly reduce the incidence of various deformations in the future. All boards must be thoroughly processed with a plane to remove knots and nicks, and also sanded with a special sanding machine. It is also necessary to chamfer, that is, round all sharp corners of the boards.

    Boards and wooden beams are considered the most environmentally friendly material for creating children's attractions

  2. The lower part of the support pillars must be treated with good antiseptic agents: fire retardant, waterproofing mastic, resin or waste machine oil, as they will avoid premature rotting of the wood and its damage.
  3. At the installation site of the slide, you should mark the points for installing the racks of the structure. These are four square sectors measuring 50x50 cm. Then you need to dig holes 50–60 cm deep and fill them with a sand-crushed stone mixture to about 20 cm. This will be additional protection for the support posts.
  4. Wooden posts are installed in the prepared wells and filled with concrete. To make the supports strong, they are “tied” at the bottom. To do this, grooves 2 cm in size are cut out in the support posts using a milling cutter or a regular chisel. Then, insert the board for the lower connection of the supports into the cut grooves and connect the supports to each other. Fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws. If you plan not to dig the supports into the ground, then you will have to install strong guy wires on the supports.
  5. To install the surface of the upper platform of the slide, take 2 wooden beams measuring 2x4x50 cm to enhance the strength of the platform and 5 boards measuring 2.5x10x50 cm for the floor. The beams are laid out parallel to each other, and then prepared pine floorboards are attached to them. Gaps of a few millimeters are left between the boards for drainage.

    To install the top platform of a wooden slide, polished boards that are free of knots and nicks are required.

  6. A slide for a slide can be made of wood and made of plastic, and then it just needs to be fixed to the constructed structure. To make a wooden ramp, take floorboards 3 meters long or water-repellent plywood and fasten them together along the slope, and then install sides for the fence from two boards measuring 2.5x10x300 cm. You can attach the ramp to the floor surface of the upper platform by forming an angle of 45°, and then screwing the boards to the base. The second option is to saw the grooves. The lower part of the slope, like the upper part, is sawed at a certain angle. This will ensure greater stability of the entire structure.

    When creating a children's slide with your own hands, the easiest way is to use a plastic slide

  7. The boards from which the slope is made must be well sanded before assembling them and after installing the slope. The slide must be perfectly smooth and even, without knots or snags, so that the child does not get a splinter or abrasion while riding the slide.

    The wooden slide for the slide should be as level and smooth as possible so that the child does not get hurt during the descent

  8. A slide for a slide can be made from a plastic sheet, as it has excellent sliding properties. But plastic can crack due to temperature changes and heavy physical activity, so it is not entirely suitable for areas with harsh climatic conditions.
  9. Galvanized steel sheet with a thickness of more than 0.5 mm will be great solution for creating a smooth slope for a wooden slide. You can also use thin plywood, linoleum, as well as a special wax polish applied to the wood. All these materials can be laid on top of a wooden ramp, they will make the descent easy and fast.
  10. For older children, you can make a complex spiral ramp, but then you will have to approach its design in more detail, and additional coverage will be mandatory in this case. Remember that any unevenness of the slope, sharp edges and corners of metal sheets, as well as other traumatic elements can cause serious injuries to children. Therefore, all places where the screws are attached must be thoroughly sanded, and the slope itself must be varnished or painted.
  11. To make a staircase, you need to make a bowstring or stringer - this depends on the developed drawing. There should be a lot of steps so that it is convenient for the child to go up to the platform or go down if necessary.
  12. Fences (railings) depend on the design of the slide, its height, and the size of the upper platform. It is best to make high railings so that the child does not accidentally lean over them and fall. Also, the fence on the slope should be high so that the child does not fly out while skiing.

Finishing a wooden slide

Even if it seems that making a children's slide is very simple, you should take into account some nuances.

For the rotary descent device, you can take high-quality flexible plywood.

Each element and detail of the staircase must be well and securely fastened. It is recommended to paint wooden elements and parts of the slide not with oil, but with acrylic waterproof paint, but best of all - with water-repellent varnish, which is used to cover yacht decks. This coating must be applied in several layers with the obligatory drying of each subsequent layer.

In order for the child to land softly during the descent, there should be a mat or a good sand mound below.

Painted acrylic paint The wooden slide looks bright and attracts children's attention

Since the slope is constantly exposed to friction during skating, it will have to be painted periodically. Before this, you will need to re-sand the surface, eliminate all existing defects and fill the resulting cracks with high-quality putty.

The slide is best installed in the yard in shady place so that it can be seen from the window of the house. This will be the best way to keep an eye on children as they ride.

Near the slide there should be no thorny bushes, allergenic or poisonous plants berries, such as datura and foxglove, so that children do not accidentally get poisoned by their berries. Honey plants should not grow nearby as they will attract bees and wasps, which could accidentally sting a rolling child.

You should leave plenty of free space near the slide so that many children can be there at the same time.

Video: how to build a wooden children's slide yourself

Metal slide for children: preparation

Metal structures for country houses are no less popular than wooden ones and therefore a metal slide will look great on any personal plot. Children will be able to have fun and not distract their parents from activities in the garden. If you can work with welding, then building such a slide will not be difficult.

A metal slide will look great on any garden plot; this design is durable and reliable.

Advantages of a metal slide:

  • high degree of strength and reliability;
  • durability;
  • high level of wear resistance;
  • sustainability.

Design disadvantages:

  • reaction to temperature changes (very hot in summer and cool in winter);
  • rapid corrosion of metal without appropriate treatment and care;
  • the difficulty of making an attraction without proper experience working with metal and welding.

Required materials

The length of all elements will depend on the size and dimensions of the future slide. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the supports must be concreted into the ground. To create a metal slide you will need:

  • square pipes measuring 3x50x50 mm or round pipes with a diameter of about 50 mm for support posts;
  • square pipes measuring 2x50x50 mm to create the upper platform, descent, railings and flights of stairs;
  • galvanized metal sheet more than 3 mm thick to create a slide slope;
  • wooden boards for steps if necessary;
  • metal corners with a 5x5 cm strip;
  • anti-corrosion agents and primer;
  • special water-repellent paint for metal;
  • cement, sand and crushed stone.

Tools for installing the slide

To create a children's slide made of metal, you will need the following set of tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • electric or gas welding;
  • drill;
  • building level;
  • Sander.

Stages of manufacturing a metal children's slide

The first step will be to develop a drawing that will greatly simplify the calculation required material and places of fastening of all elements and parts of the slide structure.

To make a metal slide, you will need a more careful design drawing compared to a wooden attraction.

Step-by-step instructions for making a metal slide

  1. To create the top platform of the slide, you need to make a frame from a thick pipe with a square cross-section, and then cover it with a sheet of metal and weld it. To make the platform strong, it is necessary to weld the iron corners at the bottom in a criss-cross manner. To avoid strong slipping, you need to use ribbed metal or choose another anti-slip rough coating (rubber is possible).
  2. To construct the frame, support pipes (racks) must be welded to the upper platform. It is necessary to weld square metal “heels” to the lower edges, which will give greater stability to the entire structure. Without them, the supports can sag significantly under the irresistible force of gravity, and the entire frame of the slide can simply tilt.

    It is better to strengthen the support pillars of the slide cross pipes so that the structure does not deform over time

  3. Installation of an iron frame begins with drilling holes in the ground. The pits must be at least 60 cm deep. We pour a sand and crushed stone cushion onto their bottom, on which supports with “heels” will be installed. You should pour water over them and let them sit for about 24 hours. Then the supports are installed strictly vertically in level and filled with concrete.
  4. The construction of the staircase is as follows. On one side of the structure, two inclined square iron pipes must be welded to the upper platform of the frame, which will serve as the main staircase. Then the steps will be welded to them. You can make a frame of marches from the corners, and the steps themselves can be made from sanded and dried wooden boards or rectangular metal elements. Wooden steps are safe, especially in the cold season, while metal is more slippery and more dangerous. But if you provide the steps with an anti-slip rubber coating, then you can also use metal sheets.
  5. Slide railings (fences) for children are best made from metal mesh, but for older children, metal railings with wooden handrails. The distance between all the parts (pipes) of the fences should be such that the child cannot get stuck between them if he suddenly wants to crawl through them.
  6. When determining the curvature of the gutter for the slope, it is necessary to keep in mind that the angle of inclination should be steep at the very top and flatter at the bottom. This way you will provide your child with a natural way of braking, which means a smooth, safe landing.
  7. From metal sheet You can make a descent of any shape (helical, straight, twisted). To do this, you need to bend two frame square pipes into the desired configuration using a pipe bender or hot welding. Then the upper ends are welded to the site parallel to each other, and the lower ends are buried in the ground. After this, stiffening ribs are welded to them, which are transverse crossbars. On this design lay a rectangular sheet of metal intended for the descent device and weld it along the edges to parallel frame pipes. The sheet is overlapped so that the child can ride comfortably. For a ramp, it is best to take a galvanized, stainless or aluminum sheet.
  8. It must be remembered that metal elements The slides will get very hot in the summer, and the child may get burned while riding. And in winter, the metal will freeze very much, which is also inconvenient for children, especially since at low temperatures the baby’s wet hands can “stick” to the metal. Therefore, it is best to cover the descent with linoleum, and all metal elements that the child will touch can be covered with rubber pads.
  9. Parallel to the base of the slope, at approximately a height of 5–10 cm, special elements made of reinforcement or thin pipe are installed, which will act as sides enclosing the slope. They will make riding safe for kids. In order to prevent the child’s hands or feet from getting into the gap between the side and the ramp while skating, it is necessary to sew it up with the remains of a metal sheet.
  10. Since the metal slope is quite light and can bend under its own weight, as well as under a child, it is best to weld additional strong stands under the chute for the descent and bury their lower part in the ground.

Final finishing of a metal children's slide

After completing all welding work, it is necessary to carefully process all seams, edges and corners of the structure with an electric grinder in order to ensure complete safety for children while riding.

All metal elements should be treated with anti-corrosion primer and painted with metal paint. It is not recommended to paint the slope itself, as this will slow down the sliding process; the slope is already made of stainless material.

Where possible, all metal elements should be covered with rubber pads, which can protect children from burns in summer and freezing hands in winter. Cover the slide area with a special coating that has anti-slip properties.

Pipes for making the frame must have thick walls (at least 3 mm or more) so that they do not bend during operation. This is especially true for the pipes from which the support posts will be made. Quality metal profile and sheet for the ramp - a very important factor when building a children's slide.

The location for installing the attraction must be chosen to be level and preferably on a hill where there is no groundwater, as it can over time wash away the structure and cause it to sag.

To install a slide, it is best to choose an area where you can later install other children’s attributes: a sandbox, swings, carousels, horizontal bars. This will make an excellent children's sports and entertainment area.

Video: making a children's slide from metal

Thus, it’s easy to make a children’s wooden or metal slide with your own hands if you follow all technological processes and follow the drawing and dimensions exactly. Children will appreciate your efforts and will be happy to ride on such a slide both in summer and winter, having fun in your country house.

On the site next to country house or dacha, families with small children often equip a place for active games. Depending on your financial capabilities, desires and area of ​​the plot, you can choose one or another option. This could be a whole playground, a sandbox, a swing or a slide. Many designs can be purchased ready-made, or you can assemble them yourself. You will learn how to make a children's slide with your own hands from the article.

Construction rules

Before you figure out how to make a slide for children with your own hands, you should study the rules for its construction and installation. You need to remember the following:

The slide must be stable, functional, durable and attractive appearance. Its base can be concreted or use metal supports. All structural elements should be sanded and varnished.

Be sure to take into account the age of the child; if we are talking about preschoolers or primary schoolchildren, then the height of the slide should be a maximum of 3.5 m.

Types of children's slides

You need to choose the sizes and materials for a homemade slide depending on where exactly it will be installed. For example, if you need to make it not for the street, but for the room, then it should be small, and for production they use materials such as:

  • laminate;
  • plywood;
  • wood and more.

The principle of their manufacture is no different from construction work outdoor slides, but we are talking about much smaller dimensions.

And if we are talking about making an option for the street, then you should decide on the material, since working with each of them may differ. And the properties of this or that material also differ; they have their pros and cons. Their characteristics are:

Using the last option as an example, you will learn how to build a slide with your own hands for the street. After all, it is wooden slides They are most often installed in dachas.

DIY wooden slide

Since wood is the most affordable material, it is used for DIY construction. In addition, a wooden structure is easier to repair and easiest to install. Unlike metal structures, you do not need to use welding machine and other complex devices.

Works on construction of a wooden slide begin with preparatory activities. How successful the result will be depends on how correctly you perform them. At this stage you will need to do the following:

  • at the site where the slide is installed, remove the fertile soil and level the soil;
  • fill the area with sand and let it settle, compact the soil;
  • prepare wooden blanks (for example, boards for feet, timber for the base, railings or stringers and more), dry them, saw them according to the drawing and sand them well. Then saturate them with a protective mixture;
  • paint the steps, handrails and boards for the “tunnel” in two layers of enamel, taking into account intermediate sanding;
  • prepare the side elements for lining the tunnel and side and treat everything with impregnation.

When the preparation is completed, you can create the basis for the future structure and perform subsequent actions. The algorithm is like this:

Naturally, there are different manufacturing options. It all depends on what kind of design it will be. Perhaps it will consist of two slides different sizes and additional elements. It will be more difficult to do this on your own.

Materials for the ramp

Even the slope itself can be made based on various materials. In addition to plywood, the following may be suitable for it:

  • sheet of plastic (has the most best characteristics slip-resistant, but may crack);
  • galvanized sheet 0.5 mm thick;
  • linoleum.

In addition, the wood can be polished with wax. Some people line the slope with laminate, but this is not recommended, since laminate tends to deform under load or moisture.

Ensuring safety and durability

During construction, it is necessary to follow a number of rules so that the structure lasts as long as possible, and parents do not worry about the safety of the child.

In particular, secure each structural element as securely as possible. It is not recommended to cover a finished wooden slide with plain oil paint. Better to use acrylic coating or high quality varnish. At least this applies to the slope as the most used part of the product. Decorative coating must be applied in several layers, each one must be dried before applying the next one.

The covering of the ramp will wear off over time, so it needs to be properly cared for. Each time before painting, the surface should be sanded, all deformations on the boards should be eliminated, and cracks should be filled. And only after these steps the surface is covered with paint.

To ensure your child's safety while playing, remember the following:

  • Periodically, the wooden slide needs to be inspected to see if there are any deformations or cracked joints on the surface. This is especially important after winter;
  • It is better to install the slide in the shade, preferably so that it is clearly visible from the window;
  • there should be no plants near the installation site, causing allergies, poisonous or thorny plants. And honey-bearing flowers can attract bees, which can be dangerous for children;
  • No pipes, electrical cables or hoses should be placed near the slide.

If the slide will be made for common use, then there should be enough space around it for several children to be there at the same time.

When constructing a slide, you need to carefully plan everything and take into account all the risks. Regardless of what material is used, you need to carefully study its properties.

Now you know how to make a slide with your own hands in the country or near a country house. You just need to select the right materials for the job and follow certain parameters. Over time, you will be able to add swings, equipment, a carousel and other devices to the slide.

Mandatory elements of the attraction complex on summer cottage There is a sandbox, a swing and, of course, a slide, which even older children will enjoy riding on. Most of them can be made independently, saving on the expensive purchase of ready-made structures. For example, constructing a children's slide with your own hands is quite simple, using available materials.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of slides

In order to choose the material from which the children's slide will be made, you need to carefully read each of them, weighing all the pros and cons. The most popular are:

  • tree;
  • metal.

Even though they have a similar design, the manufacturing process is still different. The reason for this is the characteristics of the materials.

Each of these slides for children is built according to a standard layout, which includes:

In addition, the classic design is often supplemented with all sorts of internal labyrinths, sandboxes, additional descents - here everything depends only on your imagination.


  1. Low financial costs. Since wood is relatively inexpensive, and specialized tools are not needed to process it.
  2. Ease of manufacture. Construction of a slide from wooden planks and bars will not require you to have special construction abilities and skills. Often it is enough to adhere to the scheme according to which the structure is made.
  3. Minimum tools. To construct a slide you will not need a large number of various devices.
  4. Environmental Safety. Wood, as a rule, not only does not cause allergies, but also does not emit toxic substances when heated.
  5. Any place to install the slide. Unlike metal structure, a wooden attraction can be placed in any convenient place on the site, since in the burning sun the wood will not heat up and will not burn little fidgets.


  1. Susceptibility to rotting. Wood is a material that requires treatment with special protective agents and varnish. If this is not done, then the slide begins to rot and dry out under the influence of external factors.
  2. Descent deformation. This happens due to exposure to rain and sunlight.

During installation wooden structure Special attention It's worth paying attention to the stingray. To cover it, it is best to purchase factory-made material, for example, linoleum or plastic. The latter is more expensive, but more reliable and safer.

If desired, it is very easy to remake a wooden slide, for example, turn it into a pirate ship.

Metal constructions

Just a few years ago, such slides decorated almost every yard. With proper care, they can last a very long time.

There are practically no significant differences between a wooden and a metal slide, except that an iron structure will require pouring a foundation. This design consists of:

  • small sites;
  • descent;
  • ladders made of pipes.


  1. Structural strength. The advantage of a metal structure is that it does not require special care, it can withstand temperature changes, rain and high humidity, as well as heavy loads.
  2. Reliability. It rarely happens that any part of such a design becomes loose or comes off.


  • Difficult to install. To install a metal slide you will need a welding machine and the ability to use it. Moreover, you will need knowledge of metal working technology.
  • Heats up quickly in the sun. Iron is subject to rapid rise and fall in surface temperature depending on the time of year. If you install the slide in a place where the sun shines brightly, your child can easily get burned while playing. To avoid this, it is recommended to install the structure in a shaded place or hide it under a special canopy. It is possible to combine a metal base with a plastic slope.
  • Loss of interest in the child. It is almost impossible to decorate a metal slide with anything, which means that such an attraction can bore your child.

After familiarizing yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each manufacturing material, you can confidently make a choice. It is not necessary to use only metal or wood; you have the right to combine them, resulting in an original, interesting and durable structure.

Photo gallery: different slide designs

Slides can be part of an entire entertainment complex Slides can be expanded various elements Children will definitely like this bright wooden slide A high-quality and reliable slide will bring a lot of fun to children and their parents
For children of any age, fun on the slide will be happiness A reliable slide is the key to safe games Wood - best option for non-professional welders Metal slides considered the most durable structures

Requirements for a children's slide

It is worth understanding that when installing a slide from any material, certain requirements must be observed:

Preparatory stage

The success of the work depends on careful preparation.

Choosing material for construction at the dacha

Wood can be called the most optimal and reliable option from which you can build unusual and original structures. It will be a godsend for people who are not directly involved in construction and repair.

When installing an iron slide, unprofessional welders and assemblers of metal structures can get injured or spoil the raw materials, since this is a fastidious material that, when heated, welding work may become deformed. In addition, to manufacture such products you will definitely need welding equipment.

Children's slides made of wood combine ease of use and high safety. Moreover, they are the easiest to manufacture and install.

Sizing and drawing

Work must begin with drawing up a design drawing. Be sure to decide whether there will be a slide with a house or whether it will be a classic option. Draw a diagram of it indicating all dimensions. This will allow you to calculate the amount of material. Norm:

  • for children from 2 to 5 years old, the slide should be made up to 1.5 m high;
  • from 5 to 11 years it is recommended to install a structure with a height of 2.5 to 3.5 m;
  • over 11 - above 3.5 m.

List of materials and tools

The construction of the structure should begin with the choice of wood. It is preferable to use coniferous species. In order to build a reliable, beautiful and comfortable wooden slide for children, you will need the following materials:

  • 8 boards (recommended dimensions - 5x14x60 cm);
  • 4 thick beams 0.6 m long;
  • 1 beam 0.8 m long;
  • several sheets of plywood (150x150x12 cm);
  • 2 round wooden profiles (30x120 cm).

List of required tools:

  • electric or mechanical wood saw;
  • hammer;
  • hand or electric drill;
  • plane;
  • tape measure and level;
  • drill.

Step-by-step guide to creating a children's slide with a ladder with your own hands

All work takes place in several stages:

How to cover the base, walls, platform and slope of the slide for better sliding and decoration

At the end of all work, the slide must be coated with varnish or a coloring emulsion. It is also recommended to treat wood and plywood by special means, otherwise, under the influence of moisture, their service life will sharply decrease.

The slope can additionally be covered with linoleum, which will provide better glide.

You can decorate the slide with your children. They will definitely enjoy this process.

Photo gallery: external finishing of the structure

Coating with varnish and special emulsions ensures a long life for the slide Wooden slides provide exciting games A slide made of wood, which is coated with emulsions and special agents, will allow children to play safely In addition to varnish, slides can be coated with any emulsions, thereby giving them bright shade Multi-colored options will delight kids Upon completion of all work, you will have an excellent attraction for children that will meet all safety requirements

Video: how to make a slide for a child out of wood

The key to a successful and fun time is a high-quality and reliable slide. It is a way to keep your child busy with an exciting activity and develop his physical skills. And as the baby grows up, it will be possible to complete the design and improve it, which can encourage your fidget to a healthy lifestyle.

Summer residents who have kids need a children's slide, and the easiest way is to make it yourself. You can buy it already ready-made option, which only needs to be installed in in the right place, but for various reasons people may not want to purchase a factory product. And in this case, the wooden slide is the best option to create, since it can be done independently and without high costs.

From the place where it will be installed new item entertainment depends on its appearance, dimensions and material required for manufacturing. There are only two location options:

  1. In the sports room or in the children's room, if you have them.
  2. On the street.

Slide in the nursery

Outdoor slide

A small children's wooden slide located indoors can be made of plywood, chipboard, laminate or other materials. The wide selection of components for manufacturing is due to stable indoor weather conditions: there are no temperature changes or wind, and humidity is normal.

Outdoor models will require significantly more space; the materials used are thick wood that can withstand various weather conditions. The manufacturing process is the same in both versions, the only difference is in the size of the elements.

Outdoor slides can be found at many children's centers in the middle of cities. As a rule, they are made of metal or plastic, since these are the most durable and strong materials that are unpretentious to adverse weather conditions.

Wooden slide in the city

Slide in the yard of the dacha

Wooden slide

Wooden complex with a slide

A slide made of wood will not harm a young body, since wood is an environmentally friendly product and does not contain harmful chemicals, unlike plastic. This product is lightweight compared to metal counterparts and can be assembled quickly. It does not require a welding machine or special connecting elements.

Among the disadvantages, one can take into account the low durability due to the process of decay of wood fiber. With this balance of positive and negative properties, many people prefer to make wooden slides for children. Absolutely anyone can make such a product without the help of professional carpenters.

The process of creating a slide will be discussed using a small model as an example. All creation and installation steps are the same for most options.

Three-dimensional visualization with exact dimensions and shapes always helps the designer to create the highest quality slide and roughly imagine what the end result should be.

On initial stage To create a figurative idea of ​​the project, the designer must pay special attention to the following points:

  1. Independence of the person playing.

If the child is under 3-4 years old, then the slide should provide a convenient descent so that parents can help the children slide down and climb back up.

  1. Growth parameters.

These indicators will help create a product with the most comfortable dimensions of the elements (steps, railings, slopes, handrails, etc.) of a new piece of entertainment.

  1. Planned location.

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of finding a new structure. There must be free space at the construction site to ensure comfortable movement while using the slide.

  1. Steepness of slopes and turns.

To keep an older child interested, you can create various dips and twists on the slope, but you need to take into account the angle of inclination of the sliding surface so that the baby does not damage the spine and other organs while having fun.

  1. Individual ideas from junior assistants.

Since the slide is created for children, the wishes of the customers – children – must be taken into account.

After taking into account all additional factors, you can draw up a drawing, or download previously invented options, making individual adjustments to them.

Since the slide is for children, we need to take into account the wishes of the customers – children.

For example, for a supporting structure it is advisable to use beams with dimensions of 10x10x150 cm. In most cases, 4 support pillars are sufficient. Self-tapping screws or nails are used to fasten the elements.

The table shows examples of material sizes for a small slide.

B – timber, D – board

As an option, you can additionally equip the bottom of the upper platform with a drawer or handbag. You can store various toys, pillows, etc. in additional compartments.

All wooden elements must be processed with a plane and saw until required sizes, then sand with sandpaper or an electric sander. The support beams must be additionally treated with resin or waterproofing mastic. This is required to prevent the rotting process.

Wooden elements need to be processed with a plane

Waterproofing mastic

Preparing the installation site

Any do-it-yourself slide for children in the country requires a certain area for placement. Before installing a new entertainment item:

  • The territory on which it will be located must be leveled:
  • mark a square for the base supports of at least 50*50 cm;
  • dig 4 holes (60 cm or more) at the corners of the square.

Compact the area for placing the slide with crushed stone

Mounting of supporting structures

Pre-prepared pillars are installed with the bottom side (must be treated with resin) in the pits. Next, the remaining space in the recess is filled with concrete. After it hardens, further work is carried out.

To protect the supporting structures from loosening, all pillars are additionally connected by stiffening ribs. For this:

  • make a groove 2 cm deep and 10 cm wide in the supporting pillars;
  • insert boards measuring 2*10*50 cm into the grooves if you have chosen a 50*50 square as your base.

If the size is different, the length of the ribs must correspond to it

The parts are connected using self-tapping screws and self-tapping screws, this allows you to achieve the highest quality coupling. Instead of installing supports in the pits, you can use ties. As a rule, only small slides for children under 3 years old are designed to be carried from place to place.

The parts are connected using self-tapping screws

Remember! Portable and indoor models are not equipped with a fixed support.

Creating a floor covering on the upper platform

From 2 to 4 beams are mounted on the supporting pillars; they will perform two functions on the upper platform: load-bearing and stiffening ribs. Boards are placed on top of these elements, be sure to leave a gap of 0.5 mm between them. This is required to allow water to flow freely to the ground during rain.

For aesthetics, you can fasten (screw, glue) strips or pieces of laminate left after repairs onto the boards. It will be beautiful and modern. Plywood should not be used for these purposes. It will absorb water very quickly, swell and warp.

Descent equipment

The main element of the slide is the ramp. It should be slippery and equipped with additional sides so that the child does not fall out while descending from a hill. If you have a purchased descent, you just need to place it on the upper platform and secure it.

Assembly steps:

  1. To begin with, the boards are installed from the top platform to the ground. The upper part of the pitched boards is sawn off at 30-45 degrees to ensure slope.
  2. For fixation, it is recommended to make recesses in the descent boards to the size of the lower bar and place them so that it fits into the grooves.
  3. Then you need to secure boards across the slope that will hold the sliding surface.
  4. The next step is to install the protective edges. The bottom corner of the board is sawed off so that it becomes parallel to the ground.
  5. Next, a small continuation of the slope parallel to the soil is made (bend). This is necessary so that the children playing do not hit solid ground and smoothly rolled to the end of the sliding surface.

Creating a Descent Cover

After the installation of the pitched boards is completed, they need to be sanded again to remove nicks and irregularities. Next, the boards are painted and covered with a protective hard varnish.

Many other materials can also provide a slippery descent surface:

  • any floor coverings, for example, linoleum;
  • sheet metals (thin steel, tin);
  • plastics.


Sheet metals


The last option is the most slippery, but has a high cost compared to previous analogues.

You can use a laminated coating. But it is not recommended to use it if your base is poorly made, since the laminate will quickly become unusable due to deformation under the weight of children.

Mounting must be done carefully. At the end of the work, the sliding surface should be free of irregularities, jags and protruding elements, as this can lead to a splinter or injury to the child’s spine during descent.

To avoid such troubles, the places of all fastenings and sharp protrusions are ground off, and the wooden elements are covered with a protective layer of varnish.

At the end, the sides (10-20 cm high) from treated and varnished boards are nailed.

Don't forget to nail the sides

Creation of a staircase and its installation

To easily climb the hill you need to make a good ladder. It is most convenient to use boards as steps, but, as an option, beams or trimmings of logs are suitable

For marking and assembly:

  • place one of the boards (stringers) intended for the stairs in its place on the hill with its edge to the ground and cut it from the bottom so that it rests firmly on the ground;
  • mark the places for the steps, leaving 20 - 30 cm between the marks;
  • draw lines so that they are parallel to the ground;
  • then place two boards parallel to each other and make marks on the second stringer;
  • then create grooves and insert steps into them;
  • fasten it all with self-tapping screws
  • After assembly, install the ladder onto the slide.

For reliable support so that the product does not go into the ground, nail a board treated with resin from below. You can concrete this place or install stringers on the bricks.

Installation of additional fencing and decoration of the structure

The main structure of the slide is ready, it can already be used, but to ensure the safety of small children, it is recommended to additionally make railings on the upper platform and stairs.

All that remains is to give the new building a beautiful appearance. You can decorate the wooden elements. If you wish, you can equip the upper platform with carved elements (stars, bears, etc.).

For construction similar structure It may take less than two days if all materials are prepared in advance.

People who have their own dacha know firsthand what it is good vacation. After all, a dacha far outside the city, where there is clean air, peace, and most importantly, no city bustle, which is so annoying on weekdays, is a great place to relax and enjoy it to the fullest. For a child, rest is first and foremost a game, and a do-it-yourself playground for a summer cottage would be a good idea. The dacha is truly an excellent place to build an impromptu playground; the place is remote and safe for these purposes, and most importantly, spacious.

Marking the space for the site

The creation of a children's playground should begin with the most important thing, with the selection of a more suitable site for it. Of course, you should choose wisely, and first of all take into account the safety of children. For these purposes, it is worth excluding from possible those areas where there is already a pond, or where there is simply a fence with barbed wire or sharp spikes. In addition, on playgrounds There should be enough light for children.

It is advisable to choose a place where there will be more light in the morning, when the children are full of energy and want to play, and closer to noon the sun will stop covering the playground, and the children will not suffer from the annoying heat.

But the site should not be completely immersed in the shadow, because open area You can place a small pool under the sun and somehow protect it from the rest of the site. Under the sun, the water in the pool will warm up faster, which is quite convenient and effective.

The improvised diagram cleverly marks out the place where the adults are located and at the same time they have a full view of the site itself. it's the same important point markings, because we should not forget that children must be supervised so that if something happens, adults can protect them from a potential threat or some kind of “unsuccessful” game.

It is important to take into account the visibility factor, and position the playground structures so that they fit into this overview and, as a result, children remain visible.

Sizing and Layout

The nuances of preparing the territory include such a moment as the size of the territory itself. They should be selected and adjusted carefully and wisely, because this is important not only for the children themselves, but also for you. Obviously, building such a site is far from simple. You will make your task much easier if you are able to plan and place all the necessary objects in a relatively small area, at the same time saving time and space, and creating a cozy, compact corner for children. This option is much better than building a large playground that children still won’t be able to occupy all of.

As a rule, for children under 7 years old, a playground measuring 8-9 square meters will be optimal; for older children, up to 12 years old, accordingly, more space is needed, because their desires and preferences change, the playground should expand to about 15 square meters.

It would be easier and smarter to build a playground, so to speak, for growth, leaving a few meters in reserve when marking, which, by the way, will come in handy when the child gets older.

After the place has finally been chosen, it should be, so to speak, processed, everything should be done to ensure that the presence on the site, and on the “attractions” themselves, is not only safe for children, but pleasant and fun. You should start with the foundation, as in any work, it is important in structures on the site. All supports of swings, houses, slides that will fill the playground must be tightly secured. To do this, the parts of the playground must be deepened into the ground by about 50 centimeters. Of course, you should base it on your situations, because they vary, but there are universal measurements and various rules that will help you do the job more professionally. In addition, after the parts are firmly seated in the ground, they should be secured by concreting, that is, pouring concrete into the supports so that the swings, slides and houses do not tip over and harm the children.

As for the individual elements of the playground, for each entertainment there is a certain standard and a certain device that should be followed.

When installing a swing, leave a space of 2 or more meters behind and in front of it. This is the so-called security zone, and it must be free.

Selecting a location and installing a ready-made playground complex - video

Playground covering

There is one more point left, no less important than all the previous ones, safety and comfort, this is the surface of the site. The materials used to cover the play space deserve special attention when discussing and planning a children's recreation area. The fact is that coating affects many factors, and it is worth thinking about it.

It is necessary to take into account that, most likely, children will often fall, forgetting about control during a fun game or through negligence, or maybe deliberately jumping off a swing, sliding down a slide at high speed, running without thinking about the possibility of tripping, and eventually fall. Based on this, we can conclude that it is necessary to choose a more practical coating. Falling on something like this won't hurt, but it shouldn't be something soft like a trampoline. Such material can easily interfere with play and entertainment, since running and jumping on it is uncomfortable. There is a trampoline specifically for these purposes, which, by the way, can also be installed separately on the site.

It must also be either moisture-resistant, contain elements, or consist entirely of a material that dries relatively quickly. This is necessary so that the surface does not accumulate dampness and moisture, from which children can catch a cold the next time they play because they lie on such a surface longer than necessary. It's no secret that children, especially small ones, love to just lie down or crawl on the ground. Therefore, the playground, namely its covering, should do a good job of protecting the child, preventing him from freezing or damaging his knees in the event of a hard fall.

In general, the rubber coating perfectly meets all these requirements, however, its first disadvantage is the price, the second is its purpose. This kind of covering is quite expensive, but in addition, it is not particularly suitable for the area that will be located for a summer residence. After all, at the dacha you don’t really want to observe the synthetics of the city; you want something that will pleasantly combine with the dacha motif - like, for example, a lawn. Using reliable varieties of grass, such coverage is not difficult to provide, however, in the area where the slides and swings are located, it is advisable to add or completely fill only sand, which, as mentioned earlier, will easily soften the impacts and falls that often occur in such places.

As a result, you need to remember and take into account:

  1. Size of territory. (do not measure out too large an area).
  2. Nearby structures (whether anything interferes with the construction or not).
  3. Child safety.
  4. Site covering (ground).

Paradise for children in the country - video

Cleaning up the area

The final stage of marking will be cleaning or searching for the neatest area that will not have, or will have as little as possible, dangerous and inconvenient stones, hummocks, snags, and similar objects that could interfere with the construction of the playground or your children’s play.

After the location has been selected, it is necessary to begin the clearing itself. First, completely level the territory, remove all kinds of mounds and hummocks. Then rid the area of ​​large stones, cobblestones, sharp roots protruding from the ground, and other small debris that can also interfere or cause harm in any way.

Clean up and pay attention to:

  • large and medium-sized stones and cobblestones;
  • roots and driftwood;
  • mounds and hummocks;
  • other small debris.


There will probably also be a lot of wood elements on your site, this is a very serious point, since all this wood and parts from it should be carefully polished, and ideally they should be coated with a non-toxic varnish. This way they will look fresh and pleasant, and most importantly, this procedure helps eliminate the risk of introducing a splinter or any other undesirable consequence.

Next, you need to take into account the fact that when creating a platform and installing a swing, metal fasteners are used, because such a structure cannot be done without metal. This metal must be of particularly high quality and very durable. It must necessarily hold all the parts together. When erecting such a playground, you should under no circumstances skimp on such trifles, since during play, the children’s health will be supported precisely by such metal suspensions, and the more reliable they are, the more reliable protection for their own health.

After installing metal or any other parts, you must remember to check them all at least once every six months. Any tool, any mechanism tends to wear out, no matter how durable and reliable it is. You will have to change, if necessary, and, if possible, lubricate and “care” for all these capricious materials.

After the final marking and cleaning of the territory, when everything has already been firmly marked and decided, you can finally think about how to equip the future corner of fun. And here there are really a lot of options, you can choose any kind of entertainment, and the child will like it, it’s something new, and most importantly, something of his own, which will definitely bring pleasure. You can build an entire children's playground with your own hands.

Selecting components for the site

Whatever you decide to choose for a playground, it’s also worth thinking about the fact that to begin with, you can create the entire ambiance of the entertainment area from ready-made objects. Here we will move on to specifics, and immediately remember about the trampoline; a trampoline is really something that will make any child rejoice and be distracted for a long time. And it can be purchased at a very affordable price on the market or in a specialized store, of any shape, size, and most importantly, quality.

In addition, you can install a children's basketball hoop on the court; it can also easily arouse the interest of the kids, and they will happily try to throw the ball provided to them there, while still no threat appears.

A trampoline and rings are of course great, but the entertainment and options for arrangement and choice are not over yet, because we did not take into account the most obvious and acceptable option. We are talking about a swimming pool, a children's pool, an inflatable one, of course. It can also be purchased ready-made, and it will also delight your children when they splash around in it on a hot day and are in a good mood.

An excellent option that will not require much time to install and purchase is a tent, or a house-tent, whatever you like, but the degree of comfort will not change. This will be a great addition to everything that is already on the playground.

Children's house

We all loved in childhood, as children love, and now, having your own house, building it from pillows and blankets, save your children from such torment and install a tent in an area full of fresh air, in which they will spend their holidays with great pleasure. time and rest.

Just next to the tent, or somewhere else on the site, there is an option to install some kind of small table and bench. Children could also relax behind it, just like adults who are watching the game at this time. A table will never be out of place in such a place, a bench - especially after a long game, you just want everyone to sit next to each other and discuss something, or take a breath.

Well, the last object that can be installed without outside help is a slide, an ordinary one, plastic, as is usually the case - a slide, a safe descent from which will give children a lot of pleasure and laughter, and this is the main thing on a playground.

The advantage of all these things is mobility, since you don’t have to spend time on installation, repairs and other little things, the object is simply installed, and the children enjoy the game. All these elements are compact, will fit perfectly into the size of the playground, and will appeal to children. The only thing you need to consider is how to position all these attractions and tents correctly. After all, it would be illogical if the slide is located at the table and the children, sliding down, hit each other. And an even more logical solution would be to think in advance which objects are worth installing and which are not needed at all. Of course, all this needs to be discussed with the owners of the site themselves - the children.

Homemade buildings and installations

There are times when you want to modify something or build something from the very beginning with your own hands. For example, a sandbox, or any other of the objects that were given as an example above, can be made to your taste. For such cases, you will already need explanations, advice, and, of course, drawings.


And again, the most popular thing that can be placed on a playground is a sandbox; all children undoubtedly love it. There will be a lot of joy and benefits, and at the same time, a very small amount of effort and material will be spent on its construction.

It is best to make a sandbox from boards or logs; there is also the option of using stumps, which may take root on the site and serve as an excellent original decor.

The following is an example sandbox installation diagram:

The installation begins by digging out the ground in the place where it will be located 30 centimeters and filling the bottom with pebbles or crushed stone - a drainage material. The sandbox should also not be designed to be large; 150-200 centimeters is enough.

It is very important to make some kind of canopy or just a cover for the sandbox so that animals do not enter it at night and do not use it as a toilet, and besides, in case of rain, the sand will remain dry.

The same purchased tent can be replaced with a homemade children's house. This is an excellent choice for a homemade structure, because every child wants to have their own territory, and such a cozy, modest house will fulfill the desire of any child. Of course, it needs to be built from wood. The frame will be made of wood, and it should be covered with thick fabric.


The most suitable extension to the house would be a homemade slide. Great entertainment that will bring joy to any child. But this design is one of the most complex. There are also many factors to keep in mind when installing a slide. The main thing, of course, will be the height, which should not exceed 3 meters in height, and if the children are very small, then the best option for them is 1.5 meters. The steps on the stairs should be extremely wide, and preferably covered with something that will prevent children from slipping off them if the steps get wet, for example, during rain.

We must not forget about the railings, or handrails, which should be located along the entire staircase so that the child can hold on and not fall, and at the top of the slide it would not hurt to additionally fence it with railings and make the area in front of the ramp more spacious.

The most difficult thing in this design is to install a slope, which, of course, can be made from plywood, fastened in layers and coated with varnish, but it will still not be as effective as buying a plastic slope and installing it on a prepared ladder.

Or you can make it even more interesting and buy a spiral ramp, which will bring even more pleasure than a direct descent. But the main thing is to correctly create a ladder and a platform on which the child will confidently stand.

Video instructions for making a wooden slide


In addition to the slide, the most ordinary swing can be an excellent and fun entertainment, which brings us joy at any age. But now we need them precisely on the site, which we are building entirely ourselves.

The first thing you need to do to install a swing is to choose a spacious place, because you need to take into account the deviation of the swing, and in both directions, as was said at the very beginning, a distance of 2 meters behind and in front of the swing should be spacious and empty.

It is clear that a strong branch on some tree on, or at least close to, the site is best suited for this purpose. It will be easy to attach ropes to it, which can easily support children.

We will design the swing ourselves. For this we will need the following materials:

  • board or boards for sitting;
  • two hooks or carabiners of some kind;
  • strong cable (rope).

If there is no tree, then you can use homemade fastenings. In order to build such a frame we will need:

  1. Two racks made of wood, thicker, 3 meters long.
  2. The crossbar of the same diameter is 1.5 meters long.

The final design will look like this:

We have probably described almost all models of objects and entertainment that you can fit on the playground with your own hands. Purchased houses, homemade ones made of wood, slides and sandboxes, swings and basketball hoops. You can make all this yourself or purchase it in a special store, and it would seem that what else can be placed and added to this list.

Sports wall

A great solution would be a climbing wall for children, on which they will climb with pleasure, try, and enjoy the process. The most important thing is that such a wall, in addition to joy, brings great benefits to children, it develops them physically, improves coordination and dexterity, but for this you need to install such a wall correctly.

First you need to prepare hooks that will be attached to the wall using screws or nails. They can be made from anything that comes to hand, but they must be comfortable, you can also buy them in a specialized store, but if we design everything ourselves, we can use gypsum, which can be mixed with quartz sand for strength. This mixture is easy to shape, and we can make any grip we want.

Then it is worth fastening them in a random or more or less planned order on our wall, it can be made of wood, but this will take a lot of time, and this method will be impractical; it is easier to fasten ready-made hooks to a real tree in the garden, along which children can climb. Or attach them to the wall of the house, but not too many and high, so that when they reach a certain level, the children cannot climb further and go down.

It is important to choose the right surface on which they will land; it should be something soft, so that in the event of any fall or unintended fall, the children do not damage themselves, even if the height is small, the child should not be scared, but should be confident in your actions.

This is the kind of children's play complex we got for our dacha. This is where the article comes to an end, but now you know how you can plan and make a children’s playground in your country house with your own hands. You have an idea of ​​what kind of entertainment can be prepared for children, and most importantly, how to do it easier and more profitable. We hope the kids will be happy and will definitely thank you for the wonderful playground.