Reviews from residents of frame houses: the pros and cons of frame construction. Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses

The method of frame house construction in our country became widespread in the middle of the last century. Then it was better known as frame-panel or frame-slit. On its basis, it was possible to quickly and inexpensively create acceptable living conditions for large groups of people. Similar benefits frame houses made it possible, for example, to quickly build entire workers’ settlements in harsh Siberian conditions for the families of those who came to explore this cold region.

Frame yesterday and today

Nevertheless, frame buildings, adapted to Soviet realities, have earned the reputation of short-lived, sometimes windswept housing. This happened for a number of reasons, in particular, due to some simplifications when copying basic Canadian (Finnish, German) technology, as well as the use of low-grade building materials. Therefore, at one time, frame houses could not seriously compete with traditional Russian log houses or more solid brick (stone) structures.

A new round of development of the Western method of construction has been observed in our country for the last 25 years. Taking into account the mistakes of predecessors, using higher quality and new high-tech materials, contemporaries are building houses that freely compete in many respects with stone or solid wood. But still, since nothing is ideal in the world, when choosing a project it is necessary to take into account the pros and cons of frame houses. Let's look at the most typical of them.

Advantages of frame houses that you should know about

Universality of technology

Modern frame construction in Russia can hardly be called canonical. Of course it has general principles construction of multilayer frame-frame or frame-panel structures, prescribed in a number of regulatory documents. For example, in the widely used SP 31-105-2002 “Design and construction of energy-efficient single-family residential buildings with a wooden frame.” However, in practice, frame technology turned out to be so universal that it made it possible to work with wide range materials, create buildings with forms - from simple to the most unusual, endowed with versatile functionality.

Thus, frames are made from solid or laminated coniferous wood, as well as from metal profiles of various configurations. Polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, ecowool, mineral wool, sawdust, etc. are used as thermal insulation fillers. Even greater variability is observed when choosing facing materials. Almost all known sheet construction products can be used to cover the panels (taking into account the location of their external or external installation): OSB, DSP, chipboard, plywood, plasterboard, glass magnesite, slate, profiled metal, siding, etc. Moreover, outside frame house can be covered with brick or stone. In this case, the external sheet cladding of the frame is not always necessary (installing a wind barrier film is sufficient). Sheet covering can also be replaced with lining both outside and inside the building.

Pre-fabricated and all-season construction

These are some of the most significant advantages of frame houses. Largely thanks to them, frame structures have long been recognized in the West and have already appealed to a wide range of domestic developers. For example, the box of a medium-sized one-story private residential building can be assembled on a pre-prepared foundation in just a day! Of course, we are talking about a frame-panel structure mounted from factory-assembled panels. But even if the walls and ceilings are completely manufactured on the construction site, the speed of their construction is still quite high. Thus, the construction of an average turnkey frame house from the zero cycle to the start of operation takes time, in the case of assembly:

  • from ready-made factory panels – 2-3 months;
  • from materials on the construction site - 4-5 months.

At the same time, installation of enclosing structures can be carried out year-round, since there are no “wet” processes. The only exceptions are monolithic foundations, but they can often be replaced with screw piles.

Competitive cost

When weighing the pros and cons of turnkey frame house construction, we should not forget about the attractive price tags for similar structures. If we compare them with “classic” brick buildings, the difference in prices will be two or even three times not in favor of the latter. At the same time, it is important to measure the full volume of investments, since there is wide scope for manipulation with the figures characterizing unfinished buildings. For example, it won’t be too expensive to install a bare brick box. However, in order to bring it to modern standards of thermal efficiency, the masonry will have to be insulated, which will also be a considerable expense. On the contrary, the advantage of a frame house is that its enclosing structures initially combine load-bearing and heat-insulating functions.

The same goes for finishing - smooth walls It is often enough to putty the frame to prepare it, for example, for painting. In turn, even high-quality brickwork(which is no longer cheap) requires an additional starting layer of plaster.

Important! The relatively low labor intensity of constructing frame housing also has a positive effect on its market value. It is much easier to build than houses made of stone.

Application of lightweight foundations

A noticeable saving in the total estimated cost of the structure falls on the foundation. Indeed, due to the low mass of the building, material-intensive foundations are not required for its installation. For example, the most popular frame houses with a skeleton made of 50*150 mm boards are characterized by specific gravity wall panels 30-50 kg/m2. For comparison, brickwork reduced to a thickness of 150 mm is 200-250 kg/m2. If we take into account that in reality, external brick walls are rarely less than 380 mm or 510 mm, then the difference in the masses of brick and frame houses is already huge. And this is not even taking into account the excellent loads from heavy hollow-core reinforced concrete floors in brick and on wooden beams in a frame structure.

Based on the low requirements for the bearing capacity of the foundation, frames can be installed on any of the known types of foundations. The variability of choice can only be limited by very problematic soils. In all other cases, the type of foundation is selected based on the characteristics of a particular building, local conditions or availability of materials. For example, a one-story frame house can be installed on block posts, screw piles or reinforced concrete strips with a width of only 250 mm.

Disadvantages of frame houses that can be avoided

Like a permanent structure of any type, a frame structure requires compliance with construction technology. However, in his case, the manifestation of crookedness, negligence or unjustified savings can play an overly pronounced negative role. Thanks to the efforts of some “professional” teams or dubious fly-by-night productions, those disadvantages of a frame house appear that theoretically should not exist. This, perhaps, is the main drawback of frame construction - many of its aesthetic and operational properties are too dependent on compliance with installation rules and the quality of the source materials. If everything is done without violations, then the house, even without major repairs, will stand freely for decades, delighting its residents with a high level of comfort and coziness.

With this in mind, the disadvantages of a frame house should be considered in terms of the problems encountered and ways to eliminate or prevent them.

Weak stability and strength of load-bearing structures

Opponents of construction using frame technology will certainly remember the sights of some country or cottage villages in the form of rickety houses, like those shown in the figure below.

However, the problem is not at all in the initial fragility of the structure, but in the fact that it requires careful preliminary calculation or at least an understanding (based on practical experience) of the specifics of the operation of the spatial frame, the loads applied to it and the distribution of loads, the properties of materials and key elements. Reliable facilities are built according to designs developed by engineers using computer modeling tools. Strength deficiencies of a frame house can also be eliminated if it is built according to standard scheme qualified installers. Typically, teams of such people have a significant track record with positive reviews that they have accumulated over the years. Engaged in the construction of frame structures for more than one day, practitioners, among other things, must have a clear understanding of regional wind and snow loads, work with proven suppliers of quality building materials.

Insufficient or gradually decreasing thermal efficiency of building envelopes

One of the problems due to which in past years interest in frame-panel houses was somewhat lost. Unfortunately, it still happens today. The reasons are as follows:

  • the thickness of the wall or floor panels, and therefore the insulation in them, does not meet local climatic conditions. For example, a layer of effective thermal insulation of 100 mm ( mineral wool, expanded polystyrene), can be considered as a sufficient thermal barrier only in the walls garden house, and even then, located in the temperate climate zone;
  • poorly fitted or loosely tightened building elements, insufficiently sealed joints of frame parts, windproof fabrics or sheathing sheets - these technological violations cause through blows. Similar disadvantages of frame houses can also appear as a result of intense shrinkage of buildings or its deformations, as a consequence of the use of lumber natural humidity. Shrinkage of wood leads to the opening of joints in structures;
  • Violation of the integrity of the vapor barrier, incorrect choice of materials for it or its incorrect installation contribute to the rapid dampening of the insulation. Wet thermal insulation not only ceases to fulfill the tasks assigned to it, but also becomes a source of putrefactive processes that destroy load-bearing elements;
  • subsidence (sliding) of the insulating filler of wall panels, due to which an area with reduced energy efficiency is formed in their upper part. This usually occurs if low density mineral wool is selected but sufficient measures are not taken to fix it;
  • Damage to the thermal insulation of a frame house by rodents sometimes becomes a really serious problem. To prevent this from occurring, you should try to make it difficult for pests to penetrate inside the panels or discourage them from doing so. For this purpose, for example, ventilated facades protect from below metal bars or nets. If the lining is “wet”, then good decision There will be an installation of Knauf Aquapanel or DSP board plastered over a steel mesh. In addition, various methods are used to repel rodents. chemical impregnations and ultrasonic devices. A couple of cats on the property will also help significantly reduce the risk of damage to insulation by mice or rats.

High fire hazard

This disadvantage of frame houses is quite relative. However, in any case, it is no more significant than that of traditional solid wood structures. After all, even if the building envelopes are assembled on a wooden frame with foam core, the outside can be sheathed with sheets of plasterboard or glass-magnesite slabs. This lining reliably blocks open flames from accessing combustible materials. In addition, building codes require that combustible materials be initially flame retardant, either in the factory or on site.

Important! If a frame is installed from a metal profile with a mineral wool filler, then its fire resistance can already be commensurate with a stone structure.

Questions fire safety This also applies to electrical installations. PUE regulates the installation of electrical wiring on combustible structures open method or hidden in metal pipes or sleeves.


It hardly makes sense to say that a frame house, unlike a stone one, will last for centuries. However, as mentioned above, you can count on decades. A building that has received timely care and preventive maintenance of its structures may well serve its children and grandchildren. At the same time, simpler and cheaper repairs, compared to massive structures made of stone or wood, can also be considered an advantage of a frame house.

The key factor in the durability of the frame is the hydrophobization and antiseptic treatment of the structural materials of its walls and ceilings in parts located no higher than 250 mm from the ground. For internal wood elements, processing is carried out at the construction stage of the building, as well as during repairs when opening the panel cladding. Preparation of beams, racks, crossbars, lintels, etc. on construction sites it is performed by painting or dipping them in containers with a working solution. Today, complex-action compounds that are simultaneously water repellents, fire retardants and antiseptics are often used as such solutions. Parts of the frame located above 250 mm from the ground do not require mandatory treatment with antiseptics (SP 31-105-2002).

It will be possible to fully use the advantages of a frame house for many years if you avoid getting moisture in any form inside the panels. For example, water can seep through a damaged roof deck, rise through the capillaries of the foundation through a damaged cut-off waterproofing or migrate with steam flows from the room through poorly glued vapor barrier joints. If this happens, you should remove the sheathing, remove the insulating filler and thoroughly dry the frame. Thermal insulation material It is dried separately, but sometimes it is better to renew it altogether.

Before reassembling the panels, the frame elements must undergo mandatory protective and preventive treatment:

  • parts that have undergone biological damage or corrosion are cleaned, and if they are significantly damaged, they are replaced;
  • Wood parts are impregnated with complex compounds, steel parts are treated with anticorrosive agents, then galvanized or painted.

Soundproofing problems

Although this disadvantage of a frame house is cited, often when comparing it with a brick building, you should clearly understand what we are talking about. Of course, a thick brick mass is identical in thermal conductivity frame wall better insulates from street noise. However, its intensity in places where frame frames are predominantly located is not so high. After all, they are usually built not in urban centers, but in cottage villages, private sector or rural areas.

The problem of internal noise remains. And in this matter, again, everything depends on compliance with installation rules and the materials used. For example, to avoid listening to conversations of people on another floor:

  • are arranged on the floors floor coverings using the “floating floor” system;
  • filling of ceilings or partitions should be carried out only with fibrous materials with special acoustic parameters;
  • Air cavities in ceilings, walls, partitions are not allowed;
  • interfacing of structures is carried out through elements of acoustic decoupling in the form of elastic gaskets or layers made of latex, cork, porous rubber, etc.

Urgent need for ventilation

The ideal frame house is a thermos with zero heat loss. In practice, by selecting the appropriate building materials and performing high-quality assembly from them, you can come very close to the theoretically possible minimum of heat loss through the building envelope. However, in any case, there will remain one more problem area in the thermal circuit of the building, through which significant amounts of energy will be lost. We are talking about the ventilation system. After all, you can still do without it in a log house or brick building, where the walls are directly involved in steam, gas and heat exchange in the premises. But in a frame structure, where under the inner lining there is a continuous vapor-proof carpet over a layer of insulation, there is no way without ventilation.

And no matter how sorry it may be in winter to blow precious calories out into the street along with air currents, if you do not ensure the required level of gas exchange, then serious problems cannot be avoided. In addition to other negativity caused by the lack of fresh air, accumulating dampness will gradually find a loophole in the vapor barrier. Steam, migrating through the insulation from the room to the street, will cool in the outer layers of the enclosing structures, falling into condensation. The result is a decrease in the effectiveness of thermal insulation, rotting (rusting) of the frame, and the development of harmful mold microflora.

Therefore, the urgent need for ventilation can be considered both a plus and a minus of a frame house. After all, on the one hand, it will no longer be possible to ignore this important issue, which means that there will always be a healthy atmosphere in the premises. On the other hand, you will have to choose one of two options:

  1. Increase energy consumption to compensate for heat loss due to ventilation. This is a rather dubious method, since the high thermal efficiency of enclosing structures is practically negated.
  2. Install a comprehensive climate system, complete with blocks air heating, recovery and conditioning. Despite the fact that such devices cost a lot, they gradually pay for themselves and begin to save energy resources. As a last resort, you can at least install a recuperator on the supply and exhaust ventilation system.


Taking into account the opinions of experts regarding the pros and cons of frame houses, as well as positive and negative reviews from numerous users of these structures, we can draw general conclusions that:

  • frame housing, with strict adherence to the technology of its construction and subsequent careful treatment, can provide its owners with many years of comfortable use;
  • is quite affordable due to its low cost;
  • having a number of advantages and disadvantages, cannot be considered as an absolute replacement for other popular types of buildings, but only as worthy alternative them.

There is an opinion that frame houses are not fireproof. In fact, frame houses are among the safest and most flammable. In this article we will look at various aspects that affect the fire safety of frame houses and dispel the opinion about the low fire resistance of a frame house. Below the article you will see photographs of the restoration of a frame house after a fire that arose due to a flame that spread from a neighboring house.

The term fire resistance is used to indicate the burnout time of the load-bearing structures of a house. The fire resistance group of frame houses is III, which corresponds to 45 minutes. Exactly the same fire resistance brick houses With wooden floors and in reinforced concrete.

Why is there an opinion about the low fire safety of a frame house?

Frame houses They are popularly classified as wooden, and therefore endow them with such properties of wood as easy flammability and high combustibility. In fact, frame houses cannot be compared with other wooden houses, because... They only have a frame made of wood, which is securely sewn inside the walls.

All elements of the wooden frame are impregnated with fire retardants - substances that provide reliable fire protection for wood. After high-quality impregnation, wooden elements are very resistant to fire, even with prolonged exposure to open fire.

The most important thing when a fire occurs in any home is the ability to have enough time to leave the premises and have time to take action. necessary measures on fire fighting. The arguments that after a fire at least the walls will remain in a stone house have no real basis, because After the fire, the burnt out stone house must be demolished. The walls will lose their strength and will not be able to perform their functions.

A frame house is able to withstand fire and high temperatures for a long time, giving the owners that very saving time. It's all about the materials used for construction.

Insulation materials

The choice of insulation must be approached very responsibly. The fire safety of building materials is determined by the GOST 30244 standard. The best option for insulating any home is a material with a flammability class N/G - non-flammable.

The insulation traditionally used to insulate a frame house is mineral basalt wool. It is extremely resistant to high temperatures and can withstand temperatures up to 1000°C without melting. Mineral basalt wool is a fireproof insulation with a flammability class of N/G (non-flammable).

Another insulation that is popular is expanded polystyrene foam (EPS) and extruded polystyrene foam (EPS), but unlike mineral wool, EPS has a flammability class of G2-G3, and extruded polystyrene foam - G4. In addition, it is undesirable to combine them with wooden structures. Another significant drawback polystyrenes, which poses a great threat, is the release of toxic substances under the influence of high temperatures.

Less popular, but recently widespread insulation materials are ecowool and straw blocks. When the sheathing burns, ecowool quickly crumbles, exposing wooden structures to an open flame. While non-flammable basalt wool protects by covering wooden frame from fire. The straw instantly flares up and itself becomes a distributor of fire throughout the entire frame, igniting it and maintaining combustion.

There are other more exotic and labor-intensive insulation materials. But we will not dwell on them in detail, because... they are rarely used when building a frame house with their own hands and are also inferior in fire safety to mineral basalt wool.

Interior decoration

The interior decoration of a frame house plays a vital role in fire safety. It is this that protects wooden structures from the inside of the building from any influences. If the cladding is made of materials that can effectively resist fire, then this significantly increases the degree of fire safety of the entire house.

Let's look at the most popular materials used for interior cladding of frame houses.

GKL (plasterboard sheet) has a very low flammability class - G1 and therefore is a good fireproof material recommended for interior decoration premises. In addition, it differs practically complete absence smoke formation and toxicity when heated, which is no less important in determining the level of fire safety. Using gypsum plasterboard on the ceiling prevents the spread of fire between floors.

Therefore, gypsum board is definitely one of the safest and environmentally friendly materials for finishing your home. A wide variety of types of gypsum boards depending on needs (gypsum plasterboards, gypsum boards, gypsum boards, gypsum boards, gypsum boards), the simplicity and speed of its installation are also strong arguments in its favor.

Another popular interior finishing material is natural wood, incl. lining and imitation timber. These materials are certainly among the most fire hazardous and flammable. They require regular fire-prevention treatment, and this does not add environmental friendliness to the internal microclimate. Such materials weaken the fire safety of a frame house.

How can you further protect your home from fire?

The use of materials with a low flammability class and compliance with fire safety standards will help effectively protect your home from fire.

You should not neglect such fire safety methods as smoke detectors (fire alarms), the presence of fire extinguishers in the house, insuring the house in case of fire, maintaining fire safety distances from other buildings, and the presence of additional emergency exits in the house.

The main source of fires is the careless use of fire inside buildings, especially when using stoves and boilers on solid fuel. Be attentive and careful, follow fire safety rules and teach this to your children! Take care of yourself!

The fire occurred due to flames spreading from a neighboring building. The fire was contained in outer skin(OSB), which burned out under the pressure of the flame. Further spread of the fire into the house was effectively restrained by mineral basalt wool slabs and internal gypsum plasterboard cladding, which served as a serious non-combustible barrier to the flames. As we see, these materials do an excellent job with such an important task as containing the spread of fire.

Firefighters commenting on this incident said that the house was saved thanks to frame construction technology. It would be impossible to quickly localize a fire without allowing it to spread inside the entire house in an all-wood or stone house.

This house was restored within a week. This required 2 cubic meters of boards, 10 sheets of OSB, 10 packages of mineral basalt wool, a new window and restoration of half the roof. The total cost of restoration was no more than 60 thousand rubles.

This example clearly demonstrates and definitely confirms the high fire safety of frame houses. And also the possibility of quickly and inexpensively restoring a house in the event of a fire.

Registration: 03/30/12 Messages: 71 Thanks: 31

Comparison of fire safety of log, frame and stone houses - answers from firefighters

For moderators:
The information is relevant primarily for people who are at the stage of choosing a technology for building their house (log, frame or stone). In questions and answers, stone (brick, concrete) is most often mentioned. That's why I posted the topic in the section Stone houses. If you think that the topic should be in another section, please move it.

On the fire department forums (, I asked the following questions and received the following answers. I'm publishing it.
And thanks again to the firefighters who responded!

"Dear forum members - firefighters!

The questions concern the comparison of fire safety of private wooden, frame and stone (brick, concrete) houses.
Answer, please. You are practitioners and specialists. In addition to the fact that your answers are interesting to me personally, I would like to publish them/give a link on the dacha forum. There is a lot of debate on this topic on the forum. I would really like to hear the opinion of experts.

1. Is the advantage of stone (brick, concrete) houses, such as greater fire protection compared to wood and frame ones, confirmed in practice? For example, the neighbor’s house is on fire =>
2. Is it true that in a fire, people more often die from gas =>
3. After a fire, all wall materials become unusable, including brick and concrete (brick loses about 60% of its strength) =>
4. From a fire safety point of view, what wall material would you choose for your home? Why?

Thank you very much!"

Answers from firefighters on the pojaru forum. net. ru:


From a fire safety point of view, what wall material would you choose for your home? Why?

Most often, we choose the material for our structure based on financial capabilities. So residential buildings or we may have both brick and wooden dachas: log or frame-panel.

After a fire, all wall materials become unusable, including brick and concrete (brick loses about 60% of its strength) => thus, regardless of the wall material, if a fire occurs, is the house lost?

Not at all necessary. This depends on the load of the premises with combustible material, the combustion temperature of these materials and the duration of exposure to this temperature. Miscellaneous material It burns at different temperatures; from your own experience, even you know that, for example, birch firewood burns hotter than aspen chips. In addition, it also affects the destruction of brick walls in a fire: the sharp cooling of water jets falling on them also affects the load (mass) that these bricks or railway support. b. wall, beam. How large mass puts pressure on them, and with the simultaneous action of temperature, the sooner they begin to collapse. But private lived. houses usually don’t have more than 2 floors, so usually after a fire such walls (brick, reinforced concrete) only require repairs, but not erection again after dismantling - this is financially easier. Fires in ordinary city apartments of 5-15 storeys usually occur without destruction of brick or iron. b. walls and ceilings, even if the apartment burns out completely. It happens above basements, but the combustion conditions are different there and oxygen and acetylene cylinders are not stored in apartments, but this happens in basements.
Automatic fire extinguishing systems in houses will be quite effective, but it is an expensive thing and it is unlikely that even my colleagues will do this in their own home.
Alarms (fire) - well, sometimes they will help you quickly detect the start of a fire, maybe they will let you take measures to put it out yourself (at the very beginning, a bucket of water may be enough, then you will need a whole pond, lake), but not everyone can do this . Really, an example: the TV caught fire and my wife immediately ran to the back room, not even to the street, but my daughter ran immediately to get water and to the meter (the reaction of the action is IMMEDIATE but how different this reaction is!). But the alarm will at least warn you in time and allow you to leave the room while you are still breathing and moving on your own. Life is also expensive, more expensive than a house.

Is the advantage of stone (brick, concrete) houses, such as greater fire protection compared to wooden and frame houses, confirmed in practice? For example, a neighbor’s house is on fire => exposure to thermal radiation, etc.

If it so happens that a neighbor’s house is on fire and the gaps between the houses are small (and dachas, basically, all fire breaks are broken by buildings), then first of all they are exposed to the danger of exposure to high temperatures wooden houses and especially frame-panel ones. Having warmed up enough, the wood of the building can catch fire and the planks from the frame will warm up much earlier than the logs of the log house! Therefore, even wall cladding on the outside wooden building with fireproof panels or plastering them will allow your building to stand safely next to its burning neighbor for a longer time - in the end, either fire trucks will reach your dachas or the rest of the neighbors will catch up and will not just wag their tongues, but will at least take care of preventing the spread of fire to other buildings. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that anything can be done to help the neighbor’s house in such events; it will burn down or at least remain brick walls, but for you it makes a difference what you made your house or dacha out of. To protect your wooden structure from fire (cooling), you will also need a supply of water, and not a small one, but in conditions of limited reservoirs in the dacha area, it may not be enough!
Added (03.04.2013, 22:33)

Is it true that in a fire, people more often die from gas => thus, the material of the walls does not play a role in terms of survival in a fire?

Domestic gas poisoning is a completely different case. You probably meant poisoning (suffocation) by combustion products (carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, one poisons, the other does not allow breathing). Purely from this, people die only after falling asleep first in a drunken stupor or a person unable to move independently due to injury or illness in order to get out of the room. People suffocate in a fire because they cannot find an exit in the smoke or are cut off from the exit by flames or temperature, or in panic they hide in corners and dead ends (I showed you an example). In dead ends they will find both fumes and fire, so they also die from injuries from falling from a height and objects falling on them.

I didn’t want to, but I have to). I am not a professional in calculations, I only have 20 years of experience in extinguishing. Colleagues have the right to disagree.

1. Is the advantage of stone (brick, concrete) houses, such as greater fire protection compared to wood and frame ones, confirmed in practice? For example, a neighbor’s house is on fire => exposure to thermal radiation, etc.

If there is an external source of ignition (burnt grass, careless handling of fire, etc.) it is confirmed.

If the source of ignition is inside the building, there is no difference. Example: electrical fault. device, short circuit, the fire does not spread along the walls (initially), but through furniture, household items, etc. The fire develops. Provided that the floors and ceilings are wooden, what remains of the walls (brick, concrete) will be of little use for restoring the house. As stated above, the survival of a building is more dependent on how far away the fire station is.

2. Is it true that in a fire, people more often die from gas => thus, the material of the walls does not play a role in terms of survival in a fire?

Well, if you don’t take into account explosions, collapses, falling from a height (jumped out), then “choking” is the only reason. To die from fire directly, it is necessary for a person to douse himself with a flammable substance and set himself on fire, or, alternatively, be blocked with sufficient air supply for breathing (and at the same time to maintain combustion). And even in this case, having received burns, he will still die not from the fire directly, but as a result of intoxication of the body (kidneys fail).

3. After a fire, all wall materials become unusable, including brick and concrete (brick loses about 60% of its strength) => thus, regardless of the wall material, if a fire occurs, is the house lost?

Depends on the intensity of combustion, temperature, duration of exposure to fire on wall materials, and a number of other factors that make no sense to list. Simply put: the more flammable materials in the room, the greater the likelihood that the walls will be beyond repair after a fire.

Perfect option: cave) with stone furniture. But fortunately, when choosing a home, people are guided not only by considerations of fire hazard, but also by comfort, price, etc.
For myself, I would choose something non-flammable (professional fear for my family when I’m on shift), I’ve seen many different causes of fires

I apologize to my colleagues for the freestyle. I tried to make it clearer for non-professionals.

Sometimes I use your forum, I’m glad if you helped me understand the nuances.


In addition to the fact that your answers are interesting to me personally, I would like to publish them/give a link on the dacha forum. There is a lot of debate on this topic on the forum. I would really like to hear the opinion of experts.
If you are very interested in this issue, then it is advisable for you to go to study at educational institution fire profile, because the question you asked is not simple and cannot be answered in a couple of lines. To understand this issue, appropriate knowledge is required, for example, there are such concepts as flame propagation limit, smoke generation capacity, fire resistance limit and many others. If you want to know the opinion of a specialist with experience, then personally I have always leaned towards concrete. And its fire resistance limit is high, and the spread of flame is zero, and the durability is appropriate. In a word, if there is a fire in a monolithic reinforced concrete house, then after the fire at least the walls will remain in it, everything else can be salvaged, but the same cannot be said about wooden or frame houses. If the fire station is far from your home, then only God can save such a building in the event of a fire. And in order to detect a fire in a timely manner, a fire alarm is required. Autonomous fire detectors are especially helpful here; they will notify you of smoke in the room with a powerful sound signal.

dymok, Sergey_112, everything has already been chewed. And I'll be short.

1. Is the advantage of stone (brick, concrete) houses, such as greater fire protection compared to wood and frame ones, confirmed in practice? For example, a neighbor’s house is on fire => exposure to thermal radiation, etc.
In its pure form - Yes.

2. Is it true that in a fire, people more often die from gas => thus, the material of the walls does not play a role in terms of survival in a fire?
From combustion products or factors arising from thermal effects on something.

3. After a fire, all wall materials become unusable, including brick and concrete (brick loses about 60% of its strength) => thus, regardless of the wall material, if a fire occurs, is the house lost?
There is no direct answer, it depends on the specific case.

4. From a fire safety point of view, what wall material would you choose for your home? Why?
Fireclay (fireproof) brick, lined for reliability with 5 (10) layers of sheet asbestos. But this is for the paranoid.

P.s. In general, you need to build and live in an environmentally friendly, comfortable house, and during construction, comply with the safety rules and regulations.
I live in a house with chopped wooden walls. In terms of comfort, in comparison with houses made of brick, and even more so made of concrete, houses made of wood are unrivaled. IMHO. There are plenty of options for external protection of such houses from fires. This also applies to frames. The vast majority of private houses in the USA and Canada are framed. In Germany, frames are built with adobe insulation. But this is already for forumhouse. ru


1. Yes. A wooden house that has dried out even from burning grass is in danger of being...
2. Yes, survivability is related to timely evacuation, and not to the severity of combustion.
3. Partially; in case of a weak fire, often the walls or part of the walls are in good condition.
4. I have a brick one at my dacha. Like Nuf-Nuf. Option Naf-Naf with timber house I don't like

Today we will talk about this important topic as fire safety of frame houses. It is widely believed that frame houses are a fire hazard. This comes from the fact that we know that wood is a combustible and flammable material. This point of view excludes one important detail– insulation of the wooden frame and a number of fire safety measures that are mandatory in the construction of frame houses.

The main misconceptions about the fire safety of frame houses

Meanwhile, the fire safety level of frame houses has an index of 3, like, for example, a house made of reinforced concrete. In numbers, this means that a frame house ignites on average in 45 minutes, which is an indicator of good fire resistance. Why does this type of house burn poorly? The only part of the house that is made of wood is the frame, which is securely hidden inside the walls made of other, more fire-resistant materials. Moreover, it is impregnated with special substances - antiprenes. Tests have shown that wood after such impregnation is resistant to fire even after prolonged contact with fire.

How to improve fire safety at home?

Smoke detectors and fire protection systems

Smoke detectors are a modern and reliable method of preventing the spread of fire. Operating principle: when smoke occurs, the sensor produces a loud sound signal, informing about the appearance of a fire in the house. This is a simple, effective and inexpensive method to increase the fire safety of a wooden house.

A more complex, expensive, but also more multifunctional method is to install a fire safety system. Smoke detectors work if there is someone in the house, and the fire system is connected either to automatic system fire extinguishing, or calling firefighters. Thus, it will protect your home even if you are far away.

Electrical wiring: dangerous and safe technologies

Since electrical wiring is one of the most common reasons spontaneous combustion, special attention should be paid to it when building a house. According to the wiring method, electrical wiring is divided into overhead and underground.

Air - simple and quick way, however, less reliable and definitely not safe. The point is that in in this case, wires are constantly exposed to external factors: precipitation, temperature changes, birds, wind, lightning.

The underground, on the contrary, is reliably protected by the earth. This allows you to make the supply of electricity stable and significantly reduce the risk of fire.

Wiring inside the house can be external or internal. Safe method considered external, that is, along the walls. To protect the wires, special cable channels or corrugations are used. This method allows you to hide the wires without walling them up. The most unsafe way is to lay the cable inside the walls. In addition to the high risk of fire, this is also a labor-intensive process, so it is not used often.

In addition, to increase security, it is important to follow a number of rules:

  1. Pay attention to the cable cross-section - it must correspond to the power required by the devices being used.
  2. Install a safety system in your electrical panel that will automatically cut off the power supply if current leaks due to damaged wiring.
  3. Lay the cable in one piece.
  4. You cannot connect wires internally without going through the box.

Impregnation of walls

We have already said a few words about the need for impregnation wooden structures, now let's look at this in more detail. Even before the advent of specialized products, compounds that were made from various natural materials were always used in the construction of houses. These include: Birch tar, tree resins, mixtures of sand and clay. This not only increased the fire safety of the frame house, but also protected the wood from fungus and insects.

Today, impregnations are developed in laboratories; their formulas are highly effective and safe for human health. They are based on the principle of film formation, that is, creating a barrier. It only takes a few seconds of contact between untreated wood and an open flame for ignition to occur. And if it is coated with impregnation, this time increases to seven minutes. As a rule, this is enough to put out a small fire or leave the house.

However, it should be remembered that impregnation treatment during construction is “not once and for all.” Depending on the type of impregnation, the composition must be updated once every 5-10 years. In addition, if you find that in some place the wood has become rough, swollen and cracked, this place must be covered with impregnation ahead of schedule.

Other options for improving fire safety

The right choice of insulation

Be responsible when choosing insulation when building a frame house. This is part of the structure and the highest requirements for its fire resistance must be met. The best choice– material marked N\G, which means “non-flammable”. Among the most fire-resistant insulation materials, mineral basalt wool can be noted. Expanded polystyrene is also used, but its stability is lower. In addition, it has another significant drawback - the release of toxic substances when exposed to heat.

If we talk about the most fire-hazardous insulation materials, the use of which is not recommended, then these are blocks of straw and so-called eco-wool. Both burn quickly, exposing the wood frame, which ultimately causes it to burn faster.

Interior decoration

When choosing materials for the interior decoration of a frame house, you should pay attention not only to the durability and aesthetic qualities of the materials, but also to fire safety.

One of the most fire-resistant materials is drywall or gypsum board. Among its advantages are the following: the absence of toxic compounds when heated, a low flammability index G1, a small amount of smoke during fire, and an obstacle to the spread of fire if plasterboard is used for cladding the ceiling.

The most fire-hazardous interior finishing material is natural wood. If you still want to use this natural material, then combine with others that are more resistant to fire.

Powder fire extinguishers

Relatively new way maintaining fire safety in the house - automatic powder fire extinguishers. They react to high temperature and smoke. Usually they are installed in a critical place - electrical panel, boiler, stove, fireplace, chimney. These fire extinguishers have proven their effectiveness by quickly eliminating the initial source of fire.

Fire safety distance between wooden houses

According to fire safety rules, maintaining distances between wooden houses is mandatory to prevent the spread of fire.

Distance standards according to fire safety rules

TO wooden houses include buildings wholly or partially made of wood. In the first case, the distance between neighboring buildings must be at least 15 meters, in the second - 10. If this is not possible, the situation can be saved by installing fire partitions.

It is important to consider that if only the frame of your house is made of wood, then the adjacent buildings are often made entirely of wood - a bathhouse, gazebos, poultry houses, etc. This must be kept in mind when determining the distance.

A few words about the human factor

We should not forget that resisting fire requires basic caution. When installing boilers, furnaces, heating devices, carefully study the fire safety rules and teach them to your children. Be sure to keep a fire extinguisher in the house and check that it is in working order and working properly.

The statistics are inexorable: the reason for most violations of safety regulations and operating rules electrical appliances. A fire can happen in a house built from any materials - until one has been invented that would 100% protect against fire. Be vigilant and trust the design and construction to professionals who will make your home as safe as possible. Take care of yourself!

When choosing the type of building to build your house, you need to highlight the main positive aspects. The advantages of frame houses, which are what we will talk about, are quite extensive. They affect almost all areas of construction and have very few disadvantages, from the weight of the structure to environmental friendliness.

The first thing you should pay attention to is its significantly low weight. This characteristic gives whole line benefits that are extremely noticeable. Firstly, it simplifies the installation process, allowing it to be completed without the use of specialized equipment. Secondly, when the weight of the house is reduced, the requirements for the foundation are also reduced. You can save money by laying a smaller and cheaper base.

The second most significant advantage is high quality materials from which the frame house panels are made. The perfect design makes the house warm enough, allowing you to save a decent amount on heating, and also helps create a favorable microclimate that does not allow the development of fungus and mold. Additionally, it is worth noting that the correct indoor microclimate has a beneficial effect on the health of the residents of the house.

The most significant positive characteristic is the low price. The panels themselves cost a few pennies, and all of the above characteristics contribute to efficiency.

Environmental issue

The environmental friendliness of the material lies not only in the fact that it should not emit harmful substances under the influence of any factors. The question concerns the costs of natural resources for the manufacture of a product.

The basis of sandwich models is wood, which means that forests are cut down to make the material. However, they are increasingly beginning to use waste lumber as the basis of the panel. This process not only prevents deforestation, but also serves as a disposal for wood residues. Thus, when using new technologies to create frame house panels, you can kill two birds with one stone: save forests from deforestation and recycle wood waste from production.

An important environmental aspect is the energy spent on the production of the product. This figure is extremely low. Even the level of energy involved in making bricks is higher than this.

And, of course, the influence on others cannot be ignored. The panels are made from environmentally friendly material, which means that when exposed to temperatures and other factors, no harmful substances are released and do not pose a threat to the health of others. Even touching on the issue of adhesives and insulating fillers, we can safely say that they are safe.

Specification Benefits

The first thing you should pay attention to is the high thermal insulation of the building. Sandwich panels are made of three layers. The outer and outer layer is wood cladding, inside of which the insulation is located. On average, its thickness is about 15 cm, combined with its high density, this is enough to maintain the room temperature.

The issue of the area of ​​a frame house also cannot be ignored. The thing is that when erecting a building from any material, having an external area like a frame one, the internal space is an order of magnitude smaller. This is due to the fact that SIP panels are quite thin for their insulating characteristics. In addition, they require virtually no finishing works, and if they are done, then in a thin layer, since the walls are perfectly smooth.

The natural lighting in the room is quite good. This is due to the thickness of the walls. The higher this indicator, the darker the room will be, since less sunlight penetrates inside. This will be a great bonus for saving money, since the light from the sun’s rays can only be amplified with a couple of light bulbs.

Another positive quality is that such a house warms up quickly and retains heat for a long time. The unique panel production technology ensures these characteristics. A bonus will be the tightness of all seams through which, in theory, it could leak warm air. It can also be noted high level noise isolation. Additionally installing plastic windows, the owner will forget about the noise from the street.

Frame houses are lightweight, unlike block, brick or even log houses. This feature helps save on this part construction work, as a foundation. You can get by with a simple tape base that will confidently cope with the assigned load.

And, of course, you can’t ignore high speed assembly and low price for material for a frame house. The manufacturer makes sure that everyone can afford a house of this type and at the same time easily build it in a short time and with little effort.

Positive qualities in the long term

The surface of such a building has perfectly smooth walls, which allows you to eliminate or reduce costs for all types of finishing. In addition, due to the flat base, it is extremely easy to produce renovation work. The surface is easily cleaned of old finishes and again does not require additional processing.

There is also the prospect of ongoing savings. Taking into account the rate of rapid heating of the room and the fact that the temperature is maintained for a long time, we can talk about economic benefits. Heating costs for such a building are significantly reduced due to the unique panel manufacturing technology.

Savings are also made on lighting due to the high rate of daylight penetration. This allows you to install fewer light bulbs, which will consume electricity day after day.

And the last positive characteristic lies in the issue of redevelopment. Frame houses are extremely convenient in this regard, since they do not have load-bearing walls, and the internal partitions can be removed and rearranged.

The disadvantages of frame houses are that they will require high costs for ventilation of the room due to the low natural level. And the durability of such a building is significantly lower than that of its analogues.

Summing up

Having weighed all the advantages and disadvantages, we can say that such buildings are very relevant and are gaining popularity for good reason. And everyone who makes their choice in their favor will not regret what they have done.

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