Thin lawn grass. What is the best lawn to plant at your dacha, what grass is best for your plot? Requirements for lawn grass

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Lawns and lawns are increasingly becoming part of our lives, as they provide the opportunity interesting design plot, park, recreation area. In order for the lawn to look beautiful and neat, not turn yellow or thin, it is very important to approach the choice responsibly suitable variety. Let's figure it out what grass is best for the lawn.

It is very important not only to familiarize yourself with the type of climate for which this or that mixture or crop is intended, but to carefully study the grasses themselves that are included in the composition, because often lawn mixtures are imported from European countries, where growing conditions are many times milder than ours.

You cannot use regular grass to decorate your lawn, as it depletes the soil. A lawn mixture is specially created for a beautiful lawn design, has a decorative appearance and grows evenly.

As a rule, perennial grass is used (you can see the top view in the photo), which, with proper care and watering, will please the eye for many years.

Primary requirements

What kind of grass is there? To keep your lawn looking perfect, ornamental grass for a lawn there should be:

  • frost-resistant;
  • fast growing;
  • perennial;
  • with a well-developed root system;
  • designed for a specific climate;
  • capable of vegetative propagation.

In addition, the ideal grass for a lawn should tolerate cutting well.

Lawn grass: how to choose

An excellent option for a lawn are cereals; they allow you to get uniform green shoots, are excellent at removing weeds, and have a strong root system. And the lawn where they grow looks very beautiful and well-groomed. The following types of herbs are suitable:

  • meadow bluegrass;
  • fescue;
  • bentgrass;
  • ryegrass

To make the lawn look interesting, you can use grass mixtures.

To decorate your lawn, you can choose either one variety of seeds (monoculture) or a special mixture. Monoculture looks more beautiful and neat, and is used to design elite lawns and areas, but it is much more expensive and requires more careful care. And the mixtures are less capricious, while covering the lawn with an even green carpet.

Description of mixtures

How to choose a mixture

First of all, you should pay attention to the composition; the main part of the mixture for the lawn should be made up of three key plants: meadow bluegrass, thin bentgrass and red fescue. Often the name of herbs is written in Latin, so you should remember in advance that bluegrass is called Poa pratensis, bentgrass is called Agrostis tenuis, and the name Festuca rubra will help you recognize fescue. Knowing what the herb is called in Latin will help you avoid making mistakes.

In addition to the three main plants, the mixture may also include other components, knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of which will help you not make mistakes when choosing.

  • Bentgrass is a shoot-bearing lawn grass. The plant has high speed growth, but its horizontal shoots are colored light tone, so they will be noticeable on a dark lawn. The lawn will not look uniform enough, which is why such grass can be used in recreation areas, but is unacceptable in parterre lawns.
  • Common minnow, narrow-leaved and flattened. They look less impressive than meadow mint, the blades of grass are tough, and their lifespan is short, no more than 7 years, then the grass will need to be reseeded.
  • Meadow fescue. This is a very fast growing grass, so it is suitable for those who need a temporary lawn in a short time. This grass will sprout in one to two months, creating a beautiful lawn. Perfect for underseeding so that the lawn doesn’t look bare: while the slow-growing shoots of meadow grass grow back, meadow fescue will perfectly camouflage empty areas. But the plant has weak roots, a short lifespan, and does not tolerate trampling very well.
  • Swamp mint. Ideal for lawns with high humidity soil. The lawn will be beautiful and neat, but the grass itself does not live long and needs constant reseeding. White bentgrass is also suitable for such areas.
  • Oak grove bluegrass. Ideal for growing in shady areas as it grows well without direct sunlight. But due to the poorly developed root system, such a lawn requires rare cuttings and does not tolerate movement.
  • Dog bentgrass. Used for lawns where walking is not intended, for example, for ground floors. The lawn will look perfect due to the beautiful emerald color of the thin blades of grass. But the grass has a short lifespan; such a lawn will not live more than 5 years; in addition, the grass is capricious and has a weak root system.

Very important! These plants can be included in mixtures, but not as the main component.

A few secrets

Lawn grass is not easy beautiful design lawns, but also great way to remove weeds.


I always wanted to have a neat lawn in front of my house, so I bought a lawn mixture based on two grasses: meadow mint and red fescue. I was pleased with the result, the lawn turned out neat, bright green, uniform, I have been admiring its beauty for several years now, occasionally reseeding. I am satisfied with the price-quality ratio, the lawn survives the winter and is not difficult to care for.

Ekaterina, Lobnya, 35 years old

Built own house, I wanted to decorate the lawns next to him, so I purchased special lawn grass. Most of all I liked the meadow mint, it turned out to be a very beautiful lawn, and at the same time unpretentious in care.

Valery, St. Petersburg, 46 years old

On summer cottage the main thing is order. That is why we have been sowing lawn grass for many years; it helps get rid of weeds and makes the area attractive and tidy. Of all the herbs that I had a chance to try, red fescue proved to be the best, a very unpretentious and attractive grass of bright green color.

Georgy, 59 years old, Volgodonsk

The lawn creates harmony in the garden, emphasizing the beauty flower beds, lush greenery of spreading bushes and neatness of paths, and also gives the site an aristocratic appearance. Thanks to the lawn, the chances of weeds to invade the territory are significantly reduced, the garden looks more well-groomed and, in addition, green grass absorbs dust and improves the microclimate near your home. There is no doubt - a lawn has many advantages, and if everything is done correctly, you are unlikely to have to regret the time and money spent. But which lawn is better: rolled or seeded, parterre or regular?

What is better: buy a roll lawn or sow the grass yourself?

On the question of how to choose a lawn, opinions often differ. Some people want to quickly decorate the area with an ideal emerald lawn, while the price of the issue does not play a special role, while others would prefer to save money and sow the area with grass themselves, having previously studied the structure of the lawn and selected the most suitable grass mixture.

Lawns for the lazy also include clover and Moorish lawns.

Grass lawns are also different: parterre lawns need to be carefully looked after to maintain their impeccable appearance, ordinary garden lawns They don’t look so elegant, but they are easier to care for, and you can walk on them safely. The so-called lawn grass for the lazy is gaining popularity - special grass mixtures from unpretentious plants that do not require frequent cutting and watering. Lawns for the lazy can also be classified as lawns, but they have their pros and cons, which are definitely worth paying attention to.

Video about lawn in rolls or seeds, which is better

If you do not take into account the cost of lawn in rolls, you can count many advantages:

  • Rolled lawn grass is frost-resistant, so it can be laid until late autumn without fear that the turf will not have time to take root and will freeze;
  • there is no need to wait for the grass to grow, the lawn looks impressive immediately after laying;
  • weeds do not appear on rolled lawns for one or two seasons;
  • the quality of the finished turf is very high, it does not fall apart, has good density and a uniform, rich color;
  • Lawn in rolls is resistant to damping off, drought, heavy rainfall and trampling.

You most likely won’t be able to roll out the rolls alone, so immediately budget for the costs of hiring help.

Despite so many advantages, rolled lawn has mixed reviews. Firstly, it does not grow well in shaded areas; secondly, felt may soon appear under the grass, which contributes to its spread and spoils its appearance; thirdly, lawn in rolls is less durable than seeded lawn. In addition, installing a rolled lawn requires several hands due to the heaviness of the turf. You most likely won’t be able to roll out the rolls alone, so immediately budget for the costs of hiring help. You will need to care for a rolled lawn in the same way as a seeded lawn: regularly mow, water, feed, comb and aerate the soil.

Of course, creating a lawn with your own hands takes a lot of time and requires a lot of effort. This is precisely the main disadvantage of a seeded lawn. In addition, you will have to be patient: at the beginning of summer you will need to complete everything necessary work, sow the grass mixture, then conscientiously care for the grass throughout the entire season and prepare it properly for winter. And only next year you will be able to evaluate the result of your efforts.

Sometimes it’s not easy to decide which lawn to choose, because both rolled and seeded lawns have their drawbacks

But you will be rewarded with the following advantages of a seeded lawn:

  • durability and resistance to impact environment- provided that the grass mixture is correctly selected, the cereals you sow will immediately adapt to the local natural conditions and the type of soil on your site;
  • The variety of lawn grasses allows you to choose a grass mixture for any conditions (adapted for growth in shaded areas, for trampling, intended for active rest or for decorative purposes);
  • if bald spots appear on the lawn, you can always sow the grass;
  • seeded lawn is more unpretentious than rolled lawn.

Sometimes it’s not easy to decide which lawn to choose, because both rolled and seeded lawns have their drawbacks. But no matter which option you choose, the appearance of the lawn will depend largely on how proper care in the future you will provide him with.

An experienced consultant in a specialized store will definitely tell you how to choose lawn grass taking into account your wishes

Which lawn grass to choose to create a lawn with your own hands?

If you decide to try your hand at planting a lawn yourself, you will have to figure out which grass is best for the lawn, taking into account the climate, soil and the degree of expected load on the lawn - will it serve a purely decorative function or will you be walking on the grass and playing? play active games on it.

As the definition of a lawn states, its composition mainly includes perennial herbs family of cereals. Most often, grass mixtures contain a certain percentage of bluegrass, fescue and raygrass seeds. Various combinations of these basic components with minor additions of other plant species provide a huge variety of grass mixtures on the market. An experienced consultant in a specialized store will definitely tell you how to choose lawn grass, taking into account your wishes and the conditions in which the grass will grow.

Meadow bluegrass

At insufficient care loses its beautiful malachite color and gloss, thins out, but is able to quickly recover

Resistant to early frosts and frosty winters, durable, but in the first year it is very weak and can freeze or be damaged by weeds. By the third year it turns into a thick carpet of pleasant color. It begins to turn green earlier than other herbs and grows well in a sunny place for decades, but in the shade it can become sick with powdery grass and die. Relates well to plenty of water loamy soils and liming. With insufficient care, it loses its beautiful malachite color and luster, thins out, but is able to quickly recover if you remember about it in time.

Red fescue

A drought-resistant, shade-tolerant plant, it grows slowly in the first year and then grows rapidly. Forms dense turf, soft and silky. This is lawn grass for the lazy - even if you forget to water it on time or feed it, the plants will still not die.


It grows quickly and is characterized by increased endurance, forms a very dense turf, and it is almost impossible to trample it. Ideal for children's playgrounds.

Video about growing a lawn with your own hands

Perennial ryegrass

Quite tough dark green grass, grows quickly and is not easily trampled. Due to the fact that reigrass is much brighter than other types of grasses in grass mixtures, it will stand out against the background of delicate greenery on the lawn.

Bluegrass and fescue get along well on the same lawn, complementing each other; these plants are best suited for creating a high-quality lawn in any climatic conditions, different types soil. The addition of ryegrass is necessary to ensure that the lawn turns green as quickly as possible while the bluegrass and fescue are gaining strength. The main thing is that there is not too much ryegrass in the grass mixture, otherwise it will crush the seedlings of the main lawn plants.

You can grow a beautiful and well-groomed lawn near your home using lawn grass mixtures. Well, what kind of dacha owner? suburban area Don’t you dream of enjoying lush greenery, having picnics and playing with children on green grass? The tradition of lawn care came to us from Western countries and has firmly taken root. A beautiful lawn in the yard is fashionable, aesthetically pleasing, and pleasant.

A velvety lawn carpet perfectly complements the home's design and enhances the overall relaxing atmosphere. As a result, many country property owners are wondering how to grow a beautiful green lawn on their property, what grass seeds or mixtures to use for lawns and how to choose them.

The ideal option for solving the “lawn” issue would be mixtures of lawn grass seeds. Usually they include from 3 to 5 varieties of crops that harmoniously complement each other’s properties. The disadvantages of some seeds are compensated by the advantages of others. As a result, it becomes possible to use mixtures of lawn grass seeds in a variety of climatic conditions without fear for your future lawn.

Why use herbal mixtures?

Using one lawn crop to create beautiful green lawns is the prerogative of professionals. Each type of lawn grass has its own unique set of characteristics:

  • Growth rate;
  • Shade tolerance;
  • Resistance to trampling;
  • Resistance to unfavorable climate (severe frosts, droughts).

Each of the factors must be taken into account and possible risks must be anticipated before planting seeds. It may be a matter of a mixture of lawn grasses. The composition of the seed mixture in them is such that the advantages of some types cover the disadvantages of others, forming an ideal combination.

Owners country houses often overcome by doubts about the conditions for growth, as well as the capabilities of this or that cereal. In such cases, it is advisable to give preference to mixtures lawn seeds that endure unfavourable conditions climate, poor soil, drought, shade.

Popular types

To grow a thick and beautiful, lush green lawn, it is important to take into account the climatic conditions of the area where lawn grass seeds will be planted. Drought, heavy rain, sudden temperature changes - all this can adversely affect seed growth. For our latitudes, where the weather is unstable, some types of lawn seeds are intended. They are not afraid of unfavorable climatic conditions, and the lawns eventually grow green and attractive:

  • Meadow fescueperfect option for use in wet soil. It grows very quickly and already in the first year after sowing forms a beautiful and lush green cover. The only drawback is its fragility (usually no more than 4-5 years), but if you combine it correctly with other herbs, the lawn will remain green for a long time;

  • Sheep fescue is a grass that can withstand the harsh conditions of dry and poor soils. Mixing it with red fescue produces a lawn grass seed mixture that forms a beautiful, uniform cover even in the shade of shrubs and trees;

  • Reigrass - the grass shows all its beauty on fertile soils, is resistant to trampling, and provides an even cover within a couple of months after sowing. But compared to other types, it does not last long and is not distinguished by the strength of the turf;

  • Meadow bluegrass is good for areas with sudden temperature changes and adverse weather conditions. The grass withstands frost and drought, forming a thick turf. The only drawback is susceptibility to diseases ( powdery mildew, rust);

  • Bentgrass is the most common variety of lawn grass seed, which can grow in almost any conditions. With abundant watering, it can delight you with lush greenery until the first snow. The disadvantage is slow growth after mowing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of grass mixture for lawns:

  • Affordable price of mixtures;
  • Ease of selecting lawn grass mixtures for specific areas depending on climatic conditions.

Disadvantages of seed mixture:

  • The need to wait a long time for shoots to appear from a mixture of herbs (2-3 weeks). In unfavorable weather conditions, the period may increase;
  • Abundant growth of weeds during the first period of seed growth (2-3 cuttings).

Review of popular herbal mixtures

For cultivation in our latitudes, manufacturers produce universal mixtures of lawn seeds that can withstand adverse weather and different soil. These include:

  • DLF-Trifolium Turfline Ornamental– contains in its seed mixture the hardiest crops that grow slowly, forming a strong turf (meadow fescue, red fescue, reed fescue, bentgrass, bluegrass). This lawn recovers well after mowing and grows both in the sun and in the shade. The mixture is made in two versions: for temperate and hot climates.
  • Wolf-Garten Reseeding is a mixture of crops that are used to restore damaged areas of lawns. The composition includes high-quality seeds and active additives.
  • Wolf-Garten Sport and Leisure LG– ideal lawn grass mixtures to create lawns for sports and picnics. Universal mixture crops that will grow on any soil, forming a durable turf.
  • LawnCity “6 acres”- a mixture of lawn grass seeds for beginners. The seeds here are selected in such a way as to grow in different conditions and does not require particularly careful care. Bluegrass and fescue provide an even and beautiful turf cover with high resistance to trampling.
  • Green carpet "Children's Park"— the softness of the cover determines the name and recommendations for use. This type of lawn is best grown in playgrounds and backyards of country houses.
  • "Russian vegetable garden"— special flowering grass mixtures for lawns that lift your spirits. Five different collections give the lawn a special charm. Each buyer will be able to find a shade to their liking. The flower cover does not require careful care.
  • Barenburg RTF Premium is a mixture of lawn grass seeds that produces a particularly hardy and beautiful lawn grass. The lawn can withstand severe droughts and recovers on its own, filling in open or damaged areas.

Prices for mixtures of lawn grass seeds range from 300 to 6000-7000 rubles, depending on the variety and weight. Each of them allows you to create an excellent lawn, so you should choose based on their sowing area. And let your lawn be green.

When intending to choose grass for planting in your dacha, you cannot completely rely on companies that package lawn grass seeds in bright bags with promising names. You will have to understand the composition of the mixtures and, at least a little, study the differences between some cereals and others.

Lawn Seeds and Marketing

High-quality lawn seeds are the product of the tireless efforts of breeders and specialized seed farms. High-quality products with multi-stage control are guaranteed only by world-famous manufacturers. One of the most famous companies is DLF Trifolium, which has production in different countries peace. The best seeds are supplied with a mandatory indication of the brand of the seed corporation and with an exact indication of the composition of the mixture in percentage with the Latin names of the cereals.

Marketing names - “Lawn for the Lazy,” “Canada Green,” “Cottage,” etc. do not give an accurate idea of ​​what kind of lawn grass will grow. Often, under the bright packaging there is a set of non-wintering varieties, or even fodder grains.

Seeds are sold in packages of 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 kg. Before choosing a suitable packaging, you must know the exact quantity required. To do this, you need to calculate the area of ​​the lawn. Consumption for manual sowing is 35-50 g per 1 m²; when using a mechanical seeder, consumption is reduced to 30 g.

Basic lawn grasses

Tested under conditions middle zone and even in more northern regions, lawn grass consists of various varieties and types of red fescue and meadow grass. They must be present on the packages Latin names: Festuca rubra – red fescue, Poa pratensis – meadow bluegrass. The total of these herbs should be at least 65-70%.

Lawn made from a quality mixture of grasses

  • durable turf with developed roots;
  • the most bright shades Green colour:
  • thin graceful form of strong, harsh leaves;
  • survival in bright sun and not too rich soils;
  • winter hardiness;
  • tolerance to frequent haircuts.

High-quality lawn mixtures include up to 5 varieties red fescue. This composition forms a community of beautiful and hardy grasses.

– a classic unpretentious grass for sowing lawns, one of the required components in most seed mixtures. The thick, elastic cover resists weeds well. The tillering node is located close to the ground, so the plant is decorative, without hard shoots and stems. Dense turf is frost-resistant and can grow in one place for many years.

Unlike red fescue, which has dozens of varieties, the variety of bluegrass is not so great (no more than three varieties are in use). This durable and reliable grass is used as the main crop in the production of rolled lawns. It is also chosen for sowing in monoculture - creating grass coverings from one type of seed.

Auxiliary lawn grasses

Depending on the conditions, the basic composition for sowing includes seeds of special lawn grasses of other types in the required quantity:

  • Perennial or perennial ryegrass is a fast-growing grass with broad leaves. Its peculiarity is its rapid germination and high growth rate. It is included in lawn mixture to protect the slowly growing herbs with his leaves and create the first decorative effect on a young lawn. While the rest of the grass grows, the ryegrass defends its territory against the weeds. It should not be more than 20%, because it freezes in winter and disappears;
  • thin bentgrass is a plant with delicate silky leaves. Gives the lawn a special softness, as a rule, it is included in parterre mixtures. Does not survive mechanical stress well;
  • sheep fescue, tall fescue - hardy grasses for dry, sunny places;
  • bluegrass is added to compositions for growing lawns in shady places;
  • swamp bluegrass is sometimes used for damp areas.

You should be wary if the mixture on the package contains brome grass, wheatgrass, hedgehog grass, timothy grass, and turf pike. Such plants are used for sowing on the sides of roads and railway embankments, but they are of little use for creating a green lawn in a country house. These grasses are prone to tussock formation, have coarse, hard stems, and quickly send out tall shoots.

Alternative lawns

Sometimes conditions arise at the dacha in which instead of the traditional mixture of seeds for the lawn, other types of plants are chosen.

In open sunny places where it is not possible to constantly mow the grass, the so-called Moorish lawn is sown. In addition to perennial cereals, its composition includes different kinds unpretentious bright colors: cornflowers, calendula, daisy, eschscholzia and others.

A colorful carpet of flowers and herbs brings the area closer to its natural style. Seeds of annual flowers fall off and ensure resumption of flowering the following year.

Alternative lawn with flowers and ornamental grasses


  1. It is difficult to maintain a colorful look for a long time. Typically, after 2-3 years, some species are replaced by the most resistant plants;
  2. difficult to control weeds. Moorish lawn is sown only after thoroughly cleaning the soil from the rhizomes of perennial weeds, since among the seedlings of many flowers and grasses it will be difficult to distinguish them and weed them out.

Another option for an alternative lawn is made from white clover. It has soft, silky leaves that are pleasant to walk on barefoot. The desire to make a lawn from clover most often arises among those summer residents who do not strive to create an ideal green lawn “like everyone else’s.” At the dacha there is often a need to protect free areas of land near the house, along fences from overgrowing with weeds, and to improve empty spaces adjacent to the borders.

A clover lawn rarely requires mowing - 3-4 times per season. It forms a dense grass cover that does not give freedom to weeds, and quickly covers bald spots with creeping shoots.

You should not plant a clover lawn where small children play. The flowers of this plant are excellent honey plant, are very popular with bees and bumblebees. If unmown clover is allowed to bloom even slightly, there is a chance of coming into unwanted contact with stinging insects.

Help for a damaged lawn

No matter how carefully lawn grass seeds are selected for certain conditions, it is difficult to avoid damage to the green carpet. Ambulance he may need it in many cases:

  • the appearance of mosses and mushrooms;
  • clogging with a large number of weeds (dandelion, bindweed, plantain);
  • mechanical damage (unforeseen arrival of heavy equipment);
  • damping off, soaking, mold;
  • freezing, sunburn;
  • lack of nutrition.

First of all, you need to identify and eliminate the causes of defects in the lawn. Treatment with fungicides, fertilizing, weed removal, aeration, and drainage are carried out. After this, they begin to repair bald spots, again sowing seeds of special lawn grasses in place of the dead plants.

In the damaged area, cut off the remains of the old turf, fill the hole with finely sifted soil, moisten it, compact it and sow the seeds. Ideally, their composition will be the same as the grass originally sown. Experienced summer residents When purchasing seeds for sowing a lawn, always leave a small amount for repair work so that the patches do not differ from the rest of the lawn.

The need for lawn assistance arises in places where people are frequently present, playgrounds, around the porch. Compacted soil prevents plants from developing a strong root system; frequent cutting weakens aboveground part. To recover and rest, lawn grass is allowed to grow larger from time to time (up to 15 cm), increasing the periods between mowings.

Without becoming familiar with the characteristics of cereal plants, it is impossible to choose the right lawn mixture for sowing at your dacha. Growing grass that can live in one place for a long time, fight weeds, and withstand frequent mowing and temperature fluctuations is an activity that requires not only patience, but also creativity. It can become a real hobby and awaken the desire to independently compose seed mixtures for the summer cottages of friends and relatives.

You've probably wondered whether it is possible to create a lawn based on ordinary grass if it is regularly trimmed and kept in well-groomed condition. If you have conducted such an experiment, you have probably noticed that a lawn made from ordinary grass is hard, even prickly, and you can’t really lie on it and you can’t go barefoot on it. Grasses specially used for lawns are selected according to properties that distinguish them from wild species.

Lawn grass does not need to be re-sown every spring, and self-seeding does not affect the density of the lawn, this is due to the tillering (shoot formation) that is included in the kit useful properties lawn grass. Lawn grass creates a dense turf, which prevents the germination of weeds and allows you to keep your lawn aesthetically pleasing for longer. Lawn grass is characterized by the presence of small and delicate leaves, which makes it pleasant to the touch, evoking the sensation of touching something velvety and soft.

To create a lawn, a very limited set of grass species is used, which, thanks to breeding work, have been enriched with many varieties and forms.

How to choose seeds

Naturally, when choosing grass seeds, the intended functions and purpose of the lawn must be taken into account, since for different types lawns will need different grass mixtures. The main components for almost all grass mixtures are bluegrass, fescue, ryegrass and some other grasses; the differences between grass mixtures are a consequence of the combination of different varieties and proportions of grasses. The varieties bred by breeders have certain qualities that are beneficial for the lawn - good tolerance to drought or frost, bright light or shade.

Popular decorative varieties– bluegrass and fescue, they tolerate short haircuts well and create a thick lawn of a rich green color that is comfortable for the eyes. Important advantage bluegrass - high resistance to trampling, a small minus is the slow growth rate in the first years.

To give the lawn a darker shade, use just more bluegrass.

Another type of lawn grass, ryegrass, is valued for its good turf, which makes it very useful when it comes to restoring damaged areas of the lawn. Recommendations regarding seeding, suitable soil type and other conditions are usually included on the seed packet. Therefore, when selecting lawn grass seeds, we recommend carefully reading the information provided by the manufacturer on the packaging; from it you can find out the composition of the grass mixture, release date, seeding rate and other useful information.

Some tips when choosing lawn grass:

  • the quality of the seeds must be confirmed by a state or international certificate;
  • you should choose a grass mixture that is optimal for your lawn, taking into account its type and purpose;
  • it is necessary to take into account the natural features of the area with a lawn (type of soil, factor of the presence or absence of groundwater, degree of illumination, direction of the world, etc.);
  • When buying a grass mixture not in your region, ask a consultant if it is suitable for the climate of your area.

What is better for the lawn: grass mixture or monoculture

For lawns High Quality(usually parterre lawns) often use one or two types of grass. Herbal mixtures for such lawns are used less frequently, and always from varieties characterized by an even texture and color. In principle, one winter-hardy type of grass can create almost any type of lawn.

A high-quality grass mixture should include perennial varieties cereals with good germination rates. Each grain in a grass mixture has its own pros and cons; proper selection implies that the advantages of some grains will balance the disadvantages of others, and thus the lawn will be more resistant to changes in weather, soil quality and other environmental factors. Therefore, grass mixtures are used to create a lawn when there are unfavorable conditions (poor soil, shade) or there are concerns that the main grass will successfully adapt to the conditions of the planting site. In general, grass mixtures are more in demand when creating lawns with your own hands, while monocultures are used for professional lawns such as sports fields for football, field hockey, etc.

Types of grass mixtures

Grass mixtures differ in the varieties of cereals included in them and other characteristics that give them different properties and allows you to use it for different purposes. Grass mixtures can be:

  • fast - with their help you can restore a damaged lawn in a minimum time;
  • shady - adapted for planting in shaded areas;
  • solar – the antipode of the previous variety, well adapted to bright sun and warmth;
  • universal - to a certain extent combine the properties of shady and sunny grass mixtures.

Calculation of the number of seeds

Gardeners are familiar with the concept of “seed rate,” which also applies to lawn grasses and is a value that determines the minimum number of seeds needed to plant a particular piece of land. This norm does not coincide for different grass mixtures and depends on the component varieties of the mixture and, in addition, it is influenced by the properties of the soil and other environmental conditions. The seeding rate value assumes that the seeds are used good quality with high germination rates, and sowing is carried out according to the rules.

Landscaping specialists have developed a universal standard that is suitable for almost all grass mixtures and areas; it is 50 g per 1 m2 or, if we take larger numbers, 5 kg per 1 are. This standard takes into account that sowing may deviate from the prescribed recommendations in terms of uniformity of seed distribution, germination, depth of placement in the soil, etc. decorative types will tell you about cereals and herbs.

We sow the lawn ourselves (video)

Using a seeder when sowing, 25-30 g/m2 will be enough; when sowing manually, this figure will increase by 10%. Lower seeding rates will lead to insufficient density of grass cover, increasing the likelihood of weed germination. Exceeding the seeding rate can also have negative consequences - the soil may not have enough water and nutrients necessary for the formation beautiful lawn. If you have experience creating lawns, tips and tricks on seeding and grasses used, please share them in the comments.

Reviews and comments

(3 ratings, average: 4,33 out of 5)

Lera 01.11.2015

I have 2 small lawns planted with turfgrass. One lawn is sown with narrow-leaved bluegrass, and the other with ryegrass. The first lawn looks much more aesthetically pleasing; the grass is even, padded like a carpet, and soft, pleasant for bare feet. And ryegrass even looks tough, its bushes are larger, its leaves are thicker and wider. But it grows faster and the color is brighter.

Chamomile 11/19/2015

Is there any way to determine the quality of seeds? We bought grass mixture and sowed it. The lawn has come up, but somehow in tufts. It turned out to be a clearing all covered in bald patches. It seems like they took it from a trusted specialized store, but that’s how it turned out.

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