Why do the pimples on cucumbers turn yellow? Why do cucumber ovaries turn yellow in a greenhouse? Insufficient care for cucumbers

Bacteriosis – common reason rotting of the ovaries. Its spread along the cucumber ridge is facilitated by high humidity soil and air, as well as the density of planting. The appearance of bacteriosis may also be associated with a violation of the conditions of cucumber plantings: poor soil, sudden temperature changes, etc.

Gardeners often ignore the rule of agricultural technology, warning that cucumbers should not be grown in the same area year after year. The infection tends to persist in the soil and infect the plantings of subsequent seasons.

To prevent and prevent bacteriosis, you can spray cucumber vines with 1% Bordeaux mixture or 0.4% copper oxychloride suspension. Usually, after this treatment, cucumbers begin to set well and develop.

Improper watering

Cucumbers are very sensitive to watering. They should be watered often and regularly, especially during the fruiting period. The soil should not be allowed to dry out. However, it is also unacceptable to turn a cucumber bed into a puddle; this can lead to waterlogging of the soil, which is just a stone's throw away from mold and rot. All this will inevitably lead to the fact that the flowers and ovary begin to turn yellow, rot and fall off.

You just need to water the cucumbers warm water: in cool weather - in the daytime, in sunny weather - early in the morning. On hot days, it is advisable to do a refreshing watering (not necessarily to the soil, you can just sprinkle the leaves), water in the evening as usual. If the ovaries begin to turn yellow (most often this happens in cold, damp weather), carefully remove the flowers and treat these areas with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

A large number of ovaries

Do not allow more than 25-30 ovaries to develop on one cucumber vine. Cucumbers grow quickly, especially in winter, and the plant may not have enough strength for the entire number of fruits formed. As a result, some interfere with the growth and development of others, and as a result, the gardener has a lot of yellowed and rotten ovaries and the same number of small and crooked ones.

Some varieties of cucumbers, and in particular hybrids, can form up to 150 ovaries simultaneously on one vine. In order for the harvest to please you, remove newly formed shoots in a timely manner, even those that have female flowers.

Lack of microelements in the soil

A deficiency of microelements in the soil can also cause yellowing and falling of flowers and ovaries. In this case, gardeners lose up to 50% of their cucumber harvest. The lack of microelements is especially noticeable where mineral fertilizers (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus) are often applied. The situation can be corrected by introducing microfertilizers containing manganese, copper, boron, molybdenum, zinc, etc.

If there is a significant deficiency of microelements, it is permissible to use highly concentrated preparations produced by manufacturers in the form of microgranules - Brexil Ca, Rexolin Plus. You can also apply “Kristalen”, “Terraflex” and “Master” fertilizers containing NPK - nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers with a complex of microelements. Adding wood ash to the soil in a ratio of 300 g/sq.m will help replenish the deficiency of microelements.

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Amateur gardeners often encounter such a problem as yellowing of the ovary of cucumbers. The color had just gained strength, and the ovary turned yellow and fell off. There are quite a few reasons why cucumber ovaries turn yellow.


Inappropriate growing conditions. Watering cucumbers should be done quite often. This is a moisture-loving plant. Lack of moisture affects the appearance of yellowness of the ovary and leaves. It is better to water in the early hours or late evening every day if the weather is dry enough. Feeding in the form of wood ash and urea will supply the cucumbers with potassium and nitrogen. Useful substances are contained in cow and chicken droppings, so root feeding should be done at the slightest sign of deficiency.

If the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow, then most likely they remain unpollinated. Often insects do not have the opportunity to pollinate the ovary, and it turns yellow and falls off. Only pollinated plants produce productivity. To do this, it is necessary to provide insects with access to the ovaries in a confined space (if it is a greenhouse or greenhouse), and if this is not possible, then pollination must be carried out manually. The best solution There will be self-pollinating varieties and hybrids.

Sharp temperature changes may well be the reason why cucumber ovaries turn yellow and the yield decreases. The reason is the ability of cucumber roots to absorb nutrients only at temperatures above 10°C. At low temperatures, the ability is minimized, and the ovaries begin to lose nutrients and turn yellow. Such differences contribute to the development of fungal diseases of cucumber roots and their massive destruction. In this case, only feeding the roots can save.

What to do if the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow, although the temperature is quite acceptable and watering is timely. It is possible that the reason for all this is the scorching sun. Cucumbers should be planted in a shaded area. The bright sun can burn the leaf and ovary, especially if water gets on them during watering. Therefore, you should water only at the root, avoiding getting on the ovaries.

Capable of attacking cucumbers and bacteriosis. Too much high humidity mail can lead to damage, so if bacteriosis is detected, the plant should be sprayed with Bordeaux solution.

A large number of ovaries can also cause them to turn yellow. After all, a large number of ovaries consume much more nutrients. Therefore, their number on one vine should not exceed 30. Proper and timely care of the crop will allow you to get a high yield of cucumbers.

Violations in the care of cucumber plants always lead to loss of yield. And growing them indoors small space, in greenhouses, requires more knowledge in agricultural technology.

There may be several reasons why cucumber ovaries fall off. Firstly, if bee-pollinated varieties/hybrids or with female flowering are grown. Insufficient pollination of the ovaries is the reason for their yellowing and falling off.

Secondly, thickened plantings are one of the most common causes. Growing up, cucumber plants intertwine and press on each other with their leaves. Where can they “think” about offspring? There are 2-2.5 plants per 1 square meter. You can also add cucumber molding here.

The next reason is a lack of microelements and an imbalance of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Addiction to nitrogenous fertilizers, infusions and lack of potassium leads to disruption of normal growth and fruit formation. Here the ratio should be 1:2.

Disturbances in the growth of the ovary may be associated with weather conditions. Cucumbers do not like cold weather as well as very hot weather. In greenhouses, during hot weather, the temperature rises above 30°C and cucumber plants wilt. At night, when the temperature drops, they are restored, and the next day this happens again. Naturally, plants have to spend energy on overcoming stress, and not on producing fruits.

At unfavorable conditions plants try to produce more offspring than they can support. And the falling off of a small part of the weak ovary is normal. The owner’s task is to provide everything necessary for the development of the remaining greenlings.

Despite the fact that cucumbers are fairly unpretentious vegetables, there is always the possibility of a number of annoying problems associated with growing greenhouse and soil plants. To understand why cucumbers turn yellow, the leaves dry out and the ovaries crumble, it is necessary to consider in detail the features of the agricultural technology of this vegetable crop.

Receipt bountiful harvest cucumbers can only be guaranteed by a well-structured combination of important factors: well-prepared soil, sufficient light and moisture, the use of high-quality seeds, proper feeding plants. But even if all these conditions are met, gardeners often encounter the fact that cucumber seedlings turn yellow, only the fruits that have set wither, and the foliage dries out or becomes stained.

Why do cucumber seedlings turn yellow?

As a rule, cucumber seeds are germinated either in separate containers placed on window sills, or directly in a greenhouse, planted on permanent place further growth. If seedlings grown in room conditions, then the reason for this may be the following factors:

  • excessive fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, or, on the contrary, a lack of a number of microelements: manganese, nitrogen, zinc. It is important to remember that in the first weeks after germination, cucumbers do not consume large amounts of nutrients, so there is a possibility of “nitrogen poisoning”;

  • insufficient moisture and sunlight also cause changes in the pigmentation of leaves, promotes elongation of stems and weakening of plants;

  • if the seedlings are located in a room where stability cannot be ensured temperature regime within 17-20 degrees Celsius, this leads to the leaves becoming limp and the plants dying;

  • Experienced gardeners have noticed that the use of foam containers or stands for pots can also cause cucumbers to . To avoid the effects of chemical compounds on plant roots, it is enough to cover the foam with a layer of cling film.

Why do cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse?

To solve health problems greenhouse plants, you first need to pay attention to the irrigation technique: cucumber leaves can turn yellow both with an acute lack of moisture and with extreme dryness of the soil. In addition, this vegetable crop does not tolerate watering. cold water on a hot day and reacts extremely negatively to direct contact with drops of water on fruit ovaries and foliage.

Changes in the pigmentation of leaves of mature plants can signal a lack of nutrients:

  • if a yellow-brown border appears along the edges of the leaves, it means there is not enough potassium in the soil;

  • Pale, thinned or misshapen leaves indicate nitrogen deficiency. When fertilizing with such fertilizer, it is important to remember to strictly adhere to the dose so that excess amounts of nitrates do not accumulate in vegetables;

  • the appearance of a “marble” pattern in the form of dark and light spots scattered over the surface of the leaf is a sign of a lack of magnesium.

Also, do not lose sight of the fact that sometimes cucumbers turn yellow due to lack of fresh air when the greenhouse is rarely ventilated; damage to the root system by various garden pests or diseases; sudden changes in day and night temperatures or the presence of drafts.

Why do cucumbers turn yellow in open ground?

Ground plants usually turn yellow for the same reasons as greenhouse plants: watering with too cold water, dripping on leaves and flowers, as well as lack or excess of moisture; nutritional deficiencies; frosts at night.

But in addition to the reasons listed, there may be several additional factors that explain why cucumber leaves and fruits turn yellow.

Yellowing of cucumber ovaries may be due to improper formation of the bush: sometimes gardeners forget or simply do not know that plants need to be pinched as they grow and are removed from the axils lower leaves side shoots, tendrils and ovaries. These simple measures promote good ventilation of the root system and prevent cucumbers from growing too much and shading each other.

Tip 5: How to treat cucumbers if the leaves turn yellow and dry

To obtain good harvest cucumbers, it is necessary to provide them with proper care during growth. It is extremely important to prevent the plant from developing yellow and dry leaves.

The yellow color of cucumber leaves is an extremely common occurrence. In most cases, yellowing begins due to improper care of the crop or violation optimal mode and only in rare cases is it “hunger” of the plant or its disease. To remove a plant from this state, it is necessary to find the cause.

Rare watering

If you water cucumbers rarely or often, but with a very small amount of water, then the cause of dry and yellow leaves is dehydration. This plant loves water very much, so try to ensure proper watering. However, you should not overwater the cucumbers - they may begin to rot. If the weather is hot, you need to water every day. It is better to do this in the evening, at 18-19, then the water will not evaporate and the roots will have enough moisture to grow. At moderate temperatures, watering can be done every other day.

Fertilizer shortage

During growth, cucumbers really need feeding, especially when it comes to feeding with complex nitrogen fertilizers. If watering is moderate and correct, and the leaves begin to turn yellow, they need to be fed. Try not to use in this case ammonium nitrate, since it accumulates in fruits as nitrates and has a very bad effect on humans. Choose fertilizers that contain NO3.

Low temperature

If the weather in the summer is not very hot, then the cause of yellowing of the leaves may be hypothermia of the plant. Now all that remains is to either wait for weather conditions to normalize, or build a small greenhouse for the cucumbers, sheltering them from the wind and cold.


Yellow spots on the leaves may indicate that the plant is burned. This is a consequence of the fact that watering was done during the day and water got on the leaves. There is nothing wrong with this, but watering should still be postponed to the evening to avoid burns in the future.


Another cause of yellowing and dryness of cucumber leaves can be fusarium. The main source of this disease is contaminated seeds or seedlings, and less commonly, irrigation water. To avoid the occurrence of fusarium in the future, the seeds should be well treated before planting or biological products should be added to the soil 2-3 days before planting.


When pests appear, treatment must begin immediately. To combat aphids and spider mites, any product purchased at a gardening store is suitable. You can use regular whey or kefir in a ratio of 2 to 10 with water. Spray the plants with this solution.

Remember! The sooner you begin to “treat” cucumbers for yellowing leaves, the greater your chances of getting a good harvest.

Normally, cucumber leaves have a uniform green color, and any change in their color indicates that the plant either lacks nutrition, water, or the crop is sick. Determining the cause of yellowing foliage is the primary task in successfully combating the problem.

Cucumbers are a rather demanding crop, since any temperature rise environment and inconsistency in air humidity can cause plant diseases, stop growth, formation of ovaries and other things. Therefore, it is very important to know the agrotechnical aspects of growing cucumbers and always apply them in practice.

Since yellowing of the foliage of a crop is one of the most common problems during its growing season, in order to preserve plants it is necessary to be aware of what exactly causes the change in foliage color. Let's look at the reasons for the yellowing of leaf edges.

If it is the edges of the leaves that begin to turn yellow, followed by yellowing of the veins, then the plant does not have enough potassium. Another sign of a deficiency of this element is the growth of pear-shaped fruits. However, you should not immediately rush to fertilizing, because there may be enough of this element in the soil, but for some reason the crop cannot absorb it. For example, the digestibility of potassium is reduced due to a large amount of chlorine in the soil (if there is an excess of chlorine, the leaves and stems become coarser, the foliage becomes smaller), low ambient temperature, and insufficient watering, so before you start fertilizing, it is necessary to eliminate these reasons. If the above factors did not occur, then fertilizing can be done. As a fertilizer it is better to take already ready mixture with a predominance of potassium, for example, Kalimag. You can also carry out foliar feeding cucumbers, having previously independently created a solution of 5 grams of nitrogen, 10 grams of potassium and 15 grams of superphosphate per bucket of water.

As for organic matter, the most potassium is in the infusion of beet tops and tomatoes. Just 1/2 a bucket of tops, filled to the brim with water and infused for three days, produces a concentrate that can saturate up to 10 cucumber seedlings with potassium.

Tip 7: Why do cucumber ovaries turn yellow and how to deal with it

Cucumbers are very fastidious plants and any changes in growing conditions can lead to various problems. One of these is yellowing of cucumber ovaries. Why does this happen and what to do in this case?

The most common problem when growing cucumbers is yellowing of their leaves. But sometimes, in addition to this, the ovaries of plants may begin to turn yellow. In the future, this process leads to the fact that they fall off and deprive gardeners of a good harvest. Cucumber ovaries turn yellow for several main reasons:

1. Mistakes when growing cucumbers

2. Adverse weather conditions

3. Exposure to pests and fungal diseases

The main mistakes when growing cucumbers, leading to yellowing of the ovaries

As in many other cases, it all starts with improper planting of plants in the greenhouse. Plantings that are too thick cause the ovaries to begin to turn yellow. Cucumbers should be planted keeping a distance between them of more than 40 cm, depending on the variety. If the plants have been planted much more often, then they must be thinned.

As for fertilizing, during the period of ovary development, cucumbers need a large amount of potassium, which is little contained in known organic fertilizers. Therefore, plants must be fed with potassium nitrate, dissolving 10 g of the substance in a bucket of water with the addition of wood ash.

Greenhouse varieties of cucumbers greatly increase their green mass, which leads to oppression of the ovaries, and they cannot develop normally. In this case, it is necessary to form a bush and pinch the tops of the plants.

Excessive formation of ovaries can also cause them to turn yellow and fall off. Therefore, you need to remove excess cucumber germs in time, leaving no more than 20-25 pieces on one bush.

Watering cucumbers must be done with warm water. In this case, the regularity of watering during the formation of ovaries is reduced to a minimum for some time, so that female flowers are formed, and then increases, reaching daily hydration of the plants in the evening.

Another mistake is irregular harvesting. Overripe specimens interfere with the proper development of young shoots and contribute to the fall of the ovaries.

Adverse weather conditions

Among these factors for the appearance of yellow ovaries on cucumbers, the temperature regime of growing plants stands out especially. Optimal temperature for this +18 - +23 degrees. If at night it drops below this level, then the ovaries develop poorly and turn yellow. In this case, any dark containers with warm water are installed inside the greenhouse, which will control this balance. During the day, on the contrary, the temperature rises sharply and the cucumbers dry out, which negatively affects the ovary of the plants. To solve this problem, the soil is mulched with peat, which does not allow moisture to evaporate quickly.

Impact of pests and fungal diseases

Among cucumber diseases that are destructive to the ovaries, white and root rot. All these diseases mainly appear when there is high humidity in the greenhouse. When cucumbers are affected by these diseases, a number of preventive measures are taken. First, damaged plants or parts thereof are completely removed, and then the soil is sprinkled with either chalk or ash. Application chemicals at this moment it is impossible, so cucumbers are treated with folk remedies.

Among insects, aphids and spider mite. To combat them, plants are sprayed with infusions of bitter wormwood or pharmaceutical chamomile. In both cases, the greens are soaked in boiling water for a couple of days, and then added to an infusion of any soap and the plants are treated. This procedure can be carried out even during fruit ripening.

All these reasons why the ovaries on cucumbers turn yellow must be addressed in a timely manner in order to get a good harvest of this vegetable crop.

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It is important to figure out in time why the ovary of cucumbers turns yellow and falls off. This will save the harvest and preserve taste qualities fruits There may be several reasons, mainly either improper care, or infection with any infection.

It is not always possible to avoid problems if all agrotechnical requirements are met. There are several main reasons why the ovary of cucumbers in a greenhouse may turn yellow; some tips will help you on what to do in this case.

  • Cucumber embryos may develop slowly due to infrequent ventilation of the room. The air becomes humid or too dry and stale.
  • Hot air is another reason why cucumbers do not grow. If the air temperature in the greenhouse is more than 27 degrees, then the leaves and ovaries turn yellow and crumble.
  • Another unfavorable factor why the ovaries do not develop and wither is close fit cucumbers The green tops of densely planted seedlings create shade and do not allow air to pass through. Therefore, it is very important to maintain distance during boarding. The distance between each cucumber bush in a row should be at least 45 cm.
  • The reason why chicks do not grow is due to untimely harvesting. During the period of active ripening of cucumbers, it is recommended to harvest every other day. If the fruits remain on the vines, they become overripe, which begins to take away all the nutrients. The new ovary does not develop, but dries out and falls off.
  • Violation of the watering regime is often the main factor why small cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow. A lack or excess of moisture causes cucumber ovaries to dry out in the greenhouse. The water for irrigation should be warm (about 20 degrees) and it is advisable to let it stand. You should not sprinkle too often; it is better to water at the root, with a stream without pressure.
  • Cucumbers do not form ovaries or they turn yellow due to a lack of microelements in the soil. When correcting the situation, the main thing is not to overdo it, since an excess of fertilizers is not beneficial.
  • Green plants do not develop due to too many ovaries on one bush. Their optimal number is approximately 26 pieces. If there are more ovaries, then more begins to be consumed nutrients and the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow and dry out.

Insufficient pollination or its complete absence also causes yellowing of cucumber ovaries. Since the greenhouse space is most often closed, it is best to choose self-pollinating varieties. It is better to choose the same varieties of cucumbers for growing on the window. The inflorescences of such cucumbers have both stamens and pistils. If bee-pollinated varieties are planted, then care must be taken to ensure free access of insects to the cucumber beds.

Reasons why cucumber ovaries turn yellow open ground, almost the same as in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Additional factors include frost, heavy rain and draft winds.

What to do if cucumber ovaries turn yellow in a greenhouse

As soon as the reason why the cucumbers turn yellow has been identified, we begin to eliminate it. The following steps will help.

  • When cucumbers cannot set, the watering regime should be adjusted. Before the fruiting period, it is recommended to water every other day with warm, settled water in the evening. During fruiting, it is recommended to water less frequently. Each root should take approximately 5 liters.
  • Poorly developing cucumbers need ventilation. It is advisable to equip a greenhouse ventilation system, on a hot day you can open a window or door.
  • Be sure to monitor the air temperature at night and during the day.
  • To prevent the ovaries from drying out, it is necessary to form a stem, tie it to a support and not allow the fruits to hang excessively from one branch.
  • When cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse, what to do depends largely on the variety. If bee-pollinated varieties of cucumbers grow in a greenhouse, then you need to check whether bees can enter the greenhouse. It is recommended to open the greenhouse door during the day; to attract the attention of insects, you can use a sugar-honey solution. There is an option to help the plant yourself.
  • If the ovaries of cucumbers fall off due to a large number on the branch, then it is recommended to pick some of them. But it is better to carry out stepsoning on time.

If cucumbers set but do not grow, the situation may be the result of a lack of fertilizing. Soil depletion leads to a lack of useful microelements. Wood ash will help replenish potassium. Nitrogen deficiency will be compensated by urea. Chicken droppings and mullein are also popular.

You should not overuse nitrogen fertilizers, as this will cause tops to develop and the ovaries to dry out and may crumble. You can feed cucumbers with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

It is useful to carry out foliar treatment of the plant. An infusion based on urea will come in handy. Add 50 g of urea and 90 g of soda to 10 liters of water. This composition helps restore damaged seedlings in just two sprays.

Gardeners may encounter not only yellowing, but also falling of the ovaries. The problem of why the ovary on cucumbers falls off is often caused by non-compliance with the temperature regime, improper watering, lack of mineral fertilizers and poor pollination.

Why can the ovaries on cucumbers turn yellow and dry out, diseases and pests

The resulting cucumber ovaries turn yellow and fall off as a result of various infections.

  • Sudden temperature changes, humid air, and dense plantings lead to the development of false powdery mildew. First, the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry, and brown spots appear. After just a few days, the entire plant begins to turn yellow, including the ovaries on the cucumbers in the greenhouse. The first step in solving the problem is to stop watering and fertilizing. You can use drugs such as Topaz, Oxychom.
  • The reason why cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow is often a fungal disease such as fusarium. Getting inside the plant, it interferes with the movement of nutrients and the plant dries out. Treatment is carried out with drugs such as Fitosporin, Trichofit, Kornevin.
  • Cucumber ovaries do not develop due to bacteriosis. Frequent watering and excess moisture causes fungus to multiply. You should not plant the bushes too close to each other, you need to water them correctly, and after watering, be sure to ventilate the room.

The invasion of various insect pests becomes another reason why the ovaries dry out and the embryos turn yellow. The most common unwanted guests are spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies. You can fight them with compounds from folk recipes or use insecticides (Aktara, Aktellik).

  • If the cucumber does not grow due to pests, then you can make an infusion of hot pepper. The product is poured with boiling water and left to infuse for a day. Ready solution filter, add shavings of crushed soap and wood ash.
  • You can make an infusion from onion peels. Half a bucket of husks is poured into a bucket of water, put on fire and brought to a boil. Then you need to leave it to infuse for 10 hours. The strained solution is diluted with water and sprayed on the cucumber beds.
  • An infusion of potato tops will prevent the ovaries from drying out. The greens are poured with boiling water and left for a day. For better adhesion of the solution, soap should be added to the composition during spraying.
  • Infectious diseases that can cause the ovaries to fall off are treated with skim milk. A few drops of iodine and soap are additionally added to a liter of milk. You need to water the cucumbers at the root.

For preventive purposes against insects, you can spray cucumbers with modern preparations: Tsimbush, Fitoverm, Akarin.

What to do to prevent the ovaries of cucumbers from turning yellow, preventive measures

General preventive measures will prevent yellowing of cucumbers.

  • In autumn and spring, disinfect the greenhouse structure and garden equipment.
  • To prevent cucumbers from wilting and growing well, it is recommended to annually replace the top layer of soil in the greenhouse with a new one.
  • Before planting cucumbers, it is recommended to fertilize the soil, for example, with rotted manure.
  • Cucumber beds in a polycarbonate greenhouse must be regularly weeded and loosened after watering.
  • It is useful to mulch the soil. An additional layer of straw, grass, sawdust will help protect the plant from adverse factors.
  • The distance between the beds and seedlings in the row should be maintained.
  • During active fruit ripening, it is recommended to harvest the crop daily or every other day.

Few ovaries may be due to poor seed quality and poor preparation planting material. Therefore, before planting, cucumber seeds must be carefully selected, heated and treated with special preparations.

To have fewer yellowed ovaries, you need to carry out preventive treatment cucumbers Spraying with boric acid has a positive effect on the formation of cucumbers. You can dilute the solution from drugs such as Bud, Ovary.

In our vegetable gardens and orchards we grow a lot various plants, and in order to get a good harvest from each of these plants, you need to properly care for them. If you don’t do this, then you will probably still get a harvest, but it will be much worse than what you could have provided for yourself with proper care. Sometimes, we simply sow vegetable seeds or plant seedlings and in the future all our care is limited to watering and this watering is not always even timely. Then we think why we didn’t get the same cucumbers in the end, and collected very few. It turns out that, in addition to watering, you need to carry out many different activities, which will ultimately lead to a good harvest.

Reasons why the ovary on cucumbers turns yellow

There are usually several of them, as indeed everywhere else. So, all of them need to be eliminated. It is their correction as a whole that will prevent the ovary from turning yellow, and your cucumbers will ultimately develop as they should. So, let's understand these reasons.

Cucumbers don't grow

Many people make this mistake and it often leads to the ovaries starting to turn yellow. Be sure to remove everything that somehow tries to “climb out” from the axils, which are located in the area of ​​the first 3-5 leaves. In addition, all those stepsons on cucumbers that will definitely grow a little taller will need to be pinched above the 2nd leaf. Many people simply don’t do this at all, thinking that if they carry out pinching, the yield will be significantly reduced. But it is still necessary to do this. It often happens that stepsons actively grow from the sinuses, which are not present on the main lashes, but from those sinuses that are located on the stepsons. It is these same shoots that are called second-order shoots. They will definitely need to be pinched after the 1st leaf.

Planting cucumbers too thickly

Because of this, the ovaries may also turn yellow. If you plant cucumbers too often, then there will clearly not be enough space for them to feed. And therefore they will not be able to feed all their ovaries. So, those ovaries that do not receive nutrients will simply dry out. In addition, be sure to read what is recommended on the seed packets themselves. When they write that square meter you need to plant no more than 2.5 plants, this is exactly what you need to do, that is, for 5 plants you will already need 2 meters of soil on your site.

We often feed cucumbers with manure

Of course, natural organic matter is good; plants grow quickly from it, if in addition to it there is heat and moisture. But this is not always necessary for cucumbers. When they begin to bear fruit, their preferences change significantly. During this period, in addition to nitrogen and fluorine, they will also need to be provided with phosphorus-potassium nutrition. So, do not forget to add, for example, a glass of the same ash to such fertilizing on mullein or grass, plus a tablespoon of superphosphate. Another option is to use mineral fertilizer in this case. It can be azofoska, kemira, or the same solution.

Planting cucumbers incorrectly

That is, it often happens that we plant varieties of cucumbers that are not only parthenocarpic or the same hybrids, but also those that are more familiar to us, that is, bee-pollinated. Most modern varieties have mainly female flowers. That is why they will definitely need to be planted with a pollinator. But quite often we simply don’t do this, or don’t know at all.

And further

You should not grow so-called “greens” to very large sizes. Because because of this, you are simply seriously hindering the growth of those cucumbers that will follow them.

In addition, one more point should be kept in mind. Cucumbers, and other crops, always try to bloom “with reserve” if something unfavorable suddenly happens. To explain it more simply, this means that cucumbers always produce more ovaries than they can ultimately feed. If all these ovaries are eventually pollinated by insects, then the plant feels that it will not be able to feed them, and therefore simply discards the extra ones. So, if only part of the ovaries on your cucumbers usually dry out, then this is quite acceptable. You need to help the plant “bring to people” as many of these same ovaries as possible.

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It is no secret that many drugs from pharmacies have migrated to summer cottages. Their use, at first glance, seems so exotic that some summer residents are perceived with hostility. At the same time, potassium permanganate is a long-known antiseptic that is used in both medicine and veterinary medicine. In plant growing, a solution of potassium permanganate is used both as an antiseptic and as a fertilizer. In this article we will tell you how to properly use potassium permanganate in the garden.

Pork meat salad with mushrooms is a rural dish that can often be found on festive table in the village. This recipe is with champignons, but if you have the opportunity to use wild mushrooms, be sure to cook it this way, it will be even tastier. You don’t need to spend a lot of time preparing this salad - put the meat in a pan for 5 minutes and another 5 minutes for slicing. Everything else happens practically without the participation of the cook - the meat and mushrooms are boiled, cooled, and marinated.

Cucumbers grow well not only in a greenhouse or conservatory, but also in open ground. Typically, cucumbers are sown from mid-April to mid-May. Harvesting in this case is possible from mid-July to the end of summer. Cucumbers cannot tolerate frost. That's why we don't sow them too early. However, there is a way to bring their harvest closer and taste the juicy beauties from your garden at the beginning of summer or even in May. It is only necessary to take into account some of the features of this plant.

Polyscias is an excellent alternative to classic variegated shrubs and woody ones. The elegant round or feathery leaves of this plant create a strikingly festive curly crown, and its elegant silhouettes and rather modest character make it an excellent candidate for the role of large plant in the house. Larger leaves do not prevent it from successfully replacing Benjamin and Co. ficus. Moreover, polyscias offers much more variety.

Pumpkin cinnamon casserole is juicy and incredibly tasty, a little like pumpkin pie, but unlike pie, it is more tender and just melts in your mouth! This is the perfect sweet recipe for a family with children. As a rule, kids don’t really like pumpkin, but they never mind eating something sweet. Sweet pumpkin casserole is a delicious and healthy dessert, which, moreover, is very simple and quick to prepare. Try it! You'll like it!

A hedge is not only one of essential elements landscape design. It also performs various protective functions. If, for example, the garden borders a road, or a highway passes nearby, then hedge simply necessary. “Green walls” will protect the garden from dust, noise, wind and create a special comfort and microclimate. In this article, we will look at the optimal plants for creating a hedge that can reliably protect the area from dust.

Many crops require picking (and more than one) in the first weeks of development, while for others transplantation is “contraindicated.” To “please” both of them, you can use non-standard containers for seedlings. Another good reason to try them is saving money. In this article we will tell you how to do without the usual boxes, pots, cassettes and tablets. And let’s pay attention to non-traditional, but very effective and interesting containers for seedlings.

Useful vegetable soup from red cabbage with celery, red onion and beets - a vegetarian soup recipe that can also be prepared in fast days. For those who decide to lose a few extra pounds, I would recommend not adding potatoes, and slightly reducing the amount of olive oil (1 tablespoon is enough). The soup turns out to be very aromatic and thick, and during Lent you can serve a portion of the soup with lean bread - then it will be satisfying and healthy.

Surely everyone has already heard about the popular term “hygge”, which came to us from Denmark. This word cannot be translated into other languages ​​of the world. Because it means a lot of things at once: comfort, happiness, harmony, spiritual atmosphere... In this northern country, by the way, most of the time of the year there is cloudy weather and little sun. Summer is also short. And the level of happiness is one of the highest (the country regularly ranks first in the UN global rankings).

Meat balls in sauce with mashed potatoes - a simple second course prepared based on Italian cuisine. The more common name for this dish is meatballs or meatballs, but the Italians (and not only them) call such small round cutlets meat balls. The cutlets are first fried until golden brown, and then stewed in a thick vegetable sauce - it turns out very tasty, simply delicious! Any minced meat is suitable for this recipe - chicken, beef, pork.

Cucumber is vegetable crop, which loves warm and humid growing conditions. Sometimes the fruits and leaves of a vegetable growing in a greenhouse become yellow and completely stop their growth and development. Such a change is associated with a specific cause that needs to be identified and eliminated. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get a good harvest. Therefore, let's try to answer the question why cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse.

Yellowing of leaves provokes a decrease in cucumber yields

Growing temperature

Cucumbers do not tolerate sudden temperature changes well, so failure to comply with growing technology can cause the ovary to rot and the fruits and leaves to turn yellow.

To protect plants from negative impact and to provide additional insulation, you need to cover them with film or other synthetic material. Sometimes bottles with hot water. Needs to be removed quickly bad flowers and treat the cut with a solution of potassium permanganate. After this, copper oxychloride is used for spraying.

The temperature should not be allowed to drop by more than 14 degrees, as this will stop nutrients from flowing into the roots of the plants. It is better if the thermometer shows plus 26 degrees. You will also need to feed the leaves.

Cucumbers in a greenhouse do not tolerate temperature changes

Diseases and pests

Yellowing of cucumber plants can be caused by a number of diseases:

  • Powdery mildew is expressed in the presence of plaque white on the leaves. It increases over time, and the plant turns yellow and dries out. To avoid this fungal disease, it is necessary to use certain varieties of vegetables that are resistant to fungi and viruses for growing. Special ones will also help chemicals to combat such diseases.
  • The death of cucumbers in a greenhouse can cause Fusarium wilt. Its fungus completely blocks the flow of nutrients to the fruits and leaves. You need to completely replace the soil in the greenhouse and change the variety of vegetable next time.
  • Improper cultivation of seedlings, cold watering or a sharp drop in temperature can lead to the formation of root rot. As a result, the roots begin to turn yellow and crack, and the leaves wither. It is necessary to add ash or crushed coal to the soil and spray copper sulfate. Withered plants are removed along with the soil to avoid contamination of the remaining cucumbers.

Insect pests are carriers of various diseases:

Fusarium wilt is caused by a fungus

A large number of ovaries

A certain number of ovaries should remain on one cucumber stem. If there are too many of them, the fruits may grow small and unsightly, they may begin to turn yellow and rot, and the embryos will stop growing. Some ovaries interfere with the growth of others due to the high consumption of nutrients. It is advisable that their number on the stem does not exceed 25-30 pieces.

New shoots must be pinched regularly, and excess shoots must be removed so as not to delay the development of others. If you do this in a timely manner, you can prevent stunted plant growth.

We recommend that you carefully familiarize yourself with the technology of pinching cucumbers, which involves removing branches from the main bush. The sooner this procedure is carried out, the less nutrients will be wasted. This will help significantly increase productivity.

Excess ovaries need to be removed

Irrigation technology

Often yellowing of cucumbers in a greenhouse occurs due to wrong mode glaze. This vegetable loves abundant moisture in the soil and air. If this rule is neglected, the ovary turns yellow and the leaves dry out. Irregularity and insufficient watering greatly affects the fruits of the plant and threatens complete loss of the harvest.

It is necessary to water only with warm water in the evening or in the morning. During the period when the fruits are actively developing, it is worth increasing the amount of liquid. The soil is moistened deeply enough so that watering promotes the development of the root system.

Watering cucumbers should be done in the morning or evening.

Soil care

If leaves appear yellow spots, and the fruits curl, this may indicate a lack of nutrients in the soil: nitrogen, potassium or magnesium. Therefore, it is worth feeding the soil regularly.

The soil is enriched with fertilizers containing potassium, wood ash and other minerals.

Urea is used as nitrogen fertilizer. The seedlings are sprayed with a special solution in advance. After this it is applied to the soil cow dung. Liquid chicken manure is also suitable for this. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of fertilizer. Their abundance in the soil can cause yellowing of the fruits.

Yellow spots on the leaves may be due to a lack of minerals

Poor pollination

If the greenhouse is poorly ventilated and the plants are pollinated only artificially, yellow cucumber ovaries may appear. It is necessary to provide access to the greenhouse for insects that must pollinate them. To do this, you need to keep the greenhouse open during the day in warm weather. A large number of varieties and hybrids are pollinated by bees. To attract them, it is recommended to plant honey plants next to the cucumbers or spray the seedlings with the following solutions:

  • half a tablespoon of honey or sugar per liter of water;
  • half a gram boric acid per liter of water;
  • boron-magnesium fertilizers, which increase the production of nectar by flowers.

Boron-magnesium fertilizers stimulate nectar secretion


Very high soil moisture and high planting density of cucumbers can lead to the development of bacteriosis, which causes yellowing of the ovaries. Spots appear on cucumbers in the form of ulcers, they dry out, and new embryos do not develop.

In order to prevent this disease, you need to spray the plants with a solution of one percent Bordeaux mixture. It is necessary to carefully select fruits for seedlings to reduce the risk of infection of cucumbers. It is recommended to treat the plant even after bacteriosis is detected, taking into account the degree of development of the disease. For each individual case, the appropriate agent and its concentration are selected.

In the greenhouse, it is necessary to reduce the humidity through ventilation and increase the temperature to the desired level. Infected plants are removed, and healthy ones are treated with special solutions.

Cucumbers in a greenhouse can turn yellow for various reasons, which must be corrected in a timely manner. Some people use it for this folk remedies, others resort to modern store-bought drugs. But an important condition What remains is compliance with the technology of growing and caring for the vegetable. Then you can count on a rich and high-quality harvest.