Honeysuckle honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium): varieties and species, planting, propagation and care. Decorative honeysuckle Honeysuckle: varieties, planting and care

Among ornamental shrubs Special attention honeysuckle honeysuckle attracts attention fragrant vine. A fast-growing vine can decorate the area separating the area from the road. When installing guide supports, the plant can shoot up 4-5 meters. At the same time, the whip is strewn with large and fragrant inflorescences for a month.

Basic information about the plant

Decorative climbing honeysuckle is a vine that climbs a support, following the designer’s plan. In nature, this plant is found in southern and central Europe and the Caucasus. The name of the species “honeysop” translates as “goat leaf”.

We can determine that we have honeysuckle honeysuckle by the following signs:

  • shoots are light green, pink-red from the sun;
  • the leaves are collected in ellipse-shaped plates;
  • flowers on long tubes are collected in a bouquet;
  • the aroma of flowers is spicy;
  • The orange berries are inedible.

A bare young shoot can use a skeletal branch of a bush in search of support, and then a sloppy green lump is formed. Therefore, it is so important to shape the plant from the first days of its development. The leaves are very dense and elliptical in shape. The pairs grow together into a disk, and a flower panicle develops in the middle of it.

Rising above the ellipse on tall tubes, flowers with protruding stamens and pistils emit a strong pleasant aroma. The flowers themselves are very unusual and decorative. During the period of abundant flowering, decorative honeysuckle honeysuckle is an excellent honey plant. Flowering lasts about a month, resulting in inedible orange berries.

Currently, this type of vine is not cultivated only in northern regions with a sharply continental climate. The reason is that the southern plant freezes out during the winter.

Agrotechnology of decorative climbing honeysuckle

To get a fast growing shoot with abundant flowering you need to create a bush optimal conditions for development. To do this, the vine must be planted in a sunny place with low groundwater. The soil should be light, based on humus, garden turf soil and sand. The reaction must be neutral or slightly alkaline.

Honeysuckle loves moderate, responds well to spring feeding humus. During the summer, it will gratefully accept irrigating watering of greenery during drought and 2-3 fertilizing with full mineral fertilizer or mullein infusion until mid-July; later feeding should not be done so as not to disturb winter hardiness. The soil under the bush should be loosened and mulched.

Decorative honeysuckle Honeysuckle responds well to crown-forming pruning, which is carried out in the spring until the first living buds. Dry branches should also be cut out. And slightly peeling bark on an old vine is a generic sign.

Diseases and pests of the decorative honeysuckle honeysuckle destroy the beauty of the green fence, so in order to prevent pests and diseases from entering your green fence, you must follow some rules that apply to other plants:

  1. The predominance of phosphorus and potassium in the diet makes the plant sap unattractive to aphids and other leaf-eating insects and larvae. To do this in tree trunk circle scatter ash, lime.
  2. Wintering pests can be destroyed if the bushes are sprayed with a 5% urea solution before leaf fall.
  3. Use biological preparations Bitoxibacillin, Lepocid and the like for spraying, bacteria from which invade insects and destroy them from the inside.

Prevention is always better than controlling infested insect pests.

Ornamental plants are attractive only when the crown is well formed and the leaves are not damaged by diseases and pests.

Breeding honeysuckle honeysuckle

Anyone who has seen how honeysuckle grows will inevitably want to have this vine in their possession. Honeysuckle honeysuckle can be propagated in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • cuttings.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle can be propagated only with fresh seeds of the second year. The collected fruits should be freed from pulp, washed and dried. Before spring sowing, seeds must undergo stratification. Seeds for seedlings are sown in the spring, and in the summer the grown seedlings are placed in a permanent place.

For cuttings planting material harvested in August. Cuttings with three internodes are rooted in the fall in a special nursery with a sand-peat mixture. In spring, the rooted plant is planted in a permanent place.

The easiest way to propagate honeysuckle honeysuckle is by rooting cuttings, which are cut and dug into the ground on a vine that continues to grow. At the site of the cut, roots are formed, the branch is separated from the vine and planted in a permanent place.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle does not tolerate multiple transplants. When the first roots appear, it is necessary to provide the plant permanent place residence.

Planting and caring for climbing honeysuckle

In advance, at a place determined for the composition, single holes 60 cm deep or a trench are dug, which is filled with fertile soil with a large amount of compost or last year’s manure. It is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers. Don't forget about the ashes so that mineral fertilizers did not deoxidize the soil.

The best time April - May is the time for planting and caring for climbing trees. In a year the plant will rise 2 meters. But in the first two years, the vines need to be removed from their supports for the winter and protected from freezing. During the entire period of growth, the vine requires tending pruning and crown formation.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle can be every gardener's dream.

To create for her comfortable conditions For growth and development, you need to have certain knowledge.

In the article we will look at how to grow it, what varieties of this plant there are, what secret the fruits contain and how you can decorate your garden plot with its help.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle from Latin Lonicera caprifolium translated as goat honeysuckle or it is also called fragrant honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle is Latin for goat leaf. Belongs to the Honeysuckle family.


They delight their owners all month with their diversity. After this period, the bush does not lose its decorative effect, on the contrary, due to the appearance of bright berries among the foliage.

There are two decorative forms:

  1. Alba– blooms with white flowers 2 weeks earlier than usual.
  2. False-flowered- a pink-red bush, but there are not as many flowers as honeysuckle and honeysuckle alba.

Many amateur gardeners and professional designers note some types of honeysuckle. These varieties are quite popular.

Transfer the plant becomes necessary when the soil is depleted and the roots rot. You can optionally move the bush to a more favorable place or create a beautiful design solution in the landscape. The main thing in this matter is to follow all the rules and not disturb the root system.

The replanting process begins with the removal of adult branches from the support. You need to try to minimize damage to the bush. If it is really difficult to do this, gardeners suggest cutting honeysuckle honeysuckle to half a meter.

Land preparation. The next point is that the ground is prepared in the same way as during planting, that is, a hole is dug in advance, drainage and fertilizer are placed there, and only then the plant is transferred to this place.

Once the plant is planted, it is cut back to 1/3 of its length. In the second year of life, the skeleton of the bush is formed, choosing 3-4 strong shoots. Diseased and damaged branches should be removed regularly. But, you should not overdo it, otherwise honeysuckle honeysuckle will lose all its attractiveness.

Design solutions

The climbing vine serves as an excellent backdrop for highlighting many other plants in the landscape. This perfect option for decorating gazebos or camouflaging outbuildings.

It is vertical gardening that will help hide many of the imperfections of the site!

You can find many photos with examples of successful solutions in landscape design using honeysuckle honeysuckle.

It can serve for:

  • masking walls;
  • creating a hedge;
  • demarcation of garden zones;
  • creating shadows, etc.

Decorative honeysuckle Honeysuckle will decorate your garden and fill it with a wonderful aroma during flowering. She happens to be climbing plant, so it will perfectly decorate a fence, wall or gazebo. The plant is quite easy to care for and is very popular among gardeners.

Description of decorative honeysuckle

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle is a shrub whose branches grow vertically and wrap around a support. The second name is goat honeysuckle or fragrant honeysuckle. Latin name honeysuckle Lonicera caprifolium, which means carpa - goat and folium - leaf. Honeysuckle is native to the southern part of Europe and the Caucasus. Grows on sunny forest edges, loves moist soil. The spread in Russian gardens began in the middle of the 19th century, thanks to the decorative nature of the shrub.

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle is ideal for creating a hedge

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle is a climbing shrub whose branches can reach 6 meters. Newly growing shoots are light green in color; older shoots have lignified brown bark. The leaves of honeysuckle are elliptical in shape, from 4 to 10 cm long. The color of the leaves on top is bright green, and the lower part of the leaf is bluish. The upper leaves are fused at the bases.

The flowers form bunches in the axils of fused leaves. The flower shape is original. The yellowish-white flowers emit a unique aroma that intensifies in the evening. Moth moths flock to the scent and pollinate the plant. Day above fragrant flowers Bees and bumblebees are circling, since Honeysuckle is a wonderful honey plant. Towards the end of flowering, the color of the flowers first acquires a pink and then a brownish tint. A blooming flower lives no more than three days, but the constantly opening new inflorescences make the bush decorative even long time. Honeysuckle begins to bloom in May, flowering ends by the end of June.

The shape of honeysuckle flowers is very original

In late July - early August, red-orange berries appear on the bushes. They have very short stalks and it looks like the berries are growing directly from the leaves. Honeysuckle berries Honeysuckle cannot be eaten, they are very bitter and can cause poisoning!

The berries have short stalks and seem to grow straight from the leaves.

The roots of honeysuckle are located at a depth of up to 0.5 meters. They branch well and form root shoots that can grow up to 1.5 m from the main stem.

The plant is quite unpretentious, different rapid growth. It prefers to grow in sunny areas, but does not lose its decorative value even in slight shade. The shrub can be grown in any soil; it does not grow well in very dry and low areas. Honeysuckle loves moisture, so it requires frequent and abundant watering. This perennial vine grows in one place for up to 50 years.

The use of honeysuckle Honeysuckle is purely decorative. A good option landscape design: with a liana you can decorate a gazebo or arch, create hedge, hide an unpresentable wall, isolate yourself from curious neighbors. If you make special devices in the form of metal rods, you can decorate with honeysuckle corner wall Houses.

Designer use of honeysuckle Honeysuckle in country style

Essential oil extracted from honeysuckle flowers is used to create perfumes, eau de toilette and fragrances in cosmetic sets. Used in aromatherapy to relieve depression and improve body tone.

Advantages and disadvantages of honeysuckle Caprifol

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle is grown in almost all regions of Russia. It successfully withstands both heat and cold. It grows even in the north of Russia, provided that it needs to be well covered for the winter. IN middle lane Russia winters well without shelter. If the tips of the shoots are frozen, the vine recovers well due to new, fast-growing stems.

The main advantage of Honeysuckle is its decorative effect during the entire growing season and its unique aroma during flowering. This climbing shrub does not like transplanting. By planting honeysuckle in a permanent place, you can enjoy the beautiful appearance of the plant for several decades.

The disadvantages of honeysuckle include the fact that the climbing branches must be periodically trimmed and directed to specially made supports. If you let the vine directly along the wall, the suckers formed on the branches penetrate into the cracks and can destroy the masonry. It is better to make removable supports so that they can be removed along with the branches for shelter in winter. If the support is not removable, then you will have to tear off the plant and thereby injure it.

In my opinion, no difficulties in growing can be a reason to refuse this wonderful plant! My honeysuckle Honeysuckle grows along the fence. It does not require special attention other than formative pruning and periodic watering. And during its fragrant flowering, it delights everyone passing by my garden.

The main difference between honeysuckle Honeysuckle and erect and creeping species is a climbing shrub in the form of a vine. The plant is used for decorative purposes vertical gardening. It differs from edible types of honeysuckle in that the berries are not eaten.

Video: Honeysuckle Honeysuckle - garden decoration

Varieties and types of decorative honeysuckle

There are a huge number of climbing types of honeysuckle, but the most beautiful and fragrant is honeysuckle Honeysuckle, which is divided into varieties:

  • Alba;
  • Passionflower;
  • Inga.


Alba honeysuckle is distinguished by the rapid growth of lush and voluminous mass of leaves.

The Alba variety is characterized by fast growth

The shoots grow more than five meters long. The thickets of mature vines are very dense, which is ideal for creating a “hedge”. Alba's flowering begins in late May - early June and lasts until mid-July. The blossoming flowers are white at first and then become yellow and fall off.


This variety has pink inflorescences and smaller flowers. Passionflower blooms less abundantly than the Alba variety.

Pink Passionflower inflorescences

Shoots grow up to 6 meters. A vine can perfectly decorate a gazebo, yard building, or fence.


Honeysuckle Inga is considered the most beautiful and fragrant vine. The annual growth of shoots is 1 meter, the shrub grows no more than 3 meters high.

Honeysuckle Inga is considered the most beautiful variety of honeysuckle

Honeysuckle Inga, thanks to its compactness, will decorate a small courtyard. Honeysuckle inflorescences are very bright. The combination of pink, yellow and cream is very beautiful. Inga begins to bloom at the end of May and delights with its beauty for a whole month.

Honeysuckle hybrids Honeysuckle

There are hybrids of Honeysuckle Honeysuckle:

American honeysuckle

American honeysuckle is a hybrid of Honeysuckle Honeysuckle and Tuscan Honeysuckle, native to the Mediterranean.

American honeysuckle is a hybrid of Honeysuckle Honeysuckle and Tuscan Honeysuckle.

In warm climates it grows upward, twining around the support. In central Russia it is grown as a creeping ground cover plant. Can climb onto low supports. In winter, the vine needs to be protected from frost.

Honeysuckle Gekkrota

Gekkrota honeysuckle is a hybrid of American honeysuckle and evergreen honeysuckle. This vine has young shoots that are red in color. Distinctive feature Honeysuckle Gekkrota is the color of the leaves. The rough bluish leaves are very decorative. This climbing shrub is suitable for vertical gardening.

Photo gallery: Gekkrota honeysuckle varieties

Gekkrota honeysuckle is a hybrid of American and evergreen honeysuckle: American Beauty honeysuckle is very decorative : Goldflame honeysuckle perfectly complements American Beauty honeysuckle in joint plantings

Gekkrota honeysuckle, in turn, is divided into two varieties:

  • American Beauty;
  • Goldflame.

These varieties are often planted together and they complement each other perfectly.

Planting honeysuckle in the garden

Plant honeysuckle immediately in a permanent place - it does not tolerate transplantation. The place should be well lit. The shrub will grow in the shade, but you will not see abundant flowering. Honeysuckle also does not like drafts. When planting, immediately take care of the support so that the vine can develop well.

It is believed that honeysuckle can grow on any soil. But still, in order for the plant to develop well, fertile, rather loose soil is required. The proximity of groundwater can cause rotting of honeysuckle roots. If the soil is clayey, take care of drainage.

Selection of planting material

The purchase of high-quality and healthy seedlings is of great importance:

  1. Two-year-old seedlings take root best. They are about 30 cm high and higher, have 2–3 branches.
  2. The branches should be elastic, without dry crusts or damage.
  3. Pay attention to the bark - there should be no specks or spots on it. Peeling of shoots is possible - this is a feature of honeysuckle.
  4. Carefully inspect the roots. They must be healthy and well developed.

Sometimes honeysuckle seedlings are sold in shopping centers. It is best to buy such seedlings not with an open root system, but in plastic containers. Fertilizers and growth stimulants are added to the substrate. Such seedlings have intact roots, so they take root well.

Planting honeysuckle

Decide where in the garden the vine will grow:

When planting several seedlings, maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters between them.

Caring for decorative honeysuckle

Young plants must be protected from winter frosts. Weaving branches need to be removed from the supports (if the supports are not removable) and covered for the winter with spruce branches, fallen leaves or synthetic covering material (for example, spunbond). In the future, shelter for honeysuckle is not required; it is quite frost-resistant.

Honeysuckle is a moisture-loving vine. It needs to be watered abundantly and quite often. During the dry season, it is watered up to twice a week.

Honeysuckle does not like proximity to weeds, especially perennials. Do not forget to periodically weed around the bush. If the soil under the bush is not covered with mulch, then it needs to be carefully loosened a couple of times a month.

Top dressing

Liana loves neutral acidity of the soil. Dilute 1 kg of ash in a bucket of water and water the plant in the fall.

In the first two years after planting, feeding honeysuckle is not required. Starting from the third year, it is necessary to fertilize the vine.

For feeding, use organic or mineral fertilizers:

  1. Feed the vine in spring nitrogen fertilizers for good foliage growth (apply rotted manure, humus, compost under the bush). You can water it with bird droppings diluted in water 1:10. For mineral fertilizers, you can use urea (20 g per 10 l of water) or ammonium nitrate(30 g per 10 liters of water).
  2. In summer, feed with nitrophoska (20 g per bucket of water).
  3. In the fall, feed with double superphosphate and potassium salt (15 g for each bush).


It is recommended to prune honeysuckle in early spring when sap flow has not yet begun. Pruning is necessary to form the bush and guide the branches along the support. Trim off weak, damaged stems, leaving three strong stems. Trim the tops of these stems to 1/3 of the length.

Young plants do not need formative pruning; it is carried out starting from the sixth year of life. In spring it is held only sanitary pruning bush. Trim frozen ends of shoots and dried branches. Sprinkle the cut areas with ash or crushed activated carbon tablets.

Protection from pests and diseases

Pests of honeysuckle Honeysuckle are:

  • leaf roller caterpillars;
  • Scale insects.

To control pests, spray the bush with Decis and Inta-Vir (follow the instructions on the package). Can be used folk remedies, With strong odors- infusion of wormwood, pepper, cinnamon, etc.

Caprifoli diseases:

WITH powdery mildew Fitosporin is a microbiological preparation that fights well. Dilute it strictly according to the instructions. Do not spray in the sun, as beneficial bacteria will die. It is better to carry out processing in cloudy weather or in the evening.

For fungal infections, use 1% Bordeaux mixture or Aga-Peak.

If a plant becomes infected with mottling, there is no way to combat it. Remove the plant completely and burn it.

Photo gallery: honeysuckle diseases

Fitosporin fights powdery mildew well. Against cercospora, use 1% Bordeaux mixture. Tuberculariosis is a fungal infection. Remove the plant affected by mottling and burn it.

Transplanting honeysuckle

Honeysuckle does not like transplants; it feels great in one place for decades. But sometimes a situation arises when the plant needs to be replanted. For example, a very overgrown bush begins to interfere with neighboring crops.

Honeysuckle has Honeysuckle early flowering, therefore, by August the development of the plant slows down and it begins to prepare for winter. The best time to transplant shrubs is mid-September.

To transplant honeysuckle to a new location, choose a sunny area. Carefully dig up the transplanted bush with a shovel and move it along with a lump of earth to a new place. Try to damage the roots as little as possible. Dig a hole for planting and carry out all activities such as drainage, soil fertilization and other procedures necessary when planting a seedling. We discussed the rules for planting honeysuckle seedlings above.

Do not replant the vine next to others garden crops, the distance between them must be at least 1.5 m.

Dig a planting hole to transplant honeysuckle to a new location


Honeysuckle Honeysuckle can be propagated in different ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the rhizome.

To plant seeds, cut the fruits, remove the seeds and dry them. It is recommended to keep the seeds for one year for planting, and the second year to sow them for seedlings in the spring. The seedlings are planted in a permanent place.

For cuttings in the fall, honeysuckle stems are cut into cuttings so that they have at least three internodes. Treat the cuttings with Kornevin's solution. Plant them in containers with a sand-peat mixture. In spring, plant rooted cuttings in open ground.

Honeysuckle can be propagated by cuttings

The simplest and easy way- propagation by layering. The vine branch is pressed to the soil and secured with staples. You need to make a small cut on the branch and lightly sprinkle it with earth. After the roots appear at the site of the cut, the cuttings are separated and planted in a new place.

If you dig up the vine rhizome in the fall, it can be divided into several parts. Bury parts of the rhizome in the place of your choice and cover for the winter. In the spring, young stems will grow from them.

Video: honeysuckle propagation

This variety has a purely decorative function and serves only as a decoration for the site. A bush is a vine that gardeners use for various purposes to decorate a site. Honeysuckle honeysuckle fruits are not edible and cannot be used as medicine, unlike berries of other varieties.

It is very convenient to plant the plant along fences. In this case, honeysuckle honeysuckle lashes form a lush hedge. You can also create a shady gazebo from them by surrounding a pre-prepared frame of supports with vines. And at the end of a summer day, the flowers of this plant will delight you with a subtle, refined aroma.

In late spring and early summer, honeysuckle honeysuckle begins to bloom luxuriantly. In this case, the bush is completely covered with yellowish or pinkish small flowers of heterogeneous color. They are somewhat reminiscent of orchids. The length of the flower can reach 5 centimeters. At its base there are fused sheets. Flowering lasts up to three weeks, while the life cycle of an individual flower does not exceed four days.

The deep orange berries appear after flowering ends. For the first time, honeysuckle honeysuckle will bloom and bear fruit when the bush reaches four years of age. Intensive growth lasts from early April to mid-autumn. The plant tolerates cold quite well. An individual bush can live more than 50 years with proper care.

The following varieties of this plant are found:

  • few-flowered. It does not bloom too luxuriantly, covered with pinkish and red flowers;
  • white. The name of the variety indicates that the flowers of this honeysuckle honeysuckle are white.

Honeysuckle is bred using seeds, cuttings and layering.

To propagate by cuttings immediately after the plant has flowered, it is necessary to cut off cuttings that have 2 internodes. In this case, you need to leave only the upper leaves, cutting off the lower ones from the cuttings.

You need to plant in prepared soil. To do this, take garden soil (1 part), peat (2 parts), coarse sand (2 parts) and mix. The shoots must be planted in the greenhouse, maintaining a distance of 20 centimeters between them. Watering is required every three days.

Important! Before the onset of winter, the sprouts are covered with peat. In spring, the cuttings are transferred to open ground. This is not done right away because in this case many shoots die.

Propagation by seeds

The situation is much more complicated with the cultivation of honeysuckle honeysuckle using seeds. The fact is that they cannot be stored for a long time, as this greatly reduces the percentage of their germination.

Seeds are collected for subsequent propagation during the fruiting period of the plant. The pulp is removed from the berries, the seeds are rinsed and dried. Then they are left for storage in a room with a temperature of +18-20°C. In the year when you plan to use the seeds for sowing, they must first be placed in wet sand and stored for some time before planting in a cool room. In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the moisture content of the sand.

The depth of sowing seeds in the ground should not exceed 2 centimeters. Planting is carried out immediately in open ground in the second half of April. It is better to choose the shady side of the site for this. The preferred temperature for normal seed germination is +20°C.

Important! When the sprouts appear, you need to organize timely watering for them. They also need to be weeded. The transfer to a permanent place is carried out in the fall. To protect against freezing, young plants must be protected with peat for 2 years after planting.

Reproduction by layering

The easiest way to get more honeysuckle bushes is to propagate by layering. To do this, one of the lower branches needs to be cut and rooted into the ground. Best season To carry out this operation - spring.

Honeysuckle - propagation by layering

Until autumn, the shoot will give roots, and it can be separated from the main bush. It is advisable to transplant it immediately for permanent residence, since the plant really does not like to change places multiple times.

Step-by-step instructions for planting honeysuckle honeysuckle

The plant is preferably planted in spring. If everything is done correctly, it will delight you with shoots by the beginning of summer. By this time they may even have gained some length. Over the course of a year, under favorable circumstances, honeysuckle can gain more than 1.5 meters in height.

Table. How to plant honeysuckle honeysuckle.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

The plant is very sensitive to the amount of light, so it is advisable to choose a well-lit place for planting. This affects the splendor of flowering. In the shade, honeysuckle honeysuckle does not please with its abundant color, giving only strong climbing branches of vines.

Before placing the shoots in their permanent places of residence, make depressions in the soil. In accordance with what the gardener wants to get in the end, he digs holes (for individual bushes) or trenches (for a green fence). Holes for individual plants are made up to 60 centimeters deep and the same in diameter. The bottom of the recesses is covered with crushed stone or fragments of bricks as drainage.

To avoid honeysuckle being affected by diseases, you need to carefully prepare the soil before planting. The soil is mixed with all kinds of fertilizers, both organic and mineral origin. Peat and manure have proven themselves best for these purposes. Then the planting material of honeysuckle honeysuckle is transferred to the prepared soil.

Then you should thoroughly water the soil prepared for planting honeysuckle and loosen it.

Honeysuckle shoots must be immediately planted where the plants will live permanently. To get a good thick hedge, it is recommended to plant several buds in one place. It is believed that plants grown from buds grow best in length.

Features of care

A gardener who wants to get a tall climbing honeysuckle honeysuckle bush that gives abundant color provides the plant with the most comfortable conditions. The place where the liana lives should be well lit by the sun, and the groundwater should be low enough. Light soil includes sand, garden soil with turf and humus in the required quantities. The soil should not be acidic.

Important! It is advisable to maintain a moderate watering schedule when caring for honeysuckle honeysuckle. In spring, it is recommended to add humus to the soil. Dry summers require additional moistening of the foliage, as well as up to three fertilizations of the soil with mullein, which must be done before the middle of the season. The optimal composition for feeding the plant includes potassium, two- or three-year-old manure and nitrogen.

The soil in which honeysuckle honeysuckle is planted requires regular loosening, as well as mulching, which, while protecting the soil, provides it with nutrients.

Mulching is also carried out for the following purposes:

  • weed prevention;
  • retention of water in the soil;
  • eliminating the need for frequent loosening;
  • protecting the land from harmful microorganisms that enter there during irrigation or precipitation;
  • preventing overheating of the surface layer of the earth in summer season and hypothermia in winter.

The basis for mulching can be materials of organic origin, such as hay, leaves, sawdust, etc. You can also use mineral materials, such as gravel, small pebbles, sand and the like.

After the honeysuckle branches take on a woody appearance, they begin to become bare. Suffering from this appearance creepers. The solution to the problem is pruning the shoots. At the same time, it is necessary to get rid of dry branches. It is acceptable to leave branches of an old plant on which the bark is slightly peeling.

Important! Honeysuckle honeysuckle needs constant maintenance measures beautiful shape bushes If this is not done, the plant begins to grow chaotically and lose its attractive appearance and decorative function.

In order for the formation of the bush to occur in the desired direction, care should be taken to create good support for it. This structure can be a decoration of the landscape in itself, but at the same time it must meet the requirements of stability, strength and the required height. The support can be made of either metal or wood. As the vine grows, its shoots need to be oriented along the support in the desired direction. Mature plant It is highly not recommended to move it from place to place, so before planting you need to prepare for the fact that the honeysuckle honeysuckle will be in the area allocated to it for many years.

To prevent the strong roots of the plant from destroying the foundation of the building, you should maintain at least an 80-centimeter distance from the house when planting the plant.

Most varieties of honeysuckle are self-sterile. It is advisable to plant at least two in the garden different varieties blooming at the same time

Disease Prevention

Creating beauty on personal plot, this plant, like its fellows, is susceptible to disease and invasion of harmful insects. To avoid the destruction of the living fence by the latter, you must adhere to following principles care

  1. Pests that traditionally attack plant leaves, such as aphids and insect larvae, do not like it when potassium and phosphorus are found in the liquid media of the plant. Irrigation of honeysuckle bushes with a mixture of lime and will help provide these substances. You can also include a little ash in the composition.
  2. Harmful insects will not settle on the plant in winter period, if before dropping the leaves you spray a composition containing.
  3. In summer, regularly treat honeysuckle bushes with insecticides.

This plant retains its excellent appearance if you carefully monitor its health, destroy harmful insects in a timely manner, prevent other diseases, and also take care of the formation of a beautiful crown.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is a wonderful way to decorate the landscape garden plot. Thanks to it, you can control light and shadow, zone space and create recreation areas and living fences from lashes.

Video - Honeysuckle honeysuckle. How to design a beautiful bush?

Choose a fragrant honeysuckle honeysuckle vine for your garden

Among the ornamental shrubs, honeysuckle honeysuckle, an aromatic vine, attracts special attention. A fast-growing vine can decorate a high fence. separating the area from the road. When installing guide supports, the plant can shoot up 4-5 meters. At the same time, the whip is strewn with large and fragrant inflorescences for a month.

Basic information about the plant

Decorative climbing honeysuckle is a vine that climbs a support, following the designer’s plan. In nature, this plant is found in southern and central Europe and the Caucasus. The name of the species “honeysop” translates as “goat leaf”. We can determine that we have honeysuckle honeysuckle by the following signs:

  • shoots are light green, pink-red from the sun;
  • the leaves are collected in ellipse-shaped plates;
  • flowers on long tubes are collected in a bouquet;
  • the aroma of flowers is spicy;
  • The orange berries are inedible.

A bare young shoot can use a skeletal branch of a bush in search of support, and then a sloppy green lump is formed. Therefore, it is so important to shape the plant from the first days of its development. The leaves are very dense and elliptical in shape. The pairs grow together into a disk, and a flower panicle develops in the middle of it.

Rising above the ellipse on tall tubes, flowers with protruding stamens and pistils emit a strong, pleasant aroma. The flowers themselves are very unusual and decorative. During the period of abundant flowering, decorative honeysuckle honeysuckle is an excellent honey plant. Flowering lasts about a month, resulting in inedible orange berries.

Currently, this type of vine is not cultivated only in northern regions with a sharply continental climate. The reason is that the southern plant freezes out during the winter.

Agrotechnology of decorative climbing honeysuckle

To get a fast-growing shoot with abundant flowering, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for development of the bush. To do this, the vine must be planted in a sunny place with low groundwater. The soil should be light, based on humus, garden turf soil and sand. The reaction must be neutral or slightly alkaline.

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Honeysuckle likes moderate watering and responds well to spring feeding with humus. During the summer, it will gratefully accept irrigating watering of greenery during drought and 2-3 fertilizing with full mineral fertilizer or mullein infusion until mid-July; later feeding should not be done so as not to disturb winter hardiness. The soil under the bush should be loosened and mulched.

Decorative honeysuckle honeysuckle responds well to crown-forming pruning, which is carried out in the spring until the first living buds. Dry branches should also be cut out. And slightly peeling bark on an old vine is a generic sign.

Diseases and pests of the decorative honeysuckle honeysuckle destroy the beauty of the green fence, so in order to prevent pests and diseases from entering your green fence, you must follow some rules that apply to other plants:

  1. The predominance of phosphorus and potassium in the diet makes the plant sap unattractive to aphids and other leaf-eating insects and larvae. To do this, superphosphate is scattered in the tree trunk circle. ash, lime.
  2. Wintering pests can be destroyed if the bushes are sprayed with a 5% urea solution before leaf fall.
  3. Use biological preparations Bitoxibacillin, Lepocid and the like for spraying, bacteria from which invade insects and destroy them from the inside.

Prevention is always better than controlling infested insect pests.

Ornamental plants are attractive only when the crown is well formed and the leaves are not damaged by diseases and pests.

Breeding honeysuckle honeysuckle

Anyone who has seen how honeysuckle grows will inevitably want to have this vine in their possession. Honeysuckle honeysuckle can be propagated in several ways:

Honeysuckle honeysuckle can be propagated only with fresh seeds of the second year. The collected fruits should be freed from pulp, washed and dried. Before spring sowing, seeds must undergo stratification. Seeds for seedlings are sown in the spring, and in the summer the grown seedlings are placed in a permanent place.

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Planting material for cuttings is prepared in August. Cuttings with three internodes are rooted in the fall in a special nursery with a sand-peat mixture. In spring, the rooted plant is planted in a permanent place.

The easiest way to propagate honeysuckle honeysuckle is by rooting cuttings, which are cut and dug into the ground on a vine that continues to grow. At the site of the cut, roots are formed, the branch is separated from the vine and planted in a permanent place.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle does not tolerate multiple transplants. When the first roots appear, it is necessary to provide the plant with a permanent place of residence.

Planting and caring for climbing honeysuckle

In advance, at a place determined for the composition, single holes 60 cm deep or a trench are dug, which is filled with fertile soil with a large amount of compost or last year’s manure. It is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers. Do not forget about ash so that mineral fertilizers do not deoxidize the soil.

The best time to plant and care climbing honeysuckle is April - May. In a year the plant will rise 2 meters. But in the first two years, the vines need to be removed from their supports for the winter and protected from freezing. During the entire period of growth, the vine requires tending pruning and crown formation.