Bamboo at home - planting, growing and caring for indoor bamboo. Two ways to grow indoor bamboo

Caring for indoor bamboo is a fascinating activity that will inspire any connoisseur of fresh flowers. The bamboo plant tends to be more finicky indoors, so it needs a lot of tender loving care. It is especially important to monitor humidity so that the bamboo receives enough water, and at the same time is not oversaturated with it.

The properties of bamboo lie in the flexibility and plasticity of its stems, thanks to which intricate shapes can be created. Bamboo flowers almost never ripen in indoor conditions, and therefore the main advantage for room decor is the graceful stem, which perfectly conveys the atmosphere of the exotic. Growing such a miracle at home is a task medium difficulty and a fairly accessible pleasure even for a beginner. Some gardeners suggest growing bamboo directly in water or hydrogel. This option has a beautiful aesthetic appearance and will decorate any room. However, it should be remembered that raw materials such as water and hydrogel (balls that absorb water) lack essential minerals and do not ensure long-term preservation of the plant. If you want the plant to please the eye and enliven the interior for 3-7 years, you should plant it in the soil. To do this, use the following steps.

Step 1

Find a wide, squat pot to grow in. Choose a container whose diameter is 2 times larger than the plant's root. There should be at least 5 cm of space between the rhizome and the side walls.

Good drainage is key to the survival of most types of bamboo, so make sure there are enough holes in the base of the pot.

Step 2

Consider a moisture tray. Bamboo loves moisture, which can make indoor growing challenging task. The constant presence of water under the bamboo, which is not absorbed by the roots, is the easiest way to make the air in the room humidified. This can be done in two ways.

Drainage tray:

  • Fill the tray with a layer of gravel.
  • Add a layer of water to the tray.
  • Place the pot on top of the drain so it doesn't touch the water.


  • Place a layer of gravel at the bottom of the pot.
  • Place the pot in a shallow pan of water.

This way you will create a greenhouse effect that corresponds to the humid climate that this plant is accustomed to.

Step 3

Fill the pot with well-draining soil. Bamboo needs light to moderate soil density to provide a fast draining effect with moisture holding capacity. You can use a standard potting mix or make your own version of the potting soil from loam, perlite (or washed sand) and ⅓ peat moss (or well-rotted compost).

Most types of bamboo can live in different draining soils, so the exact composition will not affect the plant. You can also use decent quality soil from your garden. Avoid heavy clay soil, which conducts water poorly.

Bamboo tends to grow best in slightly acidic soils with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5, but most species tolerate pH up to 7.5. Most soils fall into this range.

Step 4

Plant bamboo at shallow depths. Leave the stem and top of the rhizome above the soil level to prevent rot. Press the soil down to remove any air bubbles and water the plant.

Caring for bamboo at home

Bamboo should be watered carefully and with extreme caution. This is the most difficult part of care because indoor bamboo is always thirsty, but at the same time prone to oversaturation. To begin, pour water until some water overflows. Let the top 5 to 7.5 cm of soil dry before each watering session. If the soil remains wet for more than 1-2 days, reduce the amount of water.

Watering and humidity level

If the top of the soil dries out quickly, dig down to 10cm to check the moisture. At depth, the soil should remain slightly moist most of the time, especially during the first three months after planting.

Most bamboo plants prefer moist air, especially in hot weather.

To provide the necessary comfort to the plant, you need to follow the basic recommendations:

  • place the pot in a tray with moist drainage as described in the planting section above;
  • lightly mist the leaves with a spray bottle every couple of days;
  • use a humidifier indoors;
  • place plants close to each other (but keep in mind that this increases the risk of disease).

You need to maintain a balance, a fine line between staying hydrated and over-hydrating, as this is a necessary condition healthy growth.


Caring for indoor bamboo at home necessarily includes the correct level of illumination, which may differ for each type. If you know the name of your bamboo, you need to find specific recommendations for it. If the plant requires more light than the climate allows, install evening lighting. If the plant species is unknown, start with the following rules of thumb.

More light required:

  • plants with small leaves;
  • tropical species;
  • located in warm rooms.

Less light required:

  • plants with large leaves;
  • during the winter hibernation season;
  • plants that are kept in cool rooms.

Most types of bamboo, including the lucky bamboo, prefer bright, filtered sunlight, such as that found under the canopy of a rainforest. Avoid direct sunlight as it will burn the leaves. They are more tolerant of a lack of light than of its excess.

Transplantation and feeding

Bamboo needs to be fertilized regularly as this plant grows quickly as long as it has room in the container and needs additional nutrients to support that growth. Dose of slow-release fertilizer at the beginning growing seasongood way ensure sustainable supply. Use a balanced fertilizer such as 16-16-16 or a nitrogen (N) fertilizer such as 30-10-10. The high-nitrogen option inhibits flowering, which weakens many types of bamboo.

Warning: Do not fertilize bamboo within 6 months of purchase. Most plants receive adequate amounts of fertilizer from the nursery.

You should also avoid fertilizers based on seaweed due to excessive salt content.

Bamboo reproduces vegetatively. You can take cuttings from a plant all year round. Cut cuttings are rooted in soil or water.

Regular pruning

Bamboo is very tolerant of pruning, so feel free to shape it once the plant is established and if there is no suspicion of poor health:

  • trim dried, stunted or excess stems (culminations) at soil level;
  • to prevent the stem from growing upward and to maintain it at a certain height, cut it just above the node (branching point);
  • Branches should be thinned regularly if you are encouraging vertical growth.
  • remove lower branches for aesthetics.

Bamboo can grow two different ways, depending on its type. So Dracaena Sandera, or “bamboo of happiness,” leaves long shoots, forming ovaries, which should then be separated and a new plant grown. This species grows spirally for three to five years. Any type of plant needs to be transplanted into a larger pot once a year in the first three years of life.

Bamboo plants are propagated by cutting off part of the stem and placing it in a separate container of water until it grows roots.

Diseases and pests of indoor plants

It is quite common for a bamboo plant to lose a lot of leaves when moved around a room or replanted. As long as the new leaves at the ends of the branches look healthy, the plant should recover. If these leaves are falling or looking unhealthy, a couple of months outdoors (climate permitting) may help with recovery.

If the leaves turn yellow and fall off without being moved or replanted, other reasons are possible:

  • some species hibernate and drop off in low light conditions. Cold winter period Low light is suitable for these plants and reduces leaf fall. Remember that the fewer green leaves, the less water required by the plant.
  • Often the leaves fall off in the spring, and this is a variant of the norm, as there is a gradual replacement with fresh foliage. If there is a mixture of green, yellow and new leaves and shoots, then the plant is healthy.

If leaf yellowing occurs outside of the dormant season, it could mean a few different things:

  1. If they look dry and the tips are brown or curled up, the plant needs more water. It may also need a larger pot.
  2. Leaves that slowly turn pale and become more yellow are usually deficient. nutrients. Add fertilizer with minerals.
  3. A sudden change in color after feeding indicates an excessive amount of them. In this case, the plant can be cured by removing any remaining fertilizer and watering deeply to flush out excess minerals.

Indoor bamboo plants are more vulnerable to diseases and pests, especially if the room is poorly ventilated. For mild insect infestations, wash the leaves with insecticidal soap or spray outdoors with an insecticidal spray.

There are over 1,000 species of bamboo, so no guidebook will cover every issue. If your plant has a disease that does not fit the description above, check with local gardeners about the presence of diseases in your area.

Indoor bamboo has nothing in common with natural bamboo, which is rich in the wild flora of distant overseas countries. The correct name of this plant is Dracaena Sandera. They brought it to our region from China, and exotic lovers immediately liked it. They say it brings happiness, peace and abundance to the home. Therefore, it is customary to give such a plant to close people, good friends and simply those to whom you wish goodness and prosperity.

Methods for growing indoor bamboo

Many people are afraid to grow bamboo at home, thinking that it is too demanding and picky. This opinion is wrong. It is so unpretentious and easy to grow that you may be pleasantly surprised when you purchase a plant and become friends with it.

But to fully enjoy the outlandish beauty of bamboo, you must know some special points that relate to growing this unusual plant. You just need to follow some simple rules care, and the bamboo will grow gratefully, delighting you.

There are two ways to grow indoor bamboo:

1. In a vase with water. Those who want to grow bamboo in water need to know that the plant loves only clean water without chlorine impurities. The bamboo is placed in a long vase, fixed with decorative pebbles and filled with water. Periodically, once a week, the water must be changed, and the contents of the vase must be rinsed thoroughly. For better growth plants add a few drops of diluted water to water mineral fertilizers or special ones intended for aquarium plants.

2. In a regular pot with soil. For planting, any that you can dig up in the park or garden is suitable, but you can buy ready-made substrate for house plants in the store. Prepare the drainage and feel free to plant bamboo. Don’t forget to water it often, it is moisture-loving and does not tolerate drying out of the soil. But don’t overdo it, as excess water causes the leaves of the plant to sag, which doesn’t look very nice.

You can enhance the “magical” properties of your indoor bamboo, as they do in Asian countries. For the plant, residents of these countries select special vases with images of sacred animals, and the bamboo stems are tied with red or gold ribbons. To enhance the miraculous effect, place a three-legged toad next to the bamboo - a symbol of immortality and wealth.

What do you need to know to properly care for bamboo?

The place for bamboo should be comfortable, spacious and quite bright. But at the same time, you should not allow the plant to be exposed to direct rays of the sun.

Due to the aggressive action of sunlight, bamboo leaves turn yellow, and it loses its special attractiveness. Choose a place where the lighting is moderate and diffused.

Bamboo's native habitat is tropical forests and therefore it loves a warm climate and sufficient moisture. For him, the optimal temperature in the room is 16-22 degrees Celsius. The room needs to be ventilated - fresh air is essential for bamboo growth.

Timely is very important, because Without enough moisture, bamboo may die. To create an additional humid microclimate, the leaves of the plant are sprayed or wiped with a wet sponge. In winter, watering the plants is significantly reduced and is carried out only when the soil layer dries out.

Bamboo loves fresh air, especially in hot summers. Try to ventilate a room where many houseplants grow several times, but avoid drafts and strong winds.

With sufficient care, bamboo grows very quickly and as it grows it needs to be transplanted into larger and more spacious pots. A transplant will have to be done every two years. The soil is renewed, and the drainage layer is changed.

What are the methods for propagating bamboo?

Bamboo is propagated, like most house plants, in early spring. The easiest way to propagate bamboo is by dividing the stem, which is cut into several parts. To prevent the cut parts of the plant from drying out, the sections should be treated with soft wax. Each part of the stem is placed in water to form roots. After 2.5 or 3 weeks, roots appear and the plant can be planted in a pot.

Another propagation method is to plant top cuttings cut from the mother plant. The cuttings are placed in water, where they take root, and then planted in the soil. The cut part of the adult stem is processed so that the plant does not dry out and die.

Bamboo can be propagated by side shoots. The shoots are cut off when they are still young. They are placed in water or planted in light soil. If the shoots are planted directly into the ground, make sure that the soil does not dry out. Sufficient moisture will allow the plant to quickly take root and grow stronger.

Grow bamboo at home and enjoy its graceful beauty. And if you're lucky, you'll see how unusual it blooms. This phenomenon occurs once in the entire life of bamboo: after flowering, the plant dies.

I bought indoor bamboo to decorate my own office. She put it on the coffee table. Within a month I noticed that it was growing poorly and had dropped almost all its leaves. I thought that I had come across a diseased plant, but it turned out that it did not have enough sunlight.

I moved it to the windowsill and a week later new leaves appeared on the stem. In this article I will tell you how to properly care for indoor bamboo so that it grows healthy and delights you with its beauty.

Homeland indoor bamboo considered to be the tropical forests of Africa. Popularly this exotic plant called dragon tree or Dracaena Sandera. It is good both individually and as part of a composition; it will enliven an office or home space. The main thing is to care for it properly.

It consists of green naked smooth trunk with bright green leaves at the top or sides. The stem is sometimes yellow-green. Depending on where bamboo grows, in the ground or in water, the rules for caring for it vary.


Although it is a tropical plant, it does not like direct sunlight, which can burn its leaves. If you can’t place it in a place where the sun doesn’t shine, then cover the dragon tree with a light cloth that allows light to pass through or a thin piece of paper.

But it is also undesirable to place it in the shade, since in cases of lack of light it will begin to shed its leaves and slow down its development, the stem will become thinner and more frail. Dracaena can more easily tolerate a lack of light than an excess of it.


Regular room temperature from 17 to 25 o C is ideal for dracaena. If in a hot summer the air temperature suddenly rises to thirty degrees Celsius, then this tropical plant will easily endure this period. They endure much worse cold temperature air.

Air humidity

Since this dragon tree is a tropical plant, it likes moist air more than dry air. If you cannot humidify the air, then it is advisable to wipe the stem and leaves from dust once a week with a damp cloth.

Bamboo in water

In flower shops, Dracaena Sandera is most often sold in vessels with liquid rather than in pots with soil. They do not have flowers, so they are bought for their unique stem, which can be gradually bent in the desired direction.

And if you do this with several stems at once, then you can create an exotic composition from them that will decorate any room.

It can be grown either in ordinary water or in special balls that absorb liquid. But experienced flower growers The second method is not recommended, since the hydrogel cannot provide the necessary minerals to the plant. It is best to grow in water that is changed once a week.

To prevent the leaves from turning yellow, you can add fertilizer to the water once a quarter. It is more convenient to do this when replacing the fluid with fresh one. It is better to fertilize with a special fertilizer that was created specifically for this species.

You can put several stems in one jar of water at once, tying them with a beautiful ribbon, like flower bouquet. They will feel quite comfortable this way. In such conditions, the trunk can easily grow up to two meters in height. The taller the dragon tree becomes, the larger the container should be.

It is important to remember the main rule: under no circumstances should you use tap or filtered water. It should be left standing for three to four days or thawed.

The latter is very easy to make. IN plastic bottle pour water and put it in the freezer for two days. Then defrost until room temperature and used for their intended purpose.

Bamboo in soil

But it is still better to grow it in soil, since its roots do not really like to be constantly in liquid. And you won’t have to worry every time whether the water was changed on time.

Any soil will do, except heavy clay soil, as it does not conduct water well and the plant will suffer. Ordinary soil from your own summer cottage is quite suitable.

But it’s still better to purchase soil for indoor flowers in a specialized store so as not to infect the tree harmful fungi or insects. There must be drainage at the bottom of the pot, which will prevent moisture from stagnating in the soil, and the bottom of the pot itself must have special holes for excess liquid to escape.


If it grows not in a container with water, which is recommended to be changed every week, but in the ground, then it is watered regularly and in a timely manner, preventing the soil from drying out. Especially after transplanting dracaena into the soil. At this time, the plant is experiencing stress and can be calmed by slightly moist soil.

Only after it has taken root in a new place can it be watered once or twice a week.

The fewer leaves on the stem, the less liquid it requires. In winter, in order for the dragon tree to rest and gain strength before spring, it is watered less frequently, about once a week, depending on the dryness of the air.


Bamboo, like any other home plant, needs fertilizers, thanks to which it can continue its fast growth. Usually it is fed with fertilizers created for them. Add fertilizer every three months during the next watering or water change.

It should be remembered that you don’t need to give it a lot of nitrogen, as it can weaken it. And also, there is no need to fertilize dracaena during the first six months from the date of purchase, since they are regularly fertilized in the store. Fertilizers with a high salt content should also be avoided.


In most cases, it is propagated by cuttings. Occasionally, apical shoots and suckers, since this is a more complex method and does not always end successfully.

There is also a method of propagation by seeds, but this happens in very rare cases, and even at home this is an almost impossible task. Therefore, if you decide to propagate bamboo, it is best to do this by cuttings.

And it is recommended to do this in the spring. First, carefully cut off a cutting with a young shoot from the main stem and plant it in a separate container with soil so that the roots grow. The composition of the soil may be the same as that of the mother stem. Since bamboo grows very quickly, the roots will easily sprout within a week.

After which the dracaena is regularly watered and the soil around the stem is carefully loosened so that air gets to the roots. Thanks to this method, root formation can be improved. It is recommended to water with settled water at room temperature. And be sure to wipe the stem and leaves from dust every week with a damp cloth.


Bamboo is one of those species that can easily tolerate pruning and do not die after it. Therefore, first you need to wait for it to take root, and then start pruning at your discretion. It is not advisable to prune diseased plants; they must first be cured.

First, cut off the dried stems and leaves. To ensure that the stem no longer grows upward, it is cut at the required level, thereby securing its growth. The main thing is to always cut just above the knot.

But if you want to achieve a long stem, then in this case you need to regularly trim the side branches. For a beautiful appearance, the lower leaves and branches on the stem are usually cut off.

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that Dracaena Sandera is considered unpretentious plant, she could easily get sick.

If the dracaena has lost its leaves almost immediately after transplanting or moving around the room, then there is no need to worry, this is how it reacts to stress. She will recover soon. The main thing is not to forget to water it on time. You should only worry if you have not moved or replanted the dracaena, and its leaves have turned yellow or fallen off.

First, make sure that the dracaena receives enough lighting. The fact is that in low light it either goes into hibernation or reacts with an externally frail appearance. For spring period It is considered normal for old leaves to often fall off so that new ones appear in their place. That is, on one stem a mixture of yellow and green leaves is considered normal.

If the tips of the leaves turn yellow or curl, then the dragon tree does not have enough liquid or is cramped in this pot. If you notice that the leaves very slowly change color to pale or yellow, then you need to add minerals to the soil or water.

After feeding, her appearance the next day changed sharply for the worse, which means that the dose of fertilizer was too high for her. Therefore, in this case, it needs to be watered abundantly so that excess fertilizer is washed out of the soil through special holes at the bottom of the pot.

To increase the immunity of bamboo, it is recommended to ventilate the room where it stands more often. For mild pest infestation, it is enough to wash the stem and leaves with insecticidal soap or, for convenience, purchase a special spray.

External signs of insect or disease infestation:

  • Black leaves - ants or aphids have settled on the bamboo. It is necessary to remove them with special preparations.
  • Fungal rings or scales can be easily removed using any antifungal medication.
  • Rotten sections of the stem - the tree has been overwatered. It is necessary to reduce watering and treat the affected areas with a fungicide.
  • White plaque - it was attacked by bamboo mites or similar pests. It is necessary to find their nests, destroy them and treat everything with an insecticide.

At proper care behind the bamboo, she will not only delight with her healthy appearance for many years, but will also decorate the interior in an original way.

Decorative bamboo belongs to the Dracaena family. This one can reach a height of 2 m. But wild bamboo grows much higher. Bamboo naturally grows in the subtropics and tropics, as well as in the mountains. Bamboos can be tree-like or herbaceous. The thickness of the trunk varies from 2-3 to 30 cm. The stem of bamboo can branch, this makes grassy bamboo look like a tree. The plant grows very actively and when good conditions may be approximately 30 meters high. Reed bamboo is considered poisonous. Flowers on tree-like bamboos appear once every 30 or 60 years.

Features of the structure of the plant

Decorative bamboo is called Dracaena Sandera. It has green stems and may have a straw tint. It has emerald lancet-shaped leaves that grow at the top of the stem. The stems resemble straw, as they are empty inside. Bamboo does not shed leaves. With proper care, bamboo blooms once in its life. This happens after 40 years. The flowers are small, they are collected in panicles.

In addition to green, there are many types of bamboo with various shades: striped, gray, shiny, variegated.

The plants form loose, but not very growing bushes with a large number of shoots with bright green lanceolate leaves 1.5 cm wide and up to 10 cm long. By autumn the plants acquire a yellow-green color.

The frost-resistant bamboo variety Fargesia Murieli was named after the daughter of Ernst Wilson, who collected and sent seedlings of this species to botanical gardens. It has yellowish-green, arching stems and waxy leaves. Blooms once every 100 years.

The soil should be loose and drain well, but you should not use a mixture that has a lot of peat. The mixture requires mixing 3 parts of garden soil and 1 part of medium-grained sand. In the pot you need to make drainage from broken bricks, expanded clay, clay shards, it should occupy 25% of the pot.

Temperature and lighting:

  • Bamboo is best grown at temperatures of +17-25 °C, but it can easily withstand heat of 30 °C.
  • Bamboo needs enough light, but it does not like direct sunlight, as its leaves are very delicate and can burn.
  • It is most optimal to grow bamboo in diffused light. Place it on the eastern or western windowsill, or on the southeast or southwest.

Reproduction, planting and transplanting

It is recommended to do this in the spring, due to the fact that young shoots grow on the stems, which are cut into. To get the cuttings to take root, you can put them in a glass of water and wait for the roots to grow, or you can plant them in soil that is suitable for growing bamboo.

Choose a spacious pot as bamboo grows very quickly, both its stems and roots.

The soil is made from a mixture of equal parts of peat and sand; the pot must have holes for drainage. It is best to combine propagation with transplantation. also required to be done in the spring. This is done once every 2 years. Newly transplanted bamboo and cuttings require very careful care. They need to be watered, wipe the leaves, loosen the soil to improve oxygen access to the rhizomes, then they will grow faster.

When you first bring the plant and plant it, it especially needs plenty of watering, since at first bamboo has small roots, it needs a lot of water to grow.

Transplanting indoor bamboo:

  • The roots of the plant grow very actively, so it is recommended to replant it annually. Take a larger pot than the previous one for replanting.
  • The pot should be deep and wide, there should be a distance of 5 cm from the stems to the edge of the pot.
  • Pour drainage into the bottom of the pot, then a little soil, then plant the bamboo, fill the roots with soil, compact it a little and water it generously.

You need to place the bamboo roots in water, then it will grow quickly, under these conditions it grows up to 0.8-2 m. But you need to remember that the water is changed once a week.

Bamboo feeding:

  • Once every 2-3 months, bamboo is fed by dissolving fertilizers in water.
  • Add complex to fresh water when you change it.
  • If the plant does not have enough fertilizer, its leaves turn yellow and fall off.
  • But you should not immediately apply fertilizer, as soon as you bring the bamboo stalks home, place them in water and wait until they get used to room conditions, only feed after that.

Bamboo requires equal amounts of light and shade. Several stems of bamboo are tied with a ribbon of any color and placed in water in a glass or other container. Then they place it on the windowsill. If your bamboo is very long, then place it in a bucket of water or a vase and place it on the floor near the window.

Do not use regular tap water. Only soft and well-settled water is suitable. It is good to use melt water. Pour water into a plastic bottle and place it in the freezer for 2 days. Next, defrost it to room temperature and you can use it; this will make the water soft. The water must not stagnate, otherwise the bamboo will begin to rot.

If your bamboo is standing in glass vase, then add pebbles or shells to the bottom; before placing them in a vase, you need to pour boiling water over them so that there are no harmful microorganisms on them.

It is advised to add coal to water to prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying in it. The water for caring for indoor bamboo should be taken exactly the same as for it - melt or rain, and change it in the vase every week. Rare water changes can lead to the formation of mold on the flower.

When caring for bamboo that grows in the ground, it is necessary to water it regularly. In winter, water the bamboo more moderately, making sure that the moisture does not stagnate in the ground. Excess moisture can cause mold to appear, so the pot should have holes and fill the bottom with broken bricks or other materials. Bamboo is also fed from time to time. Another 3 times a week and periodically wipe the leaves from dust.

For normal growth, a tray is placed under the pot and small crushed stone is poured into it.

Then pour water, but so that the crushed stone is not completely covered with water. The pot must be secured above the tray so that it does not have direct contact with water. It is necessary to prevent the soil from drying out, as in this case the bamboo leaves turn yellow and the plant dies.

The plant is fertilized from October to March - once every 3 months, and the rest of the time - every 20 days. Bamboo especially requires phosphorus and nitrogen; you can purchase special fertilizer for dracaenas. The air in the room should be humid. Bamboo loves fresh wind, but does not tolerate drafts. Bamboo can be trimmed throughout the year. Eliminate weakened stems. It is recommended to take the plant out onto the loggia or balcony in the summer.

Babmub in open ground: planting and care

Select frost-resistant varieties bamboo These varieties are: Kuril Sasa (Sasa kurilensis), Sasa Palmata Nebulosa, Phyllostachys Aureosulcata. The most frost-resistant bamboo variety is Fargesia Murielae. Very often the plant is planted near bodies of water, as it loves moisture very much. It should be planted from March to September so that the plant has time to take root and survive the winter. Bamboo likes soil that has an acidity pH of 6.0-6.2.

Place the bamboo pot in a container filled with water for 3-4 hours so that the roots are saturated with water.

Landing Features:

  • The hole should be 2 times greater in depth and width than the bamboo roots with soil.
  • Add humus to the soil.
  • Place a little of this soil at the bottom of the hole and compact it.
  • It is best to dig a sheet of metal or plastic around the hole in a circle to prevent the roots from growing throughout the garden.
  • Place the bamboo, whose roots are saturated with water, in the hole in the center, add soil, compact it a little so as not to damage the roots and there are no air pockets.
  • Pour 5 cm of soil on top. Water generously. Mulch the soil with a 2-5 cm layer of leaves, peat, hay.

If you plant bamboo in the fall, then at the bottom landing pit pour in manure 20 cm, then garden soil 10 cm, then plant the plant. Then in winter the manure will decompose, and after that you will not need to feed the bamboo for 2 years.

Care Tips:

  • For the first three months, water the plant very abundantly; do not allow the stems to dry out. Then water 2-3 times a week. It loves fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, that is, the proportions of fertilizer are: 4 parts nitrogen, 3 phosphorus, 2 parts potassium.
  • Apply in early spring. Next, fertilize the bamboo in the summer. In the fall, feed the plant: 2 parts nitrogen, 4 parts phosphorus, 4 parts potassium, then it will stop growing so actively and prepare for frost. In autumn, mulch the plant with a 10 cm layer of pine bark and leaves. Trim old stems at ground level. They do this once a year.

Stems and leaves may turn yellow if:

  • lack of fertilizers
  • excess fertilizing
  • water too hard for irrigation
  • overly chlorinated water
  • heavy composition of the earth
  • in the absence of drainage

If the bamboo stem has turned yellow, cut off the yellowed part and sprinkle the cut area with charcoal. In this case, depending on the reason, stop feeding or, conversely, urgently fertilize the plant.

Cut off the dried leaves, after 5 hours the cut areas will dry out somewhat, then sprinkle ash on them. Leave for 2 hours, then shake off the ash, spread the cut with soft wax. If the stems begin to dry out, this may happen due to bright light, move the flower to the shade.

In hot weather, leaves may appear spider mites and thrips - to eliminate pests, spray with Fitoverm.

It is believed that growing in a house brings good luck, happiness, and prosperity. It is grown both in regular soil and in water. it doesn't require much effort.

More information can be found in the video:

Bamboo is used to decorate the interior of a room and is considered as an individual element of decoration or as a group in compositions with other colors.

Homemade bamboo is popular among fans of assessing their standard of living based on the science of Feng Shui. The scientific name of the plant is Dracaena sandera; it is popularly called the flower of happiness and good luck.

The plant belongs to the evergreen category. It has a long stem with sharp leaves of a pleasant green color located at the top. Blooms with separate flowers. At home, the flower is grown in soil or on water.

How to plant correctly in open ground

Proper planting of bamboo in the ground will ensure its rapid growth and formation beautiful sheets with sharp ends.

To do this, it is necessary to take into account factors:

  1. Landing place.
  2. Time.
  3. Soil preparation and fertilization.
  4. The degree of soil moisture and the proximity of groundwater.

1. Choosing the landing time

Bamboo seedlings are planted in open ground throughout the warm season. Considered optimal spring planting during the period from March to May. This will give the plant time to take root so that it can retain its leaves over the winter.

2. Site selection and soil preparation

Bamboo leaves and stems are susceptible to the effects of cold, especially when combined with dry winds. Therefore, when choosing a place for the future growth of bamboo, you should choose a place protected from the wind. It is recommended to cover for the winter root system plants.

3. Soil treatment and preparation

To ensure soil fertility and nutrition for bamboo, it should be prepared first. To do this you need:

  1. Dig a hole.
  2. Place a 20 cm layer of fresh manure on the bottom.
  3. Pour 10 centimeters of soil on top.
  4. Plant the plant in the resulting mixture.

The manure, having rotted throughout the winter, will provide the bamboo with an additional source of heat. When preparing the soil, it will not need fertilizer for two years.

To retain moisture and nutrients in the soil, it is necessary to mulch it, which consists of placing mulching substances on the soil surface five centimeters thick, which can be straw, hay, peat, or pine bark.

3. The process of planting in open ground

  1. Before planting, bamboo must be prepared by placing the root ball in a container of water. Bamboo should not be exposed to direct sunlight during this period.
  2. Preparing the hole for planting. Its dimensions should exceed twice the root system of the seedling.
  3. Fertilize the soil with manure that has been rotted for two years.
  4. After the roots are saturated with moisture, as evidenced by the absence of a bubble on the surface of the water, it is necessary to place the root system of the seedling in the center of the prepared hole
  5. Cover the root system with soil, compacting it lightly. The ground level should exceed the end of the root by 5 centimeters.

When planting a seedling, it is important to ensure that there are no air bubbles left near the surface of its roots, because in this case they will not be saturated with moisture.

Until the seedlings take root, you should water the plants frequently, ensuring the soil is constantly moist. After the plant is established, watering should be done regularly three times a week.


Bamboo is an extraordinary plant that blooms only once in its life. This usually occurs around the thirtieth year of life. After flowering, the plant withers and dies. There are no seeds left after the flower, so Dracaena Sander does not reproduce by seed.

There are two ways to propagate bamboo:

  1. Cuttings.
  2. Dividing the root.

The cutting can be obtained by pruning the plant. Moreover, both stems and leaves are suitable for this purpose. After placing the cut plant element in water, it begins to take root after some time. When planting such a seedling in the ground, it is necessary to provide it with more abundant watering and intense lighting.

The propagation method based on dividing the root system is used less frequently. It is convenient to use it when directly transplanting indoor Dracaena.

The seedling can be planted directly into the soil, or you can place it in water for some time to improve the quality of the root system.

Plant care

Caring for the plant depends on the method of its cultivation. Dracaena Sandera can be grown in two ways:

  1. In the ground.
  2. On the water.

When growing bamboo in water, the main care is to replace the liquid in a timely manner. The roots must be completely immersed in water, which allows the flower to develop and grow evenly and harmoniously.

Tap water is not used for such purposes; melt or rain water is usually used. The root system is attached to the bottom of the container using small glass balls or pebbles.

Dracaena Santera grows in such conditions up to 100 centimeters, and with the addition of more fertilizers - up to two meters. The plant looks beautiful in a transparent container with hydrogel placed in it.

Mineral fertilizers must be added once every three months. Without nutrients, the flower will turn yellow and lose its beautiful leaves.

It is easier to grow bamboo in soil. Basic care comes down to keeping the soil moist and timely feeding of the plant.

1. Watering

Bamboo is a very moisture-loving plant. In the hot season it needs abundant watering. Do not allow the soil to dry out because this can lead to yellowing of the leaves.

The approximate watering rate is three times a week at temperature conditions environment above 25 degrees Celsius. In the cold season, the plant is watered as needed, depending on weather conditions. The first sign of a violation of water metabolism in a flower is yellowed leaves and stems.

When growing a flower in water, it is necessary to change the liquid in a timely manner, once every two weeks.

2. Soil and fertilizers

Bamboo is undemanding when it comes to soil quality. In its homeland, it is considered a weed and easily reproduces in natural conditions. With us, he is ornamental plant, and exotic lovers are trying in every possible way to speed up the growth of the plant and improve the quality indicators of its appearance.

D To do this, it is necessary to use loose and moisture-permeable soil. You can purchase it in garden stores in the form of a mixture for dracaenas, or prepare it yourself.

When preparing it yourself, you need to mix the ingredients:

  1. Peat.
  2. Sand.
  3. Humus.
  4. Leaves.
  5. Soddy clay soil.

3. Feeding

To improve the process of leaf formation and accelerate the division of stem joints, it is recommended to feed the flower of happiness with fertilizers containing elements of nitrogen and phosphorus.

It is more effective to enrich the soil by introducing liquid fertilizers into it. For this reason, you should buy appropriate fertilizers that can be dissolved in water. Frequency of application mineral supplements is twice a month in the spring-summer period from April to August.

4. Diseases and pests

Dracaena Sandera belongs to the category of resistant plants that are slightly susceptible to pathogens various diseases. One of the common problems with bamboo is the yellowing of its green parts in the form of the stem and leaves.

The causes of the disease are:

  1. Infection with fungi or bacteria.
  2. Lack of timely feeding essential microelements and substances.
  3. Water for irrigation is of poor quality.
  4. Improperly designed drainage system.
  5. Untimely change of water in the growth container.

To fix the problem you need to:

  1. Cut off yellow leaves and stems, leaving only their green fragments (even if there are small yellow spots on the leaves, they still need to be removed);
  2. Drying for two hours;
  3. Treatment of sections with charcoal powder for disinfection;
  4. After two hours, it is necessary to clean the sections from coal and treat them with special wax.

When drying bamboo, you should pay attention to the likelihood of exposure to bright sunlight.

Dracaena Sandera is susceptible to pest damage:

  1. Thrips.
  2. Spider mite.

To cure a plant, it is enough to treat it with a strong soap solution.

5. Transplant

In order for bamboo to quickly recover after transplantation, you must follow certain rules:

  1. The plant must be replanted in the spring, in April or May. During this period, the plant tolerates better stressful situations, which is a change in the place of growth.
  2. At the bottom of the pot it is necessary to place a drainage layer at least two centimeters high. Expanded clay or brick shards can be used as drainage. It is better to purchase soil in the form of a substrate for dracaena in specialized stores.
  3. For transplanted bamboo, it is important to adhere to the watering regime. The soil in the pot should be constantly moist.
  4. If you plan to propagate by cuttings from a transplanted plant, then during the transplantation process you must immediately pinch off the shoot and place it in water for roots to appear.
  5. It is not recommended to add mineral fertilizers to the soil at the time of transplantation. Feeding with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers allowed only after three weeks. Bamboo responds well to fertilizing with rotted manure or chicken droppings.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question: I grow bamboo in liquid. It often starts to emanate from her bad smell. Is this a sign that it's time to change the water?

Answer: If it is too early to change the water, then you should not touch it. In order to neutralize the unpleasant odor emanating from the liquid, you should add a couple of activated carbon tablets to it.

Question: How to speed up the growth of bamboo? It seems that he has not been growing at all for six months.

Answer: Slow flower growth indicates insufficient nutrients in soil or liquid. It is necessary to increase the dosage of complex fertilizers.

Question: Leaves become soft and dark, some curl and fall off. What to do?

Answer: this is the first sign that the temperature of the plant is low. To preserve the aesthetic appearance of the flower, you should artificially raise the temperature in the room by several degrees.