Sea buckthorn diseases: their biological characteristics and control measures. Why did the sea buckthorn escape

Recall personal experience I was prompted to fight the sea buckthorn fly by letters from readers of my “First bed without problems” newsletter.

It turned out that in some areas gardeners refuse to grow sea buckthorn because of its worst pest.

It must be said that in almost 30 years of growing the miracle berry, only once were our plants attacked by the sea buckthorn fly. But it was an unexpected and sensitive attack.

In the first years of dacha life, sea buckthorn bushes sat in the first plot. There were already berries. As soon as we had additional areas, we transplanted sea buckthorn there. Placed along a drainage ditch. All the bushes took root and somehow quickly turned into trees. And the berry harvests were pleasing.

But one day, when I came to this site, I realized that something was wrong with the berries. The entire crop was lost.

That’s when I set out to find out what and why.

At that time I did not have the Internet. I looked through magazines and newspapers. And I found - sea ​​buckthorn fly.

The first sign is that orange spots with small dents appear on green fruits. And then the berries lose their shape, darken and dry out. That's how they hang. Sometimes they fall off.

What to do?

There was advice to spray sea buckthorn plants immediately after flowering with phytoverm. But the sea buckthorn flowering is easy to miss. However, the next season I managed to spray on time.

That's all. More fly didn’t visit us.

Now I understand that our sea buckthorn was just lucky.

In the book by T.T. Trofimov’s “Sea Buckthorn” contains the following lines: “You should beware in every possible way of transferring this fly along with the fruits or in any other way to new areas of sea buckthorn culture.”

How the sea buckthorn fly got into our plantings then, I still don’t know. If spraying helped then, then there was no new source of infection. Apart from us, no one grew sea buckthorn in those areas. One neighbor had two frail bushes. But they soon disappeared.

Some experts advise keeping the soil under sod.

Female sea buckthorn flies lay larvae in the pulp of the fruit. Then the hatching of larvae begins. For 3 weeks they feed on the pulp of the fruit. Having finished feeding, the larvae crawl out, fall down, and go into the soil, forming false cocoons. That's how they spend the winter.

Therefore, a thick layer of mulch of 10-15 cm can prevent the pest from getting out into the white light.

It is necessary to mulch the tree trunks early in the spring. Sodding produces such a dense layer that the larvae cannot penetrate 10 cm into the soil and die. In addition, insects live in the grass -

The following discusses the most common sea buckthorn diseases, which can only be prevented with timely care. Read information about sea buckthorn diseases and the fight against them, take the knowledge gained into service and promptly treat the shrubs on the site.

Sea buckthorn stem rot.

The causative agent is the fungus Coriolus pilosa. Coriolus hirsutus (Fr.) Quel. The fungus is common on many deciduous trees and causes the development of white ring rot of the trunk. The affected wood disintegrates into thin plates along the annual layers. Infection occurs through cracks, dry humps, and mechanical damage to the bark. Mycelium develops in the wood, and by mid-summer the fruiting bodies of the fungus begin to form, which are fully ripened in September. The fruiting bodies are sessile, half-shaped, have the appearance of single thick caps with a diameter of up to 5 cm, first light gray in color, then with a yellow bristly zonal surface. The infection persists in the wood of affected plants.

Look at the signs of this sea buckthorn disease in the photo, which shows the lesions and the fight against them using available means:

Control measures. Timely pruning and removal of dried branches and trunks, removal of fungal fruiting bodies. All cuts, saw cuts, mechanical damage are disinfected with a 1% solution copper sulfate and cover up oil paint based on natural drying oil. Every year, preventive spraying of plants is carried out before the leaves bloom with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes (HOM, Abiga-Peak). If necessary, spraying is repeated in the fall with the same preparations.

Ulcerative necrosis of sea buckthorn bark.

The causative agent is a fungus Plowrightia hippophaeos (Pass.) Sacc. (syn. Dothidea hippophaeos (Pass.) Fuck.) . Mycelium develops in the bark of the trunks, and the bark rises, forming bulges. Gradually, the bark dies, cracks with a longitudinal crack, and underneath it a black convex section of wood is exposed, in which special spores of the fungus are located. Spores from it fall on the bark and form new areas of ulcerative necrosis. The wood gradually deteriorates, dries out, and as the mycelium spreads, the trunks and branches die off. When young trunks are affected, the necrotic areas are numerous and the ulcers are deeper. In this case, the disease leads to rapid death of plants. The infection persists in the wood of affected plants.

Look external manifestations of this sea buckthorn disease in the photo, illustrating typical symptoms:

Control measures. The same as against stem rot. Additionally, the ulcers are cleaned, followed by disinfection with a 1% solution of copper sulfate.

The causative agent is a fungus Nectria cinnabarina (Tode) Wint. It has a conidial stage - Tubercularia vulgaris Tode, widely pale-red or brick-red sporulation pads arranged in longitudinal rows. Gradually the pads turn brown, the bark dries out, the branches and trunks die. The infection persists in the bark of the affected shoots.

Control measures. Trimming affected dried branches, covering cuts and cuts with oil paint. Spraying the bushes in the spring, before the leaves bloom, with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

The causative agent is a fungus Alternaria tenuis Nees. In wet weather, a velvety black coating of sporulation appears on the affected brown bark of branches. With an abundance of precipitation, the leaves are also affected, turning brown and falling prematurely, and the branches and young shoots dry out. The disease manifests itself when plantings are dense on the branches of the lower tier; young plants in nurseries are especially severely affected. The infection persists in the affected bark of branches and in plant debris.

Control measures. Compliance with all requirements of agricultural cultivation technology, use of high-quality planting material. Pruning affected dry branches, disinfecting cuts and mechanical damage with a 1% solution of copper sulfate and covering with oil paint. Collect and burn all pruned affected branches. In the spring, preventive spraying of plants is carried out with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes. If necessary, spraying is repeated in the fall with the same preparations.

The causative agent is a fungus Coniothyrium olivaceum Bon. Light brown spots of irregular shape appear on the leaves, which quickly enlarge and merge. On the upper side of the necrotic tissue of the spots, over time, dotted, dark, scattered, single or grouped fruiting bodies - pycnidia - are formed. The disease manifests itself both on the fruits and on the bark of the branches, which also turn brown and pycnidia form in them. The infection persists in the bark of the affected branches and in plant debris. In addition to sea buckthorn, the pathogenic fungus is common on apple trees and currants.

Control measures. Compliance with all requirements of agricultural cultivation technology, collection and removal of plant residues, preventive annual spraying of plants in the spring with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes (HOM, Abiga-Peak).

The causative agent is a fungus Septoria hippophaes Desm. et Rob., Sacc.. The spots appear on the upper side of the leaves; they are round in shape, dark brown, surrounded by a discolored ring of leaf blade tissue. Over time, pinpoint fruiting bodies - pycnidia - form in the necrotic tissue, and the tissue of the spots cracks and falls out. With a strong spread of spotting, browning, drying out of leaves and premature falling off are observed already in early August, due to which the shoots do not fully ripen and the frost resistance of plants decreases. The infection persists in the affected plant debris.

Control measures. The same as against brown spotting of sea buckthorn.

The causative agent of fruit rot is a fungus Monilia altaica A. Zukov. sp. nov. Sea buckthorn berries affected by the disease first lighten and become flabby, then mucous white or ocher sporulation pads form on the surface. Over time, the affected berries darken, mummify, and often remain hanging on the branches. The disease manifests itself in years with abundant rainfall and when plantings are dense. The infection persists in plant debris and in mummified berries on branches.

Control measures. Compliance with the requirements of agricultural technology for growing crops, collecting and removing affected berries. Preventive spraying of plants in the spring with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes. If fruit rot is severe, spraying is repeated in the fall, after picking the berries, with the same preparations.

Sea buckthorn pests come in a wide variety of species and forms. About what pests of sea buckthorn there are and what kind of fight against them should be carried out on each personal plot, you can learn from the material in this article.

Bean aphid.

Bean aphid or beet aphid Aphis fabae Scop., - small insect 1.8-2.5 mm long, broadly ovoid, green-brown or black in color. There are both wingless and winged individuals. Males are winged, have a narrower black body, long legs and antennae. Aphids feed on the sap of the tissues of young leaves, causing their deformation and curling. Young shoots stop growing and often dry out. When there are a large number of aphids, damaged leaves become covered with a brown coating of saprotrophic fungi, which develop on the sweet secretions of insects. The eggs overwinter on the branches of mock orange, viburnum, euonymus, and sometimes serviceberry. In the spring, larvae hatch and feed on the sap of buds and young leaves. Adult insects spread to many floral and berry crops, where several generations of the pest develop. In autumn, females fly to the bushes of mock orange, viburnum, and euonymus and lay overwintering eggs.

See what these sea buckthorn pests look like in the photo, which shows signs of the presence of colonies:

Control measures. If the pest population is large, the bushes are sprayed with one of the following preparations: Fitoverm, Kinmiks, Fufanon, Kemifos, Actellik, Inta-Vir.

Sea buckthorn grass.

Sea buckthorn grass Psylla hippophaes Frst. - a small jumping insect up to 3 mm long. The color at the beginning of life is light green, later it becomes light brown, there are two pairs of transparent wings, which in a calm state fold like a roof. The eyes of an adult insect are brown, the antennae and legs are transparent and yellowish. The eggs are spindle-shaped, whitish to straw-yellow. The larva is flat in shape; at a younger age it orange color with red eyes, in the older one - pale yellow, with blue rudiments of wings and stripes on the back and abdomen. The eggs overwinter under the bud scales. In mid-May, the larvae emerge and first feed on the juice of the tissues of the swollen buds, and later move to the underside of young leaves. At the beginning of June, the larvae turn into nymphs, which have the rudiments of wings, and by the beginning of July, after the last molt, into adult winged insects. Adult insects feed on leaf sap until mid-August; after fertilization, females lay eggs using the ovipositor behind the bud scales in groups of 5-12 pieces.

Control measures. Preventive spraying in the spring against a complex of pests with the preparations Fufanon, Kemifos, Kinmiks, Actellik also reduces the number of sea buckthorn worms. When there is a large number of pests in summer time spraying with the same preparations is carried out, taking into account the waiting period.

Common sorrel bug, or common sorrel bug Mesocerus marginatus L. , -sucking insect with incomplete metamorphosis. Body length 10-16 mm, color brown with small black dots, ventral rim with vague yellow dots at each end, scutellum small, very tip of scutellum yellow color. The dorsum of the abdomen is red with a black base, the underparts and legs are lighter than the body, mottled with brown. The antennae are longer than the head and consist of 4 segments; the femurs have 2 rows of small teeth. The larvae are similar to adult bedbugs, only smaller in size. Adult bedbugs overwinter under plant debris. Both larvae and adult insects feed on the sap of plant tissues, damaging buds, young leaves, shoots, ovaries, and fruits. Damaged leaves become discolored, curl, and the ovaries are deformed. With a large number of bugs, the berry yield decreases, and weakened plants tolerate frost less well.

See what these sea buckthorn pests look like and the fight against them in the photo, which shows adults, larvae and agrotechnical measures to destroy them:

Control measures. Preventive spraying in the spring against a complex of pests with fufanon, kemifos, kinmiks, spark, actellik also reduces the number of bedbugs. If the pest population is large in the summer, spraying is carried out with one of the same preparations, taking into account the waiting period.

Plump leaf roller omnivore Archips podana Scop. (syn. Cacoecia podana Scop.) - a butterfly with a wingspan of 20-26 mm, with females larger than males. The forewings are brick-red or brown with a dark pattern; in males the band is lilac-brown, in females it is yellow-brown. The hind wings are ash-gray with an orange tip. The caterpillar is 20 mm long, green, the back is dark green, the head, occipital and anal scutes are brown or black, the thoracic legs are black. The pupa is 13-15 mm long, red-brown, with dark wing covers, and has 4 projections at the end. 1-2 generations develop, caterpillars overwinter. The leaf roller is common on all fruit and berry crops, ornamental shrubs and hardwoods. While feeding, the caterpillar rolls several leaves together into one tube and gnaws flowers, berries and fruits. When present in large numbers, it can cause significant harm to both plants and ripening crops.

Control measures. Spraying all trees and shrubs in the spring, when buds open and immediately after flowering, with fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos). If the number of caterpillars is large, they spray with the same preparations in the summer or use Fitoverm, Kinmiks, Actellik, Inta-Vir, taking into account the waiting time for the preparations.

Sea buckthorn moth Gelechia hippophaeella Schak . - a butterfly with a wingspan of 16-18 mm. The body is covered with shiny gray scales, the head is silver-gray, the antennae are gray with black dots, and the legs are silvery white. The wings are yellowish-gray, the front wings are narrower and longer than the hind wings, the apex of the wings and the outer edge are covered with a thick fringe of dark gray hairs. The eggs are round, up to 1 mm in diameter. Caterpillars are up to 14 mm long; when younger, they are light gray with a matte white coating and a dark brown head; when older, they are gray-green with a brown head. The pupa is dark brown, 7-8 mm long, located in a cocoon of cobwebs and earth, 15-17 mm long and 3-5 mm wide. The eggs overwinter at the root collar of the bush; in early June, the caterpillars hatch and crawl onto the bushes. First, they feed on the buds, then they pull 4-5 apical leaves into nests with a web, in which they feed, gnawing off leaf blades. Having finished feeding, the caterpillars descend down into the surface layer of soil near the root collar, weave cocoons with lumps of soil and pupate. Pupation occurs in mid-July, and butterflies emerge in early August. After fertilization, in the second half of August - the first half of September, butterflies lay eggs in groups of 3-12 pieces on the bark of the lower part of the trunks, on the soil and leaves under the bushes.

Control measures. Spraying plants during the hatching of caterpillars in early June with one of the following preparations: fufanon, kemifos, actellik, kinmiks, Inta-Vir, spark. If there are a large number of spider nests, spraying with the same preparations is carried out at the end of June - beginning of July, before the caterpillars leave the bushes and pupate.

Sea buckthorn fly Rhagoletis batava Hering - an insect 4-5 mm long, with a black body, yellow head and one pair of transparent wings. The end of the female's abdomen is pointed, and there is an ovipositor that retracts inward. The eggs are elongated, pointed at both ends, and yellowish in color. The larva is legless, white, worm-shaped, 7 mm long. It is perceived as a pest of sea buckthorn in the form of white worms, but this is only an intermediate stage of the insect.

The pupa is yellowish-white, and the rudiments of the organs of an adult insect are clearly visible on it. Pupae overwinter in barrel-shaped false cocoons in the surface layer of soil at a depth of 10 cm, sometimes in rotten wood of sea buckthorn stumps. The emergence of flies from false cocoons begins in mid-June and lasts until mid-July, and their flight continues until mid-August.

Active flight of flies is observed in warm sunny weather. Two weeks after emergence and after fertilization, females lay eggs using the ovipositor under the skin of the fruit, one at a time, less often two. The female lives for about three weeks and during this time can lay up to 200 eggs. After a week, larvae hatch from the eggs and feed on the pulp of the fruit for a month. Damaged fruits darken, wrinkle, and gradually dry out. Having finished feeding, the larvae go under fallen leaves or into the soil and pupate. The departure of the larvae begins at the end of July and ends at the beginning of September. With a large number of pests, crop yields are greatly reduced.

Control measures. Spraying bushes during the mass summer of flies at the end of June - July with one of the preparations: Actellik, Fufanon, Kemifos.

Diseases of sea buckthorn are not as numerous as those of other fruit plants, but, nevertheless, the threat of fungal infections and sucking pests exists, especially with improper agricultural practices and in cold, rainy summer conditions. Old varieties brought to the European part of the continent from Siberia and the Far East and not sufficiently adapted to diseases are less resistant to diseases. local soil and climate. The new generation of sea buckthorn bushes has been bred taking into account regional conditions, is resistant to most traditional diseases and pests, and with timely prevention is not affected by them at all.

Proper agricultural technology and timely prevention are the key to a bountiful and healthy harvest.

Agricultural techniques for disease prevention

The root cause of many bush diseases lies in ignorance biological features and incorrect cultivation technology garden culture. Moreover, don't experienced gardeners Serious infectious diseases are often confused with physiological problems. How to reduce the risks of sea buckthorn damage?

  1. This is a light-loving plant. Planted in the shade, it stretches out, becomes thinner, and produces a weak harvest.
  2. Sea buckthorn is a dioecious shrub. The main reason why sea buckthorn does not bear fruit may be the planting of two same-sex plants on the site.
  3. An important feature is the superficial root system. When planting, the root collar of the seedling must be buried at least 10–15 cm. If this is not done, the roots of the tree will dry out in hot weather, without watering the leaves will lose turgor, turn yellow prematurely and fall off.
  4. The bush produces a lot of growth, which must be removed regularly. Dense plantings significantly increase the likelihood of contracting fungal infections, especially when high humidity soil and air.
  5. Sea buckthorn will hurt much less if you add humus to the soil when planting and loosen it with peat or sand. This supply is enough to grow a strong plant and form stable immunity to pathogenic factors.

Advice! To avoid problems with growing healthy berries, plant resistant varieties– Altai, Elizaveta, Vil 5, Golden Siberia, Beloved, Nivelena, Moscow Beauty, Sunny.

What causes sea buckthorn?

Most sea buckthorn diseases are fungal in nature; we bring to your attention a description, symptoms of infections in the photo and measures to combat them.

The disease affects sea buckthorn fruits and appears starting in July. The first impression is that unripe berries have been baked in the sun - whitish spots appear on them. Gradually, there are more and more whitened fruits, they burst, spraying fungal spores, pathogenic secretions under the influence of moisture (dew, rain) fall on healthy hands and infect them. Approximately 3 weeks after the spore gets on the skin, the berry bursts, the pulp flows out as white-gray mucus, and only one empty shell remains. In the dried peel, the mycelium of the fungus remains viable until next year; with the onset of warm weather, it begins to multiply, and as soon as the fruits are filled, it penetrates them.

Control measures:

  • Immediately after flowering, the bush is sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. The second treatment is carried out when the fruits begin to fill - in mid-July.
  • Remove the affected ovary as early as possible, directly with a twig.

Manifestation of endomycosis - only dried shells remain from the harvest

Scab (stegmina)

Sometimes it is a complete surprise why sea buckthorn dried up after winter, although there were no severe frosts or other visible reasons for this. One of the likely reasons is infection of the bush with scab. The disease manifests itself in the summer - black spots and sores are clearly visible on the leaves, bark of young shoots, and fruits. In the first year of infection, up to 50% of the berries may die, and after winter, individual branches begin to dry out. If the infection is not fought, it can completely destroy the plant over several growing seasons.

Control measures:

  • In autumn, pruning affected branches, burning fallen leaves.
  • In the spring (before buds open), the bush is sprayed with a 3% solution of nitrafen.

Sea buckthorn leaf affected by scab

Verticillium wilt

An insidious disease affects the plant in its prime – at the age of 5–7 years. This is one of the most common reasons why at the height of summer, usually at the beginning of August, sea buckthorn leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. It seems that the skeletal branch suddenly begins to dry out, the fruits that are not fully formed ripen prematurely, become wrinkled and flabby. Only the top of the shoot remains green.

The cause of the disease is a fungal infection that affects the tree’s conductive system, clogging blood vessels and disrupting the plant’s supply of moisture and nutrients. If the infection has penetrated from above - through wounds in the bark, cuts - you can try to save the sea buckthorn by cutting out the dried branches. If the lesion is located in the root system, the tree will definitely die, having existed for a maximum of 1-2 seasons. Dried wood is burned to prevent the spread of the disease.

Fusarium wilt

The cause of drying out of sea buckthorn can also be fusarium, a disease caused by a fungus of the Fusarium group. A symptom of the disease is unexpected wilting of leaves, flowers, young shoots, and ovaries. Over time, the leaves turn yellow, the fruits prematurely acquire the color characteristic of the variety, but do not fill out. Redness and swelling form on the bark, and after winter the wood turns black in these places.

Control measures:

  • Timely thinning of bushes - sanitary pruning, crown formation, cutting out shoots. This will provide ventilation during the rainy season and prevent moisture stagnation.
  • Pruning and burning affected branches.

View of drying sea buckthorn branches in different biological phases of development

Advice! Of the varieties resistant to endomycosis and all types of mycotic drying out, experts recommend Baikal ruby, Botanicheskaya, Zyryanka, Pepper hybrid, Minusa, Zakharovskaya.

Who harms sea buckthorn?

Depending on the climate zone, the most harmful pests of sea buckthorn are different. In Siberia and Altai it is sea buckthorn fly and moth, in the Moscow region it is aphids and spider mites.

Sea buckthorn fly

The fly's flight begins at the end of June and lasts until mid-August - this coincides with the period of ovary growth. To provide its larvae with food, the insect lays eggs just under the skin of the berries. Having hatched, they suck out the pulp, leaving only a film of the fruit. The larvae overwinter in the soil in the root zone of the bush and cause significant damage to the crop.

Control measures:

  • At the beginning of July, plants are sprayed with a solution of insecticides (Karbofos, Confidor, Calypso).
  • In the fall, in order to destroy the wintering larvae, they loosen the soil in the near-trunk zone - when they get to the surface, they freeze out.

Spider mite

Having noticed a web on sea buckthorn, experienced gardeners immediately sound the alarm and know what to do to destroy spider mite. This microscopic pest, less than a millimeter in size, feeds on the sap of buds and young leaves and is capable of damaging the health of the bush and weakening its protective functions. It lays eggs in tissues sheet plate, where it lives after hatching, entwining the affected area with a barely noticeable cobweb.

Control measures:

  • To destroy spider mites on sea buckthorn, special drugs with enteric contact action are needed - acaricides, for example, Actellik, Fitoverm. To destroy not only adult ticks, but also larvae, at least 3 treatments are carried out with an interval of 2 weeks.

Aphid damage

Aphids are one of the most frequent guests on sea buckthorn in the European part of Russia, so you need to know how to effectively fight them. The insect lays eggs near the buds of the plant and in the spring, as soon as it gets warmer, the larvae climb inside and suck the juice from the flowers and young leaves. In order for the larva to enter productive age, it only needs 2-3 weeks, so several generations of aphids appear during the season, forming entire colonies.

Control measures:

  • There are effective folk remedies against aphids: tobacco dust (0.4 kg per bucket of water) with the addition laundry soap, onion peel (0.2 kg per bucket, leave for a week).
  • From chemicals use insecticides - Konfidor, Initiator.

Sea buckthorn moth

In addition to aphids, which live everywhere, in the Siberian regions sea buckthorn is attacked by moths. This insect causes particular harm to annual shoots. Caterpillars settle on the apical leaves, building spider nests here, and often eat up the growth point, stopping the development of the young shoot. And this is the basis for next year’s harvest. In July the larvae pupate, and in August the new generation of moths begins.

Control measures:

  • Timely destruction of spider nests mechanically (collection and burning).
  • Preventive spraying of shrubs with biological preparations (entobakherin, lepidocide) at the time of bud break.

The most common pests of sea buckthorn

Advice! Varieties have been developed that are resistant to sea buckthorn fly - Atsula, Ayatanga, Siberian Rumyants and sea buckthorn moth - Bayan Gol, Zarya Dabat.

In the literature you can often read that it is better to destroy a diseased plant. But this is a last resort. Be attentive to the berry bush, note the slightest changes in its condition, start treatment at an early stage, follow agricultural practices and sea buckthorn will take care of not only its own health, but also yours.

How to protect berry bushes from pests:

Moscow, Russia, on the website from 01/11/2017

Sea buckthorn diseases: photos and fight against them

The following discusses the most common sea buckthorn diseases, which can only be prevented with timely care. Read information about sea buckthorn diseases and the fight against them, take the knowledge gained into service and promptly treat the shrubs on the site.

Sea buckthorn stem rot.

The causative agent is the fungus Coriolus pilosa. Coriolus hirsutus (Fr.) Quel. The fungus is common on many deciduous trees and causes the development of white ring rot of the trunk. The affected wood disintegrates into thin plates along the annual layers. Infection occurs through cracks, dry humps, and mechanical damage to the bark. Mycelium develops in the wood, and by mid-summer the fruiting bodies of the fungus begin to form, which are fully ripened in September. The fruiting bodies are sessile, half-shaped, have the appearance of single thick caps with a diameter of up to 5 cm, first light gray in color, then with a yellow bristly zonal surface. The infection persists in the wood of affected plants.

Look at the signs of this sea buckthorn disease in the photo, which shows the lesions and the fight against them using available means:

Control measures. Timely pruning and removal of dried branches and trunks, removal of fungal fruiting bodies. All cuts, saw cuts, and mechanical damage are disinfected with a 1% solution of copper sulfate and covered with oil paint based on natural drying oil. Every year, preventive spraying of plants is carried out before the leaves bloom with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes (HOM, Abiga-Peak). If necessary, spraying is repeated in the fall with the same preparations.

Ulcerative necrosis of sea buckthorn bark.

The causative agent is the fungus Plowrightia hippophaeos (Pass.) Sacc. (syn. Dothidea hippophaeos (Pass.) Fuck.). Mycelium develops in the bark of the trunks, and the bark rises, forming bulges. Gradually, the bark dies, cracks with a longitudinal crack, and underneath it a black convex section of wood is exposed, in which special spores of the fungus are located. Spores from it fall on the bark and form new areas of ulcerative necrosis. The wood gradually deteriorates, dries out, and as the mycelium spreads, the trunks and branches die off. When young trunks are affected, the necrotic areas are numerous and the ulcers are deeper. In this case, the disease leads to rapid death of plants. The infection persists in the wood of affected plants.

Look at the external manifestations of this sea buckthorn disease in the photo illustrating typical symptoms:

Control measures. The same as against stem rot. Additionally, the ulcers are cleaned, followed by disinfection with a 1% solution of copper sulfate.

Nectria necrosis of sea buckthorn.

The causative agent is the fungus Nectria cinnabarina (Tode) Wint. It has a conidial stage - Tubercularia vulgaris Tode, widely pale-red or brick-red sporulation pads arranged in longitudinal rows. Gradually the pads turn brown, the bark dries out, the branches and trunks die. The infection persists in the bark of the affected shoots.

Control measures. Trimming affected dried branches, covering cuts and cuts with oil paint. Spraying the bushes in the spring, before the leaves bloom, with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

Alternaria sea buckthorn bark.

The causative agent is the fungus Alternaria tenuis Nees. In wet weather, a velvety black coating of sporulation appears on the affected brown bark of branches. With an abundance of precipitation, the leaves are also affected, turning brown and falling prematurely, and the branches and young shoots dry out. The disease manifests itself when plantings are dense on the branches of the lower tier; young plants in nurseries are especially severely affected. The infection persists in the affected bark of branches and in plant debris.

Control measures. Compliance with all requirements of agricultural cultivation technology, use of high-quality planting material. Pruning affected dry branches, disinfecting cuts and mechanical damage with a 1% solution of copper sulfate and covering with oil paint. Collect and burn all pruned affected branches. In the spring, preventive spraying of plants is carried out with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes. If necessary, spraying is repeated in the fall with the same preparations.

Brown spot of sea buckthorn.

The causative agent is the fungus Coniothyrium olivaceum Bon. Light brown spots of irregular shape appear on the leaves, which quickly enlarge and merge. On the upper side of the necrotic tissue of the spots, over time, dotted, dark, scattered, single or grouped fruiting bodies - pycnidia - are formed. The disease manifests itself both on the fruits and on the bark of the branches, which also turn brown and pycnidia form in them. The infection persists in the bark of the affected branches and in plant debris. In addition to sea buckthorn, the pathogenic fungus is common on apple trees and currants.

Control measures. Compliance with all requirements of agricultural cultivation technology, collection and removal of plant residues, preventive annual spraying of plants in the spring with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes (HOM, Abiga-Peak).

Septoria spot of sea buckthorn.

The causative agent is the fungus Septoria hippophaes Desm. et Rob., Sacc. The spots appear on the upper side of the leaves; they are round in shape, dark brown, surrounded by a discolored ring of leaf blade tissue. Over time, pinpoint fruiting bodies - pycnidia - form in the necrotic tissue, and the tissue of the spots cracks and falls out. With a strong spread of spotting, browning, drying out of leaves and premature falling off are observed already in early August, due to which the shoots do not fully ripen and the frost resistance of plants decreases. The infection persists in the affected plant debris.

Control measures. The same as against brown spotting of sea buckthorn.

Fruit rot - diseases of sea buckthorn berries

The causative agent of fruit rot is the fungus Monilia altaica A. Zukov. sp. nov. Sea buckthorn berries affected by the disease first lighten and become flabby, then mucous white or ocher sporulation pads form on the surface. Over time, the affected berries darken, mummify, and often remain hanging on the branches. The disease manifests itself in years with abundant rainfall and when plantings are dense. The infection persists in plant debris and in mummified berries on branches.

Control measures. Compliance with the requirements of agricultural technology for growing crops, collecting and removing affected berries. Preventive spraying of plants in the spring with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes. If fruit rot is severe, spraying is repeated in the fall, after picking the berries, with the same preparations.

Sea buckthorn pests and their control (with photo)

Sea buckthorn pests come in a wide variety of species and forms. You can learn about what pests of sea buckthorn there are and what kind of fight against them should be carried out on each personal plot from the material in this article.

Bean aphid.

Bean aphid, or beet aphid Aphis fabae Scop.,- a small insect 1.8-2.5 mm long, broadly ovoid in shape, green-brown or black in color. There are both wingless and winged individuals. Males are winged, have a narrower black body, long legs and antennae. Aphids feed on the sap of the tissues of young leaves, causing their deformation and curling. Young shoots stop growing and often dry out. When there are a large number of aphids, damaged leaves become covered with a brown coating of saprotrophic fungi, which develop on the sweet secretions of insects. The eggs overwinter on the branches of mock orange, viburnum, euonymus, and sometimes serviceberry. In the spring, larvae hatch and feed on the sap of buds and young leaves. Adult insects spread to many flower and berry crops, where several generations of the pest develop. In autumn, females fly to the bushes of mock orange, viburnum, and euonymus and lay overwintering eggs.

See what these sea buckthorn pests look like in the photo, which shows signs of the presence of colonies:

Control measures. If the pest population is large, the bushes are sprayed with one of the following preparations: Fitoverm, Kinmiks, Fufanon, Kemifos, Actellik, Inta-Vir.

Sea buckthorn grass.

Sea buckthorn grasshopper Psylla hippophaes Frst.- a small jumping insect up to 3 mm long. The color at the beginning of life is light green, later it becomes light brown, there are two pairs of transparent wings, which in a calm state fold like a roof. The eyes of an adult insect are brown, the antennae and legs are transparent and yellowish. The eggs are spindle-shaped, whitish to straw-yellow. The larva is flat-shaped; at a younger age it is orange with red eyes; at an older age it is pale yellow, with blue rudiments of wings and stripes on the back and abdomen. The eggs overwinter under the bud scales. In mid-May, the larvae emerge and first feed on the juice of the tissues of the swollen buds, and later move to the underside of young leaves. At the beginning of June, the larvae turn into nymphs, which have the rudiments of wings, and by the beginning of July, after the last molt, into adult winged insects. Adult insects feed on leaf sap until mid-August; after fertilization, females lay eggs using the ovipositor behind the bud scales in groups of 5-12 pieces.

Control measures. Preventive spraying in the spring against a complex of pests with the preparations Fufanon, Kemifos, Kinmiks, Actellik also reduces the number of sea buckthorn worms. If the pest population is large in the summer, spraying with the same preparations is carried out, taking into account the waiting period.

Sorrel bug.

The sorrel bug Mesocerus marginatus L., -sucking insect with incomplete metamorphosis. Body length 10-16 mm, color brown with small black dots, ventral rim with vague yellow dots at each end, scutellum small, the very tip of the scutellum yellow. The dorsum of the abdomen is red with a black base, the underparts and legs are lighter than the body, mottled with brown. The antennae are longer than the head and consist of 4 segments; the femurs have 2 rows of small teeth. The larvae are similar to adult bedbugs, only smaller in size. Adult bedbugs overwinter under plant debris. Both larvae and adult insects feed on the sap of plant tissues, damaging buds, young leaves, shoots, ovaries, and fruits. Damaged leaves become discolored, curl, and the ovaries are deformed. With a large number of bugs, the berry yield decreases, and weakened plants tolerate frost less well.

See what these sea buckthorn pests look like and the fight against them in the photo, which shows adults, larvae and agrotechnical measures to destroy them:

Control measures. Preventive spraying in the spring against a complex of pests with fufanon, kemifos, kinmiks, spark, actellik also reduces the number of bedbugs. If the pest population is large in the summer, spraying is carried out with one of the same preparations, taking into account the waiting period.

The fat leaf roller is omnivorous.

The omnivorous leafroller Archips podana Scop. (syn. Cacoecia podana Scop.)- a butterfly with a wingspan of 20-26 mm, with females larger than males. The forewings are brick-red or brown with a dark pattern; in males the band is lilac-brown, in females it is yellow-brown. The hind wings are ash-gray with an orange tip. The caterpillar is 20 mm long, green, the back is dark green, the head, occipital and anal scutes are brown or black, the thoracic legs are black. The pupa is 13-15 mm long, red-brown, with dark wing covers, and has 4 projections at the end. 1-2 generations develop, caterpillars overwinter. The leaf roller is common on all fruit and berry crops, ornamental shrubs and deciduous trees. While feeding, the caterpillar rolls several leaves together into one tube and gnaws flowers, berries and fruits. When present in large numbers, it can cause significant harm to both plants and ripening crops.

Control measures. Spraying all trees and shrubs in the spring, when buds open and immediately after flowering, with fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos). If the number of caterpillars is large, they spray with the same preparations in the summer or use Fitoverm, Kinmiks, Actellik, Inta-Vir, taking into account the waiting time for the preparations.

Sea buckthorn moth.

Sea buckthorn moth Gelechia hippophaeella Schak. - a butterfly with a wingspan of 16-18 mm. The body is covered with shiny gray scales, the head is silver-gray, the antennae are gray with black dots, and the legs are silvery white. The wings are yellowish-gray, the front wings are narrower and longer than the hind wings, the apex of the wings and the outer edge are covered with a thick fringe of dark gray hairs. The eggs are round, up to 1 mm in diameter. Caterpillars are up to 14 mm long; when younger, they are light gray with a matte white coating and a dark brown head; when older, they are gray-green with a brown head. The pupa is dark brown, 7-8 mm long, located in a cocoon of cobwebs and earth, 15-17 mm long and 3-5 mm wide. The eggs overwinter at the root collar of the bush; in early June, the caterpillars hatch and crawl onto the bushes. First, they feed on the buds, then they pull 4-5 apical leaves into nests with a web, in which they feed, gnawing off leaf blades. Having finished feeding, the caterpillars descend down into the surface layer of soil near the root collar, weave cocoons with lumps of soil and pupate. Pupation occurs in mid-July, and butterflies emerge in early August. After fertilization, in the second half of August - the first half of September, butterflies lay eggs in groups of 3-12 pieces on the bark of the lower part of the trunks, on the soil and leaves under the bushes.

Control measures. Spraying plants during the hatching of caterpillars in early June with one of the following preparations: fufanon, kemifos, actellik, kinmiks, Inta-Vir, spark. If there are a large number of spider nests, spraying with the same preparations is carried out at the end of June - beginning of July, before the caterpillars leave the bushes and pupate.

Sea buckthorn pests - white worms flies

Sea buckthorn fly Rhagoletis batava Hering- an insect 4-5 mm long, with a black body, yellow head and one pair of transparent wings. The end of the female's abdomen is pointed, and there is an ovipositor that retracts inward. The eggs are elongated, pointed at both ends, and yellowish in color. The larva is legless, white, worm-shaped, 7 mm long. It is perceived as a pest of sea buckthorn in the form of white worms, but this is only an intermediate stage of the insect.

The pupa is yellowish-white, and the rudiments of the organs of an adult insect are clearly visible on it. Pupae overwinter in barrel-shaped false cocoons in the surface layer of soil at a depth of 10 cm, sometimes in rotten wood of sea buckthorn stumps. The emergence of flies from false cocoons begins in mid-June and lasts until mid-July, and their flight continues until mid-August.

Active flight of flies is observed in warm sunny weather. Two weeks after emergence and after fertilization, females lay eggs using the ovipositor under the skin of the fruit, one at a time, less often two. The female lives for about three weeks and during this time can lay up to 200 eggs. After a week, larvae hatch from the eggs and feed on the pulp of the fruit for a month. Damaged fruits darken, wrinkle, and gradually dry out. Having finished feeding, the larvae go under fallen leaves or into the soil and pupate. The departure of the larvae begins at the end of July and ends at the beginning of September. With a large number of pests, crop yields are greatly reduced.

Control measures. Spraying bushes during the mass summer of flies at the end of June - July with one of the preparations: Actellik, Fufanon, Kemifos.

Sea buckthorn, a fairly winter-hardy crop, can withstand frosts even below 50° C. However, after long thaws in winter, when frost sets in (from 5 to 35° C), freezing of annual growths and flower buds is observed (Fig.).

Generative buds are very sensitive to frost. Male flowers they freeze more than women.

The most common pest is the green sea buckthorn aphid (Fig.).

A light green insect with red eyes. The eggs laid overwinter on the branches near the buds. The larvae hatch when the buds open (in mid-May) and, having climbed into the loosened buds, suck the juice from the young leaves. After two weeks, they turn into founding females, giving birth to 40 or more larvae. Winged female dispersers appear in the second half of summer. They scatter to other bushes and form new colonies of aphids. Leaves damaged by aphids curl, turn yellow and fall off.

COMBAT MEASURES. Spraying with infusions of tobacco, onion peel or dandelion.

Sea buckthorn fly. Most dangerous pest, its larvae destroy up to 90% of the crop. Pupae overwinter in the surface layer of soil. The emergence of flies (black, 4 - 5 mm long, with a yellow head and one pair of transparent wings) occurs from mid-June to the end of July, and their flight continues until mid-August. Each female lays more than 200 yellowish eggs, placing them one at a time under the skin of the fruit. Larvae hatched from eggs feed on fruit pulp and overwinter in the soil.

COMBAT MEASURES. When larvae appear in the fruits (July-early August), the plants are sprayed with 30% karbofos emulsion concentrate (30 g per 10 liters of water). In autumn, deep loosening of the soil in tree trunk circles is carried out.

Endomycosis fruits, at the end of July-August, among the brightly colored ripening sea buckthorn fruits, fruits with light spots appear on the illuminated side of the branches.

The fruits gradually become dull white and quickly lose turgor. At the same time, the weight of the fetus decreases, its contents become slimy. The shell of the fruit breaks, the contents flow out, and empty shells remain on the branches. The disease is detected in the second half of July.

COMBAT MEASURES. Collection of diseased and partially affected fruits. Spraying sea buckthorn in the spring (before buds open) with nitrafen at a 3% concentration reduces fruit damage by 2 times.

Scab of fruits, shoots and leaves of sea buckthorn. In mid-summer, dark brown tuberous spots appear on the leaves, shoots, and then on the fruits, which gradually acquire a black shiny color. Leaves with many spots turn yellow prematurely. The fruits become mummified and serve as a source of scab spread the following year. Scab affects both male and female plants.

COMBAT MEASURES. Preventive inspection of plants. Collecting and burning affected fruits and branches.

Fusarium wilt of sea buckthorn fruits. In July - August, on individual branches or entire plants, the leaves begin to turn yellow and quickly fall off. The fruits become prematurely colored and wither. The following year, such trees die completely or partially. Near a dead bush, neighboring ones get sick.

COMBAT MEASURES. Protect sea buckthorn bushes from mechanical damage. Make timely pruning and burn damaged branches. During the dormant period, when the bushes are without leaves, you can spray with 2-3% nitrafen.

Drying of sea buckthorn occurs for a number of reasons. These include unfavorable soil and weather conditions, infection with fungi, causing fruit wilting.

On individual branches or on the whole plant, flowers, leaves, ovaries, fruits begin to fade, leaves turn yellow, and green fruits and ovaries become prematurely colored and dry out. In humid weather, a white-pink fluffy coating of spores appears on the branches. The bark turns red, swellings form, and the wood turns black. The next year, the sea buckthorn partially or completely dies.

COMBAT MEASURES. Timely removal of infected bushes, even with single diseased branches.


Tobacco infusion. Pour 400 g of tobacco into 10 l hot water, leave for two days, add 40 g of laundry soap.

Infusion of onion peel. Pour 150-200 g of onion peel into 10 liters of water, leave for four to five days, strain.

Dandelion infusion. 400 g dandelion leaves pour 10 l warm water, leave for two hours. Spraying should only be done with freshly prepared solutions.

D. Ulyanova, “Sea buckthorn - varieties to choose from”, 1990


Slopes of any aspect are selected for planting, but in the northern regions it is advisable to plant in areas with slopes that accumulate more heat: southern, southwestern, southeastern. Sea buckthorn prefers neutral soil (PH = 6.5-7.0), it is not recommended to plant it on lands with close groundwater.

The selected area is dug up onto the bayonet of a shovel. Scattered organic fertilizers(peat, composts) at the rate of 10-15 kg/m2, as well as minerals - phosphorus 40 g/m2, potassium 20 g/m2 (based on active substance). Acidic soils lime: 250-400 g/m2 of lime fertilizer is applied to medium loamy soils, and 250-300 g/m2 to sandy loamy soils.

In the Non-Black Earth zone, sea buckthorn is planted in spring and autumn, in the northern regions of the European part of Russia - in spring. For planting, high-quality pure-grade annual or biennial seedlings are used. The root system of a two-year-old seedling must have at least four to five roots 20 cm long, aboveground part- at least two or three shoots 50 cm long.

Plants are planted in holes 40-50 cm wide and 35-40 cm deep. A planting stake is installed in the center of the hole and placed on the bottom drainage(crushed stone, broken brick, shell rock) in a layer of 10 cm. On heavy clay and peaty soils, prepare a mixture of fertile soil, river sand and humus (peat is possible) in a 1:1:1 ratio. 150-200 g of simple superphosphate and 30-40 g of potassium chloride are also added here. Mix everything thoroughly and fill the hole, forming a mound.

Sea buckthorn is planted vertically, since with an inclined planting the buds on the stem awaken and the crown will be bent. The roots are evenly spread over the mound, gradually covered with soil and slightly shaken so that all the voids around the roots are filled. The root collar is buried 3-5 cm below the soil level. Then they make a hole, water each plant with two or three buckets of water and mulch with weathered peat (5-6 cm layer) or river sand (6-8 cm layer).

Since sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant, 4-5 female seedlings are planted one male bush. Males are placed on the side of the prevailing winds during the flowering period. The distance between plants should be at least 2-2.5 m.


The main care of plantings consists of systematic cutting dried shoots and root shoots, superficial (5-10 cm) loosening of the soil and maintaining it in conditions of sufficient moisture. The soil should be cultivated more often, especially after rains and watering, to a depth of 5-7 cm in the tree trunk and 10-12 cm in the plant rows.

If during the flowering period of sea buckthorn there is no wind, it is necessary to additional pollination female flowers. To do this, it is recommended to cut a flowering branch from a male plant and place it in the crown of the female one, securing it to the branch, or shake it across the entire crown of the female bush. This will ensure reliable pollination of female flowers.

You can do without male bush, grafting cuttings from it into the crown of female plants (for example, using the method of improved copulation). The grafting is done early in the spring before sap flow begins. The grafted cuttings should have three or four unopened buds. Since the tissue of sea buckthorn shoots is loose, cuts are made quickly with a sharp knife. The upper cut of the cutting and the cut on the stump are covered with garden varnish. The grafting site is carefully tied with polyethylene.

It is necessary to promptly cut out the shoots that appear on the bole. If it is not removed, strong branches will grow, which will significantly weaken the plant and interfere with soil cultivation.

Root shoot remove with pruning shears, raking the soil to the base of the root shoot and cutting it “into a ring.” Only with such careful cutting can the formation of new growth be reduced. When cutting and leaving a stump, several new ones appear from the remaining dormant buds instead of one cut shoot.

To create good conditions for growth and fruiting, the soil must be maintained in moisturized condition throughout the entire growing season, from bud break to leaf fall. Plants especially need water during the period intensive growth shoots and fruits, as well as the formation of fruit buds - the basis for next year's harvest (June-July). The soil should not be allowed to dry out, as the root system of sea buckthorn reacts painfully to even a short-term lack of moisture. The leaves quickly lose their elasticity and their characteristic color, curl up and soon fall off. The growth of the ovaries stops, they begin to crumble.

In October-November, in areas with little rainfall, as well as in dry weather, sea buckthorn should be watered. Per 1 m2 trunk circle On average, you will need 3-4 buckets for a young plant and 6-8 buckets for a fruit-bearing plant. However, it is impossible to over-moisten the soil, since air exchange in it decreases and the vital activity of roots and nodule formations decreases.

When caring for young and fruit-bearing plants once every three years In the fall, organic fertilizers (humus, compost) are applied at the rate of 10 kg/m2 of the tree trunk, as well as mineral fertilizers - 150-200 g of simple superphosphate, 50 g of potassium chloride. Fertilizers are scattered evenly over the entire area of ​​the trunk circle, retreating from the trunks by 15-20 cm. The earth is loosened very carefully (so as not to damage root system) to a depth of 8 cm.


Formative pruning is carried out in the first 4-5 years of intensive growth of sea buckthorn to form a compact, low-lying crown with the main skeletal branches correctly oriented in space. Excess, parallel and incorrectly located shoots are cut out.

Rejuvenating pruning is applied to old plants (8-10 years and older), when the growths become small (10-15 cm), the main skeletal branches dry out and the yield decreases sharply. To do this, the bushes are pruned into three-year-old wood.

Preventive pruning is carried out annually. Shortened annual overgrowing shoots and perennial branches that have dried up after fruiting, as well as frozen and broken ones, are cut out “into a ring.” Pruning is carried out in early spring before the buds open.


Sea buckthorn is quite winter-hardy; it can withstand frosts below -50 °C. However, in some winters, especially during prolonged thaws with temperature changes from 5 to -25...-35 ° C, freezing annual growths and flower buds. The degree of damage to the plant depends on the sex of the sea buckthorn, as well as on natural and climatic conditions.

WINTER-SPRING DAMAGE TO SEA BUCKTHORN: 1 - intact (generative-vegetative) bud; 2 - partial freezing of flower primordia in the bud; 3 - freezing of all flower primordia (the growth cone is not frozen); 4 - intact branch; 5 - slight freezing of wood; 6 - complete death of the branch; 7 - restoration of growth on a frozen branch (a - bud scales; b - growth cone; c - inner covering leaves; d - inflorescence axis; e - flower primordia)

The increased sensitivity to frost of generative buds compared to leaf buds is explained by the fact that by the onset of winter the flower elements are largely formed. Male flowers are differentiated to a greater extent than female ones, and therefore they freeze more strongly.

There are more inside the buds from winter-spring frosts are damaged flower primordia located at the base of the inflorescence.


PESTS: GREEN SEA BUCKTHORN APHID- the most common pest in the Moscow region. During bud break (in the first half of May), the hatched larvae penetrate into the buds that have begun to grow and suck the juice of young leaves. After two weeks, they develop into wingless female founders, each of which gives birth to 40-50 larvae. After 2-3 weeks, the larvae turn into winged female dispersers, forming new colonies of aphids. Damaged leaves curl along the central vein, turn yellow and fall off, weakening the growth of shoots and fruits. The bark turns black.

Control measures. Spraying with infusions of tobacco, onion peel or dandelion.

Pour 400 g of tobacco (shag, tobacco dust) into 10 liters of hot water, leave for two days, add 40 g of laundry soap.

Infuse 150-200 g of onion peel in 10 liters of water for four to five days and strain.

Pour 400 g of dandelion leaves into 10 liters of warm water and leave for two hours.

Spray the plants with fresh solution.

SEA BUCKTHORN WING MOTH- the most common pest in Altai and Transbaikalia. Caterpillars hatch from eggs in early June. They crawl onto bushes, where they pull 4-5 apical leaves into a nest with a web. In such nests they eat young leaves, chew off the growing point and stop shoot growth, which leads to a decrease in the yield and its quality. At the beginning of July, the caterpillars descend and pupate in the surface layers of the soil (near the root collar). At the end of July - beginning of August, butterflies fly out of the pupae and lay eggs in groups (3-12 pieces) on the bark of the lower part of sea buckthorn trunks, as well as on fallen leaves and soil.

Control measures. Spraying at the beginning of bud break with a suspension of the biological preparation entobacterin at a concentration of 0.5-1% (50-100 g per 10 liters of water). As soon as spider nests begin to form, they should be collected by hand.

SEA BUCKTHORN FLY- the most dangerous pest - distributed mainly in Altai. At the end of June - beginning of July, females lay one, or less often two, eggs under the skin of sea buckthorn fruits. After a week, larvae hatch from the laid eggs and feed on the pulp of the fruit. Damaged fruits become filmy-transparent, dry out, then fall off or remain hanging on the branches. The larvae, having reached their characteristic size (7 mm), descend into the soil to a depth of 1-5 cm, form a false cocoon and overwinter. The emergence of flies from false cocoons begins in mid-June and ends at the end of July, and their flight continues until mid-August.

Control measures. When larvae appear in the fruits (July - early August), spray with 30% karbofos emulsion concentrate (30 g per 10 liters of water). In autumn, deep loosening of the soil in tree trunk circles is carried out.

DISEASES: « ENDOMYCOSIS" - a non-infectious disease that occurs due to damage to the fruit pulp sharp fluctuations temperatures during the day and night or mechanical shock. Signs of the disease: during the period of ripening of sea buckthorn fruits, fruits with light spots on the illuminated side appear among the brightly colored ones. The pulp softens in this place, and subsequently the entire fruit becomes discolored and softens.

Control measures. Collection of diseased and partially affected fruits.

DRYING OF SEA BUCKTHORN caused by a complex of reasons (unfavorable soil and weather conditions, infection with fungi that cause wilting). Signs of the disease: in different phenological phases of development on individual branches or the entire plant leaves, flowers, ovaries, fruits (in varying degrees of maturity), as well as shoots current year are starting to fade. Then the leaves and ovaries turn yellow, and the green fruits become prematurely colored and dry out. In wet weather, a white-pink fluffy coating of spores appears on certain places on branches or trunks. The bark turns red, swellings form, and the wood turns black.

Damaged parts of sea buckthorn bushes do not restore their condition and by next year they die partially or completely. Most often, drying occurs in young plants (three or five years old).

Control measures. Timely removal of infected bushes from the area, even with single diseased branches.


Fruiting of sea buckthorn begins at third fourth a year after landing. Harvesting begins when the fruits acquire the size and color characteristic of the variety. For fresh consumption and preparation of jams, syrups, compotes, juice, it is better to collect the fruits at the beginning of botanical ripeness, when they are rich in ascorbic acid.

The main method of collection is manual. Picking begins from the lower branches, separating each fruit. To remove from the middle and upper parts of the crown, use tables or stepladders. It is best to collect when the fruits are no moisture so that they do not become dirty. For harvesting, boxes, baskets and enamel dishes capacity 2-4 kg. The bottom of the container is lined with plastic wrap to prevent juice from leaking out.

Cleaning with a loop " cobra"(author - amateur gardener G.I. Krivolutsky, Novosibirsk). Making this device is not difficult. A thin steel wire (or string) is bent into a loop, and its ends are bent at right angles inward and attached to a wooden handle. The curved ends are inserted into the recesses made with an awl. For strength, the attachment point is wrapped with copper wire, and on top with insulating tape. The top of the loop is squeezed with your fingers so that its shape resembles the outline of a burning candle, and from the side it bends and becomes like a snake. The “Cobra” makes it easy to cut fruits in any place, even hard-to-reach places.

Harvest " sniffing» using various simple devices (hooks, forks, combs with jagged edges) is undesirable. Along with the fruits, the buds are torn off or severely damaged, as well as the growing branches of the two-year growth, which leads to a decrease in the yield next year and to a deterioration in the general condition of the plant.

Combined In this way, you can remove the bushes in the sixth or seventh year of fruiting. Fruit-bearing branches are cut off from 1/2 or 1/3 of the crown with pruning shears, leaving a spine 4-6 cm long. At its base, shoots are formed that will bear fruit abundantly in 2-3 years. From the uncut part of the crown, the fruits are collected by hand.

The next year, fruit-bearing branches are cut off from the rest of the crown. This method of cleaning can simultaneously serve as anti-aging pruning.



Type of work

March Preparing the tool and cutting. Cutting shoots for propagation of sea buckthorn using lignified cuttings
April Arrangement of plants after autumn planting. Landing. Graft
May Spraying against pests. Watering in dry weather. Fertilizer feeding. Additional pollination of female flowers in calm weather. Loosening the soil
June July In the first ten days of June, cutting shoots for green cuttings. Watering in dry weather. Removing weeds. Cutting overgrowth on a trunk. Loosening the soil. Removing root suckers. Uprooting and burning diseased plants
Aug. Sept Harvesting sea buckthorn. Removing weeds. Loosening tree trunk circles. Uprooting and burning plants that are sick with drying out
October November At the beginning of October, the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers. Whitewashing trunks; 10% lime mortar and tying with roofing felt or roofing felt
December January February Collecting and burning dried and wrinkled fruits remaining on the branches. Harvesting shoots for propagation of sea buckthorn by lignified cuttings. After a snowfall, shaking the snow from the branches and trampling it around the trees

Sea buckthorn fly - the gardener's enemy

For the second year now, Ural gardeners have been left without a harvest of their favorite healing garden crop - sea buckthorn. Although this year we had little hope that due to low snow cover and deep freezing of the soil, sea buckthorn flies would not hatch or their numbers would decrease. However, expectations were not met. Despite the fact that the first signs of fruit damage on individual sea buckthorn branches were observed before, the pest managed to overcome the threshold of harmfulness only in recent years.

So, let's get acquainted. The most dangerous pest of sea buckthorn is the sea buckthorn fly - insect small sizes(3.5-5 mm) black with a yellow head and green eyes, transparent wings with transverse dark brown stripes, chest with a light gray coating in the form of longitudinal stripes.

The pest overwinters in the prepupa phase in barrel-shaped false cocoons (puparia) of straw-yellow color in the top layer of soil at a depth of up to 10 cm (usually 3-5 cm). The flight of flies begins around mid-June and continues for a month (or a little longer) with stable average daily temperature air above +19°C. In cold, rainy weather, the number of flies decreases, since most of the pupae remain in the soil to overwinter again. The summer of flies lasts until the middle or end of August. Flies use sea buckthorn berries both for feeding and for hatching larvae, and they can survive without food long time(20 days or more). About two weeks after emergence, the fly, having fed, mates and begins laying eggs, piercing the skin of the still green sea buckthorn fruit. One or two eggs are placed in one fruit. Damaged berries become colored prematurely. One fly can lay up to 150-200 eggs. When the weather is cool in July, egg laying is delayed or does not even occur. After about a week, the larvae hatch and feed for three weeks. They are white, legless, worm-like. The larva can damage several fruits, but more often it gets by with just one. large fruit. Having completed feeding, the larva falls to the ground, burrows into it and forms a false cocoon (puparium), where it overwinters. The next year everything repeats all over again.

Measures to combat sea buckthorn fly

1. Sodding of the soil under mature sea buckthorn, which leads to a decrease in temperature in the surface layer of soil and a later hatching of sea buckthorn flies.

2. Consolidation of sea buckthorn plantings for the same purpose.

H. Spring mulching with peat, earth, old sawdust (10-15 cm), which makes it difficult for flies to fly out and contributes to their death. The mulch should be dense.

4. Spring mulching with young garden weeds without seeds that accumulate when weeding the garden is very effective. After each weeding, the weeds are laid out under the crown of sea buckthorn and compacted. By the time the fly leaves, the mulch layer has accumulated to a size that prevents its flight.

5. In August (approximately from the middle), mulch the tree trunk circles with black film, which is sprinkled with a layer of 7-10 cm of earth. At the end of September, the earth with puparia or only puparia after sifting the earth is buried to a depth of at least 20 cm.

6. Deep late-autumn loosening of the soil in tree trunk circles and between rows, which leads to disruption of the pest’s wintering and its partial death.

7. Treatment of plants with biological and chemicals:

- “Lepidocide” (2-3 g per 1 l) or “Bitoxibacillin” (2-3 g per 1 l). When a high number of sea buckthorn flies and larvae is detected younger age at the beginning of larval hatching. In the case of a very extended period of emergence of the sea buckthorn fly, two such sprayings may be required;

- "Aktellikom". Once at the end of July for larvae a month before picking berries (10 ml per 10 liters of water); a residual amount of the drug is found in the berries;

Nadezhda Stepanovna Yevtushenko , senior researcher Sverdlovsk breeding station horticulture VSTISP Russian Agricultural Academy, candidate of agricultural sciences

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Since ancient times this valuable plant enjoyed special honor and was always highly valued in Tibetan, Indian and Mongolian medicine. It was valued and used almost as a universal remedy: rheumatism, gout, scurvy, and stomach diseases were treated. And in our modern medicine, sea buckthorn is considered a recognized therapeutic agent. This is truly a vitamin concentrate - it’s not for nothing that it is also called the “storehouse of vitamins.” Judge for yourself: 100 grams of its fruit contains five to six daily doses of carotene (provitamin A), up to ten doses of vitamin C, a large number of vitamin E and P-active (vascular strengthening) substances. In addition, sea buckthorn fruits contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, PP and K. The fruit pulp contains a lot of sugars and organic acids.
Some amateur gardeners still consider it a “new thing” in our gardens, believing that it is unlikely to reliably take root in the gardens of Ukraine and is unlikely to give us gifts bountiful harvests. Meanwhile, in our country they began to grow it a long time ago - more than 150 years ago, and this valuable plant “settled”, as they say, thoroughly in our gardens.
In recent years, this valuable crop has increasingly attracted the attention of gardeners, pharmacists, and doctors. The fact is that not only in its fruits, but also in the bark and leaves, many valuable biologically active substances were found. Sea buckthorn oil is of particular value.
An amateur gardener who decides to plant this in his garden fruit plant Naturally, practical questions arise: where to buy seedlings? Where is the best place to plant them? What kind of care do they need? By the way, now there is no need to complain about the lack of recommendations from specialists on growing sea buckthorn: an attentive amateur gardener can find them in “Homestead Farming” and in popular science magazines, and even separate books are devoted to this plant.
It is clear that you need to know, first of all, the basic biological requirements for the growing conditions of sea buckthorn.

Sea buckthorn is a light-loving plant (in the shade it will grow poorly and bear fruit poorly). The plant prefers light, fairly fertile and moist soils (stagnation of water is harmful for it).

It is better to plant sea buckthorn in early spring. You can use two to three year old seedlings with well developed roots. Depth and width landing pit for her - at least 50 centimeters. It must be borne in mind that when planting this particular plant, the root collar is buried by about five to eight centimeters and watered abundantly. It is useful to use mulch - cover the hole with peat, rotted compost, etc.
A novice gardener should know one more feature of sea buckthorn: it is a dioecious plant. This means that on some specimens of seedlings only male brushes develop (they are also pollinators), and on others - female brushes; after pollination and fertilization they will produce fruit. On young seedlings (before they begin to bear fruit), male and female individuals may not be distinguishable by an inexperienced eye. Later it will be possible to determine: male plants have buds two to three times larger than female plants - the latter have small, slightly elongated buds.
You need to remember: for normal pollination, one male plant is enough for four to six female plants.
In the year of planting, the plant does not need to be fed. In the future, it is recommended to periodically add organic fertilizers to the soil where sea buckthorn is planted (approximately once every two to three years at the rate of one bucket of manure (compost) per square meter trunk circle), while fertilizers are embedded in the soil shallowly so as not to damage the roots.
Sea buckthorn is propagated by woody and green cuttings, shoots, grafting and seeds (although with seed propagation characteristics of a particular variety are not preserved). Male cuttings are usually grafted into the crown of female plants (within a year or two they will be able to pollinate female plants).
Not only valuable sea buckthorn oil is prepared from sea buckthorn fruits, but also juice, compote, jelly, marmalade, preserves, and marmalade. The consumption of fresh fruits is also justified (they are, however, contraindicated for patients with inflammation of the gallbladder and pancreas).
Sea buckthorn fruits should be harvested when they are fully ripe and intensely colored.


The leaves on sea buckthorn turn yellow and then dry out, most often because the plant is in unfavorable conditions.
Sea buckthorn is demanding on the soil. The soil should be soft, sandy. Excessive amounts of fertilizers (including humus), as well as a lack of moisture, can lead to drying out and even death of the plant.