Economical home: planning features you need to know. DIY small house

It is impossible to predict what changes will happen in your family in 10-15-20 years.

Subsequent lifestyle changes cannot be predicted.

If you are planning to build a residential building, then rather than build empty mansions in reserve, the most reasonable thing is to start from the minimum, with a small structure of the “core of the house”, but at the same time provide for the possibility of extensions and transformations.

Each family is unique and inimitable, each family is individual in its priorities and features of its everyday life, each family deserves its own, individual, atypical home, “tailored” specifically to its distinctive features.

Let's start the conversation with the smallest possible unit of society: a family consisting of one person.


Who is included in this customer group?
1. Convinced bachelors, such as the current Boy Scout (his needs have already been raised in the topic “”)
2. Single, divorced both men and women
3. Elderly, widowed people. Houses and premises for the elderly can be made much smaller than usual and, accordingly, cheaper. There should be no stairs inside the house, and ramps should be installed outside. It is advisable to have public service centers and recreation areas nearby.
4. Young, matured children those seeking independence, who need not just a room, but an autonomous territory, a springboard for independent actions. In order to create favorable conditions for growing children, it is worth turning their bedroom into an independent " own house" This room remains part big house, but at the same time separated spatially, one can even suggest special roof and self-entrance.
5. Visitors, business travelers, students and so on. if a house for one is considered in the context of replacement housing stock.
6. et cetera...

A house for one person can be adapted as much as possible to the lifestyle of the owner. In essence, this is a house-room, a separate room with a separate entrance, interlocked with the main walls of existing neighboring houses. The space of the house does not need to be divided into separate rooms. Essentially, this is a neutral room with niches around that serve as a bedroom, living room, kitchen, office, workshop, hallway. Such a house can be made from one large room of complex configuration, a kitchen niche, a combined bathroom, a sleeping alcove, and a place by the window.

The whole art here lies in folding, compressing familiar rooms and spaces, in the ability to use space twice.  

Let's consider the expansion of the existing "core of the house" - attached to the blank part of the wall existing house new 1 story building.

This option is the most preferable. Indeed, with our small increase in power (per person) we connect to the existing utility systems, during construction we need to build an entire wall less, for adjacent rooms we serve each other as greater thermal protection than being directly adjacent to the environment.

We do not pay for furniture, etc. Special attention- these are just basic elements for scale...

In this example, there is an entrance on the right, a blank wall below:

The first problem that single people face is isolation from their neighbors. If the house does not stand alone, but is part of a residential group, then the isolation is not perceived so acutely.

The next design challenge is to simplify the home, since one person has the opportunity to customize the house as much as possible for themselves. In our example, the total area is about 32 m2 - this is not the limit at all - if you wish, you can shrink it by 20-30 percent.
For a comfortable stay of one person, up to 30 m2 of total area is usually enough.

The central part of the room-house can be left free of furniture; it is intended for universal use. To visually increase the volume of a room, it is advisable to have one large window from floor to ceiling and several smaller windows located in niches and alcoves.

Kitchen niche.
Working kitchen, separated from other rooms and intended only for cooking, came from the bourgeois past, when there were mansions with a cook and servants. IN people's home"hearth", i.e. the place next to which food was prepared and eaten has always been and remains the heart of the home. In traditional peasant hut cooking and other household activities are spatially integrated in one room. Family life concentrated around a large common table. The separate location of the kitchen and dining room separates the guests and the owner, offering the latter the role of a waiter. At the same time, cooking requires special equipment and surroundings.

You can overcome this conflict by using a kitchen niche adjacent to common room, or located in a niche of the wall. With this organization of space, cooking becomes just as natural an activity as eating itself.
Possible methods space compression:
1. TV on a bracket, rotating into 3 zones: kitchen, living room sofa and bed;
2. a wide and deep window sill at the dining table at a level of 0.45 m can serve as an additional place for the eater at the table, which automatically excludes extra chairs from this area;
3. The kitchen table can be combined with a computer-desktop to create a versatile sitting work area.

Bathroom necessary not only for sanitary procedures. In the bathroom we turn to ourselves, to our body, after water procedures I want to spend time in comfort, so it is natural that at the first opportunity people strive to increase the size of the bathroom and create conditions for relaxation nearby.
In a house for one person optimal solution There will be a large combined sanitary unit with two exits: to the sleeping alcove and the hallway. Guests and acquaintances who come to the house have the opportunity to use the entrance to the toilet from the hallway. When there are no guests, it is more convenient to use a door that opens into the room.

Sleeping alcove can replace a separate bedroom. If you meticulously analyze the use of the bedroom, you will find that there are inconvenient passages and corners around the bed and at the same time there is a catastrophic lack of space for changing clothes and storing things.
If a person lives alone, then the entire apartment is at his disposal and sleeping area requires less isolation - it can be placed in an alcove.

The sleeping alcove should not be cramped: there should be enough space to stand up, adjust the bed, and throw on clothes. The sleeping area should be well ventilated and free of drafts, the air should be cool and fresh, and the walls should be warm. It's good to have a small window next to the bed.
The sleeping area can have a folding lightweight sliding screen-partition.

In a room in which you have to spend daytime hours, you should equip at least one "window seat"
In every home it is good to have a place by the window where it is pleasant to sit and relax, but it is especially important to provide it in the home of single people.
An armchair, a chair with a high back and armrests, or a sofa is placed so that the window is located on the side. A good solution is an extended low window sill (35-40 cm high), on which you can sit with your back to window frame. It’s good when two people can sit in such a niche face to face (the width of the niche for this should be at least 1.2-1.5 m). The most sophisticated solution is a glazed bay window or veranda: the glazed space becomes part of the outdoor garden; in a large bay window you can find a place for indoor plants and birds.
   Houseplants will help connect the view outside the window with the interior. The green corner becomes an important part of the apartment, can serve as a stimulus for living for the elderly and an attraction for guests.

Elderly people need greater comfort and more adapted housing. As a rule, they greatly value their familiar surroundings and do not want to move anywhere. But a change of neighbors, changes in the family make them lonely and force them to change their place of residence. On the one hand, children feel responsible for their elderly parents and want to take them in, but on the other hand, the usual discrepancy in views between children and parents makes living together burdensome.

A spatial solution to this conflict can be achieved in the form of a separate house for the grandparents, located not far from the house of the adult children. Elderly people could feel quite independent there and at the same time under supervision.

The optimal solution is a room with a separate exit, an outbuilding or an extension that can be temporarily used as a workshop or for rental. To ensure that the connection with family life is not interrupted, the room may have a door to a common hallway, kitchen or corridor.  

A one-room separate house for one or two people can be located on a minimal plot of land. In this case, the orientation of the windows and the connection of the entire structure with the relief become of great importance.

For our cold region you should:

  • limit the number of windows facing north;
  • position the long axis of the building in the east-west direction in order to obtain the maximum amount solar heat in winter and at least in summer,
  • If possible, reduce the area of ​​external walls to avoid heat loss and install effective thermal insulation;
  • plant evergreens to protect against cold winds coniferous trees, and on the eastern and western sides there are deciduous trees to protect the buildings from overheating by morning and evening rays;
  • use the heat-protective properties of the soil, bury the northern façade of the building into the ground (don’t forget about the rubble);
  • snow can serve as additional thermal insulation, but in order to improve the operating conditions of the roof, it is better to get rid of it; for this purpose, the slopes are made steep;
  • leave a flat area in front of the southern facade of the building; in winter, the sun will be reflected in the snow, and this will make the house brighter.
The site for such an extension house is easily visible, therefore, if there are roads or other areas nearby, the fence on the side of the windows of the sleeping alcove and bathroom should be made blank to a height of at least 180 cm. If there is at least 3-5 m, then this is the ideal place for patio with one or two trees.

Experts say that a modern, comfortable home does not have to be large. In fact, 28 m is quite enough for a person to live a normal life. 2 . It turns out that a family of four will feel comfortable in a house with an area of ​​slightly less than 120 m2 2 . And such a house can rightfully be called small.

Typically, projects small houses- one-story. But at the request of the customer, it can be completed full second floor or attic.

In order to accommodate all living rooms in a relatively small area and ensure comfortable family living, the dimensions of technical and utility rooms are decreasing. Although the space is organized according to the same principles as in any other project. But there are features that are due to the need to strictly save usable space.

Large house project: fight for every square meter

  1. By designing small, architects minimize the use internal partitions. Thus, rooms with different functionality are combined into a single space. For example, the living room, dining room, and kitchen are grouped into a day area and separated purely visually - using design techniques. Project small house allows you to rationally use every square meter of usable space. At the same time, additional rooms remain isolated.
  2. The bedrooms of family members, bathrooms, and dressing rooms form the night zone and are located in such a way as to maximally protect the personal space of the residents of the house from strangers. If the house is two-story, then the night zone is located there.
  3. They try to design the utility area, consisting of bathrooms, a boiler room and other utility rooms, to a minimum size.
  4. In order to productively use non-residential space, they strive to limit the number of corridors and passages.
  5. If the house is two-story, there should be two bathrooms. To reduce installation costs utility networks, they are placed one above the other. IN one-story house the bathroom is placed so that it has a common riser with the kitchen.

Pros of small house projects

  • The construction of a small house does not depend on the configuration and size of the land plot.
  • Construction of such a house will also cost much less.
  • Short design and construction times.
  • Relatively low costs for public utilities and easy home maintenance.

Small house projects: results

A carefully thought-out design of a small house allows you to rationally use every square meter of usable space. Thanks to this, the customer receives modern, comfortable housing for relatively little money. Therefore, we recommend choosing professional small house projects from Dom4m.

Increase in the pace of construction of houses for permanent residence in the nearest suburbs shows the desire of city residents for silence and a favorable environmental environment. True, we have to take into account that everything has its price: the construction of a private house involves the cost of purchasing, as well as preparing a plot of land, creating architectural project, wages for a team of professional builders. The total costs are quite high, so spacious housing in a quiet suburb is not available to every family.

A suitable option to reduce costs is to build a mini house for year-round use. The modest size of the living space is easily compensated by the competent use of space, compact built-in furniture and laconic design.

Also, several mini-houses are turning into hotel rooms

Advantages and features of building small houses

The main advantage of choosing a small home is its low cost. For example, the construction of a miniature two-story house made of timber with dimensions of 6*6 meters in the basic configuration will cost about 400 thousand rubles. Moreover, delivery of building materials to the nearest suburbs is most often free of charge.

The compact dwelling is being built by a team of specialists within a month, so the owners of the site will be able to begin finishing and furnishing as soon as possible in order to begin using the building this season.

The costs of heating and power supply for a miniature structure are minimal, so suburban housing will not be an additional major expense.

The laconic layout of such buildings makes the most efficient use of usable space, so residential premises are built without architectural frills in the form of empty corridors, spacious halls, and dressing rooms. Projects of small houses assume that everything in them will be located compactly, the necessary things are always at hand.

Video description

An example of the interior of a mini house in the video:

Travel lovers will appreciate the design of mini trailer houses, in which you can comfortably travel long distances, saving on hotel accommodation.

Even outwardly, a mobile home can resemble an ordinary one.

Methods for creating a miniature housing project

The abundance of available information, as well as sample designs of existing houses, allow you to independently create a small project cozy house taking into account all customer needs. For example, for many it is important to have an open veranda or a certain layout of the living space. Typically, custom construction takes longer to complete, and some projects require additional building materials.

Functional, secure housing requires specialized knowledge of construction technologies, therefore, most specialized companies offer customers ready-made designs for small houses. A clear, detailed cost estimate, as well as the availability of all necessary premises does standard projects the most convenient and in demand among connoisseurs of suburban beauty and silence.

Mini houses are also suitable for those who appreciate complete privacy.

Materials for building a finished structure

The final cost of construction is determined by the area, as well as the selected building materials. Depending on climatic conditions, tastes and budget of customers, one of several options is selected.

Mini houses on a frame basis

The structures are erected on a durable wooden or metal base, to which sandwich panels are attached - ready-made elements for future walls. After this, the house is insulated and Finishing work, and clients can begin to use housing.

The advantages of the technology are the speed of construction, the ability to work in any weather conditions, as well as the stability of the structure. That's why frame houses Suitable for silty, marshy soils with unstable soil.

The main disadvantage of this technology is the low noise insulation of the premises. Therefore, it is worth additionally checking that the proposed projects of mini-houses on a frame basis take this feature into account. In addition, timber-framed structures are susceptible to fire.

The frame is made the same - for a small or large house

Construction of miniature wooden housing

Environmentally friendly, good heat retention, miniature house made of wooden beams It is easily heated and provides good air exchange, creating a comfortable microclimate.

The disadvantages of the selected material include fire hazard, as well as the need to care for natural wood to preserve its performance properties. For example, the paint layer should be renewed periodically so that the wood retains its appearance.

Wooden house with jacuzzi

Brick domilions

Durable and environmentally friendly brick houses serve their owners for many decades; the material does not require any repairs or maintenance. This type of building retains heat well and has a high level of sound insulation.

The disadvantage of brick structures is their heaviness, which requires the construction of a solid foundation. In addition, the construction process takes considerable time, especially compared to the construction of frame structures.

Even small brick houses are capital construction

Residential structures made of foam blocks

Construction made from this material is reliable, frost-resistant, and external surfaces can be finished with any materials. Small houses It is cheap to build from foam blocks; the material is a compromise between expensive brick and affordable frame houses.

The disadvantage of this material is its large mass, due to which it is necessary to create a solid foundation.

A two-story mini house made of foam blocks has a large usable area

Options for optimal use of space in miniature houses

The owners of inexpensive small houses carefully approach the arrangement of living space in order to create comfortable housing in a modest area.

Free spaces under the stairs, as well as niches in the walls, are occupied by shelves and cabinets for storing things. Decorated with glass or wooden doors, textile curtains or roller blinds, such designs do not attract attention, complementing the interior.

Narrow built-in wardrobes, as well as miniature Appliances occupy minimal space while maintaining full functionality.

Video description

Examples of interior solutions in the video:

The main method of saving living space is to choose compact multifunctional furniture. Folding chairs and beds, folding tabletops and ottomans with built-in storage baskets will allow you to create cozy interior, adapting to the needs of the owners.

Kitchen in the interior of a mini house

The abundance of windows, mirrors, and glass interior elements visually expands the space, and vaulted ceilings visually increase the size of a modest room.

The visual perception of a small house is improved thanks to light shades in the interior design, abundance lighting fixtures, as well as the use natural materials for finishing.

Popular projects of inexpensive small houses

The popularity of mini houses is once again confirmed by the number finished projects. Small sizes only spur the owners’ imagination in terms of arranging the interior and appearance of buildings.

Homes on wheels

Mini-houses for summer cottages and traveling on wheels allow you to literally travel without leaving your home.

    The dwelling, equipped in a trailer, has everything necessary for comfortable life. There are several sleeping places, storage sections and a miniature veranda. At the same time, such a house can easily be moved along with its owners.

Mobile transforming house

    A complete mobile home based on wooden frame It is equipped with a cozy porch and can easily be transformed into a car trailer.

A wooden house that you can take with you

    The two-story design allows you to comfortably accommodate a small family. An abundance of windows and a small attic create personal space for each family member.

Two-story mobile home

    If necessary, the container house on wheels “folds” so as not to damage the glass on the road. Wood paneling and insulated windows protect the owners of the structure from bad weather.

It won’t take much time to get your house ready for camping.

    In a mobile house with an attic, a porch and a small hallway, you can host a group of guests if necessary. Abundance of windows and glazed Entrance door provide a natural level of illumination of interior spaces.

If you don't notice the wheels, you might think it's an ordinary house.

Country mini houses

If you are not planning to live permanently at the dacha, then there is no reason to build a full-fledged house. The way out will be small country houses, inexpensive in cost, but capable of providing the necessary level of comfort on vacation.

    Bright miniature house with large windows allows you to comfortably spend warm summer evenings. The modest size accommodates a mini kitchen, a sleeping area and a work desk.

With a well-thought-out layout, small sizes are not felt

    The round house, decorated with tiles, is equipped with several windows and one glass wall. The design is ideal for relaxation during seasonal residence on the purchased summer cottage.

In such a house you feel like the hero of a science fiction novel

    A wooden house with a rounded roof is a cozy, durable analogue of a camping tent. A durable floor and roof finishing with metal tiles will protect the owners from weather conditions. If you connect the necessary communications to your home, you can use it during the cold season.

The veranda fits perfectly into the layout of the house

    The letterbox type design combines original solution and a minimum set of necessary functions. The lack of light in the room is easily compensated for by additional electric lamps.

You can’t blame a house like this for being unoriginal.

    Remade construction shed is a functional house with an area of ​​11 meters, equipped with everything necessary for life. The mini kitchen has a traditional window above the sink.

This design evokes its own associations for everyone

Full houses of small sizes

Small full-fledged houses are most often needed in two cases: if you need to save on construction, but do not want to sacrifice quality, or if there is limited space on the site. In any case, you can choose a worthy project that will solve all the tasks.

    The stone two-story house with a balcony and porch is stylized as a half-timbered construction technology based on wooden beams. Thanks to the spacious layout, the house can permanently accommodate up to three people.

The attic completely replaces the second floor

    Project of a small two-story house with a veranda and a balcony - best option for living in a summer cottage.

Modern layout combining living room and kitchen

    A miniature copy of a classic mansion with a terrace and columns will accommodate a small family, and the peaked roof will add additional flavor.

The house looks great on the site

    Mini version of standard country house with hallway, porch and common area big room– an option for country housing for budget-conscious owners. Traditional siding will protect the walls of the house from moisture.

American style house

  • The rectangular design of the house with glass walls and a wide canopy will give the owners good review surroundings. If necessary glass walls closed with wooden shutters, which good weather Replace tracks.

House project for fans of non-standard solutions

House layout for full use of usable space

And also, on our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects small houses from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.


Building a small house will not cost much, and will also allow the owners to save time and money. In addition, the variety of materials and ready-made projects will allow you to arrange a functional and cozy home on a minimal area. Domilions are not only an option for temporary residence during construction capital house, but also a good way to save on maintaining suburban real estate.

A micro-house is an almost cubic-shaped house that has all the necessary amenities for a normal life: entrance hall, living room, bedroom, shower room, toilet, stationary washing machine, water supply, sewerage, etc.

A micro-house can be very useful when developing a site in an eco-park, so that you don’t have to overly speed up the construction of the main House.

Imagine a Daewoo Matiz next to a dump truck - this house looks exactly in the same proportion against the background of neighboring two- and three-story cottages.

With its modest size (4 by 4 meters), the building is a complete home for three people: there is a living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, storage room and a small balcony.

You can live even in winter, and construction costs should be recouped within a year. talks about an amazing micro-house in the suburbs of the capital, where a family of Minsk residents moved during the construction of the main cottage.

Having acquired a plot of land and started building a cottage, I quickly realized that I was doing something wrong. Then we lived in a rented apartment in Sukharevo and paid $350 a month plus paid utilities.

From the house to the site there are 40 kilometers. This is time and money. Gasoline cost up to $150 a month. I thought: why all these expenses if we already have our own land?

Why not build a compact house, which can later become a guest house, move in there and thereby save up to $500 every month?

And, living on the site, you can slowly complete the construction of your dream cottage,” Victor Oskirko tells the background story of the appearance of his micro-house.

After a thorough study of the topic on the Internet, a project by a German architect was found and taken as a basis, proposing a micro-house for one student to live in. In original german house has dimensions of 3 by 3 meters, Victor has 4 by 4 and a different layout. By expanding the area, he adapted the house to accommodate three people. The total area is nominally 16 square meters, but due to the high ceiling (3.8 meters) it was possible to organize four full levels. There is a bedroom above the living room and a storage room below the kitchen. So in reality there is plenty of space.

The house was built according to traditional frame technology on a columnar foundation. There are 200 millimeters of mineral wool in the walls, 300 in the floor, 450 in the roof. There are windproof and vapor barrier films.

The outside of the frame is sheathed with façade boards and the inside with OSB sheets and laminate. On the roof - durable waterproofing membrane"Alcorplan". Despite the external “squareness” of the building, the roof has a slight slope and is equipped with a drainage system.

The thickness of the insulation allows you to live in the building all year round. The room is heated only by air conditioning. Due to its small area, the house does not need additional heating sources, Victor assures. The recent severe frosts passed without a trace. In case of emergency power outage there is a gas cylinder and a heater.

“To heat 16 square meters, you don’t need a lot of energy,” says Victor. The air conditioner has not been turned off since the fall and is usually set at 20-22 degrees.

It works even when no one is home, so the room does not cool down, there is no need to warm it up when returning from work. As for electricity bills, the figures for a country house are ridiculous.

In January they paid 38 rubles, over the last six months - 104 rubles. Among the electrical appliances we also have a refrigerator, induction hob, boiler, kettle, extractor hood and computer. Energy saving light bulbs. In fact, electricity is the entire “utility”. We don’t pay anything for water, we have our own sewage system, homemade.

Our first impression is that the inside of the house seems much more spacious than the outside. It's all about zoning the space by height. The home is divided into four main parts, located on different levels.

From the threshold we find ourselves in the hallway (of course, it’s difficult to call this place a hallway in the usual sense, since its area is approximately equal to the area of ​​the foot mat). On the right is a cabinet for outerwear, on the left is a toilet combined with a shower.

One step down from the hallway is the living room, two steps up is the kitchen.

Under the kitchen floor there is a deep niche about a meter high that serves as a storage room. There is a boiler and a compact washing machine, things needed in the household are stored.

A staircase from the kitchen leads to the upper level, where under the ceiling there is a full-size double bed measuring 1.4 by 2 meters. There's something like an office there.

The platform on the ceiling of the bathroom serves work surface- while sitting on the bed, you can work at the computer with your legs dangling or tucked under.

The toilet is combined with a shower. Water leaves through a drain in the floor.

While we pay tribute to the originality of ideas, we never cease to doubt. Is it really comfortable for three of us here? And even with a dog.

None of us suffer from claustrophobia,” Victor smiles. - Yes, it’s not that crowded here, if you look at it. In the evening, almost no light penetrates from the living room to the upper level: someone can work, and someone can relax.

The flow of fresh air is provided by two ventilation ducts: in the bathroom and in the kitchen. If you need to thoroughly ventilate, just open the door for half a minute... Optimally, such a house would be suitable for one person or a married couple. It's harder with a child.

But everyone understands that this is a temporary option for us. When we finish building a big house, we’ll move there. There's not much left to do.

Tatyana and her son Zakhar live in a micro-house three to four days a week. On other days, they go to their parents' house in one of the regional centers, where Tatyana has a job.

Of course, I, who grew up in big house, it's unusual here. But we don’t sit in captivity all day long. We go to visit, take the child to Minsk to skate,” says Tatyana. - But in the summer everything is different here. Warm evenings We spend it on the terrace and have dinner there. There is a lake nearby, the places are very picturesque.

The family hopes to move into their new home this fall. spacious house. Victor shows us interior sketches on the TV screen and enthusiastically talks about how whole year studied before construction began modern architecture, was interested in how the Swedes, Japanese, and Germans live. In my project I combined several original ideas.

The house promises to be interesting: with large floor-to-ceiling windows. My son will have two rooms: a bedroom and a playroom. You can move from one to another along a stretched trampoline net.

Our conversation lasts half an hour. We note: despite minus 8 outside the window, the room is warm, but not stuffy. What will happen in the summer at plus 35?

The layer of mineral wool in the ceiling is decent - the sun does not shine through the roof. This is a verified fact, we have been living here since the end of May,” assures Victor. But windows allow heat to pass through well - then air conditioning or cross-ventilation can help.

It was possible to install windows with solar control film that prevents heating, but this is an additional expense. I tried to make the house project as cheap as possible; I had to give up some things.

Victor’s brother, a professional builder, helped him build the house, which allowed him to save a lot on work and materials.

The frame was made from leftover wood for the main house. The wardrobe, bed, shelves and doors are all made by hand. The windows were generally cheap: we bought double-glazed windows, and wooden frames did it ourselves.

I found laminate in a confiscated store at a price 70% cheaper than in the store. The batch was small, no one took it, but it was just right for me. I ordered building materials on the Internet: compared prices and found cheaper ones. In the markets, oddly enough, everything turned out to be much more expensive. We didn’t buy a kitchen, we brought ours from a rented apartment.

In total, the house cost the equivalent of $4,600. This is along with a refrigerator, air conditioner, sofa and other furniture.

For the apartment, let me remind you, we paid $350 a month plus utilities. In a year, I think the costs will be completely recouped,” our interlocutor calculates the benefits. - Living in Minsk, we would give this money to strangers, but we have some kind of house.

After the construction of our cottage is completed, the micro-house can become a large office or accommodation for guests. Or maybe over time we’ll want to sell it. The house can be transported anywhere, you just need to coordinate the escort of the traffic police.

The experience of building a micro-house gave Victor and his brother an idea: why not put the business on stream?

I think micro-houses - great option for a summer residence or as a temporary home during the construction of a large house. When you live on a construction site, you are in control of the situation. And you can get back to work at any time,” says Victor. I remember when I was living in a rented apartment in Sukharevo, I was often drawn to construction. But as soon as you think that you have to go, waste time on the road, the impulse to work disappears somewhere. What is it like returning from construction dirty and sweaty to the city? When you have a house, take a shower, drink coffee on the terrace and relax for your own pleasure. Well, you have to look at the money. What’s better: paying rent to someone else’s uncle or investing in your own home?

Left one comment out of many:

Well done people. Minimum effort, maximum result. But this is temporary housing for them, and they can be patient. The photojournalist pretty much embellished it with special techniques - in fact, it’s stupidly cramped there. However, the house meets the requirements of economy and reasonableness. It is precisely this kind of house that is, of course, of little use for permanent housing - a temporary building is a temporary building. However, the idea itself is just a bomb. The solutions used are very advanced, and it would be a pity if the initiative was lost.

As a makeshift place, it’s just classy. But in permanent housing, all these solutions not only can, but should also be used. Using such technologies, it is possible to build permanent housing. Taking as a base, for example, a square building not 4x4, but 8x8, 9x9 meters. For example, an old log house plus a plot of 1-2 acres. With such decisions, wisely, it is possible to turn a simple hut into quite comfortable multi-level housing for a small family. Which will be in every way better than Khrushchev. Only due to its thoughtfulness.

So you can learn a lot from these people. How to arrange your own housing not with megawatts, meters and tons of kerosene, but with SMART and modern technologies.

I think that it makes sense to build a Micro-House immediately after buying a plot, but I would not install an air conditioner in the Micro-House, considering it a doubly harmful unit - it is better to equip the Micro-House Solar collector, oil radiators and other electric and gas heaters.

And here small house from an American professional:

The creator of this house, American architect Chris Heininge, did not expect that his compact house design would gain such popularity and that he would be inundated with a huge number of orders. The idea for such a house came to him after he returned home from Asia. He lived in Japan, India and China for about 20 years. The skill of the residents of these countries in planning interior space is simply amazing; they manage to place everything they need for a comfortable life on a few square meters.

And upon his return, Chris built his first compact house, 6 meters long and 3 meters wide, and placed everything necessary for life inside. Let's take a look inside. From the outside, this house looks more like a gazebo.

Total 9 photos.

But when we go inside, we find ourselves in a bright living room with a large sofa.

Storage drawers and a fireplace are hidden in the stairs to the upper tier.

Kitchen with household appliances, dining table and TV.

The kitchen space is 100% used and is equipped with many cabinets and shelves.

On the second floor there is a spacious bed with bedside tables.

There is a washbasin next to the kitchen.

A bathroom with a toilet and a mini-bath is located opposite.

Now Chris makes such houses to order for $60,000. They are assembled and transported to the installation site in almost finished form.

Perhaps the price will not seem as small to you as the house itself, but you must agree, it is so masterfully thought out interior layout causes admiration.

Perhaps in Russia as summer house this design may be suitable, but the previous design in comparison with this one is the height of genius.

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Our MINI or home for permanent residence

Hello, my name is Sergey, in the world, many here know me under this nickname on Forumhouse.
In general, everything is simple to the point of banality, we want to build a house, but using our official position and strange reasoning, we want to build a rather budget house, making it comfortable, beautiful and cozy.
In our country, of course, it is not customary for a budget house to be beautiful and comfortable, and even with good interiors, but my wife and I are generally strange people, so we will not adhere to established canons and will still bring our ideas to life. So, for faint-hearted Old Believers and people with a standard construction orientation, it is better not to look at this disgrace.
Otherwise, everything will be quite banal, with the exception of a bunch of nuances and our tricks.
We also love to make everything beautiful, we have such a manic inclination, so we developed our own logo for our house, well, the profession obliges us.

So! How did we get to this point, you ask? Yes, everything is simple, to begin with, of course, we made a project, it was really a mind blowing thing, we thought it was a sin that now it was a mistake and everything was ready, the house was small, but no, it turned out that everything was not so simple, with big houses everything is much simpler , but here you had to cram everything in, centimeter by centimeter at a time, and it had to be convenient. In general, a couple of months of nightmares and daytime experiences and now I had in my hands the coveted plan, born in pain, but on the other hand I was proud of myself, my wife and the whole world in general, I wanted to run and poke my nose at passers-by so that they would appreciate this hard labor, stop only the wife, intimidated by people in white coats. But I’m really afraid of them, these people don’t understand us, creative individuals.

Why exactly the house? Let me remind you that my wife and I are architects, and we have to cram our carcass, which has grown fat in the field of righteous efforts, into 30 square meters. m. studio apartment, somehow I didn’t want to.
In general, we made a layout and took on the appearance, everything was simple here, it affected many years of experience tuning similar cubes and rectangles, the result is “Our MINI” and we like it! Nothing special, but we like it! And for the price, such finishing is very, very budget-friendly.

USHP (insulated Swedish plate)
In principle, we have calculated other types of foundations, but for small houses the difference in price is so insignificant that the choice fell on this type of foundation, especially since we have been using it in other projects for several years and know perfectly well all its pros and cons. I’ll post prices later, when we get close to laying the foundation.
An ordinary Finnish frame, nothing extraordinary, at first they actually offered us SIPs, but they refused them due to their harmfulness and in general I don’t really trust them, although the prices they offered were very nice, I almost fell for it. On the walls 200 mm of insulation, 150 mm. main and 50 mm. cross.
Conventional rafters with boards 200X50 mm, with cross insulation, a total of 250 mm. insulation. The layout of our house is very simple, there is a central wall on which 3 pillars rest and the ridge beam is supported on them, as a result everything is very simple and reliable.
Exterior finishing
For us this is quite standard and a budget option, so we followed the well-worn and proven path and sheathed the house with imitation timber; the remaining elements were also made of wood and scraps, of which there are quite a lot at a construction site.