How to plant strawberries? After what crop should strawberries be planted? When to plant strawberries with mustache? "Hi, how are you? “Yes, as white as soot!” What does this expression mean?

Planting strawberries is quite painstaking and difficult work. However, there are a number of recommendations with which you can plant strawberries correctly and grow a rich harvest of this tasty and juicy berry.

Strawberry is delicious berry, which almost every gardener dreams of growing. You can eat it straight from the garden or make a delicious compote, jam or jam. If you are thinking about how to plant strawberries correctly, then you need to decide on several important aspects this process.

Planting strawberries: how to choose and prepare a place

The quality of the harvest, the process of growth and development depend on the chosen place for planting strawberries. The following factors need to be taken into account:

1. Type of soil

For planting strawberry seedlings, it is best to choose black soil or loamy soil. Sandy loam and dark gray forest soil are also suitable.

2. Soil acidity

Acidity affects the growth rate of the crop, so it must be determined before properly planting strawberries. The pH level should vary between 5 and 6.5.

3. Site location

If the planting site is in a lowland or closed, then the likelihood of getting a good strawberry harvest is reduced significantly. To plant strawberry seedlings, it is better to choose the southwestern sides, which receive a lot of sunlight.

4. Groundwater level

Groundwater should not be too close to the planted strawberries. Otherwise, there is a risk that the strawberry seedlings will simply die. The groundwater level must be at least 60 cm.

How to plant strawberries correctly: choosing planting material

Already grown strawberry bushes, which can be bought at special markets or grown independently, are suitable as planting material. You can also purchase strawberry seeds and grow them at home in special containers. This will take approximately 1.5-2 months.

You can also grow strawberries using tendrils from bushes that are immediately planted in the ground. This must be done in autumn period so that the mustache has time to take root for the next season.

If you want to start planting in late spring or early spring, you can use an already established strawberry bush that does not produce mustaches. To do this, you need to separate part of the bush and plant it in another place.

When to plant strawberries

Strawberries should be planted at a time when there is no intense heat, but there is already abundant sunlight. This weather sets in in May and persists in July and early August. It is important to consider that good harvest you can only get it in the second year after planting the strawberries, so you need to be patient.

Methods for planting strawberries

If you are seriously thinking about how to plant strawberries correctly, then you need to seriously consider choosing a method for planting them. Let's look at a few basic ones, using which you can grow a rich harvest of berries.

Planting with standing bushes

With this planting method, the rosettes are planted at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. Thanks to this distance, the plants do not come into contact with each other and are well ventilated, which results in large berries. During the growth of strawberries, you need to constantly remove tendrils and weeds, as well as loosen the soil.

Planting in nests

Planting strawberries this way will require a lot of space. You will need to prepare holes in the garden bed. One of them is in the center of the nest, and the rest are around it. The distance between the rows should be 35-40 cm, and the distance between the nests in this row should be approximately 30 cm. This method of planting will allow you to grow many times more crops.

Planting in rows

This method is one of the most common. Thanks to him you can get large strawberries, which will grow over 4-5 years. With this planting method, the bushes are planted in one row at a distance of 20 cm from each other. During their growth, it is necessary to periodically loosen the soil and remove weeds.

How to plant strawberries correctly

The entire process of planting strawberries can be divided into several stages:

    1. soil preparation;

    2. preparation of seedlings;

    3. planting seedlings.

Preliminary soil preparation involves checking it for infestation with larvae of May beetles and wireworms. You need to make sure that after the snow melts there are no larvae of these harmful insects left. If larvae are found at the planting site, then you need to collect all the dry grass from the soil and burn it. Then it is necessary to treat the soil with ammonia water at the rate of 20 k. per 1 sq.m. It is important to ensure that this water penetrates to a depth of about 20 meters. To do this, you can use a cultivator or other devices for loosening the soil.

After preparing the site, you can proceed to preparing the seedlings. Prepared seedlings should be placed in a cool place 5-6 days before planting. Immediately before planting, you need to work on the root system of the seedling. If it is very long (more than 10 cm), then it must be shortened to 7-9 cm. Then you need to lower the roots of the seedlings into a clay mash. You can get it by mixing half a bucket of orange clay with water. This measure will prevent drying out.

Seedlings should be planted in prepared holes sprinkled with humus. You must first moisten the soil so that the strawberry seedlings take root better.

Comment on the article "How to plant strawberries correctly"

Strawberry. On the beds. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest.


here is my bed with strawberries, or rather almost without them :)

three rows per meter width

Can I join your topic)
Please tell me if you know. In the spring I bought strawberry bushes and covered the bed with agro-fabric. There was not enough fabric for the entire bed, about 2/3. I planted bushes all over the garden bed, i.e. 2/3 of the beds are covered with fabric, 1/3 are without. After about a month, it became clearly visible that the bushes in the agrofabric were doing poorly - they had not grown a single leaf. But the bushes without tissue grew well, 3-4 new leaves appeared, the bushes became fluffy. In the end, the fabric was removed altogether.
What could I have done wrong?

Planting strawberries in spring. how Yes, you can already plant. We always bought seedlings from a farm somewhere between Bitsa and Vidny... When do strawberries appear in the forest (or fields)??


I like Elizabeth. Fruits from June until frost. The berries are delicious. But I haven’t encountered growing it in pots, but I think that it needs to be insulated for the winter, otherwise it will freeze.

We’re also close to Strunino) I’ve already taken frigo from Lena twice, it’s taking root just fine if the leaves come up and are planted in pots


Good evening
we have 2 oak trees. We make it from leaves warm bed. We dig a hole the size of a garden bed, approx. deep. 30-40 cm, plus the sides up 15 cm and there during the spring-summer-autumn we put grass, leaves, weeds, small branches...
Cover it with material for the winter.
In the spring we fill it with purchased soil. Next we plant cucumbers, strawberries, zucchini, pumpkin... basically everything except root vegetables. The harvest is excellent, additional warmth is created for the plants.

You can burn it in a metal barrel, why are leaves not suitable for compost?

Section: -- gatherings (why strawberries died during transplantation). dead strawberries from the joint venture - version of the causes of death. backstory: out of 25 bushes purchased from Helen, after transplanting from me...


This “nursery owner” made a strange entry, IMHO. Did you describe the situation to her in exactly the same way as in the topic?
According to your topic:
1) it is not clear how and why the strawberries from the first batch died? White furry spots are really a fungus, most likely gray mold(this is the main “scourge” of garden strawberries) or powdery mildew- but you got it on the new strawberries, and not on the old ones? Where did you come to the conclusion that the first batch of strawberries was infected with the fungus, and not the new seedlings or the soil into which you transplanted them?
2) you should read at least a little about fungal diseases, or something... Excess moisture contributes to the rapid development of fungus, poor ventilation and cold. A warm, ventilated room (ideally heated soil), free planting and arrangement of seedlings and moderate watering are the main ones prophylactic agents against fungus. Those. if the seedlings were infected with a fungus, then in a cold room it would manifest itself much faster and more lethally than in a warm one.
3) I don’t understand why you transplanted the purchased seedlings into pots? or it was sold without primer, i.e. you didn’t replant it, but simply planted it for growing (it’s still not clear why not straight into the ground, but I’ll chalk it up to fear of frost)? Where did you get the soil from, what kind of soil, how was it planted and watered?
Without seeing the seedlings and not knowing the degree of your experience, it is difficult to say anything definitely, but according to your description, IMHO, a completely different conclusion rather suggests itself. It is very likely that it was your soil that was infected with the fungus - any garden soil contains fungal spores, they are destroyed (and not all of them!) only by long-term high-temperature treatment - sterilization or long steaming and subsequent storage of the sterilized soil in hermetically sealed bags.
When replanting (planting?), you most likely severely damaged the roots and/or buried the root rosette, plus you watered the seedlings generously and placed them in plastic pots on pallets, i.e. ensured difficult drainage of excess water and lack of normal ventilation. In this case, the most obvious outcome is rotting of the rosette, rapid development of fungus on rotting tissues and mass death of seedlings within a few days. Any seedling, even the most benign - do you understand?

Of the 35 bushes I bought from Helen Sun, 5 of them did not survive to open ground.
I planted the rest on Sunday.

tell the teapot about strawberries). ...I find it difficult to choose a section. I didn’t like planting with cover, it’s close to us Pine forest We go collect needles and sprinkle them between the rows and...


I have 50-80 bushes, not enough for jam, the children eat almost everything, crumbs fall to us))) only at the very end, when we are full, I freeze a little.
I didn’t like planting with a cover, we have a pine forest nearby, we go to collect needles and spread a thick layer between the rows and around the strawberry bushes, the effect is the same, there are no weeds and the berries are clean

you are confusing something, it is not covered with film, but with mulch, this is a non-woven material with which you cover the bed, cut holes and plant the plant in them

In this article we will look at current issues regarding planting, replanting and caring for strawberries.

When is it better to plant and replant strawberries: in spring, summer or autumn, at what time?

Experienced gardeners know all the secrets of growing strawberries, so every year they receive a rich harvest of aromatic berries from their beds. The material in this article will be useful for beginners or those who are just planning to grow strawberries.

Although this berry is quite common, it requires attention and special care. As well as soil fertilization, protection from pests and bacteria, and many other tricks. But if you do everything right, you can enjoy the taste of strawberries grown with your own hands.

First of all, it is important to remember that strawberries need to be replanted once every 3-4 years. This period is the most optimal for a good harvest.

After this period, the strawberries begin, as people say, to “degenerate.” You yourself may notice that after 3-4 years the strawberry bush becomes weak, the berries become smaller and smaller, and their quantity is also not very abundant.

Strawberries need to be replanted every 3-4 years

You can replant strawberries in early spring both in autumn and also in summer. The weather should be warm outside.

Important: Plant strawberries on a warm, cloudy day in the evening. Then the plants will take root better.

  • As for the timing, then autumn planting It is advisable to complete it before the end of September. If the climate allows, then you can wait until October.
  • Spring planting It is advisable to finish before flowering begins. This is approximately the month of April. At this time, active vegetation occurs, the bush will grow and take root.
  • Rule summer planting: Strawberries are replanted after they bear fruit. Approximate planting dates are July-August.

Strawberry planting dates in spring, summer and autumn

Preparing the soil for planting and replanting strawberries

Before planting or replanting strawberries, you should carefully prepare the ground:

  1. Dig up the area.
  2. Apply fertilizer no later than 7-10 days before planting.
  3. Level the soil, break up lumps of dirt.

Good as a fertilizer:

  • Litter
  • Humus
  • Compost

Important: Organic fertilizer applied to the ground at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 m².

Also used for strawberry productivity superphosphate And potassium sulfate(60 and 30 g per 1 m², respectively).

You can fertilize the soil complex fertilizer, which can be purchased at a specialty store. Ask the seller to tell you which would be better suited specifically for strawberries.

Preparing the soil for transplanting strawberries

Important: When planting strawberries in the same place, it is recommended to “treat” the soil. This is done to prevent bacteria and pests.

This is done as follows:

  • Water the area with a solution of soda ash (200 grams of soda per 10 liter bucket of water).
  • After 2-3 days, the soil should be disinfected with a manganese solution (add 2-3 g of manganese to a 10 liter bucket of water).

This procedure must be done before planting strawberries.

Video: Preparing the soil for planting strawberries

After what crops is it better to plant strawberries?

Important: When planting strawberries, you should take into account the rules of crop rotation.

Crop rotation- this is the correct rotation of crops in the garden, which contributes to good yields.

If the predecessors of strawberries were potatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants and cabbage, then do not expect a good harvest.

It is useful to plant strawberries after parsley, legumes and grains.

Is it possible to plant strawberries after garlic and onions?

Important: Onions and garlic are the best precursors for strawberries.

Ripe strawberries

Planting and replanting strawberries in the summer, in August with a mustache: methods, step-by-step instructions

The method of propagation by mustache is one of the most often used when planting strawberries. Why is this method good?

Sometimes a good variety of strawberries is expensive, and you end up buying several bushes good grade. Subsequently, from these few bushes, with the help of mustaches, you can grow an entire strawberry plantation.

To grow a bed of good, high-grade strawberries, it will take a long time to monitor the runners and select the best runners.

Reproduction by mustache

This is done like this:

  1. In the first year, plant the bushes and trim all the tendrils, collect the first harvest of berries, and identify the best and strongest bushes.
  2. After the harvest, that is, late summer-early autumn, collect all the selected mother bushes and plant them in a separate area. In the spring, when the time for buds comes, cut off all the buds, but leave the tendrils.
  3. Leave the largest mustaches; small ones can be removed.
  4. Leave the mustache to grow freely until June. Around this time, young rosettes will appear on the whiskers.
  5. These young rosettes should be dug a little into loose soil and watered.
  6. Now you need to wait up to three weeks until the young seedlings grow.
  7. Shorten the ends of the mustache during this period; they also need to be watered, loosen the soil, and hill up.
  8. 2 weeks before transplantation, cut off the mustache from the mother bush. Now the young bushes have switched to their own root nutrition.
  9. Now the young bushes can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Important: If you plant strawberries in the summer, then over the winter they will take root well, gain strength, and next year you will reap your first harvest.

The structure of a strawberry bush

Which strawberry tendril should I plant?

If your goal is to grow good strawberries, you need to select your mustache correctly.

You need the strongest mustaches, growing from good quality bushes. The remaining tendrils, which gradually appear on the bush, need to be cut off so that they do not take away the strength from the mother bush.

Video: How to collect planting material - mustaches?

Planting and replanting strawberries in the fall with a mustache and dividing the bush: methods, step-by-step instructions

Important: Plant young bushes when autumn planting due until September 15th. Planting later threatens to freeze the bushes.

How to replant strawberries with mustaches has already been described above. Let's try to figure out this method of dividing a bush.

Some people consider dividing the bush an emergency way to propagate strawberries. It is advisable to use it in such cases:

  1. When there are not enough seedlings to propagate strawberries in the garden.
  2. When the strawberry has no or few tendrils (for example, remontant strawberries).
  3. When strawberries are already producing small fruits and need replanting.

At the end of the season, from one growth point young plant many growth points appear. This large bush can be divided into many small ones. Select the strongest and best-quality roots. Leaves should not be affected.

  • Clean the roots of old strawberry bushes of any brown, dead parts. Leave only the part of the plant where the living roots are.
  • In order for the new bush to strengthen, it should be hilled. Only the growing point (the heart) cannot be covered, otherwise the bush will die.
  • If the weather is hot, then shade the planted bushes with straw, grass, make a canopy and water daily until the bushes take root.

IMPORTANT: When propagating strawberries by dividing the bush, if you propagate soon after harvesting, you will get a decent harvest from the transplanted bush the next summer. When propagating by whiskers, such a result cannot be achieved the next year.

Dividing a strawberry bush

Planting strawberries in August, autumn on agrofibre: methods, step-by-step instructions

Important: Agrofibre is a breathable material that is used to cover the bed and then plant seedlings. Thanks to agrofibre, labor costs are reduced and productivity increases.

Advantages planting strawberries on agrofibre:

  • Protects strawberries from weeds;
  • Less dirt gets on the berries during rain;
  • Protection of berries from pests;
  • After watering, moisture is retained under the agrofibre;
  • Under agrofibre, strawberries will survive frosts painlessly.

For planting strawberries, black agrofibre with a density of 60 g/m² is most often used. Before buying agrofibre, calculate the size of the bed.

This is what agrofibre looks like

How to plant strawberries on agrofibre:

  1. Prepare the soil as described above.
  2. Lay agrofibre on the bed.
  3. Secure the agrofibre along the edges with bricks, then on each side with wire pins.
  4. Then you need to use a knife to mark the places where the bushes will be planted.
  5. The cuts need to be made crosswise.
  6. Fold the edges of the cuts inward and plant the strawberry bush shallowly.
  7. After planting all the bushes, the bed needs to be watered with a hose.

Important: To have access to the beds, place a board on the agrofibre, thus making a path. Thanks to such a path, the agrofibre will not deteriorate.

Video: Planting strawberries on agrofibre

How to water strawberries after planting?

After transplanting, strawberries need watering. However, you should not overdo it in this matter. From excess moisture, the roots will begin to rot. Also, water should not get on the outlet, otherwise the bush will die.

For manual watering, it is better to use warm, settled water. In warm weather, it is enough to water the strawberries once a week early in the morning. When the rainy season begins, there is no need to water additionally.

During the flowering period, strawberries especially need watering. The watering rate is approximately 10 l/m². When strawberries bloom, you need to use drip irrigation soil.

Important: Do not water strawberries little by little and often. Such actions can lead to fungal diseases.

Drip irrigation of strawberries

What can you plant next to strawberries?

The following crops are good neighbors for strawberries:

  • Parsley
  • Dill
  • Salad
  • Radish
  • Beet
  • Beans

How to feed strawberries in August and autumn after transplanting?

For fertility, strawberries should be fed. It is necessary to apply both organic and mineral fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers:

  1. Humus
  2. Compost
  3. Chicken droppings

From mineral fertilizers For the growth and harvest of strawberries you need:

  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium

Nitrogen fertilizers are responsible for the red color of the berries. Potassium - affect taste properties. If the ends of the leaves turn brown, this indicates a lack of potassium.

Important: Strawberries should be fed in several stages. The first time before planting during soil cultivation. The second time is after the harvest. The last time you should fertilize is in the fall.

Some believe that properly prepared soil before planting (transplanting) does not require feeding for about 3 years.

Still, most experts advise fertilizing strawberries; the yield and taste of the berries depend on this.

After harvesting, plants need additional feeding to restore their strength in the form of complex mineral fertilizers.

Fertilizing strawberries

Autumn feeding should be completed before mid-September. You can feed it with mullein and chicken droppings. Fertilizers are not used in pure form, but are diluted in water. If you feed strawberries with manure in its pure form, the plants will simply “burn.”

Important: Fertilizers should be applied between the rows of strawberry bushes or under the bush, but without getting on the leaves. Cow humus is used to cover the row spaces, thus forming mulch for feeding for several years.

Dilute droppings or humus with water in the following proportion: 1 part humus per 10 liters of water. Be sure to let this mixture sit for at least a day. Then you can add a glass to the solution wood ash and 20 grams of potash fertilizers.

Strawberry is a tender berry. At correct transplantation, care and feeding, you will be able to reap a good harvest from your beds for many years.

Video: How to feed strawberries?

Every self-respecting gardener grows strawberries on his plot ( garden strawberries). Proper care for the queen of berries will ensure a high yield of large, ripe and tasty fruits. Before planting strawberries, you need to choose the right site, soil, seed variety, planting method, and be sure to take care of protection from pests.

When is the best time to plant strawberries: autumn or spring?

Garden strawberry seedlings are very sensitive to temperature changes and the amount of available moisture. Therefore, plant in middle lane Agronomists recommend this wonderful berry either in the spring (from April 20 to May 10), or in mid-summer/early autumn after harvest (from July 20 to September 10). These periods are characterized by cool weather and sufficient moisture necessary for the full development of the plant.

Methods for planting strawberries

Many people wonder: what is the best way to plant strawberries to get a high yield? There are several ways to plant remontant strawberries:

  • free-standing bushes;
  • into the ranks;
  • nests;
  • carpet method.

If you decide to plant berries in separate bushes, then you need to choose the correct distance between them. Agronomists consider the ideal interval to be 50-60 centimeters. To prevent plants from intertwining, you need to regularly trim the tendrils, so that the bushes can rapidly develop and bear fruit. The advantages of the method include: large berries, low likelihood of disease, savings seed material.

When planted in rows, the bushes are located at a distance of 10-20 cm from each other, and the row spacing is about 50 centimeters. This method involves regularly loosening the soil and killing weeds. A plant planted in rows successfully develops and bears fruit for 4-5 years. The problem of weeds is solved by first laying agrofibre on the ground - a special covering film with a mulching effect.

The nesting method is used by those gardeners who want to get big harvest. You need to plant it like this: one plant is located in the center, and six more around it (5-8 cm between the bushes) so that a hexagon is formed. The distance between nests can be left approximately 30 centimeters, and between rows - 40. There is only one drawback of this method - it is necessary a large number of planting material.

The simplest is the carpet method, which creates a unique microclimate in the upper layers of the plant. The essence of this simple and cheap method is that the mustache of strawberry bushes is not cut off, thereby allowing the berry to grow over the entire area allotted to it. During growth, a natural layer of plant mulch is formed, which inhibits weed growth and retains moisture. Plant this way the better those who are not often at the dacha and do not have the opportunity to frequently water or loosen the soil.

How to plant strawberries in open ground in the fall

Best time The best time to sow strawberries is in the autumn months (from the end of August to the end of September). A huge advantage of this period of the year is that the bushes will begin to bear fruit next summer. Seeds sown in the spring will only develop throughout July-August, and it will be possible to eat garden strawberries only after a year. The exception is purchased varieties, Clery, Chandler, Albion, etc. Before planting strawberries in open ground, you need to take care of proper preparation soil. After this, the distance and method of placing the seeds is selected.

Preparing the soil for planting strawberries

The soil for growing garden strawberries should be chosen to be light, breathable and susceptible to moisture accumulation. Strawberries are very capricious, so the roots need more additional liquid. There are several secrets if there is little space on the site or the soil is not fertile:

  1. Special moisturizing. You can worry in advance and set up drip irrigation (directly to the roots), however, the implementation of building such an irrigation system is not accessible to everyone and is often used on an industrial scale.
  2. Growing in pots. If the soil on the site is not black soil, then the best solution would be vertical multi-tiered placement of containers with purchased soil in which to plant strawberry seeds. This saves space and also allows you to get a large harvest.
  3. Application of agrofibre. This material (film/fabric) is used in two cases - when you need to create a greenhouse effect and get a harvest a week or two earlier, or as protection against weeds.
  4. Previously used soil by other plants. You can also plant remontant strawberries in places where other crops previously grew. For example, the best predecessors for garden strawberries are potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers.

Before planting strawberries, the soil needs to be dug and loosened. After this procedure, the soil must be fertilized (nitroammophos, organic fertilizers). Holes are dug in the ground into which the rhizomes are placed. After planting, the bushes are lightly sprinkled and watered abundantly. We should not forget that strawberries can be grown in the same place for no more than five years.

At what distance to plant strawberries: planting scheme

For planting, you must choose a sunny, well-ventilated place. With standard placement, strawberry bushes are located at a distance of 50 centimeters from each other. The tendrils will not intertwine, and there will be plenty of space for the plant to fully grow. If the plot is small, then the distance can be increased to 80 cm and the beds can be arranged in two rows. For open ground this is an ideal option.

Strawberries are one of the most popular berries (they can only compete with them here). It is valued for its excellent taste, excellent aroma, beneficial features and the most delicious compote that comes out of it.

It is not surprising that many gardeners and gardeners try to grow it on their plots in summer time, and in winter - in greenhouses. However, not everyone is able to reap a large harvest, because this crop is finicky. It is difficult for novice gardeners to grow this queen of berries and create all the conditions for abundant fruiting.

To understand all this, you should use tips that will be useful at all stages of growing strawberries.

Basic mistakes when growing strawberries

  1. Too dense and frequent planting. Strawberries grow quite well and planting bushes too often will interfere with development
  2. Not cutting off the mustache. Many gardeners prefer not to trim the so-called mustaches of strawberry bushes, since it is with their help that they grow. But this has a rather bad effect on the harvest. As strawberries grow, they spend less energy and substances on the formation of berries. So if your goal is precisely the berry itself, then these mustaches should be trimmed from time to time
  3. Planting in a place that receives full sun all day. Despite the fact that strawberries are a sun-loving berry and need a lot of it, too much hot exposure to the rays can lead to drying out and sunburn. Provide either a partially shady plant or a special shelter-canopy.

It will be interesting for every summer resident to know what is going on in the world. The catalog of services that are provided in various areas of life will be very interesting

SCREEN BLUEBERRY Shield (or highbush) blueberry is the most common blueberry variety cultivated in home gardens. Berries

Strawberry is the queen of berries. Like every queen, she is demanding and capricious. Correct fit strawberries and careful care will help achieve berry abundance.

The harvest will be generous if you know how to plant strawberries correctly, satisfy all their needs for soil composition and lighting, provide adequate nutrition and watering, and protect them from diseases. Let's figure out her preferences.

The bulk of the roots (80-90%) of strawberries are located at a depth of 10 to 30 cm. The best for this crop are sandy loam, chernozem and light loamy soils, rich in humus and nutrients, with an acidity level of 5-6 units and good air permeability.

In plants planted on sandy soil, the roots overheat and dry out, and there is also a lack of nutrients will negatively affect the size and number of berries. If sand predominates on your site, do not despair; it can be enriched and compacted by adding organic matter (manure, peat, compost) in an amount of 6-12 kg per 1 m2. If you plant strawberries on heavy clay soils, root system will develop poorly, overcoming increased soil density, lack of oxygen and waterlogging. The soil structure will be improved by adding 8-10 kg per 1 m2 of coarse river sand. You can get around this drawback by planting strawberries in raised beds, which allow you to create a drainage layer of broken bricks and branches. Such structures will also be useful for flooded areas with close groundwater. Strawberries tolerate increased acidity more easily than others berry crops, for example, currants, but up to a certain limit.

When the soil pH is below 5.0, most nutrients change their state and are no longer absorbed by plant roots. Increased acidity inhibits the activity of many beneficial bacteria and fertilizers. To alkalize the soil for strawberries, it is better to use dolomite flour(400-600 g per 1 m2), which is also a source of magnesium. In freshly treated areas, strawberries develop poorly due to suppression of the root system. Therefore, it can be planted only after 2-3 years, when the dolomite mixes well with the soil and reduces its acidity.

As for lighting, strawberries will grow even in the shade, but they will bear fruit only in well-lit areas. In partial shade, the berries will ripen a little later and will taste less sweet. Strawberries planted in the garden between fruit trees, grows well, produces many rosettes, but bears fruit weaker, and in rainy weather the berries are more affected by gray rot than in beds located in open areas.

The shallow location of the roots explains the requirement of this plant for well-balanced soil moisture. Excess moisture will lead to the development of fungal diseases and, consequently, to the loss of part of the crop.

Lack of watering during flowering will result in a decrease in the number of ovaries, during fruiting it will lead to crushing of the berries, and in the autumn it will reduce the formation of flower buds (in some varieties they are not formed at all).

The best watering for strawberries is drip irrigation, in which water is delivered directly to the roots without getting on the leaves and fruits. It allows you to fertilize simultaneously with moisturizing. Indeed, during its development, strawberries grow a huge mass of greens and fruits, which consume a large amount of nutrients. In terms of removal of nutrients from the soil, it is several times greater than grains and many vegetable crops. Strawberries, the planting and care of which must be careful, require fertilizing, which is done at least 2 times a year: the first - during spring loosening after the appearance of 3 leaves (ammophoska or chicken droppings), the second - during flowering (wood ash).

In the fall, weakened bushes and one-year-old plantings are fertilized. A much larger amount of fertilizing is necessary for remontant and continuously fruiting varieties with neutral daylight hours.

To preserve moisture in the soil and to prevent fungal diseases from damaging the berries, strawberry beds are mulched with straw or agrofibre. The dream of every summer resident is strawberries, planting and caring for which will not cause difficulties even for novice gardeners. Therefore, you need to choose the right varieties. Firstly, they should bear fruit well in your climate, and secondly, you need to plant several varieties of strawberries on the plot for different periods maturation. Most often, garden strawberries are propagated by daughter rosettes - tendrils. But continuously fruiting varieties do not produce runners. How to plant strawberries in this case?

Video “Growing in the country”

From the video you will learn how to grow strawberries without spending a lot of effort.

Growing strawberries from seeds

Large-fruited strawberry seeds germinate very poorly, so they must be soaked before planting. To do this, the seeds are placed between two damp cotton pads, the resulting “sandwich” is placed in a transparent plastic container with small holes for ventilation and left warm for 2 days. To harden the seeds for the next 2 weeks, place them in the refrigerator. Every day the container must be opened to ventilate and control the moisture content of the cotton pads. When the seeds hatch, they can be sown. Simultaneously with soaking, soil preparation occurs. It should be light and crumbly, but not fertilized. It is better to take garden and forest soil and add sand.

To disinfect, the resulting mixture is heated in the oven for 15-20 minutes and left for 2 weeks to wait for the seeds to grow and beneficial bacteria to grow.

Seeds can be planted in boxes and peat pots filled with soil and moistened with a spray bottle. It is convenient to use tweezers for planting. The seeds are not sprinkled on top, but lightly compacted, and the boxes are covered with film. Shoots will appear after 7-14 days. After the onset of stable heat, strawberries are planted in open ground, by which time they will have formed 3-4 true leaves.

Site preparation

First, you have to choose a good site so that planting and caring for strawberries is not in vain. It should be flat or with a slight (no more than 5 degrees) slope to the south or west. From the north, the chosen location should be protected from the winds by trees or buildings. You can use beds after onions, garlic, carrots, beets, radishes, dill or parsley. Strawberries planted after raspberries, potatoes or tomatoes can be affected by their common enemies - late blight or wireworm. Before planting strawberries, the bed is thoroughly cleared of weeds. When is the best time to plant strawberries depends on the propagation method you choose. In August, reproduction is carried out by whiskers. In spring and early summer - seedlings. If you decide when to plant strawberries - in spring or autumn, then you need to prepare the bed in advance. At spring planting

If you plan to plant in the fall, then only organic matter should be added to the soil when digging. The bed can be mulched with a small layer of compost to protect it from freezing.

How to plant correctly

Before planting strawberries, planting material you need to carefully sort, removing diseased and weak plants. Good seedling has a root collar of at least 6 mm in diameter and a fibrous root of at least 7 cm. But here’s how to plant strawberries correctly - the seedlings are lowered into a previously prepared hole so that the upper bud (dew point) is located exactly at the level of the ground surface, after which the hole is filled up and compacts.

Planting methods

How to plant our strawberries correctly - 4 planting methods:

Video “Growing on agrofibre”

From the video you will learn how to properly grow strawberries on agrofibre.