How to make a greenhouse with your own hands: selection of materials and manufacturing stages. How to build an effective mini-greenhouse from scrap materials at your summer cottage

Ecology of consumption. Estate: With the onset of spring, every summer resident is faced with the task of planting seedlings and their further planting in open ground. Simple and cheap greenhouse design from plastic pipes Suitable for all summer residents and owners of country houses without exception.

Many summer residents strive to provide themselves with self-grown vegetables for the whole year. But due to climatic features, it is not always possible to achieve this goal in those areas that are located in the northern regions of our country. An excellent solution This problem is the construction of a greenhouse on a garden plot.

True, not all gardeners have the financial ability to purchase a ready-made factory greenhouse. For such people, a way out of the situation may be to build greenhouses from plastic pipes with their own hands.

You can design and build a greenhouse from plastic pipes yourself, without resorting to outside help. And such a greenhouse made of plastic pipes will serve throughout the year, for several seasons in a row. Obvious advantage, when building greenhouses from plastic pipes, is the prevalence, long service life and low cost of polypropylene products.


When choosing a future location for building a greenhouse made of plastic pipes, you should take into account a number of factors that affect the quality and quantity of the future harvest.

There are the following options for placing a future greenhouse made of plastic pipes on a garden plot:

  1. You need to place a greenhouse made of plastic pipes, created by yourself, in an open space, away from other buildings on the site and large garden trees. This placement option can be combined with the placement of small shrubs and plants around the greenhouse. This will add aesthetic appeal to the building.
  2. If, due to the small area of ​​the site, it is not possible to use an open space of sufficient area, you can provide for the location of the greenhouse with one side adjoining the wall of an already erected building, house or barn. With this option, an important condition will be the location of the other sides of the greenhouse on the south side in order to receive the maximum amount of sunlight.


The most common form when constructing a greenhouse from plastic pipes is an arched structure. This is primarily due to ease of construction and relative cheapness.

When choosing a form for the construction of a future greenhouse from plastic pipes, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the garden plot and the location chosen for the installation of the structure.

If the greenhouse made of plastic pipes will be located in an open area, then it is better to choose a gable model. In the case where the greenhouse will adjoin one side to the wall of an existing building, it is more advisable to choose a lean-to model.

The base of the greenhouse can be made in different geometric shapes, be it square, rectangle, circle, oval or trapezoid. Recently, tent-shaped greenhouses have been gaining popularity.

Attention! Greenhouses of this design have greater light transmission than classic versions.


Construction of a greenhouse from plastic pipes has a number of advantages over structures made from other materials:

The main and, apparently, only drawback when building a greenhouse from plastic pipes is its lightness. This can cause the entire structure to sway in strong winds. In the same time this problem it can be solved if we use additional metal rods driven into the ground to strengthen the structure.


Before you make a greenhouse from plastic pipes, you should calculate the necessary materials and tools. It is recommended to do this immediately after determining the location on the site for the future structure. Such measures will help to avoid additional costs already at the construction stage of the structure.

So, for work you will need:

  1. Timber or boards to form the base of the greenhouse. Before starting construction, it is recommended to treat wooden elements with special protective substances that will protect the wood from rotting.

    Advice! To save money, it is recommended to use non-branded professional products for processing wood, and improvised ones. For example, soak wooden beams resin, coat with drying oil several times, and treat with a blowtorch.

  2. Polypropylene pipes. It is necessary to calculate how many linear meters will be needed to build a greenhouse. For a more accurate calculation when building a greenhouse from plastic pipes with your own hands, it is recommended to make a drawing of the future structure. After obtaining a certain footage of plastic, you can add 10% of the total length for reserve.
  3. Polyethylene film is used to cover the polypropylene structure. It should be strong enough. High strength will protect it from tearing and allow it to be used for several seasons.
  4. Several metal rods. The reinforcement must be at least 1 m long.
  5. Nails and screws.
  6. Handles with locks and hinges for installing doors and windows in the greenhouse.
  7. Additional metal loops for fastening individual plastic structural elements.


If, at the stage of calculating the materials used, a detailed drawing future structure, then you can immediately proceed directly to the construction of the greenhouse. Otherwise, it is recommended to make detailed diagram structures - this will significantly simplify and speed up construction work.


Before you make a greenhouse yourself from plastic pipes, you need to create a foundation. For the future foundation of the greenhouse, you need a flat, flat area with a small depression. Therefore, before starting work, you must level the ground and make a small depression of a few centimeters. As a foundation material, you can use either boards or wooden beam.

Attention! Before proceeding with the installation of the foundation, the wooden boards must be cleaned with a plane or sandpaper, and also treated with protective substances.

To strengthen the foundation of the future structure, it is recommended to use additional metal brackets or corners. A metal corner is attached to each internal joint of wooden boards. If timber is used as the material for the base of the greenhouse, it is more advisable to use staples that are driven in at each external joint of the structural elements.

The finished foundation should lie tightly on the soil prepared for it. If there are gaps between the foundation and the ground, they must be covered with earth.


After building the foundation, along its outer perimeter, metal reinforcement should be driven into the ground in increments of no more than 100 cm. Pre-prepared and cut sections of plastic pipe of the required length are placed on these metal rods.

To secure plastic pipes, self-tapping screws are used, with the help of which the base of the pipe must be pulled to wooden foundation. Plastic couplings, corners and crosses are used as connecting elements in the horizontal plane of the structure, which must first be drilled inside. This will allow the pipes to pass through the connectors.


When choosing a material for building a greenhouse roof, you should take into account the features of some of the most common options:

  1. The optimal and common material for covering a greenhouse is polyethylene film. If financial capabilities allow, you can use a special reinforced polyvinyl chloride film as a covering. This material has good thermal insulation, which will allow you to maintain desired temperature in a greenhouse even at night. At the same time, this material is highly transparent and transmits up to 95% of sunlight during the daytime.
  2. A polycarbonate roof has the longest service life, but is more expensive and can present additional difficulties during construction. In addition, such a roof cannot be quickly dismantled, unlike a polyethylene one.
  3. Textile material for covering such as “agrotex” has low thermal insulation. True, the lightness and simplicity of this material allow installation and dismantling work to be carried out in the shortest possible time.


To summarize, we can say that the option self-construction in a garden plot, greenhouses made of plastic pipes seem to be the most acceptable option. Such designs have a number of undeniable advantages. These include the lightness and strength of the structure, its durability, ease of installation and dismantling. In addition, such greenhouses are ultimately the cheapest option, and from an aesthetic point of view they are in no way inferior to expensive factory-made counterparts.

We will learn how to build a greenhouse from plastic pipes with our own hands from the video

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feast on fresh vegetables from the garden is available not only at the height of summer. Even in winter, you can delight your household every day with freshly picked herbs or fragrant fruits grown on your balcony or veranda. Such mini-shelters are very convenient not only for forcing greenery in winter, but also for growing seedlings and arranging winter garden in the apartment. You can simply buy a ready-made structure, but it’s better to see what and how to make a greenhouse yourself and arrange the free space with maximum benefit.

Homemade greenhouses - a cheap option

If this is your first time thinking about how to make a greenhouse yourself, then the simplest model with pitched roof. This box is made of wood or polycarbonate. Since the greenhouse is installed on the floor or cabinet, and then containers with seedlings are placed in it, the bottom is not made in the box. This is also convenient for using the structure in the country - the box is simply installed on the garden bed.

Tools and materials for manufacturing

It is better to make a greenhouse with your own hands from high-quality boards - this way its service life will be long, and if necessary, it can be disassembled and reassembled. So, you will need:

  • boards 20 mm thick (the number and length are calculated based on the size of the greenhouse);
  • timber 40x40 mm;
  • rail 20x10 mm;
  • window beads for fastening glass to the frame;
  • loops for fastening the frame;
  • glass or polycarbonate according to the size of the folding frame – 2 pcs;
  • insulation material;
  • locking hooks and loops for hooks;
  • self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws;
  • glass cutter;
  • saw;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • oil paint or enamel, a means to protect wood from rotting.

A lean-to greenhouse with a glass or polycarbonate frame is suitable for balconies and gardens

Preparation for greenhouse installation

First of all, to install a small greenhouse on the balcony, you need to choose appropriate place. Please note that the plants will need to be looked after, so access to them should be convenient. Also check the lighting conditions - on southern balconies the box can be placed along any wall; in other cases, position the greenhouse so that the plants are well lit in the first half of the day.

Then decide on the dimensions of the box and draw an auxiliary marking drawing. Be sure to pay attention to the presence of insulation - if you cover the outside of the box with foam plastic, then immediately include an allowance for the covering in the dimensions. If this is not done, then the finished box may simply not fit in the allocated space.

If desired, a wooden greenhouse with a glass lid can be made double

Important. The dimensions of the sides and parts are arbitrary, but remember that the back side should be 30-40 cm higher than the front, and the height of the rear bars should be sufficient to fix the folding frame in the raised position. It is better not to make the length of the greenhouse more than 1-1.5 m.

Think carefully about the system for draining excess water. If these are trays with seedlings, be sure to place them on pallets. If you plan to simply line the inside of the box with film into which the soil will be poured, then make sure that the floor on the loggia is tiled ceramic tiles and had a slight slope towards the street (for water drainage).

If you plan to use a greenhouse on the balcony not only in the spring for seedlings, but also all year round for growing greens, then equip the structure with additional lighting (you can use a fluorescent lamp or phytolamps) and a soil heating system.

Step-by-step assembly of a greenhouse

After all preparatory work You can start installing the greenhouse.

  1. Mark and cut out the parts according to the drawing:
    • 2 front pillars;
    • 2 high rear pillars;
    • 4 parts for a folding frame (made of 40x40 timber);
    • boards for lining the box.
  2. Treat wooden parts with an anti-rot agent and paint.
  3. Attach the boards to the racks with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.
  4. Cover the box with thermal insulation.
  5. Fasten the bars for the frame end-to-end. If possible, immediately cut grooves for installing glass on both sides of the frame (top and bottom). If not, then place glass or polycarbonate on the frame (the sheet size is 40 mm smaller than the finished frame) so that there is 20 mm left on each side to the edge of the frame.
  6. Attach a 20 mm rail around the perimeter of the frame. You will get an improvised groove.
  7. Secure the glass with glazing beads. Then do the same actions with the bottom side of the frame. To help the frame retain heat better, place a layer of window putty under the glass on the frame.
  8. Place the frame on the box and screw the hinges to its back wall.
  9. Attach locking hooks to the top of the rear pillars. You can make hooks different sizes– long for fixing the frame during ventilation, and short for attaching the lid while caring for seedlings.

Single-pitched polycarbonate greenhouse on a table-stand

The same greenhouse can be assembled entirely from polycarbonate. Wooden blocks, plastic pipes or metal corner. The finished greenhouse can be installed on the balcony on the floor or on a special table.

Mini-greenhouse on site

Greenhouse-shelf on the balcony

Greenhouses-shelves with film coating are produced industrially, but making such a greenhouse yourself for an apartment or cottage is not at all difficult. To do this, you will need material for the frame (wooden beam, plastic pipe, metallic profile), corners and connecting tees, greenhouse film.

Greenhouse-whatnot on a rigid frame

How to make a greenhouse in the form of a shelf on a frame yourself:

  1. Make a drawing of the frame according to the selected dimensions (usually height 200 cm, width 90-100 cm, depth 40-50 cm).
  2. Cut out the stand pieces.
  3. If the frame is made of timber, then fasten all the parts - racks, lintels and shelf supports with self-tapping screws. If it is made of plastic or metal, connect all the parts and mark the places for attaching the shelves.
  4. Paint the wooden frame.
  5. Prepare a cover from greenhouse film according to the size and shape of the frame.
  6. Connect the film joints with a stapler and seal them with tape on a woven backing.
  7. Make the front part of the cover removable - with a zipper or Velcro tape.
  8. Install shelves (wooden, mesh or plastic) on the bookcase.
  9. Immediately install lighting above each shelf ( fluorescent lamps or phytolamps).
  10. Place the cover on the frame.

Polycarbonate greenhouse cabinet

The home greenhouse in the apartment is ready, all that remains is to install it on the balcony. By the way, the balcony itself must be glazed and additionally insulated with foam plastic or mineral wool. This will make it convenient to maintain a suitable temperature inside - in a closed loggia, heat loss is much less. The same mini-greenhouses can be made from polycarbonate. The cabinets will be stronger and more durable.

Shelter for greens and vegetables at the dacha made from rebar

Even if you have a full-fledged greenhouse at your dacha, there is often a need to build a small greenhouse for planting seedlings or forcing early radishes and herbs.

You can build such shelters from anything - old window frames, wooden blocks, plastic pipes. The structure can be sheathed with greenhouse film, bottle plastic sheet, polycarbonate or glass.

Greenhouse with a frame made of reinforcement

Here is an example of how to make a mini-greenhouse from timber, fiberglass reinforcement and greenhouse film in literally 30 minutes.

You will need:

  • 2 bars 40x40 mm 3 m long;
  • 2 bars 125 cm long;
  • 7 pieces of fiberglass reinforcement, 2 m long each;
  • greenhouse film 3 m - 5 m wide (cut a standard one and a half meter sleeve);
  • 4 connecting bolts;
  • drill;
  • construction stapler.

In some cases, you can do without a reason

How to make such a greenhouse yourself:

  1. Connect the bars with an overlap.
  2. Drill holes for bolts in the corners and secure the frame.
  3. Using a drill of a suitable diameter, drill 7 holes for the reinforcement along the long sides - in the corners and every 50 cm. Do not drill through, the hole depth is approximately 3.5 cm.
  4. Place the frame with the holes down on the edge of the spread sheet so that there is a meter of free film left and right along the length of the frame, with an indent of approximately 20 cm along the long edge.
  5. Fold the film and attach it to the frame (for strength, you can fold the free edge 2-3 times).
  6. Turn the frame over so that the film remains on the ground and the holes for the reinforcement are on top.
  7. Insert the reinforcement so that there are 7 arches on the frame.
  8. Carefully turn the frame with the reinforcement over the film so that the film wraps in arcs.
  9. Cut off the excess film along the length and fasten it stretched along the second long side.
  10. Carefully fold the free ends of the frame film into the folds and attach them to the frame.

Non-standard solutions from scrap materials

Small home greenhouses and mini-greenhouses can be made from any available materials. The main thing is to create an ideal microclimate for plants for growing season: high humidity, stable temperature and sufficient lighting. So, from old aquariums and plastic bottles You can make small compact greenhouses for seedlings and forcing greenery.

An old medical glass cabinet, refrigerator case, shoe rack or plastic barrel can serve as the basis for a home greenhouse.

In an apartment, even the loggia itself can turn into a real greenhouse if it is glazed and sufficiently protected from winter frosts. And at the dacha, the materials used for greenhouses are limited only by the owner’s imagination.

An old plastic barrel and greenhouse film - the express greenhouse is ready

Old refrigerator case window frame holds heat and moisture well

Organization of closed ground from old boxes

Unnecessary boards and window frame

Lattice and film cover

Several plastic pipes become a frame

Combined greenhouse frame

Barrel under an umbrella

Small greenhouses for summer residents are the main assistants in growing good harvests. Every year the industry offers a variety of models of mini-greenhouses and greenhouses. Of course, you can just buy the right one. But as they say experienced gardeners– seedlings from a greenhouse made with your own hands grow better and the harvests are richer. And all because the real owner does everything with love, and greenhouses are no exception.

Every owner of a summer cottage sooner or later wonders how to increase the productivity of the garden and optimize financial and physical costs. As a rule, it is after this that they begin to consider the available greenhouses with their own hands: the most best projects and features of their implementation. This article will discuss successful greenhouse designs, materials for construction and coating, as well as detailed description the process of constructing a building.

Before you begin building a greenhouse, you need to decide on several fundamental aspects that will determine the size, type and location of the structure. First of all, you should think about what you plan to grow in it. For example, a greenhouse for tomatoes should correspond in height to the growth of adult plants, while growing exclusively seedlings does not require a large structure.

Another important point– the material from which the construction will be carried out. The most popular option, which is used in most cases, is wood. But today wood has given way to lighter and more affordable modern materials, for example, plastic pipes and covering material. But this does not mean that wooden frames were abandoned altogether. Wooden and metal greenhouses can still be found quite often.

In addition, give the area a neat appearance The symmetrical arrangement of all buildings, fences and paths will help. But the most important thing is that the greenhouse is positioned correctly and does not cover the windows of the house, does not block the passage, etc.

Do-it-yourself wooden greenhouses and greenhouses: photos, instructions and material features

Wood is one of the most affordable and popular materials, which is used for various constructions. Of course, it cannot be denied that wood, more than any other material, is susceptible to the influence of external factors, however, this does not stop many owners of summer cottages who want to build a greenhouse with their own hands.

Soft wood species are acceptable for the construction of temporary structures. In this case, pine, alder, spruce, aspen or linden are suitable. For more reliable and permanent structures it is better to use others deciduous trees or swamp cypress, larch.

In the process of constructing a greenhouse, the frame of which is made of wood, it is very important to prepare a reliable foundation, which will become a solid foundation for the structure.

Foundation options for a greenhouse and a greenhouse for a do-it-yourself cottage

Depending on the design features, you can make one or another version of the foundation that will be suitable for this type of structure:

  • foundation made of railway sleepers or timber. To do this, you need to prepare a trench into which sleepers or timber are laid. All these elements are connected using metal brackets. Then, the finished greenhouse frame is installed on top;

  • For places where windy weather often occurs, it is preferable to install a columnar foundation. Thanks to the availability concrete base, such a design can withstand severe wind loads, and even hurricanes. For this purpose, pipes with a diameter of more than 20 cm will be required. They are dug in to a depth of 90 to 120 cm so that they do not freeze during the cold season;
  • a block foundation is another solution to the issue of installing a foundation for a greenhouse or greenhouse. In this case, sand and gravel are first poured into a pre-prepared trench, and then concrete blocks. It's all poured in cement mortar and then a frame of beams is attached on top;
  • strip foundations are practically not used for greenhouses, since they are designed for more severe loads. In a not too deep trench there is a concrete pad 30-50 cm thick. The main advantage of this option is its extremely long service life, which allows you to change structures by installing them on the same base.

Assembling a greenhouse frame with your own hands

Having figured out the difference between a greenhouse and a greenhouse, and having installed the type of foundation that is suitable for you, you can proceed directly to the construction of the frame itself. As mentioned earlier, there are several options that you can implement yourself, for example, an arched or gable design. It all depends on your preferences, as well as the characteristics of the area where the installation will be carried out.

Most often in dachas you can find rectangular greenhouses or greenhouses with a gable roof. Making wooden greenhouses with your own hands is quite simple, and their use will be quite comfortable if you think through all the nuances.

Features of each stage of construction. How to choose and secure covering material. Advantages of PVC pipe structures.

Installation always begins with the installation of a support beam, which is attached to the foundation and is usually somewhat thicker than the rest of the wood used for the frame itself. In this case, all elements are necessarily treated with a protective antiseptic.

All fastenings must be reliable, so you can use reinforcement, anchor or metal bolts for this purpose. Another important aspect– the integrity of the timber, which is used as a base. It must be solid, without cracks or signs of rotting, since the stability of the structure depends on this.

The construction of a wooden greenhouse with your own hands is carried out according to the drawing you choose. But, in general, the scheme of work is as follows: it is necessary to assemble two side and two end walls, which are then fastened together with screws, corners, metal profiles or clamps.

When the “box” is ready, you can proceed to installing the rafters. Their number depends on your preferences, however, it is worth understanding that the more there are, the easier it will be to attach the covering material and the stronger the structure in general will be.

When all the rafters are secured, you can proceed to the installation of the roof ridge, which is attached to the upper groove of the rafters. At the same stage, it is worth securing the wind boards, for which the side grooves of the rafters are provided. You can see more details on how exactly to do this in the drawing or diagram. All these elements must be made of solid material.

The final stage of construction can be called the installation of a doorway, as well as a window, which is provided for ventilation. After this, all that remains is to cover the frame with covering material, and you can begin operation.

Helpful advice! One of the most effective ways protection against rodents - lay a chain-link mesh with small cells under the greenhouse. This must be done before installing the frame.

The most convenient DIY greenhouses. Photos of models made of polycarbonate and plastic pipes

One of the modern and inexpensive options for building a greenhouse is the use of plastic pipes. Depending on the manufacturing technology, they are divided into polypropylene, metal-plastic and PVC.

The last option is slightly cheaper than all the others. But metal-plastic ones, although the most expensive, can provide much more high level strength. Therefore, in in this case You should be guided by your preferences and financial capabilities. As an example, you can look at photos of greenhouses in the country with your own hands.

The main advantages of a plastic greenhouse frame over a wooden one are ease of installation and the ability to give the structure any shape. As in the case of a wooden one, construction must begin with choosing a location and preparing the site. Having decided on the purpose and size of the greenhouse, you can proceed to drawing the diagram and purchasing the appropriate amount of necessary materials.

Often structures made from plastic pipes are made temporary, since they can be easily dismantled and reassembled several times. The type of foundation that needs to be laid depends on whether the greenhouse is stationary or collapsible. In the first case, it is better to use tape or columnar. For a temporary structure, you can not make a foundation at all, but simply dig in metal pins and reinforce the site with boards.

Using pins, the base is made as follows:

  1. Strong metal pins are dug into the ground. They should protrude approximately 30 cm above the ground surface.
  2. One edge of the pipe is placed on the pin.
  3. The pipe is bent in such a way that the second edge can also be put on the pin, which is dug parallel to the first.

How to economically build a greenhouse with your own hands from plastic pipes

Anyone can make a simple greenhouse with their own hands without any special financial investment or effort. To do this, you just need to purchase everything necessary materials, according to the selected drawing and follow a fairly simple algorithm:

  1. After the base arcs are installed, it is necessary to fasten them together. To do this, you need to use a pipe, the length of which will correspond to the length of the entire greenhouse.
  2. A long pipe (or two short ones, fastened together) is located in the center of the arches standing on the base, and is fixed as tightly as possible with clamps or ropes. At this point, the frame assembly can be considered certified.
  3. It is best to use polycarbonate or polyethylene film as a covering. In the first case, the thickness of the polycarbonate must be at least 4 mm, and the sheet size can be any, since this material can be easily cut and adjusted to the size of the greenhouse. In the second case, the film is cut into strips and attached to the arcs using double-sided tape, office binders or special pipe fasteners.
  4. Fastening polycarbonate or film must be overlapped. To connect sheets, you can use self-tapping screws with wide heads or thermal washers. The main thing is to pay due attention to sealing the joints. You can use a special tape for this.

You can build small ones for greenery with your own hands from scrap materials

Greenhouse made of covering material: which is better, polycarbonate or film

Technical and performance characteristics polycarbonate allowed it to take a leading position among materials that are used to create greenhouses and greenhouses. It is quite simple to cut and attach, and at the same time it is resistant to external factors. In addition, it has excellent light transmission, providing plants with the necessary amount of sunlight.

It is worth considering that this durable and reliable material is significantly more expensive than the usual and affordable polyethylene film, which is still widely used to cover greenhouses.

Anyone can figure out how to cover a greenhouse with film. The main thing is to fasten it to the frame as securely as possible and fix it at the bottom by sprinkling the edges with earth and laying heavy boards or bricks. When deciding which film to choose for a greenhouse, you should first of all be guided by its strength. But in any case, most likely, it will not last more than one season. The price of greenhouse film is affordable, so you can replace it without special labor and investments.

As for the features of fastening polycarbonate, it is worth noting the presence of several in various ways. So, in addition to ordinary self-tapping screws, you can use aluminum staples or special plastic earrings.

Another option is to use profiles for this purpose. In this case, you need to drill holes in advance that will allow you to attach the coating to the metal frame.

Helpful advice! The use of thermal washers in the process of attaching polycarbonate is a mandatory measure, since this is what allows the material to maintain its integrity and prevents condensation.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse from window frames: how to arrange a place for growing seedlings

On garden plots You can often find small greenhouses made from old window frames. Of course, such a design is unlikely to be suitable for growing tall and large crops, but it will be more than useful as a do-it-yourself greenhouse for seedlings.

The main advantage of this option is financial savings. All you need are old window frames. If they have glass, you can leave them and use them instead of the standard coating. If the frames are empty, then after installation they can be covered with plastic film or inserted into cut polycarbonate sheets.

Even for such a small and light greenhouse, it is necessary to prepare the foundation in advance. For this purpose, it is installed wooden frame from boards or timber. A 50x50 mm beam or a board 40 mm thick is best suited for this purpose.

The frame will consist of racks, as well as upper and lower frames, which are made from identical boards. The racks, in this case, must be installed at such a distance from each other that the window frame can fit between them.

Timber is best suited for the roof, as it is more durable and minimizes the risk of greenhouse destruction under the weight of snow in winter time. Also, they are more durable gable structures, which is also worth considering.

As for attaching the frames themselves to the supports, this can be done using nails and screws. It must be fixed on all four sides, both from the outside and from the inside. All remaining cracks must be sealed using polyurethane foam.

Like the walls of the greenhouse, it is best to cover the roof with polycarbonate or cover it with film. This will provide the plants with the maximum amount of light.

Helpful advice! It is best to start installing the coating from the roof, gradually moving down. Otherwise, you risk damaging already coated areas by touching them during the work process.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse under a film made of galvanized steel profile

Profile is another material that has recently become actively used for the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses. The main advantage of this method is the ability to give the structure any shape and size, without being limited to any standard sizes.

Helpful advice! In order to build a beautiful and reliable greenhouse with your own hands from a profile, videos, calculations and step-by-step photo instructions, offered on the Internet can serve you well. Do not neglect the advice of specialists, as well as the recommendations of users who have already had to work with such buildings before.

To work, you will need the following tools: a measuring tape, a building level and a plumb line, scissors designed for working with metal and a screwdriver.

Installation of the frame begins with fixing the guide profile, which is attached to the foundation using self-tapping screws. One upper beam must connect all sections, which must be at such a distance that the structure is sufficiently rigid. As a rule, the pitch is a third and a fourth of the length of the polycarbonate sheet.

Using the same principle, you can make a galvanized greenhouse under the film. You just need to think in advance about how to attach the film to the greenhouse. Otherwise, the technology is no different from that used for wooden structures and greenhouses made of plastic pipes.

Very often, galvanized profiles are used for greenhouses for tomatoes. It is quite simple to build it with your own hands, and at the same time the structure has the proper strength. Moreover, every summer resident, interested in the question of how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, will definitely be faced with the fact that the temperature in a greenhouse for tomatoes should not drop too low. Therefore, it may be worth thinking about a heating system at the design and construction stage.

How to care for the structure and how to prepare the greenhouse for planting

Regardless of whether you chose a greenhouse under film or a more fundamental design using polycarbonate, before you start planting, you need to carry out a number of procedures. First of all, this concerns the preparation of soil and beds in a greenhouse with your own hands. Photos and diagrams of how to correctly arrange everything inside clearly demonstrate that by calculating everything in advance, you can ensure convenience and ease of working with plants.

When wondering how to treat a greenhouse in the spring before planting, it is worth studying in detail all possible methods in order to protect the plants and the building. First of all, it must be a high-quality antiseptic that will destroy all dangerous microorganisms living in the soil.

When considering the question of which is better, a greenhouse or a greenhouse, it is also worth considering that the first option is often installed on open ground, and from year to year the structure can be moved to a new location. But the greenhouse is a stationary structure, and it will not be possible to move it without effort.

Another important point is how to make beds in a greenhouse. Here you need to start from what kind of crop you plan to grow. For example, if you start building a greenhouse for peppers with your own hands, then the width of the bed should be at least 80 cm. At the same time, the paths should be thought out in such a way as to provide free access to each plant.

The most convenient DIY greenhouse: video instructions for making

After watching the video, a DIY greenhouse will no longer seem like an impossible task. Following simple recommendations, you can easily make a greenhouse with your own hands from a covering material that will meet all your needs and is perfect for efficient cultivation vegetable crops.

If growing seedlings at home is impossible, but the climate of your region allows you to do it directly summer cottage, we propose to build a greenhouse for seedlings. With its help, it will be possible to drive out seedlings in the shortest possible time.

The greenhouse is a simple design. Most often, this is an ordinary arc, wooden or even wire frame covered with film, but there are also more practical solutions.

Before deciding to grow seedlings in a greenhouse, make sure that the climate is suitable for this. For example, in middle lane It will not be possible to grow seedlings of blueberries and peppers in greenhouses, since the low night temperature will not allow this, but it is quite possible that you will be able to raise seedlings of cabbage, radishes, and tomatoes.

When to build a greenhouse

It is very important that the night temperature is kept at a level not lower than +7+8°C, and the daytime temperature, at the same time, reaches +12+15°C. Often this is mid-spring.

If it’s difficult to guess the timing, there won’t be any special problems, it’s just that the seeds will germinate a little later, say, not in 2-2.5 weeks, but in 3-4. But, as usual, the seedlings manage to get stronger by the end of April or beginning of May. Only one thing is important here - use a high-quality substrate, prepared seeds, and also follow the growing rules!

Choosing a place for a greenhouse in the country

It is advisable to determine a flat and quiet place at the dacha for a greenhouse. This could even be a site in the garden, since while the seedlings are being forced out, there are no leaves on the trees yet, and the shadow will not interfere with the development of the crops.

Try to ensure that the structure is located conveniently, optimize its location as much as possible, for example, not far from a barn, a water tap, and so on.

Design parameters

Before starting construction, you can draw up a work plan or just a diagram in which to describe optimal sizes in length and width, choose the height and select the material.

These are the most comfortable dimensions not only for working on the site, but also for construction. The minimum costs for material, the load on the frame, the convenience of covering with polyethylene, and so on are calculated here.

The simplest do-it-yourself polyethylene greenhouse

Right away we want to tell you how to build a simple and cheap greenhouse for growing seedlings. Today we need to take care of healthy planting material, and not about the beauty of the site or structures, and therefore we do everything correctly and save as much as possible (after growing the seedlings, we will remove the structure from the site anyway).

So, in order not to waste money, we suggest building from scrap materials; you will only need to buy film.

Arcs for the frame

You can use the arcs from last year, take extra ones from your neighbor, or buy cheap and used ones. But if this is not possible, we make the arcs ourselves. It can be metal-plastic pipes, which remained after repair, fittings, metal profile, thin pipe, thick steel wire, medium-diameter tree branches of elastic species. At least, it will be possible to use even a wooden beam, but then we will get not arcs, but a rectangular frame.

Having determined the location and made markings according to the parameters that we proposed earlier (or according to your own), install arcs or other frame elements around the perimeter. The maximum step between the arcs is 1 m, so as not to disrupt the stability and load-bearing capacity after covering with film.

Greenhouse device

Once the arches are in place, you can place a low frame of wood or bricks underneath them, creating a raised bed, so to speak. This is necessary in order to lay a high-quality seedling substrate for planting, in which the seeds will not only give maximum germination, but will also quickly turn into strong seedlings.

You can also tie the frame (arches or wooden beam) with the lower part device to increase stability. By using a dozen clamps or a roll of binding wire, you will ensure that the arcs with the film certainly will not fly away in the wind.

Covering with film

We have already talked about, and therefore we advise you to choose a film for a greenhouse structure with approximately the same parameters. In short, it should be a material of medium strength and light transmittance. Thus, the sun will warm the structure well, the film will last a long time, and the temperature inside will remain close to stable even at night.

It is advisable to buy the film from the roll whose parameters most closely match the size of the greenhouse. Stretching the film is very simple - the material is thrown from one side to the other, evenly stretched in arcs, and a load is tied to the edges of the film below, even old bricks or pieces of pipes, to hold the cover on the frame.

Now all we have to do is cook good soil, find out or remember the agricultural technology of plants, the rules for growing seedlings, and get down to business.

DIY greenhouse (video)

Options for greenhouses for seedlings

Greenhouses at the dacha can be very diverse, and it is not necessary to build an arc one if there are more interesting options, and for some, more convenient.

Polycarbonate structure

The most practical greenhouse that you can buy and simply plant the necessary crops inside. With him there is the least amount of hassle and only positive emotions. But except for one thing, you have to pay for practicality, and a lot.

Arc greenhouse made of film

This is practically the same structure that we decided to build today, but it goes in ready set. All you have to do is bring the kit to your dacha, place it on the site and assemble it. Convenient and fast, but again at a cost.

Greenhouse thermos

We have studied the thermos greenhouse inside and out, and the conclusions are clear - an excellent model, functional and practical. Now you can build a similar greenhouse by referring to our diagram or creating your own. The structure can be covered with old windows.

A simple greenhouse made from windows

A greenhouse made from windows is also a past stage, but now you can, based on previously acquired knowledge, create something similar for growing seedlings. The only difference is that the design will be several times smaller.

Wooden greenhouse with glass

The image below shows how to knock down the box and install it on the bricks. Good idea, especially if you then cover it with glass and fill it with seedling soil inside High Quality.

Cheap option for a summer residence

There is nothing easier and cheaper than assembling a place for growing seedlings from scrap materials. Today these are old refrigerators and old windows. As you can see, it doesn't look very good, but it functions great.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse for seedlings (video)

You can always build a greenhouse for growing seedlings in your country house with your own hands. Don’t be lazy and give an excellent start to the crops from which you expect to get a good harvest.

A greenhouse is perfect solution for growing various crops. Unlike a greenhouse, the structure is easy and quick to assemble, requiring a minimum of materials, and inexpensive ones at that. The frame is most often made of wooden boards. In addition, no foundation is needed. How ?

Possible greenhouse options.

Preparatory operations

First you need to decide on its location. You need to approach the issue responsibly, as this plays an important role in obtaining good harvest. Recommendations for determining the correct placement of the greenhouse:

  • the area should be dry and level. You cannot install greenhouses and greenhouses in dark places, lowlands, or on slopes. They should be located in a sunny place and should not be shaded by trees, houses or other buildings;
  • the greenhouse should be located in a windless area;
  • if the structure has to be installed in a place with stagnant water, then it is first necessary to arrange a good and effective drainage system;
  • It is better if the greenhouse is located from east to west, and one long side is directed to the south. In this case, the vegetables will receive the necessary amount of heat and light.

The next stage is preparing the soil. It also largely depends on its quality. future harvest. To prepare it, it is best to use a mixture of several types of soil. There are several types of such mixtures:

  • For 5-6 parts of peat soil, take 2 parts of humus, 1 part of garden soil and part of purified river sand, 3 kg of lime;
  • 5 parts sawdust add 3 parts peat soil, 1 part wood ash and 1 part straw cutting. Before planting vegetables in such soil, it must be treated with a composition of 20 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of superphosphate (amount per 1 sq.m);
  • For 2 parts peat, take 1 part straw cuttings and 1 part horse manure. For 1 cubic meter of such soil, it is recommended to add a mixture of 300 g of urea, 2 kg of potassium chloride and 3 kg of superphosphate.

You can choose any of the presented types of soil.

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Greenhouse heating

In order for crops to be planted in the greenhouse earlier and not to freeze, the greenhouse is not only covered with covering material, but also additionally heated. How to make a greenhouse warm? To get more high temperature For a favorable microclimate inside the structure, two heating methods can be used:

  • electrical cable;
  • biofuel (manure).

In the first case, the electric cable is laid under a layer of sand to the greenhouse.

In this case, it is necessary to observe safety precautions and monitor soil moisture to eliminate the possibility of a short circuit.

With this heating method, it is best to locate the greenhouse close to the house or another source of electricity, so as not to pull the cable across the entire territory.

Small greenhouses are heated using biofuel, most often horse manure. The insulation scheme is as follows. Straw or dry leaves are placed at the bottom of the greenhouse, on them is a layer of horse manure, which is sprinkled on top with the prepared soil composition. The manure will decompose and heat will come from it. This heating will be quite enough to make the vegetables feel quite comfortable. The method is simpler, cheaper and quite effective.

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How to build a greenhouse

Now we should consider the process of building a small greenhouse measuring 300x105x60 cm, which is made from wooden board with a section of 25x150 mm. In addition to boards, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • nails;
  • wooden slats;
  • water-repellent paint;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • polyethylene film (thickness from 60 to 220 microns).

The production of a small greenhouse begins with the assembly of the side walls of the frame with dimensions of 300x60 cm. To do this, boards 3 m long are laid on a horizontal surface close to each other. Another board 140 cm long is attached perpendicular to them. To do this, step 3 cm away from the edge; 4 nails 70 mm long are used as fasteners. In this case, the board should protrude 20 cm from one edge and 60 cm from the other. The same board is nailed on the other side. After this, a third board is driven perpendicularly into the center.

Then the second side wall is made in the same way. After this, both side walls are installed vertically on the ground, so that the boards, which protrude by 20 cm, are located below. The distance between the boards should be 105 cm.

Next, you should prepare eight boards, the length of which is 105 cm, and make two more shields, similar to the first two. The only difference is the different sizes. In addition, perpendicular boards should protrude only 3 cm.

The next stage is the installation of rafters. To do this, you will need six boards, the length of which is 55 cm. One side of the boards must be sawed at an angle of 30 degrees, and the other - 60 degrees. Three boards are installed on each side of the shield, which are connected at the top.

After this, you can cover the finished frame with film or other covering material. However, it is recommended to treat the frame with paint before this, which will ensure reliable protection tree from negative factors environment. The film is attached using thin wooden slats, which are nailed to the frame. This is a fairly simple way to make a greenhouse.