When to prune a pear tree in spring. Pruning pears in spring and autumn - for beginners from professionals

Almost all people like pear fruits. But you need to take care of the pear in order to systematically receive sweet fruits. It is important not only to water it during drought and feed it, but also to perform the circumcision procedure. This article will tell you how to properly prune pear trees. autumn period.

Pruning a pear branch without fruit buds

Autumn pruning of pears and its features

Pear pruning in the fall is carried out every year, except for the first year of growth.

Autumn pruning of pear trees begins from the third decade of August to mid-September.

During this period, the pear tree is not pruned much. If you cut off many branches at once, the tree will lose strength and may not survive the winter well. It is in September that the sap moves more slowly through the tree, but does not stop completely. Therefore, the pear will try to tighten fresh cuts. On such a process, the tree wastes a lot of energy that the plant reserves for the winter. How to prune a pear tree in the fall?

Crown formation in the first 4 years

The autumn procedure occurs according to this scheme:

  • Cut off dry and diseased branches. Dry branches can break off due to frost and catch healthy branches.
  • Remove branches growing at an angle of approximately 90 degrees.
  • Other branches that are not growing properly are partially removed. Therefore, in the fall it is better to cut off branches that interfere with the development of fruit-bearing branches.
  • It is better to shorten branches that in your opinion definitely need to be removed, and they will be completely removed next year.

It is important to know that when removing branches, stumps are not left behind. After the cut, only a ring should remain at the very base.

Cut branches are burned in the autumn, since they may contain pathogenic bacteria. They can also attack other plants. personal plot.

Why is pear pruning needed?

Proper pruning of pears has many advantages:

  1. A powerful skeletal base is created that can withstand the load of large fruits. The main purpose of pruning is to thin out and model the crown. Uniform and correct distribution of valuable substances, which improves the productivity and development of the entire tree.
  2. There is more access to the sun's rays to the crown. Pear loves sunlight. Systematic pruning of branches prevents young and unnecessary shoots from growing, on which the tree wastes its energy. Therefore everything necessary substances go into fruit and their quality improves.
  3. Pear is a tall tree and pruning branches stops the growth of the tree. This makes it possible to protect other fruit trees from the shade. In addition, a thinned tree creates more comfortable conditions for collecting fruits.
  4. After pruning, spraying the tree can be more effective.

Before and after pruning a pear tree

Trees are generally pruned in spring and autumn. But pruning pears in spring is different from autumn. Improper pruning of a pear tree can create accelerated branch growth. This leads to depletion of the tree and negatively affects fruitfulness.

To spend correct pruning necessary:

  • Understand and know pruning techniques. It depends on the purpose of the circumcision.
  • Prepare the necessary tools in advance.
  • Understand the basic principles of pruning techniques.

Trimming methods

To trim a pear, two methods are used:

  1. Shortening - cutting off the upper part of branches and one-year shoots. This allows the plant to slow down its upward growth, the branches grow horizontally. The formation of fruits is reduced, but their properties are improved.
  2. Thinning - cutting off branches on the crown completely at the base without leaving stumps and cutting off growth branches. After such pruning, the sun's rays reach the tree in a larger volume. And this contributes to better yields and creates some protection from diseases and pests. This method does not stimulate the growth of remaining branches and shoots, but this is how strong and productive fruits are formed. This happens due to the redistribution of nutrients.

Before and after pruning in the fall

These methods are used together with additional techniques: bending, tying, kerbovka, bending shoots and branches.


To properly trim any tree, you need to take care of the tools. To do this, you need to get pruning shears, a lopper, a garden knife, a wood saw, garden shears, and garden pitch. If you don’t have garden varnish, you can use paint based on natural drying oil.

Pruning tool and garden pitcher for making cuts

Cutting tools need to be sharpened well, since after the cut there should be a flat area without torn fibers. To avoid infectious diseases, take care of the cleanliness of instruments.

Important nuances of pear pruning

Sometimes novice gardeners do not understand the difference in pruning between a young tree and an old one. But you need to know that the tree pruning pattern is different depending on the age.

Pruning pears has its own nuances:

  • To properly model the crown, the base of the trunk is cut off every year. In the future, less time will be spent on pruning, since old and dry branches will be cut off.
  • The common crown shape of a pear is pyramidal.
  • If the pear is more than a year old, it is advisable to prune in autumn and spring.
  • When the tree is four years old, a skeleton of branches for the second tier is planned.
  • After five years, the formation of young shoots decreases. Therefore, you need to do pruning carefully so as not to cut off the fruiting branch.

When pruning old trees, the rejuvenation method is used. To do this, old branches and non-fruitful ones are removed.

Rejuvenating pruning of pears with different crowns

Thanks to this method, the crown is thinned, ventilation is improved and the growth of young shoots is stimulated. Anti-aging pruning is best done in late autumn or early spring until growing season. There will be no rejuvenation after the method bountiful harvest, but the tree will bear fruit.

To make pear trees delight you excellent harvest every year, they need to be trimmed properly. Don't know how to do this? We'll tell you.

It is not difficult to follow the basic rules of pruning. The main thing is to follow the proven algorithm and then juicy and ripe pears will always be on your table.

Rule #1

Pruning is carried out annually. In order for the tree to develop and grow to its full potential, pruning must be done every year. This will speed up the formation of the crown and fruits.

On the left - pruning a one-year pear seedling, on the right - pruning an adult tree

Rule #2

The height of the trunk must be at least 60 cm and no more than 90 cm. It is determined by pruning in the first year. If the seedling is cut at a height of more than 1 m, the crown will be set too high, which will subsequently complicate harvesting.

At the same time, branches located too low will not allow you to comfortably cultivate the soil under the tree, and in this case the crop will lie practically on the ground.

Pears need proper care. The yield of trees depends on this.

Rule #3

Vertical escape and removal of tops

Rule #4

When pruning, you need to make the crown as transparent as possible.

When the crown is not thickened, the fruits receive enough light, which allows them to ripen faster and accumulate precious vitamins.

Rule #5

Strong growths must be transferred to well-developed lateral branches, observing the principle of subordination. It lies in the fact that the most powerful shoots should be located at the bottom, and the weaker ones above.

Formation correct form crowns

Rule #6

Skeletal branches growing upward should be cut to the outer bud directed to the side.

This will help make the escape more horizontal in the future.

Rule #7

The presence of competitors in the crown should not be allowed. All strong shoots located next to the central conductor or appearing on skeletal branches should be cut out or weakened, cutting off up to 3-5 buds.

Rule #8

The branches are pruned not into a ring, but into a well-developed side shoot. Unlike the apple tree, the pear tree has good shoot-forming ability.

If you cut a shoot into a ring or leave a small knot, tops will appear in this place.

By following all these rules, you can grow a beautiful and fruitful pear orchard. Have a good harvest!

Forming the crown of a pear is an important, if not vital, procedure for a fruit tree. Especially if the gardener wants to harvest a regular rich harvest. Pear pruning is carried out in different seasons and serves different purposes. Want to know which ones? Then read on.

As soon as the pear you planted enters the fruiting period, it needs regular formative pruning. And the point is not only that it is much easier to harvest from the branches of a formed tree - you will also notice a significant increase in the number of fruits. In addition, this procedure will benefit the plant itself:

  • culture is rejuvenated;
  • branches are strengthened;
  • if you regularly trim the crown of a pear, you will be able to form its high-quality skeleton;
  • the formation of the pear crown has a beneficial effect on the condition of the bark;
  • with the help of this procedure it is possible to extend the period of active fruiting;
  • more sunlight reaches the ovaries;
  • are improving taste qualities fruits, they themselves increase in size;
  • booking has and medicinal properties– the procedure is preventative measure to diseases carried by pests living in cracks in the bark.

If you neglect the pruning procedure and do not regularly shape the crown, your pear will only need a few years to become wild forever.

Another problem that almost all gardeners face is tops. These are powerful side shoots (formed on skeletal branches) that must be removed. Before forming the crown of the pear, be sure to check for the presence of tops - we remove them first. Spinning tops never produce fruit, but only thicken the crown, robbing the tree of vitality. The most powerful foliage always develops on the tops, which also feeds on the juices of the plant.

Tops are easy to recognize - they almost always grow strictly vertically.

Types and purposes of bookings

Regardless of how old your tree is, its crown is shaped in two main ways - thinning (when branches are removed directly at the base) and shortening (when only part of the fruiting cuttings is cut off so that the branches become thicker and rejuvenated).

As for the main goals of the procedure, there are 3 of them:

  1. Formation. Creating a clear shape of the crown of a young pear.
  2. Support. We maintain productivity indicators and take care of the health of the tree.
  3. Rejuvenation. Extending the fruiting period of the crop.

Features of pruning in winter

Any manipulations related to pruning, better in winter do not carry out. But if you are serious about working in the garden, it is better to do it in February, choosing a relatively warm day when the air temperature does not drop below -15 °C. It is advisable to start with those trees that are already several years old - in such plants the buds awaken much earlier.

Features of pruning in spring

Majority experienced gardeners are unanimous in the opinion that spring pruning of fruit crops is optimal. During this period, the leaves of the pear have not yet woken up, there is practically no sap flow, and accordingly it will be easier for the tree to overcome the consequences of the procedure. You need to choose the time for carrying out manipulations in such a way as to protect your garden from sudden frosts and strong temperature fluctuations.

How and when to prune a pear in the spring will depend on the region in which it grows. So, in southern gardens this procedure is carried out in the first two weeks of March, in middle lane Russia and further east - no later than early April.

Best tolerated spring pruning pear seedlings aged 1–2 years. For all other trees, the following scheme is practiced:

  • remove all branches and shoots that show obvious signs of freezing;
  • we remove all shoots that grow incorrectly or crookedly;
  • shorten the barrel by approximately 25%.

There is one trick that will help to minimally injure the bark in the area of ​​cut branches: when you cut a shoot into a ring, first saw it from the bottom, and only then cut it completely.

After such manipulations, the active development of the lateral shoots of the tree begins, and those buds that are located below the cuts awaken.

Features of pruning in summer

Pruning pear trees in summer should only be done if necessary. Such manipulation is allowed no later than June, and only damaged branches or too vigorous young shoots can be removed without resorting to radical shaping measures.

Features of pruning in autumn

Autumn manipulations with the crown are sanitary in nature. All dried branches are removed from the tree, and one-year-old canes are cut back by about a third. It is important to choose the right time: there should be no frost for the next three weeks after the procedure, so try to cope with all manipulations in early September.

Pruning seedlings, young and old trees

For the first time, pear seedlings after planting must be pruned in the fall. On the main shoot, you should select the first bud, from which we will determine the shoots to be pruned. The three ovaries located above the first bud also need to be removed. Now we find the fifth bud located on the opposite side of the trunk - it will become the basis for the second branch of the crown skeleton. But buds 6 to 8 should be removed.

As a rule, any manipulations when planting a young tree give it the opportunity to more actively form a crown.

In the second year after planting, young pears should be shortened by about a quarter of their height. In addition, it is necessary to remove all branching shoots, cutting them back to the first bud.

Over the next few years, all pruning procedures will be identical - you form the crown and carry out sanitary cleaning. From about the fifth year of the tree’s life, the growth of lateral shoots will gradually stop, so the intensity of work decreases. For the next 5–7 years, you will only have to undergo sanitary pruning for purely medicinal purposes.

Formation of the crown of columnar pears

Growing columnar fruit trees in our country is rapidly gaining popularity - they are usually planted on almost every personal plot. Planting and caring for a columnar pear is not difficult, with one exception - the trees need regular pruning.

Before starting the procedure, carefully examine the top: if the bud is healthy, the tree has a central conductor; if not, you should choose the strongest side shoot, removing all others. It is better to shorten the side shoots of a young seedling - this way you will not provoke their intensive growth.

Now you know what to do to ensure that your pear orchard always produces a generous harvest.

Video “Formation of a pear crown”

From this video you will learn how to properly form the crown of a pear.

The question is how to prune a pear correctly, important for every gardener. Annual pruning - always in the spring, before the buds open - will form a compact, fruit-bearing tree. For those who want to reap a good harvest and plant it for the winter, or just enjoy a vitamin-rich pear, it is important to know how to preserve and maintain your tree.

And even if you don’t know when it’s best to prune a pear tree, our company’s specialists will be happy to help you in this matter. Company employees Arborist They have been engaged in crown formation, care and planting of garden trees for a very long time. We keep up with the times, taking into account the development of new technologies and are ready to complete any project according to your order!

When do you need to form the crown of a pear?

How to prune a pear tree in spring and why in the spring? Because if you do this in the fall, the tree may freeze - places of cuts and damage are especially sensitive to the impact external factors. An inexperienced gardener will ask, Should I prune the pear? To which the specialists of our company will answer that some types of pears and fruit-bearing trees are, in principle, prone to overload with harvest. This depletes the tree. To prevent this from happening, and for the tree in your garden to bear fruit for more than one season, and to ensure that the garden itself looks beautiful and well-groomed, spring thinning is done constantly and regularly.

How to prune a pear in summer It's hard to say. Experts will advise not to do this. Because along with the branches, some of the leaves necessary for the nutrition and development of the tree will also go away. If the pear grows strongly upward, then in the summer you can put pegs in the ground. The branches of the lower tier can be tied to these pegs by bending them and making them more horizontal.

Many gardeners ask how to prune a pear tree winter period – this can be done the same way as in previous seasons: remove frozen and dried branches. But be careful, you cannot prune at temperatures lower than -8°C. Therefore, it would be wiser to wait until spring and start this procedure when the snow melts and the frosty days pass.

How to trim pear branches is very simple - the excess ones need to be cut out, and the remaining ones should be shortened. The branches need to be formed so that they are directed to the sides and slightly upward. The cut must be lubricated with a special putty (garden pitch or oil paint) - do not forget about this simple measure. During fruiting, support hanging branches.

How to properly prune a young pear tree?

Minting a young pear requires following a few simple rules. You can’t cut it too much, otherwise it will grow into the center even more. Typically, a young one-year or two-year-old pear grows most rapidly in height. So let's give a couple tips on how to prune a two-year-old pear tree correctly. Initially, it is necessary to shape the plantings in the same way as with other young garden plants, namely, after planting, it is necessary to use methods of formative pruning. To do this, select several branches on each tier. We leave three, maximum four, and delete all the rest.

How to prune a pear seedling: It is recommended to plant a pear tree in early April and prune it so that the tree grows correctly from the very beginning - to the sides and slightly upwards. Because a young pear tree tends to grow tall. Strong skeletal branches are selected from young seedlings, which will become the basis for the formation of the crown. They will determine how the tree will develop during the first years. Generally pruning young garden It is planned to carry out 2 times a year (at the end of autumn and in the spring before the buds open). Summer pruning be produced regardless of autumn and spring, and without excluding them - these prunings have completely different tasks. The first spring pruning is formative.

Why and how to prune a pear after planting?

It is better to prune pear trees after planting during the first year. All young trees different breeds, planted in any month autumn-spring period, cut equally. The purpose of this post-planting pruning is to restore balance between the crown and roots of the newly planted tree. Since the roots are not yet sufficiently developed, they cannot supply as many necessary substances to the crown as needed. This means that the branches and buds of the tree will not develop well enough, which will ultimately affect the harvest. It is this imbalance that pruning is designed to eradicate.

neglected pear

Now let's talk about how to prune a neglected pear, to extend its fruiting period. The formation of old garden plants is quite difficult. Don’t be alarmed if the bark of an old tree peels off; this is not a disease. If the tree has no visible damage or hollows, and it is still bearing fruit, you need to do everything necessary to support it. Therefore, in order to rejuvenate a pear, you need to know how to prune an old pear tree correctly so that it bears fruit for a long time.

Take the process of pruning adult garden plants seriously and pay attention to our tips on how to prune an adult pear:

  1. Don't forget about overalls and even a helmet. Because it is not a young tree, just a planted one. When pruned, a mature tree branch can cause significant damage to you.
  2. It is better to start anti-aging pruning from the lower branches, gradually clearing your way to the upper ones.
  3. The cut should be even, ring-shaped. And the branch must be supported so that when it falls, it does not pull the bark with it. If a branch on an old tree is very heavy, cut it halfway to lighten it, and then cut off the rest.
  4. You can trim old branches with a handsaw or chainsaw, whichever is convenient for you.

It is important to know, how to prune a pear tree in autumn Right. Essentially spring and autumn pruning interchangeable. It is necessary to cut out the branches directed inside the crown, dry, rubbing, directed downwards, and shorten all the remaining ones for greater branching.

Our company's employees are ready to answer all your questions. We'll tell you how and when to prune a pear depending on its age, how to properly prune different time years, how to fertilize garden trees and how to properly form the crown of pears and other fruit trees. Also company employees Arborist will tell you about the features of the correct cut and give you good advice for caring for your garden. If you have launched your garden plants and you don’t know how to trim a neglected pear tree, then the employees of our company will help you in this matter. remember, that proper care looking after your garden will provide you with good harvest! Call!

How to trim a pear video

Pear (lat. Pýrus) is one of the most popular in our country fruit plants from the Pink family (lat. Rosaceae). It can be quite difficult for beginning gardeners to prune a pear in the spring, but following the basic rules of this activity can significantly speed up the process and ultimately result in a plant that is as productive and easy to care for as possible.

Types of pear pruning

Tree pruning is one of the most important measures that allows you to increase crop yields and achieve an increase in the fruiting period, and also contribute to the return of growth. Pear pruning is carried out from the first years of the fruit tree’s life. It is necessary to be able to distinguish between types of pruning, as well as know the technology and timing of each of them:

  • shaping allows you to obtain a correct, highly productive and easy-to-maintain crown;
  • sanitary pruning is carried out before the onset of the growing season and consists of removing all dried or damaged branches;
  • maintenance pruning is one of the main works carried out in the period from the first ten days of March to mid-April, which allows you to cut off parts of the most large branches and prevents crop overload with fruits.

It should be remembered that all pruning tools must be clean and sharp, and the event itself is carried out in accordance with established technology growing fruit crop scheme. It is recommended to carry out almost any pruning in the spring, since the procedure carried out in the autumn can reduce the winter hardiness of the pear.

Schemes for pruning a two-year-old pear

Pruning of young pears should be carried out directly from the year of planting. The spring formation of the crown must be carried out before the start of sap flow or before the massive blooming of leaves on the plant. Technological features the procedures are as follows:

  • annual seedlings should be pruned at a height of 50-60 cm from the ground level, which will help stimulate the formation of crown branches from the lower buds;
  • when planting in spring permanent place two year old pear the central shoot needs to be shortened by a quarter of the length, and competing branches need to be cut into a ring;
  • the formation of the crown involves a base of three to four shoots extending from the stem at an angle of approximately 45 degrees;
  • all skeletal branches must be shortened by about a quarter, maintaining the same length;
  • any shoots on which ovaries form must be bent down or directed horizontally.

No further measures to form the crown should be carried out until the next spring.

Schemes for pruning a three-year-old pear

As the fruit tree matures, the rate of growth of shoots slows down noticeably, but on three-year-old wood it is also necessary to carry out competent measures to form a well-lit and productive crown:

  • after the formation of 6-8 lateral branches, it is necessary to select three or four of the most developed ones and trim them all at approximately the same level, completely removing excess shoots;
  • the conductor should be cut approximately 20-25 cm above the formed tier;
  • when tops form, causing thickening of the crown, they should be converted into semi-skeletal or overgrowing branches, and those that are too powerful should be completely removed;
  • reducing annual growth allows you to minimize the process of shortening branches over time.

Any pruning must be completed by treating the cut areas with garden varnish with the addition of copper sulfate or special means"Ranet".

Schemes for pruning an adult tree

The formation of the crown of a fruit tree takes approximately five years, and by this age, subject to pruning technology, gardeners manage to obtain a plant ready to enter the productive period. However, annually it is required to conduct an audit of garden plantings for damage by diseases or pests, and also to carry out sanitary pruning which involves removing all diseased or damaged branches. If necessary, it is possible to lower the height of the fruit tree by transferring the central conductor to a sloping two-year or three-year branch.

It is important to remember that an adult pear tree can easily tolerate the pruning procedure if the air temperature is not lower than 8°C. Otherwise, there is a possibility of the wood freezing.

It should be noted that in summer period The pear needs to be pruned only if the crown is very thick, which can interfere with the ripening of the fruit. But work on pinching, or pinching, shoots growing in the apical part is carried out on adult plants precisely in the first summer month.

Anti-aging pruning

A special pruning method is used when it is necessary to rejuvenate fruit trees. This event is very relevant for trees over 15 years old. To effectively restore the fruit-forming ability of old pear It is recommended to adhere to the following pruning technology:

  • It is best to carry out anti-aging pruning in several stages, keeping a time interval of a couple of years between activities;
  • at the first stage, shoots located at an acute angle to the stem part should be removed;
  • You should also remove all shoots located in a parallel direction to the trunk of the fruit tree;
  • When pruning branches, you should not leave stumps or deepen the cut, as in this case the healing process will be greatly delayed;
  • competent pruning is carried out using the ring method, which promotes the fastest healing of cuts;
  • if the thickness of the branches is more than 3 cm, you must first make cuts from the bottom and top, which will not allow severe damage to the plant;
  • All cut areas must be treated with a garden varnish.

It is important to note, that the annual growth of pear trees, unlike apple trees, is not recommended to be subjected to very heavy pruning. It is considered optimal to shorten it by a quarter of the original length. After the main anti-aging pruning, the crown is thinned and shoots that are directed deep into the crown or intersecting each other are removed.

Caring for a fruit tree after pruning

Proper care of pear plantations in the spring begins with procedures aimed at forming the crown. A pruned fruit tree requires the following care measures:

Further care fruit trees standard and includes regular watering, fertilizing, as well as maintaining cleanliness in the tree trunks.