Cucumbers fertilized with manure. What substances do cucumbers need? Deficiency of copper, zinc and manganese

We can safely say that the most popular vegetable in Russian gardens is the cucumber. Each gardener, of course, has his own secret recipe for fertilizing, after which not ugly “commas” appear on the cucumber vines, but even, plump, pimply, crispy cucumbers.

Competent and timely fertilizing is an important factor for obtaining a bountiful harvest. During feeding, vegetables are saturated with various useful substances, which gives the fruits the opportunity to develop properly, acquire a characteristic taste and the necessary qualities.

Article outline

Types of fertilizing

Top dressing can be divided into:

  • mineral;
  • organic.


All plants, including cucumbers, obtain the substances contained in the soil from the soil (and it contains almost all the elements of the periodic table). We can say that these are inorganic mineral fertilizers(water and carbon are not included in this group).

They can be simple or complex. IN simple fertilizers contains only one component, for example, potassium or manganese. Complex ones always include more than two elements.

Nature made sure that plants could independently synthesize the necessary organic elements from inorganic ones. But the soil on which cucumbers grow is not always rich in all inorganic components. For example, clay soils there is not enough manganese and iron, and sandstones lack nitrogen and potassium. Therefore, if necessary, complex plant feeding is carried out, which will compensate for the lack of certain substances in the soil.


Organic fertilizers are fertilizers made from natural ingredients. They contain the same elements as mineral ones. The only difference is that organic fertilizers are of natural origin. These include manure, bird droppings, compost, etc.

After processing organic matter, all kinds of beneficial bacteria and microorganisms are formed in the soil, which help plants develop properly and produce good yields.

Methods of fertilizing cucumbers

Plants need comprehensive feeding. They are divided into:

  • root - when fertilizer is poured under the root;
  • foliar - when fertilizer is sprayed over the foliage and stem.

Usually they are alternated, choosing the right time and weather conditions. Before flowering, fertilizing should be mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium.

After the fruits appear, the composition of the fertilizer changes. Nitrogen remains in it, but magnesium and potassium are added instead of phosphorus and calcium. Therefore, a clear combination of organic fertilizers and mineral fertilizers is necessary.

Root feeding

Root feeding is more effective when the summer is warm. In these weather conditions, cucumbers grow, developing their root system well. The most suitable time for such feeding is the evening after rain or heavy watering. A cloudy day will do.

Foliar feeding

Such fertilizing is very well received by plants in non-hot, even cold summers. During the cool period, it is difficult for the roots to cope with the absorption of nutrients, so root feeding is ineffective.

It is better to feed cucumbers in cold summers by spraying. This procedure should be carried out in the evening or in cloudy weather, without pouring, but only lightly spraying - this way the solution will stay on the foliage longer and the plant will absorb the maximum of necessary substances.

Using nitrogen fertilizers as foliar fertilizers, you can rejuvenate cucumber vines, prevent early yellowing of foliage, accelerate photosynthesis and all metabolic processes in the plant. The combination of spraying foliage with urea and adding loose materials such as humus, sawdust or pine needles to the soil under the cucumber vine significantly prolongs growing season cucumbers

How many times and what to feed cucumbers with?

During summer season Fertilizers should be applied to cucumbers three times, the fourth fertilizing is applied at the end. According to experienced gardeners, you don’t have to do four feedings, you don’t need to overfeed the plants if they already feel great, bloom amicably and also produce fruits amicably. One or two will be enough.

Feeding No. 1

You can start feeding cucumbers after the first true leaf appears, and this usually happens a couple of weeks after sowing the seeds. If the plant is developing well, looks strong and is growing, the first fertilizing can be postponed to the beginning of flowering; only weak and poorly growing cucumbers should be fertilized.

Alternatively, you can use the following mineral supplements:

  1. For the root - (1 tablespoon) and (60 g) per ten-liter bucket of water.
  2. Under the root - scatter 5 grams of ammophoska or 10 grams of diammophoska on one square meter of soil, seal it, and loosen it at the same time.

Diammofoska is one of the complex mineral fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This universal fertilizer works well on all types of soil.

Or solutions of organic fertilizers from:

  • fresh chicken (quail) droppings. Concentration – 1 part litter to 15 parts water, only freshly prepared solution is used;
  • slurry – 1 to 8;
  • cow or horse manure - 1 to 6;
  • herbal infusion – 1 to 5.

Grown cucumber seedlings respond very well to a mixture of water with a small amount of superphosphate, manure and ammonium nitrate.

How to feed cucumbers with droppings

Top dressing No. 2

It is carried out when the cucumbers have just bloomed.

Mineral supplements

  • – 20 grams, – 30 grams, superphosphate – 40 grams; mix everything in a 10-liter bucket of water;
  • – 1 glass, water – 10 l; mix thoroughly and pour;
  • Mix a little superphosphate and ash and incorporate it into the soil.

Foliar feeding

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of superphosphate with 10 liters of water;
  • add boric acid (1 tsp) and potassium permanganate (ten or twelve crystals) to one liter of water - after spraying, flowering is activated;
  • in one liter hot water dissolve 0.1 kg of sugar and ½ tsp. boric acid - this mixture will attract insects for pollination.

Thus, you should feed cucumbers at least twice during flowering. At the same time, you need to add it to the soil minerals. To ensure more abundant flowering and a high subsequent harvest, you should not neglect spraying: do one at the beginning of flowering, the second at the final stage.

If the cucumber leaves have lightened and appear pale, you should add urea or potassium to the soil. Urea – quite effective fertilizer, but it must be used with caution, as it is a very strong acidic reagent. An excess of urea can only harm cucumbers. A safe solution is made as follows: dissolve 3 tablespoons of the drug in 10 liters of water. It is better to water in the evening before rain or heavy watering.

It would also be good to water the cucumbers with a solution of infusion of herbs and water (1 to 5). An herbal infusion is suitable as an organic fertilizer.

Top dressing No. 3

Carried out during the period of active fruiting. During education large quantity Fruits actively consume all necessary substances from the soil. Right now you should feed the plants with potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers. This feeding is done so that the cucumbers, having taken out everything useful from the soil, continue to feed and do not stop the fruiting process.

Stages of the third feeding

  1. As soon as the fruits began to appear. Used mineral supplement: dilute one tablespoon of nitrophoska in a 10-liter bucket, pour.
  2. A week after the first, root feeding is carried out: mullein - half a liter, potassium sulfate - a teaspoon, diluted in a 10-liter bucket.
  3. All subsequent feedings should be done at least once a week.

The period of active fruiting is good for abandoning “chemistry” in favor of natural organic fertilizers– chicken droppings, manure, etc. At that time root system The plant is already well developed and you don’t have to worry about these fertilizers burning it (unless, of course, you overdo it). In order to prepare an excellent nutrient mixture, you need very little - the presence of any manure (except pork), water and a container.

Recipes natural fertilizer for cucumbers

  1. From manure. Place half of the manure into the prepared container and fill it to the brim with water. Cover with something and put in a warm place for fermentation. In a week the infusion will be ready. To feed, pour a liter of this infusion into a 10-liter bucket of water. After watering the cucumbers in the evening, apply about half a liter of this fertilizer at the root of each bush.
  2. From bird droppings. Chicken or quail droppings will do. This infusion does not need to ferment, if feeding is required immediately - this option is irreplaceable. Just as with manure, fill half the container with manure and top up with water. You still have to insist on it, but not for a week, but only for a couple of hours. After softening the droppings, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous slurry forms, pour a liter of this solution into a 10-liter bucket of water and pour over the cucumbers.

The litter can also be used dry. Spread a mass of droppings equal to 1 liter onto 2m2 of soil and water well. Care should be taken when using a dry substrate: contact of the droppings with the stem of the plant is unacceptable, so as not to burn it.

Top dressing No. 4

The purpose of this feeding is to prolong the fruiting of cucumbers as long as possible and increase the formation of fruits.

Mineral supplements

  1. Baking soda – 4 tsp. no slide, a bucket of water.
  2. Wood ash - a glass, a bucket of water.

This is very effective remedy at any stage of cucumber development. You can use ash fertilizer throughout the entire fruiting period at intervals of 7-10 days.

Foliar feeding

Here you will need rotted hay. It needs to be filled warm water(as much hay, as much water) and leave for two days. Then strain this infusion and spray the cucumber vines with it once a week. Carry out this procedure three times. It will help not only prolong the growing season, but also prevent such phenomena as powdery mildew.

The order of mineral and organic fertilizing should be observed. We must not forget that you can feed plants only in the evening or in cloudy weather, watering them thoroughly before doing so. To prevent burning of leaves or stems, when applying liquid fertilizers, it is better to remove the sprayer from the watering can and direct the stream directly into the soil.

Yeast feeding of cucumbers

I would like to talk separately about yeast feeding of cucumbers. The use of this natural fertilizer significantly increases the yield of cucumbers.

It is done like this: a small pack of raw yeast (100 grams) should be thoroughly mixed in ten liters of warm water, placed in a warm place for a day to allow the fermentation process to begin. Water the cucumbers with this solution under the root of each bush.

The minerals and vitamins contained in this fertilizer will increase the plants' resistance to diseases and bad weather. If you water the seedlings with this fertilizer, they will not stretch and will tolerate picking well. When transplanting into the ground, using yeast as a fertilizer will help the seedlings take root better and grow faster. At the same time, the root system of the plant is activated, increasing the number of shoots by about ten times, and the time before fruiting begins is reduced by 10-12 days.

This happens because the composition of the soil improves, since as a result of the active reproduction of beneficial microorganisms, the decomposition of organic matter occurs much faster and nitrogen and phosphorus, so necessary for their development, become available to plants.

When feeding cucumbers with yeast, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. Fertilizer can be used only three times during the summer.
  2. Yeast must be fresh; expired yeast is not suitable.
  3. By giving nitrogen to the soil, this fertilizer “takes” potassium and calcium from it. To avoid depleting the soil with these elements, you should add wood ash or crushed eggshells, which a zealous gardener will always have in stock.

Along with this top dressing, you can also use the following: (half a kilo) pour ten liters of warm water, add green grass (half a kilo) and half a kilo of raw yeast, leave for two days for the mixture to ferment. The fertilizer is ready!

How to conduct root feeding cucumbers with yeast

Manure as fertilizer for cucumbers

Many gardeners believe that it is impossible to grow a good harvest of cucumbers without manure, that this crop is quite capricious and demanding in terms of fertilizing and soil composition. This is not entirely true. Cucumbers occupy almost the last place in the list of vegetables that absorb huge amounts of nutrients from the soil. They do not require a large list of mineral salts at all; some of them are generally destructive for cucumbers.

In this regard, it is absolutely not necessary to fill the cucumber bed with as much fertilizer as possible before sowing the seeds. The best option- this is rotted manure, added to the soil in the spring when preparing a cucumber ridge. All gardeners know that in order to get bountiful harvest cucumbers, you should plant them in a damp place, and most importantly, warm earth. And manure has precisely this quality - it warms the soil perfectly.

Using fresh manure

When fresh mullein is introduced into a bed in which something is already planted, the temperature during decomposition reaches such heights that the planted plants will simply burn
. And if you lay fresh manure at the stage of formation of the ridge, the soil will be heated from the inside, which will prepare it to accept seeds or seedlings. In this case, it is necessary to allow the manure to “burn out”, so planting in such a bed can only be done after a week or two.

Of course, cucumbers will be grateful for this complex of nutrients, but you shouldn’t get carried away with too much manure. Excess nutrition will give impetus to the formation of a large green mass, the plants will grow, but voids will form in the fruits, and the harvest will decrease. It is better to use fresh manure as fertilizer after harvesting., that is, in autumn digging beds, covering it at the rate of: per one hundred square meters - approximately forty kilograms of cow or horse manure.

If there is no rotted manure, you can feed cucumbers in summer period and fresh, preparing an infusion from it: mix one part of manure with four parts of water, cover the container and put in a warm place for 3-5 days to infuse. Then dilute one part of the prepared infusion in four parts of water and pour over the cucumbers.

Using rotted manure

This fertilizer can be used from spring to autumn. But experience suggests that the most effective is the use of rotted manure in the spring, or more precisely, during the spring sowing.

Dry mullein should be spread over the surface of the bed and dug up along with it. Compared to using fresh manure, the consumption rate of dry manure is reduced tenfold: only four kilograms of rotted manure are needed per hundred square meters of soil.

Using humus for cucumbers

Humus can also be called well-rotted manure. If, when turning a manure heap, you see a homogeneous, loose, free-flowing brownish mass that does not smell of ammonia or rot at all - you have good, mature humus. It is ready to use if it emits an aroma spring land and crumbles in your hand. One bucket contains about six kilograms of humus, it is so light and airy.

Humus contains a lot of nutrients. It holds moisture well, while remaining elastic and allowing plants to breathe, thanks to the air gaps between its particles. That is why humus can revive the most hopeless soil: once in sandy soil, it will help retain moisture in the root zone of plants, and in heavy clay soil it will serve as a kind of “fluffer”, adding looseness, airiness and nutrition to it.

If you use humus as mulch, the top layer of soil will avoid the formation of a crust that draws water out of it. This mulch provides a “cover” for earthworms and beneficial bacteria that help the roots work effectively. The temperature of the soil under the mulch does not make sudden changes; cooling and heating of the top layer of soil occurs gradually.

Using superphosphate

The main component of superphosphate is phosphorus, as can be clearly seen from the name. Its content can reach 50 percent. The water-soluble form of phosphorus oxide allows the main component to reach the roots of plants in the shortest possible time to serve as a complete nutrition for them.

This fertilizer has one amazing property: after application, it acts for quite a long time. Its use in large quantities can be compared to a chicken feeder - in place of the eaten food, new food is constantly supplied until the supply runs out.

The same thing happens with phosphorus - cucumbers take it from the soil in the required quantity, and no more. This “feeder” will work for many years until the supply runs out.

Experienced gardeners know how to calculate how much of this fertilizer needs to be applied and when it will expire. And only then a new portion is introduced. Beginners should know the signs indicating a lack of phosphorus in cucumbers:

  1. The leaves have acquired a dark green color with a blue or rusty tint.
  2. On back side The leaves have a purple tint.

This can happen with a sudden change in weather towards colder weather. Low temperatures contribute to poor absorption of phosphorus by roots. After the temperature rises, everything should return to normal and the leaves should turn green again. If this does not happen, then it’s time to feed the cucumbers with superphosphate.

It is difficult to make a homogeneous aqueous solution from superphosphate. But in a liquid state, the fertilizer quickly finds access to the plant’s root system. Experienced gardeners know a way to convert solid balls into liquid form. To do this, you just need to pour boiling water over them. Beneficial features phosphorus will not be harmed, but it will be possible to provide the plants with the necessary fertilizer.

After filling the superphosphate with boiling water (20 tablespoons per three liters of water), you should put the container in a warm place for about a day, remembering to stir the substrate as often as possible. The resulting mixture will be very similar to cow's milk. But this is not yet the main fertilizer.

To water the plants you need to make this solution: Mix 150 ml of the resulting mixture with ten liters of water, add 20 grams of fertilizer with nitrogen and a half-liter jar wood ash. Nitrogen fertilizer in this solution is necessary, since its absence has a bad effect on the absorption of phosphorus by cucumbers.

Feeding cucumbers is undoubtedly an important undertaking. But you can’t overdo it here; moderation is needed everywhere, and especially in growing environmentally friendly and healthy vegetables!

Why is it important early feeding cucumbers

To get a good harvest of cucumbers, timely and optimal feeding is necessary. However, inept “good intentions” can bring harm to plantings instead of benefit. This is why it is very important to be aware of both deadlines and correct use fertilizers

What does a cucumber need?

You need to select products for feeding cucumbers as they grow and develop. After all, at each stage you will need certain microelements. For seedling growth, for example, an increased amount of nitrogen is initially required. In spring, it makes it possible to quickly grow green mass - leaves, side shoots. But when greens are planted, the plant no longer requires further growth and “fatification” of the cucumber bush. At this moment, it needs phosphorus and potassium more.

Excess nitrogen can lead to the spread of fungal infections, delay the formation of fruits and contribute to the accumulation of harmful nitrates in them.

Experienced gardeners carefully observe plantings, and by the appearance of the plant itself, its leaves and ovaries, they can tell which elements it lacks in the soil. Here are the main indicators that require attention:

  1. A pale tint of leaves or young cucumbers indicates nitrogen starvation. At the same time, the growth of the lashes is slow, lower leaves drooping and yellowed. Few Zelents are formed, they are small. Cucumbers grow with a pointed or curved tail in the flower part.
  2. A lack of phosphorus is indicated by the falling of flowers and young ovaries, the leaves become small and bluish, and growth is weak.
  3. Round leaves with a bend towards the bottom and the death of growing points indicate calcium deficiency.
  4. If the leaves acquire an intense dark green color, but at the same time become smaller and become dome-shaped, then potassium fertilizers are needed to feed the cucumbers. This is also evidenced by a light stripe along the edge of the leaf, which subsequently turns brown and dies. The fruits grow in the form of bulbs, they are round and tapering at the stalk.
  5. Light-colored veins, yellowness and spots on the leaf blades indicate a lack of magnesium.
  6. The apical buds of cucumbers die, the leaves fall off, and flowering is inhibited in the absence of fertilizing with boric acid.

Types and methods of fertilizing

For cucumbers, in addition to filling the soil before planting permanent place, are regularly required liquid nutritional supplements. Plants enter the fruiting period early, and to obtain good harvest they must have powerful stems and leaves. Liquid fertilizers are better absorbed, but cucumbers do not tolerate high dosages of useful elements, so they have to be fed little by little, but often.

New high-yielding hybrids especially need enhanced nutrition.

Types of fertilizers are grouped according to the fertilizers that are planned to be used. They are divided into:

  • mineral;
  • organic;
  • mixed.

Mineral fertilizers for cucumbers are as follows: mono-component(nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), and complex, which include elements necessary for plant nutrition. Excellent results will be obtained if you use environmentally friendly organic matter when caring. Cucumber reacts especially positively to it.

Often, gardeners prefer to alternate organic and complex mineral fertilizers, considering this to be the most appropriate.

You can make fertilizer mixtures yourself, or you can use ready. The industry produces numerous types of similar products. Many people successfully use “Zdraven” - this is a special fertilizer for cucumbers; it contains all the elements necessary for their development. Good results when sprayed and watered at any stage of cultivation it gives “Baikal EM1”. There are biological growth stimulants used when planting cucumber seedlings (Athlet, Etamon, Radifarm, etc.), as well as complex organomineral mixtures for feeding adult plants.

Any product must be thoroughly dissolved in water! Before use, carefully read the instructions for use.

Often such original folk methods are used as feeding cucumbers with yeast, malt infusion for good growth, on rye flour, from black bread, etc.

Depending on the method of fertilizing, there are:

  • root;
  • foliar.

The application of liquid fertilizer mixture during root feeding is carried out at the root cucumbers Foliar feeding involves spraying aboveground part plants, which is capable of absorbing useful solutions and using them in the process of life. If you have to do such processing of cucumbers for the first time, you can watch a video on this topic.

Liquid root dressings

As a rule, the first nutrient waterings are carried out 11-15 days after transplanting seedlings, and then repeated at intervals of 7-14 days, depending on the condition of the plants and soil. For example, on fertile soils there is enough 2-3 treatments. You can adhere to a scheme of alternating mineral and organic fertilizers, or make mixed solutions.
Rules and recommendations:

  1. Fertilizing cucumbers in open ground is done on cloudy days, in the late afternoon, so as not to cause burns.
  2. All fertilizing is carried out only after watering the soil or after precipitation. The nutrient liquid is poured into grooves made close to the roots. Usually a bucket of solution is added per square meter. Be careful not to get it on leaves or vines. If necessary, wash it off clean water.
  3. Plants do not tolerate high concentrations of nutrients; the total dose of fertilizer in dry matter should not exceed 65-70 g per bucket of water.
  4. Cucumber reacts poorly to chlorine, so potash fertilizers It is better to avoid its content, replacing them with sulfates and saltpeter.
  5. Fertilizers made from mineral fertilizers cannot be combined with ash.

Organic based recipes:

  1. Organic cucumbers respond well to water infusions cow or horse manure (it is pre-soaked, diluted 10 times and fermented for 2-4 days). Bird droppings filled with water (25 parts water to 1 part droppings) are infused for 3-5 days. If there is no manure, humus can be used.

  1. When flowers appear, tablets of microelements and ash (1 cup per bucket) are added to the liquid manure fertilizer. Organic and mineral fertilizers are often combined: for 1 liter of mullein, take 10 g of urea and a bucket of water. You can also add ready-made complex garden mixtures and nitroammophoska (30 g per 10 l) to mullein solutions.
  2. Herbal nutritional infusions can be used for watering. They are prepared from any weeds (dandelions, burdocks, nettles) by filling containers with them, preferably made of plastic. Experienced practitioners specially sow green manure for this purpose that is beneficial for cucumbers (lupine, mustard, legumes). Fill with water (1 to 1) and leave for a week. To neutralize unpleasant odor Add a few drops of valerian infusion to the barrel. Before watering, the fermented solution is diluted again with water 1 to 10.
  3. During fruiting, prepare an infusion of ash at the rate of 0.5 tbsp. for 5 liters of water (soak for several days), water the cucumbers with weak potassium permanganate.

Recipes for mineral supplements:

  1. During the growth period, the need for nitrogen increases, so you can fertilize cucumbers in open ground and greenhouses with urea or ammonium nitrate (1 g per liter of water). But in case of danger of appearance powdery mildew, such nitrogen-based mono-feedings are not recommended, they can lead to the spread of infection. It is necessary to combine it with phosphorus and potassium.
  2. It is recommended to use calcium nitrate as a source of nitrogen before flowering - take 2 g of the substance per 1 liter of water. This feeding of cucumbers in a greenhouse prevents the development of root rot, helps reduce the fragility of leaves and brittleness of stems, which is important for greenhouse conditions.
  3. For complex fertilizer solutions, you can take the following recipe as a basis: for 10 liters of water – 25-37 g of urea, 35-38 g of superphosphate and 18-23 g of potassium sulfate.

Foliar feeding

If the weather is cool, the cucumber roots begin to absorb nutrition worse. During this period, foliar feeding is advisable, which will speed up fruiting and increase the yield.

After processing, there should be no salt stains left on the cucumber leaves; they must be washed off with water using a watering can.

Foliar feeding of cucumbers in a greenhouse is undesirable. It is better to water at the roots so as not to create excessive dampness and cause outbreaks of diseases.

  • Spraying of cucumbers is carried out with weaker solutions, no more than 20 g of fertilizer per half bucket of water. The treatment is done in cool or cloudy weather, consumption - 0.5 liters per 1 sq.m.
  • In the absence of ready complex fertilizer, make up a mixture of simple ones according to this recipe: for 10 liters of water - 7 g of ammonium nitrate, 12 g of superphosphate, 8 g of potassium nitrate.
  • Solutions with microelements - sulfates of iron, manganese, magnesium, boric acid - will give a good effect. To process cucumbers, take 0.5 g of each substance per half bucket of water, adding 3-4 g of potassium sulfate and 5 g of superphosphate. Spraying is carried out once a month.

Traditional methods

Often when growing, quite effective traditional methods, which gardeners willingly share with each other. Let's look at some of them.

Feeding cucumbers yeast. It has been noticed that such treatments are especially useful for strengthening and endurance of seedlings, for soil and indoor cucumbers. They stimulate the growth of roots and green mass and are useful for increasing productivity. Yeast feeding of cucumbers is carried out 1-3 times a season, half a liter of infusion is poured under the root. The compositions are prepared according to the following recipes:

  • 100-150 g of fresh yeast are diluted in warm water (the amount is given per bucket) and left for one day.
  • 1-1.5 tbsp. dry yeast mixed with 1.5 tbsp. sugar and 3 g of vitamin C, pour warm water (5-7 l) and leave for 24 hours. Before watering, the solution is diluted with water (1 to 10) - for 1 liter of the resulting mash you will need a bucket of water.

Grain feeding. An interesting option is to use stale rye bread in fertilizing cucumbers:

  • The bread loaf is filled with heated water (7-8 l) overnight and soaked, you can add a couple of tablespoons of malt. In the morning, mix everything thoroughly, add iodine (up to 7-10 drops). For spraying, the infusion is diluted 10 times.
  • For root treatments of cucumbers, the kvass grounds that remain during its preparation are also perfect; before watering, it is diluted 1 to 8.

Please note that fermented yeast absorbs potassium from the soil, so it is advisable to add ash to solutions (1 tbsp per 10 l) or sprinkle it on the soil before watering.

Watering and spraying cucumbers baking soda . Leaves and stems will not turn yellow if you water them with a solution regular soda(0.5 tbsp dissolved in 5 liters of water). For spraying take 1 tsp. per liter of liquid is also an excellent prevention against powdery mildew.

Recipes with 3% hydrogen peroxide. The solution is prepared at the rate of a bottle (40 ml) of peroxide per 2 liters of water. If you water or spray plants (especially seedlings) with it, it will give the roots and leaves additional oxygen, disinfect the soil, and increase disease resistance and survival.

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​Every beginning gardener should know how to fertilize cucumbers in a greenhouse; this will make it possible to improve the quality and quantity of the harvest.​

​You can feed cucumbers with azophoska (nitroamophoska, NPK) - a complex mineral fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in equal parts. The solution for feeding cucumbers is made as follows: 1 tablespoon per bucket (10 liters) of water. Azofoska dissolves very well.​

  • ​Pour ash solution under the roots.​
  • Before planting, the plant needs to be fertilized. This process is very stressful for cucumbers. In this case, feeding tomatoes and cucumbers in the greenhouse is carried out several days before planting, and fertilize better method spraying
  • ​Combining foliar feeding By using humus and pine needles under the root system of cucumbers, you will significantly extend the fruiting period.​
  • Whatever method you choose, the cucumbers are fed for the first time 15 days after planting, the second time at the beginning of flowering, and the third time during fruiting. If you want to extend the life of the plant, you can feed the cucumbers a fourth time.​

​4-5 days​

The main necessary groups of fertilizers

​To obtain a working solution of microelements, which is called a mother solution, take the following for 1 liter of water:

​Signs indicating an excessive amount of a particular substance may include:​

  • ​Feed with nitrogen fertilizers, as in the process of root feeding during proper watering cucumbers, with foliar feeding - spraying, and when using the system drip irrigation of this culture.​
  • By planting cucumbers in a greenhouse, any summer resident and gardener increases the yield of the crop, which is undoubtedly good. At the same time, already in early May you will be able to enjoy crispy lightly salted cucumbers; you can read about how to pickle them here. Knowing how, when and with what to fertilize cucumbers in a greenhouse, the yield, as a rule, increases by forty percent, in contrast to planting in open ground. Proper feeding cucumbers, a very important task for high yields. The main thing to remember is that organic fertilizers must be added in parts, because if the fertilizer is applied incorrectly, the vegetable may not bear fruit or even die.​

Nitrogen fertilizers

​For example, one bucket of solution is not enough for me to feed all the plants. I first make a concentrated solution. I dilute 10 tablespoons of azofoska in 10 liters of water. This concentrate is enough for me for 10 buckets of azofoska solution of the required concentration.​

​To prepare the ash solution, you need to add about 1 tbsp to a bucket of water. ash and leave for a day. Further action depends on the method of applying fertilizers. If this is spraying, then the solution must be filtered. It is advisable to use water no colder than 20 degrees.​

​Applying fertilizers during active growth and flowering.​

​Feeding plants in a greenhouse is somewhat different from the technique used when working with cucumbers in open ground. It is also carried out several times, and it is important to observe the normalization and dosage of fertilizer application. For example, cucumbers do not tolerate an abundance of chemical and organic fertilizers, which can disrupt their growth and fruit development. Thus, when moving cucumber seedlings to the greenhouse, fertilizers are used in small doses.​

​Cucumbers respond best to organic and mineral fertilizers; they are rather cool towards chemicals. And despite the fact that even in bad conditions you will still get a harvest, you should use fertilizing, which will make the plant more resistant to disease.​

Phosphorus fertilizers

​. Before use, the solution is filtered and diluted two to three times with warm, settled water. Cucumbers are watered using

Potash fertilizers

​0.1 - 0.2 g ammonium molybdate;​

​The formation of thick, powerful stems and irregularly shaped, dark green leaves in cucumbers indicates excessive application nitrogen fertilizers;​

​Important: if you add an excess amount of potassium and phosphorus to the soil at the beginning of the growth of cucumbers, and add an insufficient amount of nitrogen, then as a result they will grow large plants, with a large number of male flowers and a small number of small ovaries. Subsequent feeding of plants with nitrogen fertilizers will not improve the situation.​

​Cucumbers are quite early ripening vegetable crop, while its root system is not strong enough. Because of this, the cost of any mistake when growing this crop can be too high: not tasty or beautiful fruits or loss of the entire harvest.​

​Cucumbers have weak roots; they do not penetrate deeper than 20 cm, so the properties of the soil have a special influence on them. As fertilizers, you can add manure, rotted garbage, peat, straw, or sawdust to the soil; it is advisable to enrich these additives with nitrogen. Mineral fertilizers will also not interfere with the growth of cucumbers in a greenhouse.​

Deficiency or excess?

​I take a liter of concentrated solution and add it to another bucket (10 l) with clean water. You can add a glass of wood ash to the bucket of solution. And from this bucket I feed my cucumbers - about 1 liter per plant. The soil under the plants should be moist before fertilizing.​

Azofoska, or nitroammofoska, is a complex mineral fertilizer, which contains elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and it is impossible to single out the predominant one.

  • ​Feeding during the period from the beginning to the end of fruiting. At this stage, you need to use only those fertilizers that will not in any way affect the quality of the fruit in the future in the direction of deterioration.
  • ​You can also prepare the soil in advance, which should consist of manure and turf soil. The mixture is prepared quite simply: a layer of turf up to 15 cm thick is mixed with a layer of manure 25–30 cm thick, sprinkled with phosphate rock. When working with acidic soil, be sure to add lime. Plants planted in such soil will grow much faster, receiving all the nutrients they need.​

​Feeding with mineral fertilizers:​

  • ​3-4 liters​

​0.08 g crystalline copper sulfate hydrate (copper sulfate);​

​Lengthening of internodes, the appearance of mosaic spots, or, on older leaves, a light yellow border, which later acquires a brown color and then blackening, is caused by an excess of potassium in the soil;

​Phosphorus is used by cucumbers in small quantities, but constantly, since it is needed for normal growth and functioning of the root system, growth of green mass and normal fruit set and ripening. When applied correctly, phosphorus fertilizers will help cucumbers bloom promptly and abundantly.​

  • ​When growing cucumbers, many factors can influence the quantity and quality of the harvest:​
  • During the entire growth period of cucumbers in the greenhouse period, you should not feed them more than five times. The first time it is necessary to feed when flowering begins, and then four more times at the time of fruiting. Chicken droppings and mullein are perfect for these purposes. To replace them, you can use ready-made fertilizers, having previously purchased them at a farm store.​

​Foliar feeding with azophoska is done before fruit set. As soon as the first ovaries appear, switch to watering at the root.

  • ​Feeding cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse using this substance is done as follows: add a bucket of water room temperature add 1 tbsp. l. drug. For one cucumber bush, 1 liter of the resulting solution is enough.​
  • Even if the cucumber is grown in a greenhouse, the best planting method is seedlings. It is usually grown in large boxes for about a month. They do this directly in the greenhouse itself in a designated (separate) area, and after time they simply distribute it among the beds.​
  • ​If work is carried out in greenhouses or greenhouses that have just been put into operation, gardeners recommend layer-by-layer application of organic matter and soil mixture. First, manure is applied at the rate of 30 kg per square meter and the soil is dug up to a depth of 25 cm. Fresh manure on wood residues is applied to the prepared layer - such a mixture will provide excellent drainage and improve nutrition of plant roots. After this, you can apply mineral fertilizers.​

​First root feeding. We take 5 g of ammophos per meter and distribute the fertilizer evenly over the beds. The preparation is applied while loosening the soil.​

Foliar feeding

​ready solution for every 1m2.​

​1.8 g magnesium sulfate;​

Cucumbers need potassium, as it promotes the movement of nutrients through the root system to the rest of the plant and ensures normal vegetative growth and fruiting. It is during the period of active fruiting that the amount of potassium fertilizers applied is increased, while the amount of nitrogen fertilizers is reduced.​

​fertility of the soil intended for cultivation;​

  1. ​ IMPORTANT: If the soil is sandy, then it requires nitrogen fertilizers, and if it is floodplain, then it is better to take potassium fertilizers.​
  2. ​Cucumbers typically develop a large above-ground mass and a wide root system. But despite this, they absorb the feeding a little at a time. I repeat, but this is very important - they need to be fed little by little, but often - once every 7-10 days.​
  3. ​This fertilizer cannot be applied to dry soil. The area around the root needs to be moistened first.

​Seeds for growing seedlings are not planted too deeply in the soil, so when preparing the soil you need to add compost or manure (about 8 kg of fertilizer per 1 square meter) and a little wood ash as a source of potassium.​

  1. ​Despite the fact that the frequency of fertilizing is approximately two weeks, it is advisable to monitor the condition of the plants -​
  2. The second feeding can be either root or foliar. In the first case, in a 10 liter bucket of water we dilute 30 g of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate and 20 g of potassium nitrate. In the second case, take 2 tablespoons of superphosphate per 10 liter bucket of water and spray the plant.​
  3. ​2-3 g of boric acid.​

Excess phosphorus can be manifested by a general yellowing of the entire plant, falling leaves, and rapid death;

When to feed cucumbers?

Tip: cucumbers really don’t like chlorine, which may be present in fertilizers. However, potassium, which is so necessary for cucumbers, is most often added in the form of potassium chloride. In order not to harm the cucumbers and protect them from exposure to chlorine, this fertilizer is applied during autumn digging.​

​sufficient amount of light;​

  • If warming comes after a long cold spell, be sure to add ammonium nitrate to the soil. Initially, add it to the grooves, and then pour plenty of water.​
  • ​When choosing a mineral fertilizer for cucumbers, try to ensure that the ratio of nitrogen to potassium is 1:2, that is, 1 part nitrogen + 2 parts potassium. That is why I add a glass of wood ash to the azofoska solution - cucumbers need more potassium than nitrogen in the first half of the growing season. If there is no ash, then potassium sulfate (20 g - 1 level tablespoon) or potassium magnesia (20 g - 1 level tablespoon) can be added to a 10-liter azofoska solution.

​To increase the effectiveness of the effect of this fertilizer on the root system, and the roots tend to absorb the elements given to them in small quantities, it is necessary to add twice as much wood ash to the azophosphate solution, since plants also need potassium. Ash can be safely replaced with potassium sulfate or potassium magnesium. Only in in this case 1 tbsp will be enough. l. for a bucket of water.​

The first feeding of cucumbers in the greenhouse is carried out immediately after planting the plant. Cucumber seedlings reacts quite well to fertilizer, which consists of superphosphate, manure (preferably cow's dung), ammonium nitrate (you need to be extremely careful with this component, since if there is an excess, you can increase the amount of nitrates in cucumbers). Fertilizing cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse can be done using special fertilizers that are intended for this plant and practically do not contain nitrate nitrogen.​​If you see that your cucumbers are developing normally without fertilizers, you can wait a little before adding additional funds​ ​Third fertilizing (root). In a bucket of water (10 l) stir either 50 g of urea or two tablespoons of potassium nitrate.​

​During the feeding, taking into account the needs of the plants, you will be able to harvest a richer harvest of greenhouse cucumbers. Making them is quite simple, the most important thing is to carefully observe the plants and their development.​

​For foliar feeding of cucumbers in a greenhouse, use 10 liters of a prepared solution of macroelements, to which 10 ml of a solution of microelements is added. When spraying 1 m2, use 250-350 ml of the prepared working solution. Reddening of the veins on old leaf blades, the appearance of transparent or discolored spots between them indicates an excess of manganese caused by too frequent root and foliar fertilizing with potassium permanganate; If the greenhouse is open at the top, then By the time the cucumbers are planted in spring, all the chlorine will be washed away by rain and snow, and the necessary potassium will remain in the soil. If the greenhouse is not opened for the winter, then it is better to use potassium fertilizers without chlorine.​ ​sufficient watering;​​When the air temperature drops, root activity is disrupted, so it is important to support the plant. To do this, use foliar feeding, it will suit you just fine. ammonium nitrate.​

In general, please note that when fertilizing, especially when cucumbers bear fruit intensively, there should be more potassium in any organic or mineral fertilizer. If you are preparing organic fertilizer based on manure, then the ratio of nitrogen and potassium in it is approximately equal, so be sure to add wood ash or potassium-containing fertilizers in the doses that I wrote above. The presence of a larger dose of potassium (compared to nitrogen) will prevent plants from fattening and will increase the number of ovaries, and therefore fruits.​

It is also possible to feed cucumbers in the greenhouse with yeast. To do this, dilute 1 kg of fresh yeast in 5 liters of water. The resulting solution must be diluted with water (0.5 liters of solution per bucket of water). Half a liter of fertilizer is enough for one bush.​

​Before flowering, cucumbers require fertilizing rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium. However, you should also not forget about potassium.

Fertilizers for cucumbers - what to choose for feeding?

We study the theory: feeding methods and fertilization

​. Understanding what fertilizers are needed for cucumbers, do not forget that an excess of such substances can have a bad effect on both the plant itself and the yield.​ ​Fourth feeding (foliar). For a 10 liter bucket of water we need 15 g of urea. After mixing the ingredients, spray the cucumber beds with the solution.​After watching a video on how to grow and fertilize cucumbers in a greenhouse, you can grow and harvest an excellent harvest yourself!​​Depending on how well the soil in the greenhouse was filled during autumn and spring preparation, the amount of fertilizing carried out depends. As a rule, gardeners feed cucumbers 4-5 times during the summer.​Hard, rough leaves and hardening of the stem occur when there is an excess of chlorine in the soil.​

  • ​The amount of mineral fertilizers applied depends on factors such as the quality of autumn and spring soil preparation and soil characteristics. You can also judge what cucumbers need based on the condition of the leaves, the so-called leaf diagnostics.​
  • ​qualitative and quantitative composition of fertilizers;​

​If there is a lack of nitrogen, the leaves of greenhouse cucumbers turn yellow and fall off; if there is little potassium, then the edges of the leaves will turn pale green, and if there is not enough phosphorus, they will be dark green.​

​Another situation. I think she's familiar to you. you collected big harvest cucumbers, but there seems to be still time until the end of the season, and your plants look bad - the leaves are drying up, there are few ovaries. This indicates that the plant’s root system has weakened and the plant has spent a lot of effort on producing a crop. But all is not lost. Simply, the plant needs to recover. Help him. It is in the second half of the growing season that hook-shaped cucumbers may appear on the bushes.

​The nutrition of cucumbers grown in a greenhouse can be quite easily disrupted either by a lack of feeding or by its excess. This can be determined visually:

The best fertilizer for cucumbers and the choice of feeding method

​If a cucumber is grown in a greenhouse, the fertilizer should contain nitrogen. Because it is necessary for the formation of leaves.​

​The methods of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse and in open ground are almost identical, although there are still some differences. Exactly what discrepancies exist in agricultural cultivation technology will be discussed in this article. We will also describe the features of feeding cucumbers in greenhouse conditions.​

  1. ​Use of organic fertilizers:​
  2. ​Many gardeners unknowingly add fertilizers to the soil right before planting seeds, but it is not recommended to carry out work at this time. And all because a large number of mineral salts in the soil has a detrimental effect on the crop.
  3. ​In the event that the soil in the greenhouse was well filled with fertilizers, then only two feedings are necessary:
  4. ​Having noticed signs of one or another nutrient deficiency, you can correct the situation with your own hands by adding the missing elements through root or foliar feeding of cucumbers.​

Tip: Before applying fertilizer to all plants, fertilize several bushes. If after a few days the condition of the fed plants is good, then it will be possible to feed all the other cucumbers in the greenhouse.

  1. Let us consider in more detail what minerals and nutrients are needed at different stages of development of this crop, when and with what to fertilize cucumbers in a greenhouse.
  2. Not everyone knows how and what to fertilize cucumbers when planting. Many simply don’t do this, but in vain. Why? Read on.​
  3. ​Look at the ground. If it has compacted or become too dense, then make punctures with a pitchfork, stepping back 10-15 cm from the stem. Loosening with a hoe is dangerous - the cucumber's root system is located very close to the surface of the earth. After punctures with a pitchfork, the roots will receive an additional flow of oxygen. Feed them with a solution of potassium humate or any growth stimulants that promote the development of the root system. This could be Kornevin (Heteroauxin), Epin, Zircon. The products listed are not exactly fertilizers. When I say “feed”, it’s not entirely correct. They do not replace mineral or organic fertilizer. But they can perfectly revive a tired root system. Therefore, in the second half of the cucumber growing season, it is imperative to mineral or organic feeding add any of these stimulants.​
  4. Delayed flowering may indicate an excess of nitrogen in the soil. The stem also thickens, the leaves become dense and dark. If it is not enough, fruits with a thick stalk may appear.

​Phosphorus should be added in small portions, and fertilizing the cucumbers after planting in the greenhouse should also contain this element. However, this must be done with enviable regularity, since in the absence of this element in the soil the root system will develop poorly and the plant will stop producing fruit. Timely application of phosphorus in the right amount activates the process of flower formation.​

  • ​Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse can be quite a profitable process, due to the possibility of creating artificial favorable conditions, which will significantly increase the yield. However, this is only possible if certain rules are followed. In particular, if a cucumber is grown in a greenhouse, fertilizing must be appropriate, since the soil cannot take all the necessary substances from the external environment.​
  • ​For the first feeding, slurry is best suited - one liter of solution per 8 liters of water, or comfrey infusion in a ratio of 1:5.​

​The most suitable option ​

​before flowering;​

Fertilizers for cucumbers in a greenhouse: from theory to practice

​This type of fertilizing is very effective in case of deficiency of any element, as well as in case of insufficient lighting of plants (see Lighting in greenhouses when growing cucumbers or how to choose The best way additional lighting), or adverse weather conditions. The effect of foliar feeding on the plant is noticeable quite quickly, often within a few hours, while the effect of the same solution applied under the root will only be felt after 3-5 days, or even after a few weeks.​

​To determine which substance is missing and what fertilizer to use in the greenhouse for cucumbers, just take a close look at the leaves and fruits of the plants.​

​The most important minerals for normal growth, development and formation of both the plant itself and the fruit are:

​Since cucumbers are not planted very deep, the substances necessary for plant growth are hardly delivered to it from the depths of the soil. Therefore, it is necessary to use good compost before planting them. Fertilizers for planting this crop can be used both purchased and natural organic. If you have chosen purchased fertilizers, then before fertilizing the cucumbers when planting, add regular manure to the ground. I think that all gardeners have encountered this phenomenon when irregularly shaped fruits appear on the cucumber vine. Yellowing of the leaves occurs due to a large amount of phosphorus.​

Cucumber in a greenhouse: feeding. First feeding of cucumbers after planting in a polycarbonate greenhouse

​Potassium, in turn, helps other nutrients move through the plant's root system.​

​To increase productivity, you need to take care of soil fertility in advance. First of all, the soil needs to be disinfected. Moreover, this applies to everything that is in the greenhouse, and not just the soil. The ideal solution would be a bleach solution. You will need about 40 g of lime, which must be diluted in 12 liters of water. It is better to take clean water, without sediment. It takes at least two hours to insist, and then treat the soil. This should be done in the fall. In the spring, the soil is treated with boiling water and potassium permanganate (add no more than 3 g of potassium permanganate powder to a bucket of water).​

​For the second feeding, ash is suitable as a fertilizer: take a glass of ash for a 10-liter bucket of water, stir it and apply it under the roots of the cucumber.​

​during the preparation of the beds for cucumbers ​

Purpose of feeding

At the beginning of fruiting.

​The optimal time for foliar feeding is the evening, when the sun is not so active, or a cloudy, cloudy day.​

​So, here are instructions on how to determine the deficiency of a particular nutrient:​

Stages of the fertilizer application process

  1. Experienced gardeners take from six to eight kilograms of manure per 1 square meter and add one glass of ash to it. Humus is added from four to five kilograms per 1 square meter. They also use fine decomposed peat at the rate of eight to ten kilograms per 1 square meter. The difference between these fertilizers is that manure is applied in the fall when digging the ground, and humus is used immediately before planting cucumbers in the ground. At the same time, many advise fertilizing the soil with phosphorus or potassium fertilizers. But this can only be done if there is enough humus in the soil.​
  2. For example, at the stalk it is narrow, but at the opposite end it has a thickening. This cucumber bush lets us know that it lacks potassium. This means that the fertilizer should contain more potassium.
  3. ​An excess of potassium can lead to a slowdown in plant growth; its deficiency threatens the development of irregular fruits with a thin stalk.​
  4. ​Feeding of cucumbers after planting in a greenhouse should be done at least five times during the entire growing season and flowering period. Before flowering, use a mullein solution (1 tbsp per bucket of water), to which you need to add superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Next, you need to apply fertilizer every two weeks, replacing superphosphate and potassium sulfate with nitrophosphate. Ready-made specialized fertilizers are also suitable.​

Feeding cucumbers at the seedling stage

​Feeding the soil will help to activate the process of inflorescence formation carbon dioxide before the seedlings are planted, or before flowering begins. To do this, you need to add a certain amount of organic matter to the prepared soil, for example, mullein. However, you need to make sure that the fertilizer does not get directly on the cucumbers.

​For the third root feeding, purchase the drug "Gumi": for a 10-liter bucket of water, 2 spoons of the drug are enough.​

​the use of rotted manure is considered

Fertilizing during flowering

The first feeding, carried out just before flowering, is carried out by diluting 200 g of liquid bird droppings or mullein in a bucket of water, to which 1 teaspoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate is added.

​For foliar feeding, prepare an aqueous extract of superphosphate by pouring the required amount of fertilizer with water and letting it sit for 24 hours; solutions of trace elements such as manganese, molybdenum, copper, zinc and boron, as well as solutions of fertilizers such as urea and potassium sulfate.​

​lightening and reduction in the size of the leaves, as well as shortening and thickening of the fruits, the color of which, regardless of the variety, becomes pale green, indicates a lack of nitrogen;

​As you can see, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to know what and when cucumbers need and how to fertilize them correctly, and then they will definitely delight you with their generous harvest.​

Fruiting period: feeding features

​And if, on the contrary, the fruit thickens at the stalk, and the fruit narrows towards the opposite end, you know that the plant does not have enough nitrogen.​

Fertilizing with wood ash

​Large amounts of calcium can lead to the development of interveinal chlorosis.​

​When the first fruits appear, the fertilizing of cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse should change its composition. Now it is necessary to add magnesium, nitrogen and potassium (ideal potassium nitrate) to the soil. The amount of potassium needs to be sharply increased, and nitrogen - reduced.​

  • ​If fertilizing is carried out on time and in the right quantity, then it is possible to achieve absolute resistance of the plant to various diseases, since fertilizers can significantly improve immunity. There are practically no pests that in any way affect the yield. The only thing that can affect the growth of cucumbers is unfavourable conditions, in particular low temperatures.​
  • ​The fourth feeding should be foliar. To carry out the work, the spraying solution is prepared in advance. Fill the rotted hay with water in a 1:1 ratio, leave the mixture for two days, and only after that can you spray the plants. This will not only extend the growing season, but will also protect your plantings from diseases such as powdery mildew.​
  • ​. The mixture is applied while digging the garden under the top layer of soil. In this case, manure will serve as an excellent soil heater, because moist and warm soil is what cucumbers need for development.​

​The second feeding is carried out during the active formation of ovaries. They dilute water in a bucket for her

Fertilizing with nitroammophoska

​For comprehensive foliar feeding you will need two solutions: micro and macroelements.​

​cessation of plant growth, change in color of young leaves from green to bluish-green, indicates that there is not enough phosphorus. In the photo below you can see this shade;​


​How to care for onions and how to use them... Working in the garden gives many people an incomparable experience...​

Using Yeast

​In these two cases, everything is elementary simple - you need to feed it urgently. Cucumbers generally need to be fed more often. Every 7-10 days they need feeding. They need to be fed in small doses.

The result of a shortage or excess of elements

​If a cucumber is grown in a greenhouse, fertilizing is extremely necessary, but this must be done carefully.​

  1. ​Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, including fertilizing, has similarities with growing them in open ground. In particular, excellent fertilizer, which can protect fruits from the most common diseases, is considered wood ash.​
  2. ​Cucumbers are very popular high humidity air, periodic fertilizing in small quantities. Watering and fertilizing should be carried out exclusively in the early morning or after sunset, otherwise this risks the appearance of various fungal diseases, in particular powdery mildew and anthracnose.
  3. ​Some tips for summer residents:​
  4. How to water cucumbers correctly

​100 -150 g mullein and add 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska

Feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse or open ground with fertilizers - mineral and organic

​To prepare a solution of macroelements you need to take 10 liters of water:

Fertilizers for cucumbers


​How to feed peppers Beginning gardeners often wonder what to feed peppers with and how much…​

​And I would like to tell you about one more feeding. Organic. I make this fertilizer for cucumbers myself and apply it not only to them, but to all garden plants– tomatoes, cabbage, eggplants. This is “green organic fertilizer” made from grass clippings or weeds. It's very easy to prepare. I talked about this in some detail in the article “Feeding tomatoes in open ground and in a greenhouse.”​

​Feeding cucumbers, if done on time, helps plants resist diseases, increases their immunity, which means that properly fed plants will not get sick or will get sick less often. Cucumbers are a fairly resilient crop. They have very few pests. They just don’t like cold weather, nor do they like temperature changes. What do cucumbers like? They like high, but not excessive air humidity. They also love frequent but small feedings with mineral or organic fertilizers. Cucumbers should be watered or fed in the evening or in the morning to avoid powdery mildew, anthracnose, bacteriosis, that is, fungal diseases that develop in a humid environment.​

​This mineral fertilizer is good because it is absolutely natural and contains many useful substances, such as potassium, which the soil needs to ensure the growth of cucumbers. In addition, this fertilizer cannot harm the health of the person who applies it. Ash can also be used during the period of active fruiting. There are two methods of applying fertilizer:

The first feeding of cucumbers in the greenhouse should be carried out immediately after planting. It is important to pay a lot of attention to the process and not let growth take its course.​

​to avoid burning the plants themselves, it is best to water the cucumbers with a watering can without a sprayer, pouring the solution between the plants;​

Four-horned dung fork

How to determine what cucumbers are missing

20 g of urea, or 7 g of ammonium nitrate;

​slowing of plant growth, as well as the appearance of a light green border along the edge of old leaf blades, which spreads between the main veins, towards the middle of the leaf, bending of the edges of the leaves inward, pear-shaped fruits, indicates a lack of potassium.​

​Cucumber needs fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers at almost all stages of its development and growth, especially at the beginning of the growing season for the formation of leaves.​

​When to plant radishes If you have a desire to grow radishes in your garden,...​

How to fertilize cucumbers? Many novice gardeners and summer residents ask a similar question. We offer you the simplest and important tips experienced gardeners.​

​The use of fertilizers for cucumbers and fertilizing should begin from the moment the seedlings are grown. One should not naively expect that suddenly this year they will grow good and strong, the harvest will be huge, and all diseases will pass by. The harvest will be good if you feed the seedlings and adult plants in time, before or during fruiting. And diseases will bypass them only if you do not allow them to develop from the very beginning.​

​spraying with ash solution;​

How to fertilize cucumbers in the garden and greenhouse

​There are four main stages of feeding:​

It is advisable to fertilize in cloudy weather.

How to fertilize cucumbers in a greenhouse

​If there is no mullein or bird droppings, they can easily be replaced by “herbal tea” or, as it is also called, “zelenka”, which is easy to prepare with your own hands.​

​7g potassium sulfate;​

​Important: it is necessary to remember that some types of nitrogen fertilizers used as fertilizing can adversely affect the quality of fruits. So, ammonium nitrate is of course useful for cucumbers, but it tends to accumulate in fruits in the form of nitrates, toxic substances dangerous to human health.​

​How to plant lawn grass Many people undertake to make lawns. But they know how to plant lawn grass...​

​The store offers a huge amount of fertilizers for cucumbers, but will they produce the results written on the package? And the reaction of any plant to fertilizer and feeding is difficult to predict. So is it necessary to do this at all? Need to! We have previously written about how to feed onions, and cucumbers are no exception.​

Wood ash protects cucumbers, as well as other plants, from all existing common diseases. This is a natural mineral fertilizer, an excellent feeding for cucumbers. Ash contains potassium, and they respond very well to a sufficient amount of this element in the soil. In addition, you don’t have to worry about harming your health. Ash - natural remedy. You can safely feed cucumbers with ash during fruiting. You can spray the plants with an ash solution, you can dust them with dry sifted ash, you can add an ash solution under the root.​

​dusting with dry ash, which must be thoroughly sifted before use;​

How to fertilize cucumbers when planting

​If a cucumber is grown in a greenhouse, fertilizing begins at the seedling preparation stage. At this time, you need to carefully take care of the soil for future seedlings, then apply fertilizer when the first leaves appear on the sprout, after the second leaf appears, and after two weeks. At this point, the seedling preparation stage is over.

​Knowing which fertilizer is best for cucumbers, you can rejuvenate the plants, preventing the appearance of yellow spots, it will also help you improve photosynthesis.​

​As for fertilizers, literally four feedings are enough over the summer. Organic or mineral fertilizers, the use of root and foliar methods - here each gardener must choose the most suitable method for him. However, it is advisable to combine methods. For example, root feeding is best suited for warm weather when the cucumber roots are well developed. If the weather is cloudy, it is best to use the foliar method by spraying the leaves of the plant.​

​To prepare it, 1 kg of finely chopped, without seeds and roots, (you can even use scissors) various weeds, such as nettle, woodlice and others growing in your area, pour a bucket of settled water, preferably warm. Then mix and leave to ferment for several

The vegetable is truly very popular, combining fresh aroma, crunch, juiciness and low calorie content. Its nutritional value is low, but this allows you to eat as much as your heart desires, without the risk of gaining excess weight. There is probably not a single gardener who does not grow cucumbers and tomatoes on his plot. For this reason, the issue of feeding this plant always remains important and relevant.

For correct height For cucumbers, they need to be fed at the stage of growing seedlings at home. In this article we will tell you what A complex approach choose and what to water the cucumber with when growing in a polycarbonate greenhouse or before planting in open ground.

To fertilize, you can use various folk remedies- nitrogen, yeast supplements, litter and so on.

If fertile soil with a sufficient amount of mineral components is chosen for growing cucumbers, you can expect good harvest without any additional effort.

It is fair to say that culture not growing actively everywhere. It often happens that summer cottages cannot ensure abundance in fruiting and it cannot sprout on time.

Most often this happens when the same crop is planted in one place.

For the whole summer it is enough to do in the garden three to four feedings using mineral or organic compounds. They can be applied using two methods – root and foliar. Any gardener independently chooses for himself the types and forms of fertilizing and their alternation. But there are a number general points, which everyone needs to consider before feeding.

Root feeding should be performed in warm summers. The roots of the plants are well developed and absorb the compounds you add in full. It is best if you feed the plants after rain or generous watering. This should be done in the evening or in cloudy weather.

Foliar feeding useful when the summer is cool and the days are cloudy. The roots will not cope with assimilation in this season nutritional components. Therefore, you should spray the foliage, pouring not very large doses onto them.

The nutritional composition should be sprayed in small droplets, falling evenly onto the foliage. How long it stays on the surface of the leaf will determine how many essential substances the plant will have time to absorb.

There are four feeding regimes that must be observed:

  • fifteen days after planting;
  • with the onset of the flowering period;
  • with mass fruiting;
  • during the same period to extend the timing and increase yield.

If cucumbers grow and bear fruit well on your land, with feeding compounds don't overdo it, the vegetable doesn't like it. In such cases, it is enough to perform one or two such activities.

Fertilizers and folk remedies for greenhouse cucumbers and greenhouses

A plant at various stages of development requires certain mineral components and vitamins. In the initial period, culture actively consumes nitrogen. During the formation of lashes it requires an additive potassium.

When shoots are added and fruiting begins, the need to add nitrogen-containing compounds again arises.

Potash fertilizers - urea, superphosphate

Add one small spoon to a bucket of water potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate. The second option is a glass mullein for ten liters of water. One large spoon can be diluted for the same amount of liquid. sodium humate.


In order for vegetables to be well-cooked, you should use a foliar nutrition option, using special preparations for this. "Zircon" or "Epin".

In addition, in specialized stores you can always find “Ideal”, “Giant”, “Breadwinner”, “Fertility”. These formulations are intended directly for cucumbers.

One spoon of any of the preparations is diluted in ten liters of water, the composition consumption is five liters per square plot beds.

Giant - feeding specifically for cucumbers

For open ground

You can prepare fertilizer compositions yourself, selecting the components according to your opinion. Such fertilizers have some advantages. Here are the recipes that have proven themselves best.

Proper Use of Yeast

An effective method that requires the usual yeast for baking bread. One pack should be dissolved in a ten-liter bucket of water, placed in a warm place and infused for three days. Once a day, the composition must be thoroughly mixed.

In order for the yeast to work well, it should be fed in well-warmed soil.

Homemade bread infusion

An excellent option that is a good alternative to yeast. To prepare the composition for foliar use, it is necessary soak a loaf of bread in a bucket of water and leave for one night. In the morning, knead the bread mass and add 10 ml of iodine to the water.

After this, the resulting mass is diluted with water at the rate of 1 liter of fertilizer composition per bucket of liquid. After this, you can spray the crop.

You can steep the bread for a week, covering the bucket with a lid and putting it in a warm place. In this case, you get excellent root feeding. It is not necessary to use a loaf of bread for preparation - stale crusts, the quantity of which can be arbitrary, will do.

To water cucumbers with this composition, it is diluted with water at the rate one in three. Consumption – up to five hundred grams per plant.

This type of fertilizer can be used once every five days, as soon as the first ovary appears on the bushes. You can use bread sourdough until the end of the season.

Mineral fertilizers

We already know that plant feeding is carried out in four stages. And for each period it is allowed to use mineral compositions:


  • one spoon of urea and sixty grams of superphosphate per bucket of water;
  • ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium salt (ten grams each) per ten liters of water;
  • five grams of ammophos is scattered over the bed, the soil is loosened;


  • potassium nitrate (20 g), ammonium nitrate (30 g), superphosphate (40 g);
  • a glass of wood ash in a bucket of water;
  • superphosphate and dry ash are added to the soil;


  • up to thirty grams of potassium nitrate are diluted in a bucket of water;
  • fifty grams of urea are used for the same amount of liquid;
  • twenty-five grams of ash per liter of water;


  • add thirty grams of baking soda to a bucket of water;
  • a glass of ash in a bucket of water.


Great for growing cucumbers mullein and bird droppings. The first is rich in organic components and can be used for greenhouses and open beds. Chicken manure is recommended for plants open ground, including cucumbers, onions and tomatoes.

The use of horse manure is strictly prohibited.

This type of fertilizer contains excess ammonia, which during decomposition and contact with the ground capable of releasing nitrates, bad and dangerous not only to plants, but also to human health.


Such compositions are also used in each of the four feeding periods:


  • bird droppings at the rate of 1 to 15, used in a freshly prepared state;
  • slurry, diluted 1 to 8;
  • cow dung 1 to 6;
  • infusion of freshly cut grass 1 to 5;


  • herbal infusion 1 to 5;


  • green fertilizer composition at the rate of 1 to 5;


  • infusion of rotted hay (two days).

Application of nitrogen fertilizers for cucumber

Insufficient nitrogen can cause the fruit to have a hooked appearance.

The first signs of a lack of such a component are considered light foliage color and fruits of the same shade, somewhat pointed. Then the leaf begins to actively turn yellow, the root system turns brown and dies, and the bush stops developing. Observed shedding of ovaries and inflorescences, little formation of side branches.

To save the situation, you can use infusion of weeds, which are cut and filled with water at the rate of two kilograms of mass per bucket of water. You need to insist for a week. The composition is good for plants in greenhouse conditions.

Perfect for open ground mullein solution 1 to 10. A liter of liquid must be poured under each bush.


They are used if it is necessary to feed plants with calcium. The amount of this component depends brightness and size of inflorescences.

Many people simply scatter phosphorus or sulfate fertilizer over the garden bed before digging the soil. This method allows you to saturate the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Enough for this add up to thirty grams per square area fertilizer composition.

During watering, once a week you can add nitrophoska to the water at the rate forty grams per bucket of water.

Using all the recommendations, you will be able to grow decent harvests cucumbers on your personal plot. Just remember that the solutions should be used warm, since the cucumber plant does not tolerate cold.