Unpretentious and lush lavatera is a decoration of the garden. Lavatera - growing from seeds, when to plant

Decorate your garden without special troubles and worries help numerous flowering plants, which do not require special care. These species include lavatera flowers, which are available to gardeners in annual and perennial culture. There are numerous varieties on sale, which may differ in stem height and bud color. We invite you to find out everything necessary information about lavatera flowers: varieties, rules of planting and care during growing from seeds.

You can also see numerous photos of Lavatera flowers in flower beds, rock gardens and potted plants.
To begin with, it’s worth clarifying what it is ornamental plant Perfect for both monotonous landscaping and group plantings surrounded by other flowers and ornamental green crops. Feels great on balconies and loggias. At proper care can be grown as indoor culture with a long flowering period.

Origin of Lavatera

Lavatera flowers (lat. Lavatera), orhatma, or wild Rose, belongs to the genus of trees, shrubs and herbs of the Malvaceae family. This genus is not numerous - about 25 plant species that grow most in Australia, the Mediterranean and East Asia. The flower received its name in honor of Swiss naturalists and doctors, famous in the 17th century, brothers named Lavater. The plant has become famous since the 16th century, but its popularity increased about 20 years ago. It was impossible to find a garden where this plant with delicate and bright buds did not grow. IN modern world Lavatera has retained its popularity as it did 20 years ago.


Today, thanks to the hard work of breeders, lavatera is represented by two types: perennial and annual. The plant reaches a height of 50-150 cm, has a well-developed root system, strong branches and powerful crown. In most species, the leaves are lobed, arranged in an alternate order and covered with hairs. Large buds up to 10 cm in diameter grow singly or in several pieces and form terminal inflorescences in the form of spikes or racemes.

Both perennial lavatera and annual lavatera come in pink, crimson, yellow, purple and white flowers. In addition, these flowers have a long flowering period - from early summer to mid-autumn. After cutting, the flowers look fresh for more than a week. This is one of the most unpretentious flowers: it is resistant to drought and strong winds, and is not demanding on the condition of the soil. Many people believe that this flower is created for lazy people who do not have extra time.

Three main types of this plant are grown as a garden crop:

The annual plant (Lavatera three months) reaches up to 120 cm in height. Most popular varieties– Beauty, Ruby Queen, Silver Cup, Novella, Mon Blanc, Sun Goddess, Tanagra;

Perennial (lavatera Thuringiana or dog rose) is a branched tall shrub (up to 2 m tall), blooming with single flowers. Varieties: Liluc Lady, Burgundy Wine, Bregon Springs;

Biennial (lavatera arborescens) grows up to 2 m high, the flowers are similar to hibiscus flowers. Variegated varieties have been developed.

Grow Lavatera on summer cottage even a novice gardener can do it, because it is easy to care for: it grows on any soil, tolerates both abundant insolation and shade, and is drought and frost resistant. It blooms even at +10-12°C and will delight you with its flowering from June to late autumn. In addition, this plant is a good honey plant. Khatma looks very impressive in group plantings, especially in the company of plants that bloom in blue and purple flowers(delphinium, sage).

Growing lavatera from seeds

They buy seed material in specialized stores or use their own, collected from lavatera bushes already growing on the site. High-quality fan-shaped seeds are light brown or grayish in color and have many transverse grooves.

Site selection and soil preparation

The culture is photophilous. Experienced gardeners place it in areas where future bushes are not obscured by tall nearby neighbors or building walls or fences.

Algorithm for preparing soil in a flower bed:

  1. The site is pre-fertilized with rotted manure.
  2. The earth is dug up with a shovel according to the standard pattern.
  3. Mineral fertilizer from a mixture of fertilizers is evenly distributed over the soil (1 teaspoon each of superphosphate, urea, potassium sulfate, nitroammophosphate).
  4. The soil is leveled with a rake.

Planting seeds in open ground

  1. On the ground brought to the state of fluff, grooves are made no deeper than one and a half centimeters.
  2. The distance between the furrows is at least 15 cm (for dwarf variety) and 30 cm (for other varieties).
  3. The furrows are moistened.
  4. The distance between the planted seeds should not be less than 15 cm (if there is a suspicion of poor seed germination, then sowing can be done more frequently). If the seed has sprouted thickly, the shoots are thinned out.
  5. The seeds are sprinkled with a centimeter layer of softened soil.
  6. The soil is compacted to avoid air pockets above the seeds.

Growing Lavatera seedlings

Seeds are sown in the soil in a closed greenhouse. The soil is poured into separate cups, seedling boxes or special garden cassettes with sufficient volume. The latter option is preferable if one seed is planted in each cassette. Then the sprouted plants will not have to be planted in separate containers after several pairs of leaves appear on the bushes. Thanks to this, each flower will get rid of the need to recover after transshipment. This will save the strength of the seedlings - they will grow stronger and bloom earlier.

Caring for Lavatera

1. The plant tolerates drought quite easily. But you still need to water it, otherwise Khatma will not delight you with its magnificent flowering.

2. Lavatera is not afraid of pests, and if they appear, the plant should be treated with special chemicals.

3. This culture simply loves to be fed. This is usually done before and after flowering.

Before flowering: dilute one tablespoon of nitrophoska and urea per ten liters of water, and then water one group of plants generously.

After flowering: Lavatera is usually fed with potassium sulfate and a special fertilizer for flowers.

Lavatera is a wonderful flower that will delight you with its indescribable colors throughout the summer!

Fertilizers and fertilizing

Lavatera prefers to grow in sunny areas, but also develops well in partial shade. It can grow in any soil, but develops better in soils rich in organic matter. Drought-resistant, watering is necessary as the soil dries out once a week in extreme heat. Frost-resistant, tolerates temperatures down to -3 degrees. Tall varieties require additional support and garter of stems.

Do not water Lavatera too often. Once a week will be enough

At the beginning of growth, it is necessary to remove weeds and loosen the soil; when the lavatera reaches vegetative maturity, it will cope with the weeds itself, taking its place in the sun. By promptly removing faded inflorescences and seed pods, you will simultaneously stimulate the plant to continue flowering for a long time, and also replenish your seed fund for future years, since the seeds do not lose their viability for up to five years.

Nutrient fertilizing of lavatera is necessary only if the crop grows on very poor nutrients soil. Feed the plant no more than once a month. The first feeding is done at the beginning of the growing season with a solution of urea and nitroammophosphate: a tablespoon per 10 liters of water. The second time the lavatera is fertilized when it appears flower buds potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

Diseases and pests

Fortunately, lavatera is one of those plants that practically does not get sick and is not damaged by pests. Sometimes the plant may be favored by aphids. It is enough to rinse it off with water with added laundry soap, or spray with a systemic drug.

Can be affected by a fungal disease - rust. Yellow or yellow swellings (pustules) appear on the leaves on the underside. orange color which, when ripe, darken, crack and release spores that infect healthy plants. The fungus feeds on living tissue and leads to the death of the plant. If you find a diseased plant, remove the infected parts, and the remaining parts should be sprayed with fungicides, such as Topaz or Hom. If the damage is significant, then it is better to get rid of such plants completely.

Lavatera after flowering

When the lavatera fades and its flowers wither and fall off, green boxes with seeds will appear in their place. However, you should not pick them right away; you need to let them ripen. How can you tell when the seeds are ready to harvest? The box will dry and change color from green to brown. To be absolutely sure, you can open one box and look at the seeds that have fallen out. The finished seeds are gray Brown color, and they do not stick to the walls of the box, but easily fall out of it. The ripening time for lavatera seeds is early autumn. To collect lavatera seeds, you need to carefully cut off the capsules and pour the seeds onto paper. Then dry them on paper or newspaper in a well-ventilated area. Lavatera seeds should be stored in a linen bag or paper bag.

Types and varieties of lavatera

Three types of lavatera are grown in culture: annual lavatera, which is represented by the three-month-old lavatera species, perennial lavatera, represented by Thuringian lavatera, and biennial lavatera, the only representative of which is tree-like lavatera.

Lavatera trimestris

– annual plant up to 120 cm high. Lower leaves heart-shaped or round in shape with teeth along the edges, the upper ones are three- or five-lobed. The flowers are solitary, funnel-shaped, up to 10 cm in diameter, growing from the axils of the leaves. The closer to the top of the plant, the denser the flowers grow and the shorter the flower stalks. The five-lobed corolla is carmine, white or pink. Cultivated since 1620. It blooms very profusely from July. Varieties:

  • Silver Cup– pink lavatera with burgundy veins and a silvery tint, up to 70 cm high;
  • Mont Blanc– white flowers with dark veins 60 cm high;
  • Lavatera Ruby Queen– a variety with powerful, branched stems up to one meter high and with flowers of a rich carmine color;
  • Lavatera Beauty– a mighty bush with large sparkling inflorescences of white, carmine or pink color;
  • Lavatera Sun Goddess- a mixture of tall lavatera seeds. The height of the bush is 110 cm, beautiful dark green leaves, flower diameter is 6 cm. Lavatera The sun goddess is represented by a wide palette of colors;
  • Novella– pink low-growing lavatera up to 20 cm high, which can be grown in containers, but in the garden it grows to a more significant size;
  • White Sherublow-growing variety up to 35 cm tall with large flowers white. Suitable for growing in containers and pots.
  • Lavatera thuringiaca, or Dog rose (Lavatera thuringiaca)

    - a powerful branched perennial up to two meters high with heart-shaped and rounded hard-pubescent leaves of gray-green color. The lower leaves are lobed, the upper leaves are entire. Single pink flowers up to 10 cm in diameter appear on long stalks from the leaf axils. Varieties:

    • Lilac Lady– lilac lavatera;
    • Eye Catcher– lavatera with deep pink flowers;
    • Burgundy Vine– pink flowers with dark purple veins;
    • Barnsley Baby– a variety with delicate white-pink flowers;
    • Bregon Springs- a tall, luxurious variety up to 130 cm in height with powerful, highly branched bushes with dense three-lobed leaves of gray-green color. Blooms profusely and for a long time with pink-purple flowers with crimson veins. Drought-resistant, winters under light cover.

Lavatera arborea

- two-year-old lavatera with a straight, slender stem up to two meters high, oval leaves up to 20 cm long. The reddish-purple flowers with darker veins are similar to hibiscus flowers, and the spherical fruits that form in their place after flowering look like heads of cheese. Blooms from early June to mid-September. There are variegated forms. Varieties:

  • Rosea– Lavatera with spectacular pink flowers;
  • Candy Floss– light pink lavatera.

Lavatera maritime (Lavatera maritime, or Lavatera bicolor).

Another type of lavatera grows in warm regions - lavatera maritima. It received its second name for the bicolor color of the flowers - two shades lilac color. The seaside lavatera reaches a height of one and a half meters.

Cretan Lavatera (Lavatera cretica).

It is also possible to grow Lavatera Cretan in our climate, herbaceous plant up to 1.8 m high with erect, branched tomentose-pubescent stems, the same fleecy rounded five-lobed or seven-lobed leaves up to 20 cm in length, with a heart-shaped base and a blunt apex and with small teeth along the edge. Its flowers are up to 3.5 cm in diameter, purple or lilac color, collected 2-8 pieces in the axils of the leaves.

Lavatera mauritanica.

In the warmest regions of our country, you can also grow Moorish lavatera, not tall plant up to 80 cm high. Its stems are tomentose-pubescent, erect, branched, the leaves are round, lobed, with a pointed tip. The flowers are purple and up to 3 cm in diameter.

Lavatera is interesting not only for its decorative qualities, but also healing properties: preparations containing it are used in the treatment of coughs, colds, headaches, intestinal disorders, aching joints and muscles, gastritis and gynecological diseases. Fresh leaves of Thuringian Lavatera are effective in treating non-healing wounds, lichen, boils and other purulent formations.

From our article you will learn a lot of interesting things about the lavatera flower: how to grow the crop from seeds, when to plant and how to care for it.

Lavatera is a bushy plant that blooms all summer. By selecting varieties of different colors, you can transform your flower garden, decorate your flower bed, and give your lawn a well-groomed appearance.


Lavatera belongs to the malvaceae family. It is represented by only 25 species, including herbs, shrubs and even trees.

The leaves of the plant are lobed, the flowers are single or collected in inflorescences. Breeders have developed varieties with a wide variety of corolla colors - purple, yellow, pink, crimson, white. They bloom in June and continue flowering until the first frost in October.

Some types of lavatera are perennial plants; they are covered for the winter. Annuals are planted annually in the spring using seeds or seedlings.

This is interesting: lavatera flowers do not lose freshness after cutting for more than seven days.

Growing from seeds

In order to obtain seedlings, the seeds are planted in boxes with soil. They start doing this in March.


Place drainage at the bottom of the boxes, fill them with light soil from a flower shop and sow the seeds, deepening them no more than 1 centimeter. The soil is moistened and covered with glass or oilcloth. After two weeks, shoots should appear. The soil is moistened as needed.


Seedlings dive when two pairs of true leaves appear. The root is pinched, leaving 2/3 of the length, and the bushes are planted in separate pots.

When the soil warms up enough, the seedlings are planted in an open flower bed. IN southern regions this is the end of April, the beginning of May, and in the northern regions - the end of May.


To ensure that the seedlings grow healthy and strong, they are placed in a well-lit window.

Use additional lighting; without it, plants can become very elongated and grow weak.

Landing dates

Lavatera is planted in a flowerbed in May, when persistent warming sets in. For this, seedlings or seeds are used. A plant grown from seedlings blooms earlier and pleases with its flowering for a long time.

Step-by-step description of the process:

  • Before planting, the soil is dug up and cleared of weeds;
  • add humus or compost (1 bucket per 1 square meter) and nitrophoska (50 g);
  • The seedlings are planted at a distance of 20 centimeters between the bushes; if the variety is tall, a support for the seedlings is installed.

Planting seeds in open ground

Seeds in open ground planted in May. The procedure for preparing the soil is the same as when planting seedlings. Dry seeds are sown in furrows 1 centimeter deep, watered with water.

The seeds are covered with earth mixed with humus in equal proportions and covered with transparent oilcloth. Shoots appear after seven days. After another week, the film is removed, the seedlings are thinned out and hilled.

Flower care

This light-loving and drought-resistant plant will not bore you with complex care. Fertilize for the whole growing season Lavater needs only twice: before planting in the flowerbed and before flowering begins. When the first buds appear, add a bucket of water with sodium sulfate and potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon each) under each bush.

During flowering, remove faded buds and water the bushes once every seven days in dry weather. The lavatera bush does not require pruning or shaping. In the fall, seeds are collected and perennial plants are prepared for frost.

Please note: Lavatera does not like excess moisture and tolerates drought more easily than waterlogging.

Diseases and pests

The plant is resistant to diseases and is rarely affected garden pests. Has strong immunity. Sometimes bushes can suffer from aphid or rust infestations.

When leaves are damaged by aphids, the bushes are treated with Akarin, Aktara, Actellik or Biotlin. In case of severe rust infection, leaves or even whole plants are removed from the site and burned, the remaining ones are treated with Topaz or Bordeaux mixture.

Please note: to prevent diseases, it is recommended to plant lavatera every year in a new place.

After flowering

In autumn, when flowering ends, seed pods remain on the plant. Ripe seeds in them have a grayish-brown color. They are collected, dried indoors and stored in linen or paper bags.

When to collect seeds

Green seed pods gradually turn brown after the flower wilts. When the seeds from the ripened capsules easily fall out onto your hand when pressed, they can be collected. The shelf life of collected seeds is quite long - up to 5 years.

Please note: lavatera can grow next year in a self-sowing area; to prevent this, the seed pods are tied with gauze or removed before ripening.

perennial plant in winter

Before the onset of cold weather, perennial plants are removed from their support and bent to the ground, covered with spruce branches or other covering material.

Types and varieties with descriptions

Most often for growing in middle lane They use Lavatera three months old or Thuringian. The first species is an annual, and the second is a perennial.

Lavatera trimestris

The height of plants of this species is from 20 centimeters to a meter. Flowers appear at the end of the stems; thanks to their abundance, the bushes look very elegant.

Lavatera trimestris

Popular varieties:

"Novella", bushes about 25 centimeters in height, have large pink flowers. Perfect for growing on loggias and balconies, as well as in rooms with windows facing south.

“Ruby Queen”, tall bushes about 1 meter, flowers are red, large, up to 10 centimeters in diameter.

"Moonlight", a tall plant, up to 1.2 m with silver-pink flowers, blooms all summer until frost.

“Bride”, the height of the bushes is about 70 centimeters, the flowers are white and large.

Lavatera thuringiaca

Powerful plant up to two meters in height. Flowers different varieties presented in all shades of pink.

Lavatera thuringiaca

Popular varieties:

"I Catcher" has large flowers of rich pink color.

'Barnsley Baby' produces large pink and white flowers.

"Lilak Lady" has flowers of a delicate lilac color.

Reproduction methods

The plant is propagated by seeds or purchased seedlings. Seedlings are also grown independently from seeds in order to obtain flowering bushes as early as June.

Lavatera does not propagate by cuttings. Seedlings, like seeds, are planted in open ground at the end of spring.

It is as easy to grow perennial lavatera from seeds as annual ones. Ripe seeds collected on the site in the fall remain viable for a long time.

Note: seedlings are planted in a flowerbed when the air temperature is at least 15 degrees.

You will love Lavatera for its beauty and unpretentiousness. And for those who are interested traditional medicine, it will be interesting that the leaves of this plant are used to treat wounds and purulent boils, used to make tinctures for coughs and headaches, and for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

These flowers are excellent honey plants, and bees happily use them to make honey.

How to care for lavatera, watch the following video:

Lavatera got its name thanks to two brothers, doctors Lavater, who lived in Zurich. Lavatera grows not only on the European mainland, but also in North America, Australia, etc. Only three types of perennial lavatera are used in gardening. The plant is unpretentious, not demanding of low temperatures and lack of moisture.

This is a light-loving plant with a perennial rhizome. The most common type of perennial lavatera is Thuringian, which is quite tall and branched. The inflorescences of perennial lavatera can be of various colors: yellow, pink, purple, etc.

Types and varieties of lavatera

Lavatera three months old

This is an annual plant, which is represented by a branched plant whose height exceeds a little more than a meter. The lower leaves are heart-shaped or rounded, with crenate-toothed edges. The flowers are funnel-shaped, solitary, about 10 cm in diameter, located in the axils of the leaves. The peduncles of the lower flowers are longer than those of the upper ones. The corolla of the three-month-old lavatera is five-lobed, pink, white, or carmine in color. Blooms from July until autumn.

Flowering of lavatera begins two to three months after the seeds were sown. Lavatera seeds should be sown directly into the ground.

To plant three-month-old lavatera, sunny areas or with slight shading are required. Lavaters are suitable for this different types soil, and this is very important. The optimal soil is one that does not retain moisture. Lavatera three months old is used in decoration

Lavatera Thuringian

It melts in the European part of Russia, in Central Europe, Western Siberia, the Mediterranean and Asia Minor.

Perennial, powerful branched plant about 200 cm tall with heart-shaped or rounded, gray-green leaves; the upper ones are entire, the lower ones are lobed. The flowers are solitary, pink, on long stalks, about 10 cm in diameter. Flowering begins in July and continues until autumn.

Lavatera arborescens

Its homeland is southwestern Europe (Libya, Albania, Greece).

Biennial about 2m tall. Slender straight stem. Large oval, velvety leaves about 20 cm long. Reddish-purple hibiscus-shaped flowers. Lavatera arborescens is a greenhouse plant. The variegated forms are especially beautiful. Lavatera arborescens is planted in pots in the ground for the summer. Great for single landing. Propagated by seeds.

Soil for lavatera

Lavatera is a perennial undemanding plant, but grows best in loose, not too fertile soil. In this case, its shoots do not stretch much, and flowering becomes widespread and intense.

Lavatera care

Perennial Lavatera does not tolerate waterlogging, but during drought the plants are regularly watered. The stems of tall Lavatera varieties are tied to stakes. To form new buds, faded shoots must be cut off. Fertilizing is required only on very poor soils once every 5-8 weeks.

Reproduction of lavatera

Lavatera is a perennial plant propagated by seeds in open ground. in early spring. Shoots appear only after a few weeks at a temperature of about 15 degrees. As a rule, the varieties are powerful, branched, about 120 cm tall; plants should grow rarely in a flower garden. After the emergence of seedlings, they need to be thinned out, with a distance between plants of about 25-30 centimeters.

Diseases and pests

Lavatera perennial is affected by rust. Brown or yellow spots. The affected parts of the plant must be removed; in case of severe infection, the entire plant must be destroyed.

Using Lavatera

The perennial Lavatera is very effective in group plantings and mixborders. Typically this is magnificent plant with large flowers, planted in a flowerbed with bright annuals, where Lavatera always attracts attention.


Lavatera perennial is combined with blooming blue and purple flowers (verbena, sage, delphinium); attractive in plantings with irises, roses and fragrant tobacco.

Planting and caring for annual lavatera is simple, so you can plant it in clay soil where to add humus and sand. The seeds are not soaked - they can be sown immediately dry in the ground to a depth of no more than 1 cm. If you want Lavatera to bloom earlier, then it is advisable to plant it through seedlings. To make the plant grow more luxuriantly, the bushes are planted in lighted areas, watering once a week as the soil dries. By regularly feeding the plant, you can significantly improve its flowering and promote faster bud formation.

...or seedlings

To quickly get seedlings, you can plant them in a greenhouse or directly into the ground, but cover them with film. This should be done towards the end of April. The soil is prepared in advance - it is mineralized with fertilizers based on phosphates and potassium, humus or urea. Then the soil is lightly watered with warm water, and the seeds are sown to a depth of about 1 cm. The top of the planting is mulched and covered with peat. After 1.5 weeks, the first shoots appear, and already in May the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. It is noteworthy that the annual lavatera, the planting and care of which is so simple, can transform any garden in a short time.


Lavatera self-sows in the fall, so next spring you will be provided with seeds of this bright, beautiful plant. Lavatera blooms for almost a month, after which the formation of the seed capsule begins. The seeds are formed in a green box at the place where the flower dies. They can be collected after the box is completely dry - this means that the seeds are completely ready for collection. If suddenly the seeds turn out to be wet, they should be dried and stored in a paper bag until the next planting.

For bouquets and more

Many gardeners believe that lavatera is a plant for those who do not want to worry too much about the condition of their suburban area. Firstly, it grows on any soil. Secondly, the flowers do not require close attention - it is enough to water them as the soil dries. Thirdly, they can be planted on the sunny side of the site. This beautiful plant can be used to create a single planting or group compositions, especially when there are tall trees or shrubs nearby. A special effect is achieved when combining lavatera with other colors of the same palette - your flowerbed will simply sparkle with bright colors! Floral compositions based on lavatera look very interesting.

Which variety should I choose?

As we have already said, Lavatera is represented by more than 25 varieties that are equally loved by gardeners. With the right choice, plant care will be simple, they will be distinguished by lush and, most importantly, long-lasting flowering. Three varieties are considered the most popular due to their spectacular appearance: Silver Cap, Mont Blanc, and Beauty. The first plants are distinguished by bright pink flowers, the second ones are pure white, and the third ones immediately attract attention with huge inflorescences. The most beautiful, cold-resistant variety is rightfully the “Krasotka” variety, which pleases with its rapid growth, bright and lush flowering. It is better to grow it as seedlings.

Lavatera "Barnsley" is a mixture of colors and bud shapes, when buds of different sizes and shapes appear on one plant. Many people love the Khatma variety, which allows you to grow an entire bush more than a meter high, with powerful roots and branching. The beautiful leaves look like hearts, and the flowers look like funnels, sometimes up to 10 cm in diameter. Another interesting arsthenia is the Thuringian lavatera, which is also called dog rose. It is a perennial plant that can grow up to 2 m tall. The inflorescence resembles a spike, strewn with flowers 5 cm in diameter, white or dark pink.

The “Tanagra” variety allows you to grow low-growing flowers, which are relevant when decorating borders. They grow up to 0.5 m in height with a bud diameter of 5 cm. Traditionally, the plants turn out to be a rich red color. Whatever variety of lavatera you choose, you have a great opportunity to transform the landscape of your suburban area and give it an original and bright look. Lavatera is a truly resilient plant that can withstand frost and is practically unaffected by pests.

The first impression of this flower is how touching and elegant it is. Pure porcelain. The most delicate white and pink silk. In fact, behind its fragile beauty lies an unpretentious and quite modest annual with a soothing name - lavatera. He is a frequent visitor to village front gardens, he is welcome in so-called low-maintenance gardens, but he also has a worthy place in a professionally designed landscape.

The southern guest has been used in decorative floriculture since 1620

How did khatma become lavatera?

Lavatera is the sister of the forest mallow and belongs to the same family. To Southern Europe wild flower came from Central Asia, where he is called beautiful female name Persian origin - Khatma (Hatima). The European name of the plant is a derivative of the surname Lavater, which was borne by naturalist brothers from Switzerland, and the godfather of the flower was Carl Linnaeus. Both names are equivalent. Khatma Lavatera is often called not only among the people, but also in professional literature.

From a botanical point of view, lavatera is a herbaceous plant with a powerful rhizome and a fast-growing, highly branched aerial part, reaching a height of one and a half meters. The leaves are large, bright green, three-, sometimes five-lobed with teeth along the edge.

The bright funnel-shaped flowers, one or several located in the axils of the leaves, deserve special attention. They are quite large - 6-10 cm in diameter. But what makes an indelible impression is not the size, not the shape, but the color - mostly white and pink, but of some unusually delicate, refined shade. Due to the slightly darker veins, the petals of Lavatera seem slightly corrugated and so fragile - the photo of the flower perfectly conveys this feeling. But, believe me, it persists in life too.

Against the background of zinnias with dense “tiled” baskets, Lavatera seems especially elegant

Annual and perennial version

Lavatera three-month-old is more common in gardens. This is a herbaceous annual, often tall (120–150 cm), but in recent years many more compact varieties (60–75 cm), and even dwarf varieties (20–35 cm), suitable for container cultivation, have been developed.

Usually the plant forms a powerful bush with a large number of side shoots, the top of each of which is crowned with a bouquet of funnel-shaped flowers. At the peak of flowering there are so many of them that the foliage is not visible. It looks especially beautiful in carpet flower beds and monochrome compositions.

Varieties of annual lavatera

The annual version of the crop is presented in a good assortment.

  • Mont Blanc is a snow-white variety with large flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. It blooms profusely, amicably and for a long time.
  • Mont Rose is a representative of the same variety series, but with an intense fuchsia color. Forms powerful compact bushes 50–60 cm high.
  • Silver pitcher is a mix of white, pearl, salmon pink and coral flowers, decorated with a bright throat and darker veins radiating from it. The shiny petals give the impression of a silver coating on them.
  • Ruby is a single-color variety with a rich dark pink color. The purple veins fanning out from the dark throat make the flowers especially attractive. Plant height – 50 cm.
  • Melange is a powerful branched plant up to 100 cm tall. It comes in a mixture of colors - pure white, soft pink and carmine red. It blooms from the end of June for 3 or more months.
  • Tanager is a low-growing border cultivar with small (ø up to 5 cm) almost red flowers.
  • Pink Beauty is a beautiful compact variety. The flowers are soft pink with purple veining and a purple-violet eye.
  • Silver Cup is another pink variety with red mesh veins. The bushes are highly branched and form a profusely flowering cushion 60–80 cm high.

In the photo - Lavatera variety Pink Beauty

Perennial varieties

In addition to the annual plant, perennial lavatera is also used in ornamental gardening. It is interesting to us because it is our “compatriot”, growing, among other things, in the European regions of Russia and Western Siberia. This unpretentious, cold-resistant perennial is popularly called the “dog rose.” Somewhat disparagingly, of course, the Mediterranean version is more harmonious - L. Thuringian.

The perennial grows into a vigorous, branched bush up to 2 meters high. Its flowers are large, single, on a long stalk, mostly pink in shades, but with a hint of lilac-violet tones. The corolla is more open than that of annual species.

Cultivated varieties of Thuringian Lavatera are not yet widely available to the general consumer. But fans of floriculture, of course, can purchase them. Moreover, they deserve it. Examples of varieties;

  • Lilac Lady – lilac flower;
  • Eye Catcher – deep pink;
  • Paradis - a mix from snow-white to deep pink;
  • Barnsley Baby - with pink and white silk petals.

Cultivated varieties are more heat-loving and pampered compared to the natural variety. We grow them in the southern regions with mild winters; in the north they require shelter.

In the photo - Lavatera Thuringian spp.

In the greenhouse culture there is another variety of lavatera - tree-like. In the first year, the plant forms a large branched bush up to 2 m high, in the second year it blooms with large red-purple flowers reminiscent of hibiscus. In the summer, flowers along with pots are buried in the flowerbed, and in the fall they are brought indoors.

This is what Lavatera tree looks like

Where to plant?

Lavatera flowers seem fragile and defenseless, but the plant itself is surprisingly hardy and resilient. First of all, such features are determined by the region of origin of the wild ancestors of khatma - hot, arid, with a sharply continental climate.

When choosing where to plant an annual, give preference to well-lit places. In the sun, even the hottest, he will feel better than in the shade. If there is a lack of lighting, it will direct its efforts to increasing green mass, and may not bloom at all.

It's the same with soil fertility. Loosen the soil, clear weeds in a timely manner, but keep the lavatera from hand to mouth - on rich black soils it will fatten to the detriment of flowering.

The plant is drought-resistant, its physiology is configured to receive a minimum of moisture, and reacts negatively to waterlogging. It only needs watering on dry summer days, and then without fanaticism.

Another attractive feature of L. annua is its cold resistance. Its seeds overwinter well under the snow and germinate without problems in the spring. Owners of natural or rustic style They don’t bother collecting or sowing seeds – the plant reproduces by self-seeding. Unfortunately, this approach is undesirable for varietal material, since the flower will become smaller over time, its color will fade and become poorer.

How to grow?

It is not difficult to grow lavatera, since in its case planting directly in open ground is quite justified and, moreover, the plant requires almost no care. But if you're not looking simple solutions, sow the seeds first for seedlings. This will allow you to bring flowering forward by a month and already in June you can enjoy the white and pink cloud of silky petals.

Let's consider both landing options.

Sowing seeds in the ground

It is recommended to sow lavatera into the ground in early May to a depth of 1–1.5 cm. Loosen the soil first; if the soil is too poor, mix in a little humus; loosen the clay soil with peat and river sand. Before laying out the seeds, water the grooves with water.

The annual is tall and requires an appropriate feeding area.

  • To get beautiful flowering pillows, it is recommended to sow the seeds in a nesting method - 2-3 pieces at a distance of 10 cm from each other and 30-40 cm between groups.
  • For a carpet flower bed, the planting pattern is different - with an interval of 25–30 cm for medium-growing varieties, 30–40 cm – for tall people.

If the soil is warm (from 15⁰ C), seedlings will appear in about two weeks and will rise quickly. Use covering material if the spring is cold. Under it, the soil will warm up faster, and the seedlings will be protected from return frosts.

The plant develops quickly; the first buds open within 30–35 days after planting.

In the case of lavatera, growing from seeds by direct sowing into the ground is preferable if it is important to achieve not so much early flowering, how long lasting. Experienced flower growers noticed that seedling flower Already in August, flowering gradually stops, while the seedless variety continues to show off until frost.

The flower is so unpretentious that with its help you can develop “virgin land”

Benefits of growing from seedlings

The seedling method of cultivating flowers has its advantages.

  1. We are pushing flowering forward by 1–1.5 months.
  2. With seedlings it is simpler and easier to arrange a flower bed - it does not depend on whether the seeds sprout or not.
  3. If there are few seeds, it is easier to germinate and nurture each plant in the room, but outside something may get lost.

Before sowing lavatera for seedlings, calculate by what time you plan to receive flowers, respectively, when it needs to be planted in the garden. For example, in order for a plant to bloom in June, it needs to be planted in open ground in May, and sown in early March.

For seedlings you will need small plastic containers with light, loose, moderately nutritious soil. Any universal peat-based soil will do. Moisten it thoroughly before placing it in the planting container.

Spread the seeds evenly on the soil surface, moisten with a spray bottle, and sprinkle with a 1cm layer of soil. To delay the evaporation of moisture and create an optimal microclimate for seed germination, cover the top of the container with glass, film, or a transparent plastic lid, keep it in the light and warm.

After the seedlings appear, the improvised shelter is removed. Lavatera seedlings grow very quickly, and with a lack of light they tend to stretch, so the best place for them - a window sill on the south side. As an option, use artificial lighting.

Picking, as for any plants, is carried out when 3-4 true leaves appear.

Flowers are transplanted into the flowerbed when the threat of night frosts has passed. In order for the seedlings to take root painlessly, they are transferred or planted together with a pot (if it is peat or paper). The hole is pre-filled complex fertilizer, water abundantly. While the plant takes root, it is watered every day.

Having started to grow, the lavatera is developing by leaps and bounds

Watering and fertilizing

The plant does not like waterlogging, but does not like drying out either. In dry times summer months Watering is carried out 1-2 times a week, abundantly, so that the soil is wet to the depth of the roots. Even better is to alternate watering with loosening the top layer, avoiding the formation of crust, cracking, and silting of the soil.

Feeding is optional, but this does not apply to varietal or hybrid lavatera. The potential of such material is colossal, and without fertilizers the plant simply will not reveal it. To stimulate abundant, long-lasting flowering, in May-June it is recommended to feed the plantings with special targeted fertilizers for flowers. You can also use regular complete fertilizers, but make sure that they contain potassium and phosphorus rather than nitrogen. These minerals contribute to the formation of new buds, making their color brighter and more saturated. The quantity and frequency of fertilizing is 3–4 times with an interval of 10–15 days.

Fertilizing is needed on virgin and scarce lands. At least once every 1.5–2 months, water the lavatera with a solution of organic or complex mineral fertilizers, thereby prolonging its flowering. Otherwise, the plant’s strength will be depleted in August, instead of the September or October stated by the manufacturer.

Forming and tying a bush

The bush does not need shaping. But if there are few side shoots, you can pinch the tops of the longest branches, stimulating tillering. Tall varieties sometimes need garter, especially perennials. They do not have as flexible stems as annuals and can break under their own weight.

Don't let lavatera set seed. This process exhausts the plant, and having switched to ripening, it stops expelling new buds. It is enough to set aside 5–10 minutes once a week to remove dried inflorescences, and thereby revive the “basic instinct” of the plant.

Without dried flowers or ovaries, the bush looks more aesthetically attractive

Using lavatera in garden design

If we compare flowers to musical instruments, the lavatera is most closely related to the flute. She can play a gentle, touching solo, and she can also sound in the orchestra, but not in the background, but leads her part.

  • Low-growing varieties from 50 cm and below are used for edging borders, paths, and lawns.
  • For natural-style flower beds, mixes of 3-4 colors are suitable - elegant, but not tacky.
  • When mixing seedlings of different colors, select varieties from the same “weight category”. For example, “Silver Cap”, “Mont Rose”, “Mont Blanc”, “Silk and Cashmere” are the same in height.
  • When creating a mixborder, plant tall lavatera in the background, combining it with other bright annuals.
  • Like a tapeworm, the soft pink bush looks extraordinary on a green lawn.

The best neighbors of the fragile beauty in the flower garden are delphiniums, irises, zinnias, verbena, petunia, lanstera.

To imagine what lavatera will look like among them, look at examples of photos of flowers in a flower bed. You will definitely find a suitable option.

Lavatera and partners
Mix of snow white and pink varieties
Border against the background of clematis
Country corner

As practice shows, acquaintance with Lavatera ceases to be a long-term and strong relationship. The flower is truly universal. Thanks to its endurance and unpretentiousness, it has taken root in “weekend” gardens, but its exquisite, fragile beauty is worthy of a more noble frame. The choice is yours.

Growing Lavatera: