Description of the best autumn, summer and winter varieties of pears. Pear varieties

Pears have long been grown by humans to produce aromatic and sweet fruits. Today there are many varieties of this crop, characterized by great productivity, unpretentiousness and excellent taste. How not to make a mistake with your choice and plant a worthy representative of the pear family on your plot?

Pear varieties for different regions

When choosing a pear variety, gardeners must take into account its suitability to the climate of the region.. They also pay attention to such cultural qualities as:

  • plant size;
  • maturation period;
  • tolerance to common diseases;
  • taste of fruits and their purpose.

For the Moscow region and the middle zone

Climate of the Moscow region and middle zone Not all pear varieties can tolerate it. Only those that are easily tolerated grow well here. winter frosts and are tolerant of scab, which is common in this region. The maturation time is also important. Too much early varieties may lose flowers during return frosts, and very late ones often do not have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather.

The varieties that perform better than others in the Moscow region and central Russia include:

  • Bere Moscow;
  • Veles;
  • Dressy Efimova;
  • Cathedral;
  • Autumn Susova;
  • Chizhovskaya;
  • Muscovite.

Elegant Efimova

A vigorous variety with a medium-thick pyramid-shaped crown, approved for cultivation in the Central and Middle Volga regions. Its elongated fruits weigh 110–135 g, individual specimens weigh up to 180 g. At the time of ripeness, they are colored greenish-yellow with a crimson tan, occupying almost the entire surface of the pear. At the stage of full ripeness, their main color becomes lemon, the outer color acquires a reddish tint. The pulp is slightly tart, sweet and sour, juicy. Its taste is rated 4.5 points.

The pear variety Naryadnaya Efimova was included in the State Register for the Central and Middle Volga regions back in 1974

The fruits of Naryadnaya Efimov reach ripeness in August or early September. It is identified by a slight yellowing of the skin at the top of the pear. The taste of this variety is fully revealed only after a few days of ripening.

The fruits of Naryadnaya Efimova hanging on the tree acquire a mealy consistency and do not have a very pleasant taste.

Elegant Efimova has average winter hardiness and is quite rarely infected with scab. It tolerates a lack of heat and sunlight well. The first fruits appear on it no earlier than the 7th year of cultivation. An adult plant of this variety produces about 40 kg of pears, which remain marketable for 2–3, and sometimes 4 weeks. The advantages of Naryadnaya Efimova include partial self-fertility, but the yield at single landing decreases significantly.

I have Naryadnaya Efimova grafted onto Lada, where there are several other varieties. So, it was the first to ripen, and by August 5th it was all eaten. I liked it.


A very common variety in the Moscow region, it is a medium-sized tree with a conical crown. It blooms quite late, due to which it does not fall under the return frosts characteristic of the region. The State Variety Commission recommends Moskvichka for cultivation in the Central, Middle Volga and Volga-Vyatka regions.

Pears of this variety are round-wide-conical or broadly obovate, greenish-yellow. The skin is oily, dense, with pronounced rustiness. The pulp is sweet and sour, very juicy, with granulations. Taste rating - 4 points.

Muscovite fruits weigh about 130 g

Pears of this variety are harvested after September 15th. They do not spoil in the refrigerator for 2–3 months, and when room temperature their shelf life does not exceed 14 days. The yield of Muscovite is about 35 kg per plant or 12.5 tons per hectare.

Gardeners in the middle zone and Moscow region highly commend Moskvich for the following qualities:

  • relative early fruiting (it bears the first pears no later than the 5th year of cultivation);
  • universal use of fruits;
  • weak crumbling of pears;
  • sufficient resistance to cold and other weather vagaries for the region;
  • the presence of immunity to fruit rot and scab;
  • annual, abundant fruiting.

My Moskvichka pear has been growing for over 30 years. I couldn't be happier with her. Pears ripen well every year, tasty, oily flesh, fruits of medium and large size, beautiful, well stored - in the refrigerator for about 3 months. For storage, it is better to pick the fruits when they are green and they reach ripeness in storage. High yield and good fruit set, however, with a large harvest, the fruits become smaller. Among the shortcomings, I would like to note the high growth of the tree and the sharp separation of branches from the trunk. When forming a young seedling, you need to pay attention to this. I planted another tree of this variety of my own graft.

For the Black Earth Region

The warm climate and fertile soils of the Black Earth Region are ideal for growing pears. Many varieties of this crop grow and bear fruit here, for example:

  • Bere winter Michurina;
  • Dessert Rossoshanskaya;
  • Rossoshanskaya late;
  • Oryol beauty;
  • In memory of Yakovlev;
  • Marble;
  • Selyanka;
  • Quiet Don;
  • Autumn Yakovleva.

Rossoshanskaya late

A medium-sized variety that was born thanks to the specialists of the Rossoshansk fruit and berry station. It is characterized by greenish, yellow when ripe, with a red blush, rounded pears average weight 210–230 g. The pulp is juicy, melting and very aromatic.

When kept on a tree, the taste of Rossoshanskaya Late fruits significantly improves, but the shelf life is reduced.

The first ovaries on Rossoshanskaya Late are formed at the age of 5–6 years. The yield is about 30 kg per plant. The fruits of this variety are harvested in the second half of September. Their storage period lasts until the end of winter.

The variety easily survives temperatures down to -32° and is resistant to scab. But, like most other winter pears, late Rossoshanskaya is demanding of summer warmth. If the weather is not hot enough during fruit filling, they become smaller and lose their marketable quality. Because of this, it is better not to plant Rossoshanskaya late north of Voronezh. Besides. The variety does not tolerate waterlogging and stagnation of water at the roots.


A very popular partially self-fertile variety in the Black Earth Region, characterized by the presence of immunity to powdery mildew, scab and fruit rot, as well as not very strong frost resistance. Return frosts are especially dangerous for Mramornaya; if they fall under them, the tree can not only lose its flowers, but also die.

The Marble variety is included in the State Register for the Bryansk, Voronezh, Belgorod, Kursk and Volgograd regions.

Mramornaya trees have average growth vigor and a weak ability to form shoots. Pears weigh about 170 g, rounded and elongated. The skin is greenish-yellow, rusty, with a reddish-brown blush in the form of streaks. Juicy, coarse-grained, melting pulp has a dessert, sweet taste and pronounced aroma.

Marble - dessert variety

In the Black Earth Region, pears of this variety begin to be harvested at the end of August or at the beginning of September. They reach full ripeness in 20–28 days. Mramornaya fruits are most often used for fresh consumption.

The variety bears its first pears 6–7 years after grafting. The yield of adult plants ranges from 16 to 42 t/ha. Its size greatly depends on the supply of moisture to the plant. During drought, a significant part of the fruits fall off while still unripe.

Among the tested ones there is the Marble pear. Great taste. Considered an autumn variety. We already eat it in August, and in September it tastes like melon!

Autumn Yakovleva

A universal, highly productive variety, bred by the famous Russian scientist P. N. Yakovlev. Regionalized in the Belgorod, Voronezh and Kursk regions.

The Autumn Yakovlev tree is tall and wide-pyramidal. Diamond-shaped, ribbed pears are colored light green with a carmine tan. The sweet and sour, juicy pulp has a pronounced nutmeg flavor and a light aroma. It includes:

  • 9.0% sugars;
  • 0.08% acids;
  • 12.0 mg/100g ascorbic acid;
  • 38.8 mg/100 catechins.

The first fruiting of Autumn Yakovlev usually occurs in the 5th year of cultivation. Its pears reach harvest ripeness in August. In a cool place they do not spoil until October.

In the Black Earth Region, the variety has average resistance to cold and practically does not respond to lack of moisture. Among its disadvantages, one can note the frequent incidence of scab.

Autumn Yakovleva is a very tasty and elegant pear; it often freezes, and scab also occurs. For a friend of mine, it bore its first fruits in the 9th year, but that year it was severely frozen. It’s been growing in my old crown by grafting, it’s the fifth year, there hasn’t been any flowering yet.


For Ukraine and southern Russia

Gardeners in Ukraine and Southern Russia can grow almost any variety of pear on their plots. But most often they give preference to high-yielding representatives of this crop, which have excellent taste and tolerate hot, dry summers well.

  • These varieties include:
  • Clapp's favorite;
  • Bere bosk;
  • Kieffer;
  • Verbena;
  • Duchess summer (Williams);
  • Tauride;
  • Hope of the steppe;
  • Kuban late;


Clapp's Favorite An ancient American variety, widespread in Ukraine and southern Russia, as well as in other countries of the former USSR. It is grown both in large farms and on.

personal plots

Clapp's Favorite pears are ready for harvest in late July or early August. One hectare of their plantings yields from 15 to 30 tons of fruits of universal use. They are well transported and remain marketable for 10–15 days.

Clapp's Favorite also has its downsides:

  • lack of immunity to scab;
  • self-sterility;
  • tendency to shedding.

Video: first fruiting of a young plant of Clapp’s Favorite


Partially self-fertile variety of Ukrainian selection, prone to the formation of parthenocarpic fruits. In Russia it is zoned in the North Caucasus region.

Parthenocarpy is the fertilization of flowers without pollination. As a result, it usually produces fruits that do not contain seeds.

Medium-sized, with a rounded-pyramidal crown, Victoria trees bear fruit 6–7 years after planting. An adult plant annually produces about 200 kg of table pears, which retain their commercial qualities for 20 days at room temperature or 60–75 days in a refrigerated room or underground storage.

Victoria fruits at the stage of removable ripeness, which most often occurs in the last ten days of August, are yellowish-green with a purple tan color. The pulp is oily, very juicy, fragrant. The taste is refreshing, sweet and sour, rated by tasters at 4.5 points. In Kuban conditions, ripe Victoria pears contain:

  • 13% dry matter;
  • 7.8% sugars;
  • 0.4% acids;
  • 5.8 mg/% vitamin C;
  • 38 mg/% P-active catechins.

Victoria fruits hold tightly to the tree and almost never fall off when overripe.

Victoria is immune to scab and tolerates heat and drought well. Its main disadvantage is its poor winter hardiness (about -20 °C).

Now a little from myself. Grafted into the crown of several trees. It does not shine with early fruiting; the first fruits were received after 5 years in 2013. During this time, it has never frozen slightly and is practically not affected by scab. It blooms late, which is also a big plus for me (the site is in a lowland, as a result there are often frosts in the spring). The taste of the fruit is excellent, it reminds me of Clapp's Favorite.
It is interesting that the fruits can remain on the tree until about the 20th of September (I didn’t check it longer, they ate it), without softening, although removable ripeness occurs at the end of August.

Duchess summer (Williams)

An old English variety, known for over 200 years. It has a dessert, sweet, nutmeg taste and wine aroma of the fruit. They are eaten fresh, dried and used for canning.

Summer Duchess is a rather capricious variety. It does not tolerate frost well and reacts negatively to dry air. In addition, Williams suffers greatly from honeyweed and aphids. Scab is affected moderately.

Duchess Summer has weak or medium vigor. Fruiting for this variety usually occurs in 5–6 years. From plants grafted onto quince, the first harvest is harvested 2 years earlier.

The pear-shaped fruits of Williams weigh 150–200 g. The skin is aromatic, dense, light green at the stage of removable ripeness, and after full ripening it is golden, with a faint pink blush. The pulp is oily, juicy, melting when eaten. The tasting rating of pears of this variety is 4.8 points.

Williams' average yield is about 200 c/ha

Summer Duchess fruits reach ripeness after August 15th. Pears collected green remain marketable for 14 days and tolerate transportation well. In the refrigerator, their shelf life increases to 1.5 months.

It’s been growing for me since 2004, the only summer variety that I left on the plot. It’s very juicy, beautiful (if it’s on the market, it bears fruit abundantly every year without fail, it doesn’t suffer from anything, I’m grafted onto a strongling).


For Belarus

More than 20 varieties of pears are included in the State Variety Register of the Republic of Belarus. Among them:

  • Bere Loshitskaya;
  • Belarusian late;
  • Firefly;
  • Lagodnaya;
  • Spiritual;
  • Simply Maria;
  • Yasachka.

Video: subtleties of choosing a pear for Belarus

Belarusian late

A variety of Belarusian selection, created by free pollination of Good Louise. Its fruits reach harvest ripeness in the last ten days of September, and consumer ripeness by mid-winter. In a cool place they do not lose their consumer properties for 5 months.

The trees of Belorusskaya late are medium-sized. The fruits are broadly pear-shaped and weigh 110–120 g. The skin at the time of ripeness is green, with a brownish-red tan color, which when fully ripe changes to yellowish, with a crimson blush. The pulp is oily, with a sour-sweet taste, which received 4.2–4.4 points from professional tasters.

Belarusian late - the pride of Belarusian breeders

Belorussian late is resistant to sub-zero temperatures, but in very severe winters it can be damaged by frost. The affected area is moderately affected by bacterial burns and scabs. The yield of the variety is about 16 t/ha.

Wonderful pear! The taste is rich, not watery, and this is in November!


Simply Maria

Early-growing and highly productive Belarusian variety. When using a seed rootstock, it bears the first pears already 3 years after planting. According to the Institute of Fruit Growing of Belarus, the variety’s yield reaches 15 tons per hectare.

Simply Maria trees are medium-sized, with a compact cone-shaped crown. The weight of their pale yellow pears with a slight pink tan is about 180 g. The pulp is oily, fine-grained, with a high content of juice. The taste is sweet, with barely noticeable sourness, practically without aroma.

Pears of this variety reach technical ripeness at the end of October or early November and are stored until Christmas. With timely harvesting, the number of substandard fruits does not exceed 10%.

It’s just that Maria is moderately resistant to such common pear diseases as bacterial cancer, scab and septoria. In addition, it tolerates a lack of sunlight and temperatures as low as -38 °C. In case of freezing, plants of this variety are able to quickly recover.

Experts highly appreciate the taste of Simply Maria. According to the State Forestry Register, its score is 4.8 points. I found the taste of this variety to be rather mediocre. On our site, the Simply Maria pears turned out to be bland and unflavoured. Maybe this is due to the young age of the plant (it is only 5 years old) or the cold summer of 2017. In any case, we decided to give Simply Maria another chance and are looking forward to the new harvest.

Video: personal experience of growing pears Just Maria

Dwarf and low-growing varieties

Dwarf and low-growing pears are in particular demand among gardeners. They take up little space, and in terms of productivity they are often not inferior to their tall counterparts. But the size of an adult pear primarily depends not on the variety, but on the rootstock. To obtain a low-growing plant, this crop is most often grafted onto quince, chokeberry (chokeberry) or shadberry.

Scientists different countries They are constantly working to create varieties of pears that have a genetic predisposition to small size. A real breakthrough in the selection of dwarf forms of this crop was the discovery in 1967 of the D gene, which was discovered in the old English variety Night Vert, which is distinguished by its miniature growth (from 100 to 250 cm depending on the rootstock), but which has rather tasteless fruits.

In our country, the pioneers in creating dwarf forms of pears with the D gene were specialists from the Institute of Horticulture of the State Scientific Institution VSTISP (Moscow), who received seeds from the free pollination of Night Vert in the 90s of the last century. The plants grown from them showed complete unadaptability to the conditions of our country. But Russian breeders did not give up. As a result of crossing Night Vert seedlings with Russian varieties, they obtained low-growing hybrids that can withstand the winters of the Krasnodar Territory and are trees no more than 130 cm high. For example:

  • G-1. A winter hybrid with sweet, juicy, aromatic fruits weighing 200–250 g, yellow when fully ripe.
  • G-2. Hybrid with late autumn consumption. Its fruits weigh about 200 g and are green in color with rusty spots. The pulp is tender, juicy, with a sweet taste and light aroma.
  • G-3. Early autumn hybrid. The fruits are bright yellow, weighing 200–250 g, sometimes up to 400 g. The taste is excellent.
  • G-4. Autumn hybrid. The fruits are large, weighing up to 300 g. The pulp is tender and tasty.
  • G-5. Summer-autumn hybrid with yellow, very rusty fruits with an average weight of 150–250 g. The taste is excellent.

Unfortunately, dwarf hybrids Russian selection still little studied and practically not found on the open market.

Video: breeder M.V. Kachalkin talks about dwarf pears and unscrupulous sellers of planting material

Much better known are already time-tested low-growing varieties. These include:

  • Mellina. An Italian variety obtained as a result of the hybridization of Bere Clergeau and Williams. It is a low-growing tree with a compact crown and large (average weight - 220–230 g), oval-pear-shaped, greenish-yellow fruits, which, when fully ripe, acquire a yellow-bronze, light tan color. The pulp is sweet and aromatic. Mellina fruits ripen in late September-early October and are perfectly stored for 3-4 months. The main disadvantage of the variety is its high sensitivity to lack of moisture.
  • Williams Rouge Delbara. A spontaneous, anthrocyte clone of the Williams variety, included in the State Variety Register of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea. It is characterized by weak growth vigor and compact dimensions of a round-pyramidal crown. The fruits are large, pear-shaped, with thin, delicate skin, completely covered with a dark burgundy blush. The pulp is juicy, melting, with an excellent sweet and sour taste and a bright nutmeg aroma. Williams red fruits begin to be harvested at the end of August. They reach full ripeness in 15–20 days. Pears of this variety have satisfactory transportability and are able to retain their taste until November. They are used for fresh consumption and all types of processing.
  • August dew. Summer pear variety bred at the All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Breeding fruit plants and zoned in the Central Black Earth District. It is a low-growing tree with a dense, drooping crown. The fruits of August dew are short pear-shaped. During the period of harvesting maturity, which usually occurs in mid-August, they are colored green color, which after one to two weeks of storage changes to greenish-yellow, with a faint red tan and a large number of subcutaneous dots. The pulp of the fruit is white, fine-grained, with a sweet-sour taste, estimated by experts at 4.5 points. The average yield of the variety is 156 c/ha.

Photo gallery: pear varieties with compact sizes

The Mellina variety begins to bear fruit 2–3 years after planting
The average weight of red Williams fruits is 180 g. August dew can withstand temperatures down to -36°, and is also resistant to scab and septoria.

Winter-hardy varieties

When choosing a pear variety for gardeners in most regions of our country, the decisive factor is its winter hardiness.

  • The following representatives of this culture tolerate a strong drop in temperature most easily:
  • Lada;
  • Severyanka;
  • Granddaughter;
  • Siberian;
  • Not big;
  • Krasnoyarsk large;


Lada Early summer variety

, included in the State Register for the Central Black Earth, Middle Volga and Central regions, with medium-sized standard trees. They bring the first pears 3 years after budding. The fruits of Lada are obovate, smooth. Their weight rarely exceeds 110 g. The peel is lemon, with a reddish tan and slight rustiness at the base of the stalk. The pulp is sour-sweet, fragrant, with a fine-grained structure.

Under favorable conditions, up to 50 kg of universal-purpose pears, which practically cannot withstand transportation, are harvested from one plant. At 0° their shelf life reaches 60 days.

The Lada variety is highly resistant not only to low temperatures, but also to other weather vagaries, as well as to major pear diseases, including scab and fire blight.

The pear tastes good, but if you leave it on the tree for a few days, it tastes like potatoes


A highly productive variety of Krasnoyarsk selection, not inferior in cold resistance to semi-cultivated forms, but significantly superior to them in taste. Zoned in Siberia and the North-Western region.

Nevelichka trees are medium-sized and tolerate dense planting well. The fruits are small, almost round. The skin is greenish, with a brownish-red tan. The pulp is sweet and sour, aromatic, fine-grained, with a high content of juice.

The weight of Nevelichka fruits does not exceed 46 g

Nevelichka fruits are harvested in September. When overripe, they immediately fall off. Pears picked in time are well transported and stored for about a month. They are eaten fresh and canned.

Nevelichka brings the first pears no earlier than the 6th year of cultivation. Resistance to spotting and scab is relative.

Long-lived varieties

Pear has a unique quality. During storage, its fruits do not lose their qualities, but significantly improve them. Summer and autumn varieties require several weeks to ripen, while winter varieties require more than a month to fully ripen. The most durable of them are stored for more than six months. These varieties include:

  • Bergamot of Dagestan;
  • Guards winter;
  • Conference;
  • Extravaganza;
  • February souvenir;
  • Pervomayskaya;
  • Mriya;
  • The highlight of Crimea.


Probably the most common pear variety. It is its fruits that we most often see in the fruit departments of markets and stores. In the Russian Federation, the Conference is cultivated only in the North Caucasus.

Trees of this variety are tall and wide-pyramidal. The fruits are olive, with rusty streaks, weighing about 140 g. The pulp is oily, melting when eaten, with a high content of juice. Typically, pears of this variety are stored no earlier than the end of September.

The conference has many advantages. Among them:

  • high marketability and good taste of pears;
  • long shelf life (up to 6 months at a temperature of about 0°);
  • rapid onset of fruiting (when using quince as a rootstock, the first harvest is harvested already 3 years after grafting);
  • yield (up to 21.5 tons per hectare);
  • self-fertility.

But the variety also has its disadvantages. The most significant of them are:

  • poor winter hardiness;
  • susceptibility to thermal burn of green parts of the plant;
  • lack of immunity to infections.

Video: review of the variety Conference


Pervomaiskaya trees are medium-sized, with a narrow, compact crown. The pear-shaped fruits weigh 180–220 g and at the time of ripeness, which usually occurs in mid-September, are green with a faint tan. The juicy pulp contains a small amount of granulation. The taste is sweet and sour, tart, with a bright aroma. Experts rate it at 4.1 points.

Pervomaiskaya is one of the easiest varieties of pears

Pervomaiskaya bears the first pears in the 4th–5th year of cultivation. It is immune to septoria and scab, and also tolerates low temperatures well. The average yield is 16.3 t/ha.

New selections

Breeding new varieties of pears takes quite a lot of time. You can get the first harvest of this crop only 3–4 years after planting, and sometimes later. She will need a few more years to fully develop all her qualities. But despite all the difficulties, breeders are constantly working to create new forms of pear. Over the past decade in the State Register Russian Federation more than 15 varieties were introduced. Including:

  • Abafet. Autumn, table variety pears obtained by specialists of the Crimean Fruit Company through artificial selection from the population of Abbot Fetel. It is a medium-sized tree with a drooping crown and greenish-yellow, slightly pinkish tan fruits weighing about 200 g. The pulp is very juicy, sweet and fragrant. From one hectare of Abafet's plantings, about 40 tons of pears are harvested, which tolerate transportation well. The variety is approved for cultivation in the North Caucasus region. According to the originator, it tolerates drought well and winter cold in conditions steppe zone and is resistant to scab and powdery mildew. The first fruiting of Abafet usually occurs in the second or third year after planting in a permanent place.
  • Alexandra. A late-summer variety included in the State Register as a crop recommended for cultivation in the Middle Volga region. It is characterized by medium-sized trees and one-dimensional, pear-shaped fruits, colored greenish-yellow, with a brownish-red tan color. The pulp is juicy, with a sweet, spicy taste and unobtrusive aroma. From one hectare of Alexandra’s plantings, about 8 tons of pears are harvested.
  • Bryansk beauty. A late-summer variety obtained at the Kokinsky stronghold in the 90s of the last century and recommended for cultivation in the Central region in 2010. Despite such a small age, he has already gained popularity among gardeners thanks to such qualities as:
    • frost resistance (up to -35°);
    • tolerance to pests and infectious diseases;
    • oily consistency of juicy pulp;
    • pleasant aroma and sweet taste;
    • attractive appearance of large, golden pears with a slight burgundy blush.
  • Beauty of Zhiguli. Variety selected by the Research Institute of Horticulture and medicinal plants Zhiguli Gardens, zoned in 2018 for the Middle Volga region. It is a medium-sized tree. Its greenish-yellow, red-tanned fruits are harvested in early September. They reach full ripeness after a short ripening at room temperature. The juicy, semi-oily pears of Krasya Zhiguli are sweet and fragrant. Plants of this variety easily tolerate the vagaries of the weather, and also rarely suffer from diseases and pests. In addition, they are highly compatible with all types of rootstocks.

I would like to add the following about the Bryansk beauty: this variety definitely needs to be ripened. In our area, you need to pick it off around August 15 and put it away for storage in the cellar. After about a week you can eat it, the pulp has already softened, but the color is still green. Two weeks after picking, the pears turn yellow, the flesh becomes very tender, melting and tasty (that’s when it gains its rightful 4.7 points for taste) and they “live” for about another week, then the flesh begins to turn brown and the pears “leak.” Total, in my conditions, three weeks for storage, two for consumption. If the storage is refrigerated, you can probably extend the storage to 2 months.


What varieties of pears should be planted together?

Most pear varieties are self-sterile. To form ovaries, they need the presence of a pollinator that blooms at the same time. Moreover, the distance between them should not exceed 50 m. Partially self-fertile varieties It is also best to plant with a pollinator. This will significantly increase the yield and improve the quality of the fruit.

Table: the best pollinators for common varieties

Variety Most suitable pollinators
August dew In memory of Yakovlev
Belarusian late Bere Loshitskaya, Bere oily
Duchess summer Olivier de Serres, Clapp's Favorite, Forest Beauty
Williams red Bere Giffard, Clapp's Favorite, Forest Beauty, Olivier de Serres, Bere Hardy

Sweet varieties of pears are especially popular. They make the most delicious jams and juices. Many people prefer sweet juicy pears as a dessert, with pleasant aroma. You can plant a variety of sweet pears in your garden for the sake of your children or grandchildren, who will not give up sugary fruits, but will not eat sour ones. At the moment, many varieties of pears with a dessert, sweet taste have been bred. Let's talk about some of them.

Sweet pear is one of the most delicious fruits



This variety of pears is classified as early summer. It is widespread in the Moscow region. From the seedling grow medium-sized trees that produce fruits weighing up to 110 g. They have a smooth surface, they yellow color, with a faint red blush. The pulp of pears is fine-grained and slightly aromatic. It contains up to 7.2% sugars, and only 0.27% acids.

Lada pears

The fruits of this variety of pears are not stored for so long, but at a temperature of 0 degrees they do not spoil for up to 2 months. But they have a low level of transportability.

The yield is high, up to 50 kg of fruit from one tree. This tree is not afraid of scab and other diseases; it has good winter hardiness.


It is classified as a late summer variety. Pears of this variety have medium-sized trees with a dense crown. The fruits weigh from 110 to 140 g, covered with thin and smooth skin. They are yellow with green tint color, some fruits have a pale pink blush. The flesh is white or yellowish, semi-oily, melts in the mouth. Chizhovskaya pears have about 9.1% sugars and only 0.45% acids. Another advantage of the variety is that the fruits hold tightly to the branches, but even if they fall off onto the grass, they do not lose their presentation. They can be stored for 2 to 4 months if kept at 0 degrees. One tree bears up to 50 kg of fruit.

Chizhovskaya pear - perfect look and taste

This variety has high winter hardiness and resistance to scab.


Refers to early summer varieties. It has small fruits that weigh from 60 to 80 g, colored yellow and covered with a pink or orange blush. The pulp is cream-colored and very juicy. Pears ripen either at the end of July or in mid-August and are stored for about a month in a cool place. The variety is not afraid of many diseases, it has high winter hardiness. Requires constant pruning.

Children's pear literally melts in your mouth

August dew

This variety has low trees that are characterized by a rapid growth rate. The size of the fruits of the August Dew is average, they weigh from 120 to 150 g. They are collected green, and when ripe they acquire a yellow tint and have a faint blush. Pears have white, tender flesh, not bland. Its taste is rated 4.6 points. Sugars in the pulp are 8.5%, and acids are 0.59%. They are collected in mid-September, but by this time they do not fall, but remain firmly on the branches. They do not spoil in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

August dew pear is a very popular variety in the middle zone.

The first harvest will appear 3 or 4 years after planting, and even then 10 to 15 kg of fruits are harvested from one tree. This variety is unpretentious, not afraid of diseases, pests and frost.


This variety, which was created back in 1796, was loved by many gardeners and spread throughout the world. And to this day its popularity continues to grow. This is a classic variety, which is called the standard for all currently existing summer varieties. He is short or low trees, different rapid growth, but with age their growth slows down. It produces large pears weighing from 150 to 170 g, but the fruits grow up to 200 g. They are covered with fragrant skin. Pears are picked green, but when ripe they are yellow and have a slight blush on the barrel. Pink colour. The pulp is oily, juicy, with a nutmeg aroma and sourness. It contains up to 8.3% sugars and 0.42 acids.

Williams pear - industrial variety

The taste of these pears was rated 4.8 out of a possible 5.

They are harvested at the end of August; if removed too early, they are stored for no longer than 2 weeks, and do not spoil in the refrigerator for up to 45 days.

This variety of pears was obtained in the USA in 1860. The trees are either vigorous or medium-sized, living from 50 to 55 years, sometimes up to 70 years. It has large fruits that weigh from 140 to 180 g, but often grow up to 200 - 230 g. At first they are yellowish-green, turning yellow when ripe. They have juicy pulp, it is delicate in taste, aromatic, and has an unusual sweet, wine-like taste. It contains up to 8.3% sugars, and only 0.4% acids. Taste qualities this variety was rated at 4.6 - 4.8 points. In Kuban they are collected at the end of July or a little later. They are not stored for long, only 10 - 15 days. Unripe pears hold tightly to the branches, but fall off when ripe. Therefore, they are collected in advance, 10 days before they ripen.

Clapp's favorite - a decades-tested variety

The first harvest takes 7 or 8 years, but then the trees begin to delight with a rich harvest. They tolerate cold winters well, but are susceptible to scab.


This is a late summer variety that is loved by gardeners in the Moscow region. A tall tree grows, on which large fruits ripen weighing from 150 to 180 g, some of them up to 200 g. They are covered with dense skin. They are colored greenish with a tinge of yellow, with a reddish tan with an orange tinge on top. They have white, oily flesh, juicy, with a nutmeg flavor. Pears ripen by the end of August, but not at one time, but in stages, so they are not collected immediately, but 2 or 3 times.

Vidnaya pear is memorable both in appearance and taste

It is impossible to collect unripe fruits, otherwise their pulp will be mealy.

When ripe, pears do not fall off. But it is important to collect them in time, before they begin to rot right on the branches of the tree. The trees bear fruit in 4 to 5 years, each of them bears from 40 to 60 kg of fruit.


Pears are harvested at the end of September or in October. They are bright yellow in color and have an excellent aroma. Sweet autumn pear is intended for planting in the central zone, but is not inferior in taste southern varieties. Produces high yields that are harvested every year. The variety is resistant to scab and other diseases, and is not afraid of cold winters.

Autumn sweet has amazing pulp

Yakovlev's favorite

This is also an autumn pear; the seedling grows into a tall tree. It has medium-sized fruits that are green (with a hint of yellow) when picked, but when ripe they become golden. The pulp is juicy, there is a quince aroma, not tart. It contains up to 8.2% sugars, and acidity is 0.10%. Pears are harvested in early September and eaten until November. The first fruits appear 5 or 6 years after planting. Not afraid of harsh winters. The harvests are rich.

Yakovleva's favorite pear produces fantastic harvests


A small tree grows, but with a dense crown.

The fruits are small, weigh from 60 to 70 g, covered with thin skin. There are visible golden spots on it, which are varietal feature pears

Their flesh is oily, very juicy, with a pleasant aroma. This variety differs from the others in that pears grow sweet in any weather (even in cold summers with rain). Pears ripen by mid-September, and if they are not picked on time, some of the fruits fall off. They can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 100 days. The first harvest is harvested after 6 or 7 years. The trees have good winter hardiness and average yield.

Thumbelina pear - small but very tasty fruits

Memory of Zhegalov

This is a late autumn pear. The trees grow quickly, their crown is sparse. The fruits weigh from 120 to 140 g, but sometimes up to 200 g. They are covered with thin skin. Pears are yellow with a green tint, sometimes with a reddish blush. The flesh is slightly yellowish and juicy. She smells nice. It contains up to 9.2% sugars and 0.41% acid, the taste was rated at 4.1 - 4.3 points. Pears ripen by the end of September and are stored for about a month, maximum 120 days at a temperature of 0 degrees. On average, up to 40 kg of fruits are collected from one tree. The variety is resistant to many diseases and winter hardiness is above average. Refers to early-fruiting varieties.

The Memory Pear of Zhegalov has very original fruits


This is an early autumn variety that is famous large fruits weighing from 150 to 180 g, but sometimes they grow up to 220 g. They are covered with a thick greenish skin with a hint of yellow. But on top they are decorated with a marbled blush. The pulp is coarse-grained, aromatic, its taste was rated 4.8 points out of a possible 5. It contains up to 10.8% sugars and 0.07% acid. This is a dessert variety. The fruits are harvested in early September and eaten for 3 or 4 weeks; they are not stored longer than 70 days.

Marbled pear attracts attention with its beauty

In dry years, the fruits fall off. Winter hardiness is at an average level, and it is not afraid of scab.


The Yeseninskaya pear variety is already more than 100 years old.

Found in home gardens. The fruits of this variety of pears weigh about 130 g. They are covered with a rough, dense skin, which is at first light green and then becomes yellowish. The top is covered with a light pink blush. It has juicy, cream-colored flesh with a light nutmeg aroma. It contains 9.9% sugars and 0.38 acids. The fruits are harvested in early September and are stored for up to 2 months. Mature tree brings from 40 to 50 kg of pears. They are resistant to scab and winter-hardy.

Tender and sweet pear fruits have been pleasing humanity with their amazing taste for thousands of years. It’s all the more offensive that in central Russia this fruit is not as popular as tangerines, watermelons and bananas. Pear is a heat-loving plant and extremely picky about growing conditions. But selection does not stand still - the best varieties of pear have appeared, which can be successfully grown not only in the south, but also in private plots of central Russia.

According to the ripening period, pear varieties are divided into three groups: early, autumn and winter. Each of these groups is represented by many interesting and promising varieties.

The best autumn pear varieties include: early harvest ripening. The fruits are yellow and quite large. The shape is pear-shaped. The skin of the fruit is smooth, matte and thin. The pulp is light yellow, almost white, medium juicy. The fruits have a pleasant, refreshing, sour-sweet taste. Ripening occurs in mid to late August.

The variety is frost-resistant and high-yielding. Resistant to extreme conditions cultivation, but is afraid of sudden changes in temperature and changes in soil moisture. This can lead to cracking of the fruit and, as a result, to the appearance of fungal diseases.

One of the advantages of the variety is that after ripening the fruits do not fall off the tree.


"Lada"– one of the best early summer pear varieties. This is one of the most popular varieties pears. The fruits are small, weighing up to 100 grams, yellowish in color with an almost imperceptible pinkish blush on the sides. The fruits have juicy, fine-grained pulp with a delicate aroma. The variety ripens by mid-August. It has good resistance to cold and disease. Among the disadvantages of Lada, it is worth noting the fact that trees of this variety begin to bear fruit 3 years after planting. In addition, on old trees the fruits begin to become smaller.

The variety is highly valued for its unpretentiousness to growing conditions, excellent yield and excellent taste.

Duchess summer

"Williams", or "Summer Duchess"- an old English variety, a classic and a standard among the best varieties of pears. It was bred at the end of the 18th century in Berkshire. The variety is grown mainly in the southern regions. The fruits are large, weighing 170-200 grams, pear-shaped. The color is yellowish. The side of the fruit facing the sun has a beautiful reddish blush. Externally, the fruits of the Williams variety look very nice. The flesh is creamy, sometimes white. The fruits are distinguished by their juiciness, wine-sweet taste and stunning aroma of nutmeg.

The variety also has disadvantages - it does not tolerate drought and cold. Since “Williams” is self-fertile, a pollinating variety must be planted next to it.


"Rogneda". This is an autumn variety that ripens in late summer. One of the advantages of "Rogneda" is its almost complete immunity to garden diseases. The variety is winter-hardy and is not afraid of sudden temperature changes.

The fruits are yellowish-orange in color with numerous subcutaneous spots, rather large, round in shape. The pulp is sweet and aromatic. The fruits can be stored for up to 3 months in the refrigerator or other cool place.

The disadvantages of the variety are shedding and irregular fruiting.


"Otradnenskaya"– an autumn pear variety with early ripening. The harvest can be harvested at the end of September. The advantages of the variety include high yield. The fruits are medium-sized, greenish-red in color, oblong-round. The skin is smooth and matte, subcutaneous points are poorly expressed. The pulp is sour-sweet, low-juicy, without a pronounced aroma. During the season, you can collect 30-40 kg of fruit from one tree.

The variety is slightly susceptible to diseases and has excellent winter hardiness.

It is one of the best autumn pear varieties. The harvest ripens by the end of summer. The fruits are medium-sized, round in shape, weighing up to 180 grams. The color of pears is greenish-yellow with an orange-red blush. The pulp is cream and yellowish in color. The taste is delicate, with a delicate pleasant aroma.

The variety has average resistance to winter. Productivity is high. “Marble” is practically not affected by scab.

- one of the most popular pear varieties suitable for cultivation in central Russia. The harvest can be harvested at the end of August. The fruits are medium-sized, rounded-rhombic in shape. The pulp is juicy, tender, but slightly aromatic.

The variety is valued for its stable high yield and excellent taste. The advantages of the variety include good winter hardiness and high drought resistance. Unfortunately, “Osennyaya Yakovleva” is easily affected by scab - this is the main drawback of the variety.

– one of the best young autumn varieties pears with excellent winter hardiness. The harvest ripens by mid-September. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing up to 110 grams, pear-shaped and with thin skin. The color is yellowish-pink. The pulp is juicy, medium-sweet.

The variety has good yield and excellent disease resistance.


  • the fruits ripen quickly;
  • Hot weather negatively affects the taste of fruits.

- one of the most famous and popular pear varieties. This is what you can most often find in supermarkets and markets. The harvest ripens in late September - early October. The fruits are large, recognizable elongated pear-shaped, green in color with dense skin. The flesh is creamy pink, very sweet and juicy. To make the fruits more tasty, they need to sit for a while - after aging they acquire a wonderful aroma and oiliness. The variety is valued for its sweet taste and excellent yield. In many countries, Conference is grown on an industrial scale.

The best varieties of pear include. This is a late-autumn variety that is resistant to cold and disease. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing up to 130 grams, doubly conical in shape, greenish-yellow in color. The pulp is light yellow, sometimes whitish, juicy, with a rich aroma.

Since the variety is self-sterile, it needs the selection of pollinating varieties. This is his only drawback.

Not so long ago, growing pears was viewed with caution. Unlike the apple tree, it was more whimsical and did not tolerate frost or sudden changes in temperature. Today, breeders have bred more than 200 different varieties, including frost-resistant ones, which can grow in all regions of Russia, including Siberia and the Urals. Considering that many varieties have not yet been fully tested by gardeners, we will tell you what the best varieties of pears are for the Moscow region, the middle zone, northern regions, and we’ll tell you separately by variety different periods maturation.

The best varieties of pears for central Russia, the Moscow region and the Urals

The varieties listed below are especially popular among gardeners, since, unlike southern varieties, they can grow on any soil and still produce bountiful harvest and not lose their properties even during prolonged frosts. Breeders paid special attention to resistance to pests and various diseases, and in this too, many varieties for the middle zone have no equal.

Among the relatively new ones, the following varieties can be distinguished:


In terms of timing, it refers to summer ripening. It bears fruit every year, the first harvest appears in the 4th year after planting the seedlings. The crop is unpretentious, tall (more than 3 meters), with a very dense crown, which is recommended to be cut through every 2-3 years to provide access to sunlight. The fruits are regular pear-shaped, medium in size, weight does not exceed 150 grams. The taste is sweet with a sour aftertaste. Can be stored for no more than 3 weeks. Used fresh, as well as for preparations and preservation. If the best varieties of pears are for the Moscow region, then Cathedral is perfect.



Early fruiting variety of medium ripening. Productivity is high - on average 35-40 kg per tree. An unpretentious crop, resistant to drought, pests and diseases. The fruits do not fall off as they ripen, which makes it possible to harvest and guarantee its long-term storage and transportability.

Pears are uneven in size, medium size - up to 150 g. The taste is sweet, the flesh is tart, very aromatic. It can be stored for 3 months if the temperature is stable (0-+10C), placed in pallets in one row and there are no drafts in the room.



Relatively new variety, registered only at the end of 1997. Bred by breeders specifically for central Russia and the northern regions, the Urals and Siberia. It is characterized by a high degree of resistance to frost, diseases, and poor soil fertility. It produces a large harvest and bears fruit annually, starting from the fourth year after planting. A rootstock with quince is recommended, which gives larger fruits and a more pronounced taste.

The fruits are more round, uneven in size and medium in weight (120-150 g). The flesh is dense and crispy. They do not fall off as they ripen, but when they fall they break violently. When leaving a pear for storage, it is necessary to sort it and remove broken or rotten fruits. Suitable for fresh consumption and canning.

VIDEO: Pear cider. Simply and easily


Winter variety of medium height and excellent survival rate in different soils. The culture can withstand any frost (with high-quality insulation, even down to -50 0 C). It begins to bear fruit at the age of 4 years and brings a consistently high yield every year. The fruits are quite large - 200-220 grams, the taste is sweet with a sour aftertaste, and a very pronounced aroma. Transportability is average - it is prone to falling off as it ripens, which makes harvesting much more difficult.



Winter variety resistant to diseases and pests with above average yield. About 30-35 kg of pears are harvested from one tree. Crown pyramidal shape, requires regular pruning to form a comfortable bed and ensure access to sunlight to each branch.

The fruits are small - up to 100 grams, the flesh is elastic, juicy, and quickly darkens in the fresh air. The taste is sweet and sour. Keeping quality is average, depending on the time of harvest and the quality of the pears themselves.


The best varieties of early ripening pears

They are in constant demand, as they allow you to get a good harvest already in mid-summer or closer to the beginning of autumn. Which depends on the planting region. It should be noted that such fruits do not last long - no more than two weeks, but the taste is very rich, although there is often a sour aftertaste. During a short period of solar activity, the fruits do not have time to fully ripen, so these are the best varieties of pears for those who like fruits with sourness.

Early July

Judging by the name and popularity among gardeners, the most favorite variety of pears, which produces a consistently good harvest every year. Medium-sized fruits weighing 100-120 g., same size, regular pear-shaped. Keeping quality is minimal - up to one and a half weeks. The taste is pronounced, with a predominance of sweet. The pulp is elastic and practically does not darken when exposed to air. Suitable for consumption in reduced form and for making juices. It is not recommended for preservation, as it quickly loses its richness of taste. It cannot be transported over long distances due to its short shelf life.

Early July

Moldavian Early

A hybrid summer variety bred by breeders from two varieties. It is characterized by high frost resistance and is not susceptible to attack by pests and typical diseases. Grows on different types of soil. Requires care and application organic fertilizers and regular crown trimming to form a comfortable bed.

The fruits are medium-sized - up to 150 grams, with dense, elastic pulp with minimal signs of rust (if the cut fruit is left in the open air for more than 15 minutes). Harvesting maturity occurs in the first half of August and continues until early September.

Moldavian Early

Early ripening (Skorospelka)

Brought out in 1999 by crossing three varieties. Today it is fast growing tall variety, resistant to frost and disease, bearing fruit annually. The first harvest occurs in the 5th year of growth. The fruits are medium, uniform in size, with minimal shelf life - at proper organization can last no more than two weeks. It is consumed mainly fresh and is excellent for making juices due to its soft and juicy pulp. The skin is thin. There is good resistance to scab, but is often affected by moniliosis.

Early ripening (Skorospelka)

The best sweet pear varieties

A fully ripe pear is mostly sweet, but there are varieties that can be eaten even unripe and will be no less sweet. Among these are the best pear varieties for the Moscow region, reviews of which can be found online and on gardening forums.

Autumn sweet

Without exaggeration, the best variety for the middle zone, the Urals and Siberia, which is not inferior to any southern form in terms of richness of taste and juiciness. At the same time, there is a high degree of resistance to prolonged frosts, pests and insects. The fruits are bright yellow, aromatic, the flesh is elastic and juicy. Keeping quality is average, can be stored for more than a month, provided that storage is properly organized. The first harvest appears in the second ten days of September and until the end of October.

Autumn sweet

Buttery sweet

The favorite variety of pears for Moscow region gardeners, who are attracted by their taste, juiciness, long-term storage, and versatility in use. Due to the high concentration of sugar, pears can be consumed not only fresh, but also used to make wine, liqueurs and other preserves.

The variety is resistant to all diseases without exception, is easy to care for, and does not require a rootstock. At the end of autumn, it is advisable to insulate the trees, cover the root zone with dry manure and cover them with spruce paws.

Buttery sweet

Vidnaya (lumpy)

The sweetest pear of all the above varieties with only one drawback - it has minimal shelf life. The fruit cannot be stored even for several days; it is recommended to either eat it immediately or send it for preservation.

Like all varieties for central Russia, they are winter-hardy, hardy, not susceptible to attacks by insects and diseases, and bear fruit in the 5th year after planting.

VIDEO: How to choose the right pear variety

Tasty and sweet pears are eaten by almost everyone, and not only raw, but also as healthy compote and jam, alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink. The delicate inflorescences of pears become the beauty and dignity of the garden, giving a charming fragrance. The presence of pears in our farms is common, but not all of us have thought about how long they have been living with us.

Several thousand varieties of pear are cultivated in the world. Each of them has visible, persistent differences depending on the terrain, climate, soil composition and the amount of precipitation that fell in a given area during the year.

Pear loves the sun and warm, mild climate. If you want to get high-quality and ripe fruits, then you need to carefully and diligently loosen the soil and fertilize the planted tree.

Rich in vitamins, useful microelements this crop pleases us with a harvest for six months, from the last week of July until the arrival of the first December frosts. Climate features directly affect the time of harvest ripening, therefore, we can divide all growing pears into varieties depending on the time of year.

Summer pear varieties

Ripe fruits summer ripening pears appear by the end of July and stop bearing fruit in early autumn. It is very important not to miss the harvest, which is about 4-7 days after ripening.

Otherwise, the pears become overripe, rot and fall off. Something must be done with them, these pears must be used somehow, as they poorly stored, no more than 14 days. Among the well-known varieties are the following:

Description of the pear variety “Limonka”

This pear doesn't demand special attention . Pear fruits ripen from July to August. The fruits are small(80 - 100 g), thin skin. Their color is lemon, the flesh is dense and juicy. The variety bears fruit by the seventh year.

Advantages: high yield, no soil requirements, hardy and durable variety.

Flaws: unexpressed watery taste, rapid overripeness, you should be wary of scab. Since Limonka is a variety without any special requirements, planting it does not oblige you to take any special measures. Just keep in mind that this tree tends to grow widely.

Tree care You can do the minimum: watering, fluffing up the soil around it, pruning according to the season.

Pear "Lada": description of the variety

An early ripening variety, well known to many. The weight of the pears is 150 g. The pulp of the fruit is medium juicy and tender. The taste of pears is sweet and sour. It gives us its fruits already in the third year, or at least in the fourth.

Flaws: small size and short shelf life.

Advantages: the harvest is large and plentiful, the tree is early-bearing, well resistant to frost.

Variety "Belolistka"

Description of the variety. The Belolistka variety produces consistently good harvests, the size of ripening pears is from 30 to 60 g, ripe pears are ripe from the third decade of August. The skin of the pears is of medium density, the color is yellowish, the flesh is dense and juicy.

Advantage This variety should be recognized as resistance to frost, not picky about growth conditions, and low susceptibility to rot and fungal diseases.

Flaw: short shelf life - only about 10 days.

Planting and care: The planting site should be well drained, the soil should be fresh and loose.

Pear "Skorospelka"

Description of the variety. Early ripening is guaranteed to produce high yields; pears will ripen in early July. It bears fruit in the fifth to seventh year after planting. Pears are medium in size, weight - 120-170 g, have greenish color with red ruddy barrels.

The taste is well expressed, sweet and sour. They are not afraid of arid areas and are quite frost-resistant. Poorly stored, ten to twelve days.

Significant disadvantage"Skrospelki" is required to recognize instability to scab damage.

Advantages: high yield, resistance to changes in weather conditions.

Peculiarities planting and care of the variety: prefers the most illuminated place.

Pear variety "Rogneda"

Description of the variety. It is winter-hardy, gives a decently high yield, pears ripen by the end of summer. The pears are small, weight – 120-130 g. Their skin is loose, the color is yellow with a reddish blush.

The taste is sweetish, has pronounced nutmeg notes. This pear practically does not suffer from scab and fruit rot. Its harvested fruits last a long time, as for varieties summer period ripening - up to three months in a cool place.

Flaws: irregular fruiting and rather early fruit falling.

Advantages: interesting taste, resistant variety to pests, good shelf life, not afraid of frost.

Features of planting and care: during big harvest it is necessary to install supporting branches of the support.

Pear variety "Bere Giffard"

Description of the variety. Harvests towards the end of July. Weight 60-100 g, skin green, blush reddish-orange. The harvest is low, but the variety is popular due to its original sweet and sour taste and pulp that melts in your mouth.

Pears of this variety are quite resistant to many diseases, and they are not afraid of scab. The pear requires special attention from the gardener: a generous harvest can only be harvested on fertilized soils, and the trees are afraid of frost. The fruits of this variety do not last long - about three to five days.

Advantages of the variety: disease resistance, excellent taste.

Flaws: low-yielding, whimsical, small fruit size.

Planting and care: The soil requires significant fertilizing; it must continue to be fertilized over time.

Autumn varieties of pears

The harvest ripens, as the name suggests, when autumn arrives, from September to early November. Autumn pears are stored better than summer ones, but still their shelf life does not exceed one and a half months.

They must be picked promptly, without delay, because... They quickly lose taste and appearance . They must be collected promptly within 5-7 days. First of all, autumn pears are used both for preservation and for processing into jam.

Variety "Otradnenskaya"

Description of the variety. It is popular because it is early-bearing and winter-hardy. This variety bears fruit regularly. Guaranteed high yield. Resistant to various diseases and changes in weather conditions.

Weight no more than 130 g. Pears have no smell. The pulp is slightly juicy, sweet and sour. Pears will be born in the fifth or sixth year. Well suited for transportation.

Flaws: slightly interesting taste, no aroma.

Advantages: transportable, winter-resistant, high-yielding.

Features of planting and care of this variety: The variety is partially self-fertile. To increase the yield, Otradnenskaya should be planted next to the Memory of Zhegalov, Mramornaya, Moskvichka.

Pear "Cheremshina"

Description of the variety. This pear grows quickly, its crown is in the form of a high pyramid. It bears fruit in the fifth or sixth year. Pears ripen in October-November. The weight of pears ranges between 160 g and 250 g. The color ranges from bright yellow to yellow-orange. It can be stored for up to 4-5 months.

Flaw– narrowness of the crown, but this is an easily correctable phenomenon. Formative pruning will help achieve the desired crown shape.

Advantages Cheremshins: rich harvest, increasing yield, no fear of frost, no scab.

Planting and care: This variety should be planted in fluffy and well-fertilized soil.

Pear variety "Admiral Gervais"

Description of the variety. French guest, we don’t know him well. The variety is low-growing, the crown has the shape of a pyramid. Not afraid of frost. The harvest is consistently high. It bears fruit in the fifth year; they ripen in mid-autumn, in October. Weight – 270 g. Pears are tasty, have a well-perceived smell, their flesh is tender-juicy and has a sweet and sour taste.

Flaws: Potentially susceptible to leaf blight.

Advantages of the variety: the taste is beyond praise, the aroma is also good, the transportation of fruits is excellent, high-yielding.

Features of planting and care: So that he grows well, this variety Need a warm place, rich, moist soil.

Pear variety “Memory of Zhegalov”: description

Description of the variety. Russian variety, . Named after the famous breeder. Pears are medium-sized, and the tree’s yield is also average. They bear fruit by the fifth or sixth year. The pear pulp is aromatic and juicy, light-grained, the taste of the pears is sweet and sour. The fruits weigh from 120 to 150 g.

pros: early fruiting, good yield and taste, versatility, resistance to various diseases and temperature changes.

Planting and care: needs pollinators (Otradnenskaya is well suited).

Description of the pear variety "Duchess"

Description of the variety. Another guest from France. This pear is whimsical. Gives its harvest in the fifth or sixth year. The pears from this tree are large (350-600 g). Delicately juicy soft pulp. The aroma is clearly expressed.

Flaws: difficult to tolerate low temperatures, selectivity in conditions, in a word, this pear is picky.

Advantages: excellent memorable taste, large juicy fruits, the variety is promising for breeding.

Upon landing It must be remembered that the quality of the fruit decreases on forest and clay soils. It is very important to insulate it.

Winter varieties of pears

Pears winter varieties keeps well in the cold(0.. 2), they lie much better than summer and autumn periods maturation. But in general, these fruits lie quietly until spring. Pears begin to reach ripeness around mid-October.

It is advisable to pick as late as possible, but remember that once ripe, fruits may fall off easily.

Pear variety "Cure"

Description of the variety. Cure is a popular winter variety. The pear grows tall, its crown is thick. This variety is an early winter variety, its fruits ripen in late November - early December, and are normally stored until the last days of January.

The variety is high-yielding, not particularly demanding. We are pleased with the harvest in the sixth or seventh year. Weight – 200 g. Pulp – medium in juiciness and density, slightly tart; the aroma is moderate. The taste is average.

Advantages: tolerates cold well, high yield, undemanding to soil.

Flaws: vigorous growing tree, average fruit taste.

Planting and care. The variety has no requirements for soil quality, but grows better in wetter soil. More frequent thinning of branches is required.

Pear "Study of Kyiv"

Features of the variety. Intensive, winter variety, compact, crown – not dense. The fruits ripen by October - November. It begins to delight us with its fruits in the third or fourth year. Noticeably high yield.

The pulp of pears is tender, juicy, and oily. The scent of rose is strong. The fruits have a pleasant, sweet and sour taste. Weight 200-270 g.

Flaws Etude Kyiv: has a tendency to fade.

Quantity advantages much more: early fruiting, winter hardiness, scab resistance, compactness of the tree, shelf life.

Features of planting and care: a variety that absolutely does not require any special tricks.

Pear "Bere Ardanpon"

Features of the variety. And this is a guest from Belgium. The trees are vigorous. The crown of trees of this variety is dense, in the form of a pyramid. The pears are harvested in early October.

Pears are stored at the right temperature until January - early February. The first harvest does not occur until after four years, or even five years. The yield of the variety is moderate.

The fruits are tasty and sweet. Their flesh is tender, melting, slightly tart. Weight – 250-500 g.

Flaws: high demands on soil and temperature conditions, severe susceptibility to scab.

Advantages: taste, good yield, good lightness.

Landing Features, care. The soil should be light, warm, and not very moist. During frosts, the tree needs shelter.

Pear "Kyrgyz winter"

Description of the variety. Medium-sized, early-fruiting variety. Pears ripen in early October and are harvested in 2 batches. Pears are transportable (under the right conditions they can be stored until mid-spring). Weight from 220 to 250 g. The pulp is coarse-grained, tart. The taste is specific.

Advantages: the variety is frost-resistant, resistant to thermal burns, scab.

Flaws: branching features.

Features of planting and care: before fruiting begins, the shoots must be bent (60 degrees), not cut.

Description of the pear variety “Noyabrskaya”

Description of the variety. Popular in European countries due to its remarkable properties. Fruits in early October. Pears are stored until the first ten days of February. Weight from 190 to 700 g. This pear is recognized as one of the most delicious. Its pulp is juicy, tender, aromatic. The taste is standard, sweet and sour.

Advantages: early fruiting, high yield, not afraid of frost, resistant to scab and fire blight, very good taste.

Disadvantages This pear simply cannot have it.

Features of planting and care: the variety is not picky. Does not require any special conditions.

As you can see, there are a great many varieties of pears. One could say that winter pears– they last longer, summer ones are tastier, and autumn ones should be used for processing and preservation. Each variety has both advantages and disadvantages.

When choosing a variety, you need to take into account climate conditions, land cover and your readiness for careful, or, on the contrary, not very,