Promising pear varieties. Pear "Kyrgyz winter". Pear Lada: photos, reviews

Fig, fig, fig tree - these are all names of the same plant, which we strongly associate with Mediterranean life. Anyone who has ever tasted fig fruits knows how delicious they are. But, in addition to their delicate sweet taste, they are also very beneficial for health. And here's an interesting detail: it turns out that figs are completely unpretentious plant. In addition, it can be successfully grown on a plot in the middle zone or in a house - in a container.

Quite often, difficulties in growing tomato seedlings arise even among experienced summer residents. For some, all the seedlings turn out to be elongated and weak, for others, they suddenly begin to fall and die. The thing is that it is difficult to maintain in an apartment ideal conditions for growing seedlings. Seedlings of any plants need to be provided with plenty of light, sufficient humidity and optimal temperature. What else do you need to know and observe when growing tomato seedlings in an apartment?

Delicious vinaigrette with apple and sauerkraut - a vegetarian salad made from boiled and chilled, raw, pickled, salted, pickled vegetables and fruits. The name comes from the French sauce made from vinegar, olive oil and mustard (vinaigrette). Vinaigrette appeared in Russian cuisine not so long ago, around the beginning of the 19th century; perhaps the recipe was borrowed from Austrian or German cuisine, since the ingredients for Austrian herring salad are very similar.

When we dreamily sort through bright packets of seeds in our hands, we are sometimes subconsciously convinced that we have a prototype of a future plant. We mentally allocate a place for it in the flower garden and look forward to the cherished day of the appearance of the first bud. However, buying seeds does not always guarantee that you will eventually get the desired flower. I would like to draw attention to the reasons why seeds may not sprout or die at the very beginning of germination.

Spring is coming, and gardeners have more work to do, and with the onset of warmer weather, changes in the garden occur rapidly. The buds are already beginning to swell on plants that were still dormant yesterday, and everything is literally coming to life before our eyes. After a long winter, this is good news. But along with the garden, its problems come to life - insect pests and pathogens. Weevils, flower beetles, aphids, clasterosporiosis, maniliosis, scab, powdery mildew- the list could take a very long time.

Breakfast toast with avocado and egg salad is a great way to start the day. The egg salad in this recipe acts as a thick sauce that is seasoned with fresh vegetables and shrimp. My egg salad is quite unusual, it is a dietary version of everyone’s favorite snack - with Feta cheese, Greek yogurt and red caviar. If you have time in the morning, never deny yourself the pleasure of cooking something tasty and healthy. You need to start the day with positive emotions!

Perhaps every woman has at least once received a blooming orchid as a gift. It’s not surprising, because such a living bouquet looks amazing and blooms for a long time. Orchids are not very difficult to grow. indoor crops, but failure to comply with the main conditions for their maintenance often leads to the loss of a flower. If you are just getting started with indoor orchids, you should find out the correct answers to the main questions about growing these beautiful plants in the house.

Lush cheesecakes with poppy seeds and raisins prepared according to this recipe are eaten in no time in my family. Moderately sweet, plump, tender, with an appetizing crust, without excess oil, in a word, exactly the same as my mother or grandmother fried in childhood. If the raisins are very sweet, then you don’t need to add granulated sugar at all; without sugar, the cheesecakes will be better fried and will never burn. Cook them in a well-heated frying pan, greased with oil, over low heat and without a lid!

Cherry tomatoes differ from their larger counterparts not only in the small size of their berries. Many cherry varieties are characterized by a unique sweet taste, which is very different from the classic tomato taste. Anyone who has never tried such cherry tomatoes with their eyes closed may well decide that they are tasting some unusual Exotic fruits. In this article I will talk about five different cherry tomatoes that have the sweetest fruits with unusual colors.

I started growing annual flowers in the garden and on the balcony more than 20 years ago, but I will never forget my first petunia, which I planted in the country along the path. Only a couple of decades have passed, but you’re amazed at how different the petunias of the past are from the many-sided hybrids of today! In this article, I propose to trace the history of the transformation of this flower from a simpleton into a real queen of annuals, as well as consider modern varieties of unusual colors.

Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - aromatic and satisfying. This dish can be served as a main dish if you are preparing a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise are high-calorie foods; in combination with spicy fried chicken and mushrooms, you get a very nutritious snack, which is refreshed by sweet and sour grapes. The chicken in this recipe is marinated in a spicy mixture of ground cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with fire, use hot chili.

The question is how to grow healthy seedlings, all summer residents are concerned in early spring. It seems that there are no secrets here - the main thing for fast and strong seedlings is to provide them with warmth, moisture and light. But in practice, in a city apartment or private house, this is not so easy to do. Of course, everyone experienced gardener There is a proven way to grow seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - the propagator.

The Sanka tomato variety is one of the most popular in Russia. Why? The answer is simple. He is the very first to bear fruit in the garden. Tomatoes ripen when other varieties have not even bloomed yet. Of course, if you follow the growing recommendations and make an effort, even a novice grower will receive a rich harvest and joy from the process. And so that your efforts are not in vain, we advise you to plant high-quality seeds. For example, such as seeds from TM “Agrosuccess”.

Task indoor plants in the house - to decorate the home with your own appearance, to create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this reason, we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only about watering on time, although this is important. It is also necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, and make a correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers there is nothing supernatural about this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

Tender cutlets from chicken breast It’s easy to prepare with champignons according to this recipe with step by step photos. There is an opinion that it is difficult to make juicy and tender cutlets from chicken breast, but this is not so! Chicken meat contains virtually no fat, which is why it is a bit dry. But, if you add cream, white bread and mushrooms with onions to the chicken fillet, you will get amazingly tasty cutlets that both children and adults will like. IN mushroom season try adding wild mushrooms to the minced meat.

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Inna Gurda-Mitko 10/6/2015 | 13682

All pear varieties are divided into summer, autumn and winter. Depending on the timing of ripening, they have different purposes and characteristics. But which ones existing varieties the best?

Choosing the optimal variety is not easy. It is necessary to take into account winter hardiness, resistance to common diseases, as well as taste qualities. And here the observations of experienced gardeners will help. We have compiled a list of 10 pear varieties that, according to most gardeners, are superior in their characteristics to many of the existing ones.

Bere Bosc

High-yielding autumn variety. The tree is medium-sized with a dense crown. The fruits are large, yellowish-brown in color, elongated pear-shaped. The pulp is white or creamy, granular, juicy and aromatic, with excellent taste. The variety is suitable for dessert use.


High-yielding autumn variety. The tree is medium-sized with a spreading crown. The fruits are large, round, green-yellow with a slight blush. The pulp is creamy, juicy, soft, aromatic. The variety produces consistently high yields and is absolutely resistant to scab and some other diseases. The fruits are used both for fresh consumption and for canning.

Duchess summer (Williams)

Summer high-yielding dessert variety of pears. The fruits are fragrant, juicy, sweet, pear-shaped, light green when harvested, and waxy yellow after storage. The pulp is white or creamy, juicy, wine-sweet, with a nutmeg aroma. Trees do not tolerate frost and drought well. The fruits can be eaten fresh, dried and canned.

Duchess summer, or Williams, is self-sterile. A pollinating variety should always be planted next to it, for example: Forest beauty, Clapp's Favorite.


High-yielding autumn variety. The tree is medium-sized with a dense crown. The fruits are symmetrical, elongated pear-shaped, green in color with a slight rustiness. The pulp is pink-cream, oily, juicy, very sweet. The variety is of interest to industrial cultivation, because it is one of the sweetest and most productive.


Early summer high-yielding variety. The tree is standard, medium-sized. The fruits are sweet, pear-shaped, light-colored yellow color with a pale pink blush. The pulp is yellowish-white, fine-grained, juicy, with a faint aroma. The variety is resistant to disease and cold.

Clapp's Favorite

Summer high-yielding variety of pears. In the southern regions it ripens at the end of July. The fruits are yellow with a reddish blush. The skin of the ripe fruit is smooth. The pulp is white, tender, juicy, aromatic, sweet with a sour taste. When ripe, the fruits quickly fall off and are not stored for long. This is a self-sterile variety, but in proximity to Duchess Summer, which will act as a pollinator, the tree will be able to fully “realize” its potential.


A productive autumn variety, excellent for growing in the middle zone. The tree is medium-sized. The fruits are broadly pear-shaped, yellow-green in color, often with abundant rustiness. The pulp is white or creamy, coarse-grained, juicy, melting. The variety is winter-hardy. But he is afraid of drought, which causes a decrease in yield and fruit drop.


High-yielding autumn variety of pears. The tree is medium-sized, the crown is dense. The fruits are round-conical, yellow-green in color with a red-orange blush. The pulp is creamy white, fine-grained, juicy and aromatic. The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and canning.

In memory of Yakovlev

High-yielding autumn pear variety. The tree is low-growing, the crown is medium dense, rounded. The fruits are light yellow with a faint pink blush, medium size, broadly pear-shaped. The skin is thin, shiny, semi-oily. The pulp is creamy white, juicy, semi-oily. The variety is resistant to many diseases and has good winter hardiness.

Pear is a representative of the genus of fruit and ornamental trees and bushes. Belongs to the dicotyledonous class, the flowering department, the order Rosaceae, the rose family, the genus pear (lat. Pyrus).

In the Old Russian chronicles of the 12th century, the pear is mentioned as “hrusha,” presumably because of the characteristic crunch when biting the fruit, and is consonant with some Slavic names: hruska (Czech), krusha (Bulgarian).

Pear wood is hard, dense, with a fine texture and barely noticeable growth rings. Due to the presence of special “stone cells”, dried raw materials are quite easy to process. Treated with black stain, pear wood perfectly imitates expensive ebony wood, and when exposed to hot air it turns red. As pear wood naturally ages, it acquires a distinctive amber color.

The average lifespan of a pear is 150-200 years, although some types of pear trees live up to 300 years.

Where does the pear grow?

In the wild, the pear is widespread in Europe and the countries of Central Asia; it occurs in the form of deciduous thickets, but such wild pear produces small and completely tasteless fruits. As a result of successful breeding activities, the pear tree is grown in cultural form on personal plots. Today, the distribution area of ​​this tree extends from the Urals and regions of Western Siberia to the Crimea, Belarus, Ukraine, the foothills of the Caucasus, Japan, China, southern and northern regions European continent.

Pear is a tree that grows on fertile, loose soils and produces abundant harvests of fragrant fruits. Moreover, the optimal soil for planting pears should be neutral or with minimal acidity. On poor, acidic and excessively wet soils, the pear takes root very difficultly and often refuses to bear fruit.

Planting a pear. How to plant a pear?

An important step is right choice places for planting pears and careful preparation of the planting hole. For planting, one- or two-year-old pear seedlings with a developed root system and no visible damage to the above-ground parts are used. Spring planting of pears is acceptable, although experts recommend planting pears in the fall - in the middle or end of September, when the leaves of the seedlings have fallen and sap flow has stopped.

The best soil for planting pears is clayey and loamy, with deep groundwater. Acidic soils lime beforehand. Choose a place for planting pear seedlings that is sunny and protected from the winds.

landing pit 1 m wide and 80 cm deep are dug in advance. At a distance of 30 cm from the center, a stake is driven in, which is necessary for correct height tree.

8-10 kg of rotted manure or compost, 50 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium salt are added to the pit and mixed with a small amount of soil.

The pear seedling is placed in the hole and they begin to add soil, periodically shaking the tree itself. At correct landing the root collar will rise 6-8 cm above ground level. Then the soil is firmly trampled and several buckets of water are spilled. The trunk of the pear seedling is tied to a peg and finally trunk circle mulch with humus or manure so that the mulch does not touch the tree trunk.

Pear care.

Young pear trees need to be watered regularly at the rate of 1 bucket of water per week; during drought, watering is increased.

  • Feeding pears.

In the first 4 years, the pear is fed nitrogen fertilizers, several times a season, and 1 time per season with any potash fertilizer. When loosening the tree trunk circle in spring and autumn, the same complex of fertilizers is applied as was used during planting. Starting from the 5th year, fertilizers are placed in specially dug grooves along the periphery of the crown.

  • Pruning and shaping the crown of a pear.

The formation of the crown consists of spring and autumn pruning branches. Remove close and parallel growing pear branches, shorten particularly long ones, achieving the same length of the crown tier. The cut areas are covered with crushed coal or garden pitch.

  • Caring for pear trees in autumn.

Autumn care for a pear tree includes a number of necessary measures:

– sanitary pruning of branches;

preventative treatment from diseases and pests;

– feeding pears with phosphorus fertilizer;

– whitewashing the pear trunk with lime;

– digging and deep watering of tree trunk circles;

– covering the tree trunk circle with straw or sawdust in a layer of up to 25-30 cm.

  • Caring for pear trees in spring.

Spring pear care begins with removing covers and repeats autumn, only phosphate fertilizers are replaced by nitrogen.

Depending on the variety, the pear begins to bear fruit at 4-7 years of the tree’s life. Pear blossoms occur in April–May; pear harvest occurs, depending on the region, in August–September.

Pear propagation.

Pears are propagated by seed, cuttings, layering and grafting. Seed propagation more used by breeders to develop new varieties. Among the people the most in a simple way Reproduction is considered to be by layering, and the layering begins to bear fruit much earlier than the seedlings.

Pests, diseases and treatment of pears.

Despite the sustainability modern varieties row of pears dangerous diseases, bad weather conditions and failure to comply with preventive measures can lead to tree disease:

  • scab on pears it affects young branches, leaves, and ovaries of pears with characteristic dark spots 2-4 cm in diameter. The fruits become smaller and become tough.

  • stem rot occurs from frost or sunburn, when poor care or lack of nutrients. The bark of the pear tree turns dark red and the tree dries out.

  • powdery mildew- fungal disease pears, characterized by a whitish coating covering the branches, leaves and flowers, which leads to the fall of the ovaries.

  • pear sucker feeds on the cellular sap of trees, causing the buds, leaves or buds of the pear to fall off.

  • pear codling moth lays eggs on pear fruits, and the emerging caterpillars devour the pulp.

Timely treatment of pears with insecticidal preparations, colloidal sulfur, Bordeaux mixture, as well as sanitary pruning and burning of affected pear shoots and foliage help prevent the spread of the disease and in most cases save the plant.

Types of pears, names, descriptions and photographs.

The modern classification includes 33 species of pear, divided into 2 botanical sections - Pashia and Pyrus. Below are several varieties:

  • common pear or wild(lat. Pyrus communis,Pyrus domestica) - a large shrub or tree up to 20 meters high. This type pears gave rise to most cultivars grown in temperate climates. In nature, the wild pear is distributed from Eastern Europe to Western Asia. It is considered a good honey plant and valuable dietary product. Varieties of common pear:

– Pyrus communis L. subsp. Communis

– Pyrus communis L. subsp. Caucasica – Caucasian pear

– Pyrus communis L. subsp. Pyraster – Forest Pear

  • forest pear(lat. Pyrus communis subsp. pyraster)- a subspecies of the common pear. It grows in the form of low shrubs (up to 4 meters) and trees growing up to 20 meters. The forest pear gave birth to hundreds of cultivated varieties, and thanks to its durable wood, it is successfully used in carpentry and turning. This tree grows in the forests and forest-steppes of Central and Eastern Europe.

  • boissier pear(lat. Pyrus boissieriana)- drought-resistant, rare view pears, grows to a limited extent in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, where it is listed in the Red Book. It is also found in northern Iran. Used as a rootstock and hybridization.

  • pear(lat. Pyrus pyrifolia)- drought-resistant, not demanding on soil, has a trunk height of up to 20 m, varietal plants grow up to 6 m. The pear-leaved pear grows in the countries of Central Asia and the Russian Far East. Widely used in agriculture, has a high decorative purpose, and in China it is revered as a sacred tree.

  • Ussuri pear(lat. Pyrus ussuriensis) grows up to 15 meters in height and is characterized by increased frost resistance, due to which it is used in breeding as a source material. The Ussuri pear is widespread in the Far Eastern region of Russia, China and Korea.

  • pear(lat. Pyrus elaeagrifolia) It is characterized by a small height of up to 10 m and high resistance to frost (up to -25 degrees). Small pear fruits are used in cooking, and the trees are used as a rootstock and for gardening. In the wild, the shaggy pear is found in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

  • loose pear(lat. Pyrus salicifolia). This type of pear reaches a height of 8-10 m. The crown of the willow pear is lush, with openwork foliage and early mass flowering. The fruits are small and inedible, so the pear is mainly used as a rootstock for new varieties and as an ornamental plant.

Varieties of pears - names, descriptions and photos. Classification of pears.

By ripening time:

  • Summer (early) varieties of pears,
  • Autumn (medium) varieties of pears,
  • Winter (late) varieties of pears.

By fruit size:

  • Large (large-fruited) varieties of pears,
  • Medium varieties of pears,
  • Small (small-fruited) varieties of pears.

By method of use:

  • Decorative pear,
  • Fruit pear.

According to winter hardiness:

  • Winter-hardy (frost-resistant) varieties of pears,
  • Not winter-hardy pear varieties.

By height:

  • Tall varieties of pears,
  • Medium-sized varieties of pears,
  • Low-growing varieties of pears,
  • Dwarf varieties of pears.

By crown type:

  • Varieties of pears with a pyramidal crown,
  • Varieties of pears with a round crown,
  • Columnar varieties of pears.


  • Sweet pears,
  • Sweet and sour pears
  • Pears with a tart-bitter taste.

By pollination method:

  • Self-pollinating (self-fertile) varieties of pears;
  • Non-self-pollinating pear varieties.

Now let's look at each classification separately with examples of varieties.

Early (summer), middle (autumn), late (winter) varieties of pears - description and photographs.

Depending on the timing of ripening, pears are divided into early (summer), middle (autumn) and late (winter) varieties.

Early varietiespears ripen at the end of July - August; in cold regions, harvesting occurs at the beginning of September. Summer pears must be harvested on time. The fruit should not be allowed to overripe or fall off. Depending on the variety, summer pears are stored in a cool place for 7 to 17 days. Despite the limited shelf life, early fruits are distinguished by juiciness, excellent taste and high commercial value.

The following early (summer) varieties of pears are considered the most popular among gardeners:

  • “Chizhovskaya”;
  • “August dew”;
  • "Julia";
  • “Space”;
  • “Krasulya”;
  • “Cathedral”;
  • “Severyanka”;
  • "Victoria".

Variety Severyanka

Autumn (medium) varietiespears can be harvested in September - early October, the fruits have a short harvest period, which is shortened in particularly hot weather summer season. Autumn varieties of pears are stored in a cool place for 45 to 70 days; during storage, their taste improves significantly. Most autumn varieties have increased resistance to frost.

The best middle (autumn) pear varieties:

  • “Autumn Dream”;
  • "Fun";
  • “Yakovlev’s Favorite”;
  • “Moskvichka”;
  • “Beauty Chernenko”;
  • "Conference";
  • “Nerussa”;
  • "Simply Maria".

Variety Conference

Winter (late) varietiespears They reach harvest maturity in mid-autumn and then ripen during storage, which is why they are grown mainly in regions with a mild climate. At a temperature of + 3-5 degrees, late winter pears, depending on the variety, are stored until January - April of the next year.

The most famous winter varieties pears:

  • “Pervomayskaya”;
  • “Noyabrskaya”;
  • "Nika";
  • “Cure” (“Williams winter”);
  • “Hera”;
  • “Belarusian late”;
  • “Kondratievka”;
  • “Yakovlevskaya”.

Winter variety Williams

Small, medium and large varieties of pears - description and photographs.

Depending on the size and weight of the fruit, large-fruited, medium-sized and small-fruited pear varieties are distinguished.

Large pear varieties - fruits weighing from 200 to 500 g and above. Pear with large fruits It is characterized by stable fruiting and motivates owners to set personal records for growing giant fruits without the use of any chemicals.

The best large varieties pears:

  • “Bere Dil” (250-500 g);
  • “Marianna” (200-350 g);
  • “Marshal Zhukov” (320-560 g);
  • “Autumn large” (200-250 g);
  • “Space” (300-550 g);
  • “Vidnaya” (350-540 g);
  • “Clapp’s Favorite” (250-450 g);
  • “Bere Ardanpon” (200 – 250 g).

Variety Favorite Clapp

Average (medium-sized) pear varieties– fruits weighing from 80 to 200 g. The most numerous varietal group It is characterized by increased fertility, which is why most trees are often overloaded with harvest.

Popular medium pear varieties:

  • “Ilyinka” (up to 150 g);
  • “Melting” (up to 200 g);
  • “Dicolor” (up to 150 g);
  • “Talgar beauty” (up to 200 g);
  • “Muratovskaya” (up to 150 g);
  • “Chizhovskaya” (up to 120 g);
  • “Lada” (up to 120 g);
  • “Annushka” (up to 140 g).

Variety Chizhovskaya

Small (small-fruited) varieties of pears have a fruit weight of 30-80 grams and are most often intended for processing and preparing compotes, jams, confitures and other desserts.

The best small varieties pears:

  • “Ultra early”;
  • "Olga";
  • "Myth";
  • “Veselinka”;
  • “The first swallow”;
  • “Thumbelina”;
  • “Moskovskaya”;
  • “Severyanka”.

Variety Severyanka

According to the method of use, pears are divided into fruit and ornamental.

Fruit pear (technical, table, universal) – varieties, description and photographs.

Fruit varieties of pears are divided into technical, table (dessert) and universal.

Technicalpear varieties mostly intended for recycling. The fruits cannot boast of high commercial qualities, but have excellent taste and aroma, and therefore are actively used in cooking and for preservation.

Technical pear varieties:

  • “Oryol Summer”;
  • “Melitopol juicy”;
  • "Granddaughter";
  • “Hanging”;
  • "Allegro".

Allegro variety

Canteens (dessert) pears They are consumed mainly fresh. The variety is distinguished by its excellent presentation, good shelf life and transportability, and, of course, excellent taste.

The most famous varieties of dessert pear:

  • “Bronze”;
  • "Dawn";
  • “Banquet”;
  • “Marble”;
  • “Perun”;
  • “Quiet Don”.

Variety Marble

Universal varieties of pears used both for processing and for fresh consumption.

The best universal varieties of pears:

  • “Zoe”;
  • “Otradnenskaya”;
  • “Bere winter Michurina”;
  • “Black Sea Amber”;
  • “Pidkumok”;
  • “Academic”.

Variety Otradnenskaya

Decorative pear: varieties, description and photographs.

The ornamental pear comes from China and is a rare guest in Russian gardens. Trees decorative varieties very attractive, therefore ideal for landscaping private gardens and city parks. The fruits of most varieties of ornamental pear are small and inedible, but this deficiency is easily compensated for by beautiful foliage, forming elegant crowns, as well as high winter hardiness.

The best varieties decorative pear:

  • “Calliere Chanticleer”;
  • "Beach Hill"
  • "Loach";
  • “Liana.”

Beech Hill variety

Winter-hardy pear varieties - description and photo.

Based on the degree of winter hardiness, a distinction is made between frost-resistant pear varieties, suitable for cultivation in risky farming conditions, and non-winter-hardy varieties, cultivated in areas with a warm climate.

Winter-hardy (frost-resistant) pear varieties bred mainly in the Far East from the Ussuri pear, the most winter-hardy in the world. Most varieties were selected back in the last century; they are reliable, time-tested and do not freeze out at temperatures of -30-35 degrees.

The best winter-hardy pear varieties:

  • “Dressy Efimova”;
  • "Subject";
  • “Lel”;
  • “Krasnopakharskaya”;
  • “Tyutchevskaya”;
  • “Dulya Novgorodskaya”;
  • “Thin Vetka”;
  • “Uralochka”.

Variety Uralochka

Not winter-hardypear varieties can be grown in the northern regions at their own risk, but in severe winters most varieties freeze out, although some agricultural practices can increase the frost resistance of trees.

Pear varieties not resistant to frost:

  • "Enchantress";
  • “Yeseninskaya”;
  • “January”;
  • “Kieffer” (“Kieffer’s seedling”);
  • “Bere Russian”;
  • “Kupava”;
  • “Morning freshness”;
  • “Black Sea Amber”.

Considering the number of varieties of pears, it’s easy to get confused in the process of finding yours, suitable variety, which will meet hopes and expectations. Rogneda could be a successful choice. Why her? Here it is necessary to take a closer look at its features, since a superficial glance will not answer this question. But after studying this information, you will be able to figure out for yourself whether it is worth getting involved with this variety. And believe me, it contains a lot of interesting things.

Description of the Rogneda variety


Like the vast majority of other varieties, Rogneda is the fruit of the work of breeders. However, if there are often one or two names of scientists next to this or that brainchild, then a lot of people have worked on this variety. These are S. T. Chizhov, and S. P Potapov, as well as N. V. Agafonov, A. G. Matushkin, V. I. Susov and A. V. Isachkin. Rogneda was specially developed as frost-resistant variety under the conditions of the Volga-Vyatka, Northwestern and Central regions.

Rogneda has absorbed all the best from its parents and is rightfully considered one of the best varieties for the Middle Zone

Since 1997, the variety has undergone various tests, and already in 2001 it was included in the State Register, being considered promising for cultivation on an industrial and private scale. To get it, it was necessary to carry out several stages of crossing through pollination. The first step was the creation of the Tema variety at the beginning of the 20th century. From him Rogneda inherited the shape of the fruit, good keeping quality, the ability to grow in Siberian conditions and Far East, as well as excellent presentation. The Forest Beauty variety was paired with Tyoma, which gave the new hybrid consistently high yields for 20 years, undemanding soil requirements, drought resistance and durability.


The tree is considered medium-sized in height and can reach an average of 4 meters. Its structure is standard. The crown is round, but sometimes can take the shape of a pyramid. It is quite sparse due to the fact that the tree does not grow young shoots very actively. The color of the trunk and skeletal branches is gray-brown, the surface of the bark is smooth to the touch.

The Rogneda tree is quite tall, and the bulk of the harvest is concentrated on young ringlets

Young shoots are green-brown in color, thickened, slightly curved and slightly pubescent at the ends. The bulk of the crop grows on young ringlets.

The lush green leaves are ovoid in shape, medium in size and curved towards the central vein. edge sheet plate serrated Petioles of medium thickness.

Rogneda fruits have a round shape, not quite characteristic of a pear.

The fruits are small in size, reaching a maximum weight of 120 g. Their skin is shiny, smooth and quite dense, but can be easily bitten by teeth. They are green-yellow in color most of the time; by the period of full technical ripeness they acquire a weak and blurry blush. Numerous dark green dots appear under the skin. The pulp is juicy, slightly oily, light beige. Easy to chew, stony cells are barely visible. Rogneda fruits contain a lot of fiber, and the minimal acid content makes them truly sweet. This variety is characterized by a light nutmeg flavor and aroma, more typical of southern varieties. According to the tasting scale, Rogneda received 4.1 points.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, the original taste of the fruits and their presentation arouse great interest among gardeners in this variety. The harvest can be used for own needs, or you can send it for sale.

Of course, Rogneda’s yield can amaze anyone, but this doesn’t happen every year

The variety is quite productive, so sometimes it is recommended to even slightly reduce the number of ovaries so as not to overload the tree. At the same time, it is also fast-bearing, which is especially attractive about it, since you don’t have to wait too long for the first pears.

Frost resistance and drought resistance are an indisputable fact obtained in the process of testing the variety in harsh natural conditions for many years.

Rogneda is quite resistant to various fungal diseases, which makes caring for it easier. As well as its undemandingness to soil.

Although fruiting is abundant, it is not regular and stable. This is likely to frustrate those who want to sell their harvest each year. However, a gardener who grows Rogneda fruits for personal consumption always gives the tree the opportunity to rest and gain strength before the next year.

The easy shedding of Rogneda fruits can also be considered a disadvantage. The junction of the fruit and the cutting softens so much that it easily falls down even when the wind blows. That is why many gardeners prefer to harvest the crop without waiting for it to reach full technical ripeness, after which they leave it to ripen indoors at room temperature.

Landing Features

In order for a pear to grow confidently and correctly, you need to choose sunny place, protected from drafts and with groundwater lying at a depth of less than one meter. It is not recommended to plant it on slopes and lowlands. The best solution The choice will be the southern side of the site near some building that protects it from strong winds. Rogneda will be able to grow on the northern or northeastern side, as long as the snow does not melt when it melts and turns the surrounding area into swamps.

Pear does not like excess moisture, so try to plant it in a dry place with low groundwater

Rogneda is considered self-fertile variety pears, but in some sources you can find an indication of only its partial self-fertility. To increase the fruitfulness of flowers, it is recommended to plant varieties such as Pamyat Anzina or Chizhovskaya nearby. They have flowering phases similar to Rogneda and are very winter-hardy.

The time to plant a pear tree depends on the region. IN southern regions In Russia, as well as in mid-latitudes, it is recommended to plant Rogneda in the fall. This way it has time to take root, go into hibernation, and in the spring begin to grow faster. In those regions where cold winters prevail and the climate does not have many warm days, it is better to resort to spring planting so that the pear has time to settle into a new place and prepare for the cold. The planting pit is prepared in advance. If planting is planned in the spring, the ground is dug up in the fall, and if in autumn time, then in a month. A nutrient mixture consisting of the top layer of soil, 20 kg of compost, 120 g of superphosphate and 60 g of potash fertilizer. The dimensions of the pit are 50 cm in diameter and 70 cm in depth.

It is important to pay attention to what plants live in the selected area and determine the likely survival rate of the pear in a new place. For example, horsetail or sedge will tell you that there will be difficulties in growing a tree, but rowan or maple will convince you of the right choice.

Drive a peg for garter into the center of the pit, place a seedling on the mound of the nutrient mixture and begin filling the hole. Shake the tree periodically to fill the voids with soil. The root collar should eventually be 2 - 3 cm above ground level. If this is not the case, be sure to correct the result of your work. After filling the soil, compact it around the trunk and water the plant with 20 - 25 liters of water. For convenience, build around earthen roller with a diameter of 30 - 40 cm so that the water does not spread. After watering, mulch the tree trunk using peat or humus.

Video: planting pear seedlings

Plant care


The pear is undemanding when it comes to watering, but it will be happy if you please it 4 - 5 times a month with a portion of life-giving moisture. Each visit includes a bucket of water in the morning and evening. The tree especially needs moisture during the period of fruit ripening and bud formation of the crop that will grow next year. Of course, be guided by weather conditions, the position of the groundwater level and the growth rate of young shoots.

If possible, it is worth using automation - it will significantly simplify the watering process

For irrigation, sprinkling is often used to supply all parts of the tree with drops of water. It is advisable to use this method in the morning or evening, in cloudy weather. It is also practiced to water in a specially dug ditch 15 cm wide. Its diameter is the same as that of the crown, because it is identical to the diameter of the root system. Once you find the right value, you will deliver water directly to the suction parts of the roots. Don't forget to loosen the soil after each watering.


Weeding serves the main purpose - to rid the pear tree of the company of various weeds, which not only take away water and useful nutrients, but they are also carriers of various diseases, as well as temporary shelters for insect pests. This event is especially important while the pear is very young (in the first few years).

Weeding has one thing important advantage- it allows you to saturate the soil with oxygen during loosening, which has a positive effect on the pear.


A very important activity is regular pruning of pear trees. Moreover, for the first time it is carried out immediately after landing. The central conductor is shortened so that 50 cm remains from it to the ground level. This operation is carried out only with one-year-old seedlings. After this shortening, the crown begins to form in breadth rather than in height.

In general, the formation of the crown is carried out according to two principles - a sparse-tiered form and a free-growing palmette. Speaking about the first option, they mean creating tiers, each of which has 2 - 3 branches. The lower tier is created in the first year of the pear’s life. If the gardener has chosen a palmette, he directs attention to the central conductor and single skeletal branches.

When pruning a tree, be careful not to trim too many branches at once.

Forming a two-year-old seedling is quite simple. At this age, it already has about 7 - 8 branches, and only four of them need to be left. They should be located at the same distance from each other and make an angle of 45 degrees with the central conductor.

To make the shoots branch better, they are shortened by a quarter of the length. If the central conductor has a competitor, it is cut out into a ring (completely).

Formative pruning is carried out in the spring in April, until the buds begin to bloom, that is, before the sap begins to flow. The air temperature should not be lower than +5…+7°С. And here sanitary pruning carried out in the fall, when all the leaves fall off and the plant goes into a dormant state. Old, diseased, dry, inward-growing crowns and shoots interfering with each other are trimmed. Remember that the volume of cut branches should not exceed a quarter of the total volume of the crown. In addition, in the fall it is necessary to give the pear some time to heal the wounds caused by pruning.

Preparing for winter

Considering Rogneda’s amazing winter hardiness, it does not need additional shelter. At least as an adult. A young tree can be protected with a mulching layer of peat about 30 cm thick. So root system will be protected from severe frosts. But with the onset of heat, this layer will need to be removed so that the roots do not dry out.

Whitewashing protects the pear tree from bright sunlight in early spring and prevents pests from settling in the tree bark

It will be useful to whitewash the trunk and skeletal branches in the autumn. To do this, use a solution of 1 kg of lime diluted in 8 liters of water, copper sulfate(200 g) and PVA glue (100 g), taken to impart viscosity to the composition. Instead of glue, you can use 200 g of clay, soaked in water until creamy. The solution should be applied to the wood from the bottom up: as it flows down, it will fill all the unevenness.

Feeding and fertilizer

A good guarantee of the successful development of pears is fertilizing, which must be carried out at the appropriate time, observing the specified proportions. A tree that receives nutrition on time can more easily withstand weather conditions and has good immunity, allowing it to cope with diseases faster and easier.

Table: seasonal feeding of pears

Top dressing Period of use Compound
Saltpeter (root)Spring - buds swell, floweringSaltpeter - 30 g per 1 sq.m. (dilute in water
in proportion 1:50)
Urea (root)SpringUrea - 100 g per tree diluted in 5 l
Nitroammofoska (root)May1 kg of nitroammophoska is diluted in 200 liters of water.
3 buckets of solution per tree
Urea (foliar)From July to September30 - 50 g per 10 l, 2 l per tree
Complex mineral
fertilizer (root)
Autumn - when the harvest is harvested1 tbsp. l. potassium chloride, 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate
granulated for 10 liters - this is enough for 1 sq. m.
Wood ash (root)Autumn (October - November)150 g per square meter- applied to a depth of up to
10 cm

Video: pear care

Diseases and pests of Rogneda pear (table)

Pear Rogneda has good advantage over other varieties - it perfectly resists the main diseases of Rosaceae. In particular, fungal diseases such as scab and gray rot bypass it. At the same time, it cannot be called completely protected from all misfortunes. Therefore, it is necessary to remember the main threats that can be prevented in a timely manner or get rid of them at the first sign.

Disease/pest Signs of appearance Control measures
CytosporosisThe bark turns red and begins to dry out and crack.
  • As a preventative measure, it is necessary to whitewash the trunk and destroy dry and damaged branches.
  • Damaged areas on the trunk and skeletal branches are cut off, the resulting wounds are treated with a solution of copper sulfate 1–2% (100 g per 10 liters of water), then after drying they are covered with garden pitch.
Black cancerInitially, red spots appear on the bark, which then darken and crack. The bark begins to crack and peel off.
  • Branches and leaves affected by the disease are cut off, collected and burned.
  • Control measures are similar to those used for cytosporosis.
Green aphidThe leaves on the tops of young shoots begin to curl and dry out. Shoots slow down in development or do not grow at all.
  • Kinmiks preparation – 2.5 ml per 10 l. It takes 2–5 liters per tree.
  • Agravertine – 5 ml per 1 liter.
  • Preparation Iskra Zolotaya – 40 g per 10 liters, 2–5 liters per tree.
  • Infusion of chamomile. The raw materials are collected during flowering - 1 kg is crushed and brewed in 10 liters of water at a temperature of 60–70 degrees. Cover the infusion and leave for 12 hours. Strain and dilute with water in a ratio of 1/3. For every 10 liters of solution, use 40 g of soap.
Pear mothOn fruits and ovaries you can find gnawed through passages.
  • Agravertin preparation – 5 ml per 1.5 l.
  • Kinmiks – 2.5 ml per 10 l. It takes 2–5 liters per tree.
  • Preparation Iskra Zolotaya - 40 g per 10 l - 2–5 l are needed per tree.
  • Collecting and burning fallen leaves.
Pear suckerThe buds crumble, and the leaves wrinkle and fall off. The fruits become smaller and lose their taste.
  • Karbofos preparation - 30 g per 10 l.
  • Spark or Agravertine (dosage as for codling moth).

Photo gallery: how to recognize diseases and pests

Aphids cover the shoots with a thick layer and inhibit their growth
The codling moth spoils the pear harvest by gnawing through passages in the fruits

The honeyweed affects the yield of the tree and is a very dangerous pest.


The Rogneda variety is positioned as late summer, early autumn or autumn. It all depends on the climate in the growing region. In conditions middle zone In Russia, the first fruits appear already in the third year. The fruiting period begins in mid-August. From one tree you can collect up to 100 kg of pears. The indicator is excellent, but the tree is subject to overload, so experienced gardeners It is recommended to cut off up to 50% of the ovaries after they form.

Collect Rogneda fruits without waiting for them to be fully ripe - this way you can protect the harvest from shedding

After harvesting, the fruits can be stored in room conditions in a week. They can last up to 2 months in the refrigerator.

Rogneda is recognized as a dessert variety and is excellent for fresh consumption, as well as for making preserves, jellies, jams, compotes and dried fruits.

Not so long ago, growing pears was viewed with caution. Unlike the apple tree, it was more whimsical and did not tolerate frost or sudden changes in temperature. Today, breeders have developed more than 200 different varieties, including frost-resistant ones, which can grow in all regions of Russia, including Siberia and the Urals. Considering that many varieties have not yet been fully tested by gardeners, we will tell you what the best varieties of pears are for the Moscow region, the middle zone, and northern regions, and we will tell you separately by variety different periods maturation.

The best varieties of pears for central Russia, the Moscow region and the Urals

The varieties listed below are especially popular among gardeners, since, unlike southern varieties, they can grow on any soil, while giving a bountiful harvest and not losing their properties even during prolonged frosts. Breeders paid special attention to resistance to pests and various diseases, and in this too, many varieties for the middle zone have no equal.

Among the relatively new ones, the following varieties can be distinguished:


In terms of timing, it refers to summer ripening. It bears fruit every year, the first harvest appears in the 4th year after planting the seedlings. The crop is unpretentious, tall (more than 3 meters), with a very dense crown, which is recommended to be cut through every 2-3 years to provide access to sunlight. The fruits are regular pear-shaped, medium in size, weight does not exceed 150 grams. The taste is sweet with a sour aftertaste. Can be stored for no more than 3 weeks. Used fresh, as well as for preparations and preservation. If the best varieties of pears are for the Moscow region, then Cathedralnaya is perfect.



Early fruiting variety of medium ripening. Productivity is high - on average 35-40 kg per tree. An unpretentious crop, resistant to drought, pests and diseases. The fruits do not fall off as they ripen, which makes it possible to harvest and guarantee its long-term storage and transportability.

Pears are uneven in size, medium size - up to 150 g. The taste is sweet, the flesh is tart, very aromatic. It can be stored for 3 months if the temperature is stable (0-+10C), placed in pallets in one row and there are no drafts in the room.



Relatively new variety, registered only at the end of 1997. Bred by breeders specifically for central Russia and the northern regions, the Urals and Siberia. It is characterized by a high degree of resistance to frost, diseases, and poor soil fertility. Gives big harvest, bears fruit annually, starting from the fourth year after planting. A rootstock with quince is recommended, which gives larger fruits and a more pronounced taste.

The fruits are more round, uneven in size and medium in weight (120-150 g). The flesh is dense and crispy. They do not fall off as they ripen, but when they fall they break violently. When leaving a pear for storage, it is necessary to sort it and remove broken or rotten fruits. Suitable for fresh consumption and canning.

VIDEO: Pear cider. Simply and easily


Winter variety of medium height and excellent survival rate in different soils. The culture can withstand any frost (with high-quality insulation, even down to -50 0 C). It begins to bear fruit at the age of 4 years and brings a consistently high yield every year. The fruits are quite large - 200-220 grams, the taste is sweet with a sour aftertaste, and a very pronounced aroma. Transportability is average - it is prone to falling off as it ripens, which makes harvesting much more difficult.



Winter variety resistant to diseases and pests with above average yield. About 30-35 kg of pears are harvested from one tree. Crown pyramidal shape, requires regular pruning to form a comfortable bed and provide access to sunlight to each branch.

The fruits are small - up to 100 grams, the flesh is elastic, juicy, and quickly darkens in the fresh air. The taste is sweet and sour. Keeping quality is average, depending on the time of harvest and the quality of the pears themselves.


The best varieties of early ripening pears

They are in constant demand, as they allow you to get good harvest already in the middle of summer or closer to the beginning of autumn. Which depends on the planting region. It should be noted that such fruits do not last long - no more than two weeks, but the taste is very rich, although there is often a sour aftertaste. During a short period of solar activity, the fruits do not have time to fully ripen, so these are the best varieties of pears for those who like fruits with sourness.

Early July

Judging by the name and popularity among gardeners, the most favorite variety of pears, which produces a consistently good harvest every year. Medium-sized fruits weighing 100-120 g., same size, regular pear-shaped. Keeping quality is minimal - up to one and a half weeks. The taste is pronounced, with a predominance of sweetness. The pulp is elastic and practically does not darken when exposed to air. Suitable for consumption in reduced form and for making juices. It is not recommended for preservation, as it quickly loses its richness of flavor. It cannot be transported over long distances due to its short shelf life.

Early July

Moldavian Early

Hybrid summer variety, bred by breeders from two varieties. It is characterized by high frost resistance, is not susceptible to attack by pests and typical diseases. Grows on different types soil Requires care and application organic fertilizers and regular crown trimming to form a comfortable bed.

The fruits are medium-sized - up to 150 grams, with dense, elastic pulp with minimal signs of rust (if the cut fruit is left in the open air for more than 15 minutes). Harvesting maturity occurs in the first half of August and continues until early September.

Moldavian Early

Early ripening (Skorospelka)

Brought out in 1999 by crossing three varieties. Today it is fast growing tall variety, resistant to frost and disease, bearing fruit annually. The first harvest occurs in the 5th year of growth. The fruits are medium, uniform in size, with minimal shelf life - at proper organization can last no more than two weeks. It is consumed mainly fresh and is excellent for making juices due to its soft and juicy pulp. The skin is thin. There is good resistance to scab, but is often affected by moniliosis.

Early ripening (Skorospelka)

The best sweet pear varieties

A fully ripe pear is mostly sweet, but there are varieties that can be eaten even unripe and will be no less sweet. Among these are the best pear varieties for the Moscow region, reviews of which can be found online and on gardening forums.

Autumn sweet

Without exaggeration, the best variety for the middle zone, the Urals and Siberia, which is not inferior to any southern form in terms of richness of taste and juiciness. At the same time, there is a high degree of resistance to prolonged frosts, pests and insects. The fruits are bright yellow, aromatic, the flesh is elastic and juicy. Keeping quality is average, can be stored for more than a month, provided that storage is properly organized. The first harvest appears in the second ten days of September and until the end of October.

Autumn sweet

Buttery sweet

The favorite variety of pears for Moscow region gardeners, who are attracted by their taste, juiciness, long-term storage, and versatility in use. Due to the high concentration of sugar, pears can be consumed not only fresh, but also used to make wine, liqueurs and other preserves.

The variety is resistant to all diseases without exception, is easy to care for, and does not require a rootstock. At the end of autumn, it is advisable to insulate the trees, cover the root zone with dry manure and cover them with spruce paws.

Buttery sweet

Vidnaya (lumpy)

The sweetest pear of all the above varieties with only one drawback - it has minimal shelf life. The fruit cannot be stored even for several days; it is recommended to either eat it immediately or send it for preservation.

Like all varieties for central Russia, they are winter-hardy, hardy, not susceptible to attacks by insects and diseases, and bear fruit in the 5th year after planting.

VIDEO: How to choose the right pear variety