Autumn transplantation of raspberries: why and how to do it correctly. Until the first cold weather. How to properly plant a raspberry tree in the fall

Growing productive raspberry plantations is not very difficult if you do everything correctly. Gardeners who follow planting and care recommendations have achieved a several-fold increase in yield. Now healing berries There is enough to feast on yourself, treat relatives and friends, and make winter preparations. And there is still so much left! Autumn is recognized as a great time for planting raspberries. How to plant correctly, how to fertilize, prune, mulch. This knowledge will be useful to everyone who wants to have decent harvests.

Raspberry planting dates, influence of location

The decision on the timing of planting must be made on time. Here you have to take into account what region you live in. Which climatic features your area. Autumn is a great time for this. Especially when it's long. And also warm. The seedlings will have time to take root well. And having built up a strong fibrous system, they will survive their first winter well.

Now it is important to determine which month is considered optimal for fulfilling your plans. Experts recommend starting work from mid-September. If the weather is good, you can do this until mid-October. Planting is done after the shoots have completely matured. The main indicator of readiness is replacement kidneys. They should be clearly visible near the root collar. If the varieties are early, then they are clearly visible already in September. For more late varieties begin to be viewed in the first weeks of October. 3 weeks before the first frost, you must have time to complete everything planned. There are a couple of months ahead until winter. This is enough to strengthen and prepare for the snow season.

Landing in the ground

How to prepare seedlings?

Annual root shoots are used as planting material. These shoots are formed from adventitious buds of adult bushes. You can always buy productive, hardy bushes at the nursery. A cutting is in excellent shape if it has replacement buds on its root collar. This is usually the period after the leaves have fallen. Productive seedlings have certain characteristics:

  • bushes should be small;
  • have no more than 3 mature shoots;
  • they have perfectly formed roots.

Before planting, the shoots are trimmed. The optimal height is no more than 35 cm.

Site selection

Future raspberry beds are made in a sunny place. It is important that there are no strong drafts here. Raspberries also do not like the wind. Therefore, the site is often chosen on the south or southwest side of the dacha. Unwanted neighbors of raspberries - large trees(walnut, apple, pear). It is planted away from strawberries and potatoes and tomatoes. Since they have common pathogens and pests. Raspberries grow best in the area after currants, gooseberries, rowan berries, carrots, beets and other table vegetables.

Which soil is best suited?

The optimal soil for raspberries is well-drained. Berry bushes love tasty and fertile soil.

It can be:

  • loams, light and nutritious;
  • sandy soils, well fertilized regularly;
  • sandy loam, into which organic matter is added for fertility.

Preparing the land, what is important to do

The site must be prepared in advance. For this future location a month before planting:

  1. clear of weeds;
  2. dig with a shovel on the bayonet, this is about 25 cm deep;
  3. add compost from 10 to 30 kg per 1 m2;
  4. fertilize with superphosphate 50-70 g per 1 m2;
  5. use potassium sulphide 50g per 1 m2;
  6. dilute peaty soils with sand: 4 ten-liter buckets per 1 m2.

Methods for planting raspberries

Experts in their field use two proven planting methods. They have the same performance. And each person chooses which method to prefer individually.

Trench method of planting seedlings

Furrows are dug 45 cm deep. The width ranges from 50 to 60 cm. The interval between two adjacent rows is at least 1.5 m. Fertilizers are applied. Potassium and phosphorus agents are used, and sometimes wood ash is added. Cannot be brought into a trench in the fall nitrogen fertilizers, due to their ability to activate vegetative processes. If the soil under the future raspberry tree is rich and fertile, then instead of fertilizers, a 10 cm layer of top fertile soil is placed at the bottom of the trench.

When planting begins, the roots of the seedlings are kept in a special solution. It contains diluted clay and humus. The seedlings are carefully planted in the trench. Straighten the roots. And sprinkle with soil, periodically shaking the seedlings so that the roots are evenly distributed in the soil. Produce sufficient watering. Then carefully compact the soil in the trench. Lay a thick layer of mulch on top.

Raspberry experts advise positioning the trenches correctly relative to the cardinal directions. You need to do this as follows. The rows should be directed from northeast to south or simply from north to south. This arrangement will protect from the wind and provide maximum illumination.

Bush method of planting raspberries

It is also pitted or holed. It is used especially widely when planting remontant varieties. The holes are dug in advance with a depth of 40 cm. The length is up to 60 cm. There should be at least 70 cm of free space between plants, sometimes even up to a meter. The distance between rows is up to 1.5 m. The bottom is lined with mineral and organic fertilizers. Bushes are chosen with about 10 shoots. Plant in exactly the same way as in the previous method.

Capacitive method

When the plot is 5 acres, it is impossible to develop at full capacity. Containers are used where you can safely plant seedlings. Metal and plastic devices are used. The size is at least 50 cm up and to the sides. The bottom of the vessel is cut off and buried in the ground. Fill it halfway with fertile soil and rotted compost or humus. Raspberries grow in isolation and bear fruit well. Its growth does not drown out other vegetable crops located nearby in the beds.

Raspberry planting technology

Proper preparation of rows means forming them in compliance with optimal distances. The distance between adjacent hole rows is at least 1 m. Between organic trenches up to 1.5 m.

Holes for seedlings are dug up to 30 cm deep. Their diameter is 60 cm. The distance between two adjacent holes is at least 70 cm. The greater the distance, the better the overgrown raspberries will subsequently receive light. When digging a hole, the top fertile layer is carefully removed and put aside.

If the land where you plant raspberries is poor, fertilizers should be applied directly into the furrows or holes. To do this, fertile soil reserves are mixed with rotted humus. You can use a compost additive. The resulting mixture is laid out on the bottom, forming a layer of 10 cm. Then double superphosphate is poured.

If the soil is rich nutrients, then organic matter and phosphorus do not need to be added. Instead, fertile removed soil is laid. The thickness is also made 10 cm. Sprinkled with birch or any other ash. Water is poured into the holes. Then 2 seedlings are placed. The roots are carefully straightened and covered with soil removed from the top of the hole. The soil is lightly tamped and watered again. Be sure to spread a thick layer of mulch. To do this, you can use leaf litter, straw, and mown hay. When landing, watch correct location replacement kidneys.


If you have managed to plant seedlings, be sure to hill them up. To do this, fill it with soil to a height of 10-15 cm. This way they will not stick out much from the ground. The lower replacement buds will be better preserved and will not die.

Installation of trellis

Many people recommend tying up raspberries after planting. A trellis is used for this. This is the name of a special structure made of columns and wire. If the raspberries are planted in trenches, then the trellis method of gartering is well suited. Metal or wooden supports are prepared in advance. They are placed at both ends of each row. Typically every 4 meters, so long rows may require several supports. When spring comes, all that remains is to tighten the wire. The cross-section of the material is at least 4 mm. Standard height its location is 1 meter. The shoots are tied, keeping a distance. The best distance is no closer than 10 cm. After a year, two more levels are tightened. Accordingly, at a height of 40 cm, 1.5 m. Promising young shoots are tied to the bottom layer. There are growing shoots towards the top.


Water-recharging irrigation for raspberries is mandatory. Thanks to it, the bushes receive moisture, which helps them survive winter frosts. Plants become more winter-hardy. Watering is also necessary because it is in the fall that the formation of growth buds occurs. Drip irrigation is recognized as the best method of watering for raspberries. The liquid goes directly to the roots. It is already slightly warmed up. The soil layers are moistened evenly. Watering must be carried out until the soil is moistened to 40 cm. Watering may not be carried out in autumn when there is a lot of precipitation.

Autumn feeding

New bushes are no longer fed in the fall. Since you have already added all the useful organic substances a month in advance, as well as phosphorus- potash fertilizers. The food stored in the holes will last her for 2-3 years. Sandy soil that is not fertilized during planting requires care. To do this, continuous furrows are made between rows along the entire length of the row. A depth of 15 cm is sufficient. Potassium salt is poured evenly. Dosage for 1 bush 40g. Superphosphate is also added here. For 1 plant dose 60g. Then mandatory watering is carried out to help the minerals dissolve.

Mulching in autumn

Applying mulch between rows – The best way protect raspberries from freezing in winter cold. The ground can be covered with a layer of leaves, straw, sawdust, mown grass, and trimmings of small branches. Some gardeners use reed and cattail stems. By spring, all introduced plant waste has successfully rotted away. The layer thickness should be at least 10 cm. For raspberries, mulch is both a warm blanket and nutrient fertilizer, and a way to keep moisture from excessive evaporation. Raspberry plantations are covered with organic matter in any area.

Pruning in the fall, is it necessary?

Autumn pruning is a must. Large annual shoots are carefully pruned. Leave them up to 1 meter high. Fruit-bearing stems are cut to fit the base. They will no longer be useful, and they take all the strength from the plant. Weak and diseased shoots must be removed. If the annual seedlings are strong, but not tall, do not touch them, leaving them until spring.

Preparing raspberries for winter

When frost approaches, raspberries need to be prepared for them. Because she is afraid of frost. Wearing a work mitten, remove the leaves from the stem. To do this, move your hand from bottom to top. It is with this movement that the kidneys remain intact and are not damaged. A special shelter is made for young seedlings. To do this, install a frame. The film is pulled on top. The young animals will spend the winter in such a shelter and will be protected from severe frosts. It is especially useful to do this in winters with little snow. Strict adherence to our recommendations will help you become the owner of a fruitful raspberry tree. Large fragrant berries will become your main source of pride.

The best method for planting raspberries

Raspberries. What gardener can afford to pass by this amazing crop. Its berries are delicious in taste, contain a lot of useful substances, and in winter, processed into jam, help fight colds. However, if raspberries grow well in one area, then in another they often look “not so good.” What does this depend on? And this depends on many factors: on the location chosen for the crop, on the composition of the soil, on timely watering, but most importantly, on the planting method. It is how raspberries are planted that has the greatest impact on its development and productivity. And here, we can only recommend the trench method.

What it is?

The trench method of planting raspberries is planting seedlings of the crop in carefully prepared soil, but not in holes, as is usually customary, but in trenches. This method is troublesome, you need to prepare for it in advance, but the effort and time spent are worth the end result.

Sequence of work

In order to do everything correctly, it is necessary to first clear the area chosen for the raspberry plant, mark the plantings and dig trenches, the depth of which is from 40 to 45 cm, and the width can vary from 50 to 60 cm, while the row spacing should be left in the range from 120 to 150 - 160 cm, depending on biological features development of the variety selected for planting.

Preparing a trench for planting raspberries. Jessica

Preparing a trench for planting raspberries. Jessica

A nutrient cushion 10 cm thick is laid out at the bottom of the trench. This can be well-rotted manure mixed with a fertile layer of soil, plant residues, branches, fallen leaves with the addition of a certain amount of green matter - there’s a lot of riches here. But the main thing is that it is in this nutritional layer that the whole secret lies. Decaying organic matter will work for your garden bed for about 5 years, feeding and warming your plants. And raspberries are supposed to grow in one place for exactly this period of time, then they try to “escape” from the territory allotted to them because of large quantity root secretions that oppress it itself.

Pour fertile soil into the trench. Jessica

After the nutrient layer has been laid, about 10 cm of soil must be laid on top - this will allow rotting processes to begin if the trench is prepared in advance, and will protect the cut roots of the seedlings from contact with the decomposing layer.

Now you can start choosing planting material.

>Planting material

When buying or selecting raspberry seedlings, you should not rush. Good rooting, development and possibly harvest, already in this year, will only be produced by those that have a well-developed root system, a stem thickness of about 1 cm (no more) and at least 3 buds at the base. In this case, the height of the selected planting material does not matter, since after planting the seedling is still cut to 15 - 20 cm.

Choosing planting material raspberries, pay attention to the roots. Jessica

Landing principle

Having selected healthy plants, begin to plant them. It is better if two people participate in this event - one holds the raspberry by the stem, the other covers it with earth.

The seedlings are placed at a distance of 40 cm from each other, the roots are carefully straightened, watered abundantly and covered with soil, while carefully compacting the top layer of soil. After planting, you can try to pull out the planted plant; if it holds tightly, it means the planting was done correctly, if it comes out easily, you need to replant it.

Planting raspberries in a trench. Natalie

An important point The depth of embedding of the stem is also important; it must be left at the same level, without deepening it at all, otherwise the seedling has a chance to die. But it’s also not worth shallowing with deepening - poorly covered with soil. root system will suffer from lack of moisture.

If time has passed, but your raspberry has not produced root shoots, disturb its dormancy - just dig up the plant on one side, and a small tear in the roots will cause it to begin to reproduce.

If you don’t like feeding your garden with chemicals, collect ash throughout the year. This is an excellent, complete, and most importantly balanced fertilizer not only for raspberries, but also for strawberries.

If you notice that the tops of individual raspberry branches have begun to droop, cut them off immediately. This is a sign that there is a raspberry fly in the raspberry tree. You can fight it with spraying, or you can do it mechanically, destroying fallen leaves, mulching the soil under raspberry bushes, cutting out shoots affected by the pest.

" Raspberries

During the ripening period, raspberry bushes often bend from the load of fruit or strong wind, which makes picking berries difficult. For the convenience of work during harvesting, one special agricultural technique is used - fixing plants on supports, made in the form of a horizontal or vertical plane. For this purpose, it is best to use a special trellis, although some gardeners tie the bushes to separate stakes. How to properly make a bed for raspberries and a trellis with your own hands, you can find out below.

First, let's get acquainted with the purpose of the trellis. The fact is that most modern high-yielding varieties The described berries have a significant height, approximately 1.6-1.8 meters, so some plants cannot withstand the load of the harvest. All of them have fairly developed lateral fruit branches, which bend down when the berries ripen. You can’t do without gartering bushes planted in rows here., a trellis is used for this purpose. When growing new varieties that are planted in small quantities in different parts of the garden, separate supports and supports are used.

Raspberries on supports

The advantages of using trellises in raspberry gardens are obvious:

  • if you tie up the bushes, the lower branches will not touch the ground, so the surface of the berries and leaves will not be contaminated with soil;
  • no traces of dirt remain on the fruits after heavy rain;
  • the rows of raspberries are well blown by the wind, which prevents the development of various diseases;
  • raspberry bushes get enough sunlight, which will contribute to more uniform ripening of the crop.

Using a trellis in the garden also simplifies the care of raspberries and serves as a fence. After tying up the bushes, it is much more convenient to carry out such agrotechnical measures as pruning crops and removing damaged shoots that have given off fruit. Here it is easier to water and mulch plants, remove ripe berries, and prepare bushes for wintering.

Trellis design options

A raspberry trellis is a special design that consists of a series of pillars. Several rows of metal wire or reinforced rope are stretched between them at a certain height; you can also use reinforcement. In practice, two main types of trellises are used: single-strip or double-strip. According to experienced gardeners, the first type of trellis is best used in small areas.

Single-strip trellis, methods of gartering berries

The main purpose of the described support structure is considered to be holding raspberry shoots along a stretched wire or twine. IN in this case gartering of berries is carried out in the following ways:

  • in the vertical direction;
  • at a certain angle;
  • fan;
  • free placement of fruit branches.

All the described methods of gartering are possible on one type of trellis, when the branches of the plant are fixed in a certain order between rows of wire.

In addition to fixing the position of raspberry bushes during the growing season, the trellis also performs another function, preparing crops for wintering. In this situation, the plants are tilted towards the ground and tied to the bottom row of wire.

In this case, during the installation of the trellis in early spring, the branches from last year are bent to the ground and fixed horizontally. During the growing season, the fruit branches will begin to grow upward, but dormant buds will remain on the main shoot near the base. This method of forming a bush simplifies the work of covering a raspberry plantation for the winter.. The disadvantage of the described method is the need to secure and tie up each bush. Such work will not be possible on a small raspberry farm. special troubles gardener, but if you have a large plantation, the need to tie up each plant is considered a disadvantage.

  • in the shape of the letter T;
  • tent horizontal;
  • in the form of a V symbol;
  • shaped like the letter Y.

Two-strip trellises not only support the berries in the desired position, the use of such a design makes it possible to shape the plants.

The supports in question are made in the form of two rows of wire parallel to each other. The height of the guides may vary. The bottom row is placed at a distance of 50 centimeters from the surface of the earth. The upper tier of wire can be installed at the 3 meter mark, it depends on the height of the bushes. This design prevents thickening of plantings, makes it possible to orient fruiting shoots in different directions, which accelerates the ripening of the crop.

Trellis in the shape of the letter T

As you can understand from the name, the described structure is made in the form of supports T-shape. The main material for constructing the racks of such a trellis is considered to be wooden beams, metal pipes, as well as cuttings of reinforcement. Typically, such elements in the upper part are fixed perpendicular to each other. Rows of wire need to be secured along the protruding edges of the plank. During the formation of the bush, the shoots are laid on different arms of the trellis. In this case, young growth begins to form in the center of the plant, which is almost not shaded by the main fruit-bearing plants.

V-shaped support

The design in question has two working planes inclined from the middle of the bushes to the sides. In this regard, such the trellis is often called a two-lane inclined trellis. The formation of plants occurs according to the previous scheme, but the distance between the edges of the working planes should be no more than 2 meters.

Y-shaped trellis

This newest option trellises for tying and caring for raspberry bushes. A feature of this design is the use of hinges and blades, which helps to orient the working planes of the trellis in a convenient direction at a certain angle. IN summer period the blades are raised and lowered for the winter or spring, which allows you to build a shelter to protect plants from the cold.

How to make a trellis with your own hands, sizes of supports

As we described above, all types of trellises are made of wooden or metal supports of various shapes between which wire is stretched at a certain height. Moreover wire tiers can be single or paired, it depends on the type of trellis.

To make a trellis in the form of a vertical plane, wooden pegs are driven into a section in a certain direction and the cord is pulled. After this, holes are dug every two or three meters using a shovel or a special garden drill. Wooden posts are installed in the pits to a depth of 0.7 meters, and then several rows of wire (usually three) are stretched and secured to the supports. The first row of guides is fixed at a distance of 40-50 centimeters from the ground surface, the second in the central part of the shoots of the bush, the last row of wire should be located 20 centimeters below the tops of the raspberries.

The disadvantage of the described method is the need to tie each bush separately to the rows of wire. When using a two-strip trellis, the fruit shoots are simply thrown onto the top rows.

When installing a T-shaped trellis, individual trellises are made in the form of the letter T. In this case, the main stand made of wooden blocks or metal should have a height of about 1.2-1.3 meters. The crossbar is attached to the base using nails (for wooden products) or welding (for metal pipes). Two rows of wire are installed on the main post of the trellis and two more on the sides of the top. Thus During the ripening of the berries, the fruit branches will lie on the wire, but the middle part of the bushes will not sag from gravity, because the stems of the plants will be fixed to the lower rows of wire.

The main material for making trellis posts can be wood, metal pipes (thick reinforcement) or plastic, it all depends on the yield (load) of the crop. Instead of wire, you can use thin reinforcement, thin wooden slats or reinforced twine.

Scheme of planting raspberries on a trellis, preparing the bed

To obtain good raspberry yields on a trellis, it is necessary to prepare the land in a timely manner before planting crops. In this case raspberries are planted in one row, which will simplify crop care. First, they dig a shallow trench, about the size of a shovel, up to 50 centimeters wide. At the planting site, loosen the soil with a garden fork. At this point, water is poured out at the rate of 10 liters of liquid per meter of row, the soil thrown out of the ditch is thoroughly mixed with complex mineral fertilizers and wood ash(for each linear meter of a row it is necessary to take liter jar ash and 200 grams of nitroammophoska).

Prepared raspberry seedlings are laid out at a distance of 25 centimeters from each other, after which the root system of the plants is straightened and sprinkled with nutritious soil. To improve the contact of the roots with the soil, the soil is compacted and then watered. When planting plants in early spring, the bushes are pruned so that the upper part of the shoot protrudes above ground level by about 20-30 centimeters, after which the soil is mulched using sawdust or broken straw.

The distance between adult plants should be 40 centimeters, so the bushes are replanted next year.

During the growing season, as they grow, raspberry shoots are tied to rows of trellis wire. As we have already said, individual trellis posts are installed at a distance of 2-3 meters from each other (when using powerful supports, the distance can be increased to 4-5 meters). To increase the service life of wooden supports, their base, which will be located in the ground, is coated with hot resin or fired. Note that the diameter of the pillars should be no less than 15 centimeters, and the height should be about 2 meters. To install posts, a shovel is usually used, or less often a special drill. Rows of wire or reinforcement are installed between the posts every 50 centimeters.

Raspberry care: fertilizing, watering and pest control

Basic raspberry care begins when the first fruits appear. In this period it is necessary to periodically water the soil, loosen the row spacing, and destroy weeds. A layer of mulch will help retain moisture in the ground during the growing season.

First feeding of raspberries carried out using complex mineral fertilizer in early spring. In this situation, the water that will be released after the snow melts will dissolve the nutrient granules and will facilitate their penetration into the soil to the root system of the plants.

Second feeding of berries carried out during the formation and ripening of the crop. The third enrichment of the soil with useful substances is carried out in autumn period. When preparing raspberries for winter, it is important not to fertilize them with nitrogen, because this element stimulates plant development. Due to this For the winter, raspberries are fed with a mixture of potassium and phosphorus.. There is no need to increase the amount of fertilizers during the growing season. More nutrients in the soil will promote the development of green mass, but will not increase yield.

Pests and diseases begin to be fought in spring. To begin with, the crops are inspected for damage. Leaves spoiled by the droplet are cut off and burned. The remaining plantings are treated with Bordeaux mixture at 4% concentration. This drug is used to prevent fungal diseases. Insecticides are used to destroy insecticides on raspberry plantings.

Another measure of caring for the berry in question is considered timely pruning. During these operations, the most developed stems are left on the site, the rest are cut out. Proper care for the described crop, timely watering, fertilizing and pruning, tying shoots to the wire will allow you to reap a rich harvest. In our article, we learned how to make a trellis for raspberries and care for this crop. I hope that the information provided will be useful, good luck and good harvests to you.

Raspberries occupy a special place among berry crops because they not only delicious treat, but also an excellent cure for many diseases. But how to properly plant and care for raspberries so that they bear fruit? good harvest?

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Photo gallery: How to grow raspberries in the garden?

Raspberries can be planted in autumn, spring and summer. It is very important to plant the crop correctly and prune the planted plants.

Trench method of planting raspberries

You can plant raspberries in trenches and holes. It is best to choose a trench, although it is more difficult, but this way the entire soil is supplied with nutrients, and the harvest is richer.

It is advisable to prepare the trenches 20-25 days before planting the seedlings.

Before planting raspberry seedlings, it is worth removing perennial weeds from the soil. You will be cultivating and digging up the row spacing all the time. To reduce the number of weeds, you can cover them with something, for example, linoleum.

The area that you have allocated for raspberries needs to be marked with pegs. Then, along the cord, you need to dig a trench 50 cm wide and 40 cm deep. And thus dig several trenches throughout the planned area.

Rotted manure or compost should be added to the bottom of the trench, the layer should be 10 cm, and poured on top mineral fertilizers from double superphosphate. The third layer should be vermicompost, as much as you have.

If your land is already fertile, then you can fertilize it with nothing at all.

When planting seedlings, you can only get by with ash. But you shouldn’t add too much of it, because raspberries grow well on slightly acidic and neutral soil. Ash simply makes the berries more tasty; you can apply ash on top of the soil after harvesting.

Under no circumstances should nitrogen fertilizers be applied; they are harmful to the plant.

Raspberry requirements for location and soil

Raspberries may not grow in a sunny place, but the fruits will be bad. The shoots will reach towards the sun. In winter, the buds on the shoots will die due to their height, so you will still remove them in the spring.

Raspberries need to be given a bright place where there will be no cold northern winds. Raspberries love soil that retains moisture and at the same time fertile, well-drained and light loamy soil. You can plant raspberries on sandy loam and sandy soil, but then every year you will need to fertilize them and constantly water them.

Often the plant is planted with row spacing of at least 1.8 m and at a distance of 0.7 m from each other, but on the condition that there are 2 seedlings in the hole.

It is best to place them at a distance of 30 cm from each other, because all the seedlings will not take root anyway.

When is the best time to plant raspberries?

To plant raspberry green shoots, you need to wait until they reach a height of 15-20cm. This usually occurs when the weather is dry and hot, in May-June. Until the offspring take root, you need to water them all the time. If your offspring are taller than expected, then you need to cut them to the required length. Because only the root is important for planting. They are dug up only when there are already white roots underground that are actively growing.

Seedlings that you grew in containers are best planted in the summer. This way they will take root well and take root before winter.

If you plant seedlings in the spring, they will take a long time to take root, because they will already have large leaves. Therefore, it is best to cut them lower.

Don’t be afraid to prune; raspberries are a shrub that only has one shoot for one season. Therefore, pruning has a great effect on how raspberries will take root.

In the fall, you need to plant the plant when it has already matured. You will understand this by the root collar - you can see the buds there.

Winter storage of raspberry seedlings

It is better not to plant raspberries in late autumn; they will not have time to take root. It is best to save and plant seedlings in the spring. To preserve them, you need to place the crop in a plastic bag with wet sawdust and leave it open.

The main thing is that the plant has living roots of light brown color, so it will successfully overwinter.

You need to keep a bag of raspberries in a basement or cellar - in a cold place. The temperature should not be higher than +4 degrees and under no circumstances should you water the bags, otherwise the raspberries will not take root.

Selection of seedlings and planting raspberries

To plant raspberries, select seedlings with shoots of medium thickness; even the thinnest stem is much better than a thick one. Therefore, give preference to small stems with good roots and 1-3 superficial stems that have already matured. It is not worth spending a lot of money to plant seedlings with many shoots.

While you are taking the seedlings home, the exposed root system must be covered with wet straw or a rag, and immediately buried at home. The roots should not be left in the open air for a long time.

If you keep wet planting material in plastic bags for a long time, this will deteriorate the quality of the plants, because the roots of the seedlings rot and turn brown from moisture.

Before planting the plant, it is better to dip the roots in a solution of mullein with clay and biologically active substances (kornevin, phosphorobacterin, heteroauxin, humates and others).

Seedlings must be without leaves; they must be trimmed. Raspberry shoots should be no more than 35 cm.

The roots need to be lowered into the furrow and covered with fertile soil. The seedlings need to be shaken a little so that the soil gets between the roots and presses against them.

When planting, be sure to monitor the depth. You should not plant the stems very deeply, as the plant will develop slowly or even die. Also, shallow planting should not be allowed, as the roots, which saturate the entire plant with moisture, may dry out, and in winter the raspberries may freeze.

After you plant the seedlings and the soil has settled, make sure that the raspberry root collar is level with the soil surface.

If before you started planting raspberries, it rained heavily and the soil became very wet, then you should not water the plant. Simply compact the soil around the seedlings with your feet.

Immediately around the raspberries you need to sprinkle fine rotted manure, sawdust or peat. This will perfectly retain moisture in the soil, it will not evaporate, moreover, the soil will always be loose and moist.

Shelter for autumn raspberry plantings

Now we need to note the most important point when planting raspberries. The plant will overwinter well only if the soil is not very wet and the roots that appeared in the fall do not freeze. How can we make sure they don't die? To avoid this, you need to cover the raspberry roots with fallen leaves from the trees during the first cold weather. You can build such a structure so that you can cover the raspberries with polyethylene, so that they look like in a greenhouse. This way you will create an air-dry shelter for the raspberries. Those people who grow a few plants in the garden can afford it. It will be possible to remove the protective oilcloth at the end of winter or in the spring.

If you want to plant a lot of seedlings at once, then it’s worth making an agreement with the seller to purchase them in containers in the summer, so you don’t have to come up with anything to cover the plant for the winter.

Raspberry planting

In the first year after you start a raspberry plantation, attacks occur very often. It is not worth leaving the raspberry tree in this state, even if a few seedlings have fallen out. That is why it is worthwhile to inspect your plantation at the end of the first year in the summer, so you can remove those plants that have not taken root, and in the fall you can plant new seedlings in that place.

If you have a small raspberry tree and the fall was small, then you can not wait until the fall and plant raspberries with green shoots in the summer.

In the spring, when the raspberries have overwintered and new shoots have appeared, you need to cut off the old stump and prevent new fruiting. If you give up berries in the first year, the seedlings will take root well and new shoots will develop for the remaining years.

If you planted the raspberry tree in good fertile soil, then in the first year the raspberries do not need to be fertilized or fed.

Besides this traditional way There is also a “natural” way to plant raspberries - raspberries are grown on wood. This is very beneficial for the gardener and beneficial for the plant.