Replanting Kalanchoe after purchase. How to properly replant Kalanchoe at home

Kalanchoe is a plant known to many; almost any gardener will have a pot of it in their home. And although the name is exotic, it has long been familiar to many for its decorative and.

Kalanchoe belongs to the genus of succulent plants and has more than 200 species. The most common species grown in many apartments are Kalanchoe Blossfeld and Kalanchoe Degremont. The plant comes from Madagascar, but thanks to its unpretentiousness, it has long “settled” in our homes.

Planting and care

Kalanchoe is an unpretentious plant that does not require any special conditions for growth. To grow it at home, just follow a few simple rules.

Watering mode

Kalanchoe is a succulent, has a thick stem and leaves, in these parts the plant accumulates moisture, in natural conditions it is saved during dry periods. So at home, small interruptions in watering the flower are not scary, however, the plant has a completely negative attitude towards excess water.

Important! The roots of Kalanchoe are the first to suffer from overwatering, and the process of rotting may begin. It should be borne in mind that depending on the time of year, watering regimes differ.

How to water Kalanchoe in the warm season:

  • water with cool water;
  • It is better to water after the earthen ball in the pot has completely dried out;
  • you should not touch the stem with water, because it does not absorb moisture and the process of rotting may begin;
  • If there is more water than required, then the excess should be disposed of immediately by emptying the pan of leaked water.

The basic rule for watering Kalanchoe is that it is better to underwater than to overfill. The plant is perfectly capable of surviving 3-4 days of “drought,” but it is much more difficult to cure roots that are rotting from excess moisture.

How to water in the cold season

The basic principles remain the same, the main thing is not to overwater the plant, but it should be borne in mind that in winter much less liquid is required. It is also advisable to water it with water. room temperature, because this flower is heat-loving.


Kalanchoe loves sunlight; if the plant receives enough light, the leaves will acquire a beautiful rich color, and some species will acquire a bright burgundy border. The subtlety in this matter is that the flower should be protected from direct midday sunlight, otherwise the foliage may deteriorate.

To prevent this from happening, place the pots on east or west windows. And after a flowering period of several months, it is better to completely remove the flower from the window to a more shaded place.


Kalanchoe feels best at a temperature of 16-25 degrees Celsius in summer. During the rest period, in autumn-winter periods, prefers 14-16 degrees Celsius. If at this time the flower is in temperature conditions, allowing you to relax and gain strength after the flowering season, then admire lush flowering It will be possible for more than one year.

Important! If the ambient temperature is too high, the flower will try to absorb as much moisture as possible, but the plant is not able to absorb it, so it may get sick.

For the reason described above, this flower cannot be kept in rooms with high humidity, such as the kitchen. By absorbing moisture from the air, Kalanchoe can accumulate excess in the stem and leaves, and this leads to fungal diseases and mold.

Feeding the flower

Everything is simple here too, this plant has quite modest needs and does not need special fertilizer. But if it becomes obvious that the plant does not have enough “nutrition,” then you can purchase fertilizer for succlents.

Attention ! Never fertilize the soil in winter.

Since Kalanchoe does not particularly like fertilizers, but it needs to be fed, then use only half of the norm indicated on the package. Recharge procedures are traditionally carried out in late spring.

Rule for feeding Kalanchoe:

  • completely dissolve the fertilizer in warm water;
  • be sure to let the mixture cool;
  • add to soil.

The root system will completely absorb all the necessary substances only with this method of fertilization. However, flowering species can be fed complex fertilizers. To ensure flowering.

Plant Kalanchoe in neutral or slightly acidic soil. In order for the flower to bloom actively, it must be planted in sandy, infertile soil.

You can try this option:

  • 2 parts compost soil;
  • 2 parts leaf mixture;
  • 1 part sand.

Or this:

  • 4 parts of turf land;
  • 2 parts leaf mixture;
  • 1 part rotted peat;
  • 1 part sand.

Important! Be sure to use drainage!

Kalanchoe fast growing plant, therefore it needs constant replanting; you can simply add soil, but make sure that the roots do not come out of the pot.

The plant is replanted at the end of spring. During this period, the plant is in the active phase.

The flower is replanted like this:

  • the new pot should be 2-3 cm in diameter larger than the previous one, deep and wide in diameter;
  • the plant, along with the root ball and a small amount of soil, is transplanted into a new pot;
  • the new soil should be of the same composition as the old one.

The subsequent period of adaptation is important; here it will not be superfluous to feed the flower. On average, the process of settling into a new place lasts about a week.

Attention! Transfer the plant from one pot to another should be very careful, because the leaves and stems are very fragile.

The plant reproduces in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • "kids";
  • seeds.

It is better to sow seeds in the cold period, without burying them in the ground and covering them with cloth to protect them from light. Seeds need constant checking, the soil under them must always be moist, the process of seed germination lasts about a month. When the leaves appear, the plant is planted in pots.


Flowering Kalanchoe species definitely need pruning. All old and unhealthy-looking parts of the plant should be cut off. The peduncle is also removed at the root at the end of flowering. It is worth keeping in mind that flowering weakens growth.

Important! To prevent the flower from stretching upward and acquiring side shoots, the tops are pinched in the summer.

Features of care

The general principles of caring for all types of Kalanchoe are the same. But you should take into account the nuances when caring for flowering plants.

  1. Such plants need good lighting, they require up to 12 hours of light per day, especially during the flowering period, while direct rays should be avoided.
  2. At the end of flowering, the plant needs “rest”. It is put in a cool, shaded (but not dark) place.
  3. Compliance with the watering regime. Water abundantly, but not often.
  4. The main secret of caring for flowering species Kalanchoe is a radical pruning, immediately after the flowering period.
  5. They rarely fertilize.

To stimulate flowering, some gardeners recommend artificially reducing daylight hours. A month before flowering begins, stay on the illuminated windowsill for 8 hours, and then hide it under a box.

look after medicinal varieties It’s even simpler, you don’t need to take special care of flowering and special lighting.

Fresh flowers have always been popular: they are beautiful, fragrant, fresh. Today there is a real flower boom: flowers are given on holidays and just to make someone feel good; decorate cakes and hairstyles; used as decorative ornaments halls and outfits.

Flowers in pots have become quite common as gifts. A flower with its bloom always reminds of wonderful moments and the person who made such a pleasant surprise.

Gardening has become a very common hobby for modern women. This is no longer the lot of pensioners who grew roses, peonies and asters in their dachas. Indoor floriculture is a hobby that does not require significant expenses, but your home will always be bright, green and fragrant.

One of these beautiful decorations will be Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe, also Kalanchoe, is an exceptional example of the Crassulaceae family. He came to us from distant warm countries, from the island state of Madagascar. The flower is distinguished by its rare beauty abundant flowering and unpretentiousness.

The flowering plant is ideal for decorating rooms: small, fleshy, succulent leaves and huge heads of inflorescences give the room a festive look. An even greater sense of celebration is felt in winter, when there is snow and cold outside, but at home this wonderful flower blooms and attracts with all sorts of colors.

All living things love affection and care. Flowers are no exception. Therefore, so that Kalanchoe often delights you with its beautiful flowering, it is necessary to provide him proper care taking into account his needs. The appearance of the bush depends on your care and the place where it is located. In gratitude for your efforts, the indoor beauty will bloom with bright pink, red, yellow or white flowers.

Transplantation and formation of a bush

The most the right time for transplantation it is spring. However, you can replant a flower in winter, but in this case it is necessary to create the maximum possible conditions for the plant. comfortable conditions. Transplant blooming kalanchoe it is forbidden. If the bush is in the flowering phase, then it is better to leave this process for later. After the buds dry, carefully trim the dry inflorescences so that they do not take up the necessary moisture, remove unnecessary branches, forming a bush.

Indoor plants are replanted once a year. Kalanchoe often requires replanting after purchase. After all, the bush grows at a fairly fast pace, due to the intensively growing root system. Therefore, when a plant needs replanting, any housewife can tell by eye: if the roots begin to be visible through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot, and the soil has become denser, then the Kalanchoe needs replanting. By following a simple algorithm of actions, even a novice florist can cope with this task.

After buying a flower you like in a flower shop, you definitely need to move it to a more comfortable pot and fresh soil. The Kalanchoe is separated along with a small amount of soil and removed from the old flowerpot. Purchase a new, deeper pot with a wider diameter in advance.

It is very important that the soil in which the flower was located before replanting and the new soil are identical in composition and proportions. After transplantation, Kalanchoe goes through an adaptation period. During adaptation, the plant requires feeding in the form of mineral fertilizers, which you can easily buy in any specialized store. If everything is done according to the recommendations, engraftment will be faster and less stressful for the bush.

The process of transplanting Kalanchoe at home

The genus Kalonchoe belongs to the Crassulaceae family and includes more than 150 species growing on the coasts of Africa, South America and along other small islands adjacent to them. Blossfeld's Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) remains a "favorite" for amateur gardeners. In flower shops it is presented in assorted colors. color palette: white, pink, lilac, scarlet, reddish and orange, as well as double flowers. Blossfelda is very beautiful and reaches a height of up to half a meter.

However, to prevent the plant from becoming too elongated and maintaining its fluffy and compact shape, with the arrival of spring, cut off the elongated apical cuttings.

Preparatory work for caring for and replanting Kalanchoe

Before you start transplanting a flower, you need to carry out some simple preliminary manipulations. So, first of all, prepare the future “home” for Blossfeld. Wash thoroughly with soap and disinfect with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate or 2% solution copper sulfate old dishes. If you decide to transplant the bush into a new flowerpot, keep the empty container in boiling water for one and a half to two hours.

Because the root system at of this plant is large, then accordingly a new pot needs to be chosen that is more spacious. It can be either ceramic or plastic, but it must have drainage holes. Place drainage along the bottom of the pot: it will be either special expanded clay purchased in a store, or pieces of brick or fragments of old pottery; pour a layer of soil mixture on top and lightly compact it, then form a hill in the center on which to place the root system of the plant.

Transfer. Young bushes are replanted every spring. Adults only if the roots do not fit in the pot and begin to stick out of the ground. Usually this is once every three or four years. Before planting, do not forget to water the plant generously and only then remove it from the old pot, lightly shaking off the old soil from the roots. Carefully trim off all rotten roots, as well as severely twisted and broken shoots.

Afterwards, pour a little soil onto the drainage, place the Kalanchoe in a pot and sprinkle with soil so that it completely hides the roots.

The soil layer should be a couple of centimeters below the edge of the pot. Does Kalanchoe need to be watered after transplanting? The plant does not require abundant watering after transplantation. On the contrary, a large amount of water can ruin the bush. The transplantation and engraftment processes are quite difficult and shocking for Kalanchoe.

The transplanted plant may wilt, even dropping its leaves. Therefore, after replanting, the bush must be placed in a dark, cool corner, hidden from direct sunlight, sprayed, not watered, with a fine spray bottle and created optimal temperature air.

The soil

To transplant Kalanchoe, you need soil with an acidity of 5.0 to 6.5 pH and a composition that you can prepare yourself:

  • leaf humus;
  • turf land;
  • coarse sand;
  • charcoal;
  • brick crumb.

But despite such details, it is worth noting that Kalanchoe is not particularly demanding on the composition of the soil and grows well in almost any neutral soil. earth mixture. Suitable soil for use is soil for cacti and succulents, as well as ready-made universal soil for flowering plants. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the water and breathability of the substrate.

Top dressing

When feeding, gardening experts advise alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. However, be careful when choosing a nutritional mixture; always pay attention to the percentage of a particular element.

ATTENTION: Kalanchoe - perennial family Tolstyankov. Refers to succulents. These plants store water in their leaves. The height of specimens can range from 15 centimeters to 3 meters. The stems become woody with age.

The fleshy leaves of Kalanchoe have glossy surface and are very fragile. Covered with a waxy coating or hairs. Flowering occurs mainly in winter and spring. The flowers are arranged in large inflorescences.

The natural colors of the flowers are orange and red. Hybrids have different shades, flowers are yellow, orange, pink, purple and even two-tone.

When choosing a Kalanchoe, you should evaluate the appearance of the plant according to the following criteria:

IMPORTANT: The best time to buy Kalanchoe is the beginning of winter, when the plant is just beginning to bloom.

How to help adapt to home conditions?

Immediately after changing conditions, Kalanchoe experiences stress. It is necessary to help the plant go through an adaptation period. It is important to provide the flower favorable conditions, protect from .

What to do first?

The further development of the plant directly depends on proper care after purchase:

  1. Quarantine. It is necessary to keep Kalanchoe separate from other flowers for two weeks, preferably in another room.
  2. Selecting a location. The plant feels good in a sufficiently lit place away from direct sunlight, fans and split systems. From spring to autumn, the optimal placement is a window sill on the east or west side. The southern direction is not suitable. There is a high risk of the plant getting burned. If there are only southern windows, you need to shade the Kalanchoe with a light cloth. In winter, the south side is desirable.
  3. . For the first 14 days, you should water the flower until the earthen ball is moderately moistened. Feeding is not needed during this period - in the store the plants receive high doses of growth and flowering stimulants.

In stores, Kalanchoes are usually kept in shipping soil, which is not suitable for growing the flower after purchase. It is recommended to replace such soil with a nutrient substrate.

In the first days after acquisition, Kalanchoe should not be replanted.. It is necessary to give the plant time to adapt. 5-7 days after purchase you can begin replanting. If the soil mixture is good and the buds have bloomed on the plant, you can wait until the end of the flowering period.

How to properly care?

Kalanchoe is a rather unpretentious plant. The basic maintenance rules are the same for all types of this flower. We talked about the intricacies of caring for a flowering plant at home, and from here you will learn how to care for a Kalanchoe so that it blooms.

Preparing the pot

Requires a clay pot, preferably without glaze. There must be a drainage hole at the bottom of the container. The new pot should be 2 cm in diameter larger than the previous one.

The new container must be treated with boiling water and kept for 2 hours. hot water. The day before transplanting the plant, thoroughly wash the old flowerpot with soap and disinfect it with a solution of potassium permanganate or formaldehyde.

To prevent stagnation of water, place drainage - coarse sand, clay shards and expanded clay - at the bottom of the pot at a quarter of the height.

The soil

Kalanchoe suitable ready-made soil for succulents. You can prepare the soil yourself at home. For this you will need:

  • turf soil - 4 parts;
  • leaf soil - 2 parts;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part.

It is allowed to add mullein or humus in small quantities. To make the soil loose, you need to mix in perlite or crushed birch charcoal.

A few days after purchase, a new soil mixture is required:

Kalanchoe is replanted once every two years by transferring it into a pot. more than before by two to three centimeters. The procedure is best carried out in the spring.


Kalanchoe needs good, but not bright, lighting:

  • In summer, it is important to protect the plant from direct rays of the sun and shade it during the midday hours.
  • In winter, sufficient lighting levels should be provided.

ATTENTION: Light deficiency is indicated by elongated stems, small pale leaves and lack of flowering. Required duration daylight hours in the autumn and winter months - 12 hours. In August - no more than 9 hours.

Read about other reasons for the lack of flowering in Kalanchoe, as well as about the necessary care of the plant at home, and tips on how to make Kalanchoe bloom.


The optimal temperature for the successful development of Kalanchoe should be in the range from +18 to +30°C in spring and summer and from +15 to +20°C in autumn and winter. It is not allowed to drop below +10°C. Short-term drafts and temperature changes within acceptable limits do not harm the plant.

In the spring, as soon as a stable air temperature of +10°C is established outside, it is useful to take the Kalanchoe out onto the balcony or veranda for 2-3 hours. It is important to shade the plant from direct sunlight. In summer, Kalanchoe feels great in the garden or on the balcony.


In prolonged intense heat, it is allowed to spray Kalanchoe and immediately wipe the leaves with a dry cloth. Species with pubescent leaves cannot be moistened in this way.

It is necessary to moisten the soil as the earthen clod dries out. In spring and summer, watering is needed twice a week, in winter - much less often. The frequency of substrate moistening is determined by the air humidity in the room and the operation of heating devices. Stagnation of moisture threatens rotting of the roots. Drying out the soil can lead to the dropping of leaves (you can find out why Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow and what to do about this and other problems).

Watering should be plentiful. The amount of water per watering depends on the size of the plant, the volume of the substrate and the conditions of maintenance. Water should be poured under the root or into a tray. At the same time, protect leaves and flowers from moisture. For irrigation, soft, settled water is required.

Kalanchoe can withstand short-term drought, but it is very difficult to tolerate waterlogging.


Special fertilizers for succulents are required. Kalanchoe Blossfeld and Kalandiva need to be fed with complexes for flowering plants. Plants should be fertilized every two weeks in the summer, combined with watering. Before applying liquid fertilizer, it is necessary to water the Kalanchoe with clean water.


Over time, the apical shoots of Kalanchoe become depleted, the leaves begin to experience a deficiency of nutrients, and become small and pale. This is a signal that the Kalanchoe needs a pinching procedure. To do this you should use scissors.

Sections must be treated with powder activated carbon . After some time, a pair of side shoots forms in this area. After the procedure, the plant is placed in a dark room for 30 days. The compact shape will last for a long time.


After the plant fades, the Kalanchoe plants drop lower leaves, the stem stretches and bends. In this case, you need to trim off the above-ground part, leaving stumps 2-3 centimeters high (read about the basic rules for pruning Kalanchoe). Then place the plant in a dark room and reduce watering.

After 2-3 weeks, new shoots form. By the next growing season, Kalanchoe becomes lush and blooms profusely.

Watch a video about pruning Kalanchoe after flowering:


Growing healthy Kalanchoe is quite easy. It is important to avoid overmoistening the soil and avoiding direct sunlight. The successful development is indicated by the appearance of the plant: the uniform color of the juicy glossy leaves and the lush shape of the bush.

Succulents have firmly won the hearts of gardeners with their endurance, unpretentiousness, and interesting appearance. They are distinguished by the fleshiness of their leaves, hence the name of the group of plants. Succus from Greek means juice, juicy. - one of the most popular succulents of the Crassula family.

Kalanchoe is known as a plant with healing properties. There are more than two hundred species of herbaceous perennial. It is grown for decorative purposes and used in the treatment of many human diseases. You can buy flowers in specialized stores. It is better to make a purchase in winter when Kalanchoe is blooming. After this it is necessary indoor flower transplant, creating favorable conditions for growth and development.

The appearance of an indoor succulent is not particularly beautiful. On a straight thick stem there are opposite leaves, thick and juicy. Color different in shape sheet plates varies from green to reddish.

The plant blooms for a long time, becoming covered with small inflorescences collected in panicles or umbrellas.

Types of Kalanchoe:

  • The most common type of succulent is Kalanchoe Blossfeld, with a stem height of thirty to forty centimeters. It has rounded small leaves, semi-umbrella inflorescences of red, purple, orange tones.
  • The tomentose type of plant is characterized by oblong leaves covered with white fluff. No wonder they call it cat ears. The species rarely blooms.
  • Degremona's decorativeness and medicinal properties have large, ellipse-like, slightly curled leaves. On the outside they are green with a grayish tint, and on the inside they have purple spots.
  • On the strong fleshy trunk of Kalanchoe pinnate, or Bryophyllum, thick triangular leaves, juicy, with teeth along the edges. In the second year of life, the plant blooms, but paniculate inflorescences do not appear every year.

Almost all types of Kalanchoe have medicinal properties to a greater or lesser extent.

Kalanchoe should be replanted after purchasing the plant, if it develops fungal diseases, when it stops growing and withers. The procedure should not be too frequent; it is enough to transplant the indoor flower into a new pot once a year. This is done in the spring, when the crop stops blooming. There are certain rules for replanting a plant:

  1. The container for Kalanchoe must be selected taking into account the fact that it will be two centimeters larger in diameter than the old pot.
  2. The inner walls of the flowerpot are washed with soapy water or simply doused with boiling water. You can disinfect the pot with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.
  3. The drainage layer fills the container by a quarter. It consists of expanded clay, coarse sand or pottery shards.
  4. Then the container is filled three-quarters with a nutrient mixture for succulents, purchased in a store, or made independently from four parts of peat, two parts of turf soil and one part of sand. The soil is pre-steamed with boiling water or in the oven at a temperature of thirty degrees.
  5. Replanting begins by carefully removing the plant from old container, leaving clods of earth on the roots. Then the soil is carefully removed from the roots, followed by washing them with warm running water. After carefully examining the underground parts of the flower, the rotten part of the roots is removed.
  6. The Kalanchoe is placed in a new container, covered with soil so that the root collar remains level with the soil.
  7. After the procedure is completed, the soil is compacted with the tip of a peg, and the flower is watered.

To reduce stress from transplantation, the plant needs spraying warm water, shading from bright sunlight. At first, the Kalanchoe will look sluggish, but after final engraftment it will strengthen and grow new leaves.

Having transplanted a perennial, you need to create comfortable conditions for its further development:

  • The aggressiveness of the sun's rays is dangerous for succulents. Therefore, a place with diffused light is chosen for it.
  • For a flower, air temperature does not matter much. It tolerates heat above twenty-five degrees and low temperatures of ten degrees Celsius.
  • Do not overwater the plant. Two or three times a week will be enough. Increase the frequency of soil moistening on hot days, and reduce it in winter.
  • Spraying harms the crop. The leaves can be wiped with a dry cloth, freeing them from dust.
  • The plant is fed during the growing season with special mineral complexes for succulents.
  • Appearance large quantity young shoots are provided with dried inflorescences to the base.

Kalanchoe needs proper care, then the indoor plant will look vigorous, beautiful, and delight with green leaves and bright flowers.

Fungal diseases in the form of rot, powdery mildew perennials are often affected. This is due to high humidity soil, air, improper lighting. The leaves suffer from the disease and become covered with gray or black spots and a whitish coating. At the same time they fall off.

Fungicidal preparations will help in the fight against fungi, which are used to spray parts of the plant three times with a break of ten days.

If rings appear on the leaves of Kalanchoe, and they lose their shape and become rigid, then the crop has been infected by a dangerous virus. It will not be possible to save the perennial; you will have to get rid of it.

Taking care of Kalanchoe will keep the plant healthy and prevent pests.

Kalanchoe juice is famous for its beneficial properties. It is used in the manufacture of drugs for surgical, dental, ophthalmological, obstetric-gynecological, and otolaryngological medicine.

A treasure trove is hidden in the green leaves of the plant. organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, vitamins. Kalanchoe juice heals wounds, ulcers, and bedsores. It helps stop purulent processes in tissues. Inhalation of juice reduces inflammation in stomatitis and periodontitis. Kalanchoe preparations heal cervical erosion and ruptures caused during childbirth. Purulent inflammation of the ear, chronic tonsillitis, and rhinitis can be cured with the juice of the plant.

The perennial juice is obtained from the leaves and herbaceous part of the stem.

Before this, they are washed under running water and kept for a week in a dark and cold room. After squeezing the juice, it is left for one to three days at a temperature not exceeding ten degrees Celsius. After filtering, it can be used by dropping it into the nose for a runny nose, or the ear for otitis media. A paste of fresh leaves applied as compresses stops bleeding and relieves toothache.

The juice of the plant is used to wipe areas affected by acne and eczema. To treat boils, purulent wounds, felons, use an ointment prepared from 60 grams of lanolin, 40 grams of Kalanchoe juice, 0.25 each of novocaine and furazolidone. Thoroughly mixed components are used for healing bandages on affected areas. It is not recommended to take Kalanchoe juice internally - it causes heartburn and diarrhea. The benefits of perennials have been known for a long time, but not all types are medicinal.

More information can be found in the video:

Florists at home grow many species of such diversity and at the same time unpretentious plant, like Kalanchoe. On the windowsills today you can see the spectacular inflorescences of Kalanchoe Blossfeld, the sharp, baby-strewn leaves of Kalanchoe Degremon, as well as bluish, felt-covered, variegated and purple bushes that are outwardly dissimilar, but belong to the same genus, native to the subtropics and tropics of Africa, Australia and Asia. Lovers indoor floriculture Kalanchoe attracts with its unusual appearance, ease of care, numerous methods of reproduction and the ability to achieve flowering of this plant.

If in nature different types Kalanchoe plants can reach from 20 cm to 4 meters in height, but in potted plants these perennial herbaceous shrubs do not exceed half a meter, grow well and regularly delight with the appearance of inflorescences.

In order for plants from fairly warm parts of the world to feel good on the windowsill in an apartment, even such an unpretentious crop as Kalanchoe cannot be done at home without care, replanting, and providing other living conditions. Most of the rules for growing Kalanchoe are for indoor varieties plants general. This concerns the issues of planting young bushes obtained from cuttings, leaves or daughter rosettes and replanting mature plants that need to expand their “living space”.

Is it necessary to replant Kalanchoe during flowering?

Kalanchoe at good care grows quite quickly, and not only grows aboveground part, but also the root system. This means that from time to time the plants need to be replanted into a larger pot or several Kalanchoes must be planted in separate containers. How to replant Kalanchoe? And when is it better to carry out this procedure in order to injure the plant less and not interfere with its flowering?

Often Kalanchoe such decorative species how Kalandiva and Blossfelda come into the house already in bloom. At the same time, flower growers face a difficult problem. Is it worth immediately replanting Kalanchoe, which has inflorescences of all shades?

If the bush is replanted during the flowering period, this will become stressful for the plant, to which it will respond by dropping the buds and taking a long, painful acclimatization.

It is better to postpone all manipulations with the bush until all the flower stalks have withered and been cut off. Until then, we need to create acceptable Kalanchoes temperature conditions, provide the indoor plant with proper watering and. Before planting Kalanchoe, manufacturers must add a certain amount of long-term fertilizer to the soil, which should be enough until the end of flowering.

The only truly serious problem at this time is the possible drying out of the soil in a small shipping pot. This can be solved by placing the plant in a pot of suitable size, and on the surface of the soil make a mulching layer of nut shells, sawdust, pebbles or other material. The first Kalanchoe transplant at home is best done in the spring, when daylight begins to arrive, flowering ends, and the plant is ready to gain strength and grow.

Replanting Kalanchoe at home

As in subsequent years, the first transplant is carried out with extreme caution.

Before planting Kalanchoe in a new container, pay attention to the condition of the root system and stems of the Kalanchoe.

Such an inspection is necessary due to the sensitivity of Kalanchoe roots to stagnation of moisture and excessive watering.

  • If noticed on the roots dark spots rot or mold, such areas are removed, and the pruning areas are treated with crushed coal.
  • If the lesion affects the stems, then the shoot below the damaged tissue will have to be cut off, so that later its healthy part can be used as a cutting, and so the Kalanchoe can be replanted.

The plant is removed from the pot along with the earthen lump, trying not to lose the existing soil and not damage the roots. To facilitate the process, shortly before transplanting, the Kalanchoe is well watered. This is extremely useful if you have to plant Kalanchoe, for example, by removing from under a large bush small daughter plants, rooted cuttings or rosettes that have fallen from the leaves.

Then the lump is carefully placed on a drainage sprinkled with soil, the empty spaces around the plant are filled with soil, compacting it a little. Finally, level the soil surface and mulch with a layer of pebbles, crushed shells or large wood chips. This method of caring for Kalanchoe during replanting at home will reduce moisture loss and prevent mold from developing, and will also prevent children and falling Kalanchoe leaves from contacting the ground and taking root.

If this is not done, after some time you will need to replant the Kalanchoe, since under the adult plant you will definitely find a mass of small rosettes that take away and nutrients and moisture.

Choosing a pot for Kalanchoe

A new pot for the bush is taken a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one. Optimal size hill for Kalanchoe - from 12 to 18 cm, depending on the variety and variety.

Flowering varieties do not like the proximity of other plants, even related species. But if an excessively wide pot is chosen for replanting Kalanchoe of such plants, this can lead to the growth of the green part of the bush and failure to flower. You can get out of the situation by planting a couple of young rosettes on the Kalanchoe, obtained from apical petioles from the same bush or from children. Indoor flower beds made from several plants, simultaneously producing inflorescences of different shades, will look even more impressive.

Kalanchoes that naturally grow in arid deserts, such as tomentose varieties or Kalanchoe Lucia, coexist well with other plants with a similar lifestyle. From these types of Kalanchoe you can create indoor gardens, imitating the corners of the rocky desert of southern Africa or Madagascar, which will be a unique addition to the interior. The best material for a pot is unglazed ceramic, in which all the pores are preserved, which means the plant breathes, and excess moisture is naturally removed from the soil.

Before transplanting the Kalanchoe into the selected pot, the container is washed hot water and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Soil for Kalanchoe

If the soil in a transport pot with Kalanchoe is predominantly a mixture of peat and coconut fiber, then permanent place the plant will be more comfortable in nutritious, loose soil of a more harmonious composition, which must be maintained during subsequent transplants of the bush. This technique allows you to minimize the adaptation of Kalanchoe to new conditions.

For Kalanchoe, soil with an acidity level of 5.0 to 6.5 is preferred. This indicator can be achieved by adding dolomite or lime flour to the soil.

Soil suitable for Kalanchoe must be well-permeable to oxygen and water, provide proper nutrition, and not contain components that are toxic or dangerous to the plant:

  • As a soil, you can take a ready-made soil mixture for flower plants, diluting it by a quarter with clean sand.
  • For Kalanchoe plants accustomed to harsh desert conditions, it is possible to use soil for succulents.

But it is better to prepare the soil for Kalanchoe yourself, mixing equal parts of high-quality humus, garden soil and coarse sand.

To add structure to the soil, add one part of a mixture of brick or expanded clay chips and crushed coal.

Since there are a lot of plant varieties, but they are all quite unpretentious to the proposed soils, a mixture of:

  • 4 parts peeled;
  • 2 parts of turf land;
  • 1 part river sand.

To protect the plant from dangerous pathogens of fungal infections and Kalanchoe pests remaining in the humus and soil, the soil must be steamed or heated in the oven before planting. Don't forget about drainage. This is an essential part of arranging a Kalanchoe pot. The drainage layer, at least 2 cm thick, is made of fine expanded clay or crushed brick.

After transplantation, Kalanchoe undergoes acclimatization, during which the plant requires support. After transplantation at home, feeding becomes so special, which is carried out twice a month until the beginning of autumn.

How to plant Kalanchoe outdoors?

IN middle lane and in warmer areas of the country, from the second half of April or May, Kalanchoe can be taken out onto the veranda, loggia or balcony.

Care in open ground no different from what the plant receives in the room. And it is necessary to replant Kalanchoe indoors after pruning, in mid-August, when the nights become cold.

Video about Kalanchoe